【VIP专享】【名师解析】上海市闸北区2013届高三上学期期末教学质量调研 数学文试题
上海市闸北区高三数学上学期期末考试(一模)试题 理 沪
闸北区2013学年度第一学期高三数学(理科)期末练习卷考生注意:1.本次测试有试题纸和答题纸,解答必须在答题纸上,写在试题纸上的解答无效. 2.答卷前,考生务必在答题纸上将姓名、学校、考试号,以及试卷类型等填写清楚,并在规定区域内贴上条形码.3.本试卷共有17道试题,满分150分.考试时间120分钟.一、填空题(60分)本大题共有10题,要求在答题纸相应题序的空格内直接填写结果,每个空格填对得6分,否则一律得零分. 1.设k ⨯-=οο3602014α,ο2014=β,若α是与β终边相同的最小正角,则=k ______.2.已知双曲线204522=-y x 的右焦点与抛物线px y 22=的焦点重合,则=p .3.设()1,3-=,()x x sin ,cos =,则函数x f ⋅=)(的最小正周期为_______. 4.已知函数⎩⎨⎧≤>=.0,,0,log )(22x x x x x f 则不等式1)(>x f 的解集为_______.5.已知直线l 的一个法向量()b a ,=,其中0>ab ,则l 的倾斜角为 . 6.相距480米有两个垂直于水平地面的高塔AB 和CD ,两塔底B 、D 的中点为P ,已知280=AB 米,320=CD 米,则APC ∠cos 的值是 .7.设0>a ,0>b ,2=+b a ,则下列不等式恒成立的有______.(填不等式序号) ①1≤ab ;②2≤+b a ;③222≥+b a .8.若等差数列{}n a 的首项为2,公差为)0(≠d d ,其前n 项和n S 满足:对于任意的*∈N n ,都有nnS S 2是非零常数.则=d . 9.设1,0≠>a a ,已知函数22sin 2)(-+=x a x f xπ(0>x )至少有5个零点,则a 的取值范围为 .10.设曲线C :)(32222y x y x +=++,则曲线C 所围封闭图形的面积为_______. 二、选择题(18分)本大题共有3题,每题都给出四个结论,其中有且只有一个结论是正确的,必须把答题纸上相应题序内的正确结论代号涂黑,选对得6分,否则一律得零分. 11.如果{}Z ,12|∈+==n n x x S ,{}Z ,14|∈±==k k x x T ,那么 【 】A .S 真包含于TB .T 真包含于SC .S 与T 相等D .S 与T 没有交集 12.在平面内,设A ,B 为两个不同的定点,动点P 满足:2k =⋅(k 为实常数),则动点P 的轨迹为 【 】A .圆B .椭圆C .双曲线D .不确定13.给出下列等式:233321=+,23336321=++,23333104321=+++,…,现设23333321n a n =+⋅⋅⋅+++(*∈N n ,2≥n ),则=⎪⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛+⋅⋅⋅++∞→n n a a a 111lim 32 【 】 A .4 B .2 C .1 D .0三、解答题(本题满分72分)本大题共有4题,解答必须在答题纸的规定区域内. 14.本题满分16分,第1小题满分6分,第2小题满分10分设ABC ∆的三个内角A B C ,,的对边分别为a b c ,,,满足:BbAa sin cos 3=. (1A (2)若12sin 22sin222=+CB ,试判断ABC ∆的形状,并说明理由. 15.本题满分18分,第1小题满分8分,第2小题满分10分定义域为R 的函数xxx f --=22)(,xx x g -+=22)(.(1)请分别指出函数)(x f y =与函数)(x g y =的奇偶性、单调区间、值域和零点;(请将结论填入答题卡的表中,不必证明) (2)设)()()(x g x f x h =,请判断函数)(x h y =的奇偶性和单调性,并证明你的结论. (必要时,可以(1)中的结论作为推理与证明的依据)16.本题满分18分,第1小题满分8分,第2小题满分10分如图所示:一块椭圆形状的铁板Γ的长轴长为4米,短轴长为2米. (1)若利用这块椭圆铁板Γ截取矩形,要求矩形的四个顶点都在椭圆铁板Γ的边缘,求所能截取 的矩形面积的最大值;(2)若以短轴的端点A 为直角顶点,另外两个锐角的顶点B 、C 都在椭圆铁板的边缘,切割 等腰直角三角形,则在不同的切割方案中, 共能切割出几个面积不同的等腰直角三角形? 最大面积是多少?(结果保留一位小数)17.本题满分20分,第1小题满分8分,第2小题满分12分如图,在y 轴的正半轴上依次有点12n A A A L L 、、、、,其中点1(0,1)A 、2(0,10)A ,且113+-=n n n n A A A A ),4,3,2(Λ=n ,在射线)0(≥=x x y 上依次有点12n B B B L L 、、、、,点1B 的坐标为)3,3(,且221=--n n OB OB ),4,3,2(Λ=n .(1)求点n A 、n B 的坐标;(2)设四边形11n n n n A B B A ++面积为n S ,解答下列问题: ① 问{}n S 中是否存在连续的三项n S ,1+n S ,2+n S (•∈N n )恰好成等差数列?若存在,求出所 有这样的三项;若不存在,请说明理由; ② 求满足不等式801229<-n S 的所有自然数n .B n+1 B nB 2B 1A n +1 A nA 2A 1 Oyx闸北区2013学年度第一学期高三数学(理科)期末练习卷参考答案与评分标准一、1.5; 2.6; 3.π2; 4.()()+∞-∞-,21,Y ; 5.⎪⎭⎫⎝⎛-+b a arctan π; 6.85852; 7.①③; 8.4; 9.()()2,11,0Y ; 10.38332+π. 二、11.C ; 12.A ;1 3.C . 三、14.解:(1)由条件结合正弦定理得,Aa Bb Aasin sin cos 3==从而AA cos 3sin =,3tan =A ,----------------------------------------------4分∵π<<A 0,∴3π=A .-------------------------------------------------------------2分(2∴,∴1cos cos =+C B ,分即,得到,分为等边三角分15(2))(x h y =是奇函数. --------------------------------------------------------------1分 证明:任取Rx ∈,)()()()()()(x h x g x f x g x f x h -=-=--=-Θ,----------------------------2分)(x h y =∴是奇函数. --------------------------------------------------------------1分)(x h y =是R 上的单调递增函数. -----------------------------------------------------------1分 证明:任取,,,2121x x R x x <∈即,021<-x x又)()()()()()(221121x g x f x g x f x h x h -=-Θ ------------------------------------------------------------1分())()(22221)(2121x g x g x x x x ----=)()()(22121x g x g x x f -=. ---------------------------------1分)(x f y =Θ是单调递增函数函数,且0)0(=f ,∴ 0)(21<-x x f . --------------------------------------------------------------1分)(x g y =Θ的值域为[)+∞,2,0)(>∴x g 恒成立.----------------------------------------1分所以,)()(21x h x h <. --------------------------------------------------------------1分故,)(x h y =是R 上的单调递增函数.16.解:(1)建系(略),得椭圆的标准方程为4422=+y x -------------------------------3分 设矩形的一个顶点坐标为()y x ,4422422=+≤==∴y x y x xy S --------------------------------------------------------------4分 当且仅当yx 2=,即22,2==y x 时等号成立.-------------------------------------------1分(2)设AB 所在的直线方程为:1+=kx y ,则AC 所在的直线方程为:11+-=x ky ---2分 将AB 所在的直线方程代入椭圆方程,得08)41(22=++kx x k 可求得,224181kk k AB +⋅+=--------------------------------------------------------------2分 同理可求得481122+⋅⎪⎭⎫⎝⎛+=k k k AC ,-----------------------------------------------------------1分 不妨设>k ,令ACAB =,得14423=-+-k k k ,-----------------------------------1分 即()()01312=+--k k k ,解得,1=k 或253±=k . --------------------------------------------------------------1分当1=k 时,所截取等腰直角三角形面积为 2.6平方米;-----------------------------------------1分当253±=k 时,所截取等腰直角三角形面积为 2.1平方米.---------------------------------1分所以,切割出的等腰直角三角形的最大面积约 2.6平方米. -----------------------------------1分 17.(1)9110||,31||||2111=-==-+A A A A A A n n n n 且Θ,-----------------------------------------------1分311211)31()31(9)31(||||---+===∴n n n n n A A A A----------------------------------------------1分12231||||||n n A A A A A A -+++L 4412711931()()3223n n --=++++=-Ln A 点∴的坐标))31(21229,0(4--n ,-------------------------------------------------------------2分1||||n n OB OB --=Q (2,3,n =L )且1||OB =-----------------------------------1分{||}n OB ∴是以23为首项,22为公差的等差数列||((2n OB n n ∴=+-=+ ---------------------------------------------------2分n B ∴的坐标为(21,21)n n ++.-------------------------------------------------------------1分(2)连接1+n n B A ,设四边形11n n n n A B B A ++的面积为n S , 则111n n n n n n nA AB B B A S S S +++∆∆=+341112911[()](23)[()232223n n n --=⋅++⋅-32923n n -=+.---------------------3分① 设连续的三项n S ,1+n S ,2+n S (•∈N n )成等差数列, 则有,212+++=n n n S S S ,-------------------------------------------------------------1分即132322293229312292---++++=⎪⎭⎫⎝⎛++n n n n n n ,解得1=n .所以,存在连续的三项1S ,2S ,3S 恰好成等差数列. -------------------------------------------------2分 ② 031221>-=--+n n n n S S Θ ∴数列{}n S 是单调递减数列.-------------------------------------------------------------2分由于⇔<-801229n S 80133<-n n 用计算器可知80124383838>=-,8018113939<=-. 由于数列{}n S 是单调递减数列,所以,满足不等式801229<-n S 的所有自然数n 为不小于9的所有自然数. --------------4分。
(4分)33. (1)答案示例:2013年(1-9月份),我国投资对GDP的贡献率持续上升;消费对GDP 的贡献率较大幅度下降,低于投资对GDP的贡献率,且远远低于世界水平和发达国家水平;我国出口对GDP的贡献率大幅降低。
◆ 2013上海闸北区高三化学一模试卷答案
四、(本题共8分)23.3s 23p 2(各1分,共2分) 24.Mg >A1>Si(2分)25.密度小(轻巧)、硬度大(坚硬)或耐用等。
(各1分,共2分) 26.d (2分)五、(本题共8分)27. I -、Fe 2+、I 2 (2分)28.Fe 2+、Fe 3+、Cl - (2分) 5FeI 2+6Cl 2 −→ 5I 2↓+2FeCl 3+ 3FeCl 2 (2分) 29.8.96L (2分,无单位扣1分) 六、(本题共8分)30. (1分) 31. 3∶2 (2分)32. 研究I -、S 2O 82-浓度对反应速率的影响 (1分); 22 (2分) 11s (2分) 七、(本题共12分)33. 碳、氧化铝 (各1分,共2分) 34. AlN+NaOH+H 2O −→ NaAlO 2+NH 3↑ (2分) 35. B→D→C (2分) 36. a 、c (2分) 37.不变,偏小 (各1分,共2分) 38.41a/224m% (2分) 八、(本题共12分) 39.2Cl -+2H 2O2OH - + H 2↑ +Cl 2↑ (2分)40.E (1分); C (1分)41.KI 淀粉溶液(Na 2S 溶液,合理即给分) (1分);吸收氢气中的水 (1分) 42. (18w-16b+16a )/(b-a) (2分) 43.a 、c (2分)44. 将w g CuO 置于硬质玻璃管中,分别称取反应前后硬质玻璃管和固体的质量。
(2分) 九、(本题共8分)45. I (1分)46. (2分)47. 羧基 (1分)CH 2—2 O48.Y→Z:(2分)CH2ClCH2Cl→Y:(2分)十、(本题共12分)49. ①②(2分)50.C: F:(各1分,共2分)51. (各2分,共4分)52. (各2分,共4分)十一、(本题共16分)53. (各1分,共5分)54.0 (2分)2Fe3++ Fe 3Fe2+ (2分)55.Cu (3分)56. 6﹕1 (4分)。
2013年上海市各区(县)高三年级第一学期期末质量抽查试卷(一模)语文试卷选编(作文题目与分析部分)目录普陀区 (2)杨浦区 (2)长宁区 (2)闵行区 (3)嘉定区 (3)虹口区 (4)松江区 (4)浦东新区 (5)徐汇区 (5)宝山区 (6)金山区 (6)静安区 (7)闸北区 (7)黄浦区 (8)崇明县 (8)青浦区 (9)奉贤区 (9)第 1 页共10 页普陀区【题目】29、根据下面材料,选取一个角度展开联想,自拟题目,写一篇不少于800字的文章(不要写成诗歌)。
宝山区2012学年第一学期期末 高三年级数学学科质量监测试卷(一模)本试卷共有23道试题,满分150分,考试时间120分钟.考生注意:1.本试卷包括试题卷和答题纸两部分,答题纸另页,正反面. 2.在本试题卷上答题无效,必须在答题纸上的规定位置按照要求答题.3.可使用符合规定的计算器答题.一、填空题 (本大题满分56分)本大题共有14题,考生应在答题纸相应编号的空格内直接写结果,每个空格填对得4分,否则一律得零分.1.在复数范围内,方程210x x ++=的根是 .2.已知⎪⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛--=⎪⎪⎭⎫⎝⎛-15231321X ,则二阶矩阵X= . 3.设(2,3),(1,5)A B -,且3AD AB =,则点D 的坐标是__________. 4.已知复数(2)x yi -+(,x y R ∈)则yx的最大值是 . 5.不等式37922x -≤的解集是 _________________. 6.执行右边的程序框图,若0.95p =,则输出的n = .7.将函数sin ()cos xf x x=的图像按向量n (a,0)=-(0a >)平移,所得图像对应的函数为偶函数,则a 的最小值为 .8.设函数)(x f 是定义在R 上周期为3的奇函数,且2)1(=-f ,则(2011)(2012)f f += _.9.二项式103)1(xx -展开式中的常数项是 (用具体数值表示)10.在ABC ∆中,若60,2,B AB AC =︒==∆则ABC 的面积是 . 11.若数列{}n a 的通项公式是13(2)n n n a --+=+-,则 )(lim 21n n a a a +++∞→ =_______.12.已知半径为R 的球的球面上有三个点,其中任意两点间的球面距离都等于3Rπ,且经过这三个点的小圆周长为4π,则R= .13.我们用记号“|”表示两个正整数间的整除关系,如3|12表示3整除12.试类比课本中不等关系的基本性质,写出整除关系的两个性质.①__________________________________; ②______________________________________.14.设),(),,(2211y x B y x A 是平面直角坐标系上的两点,定义点A 到点B 的曼哈顿距离1212(,)L A B x x y y =-+-. 若点A(-1,1),B 在2y x =上,则(,)L A B 的最小值为 .二、选择题 (本大题满分20分)本大题共有4题,每题有且只有一个正确答案,考生应在答题纸的相应编号上,将代表答案的小方格涂黑,选对得5分,否则一律得零分.15.现有8个人排成一排照相,其中甲、乙、丙三人两两不相邻的排法的种数为……( )(A )3353P P ⋅ (B )863863P P P -⋅ (C )3565P P ⋅ (D )8486P P -16.在△ABC 中,有命题:①AB AC BC -=u u u r u u u r u u u r;②0AB BC CA ++=uu u r uu u r uu r r ;③若()()0AB AC AB AC +⋅-=u u u r u u u r u u u r u u u r ,则△ABC 是等腰三角形;④若0AB CA ⋅>u u u r u u u r,则△ABC 为锐角三角形.上述命题正确的是…………………………………………………………( )(A) ②③(B) ①④ (C) ①②(D) ②③④17.函数()|arcsin |arccos f x x x a b x =++是奇函数的充要条件是…………………( )(A) 220a b += (B)0a b += (C)a b = (D)0ab =18.已知21,[1,0),()1,[0,1],x x f x x x +∈-⎧=⎨+∈⎩则下列函数的图像错误的是……………………( )(A))1(-x f 的图像 (B))(x f -的图像 (C)|)(|x f 的图像 (D)|)(|x f 的图像三、解答题 (本大题满分74分)本大题共有5题,解答下列各题必须写出必要步骤. 19. (本题满分12分)如图,直三棱柱111ABC A B C -的体积为8,且2AB AC ==,∠=90BAC ,E 是1AA 的中点,O 是11C B 的中点.求异面直线1C E 与BO 所成角的大小.(结果用反三角函数值表示)CC1B1B20. (本题满分14分)本题共有2个小题,第1小题满分7分,第2小题满分7分.已知函数()sin()(f x A x A ωϕ=+>0,ω>0,||ϕ<π)2的图像与y 轴的交点为(0,1),它在y 轴右侧的第一个最高点和第一个最低点的坐标分别为0(,2)x 和0(2π,2).x +- (1)求()f x 的解析式及0x 的值;(2)若锐角θ满足1cos 3θ=,求(4)f θ 的值.21.(本题满分14分)本题共有2个小题,第1小题满分6分,第2小题满分8分.BB1C1AC已知函数2()log (424)x x f x b =+⋅+,()g x x =. (1)当5b =-时,求()f x 的定义域;(2)若()()f x g x >恒成立,求b 的取值范围.22.(本题满分16分)本题共有3个小题,第1小题满分4分,第2小题满分5分,第3小题满分7分. 设抛物线C :22(0)y px p =>的焦点为F ,经过点F 的直线与抛物线交于A 、B 两点. (1)若2p =,求线段AF 中点M 的轨迹方程;(2) 若直线AB 的方向向量为(1,2)n =,当焦点为1,02F ⎛⎫ ⎪⎝⎭时,求OAB ∆的面积;(3) 若M 是抛物线C 准线上的点,求证:直线MA 、MF 、MB 的斜率成等差数列.23.(本题满分18分)本题共有3个小题,第1小题满分4分,第2小题满分6分,第3小题满分8分.已知定义域为R 的二次函数f x ()的最小值为0,且有f x f x ()()11+=-,直线g x x ()()=-41被f x ()的图像截得的弦长为417,数列{}a n 满足a 12=,()()()()aa g af a n N n n n n+-+=∈10*(1)求函数f x ()的解析式; (2)求数列{}a n 的通项公式;(3)设()()b f a g a n n n =-+31,求数列{}b n 的最值及相应的n宝山区2011学年第一学期期末 高三年级数学学科质量监测试本试卷共有23道试题,满分150分,考试时间120分钟.2013.1.19考生注意:1.本试卷包括试题卷和答题纸两部分,答题纸另页,正反面. 2.在本试题卷上答题无效,必须在答题纸上的规定位置按照要求答题.3.可使用符合规定的计算器答题.一、填空题 (本大题满分56分)本大题共有14题,考生应在答题纸相应编号的空格内直接写结果,每个空格填对得4分,否则一律得零分.1.在复数范围内,方程210x x ++=的根是.12-2.已知⎪⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛--=⎪⎪⎭⎫⎝⎛-15231321X ,则二阶矩阵X= .1021-⎛⎫⎪--⎝⎭ 3.设(2,3),(1,5)A B -,且3AD AB =,则点D 的坐标是__________(7,9)-; 4.已知复数(2)x yi -+(,x y R ∈)则yx的最大值是 . 3 5.不等式37922x -≤的解集是 _________________.[1,2]- 6.执行右边的程序框图,若0.95p =,则输出的n = .67.将函数sin ()cos xf x x=的图像按向量n (a,0)=-(0a >)平移,所得图像对应的函数为偶函数,则a 的最小值为 . π658.设函数)(x f 是定义在R 上周期为3的奇函数,且2)1(=-f ,则(2011)(2012)f f += _.09.二项式103)1(xx -展开式中的常数项是 (用具体数值表示) 210)1(6106=-C10.在ABC ∆中,若60,2,B AB AC =︒==∆则ABC 的面积是 .32 11.若数列{}n a 的通项公式是13(2)n n n a --+=+-,则 )(lim 21n n a a a +++∞→ =_______.7612.已知半径为R 的球的球面上有三个点,其中任意两点间的球面距离都等于3Rπ,且经过这三个点的小圆周长为4π,则R= .13.我们用记号“|”表示两个正整数间的整除关系,如3|12表示3整除12.试类比课本中不等关系的基本性质,写出整除关系的两个性质.①_____________________;②_______________________.解答参考:①|,||a b b c a c ⇒;②|,||()a b a c a b c ⇒±;③|,||a b c d ac bd ⇒;④*|,|n n a b n N a b ∈⇒14.设),(),,(2211y x B y x A 是平面直角坐标系上的两点,定义点A 到点B 的曼哈顿距离1212(,)L A B x x y y =-+-. 若点A(-1,1),B 在2y x =上,则(,)L A B 的最小值为 .74二、选择题 (本大题满分20分)本大题共有4题,每题有且只有一个正确答案,考生应在答题纸的相应编号上,将代表答案的小方格涂黑,选对得5分,否则一律得零分.15.现有8个人排成一排照相,其中甲、乙、丙三人两两不相邻的排法的种数为……( C )(A )3353P P ⋅ (B )863863P P P -⋅ (C )3565P P ⋅ (D )8486P P -16.在△ABC 中,有命题:①AB AC BC -=u u u r u u u r u u u r;②0AB BC CA ++=uu u r uu u r uu r r ;③若()()0AB AC AB AC +⋅-=u u u r u u u r u u u r u u u r ,则△ABC 是等腰三角形;④若0AB CA ⋅>u u u r u u u r,则△ABC 为锐角三角形.上述命题正确的是…………………………………………………………(A )(A) ②③(B) ①④ (C) ①②(D) ②③④17.函数()|arcsin |arccos f x x x a b x =++是奇函数的充要条件是…………………( A )(A) 220a b += (B)0a b += (C)a b = (D)0ab =18.已知21,[1,0),()1,[0,1],x x f x x x +∈-⎧=⎨+∈⎩则下列函数的图像错误的是……………………( D )(A))1(-x f 的图像 (B))(x f -的图像 (C)|)(|x f 的图像 (D)|)(|x f 的图像三、解答题 (本大题满分74分)本大题共有5题,解答下列各题必须写出必要步骤. 19. (本题满分12分)如图,直三棱柱111ABC A B C -的体积为8,且2AB AC ==,∠=90BAC ,E 是1AA 的中点,O 是11C B 的中点.求异面直线1C E 与BO 所成角的大小.(结果用反三角函数值表示)CC1B1B解:由18V S AA =⋅=得14AA =,………………………3分BB1C1AC取BC 的中点F ,联结AF ,EF ,则1//C F BO ,所以1EC F ∠即是异面直线1C E 与BO 所成的角,记为θ. ………………………5分2118C F =,218C E =,26EF =,………………………8分22211115cos 26C F C E EF C F C E θ+-==⋅,………………………11分因而5cos 6arc θ=………………………………………………12分20. (本题满分14分)本题共有2个小题,第1小题满分7分,第2小题满分7分.已知函数()sin()(f x A x A ωϕ=+>0,ω>0,||ϕ<π)2的图像与y 轴的交点为(0,1),它在y 轴右侧的第一个最高点和第一个最低点的坐标分别为0(,2)x 和0(2π,2).x +- (1)求()f x 的解析式及0x 的值;(2)若锐角θ满足1cos 3θ=,求(4)f θ 的值.解:(1)由题意可得2π2,2π,=4π,4π2T A T ω===即12ω=,………………………3分1()2sin(),(0)2sin 1,2f x x f ϕϕ=+==由||ϕ<π2,π.6ϕ∴=1π()2sin 26f x x ⎛⎫=+ ⎪⎝⎭………………………………………………………………………5分001π()2sin()2,26f x x =+=所以001ππ2π2π+,4π+(),2623x k x k k +==∈Z又 0x 是最小的正数,02π;3x ∴=……………………………………………………7分 (2)π1(0,),cos ,sin23θθθ∈=∴=27cos22cos 1,sin 22sin cos 9θθθθθ∴=-=-==………………………………10分π77(4)2sin(2)2cos2699f θθθθ=++==.…………………14分21.(本题满分14分)本题共有2个小题,第1小题满分6分,第2小题满分8分.已知函数2()log (424)x x f x b =+⋅+,()g x x =. (1)当5b =-时,求()f x 的定义域;(2)若()()f x g x >恒成立,求b 的取值范围.解:(1)由45240x x -⋅+>………………………………………………3分 解得()f x 的定义域为(,0)(2,)-∞⋃+∞.………………………6分(2)由()()f x g x >得4242x x x b +⋅+>,即4122x xb ⎛⎫>-+ ⎪⎝⎭……………………9分 令4()122x x h x ⎛⎫=-+ ⎪⎝⎭,则()3h x ≤-,………………………………………………12分∴ 当3b >-时,()()f x g x >恒成立.………………………………………………14分22.(本题满分16分)本题共有3个小题,第1小题满分4分,第2小题满分5分,第3小题满分7分. 设抛物线C :22(0)y px p =>的焦点为F ,经过点F 的直线与抛物线交于A 、B 两点. (1)若2p =,求线段AF 中点M 的轨迹方程;(2) 若直线AB 的方向向量为(1,2)n =,当焦点为1,02F ⎛⎫ ⎪⎝⎭时,求OAB ∆的面积;(3) 若M 是抛物线C 准线上的点,求证:直线MA 、MF 、MB 的斜率成等差数列. 解:(1) 设00(,)A x y ,(,)M x y ,焦点(1,0)F ,则由题意00122x x y y +⎧=⎪⎪⎨⎪=⎪⎩,即00212x x y y =-⎧⎨=⎩……………………………………2分所求的轨迹方程为244(21)y x =-,即221y x =-…………………………4分 (2) 22y x =,12(,0)F ,直线12()212y x x =-=-,……………………5分由2221y x y x ⎧=⎨=-⎩得,210y y --=, 2511212=-+=y y kAB ……………………………………………7分d =……………………………………………8分 4521==∆AB d S OAB ……………………………………………9分 (3)显然直线MA 、MB 、MF 的斜率都存在,分别设为123k 、k 、k . 点A 、B 、M 的坐标为11222pA(x ,y )、B(x ,y )、M(-,m). 设直线AB :2p y k x ⎛⎫=-⎪⎝⎭,代入抛物线得2220p y y p k--=,……………………11分 所以212y y p =-,……………………………………………12分又2112y px =,2222y px =,因而()22211112222y p p x y p p p +=+=+,()24222212211222222y p p p p p x y p p py y +=+=+=+ 因而()()()22121112122222111222222p y m p y m y y m y m m k k p p p p y p p y p x x ⎛⎫-- ⎪---⎝⎭+=+=+=-++++……………14分而30222m m k p p p -==-⎛⎫-- ⎪⎝⎭,故1232k k k +=.……………………………………………16分 23.(本题满分18分)本题共有3个小题,第1小题满分4分,第2小题满分6分,第3小题满分8分.已知定义域为R 的二次函数f x ()的最小值为0,且有f x f x ()()11+=-,直线g x x ()()=-41被f x ()的图像截得的弦长为417,数列{}a n 满足a 12=,()()()()aa g af a n N n n n n+-+=∈10* (1)求函数f x ()的解析式;(2)求数列{}a n 的通项公式;(3)设()()b f a g a n n n =-+31,求数列{}b n 的最值及相应的n 23 解:(1)设()()01)(2>-=a x a x f ,则直线()4(1)g x x =-与)(x f y =图像的两个交点为(1,0),4116a a +⎛⎝ ⎫⎭⎪, …………………………………………………2分 ()017416422>=⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛+⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛a a a ,()∴==-a fx x 112,() ………………4分 (2)()()()()f a a g a a n n n n =-=-1412, ()()() a a a a n n n n +--+-=124110· ()()∴---=+a a a n n n 143101 ………………………………………5分 a a a a n n n11214310=∴≠--=+,,………………………………6分 ()∴-=--=+a a a n n 11134111,数列{}a n -1是首项为1,公比为34的等比数列……………………………8分 ∴-=⎛⎝ ⎫⎭⎪=⎛⎝ ⎫⎭⎪+--a a n n n n 13434111,………………………………………10分 (3)()()b a a n n n =---+31412121333444n n-⎡⎤⎛⎫⎛⎫=-⎢⎥ ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭⎢⎥⎣⎦21133344n n --⎧⎫⎡⎤⎪⎪⎛⎫⎛⎫=-⎢⎥⎨⎬ ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭⎢⎥⎪⎪⎣⎦⎩⎭ 令b y u n n ==⎛⎝ ⎫⎭⎪-,341, 则y u u =-⎛⎝ ⎫⎭⎪-⎧⎨⎪⎩⎪⎫⎬⎪⎭⎪=-⎛⎝ ⎫⎭⎪-312143123422…………12分 n N ∈*,∴u 的值分别为1349162764,,,……,经比较916距12最近, ∴当n =3时,b n 有最小值是-189256,……………………………………15分 当n =1时,b n 有最大值是0 …………………………………………18分。
上海市闸北区2013届高三历史上学期期末教学质量调研试题 华东师大版
1.近代外国领事最早出现于中国东南沿海的时间当在A.鸦片战争后 B. 第二次鸦片战争后C. 中日甲午战争后D. 中法战争后2.租界建立之初华洋分处。
某某的租界出现华洋杂处局面开始于A. 《某某土地章程》订立B. 小刀会义军占领县城C. 城厢内外自治公所成立D. 工部局建立3.19世纪80年代,某某诞生了一批民族资本主义企业。
这些企业集中在A.石油化工业 B.冶金采矿业C.机器制造业D.轻工纺织业4.《济远航海日志》记载:“7点45分,倭三舰同放真弹子,轰击我船,我船即刻还炮。
”对丰岛海战记述各异说明了文献记录A. 最接近历史真相B. 不能揭示出真相C. 能还原历史真相D. 会受立场的影响5.“唤起吾国四千年之大梦,实自甲午一役始也。
”“甲午一役”直接唤起了国民,催生了A. 洋务运动B. 义和团运动C. 维新运动D. 辛亥革命6.二十世纪初,《某某潮》载《民族主义论》说:“三十年来之制造派,十年来之变法派,五年来之自由某某派”。
这一说法反映了当时中国A. 派系斗争十分尖锐B. 政权更替相当频繁C. 社会思潮演进加快D. 某某革命进程加速7.1912年3月,某某临时政府令:“查前清官厅,视官之高下,有大人、老爷等名称,受之者增惭,施之者失体。
”上述材料最宜作为下列哪一观点的论据?A. 审判制度沿用前清B. 政体变化不甚明显C. 平等制度遭受玷污D. 等级观念根深蒂固8.“共争某某归来,同看国贼罢黜;欢呼学生复课,庆贺商店开门。
‛以上材料译自A.古代埃及的象形文字 B.古代两河流域的楔形文字C.古代印度的《罗摩衍那》 D.殷墟出土的甲骨文2.伯利克里时代,雅典实施民主政治,但真正享有民主权利的只有A.城邦贵族和平民 B.城邦成年公民C.城邦男性公民 D.城邦成年男性公民3.“汉承秦制”,汉初承得走样的是A.皇帝制度 B.中央官制 C.郡县制度 D.监察制度4.“诏不得以北语言于朝廷。
从语意判断,该史料出自A.《魏书》 B.《汉书》C.《隋书》 D.《旧唐书》5.“莫道英雄起禁营,从前社稷赖屠城。
”诗中的“英雄”是A.秦始皇 B.汉武帝 C.唐太宗D.宋太祖6. “讲到中国的地方行政,只能说是汉代好,唐代比较还好,宋代就太差了。
”钱穆先生评判三代地方行政好坏的核心着眼点是A.行政效率 B.监督力度 C.忠诚程度 D.勘乱能力7. 元朝实行行省制度,从职能上看,元朝的中书省大致相当于A.唐朝的尚书省 B.宋朝的枢密院C.明代的内阁 D.清代的军机处8. 以下疆域轮廓示意图中,明朝疆域图是A B C D9. 《元史•卷202》载:“元起朔方,固已崇尚释教(佛教),及得西域,世祖以地广而险远,……思有以因其俗而柔其人,乃郡县土番之地,设官分职,而领之于帝师。
”这里 “官” 的管辖权属于A .宣政院B .腹里C .理藩院D .驻藏大臣10. 明人张瀚在《松窗梦语》中说:“且缘入贡为名,则中国之体愈尊,而四夷之情愈顺。
”在这里,张瀚的议论方向直指A .专制制度B .内阁体制C .朝贡贸易D .八股取士11. 英国文学家菲尔丁(1707~1754)描述当时的英国时说:“当贵族在与君主进行华丽的竞争时,乡绅们翘首企盼获得贵族那样的地位,而商人们则从柜台后面步出,挤入乡绅空出的行列。
)1.下列单位中,属于国际单位制(SI)中基本单位的是()A.牛顿 B.摩尔 C.韦伯 D.伏特2.下列物理学史实中,正确的是()A.惠更斯研究了单摆的振动规律,确定了单摆振动的周期公式B.库仑通过扭秤实验总结出电荷间相互作用的规律,并测定了最小电荷量C.伽利略通过在比萨斜塔上的落体实验得出了自由落体运动是匀变速直线运动这一规律D.赫兹预言了电磁波的存在并通过实验首次获得了电磁波3.用一根细线悬挂一个质量大、直径小的小球,当细线的质量和小球的尺寸完全可以忽略时,把这个装置叫单摆,这里的物理科学方法是()A.等效替代法 B.控制变量法 C.理想模型法 D.比值定义法4.根据机械波的知识可知()A.横波沿水平方向传播,纵波沿竖直方向传播B.在波的传播过程中,质点随波迁移将振动形式和能量传播出去C.波的图像就是反映各质点在同一时刻不同位移的曲线D.声波在真空中也能传播5.下列对电磁感应的理解,正确的是()A.穿过某回路的磁通量发生变化时,回路中不一定产生感应电动势B.感应电流的磁场总是阻碍引起感应电流的磁通量C.感应电动势的大小与穿过回路的磁通量的变化量成正比D.感应电流遵从楞次定律所描述的方向,这是能量守恒定律的必然结果6.下述关于力和运动的说法中,正确的是()A.物体在变力作用下不可能作直线运动B.物体作曲线运动,其所受的外力不可能是恒力C.不管外力是恒力还是变力,物体都有可能作直线运动D.不管外力是恒力还是变力,物体都有可能作匀速圆周运动7.在静电场中,一个负电荷在除电场力外的外力作用下沿电场线方向移动一段距离,若不计电荷所受的重力,则以下说法中正确的是()A.外力做功等于电荷动能的增量B.电场力做功等于电荷动能的增量C.外力和电场力的合力做功等于电荷电势能的增量D.外力和电场力的合力做的功等于电荷动能的增量8.如图所示为伏打电池示意图,下列说法中正确的是()A.沿电流方向绕电路一周,非静电力做功的区域只有一处B.电源的电动势高,表明该电源把其它形式的能转化为电能的本领强C.在静电力作用下,原来静止的正电荷从低电势运动到高电势D.在溶液中铜板和锌板之间的电压就是内电压二.单项选择题(共24分,每小题3分,每小题只有一个正确选项,答案涂写在答题卡上。
【Word版解析】上海市闸北区2013届高三上学期期末教学质量调研 数学理试题
闸北区2013学年度第一学期高三数学期末练习卷(一模)考生注意:1. 本次测试有试题纸和答题纸,解答必须在答题纸上,写在试题纸上的解答无效.2. 答卷前,考生务必在答题纸上将姓名、学校、考试号,以及试卷类型等填写清楚,并在规定区域内贴上条形码.3. 本试卷共有18道试题,满分150分.考试时间120分钟.一、填空题(60分)本大题共有10题,要求在答题纸相应题序的空格内直接填写结果,每个空格填对得6分,否则一律得零分.1.已知2()2a i i -=,其中i 是虚数单位,那么实数a = . 【答案】1a =-【解析】因为222()22a i a ai i i -=-+=,所以2122a ai i --=,即210a -=,且22a -=,解得1a =-。
2.已知52)1(px +的展开式中,6x 的系数为80,则=p . 【答案】2【解析】二项展开式的通项为22155()kkkkkk T C px C p x+==,由26k =得,3k =,即336364510T C p x p x ==,因为6x 的系数为80,所以31080p =,即38,2p p ==。
3.设{}n a 是公比为21的等比数列,且4)(lim 12531=+⋅⋅⋅+++-∞→n n a a a a ,则=1a .【答案】3【解析】因为21{}n a -的公比为214q =,所以113521lim()4114n n a a a a a -→∞+++⋅⋅⋅+==-,解得13a =。
4.设双曲线221916x y -=的右顶点为A ,右焦点为F .过点F 且与双曲线的一条渐近线平行的直线与另一条渐近线交于点B ,则AFB ∆的面积为 . 【答案】310【解析】双曲线的右顶点为(3,0)A ,右焦点(5,0)F ,双曲线的渐近线为43y x =±,过点F 且与43y x =平行的直线为43y x m =+,则203m =-,即42033y x =-,由4203343y x y x ⎧=-⎪⎪⎨⎪=-⎪⎩,解得103y =-,即103B y =-,所以AFB ∆的面积为111010(53)2233B AF y =⨯-⨯= .5.函数⎩⎨⎧>-<=-.0),1(,0,2)(1x x f x x f x 则(3.5)f 的值为 .【答案】22【解析】10.5(3.5)(3.54)(0.5)2f f f +=-=-==6.一人在海面某处测得某山顶C 的仰角为α)450(<<α,在海面上向山顶的方向行进m 米后,测得山顶C 的仰角为α- 90,则该山的高度为 米.(结果化简) 【答案】α2tan 21m【解析】由题意知,90,90CAB CDB CDA ααα∠=∠=-∠=+,且A D m =,则902A C D α∠=- 。
上海市闸北区高三数学上学期期末教学质量调研试题 理(
闸北区2013学年度第一学期高三数学期末练习卷(一模)考生注意:1. 本次测试有试题纸和答题纸,解答必须在答题纸上,写在试题纸上的解答无效.2. 答卷前,考生务必在答题纸上将姓名、学校、考试号,以及试卷类型等填写清楚,并在规定区域内贴上条形码.3. 本试卷共有18道试题,满分150分.考试时间120分钟.一、填空题(60分)本大题共有10题,要求在答题纸相应题序的空格内直接填写结果,每个空格填对得6分,否则一律得零分.1.已知2()2a i i -=,其中i 是虚数单位,那么实数a = . 【答案】1a =-【Ks5U 解析】因为222()22a i a ai i i -=-+=,所以2122a ai i --=,即210a -=,且22a -=,解得1a =-。
2.已知52)1(px +的展开式中,6x 的系数为80,则=p .【答案】2【Ks5U 解析】二项展开式的通项为22155()k k k k kk T C px C p x +==,由26k =得,3k =,即336364510T C p x p x ==,因为6x 的系数为80,所以31080p =,即38,2p p ==。
3.设{}n a 是公比为21的等比数列,且4)(lim 12531=+⋅⋅⋅+++-∞→n n a a a a ,则=1a .【答案】3【Ks5U 解析】因为21{}n a -的公比为214q =,所以113521lim()4114n n a a a a a -→∞+++⋅⋅⋅+==-,解得13a =。
4.设双曲线221916x y -=的右顶点为A ,右焦点为F .过点F 且与双曲线的一条渐近线平行的直线与另一条渐近线交于点B ,则AFB ∆的面积为 . 【答案】310【Ks5U 解析】双曲线的右顶点为(3,0)A ,右焦点(5,0)F ,双曲线的渐近线为43y x =±,过点F 且与43y x =平行的直线为43y x m=+,则203m =-,即42033y x =-,由4203343y x y x ⎧=-⎪⎪⎨⎪=-⎪⎩,解得103y =-,即103B y =-,所以AFB ∆的面积为111010(53)2233B AF y =⨯-⨯=g . 5.函数⎩⎨⎧>-<=-.0),1(,0,2)(1x x f x x f x 则(3.5)f 的值为 .【答案】22【Ks5U 解析】10.5(3.5)(3.54)(0.5)222f f f +=-=-==。
2012学年闸北区第一学期高三英语学科期末试卷(一模)(本卷满分150分;完卷时间120分钟)第I卷(共105分)I. Listening ComprehensionSection ADirections: in Section A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.1. A. In the electronic appliance shop. B. At a bus stop.C. At the airport.D. In the hospital.2. A. 200 yuan. B. 400 yuan. C. 600 yuan. D. 1200 yuan.3. A. A couple. B. Colleagues.C. Parent and teacher.D. Employee and job consultant.4. A. He is Michael's good friend. B. He is Michael's neighbor.C. He has good appetite.D. He is a classic music fan.5. A. Hospital. B. Gas station. C.A t a bus stop. D. In the hospital.6. A. Online shopping saves money on clothing.B. The woman shouldn't have bought so many clothes.C. The woman should try other types of clothes instead of t-shirts.D. Every woman needs many beautiful clothes.7. A. The girl's favorite sweets are chocola tes and candies.B. The girl should go to t he sup ermarket with him together.C. It's time for the girl to try so mething sweet.D. The girl' s teeth are in ba d condition.8. A. Writing a report. B. Doing a project.C. Travelling on business.D. Contacting customers.9. A. He is looking forwar d to goi ng home for the summer.B. He is planning to do so me acco unting work in summer.C. He is not ea g er to spe nd tim e at home in summer.D. He hasn't de cide d where to go for the summer.10. A. They can bu y veget ables together.B. They can din e out for dinner that day.C. He doesn't like the food cooked by the woman.D. He has never eaten in that restaurant.Section BDirections: in Section B, you will hear two short passages, and you will be asked three questions on each of the passages. The passages will be read twice, but the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, read the four possible answers on your paper and decide which one would be the best answer to the question you have heard.Questions 11 through 13 are based on the following passage.11.A. Hong K O ng. B. London. C. Copenhagen. D. Dubai.12.A. The a IRPO rt facilities. B. The food quality.C. The airport safety.D. T H e ticket price.13. A. Because they pay much attention to toilet cleanliness.B. Because they provide discounts on ticket prices.C. Because they try to learn from European airports.D. Because they try every means to build a loyal customer base.Questions 14 through 16 are based on the following passage.14. A. Mountain climbers are risking lives.B. Both young and old climbers take part in mountaineering.C. Mountaineering doesn't have man-made rules.D. Mountaineering is forbidden in some countries.15. A. Mountaineering is more dangerous than other forms of sports.B. Mountaineering doesn't call for team efforts.C. Mountaineering is attractive to people.D. Mountain climbers often fall from the rocks and die.16. A. Because they have more teammates.B. Because mountaineering doesn't need much strength.C. Because they face less natural forces.D. Because they are more skillful.Section CDirections: in Section C, you will hear two longer conversations. The conversations will be read twice. After you hear each conversation, you are required to fill in the numbered blanks with the information you have heard. Write your answers on your answer sheet.Blanks 17 through 20 are based on the following conversation.Complete the form. Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer.Blanks 21 through 24 are based on the following conversation.II. Grammar and VocabularySection ADirections: Beneath each of the following sentences there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one answer that best completes the sentence.25. Eating a balanced diet and getting adequate sleep are key ________ maintaining a healthy andvigorous state of life.A. inB. byC. toD. for26. According to the research, some people prefer to suffer more stress at work in exchange forhigh salary, while ________ are willing to live with little pay.A. allB. othersC. the othersD. none27. A Chinese basketball team employed the former NBA superstar Tracy Macready this year,________ encouraged the whole team and the fans.A. whenB. whereC. whichD. what28. New house prices in major Chinese cities are continuing to rise, ________ a warming housing market.A. signalledB. to signalC. signallingD. having signalled29. The news saddened the whole nation ________ five boys died of suffocation (窒息)in arubbish bin.A. whereB. thatC. howD. which30. In order to avoid fires or explosions, people ________ not use mobile phones at gas stations.A. mayB. mustC. shallD. need31. Any athlete will be punished if found to use stimulant, ________ famous he is in the sportsfield.A. in spite ofB. whateverC. no matter howD. although32. The success of the movie series Bourne Identity shows that a good director should hold theaudience' curiosity ________ the story reaches the end.A. unlessB. whileC. untilD. because33. Only when their private photos appeared on foreign magazines ________ that they had beentracked by paparazzi (狗仔队).A. the royal couple were awareB. were the royal couple awareC. were aware the royal coupleD. the royal couple aware were34. It is still not quite clear ________ on earth really matters in deciding a child's character and personality.A. whenB. whereC. howD. what35. Though ________ of high costs, many Chinese parents insisted on sending their high school children abroad to study.A. warningB. warnedC. to warnD. were warned36. I have been told that you are going to start your own business,________?A. haven't IB. isn't itC. aren't youD. haven't you37. According to a survey, the number of Chinese weibo users ________ 250 million so far thisyear, making China the world's No. 1 weibo-using country.A. has reachedB. reachedC. will reachD. reaches38. It is reported that many Chinese babies are taking too much fish oil, as they physicallyneed.A. much as twiceB. twice as muchC. as much twiceD. much twice as39. World Wildlife Fund's project Earth Hour, which encourages people to turn off the light foran hour on the last Saturday of every March, to help to create a promising future for ________the planet.A. is carried outB. carries outC. will carry outD. carried out40. ________ shoppers with a huge variety of choices for every shopping experience distinguishesonline shopping from other forms of purchase.A. ProvidedB. ProvidingC. Being providedD. Having providedSection BDirections: Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need.The popularity of the fantasy novels Harry Potter and the great success of the Potter movie series have aroused Potter fans' craze about the author — Joanne Kathleen Rowling.Rowling started writing after graduating with __41__ . Nonetheless, this was not supposed to be her main job, as she was already working as a secretary. She found her job rather boring and was frequently absent-minded, as she was always taking notes for sudden ideas for future stories. She was fired __42__ and went from one job to another.Finally, a trip by train __43__ her to produce a story about a young wizard (巫师)born with responsibilities to fight 44 forces. Unfortunately, her idea could not be developed due to her mother's sudden death. Shocked and depressed, Rowling left Britain. When she returned, she was already a __45__ single mother with a little daughter. in spite of all the frustrations in life, she managed to put her __46__ story to the point. Harry Potter was published and became a(n) __47__ in no time. The Potter books have __48__ worldwide applause, won multiple awards, andhave been the basis for a popular series of films, in which Rowling had overall approval on the scripts (脚本)and maintained creative control at the same time by __49__ As a producer in the films. It is through Harry Potter that Rowling has led a "rags to riches" reality show, where she progressed from living on social security to multi-millionaire status.III. Reading ComprehensionSection ADirections: For each blank in the following passages there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.In today's American society, background checks have become a routine part of hiring process. employers use them to __50__ potential workers, judging whether they are qualified for the posts. Through background checks, employers can also make sure that the information applicants provide is truthful, which __51__ the applicants' moral quality.Then what do background checks investigate? Many include a review of the employee's employment history trying to confirm whether the employee has ever been fired or forced to __52__ . Employers also pay attention to the length of unemployment, afraid that long-time __53__ from work may bring negative influence to the employee's performance. Sometimes, an applicant's residential history is also an issue. Jobs With state or local governments often require that the employee live in certain areas, reducing the chances for them to have contact with __54__ people. Besides living near the work place is always welcome as it saves time and fares on __55__ . Another item which can't be neglected is the applicant's criminal history as in whether he has ever been arrested or put into prison. Although __56__ like traffic ticketing or queue jumping are usually pardoned, breaking a criminal law is rarely __57__ and, in most cases, is sure to result in the ending of the employment. Then comes the social history. A background check that involves the applicant's social history is __58__ needed for government posts or employment in finance and law industries that require greater self __59__ . A small mistake in these posts may result in huge loss. The investigation usually checks drug use, family relationships and social contacts, in order to __60__ hiring someone unsuitable for the posts. Background investigators who __61__ social history may interview neighbors and professional references __62__ by the applicant.Finally in the field Of education background, an application form may ask for copies of licenses or University diplomas to show the applicant's __63__ performances. In many instances, an education background check is so __64__ about details that investigators even confirm the date on which the employee earned his degree to determine if it agrees With the information the employee provided On his application.50. A. qualify B. assess C. treat D. reward51. A. practises B. supplies C. destroys D. suggests52. A. cheat B. apply C. resign D. complain53. A. absence B. review C. independence D. silence54. A. bad-tempered B. ill-intentioned C. cold-blooded D. old-fashioned55. A. housing B. facilities C. communication D. transportation56. A. minor offences B. serious faultsC. personal experiencesD. public inconveniences57. A. bothered B. spared C. paid D. informed58. A. temporarily B. generally C. fortunately D. gradually59. A. satisfaction B. confidence C. discipline D. awareness60. A. explain B. discuss C. permit D. avoid61. A. look after B. look on C. look into D. look in62. A. recognized B. examined C. ordered D. compared63. A. financial B. academic C. religious D. official64. A. careless B. curious jellyfish C. realistic D. particularSection BDirections: Read the following three passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read.(A)Mike frowned(皱眉)at his calen dar and then picked up his guitar. His band had been together for five months. Everyone said they were fantastic but they still had not been blessed with a paying job. jellyfishThe three guys had be c ome acquainted in band class, and org ani zing a group had been Mike's idea. Mike played t h e guitar and acted as leader. j oh n was on drums and James was on the saxophon e. The thre e got together ju st for fun and named their group Playday. But when some fans prais ed their talent, they decide d t o turn fun into profit.To make themselves known, Playday volun tee red to entertain at parties. They played for free at school get-togethers. Mike loved the ap plause! He felt like a superstar.They practiced hard and discusse d young musicians who had vaultea into prominence.“The Jackson Five were kids," Joh n said. “Michael shot to fame like a rocket!" He exclaimed. “We can do it!" Mike e ncou raged the group.After months of keeping S pirits high, Mike was tired. T hey haven't seen even a cent. Let alone making a killing. Every one was in low spi rits.They decided to break up after one final volunteer job. The next day, they were to p erform for patients at the Children's Hospital where Mike's mother wor ked as a nurse.The next day the three young guys set up in the hospital lobby, and the nurses brought inthe audience. As Playday began its number, Mik e c ould feel their lack of spirit.Then Mike spotted one patient sitting limply in he r whe elchair. H e r expression was vacant, but when music filled the room, this ra g doll came to life. She sat u p stra ight, and the light that shone in her e yes lighted up so meth ing in Mike. He felt the thrill he'd been missing. As Mike's playing caught fire, J ame s and John gained energy. Soon Playday was rocking as never before.After the perfo rman ce, the three guys spent ti me with the pati ents. Mike spoke to the girl who had encouraged him to play so well.“Wouldn't it feel grea t to be rich and fa mous?" she asked,eyes still bright. “Will you be a rock s tar?"“Pro bably not," Mike answ e red. “But I'll nev er g ive up my music.I T felt like the big time playing for you!"1、The unde RLiN ed phrase“had vaulted into prominence” most like ly means .A. had g row n into adultsB. had made a p romiseC. had pl ayed The Jackson FiveD. had b E come successful2、The members of Playboy were tired a nd de pressed because they _____ .A. had no offer of a p ayi ng performanceB. comp ete d cruelly with other bandsC. called an end to the ba n dD. performed at the C hild ren's Hospital3、While perf or ming at the Children's Hospital, Mike became inspired because _______.A. his g ui tar caught fireB. a girl to o k him as a r ock starC. a pa tien t was m uch cheered upD. a toy do l l suddenly became alive4、Whi ch o f the following statements is TRUE accord in g to the passage?5、Mi K e, John and J a mes got to know each other as they were relatives.6、They planned to make mon ey when they had a big fan base.7、Their wonderful performa nce a t Children's Hospital cured the girl of her disease.8、Mike found out the enjoyment of volunteer performance after playing at the hospital.(B)Read this tourist booklet for Clarke Qiuay:Souvenirs from the PastEvery weekend, there's a popular flea (跳蚤)market. Hunt for treasures of a different kind. Among a collection of goodies, you'll fi N d jewelries, ant iQUES AN d carpets that are centuries old, which de FiNES T heir significance. All TH e specialty shops here deal in ancient items, including remains of the past.Dine by the RiverThe high-tech centers which tower over the historic riverside buildings bring a modern taste to Clarke QuAY. When it comes to food, you are spoilt for a variety of choice. Sample local favorites in the cool comfort of the food court or enjoy them in the open at a snack stand. You may also experience special spirits at any of the watering holes.Nightlife EntertainmentClarke Quay boasts a bustling nightlife. Magic and music fill the air. Trolleys on wheels burst along streets selling sweets of unique shapes and colors. Fortune tellers cast their spell and told forbidden stories. The atmosphere is boiling.The riverside village plays host to a good number of watering holes,all of which feature nightly live entert ainment.Sit back wi th a drin k there a nd wa tch the local colour while your favourite music washes over you. Or you may hit the dance floor and flash your moves.A Ride into the Past and the FutureYou may choose to arr ive by me ans of a vessel fro m the pa st. T he uni que river taxi was previously a boat that transpo rted go ods from ship to land. These days, it dominates the river, transporting tourists and locals to their various destinations.How to get here:(1)From City H all MRT Station:Take Bus Service 32/135 along North Bridge Rd.(2)From Orc hard MRT Station: Take Bus Service 54 along Scotts Rd.(3)The gifts visitors can buy from the flea market are mainly ______ .A. carpets produced in anoth er co untryB. anim als rais ed in the marketC. second-hand objects of histo rlcal valueD. can dies of different shapes and colors(4)In the booklet the underlined w atering holes” are closet in meaning to .A. mental hospitalsB. nig ht clu bsC. CD shop sD. entertainment shows(5)According to the booklet, which of the following statements is NOT TRUE?(6)Differ ent k inds of food are offered in Clarke Quay.(7)Fort une tell ing is a forbidden business in Clarke Quay.(8)River taxis shi p people ins tead of goods today.(9)The bus service 54 can brin g visitor s to Clarke Quay from Orchard MRT Station.(C)Announcing recent he would send proposals on reducing gun violence in America, President Obama mentioned a number of sensible gun-control measures. But he also paid homage to the Washington conventional wisdom about the many and varied causes of shooting cases. He said earlier that gun violence was a complex problem that will require a complex solution and gun control, therefore, was far from the only answer.Then are the data shielding the politicians' vague language?America is a gun heaven. Around 11,000 deaths were caused by guns last year. In contrast, Britain has about 50 gun killings a year. Many people believe that America is simply a more violent, individualistic society. But the only field in which the U.S. rate is surprisingly higher seems to be the gun killings. For all the other crimes — theft, robbery, attack — the United States is within the range of other advanced countries.Is America's popular Culture the cause? This is highly unlikely, as largely the same culture exists in other rich countries. Youth in Britain, for example, are exposed to almost the same cultural influences as in the United States. The Japanese are at the cutting edge of the world of video games, most of which touch on violence. Yet the rates of gun shooting in these two countries are a tiny function of America's. At the same time, Britain and Japan both have perhaps the tightest regulations of gun. As for America, the country has far more permissive gun laws. With 5 percent of the world's population, the United States has 50 percent of the guns.There are always evil or weak-minded people, who might be influenced by popular culture. But how can government identify the darkest thoughts in people's minds before they have taken any action? Certainly those who urge all-round democracy would not allow government to monitor thoughts, forbid free expression, and ban the sale of information and entertainment in exchange for bodily safety. Then why not do something much simpler and that has been successful: limit access to guns? America is in desperate need of a real ban, not another toothless ban, full of exceptions, which the gun lovers would use to claim that such bans don't reduce violence.(10)In the first paragraph President Obama _____ .(11)regarded loose gun control as the single reason for gun violence(12)thought many reasons accounted for the gun violence in America(13)believed America's gun laws had nothing to do with gun violence(14)thought gun violence was far from the only problem America faced(15)Cultural influence is not the main reason for gun violence because _____ .(16)Americans are not influenced by violent video games as Japanese are(17)cultural influences usually cause theft or robbery rather than gun firing(18)nations of similar cultural background have lower rates of gun shooting than the U.S.(19)Americans are rarely influenced by popular culture(20)In the passage, the author mainly discusses ____ .(21)President Obama's lack of courage and poor leadership(22)the crime rates of different countries of similar cultural background(23)the main cause of gun violence in American and the solution(24)the comparison between losing democracy and bodily safety(25)According to the passage, which of the following statements is TRUE?(26)Washington conventional wisdom agrees on strict gun control.(27)Identifying evil people in advance can be done with the help of democracy.(28)Controlling access to guns is a good way to solve the gun shooting problem.(29)Some exceptions should be allowed for the gun bans.Section CDirections: Read the following text and choose the most suitable heading from the list A-F for each paragraph. There is one extra heading which you do not need.(30)The definite danger New York is faced with.(31)Study results of the climate threats on New York.(32)The high cost of disaster-prevention plans.(33)Measures already taken to protect New York from flooding.(34)Choice of the areas to be saved from future disasters.(35)Prevention projects needed to fight rising sea.76. __________On Monday, New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo said that the response to Hurricane (飓风)Sandy will cost $42 billion. On the same day, a group of climate researchers released research findings that sea levels appear to be on track to rise by several feet over the next century, with every inch putting more New Yorkers at risk. Sea-level researchers estimate that a five-foot rise would produce Sandy-like floods in New York every 15 years, on average.77. __________Protecting New York city from the advancing ocean is likely to be one of this century's great infrastructure (公共设施)investments. some work, such as constructing sea walls and rebuilding subway entrances, is already happening. Money has been spent to prepare for the next storm. Waterproofing electrical facilities and flood-proofing subway tunnels are under construction. The latter is especially important; damage to the subway system was the biggest-ticket item the Hurricane Sandy had caused.78. __________Ever-higher seas, though, still require more ambitious planning. The necessary item will be raising building entrances or building up the land. Massive sea gates could block storm surges (大浪)from entering upper New York harbor. Other choices for protecting the city include building barrier islands and extending the shore where feasible, which will make a huge figure on ourbudget.79. __________But in some ways New York’s challenge is relatively simple. Unlike many other areas of the country that will have to adapt to the varied and unpredictable effects of climate change, the city can have confidence that it faces a well-defined danger 一rising seas — with effects that are possible to tell. It's obvious that spending billions to protect this population center is a worthwhile investment. And, unlike other places, local officials have already started thinking seriously about engineering their way out of danger.80. __________In the coming decades, areas up and down the Atlantic coast will have to argue about which coastal areas are worth protecting — by raising land, lengthening beaches, heightening homes or building sea walls to keep the water out ——and which aren't. Sea walls won't make sense everywhere; they are expensive. Now, the first thing federal and local officials can do is to planahead to decide which lands will inevitably be given up to the ocean and which will be guarded with every effort within our ability.Section DDirections: Read the passage carefully. Then answer the questions or complete the statements in the fewest possible words.A son in many developing countries means insurance, who will inherit his father's property and help support the family. However, to parents, a daughter is just another expense. Her place is in the home, not in the world of men. A girl can't help but feel inferior when everything around her tells her that she is worth less than a boy. Her future is, to some extent, shaped as soon as her family limits her opportunities and treat her as second-rater, which explain why women in developing countries perform much worse than men both in study and career.Deep discrimination (歧视)against women creates a firm force that keeps girls from living up to their full potential. It also leaves them victims to severe physical and emotional harm. These “servants of the household" come to accept that life will never be any different. What's most harmful, it results not only in millions of individual tragedies, but also in the lost potential for the entire country. Studies show there is a direct link between a country's attitude toward women and its social and economic progress. The status of women is central to the health of a society. If one part suffers, so does the whole.To deal with the situation, many women turn to education. Educated women are essential to ending sex discrimination, starting by reducing the poverty The most basic skills in literacy and Maths open up opportunities for better-paying jobs for women. Uneducated women in rural areas of Zambia, for instance, are twice as likely to live in poverty as those who have had eight or more years of education.Women who have had some schooling are more likely to get married later, survive childbirth, have fewer and healthier children, and make sure their own children complete school. Understanding the importance of hygiene (卫生)and nutrition, they are more likely to stay in physical wellness.Nevertheless, the comprehensive change for a society speaks for the more far-reaching meaning of women education. As women get the opportunity to go to school and obtain higher-level jobs, they gain status in their communities, which translates into the power to influence their families and societies. Such power may, together with other forces of outside interference, make even bigger changes possible and gradually lighten up women's fates in these countries.(Note: Answer the questions or complete the statements in NO MORE THAN TEN WORDS.)81. What two facts make a woman achieve less than men in developing countries?82. The most severe result of discrimination against women is ________________________.83. Why are educated women in developing countries more likely to remain healthy?。
闸北区2013学年第二学期高三英语质量调研试卷(2014. 4)I.Listening Comprehension (30 分)Section ADirections: In Section A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers・ At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said・ The conversation and the question will be spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard・1. A. In a computer shop・ B. At an electrical applianee shop.C. In a housi ng agency ・D. In an in ter net bar.2.A. Pick somebody up at the airport.C. Manage the operation of the hall・3.A. He can han die his work with ease ・C. He is fully engaged in his work.4.A. 30 dollars. B. 60 dollars.5.A. The women used to be slim.B.The woman hasrft eaten much at dinner.B.Attend a conferenee.D. Watch a film together.B.He has a very mild boss.D. He can't describe his duty at work・C.90 dollars. D. 120 dollarsC.The woman has eaten too much at night.D.The woman must try to lose some weight.6.A. She prefers the red car for its attractive appears nee.B・ She wants to see more cars before making decisions.C.She prefers the white car for it's environment-friendly.D.She candecide and has to buy both・7.A. Customer and hairdresser. B. Customer and party planner.C.Diver and his friend・ D・ Boss and secretary・8.A. He bought the last ticket.B.He failed to buy the ticket.C・ He got the ticket on the way for a drink.D.He didn't intend to buy the ticket.9.A. To give up one course temporarily・B.To pick some easier courses this term・C.To drop out of the school this term.D.To study harder to meet the requirements.10.A. Applyi ng for the district chess champi on ship.B・ Selecting members for the school chess team.C.Working hard for the district chess final.D.Celebrating for the victory at the chess final.Section BDirections: In section B, you will hear two short passages, and you will be asked three questions on each of the passages・ The passages will be read twice, but the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, read the four possible answers on your paper and decide which one would be the best answer to the question you have heard.Questions 11 through 13 are based on the following passage・11.A. Because many America ns came to Japa n after the World War II.B.Because lots of America n compa nies wan ted employees who could speak En glish.C・ Because Japanese government encouraged people to use more English.D.Because Japanese younger generations wanted to know about U.S. pop culture・12.A. Keepi ng usi ng En glish in stead of Japa nese for certai n words ・B.Refusing to broadcast Japanese programs to replace English ones.C.Demanding English fluency when hiring TV station staff.D.Failing to help to spread Japanese culture to other countries.13.A. They think Japan is dangerously Americanized.B.They think English helps Japan to get involved in world affairs.C.They think English does good to the protection of Japanese culture.D・ They think that other languages also borrow words from English.Questions 14 through 16 are based on the following passage.14.A. They establish social websites・B.They help to find fun in boring routine work・C.They plan and carry out interesting activities.D.They produce advertisements for companies.15.A. Because not many people knew about their activities・B.Because they didrft have a Iong-standing sponsor.C.Because they couldn't cooperate well with each other.D.Because their ideas were not creative enough・16.A. They will design an activity for BMW.B.They will enlarge the scale of their company.C.They will work more with Coca-Cola・D.They will create more expensive activities.Section CDirections: In secti on C, you will hear two Ion ger conversatio ns. The conversatio ns will be read twice. After you hear each conversation, you are required to fill in the numbered blanks with the in formation you hear.Blanks 17 through 20 are based on the following conversation:Complete the report form. WRITE NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer.Blanks 21 through 24 are based on the following conversation:IL Grammar and VocabularySection ADirections: Read the followi ng two passages ・ Fill in the bla nks to make the passage cohere nt. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word・ For the other blanks, fill in each blank with one proper word. Make sure that your answers are grammatically correct ・ANo trip to South Korea is complete without a visit to its fascinating theme parks・ For those who assume that amusement parks are just playgrounds teeming with kids, South Korea's theme parks are sure (25) ___________ (change) their minds.With their charming garden plantations, hot springs and exciting rides, they offer travellers a romantic and exciting getaway. Within the appropriate driving distanee from the Korean capital Seoul, there are three theme parks worth (26) ______________ (visit)—Lotte World, Everland and Seoul Land.Everland, the (27) ________ (large) theme park in South Korea, covering various areas like Festival World, Caribbean Bay and Speedway. It is such (28) ___________ huge park that you will have to plan in advanee where you are investing your time there・Lotte World, (29) _____ designer was determined to create a wonderland for fun-seekers, consists of Lotte World Adventure, and movie theatres・ You (30) ______ also take part in activities such as ice-skating or bowling there・(31) _____ travellers want, South Korea is there to provide・ Hop on a heart-stopping ride, amuse yourself in one of the theme parks or simply enjoy a relaxing hot spring bath. Come and visit South Korea now!BFounded by Louis Cartier in Paris Fra nee in 1847, Cartier is well known in the fashion world ・ It is recog nized as (32) _______________ of the world's most disti nguished luxury bra nds. Most early years of Cartier (33) ______ (devote) to serving royal families and celebrities. King Edward VIIof England referred to Cartier as " the jeweller of kings and the king of jewellers/' The compa ny remai ned un der family con trol (34) _____________________ 1964 when an in vest me nt group boughtthe business・Many of Cartier's famous products were produced (35) __________ chanee. In 1904, the Brazilian pioneer pilot, Alberto Santos-Dumont complained to Louis Cartier about the unreliability and impracticality of using pocket watches (36) ________________________ flying. In result, Cartier designed a flat wristwatch named "Santos". (37) ____________________ it was available on the market, the watch was loved by not only Alberto Santos-Dumont but also other customers. It wasrVt long (38) ___________ the Santos watch became the most popular men's wristwatch then.In 1907, Cartier began to work with a businessman named Edmond Jaeger, (39) _________ agreed to exclusively supply the movements for Cartier watches・ By that time, Cartier (40) (establish) branches in many cities. It was these earliest shops that witnessedCartier's amazi ng developme nt into today's leadi ng jewelry and watch bra nd.Section BDirections: Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can be used only once・ Note that there is one word more than you need.If this summer you pay a visit to Milan, the fashion center of Italy, make sure you're not caught eating ice cream in the streets after midnight as doing so is now ___________ 41__ .A new law was passed by Milar/s city council banning the sale of take-away food and drinks after midnight in some districts which are famous for their nightlife ____________ 42__ . The purpose of this unusual move is, according to the city council, to discourage night gathering in downtown areas・The law inevitably has give n rise to a nu mber of protests, accusi ng that the go ver nment has 43 people's normal lives・ However, if you take into consideration the country's 44 economy and its highunemployment rate, the local government〃s fear of "night assembli ng' may be reas on able ・In fact, Milan's law is only the strangest of a host of restrictions on nightlife that have 45 up in European cities recently. Madrid's city center was declared a Mow-noise zone' last September and the city council has been refusing to ________________________________ 46 _ bar and club licensesever since.Why do European cities deal so strictly with nightlife? It may be because Europe's populati on is getti ng older and can no Ion ger 47 late night activities withi n the n eighborhood ・In the past, bars and clubs bloomed in European city centers, which were __________ 48 __ to working class populations. But gradually, these people began to move out of the city centers and into the suburbs. Only the wealthy and the upper-class people can afford to live in _____________ 49 ___ centers now. But these people don〃t go to bars and clubs to socialize・Instead, they consider fun-seekers who wander in their neighborhoods annoying. They also worry that bars and clubs will make their neighborhoods less ____________ 50 __ and devalue their housing property.III.Reading ComprehensionSection ADirections: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the con text.In American history, today's grandparents used to grow up in a period of angry rebelling against their parents" authority・ As time goes by and they ease into the role of ___________ 51 __ family members, they may wonder: What happened to the generation gap? Is it gone or just in the 52 ? Or is it still present but mostly underground?A gen erati on gap is comm only recog nized to refer to d iff ere nces betwee n gen erations that cause conflict and _____ 53 __ communication, creating a 4gap.; Sociologist William Safireprovides a more positive definition. Generation gap, according to him, can be a(n) __________ 54 ___ lack of communication between young and old, which results in misunderstanding, or; on the good side, it can be regarded as a useful stretch of time that separates cultures within a society, allowing them to develop their own ____________________ 55 __. From their position in the family, and with more___56 than younger family members, grandparents are more likely to look at the generation gap 57 , expecti ng that differe nces betwee n gen eratio ns can sometimes do some good toall those concerneckAlthough there have always bee n differe nces betwee n the gen e ratio ns, the drastic differences that the term implies were not much ________________ 58 __ until the twentieth century. Beforethat time, society was not very _______ 59 _ . Young people typically lived near their extended families, prayed in their childhood churches and often worked on the family farm or in a family business. With the appearanee of television and movies, young people were exposed to cultural in flue nces 60 to their own families and cultures. Performers like Fra nk Sin atra, Elvis Presley and James Dea n wonadmiratio n from the younger gen eratio n but were ofte n _____________________________ 61 ___by the older generation. Then, to make the matter worse, came the 1960s, and the Vietnam (越南) War caused a more serious 62 between young and old.Today, although more America ns have admitted the existe nee of gen erati onal differe nces, most do not see them as too ____ 63 __ • That is partly because of the areas of differenee. The top areas of disagreeme nt betwee n young and old, accordi ng to a research, are use of tech no logy and taste in music rather than _________ 64 __ i ssues like religious beliefs or political viewpoints・ Infact, most American people today have found ways to, on the one hand, live in harmony with family members and, on the other hand, _________ 65___ their own tastes and pref ere nces.51. A. wealthy B. senior C. successful D. brilliant52. A. shadow B. system C. air D. communication53. A. complicated B. accessible C. significant D. social54. A. realistic B. stimulating C・ upsetting D. restless55. A. character B relationship C・ resource D. hobby56. A. preparation B. experienee C・ privacy D. support57. A. individually B. necessarily C. positively D. simply58. A. standard B. practical C・ public D. evident59. A. mobile B. quiet C. strange D.advaneed60. A. foreign B. mild C. strict D. familiar61. A. introduced B. financed C・ destroyed D. disliked62. A. hatred B. conflict C・ negotiation D. review63. A. delightful B. sincere C. harmful D. passive64. A. serious B. secret C. general D. academic65. A. make up B. stick to C. refer to D. bring upSection BDirections: Read the following three passages・Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read.(A)Stephen Glerm is a famous American research scientist who has made several very important medical breakthroughs・ Many people were dying to know the secrets to his fantastic achievements. To unveil the mystery, a newspaper reporter interviewed him asking why he was able to be so much more creative than the average person. What set him so far apart from others?Havi ng assumed to hear wordi ngs like inn ate curiosity for scie nee or hard work, the reporter was surprised to have him respond that, in his opinion, it all came from an experienee with his mother that occurred when he was about four years old. He had been trying to remove a bottle of milk from the refrigerator when he lost his grip on the slippery bottle and it fell, spilling its contents all over the kitchen floor ・ a real sea of milk!When his mother came into the kitchen, instead of shouting at him, giving him a lecture or chastising him, she said, ''Steve, what a great and wonderful mess you have made! I have rarely seen such a huge pond of milk・ Well, the damage has already been done・ Would you like to get down and play in the milk for a few minutes before we clean it up?HIn deed, he did. After a few minu tes, his mother said, H You know, Steve, whenever you make a mess like this, eventually you have to clean it up and restore everything to its proper order. So, how would you like to do that? We could use a sponge, a towel or a mop. Which do you prefer?'1 He chose the sponge and together they cleaned up the spilled milk・His mother then said, H You know, what we have here is a failed experiment in how to effectively carry a big milk bottle with two tiny hands. Let's go out in the back yard and fill the bottle with water and see if you can discover a way to carry it without dropping it." The little boy learned that if he grasped the bottle at the top n ear the lip with both han ds, he could carry it without dropping it・ What a wonderful lesson!This renowned scientist then remarked that it was at that moment that he knew he didn't n eed to be afraid to make mistakes. In stead, he lear ned that mistakes were just opportunities for learning something new, which is, after all, what scientific experiments are all about・ Even if the experiment "doesn't work/we usually learn something valuable from it.Wouldn't it be great 讦all parents would respond the way Steve's mother responded to him?66・ Accordi ng to the passage, a n ewspaper in terviewed Stephe n Gle nn in order to _____ ・A.persuade him to treat some dying patientsB.find out his differences with ordinary peopleC.hear about his opinions about medical scieneeD.know about why he was so successful67.According to the passage, the underlined word "chastise" is closest in meaning to ________ •A.pursuingB. punishing C・ praising D・ educating68.According to the passage, which of the following statements is NOT true?A.Steve spilled the milk bottle to make a milk sea on purpose.B.Steve's mother allowed him to play some time with the spilled milk.C.Steve's mother let him choose the tool himself to clean up the milkD.Steve's mother led him to try out ways to tightly hold the milk bottle.69.What ordinary mothers can learn from Steve's mother is that _______ .A.never put milk bottle where little kids can get hold ofB.appreciation of kids' behaviours is important to their growthC.mothers should teach kids to learn from their own mistakesD.kids should learn to become scientists from childhood.(B)Our website is presenting to you the world's leading museums and gallaries:Smithsonian Institution, Washington^ D.C.The Smithsonian is one of the world's leading research and museum complexes, with 19 museums and galleries, the National Zoological Park, and various research stations. More than 137 million objects detailing America's history are exhibited here. There's so much to see that, if you spent every day and night looking at the exhibits at normal pace, in ten years you'd see only ten percent of the whole・Therefore, it's wise to head out with a plan. Focus on some famous exhibits at two or three different museums・Le Louvre, Paris, FranceThe Louvre was a medieval fortress and the palace of the kings of Fra nee before becomi ng a museum two centuries ago. The addition of the Chinese architect I. M・ Pei's stylish glass pyramid(金字塔)shocked many when it was opened to public in 1989 as the new main entrance, yet it somehow works and has won complime nt in the cou ntry, combi ning the palace's various elements to make the museum stand out as the most shinning diamond on the French artistic crown. The museum's collection® though failing to excel in numbers, are among the most important in the world・The Acropolis Museum, Athens, GreeceThe amazing ground floor gallery houses were found from the slopes of the Acropolis( 卫城).Its amazing see-through glass floor provides a walk over history, with a view of the archaeological(考古fl 勺)digging. Smaller settlements have been dug out, providing glimpses of Athenian life. Despite its lack of variety in exhibits and limited collections, the Acropolis attracts audienee by, for the first time, allowing visitors to take in the stone exhibits, which are displayed in open air characterized by changing natural light・State Hermitage, St. Petersburg, RussiaRussia may be isolated from the artistic centers of the US or West Europe, but the Hermitage has man aged to acquire a spectacular collect! on of world art—three million items in numbers・The museum occupies six buildings along the Neva River, the leading structure being the can dy-like Win ter Palace. This gloriously blue-a nd-white structure was finished in 1764 and over the n ext several cen turies was the main reside nee of the czars (沙皇)• The museum's leading attraction is Western European art—in 120 rooms in four buildings ranging from the Middle Ages to the present day・pared with the other three, which of the following is not geographically distinguished in art history?A.Smithsonian Institution.B. Le Louvre・C. The Acropolis Museum.D. State Hermitage・71.Which of the following enjoys the largest number of exhibit collections?A.Smithsonian Institution.B. Le Louvre・C・ The Acropolis Museum. D・ State Hermitage・72・ The new Le Louvre entrance was recognized by French people because ______ .A.it was designed by a famous foreign architectB.it was constructed in a very fashionable styleC.it dem on strates the joint effect of differe nt factorsD.it exhibits the diamond on the crown of a French king73.According to the passage, which of the following statements is TRUE?A.If you plan well, you can view most exhibits of Smithsonian Institution during one visit.B.The Win ter Palace used to serve as the home for Russia n kings.C・ For preservation, the Acropolis Museum exhibits are not allowed to be exposed to sun light.D. The Russian domestic art works are the most attractive collections in State Hermitage・(C)The city of Los An geles is fin ally getti ng serious about retrofitti ng(翻修)the soft wood frame apartment buildings and the weak concrete ones that are at risk of collapsing during a substantial earthquake・ A concrete building without adequate steel reinforcement can crumble to the ground, as some did in the 1971 Sylmar earthquake, killing dozens・The first step is to take a list of the 29,000 apartment buildings that were built before 1978, whe n the buildi ng code was cha nged to require str on ger wood frame and con Crete buildi ngs. The second step will be the analysis of those buildings by structural experts to see if they should be retrofitted, which needs essential professionalism・Then comes the stage to decide who pays for the work that needs to be done, Landlords? Renters? Taxpayers? The step posed the biggest obstacle to all parties invoIved・Actually Under L.A/s rent control law, property owners can pass on 100% of the cost of 'essential" retrofitting work to renters・ Some favor this pass-through move, arguing that many mom・and-pop landlords of small buildings are as cash-strapped as one can imagine, if not more SO.However; the reality is that, like many Ian dlords, the insolvency of most ren ters will fin ally make the retrofitting an empty talk・ Besides, the cost of retrofitting should not fall on any one group as this work is done to prevent people from being killed in earthquakes・Protecting buildings serves the interests of renters, property owners and the city as a whole, which qualifies it as a matter of public safety issue so that L.A. go ver nment n eeds to find ways to shoulder some burden of the cost.It has bee n decided by the city gover nment that the go ver nment will get in volved, tryi ng to find ways to reduce costs for Iandlords for the retrofitting projects, and the government is establish!ng a law to create a tax reduction for retrofitting for Iandlords・It's not clear at this point how much tax the state could afford to give up, or how much tax cut owners can get・Some even say that the actualfinancial assistanee Iandlords can get is far less than is expected・ However; what it's known definitely now is that Los Angeles must not allow retrofitting to be put off although the money issue poses a big problem. The bottom line is the human life rather than money.74.According to the passage, which issue is the most essential in deciding the future of the city's retrofitting project?A.Having all the parties involved aware of the importanee of retrofitting.B.Maki ng a list of all the buildi ngs that were built before a certai n date ・C・ Decidi ng professi on ally on whether the listed buildi ngs n eed retrofitti ng.D. Working out adequate ways to provide financial support for retrofitting.75.According to the passage, the underlined word insolvency is closest in meaning to ________ .A.not having enough money to pay debtsB.poor relati on ship with landlordsC・ unwillingness to participateD. unfair treatment received76.Which of the following is implied about the retrofitting project?A.Most L.A. apartments are of Soft wood frame or of weak concrete・B.According to L.A. rent law, Iandlords and renters share the cost for retrofit work・C.According to go ver nment decisi on, owners will mainly be resp on sible for the retrofit.ernment will pay mainly for the retrofitting work as it relates with people's life.77.What is the main idea of the passage?A.The likelihood of weak apartment falling in big earthquakes・B.The background of LA apartment retrofit and its financial solution.C.The argument between Iandlords, renters and governments over money issues・D.The importanee of LA government's involvement in life-saving projects.Section CDirections: Read the passage carefully. Then answer the questions or complete the statements in the fewest possible words.In North America, the Colorado (禾斗罗拉多)River is a lege nd. It has sustai ned gen erati ons of people and many generations of wildlife. Once free, the Colorado now has many dams along its 1,450 miles. Its life-giving water is divided up among seven U.S. states according to several agreements, which has caused the heaviest hit on the eco-balanee of the river as no region would lose advantages compared with neighbours in the use of the river, thus inappropriate use was well expected.The Colorado once supported a vast delta (三角补N) where it met the Gulf of California. Todaythe lush plantations are just memories, displaced by invasive species capable of surviving in soils poisoned by salt. The drying of the delta has huge effect on the local people・ As many as 5,000 people were living in the delta 400 years ago. Today, about 300 remain. There is a delta culture at risk of extinction, partly owing to outside job opportunities and marital mobility. However; the worsening living environment caused partly by horrible grab of the waters of the Colorado River has beaten all the other reasons・It's easy to blame farmers along the Colorado for drawing waters from its channel to water their crops or quench the thirst of their cows. They are immediate consumers of water from the Colorado, but the truth is that we, ordinary American consumers, are all at least partially responsible. Many of us have bought products that come from the region, whether in the form of paper, hamburgers, or electronics. We live in an increasingly connected world, in which we take up "virtual water" in the form of products and even services. In the U.S., we use twice as much water per person as the global average・Though it may seem to work in the short term, we can barely fix the Colorado by piping water from another place ・ But cha nge is urge nt. Use a water calculator to see how much water you use every day. Pay special attention to saving every drop of water hidden in your diet and wardrobe・ And keep away from life styles that might waste water. In all, try to form a water-efficient habit.Besides, tech no logy improveme nt will also be explored to make change happe n in the rescue efforts. These tech no logies in elude methods to in crease farming efficie ncy, and ways to replace invasive, water-sucking plants with native species.Anyway, it z s time we humans rose up and repaid the mother river that has long been nurturing us. (Note: Answer the questions or complete the statements in NO MORE THAN TEN WORDS.)78.What is the biggest factor to damage the Colorado nature?79.The major reason of the Delta culture disappearance is_______ .80.Who are the two groups of people to blame for Colorado water shortage?81.Two ways to turn around the Colorado situation are to _______ •第II卷(共47分)I.Translation (22 分)Directions: Tran slate the followi ng senten ces into En glish, using the words give n in the brackets.1.现在,很多年青人热衷于在网上征求游伴。
2012学年第一学期徐汇区高三年级数学学科学习能力诊断卷 (文理合卷)(考试时间:120分钟,满分150分) 2013.1一.填空题(本大题满分56分)本大题共有14题,考生应在答题纸相应编号的空格内直接填写结果,每个空格填对得4分,否则一律得零分.1.方程组2132x y x y -=⎧⎨+=-⎩的增广矩阵是__________________.2. 已知幂函数()f x 的图像过点18,2⎛⎫ ⎪⎝⎭,则此幂函数的解析式是()f x =_____________.3.(理)若θ为第四象限角,且4sin 25πθ⎛⎫+= ⎪⎝⎭,则sin 2θ=___________. (文)若4cos 5θ=,则=θ2cos ___________. 4.若抛物线22(0)y px p =>的焦点与双曲线221610x y -=的右焦点重合,则实数p 的值是 .5.函数()sin()(0,0,||)2f x A x A πωϕωϕ=+>><的部分图像如右图所示,则()f x = _________.6.(理)若(1,2)n =-是直线l 的一个法向量,则直线l 的倾斜角的大小为_________________. (文)若(1,2)n =是直线l 的一个方向向量,则直线l 的倾斜角的大小为_________________. (结果用反三角函数值表示)7.(理)不等式21200210321x x +-≥的解为 . (文)不等式210x x+≥ 1 2 2的解为 .8.高三(1)班班委会由4名男生和3名女生组成,现从中任选3人参加上海市某社区敬老服务工作,则选出的人中至少有一名女生的概率是 .(结果用最简分数表示)9.如图所示的程序框图,输出b 的结果是_________.10.(理)已知等比数列}{n a 的首项11=a ,公比为(0)q q >,前n 项和为n S,若1lim1=+∞→nn n S S ,则公比q 的取值范围是 .(文)数列{}n a 的通项公式*1 ,1()1 , 2(1)n n a n N n n n =⎧⎪=∈⎨≥⎪+⎩,前n 项和为n S ,则lim n n S →∞=_____________.11. (理)若平面向量i a 满足 1(1,2,3,4)i a i ==且10(1,2,3)i i a a i +⋅==,则1234a a a a +++可能的值有____________个.(文)边长为1的正方形ABCD 中,M 为BC 的中点,E 在线段AB 上运动,则EC EM ⋅的取值范围是____________.12.(理)在ABC ∆中,060A ∠= ,M 是AB的中点,若2,AB BC ==D 在线段AC 上运动,则DB DM⋅的最小值为____________. (文)函数{}()min 2f x x =-,其中{},min ,,a a ba b b a b≤⎧=⎨>⎩,若动直线y m =与函数()y f x =的图像有三个不同的交点,则实数m的取值范围是______________.13.(理)函数{}()min 2f x x =-,其中{},min ,,a a ba b b a b ≤⎧=⎨>⎩,若动直线y m =与函数()y f x =的图像有三个不同的交点,它们的横坐标分别为123,,x x x ,则123x x x ⋅⋅是否存在最大值?若存在,在横线处填写其最大值;若不存在,直接填写“不存在”_______________.(文)若平面向量i a 满足1(1,2,3,4)i a i ==且10(1,2,3)i i a a i +⋅==,则1234a a a a +++的最大值为 .14.已知线段010A A 的长度为10,点129,,,A A A 依次将线段010A A 十等分.在0A 处标0,往右数1点标1,再往右数2点标2,再往右数3点标3……(如图),遇到最右端或最左端返回,按照0A →10A →0A →10A →的方向顺序,不断标下去,(理)那么标到2010这个数时,所在点上的最小数为_____________.(文)那么标到10这个数时,所在点上的最小数为_____________.二.选择题(本大题满分20分)本大题共有4题,每题有且只有一个正确答案,考生应在答题纸的相应编号上,将代表答案的小方格涂黑,选对得5分,否则一律得零分.15.下列排列数中,等于*(5)(6)(12)(13,)n n n n n N ---≥∈的是 ( )(A)712n P - (B) 75n P - (C) 85n P - (D) 812n P -16.在ABC ∆中,“cos sin cos sin A A B B +=+”是“090C ∠=”的 ( )(A) 充分非必要条件 (B) 必要非充分条件 (C) 充要条件(D) 既不充分也不必要条件17.若函数21()ax f x x-=在()0,+∞上单调递增,那么实数a 的取值范围是( )(A)0a ≥(B)0a >(C)0a ≤(D) 0a <18.(理)对于直角坐标平面xOy 内的点(,)A x y (不是原点),A 的“对偶点”B 是指:满足1OA OB =且在射线OA 上的那个点. 若,,,P Q R S 是在同一直线上的四个不同的点(都不是原点),则它们的“对偶点”'''',,,P Q R S( )(A) 一定共线 (B) 一定共圆(C) 要么共线,要么共圆 (D) 既不共线,也不共圆(文)对于直角坐标平面xOy 内的点(,)A x y (不是原点),A 的“对偶点”B 是指:满足1OA OB =且在射线OA 上的那个点. 则圆心在原点的圆的对偶图形( ) (A) 一定为圆 (B) 一定为椭圆 (C) 可能为圆,也可能为椭圆 (D) 既不是圆,也不是椭圆三.解答题(本大题满分74分)本大题共有5题,解答下列各题必须在答题纸相应编号的规定区域内写出必要的步骤.19.(本题满分12分)已知集合3{|0}4x A x x -=<-,实数a 使得集合{}|()(5)0B x x a x =-->满足A B ⊆, 求a 的取值范围.20.(本题满分14分) 本题共有2个小题,第1小题满分6分,第2小题满分8分. 已知函数)(x f =21log 1x x +-. (1)判断函数)(x f 的奇偶性,并证明; (2)求)(x f 的反函数)(1x f-,并求使得函数12()()log g x f x k -=-有零点的实数k 的取值范围.21.(本题满分14分) 本题共有2个小题,第1小题满分6分,第2小题满分8分. (理)某种型号汽车四个轮胎半径相同,均为40R cm =,同侧前后两轮胎之间的距离(指轮胎中心之间距离)为280l cm = (假定四个轮胎中心构成一个矩形). 当该型号汽车开上一段上坡路ABC (如图(1)所示,其中ABC α∠=(34παπ<<)),且前轮E 已在BC 段上时,后轮中心在F 位置;若前轮中心到达G 处时,后轮中心在H 处(假定该汽车能顺利驶上该上坡路). 设前轮中心在E 和G 处时与地面的接触点分别为S 和T ,且60BS cm =,100ST cm =. (其它因素忽略不计)(1)如图(2)所示,FH 和GE 的延长线交于点O ,求证:40cot 602OE α=+(cm);(2)当α=56π时,后轮中心从F 处移动到H 处实际移动了多少厘米? (精确到1cm)(文)某种型号汽车的四个轮胎半径相同,均为40R cm =,该车的底盘与轮胎中心在同一水平面上. 该车的涉水安全要求......是:水面不能超过它的底盘高度. 如图所示:某处有一“坑形”地面,其中坑ABC 形成顶角为0120的等腰三角形,且60AB BC cm ==,如果地面上有()h cm (40h <)高的积水(此时坑内全是水,其它因素忽略不计).31. 当轮胎与AB 、BC 同时接触时,求证:此轮胎露在水面外的高度(从轮胎最上部到水面的距离)为10d h =; (2) 假定该汽车能顺利通过这个坑(指汽车在过此坑时,符合涉水安全要求......),求h 的最大值.(精确到1cm).22.(本题满分16分) 本题共有3个小题,第1小题满分4分,第2小题满分6分. 第3小题满分6分.(理)已知椭圆2222:1(0)x y C a b a b+=>>的一个焦点为(1,0)F ,点(1,)2-在椭圆C 上,点T 满足2OT OF =(其中O 为坐标原点),过点F 作一直线交椭圆于P 、Q 两点 .(1)求椭圆C 的方程; (2)求PQT ∆面积的最大值;(3)设点P '为点P 关于x 轴的对称点,判断P Q '与QT 的位置关系,并说明理由.(文)已知椭圆2222:1(0)x y C a b a b+=>>的一个焦点为(1,0)F ,点(1,2-在椭圆C 上,点T 满足2OT OF =(其中O 为坐标原点), 过点F 作一斜率为(0)k k >的直线交椭圆于P 、Q 两点(其中P 点在x 轴上方,Q 点在x 轴下方) .(1)求椭圆C 的方程;(2)若1k =,求PQT ∆的面积;(3)设点P '为点P 关于x 轴的对称点,判断P Q '与QT 的位置关系,并说明理由.23.(本题满分18分) 本题共有3个小题,第1小题满分4分,第2小题满分6分. 第3小题满分8分.(理)对于数列{}n x ,从中选取若干项,不改变它们在原来数列中的先后次序,得到的数列称为是原来数列的一个子数列. 某同学在学习了这一个概念之后,打算研究首项为正整数a ,公比为正整数(1)q q >的无穷等比数列{}n a 的子数列问题. 为此,他任取了其中三项,,()k m n a a a k m n <<.(1) 若,,()k m n a a a k m n <<成等比数列,求,,k m n 之间满足的等量关系;(2) 他猜想:“在上述数列{}n a 中存在一个子数列{}n b 是等差数列”,为此,他研究了k n a a +与2m a 的大小关系,请你根据该同学的研究结果来判断上述猜想是否正确;(3) 他又想:在首项为正整数a ,公差为正整数d 的无穷等差数列中是否存在成等比数列的无穷子数列?请你就此问题写出一个正确命题,并加以证明.(文)对于数列{}n x ,从中选取若干项,不改变它们在原来数列中的先后次序,得到的数列称为是原来数列的一个子数列. 某同学在学习了这一个概念之后,打算研究首项为1a ,公差为d 的无穷等差数列{}n a 的子数列问题,为此,他取了其中第一项1a ,第三项3a 和第五项5a .(1) 若135,,a a a 成等比数列,求d 的值;(2) 在11a =, 3d =的无穷等差数列{}n a 中,是否存在无穷子数列{}n b ,使得数列{}n b 为等比数列?若存在,请给出数列{}n b 的通项公式并证明;若不存在,说明理由;(3) 他在研究过程中猜想了一个命题:“对于首项为正整数a ,公比为正整数q (1q >)的无穷等比数 列{}n c ,总可以找到一个子数列{}n d ,使得{}n d 构成等差数列”. 于是,他在数列{}n c 中任取三项,,()k m n c c c k m n <<,由k n c c +与2m c 的大小关系去判断该命题是否正确. 他将得到什么结论?参考答案12.填空题:(每题4分)1. 2111-⎛⎫ ⎪⎝⎭ 3 -2 2. 13x - 3. (理)2425- (文)725 4. 8 5. 2sin4x π 6. (理)arctan 12 (文) arctan2 7. (理)x ≤0(文)x ≥08. 31359. 1 10. (理)0<q ≤1(文)3211. (理) 3 (文)13,22⎡⎤⎢⎥⎣⎦ 12. (理) 2316(文)13. (理) 1(文) 14. (理) 5(文)513.选择题:(每题5分)15. C 16. B 17.A 18. (理)C (文)A14.解答题19. 解:A=(3,4)………………………………………………………………………………..2分a ≥5时,B=(,)(,5)a +∞⋃-∞,满足A ⊆B ;…………………………………..6分 a<5时,B=(5,)(,)a +∞⋃-∞,由A ⊆B ,得a ≥4,故4≤a<5,……………..10分 综上,得实数a 的取值范围为a ≥4. ……………………………………………..12分20. 解:(1)f(x)的定义域为(,1)(1,)-∞-⋃+∞……………………………………………..2分 f(-x)=log 211x x -+--=log 211x x -+=-f(x),所以,f(x)为奇函数. ………………………………………..6分(2)由y=21log 1x x +-,得x=2121y y +-,所以,f -1(x)= 2121x x +-,x ≠0. ……………………………………..9分因为函数12()()log g x f x k -=-有零点,所以,2log k 应在)(1x f-的值域内.所以,log 2k=2121x x +-=1+221x-(,1)(1,)∈-∞-⋃+∞, ………………….13分从而,k 1(2,)(0,)2∈+∞⋃. ……………………………………………..14分 21.(理)解:(1) 由OE//BC ,OH//AB ,得∠EOH=α,………………………..2分过点B 作BM ⊥OE ,BN ⊥OH ,则Rt ∆OMB ≅Rt ∆ONB ,从而∠BOM=2α. ……………………………..4分 在Rt ∆OMB中,由BM=40得OM=40cot2α,从而,OE=OM+ME=OM+BS=40cot602α+. ………………………………..6分(2)由(1)结论得OE=4060tan 75+.设OH=x ,OF=y,在∆OHG 中,由余弦定理得, 2802=x 2+(04060tan 75++100)2-2x(04060tan 75++100)cos1500, 解得x ≈118.8cm. ………………………………………………………………..9分在∆OEF 中,由余弦定理得, 2802=y 2+(04060tan 75+)2-2y(04060tan 75+)cos1500 , 解得y ≈216.5cm. …………………………………………………………..12分所以,FH=y-x ≈98cm ,即后轮中心从F 处移动到H 处实际移动了约98cm. ………………………14分(文)解:(1) 当轮胎与AB 、BC 同时接触时,设轮胎与AB 边的切点为T ,轮胎中心为O ,则|OT|=40,由∠ABC=1200,知∠OBT=600, …………………………………..2分故. .…………………………………………………………………..4分 所以,从B+40, …………………………..6分 此轮胎露在水面外的高度为+40-(060cos60⋅10h +-,得证. …..8分(2)只要d ≥40, …………………………………………………………..12分 10h +-≥40,解得h ≤16cm.,所以h 的最大值为16cm. …..14分22.(理)解:(1)由222211112a b a b⎧-=⎪⎨+=⎪⎩,得…………………………………..2分 a 2=2,b 2=1所以,椭圆方程为2212x y +=. ………………………………………..4分 (2)由 22112x my x y =+⎧⎪⎨+=⎪⎩,得(m 2+2)y 2+2my-1=0,设P(x 1,y 1),Q(x 2,y 2),由条件可知,点(2,0)T .PQT S ∆=12|FT||y 1-y 2|=12..6分 令t=212m +,则t 1(0,]2∈, 则PQT S ∆2≤,当且仅当t=12,即m=0 (此时PQ 垂直于x 轴)时等号成立,所以PQT S ∆的最大值是2. …………..10分 (3) P Q '与QT 共线 ………………………………………………………………..11分P '(x 1,-y 1),P Q '=(x 2-x 1,y 2+y 1),TQ =(x 2-2,y 2) ……………………………..12分由(x 2-x 1)y 2-(x 2-2)(y 1+y 2)=-x 1y 2-x 2y 1+2(y 1+y 2)=-(my 1+1)y 2-(my 2+1)y 1+2(y 1+y 2) =-2my 1y 2+(y 1+y 2)=-2m212m -++222mm -+=0,所以,P Q '与QT 共线…………………………………………………..16分(文)解:(1)由222211112a b a b⎧-=⎪⎨+=⎪⎩,得 ……………………………………………………………..2分 a 2=2,b 2=1,所以,椭圆方程为2212x y +=. …………………………………………………..4分(2)设PQ:y=x-1,由22112x y x y =+⎧⎪⎨+=⎪⎩得3y 2+2y-1=0, …………………..6分 解得: P(41,33),Q(0,-1),由条件可知点(2,0)T , PQT S ∆=12|FT||y 1-y 2|=23. ….. ……………………………………10分 (3) 判断:P Q '与QT 共线. ….. …….. …….. ………………………………………11分 设1122(,),(,)P x y Q x y则P '(x 1,-y 1),P Q '=(x 2-x 1,y 2+y 1),TQ =(x 2-2,y 2), ……………………………..12分 由22(1)12y k x x y =-⎧⎪⎨+=⎪⎩得2222(12)4220k x k x k +-+-=. ………………………..13分 (x 2-x 1)y 2-(x 2-2)(y 1+y 2)=(x 2-x 1)k(x 2-1)-(x 2-2)(kx 1-k+kx 2-k)=3k(x 1+x 2)-2kx 1x 2-4k=3k 22412k k+-2k 222212k k -+-4k =k(2222124441212k k k k ---++)=0. …………………………..15分 所以,P Q '与QT 共线. ………………………………………………………..16分23.(理)解:(1)由已知可得:111,,k m n k m n a aq a aq a aq ---===, ………..…..1分则2m k n a a a =⋅,即有()()()2111m k n aq aq aq ---=, ………….…………. …..3分 2(1)(1)(1)m k n -=-+-,化简可得. 2m k n =+. …………………………..4分(2) 11k n k n a a aq aq --+=+,又122m m a aq -=,故 1111()22(12)k n m k n k m k k n m a a a aq aq aqaq q q ------+-=+-=+-,……………..6分 由于,,k m n 是正整数,且n m >,则1,1n m n k m k ≥+-≥-+,又q 是满足1q >的正整数,则2q ≥,112121212210n k m k m k m k m k m k m k m k q q q q qq q q q ---+-----+-≥+-=+-≥+-=>,所以,k n a a +>2m a ,从而上述猜想不成立. …………………………………..10分(3)命题:对于首项为正整数a ,公差为正整数d 的无穷等差数列{}n a ,总可以找到一个无穷子数列{}n b ,使得{}n b 是一个等比数列. ……….. …….. …………..13分 此命题是真命题,下面我们给出证明.证法一: 只要证明对任意正整数n,(1),1n n b a d n =+≥都在数列{a n }中.因为b n =a(1+d)n =a(1+1n C d+2n C d 2+…+n n C d n )=a(Md+1),这里M=1n C +2n C d+…+n n C d n-1为正整数,所以a(Md+1)=a+aMd 是{a n }中的第aM+1项,证毕. ……………..18分 证法二:首项为a ,公差为d ( *,a d N ∈)的等差数列为,,2,a a d a d ++,考虑数列{}n a 中的项: 2,(2),(33),a ad a a ad d a a ad d d ++++++依次取数列{}n b 中项1(1)b a ad a d =+=+,22(2)(1)b a a ad d a d =++=+,233(33)(1)b a a ad d d a d =+++=+,则由2233a a ad a ad d <+<++,可知3212b b b b =,并由数学归纳法可知,数列(1),1n n b a d n =+≥为{}n a 的无穷等比子数列. ...18分(文)解:(1)由a 32=a 1a 5, ………………………………………………………………………..2分即(a 1+2d)2=a 1(a 1+4d),得d=0. ……………………………………………..4分(2) 解:a n =1+3(n-1),如b n =4n-1便为符合条件的一个子数列. ……………………..7分因为b n =4n-1=(1+3)n-1=1+11n C -3+21n C -32+…+11n n C --3n-1=1+3M, …………………..9分 这里M=11n C -+21n C -3+…+11n n C --3n-2为正整数,所以,b n =1+3M =1+3 [(M+1)-1]是{a n }中的第M+1项,得证. ……………….11分(注:b n 的通项公式不唯一)(3) 该命题为假命题. …………………………………………………….12分由已知可得111,,k m n k m n c aq c aq c aq ---===,因此,11k n k n c c aq aq --+=+,又122m m c aq -=, 故 1111()22(12)k n m k n k m k k n m c c c aq aq aqaq q q ------+-=+-=+-, …………..15分 由于,,k m n 是正整数,且n m >,则1,1n m n k m k ≥+-≥-+,又q 是满足1q >的正整数,则2q ≥,112121212210n k m k m k m k m k m k m k m k q q q q qq q q q ---+-----+-≥+-=+-≥+-=>, 所以,k n c c +>2m c ,从而原命题为假命题. …………………………………………..18分。
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1.已知 (a i)2 2i ,其中 i 是虚数单位,那么实数 a
【答案】 a 1
解析】因为 (a i)2 a2 2ai i2 2i ,所以 a2 1 2ai 2i ,即 a2 1 0,且
解析】因为{a2n1} 的公比为 q2
得 a1 3。
1 2
的等比数列,且 lnim(a1
1 4
,所以 lnim(a1
4.设双曲线 x2 y2 1的右顶点为 A ,右焦点为 F .过点 F 且与双曲线的一条渐近线平 9 16
行的直线与另一条渐近线交于点 B ,则 AFB 的面积为 .
a2n1 ) 4 ,则 a1
6.培养学生观察、思考、对比及分析综合的能力。过程与方法1.通过观察蚯蚓教的学实难验点,线培形养动观物察和能环力节和动实物验的能主力要;特2征.通。过教对学观方察法到与的教现学象手分段析观与察讨法论、,实对验线法形、动分物组和讨环论节法动教特学征准的备概多括媒,体继课续件培、养活分蚯析蚓、、归硬纳纸、板综、合平的面思玻维璃能、力镊。子情、感烧态杯度、价水值教观1和.通过学理解的蛔1虫.过观适1、察于程3观阅 六蛔寄.内列察读 、虫生出蚯材 让标容生3根常蚓料 学本教活.了 据见身: 生,师的2、解 问的体巩鸟 总看活形作 用蛔 题线的固类 结雌动态业 手虫 自形练与 本雄学、三: 摸对 学动状习人 节蛔生结4、、收 一人 后物和同类 课虫活构请一蚯集 摸体 回并颜步关 重的动、学、蚓鸟 蚯的 答归色学系 点形教生生让在类 蚓危 问纳。习从 并状学理列学平的害 题线蚯四线人 归、意特出四生面体以形蚓、形类 纳大图点常、五观玻存 表及动的鸟请动文 本小引以见引、察璃现 ,预物身类 3学物明 节有言及的、导巩蚯上状 是防的体之生和历 课什根蚯环怎学固蚓和, 干感主是所列环史 学么据蚓节二样生练引牛鸟 燥染要否以举节揭 到不上适动、区回习导皮类 还的特分分蚯动晓 的同节于物让分答。学纸减 是方征节布蚓物起 一,课穴并学蚯课生上少 湿法。?广的教, 些体所居归在生蚓前回运的 润;4泛益学鸟色生纳.靠物完的问答动原 的4蛔,处目类 习和活环.近在成前题蚯的因 ?了虫以。标就 生体的节身其实端并蚓快及 触解寄上知同 物表内特动体结验和总利的慢我 摸蚯生适识人 学有容点物前构并后结用生一国 蚯蚓在于与类 的什,的端中思端线问活样的 蚓人飞技有 基么引进主的的考?形题环吗十 体生行能着 本特出要几变以动,境?大 节活的1密 方征本“特节化下物.让并为珍 近习会形理切 法。课生征有以问的小学引什稀 腹性态解的 。2课物。什游题主.结生出么鸟 面和起结蛔关观题体么戏:要利明蚯?类 处适哪构虫系察:的特的特用确蚓等 ,于些特适。蛔章形殊形征板,这资 是穴疾点于可虫我态结式。书生种料 光居病是寄的们结构,五小物典, 滑生?重生鸟内学构,学、结的型以 还活5要生类部习与.其习巩鸟结的爱 是如原活生结了功颜消固类构线鸟 粗形何因的存构腔能色化练适特形护 糙态预之结的,肠相是系习于点动鸟 ?、防一构现你动适否统。飞都物为结蛔。和状认物应与的行是。主构虫课生却为和”其结的与题、病本理不蛔扁的他构特环以生?8特乐虫形观部特8征境小理三页点观的动位点梳相组等、这;,哪物教相,理适为方引些2鸟,育同师.知应单面导鸟掌类结了;?生识的位学你握日构解2互.。办特生认线益特了通动手征观识形减点它过,抄;察吗动少是们理生报5蛔?物,与的解.参一了虫它和有寄主蛔与份解结们环些生要虫其。蚯构都节已生特对中爱蚓。会动经活征人培鸟与飞物灭相。类养护人吗的绝适这造兴鸟类?主或应节成趣的为要濒的课情关什特临?就危感系么征灭来害教;?;绝学,育,习使。我比学们它生可们理以更解做高养些等成什的良么两好。类卫动生物习。惯根的据重学要生意回义答;的3.情通况过,了给解出蚯课蚓课与题人。类回的答关:系线,形进动行物生和命环科节学动价环值节观动的物教一育、。根教据学蛔重虫点病1.引蛔出虫蛔适虫于这寄种生典生型活的线结形构动和物生。理二特、点设;置2.问蚯题蚓让的学生生活思习考性预和习适。于穴居生活的形态、结构、生理等方面的特征;3.线形动物和环节动物的主要特征。来自1 2yy
4 3
4 3
20 3
1 (5 3) 10 10 .
21x , x
10 3
金太阳新课标资源网 【名师解析】上海市闸北区 2013 届高三上学期期末教学质量调研
考生注意: 1. 本次测试有试题纸和答题纸,解答必须在答题纸上,写在试题纸上的解答无效. 2. 答卷前,考生务必在答题纸上将姓名、学校、考试号,以及试卷类型等填写清楚,
并在规定区域内贴上条形码. 3. 本试卷共有 18 道试题,满分 150 分.考试时间 120 分钟.
2a 2 ,解得 a 1 。
2.已知 (1 px 2 )5 的展开式中, x6 的系数为 80 ,则 p
解析】二项展开式的通项为 Tk1 C5k ( px2 )k C5k pk x2k ,由 2k 6 得, k 3 ,即
T4 C53 p3x6 10 p3x6 ,因为 x 6 的系数为 80,所以10 p3 80 ,即 p3 8, p 2 。
a1 1 1
4 ,解
【 解析】双曲线的右顶点为 A(3, 0) ,右焦点 F (5, 0) ,双曲线的渐近线为 y 4 x ,过 3
点 F 且与 y 4 x 平行的直线为 y 4 x m ,则 m 20 ,即 y 4 x 20 ,由