The World Bank
世界银行—— 职能
信托基金与赠款 分析与咨询服务 能力建设
世界银行有三个限制条件: (1)只有参加国际货币基金组织的国家,才允许申请成为世界 银行的成员,贷款是长期的,一般为15-20年不等,宽限期 为5年左右,利率为6.3%左右。
(2)只有成员国才能申请贷款,私人生产性企业申请贷款要由 政府担保。
奥尔登·温希普·克劳森 1981年7月—1986年6月 巴伯·B·科纳布尔 1986年7月—1991年8月
刘易斯·汤普森·普雷斯顿 1991年9月—1995年5月 詹姆斯·沃尔芬森 保罗·沃尔福威茨 罗伯特·佐利克 1995年6月-2005年5月 2005年6月-2007年6月30日 2007年7月1日-2012年6月30日
1985年9月2日至7日,由中国政府与世行联合举办的“宏观经济管理 国际研讨会”在重庆开往武汉的“巴山号”旅游船上召开(简称“巴山轮会议”)。 会议讨论了宏观经济管理理论、计划与市场的关系、经济调控手段的运用等问题, 为中国的经济体制改革提出了许多建设性建议。 1985年10月25日,世行驻华代表处成立,林重庚为第一任首席代表。 1988年4月30日,中国正式签署加入世行集团所属的多边投资担保机构 协议,成为该机构第35个成员。 1992年10月21日,世行集团主要负责私营部门发展的机构--国际金 融公司在华设立代表机构。 1993年,中国年度利用世行贷款突破30亿美元,并连续多年成为世行最 大的借款国。 2004年5月,世行主办、中国政府承办的上海全球扶贫大会成功召开,中 国的发展和减贫经验受到广泛重视和关注。中国与世行合作探索减贫和发展道路、 为全球减贫和发展事业做出了重要贡献。 2007年,中国政府首次承诺向世行集团国际开发协会捐款3000万美元, 标志着中国由单一借款国向借款国和捐款国双重角色转变。 2008年2月,世行任命中国经济学家林毅夫为世行副行长兼首席经济学家。 这是世行首次任命发展中国家人士出任这一要职。 2010年4月,世行通过第二阶段投票权改革方案,中国投票权从2.77 %上升到4.42%,由第六位上升到第三位,成为仅次于美国和日本的第三大股 东国。
商务翻译(英译汉) Unit 9 The World Bank
10. This will be particularly true since energy pinch will make it difficult to combine agriculture in the high-energy American fashion that makes it possible to combine few farmers with high yields.
development, agriculture, and environmental and natural
resource management.
9. Interest in historical methods has arisen less through external challenge to the validity of history as an intellectual discipline and more from internal quarrels among historians themselves.
11. It is not that the scales in the one case, and the balance in the other, differ in the principles of their construction or manner of working but that the latter is a much finer apparatus and of course much more accurate in its measurement than the former.
世界银行排名英语资料The World Bank ranks countries based on various factors such as economic growth, income inequality, and environmental sustainability.In its latest report, released in July 2021, the United States topped the list, followed by China and Japan.世界银行根据经济增长、收入不平等和环境可持续性等多个因素对各国进行排名。
One of the key indicators used by the World Bank is the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) per capita, which measures the economic output of a country divided by its population.This indicator provides a basic indication of the standard of living in a country.世界银行使用的一个关键指标是人均国内生产总值(GDP),该指标衡量一个国家的经济产出除以其人口数量。
这一指标为评估一个国家的living standards 提供了一个基本的指示。
In addition to economic indicators, the World Bank also takes into account social and environmental factors when ranking countries.This reflects the organization"s commitment to promoting sustainable development and reducing poverty.除了经济指标,世界银行在排名国家时还考虑了社会和环境因素。
unit 22世界银行The world bank
The World BankInternational Bank for Reconstruction and Development(IBRD), also known as the World Bank(WB), is a specialized United Nations agency established at Bretton Woods Conference in 1944. 【布雷顿森林会议(Bretton Woods Conference):1944年7月1—22日,参加筹建联合国的44个国家的代表,在美国新罕布什尔州布雷顿森林的华盛顿山大旅社举行,为讨论和制订战后国际货币金融合作计划而召开的联合国货币金融会议(United Nation Monetary and Financial Conference)】A related institution, the International Monetary Fund (IMF), was created at the same time. The chief objective of the bank is to assist in the reconstruction and development of territories of members by facilitating the investment of capital for productive purposes.国际复兴开发银行(IBRD),又称为世界银行(WB),是联合国属下的一个专门机构,它是根据1944年布雷顿森林会议上通过的《国际复兴开发银行协定》成立的。
The bank grants loans only to member nations, for the purpose of financing specific projects. Before a nation can secure a loan, advisers and experts representing the bank must determine that the prospective borrower can meet conditions stipulated by the bank. Most of these conditions are designed to ensure that loans will be used productively and that they will be repaid. The bank requires that the borrower be unable to secure a loan for the particular project from any other source onreasonable terms and that the prospective project be technically feasible and economically sound. To ensure repayment, member governments must guarantee loans made to private concerns within their territories. After the loan has been made, the bank requires periodic reports both from the borrower and from its own observers on the use of the loan and on the progress of the project.世界银行只给成员国提供贷款,用于资助具体项目的目的。
世界银行贷款项目业务手册第一章概述一、世界银行简介世界银行(the World Bank)是联合国属下的一个专门机构,负责长期贷款的国际金融机构。
World Bank是根据1944年美国布雷顿森林会议上通过的《国际复兴开发银行协定》成立的,其宗旨是通过对生产事业的投资,资助成员国的复兴和开发工作;通过对贷款的保证或参与贷款及其他和人投资的方式促进外国和人投资,当成员国不能在合理的条件下获得私人资本时,则在适当条件下以银行本身资金或筹集的资金及其它资金给予成员国直接贷款,来补充私人投资的不足;通过鼓励国际投资,开发成员国的生产资源,提供技术咨询和提高生产能力,以促进成员国国际贸易的均衡增长及国际收支状况的改善。
世界银行与国际开发协会(InternationalDevelopment Association, IDA)、国际金融公司(International Finance Corporation, IFC)、多边投资担保机构(MultilateralInvestmentGuarantee Agency, MIGA)、国际投资争端解决中心(InternationalCentrefor Settlement ofInvestment Disputes, ICSID)五部分共同组成了世界银行集团(World Ban kGroup)。
At the same time that the International Monetary Fund was created, the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (the World Bank) was also established. The function of the Bank was to provide a mechanism for supplying for long periods of time - 20 or 30 years -- the foreign exchange needed to rebuild and develop economies. It was recognized that buying equipment from abroad provides a short cut to development, but that is impossible for a country without substantial exports to obtain the currency needed to buy such equipment. By offering long-term financing, the Bank was expected to accelerate the growth of economies in this category. The World Bank obtains the money it lends from three sources. When it was founded) members were required to subscribe to its capitalization. Each was assigned a block of stock in proportion to its Gross National Product. Ten percent of the subscription was to be paid to the Bank in cash, and the remainder was to be paid if the Bank needed it to cover its financial problems. The second source is private lenders The 90 percent of subscriptions served a guarantee for the Bank's own borrowing and enabled it to compete with the U. S. government, blue-chip private corporations, and other high-quality debtors in borrowing from the public. The money it obtained from borrowing was then lent to needy nations, in this way the Bank pledged the honor and the resources of all its members to repay loans to developing or war-torn countries, If the borrower defaulted, the Bank would first use up the money paid in by its member countries, then call on them to contribute more. A third source of money has since emerged--the "profits" from interest paid by borrowers from the Bank. By charging interest the money contributed initially by member countries, the Bank has succeeded in roughly doubling these contributions. By June 1976, the Bank had made over $42.9 billion in loans to 115 countries. Most of these loans have been for projects designed to improve the in structure and thereby encourage privately financed investments: primarily improvements in transportation, communications, and energy. Since the late 1960s, the Bank has expanded its activities to include housing, education, credit to farmers, irrigation, and a variety of other projects with more direct effects on individuals, particularly the very poor.[参考译⽂] 在建⽴国际货币基⾦组织的同时,国际复兴与开发银⾏(世界银⾏)也成⽴了。
世界银行介绍世界银行(World Bank)是世界银行集团的简称,由国际复兴开发银行、国际开发协会、国际金融公司、多边投资担保机构和国际投资争端解决中心五个成员机构组成。
接下来小编为大家整理了世界银行的介绍,希望对你有帮助哦!Until now, many developing countries and undeveloped countries, remains their special thanks to a bank for her urgent loans and high efficient job, which helping them out of the poverty famine and becoming to wealth. This is The World Bank . Her full name is International bank for reconstruction and development. It is a specialized united nations agency established at The Bretton Woods conference, in 1944. A related institution the international monetary fund(IMF) , was created at the same time. The chief objective of the book is to asset, on the reconstruction and development of territories of members by facilitating the investment of capital for productive purpose.Frankly saying the bank grants loans only to member nations for the purpose of financing specific projects. The sources of funds of the bank mainly come from subscription to capital shares. The bank’s working funds are derived from sales of its interest—bearing bonds and from profit on its own operations. It has earned profits every year since 1947.As same as many international financial agencies, The World Bank has her own affiliates. The former is The international finance corps (IFC) established in 1956 .The latter is international Development Association ( I DA) established in 1960.If one country want to get loans from The world bank .The express way that membership in the international monetary funds is a prerequisite for membership in the World Bank and itsaffiliates.In a word , the world will play a more important role ,especially in our Time.。
The World Bank和OECD的简介
The international institutions1.IntroduceThe world bank is the World Bank Group, consisting of five international bank for reconstruction and development, the International Development Association, the International Finance Corporation, the Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency and the International Cementum for settlement of investment disputes members; founded in 1945, opened in June 1946. Any country that participates in the world bank must first be a member of the international monetary fund. World Bank headquarters in Washington, the United States, has more than 10 thousand employees, distributed in the world's more than and 120 offices.2.The origins of the World Bank and OECD.2.1 The Creation of the World Bank and OECD.2.1.1 World BankThe world bank is trying to narrow the gap and transform the rich world's resources into economic growth in poor countries. As one of the world's largest development assistance agencies, the world banksupports efforts by developing countries to build schools and hospitals. Supply water and electricity, prevent diseases and protect the environment.2.1.2 OECDThe organization for economic cooperation and Development OECD (OECD), is an international economic organization consisting of 35 market economic countries, aims to jointly cope with the globalization of economy, society and government governance challenges and grasp the opportunities brought by globalization. Founded in 1961, currently a total of 35 member countries, headquartered in Paris.2.2 The Roles of2.2.1 World Bank(1) to assist Member States in their economic recovery and construction by encouraging investment in the manufacturing sector, and to encourage the development of resources in underdeveloped countries;(2) to promote private investment by means of security or participation in private loans and other private investments. When a member state cannot obtain private capital under reasonable conditions, it may use the bank's own capital or raise funds to supplement the deficiency of private investment;(3) in the provision of loan guarantees, it shall cooperate with other international loans.2.2.2 OECDIt is based on the policy and analysis, provide a thinking and discussion question place, to help governments to formulate policies, these policies may lead to member governments to reach a formal agreement, or in China or other international occasions. This role is very important for member states. This efficient mechanism begins with data collection and analysis, and develops into a collective discussion of policy.2.3 The development of the World Bank and OECD.2.3.1 World BankDecember 27, 1945, the world bank after theBenetton Woods conference was formally established.Banks have played an important role in the global policy arena. It has effectively engaged in conflict with partners and customers in complex emergencies after working in Bosnia after the East Asian crisis assistance center in the United States hurricane clean up after the earthquake in Turkey and in support of the Knossos and East Timor.Reconstruction remains one of the most important tasks of the world bank, and poverty reduction is still the primary goal of the world bank through inclusive and sustainable globalization.2.3.2 OECDIn January 11, 2010, Chile formally signed an agreement to join the organization for economic cooperation and development, make it become thethirty-first member country of the organization; at the same time, the organization for economic cooperation and development announced in May 10, 2010, Estonia, Israel and Slovenia agreed to absorb the new members, thenumber of members increased to 34. Chile is the first to join the OECD countries in South America, Israel is the second after Turkey joined the OECD countries in the Middle East, Estonia is the first to join the OECD countries of the former Soviet Union, Slovenia is the first to join the OECD countries of the former Yugoslavia. July 1, 2016, Latvia officially joined the organization for economic cooperation and development, to become its thirty-fifth member states.3.Aims of the World Bank and OECD4.3.1. Brief Description of the World Bank and OECD.3.1.1 World BankThe world bank provides long-term loans and technical assistance to developing countries to help them achieve their anti-poverty policies. The world bank's loans are used in a wide range of areas, from the reform of health and education systems in the construction of the environment and infrastructure such as dams, highways and national parks. In addition to financial assistance, the world bank provides consultancy and technical assistancein all economic development. Since James Mendelssohn became president in 1996, the world bank has focused on anti-corruption campaigns. Some people think that this practice violates the "non political" provisions of the tenth paragraph of the world bank agreement in section tenth". But the world bank, in the name of social economics, has repeatedly involved national reform and elections.3.1.2 OECDCoed's work approach includes an efficient mechanism that begins with data collection and analysis, and then develops into a collective discussion of policy, and then the decision and implementation. Through bilateral review, intergovernmental multilateral surveillance, and urges Member States to comply with the rules on parallel or reform, which is the core of the OECD in international commercial transactions such as "anti bribery agreement" in areas such as the effectiveness of the. The analysis made in the OECD information technology revolution contribution to economic development to provide the help for the government to formulate economic policy, and it is research on Causes and Countermeasuresof unemployment will help to bring political power policy measures to reduce unemployment. In the field of trade, such as trade in services, the OECD has carried out an important analysis and comprehensive work to promote the success of international trade negotiations.3.2 Original aims of the World Bank and OECD3.2.1 World BankTo some extent, the world bank is a lender. But the world's largest borrower is the driving force behind the rapid development of developing countries, such as China, India and other countries. The point is that they can borrow a lot of money from private investors in their own country.The world bank is also an aid to add to some of the poorest countries in the world. But these grants represent only a small portion of the funding provided by private groups such as developed countries, the Gates foundation and other institutions.At the same time, the world bank is also an investor to invest in emerging economies in Private Held Company. But these investments and can easily flow into the once regarded as compared to a lot of money in poor ordangerous places like a drop in the bucket.3.2.2 OECDThe aim of the OECD is to promote the economic and social development of member countries and to promote theEconomic growth; to help governments develop and coordinate relevant policies to improve members' living standards, finances is relatively stable; to encourage and coordinate members make efforts for assistance to developing countries to help developing countries improve the economy, promote the economic development of non members.4.Modification to and Achievement of the initial Aims.4.1 Modification to the Initial Aims.4.1.1 World BankAlthough many of the world's poor governments rely on the world bank to fund their development plans, the world bank is often criticized by critics of the "Geo colonialism" of globalization. Critics of these antiglobalization activists are the world bank's main, they criticized the world bank using a variety of structural adjustment measures to weaken the government's sovereignty, loan by pursuit of economic liberalism and weaken the role of the state.4.1.2 OECDAs leading economic indicators are highlyforward-looking, investors and policy makers prefer to follow these indicators. [6] from a global perspective, the most famous research is the leading indicator of OECD synthesis (CLI). The Paris - based international organization calculates the leading economic indicators index for 23 member countries and 7 different geographical regions (with a membership of in the OECD). These areas include all of the OECD region, the group of Seven industrialized countries, the North American Free Trade Area, the European OECD, the European Union, the euro area and the four largest European economies (see table 4.8). Although some countries have their own leading indicators, but the OECD index is very famous, and investment managers and policy makers interested in it.4.2 Achievement of the Initial Aims.4.2.1 World BankThe world bank and the United Nations have carried out cooperation in most areas and industries. Since the international community has adopted the millennium development goals, this cooperation has deepened.From February 10, 2017 the world bank office was informed that the bank's executive board has approved $100 million in loans to Shanghai province for development projects in rural communities inpoverty-stricken areas in the province, to increase the income of farmers.The bank maintains a strategic partnership with the New York representative in an active and forward-looking manner, and coordinates with the world bank's involvement in the affairs of the United nations. This substantive diplomatic dialogue ensures and promotes cooperation on issues of common concern, including cooperation in key areas of vulnerability, climate change, and human development.4.2.2 OECDOECD lowered global GDP growth forecast in 2014.Organization for economic cooperation and development (OECD) report released in November 19th showed that in 2014 the global GDP growth rate is expected to be reduced to 3.6%. After the OECD report in May, the project is expected to be 4%. The oECD said that the main reason for the downward adjustment is the economic situation in developing countries has gradually weakened trend. Meanwhile, OECD expects global economic growth of 2.7% in 2013.5.Impacts of the World Bank and OECD on the World Economy and the Global Trade.5.1 Positive Impacts of the World Bank in the World Economy.A World Bank report pointed out that from the second half of last year, the world economy will continue to slow down the trend in 2005 and in 2006. Oil prices continued to remain high, monetary tightening will lead to higher interest rates, with the last recession gradually fade out fiscal stimulus policies, and the real effective appreciation of25% factors, the high-income countries will weaken domestic demand and reduce the rate of economic growth. These factors, coupled with weaker demand in developed countries, are expected to reduce the rate of economic growth in low - and middle-income countries.5.2Negative Impacts of the WTO on the World Economy.Expected this year, next year, the year after the global economic growth will slow to 3.1%, 3.1% and 3.2%; high income countries the United States, Japan and Europe will slow to 2.4%, 2.6% and 2.6%; developing countries the growth rate will fall to 5.7%, 5.2% and 5.4%. Among them, the East Asian region will only be reduced to 7.4%, 6.9% and 7.2%, is still a leading position in the world.5.3 Positive Impacts of the World Bank on the Global Trade.The world's biggest threat to the global financial system is that global investors take advantage of the low interest rates to carry out arbitrage trading. Central banks should raise interest rates gradually to reduce theattractiveness of high-risk companies and emerging market investment instruments, reduce financial market volatility. The Fed should raise the federal funds rate to a maximum of 4% by the end of 2005.5.4Negative Impacts of the World Bank on the Global Trade.The world bank said that the policy will ease of global imbalances, expanding demand for the dollar, and reduce the pressure of inflation in the developing countries, to reduce the possibility of the sharp devaluation of the rapid increase in the interest rate or. If the economy is weak than expected, so in order to reduce the negative effects caused by the weak economy, even if the output and revenue growth slowed down significantly and interest rates rise, developing countries should ensure that debt and expenditure in the financial scope.5.5 Positive Impacts of the OECD on the World Economy.The organization for economic cooperation and development countries (OECD country) currently has 34 members, these countries have three main functions: the tax levy tax to increase public expenditure, promote theeconomic efficiency of the development, and the redistribution of income and wealth to the people in need. Tax revenue can be increased by changing the tax base or regulating the tax rate, thereby promoting economic growth. On the one hand, reduce the tax rate to increase the deposit, investment and production efficiency, make the economy more efficient; on the other hand, high income groups more taxes can reduce social inequality, making the tax system more reasonable. Therefore, tax is not only related to the efficiency of economic growth, but also related to social equity.5.6 Negative Impacts of the IMF on the World Economy.Talking about the European economy, OECD said that the European Central Bank (ECB) policy must be maintained in a very relaxed state, the euro zone increased the risk of deflation, but also urged the European Central Bank to implement the policy of negative interest rates and asset purchases are open.5.7 Positive Impacts of the IMF on the Global Trade.The first is to improve the modern value added tax system, to promote the production of factors in countries with low barriers or obstacles, improve productivity, promote economic globalization and common prosperity. Two are to deepen international tax reform, accelerate the implementation of the results of G20 tax reform, tax fairness, to prevent the emergence of new harmful tax competition. Three are to strengthen international tax cooperation, establish and improve the legal framework for multilateral tax cooperation, deepen pragmatic cooperation and to promote economic inclusive growth.5.8 Negative Impacts of the IMF on the Global Trade.Overall, according to the report, the revised overall index of the OECD region has remained at 100.5 since October 2013 for the first time in 9 months. The group of seven leading index from January 2014 to May remained at 100.6 points. In June fell slightly to 100.5 points. The revised overall index in the euro area has increased from October 2012 to June 2014, reaching 101 points in February 2014, and continued to show a steady economic growth in the euro area. Reported that the Frencheconomic growth momentum continues to stabilize, Italy's economy continues to show an upward inflection point, while the leading German economic index since February 2014 fell month by month, showing a slight slowdown in growth.6.ConclusionThe World Bank and OECD area very important two international organizations, their every move will have a considerable impact on the world pattern.。
The World Bank and The International Monetary …:世界银行和国际货币…精品文档
Pound suffered from heavy inflation IMF issues$3.9 Billion Stipulations of Loan:
financial system by following the economic policies of its 185 member nations Particularly focuses on exchange rates, facilitating development, reducing poverty, and global cooperation. Also offers financial and technical assistance to its members using funds deposited with the IMF from member nations Last resort international lender
Calculated daily on the basis of exchange rates quoted at noon each day in the London Market
◦ General ◦ Special One-Time SDRs
Financial Crises and the IMF
◦ Foreign investing, US, China, defaulting on debt, depreciation, and bankruptcies
The personnel system of the World Bank(世行的人事制度)The regulations on the personnel system of the world bank are rather complicated, including both the characteristics of international multilateral institutions and the western management concepts. Limited by space and capacity, several aspects are briefly described as follows:Global human resources"The globalization and diversification of human resources is one of the prominent characteristics of the human resources of the world bank. The world bank believes that a diverse workforce will help attract talent broadly, reflect the representation of global members and absorb ideas about poverty reduction and development. According to the statistics published in 2009, around the world bank has approximately 14 thousand employees from 165 countries, which accounted for 63% in the Washington headquarters staff, accounting for 37% of worldwide office staff; staff from developing countries accounted for 62% of the staff of the world bank, for senior management and technical positions in the proportion of 47%; 28 senior management personnel, 13 people from developing countries, 9 were female and 3 from sub Saharan africa.The world bank emphasized the importance of human resource globalization and diversification, on the one hand it reflects your internal demand for international multilateral organizations, on the other hand also from members of the employment requirements of external pressure own staff. Judging from the effect of actual operation, the globalization of human resources policy has indeed attracted a large numberof talents from the world bank, and the overall staff quality is higher. But at the same time, we must see is the world bank staff who come from all over the world, but generally studying in Europe and other developed countries, education background, and to work at the world bank years later possible as the management and senior professional and technical positions. Similar educational background and long-term working environment, even employees from different countries, have great similarity in basic values, thinking logic, development and other issues. In other words, the globalization of human resources policies of the world bank does play a role in recruiting talent, but the representative of the global membership is only reflected in the statistics, the world bank's internal culture and the mainstream view on development is still in the western developed countries, cultural theory and experience based.Simplified employee hierarchyLike many commercial banks in the world, the world bank also implements an employee hierarchy. The current system of staff level of World Bank in July 1999 to amend the implementation, from the grassroots to the executive vice president is divided into 11 levels, respectively, using GA to GK, which GA to GD (Administrative and ClientSupportNetwork, assistant to GG GE, referred to as ACS) for non management professional and technical personnel, GH and GI for middle and the grass-roots management personnel and senior professional and technical personnel, GJ and GK for senior management. The governor is not governed by the system.From all levels of staff ratio, staff structure of the World Bank show "pit shaped two small, the middle", which is the largest proportion of professional and technical personnel for the middle position of the GF and GG level, accounting for 49.2% of the total number of employees, auxiliary personnel accounted for about 21% of the grass-roots Management (offices and senior manager) professional and technical staff accounted for 17.1%, middle managers (secretary) ratio of 2.9%.The world bank's current staff rating system, from the bottom of the secondary posts to senior management positions, a total of only 11 levels, the structure is relatively simple. The world bank believes that the differences in the content of different jobs are actually very difficult to classify very well. Simplifying the hierarchical structure will help reduce the level of organization and flatten the organizational structure. In addition, the hierarchical structure is relatively simple, by the business offices manager decides the specific job level, help to improve the level of employee system use effect.A distinct remuneration packageAccording to the average income level and the cost of living in the workplace, the world bank's staff salaries vary greatly from country to country,Local and non local employees of the same country office also differ slightly. The salary and benefits of employees are linked with their seniority, but they can fluctuate within a certain range according to their qualifications and performance. After the end of each fiscal year, the officemanager is responsible for the performance evaluation of staff. According to the results of the assessment, employees can receive no more than 5% of the salary increase, but the total amount is not higher than the floating ceiling. In addition, according to inflation, human resources, market prices and other factors, the world bank will also adjust the overall remuneration standards each year. For example, the world bank Washington headquarters staff at all levels of fiscal year 2010 salary standards than in fiscal year 2009 increased by 0.7% to 4.5% range.The table reflects the salaries and benefits of World Bank headquarters staff in fiscal year 2009. In the table of benefits including pension plans to pay the amount of years, annual leave (minimum annual world bank employees enjoy 208 hours of paid holidays, according to each working day of 8 hours, the equivalent of 26 working days), medical, life and disability insurance, free skills training etc..From the table we can see several characteristics of World Bank salary: non wage benefits accounted for a higher proportion of salary and welfare, close to 32%; between all levels of employee salary differences, between two adjacent level at least is 16%, the maximum difference of 38%, senior management (GK) and (GA) the most grass-roots staff the income gap is up to 10 times; GE to GI levels between the differential (28%-38%) was significantly higher than that of GA to GD levels between the differential (16%-26%) etc..The world bank pay and welfare levels vary greatly, reflecting the respect for employees' differences of ability, can play arole in motivating employees to progress, a higher proportion of non wage benefits is conducive to stabilizing the workforce. Objectively speaking, compared to the general income level with the local wage income, directly to the headquarters of the world bank staff schedule is not high, but the world bank work is relatively stable, respected, daily work pressure is small, there is little risk of layoffs, non US citizens do not need to pay individual income tax in accordance with the laws of the United States, enjoy non wage benefits and other factors considerable, world bank staff salary is quite good, this is also the world bank has been able to attract a large number of outstanding talents of the important reasons.Reflect the difference between hiring and hiring proceduresThe world bank has different hiring and hiring procedures for support personnel (GA to GD), non management professionals (GE to GG) and management personnel (GH to GI).The procedures employed auxiliary personnel for the employer (business offices) is proposed for human needs and requirements, decided to take in the recruitment or open recruitment; the personnel department approved qualifications, recruitment information disclosure; interview personnel determine the long list of the personnel department; the employer determines the interview short list, organize interviews, selected recruitment personnel, negotiate the contract (offer) etc..Non management professional and technical personnel hiring procedures and assistant personnel employment procedures are basically the same, the difference is that the selectedpersonnel employed the employer, by the personnel department is responsible for the contract negotiation, the formalities of employment and wage negotiations.The management personnel employed in two ways: competitive recruitment (CompetitiveProcess) and(Non-competitiveStrategicReassignment) program, appointed directly employ professional and technical personnel of the former program and non management almost, the latter is by the president or vice president and executive vice president in charge of the relevant departments of the regional network or directly appointed after consultation.In terms of personnel selection and employment standards, the world bank has a clear and clear standard of employment. The world bank has divided its internal jobs into 18 series (jobfamily), and for each of the different levels of the series, the world bank has developed specific targeted post standards. In the aspect of system design,The selection and hiring procedures of the world bank embody the principles of setting up posts, selecting jobs and treating people differently, focusing on selecting and employing procedures and matching the ability of employing personnel to match the responsibilities and features of the posts. For example, GA to GD for supporting jobs, mainly responsible for the relatively simple Secretarial Assistant and operational work, educational background of this kind of men is relatively low, the principle of high school graduation can, salary is relatively low; GE to GH for professional and technical personnel, and promote the completion of the project is theWorld Bank the subject, therefore higher requirements for their educational and professional backgrounds, pay to be relatively high.Flexible employment systemIn the world bank, employees have various identities, which reflect the flexible and diverse employment system of the world bank.From the term of engagement contract, there are generally three cases of employees of the World Bank: long term contracts (Open-endedTerm), contracts for extension (ExtendedTerm or RenewableTerm) and short-term contracts (ShortTerm). In recent years, the long-term contracts of the world bank have been reduced in order to motivate employees, and more and more contracts have been postponed.In addition, there is the primary occupation plan (JuniorProfessionalAssociate, referred to as YPA), the purpose is to provide occupation training, under the age of 28 college graduates in a period of two years after the expiration of two years to the world bank to leave again by the world bank appointment; trainee training program (SecondmentProgram), mainly for members of the government to offer training opportunities for interns; (InternshipProgram), the main research oriented undergraduate and students offers a summer internship opportunities.The "identity" of the staff, holding long-term contracts and deferred contract employees for professional and technicalpersonnel and management personnel, is relatively stable, the world bank staff constitute the backbone; other personnel is mainly engaged in the support, technical advice and short-term research work, a large number of however, greater mobility, salary is relatively low. Through this arrangement, the world bank has maintained a relatively stable body of staff, but also have a certain flow and exchange, which can provide human resources training and output of knowledge and influence, but also can use relatively cheap labor.Young professionals programIntroducing the personnel system of the world bank can not be mentioned without reference to the youth professional programme. This is a unique form of talent recruitment and training for the world bank, targeting young people under the age of 32 who are prominent in their educational backgrounds, career achievements, and leadership skills. These people after graduating from school, after a special screening program into the world bank, and then entered into a two-year training period, during which the world bank will take them assigned to different departments to exercise, and assign special personnel to their work and occupation development guidance. After successful completion of the two-year training period, they usually receive long-term contracts or 5 year extension contracts. The program faces 30-40 people worldwide each year. In order to reflect the globalization and diversity of employees, the allocation of admission places will take into account the balance of the country. However, from the practical point of view, students from developing countries often have to study in Europe and America, it is possible to be admitted. As a kindof planned mechanism for personnel training, youth occupation plan for the world bank to cultivate the backbone of a considerable amount of reserve and management team, including deputy governor, and a large number of senior management are first through the youth occupation plan to enter the world bank.Performance (Performance)What is performance?The word "performance" comes from management, and different people have different understanding of performance. Some people believe that performance means the efficiency and effectiveness of a job. Some people believe that performance is the kind of work, behavior, method, and outcome that is evaluated;More people think that performance is the result of employees' work, and it is an effective and contributive part of enterprise's goals. It is often used in the research and evaluation of human resources in the management of enterprises.Performance is the effective output of organizations at different levels in order to achieve their goals.To sum up: performance is the combination of achievement and effectiveness, and is the objective behavior of work behavior, mode, result and the objective effect in a certain period. In an enterprise, employees' performance is embodied in quantity, quality, cost, and other contribution to the enterprise.Characteristics of performanceIt has many factors, such as multi dimension, multi dimension and dynamic.1, multifactorialBecause of the impact of that is a person's performance depends on many factors, including the external environment, opportunities, personal IQ, EQ and it has the skills and knowledge structure, and enterprise incentive factors.2, multidimensionalMultidimensional is to say that a person's performance should be analyzed from several aspects and perspectives. In order to obtain more reasonable, objective and easy to accept results.3, dynamicDynamic, that is, the performance of a person varies with time and position.。
帝秀女性网 TheWorldBank世界银行(注解)_英语题库New Words full adj.reconstruction n.function n.mechanism n.rebuild n.; n.cut n.substantial adj.financing n.accelerate v.category n.source n.found vi.subscribe v.capitalization n.assign vt.block n.stock n.proportion n.subscription n.cover vt.private adj.lender n.guarantee n. corporation n.debtor n.needy adj.的pledge vt.押honor n.resource n.default vi.contribute v.emerge vi.charge vt.initially adv.roughly adv.double vt. design v.improve v.infrastructure n.单词完全的,完整的重建,改造功能,作用,职责机构,机制重建补给,供给,提供装备,设备,器材通道真实的,非想象的筹措资金,融资加速,促进种类,范畴来源成立捐款资本化,资本总额分配,指派一组;一批;一套股票,股份比例捐款处理;对待私人的,私有的,私营的出借人,贷方保证,担保,抵押品法人,公司,<美>有限公司债务人非常贫穷的,缺乏生活必需品的保证,抵押荣誉,光荣资源,财力未履行;拖欠捐助,捐献显现,形成索价,要价最初,开始概略地,粗糙地使加倍设计,谋划,构思改善,改进基础设施Phrases and Expressions World Bank International Bank for Reconstruction and Development a short cut a block of stock in proportion Gross National Product(GNP)in cash remainder war-torn use up member countries high-quality debtors call on direct effect短语与词组世界银行国际复兴与开发银行捷近一定份额的股份按比例国民生产总值用现金剩余的,出售剩余的值钱的;业绩优良的遭受战争创伤的用光,耗尽成员国;会员国信誉可靠的贷款者号召;要求直接影响。
商务翻译(英译汉) Unit 9 The World Bank[精]
【Tips for Translation】
重心的转移 —— 长句与难句(二) (接上一单元) 8. Science moves forward, they say, not so much through the insights of great men of genius as because of more ordinary things like improved techniques and tools. 【结构分析】此句中的主要结构涉及not so的固定表达,意为:“与其 说……不如说……”。 【参考译文】一些新学派科学家说,科学的 发展与其说起源于伟大天才的真知灼见不如说 是由于改进了的技术和工具等更为普通的事物。
11. It is not that the scales in the one case, and the balance in the other, differ in the principles of their construction or manner of working but that the latter is a much finer apparatus and of course much more accurate in its measurement than the former.
The IBRD aims to reduce poverty in middle-income and
creditworthy poorer countries, while IDA focuses on the world’s
poorest countries.
Together, we provide low-interest loans, interest-free
根据世界银行的宗旨,其主要业务活动是, 对发展中成员国提供长期贷款对成员国政 府或经政府担保的私人企业提供贷款和技 术援助,资助他们兴建某些建设周期长, 利润率偏低,但又为该国经济和社会发展 所必需的建设项目。
国际货币基金组织 (the International Monetary Fund,IMF),是 政府间的国际金融组织。它是根据1944年7月在 美国新罕布什尔州布雷顿森林召开联合国和联盟 国家的国际货币金融会议上通过的《国际货币基 金协定》而建立起来的。于1945年12月27日正 式成立,1947年3月1日开始办理业务。同年11 月15日成为联合国的一个专门机构,但在经营上 有其独立性。至今,IMF已有182个成员。
基金组织设5个地区部门(非洲、亚洲、欧洲、中东、西 半球)和12个职能部门(行政管理、中央银行业务、汇 兑和贸易关系、对外关系、财政事务、国际货币基金学 院、法律事务、研究、秘书、司库、统计、语言服务 局)。其宗旨是作为一个常设机构在国际金融问题上进 行协商与协作,促进国际货币合作;促进国际贸易的扩 大和和平衡发展;促进和保持成员国的就业,生产资源 的发展和实际收入的高水平;促进国际汇兑的稳定,在 成员国之间保持有秩序的汇价安排,防止竞争性的货币 贬值;协助成员国在经常项目交易中建立多边支付制定, 消除妨成员国临时提供普通资金,使其纠正国际收支的 失调,而不采取危害本国或国际繁荣的措施,缩短成员 国国际收支不平衡的时间,减轻不平衡的程度。
国际复兴开发银行(the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development)简称为世界银行 (the World Bank),它是联合国属下的一个专门机构, 负责长期货款的国际金融机构。World Bank是根据19 44年美国布雷顿森林会议上通过的《国际复兴开发银 行协定》成立的。其宗旨是通过对生产事业的投资,资 助成员国的复兴和开发工作;通过对贷款的保证或参与 贷款及其他和人投资的方式促进外国和人投资,当成员 国不能在合理的条件下获得私人资本时,则在适当条件 下以银行本身资金或筹集的资金及其它资金给予成员国 直接贷款,来补充私人投资的不足;通过鼓励国际投资, 开发成员国的生产资源,提供技术咨询和提高生产能力, 以促进成员国国际贸易的均衡增长及国际收支状况的改 善。
the World Bank
• The governors delegate(委派...为代表) specific duties to 25 Executive Directors(执行董事),who work on-site at the Bank.The five largest shareholders,France,Germany,Japan,the United Kingdom and the United States appoint an executive director,while other member countries are represented by 20 elected executive directors. • The World bank president is nominated by US President and elected by the World Bank board of Governors.
IBRD:Internatinal Bank for Reconstruction and Development国际复兴开发银行 IDA:International Development Association 国际开发协会
• The World Bank is like a cooperative,made up of 187 member countries. Theses member countries,or shareholders(股东), are represented by a Board of Governors(理事 会),who are the ultimate policymakers at the World Bank.Generally,the governors are member countries'ministers of finance or ministers of development.They meet once a year at the Annual Meetings.
世界银行集团(the World Bank Group)一.简介1.是一个国际组织,其一开始的使命是帮助在第二次世界大战中被破坏的国家的重建。
3.总部在华盛顿哥伦比亚特区4.它是联合国的专门机构之一,拥有188个成员国(由187个联合国成员国,以及科索沃组成)(到2012年止) (《国际复兴开发银行协议条款》(En) 规定,一个国家要想成为世行成员国,就必须首先加入国际货币基金组织(IMF)。
Lending Amount
$2.5 $2.0
$1.5 $1.0 $0.5 $0.0 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 00 01
Fiscal Year
TA 10% Industry 8% Rural/Env 22%
成立于1966年, 对外国投资方和本国政府 的投资争端提供调停和仲裁服务;
– 拥有125个成员国; – 提供咨询服务、经营调查,出版有关外国投 资法律法规的文件; – 发行刊物《ICSID评论 --外国投资法律》
– 提供无息贷款 (称为 “信贷”), 还款期为3540年,宽限期为10年; – 在99财政年度,向53个国家提供贷款总计 $68亿,用于145个项目; – 在99财政年度,中国从IDA“毕业”;
u u u
除特殊情况外,长驻银行总部的执行理事 (EDs)行使由理事会赋予的职权 主要职责:项目审批 目前有 24 EDs: 德国、法国、日本、英国 和美国各有一位 ED. 其他ED在其余成员 国中共同选举产生
u u u
由行长和4-5位常务副行长组成 行长是执行理事会的主席和CEO 行长为美国人,由代表美国的执行董事 推荐并经所有执行董事认可
成 员 机 构
国际开发协会(IDA) 国际金融公司(IFC)
多边投资担保机构 (MIGA)
国际投资争端解决中心 (ICSID)
member states of all five WBG organizations member states of four WBG organizations member states of three WBG organizations member states of two WBG organizations member states only of the IBRD
世界银行 the World Bank
世界银行(the World Bank)是世界银 行集团的俗称,成立于1945年12月27日, 1946年6月开始营业。总部设在美国首都 华盛顿。 它是一个国际组织,其一开始的使命是帮助 在第二次世界大战中被破坏的国家的重建。 今天它的任务是资助国家克服穷困。 世界银行(WBG)与国际货币基金组织 (IMF)和世界贸易组织(WTO)一道, 成为国际经济体制中最重要的三大支柱。
负责组织日常业务 行使由理事会授予的职权 由21名执行董事组成, 5人由持有股金 最多的美、日、英、德、法委派。另外 16人由其他会员国的理事按地区分组选 举
由行长、若干副行长、局长、处长、 工作人员组成; 负责银行的日常行政管理工作,任免 银行高级职员和工作人员,行长同时兼 任执行董事会主席,但没有投票权。
分 布
先缴20%。其 中2%要用黄 金或美元缴 纳,18%用会 员国本国的货 币缴纳。
世界银行排名英语资料Captivating the global stage, the World Bank Group, a vital force in international development, has released its latest rankings that offer a comprehensive insight into the economic and developmental standing of various nations. These rankings, meticulously compiled, serve as a benchmark for progress, revealing the strengths and vulnerabilities of countries across the globe.The World Bank's rankings are not just a mere list of numbers; they are a testament to the dynamic nature of global economies. They encompass a wide array of indicators, from GDP per capita to ease of doing business, reflecting the multifaceted aspects of a nation's prosperity. Leading the pack are typically the developed economies, with their robust infrastructure, innovative industries, and high standards of living, while emerging markets are noted for their rapid growth and potential.However, these rankings also shine a light on the challenges faced by countries striving to climb the ladder of economic development. Poverty, inequality, and lack of access to education and healthcare are some of the hurdles that these nations must overcome to improve their standings. The World Bank's rankings are thus a call to action, urging nations to adopt policies that foster inclusive growth and sustainable development.Moreover, the rankings underscore the importance of international cooperation. In a world increasingly interconnected, the economic fortunes of one country can have a ripple effect on others. This underscores the need for collaborative efforts to address global challenges such as climate change, pandemics, and economic instability.As we delve into the details of the World Bank's rankings, we find stories of resilience and innovation, setbacks and triumphs. They are a reminder that while the path to progress is not always linear, the pursuit of a better future is a shared endeavor that requires the collective efforts of all nations.。
世界银行年度报告英文World Bank Annual Report 2021Introduction:The World Bank is an international financial institution that provides financial and technical assistance to developing countries for development projects. The World Bank's mission is to end extreme poverty and promote shared prosperity by reducing inequality. This annual report provides an overview of the Bank's activities, achievements, and challenges faced in the year 2020. Overview of Global Economic Development:The year 2020 has been an unprecedented one due to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. The pandemic has severely affected the global economy, leading to a recession in many countries. According to the World Bank's estimates, the global GDP contracted by 4.3% in 2020. This contraction has pushed millions of people into extreme poverty and worsened inequality.World Bank's Response to the Pandemic:In response to the pandemic, the World Bank launched a fast-track facility to provide emergency financing to countries. This facility has supported countries in their efforts to strengthen healthcare systems, protect vulnerable populations, and mitigate the economic impact of the pandemic. In 2020, the Bank provided over $100 billion in financial assistance to countries affected by the pandemic. Investment in Sustainable Development:Despite the challenges posed by the pandemic, the World Bank continued its efforts towards sustainable development. The Bankhas increased its investment in renewable energy, sustainable agriculture, and climate resilience. In 2020, the Bank approved loans and grants worth $24 billion for projects focusing on climate change mitigation and adaptation.Promoting Digital Transformation:The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the importance of digital technology in enabling remote work, education, and healthcare. The World Bank has been actively promoting digital transformation in developing countries. In 2020, the Bank supported the establishment of digital infrastructure, digital literacy programs, and e-government initiatives in various countries. Addressing Inequality:The World Bank has emphasized the need to address inequality, which has been exacerbated by the pandemic. The Bank has supported policies and programs that aim to reduce income inequality, promote gender equality, and improve access to basic services such as education and healthcare. In 2020, the Bank invested $55 billion in projects that directly targeted poverty reduction and inequality.Challenges and Opportunities:The year 2020 presented significant challenges for the World Bank. The pandemic has strained the Bank's resources and forced a shift in priorities. Additionally, the Bank has faced criticism for its response to the crisis, with some arguing that it could have done more to support developing countries. However, the crisis has also provided opportunities for innovation and collaboration. The Bank has been working closely with other international organizationsand governments to ensure a coordinated response to the pandemic. Conclusion:The World Bank's annual report for the year 2020 highlights the organization's response to the COVID-19 pandemic and its commitment to sustainable development and poverty reduction. While the challenges posed by the pandemic are significant, the Bank remains determined to achieve its mission of ending extreme poverty and promoting shared prosperity. The Bank will continue to work with its partners and stakeholders to address the lasting impacts of the pandemic and build a more inclusive and resilient world.Continued:Collaboration and Partnerships:The World Bank recognizes that addressing global challenges requires collaboration and partnerships with various stakeholders. In 2020, the Bank strengthened its partnerships with governments, civil society organizations, private sector entities, and other international organizations. These collaborations have helped mobilize resources and expertise to support the Bank's initiatives and achieve greater impact.Inclusive Growth and Job Creation:The COVID-19 pandemic has had a devastating impact on jobs and livelihoods. The World Bank has prioritized inclusive growth and job creation as key areas of focus. The Bank has supported programs that promote entrepreneurship, skills development, and inclusive labor markets. In 2020, the Bank's investments in job creation projects reached $33 billion, benefiting millions of people in developing countries.Education and Human Capital Development:The pandemic has disrupted education systems worldwide, exacerbating existing education inequalities. The World Bank has been working to ensure continued learning opportunities for all. The Bank has supported the expansion of distance learning platforms, teacher training programs, and initiatives to bridge the digital divide. In 2020, the Bank invested $21 billion in education projects, aiming to improve access, quality, and relevance of education.Climate Change and Environmental Sustainability:The World Bank has been at the forefront of global efforts to combat climate change and promote environmental sustainability. In 2020, the Bank launched a new Climate Change Action Plan committing to increase its climate investments and help countries transition to low-carbon and climate-resilient economies. The Bank's climate-related investments reached a record-high of $21 billion in 2020.Financial Inclusion and Access to Finance:Access to financial services is crucial for inclusive economic growth and poverty reduction. The World Bank has been working to increase financial inclusion in developing countries, particularly for women, rural populations, and small businesses. The Bank has supported the expansion of digital financial services, microfinance institutions, and financial literacy programs. In 2020, the Bank's investments in financial inclusion projects reached $18 billion, benefiting millions of people.Risk Management and Resilience Building:The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the importance of building resilience to mitigate the impact of future crises. The World Bank has been supporting countries in enhancing their risk management capacities, strengthening social protection systems, and investing in infrastructure for disaster risk reduction. The Bank has also been promoting the use of innovative financial instruments, such as catastrophe bonds, to reduce the financial impact of natural disasters.Monitoring and Evaluation:The World Bank recognizes the importance of monitoring and evaluation to ensure the effectiveness and impact of its programs and projects. In 2020, the Bank strengthened its monitoring and evaluation frameworks, implementing rigorous measurement and reporting systems. This has enabled the Bank to assess progress, identify challenges, and make informed decisions to improve the delivery of its development assistance.Conclusion:The World Bank's annual report for 2020 demonstrates the organization's commitment to supporting developing countries in their efforts towards sustainable development and poverty reduction, despite the unprecedented challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic. The Bank's response to the pandemic, investments in sustainable development, and focus on addressing inequality, demonstrate its continued relevance and importance in the global development landscape.Looking ahead, the World Bank will continue to adapt andinnovate to meet the evolving needs of its client countries. It will prioritize investments in areas such as health, education, climate change, and digital transformation, to promote inclusive and resilient development. The Bank will also continue to strengthen partnerships and collaborations to leverage resources and expertise for greater impact.While the road ahead may still be challenging, the World Bank remains committed to its mission of ending extreme poverty and promoting shared prosperity. By working together, governments, civil society, private sector entities, and international organizations can build a more sustainable, inclusive, and resilient future for all.。
世界银行(The World Bank)是全球最大的发展援助机构,致力于为成员国提供低息贷款、无息信贷和赠款等资金支持,以促进经济发展、减少贫困和改善民生。
世界银行的评标方法主要包括以下几个方面:1. 项目可行性研究:在项目申报阶段,世界银行会对项目进行全面的可行性研究,包括项目的经济、社会、环境等方面。
2. 项目评估:世界银行会对申报的项目进行评估,包括项目的目标、范围、预算、实施计划等方面。
3. 评标委员会:世界银行会设立评标委员会,负责对申报的项目进行评审。
4. 评估标准:世界银行制定了严格的评估标准,包括项目的可持续发展性、效益、影响、风险管理等方面。
5. 评审过程:评标委员会根据评估标准,对申报的项目进行评审,并提出评审意见和建议。
6. 项目批准:经过评标委员会的评审,世界银行会根据评审结果,决定是否批准项目。
7. 项目监督与评估:在项目实施过程中,世界银行会对项目进行监督与评估,确保项目按照协议要求和相关法规进行,确保项目的有效性和合规性。
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This paper - a product of the Finance and Private Sector Development Division, Policy Research Department - is part of a larger effort in the department to study the causes and consequences of bank insolvency. Copies of the paper are available free from the World Bank, 1818 H Street NW, Washington, DC 20433. Please contact Bill Moore, room N9-038, telephone 202-473-8526, fax 202-522-1155, Internet address bmoore@. July 1996. (52 pages)
The Policy Research Working Paper Series disseminates the findings of work in progress to encourage the exchange of ideas about development issues.An objective of the series is to get the findings out quickly, even if the presentations are lessthan fully polished. The papers carry the na,es of the authors and should be used and cited accordingly. The findings, interpretations, and conclusions are the authors' own and should not be attributed to the World Bank, its Executive Board of Directors, or any of its member countries.
The World Bank PolicyResearchDepartment
Financeand PrivateSectorDevelopment Division
July 1996
Summary findings
Few areas of the world have escaped significant losses from episodes of bank insolvency. Bank insolvency is more costly in the developing world, where losses represent a greater share of income than in industrial economies and where it is therefore doubly important to prevent these episodes. Caprio and Klingebiel present data on episodes of bank insolvency since the late 1970s. This new database can be used in conjunction with readily available data (for example, on GDP, inflation, fiscal balances, monetary growth, and trade balances). Information and insights are presented in seven tables on: * Episodes of major bank insolvencies and systemic banking crises (country, scope of crisis, and estimate of losses). * Main characteristics of banking crises (magnitude, cost of resolution, mechanism of resolution, growth in new loans, and GDP). * Terms of trade in crisis countries. * Characteristics of restructuring. * Financial analysis of crisis countries (financial deepening, real credit/GDP, real deposit interest rates, and recurrent problems). * Outcome of restructuring in crisis countries. In a companion paper (Caprio and Klingebiel, "Bank Insolvency: Bad Luck, Bad Policy, or Bad Banking?" in Michael Bruno and Boris Pleskovic, eds., Annual World Bank Conference on Development Economics 1996, Washington, DC: World Bank, forthcoming) the authors discuss possible preventatives and the tradeoffs between safety and soundness, on the one hand, and efficiency, on the other. (How high should capital reserves be, for example?) Meanwhile, this initial database suggests further avenues for research. There is a dearth of widely available indicators on bank performance. This might have been understandable in the early 1980s but not today, considering the number of episodes of bank insolvency. The damage done to Mexico's economy during the 1994-95 crisis and the estimates of enormous losses from some Brazilian banks dramatize the significance of the problem. More attention should be focused on developing indicators that might predict bank insolvency for individual banks and systems as a whole. Caprio and Klingebiel devise criteria for assessing how governments deal with insolvency and find that countries handle it well. The companion paper makes recommendations for addressing this failure.
The authors are, respectively,Lead Economist,Policy Research Department,and Consultant, Western African Department. This paper, and its companionpaper, benefittedfrom comments by Phil Brock, Charles Calomiris, Elena Folkerts-Landau,Philip Keefer, Homi Kharas, Ross Levine, Millard Long, HerminiaMartinez, Patrick Honohan,Boris Pleskovic,Andrew Sheng, Mary Shirley, and Shahid Yusuf. AlexanderTanzi supplied competantresearchassistance,and colleaguesin various regions of the World Bank provided helpful informationon individualcountry cases. Giventhe difficultyin securingaccurate and standardizedinformationon the bankingsystems,data containedherein should be used with caution.
Episodes of bank insolvency have increased in recent years and few areas of the world have escaped without significant losses. Although the losses per se may be belittled as being "just a transfer," they signal a misallocation of resources, since if banks had selected profitable projects, more than likely loans would have been repaid. Moreover, the transfer payments entailed as a result of banking losses often are huge, in many cases 10-20% of GDP and occasionally as much as 40-55% of GDP, if the higher estimates of losses in Chile and Argentina are correct. Large scale transfers of this magnitude cannot be easily handled by most governments and can be expected to derail stabilization programs, as authorities will prefer to rely on less conspicuous taxes, including inflation. This paper reproduces the data gathered in the last year on episodes of bank insolvency that have occurred since the late-I 970s for the benefit of researchers and others interested in this area. It is the first such effort and necessarily contains a number of flaws. First and foremost, it relies upon the assessment of a variety of finance professionals in pulling together characterizations of factors that have caused crises, as we will henceforth dub insolvency episodes, and for information on their resolution. Only published sources or interviews with experts familiar with individual episodes were employed. In the future, as greater attention is focused on banking problems, there is the hope that more systematic and quantitative sources will be available. Second, for many countries there are no published, comparable data for banks which would permit outsiders to know with great precision the solvency of the institution. Marking bank portfolios to market is treacherous in industrial countries, where many loans are not traded, and it is doubly so in developing and transitional economies. Third, it is difficult to time these