3D volumetric measurement and compensation
3D MEDIC和3D SPACE磁共振神经成像在腰骶丛神经根的一致性对比研究
$$Feb.2021Vo . 42$No. 12021年 2月 第 42 卷$ 第 1 期首都医科大学学报Journal of Capital Medical Universi/[doi : 10. 3969/j. issp. 1006-7795. 2021. 01. 022]・临床研究*3D MEDIC 和3D SPACE 磁共振神经成像在腰骶丛神经根的一 致性对比研究孙峥1!2孔超3鲁世保3陈海%笪宇威%张苗1>2卢洁心(1.首都医科大学宣武医院放射科,北京100053; 2.磁共振成像脑信息学北京市重点实验室,北京100053; 3.首都医科大学宣武医院骨科,北京100053; 4.首都医科大学宣武医院神经内科,北京100053)$摘要】 目的 验证三维多回波数据联合成像(three dimensional multi-echo data imagine combination with selective water excitation , 3D MEDIC WE)和三维快速自旋回波成像(three dimensional sampling peSection with application optimized contrasts byusing d/ferent Uip angle evelu/on , 3D SPACE STIR )序列在腰骶丛神经根成像中的可行性和重复性。
方法 将55例受试者分为腰椎无异常表现的正常对照组(20例)、单纯性腰椎间盘突出症(lumbar d/c hernm/on , LDH )组(20例)和慢性炎性脱髓鞘性多发性神经根神经病症(ch/nw inUamma"/ demyelinating polyradwuloneuropathy , CIBP )组(15例),分别应用两种腰骶丛神经根成 像,评价图像质量参数信噪比(signal " noise ratio , SNR )、对比噪声比(contrast " noise ratio , CNR )和对比度(contrast ratio , CR ),并验证正常对照组、CBP 组和LDH 组测量神经根直径的一致性。
Advances in Geosciences地球科学前沿, 2020, 10(6), 460-464Published Online June 2020 in Hans. /journal/aghttps:///10.12677/ag.2020.106042A Method of 3D Stereoscopic Display ofGeophysical Profile DataLili JiangGeophysical Measuring Exploration Institute of Liaoning Province, Shenyang LiaoningReceived: May 22nd, 2020; accepted: Jun. 4th, 2020; published: Jun. 11th, 2020AbstractIn geological exploration work, there are often geophysical profiling survey works. When there are many profiles, the three-dimensional display of the survey profiles can more effectively ex-tract useful geological information, and can analyze relevant geological problems more visually and intuitively, such as concealed rock mass morphology, distribution of marker layer, occurrence of fault zone, etc., so as to provide basic data for deep prospecting. With the wide application of 3D visualization technology, there are many softwares with the function of displaying measurement results in 3D. This article illustrates a method of converting the geophysical profile measurement result map into a volume image through an example, which provides a way to realize the three- dimensional display of the profile measurement results.KeywordsGeophysical Prospecting Profile, 3D Visualization, Graphics Conversion三维立体展示物探AMT剖面资料的一种方法蒋丽丽辽宁省物测勘查院有限责任公司,辽宁沈阳收稿日期:2020年5月22日;录用日期:2020年6月4日;发布日期:2020年6月11日摘要地质勘查工作中经常会有物探剖面测量工作,当剖面较多时将测量剖面结果进行三维立体展示可更有效地提取到有用的地质信息,可以更形象、更直观地分析相关的地质问题,如隐伏岩体形态、标志层的分布、断裂带产状等,从而为深部找矿提供基础资料。
DIN EN 60751 2009 铂金温度传感器
Usage limitations and accuracies of platinum resistance thermometers (DIN EN 60751:2009) in industrial applicationsWIKA data sheet IN 00.17Page 1 of 8WIKA data sheet IN 00.17 ∙ 10/2010General informationT emperature is a measurement for the thermal state of a material - so a measurement of the average kinetic energy of its molecules. A close thermal contact between two bodies is needed in order that these bodies adopt the same tempera-ture (temperature equalisation). The body to be measured should be coupled as closely as possible to the temperature sensor system.The most established temperature measurement methods are based on material or body properties that change depend-ing on the temperature. One of the most-used methods is the measurement with a resistance thermometer.This document outlines the recurrent concepts and technologies that apply to all resistance thermometers produced by WIKA.Standard versionIf there are no additional specifications or customer require -ments, we will recommend this selection, or we will select this option when offering or producing the thermometer.Sensor technologyThe electrical resistance of a resistance thermometer‘ssensor changes with respect to the temperature. If the resist-ance increases when temperature is raised, we refer to it as PTC (P ositive T emperature C oefficient).Pt100 or Pt1000 measuring resistors are normally used for industrial applications. The exact characteristics of these measuring resistors, and the thermometers based on them, are defined in DIN EN 60751 (2009-05). The most important characteristics are described in this document.Basic values for resistance at 0 °CBold: standard versionMeasuring resistor designsThose measuring resistors used in thermometers can be wire-wound resistors (W = Wire-Wound) or thin-film resistors (F = Thin-F ilm).Fig. left: Thin-film resistor Fig. center: Glass resistor Fig. right: Ceramic resistorPage 2 of 8WIKA data sheet IN 00.17 ∙ 10/2010Thin-film resistorGlass resistorCeramic resistorThin film resistors (F) (standard design)For thin-film resistors, a very thin platinum film is applied to a ceramic carrier plate. Following this connecting wires are attached. Finally, the platinum film and the connecting wire connection are sealed against external effects by a layer of glass. Thin-film resistors are characterised by their very small size and high vibration resistance.The thin film resistor is characterised by ■T emperature range: -50 ... +500 °C * ■High vibration resistance ■Very small size■Good price/performance ratioThin-film resistors are the standard design unless thetemperature range or an explicit customer request exclude them.Wire-wound resistors (W)For these designs, a thin platinum wire is encased within a round protective body. This design has proven itself over the decades and is accepted throughout the world.T wo subtypes are available that differ in the choice of insulat -ing material.Glass resistorThe bifilar wire of the glass resistor is fused within a glass body.The glass resistor is characterised by ■T emperature range: -200 ... +400 °C * ■High vibration resistanceCeramic resistorThe platinum wire of the ceramic resistor is spiral-wound and located in a round cavity in the protective body.The ceramic resistor is characterised by ■T emperature range: -200 ... +600 °C * ■Limited vibration resistance* The specifications apply to Cass B, see table on Page 4.Page 3 of 8WIKA data sheet IN 00.17 ∙ 10/2010Sensor connection methods2-wire connectionThe lead resistance to the sensor is recorded as an error in the measurement. For this reason, this connection type is not advisable when using Pt100 measuring resistors for tolerance classes A and AA, since the electrical resistance of the connecting cables and their own temperaturedependency are fully included in the measurement result and thus falsify it.Applications■Connecting cables up to 250 mm■Standard when using Pt1000 measuring resistors3-wire connection (standard design)The influence of the lead resistance is compensated as far as possible. The maximum length of the connecting cable depends on the conductor cross-section and the compensa-tion options of the evaluation electronics (transmitter, display, controller or process control system). Applications■Connecting cables up to approx. 30 m4-wire connectionThe influence of the connecting cable on the result ofmeasurement is completely eliminated since any possible asymmetries in the connecting cable‘s lead resistances are also compensated.The maximum length of the connecting cable depends on the conductor cross section and on the compensation options of the electronic evaluation (transmitter, display, controller or distributed control system). A 4-wire connection can also be used as 2-wire or 3-wire connection by disconnecting the unnecessary conductors.Applications■Laboratory technology ■Calibration technology ■T olerance Class A or AA■Connecting cables up to 1000 mDual sensorsIn the standard design a single sensor is fitted.The combination of black and yellow is reserved for anoptional second measuring resistor. For certain combinations (e.g. small diameter) dual sensors are not possible for techni-cal reasons.Relation between temperature and resistanceFor each temperature there is an exact resistance value. This clear relation can be described with mathematical formulas.For the temperature range -200 ... 0 °C the following applies, irrespective of the resistor design:R t = R0 [1 + At + Bt² + C (t - 100 °C) •t³ ]For the temperature range 0 ... 600 °C the following applies: R t = R0 [1 + At + Bt² ]Legend:t=T emperature in °CR t=Resistance in Ohms at the measured temperature R0=Resistance in Ohms at t = 0 °C (e.g. 100 Ohm)The following constants apply for the calculation:A=3.9083 • 10-3 (°C -1 )B=-5.7750 • 10-7 (°C -2 )C=-4.1830 • 10-12 (°C -4 )Usage limitation and tolerance classesBoth measuring resistor versions (wire-wound/thin-film) differin the possible accuracies at the operating temperatures.1) | t | is the value of the temperature in °C without consideration of the signBold: Standard versionPage 4 of 8WIKA data sheet IN 00.17 ∙ 10/2010Determined vibration resistance Peak value in [g]*Vibration resistance in accor-dance with DIN EN 60751 in [g]** = 9.81 m/s²Bold: standard versionA c c e l e r a t i o n [g ]TimePeak-to-peak valuePeak valueVibration resistance of resistance thermometersIn accordance with DIN EN 60751, the design of a resis-tance thermometer can be influenced by vibration-induced accelerations that can be up to 30 m/s² and occur in a frequency range from 10 to 500 Hz. The standard refers to the peak-to-peak value (see DIN EN 60751 Edition 1996).In order to guarantee the comparability of pressure and temperature measuring instruments, WIKA tests all designs under the same test conditions. Since every other standard (e.g. IEC 60068 Environmental tests) refers to the peak value of vibrations, WIKA also tests the thermometers in this way.The specifications determined this way can be converted using a factor of 2 into specifications conforming to DIN EN 60751.If the frequency is known and constant, the acceleration, speed and deflection can be calculated from each other.The frequency of the vibration is used to calculate the …angular frequency“:ω = 2 π ƒIf the peak value of the vibration, A, is given, the following applies to the maximum speed V max :V max =AωThis can be used to determine the deflection from the refer -ence line x max :x max =V maxωThe space required for the vibration, i.e. the differencebetween the deflections, can be shown as the peak-to-peak value of the deflection:x s2s = 2 x maxLegend:ω=Angular frequency in 1/secA=Peak value, i.e. maximum value of the acceleration, in m/sec²v max=Maximum value of the speed during vibration, in m/secx max =Maximum deflection from the rest position in one direc -tion, in mx S2S =Peak-to-peak value of the deflection, i.e. difference bet -ween the two extreme values of the deflection, in mPage 5 of 8WIKA data sheet IN 00.17 ∙ 10/2010M a x . p e r m i t t e d d e v i a t i o n i n °C (w i t h o u t c o n s i d e r a t i o n o f t h e s i g n )T emperature in °CT olerance value DIN IEC 60751 for resistance thermometers with film resistorsClass B Class A Class AAM a x . p e r m i t t e d d e v i a t i o n i n °C (w i t h o u t c o n s i d e r a t i o n o f t h e s i g n )T emperature in °CT olerance value DIN IEC 60751 for resistance thermometers with wire-wound resistorsClass B Class A Class AAT olerance values for calibration and maintenancePage 6 of 8WIKA data sheet IN 00.17 ∙ 10/2010Temperature values and tolerance values with selected resistance values (Pt100)This table can be used to check the evaluation electronics, e.g. by means of a decade resistor:So if the sensor or the measuring resistor is simulated by a decade resistor, the evaluation electronics must display a temperature value within the limit values specified above.This table represents the calibration process with predefined temperatures.So if a temperature standard is available, the resistance value of the test piece must lie within the limits specified above.Resistance values and tolerance values with selected temperatures (Pt100)Page 7 of 8WIKA data sheet IN 00.17 ∙ 10/2010T emperature in °C (ITS 90)Resistance value in ΩT olerance Class BT olerance Class AT olerance Class AAWIKA Alexander Wiegand SE & Co. KG Alexander-Wiegand-Straße 3063911 Klingenberg/Germany T el. (+49) 9372/132-0Fax (+49) 9372/132-406E-mail info@wika.de www.wika.de10/2010 G BPage 8 of 8WIKA data sheet IN 00.17 ∙ 10/2010The specifications given in this document represent the state of engineering at the time of publishing.We reserve the right to make modifications to the specifications and materials.。
Volumetric 3-Dimensions Display (体三维显示技术)最近研究了一下三维立体显示技术(属于较为宽泛的光通信技术外延,我个人觉得),发觉这个领域真的非常“迷人”,特写出来与大家一起分享;)目前的三维立体显示技术共可以分为分光立体眼镜(Glasses-based Stereoscopic)、自动分光立体显示(Autostereoscopi c Displays)、全息术(Hologram)和体三维显示(Volumetric 3-D Display)4大类。
体三维显示技术目前大体可分为扫描体显示(Swept-Volume Display)和固态体显示(Solid-Volume Display)两种。
条纹投影三维测量原理Stripe projection three-dimensional measurement is a widely used technique in various industries, such as automotive, aerospace, and medical. By projecting a structured light pattern onto an object, this technology can accurately capture its surface shape and measure dimensions in three dimensions. The principle behind stripe projection 3D measurement lies in the triangulation method, where the position of the stripes on the object's surface is analyzed to determine its 3D coordinates. This allows for precise and efficient measurements that are essential for quality control and product development.条纹投影三维测量是各行各业广泛使用的技术,例如汽车、航空航天和医疗。
One of the main advantages of stripe projection 3D measurement is its ability to quickly capture complex surface shapes with highprecision. This is particularly useful in industries where dimensional accuracy is crucial, such as in manufacturing and engineering. The structured light pattern projected onto the object allows for detailed and accurate measurements of even the most intricate geometries. This results in improved product quality and reduced manufacturing errors.条纹投影三维测量的主要优势之一是能够快速捕捉复杂表面形状并具有高精度。
全三维环境下湖泊水位-容积曲线快速计算方法孟明1,2,3*,李仟1,2,3,马俊1[1.黄河勘测规划设计研究院有限公司,郑州450003;2.水利部黄河流域水治理与水安全重点实验室(筹),郑州450003;3.河南省城市水资源环境工程技术研究中心,郑州450003]摘要:为了从本质上提升湖泊水位-容积曲线计算的精度与效率,在分析对比传统水位-容积曲线计算方法的基础上,利用Civil 3D 高程分析,结合.NET 二次开发,建立了水位-容积曲线计算的新方法。
关键词:湖泊水位-容积曲线;Civil 3D ;三维地形;高程分析;二次开发中图分类号:TV13文献标志码:A文章编号:2096-2347(2023)01-0070-08收稿日期:2022-11-28基金项目:黄河勘测规划设计研究院有限公司自主研究开发项目[2021KY039(2)]。
作者简介:孟明,工程师,硕士,主要从事河湖生态综合治理的设计与研究以及河湖工程BIM 设计关键技术研究。
E-mail:****************引用格式:孟明,李仟,马俊.全三维环境下湖泊水位-容积曲线快速计算方法[J].三峡生态环境监测,2023,8(1):70-77.Citation format:MENG M,LI Q ,MA J.Fast calculation method of water level and lake volume curve based on full 3D environment[J].Ecology and Environmental Monitoring of Three Gorges ,2023,8(1):70-77.Fast Calculation Method of Water Level and Lake Volume Curve Based on Full 3D EnvironmentMENG Ming 1,2,3*,LI Qian 1,2,3,MA Jun 1(1.Yellow River Engineering Consulting Co.Ltd.,Zhengzhou 450003,China;2.Key Laboratory of Water Management and Water Se⁃curity for Yellow River Basin,Ministry of Water Resources (under Construction),Zhengzhou 450003,China;3.Henan Engineering Re⁃search Center of Urban Water Resources and Environment,Zhengzhou 450003,China )Abstract:In order to improve the accuracy and efficiency of calculation for lake water level-volume curve in essence,this paper es⁃tablished a new method for calculation of lake water level-volume curve by combining the Civil 3D elevation analysis with .NET secondary development,based on the analysis and comparison of traditional calculation methods.This new method can accurately and efficiently calculate the water level-volume curve of lakes in the full three-dimensional environment without reducing the accu⁃racy of the measured topographic map.It especially has obvious advantages for the analysis of large scale lake volume,and makes an essential improvement to the traditional hydrological analysis technology of lakes.Key words :lake water level volume curve;Civil 3D;three dimensional terrain;elevation analysis;secondary development随着国家不断提高对湖泊生态环境的重视程度,湖区生态环境修复治理成了一项急迫而重要的任务。
一种从粗到精逐步细化的变尺度光栅投影测量方法王选择;吴雅君;何涛【摘要】传统的光栅投影法依靠相移法进行测量,对绝对相位的计算需要应用解包裹算法完成.由于解包裹算法要求空间相位具有连续性,因此不适合高度变化显著的物体的测量.针对该问题,提出一种多尺度条纹投影测量的方法,直接获取高密度条纹投影的绝对相位.通过对高密度64周期条纹扫描投影测量相位的二次拟合曲线的实验处理,在绝对相位[-201,201]的变化范围内,拟合标准差达到0.096 63 rad的精度.【期刊名称】《应用光学》【年(卷),期】2015(036)005【总页数】4页(P774-777)【关键词】应用光学;相位处理;逐级估算;变尺度【作者】王选择;吴雅君;何涛【作者单位】湖北工业大学机械工程学院,湖北武汉430068;湖北工业大学湖北省现代制造质量工程重点实验室,湖北武汉430068;湖北工业大学机械工程学院,湖北武汉430068;湖北工业大学机械工程学院,湖北武汉430068;湖北工业大学湖北省现代制造质量工程重点实验室,湖北武汉430068【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TN911;N37引言光栅投影测量法根据变形光栅图像中像素的灰度值变化,解算出代表物体高度的相位信息,经由相位展开和系统标定获得物体的三维信息[1-2]。
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3D Volumetric Positioning Measurement and Compensation of3-axis Machines Using Vector TechniqueO. Svoboda and P. BachResearch Center of Manufacturing TechnologyCzech Technical University in Prague, Czech RepublicAndGianmarco Liotto and Charles WangOptodyne, Inc.,Compton, CA 90220Email: optodyne@AbstractThe worldwide competition and quality standards such as ISO 9000 and QS 9000, demanded tighter tolerance and regular maintenance of all machine tools. Twenty years ago, the largest machine tool positioning errors are lead screw pitch error and thermal expansion error. Now, most of the above errors have been reduced by linear encoder and compensation. The largest machine tool positioning errors become squareness errors and straightness errors. Hence, to achieve higher 3D volumetric positioning accuracy, all 3 displacement errors, 6 straightness errors and 3 squareness errors have to be measured and compensated. Using a conventional laser interferometer to measure these errors is rather difficult and costly. It usually takes days of machine down time and experienced operator to perform these measurements.Optodyne has developed a new laser vector measurement technique for the measurement of these errors in a few hours instead of a few days. The measured errors can be used to generate 3D volumetric compensation files to compensate the volumetric positioning errors and achieve higher volumetric positioning accuracy. To determine the angular errors, 3 displacement measurements along the same axis but at different Abbe offsets can be used. Hence all 18 errors can be determined.Reported here are the basic theory and operation, the hardware, the data collection and analysis, and the test results. Using the laser vector technique the volumetric positioning errors of 4 Deckel Maho Gildemeister 3-axis milling machines with Heidenhain controller have been measured. For each axis, the linear displacement errors were also measured at 3 different locations. Data were collected with 5 bidirectional runs over 4 machines. The averaged linear displacement errors at the center of working volume, the pitch and yaw angular errors, and their statistical deviations can all be calculated. The agreement between all different measurements was within the statistical deviation.I. IntroductionThe competition in global manufacturing today requires better quality, higher productivity and lean manufacturing. Manufacturing process control has long been recognized as an important and necessary milestone on the road to reduce cost, improve throughput and superior quality product. Calibrate and compensate the positioning errors can be used to improve quality without excessive capital investment. It yields time, quality and productivity improvement. However, the major objection for this approach is that only calibrate and compensate the pitch error is not enough. But calibrate and compensate the volumetric positioning errors by using a conventional laser interferometer are very time consuming and costly.However, using the new revolutionary laser vector measurement technique developed by Optodyne (US Patent 6,519,043, 2/11/2003), the 3 D volumetric positioning errors, including 3 displacement errors, 6 straightness errors and 3 squareness errors, can all be measured in a few hours instead of a few days by a conventional laser interferometer. Hence the 3 D volumetric calibration and compensation become practical, and enable higher accuracy and tighter tolerance to be achieved. The setup and alignment of the laser vector measurement are easy and usually a machine operator can be trained to perform the measurement.A complete measurement, including pitch and yaw angular errors, linear displacement errors, straightness errors, and squareness errors of 4 Deckel Maho Gildemeister 3-axis milling machine model DMU 80T was performed by using the latest LDDM technology and the laser vector measurement technique. The result of the measurement, the effect of volumetric compensation, and the quick check by body diagonal displacement, will be reported.II. Basic 3D volumetric positioning errorsFor a 3-axis machine, there are 6 errors per axis or a total of 18 errors plus 3 squareness errors. These 21 rigid body errors [1] can be expressed as the following.Linear displacement errors: Dx(x), Dy(y), and Dz(z)Vertical straightness errors: Dy(x), Dx(y), and Dx(z)Horizontal straightness errors: Dz(x), Dz(y), and Dy(z)Roll angular errors: Ax(x), Ay(y), and Az(z)Pitch angular errors: Ay(x),Ax(y), and Ax(z)Yaw angular errors: Az(x), Az(y), and Ay(z)Squareness errors: Øxy, Øyz, Øzx,where, D is the linear error, subscript is the error direction and the position coordinate is inside the parenthesis, A is the angular error, subscript is the axis of rotation and the position coordinate is inside the parenthesis. Basically, a 5-axis machine is a 3-axis machine plus A, B, or C rotary axes. The angular error of the rotary axes can be calibrated separately.III. Linear displacement, pitch and yaw angular error measurementFor linear displacement error measurement, the measured error D along x, y, and z-axis at each increment can be expressed as [2]:DX = Dx(x) + m * Ay(x) + p * Az(x), (1)DY = Dy(y) + q * Ax(y) + s * Az(y), (2)where Abbe offsets m and p are distances from the measurement line to the reference line in y and z directions respectively, q and s are distances from the measurement line to the reference line in x and z directions respectively, t and u are distances from the measurement line to the reference line in x and y directions respectively.It is noted that the linear displacement errors are different when measured at different locations due to the pitch or yaw angular errors. However, if the machine is repeatable, the measured linear displacement errors can be used to calculate the pitch and yaw angular errors. For example, make 3 linear displacement measurements, one along the top edge, one along the bottom edge, and one along the side edge of the working volume. The differences in the two measurements along the vertical edges (top and bottom) divided by the Abbe offset is the pitch angular error, and the differences in the two measurements along the horizontal edges (left and right) divided by the Abbe offset is the yaw angular error. Theoretically, based on Eq. 1, three linear measurements along X-axis at 3 different locations with known Abbe offsets m1,p1; m2, p2; and m3, p3, can be expressed as,DX1 = Dx(x) + m1 * Ay(x) + p1 * Az(x), (4)DX2 = Dx(x) + m2 * Ay(x) + p2 * Az(x), (5)DX3 = Dx(x) + m3 * Ay(x) + p3 * Az(x), (6)There are 3 sets of data DX1, DX2 and DX3 and 3 unknowns Dx(x), Ay(x) and Az(x). The solutions are,Ay(x) = [(m3-m1)*(DX2-DX1)-(m2-m1)*(DX3-DX1)] / [(m3-m1)*(p2-p1) - (m2-m1)*(p3-p1)]. (7)Az(x) = [(p3-p1)*(DX2-DX1)-(p2-p1)*(DX3-DX1)] / [(m3-m1)*(p2-p1) - (m2-m1)*(p3-p1)]. (8)Dx(x) = DX1*(m2*p3-m3*p2) + DX2*(m3*p1 - m1*p3) + DX3*(m1*p2 - m2*p1) / [(m3-m1)*(p2-p1)-(m2-m1)*(p3-p1)]. (9) Similarly for the Y- and Z-axis errors, Ax(y), Az(y), Dy(y), Ax(z), Ay(z), and Dz(z) can all be determined.V.Body diagonal displacement error measurementThe performance or the accuracy of a CNC machine tool is determined by the 3 D volumetric positioning errors, which includes the linear displacement error, the straightness error, the angular error and the thermal induced error. A complete measurement of those errors is very complex and time consuming, for those reasons the measurement of the body diagonal displacement errors is recommended by many standards such as ASME B5.54 [3] and ISO 230-6 [4] for a fast check of the volumetric performance. This is because the body diagonal displacement measurement is sensitive to all of the error components [2].Briefly, similar to a laser linear displacement measurement, instead of pointing the laser beam in the axis direction, point the laser beam in the body diagonal direction. Mount a retroreflector on the spindle and move the spindle in the body diagonal direction from thefrom the zero position and at each increment of the three axes, which are moved together to reach the new position along the diagonal, the displacement error is measured. As shown in Ref [2], the accuracy of each position along the diagonal depends on the positioning accuracy of the three axes, including the straightness errors, angular errors and squareness errors. Hence the body diagonal displacement measurement is a good method for the machine verification.The formulae for the 4 body diagonal displacement errors derived in [2] include all the geometric errors, namely, 3 displacement errors, 6 straightness errors, 3 squareness errors, and some angular errors. The errors in the above formulae may be positive or negative. Hence, they may be canceling each other and reduced the total error. However, the errors are statistical in nature, the probability that all of the errors will be cancelled in all of the positions and in all of the 4 body diagonals are theoretically possible but very unlikely. It is concluded that if the 4 body diagonal displacement errors are large, then the machine errors are large. If the 4 body diagonal displacement errors are small, then the machine errors are most likely very small. Recently, based on a few special examples, it was claimed that some possible limitations on the body diagonal displacement measurement may exist [5]. As shown in Ref. [2], these few examples were theoretically possible but no practical significance. For example, if the special examples were true, then all of the 4 body diagonal displacement errors should be exactly the same. This is practically impossible. Furthermore, the ASME B5.54 body diagonal displacement tests have been used by Boeing Aircraft and many others for many years with very good results and success in determine the volumetric positioning accuracy. Hence, it is a good check on the volumetric positioning accuracy. However, if the machine is not accurate, there is not enough information on where the errors are and how to compensate them.IV. Vector or Sequential step diagonal measurementThe sequential step diagonal measurement or laser vector measurement technique was developed by Optodyne for the calibration of 3 D volumetric positioning accuracy of a machine tool [6,7]. Similar to the ASME B5.54 standard body diagonal displacement measurement, the laser beam is pointing in the body diagonal direction. However, instead of move x, y, and z-axis together along the body diagonal direction, stop and collect data as shown in Fig. 1, now move x only, stop and collect data, then move y only, stop and collect data, then move z only, stop and collect data, and so on until the opposite corner is reached. Hence, 3 times more data can be collected. For 4 body diagonal measurement, a total of 12 sets of data can be collected and the volumetric positioning errors determined. The measurement time is short, the equipment is compact, the setup and alignment is simple and therefore the cost is low.In the conventional body diagonal displacement measurement, the target trajectory is a straight line and it is possible to use the corner cube as target that can tolerate a small lateral displacement. In the vector method, the movement is alternatively along the X axis, than along the Y axis and than along the Z axis, and repeated until the opposite corner of the diagonal is reached. As shown in Fig. 1, the trajectory of the target is not parallel to the laser beam direction and the lateral movement is quite large. Hence it is not possible to use a conventional interferometer that cannot tolerate such large lateral movement. A laserflat mirror as target, the movement parallel to the mirror do not displace the laser beam and do not change the distance from the source so the measurement is not influenced. Hence, it measures the movement along the beam direction and tolerates a large lateral movement of the target. The vector technique has been successfully used to measure the 3 D volumetric positioning accuracy of many CNC machines (including the progressive linear motor drives)[8, 9].Recently there are claims [5] that the vector technique cannot provide reliable linear accuracy for X, Y, and Z axes and also the mirror alignment error may cause a linear displacement error of 140 µm/m. These claims were again based on a few unrealistic examples. Detailed theoretical analyses on the body diagonal displacement measurement, and on the vector measurement were discussed in [2]. Furthermore, based on the measurement data, the results of vector technique and conventional laser technique were agreeable to within the statistical deviations. The mirror alignment errors were negligibly small and no where near the claimed error of 140 µm/m.IV. 3 D volumetric positioning error compensationFor the existing machine tools, as long as they are repeatable, the volumetric positioning accuracy can be improved up to the positioning repeatability of the machine. Many CNC machines with advanced controllers have the capability to perform the 3 D volumetric compensation, such as Fanuc with straightness compensation capability, Heidenhain with nonlinear compensation capability and Siemens with sag compensation capability. For some CNC machines without the volumetric compensation capability, the 3 D volumetric compensation can be achieved by compensate the parts program using the formulae below.Dx(x,y,z) = Dx(x) + Dx(y) + Dx(z) (10)Dy(x,y,z) = Dy(x) + Dy(y) + Dy(z) + Øxy*x/X (11)Dz(x,y,z) = Dz(x) + Dz(y) + Dz(z) + Øyz*y/Y + Øzx*x/X. (12)Where the Dx(x,y,z), Dy(x,y,z) and Dz(x,y,z) are correction values in the x, y, and z direction at the position (x,y,z). Many software can be used to convert an existing parts program to a new parts program with corrected positions[10].VI.Measurement on 4 DMU machinesThe measurements were performed on 4 Deckel Maho Gildemeister Universal milling machine model DMU 80T with Heidenhain iTNC 530 controller. The working volume is 780 mm x 585 mm x 450 mm.The laser calibration system used was a Laser Doppler Displacement Meter (LDDM), OPTODYNE model MCV-500. The target on the moving part of the machine was a 75×100 mm flat mirror. The air temperature and pressure were measured to compensate the changes in speed of light and the machine temperature was measured to compensate the machine thermal expansion. The automatic data acquisition, the error analysis and automatic generation of the compensation tables, were performed by the Optodyne LDDM Windows software version 2.50.The laser was mounted on the machine table and using the steering mirror to aligned the laserperpendicular to the laser beam, as shown in the Fig. 2. The machine was programmed to move the spindle starting from one corner to the opposite corner. The measurement data were automatically collected by the Windows LDDM software at every machine stop or at each single axis of movement. The error data has been analyzed by the LDDM software. The errors for each axis were automatically calculated.It is noted that, the laser vector measurement only took 2 to 4 hours instead of 20 to 40 hours by a conventional laser interferometer. The laser setup is very simple and the data collection is automatic. The data processing and compensation file generation are all automatic without manual compilation to minimize errors. Hence, a machine operator may be trained to perform the laser calibration and compensation without the need of an experienced quality engineer.VII.Measurement resultsAll the measurements were performed bidirectional and repeated 5 times. Based on the ASME B5.57 standard or the ISO 230-2 standard, the accuracy A, the repeatability R, the systematic deviation E, and reversal value B were calculated and tabulated in the tables. Typical results are shown in Table 1 the x-axis linear displacement errors, Table 2 the x-axis vertical straightness errors, and Table 3 the x-axis horizontal straightness errors. For linear displacement errors, the accuracy A = 0.0193 mm, the repeatability R = 0.0023 mm, and the systematic deviation E = 0.0183 mm. For vertical straightness errors, the accuracy A = 0.0037 mm, the repeatability R = 0.0024 mm, and the systematic deviation E = 0.0019 mm. For horizontal straightness errors, the accuracy A = 0.0071 mm, the repeatability R = 0.0048 mm, and the systematic deviation E = 0.0026 mm. These results show that the repeatability of the machines is very good and the straightness errors are not negligible as compared to the linear displacement errors. Hence, only compensating the 3-axis displacement errors is not enough. The straightness and squareness errors should also be compensated to achieve higher volumetric positioning accuracy.The pitch and yaw angular errors of each axis were determined by measuring linear displacement errors at 3 different locations. A typical plot of pitch angular errors of X-axis and Z-axis are shown in Fig. 3a and 3b respectively. The maximum X-axis pitch angular errors were + 1 arcsec to -7 arcsec, the maximum Z-axis pitch angular errors were +1.4 arcsec to - 1.4 arcsec. The measured maximum squareness error was YZ-plan -11.35 arcsec. The 3D volumetric positioning errors, namely, displacement errors, vertical and horizontal straightness errors and squareness errors of each axis were measured by the vector or sequential step diagonal technique. Based on these measured errors, 3D volumetric compensation files were generated for the volumetric compensation.The measured 4 body diagonal displacement errors without and with volumetric compensation are plotted in Fig. 4a and 4b respectively. The maximum body diagonal displacement errors were reduced from 0.027 mm to 0.007 mm by 3D volumetric compensation, a factor of 3.8 in improvement.VIII.Summary and conclusionThe linear displacement errors were measured at 3 different locations for 3 axes. With the new software, the pitch and yaw angular errors of all 3 axes can be calculated. The vector technique or sequential step diagonal technique has been used to measure the 3 D volumetric positioning errors. The measured 3 D volumetric positioning errors have been used to generate the compensated parts program. The 4 body diagonal displacement errors were reduced considerably with the volumetric compensation.In conclusion, as manufacturers continue to expand six sigma quality programs to improve products and reduce costs, their vendors are being required to improve the quality of their work. To comply with quality programs, shops should be required to calibrate and compensate machine tools volumetrically instead of just linearly. With 3 D volumetric calibration and compensation, better quality and higher precision parts can be cut. References[1] Schultschik,R., “The components of the volumetric accuracy”, Annals of the CIRP Vol. 25, No. 1, l977, pp223-228.[2] Wang, C and Liotto, G., A theoretical analysis of 4 body diagonal displacementmeasurement and sequential step diagonal measurement, Proceedings of theLAMDAMAP 2003 Conference, Huddersfield, England, July 2-4, 2003.[3] “Methods for Performance Evaluation of Computer Numerically ControlledMachining Centers” An American National Standard, ASME B5.54-1992 by theAmerican Society of Mechanical Engineers, p69, 1992.[4] ISO 230-6: 2002 Test code for machine tools – Part 6: Determination ofpositioning accuracy on body and face diagonals (Diagonal displacementtests)”, an International Standard, by International Standards Organization,2002.[5] Chapman, M.A, “Limitation of laser diagonal measurements”, Precision Engineering,Vol. 27, pp401-406, 2003.[6] Wang, C., “ Laser Vector measurement Technique for the determination andcompensation of volumetric positioning errors. Part I: Basic theory”, Review ofScientific Instruments, Vol. 71, No 10, pp 3933-3937, October 2000.[7] Jenecko, J., Griffin, B., and Wang, C., “Laser Vector Measurement Technique for thedetermination and compensation of volumetric positioning errors. Part II:Experimental verification”, Review of Scientific Instruments, Vol. 71, No. 10,pp.3938-3941, October 2000.[8] Wang, C. and Liotto, G., A laser non-contact measurement of staticpositioning and dynamic contouring accuracy of a CNC machine tool,Proceedings of the Measurement Science Conference, Los Angeles, January24-25, 2002.[9] Svoboda, O, Volumetric positioning accuracy of a vertical machining center equippedwith linear motor drives (evaluated by the laser vector method), Proceedings of theLAMDAMAP 2003 Conference, Huddersfield, England, July 2-4, 2003.[10] Chung, C., Yeh, S., Liang, J., and Wang, C., “Design of Volumetric Error SoftwareCompensation Algorithm”, Proceedings of the JUSFA 2002 Conference in Hiroshima,Japan, July 15-17, 2002.Figure captions1.Schematics of the sequential diagonal measurement. The working volume is divided by elementary blocks and the measurement is done for three sides of the blocks along the diagonal path.2. A photo of the DMU 80T Universal milling machine and the sequential diagonalmeasurement setup with the laser on the table and the flat mirror on the spindle.3.Measured pitch angular errors, a) X-axis and b) Z-axis.4.Four body diagonal displacement error, a) without compensation and b) withvolumetric compensation. The total error was reduced from 0.027 mm to 0.007 mm, an improvement of 380%.List of Tables1.Linear displacement errors of X-axis based on the ASME B5.57 standard.2.Vertical straightness errors of X-axis based on the ASME B5.57 standard.3.Horizontal straightness errors of X-axis based on the ASME B5.57 standard. IDW04RCMT3D.doc6/2/2004(X e, Y e, Z)D Z(X s, Y s, Z s)D YD xFig. 1, Schematics of the sequential diagonal measurement. The working volume is divided into elementary blocks and the measurement is donefor three sides of the blocks along the diagonal path.Fig. 2 A photo of the DMU 80T Universal milling machine and the sequential diagonal Measurement setup with the laser on the table and the flat mirroron the spindle.Fig. 3a X-axis pitch angular errorFig. 3b Z-axis pitch angular errorFig. 4a Four body diagonal displacement errors without compensation. The total error is 0.027mm.Fig. 4b Four body diagonal displacement errors measured with 3D volumetric error compensation. The total error is0.007mm, an improvement of 380%.Table 1, Linear displacement errors of x-axis based on the ASME B5.57 standardPosition Measurement (Linear), ISO-230-2 (1997) (mm) Date :06.19.03Bobr:Bobes File=C:\Lddm232\DMU80T-1\dmu80tAR2.sdx ByMachine :DMU80T SIN :I-1-4447LStart Position: (0,0,0) End Position: (780,585,450)Total Travel = 1073.8365797mm Points = 11 No Runs= 5Air Temp: 23.58 Pressure: 743.04 Humidity: 50.00Material Temp: 23.05 MTE = .999963Forward measurementPoint Position Mean X(avg)+ X(avg)- (mm) Deviation 2*Sigma 2*Sigma 2*Sigma0 0.000000 0.000001 0.000003 0.000003 -0.0000021 78.000000 -0.001069 0.000358 -0.000712 -0.0014272 156.000000 -0.002600 0.000520 -0.002080 -0.0031203 234.000000 -0.004656 0.000631 -0.004026 -0.0052874 312.000000 -0.006010 0.000742 -0.005268 -0.0067535 390.000000 -0.008053 0.000900 -0.007154 -0.0089536 468.000000 -0.010400 0.001142 -0.009258 -0.0115427 546.000000 -0.011935 0.000969 -0.010966 -0.0129048 624.000000 -0.014325 0.000802 -0.013524 -0.0151279 702.000000 -0.017335 0.000954 -0.016381 -0.01828910 780.000000 -0.018313 0.001031 -0.017283 -0.019344Average -0.0086090.000732Backward measurementPoint Position Mean X(avg)+ X(avg)-(mm) Deviation 2*Sigma 2*Sigma 2*Sigma0 0.000000 0.000001 0.000003 0.000003 -0.0000021 78.000000 -0.001540 0.000310 -0.001231 -0.0018502 156.000000 -0.002885 0.000483 -0.002402 -0.0033683 234.000000 -0.004817 0.000741 -0.004076 -0.0055584 312.000000 -0.006330 0.000779 -0.005550 -0.0071095 390.000000 -0.008290 0.000818 -0.007472 -0.0091076 468.000000 -0.010553 0.000803 -0.009750 -0.0113567 546.000000 -0.011938 0.000994 -0.010944 -0.0129328 624.000000 -0.014219 0.000920 -0.013298 -0.0151399 702.000000 -0.016917 0.000970 -0.015947 -0.01788810 780.000000 -0.018313 0.001031 -0.017283 -0.019344Average ` -0.008709 0.000714Reversal value, B= 0.000471(at point=1)Mean reversal value, <B>= 0.000100Range mean bidirectional positional deviation, M= 0.018314Systematic deviation of positioning, E=0.018314 (0.000001, -0.018313) (Forward),0.018314 (0.000001, -0.018313) (Backward),0.018314 (0.000001, -0.018313) (Bi-directional)Repeatability of positioning, R=0.002284 (at point=6) (Forward),0.002062 (at point=10) (Backward),0.002342 (at point=9) (Bi-directional).Accuracy, A=0.019348 (0.000003, -0.019344) (Forward),0.019348 (0.000003, -0.019344) (Backward),0.019348 (0.000003, -0.019344) (Bi-directional).Table 2, Vertical straightness errors of X-axis based on the ASME B5.57 standardPosition Measurement (Vertical), ISO-230-2 (1997) (mm) Date:06.19.03Bobr:BobesFile=C:\Lddm232\DMU80T-1\dmu80tAR2.SdX ByMachine :DMU80T SIN :I-1-4447LStart Position: (0,0,0) End Position: (780,585,450)Total Travel = 1073.8365797mm Points = 11 No Runs= 5Air Temp: 23.58 Pressure: 743.04 Humidity: 50.00Material Temp: 23.05 MTE = .999963Forward measurementPoint Position Mean X(avg)+ X(avg)-(mm) Deviation 2*Sigma 2*Sigma 2*Sigma0 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.0000001 78.000000 0.000088 0.000763 0.000850 -0.0006752 156.000000 -0.000496 0.000809 0.000313 -0.0013053 234.000000 -0.001812 0.001009 -0.000803 -0.0028224 312.000000 -0.000990 0.000756 -0.000234 -0.0017465 390.000000 -0.000966 0.000833 -0.000133 -0.0017996 468.000000 -0.001098 0.001121 0.000023 -0.0022207 546.000000 -0.001484 0.000810 -0.000673 -0.0022948 624.000000 -0.001136 0.000494 -0.000642 -0.0016309 702.000000 -0.001101 0.000876 -0.000226 -0.00197710 780.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 Average -0.000818 0.000679Backward measurementPoint Position Mean X(avg)+ X(avg)-(mm) Deviation 2*Sigma 2*Sigma 2*Sigma0 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.0000001 78.000000 0.000073 0.000355 0.000428 -0.0002822 156.000000 -0.000519 0.000338 -0.000181 -0.0008573 234.000000 -0.001716 0.000501 -0.001214 -0.0022174 312.000000 -0.001139 0.000471 -0.000668 -0.0016105 390.000000 -0.000940 0.000500 -0.000440 -0.0014416 468.000000 -0.000807 0.000948 0.000142 -0.0017557 546.000000 -0.001113 0.000962 -0.000151 -0.0020768 624.000000 -0.000995 0.000381 -0.000615 -0.0013769 702.000000 -0.000711 0.000319 -0.000392 -0.00103010 780.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.0000000.000434Average -0.000715Reversal value, B= 0.000149 (at point=4)Mean reversal value, <B>= -0.000103Range mean bidirectional positional deviation, M= 0.001844Systematic deviation of positioning, E=0.001900 (0.000088, -0.001812) (Forward),0.001788 (0.000073, -0.001716) (Backward),0.001900 (0.000088, -0.001812) (Bi-directional).Repeatability of positioning, R=0.002243 (at point=6) (Forward),0.001925 (at point=7) (Backward),0.002361 (at point=6) (Bi-directional).Accuracy, A=0.003672 (0.000850, -0.002822) (Forward),0.002645 (0.000428, -0.002217) (Backward),0.003672 (0.000850, -0.002822) (Bi-directional).。