Fuzzy Logic Application-Specific Processor for Traffic Control in ATM Network



Fuzzy Control involves using Fuzzy Logic to control a system based on input and output variables.
2 Real-life Application
Fuzzy Control has been used in fields such as robotics, traffic control, and industrial automation.
Real-life Application
Fuzzy Control has been used in industries such as food processing and chemical manufacturing.
What is Fuzzy Decision Making?
Fuzzy Decision Making involves using Fuzzy Logic to make decisions under uncertainty.
Real-life Application
Fuzzy Decision Making has been used in fields such as finance, marketing, and human resource management.
Fuzzy Logic在分类问题中的应用
Classification Problems
• Pattern recognition • Medical diagnosis • Object recognition
Benefits of Fuzzy Logic for Classification
• Handles imprecise data • Provides more nuanced results • Can be combined with other AI techniques

Fuzzy Logic - PCU Teaching Staffs模糊逻辑与教学人员

Fuzzy Logic - PCU Teaching Staffs模糊逻辑与教学人员

e.g. On a scale of one to 10, how good was
the dive?
Fuzzy Probability
Example #1
Billy has ten toes. The probability Billy has nine toes is zero. The fuzzy membership of Billy in the set of people with about nine toes, however, is nonzero.
Looking at Fuzzy Logic
4. Degree of Membership (Fuzzy Linguistic Variables)
Fuzzy and “Crisp” Control
Examples include close, heavy, light, big, small, smart, fast, slow, hot, cold, tall and short.
Gödel showed all such theories are either incomplete or inconsistent.
Gödel & Einstein (Princeton: August 1950)
Gödel’s Proof
Inconsistent: Show that 1+1=2 and 1+12. Incomplete: We cannot show that 1+1=2 .
Is such logic more compatible with Asian philosophy?
1Cor 13:12 “For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known.”

Fuzzy System and its Application (Internation Saminar)

Fuzzy System and its Application (Internation Saminar)
– The membership function can take intermediate
values between 1 and 0 and is often indicated using
square brackets [0,1].
• A membership function maps every element of the universe of discourse, x ,to the interval [0,1].
Fuzzy logic can be built on top of the experience of experts.
Fuzzy logic can be blended with conventional control techniques.
Fuzzy logic is base on natural language.
• In classical set theory, an element either belongs to a set or does not belong to it. • If the set under consideration is A, the testing of an element of x using the characteristic function A x is expressed as
Fuzzy Logics and its Application
Mingzhi Chen Donres@ Dec. 4, 2012
• Briefly introduction Fuzzy Logics; • Fuzzy rules and inference; • Application in wetland classification.



计算机英语2022影印版课后单词翻译解析计算机专业英语(2022影印版)高等教育出版社共10页KEYTERMS第一单元digitalveratiledic(DVD)数字多用途光盘digitalvideodic(DVD)数字多用途光盘documentfile文档文件enduer终端用户floppydik软盘informationytem信息系统informationtechnology信息技术inputdevice输入设备Internet因特网Keyboard键盘peronaldigitalaitant(PDA)个人数字助理preentationfile演示文稿primarytorage主存Printer打印机Procedure规程Program程序randomaccememory随机存储器econdarytoragedevice辅存Software 软件wirelerevolution无线革命workheetfile工作表第三单元analyticalgraph分析图计算机专业英语(2022影印版)高等教育出版社共10页applicationoftware应用软件AutocontentWizard内容提示向导baicapplication基础应用软件bulletedlit项目符号列表buineuite商业套装软件Button按键Cell单元格charactereffect字效Chart图表Column列databaemanagementytem(DBMS)数据库管理系统databaemanager数据库管理员Deigntemplate设计模板dialogbo某对话框Document文件Editing编辑Field字段findandreplace查找和替换Font字体fontize字号Form窗体Format格式Formula公式Function函数Gallerie图库grammarchecker语法检查器graphicaluerinterface(GUI)图形用户界面homeoftware家庭软件homeuite家庭套装软件Icon图标preentationgraphic图形演示文稿productivityuite生产力套装软件Query查询Range范围Recalculation重算Record记录relationaldatabae关系型数据Report报表Ribbon功能区、格式栏Row行Sheet工作表Slide幻灯片oftwareuite软件套装Sort排序pecializedapplication专用应用程序pecializeduite专用套装软件peechrecognition语音识别pellingchecker拼写检查器preadheet电子表格ytemoftware系统软件Table表格te某tentry文本输入Theauru[θi:r]分类词汇集计算机专业英语(2022影印版)高等教育出版社共10页Toolbar工具栏uerinterface用户界面utilityuite实用套装软件what-ifanalyi变化分析Window窗口wordproceor文字处理软件wordwrap字回行workbookfile工作簿Workheet工作表第四单元Animation动画artificialintelligence(AI)人工智能artificialreality虚拟现实audioeditingoftware音频编辑软件bitmapimage位图Blog博客Button按键clipart剪辑图Dektoppubliher桌面发布dektoppublihingprogram桌面印刷系统软件drawingprogram绘图程序e某pertytem专家系统Flah动画fuzzylogic模糊逻辑graphicalmap框图graphicuite集成图HTMLeditorHTML编辑器illutrationprogram绘图程序Imageeditor图像编辑器imagegallery图库immerivee某perience沉浸式体验indutrialrobot工业机器人Interactivity交互性knowledgebae知识库knowledge-baedytem知识库系统Link链接pagelayoutprogram页面布局程序perceptionytemrobot感知系统机器人Photoeditor图像编辑器Pi某el[pikl]像素raterimage光栅图像Robot机器人Robotic机器人学tockphotograph照片库toryboard故事版Vector[vekt]矢量vectorillutration矢量图vectorimage矢量图象videoeditingoftware视频编辑软件virtualenvironment虚拟环境virtualreality虚拟现实virtualrealitymodelinglanguage(VRML)虚拟现实建模语言virtualrealitywall虚拟现实墙VR虚拟现实Webauthoring网络编程Webauthoringprogram网络编辑程序Weblog网络日志计算机专业英语(2022影印版)高等教育出版社共10页Webpageeditor网页编辑器第五单元AddPrinterWizard添加打印机向导languagetranlator语言编译器leopard[lepd]雪豹操作系统Linu某MacOSMac操作系统MacOS某Menu菜单Antiviruprogram反病毒程序Backup备份backupprogram备份程序Booting启动、引导coldboot冷启动Dahboardwidget仪表盘Dektop桌面dektopoperatingytem桌面操作系统devicedriver磁盘驱动程序diagnoticprogram诊断程序dialogbo 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视窗Window视窗操作系统WindowUpdateWindow更新计算机专业英语(2022影印版)高等教育出版社共10页WindowVitaWindow某P第六单元ACadapter交流适配器Acceleratedgraphicport(AGP):图形加速端口Arithmetic-logicunit(ALU):算术逻辑单元Arithmeticoperation:算术运算ASCII美国标准信息交换码Binarycodingcheme:二进制编码制Bit:位Bu:总线Buline:总线Byte:字节Cable:电缆Cachememory:高速缓存carrierpackage封装物Centralproceingunit(CPU):中央处理器Chip:芯片Dektopytemunit:桌面系统单元Digital数字的Dual-corechip双核芯片EBCDIC:扩展二进制编码的十进制交换码E某panionbu扩展总线E某panioncard扩展卡E某panionlot扩展槽FireWireport:火线接口Flahmemory闪存Graphiccard图形适配卡Indutrytandardarchitecture(ISA)工业标准结构InfraredDataAociation(IrDA)红外线传输模组Muicalintrumentdigitalinterface(MIDI)乐器数字接口Networkadaptercard网络适配卡Networkinterfacecard(NIC)网络接口卡Notebookytemunit:笔记本Parallelport:并行端口Parallelproceing并行处理Pccard::个人计算机插卡PCIE某pre(PCIe)Peronaldigitalaitant(PDA)个人数字助理计算机专业英语(2022影印版)高等教育出版社共10页Plugandplay:即插即用Port:端口Powerupplyunit供电设备Proceor:处理器RAMcache:RAM高速缓存Random-accememory(RAM):随机存储器Read-onlymemory(ROM):只读存储器erialATA(SATA)串行ATA接口规范Serialport:串行端口Siliconchip:硅芯片Slot:插槽Smartcard:智能卡oundcard声卡Sytemboard:系统板Sytemcabinet:主机Sytemclock:系统时钟Sytemunit:系统单元tabletPC平板式电脑tabletPCytemunit平板式电脑系统单元TVtunercard:电视调频卡Unicode:统一字符编码标准Univeralerialbu(USB):通用串行总线Univeralerialbu(USB)port:通用串行总线端口Virtualmemory:虚拟存储器Word:字第七单元active-matri某monitor有源矩阵显示器barcode条形码barcodereader条形码阅读器cathoderaytubemonitor(CRT)阴极射线管显示器Clarity清晰度Digitalmediaplayer数字媒体播放器Digitalmuicplayer数码音乐播放器digitalvideocamera数码影像摄录机dotpitch点距dot-matri某printer针式打印机dot-per-inch(dpi)点每英寸dual-canmonitor双向扫描显示器dumbterminal哑终端e-book电子图书阅读器ergonomickeyboard人体工程学键盘Fa某machine传真机flat-panelmonitor平面显示器Flatbedcanner平板扫描仪fle某iblekeyboard可变形键盘handwritingrecognitionoftware手写识别软件Headphone耳机high-definitionteleviion(HDTV)高清电视计算机专业英语(2022影印版)高等教育出版社共10页laerprinter激光打印机lightpen光笔Liquidcrytaldiplay(LCD)液晶显示器Magneticcardreader磁卡阅读器magnetic-inkcharacterrecognition(MICR)磁性墨水字符识别mechanicalmoue机械鼠标Monitor显示器Moue鼠标mouepointer鼠标指针multifunctiondevice(MFD)多功能设备networkterminal网络终端numerickeypad数字小键盘optical-characterrecognition(OCR)光学字符识别optical-markrecognition(OMR)光学标记识别opticalmoue光电鼠标Opticalcanner光电扫描仪paive-matri某monitor无源矩阵显示器PDAkeyboardPDA键盘peronallaerprinter个人激光打印机photoprinter照片打印机pictureelement有效像素Pi某el像素Pi某elpitch像素间距platformcanner平版式扫描仪Plotter绘图仪pointingtick触控点portableprinter便携式打印机portablecanner便携式扫描仪Printer打印机Radiofrequencycardreader射频卡阅读器Radiofrequencyidentification(RFID)射频识别refrehrate刷新率Reolution分辨率rollerball 滚动球haredlaerprinter共享激光打印机Speaker扬声器Stylu[tail]输入笔thermalprinter[θ:ml]热敏打印机thinclient瘦客户端thinfilmtranitormonitor(TFT)薄膜晶体管显示器togglekey[tɡl]切换键touchpad触控板touchcreen触摸屏Trackball轨迹球traditionalkeyboard传统键盘UniveralProductCode(UPC)同一产品编码wandreader棒式阅读器WebCam摄像头计算机专业英语(2022影印版)高等教育出版社共10页wheelbutton滚动键wirelekeyboard无线键盘wirelemoue无线鼠标第八单元Cylinder[ilind]柱面Denity密度directacce直接存取dikcaching磁盘缓存DVD(digitalveratiledicordigitalvideodic)DVDplayerDVD播放器DVD-R(DVDrecordable)可录式DVDDVD+R(DVDrecordable)可录式DVDDVD-RAM(DVDrandom-accememory)DVD随机存取器DVD-ROM(DVDrandom-read-onlymemory)DVD只读存储器DVD-ROMjukebo某DVD-RW(DVDrewritable)可重写DVDEnterprietorageytem企业存储系统Floppydikcartridge软盘盒floppydikdrive(FDD)软磁盘驱动器harddik硬盘hard-dikcartridge硬盘盒hard-dikpack硬盘组HDDVD(high-definitionDVD)高清DVDopticaldikdrive光盘驱动器OrganizationalInternettorage组织性网络存储PCCardharddikPC卡硬盘Pit坑primarytorage主存RAIDytem磁碟阵列系统计算机专业英语(2022影印版)高等教育出版社共10页Redundantarrayofine某peniveclient/ervernetworkytem客户/服dik(RAID)廉价磁盘冗余阵列econdarytorage辅存Sector扇区equentialacce顺序存取Shutter滑盖Softwareengineer软件工程师olid-tatetorage固态存储器toragedevice存储装置tapecartridge盒式带Track轨道USBdriveUSB驱动器write-protectionnotch写入保护缺口第九单元3Gcellularnetworkanalogignal模拟信号aymmetricdigitalubcriber(ADSL)非对称数字用户线路Backbone 中枢Bandwidth带宽baetation基址bitperecond位/秒Bluetooth蓝牙Broadband宽带broadcatradio无线广播Bu总线bunetwork总线网络cablemodem电缆调制解调器cellularervice无线服务Client客户务网络系统digitalubcriberline(DSL)数字用户线路ditributeddataproceing分布式数据处理系统ditributedproceing分布处理domainnameerver(DNS)域名服务Ethernet以太网e某ternalmodem外置调制解调器E某tranet外联网fiber-opticcable光纤电缆Firewall防火墙globalpoitioningytem(GPS)全球卫星定位系统internalmodem内置式调制解调器Intranet内联网IPaddre(InternetProtocoladdre)IP地址localareanetwork(LAN)局域网lowbandwidth低频带宽计算机专业英语(2022影印版)高等教育出版社共10页mediumband中频波段metropolitanareanetwork(MAN)城域网Microwave微波Modem调制解调器Modulation调制networkadminitrator网络管理员networkarchitecture网络体系结构networkgateway网关networkhub网络集线器networkinterfacecard(NIC)网络接口卡networkoperatingytem(NOS)网络操作系统Node节点Packet数据包PCcardmodemPC卡调制解调器peer-to-peernetworkytem对等网络系统Polling轮流检测Protocol协议pro某yerver代理服务器ringnetwork环型网络Satellite卫星atellite/airconnectionervice卫星互连服务Server服务器(tranmiioncontrolprotocol/Internetprotocol)传输控制协议/因特网协议voiceband 声音带宽wideareanetwork(WAN)广域网Wi-FI(wirelefidelity)无限保真wireleLAN(WLAN)无线局域网wirelemodem无线调制解调器wirelereceiver无线接收器。

Fuzzy Logic and Systems

Fuzzy Logic and Systems

Fuzzy Logic and SystemsFuzzy logic is a powerful tool that has found applications in various fields, including control systems, artificial intelligence, and decision-making processes. However, it also presents certain challenges and limitations that need to be addressed. One of the key issues with fuzzy logic is its inherent subjectivity, which can lead to ambiguous results and interpretations. This is particularly problematic in critical systems where precision and accuracy are paramount. Additionally, the complexity of fuzzy logic systems can make them difficult to understand and maintain, especially for non-experts. Furthermore, the lack of standardized methods for designing and implementing fuzzy logic systems can hinder their widespread adoption and integration into existing technologies. From a technical perspective, fuzzy logic systems can be challenging to optimize and tune, as they often involve a large number of parameters and rules that interact in non-linear ways. This complexity can make it difficult to predict and control the behavior of fuzzy logic systems, leading to suboptimal performance and unexpected outcomes. Moreover, the lack of formal methods for verifying and validating fuzzy logic systems can undermine their reliability and trustworthiness, especially in safety-critical applications. As a result, there is a need for robust tools and techniques to ensure the dependability and resilience of fuzzy logic systems inreal-world scenarios. On the other hand, from a practical standpoint, fuzzy logic systems can be expensive to develop and deploy, as they require specialized expertise and resources. This can pose a barrier to entry for smallerorganizations and limit the accessibility of fuzzy logic technology. Additionally, the interpretability of fuzzy logic systems can be a double-edged sword, as it may lead to resistance and skepticism from stakeholders who are unfamiliar with the underlying principles and mechanisms. Overcoming these challenges will require effective communication and education to demystify fuzzy logic and demonstrate its value in solving complex problems. Despite these challenges, fuzzy logic remainsa valuable and versatile tool for modeling and reasoning under uncertainty. Its ability to capture and leverage imprecise and vague information makes it well-suited for addressing real-world problems that defy simple binary classification. By embracing the nuances and complexities of human cognition and decision-making,fuzzy logic can offer unique insights and solutions that traditional approaches may overlook. Moreover, ongoing research and development in the field of fuzzy logic are continuously pushing the boundaries of its capabilities and expanding its potential applications. In conclusion, while fuzzy logic presents certain challenges and limitations, its unique capabilities and versatility make it a valuable tool for addressing complex and uncertain problems. By addressing the technical, practical, and theoretical aspects of fuzzy logic, we can unlock its full potential and harness its benefits across various domains. As we continue to advance our understanding and mastery of fuzzy logic, we can expect to see even greater innovation and impact in the years to come.。



Example-2 温控器
• A standard home central air conditioner is equipped with a thermostat, which the homeowner sets to a specific temperature. • 带温控器的家庭用中央空调,主人设定一 特定温度。高于该温度,则启动风扇;低 于该温度,则停止风扇。
模糊化 Fuzzification
Fuzzy value
0 Crisp value
Байду номын сангаас
• • • • 输入值是-13华氏度 Big grade=0.25 Medium grade=0.75 Small grade=0.00
控制系统应用 Control applications
• • • • Controlling trains Air conditioning Heating systems robots
评价威胁程度 Threat Assessment
• In the battle simulation game the computer team often has to deploy units as defense against a potentially threatening enemy force. 如何用模糊方法对敌人的威胁实施防御? • Range - near, close, far, and very far, • Size- tiny, small, medium, large, or massive.



3. 模糊逻辑控制器的设计模糊逻辑控制器(Fuzzy Logic Controller)简称为模糊控制器(Fuzzy Controller),因为模糊控制器的控制规则是基于模糊条件语句描述的语言控制的控制规则,所以模糊控制器又称为模糊语言控制器。








[5] 3.1 模糊控制器的基本结构模糊控制系统一般按输出误差和误差的变化对过程进行控制,其基本的结构表示如图3.1。

首先将实际测得的精确量误差e和误差变化△e经过模糊化处理而变换成模糊量,在采样时刻k,误差和误差变化的定义为e k=yr-y kΔe k=e k-e k-1上式中yr和yk分别表示设定值和k时刻的过程输出,即为k时刻的输出误差。




数据库提供必要的定义,确定模糊控制器(FLC)语言控制规则图3.1 模糊控制系统的基本结构和模糊数据的操作。






Fuzzy LogicEngineering Research Center of Rolling Equipment and Complete Technology of Ministry of Educations State Key Laboratory of Metastable Materials Science and Technology, Yanshan University, Qinhuangdao 066004, Hebei, China Welcome to the wonderful world of fuzzy logic, the new science you can use to powerfully get things done. Add the ability to utilize personal computer based fuzzy logic analysis and control to your technical and management skills and you can do things that humans and machines cannot otherwise do.Following is the base on which fuzzy logic is built: As the complexity of a system increases, it becomes more difficult and eventually impossible to make a precise statement about its behavior, eventually arriving at a point of complexity where the fuzzy logic method born in humans is the only way to get at the problem. Fuzzy logic is used in system control and analysis design, because it shortens the time for engineering development and sometimes, in the case of highly complex systems, is the only way to solve the problem. Although most of the time we think of "control" as having to do with controlling a physical system, there is no such limitation in the concept as initially presented by Dr. Zadeh. Fuzzy logic can apply also to economics, psychology, marketing, weather forecasting, biology, politics ...... to any large complex system.The term "fuzzy" was first used by Dr. Lotfi Zadeh in the engineering journal, "Proceedings of the IRE," a leading engineering journal, in 1962. Dr. Zadeh became, in 1963, the Chairman of the Electrical Engineering department of the University of California at Berkeley. That is about as high as you can go in the electrical engineering field. Dr. Zadeh thoughts are not to be taken lightly. Fuzzy logic is not the wave of the future. It is now! There are already hundreds of millions of dollars of successful, fuzzy logic based commercial products, everything from self-focusing cameras to washing machines that adjust themselves according to how dirty the clothes are, automobile engine controls, anti-lock braking systems, color film developing systems, subway control systems and computer programs tradingsuccessfully in the financial markets. Note that when you go searching for fuzzy-logic applications in the United States, it is difficult to impossible to find a control system acknowledged as based on fuzzy logic. Just imagine the impact on sales if General Motors announced their anti-lock braking was accomplished with fuzzy logic! The general public is not ready for such an announcement.Suppose you are driving down a typical, two way, 6 lane street in a large city, one mile between signal lights. The speed limit is posted at 45 Mph. It is usually optimum and safest to "drive with the traffic," which will usually be going about 48 Mph. How do you define with specific, precise instructions "driving with the traffic?" It is difficult. But, it is the kind of thing humans do every day and do well. There will be some drivers weaving in and out and going more than 48 Mph and a few drivers driving exactly the posted 45 Mph. But, most drivers will be driving 48 Mph. They do this by exercising "fuzzy logic" - receiving a large number of fuzzy inputs, somehow evaluating all the inputs in their human brains and summarizing, weighting and averaging all these inputs to yield an optimum output decision. Inputs being evaluated may include several images and considerations such as: How many cars are in front. How fast are they driving. Any "old clunkers" going real slow. Do the police ever set up radar surveillance on this stretch of road. How much leeway do the police allow over the 45 Mph limit. What do you see in the rear view mirror. Even with all this, and more, to think about, those who are driving with the traffic will all be going along together at the same speed.The same ability you have to drive down a modern city street was used by our ancestors to successfully organize and carry out chases to drive wooly mammoths into pits, to obtain food, clothing and bone tools.Human beings have the ability to take in and evaluate all sorts of information from the physical world they are in contact with and to mentally analyze, average and summarize all this input data into an optimum course of action. All living things do this, but humans do it more and do it better and have become the dominant species of the planet.If you think about it, much of the information you take in is not very precisely defined, such as the speed of a vehicle coming up from behind. We call this fuzzy input. However, some of your "input" is reasonably precise and non-fuzzy such as the speedometer reading. Your processing of all this information is not very precisely definable. We call this fuzzy processing. Fuzzy logic theorists would call it using fuzzy algorithms (algorithm is another word for procedure or program, as in a computer program). Fuzzy logic is the way the human brain works, and we can mimic this in machines so they will perform somewhat like humans (not to be confused with Artificial Intelligence, where the goal is for machines to perform EXACTLY like humans). Fuzzy logic control and analysis systems may be electro-mechanical in nature, or concerned only with data, for example economic data, in all cases guided by "If-Then rules" stated in human language.The fuzzy logic analysis and control method is, therefore:1)Receiving of one, or a large number, of measurement or other assessment of conditions existing in some system we wish to analyze or control.2)Processing all these inputs according to human based, fuzzy "If-Then" rules, which can be expressed in plain language words, in combination with traditional non-fuzzy processing.3)Averaging and weighting the resulting outputs from all the individual rules into one single output decision or signal which decides what to do or tells a controlled system what to do. The output signal eventually arrived at is a precise appearing defuzzified, "crisp" value.Measured, non-fuzzy data is the primary input for the fuzzy logic method. Examples: temperature measured by a temperature transducer, motor speed, economic data, financial markets data, etc. It would not be usual in an electro-mechanical control system or a financial or economic analysis system, but humans with their fuzzy perceptions could also provide input. There could be a human "in-the-loop." In the fuzzy logic literature, you will see the term "fuzzy set." A fuzzy set is a group of anything that cannot be precisely defined. Consider the fuzzy set of "old houses."How old is an old house? Where is the dividing line between new houses and old houses? Is a fifteen year old house an old house? How about 40 years? What about 39.9 years? The assessment is in the eyes of the beholder. Other examples of fuzzy sets are: tall women, short men, warm days, high pressure gas, small crowd, medium viscosity, hot shower water, etc. When humans are the basis for an analysis, we must have a way to assign some rational value to intuitive assessments of individual elements of a fuzzy set. We must translate from human fuzziness to numbers that can be used by a computer. We do this by assigning assessment of conditions a value from zero to 1.0. For "how hot the room is" the human might rate it at .2 if the temperature were below freezing, and the human might rate the room at .9, or even 1.0, if it is a hot day in summer with the air conditioner off. You can see these perceptions are fuzzy, just intuitive assessments, not precisely measured facts. By making fuzzy evaluations, with zero at the bottom of the scale and 1.0 at the top, we have a basis for analysis rules for the fuzzy logic method, and we can accomplish our analysis or control project. The results seem to turn out well for complex systems or systems where human experience is the only base from which to proceed, certainly better than doing nothing at all, which is where we would be if unwilling to proceed with fuzzy rules.[12]Novices using personal computers and the fuzzy logic method can beat Ph.D. mathematicians using formulas and conventional programmable logic controllers. Fuzzy logic makes use of human common sense. This common sense is either applied from what seems reasonable, for a new system, or from experience, for a system that has previously had a human operator. Here is an example of converting human experience for use in a control system: I read of an attempt to automate a cement manufacturing operation. Cement manufacturing is a lot more difficult than you would think. Through the centuries it has evolved with human "feel" being absolutely necessary. Engineers were not able to automate with conventional control. Eventually, they translated the human "feel" into lots and lots of fuzzy logic "If-Then" rules based on human experience. Reasonable success was thereby obtained in automating theplant. Objects of fuzzy logic analysis and control may include: physical control, such as machine speed, or operating a cement plant; financial and economic decisions; psychological conditions; physiological conditions; safety conditions; security conditions; production improvement and much more.Without personal computers, it would be difficult to use fuzzy logic to control machines and production plants, or do other analyses. Without the speed and versatility of the personal computer, we would never undertake the laborious and time consuming tasks of fuzzy logic based analyses and we could not handle the complexity, speed requirement and endurance needed for machine control. You can do far more with a simple fuzzy logic BASIC or C++ program in a personal computer running in conjunction with a low cost input/output controller than with a whole array of expensive, conventional, programmable logic controllers. Programmable logic controllers have their place! They are simple, reliable and keep American industry operating where the application is relatively simple and on-off in nature.For a more complicated system control application, an optimum solution may be patching things together with a personal computer and fuzzy logic rules, especially if the project is being done by someone who is not a professional, control systems engineer.A Milestone Passed for Intelligent Life On Earth。




在MATLAB中,模糊控制可以通过Fuzzy Logic Toolbox实现。

Fuzzy Logic Toolbox提供了一套用于设计、模拟和分析模糊逻辑系统的工具。









在MATLAB中,可以使用Fuzzy Logic Toolbox的命令createFIS来创建一个模糊逻辑系统(FIS),并使用addInput和addOutput命令来定义输入和输出的模糊集。

例如,以下代码片段演示了如何创建一个简单的模糊逻辑系统:```MATLABfis = createFIS('fuzzy_system');fis = addInput(fis, [0 100], 'Temperature');fis = addOutput(fis, [0 10], 'Control');fis = addMF(fis, 'input', 1, 'cold', 'trimf', [-10 0 10]);fis = addMF(fis, 'input', 1, 'hot', 'trimf', [40 100 160]);fis = addMF(fis, 'output', 1, 'cool', 'trimf', [-5 0 5]);fis = addMF(fis, 'output', 1, 'maintain', 'trimf', [0 5 10]);fis = addMF(fis, 'output', 1, 'heat', 'trimf', [5 10 15]);ruleList = [1 1 2 3 1;22221;33211];fis = addRule(fis, ruleList);```在定义模糊逻辑系统之后,可以使用evalfis命令对系统进行模糊推理和模糊控制。





首先我们在Matlab的命令窗口(command window)中输入fuzzy,回车就会出来这样一个窗口。





相应的模糊量为E,EC和U,我们可以选择增加输入(Add Variable)来实现双入单出控制结构。



在模糊控制工具箱中,我们在Member Function Edit中即可完成这些步骤。

首先我们打开Member Function Edit窗口.然后分别对输入输出变量定义论域范围,添加隶属函数,以E为例,设置论域范围为[-3 3],添加隶属函数的个数为7.然后根据设计要求分别对这些隶属函数进行修改,包括对应的语言变量,隶属函数类型。




fuzzy logic 工具箱的应用

fuzzy logic 工具箱的应用

Thank You!
因素集U是影响评判对象的因素组成的集合,通常 用U表示,即U={“ ,U ,U3>,U。表示影响评判对 象的因素,具体来说就是交叉口的饱和度、交叉口 最大排队长度和平均每车延误。
评价集V是评价者对评判对象所作出的各种可能的 判断结果的集合,用V表示,即V=< V1 ,V2,V3 , V4},其中,V1代表交叉口畅通状态, V2代表轻微拥 挤状态, V3代表拥挤状态,V4代表严重拥挤状态, V1, V2,V3, V4所对应的交通状态值依次为0,1, 2,3。
window)中输入fuzzy,回车就会出来这样一个 窗口。
Fuzzy Logic Toolbox简介 打开Fuzzy Logic Toolbox 如何更改变量值域 如何添加输入变量 如何添加隶属函数 如何确定模糊规则
1.打开Member Function Edit窗口。 2.双击要更改值域的变量。 出现下面窗口:
通过Add membership functions来添加隶属函 数,操作如下:
Fuzzy Logic Toolbox简介 打开Fuzzy Logic Toolbox 如何更改变量值域 如何添加输入变量 如何添加隶属函数 如何确定模糊规则
如下图,一般来说,这些规则都是现成的,很多教 科书上都有。
(2)排队长度低于3O为畅通状态,排队长度大于等 于40小于60为轻微拥挤状态,排队长度大于等于70小 于80为拥挤状态,排队长度大干100为严重拥挤状态。 其隶属度函数如图2所示。 (3)平均延误低于10为畅通状态,平均延误大于等 于20小于45为轻微拥挤状态,平均延误大于等于55小 于70为拥挤状态,平均延误大于80为严重拥挤状态。 其隶属度函数如图3所示。



Fuzzy Logic and FuzzyAlgorithmsCISC871/491Md Anwarul Azim(10036952)Presentation OutlineFuzzy control systemFuzzy Traffic controllerModeling and SimulationHardware DesignConclusion2Figure from Prof. Emil M. Petriu, University of Ottawa6Basic Structure of ControllerDEFUZZIFIER –It extracts a crisp value from a fuzzy set.·Smallest of Maximum.·Largest of Maximum.·Centroid of area.·Bisector of Area·Mean of maximum.FUZZIFIERFuzzifier takes the crisp inputs to a fuzzy controller and converts them into fuzzy inputs.FUZZY RULE BASE (Knowledge base)It consists of fuzzy IF-THEN rules that form the heart of a fuzzy inference system. A fuzzy rule base is comprised of canonical fuzzy IF-THEN rules of the form IF x1 is A1(l) and ... and xn is An (l)THEN y is B(l), where l = 1, 2, ...,M. Should have Completeness, Consistency, Continuity..FUZZY INFERENCE ENGINEFuzzy Inference Engine makes use of fuzzy logic principles to combine the fuzzy IF-THEN rules. Composition based inference (Max/Min,Max/Product)and individual-rule based inference (Mamdani). Other methods like Tsukamoto, Takagi Sugeno Kang (TSK)7“Fuzzy Control”Kevin M. Passino and Stephen Yurkovichhttp://if.kaist.ac.kr/lecture/cs670/textbook/ Fuzzy Traffic controller--Most traffic has fixed cycle controllers that need manual changes to --One of the desirable features of traffic controllers is to dynamically effect the change of signal phase durations--This problem can be solved by use of fuzzy traffic controllers whichadaptively at an intersection.12 /help/toolbox/fuzzy/fp243dup9.html13 /watch?v=hFWGToL-NHw/products/simulink/demos.htmlModeling using Simulink(Cont.)14 /watch?v=hFWGToL-NHw/products/simulink/demos.html15Case Study 2 (Extra)17。

Fuzzy Logic

Fuzzy Logic
Causal Probabilistic Networks or Bayesian Networks Probability calculus is a well-established tool for handling uncertainty with a history of about 300 years. Today, Bayesian networks or Causal Probabilistic Networks CPN represent a culmination of Bayesian probability theory and causal graphical representations for modeling causal and probabilistic applications. There are two essential problems harassing proponents and adherents of Bayesian networks or probabilists in general. The rst is a theoretical problem. Probability calculus is based on an axiomatic de nition which in turn is based on the classical bivalent logic. This logic as the basis for the precision of mathematics is attributed to Aristotle's Laws of Thought". In particular, one of these laws, called the Law of the Excluded Middle" claims that every proposition must be



模糊逻辑专用器件新方案佚名【期刊名称】《《电子产品世界》》【年(卷),期】2001(000)010【摘要】Fuzzy Logic based applications are growing day-by-day , not only highend and high-tech application , but especially consumer . Nowadays , most of these applications are implemented by software routines written on standard microcontrollers . This approach introduces some limitation both in the flexibility and in the complexity and , above all in the implemented algorithm performances. The correct approach for Fuzzy Logic based control systems is represented by a dedicated device that has , besides the fuzzy computation capability, the features of a standard microcontroller, that are: “traditional” Boolean computation capability, L/O units, and on-chip peripherals.【总页数】3页(P17-18,22)【正文语种】中文【相关文献】1.基于RFID专用读写模块和IC卡的手机支付新方案的研究 [J], 蔡逆水2.基于模糊逻辑的器件与电路建模技术 [J], 李郁松;郭裕顺3.VANET中基于模糊逻辑的RSU自适应数据更新方案 [J], 郝伟强; 熊书明4.新型实用模糊逻辑器件 [J], 陈汝全5.虚拟专用网──建立低费用的大型广域网络的新方案 [J], 徐迎五因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。

Fuzzy Logic - PCU Teaching Staffs模糊逻辑与教学人员

Fuzzy Logic - PCU Teaching Staffs模糊逻辑与教学人员

e.g. On a scale of one to 10, how good was
the dive?
9Байду номын сангаас
Fuzzy Probability
Example #1
Billy has ten toes. The probability Billy has nine toes is zero. The fuzzy membership of Billy in the set of people with about nine toes, however, is nonzero.
Gödel’s Proof
Logical Development from Axioms (self-evident reality – or assumptions of truth) is a foundation of mathematics.
From Axioms, we get lemmas, theorems and corollaries that builds to a theory.
Gödel showed all such theories are either incomplete or inconsistent.
Gödel & Einstein (Princeton: August 1950)
Gödel’s Proof
Inconsistent: Show that 1+1=2 and 1+12. Incomplete: We cannot show that 1+1=2 .
Looking at Fuzzy Logic
4. Degree of Membership (Fuzzy Linguistic Variables)



(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) 析取“∨” T(P∨Q)=T(P)∨T(Q) 合取“∧” T(P∧Q)=T(P)∧T(Q) 取非 “┓” T(┓P)=1-T(P) 蕴含“→” T(P→Q)=1∧[1-T(P)+T(Q)] 等值“ ” T(P Q)=1∧[1-T(P)+T(Q)]∧[1- T(Q)+T(P)]
Fuzzy Control
概念:含有模糊概念或者具有模糊性的陈述句。 例如:模糊命题 P:“小明学习努力” 若小明“努力”的隶属度为0.8,则命题的真值为: T(P)=μA(x)=0.8 模糊命题的真值为1时表示 P 完全真,为0时为完全假, 模糊命题可看成是普通命题的推广,普通命题是模糊 命题的特例。
1 幂等律 : x+x=x ; x· x=x 2 交换律 : x+y=y+x ; x· y=y· x 3 结合律 : (x+y)+z=x+(y+z) ; (x· y)· z=x· (y· z) 4 分配律 : x+(y· z)=(x+y)· (x+z) ; x· (y+z)=x· y+x· z 5 德摩根律 : (x+y)=x ·y ; (x ·y)= x + y 6 双重否定律 : x = x 7 常数运算法则 : 1+x=1 ; 0+x=x ; 1· x=x; 0· x=0 8 吸收律 : x+x· y=x ; x· (x+y)=x
互补率x x 1; x x 0不成立,因为 x x max( x ,1 x ) x x min( x ,1 x )

阿果石油网_Geolog教程 - FuzzyLogic

阿果石油网_Geolog教程 - FuzzyLogic
根据上面给定身高条件下计算高度指数(Tall)的方程,计算一些特征点的高度指数值 如下: 身高 3.2 5.5 5.9 5.10 6.1 7.2 身高指数(Tall) 0 0.21 0.38 0.42 0.54 1
利用上面定义的成员函数,可以计算出某身高条件下的身高指数。 。与布尔逻辑关系相 区别的是:该成员函数的取值不仅可以取“0”和“1” ,而且可以取 0-1 之间的任意实数, 但该计算的指数值同样属于集合{0,1} ,这就是模糊关系的精髓所在。 对应模糊逻辑操作来讲,同样具有与布尔逻辑相似的逻辑操作。这些操作定义如下: Truth (not X) = 1.0 - truth (X) Truth (X and Y) = minimum (truth(X), truth(Y)) Truth (X or Y) = maximum (truth(X), truth(Y)) 为了说明上面模糊逻辑操作的方法和操作后的结果,再定义年龄指数函数如下:
low(t ) = 1 − (t / 10) high(t ) = t / 10
定义用于进行专家系统分析的逻辑条件如下: 规则 1: if x is low and y is low then z is high 规则 2: if x is low and y is high then z is low 规则 3: if x is high and y is low then z is low 规则 4: if x is high and y is high then z is high 利用上面的成员函数和四个逻辑规则,计算的模糊运行结果如下表所示: x y low(x) high(x) low(y) high(y) alpha1 alpha2 alpha3 alpha4 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------4 帕拉代姆公司北京代表处 2003 年 8 月
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Abstract - Fuzzy logic appears a promising approach to address many important aspects of networks, particularly the traffic control in ATM (Asynchronous Transfer Mode) network. In this paper we first investigate a fuzzy logic based model for traffic control in ATM. ATM traffic model and traffic control using fuzzy controllers are first simulated using MatLab. Then, an application specific fuzzy controller is developed and described. It is based on our generic Fuzzy Logic Application Specific Processor (FLASP), which is implemented in Field-Programmable Logic Device. The verified results show that this hardware design can perform all control tasks successfully for relatively high speed data transfers in ATM networks.I.I NTRODUCTIONFuzzy models have supplanted more conventional technologies in many scientific applications and engineering systems, especially in control systems and pattern recognition [1]. There are a number of approaches to implement the fuzzy logic systems. They can be software-only, hardware-only or the combination of software and hardware. Suitability of an implementation approach depends mostly on the application type and performance requirements. The partitioning of the solution to its software and hardware parts can be done with respect to different criteria (for example, propagation or execution time, response time, reliability, price, etc). Software part requires a processor, on which it will run, while hardware part can be in a form of functions implemented as functional units and used as the standard blocks available at design time from a digital design library.In the recent years, the FPLD technology [2] has been used to implement fuzzy logic for solving real-world problems such as image processing, robotics and motion control, fuzzy database and industrial engineering applications [3-6].Fuzzy logic systems are also spreading application in the field of telecommunications, particularly in the broadband integrated networks based on ATM technology [7]. ATM is an emerging technology, which can support mixed types of traffic (data, voice, audio, video). In this kind of network, one of the most critical functions is “policing”which has the task of forcing that each user source complies with the traffic parameters negotiated at the time of call set up to avoid network congestion. As the ATM sources have different statistical properties this function is difficult to implement with conventional crisp evaluation methods [8]. e-mail: z.salcic@ The capability to formalise approximation of the reasoning process offered by fuzzy logic provides a promising solution. In this paper we investigate the ATM traffic control problem and its fuzzy logic solution. First, we introduce the problem of traffic control in ATM and its fuzzy logic controller. The model and controller are thoroughly simulated using MatLab in order to validate the approach. Then we describe an approach to implement controller using unique generic Fuzzy Logic Application Specific Processor (FLASP), which can be used to implement unique fuzzy systems in Field-Programmable Logic Devices (FPLDs). At the end we describe some of the verification results and discuss limitations and advantages of the applied approach.II.ATM T RAFFIC C ONTROLATM has been accepted as the switching technique for the broadband integrated services digital network (BISDN) capable of supporting multimedia services (video, voice, data). It performs transmission and switching of digital information in fixed length packets (53 bytes) called cells. It operates in connection-oriented mode, with the cells all following the same itinerary defining a virtual connection between a transmitter and several receivers.Traffic control in ATM implies a set of actions taken by the network to avoid congestion. Two major functions are adopted for this purpose:Connection Admission Control (CAC): CAC represents the set of actions taken by the network at call set-up phase in order to accept or reject an ATM connection. When a user requests a new ATM connection, the user must specify the traffic characteristics by selecting a QoS (Quality of Services such as peak-to peak Cell Delay Variable, max Cell Transfer Delay, Cell Loss Ratio) that the network provides. The network checks if the network resources are available for accepting this new connection while at the same time maintaining the agreed QoS of existing connections. By accepting the connection, the network forms a traffic contract with the user. Once the connection is accepted, the network continues to provide the agreed-upon QoS as long as the user compiles with the traffic contract.Usage Parameter Control (UPC): Once a connection has been accepted by the CAC, the UPC function of the network monitors the connection and whether the traffic conforms to the traffic contract. This function is sometimes also called policing function. The main purpose of UPC isFuzzy Logic Application-Specific Processor for Traffic Control in ATM NetworkZoran Salcic, Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, The University of Auckland,Private Bag 92019, Auckland, New Zealandto enforce the compliance of every ATM connection to its negotiated traffic contract and to protect network resources from an overload on one connection that would adversely affect the QoS on other connections. It detects violations of assigned parameters and takes appropriate actions such as cell-dropping, cell-marking, or shaping the source rate.An ideal UPC algorithm should meet the following requirements:•Capabilities of detecting any non-compliant traffic situation.•Rapid response time to parameter violations •Simplicity of implementationUPC can be done at both the virtual path and virtual channel levels. The place at which UPC exercises are virtual path switch node or virtual channel switch node depending on configurations. As ATM is intended to support a variety of traffic types, one of the most crucial problems lies in the fact that the sources to be characterised have different statistical properties as they range from video to data services. It is necessary to define parameters that can be monitored during the call.Another key issue is how to define a traffic enforcement mechanism, which can meet the requirements mentioned above. Methods such as the leaky bucket and window mechanisms have been proposed. However, the results are not so satisfactory [9]. From a decision point of view, those methods based on conventional algorithms are crisp decision makers. The decision to consider arriving cells as excessive or not is in fact a crisp logic evaluation over a set of fixed thresholds. Obviously this is not suitable for applying in ATM traffic control situation. The difficulty of characterising a policer accurately and the fuzzy logic’s capabilities to formalise approximate reasoning process lead to exploration of the alternative solutions based on fuzzy logic.[8]Fuzzy logic as the decision-making logic allows the use of algorithms that are soft decision making: the evaluation of whether the source respects the parameters negotiated or not is represented by a truth value which is not restricted to either true (the truth value is one) or false ( the false value is zero), but in a continuum of [0,1]. The softness of truth values, which is inherent in the concept of fuzzy set, along with the power expression of fuzzy inference systems, promises a more appropriate representation of the decision processes which a policing mechanism has to feature.III.F UZZY POLICING MODELThe fuzzy logic approach to UPC and comparison of the performance of the fuzzy logic and other traditional control mechanisms are discussed in [7] and [8]. The fuzzy policing model is a window-based control mechanism that rejects any number of cells in the i th time window T that is greater than the allowed threshold N i The number of allowed cells per time window N i is dynamically updated by inferencerules based on fuzzy logic.The primary goal of the fuzzy policing model is to force thesource to respect the negotiated long-term average cell rate λn throughout the duration of connection. This goal must be achieved by taking into consideration the requirementsof an ideal policer: to allow for short-term fluctuations incell rate as long as the overall cell rate is maintained legaland at the same time detect a violation immediately. To focus on these conflicting demands, the policer must allow a period of high cell rate that exceeds the negotiated rate in order to accommodate for source rate fluctuations. At the same time, the policer must determine when the excessive cells are considered illegal and need to be discarded. This goal is achieved by a “credit” method, in which the policer allows the source any cell rate as long as the source does not violate the traffic contract. This credit is consumed if the source starts to transmit cells at a higher rate than negotiated. The “credit“ method is applied to the cells rejection threshold N i by a fuzzy logic system.The parameters used in fuzzy policing model are made upof linguistic variables and fuzzy sets, while control action isdescribed by a set of fuzzy conditional rules. The inputvariables for the fuzzy policing model are:1)A oi---the average number of cell arrivals per windowsince the beginning of the connection;2)A i--- the average number of cell arrivals in the lastwindow;3)N i--- the controller threshold (allowed cells per window)in the previous window.The output variable is:∆N i+1---the variation to be made to the threshold N i in the next window.The membership functions are shown in Figures 1, 2 and 3. Aoi and A i membership functions1.00.0Fig 1 Membership functions for Aoi and A i input variablesN i membership functionTo understand how the fuzzy rules in the knowledge base reproduce the logic process an expert knowledge in the field would apply. Let us consider just one case: In case that the source is fully respectful (A oi is low ) which involves rules 1-3, N i is necessarily high due to the fact that the source has gained credit. Thus, if the number of cells that arrived in the last window is low or medium, that is, the source continues nonviolating behavior, its credit is increased rules 1,2; vice versa, if A i is high, a sign of a possible beginning of violation on the part of the source or an admissible short-term statistical fluctuation, the threshold value remains oi and (sec). T ∆N i+1Table 2 Performance requirements Traffic type Policer latency Packetised Voice (32Kb/s)12 ms Still picture (2Mb/s)192 ms Video (10Mb/s)38.4 µs V. FLASP A RCHITECTUREA global FLASP MIMO architecture is presented in Figure 7. It consists of a number of FLASP MISO modules and a main control unit. The FLASP MISO module is composedof three main functional units (Fuzzification unit, Rule inference unit and Defuzzification unit) as illustrated inFigure 7, and two auxiliary units used for supporting the fuzzy logic operations (Clear-Memory and Division unit)are not shown in the Figure. Each unit is designed with pipelining and also supports the parallel architecture for the real-time application. The main control unit can be a dedicated FSM or a general-purpose processor. In our case FLASP functional units are synthesised into Altera's 10K FPLD family.The FLASP MISO module architecture is shown in Figure 8. Each fuzzy functional unit (i.e., fuzzification, rule inference, or defuzzification) has its own local data pathand control unit allowing them to operate fuzzy tasks independently and communicates with main controller in the synchronous operation mode . Two simple control signals, start _(functional unit) and end_(functional unit),are used for synchronising main controller (or FLIX [ ]core) and the fuzzy functional units controllers. The defuzzification functional unit combines the fuzzy outputs into a crisp system output based on the COG (centre of gravity) method.The total time needed to complete one fuzzy logic inference35000 fuzzy logic inference output per second can be mad (35 KFLIPS) in the current design that is not using overall pipelining (between individual functional units). FLASP-based ATM controller has been generated by parameterisation of the MISO module and generation of the VHDL code (description) is performed using FLASP compiler. The whole controller easily fits into a single Altera FLEX10K40 FPLD and requires 28.5 µs to complete a single fuzzy logic inference operation.VI.C ONCLUSIONSBased on the described fuzzy algorithm, a fuzzy application processor for control of traffic in ATM network based on FLASP framework has been developed and verified.1) The designed processor has achieved all the functions of fuzzy algorithm, fuzzification, inference and defuzzification , and fully complies with the simulation model of the controller2) It takes 28.5 µs to complete one fuzzy logic inference process (to infer 18 fuzzy rules) and to generate one output. This means that it has the capability of processing source data at maximum peak bit rate up to 13.47 MB/s.3 )The design proposed in [9] which is implemented in VHDL and synthesized by using CMOS 0.5 µm provides latency t L < 1µs. The figure is almost 30 times faster than our implementation in FPLD. However, the method employs fully custom circuit that may not be changed without full redesign and producing a new mask.(4)FLASP has proved to be a good framework, which can be easily used to develop fuzzy logic applications within a short time. Five functional units of FLASP can be reused without modification and user only concentrates on his own design (membership functions and rules) that increases the design efficiency.VII.R EFERENCES[1]Bezdek, J."Fuzzy models - What Are They, and Why?" Fuzzylogic technology and applications, IEEE Technical Activities Board, pp.5, 1994[2]Salcic, Z. and Smailagic, A. Digital Systems Design andPrototyping Using Field-Programmable Logic and Hardware Description Languages, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2000[3]Liu, B. and Huang, C. "Design and Implementation of the Tree-based fuzzy Logic Controller", IEEE transactions on Systems, Man, & Cybernetics, part B: Cybernetics. V 27, No.3, Jun 1997. pp.475-487[4]Parris, C. P. and L Haggard, R. L. 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