To die down to become more quiet;to diminish,to subsideUsual subjects:feelings(excitement,nervousness,anger,love/hatred);natural events(storm,wind,fire);sounds(music,voices,noises)My anger at him has died down since he apologized to me。
After the storm,the strong winds died down。
The loud music died down after the police came。
To come about to happen,to occur;to be causedUsual subject:event(accident,death,failure/success,defeat);situations (problem,discussion,argument)This idiom is most often used in a How-Question,when we want to know the cause of somethingHow did the automobile accident come about?His success came about after he started working harder。
The argument came about because they were talking about politics。
To stand out to be noticeable。
To be prominent;to be clearly seenUsual subjects:color,tone,figure,shape,peopleWith this subject,there is a contrast with something else。
About idiomI. IntroductionIdioms include metaphorical phrases, slang, proverbs, allusions and habitual collocations, etc. The fixed phrases and short sentences always belong to this type; they become daily expressions gradually and are used quite often. Whether in grammar structures or collocations, idioms have their own usage, the connotations and the structures cannot be changed arbitrarily by the language users. Idioms are concise in structures and deeply philosophical in meanings. As a special form of the language, idioms have close relationship with customs and geographical environments; connect with historical backgrounds, economic life, religious beliefs, and social values. Like a mirror, idioms reflect the cultural features of the language.In English-speaking countries, idioms are heard and read everywhere from debates to everyday conversations .A good mastery of idioms becomes a significant symbol of a person’s command of the language. However, because of a low level of linguistic competence in the target language, people who learn English as a second language are at a distinct disadvantage in understanding English idioms. We must know the origins of English idioms so that we can learn English well.Idioms as a special form of language carried a large amount of cultural information, such as history, geography, religion, custom, nationality, psychology, thought pattern and so on, and therefore are closely related to culture. They are the heritage of history and the product of cultural evolvement. General speaking, English idioms came from society, culture and history; they included in everything and related to our society’s life and played an important role in culture. In this paper, I’m going to show the sources of English idioms, and then make a contrast between Chinese and English idioms, finding their differences and similarities in culture. In this way, we can easily study and understand English idioms for successful communication. To sum up, it is important to study English idioms, it is also necessary.II. The sourcesA. Idioms from living circumstanceLanguage is a reflection of one country’s cultural background. The natural environment including geographical position, climate, and ecological condition is something that plays contributory role in the formation of language. Certainly, their special way of living, thinking and behaving is formed as a side-product of their relationship with the environment.Idioms are closely related to people’s labor and life, people in particular culture need words to name and explain objects in their culture. Because Britain is an island country, people who live along seacoast and whose livelihood is dependent on the sea will have idioms about water, sailing, island and fish. For example, “to take the wind out of somebody’s sail”(先发制人) ,“at sea”(茫然), “to trim one’s sail to the wind”(见风使舵),“never offer to teach fish to swim”(不要班门弄斧),“full fish”(乏味的人),“sail under false colors”(欺世盗名)(庄和诚,2002. P572),etc. What’s more, climate, agriculture are also another factor in the living condition. While Britain is located in western hemisphere, with North T emperate Zone and marine climate, so “west wind” is the symbol of spring. The west wind blows from the Atlantic Ocean is warm and gentle, so that Britain abounds in rain can be proved in some idioms concerning rain: “to make hay while the sun shines”(趁热打铁), “to rain or shine”(无论如何), “rainy day”(穷困时期), “as right as rain”(非常正确)etc.The British people are good at hunting and fishing; they often use horses working in the field, so they made their way of life and made of production. There are many idioms from agriculture. E.g ,“beat around/about the bush”(拐弯抹角)(高凌,2002.10. p43)this from hunting, “a hard row to hoe”(难办的事情), “have all one’s eggs in one basket”(孤注一投), “put out to grass”(年老退休), “ride on the high horse”(盛气凌人), “feel like a fish out of water”(感到不自在).B.Idioms from religions and beliefsAs a cultural phenomenon, religion, which is the manifestation of cultures, is the vital part of human thought .Religion is an important source for idioms. Most of westerners are Christians, who believe that the world was created by God. They think that God is omnipotent and sacred. God, Christ, devil, Adam and some educational segments of the stories in Bible are passed down, because of people’s favor or even some historical and political causes, especially religious beliefs. Many British who believe in Christianity all read the Bible; therefore, numerous idioms have come into people’s colloquial speech, and have become mottoes. For example: “Judas’s kiss”(犹大之吻) from the Matthew, Judas, one of the Twelve, agrees to betray Jesus that the chief Priests counted out for him only thirty silver coins. A kiss as the betrayer had arranged a signal with the chief Priests. Jesus had crucified, and then died. So, Judas’s kiss means “with the best of intention or forsake. “Turn the other cheek”(甘受侮辱)from the New Testament, Jesus’advice: Resist not evil, but whosoever shall smite thee on thy right cheek, turns to him the other also. “Build up on the sand”(根基不牢)from the Matthew: “…and doeth them not, shall be likened unto a foolish man, which built his house upon the sand……”in it, “build upon the sand” metaphorical meaning is unstable foundation. There are quite a few English Idioms from religion. Such as: “Benjamin’s mess(最大的份额), “raise Cain apple of Sodom(金玉其表,败絮其中),“handwriting on the wall”(不祥之兆), “God preserve us”(神明保佑)(骆世平,2005. 2.2)etc.C. Idioms from historical allusionBritain as an ancient country passes a long history, which mainly comprises allusion, myths, poem, ancient books and records etc. Among them, allusion is the most important, it reflects the national characteristic. Idioms from history culture are the gems of human cultural heritage. It is worthwhile for us to learn them well. English idioms have their legends and anecdotes about historical figures which have provided rich and variedmaterials, and consequently give a national color to the idioms. It is necessary for us to learn and use the English allusion, it can enlarge our scope of knowledge, widen our field of vision, and it is useful to learn about the idioms’ origin. Maybe we can learn it by its historical events, fables, mythologies and literary works.1. Historical events and folk storiesIn most language, people embellish their speech or writing with references to characters or event from their history, that is to say, idiomatic expressions are closely related to a country’s history. English has a history more than thousand years and has some idioms from historical. For example: “to meet one’s Waterloo”(遭遇滑铁卢)is from the defeat of Napoleon at Waterloo in 1815,which means to be completely defeated. “Dunkirk evacuation”(敦刻尔克撤退)from the world War II and originally meet the retreat of the English-French troops forced by the German now, the expression means to retreat in disorder. “Columbus’s egg”(哥伦布竖鸡蛋),in the famous story of Columbus’s egg, the explorer, irritated at being told that his exploits were easy, challenged the guests at a banquet to balance an egg on its end, when all had failed, he succeeded by flattening one end by tapping in against the table, a trick that any would than have been able to repeat, its means repetition is easier than innovation.As we all know, Rome and Denmark once occupied Britain for a long time, so the conquest influenced on the Britain to a certain extent: “Six of one and half a dozen of the other”(半斤八两)came from Denmark, whereas “return to one’s muttons”(言归正传)and “do in Rome as the Roman’s do”(入乡随俗)are from France and Rome respectively. Of course, the history of mankind is almost the history of war, which is the source of numerous idioms, as is mirrored in the following: “What millions died that Caesar might be great”(一将功成万骨枯) ,“to put up the sword”(讲和)etc.We can’t sure that if the folk story is true or not, but as a part source of English Idioms, we would rather believe it is a true story, like “eat crow”(被迫认错) “fight like silken cats”(两败俱伤).There is an interest story told that one night, a wife hears a mouse sound in their room, so she asks her husband to drive mouse away, but the man says the door is so cold, he gets cold feel, he will not get up to do anything. In fact, the husband is not because the door cold, but also is afraid the mouse.2. Fable and mythologiesIdioms are usually closely related to distinctive cultural fables and mythologies. As a part of English idioms, though ancient fable stories are short and refined, they teach people many philosophic and educational theories while being narrated. They are also parts of the kindergarden education of children. E.g: “Sour grapes”(酸葡萄)—disparage something that is beyond one’s reach. The allusion is to Aesop’s well-known fable of the fox, which tried in vain to get at some grapes, but when he found they were beyond his reach, he went away saying, “I see they are sour”. “Grin like the Cheshire cat”(咧嘴傻笑),in a children’s story, there is a Cheshire cat kept smiling innocently, so people todescribe someone’s stupid smile as grin like the Cheshire cat. “Alice in wonderland”(幻想的)came from Lewis Carroll’s work Alice’s Adventure in wonderland.As we all know, Greek and Roman civilizations have a great influence on the English language, so the Greek and th e Roman mythologies have greatly enriched the English Idioms. Most English allusion came from the Greek Rome mythology. Le t’s take a glance at following idioms. “Achilles’ heel”(致命弱点)which is from the Greek mythology has the meaning: the one weak spot in a man’s circumstances or character”. “A Pandora’s box”(潘多拉魔盒)(骆世平,2005. 2.4.1)which means the origin of all evils, is also from Greek mythology. Another example, Hercules was one of the most famous heroes in Greek mythologies. He killed two snakes when he was a baby, and was known as a man of muscle. Because of this, he “walks” into the English idioms: “Hercules choice”(永存,不朽), “the Hercules efforts”(费九牛二虎之力), “the pillars of Hercules”(天涯海角). Aesop’s Fable have a greatly influence in English idioms, e.g: “Aladdin’s lamp”(能产生神奇效果的东西)came from Aladdin and the wonderful lamp in Thousand and one Nights. In the story, Aladdin gained a magic lamp and a ring that he was able to call all deities to do anything that he wanted. Another examples, “an open sesame”(芝麻开门)from AliBaba and Forty Thieves.3. .Literary worksMany popular western literary masterpieces have the classic words, phrases and sentences that attract people greatly. They are shaped to evolve the hidden meanings; they are also one of the main sources of English idioms. In English literature, Shakespeare plays a very important role, his dramas are the major source of this kind: “Applaud one to the echo”(掌声雷动)(卢思源,2006.),“die in harness”(因公殉职),“make assurance doubly sure”(加倍小心),“at one fell swoop”(一举,一下子),“have an old head on young shoulders”(年轻却有头脑),“to claim one’s pound of flesh”(割某人的一磅肉),“out of joint”(杂乱无章),“a horse of different color”(截然不同的事或人),etc. Besides the works of other famous writers also store a great many idioms: “a nine-day wonder”(昙花一现)appears in Troilus and Cressida written by Geoffrey Chaucer; “mind one’s eye”(当心你的眼睛)from Charles Dickens’s Barnaby Ridge; “the ugly duckling”(丑小鸭)is from Han Anderson’s tables; “Friday”(星期五)means faithful, is from Robinson Crusoe written by Daniel Defoe. Many English idioms were came from literary works with which we all familiarity.D. Idioms from traditions and customsCulture is long acquired from customs and habits. These customs and habits are representative of the way of living of a certain speech community and they are mirrored in the habitual speaking of the language. Food is one of the aspects of cultural tradition that are reflected in English idioms. In most European countries, bread, butter, jam, cheese, etc, are usual kind of food in daily meals. On the other hand, animals, sporting and daily life are also made so many idioms. So in English ,there are some idioms like: “bread and butter”(日常所需)(骆世平,2005. 2.6.3),“hard cheese”(倒霉), “to butter both sides of one’s bread”(过舒适的生活), “clever dog” means a clever boy or guy. “To help a lame dog over a stile”(雪中送炭) ,“love me, love my dog”(爱屋及乌),“dogdays”(伏天),“as strong as an ox”(很健壮) ,“birds of a feather”(性格不同的人),“in the money”(获奖),“off and running”(进展顺利),“chuck in one’s cards”(认输),“throw in the towel”(投降), “jump the gun”(抢先),“toe the line”(服从命令),etc. Others ,we can learn some new idioms from Walt Disney, for example, “Mickey Mouse”(米老鼠): Small, insignificant.III. ComparisonUsing language in such communication, we often come across some idioms with distinctive cultural characteristics. So it is a very importance and complicated thing for us to understand these idioms correctly. So, we should have a comparison between English and Chinese idioms through their differences and similarity.A. Differences between English and Chinese idioms1. Geographical difference.Geographical environment plays an important role in shaping one country’s culture and human beings have no choices and opacities to change the geography. As a result, idioms based on geographical features appear differences between different countries.Britain is an island country, which does not share land border with any other country except the Republic of Ireland. So, Britain people have a special passion for water. However, the most part of China belongs to inland place where people cannot live without earth. This made difference idioms in the two languages. For example, there is a Chinese idiom showing somebody being extravagant, “挥金如土”,but in English idiom is “spend money like water”;“Don’t cross the bridge till you come to it”(车到山前必有路), “between the devil and the deep sea”(进退维谷), “all is fish that comes to one’s net”(抓到篮里便是菜).2 . Conventional differencesOne nation’s custom is formed through a long history and firmly rooted in people’s mind. It is closely related to national psychology and acts as an important source of idioms. In different countries and nations customs drastically differ in various aspects. Due to that, a lot of idioms turn out with varied dress.Take food habit for example, cake has been a common food in English for a long history. On the other hand, dishes are common in China, so ,in English idiom “a piece of cake” is tell the same meaning like(小菜一碟)in Chinese. Other examples are related to the habitual way of working in the field. E.g.: Chinese say “力大如牛”while English say “as strong as a horse”.3.. Religious differencesNumerous idioms were generated from the function of religion. Religion which exists in every country and nation affects much in people’s belief and life, especially before the modern civilization. The people in different countries mostly believe in different schools of religion. Therefore some differences of idioms between Chinese and English can betraced back to the origin of religion. Religion played a key role in English society, especially before capitalization, innumerable idioms are originated from the Bible, such as “to put new wine in old bottles”(旧瓶装新酒)(庄和诚,2002,p447),“my God”(上帝), “to make one’s hair stand on end”(使人毛骨悚然), besides, the idiom “as poor as a church mouse”(一贫如洗)is also somewhat influenced by religion. Be different from Britain culture, Chinese culture evolved from Confucian School, Taoist School. There are traces of Taoist principles and Confucian principles in Buddhist doctrines. A large number of Chinese idioms can be traced back to Buddhist School. Such as “道高一尺,魔高一丈”(where God has his church, the devil will have his chapel), “临时抱佛脚”(seek help at the last moment), ”佛法无边”(the powers of Buddha are unlimited) (顾曰国,1997.9 p.285),”一尘不染”(as clean as Whistle)(徐栋良,高红,2004 p.6).B.Similarities between English and Chinese idiomsAlthough there are many differences between English and Chinese idioms origin, they also have some similarities. Sometimes, we can borrow them each other so that our communication would be changed frequently and easily. For example, as we all know, LiangShanBo and ZhuYinTai were lovers, but as foreigners, they don’t understand its meanings, maybe they don’t know about the story. How would we explain for them? In such condition, if we have borrowed their culture to introduce it, we can tell them like this: they are Romeo and Juliet in China. I believe that they can understand the love story without any difficulty. Others, “the emperor of Qin- Dynasty” j ust like “Caesar” in westerner. “Damon of Pythias”, which some men urge to translate it directly, while other men believe that translating it into men believe friendship unto death(莫逆之交)or friends who are willing to die for one another is better(刎颈之交). Because the majority of Chinese do not know Damon and Pythias, we can explain them into GuanZhong and BaoShuYa in Chinese may enable the Chinese easily to understand. “There are the Greek gifts for you”(希腊人的礼物) just like the similar Chinese idiom “the yellow weasel goes to his respects to the hen—with the best of intention (黄鼠狼给鸡拜年—不安好心),“Burn one’s boat” just like(破釜沉舟)in Chinese.。
Thank you!
橘红:jacinth ['dʒæsinθ]
猩红:scarlet red ['skɑ:lət]
铁锈红:rust red
枣红、紫红:purplish red
朱红:Vermilion [və'miljən]
cassock ['kæ sək] 袈裟
Vermilion [və'miljən] 朱砂
German: Social Democratic Party
United States: Labor Party
America: Republican Party
Specially meaning
• •
especially in Middle Ages in Europe
Back of dollars
Red flag
A symbol of dangerous !!!
Red in Idiom
出现怒容:turn red in the gills 残酷无情:red in tooth and claw 惹人生气的事:waving a red flag 知道危险或灾难降临:see the red light
• In the west
It stands for holy& royal& intelligent. Sometimes it related to religions.
The psychology about purple
• • • • Being strict to themselves. The mixture of red & blue. Red: passion→ many friends Blue: melancholy ['melənkəli] → sentimental. sensitive& susceptible
idiom 高中英语
idiom 高中英语Here is an essay on the topic of "Idioms in High School English" with the content exceeding 1000 words, written in English without any additional titles or unnecessary punctuation marks.Idioms are an integral part of the English language, and they play a crucial role in high school English education. These expressions, which often have meanings that cannot be deduced from the individual words that make them up, add depth, nuance, and color to the language, allowing students to communicate more effectively and understand the language more deeply. As high school students navigate the complexities of the English language, the mastery of idioms becomes a valuable asset that can enhance their academic and personal success.One of the primary reasons why idioms are so important in high school English is their prevalence in everyday communication. Idioms are ubiquitous in spoken and written English, appearing in everything from casual conversations to formal academic texts. By understanding and using idioms, high school students can better comprehend the intended meaning behind the words they encounter, allowing them to engage more meaningfully with thecontent they are studying.Moreover, the mastery of idioms can significantly improve a student's ability to express themselves effectively. Idioms provide a rich tapestry of linguistic tools that can add nuance, emphasis, and creativity to a student's writing and speech. Instead of relying on more straightforward, literal language, students who are adept at using idioms can convey their ideas with greater expressiveness and impact, captivating their audience and leaving a lasting impression.In the context of high school English, the study of idioms can also enhance a student's understanding of the cultural and historical contexts that shape the language. Many idioms are rooted in the experiences, customs, and beliefs of specific communities or time periods, and by exploring these origins, students can gain valuable insights into the social and cultural factors that have influenced the development of the English language.Furthermore, the study of idioms can be a valuable tool for improving a student's language proficiency and overall academic performance. Idioms are often used in standardized tests, such as the SAT and ACT, and a strong understanding of these expressions can give students a significant advantage in demonstrating their language skills. Additionally, the ability to use idioms effectively can enhance a student's performance in other academic subjects, as itallows them to communicate their ideas with greater clarity and precision.In the classroom, teachers can incorporate the study of idioms into their high school English curriculum in a variety of engaging and effective ways. One approach is to introduce idioms in the context of reading and writing exercises, where students can practice identifying, interpreting, and using these expressions in their own work. Teachers can also incorporate idioms into vocabulary lessons, helping students to understand the origins and meanings of these unique linguistic constructs.Another effective strategy is to encourage students to actively seek out and learn new idioms, either through independent research or through collaborative activities. This can involve creating idiom-themed projects, such as creating idiom dictionaries or presenting on the cultural significance of particular expressions. By actively engaging with idioms, students can develop a deeper appreciation for the richness and complexity of the English language.In conclusion, the study of idioms is a crucial component of high school English education. These expressions not only enhance a student's ability to communicate effectively but also provide valuable insights into the cultural and historical contexts that have shaped the English language. By incorporating the study of idioms into theircurriculum, high school English teachers can help their students develop a more nuanced and sophisticated understanding of the language, preparing them for success in their academic and personal lives.。
高中英语之巧记颜色俚语color idioms(课件)
(3)yellow 黄色
黄色是太阳公公的本色,它饱含智慧与生命力,让人显得年轻有朝气,它被认为是知识和光明的象征。黄色在英语和汉语中的引申含义差别比较大。在英语中,yellow可以表示“胆小、卑怯、卑鄙”的意思,例如: a yellow dog 可鄙的人He is too yellow to stand up and fight. 他太软弱,不敢起来斗争。 汉语中黄色一词有时象征低级趣味、色情庸俗的意思,如黄色电影、黄色书刊等。这些名称中的“黄”与英语中的“yellow”无关。能够表示汉语中这些意思的词汇应该是:pornographic、vulgar等。然而,英语中另一个颜色词blue却常用来表示汉语中这类意思,如blue jokes(下流的玩笑), blue films(黄色电影)等。
Yellow is often associated with happiness, optimism, and cowardice. Here are some common yellow idioms:Yellow-belly: coward胆小鬼Example: He was a yellow-bellied cowboy. He always ran away from a fight.Belly means stomach. If your belly is yellow, you are not brave. This idiom isn’t used as much nowadays as it was in the past.
brown sugar
brown nose
红色是一种热烈的颜色,它象征着鲜血、烈火、生命和爱情。红色的热情让人有一种勇敢的冲劲,它能鼓舞人的情绪。在我国,红色是火,是吉庆、热情的象征,但在英语国家的人眼中红色则意味着流血、危险或暴力。同时在英语和汉语中,红色有时可以完全对应,有时却大相径庭。红旗 red flag 红糖 brown sugar 红茶 black tea 红榜 honour roll 红豆 love pea 红运 good luck
透镜系列术语中英文对照单透镜Simple (Single) Lenses球透镜Ball Lenses歪像透镜Anamorphic Lenses圆锥透镜Conical Lenses柱状透镜,环形透镜Cylindrical & Toroidal Lenses非球面透镜Aspheric Lenses反射折射透镜Catadioptric Lenses绕射极限透镜Diffraction-Limited LensesGRIN透镜GRIN Lenses (Graduated Refractive Index Rod)微小透镜阵列Micro Lens Arrays准直透镜Collimator Lenses聚光透镜Condenser Lenses多影像透镜Multiple Image Lenses傅利叶透镜Fourier Lenses菲涅尔透镜Fresnel Lenses替续透镜Relay Lenses大口径透镜(直径150mm以上) Large Aperture Lenses (150mm) 复合透镜Complex Lenses红外线透镜Infrared Lenses紫外线透镜Ultraviolet Lenses激光透镜Laser Lenses望远镜对物镜Telescope Objectives Lenses显微镜对物镜Microscope Objectives Lenses接目镜Eyepieces Lenses向场透镜Field Lenses望远镜头Telephoto Lenses广角镜头Wide Angle Lenses可变焦伸缩镜头Variable Focal Length Zoom LensesCCTV镜头CCTV Lenses影印机镜头Copy Machine Lenses传真机镜头Facsimile Lenses条码扫描器镜头Bar Code Scanner Lenses影像扫描器镜头Image Scanner Lenses光碟机读取头透镜Pick-up Head LensesAPS相机镜头APS Camera Lenses数位相机镜头Digital Still Camera Lenses液晶投影机镜头Liquid Crystal Projector Lenses镜面系列术语中英文对照平面镜Flat Mirrors球面凹面镜,球面凸面镜Spherical Concave and Convex Mirrors 抛物面镜,椭圆面镜Off-Axis Paraboloids and Ellipsoids Mirrors 非球面镜Aspheric Mirrors多面镜Polygonal Mirrors热镜Hot Mirrors冷镜Cold Mirrors玻璃,玻璃/瓷面镜Glass and Glass-Ceramic Mirrors双色向面镜Dichroic Mirror金属面镜Metal Mirrors多层面镜Multilayer Mirrors半涂银面镜Half-Silvered Mirrors激光面镜Laser Mirrors天文用面镜Astronomical Mirrors棱镜系列术语中英文对照Nicol棱镜Nicol PrismsGlan-Thomson棱镜Glan-Thomson PrismsWollaston棱镜Wollaston PrismsRochon棱镜Rochon Prisms直角棱镜Right-Angle; Rectangular Prisms五面棱镜Pentagonal Prisms脊角棱镜Roof Prisms双棱镜Biprisms直视棱镜Direct Vision Prisms微小棱镜Micro Prisms滤光镜系列术语中英文对照尖锐滤光镜Sharp Cut (off) Filters色温变换滤光镜,日光滤光镜Colour Conversion/Daylight Filters 干涉滤光镜Interference Filters中性密度滤光镜Neutral Density Filters空间/光学匹配滤光镜Spatial/Optical Matched Filters双色向滤光镜Dichroic Filters偏光滤光镜Polarizing Filters排除频带滤光镜Rejection Band Filters可调式滤光镜Turnable Filter超窄频滤光镜Ultra Narrowband Filters色吸收滤光镜Absorption Filters红外吸收/反射滤光镜Infrared Absorbing/Reflecting Filters红外透过滤光镜Infrared Transmitting Filters紫外吸收滤光镜Ultraviolet Absorbing Filters紫外透过滤光镜Ultraviolet Transmitting Filters针孔滤光镜Pinhole Filters有色玻璃滤光镜Colored-Glass Filters塑胶滤光镜Plastic Filters 照像用滤光镜Photographic Filters全像滤光镜Holographic Filters微小干涉滤光镜Micro Interference Filters光学词汇Iris – aperture stop虹膜孔径光珊retina视网膜Color Blind 色盲weak color 色弱Myopia – near-sighted 近视Sensitivity to Light感光灵敏度boost推进lag behind落后于Hyperopic – far-sighted 远视Dynamic Range 动态围critical fusion frequency 临界融合频率CFF临界闪变频率visual sensation视觉Chromaticity Diagram色度图Color Temperature色温HSV Model色彩模型(hue色度saturation饱和度value纯度CIE Model 相干红外能量模式Complementary Colors补色Bar Pattern条状图形Heat body 热稠化approximate近似violet紫罗兰Body Curve人体曲线Color Gamut色阶adjacent邻近的normal illumination法线照明Primary colors红黄蓝三原色Color saturation色饱和度Color Triangle颜色三角Color Notation颜色数标法Color Difference色差TV Signal Processing电视信号处理Gamma Correction图像灰度校正Conversion Tables换算表out of balance失衡wobble摇晃back and forth前后clear (white) panel白光板vibrant震动fuzzy失真quantum leap量子越迁SVGA (800x600)derive from起源自culprit犯人render呈递inhibit抑制,约束stride大幅前进blemish污点obstruction障碍物scratch刮伤substance物质实质主旨residue杂质criteria标准parameter参数adjacent邻近的接近的asynchrony异步cluster串群mutually互助得algorithm运算法则Chromatic Aberrations色差Fovea小凹Visual Acuity视觉灵敏度Contrast Sensitivity对比灵敏度Temporal (time) Response反应时间rendition表演,翻译animation活泼又生气ghost重影Parallax视差deficient缺乏的不足的Display panel显示板NG.( Narrow Gauge)窄轨距dichroic mirror二色性的双色性的Brewster Angle布鲁斯特角Polarized Light极化光Internal reflection反射Birefringence 双折射Extinction Ratio 消光系数Misalignment 未对准Quarter Waveplates四分之一波片blemish污点瑕疵Geometric几何学的ripple波纹capacitor电容器parallel平行的他tantalum钽(金属元素) exsiccate使干燥exsiccate油管,软膏furnace炉子镕炉electrolytic电解的,由电解产生的module模数analog类似物out of the way不恰当pincushion针垫拉lateral侧面得rectangle长方形fixture固定设备control kit工具箱DVI connector DVI数局线Vertical垂直的horizontal 水平的interlace隔行扫描mullion竖框直楞sawtooth锯齿toggle套索钉keypad数字按键键盘tangential切线diagnostic tool诊断工具sagittal direction径向的cursor position光标位置ray aberration光线相差weighting factor权种因子variables变量for now暂时,目前.眼下check box复选框Airy disk艾里斑exit pupil出[射光]瞳optical path difference光称差with respect to关于diffraction limited衍射极限wavefront aberration波阵面相差spherical aberration球面象差paraxial focus傍轴焦点chromatic aberration象差local coordinate system局部坐标系统coordinate system坐标系orthogonal直角得,正交的conic sections圆锥截面account for解决,得分parabolic reflector拋物面反射镜radius of curvature曲率半径spherical mirror球面镜geometrical aberration几何相差incident radiation入射辐射global coordinate总体坐标in terms of根据按照reflected beam反射束FYI=for your information供参考Constructive interference相长干涉phase difference相差achromatic singlet消色差透镜Interferometer干涉仪boundary constraint边界约束,池壁效应radii半径Zoom lenses变焦透镜Beam splitters分束器discrete不连续的,分离的objective/eye lens物镜/目镜mainframe主机rudimentary根本的,未发展的photographic照相得摄影得taxing繁重的,费力得algebra代数学trigonometry三角学geometry几何学calculus微积分学philosophy哲学lagrange invariant拉格朗日不变量spherical球的field information场信息Standard Lens标准透镜Refracting Surface折射面astigmatism散光HDTV高清晰度电视DLV ( Digital Light Valve)数码光路真空管,简称数字光阀diffraction grating衍射光珊field angle角paraxial ray trace equations近轴光线轨迹方称back focal length后焦距principal plane主平面vertex顶点,最高点astigmatism散光,因偏差而造成的曲解或错判medial中间的,平均的variance不一致conic圆锥的,二次曲线field of view视野collimator瞄准仪convolution回旋.盘旋,卷积fuzzy失真,模糊aberrated异常的asymmetry不对称得indicative可表示得parabolic拋物线得suffice足够,使满足specification规格,说明书straightforward易懂的,直接了当的solidify凝固,巩固.Constraints 约束,限制metrology度量衡field coverage视场,视野dictate口述, 口授, 使听写, 指令, 指示, 命令, 规定irradiance发光, 光辉,辐照度aerial空气得,空中得halide卤化物的monochromatic单色的,单频的polychromatic多色的aspherical非球面的spherical球面的alignment列队,结盟power(透镜)放大率equiconvergence 同等收敛EFL(effective focal length)有效焦距workhorse广为应用的设备biconvex两面凸的global optimization整体最优化concave凹得,凹面得cylindrical圆柱得solid model实体模型Modulation Transfer Function调制传递函数in the heat of在最激烈的时候protocol协议,规定triplet三重态sanity心智健全zinc锌,涂锌的selenide 硒化物,硒醚miscellaneous各色各样混在一起, 混杂的, 多才多艺的versus与...相对polynomial多项式的coefficient系数explicit function显函数distinct清楚的,截然不同的emanate散发, 发出, 发源rudimentary根本的,未发展的intersection角差点PRTE=paraxial ray trace equation旁轴光线轨迹方程achromats 消色差透镜cardinal points基本方位separations分色片dashed虚线blow up 放大overlay覆盖,覆盖图multiplayer 多层的humidity 湿度float glass 浮法玻璃square one 出发点,端点square up to 准备开打,坚决地面对reflecting telescope 反射式望远镜diagnostic tools诊断工具Layout plots规划图Modulation transfer function调制转换功能FFT快速傅里叶变换Point spread function点传播功能wavelength波长angle角度absorption吸收system aperture系统孔径lens units透镜单位wavelength range波长围singlet lens单业透镜spectrum光谱diffraction grating衍射光栅asphere半球的LDE=Lens data editor Surface radius of curvature表面曲率半径surface thickness表面厚度material type材料种类semi-diameter半径focal length焦距aperture type孔径类型aperture value孔径值field of view视场microns微米F, d, and C= blue hydrogen, yellow helium, red hydrogen lines, primary wavelength主波长sequential mode连续模式object surface物表面The front surface of the lens透镜的前表面stop光阑The back surface of the lens透镜的后表面The image surface像表面symmetric相对称的biconvex两面凸的The curvature is positive if the center of curvature of the surface is to the right of the vertex. It is negative if the center of curvature is to the left of the vertex.如果曲率中心在最高点的右边,曲率值为正,如果曲率中心在最高点的左边,则曲率为负image plane像平面Ray Aberration光线相差tangential direction切线方向sagittal direction径向paraxial focus旁轴的Marginal 边缘的spherical aberration球面像差Optimization Setup最优化调整variable变量mathematical sense数学角度MFE= Merit Function Editor, Adding constraints增加约束focal length焦矩长度operand操作数theeffective focal length有效焦矩primary wavelength主波长initiate开始spot diagram位图表Airy disk艾里斑axial chromatic aberration轴向色差with respect to关于至于exit pupil出射光瞳OPD=optical path difference 光学路径差diffraction limited衍射极限chromatic aberration色差chromatic focal shift色焦距变换paraxial focus傍轴焦点axial spherical aberration轴向球差(longitudinal spherical aberration 纵向球差:沿光轴方向度量的球差)lateral spherical aberration垂轴球差(在过近轴光线像点A‵的垂轴平面度量的球差)coma、comatic aberration彗差meridional coma子午彗差sagittal coma弧矢彗差astigmatism像散local coordinate system本地坐标系统meridional curvature of field子午场曲sagittal curvature of field弧矢场曲decentered lens偏轴透镜orthogonal直角的垂直的conic section圆锥截面account for说明,占有,得分stigmatic optical system无散光的光学系统Newtonian telescope牛顿望远镜parabolic reflector抛物面镜foci焦距chromatic aberration,色差superpose重迭parabola抛物线spherical mirror球面镜RMS=Root Mean Square均方根wavefront波阵面spot size光点直径Gaussian quadrature 高斯积分rectangular array矩阵列grid size磨粒度PSF=Point Spread Function点扩散函数FFT=Fast Fourier Transform Algorithm快速傅里叶变换Cross Section横截面Obscurations昏暗local coordinates局部坐标系统vignette把…印为虚光照Arrow key键盘上的箭头键refractive折射reflective反射in phase同相的协调的Ray tracing光线追迹diffraction principles衍射原理order effect式样提出的顺序效果energy distribution 能量分配Constructive interference相长干涉dispersive色散的Binary optics二元光学phase advance相位提前achromatic single消色差单透镜diffractive parameter衍射参数Zoom lenses变焦透镜Athermalized lenses绝热透镜Interferometers干涉计Beam splitter分束器Switchable component systems可开关组件系统common application通用symmetry 对称boundary constraint边界约束multi-configuration (MC) MC Editor (MCE) perturbation动乱,动摇index accuracy折射率准确性index homogeneity折射率同种性index distribution折射率分配abbe number 离差数Residual剩余的Establishing tolerances建立容差figure of merit 质量因子tolerance criteria公差标准Modulation Transfer Function (MTF)调制传递函数boresight视轴,瞄准线Monte Carlo蒙特卡洛Tolerance operands误差操作数conic constant ]MC1"{_qT .ueg g圆锥常数astigmatic aberration像散误差Mechanical tilt机械倾斜,机械倾角Tolerance Data Editor (TDE)公差资料编辑器compensator补偿棱镜estimated system performance预估了的系统性能iteratively反复的,重迭的statistical dependence统计相关性sequential ray trace model连续光线追迹模型imbed埋葬,埋入multiple多样的,多重的,若干的Non-Sequential Components不连续的组件Corner cube角隅棱镜,三面直角透镜Sensitivity Analysis灵敏度分析Faceted reflector有小面的反射镜emit发射,发出nest嵌套overlap交迭outer lens外透镜brute force 强力seidel像差系数aspect ratio长宽比MRA边缘光线角MRH边缘光线高度asynchronous不同时的,异步Apodization factor变迹因子hexapolar六角形dithered高频脉冲衍射调制传递函数(DMTF),衍射实部传递函数(DRTF),衍射虚部传递函数(DITF),衍射相位传递函数(DPTF),方波传递函数(DSWM)logarithmic对数的parity奇偶% Uc,I e ,17]3NnoClongitudinal aberrations 纵向像差赛得系数: 球差(SPHA,SI),彗差(COMA,S2),像散(ASTI,S3),场曲(FCUR,S4),畸变(DIST,S5),轴向色差(CLA,CL)和横向色差(CTR,CT).横向像差系数:横向球差(TSPH),横向弧矢彗差(TSCO),横向子午彗差(TTCO),横向弧矢场曲(TSFC),横向子午场曲(TTFC),横向畸变(TDIS)横向轴上色差(TLAC)。
英文作文idiom英文,Idioms are an essential part of language and are often used in everyday conversations. They add color and depth to our communication, making it more interesting and expressive. Idioms are a group of words established by usage as having a meaning not deducible from those of the individual words. They are often culturally specific and can be quite confusing for non-native speakers.For example, the idiom "kick the bucket" means to die. If someone says, "I hope I don't kick the bucket before I turn 50," they are expressing a fear of dying before reaching a certain age. This idiom is not meant to be taken literally, and understanding its figurative meaning requires some cultural and linguistic knowledge.Another common idiom is "hit the nail on the head," which means to describe exactly what is causing a situation or problem. For instance, if someone says, "You hit thenail on the head with that analysis," they arecomplimenting the accuracy of someone's assessment. Again, this idiom doesn't make sense when taken literally, but it adds a vividness to the language.中文,习语是语言中不可或缺的一部分,通常在日常对话中使用。
L 10 V C Idiom, Proverb
seek help at last moment
The more illumination, the more temptation When God has his church, the devil will have his
III. Translating Idioms
Chinese idioms
Lecture 10
Verbal Communication
Learning Objectives
By the end of this lecture, students should be able to : 1. understand the cultural reflections on idioms.
VII. Practice
1.rain cats and dogs ----- rain very heavily 2.put one’s foot in his mouths/put his wallet in his coat---- someone blunders by saying something he shouldn't have done 3.face the music----realize the mistake; to accept the criticism,unpleasant consequence. the game---- to do something in a fair and honorable way.
III. Translating Idioms
English Translation lick somebody’s boots sit at somebody’s feet Chinese idioms
解释流行词语英语作文Title: Explaining Popular Idioms in English。
Introduction:Idioms are an integral part of language, adding color and depth to communication. They often carry meanings beyond their literal interpretations, making them fascinating elements of linguistic expression. In this essay, we will explore and explain several popular English idioms, shedding light on their origins and usage.1. "Break the ice":Originating from the literal act of breaking ice to clear a path for ships, this idiom now refers to initiating a conversation or social interaction to alleviate tension or awkwardness in a situation. For example, "I decided to break the ice by complimenting her on her outfit."2. "Bite the bullet":This idiom has its roots in battlefield medicine when soldiers would bite on a bullet during surgery to endure the pain without anesthesia. Figuratively, it means facing a difficult situation or unpleasant task with courage and resilience. For instance, "I knew I had to bite the bullet and confront my fear of public speaking."3. "Piece of cake":This idiom suggests that something is very easy to do. Its origins are unclear, but it's commonly believed to have originated in the United States in the 19th century. An example sentence would be, "Don't worry, passing the exam will be a piece of cake for you."4. "Cost an arm and a leg":This colorful idiom refers to something being extremely expensive. Its origins are debated, but it likelyoriginated in the mid-20th century. For instance, "Buying aluxury car like that would cost an arm and a leg."5. "Hit the nail on the head":This idiom means to describe exactly what is causing a situation or problem. It originated from the act of hitting a nail directly on its head, ensuring accuracy. An example sentence would be, "She hit the nail on the head when she identified the main issue in our project."6. "Jump on the bandwagon":This idiom refers to joining a popular trend or activity. It originates from political campaigns where politicians would ride a bandwagon to gain attention and followers. For example, "After seeing all my friends doing yoga, I decided to jump on the bandwagon and give it a try."7. "Spill the beans":To "spill the beans" means to disclose a secret orreveal information prematurely. Its origins are uncertain, but it may stem from an ancient Greek voting system where beans were used as ballots. An example would be, "I accidentally spilled the beans about the surprise party."Conclusion:Idioms are fascinating linguistic expressions that enrich communication by conveying complex ideas in concise and vivid ways. Understanding their origins and usage not only enhances language proficiency but also providesinsight into cultural and historical contexts. By exploring and explaining popular idioms like those mentioned above, we gain a deeper appreciation for the richness and versatility of the English language.。
英语 色彩相关词根
1. Chrom/chromat: 这个词根来自希腊语中的“chroma”,意为颜色。
2. Chromos/chromat-: 这个词根也源自希腊语中的“chroma”,意为颜色。
3. Color/col-: 这个词根来自拉丁语中的“color”,意为颜色。
4. Hue: 这个词根直接源自英语单词“hue”,意为色调。
5. Saturation/satur-: 这个词根来自拉丁语中的“satur”, 意为饱和。
6. Shade: 这个词根直接源自英语单词“shade”,意为阴影。
7. Tint: 这个词根直接源自英语单词“tint”,意为颜色。
8. spectrum/spectr-: 这个词根来自拉丁语中的“spectrum”,意为光谱。
idiomIdioms: Exploring the Richness of the Chinese LanguageIntroductionThe Chinese language is known for its rich and diverse idiomatic expressions. These idioms, also known as chengyu, play a significant role in both the spoken and written language. They add color, depth, and cultural context to conversations and texts, making them an essential part of Chinese communication. In this document, we will explore the origins, meanings, and usage of idioms in the Chinese language.Origins of Chinese IdiomsChinese idioms can be traced back to ancient times, with some idioms dating back thousands of years. Many of them come from ancient texts, such as poetry, historical records, and literary works. The origins of these idioms are often associated with historical events, folk tales, or philosophical concepts.The Structure of Chinese IdiomsChinese idioms typically consist of four characters, known as chengyu. Each character within an idiom carries its own meaning, but together they create a unique phrase with an entirely different significance. It is important to understand the individual meanings of each character to fully grasp the intended meaning of the idiom as a whole.Meanings and Usage of Chinese IdiomsChinese idioms are concise expressions that convey profound meanings. They are often used to describe a situation, express emotions, or convey moral lessons. Each idiom has its own specific meaning, and understanding them provides insights into Chinese culture, values, and beliefs.Idioms are extensively employed in both formal and informal settings. They can be found in literature, speeches, conversations, and even in daily life. Native speakers commonly use idioms to convey their thoughts, emotions, or opinions in a concise and compelling manner. Using idioms appropriately can greatly enhance the effectiveness of communication and strengthen the connection between the speaker and the listener.Variations and AdaptationsOver time, some idioms have developed variations or adaptations to suit modern language usage. These adapted idioms retain the original essence and meaning while incorporating contemporary vocabulary or situations. Such variations reflect the dynamic nature of the Chinese language, constantly evolving to keep up with the changing times.Learning and Appreciating Chinese IdiomsLearning Chinese idioms is an essential part of mastering the language. It not only widens your vocabulary but also deepens your understanding of Chinese culture. Just as learning idioms in any language helps non-native speakers sound more fluent, using Chinese idioms can make a conversation more engaging and enjoyable.There are numerous resources available to help learners explore and appreciate Chinese idioms. Chinese dictionaries often include explanations and examples of idioms. Online platforms and language learning websites offer interactive lessons and exercises dedicated to idiomatic expressions.Additionally, reading Chinese literature and engaging with native speakers can provide further exposure to the idioms in their natural context.ConclusionChinese idioms are a vibrant part of the Chinese language, encapsulating the wisdom, history, and cultural heritage of the Chinese people. They reflect the richness and complexity of Chinese culture and provide a unique insight into the language and its speakers. By understanding and incorporating these idiomatic expressions, learners of Chinese can enhance not only their language skills but also their appreciation for the Chinese way of life.。
崭露头角 英语短语
崭露头角英语短语English Idioms":Stepping into the Limelight: English IdiomsThe English language is a rich tapestry of words and expressions that have evolved over centuries to capture the nuances of human experience. Among the most captivating and versatile linguistic elements are idioms - those quirky, often metaphorical phrases that add color, depth, and personality to our communication. Idioms are the linguistic gems that allow us to step into the limelight of expressive language and convey our thoughts and emotions in a way that is both vivid and memorable.One of the most remarkable aspects of English idioms is their ability to transcend the literal meaning of the individual words that comprise them. Take, for example, the idiom "to let the cat out of the bag." On the surface, this phrase seems to be about a rather mundane act of revealing a secret. However, the true meaning of the idiom goes beyond the simple act of disclosure - it suggests an element of surprise or betrayal, as if the secret had been carefully guarded and its revelation was unexpected or undesirable.This transformative quality of idioms is what makes them so captivating and valuable in the realm of language. They allow us to move beyond the constraints of literal interpretation and tap into the rich tapestry of cultural references, metaphorical associations, and emotional nuances that give language its depth and versatility. By incorporating idioms into our speech and writing, we can elevate our communication, adding layers of meaning and expressiveness that would be difficult to achieve through the use of literal language alone.Moreover, the diversity and creativity of English idioms is truly astounding. From the whimsical "to let the cat out of the bag" to the more serious "to bite the bullet," the English language is brimming with idioms that draw upon a vast array of cultural references, historical events, and everyday experiences. These expressions not only add color and personality to our language but also provide a window into the collective consciousness of the English-speaking world.Take, for instance, the idiom "to hit the ground running." This phrase evokes the image of someone who is ready to take immediate action, to dive headfirst into a new endeavor with energy and determination. The metaphor of "hitting the ground running" suggests a sense of urgency, efficiency, and a refusal to waste time. By using this idiom,we can convey a wealth of information about a person's mindset and approach to a particular situation, all in a succinct and impactful way.Similarly, the idiom "to be on the same page" speaks to the importance of shared understanding and alignment in communication. The metaphor of being "on the same page" conjures up the image of people reading from the same script, working towards a common goal with a shared perspective. This idiom is particularly useful in professional and collaborative settings, where the ability to effectively communicate and coordinate is essential for success.The richness and versatility of English idioms is not limited to their metaphorical power, but also extends to their ability to capture the nuances of human emotion and experience. Consider the idiom "to have a chip on one's shoulder." This phrase suggests a sense of resentment, a lingering grievance that a person carries with them, often as a result of perceived injustice or mistreatment. By using this idiom, we can convey a wealth of information about a person's emotional state and their approach to interpersonal interactions, all in a concise and evocative manner.Likewise, the idiom "to be over the moon" speaks to the profound joy and elation that a person may feel in a particular situation. The metaphor of being "over the moon" conjures up images of soaringhigh, of experiencing a level of happiness and excitement that transcends the bounds of ordinary experience. This idiom allows us to express the depth and intensity of human emotion in a way that simple descriptive language often fails to capture.The power of English idioms lies not only in their ability to add color and personality to our language, but also in their capacity to bridge cultural divides and facilitate cross-cultural communication. Many idioms are deeply rooted in the cultural traditions and historical experiences of the English-speaking world, and by learning and using these expressions, individuals from diverse backgrounds can gain a deeper understanding of the nuances and subtleties of the language.Take, for example, the idiom "to let the cat out of the bag." This phrase is believed to have originated in the 18th century, when unscrupulous vendors would sometimes try to pass off a cat as a piglet by hiding it in a bag and selling it as a genuine piglet. The revelation of this deception was considered a betrayal of trust, and the expression "to let the cat out of the bag" came to symbolize the act of revealing a secret or exposing a deception.By understanding the cultural and historical context behind this idiom, individuals from different backgrounds can gain a deeper appreciation for the richness and complexity of the English language. Moreover, the use of such idioms in cross-cultural communicationcan help to build bridges and foster mutual understanding, as shared linguistic experiences can serve as a common ground for people from diverse cultural and linguistic backgrounds.In conclusion, the world of English idioms is a vast and captivating realm that offers endless opportunities for linguistic exploration and personal expression. From the whimsical to the profound, these linguistic gems have the power to transform our communication, adding depth, nuance, and personality to the way we express ourselves. By embracing the richness and versatility of English idioms, we can step into the limelight of expressive language and unlock new avenues for creative and effective communication.。
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What is this color?
blue red
green yellow
What color is it? You may guess with “Is it red/ blue…?”
What color is this bag? Is it…?
What color is this apple? Is it…?
I say U, and you say me !!
A: What’s this in English ? B: It’s an orange. A: Spell it, please! B: O-R-A-N-G-E.
A: What color is it? B: It’s orange.
red green blue black
a black jacket
A: What’s this in English? B: It’s aa…n apple A: What color is it? B: It’s…
a red apple
A: What’s this in English? B: It’saan…orange A: What color is it? B: It’s…
What color is it? It’s…
A: What’s this in English? B: It’s a pen A: What color is it? B: It’s…
a blue pen
A: What’s this in English? B: It’s a map
A: What color is it? B: It’s…
Home work
• 1. Copy the new words 4 times.
英语作文介绍一个短语类型Idiom is a type of expression that is widely used in English. It adds color and depth to the language, making it more interesting and engaging. Idioms often have a figurative meaning that is different from the literal meaning of the words used. They are like puzzle pieces that need to be deciphered to understand their true meaning.Take the idiom "break a leg" for example. This phraseis commonly used to wish someone good luck, especially before a performance or important event. It may sound strange to non-native speakers, but it is widely understood and accepted in English-speaking countries. The origin of this idiom is unclear, but it is believed to haveoriginated in the theater world, where actors would wish each other to "break a leg" as a way to ward off bad luck.Another interesting idiom is "raining cats and dogs." This expression is used to describe heavy rain. It may seem bizarre to imagine animals falling from the sky, but thisidiom is used to emphasize the intensity of the rain. It is a vivid and colorful way to describe a downpour and is commonly used in everyday conversations.One commonly used idiom is "barking up the wrong tree." This phrase is used to describe someone who is pursuing a mistaken or misguided course of action. It comes from the image of a hunting dog barking at the base of a tree where it mistakenly believes its prey is hiding. This idiom is often used to gently inform someone that they are lookingin the wrong direction or focusing on the wrong thing.Another interesting idiom is "the ball is in your court." This phrase is often used to mean that it is someone else's turn to take action or make a decision. It comes from the game of tennis, where the ball is hit back and forth between players. When the ball is in your court, it means that it is your responsibility to make the next move. This idiom is commonly used in business and personal situations to indicate that someone else is waiting for your response or decision.In conclusion, idioms are a fascinating aspect of the English language. They add depth and color to conversations and can be used to convey complex ideas in a concise and memorable way. From wishing someone good luck with "break a leg" to describing heavy rain as "raining cats and dogs," idioms are an integral part of everyday English expressions. So next time you hear an idiom, take a moment to appreciate the creativity and richness of the English language.。
Clothing IdiomsFood IdiomsGeography and Weather IdiomsSports IdiomsSports idioms generally originate from a specific sport such as baseball or sailing. Over time these phrases have come to mean something that can be used in everyday life. While most sports idioms can still be used when discussing sports, they are even more common in other areas of life, especially the business world. You can study these idioms just as you would any other vocabulary. Look at the model sentences and practise writing your own. When you think you have mastered all of the idioms, take thequiz and test your knowledge. More importantly, try using them at work, school, and social events. You will sound like a pro!Body IdiomsAnimal IdiomsEnglish IdiomsIdioms are fun and useful expressions that usually cannot be understood by defining the separate words.For example, if your host mother says, "I think it's time to hit the hay", she means, "I think it's bed-time"! You would not be able to understand her by looking up the words hit and hay. Like phrasal verbs, these expressions need to be memorized as a whole. Try visualizing them or drawing pictures when you study them. For example, draw a picture of a cow sleeping in some hay. The idiom out of the blue means "unexpectedly". Your teacher or homestay family will call you one smart cookie if you come up with an idiomatic expression like that when they least expect it!Most idioms don't seem to make any sense because their origins are so old. Some of them come from ancient literature or even classic films. Learning the background of idioms can help you to remember them.Try checking your dictionary or asking a teacher or native speaker if they know the origin. Remember, not all idioms are considered Standard English. Some English-speaking regions use specific idioms that other native English speakers have never heard before. You can find information about most expressions by looking them up online.Try studying these idioms by learning one list at a time. Or, use these lists to help you when you come across an idiom you don't understand. One important thing to remember is that the subject of the idiom doesn't usually relate to the meaning.。
I have always had a fondness for shorts, and this summer is no exception. The warm weather and bright sunshine make it the perfect time to wear my favorite pair of shorts. Heres why I love them so much:1. Comfort: Shorts are incredibly comfortable, especially during the hot summer months. They allow for greater freedom of movement and keep me cool when the temperature rises.2. Versatility: They can be dressed up or down, making them suitable for a variety of occasions. I can wear them casually with a Tshirt for a day out or pair them with a nice blouse for a more polished look.3. Stylish: There are so many styles of shorts available, from denim to chino, and even more formal options. This variety allows me to express my personal style while staying on trend.4. Practicality: Shorts are practical for outdoor activities. Whether Im going for a hike, a bike ride, or just a walk in the park, shorts provide ease of movement and are easy to care for.5. Color Options: I love the range of colors that shorts come in. From classic denim blue to vibrant hues like red or yellow, they add a pop of color to my wardrobe and can brighten up any outfit.6. Accessorizing: Shorts are great for showcasing accessories. I can pair them with fun socks, stylish sandals, or even a statement belt to complete the look.7. Seasonal Transition: As the seasons transition from spring to summer, shorts are a perfect wardrobe staple. They can be worn with a light jacket or cardigan when the evenings get cooler.8. Memory Making: Shorts are often associated with fun and carefree times. Whether itsa family barbecue, a day at the beach, or a picnic in the park, they are a part of many happy memories.9. Cultural Expression: In many cultures, shorts are a symbol of summer and leisure. They represent a break from the routine and a chance to enjoy the warmer weather.10. Economical: Lastly, shorts are often more affordable than other types of clothing, making them a budgetfriendly option for updating my summer wardrobe.In conclusion, my love for shorts stems from their comfort, style, and the joy they bring to my summer days. They are a staple in my wardrobe and a musthave for anyone looking to embrace the season.。
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1)red alert表示空袭,暴风雨来临时的“紧急警报”
2)a red letter day 大红喜庆的日子
3)red cap在英国指宪兵,在美国指车站搬运工
4)red carpet 原为“红毯子”,引申为“隆重,尊敬”
We gave the guests a red carpet welcome.
5)paint the town red指人们因喜庆而去酒吧或夜总会狂欢痛饮
6)When I see a man ill-treating a child, I see red.(发怒)
7)The policemen caught the thief red-handed.(当场)
8)When I mentioned it to her, she went red.(脸红,羞愧)
red letter days(纪念日,喜庆日子)
在西方一般指圣诞节或其它节日,因为这些日子在日历上都是用红色标明的,所以“red letter”的意思可以转译成“可纪念的、有纪念意义的、喜庆的”,
black letter days倒霉的日子
to paint the town red 狂饮,痛饮,胡闹
roll out the red carpet for somebody隆重欢迎
He was the first European head of the state to visit their country, and they rolled out the red carpet for him。
be in red 亏损
in the red 赤字
1)Jim is very green.(幼稚)
2)She was green with envy.(十分嫉妒)
3)What's wrong with you? You are looking green.(苍白)
4)green hand: 指没有工作经验的人,生手
5)be green : 嫉妒
6)green light : 许可,同意
have a green thumb擅长园艺
be green with envy 嫉妒
in a blue mood 和having the blues表示“情绪低落”“忧郁”“沮丧”“烦闷”;
在a blue Mon(倒霉的星期一)中,“blue”也表示类似的意思----过了愉快、幸福的周未,星期一又要上班或
如:it was blue Monday and he just didn’t feel like going back to work.倒霉的星期一,又该上班了,他真的不愿意。
在美国英语中blue book(蓝皮书)是刊载知名人士,尤其是政府高级官员名字的书。
1)blue collar workers(体力劳动者)
2)blue stocking (现用来表示女学者或女才子)
3)once in a blue moon表示very long time
1)white alert (解除警报)
2)white collar workers(脑力劳动者)
3)Susan sometimes tells a white lie.(无恶意的谎言)
4)Jack is white-livered.(胆小,怯懦)
5)We want two white coffees.(加牛奶的咖啡)
6)A motor-car would be a white elephant to him.(无用而累赘的东西)
7)He boasted a lot about his courage but when danger came he showed the white feather.(表现胆怯)
white war没有硝烟的战争,常指“经济竞争”。
White sale 大减价
White money 银币
White elephant 无用而累赘的东西
White crow 罕见的事物
The white way 白光大街(指城里灯光灿烂的商业区)
A white lie 善意的诺言
White feather胆怯
Black and White 白纸黑字。
如:白菜(Chinese cabbage)、白熊(polar)、白蚁(termite).但在另一些场合,白字与颜色毫无关系,表示徒劳(in vain)。
如:白费事(all in vain , a waste of time and energy),白送(give away, free of charge ,for nothing).此外,白字还可以表示“单纯的”“不掺杂的”。
如白开水(boiled water),白烧肉(plain boiled pork).在某些场合甚至很难概括出某种涵义。
如坦白(to confess,),白痴(idiot ).应当记住的是:“白”字并不都是“white”
1)black tea (红茶)
2)paint sb black (说某人坏话)
3)He gave me such a black look.(恶狠狠地瞪一眼)
4)He is a black-hearted villain.(黑心肠的)
5)His action toward his wife showed black ingratitude.(忘恩负义)
6)They went into black for their father.(哀悼)
7)I won't believe it unless I see it in black and white.(白纸黑字)
8)You can never believe what he says; he will swear black is white.(把黑的说成白的)
9)If Kate doesn't study harder, she will get in her mother's black book.(记过本,失去好评) call white black/call black white 混淆是非
black money 黑钱(指来源不正当而且没有向政府报税的钱)
in the black 盈利、赚钱、顺差。
Black and white 遍体鳞伤
Black sheep 害群之马
Black Friday 耶稣受难日,不吉利的星期五
Black lie 用心险恶的诺言
The pot calls the kettle black.五十步笑一百步。
1)do it up brown(把什么作得尽善尽美)
2)I left him in a brown study thinking over the question.(深思)
3)Aren't you brown!(晒黑了)
7.yellow alert(预备警报)
8.gray collar workers(服务行业的人员)
see red : 发怒,冒火
in the red : 亏损,负债
a red letter day : 重大,重要的日子
to feel blue : 忧郁,烦闷
till all is blue : 直到铭酊大醉,到极点
红白喜事wedding and funeral
白费力的事 a bad job
白送give away,free of charge
白做get small thanks for something
开门红to begin well,to make a good start
红光满面to be healthy and energetic。