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有关图灵的名词解释谈及计算机科学史上最重要的人物,图灵(Alan Turing)无疑是一个不可忽视的名字。
1. 图灵机(Turing Machine)图灵机被认为是计算机科学的奠基之石。
2. 图灵完备性(Turing Completeness)图灵完备性是指一种计算系统具备与图灵机等价的计算能力。
3. 图灵测试(Turing Test)图灵测试是图灵于1950年提出的一个概念性测试,用于评估机器是否具备智能。
4. 图灵奖(Turing Award)图灵奖是计算机科学领域最高荣誉,由美国计算机协会(ACM)每年颁发给在计算机科学领域做出杰出贡献的人士。
5. 图灵研究所(Turing Institute)图灵研究所是一个致力于推动科学和工程领域创新的机构。
鏅烘収鏍戠煡鍒般€婁汉宸ユ櫤鑳藉熀纭€銆嬬珷鑺傛祴璇曠瓟妗?绗竴绔?1銆? 绗竴涓嚮璐ヤ汉绫昏亴涓氬洿妫嬮€夋墜銆佺涓€涓垬鑳滀笘鐣屽洿妫嬪啝鍐涚殑浜哄伐鏅鸿兘鏈哄櫒浜烘槸鐢辫胺姝屽叕鍙稿紑鍙戠殑锛堬級銆?A.AlphaGoB.AlphaGoodC.AlphaFunD.Alpha绛旀: AlphaGo2銆?鏃犻渶妫嬭氨鍗冲彲鑷鍥存鐨勪汉宸ユ櫤鑳芥槸锛堬級A.AlphaGo FanB.AlphaGo LeeC.AlphaGo MasterD.AlphaGo Zero绛旀: AlphaGo Zero3銆?涓栫晫涓婄涓€娆℃寮忕殑AI浼氳浜庯紙锛夊勾鍙紑锛孞ohn McCarthy 姝e紡鎻愬嚭鈥淎rtificial Intelligence鈥濊繖涓€鏈A.1954B.1955C.1956D.1957绛旀: 19564銆? 浠ヤ笅鍝簺涓嶆槸浜哄伐鏅鸿兘姒傚康鐨勬纭〃杩帮紙锛?A.浜哄伐鏅鸿兘鏄负浜嗗紑鍙戜竴绫昏绠楁満浣夸箣鑳藉瀹屾垚閫氬父鐢变汉绫绘墍鑳藉仛鐨勪簨B.浜哄伐鏅鸿兘鏄爺绌跺拰鏋勫缓鍦ㄧ粰瀹氱幆澧冧笅琛ㄧ幇鑹ソ鐨勬櫤鑳戒綋绋嬪簭C.浜哄伐鏅鸿兘鏄€氳繃鏈哄櫒鎴栬蒋浠跺睍鐜扮殑鏅鸿兘D.浜哄伐鏅鸿兘灏嗗叾瀹氫箟涓轰汉绫绘櫤鑳戒綋鐨勭爺绌?绛旀: 浜哄伐鏅鸿兘灏嗗叾瀹氫箟涓轰汉绫绘櫤鑳戒綋鐨勭爺绌?5銆? 涓嬮潰涓嶅睘浜庝汉宸ユ櫤鑳界爺绌跺熀鏈唴瀹圭殑鏄紙锛夈€?A.鏈哄櫒鎰熺煡B.鏈哄櫒瀛︿範C.鑷姩鍖?D.鏈哄櫒鎬濈淮绛旀: 鑷姩鍖?6銆?浜哄伐鏅鸿兘鏄爺绌躲€佸紑鍙戠敤浜庢ā鎷熴€佸欢浼稿拰鎵╁睍浜虹殑锛? 锛夌殑鐞嗚銆佹柟娉曘€佹妧鏈強搴旂敤绯荤粺鐨勪竴闂ㄦ柊鐨勬妧鏈瀛︺€?A.鏅鸿兘B.琛屼负C.璇█D.璁$畻鑳藉姏绛旀: 鏅鸿兘7銆? 鍥剧伒娴嬭瘯鐨勫惈涔夋槸锛堬級A.鍥剧伒娴嬭瘯鏄祴璇曚汉鍦ㄤ笌琚祴璇曡€?涓€涓汉鍜屼竴鍙版満鍣?闅斿紑鐨勬儏鍐典笅锛岄€氳繃涓€浜涜缃紙濡傞敭鐩橈級鍚戣娴嬭瘯鑰呴殢鎰忔彁闂€傞棶杩囦竴浜涢棶棰樺悗锛屽鏋滆娴嬭瘯鑰呰秴杩?0%鐨勭瓟澶嶄笉鑳戒娇娴嬭瘯浜虹‘璁ゅ嚭鍝釜鏄汉銆佸摢涓槸鏈哄櫒鐨勫洖绛旓紝閭d箞杩欏彴鏈哄櫒灏遍€氳繃浜嗘祴璇曪紝骞惰璁や负鍏锋湁浜虹被鏅鸿兘銆?B.鎵€璋撶殑鍥剧伒娴嬭瘯灏辨槸鎸囦竴涓娊璞$殑鏈哄櫒锛屽畠鏈変竴鏉℃棤闄愰暱鐨勭焊甯︼紝绾稿甫鍒嗘垚浜嗕竴涓竴涓殑灏忔柟鏍硷紝姣忎釜鏂规牸鏈変笉鍚岀殑棰滆壊銆傛湁涓€涓満鍣ㄥご鍦ㄧ焊甯︿笂绉绘潵绉诲幓銆傛満鍣ㄥご鏈変竴缁勫唴閮ㄧ姸鎬侊紝杩樻湁涓€浜涘浐瀹氱殑绋嬪簭銆?C.鍥剧伒娴嬭瘯鏄竴绉嶇敤鏉ユ贩娣嗙殑鎶€鏈紝瀹冨笇鏈涘皢姝e父鐨勶紙鍙瘑鍒殑锛変俊鎭浆鍙樹负鏃犳硶璇嗗埆鐨勪俊鎭€?D.涓嶅瓨鍦ㄥ浘鐏垫祴璇曟蹇?绛旀: 鍥剧伒娴嬭瘯鏄祴璇曚汉鍦ㄤ笌琚祴璇曡€?涓€涓汉鍜屼竴鍙版満鍣?闅斿紑鐨勬儏鍐典笅锛岄€氳繃涓€浜涜缃紙濡傞敭鐩橈級鍚戣娴嬭瘯鑰呴殢鎰忔彁闂€傞棶杩囦竴浜涢棶棰樺悗锛屽鏋滆娴嬭瘯鑰呰秴杩?0%鐨勭瓟澶嶄笉鑳戒娇娴嬭瘯浜虹‘璁ゅ嚭鍝釜鏄汉銆佸摢涓槸鏈哄櫒鐨勫洖绛旓紝閭d箞杩欏彴鏈哄櫒灏遍€氳繃浜嗘祴璇曪紝骞惰璁や负鍏锋湁浜虹被鏅鸿兘銆?8銆? 涓嬪垪涓嶅睘浜庝汉宸ユ櫤鑳藉娲剧殑鏄紙锛夈€?A.绗﹀彿涓讳箟B.杩炴帴涓讳箟C.琛屼负涓讳箟D.鏈轰細涓讳箟绛旀: 鏈轰細涓讳箟9銆? 璁や负鏅鸿兘涓嶉渶瑕佺煡璇嗐€佷笉闇€瑕佽〃绀恒€佷笉闇€瑕佹帹鐞嗭紱浜哄伐鏅鸿兘鍙互鍍忎汉绫绘櫤鑳戒竴鏍烽€愭杩涘寲锛涙櫤鑳借涓哄彧鑳藉湪鐜板疄涓栫晫涓笌鍛ㄥ洿鐜浜や簰浣滅敤鑰岃〃鐜板嚭鏉ャ€傝繖鏄紙锛夊娲剧殑鍩烘湰鎬濇兂銆?A.杩炴帴涓讳箟B.绗﹀彿涓讳箟C.琛屼负涓讳箟D.閫昏緫涓讳箟绛旀: 琛屼负涓讳箟10銆?鍏充簬浜哄伐鏅鸿兘鐮旂┒鑼冨紡鐨勮繛鎺ヤ富涔夛紝鐩稿叧璁鸿堪涓嶆纭殑鏄紙锛?A.杩炴帴涓讳箟鍘熺悊鏄ā鎷熷ぇ鑴戠缁忕綉缁滃強绁炵粡缃戠粶闂寸殑杩炴帴鏈哄埗涓庡涔犵畻娉曘€?B.杩炴帴涓讳箟鐞嗚璁や负鎬濈淮鍩烘湰鏄缁忓厓銆佷汉鑴戜笉鍚屼簬鐢佃剳锛屽苟鎻愬嚭杩炴帴涓讳箟鐨勫ぇ鑴戝伐浣滄ā寮忋€?C.杩炴帴涓讳箟璧锋簮浜庝豢鐢熷鍜屼汉鑴戞ā鍨嬬殑鐮旂┒銆?D.杩炴帴涓讳箟瀛︽淳鐨勪唬琛ㄤ汉鐗╂湁鍗℃礇鍏?Warren S. McCulloch)銆佺毊鑼?Walter H. Pitts)銆丠opfield銆佸竷椴佸厠鏂?Brooks)銆佺航鍘勫皵(Newell)銆?绛旀: 杩炴帴涓讳箟瀛︽淳鐨勪唬琛ㄤ汉鐗╂湁鍗℃礇鍏?Warren S. McCulloch)銆佺毊鑼?Walter H. Pitts)銆丠opfield銆佸竷椴佸厠鏂?Brooks)銆佺航鍘勫皵(Newell)銆?11銆? 浜哄伐鏅鸿兘(AI)銆佹満鍣ㄥ涔犮€佹繁搴﹀涔犱笁鑰呭叧绯昏杩版纭殑鏄紙锛?A.浜哄伐鏅鸿兘鐮旂┒銆佸紑鍙戠敤浜庢ā鎷熴€佸欢浼稿拰鎵╁睍浜虹被鏅鸿兘鐨勭悊璁恒€佹柟娉曞強搴旂敤锛屽睘浜庝竴闂ㄧ嫭绔嬬殑鎶€鏈绉戙€?B.鏈哄櫒瀛︿範涓撻棬鐮旂┒璁$畻鏈烘€庢牱妯℃嫙浜虹被鐨勫涔犺涓猴紝浠ヨ幏鍙栨柊鐨勭煡璇嗗拰鎶€鑳斤紝閲嶆柊缁勭粐宸叉湁鐨勭煡璇嗙粨鏋勪互瀹屽杽鑷韩鐨勬€ц兘锛屼絾鏄満鍣ㄥ涔犺兘鍔涘苟闈濧I绯荤粺鎵€蹇呴』鐨勩€?C.浜哄伐鏅鸿兘鏄竴闂ㄧ爺绌躲€佸紑鍙戠敤浜庢ā鎷熴€佸欢浼稿拰鎵╁睍浜虹被鏅鸿兘鐨勭悊璁恒€佹柟娉曞強搴旂敤鐨勬柊鐨勪氦鍙夊绉戯紝鏈哄櫒瀛︿範鏄汉宸ユ櫤鑳界殑鏍稿績鐮旂┒閭诲煙涔嬩竴锛屾繁搴﹀涔犳槸鏈哄櫒瀛︿範鐨勬柊棰嗗煙锛岀爺绌跺闅愬眰澶氭劅鐭ュ櫒銆佹ā鎷熶汉鑴戣繘琛屽垎鏋愬涔犵殑浜哄伐绁炵粡缃戠粶銆?D.娣卞害瀛︿範鏂规硶鐮旂┒浜哄伐绁炵粡缃戠粶鐨勫崟灞傛劅鐭ュ櫒瀛︿範缁撴瀯銆?绛旀: 浜哄伐鏅鸿兘鏄竴闂ㄧ爺绌躲€佸紑鍙戠敤浜庢ā鎷熴€佸欢浼稿拰鎵╁睍浜虹被鏅鸿兘鐨勭悊璁恒€佹柟娉曞強搴旂敤鐨勬柊鐨勪氦鍙夊绉戯紝鏈哄櫒瀛︿範鏄汉宸ユ櫤鑳界殑鏍稿績鐮旂┒閭诲煙涔嬩竴锛屾繁搴﹀涔犳槸鏈哄櫒瀛︿範鐨勬柊棰嗗煙锛岀爺绌跺闅愬眰澶氭劅鐭ュ櫒銆佹ā鎷熶汉鑴戣繘琛屽垎鏋愬涔犵殑浜哄伐绁炵粡缃戠粶銆?12銆? 鏀寔鍚戦噺鏈哄彲浠ョ湅浣滄槸鍏锋湁涓€灞傞殣钘忓眰鐨勭缁忕綉缁溿€傛敮鎸佸悜閲忔満鐨勭悊璁哄熀纭€鏄紙锛?A.缁熻瀛?B.鐢熺墿绁炵粡瀛?C.瑙嗚鐢熺悊瀛?D.鎺у埗璁篠绛旀: 缁熻瀛?13銆? 娣卞害瀛︿範灞炰簬锛堬級A.绗﹀彿涓讳箟B.杩炴帴涓讳箟C.琛屼负涓讳箟D.閫昏緫涓讳箟绛旀: 杩炴帴涓讳箟14銆?璁$畻鏈鸿瑙夊彲搴旂敤浜庝笅鍒楀摢浜涢鍩燂紙锛夈€?A.瀹夐槻鍙婄洃鎺ч鍩?B.閲戣瀺棰嗗煙鐨勪汉鑴歌瘑鍒韩浠介獙璇?C.鍖荤枟棰嗗煙鐨勬櫤鑳藉奖鍍忚瘖鏂?D.鏈哄櫒浜?鏃犱汉杞︿笂浣滀负瑙嗚杈撳叆绯荤粺E.浠ヤ笂鍏ㄦ槸绛旀: 浠ヤ笂鍏ㄦ槸15銆? 涓嬪垪涓嶇鍚堢鍙蜂富涔夋€濇兂鐨勬槸锛堬級A.婧愪簬鏁扮悊閫昏緫B.璁や负浜虹殑璁ょ煡鍩哄厓鏄鍙?C.浜哄伐鏅鸿兘鐨勬牳蹇冮棶棰樻槸鐭ヨ瘑琛ㄧず銆佺煡璇嗘帹鐞?D.璁や负鏅鸿兘涓嶉渶瑕佺煡璇嗐€佷笉闇€瑕佽〃绀恒€佷笉闇€瑕佹帹鐞?绛旀: 璁や负鏅鸿兘涓嶉渶瑕佺煡璇嗐€佷笉闇€瑕佽〃绀恒€佷笉闇€瑕佹帹鐞?16銆? 涓嶅睘浜庤嚜鐒惰瑷€澶勭悊鐨勬牳蹇冪幆鑺傜殑鏄紙锛?A.鐭ヨ瘑鐨勮幏鍙栦笌琛ㄨ揪B.鑷劧璇█鐞嗚ВC.鑷劧璇█鐢熸垚D.璇煶璇箟璇嗗埆绛旀: 璇煶璇箟璇嗗埆17銆?浜哄伐鏅鸿兘鐨勮繎鏈熺洰鏍囧湪浜庣爺绌舵満鍣ㄦ潵锛? 锛夈€?A.瀹屽叏浠f浛浜虹被B.鍒堕€犳櫤鑳芥満鍣?C.妯′豢鍜屾墽琛屼汉鑴戠殑鏌愪簺鏅哄姏鍔熻兘D.浠f浛浜鸿剳绛旀: 妯′豢鍜屾墽琛屼汉鑴戠殑鏌愪簺鏅哄姏鍔熻兘绗簩绔?1銆?涓嬪垪鍝竴涓槸鈥滃垎绫烩€濅换鍔$殑鍑嗙‘鎻忚堪锛? 锛夈€?A.棰勬祴姣忎釜椤圭洰瀹為檯鐨勫€?B.瀵规瘡涓」鐩繘琛屾帓搴?C.涓烘瘡涓」鐩垎閰嶄竴涓被鍒?D.鍙戠幇姣忎釜绌洪棿涓緭鍏ョ殑鎺掑竷绛旀: 涓烘瘡涓」鐩垎閰嶄竴涓被鍒?2銆?涓嬪垪瀵逛簬鍒嗙被姒傚康鎻忚堪涓嶆纭殑鏄紙锛?A.鍒嗙被鐨勬蹇垫槸鍦ㄥ凡鏈夋暟鎹殑鍩虹涓婂浼氫竴涓垎绫诲嚱鏁版垨鏋勯€犲嚭涓€涓垎绫绘ā鍨嬶紙鍗虫垜浠€氬父鎵€璇寸殑鍒嗙被鍣?Classifier)锛夈€?B.鍒嗙被鐨勬柟娉曞寘鍚喅绛栨爲銆侀€昏緫鍥炲綊銆佹湸绱犺礉鍙舵柉銆佺缁忕綉缁滅瓑绠楁硶C.鍒嗙被鐨勬爣鍑嗙粺涓€D.鍒嗙被鐨勭粨鏋滄湁鍙兘閿欒銆?绛旀: 鍒嗙被鐨勬爣鍑嗙粺涓€3銆? 鍦ㄦ満鍣ㄥ涔犻鍩燂紝鍒嗙被鐨勭洰鏍囨槸鎸囷紙锛夈€?A.灏嗗叿鏈夌浉浼肩壒寰佺殑瀵硅薄鑱氶泦B.灏嗗叿鏈夌浉浼煎舰鐘剁殑瀵硅薄鑱氶泦C.灏嗗叿鏈夌浉浼煎€肩殑瀵硅薄鑱氶泦D.灏嗗叿鏈夌浉浼煎悕绉扮殑瀵硅薄鑱氶泦绛旀: 灏嗗叿鏈夌浉浼肩壒寰佺殑瀵硅薄鑱氶泦4銆? 涓ょ浠ヤ笂锛堜笉鍚袱绉嶏級鐨勫垎绫婚棶棰樿绉颁负锛堬級銆?A.浜屽垎绫?B.澶氬垎绫?C.鍒嗙被鍣?D.褰掍竴鍖?绛旀: 澶氬垎绫?5銆? 澶氬垎绫婚棶棰樺彲浠ユ媶鍒嗕负鑻ュ共涓€屽垎绫讳换鍔℃眰瑙o紝鍙噰鍙栫殑鎷嗗垎绛栫暐鍖呮嫭锛氾紙锛?A.涓€瀵逛竴B.涓€瀵瑰C.澶氬澶?D.浠ヤ笂鍧囧彲绛旀: 浠ヤ笂鍧囧彲6銆? 鏈夊叧鍒嗙被鍣ㄧ殑鏋勯€犲拰瀹炴柦姝ラ鎻忚堪閿欒鐨勬槸锛氾紙锛?A.閫夊畾鏍锋湰锛屽皢鎵€鏈夋牱鏈垎鎴愯缁冩牱鏈拰娴嬭瘯鏍锋湰涓ら儴鍒嗭紱B.鍦ㄨ缁冩牱鏈笂鎵ц鍒嗙被鍣ㄧ畻娉曪紝鐢熸垚鍒嗙被妯″瀷锛?C.鍦ㄨ缁冩牱鏈笂鎵ц鍒嗙被妯″瀷锛岀敓鎴愰娴嬬粨鏋滐紱D.鏍规嵁棰勬祴缁撴灉锛岃绠楀繀瑕佺殑璇勪及鎸囨爣锛岃瘎浼板垎绫绘ā鍨嬬殑鎬ц兘銆?绛旀: 鍦ㄨ缁冩牱鏈笂鎵ц鍒嗙被妯″瀷锛岀敓鎴愰娴嬬粨鏋滐紱7銆? 鍒嗙被鍣ㄦ槸鍩轰簬鐜版湁鏁版嵁鏋勯€犲嚭涓€涓ā鍨嬫垨鑰呭嚱鏁帮紝浠ュ皢鏁版嵁搴撲腑鐨勬暟鎹槧灏勫埌缁欏畾绫诲埆锛屼粠鑰屽彲浠ュ簲鐢ㄤ簬鏁版嵁棰勬祴銆傚父鍖呭惈浠ヤ笅姝ラ锛氣憼鍦ㄨ缁冩牱鏈笂鎵ц鍒嗙被鍣ㄧ畻娉曪紝鐢熸垚鍒嗙被妯″瀷銆? 鈶″湪娴嬭瘯鏍锋湰涓婃墽琛屽垎绫绘ā鍨嬶紝鐢熸垚棰勬祴缁撴灉銆? 鈶㈤€夊畾鏍锋湰锛堝寘鍚鏍锋湰鍜岃礋鏍锋湰锛夛紝灏嗘墍鏈夋牱鏈垎鎴愯缁冩牱鏈拰娴嬭瘯鏍锋湰銆傗懀鏍规嵁棰勬祴缁撴灉锛岃绠楀繀瑕佺殑璇勪及鎸囨爣锛岃瘎浼板垎绫绘ā鍨嬬殑鎬ц兘銆傛瀯閫犲拰瀹炴柦鍒嗙被鍣ㄧ殑姝g‘椤哄簭涓猴紙锛?A.鈶犫憽鈶⑩懀B.鈶⑩憼鈶♀懀C.鈶b憼鈶♀憿D.鈶♀憿鈶犫懀绛旀: 鈶⑩憼鈶♀懀8銆?涓嬪垪绠楁硶涓紝涓嶈兘澶熷缁欏畾鏍锋湰杩涜鍒嗙被鐨勬槸锛? 锛夈€?A.鍐崇瓥鏍戠畻娉?B.閫昏緫鍥炲綊绠楁硶C.姊害涓嬮檷绠楁硶D.绁炵粡缃戠粶绛旀: 姊害涓嬮檷绠楁硶9銆? 鍦ㄦ祴璇曟牱鏈笂鎵ц鍒嗙被妯″瀷锛屽彲浠ワ紙锛夈€?A.鍖哄垎姝f牱鏈?B.鍖哄垎璐熸牱鏈?C.鐢熸垚棰勬祴缁撴灉D.鐢熸垚鍒嗙被妯″瀷绛旀: 鐢熸垚棰勬祴缁撴灉10銆? SVM鏄竴绉嶅吀鍨嬬殑锛堬級妯″瀷A.鎰熺煡鏈?B.绁炵粡缃戠粶C.浜岀被鍒嗙被D.鑱氱被绛旀: 浜岀被鍒嗙被11銆? 鍏充簬鏍囨敞锛屼笅鍒楄娉曟纭殑鏄?A.鍦⊿VM涓紝璁粌闆嗙殑鏁版嵁鏄粡杩囨爣娉ㄧ殑B.鍦⊿VM涓紝娴嬭瘯闆嗙殑鏁版嵁涓嶇敤鏍囨敞C.鍦⊿VM涓紝璇嗗埆鐩爣鐨勬暟鎹槸缁忚繃鏍囨敞D.浠ヤ笂閮戒笉瀵?绛旀: 鍦⊿VM涓紝璁粌闆嗙殑鏁版嵁鏄粡杩囨爣娉ㄧ殑12銆? 澧炲姞鍒嗙被鍣ㄨ缁冮泦鐨勬璐熸牱鏈泦鏁伴噺锛堬級A.涓嶅ソ璇?B.浼氭彁楂樺垎绫诲櫒鏁堟灉C.杩橀渶瑕佸鍔犳祴璇曢泦鐨勬璐熸牱鏈泦鏁伴噺鎵嶈兘鎻愰珮鍒嗙被鍣ㄦ晥鏋?D.涓嶄細鎻愰珮鍒嗙被鍣ㄦ晥鏋?E.浠ヤ笂鍏ㄦ槸绛旀: 涓嶅ソ璇?13銆? 鎶婃牱鏈墍灞炵殑绫诲瀷鍜屾牱鏈疄鐜板搴旇捣鏉ヨ绉颁负()A.娴嬭瘯B.璁粌C.鏍囨敞D.鍒嗙被绛旀: 鏍囨敞14銆? 鍒嗙被鍣ㄦ祴璇曠殑浣滅敤鏄?A.鑾峰緱妫€娴嬬洰鏍囩殑鍒嗙被B.鍒ゆ柇娴嬭瘯闆嗘牱鏈€夋嫨鏄惁鍚堥€?C.鍒ゆ柇娴嬭瘯闆嗘牱鏈爣娉ㄦ槸鍚﹀悎閫?D.妫€楠屽垎绫诲櫒鐨勬晥鏋?绛旀: 妫€楠屽垎绫诲櫒鐨勬晥鏋?15銆? 涓嬪垪鍙欒堪涓叧浜庡綊涓€鍖栦笉姝g‘鐨勬槸锛堬級A.褰掍竴鍖栧悗锛屾墍鏈夊厓绱犲拰涓?B.褰掍竴鍖栧悗锛屾墍鏈夊厓绱犲€艰寖鍥村湪锛?,1锛?C.褰掍竴鍖栧悗锛屾墍鏈夊厓绱犲€艰寖鍥村湪[0,1]D.褰掍竴鍖栦篃琚О涓烘爣鍑嗗寲绛旀: 褰掍竴鍖栧悗锛屾墍鏈夊厓绱犲€艰寖鍥村湪锛?,1锛?16銆佹繁搴﹀涔犱腑锛屽父鐢ㄧ殑褰掍竴鍖栧嚱鏁版槸锛堬級鍑芥暟A.SoftMaxB.SoftMinC.MicroMaxD.MicroMin绛旀:SoftMax绗笁绔?1銆? 鏈夌壒寰侊紝鏃犳爣绛剧殑鏈哄櫒瀛︿範鏄紙锛?A.鐩戠潱瀛︿範B.鍗婄洃鐫e涔?C.鏃犵洃鐫e涔?D.寮哄寲瀛︿範绛旀:C2銆? 鏃犵洃鐫e涔犲彲瀹屾垚浠€涔堜换鍔★紙锛?A.鍒嗙被B.鍥炲綊C.鑱氱被D.鍒嗙被銆佸洖褰掋€佽仛绫?绛旀:C3銆? 瀵绘壘鏁版嵁涔嬮棿鐨勭浉浼兼€у苟灏嗕箣鍒掑垎缁勭殑鏂规硶绉颁负锛堬級A.鍒嗙粍B.鍒嗙被D.鑱氱被绛旀:D4銆? 鐢靛奖鎺ㄨ崘绯荤粺鏄互涓嬪摢浜涚殑搴旂敤瀹炰緥鈶犲垎绫烩憽鑱氱被鈶㈠己鍖栧涔犫懀鍥炲綊锛堬級A.鍙湁鈶?B.鍙湁鈶?C.闄や簡鈶?D.浠ヤ笂閮芥槸绛旀:D5銆? 涓嬪垪涓や釜鍙橀噺涔嬮棿鐨勫叧绯讳腑,鍝釜鏄嚱鏁板叧绯伙紙锛?A.瀛︾敓鐨勬€у埆鍜屼粬鐨勮嫳璇垚缁?B.浜虹殑宸ヤ綔鐜涓庡仴搴?C.瀛╁瓙鐨勮韩楂樺拰鐖朵翰鐨勮韩楂?D.姝f柟褰㈢殑杈归暱鍜岄潰绉?绛旀:D6銆? 鍒濆鍖栭噰鐢ㄩ殢鏈哄垎閰嶇殑K鍧囧€肩畻娉曪紝涓嬮潰鍝釜椤哄簭鏄纭殑锛堬級銆傗憼鎸囧畾绨囩殑鏁扮洰锛? 鈶¢殢鏈哄垎閰嶇皣鐨勮川蹇冿紱鈶㈠皢姣忎釜鏁版嵁鐐瑰垎閰嶇粰鏈€杩戠殑绨囪川蹇冿紱鈶e皢姣忎釜鐐归噸鏂板垎閰嶇粰鏈€杩戠殑绨囪川蹇冿紱鈶ら噸鏂拌绠楃皣鐨勮川蹇冿紱A.鈶犫憽鈶⑩懁鈶?B.鈶犫憿鈶♀懀鈶?C.鈶♀憼鈶⑩懀鈶?D.浠ヤ笂閮戒笉鏄?7銆佷粠鏌愪腑瀛﹂殢鏈洪€夊彇8鍚嶇敺鐢燂紝鍏惰韩楂榵(cm)鍜屼綋閲峺(kg)鐨勭嚎鎬у洖褰掓柟绋嬩负y=0.849x-85.712锛屽垯韬珮172cm鐨勭敺瀛︾敓锛屽張鍥炲綊鏂圭▼鍙互棰勬姤鍏朵綋閲嶏紙锛夈€?A.涓?0.316kgB.绾︿负60.316kgC.澶т簬60.316kgD.灏忎簬60.316kg绛旀:B8銆? 浠ヤ笅涓嶅睘浜庤仛绫荤畻娉曠殑鏄紙锛夈€?A.K鍧囧€肩畻娉?B.AGNES绠楁硶C.DIANA绠楁硶D.鏈寸礌璐濆彾鏂畻娉?绛旀:D9銆? Z绛変簬锛革紝鍒橺涓庯几涔嬮棿灞炰簬锛堬級A.瀹屽叏鐩稿叧B.涓嶅畬鍏ㄧ浉鍏?C.涓嶇浉鍏?D.瀹屽叏涓嶇浉鍏?绛旀:A10銆? 鍥狅細缁忓父鎸戦锛涙灉锛氳韩鏉愮煯灏忋€傝繖缁勫洜銆佹灉涔嬮棿灞炰簬锛堬級鍏崇郴銆?A.瀹屽叏鐩稿叧B.涓嶅畬鍏ㄧ浉鍏?C.涓嶇浉鍏?D.瀹屽叏涓嶇浉鍏?绛旀:B11銆? 锛堬級鏄寚鏍规嵁鈥滅墿浠ョ被鑱氣€濆師鐞嗭紝灏嗘湰韬病鏈夌被鍒殑鏍锋湰鑱氶泦鎴愪笉鍚岀殑缁勩€?A.鑱氱被B.鍥炲綊C.鍒嗙被D.闈炵洃鐫e涔?绛旀:A12銆佺幇娆插垎鏋愭€у埆銆佸勾榫勩€佽韩楂樸€侀ギ椋熶範鎯浜庝綋閲嶇殑褰卞搷锛屽鏋滆繖涓綋閲嶆槸灞炰簬瀹為檯鐨勯噸閲忥紝鏄繛缁€х殑鏁版嵁鍙橀噺锛岃繖鏃跺簲閲囩敤锛堬級锛涘鏋滃皢浣撻噸鍒嗙被锛屽垎鎴愰珮銆佷腑銆佷綆杩欎笁绉嶄綋閲嶇被鍨嬩綔涓哄洜鍙橀噺锛屽垯閲囩敤锛堬級銆?A.绾挎€у洖褰? 绾挎€у洖褰?B.閫昏緫鍥炲綊閫昏緫鍥炲綊C.閫昏緫鍥炲綊绾挎€у洖褰?D.绾挎€у洖褰? 閫昏緫鍥炲綊绛旀:D13銆? 鏈夌壒寰侊紝鏈夐儴鍒嗘爣绛剧殑鏈哄櫒瀛︿範灞炰簬锛堬級銆?A.鐩戠潱瀛︿範B.鍗婄洃鐫e涔?C.鏃犵洃鐫e涔?D.寮哄寲瀛︿範绛旀:B14銆? 涓嬮潰涓や釜涓ゅ畬鍏ㄧ浉鍏崇殑鏄紙锛夈€?A.鍦嗗舰鐨勯潰绉笌鐩村緞B.闀挎柟褰㈢殑闈㈢Н涓庤竟闀?C.瀛╁瓙鐨勮韩楂樹笌鐖朵翰韬珮D.姣忓ぉ鐨勬俯搴﹀拰瀛h妭绛旀:A15銆? 鏈哄櫒瀛︿範鍖呮嫭锛?A.鐩戠潱瀛︿範B.鍗婄洃鐫e涔?C.鏃犵洃鐫e涔?D.寮哄寲瀛︿範绛旀:16銆? 涓や釜鍙橀噺涔嬮棿鐨勫叧绯诲寘鎷細A.瀹屽叏鐩稿叧B.涓嶅畬鍏ㄧ浉鍏?C.涓嶇浉鍏?D.璐熺浉鍏?绛旀:ABC17銆? 涓嬮潰鍝竴涓笉鏄仛绫诲父鐢ㄧ殑绠楁硶锛堬級銆?A.K鍧囧€肩畻娉?B.AGNES绠楁硶C.DIANA绠楁硶D.SVM绠楁硶绛旀:D18銆? AGNES绠楁硶姝ラ姝g‘鐨勬槸锛堬級銆?鈶犲皢姣忎釜鏍锋湰鐗瑰緛鍚戦噺浣滀负涓€涓垵濮嬬皣锛涒憽鏍规嵁涓や釜绨囦腑鏈€杩戠殑鏁版嵁鐐瑰鎵炬渶杩戠殑涓や釜绨囷紱鈶㈤噸澶嶄互涓婄浜屻€佷笁姝ワ紝鐩村埌杈惧埌鎵€闇€瑕佺殑绨囩殑鏁伴噺锛涒懀鍚堝苟涓や釜绨囷紝鐢熸垚鏂扮殑绨囩殑闆嗗悎锛屽苟閲嶆柊璁$畻绨囩殑涓績鐐广€?A.鈶犫憽鈶⑩懀B.鈶犫憽鈶b憿C.鈶犫懀鈶⑩憽D.鈶犫懀鈶♀憿绛旀:B19銆? 涓嬮潰灞炰簬寮哄寲瀛︿範鐨勬槸锛堬級A.鐢ㄦ埛缁忓父闃呰鍐涗簨绫诲拰缁忔祹绫荤殑鏂囩珷锛岀畻娉曞氨鎶婂拰鐢ㄦ埛璇昏繃鐨勬枃绔犵浉绫讳技鐨勬枃绔犳帹鑽愮粰浣犮€?B.绠楁硶鍏堝皯閲忕粰鐢ㄦ埛鎺ㄨ崘鍚勭被鏂囩珷锛岀敤鎴蜂細閫夋嫨鍏舵劅鍏磋叮鐨勬枃绔犻槄璇伙紝杩欏氨鏄杩欑被鏂囩珷鐨勪竴绉嶅鍔憋紝绠楁硶浼氭牴鎹? 濂栧姳鎯呭喌鏋勫缓鐢ㄦ埛鍙兘浼氬枩娆㈢殑鏂囩珷鐨勨€滅煡璇嗗浘鈥濄€?C.鐢ㄦ埛姣忚涓€绡囨枃绔狅紝灏辩粰杩欑瘒鏂伴椈璐翠笂鍒嗙被鏍囩锛屼緥濡傝繖绡囨柊闂绘槸鍐涗簨鏂伴椈锛屼笅涓€绡囨柊闂绘槸缁忔祹鏂伴椈绛夛紱绠楁硶閫氳繃杩欎簺鍒嗙被鏍囩杩涜瀛︿範锛岃幏寰楀垎绫绘ā鍨嬶紱鍐? 鏈夋柊鐨勬枃绔犺繃鏉ョ殑鏃跺€欙紝绠楁硶閫氳繃鍒嗙被妯″瀷灏卞彲浠ョ粰鏂扮殑鏂囩珷鑷姩璐翠笂鏍囩浜嗐€?D.涓や釜鍙橀噺涔嬮棿鐨勫叧绯伙紝涓€涓彉閲忕殑鏁伴噺鍙樺寲鐢卞彟涓€涓彉閲忕殑鏁伴噺鍙樺寲鎵€鎯熶竴纭畾锛屽垯杩欎袱涓彉閲忎箣闂寸殑鍏崇郴绉颁负寮哄寲瀛︿範銆?绛旀:B绗洓绔?1銆佸湪涓€涓缁忕綉缁滈噷锛岀煡閬撴瘡涓€涓缁忓厓鐨勬潈閲嶅拰鍋忓樊鏄渶閲嶈鐨勪竴姝ャ€傚鏋滀互鏌愮鏂规硶鐭ラ亾浜嗙缁忓厓鍑嗙‘鐨勬潈閲嶅拰鍋忓樊锛屽氨鍙互杩戜技浠讳綍鍑芥暟銆傚疄鐜拌繖涓渶浣崇殑鍔炴硶鏄粈涔堬紵锛堬級A.闅忔満璧嬪€硷紝绁堢シ瀹冧滑鏄纭殑B.鎼滅储鎵€鏈夋潈閲嶅拰鍋忓樊鐨勭粍鍚堬紝鐩村埌寰楀埌鏈€浣冲€?C.璧嬩簣涓€涓垵濮嬪€硷紝閫氳繃妫€鏌ヨ窡鏈€浣冲€肩殑宸€硷紝鐒跺悗杩唬鏇存柊鏉冮噸D.浠ヤ笂閮戒笉姝g‘绛旀:C2銆? 1943骞达紝绁炵粡缃戠粶鐨勫紑灞变箣浣溿€夾 logical calculus of ideas immanent in nervous activity銆?鐢憋紙锛夊拰娌冨皵鐗?鐨尐瀹屾垚銆?A.娌冧鸡.楹﹀崱娲涘厠B.鏄庢柉鍩?C.鍞愮撼寰?璧竷D.缃楃礌绛旀:A3銆? 鎰熺煡鏈哄睘浜庯紙锛夈€?A.鐢熺墿绁炵粡缃戠粶B.BP绁炵粡缃戠粶C.鍓嶉绁炵粡缃戠粶D.鍙嶉绁炵粡缃戠粶绛旀:C4銆? 琚О涓衡€滅缁忕綉缁滀箣鐖垛€濆拰鈥滀汉宸ユ櫤鑳芥暀鐖垛€濈殑鏄紙锛夈€?A.杈涢】B.璧竷C.鏄庢柉鍩?D.椴佹灏斿搱鐗?绛旀:A5銆? 鍙嶉绁炵粡缃戠粶鍙堢О鍓嶉缃戠粶銆?A.瀵?B.閿?绛旀:B6銆? 涓嬪垪绁炵粡缃戠粶涓摢绉嶆灦鏋勬湁鍙嶉杩炴帴锛堬級銆?A.寰幆绁炵粡缃戠粶B.鍗风Н绁炵粡缃戠粶C.鎰熺煡鏈?D.閮戒笉鏄?绛旀:A7銆? 瀵逛簬鑷劧璇█澶勭悊闂锛屽摢绉嶇缁忕綉缁滄ā鍨嬬粨鏋勬洿閫傚悎锛燂紙锛夈€?A.澶氬眰鎰熺煡鍣?B.鍗风Н绁炵粡缃戠粶C.寰幆绁炵粡缃戠粶D.鎰熺煡鍣?绛旀:C8銆? 涓鸿В鍐冲崟涓緭鍑虹殑鎰熺煡鏈烘棤娉曡В鍐崇殑寮傛垨闂锛岄渶瑕佺敤鏈夎嚦灏戯紙锛変釜杈撳嚭鐨勬劅鐭ユ満锛?A.2涓?B.3涓?C.4涓?D.5涓?绛旀:A9銆? 浣跨敤鎰熺煡鏈烘ā鍨嬬殑鍓嶆彁鏄紙锛夈€?A.鏁版嵁鏍锋湰灏?B.鏁版嵁绾挎€у彲鍒?C.鏁版嵁绾挎€т笉鍙垎D.鏁版嵁鏍锋湰澶?绛旀:B10銆? 鏈夊叧娴呭眰绁炵粡缃戠粶鐨勮娉曟纭殑鏄紙锛夈€?A.鍚勭缁忓厓鍒嗗眰鎺掑垪B.绁炵粡鍏冧笌鍓嶄竴灞傚強鍚庝竴灞傜殑绁炵粡鍏冪浉杩?C.鏄竴绉嶅崟鍚戝灞傜粨鏋?D.鍚屼竴灞傜殑绁炵粡鍏冧箣闂存病鏈変簰鐩歌繛鎺?绛旀:ACD11銆? 瀵逛簬澶氬眰绁炵粡缃戠粶锛孊P锛堝弽鍚戜紶鎾級绠楁硶鐨勭洿鎺ヤ綔鐢ㄦ槸锛堬級銆?A.鎻愪緵璁粌闆嗐€佹祴璇曢泦鏍锋湰B.鍔犲揩璁粌鏉冨€煎弬鏁板拰鍋忕疆鍙傛暟C.鎻愰珮绁炵粡缃戠粶鐗瑰緛琛ㄧず绮剧‘搴?D.绉戝璇勪环璁粌妯″瀷绛旀:B12銆佹搴︿笅闄嶇畻娉曠殑姝g‘姝ラ鏄粈涔堬紵锛堬級(a)璁$畻棰勬祴鍊煎拰鐪熷疄鍊间箣闂寸殑璇樊銆?b)杩唬璺熸柊锛岀洿鍒版壘鍒版渶浣虫潈閲?c)鎶婅緭鍏ヤ紶鍏ョ綉缁滐紝寰楀埌杈撳嚭鍊?d)鍒濆鍖栭殢鏈烘潈閲嶅拰鍋忓樊(e)瀵规瘡涓€涓骇鐢熻宸殑绁炵粡鍏冿紝鏀瑰彉鐩稿簲鐨勶紙鏉冮噸锛夊€间互鍑忓皬璇樊A.a, b, c, d, eB.e, d, c,b , aC.c, b, a, e, dD.d, c, a, e, b绛旀:D13銆佹劅鐭ユ満鏄彧鍚緭鍏ュ眰鍜岃緭鍑哄眰鐨勪竴绉嶆祬灞傜缁忕綉缁滐紝涓や釜鎰熺煡鏈鸿緭鍑鸿В鍐充簡鈥濆紓鎴栤€濋棶棰橈紝杩涗竴姝ユ墿灞曞埌澶氭劅鐭ユ満杈撳嚭锛屽苟澧炲姞浜嗗亸缃崟鍏冦€傚叧浜庡亸缃崟鍏冪殑浣滅敤姝g‘鐨勬槸锛堬級銆?A.瑙e喅寮傛垨闂B.灞炰簬涓€绉嶅灞傞殣鍚眰C.鏂藉姞骞叉壈锛屾秷闄ょ綉缁滄寰幆锛屼互杈惧埌杈撳嚭鏀舵暃D.璁$畻缃戠粶浼犳挱鍋忓樊淇℃伅绛旀:C14銆佹繁搴﹀涔犳槸涓€绉嶅灞傜缁忕綉缁滅殑妯℃嫙璁ょ煡璁粌鏂规硶锛屽灞傜缁忕綉缁滃寘鍚涓殣鍚眰鎰熺煡灞傦紝涔熺О浣滃嵎绉缁忕綉缁?CNN)锛屽畠鐨勭爺绌剁儹娼叴璧蜂簬鏈笘绾垵鏈熴€?A.瀵?B.閿?绛旀:B15銆? 娣卞害瀛︿範鍙互鍏锋湁鍑犱釜闅愯棌灞傦紙锛夈€?A.1涓?B.2涓?C.3涓?D.4涓?绛旀:B16銆? 娣卞害瀛︿範涓父鐢ㄧ殑婵€娲诲嚱鏁颁笉鍖呮嫭锛堬級銆?A.sign鍑芥暟B.Sigmoid鍑芥暟C.ReLU鍑芥暟D.Sin鍑芥暟绛旀:D17銆? 鍦ㄤ綍绉嶆儏鍐典笅绁炵粡缃戠粶妯″瀷琚О涓烘繁搴﹀涔犳ā鍨嬶紙锛夈€?A.鍔犲叆鏇村灞傦紝浣跨缁忕綉缁滅殑灞傛暟澧炲姞B.鏈夌淮搴︽洿楂樼殑鏁版嵁C.褰撹繖鏄竴涓浘褰㈣瘑鍒棶棰樻椂D.浠ヤ笂閮戒笉姝g‘绛旀:A18銆? 娣卞害瀛︿範鏄惈鏈変竴涓殣鍚眰鐨勫灞傜缁忕綉缁滄ā鍨嬬殑寮哄寲瀛︿範锛岃缁冭繃绋嬪姞鍏ヤ簡婵€娲诲嚱鏁般€?A.瀵?B.閿?绛旀:B19銆? 绁炵粡缃戠粶涓紝绾挎€фā鍨嬬殑琛ㄨ揪鑳藉姏涓嶅鏃讹紝鍙紩鍏ワ紙锛夋潵娣诲姞闈炵嚎鎬у洜绱犮€?A.绾挎€у嚱鏁?B.婵€娲诲嚱鏁?C.鍒嗙被鍑芥暟D.鍋忕疆鍗曞厓绛旀:B20銆? 涓嬪垪鍏充簬绁炵粡缃戠粶璇存硶姝g‘鐨勬槸锛堬級銆?A.楂橀€熷鎵句紭鍖栬ВB.涓嶅鍐崇瓥鏍戠ǔ瀹?C.闈炵嚎鎬?D.鍏锋湁鑷涔犮€佽嚜缁勭粐銆佽嚜閫傚簲鎬?绛旀:ACD绗簲绔?1銆? 瑙嗙綉鑶滀笂瀵瑰急鍏夋晱鎰熺殑鏄?A.瑙嗘潌缁嗚優B.瑙嗛敟缁嗚優C.瑙嗙缁?D.鐬冲瓟绛旀:A。
1. 数论题目解析题目:已知整数序列$${a_n}$$满足$$a_1 = 1$$,$$a_2 = 2$$,且$$a_{n+2} = a_{n+1} + \dfrac{(-1)^n}{a_n}$$,证明:对于任意的正整数$$n$$,$$a_n$$都是正整数。
2. 代数题目解析题目:设$$a,b,c$$是非负实数,且$$a+b+c=1$$,求证:$$a^2 + b^2 + c^2 + 2abc \leq 1$$。
中文名:阿兰·麦席森·图灵外文名:Alan Mathison Turing 国籍:英国民族:英格兰出生地:英国伦敦出生日期:1912年6月23日逝世日期:1954年6月7日职业:数学家及计算机逻辑学家毕业院校:剑桥大学国王学院信仰:科学主要成就:提出“图灵机”概念提出“图灵测试”概念开创非线性力学破解德国密码系统Enigma 代表作品:《论数字计算在决断难题中的应用》,《机器能思考吗?》目录[隐藏]人物履历人物生平人物大事年表图灵奖图灵机图灵实验人物履历人物生平人物大事年表图灵奖图灵机图灵实验[编辑本段]人物履历阿兰·麦席森·图灵(Alan Mathison Turing,1912.6.23—1954.6.7),英国数学家、逻辑学家,被称为计算机科学之父、人工智能之父。
Computer games have become an integral part of modern entertainment,offering a wide range of features that cater to diverse interests and skill levels.Here is an overview of the functionalities that are commonly found in computer games:1.Interactive Storytelling:Many games feature intricate narratives that unfold as the player progresses through the game.Players often make choices that affect the storyline, leading to multiple endings and immersive experiences.2.Realistic Graphics:Advancements in technology have allowed for the creation of stunning visuals in games.Highdefinition textures,realistic lighting,and detailed character models contribute to a more engaging and believable gaming world.3.Multiplayer Capabilities:Online multiplayer features enable players to compete or cooperate with others from around the globe.This includes competitive modes like deathmatches,cooperative missions,and even largescale battles in massively multiplayer online games MMOs.4.Customization Options:Players can often personalize their gaming experience by customizing characters,weapons,and even game settings.This allows for a unique playstyle tailored to individual preferences.5.Achievements and Rewards:Many games incorporate a system of achievements or trophies that players can earn by completing specific tasks or challenges.These rewards can be a source of pride and motivation to explore all aspects of the game.6.Modding Support:Some games offer modding support,allowing players to create and share their own content,such as new levels,characters,or game mechanics.This can greatly extend the life of a game and offer new experiences beyond the original design.7.Virtual Reality VR Integration:With the advent of VR technology,some games offer a fully immersive experience where players can interact with the game world in a threedimensional space,using VR headsets and controllers.8.Esports and Competitive Gaming:Certain games are designed with competitive play in mind,leading to the rise of esports,where professional gamers compete in tournaments with large prize pools and global audiences.9.CrossPlatform Play:Modern games often support crossplatform play,allowing players on different devices,such as PCs,consoles,and mobile devices,to play together seamlessly.cational Content:Some computer games are designed with educational purposes, teaching players about history,science,or problemsolving skills in an engaging and interactive way.11.Accessibility Features:To cater to a wider audience,including those with disabilities, many games include accessibility options such as colorblind modes,adjustable controls, and screen reader compatibility.12.Dynamic Environments:Some games feature dynamic environments that change based on player actions or realworld time,adding an extra layer of realism and immersion.13.Save and Load Systems:Players can save their progress at any point and return to it later,allowing for flexible play sessions and reducing the frustration of losing progress.14.InGame Economies:Many games feature ingame economies where players can earn, trade,or purchase virtual goods,sometimes even with realworld currency.15.Regular Updates and DLC:Developers often release updates and downloadable content DLC to expand the game,fix bugs,and introduce new features,keeping the game fresh and engaging for players.These features not only enhance the gaming experience but also demonstrate the versatility and creativity of the gaming industry,ensuring that there is something for everyone in the world of computer games.。
Playing games and doing homework are two different activities that serve different purposes in a students life.Heres a detailed comparison between the two:cational Value:Doing Homework:Homework is designed to reinforce the concepts taught in class, helping students to practice and master the material.It often includes exercises,problems, and assignments that are directly related to the curriculum.Playing Games:While some educational games can have a positive impact on learning, most games are not designed with educational outcomes in mind.However,they can still offer indirect benefits,such as improving handeye coordination,strategic thinking,and problemsolving skills.2.Time Management:Doing Homework:Completing homework assignments is a key part of academic responsibility.It requires time management and discipline to ensure that tasks are completed before deadlines.Playing Games:Games can be a form of relaxation and entertainment,but they can also be timeconsuming.Its important for students to balance game time with academic responsibilities.3.Cognitive Skills:Doing Homework:Homework helps develop cognitive skills such as critical thinking, memory,and analytical abilities.It can also improve academic performance by reinforcing learning.Playing Games:Certain types of games,especially strategy and puzzle games,can enhance cognitive skills like spatial awareness,pattern recognition,and decisionmaking.4.Social Interaction:Doing Homework:Homework is typically an individual activity,although group projects can involve social interaction and collaboration.Playing Games:Many games,especially online multiplayer games,offer a platform for social interaction and teamwork.They can help develop communication and interpersonal skills.5.Mental Health:Doing Homework:While necessary for academic success,excessive focus on homework can lead to stress and burnout if not balanced with other activities. Playing Games:Games can be a healthy outlet for stress relief and can contribute to mental wellbeing when played in moderation.6.Creativity:Doing Homework:Creative thinking can be stimulated through openended assignments and projects that allow for personal expression and exploration.Playing Games:Games,particularly those that involve building or creating within the game world,can foster creativity and imagination.7.Career Preparation:Doing Homework:Homework is a fundamental part of preparing for higher education and future careers by building a strong academic foundation.Playing Games:While not a direct career preparation tool,certain skills developed through gaming,such as teamwork and strategic thinking,can be transferable to professional settings.In conclusion,both playing games and doing homework have their merits,and a balanced approach is essential.Homework is crucial for academic success and skill development, while games can offer relaxation,social interaction,and cognitive benefits.Its important for students to prioritize their homework but also allow time for games and other activities that contribute to a wellrounded lifestyle.。
scratch编程的教学目标Scratch programming is a visual programming language that allows users, particularly beginners, to create interactive stories, games, and animations. As an educational tool, Scratch aims to achieve several teaching objectives. These objectives revolve around fostering creativity, problem-solving skills, and computational thinking, while also promoting collaboration and a growth mindset.One of the primary teaching goals of Scratch programming is to nurture creativity among learners. By providing a user-friendly interface and a wide range of sprites, backgrounds, and sound effects, Scratch encourages students to express their imagination and bring their ideas to life. Through the process of designing and developing their own projects, learners are empowered to think creatively, experiment with different concepts, and develop their unique style of storytelling or game creation.Another important objective of Scratch programming is to develop problem-solving skills. The visual nature of Scratch allows learners to break down complex problems into smaller, more manageable parts. By using coding blocks that fit together like puzzle pieces, students can logically structure their programs and identify potential errors or bugs. This process of decomposition and debugging helps learners develop critical thinking skills and enhancestheir ability to analyze problems and find effective solutions.Moreover, Scratch programming aims to promote computational thinking. Computational thinking refers to the ability to approach problems in a way that a computer can understand and solve them. By engaging with Scratch, students learn to think algorithmically, breaking down tasks into a series of steps and instructions. This computational thinking mindset is transferable to other domains and can empower learners to solve problems in various areas of their lives, not just in programming.Collaboration is another crucial aspect of Scratchprogramming. The Scratch online community provides a platform for learners to share their projects, collaborate with others, and receive feedback. This collaborative environment fosters communication, teamwork, and the exchange of ideas. By engaging in discussions and collaborating on projects, students learn from each other, gain new perspectives, and develop their social and communication skills.Lastly, Scratch programming aims to cultivate a growth mindset among learners. By using Scratch, students are encouraged to embrace challenges, persist in the face of setbacks, and view mistakes as opportunities for learning and improvement. The iterative nature of programming allows students to continuously refine and enhance their projects, reinforcing the idea that success comes through effort and perseverance.In conclusion, Scratch programming has several educational objectives. It aims to foster creativity, problem-solving skills, and computational thinking, while also promoting collaboration and a growth mindset. Byengaging with Scratch, learners can develop their creative thinking abilities, enhance their problem-solving skills, and cultivate a computational thinking mindset. Additionally, the collaborative nature of the Scratch community encourages communication and teamwork, while the iterative process of programming reinforces the importance of perseverance and embracing challenges.。
2021⁃01⁃10计算机应用,Journal of Computer Applications 2021,41(1):74-80ISSN 1001⁃9081CODEN JYIIDU http ://基于随机森林和投票机制的大数据样例选择算法周翔1,2,翟俊海1,2*,黄雅婕1,2,申瑞彩1,2,侯璎真1,2(1.河北大学数学与信息科学学院,河北保定071002;2.河北省机器学习与计算智能重点实验室(河北大学),河北保定071002)(∗通信作者电子邮箱mczjh@ )摘要:针对大数据样例选择问题,提出了一种基于随机森林(RF )和投票机制的大数据样例选择算法。
然后,将第一个大型子集划分成q 个规模较小的子集,并将这些子集部署到q 个云计算节点,并将第二个中小型子集广播到q 个云计算节点。
重复上述过程p 次,得到p 个样例子集。
最后,用这p 个子集进行投票,得到最终选择的样例子集。
在Hadoop 和Spark 两种大数据平台上实现了提出的算法,比较了两种大数据平台的实现机制。
此外,在6个大数据集上将所提算法与压缩最近邻(CNN )算法和约简最近邻(RNN )算法进行了比较,实验结果显示数据集的规模越大时,与这两个算法相比,提出的算法测试精度更高且时间消耗更短。
关键词:大数据;样例选择;决策树;随机森林;投票机制中图分类号:TP181文献标志码:AInstance selection algorithm for big data based onrandom forest and voting mechanismZHOU Xiang 1,2,ZHAI Junhai 1,2*,HUANG Yajie 1,2,SHEN Ruicai 1,2,HOU Yingzhen 1,2(1.College of Mathematics and Information Science ,Hebei University ,Baoding Hebei 071002,China ;2.Hebei Key Laboratory of Machine Learning and Computational Intelligence (Hebei University ),Baoding Hebei 071002,China )Abstract:To deal with the problem of instance selection for big data ,an instance selection algorithm based on RandomForest (RF )and voting mechanism was proposed for big data.Firstly ,a dataset of big data was divided into two subsets :the first subset is large and the second subset is small or medium.Then ,the first large subset was divided into q smaller subsets ,and these subsets were deployed to q cloud computing nodes ,and the second small or medium subset was broadcast to q cloud computing nodes.Next ,the local data subsets at different nodes were used to train the random forest ,and the random forest was used to select instances from the second small or medium subset.The selected instances at different nodes were merged to obtain the subset of selected instances of this time.The above process was repeated p times ,and p subsets of selected instances were obtained.Finally ,these p subsets were used for voting to obtain the final selected instance set.The proposed algorithm was implemented on two big data platforms Hadoop and Spark ,and the implementation mechanisms of these two big data platforms were compared.In addition ,the comparison between the proposed algorithm with the Condensed Nearest Neighbor (CNN )algorithm and the Reduced Nearest Neighbor (RNN )algorithm was performed on 6large datasets.Experimental results show that compared with these two algorithms ,the proposed algorithm has higher test accuracy and smaller time consumption when the dataset is larger.It is proved that the proposed algorithm has good generalization ability and high operational efficiency in big data processing ,and can effectively solve the problem of big data instance selection.Key words:big data;instance selection;decision tree;Random Forest (RF);voting mechanism0引言在信息技术飞速发展的时代,不仅技术在快速发展,数据也在呈指数型上升。
会下棋的机器人的350字作文英文回答:Playing chess is a skill that requires strategic thinking and decision-making. As a robot, I am programmed to play chess and have been equipped with the necessary algorithms and computational power to make complex calculations and analyze different game scenarios. With my advanced capabilities, I can evaluate the current position on the chessboard, anticipate my opponent's moves, and make the best possible moves to increase my chances of winning.For example, when playing chess, I consider various factors such as piece development, control of the center, pawn structure, and potential threats. I use my algorithms to evaluate the strength of different moves and determine the most optimal one. I can also calculate multiple moves ahead, allowing me to plan my strategy and anticipate my opponent's responses.In addition to my analytical abilities, I can alsolearn from my mistakes and improve my gameplay over time.By analyzing previous games and studying different strategies, I can adapt to different playing styles and develop my own unique approach to the game. This ability to learn and adapt gives me an advantage over human players who may struggle to keep up with the constantly evolving chess landscape.中文回答:下棋是一项需要战略思维和决策能力的技巧。
五年级上册数学知识和拓展内容手抄报In the fifth grade mathematics curriculum, students are introduced to a variety of important concepts and skills that build upon the foundation laid in previous grades. From learning about basic arithmetic operations like addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division to more complex topics like fractions, decimals, and geometric shapes, students are expected to develop a deeper understanding of fundamental mathematical principles.在五年级数学课程中,学生将学习各种重要的概念和技能,这些技能是建立在前几年所打下的基础之上的。
One of the key goals of the fifth grade math curriculum is to help students develop critical thinking skills and problem-solving abilities. By engaging with challenging mathematical problems and learning to approach them systematically, students are able to sharpen their logical reasoning skills and develop a deeper appreciation for the beauty and elegance of mathematics.五年级数学课程的一个关键目标是帮助学生培养批判性思维能力和问题解决能力。
1956达特茅斯会议提出的概念1956年,达特茅斯会议(Dartmouth Conference)在美国新罕布什尔州达特茅斯学院(Dartmouth College)召开,聚集了一群领先的计算机科学家和人工智能研究者,共同探讨和交流计算机和人工智能领域的前沿问题。
一、人工智能(Artificial Intelligence)达特茅斯会议是第一次正式提出“人工智能”(Artificial Intelligence)这一概念的重要场合。
二、机器学习(Machine Learning)在达特茅斯会议上,机器学习(Machine Learning)的概念也首次被提出。
三、专家系统(Expert System)会议上还提出了专家系统(Expert System)的概念。
四、自然语言处理(Natural Language Processing)自然语言处理(Natural Language Processing)也是达特茅斯会议上被提出的一个重要概念。
2.AlphaGo 的定义
3.AlphaGo 与幂律的关系
4.AlphaGo 的胜利
AlphaGo 是谷歌人工智能实验室 DeepMind 开发的一款围棋人工智
AlphaGo 的定义是指能够通过自我对弈和深度学习,达到人类顶尖水平的围棋程序。
AlphaGo 与幂律的关系在于,AlphaGo 的胜利可以被视为一个幂律事件。
在 AlphaGo 与世界围棋冠军李世石的比赛中,AlphaGo 赢得了 4 场比赛,这可以看作是一个幂律分布的事件。
AlphaGo 的胜利标志着人工智能在围棋领域的重大突破,也引起了人们对人工智能的广泛关注。
人工智能专家NoamSlonim近日,IBM研究院研究员、希伯来大学人工智能专家NoamSlonim 和团队公布了相关研究ProjectDebater的进展,该系统通过扫描储存了4亿篇新闻报道和维基百科页面的档案库,自行组织开场白和反驳论点。
AlphaGo 和ChatGPT 是人工智能领域的两个重要突破。
AlphaGo 是一个著名的人工智能程序,能够在围棋比赛中打败世界顶尖的选手。
AlphaGo 的成功表明,人工智能在围棋等复杂游戏中已经能够达到超越人类的水平。
ChatGPT 是一个基于Transformer 架构的大型语言模型,能够生成自然语言文本。
ChatGPT 的出现表明,人工智能在自然语言处理领域已经取得了重大进展,能够生成高质量的自然语言文本。
总的来说,AlphaGo 和ChatGPT 都是人工智能领域的重要突破,展示了人工智能在不同领域的应用潜力和发展前景。
Geometric Modeling
Geometric ModelingGeometric modeling is a fundamental aspect of computer graphics and design. It involves the creation of virtual representations of objects and environments using mathematical and computational techniques. This process is essential for a wide range of applications, including video games, animation, virtual reality, and industrial design. However, geometric modeling can be a complex and challenging task, requiring a deep understanding of mathematical concepts and computational algorithms. One of the key challenges in geometric modeling is accurately representing the shape and structure of real-world objects in a virtual environment. This requires the use of advanced mathematical techniques, such as parametric curves and surfaces, to create smooth and realistic 3D models. Additionally, geometric modeling often involves the manipulation of complex geometric shapes, which requires a high level of precision and attention to detail. This can be particularly challenging when dealing with intricate or irregular shapes, such as organic forms or natural landscapes. Another significantchallenge in geometric modeling is ensuring that the virtual representations accurately reflect the physical properties of the objects they represent. This includes factors such as material properties, lighting, and shading, which all contribute to the overall realism of the virtual environment. Achieving this level of realism requires a deep understanding of physics and optics, as well as the ability to simulate these properties using computational algorithms. Additionally, geometric modeling often involves the creation of interactive environments, which adds another layer of complexity in terms of real-time rendering and user interaction. From a practical perspective, geometric modeling also presents challenges in terms of computational efficiency and resource management. Creating and manipulating complex 3D models can be computationally intensive, requiring significant processing power and memory resources. This can be a limiting factorfor applications such as video games and virtual reality, where real-time performance is crucial. Additionally, the storage and transmission of large 3D models can be a significant challenge, particularly in the context of web-based applications or mobile devices with limited bandwidth and storage capacity. In addition to these technical challenges, there are also important ethical andsocial considerations related to geometric modeling. For example, the creation of realistic virtual environments raises questions about the potential impact on human perception and behavior. Virtual reality, in particular, has the potential to blur the line between the virtual and physical worlds, raising concerns about the potential for addiction, escapism, and desensitization to real-world experiences. There are also ethical considerations related to the use of geometric modeling in fields such as medicine and engineering, where the accuracy and reliability of virtual representations can have significant real-world implications. Despite these challenges, geometric modeling offers a wide range of opportunities for innovation and creativity. Advances in computational power and graphics technology have expanded the possibilities for creating realistic and immersive virtual environments. This has led to the development of newapplications in areas such as architectural visualization, medical imaging, and virtual prototyping. Additionally, the growing popularity of 3D printing has created new opportunities for geometric modeling in the context of digital fabrication and manufacturing. In conclusion, geometric modeling is a complex and multifaceted field that presents a wide range of technical, ethical, and social challenges. However, it also offers significant opportunities for innovation and creativity, with the potential to impact a wide range of industries and applications. As technology continues to advance, the field of geometric modeling is likely to evolve, presenting new challenges and opportunities for those involved in the creation of virtual environments.。
alphagpt幂律【原创版】目录1.概述2.幂律的定义3.AlphaGo 的背景和原理4.AlphaGo 的改进5.AlphaGo 的成就6.未来发展正文1.概述AlphaGo 是一款由 DeepMind 开发的人工智能围棋程序。
它于 2016 年击败了围棋世界冠军李世石,引起了全球范围内的广泛关注。
AlphaGo 的核心技术是基于深度学习和强化学习的,其中一个重要的概念是幂律。
2.幂律的定义幂律是指某个物理量与另一个物理量的关系可以表示为幂指数的形式,即 $A propto B^alpha$。
在 AlphaGo 中,幂律被用来描述棋子之间的重要性和关系。
3.AlphaGo 的背景和原理AlphaGo 的背景是围棋,这是一种非常复杂的棋类游戏,其规则简单但是可能的棋局数量极其庞大。
AlphaGo 的原理是基于深度学习和强化学习,它通过学习大量的棋局数据来提高自己的下棋水平。
4.AlphaGo 的改进AlphaGo 经过多次改进,其中最重要的一次是 AlphaGo Zero 的推出。
AlphaGo Zero 不再需要学习人类的棋局数据,而是直接从零开始自我对弈,通过不断的自我学习和优化来提高自己的下棋水平。
5.AlphaGo 的成就AlphaGo 的成就主要包括击败围棋世界冠军李世石、推出 AlphaGo Zero 和 AlphaGo Master 等。
6.未来发展AlphaGo 的未来发展方向主要是在围棋领域继续提高自己的下棋水平,以及将 AlphaGo 的技术应用到其他领域,如医疗、金融等。
话对的名词解释话对(Metaverse)是由“The Matrix”一词演化而来的短语,是指一个虚拟世界与现实世界相结合的新兴概念。
话对的概念最初由尼尔·古登雷奇(Neal Stephenson)在他的科幻小说《雪崩》(Snow Crash)中提出。
虚拟现实游戏如《Mosh pit》和《Beat Saber》带给玩家身临其境的游戏体验,让他们可以在虚拟现实中与其他玩家互动,共同探索游戏的世界。
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Voting Games and Computational ComplexitybyGlenn W. Harrison and Tanga McDaniel†January 2001A BSTRACTVoting rules over three or more alternatives suffer from a general problem ofmanipulability. However, if the rule is “difficult” to manipulate, in some formalcomputational sense that is intrinsic to the rule or some cognitive sense specific tothe set of voters, then one might not observe manipulation in practice. Weevaluate this hypothesis using controlled laboratory experiments. We conclude thatone attractive rule, due originally to Condorcet, is indeed behaviorally incentive-compatible despite being theoretically manipulable if the underlying preferenceenvironment is “rich.”† Dewey H. Johnson Professor of Economics, Department of Economics, The Darla Moore School of Business, University of South Carolina (H ARRISON@), and Research Officer, Department of Applied Economics, University of Cambridge(T ANGA.M C D ANIEL@), respectively. We are grateful to Richland County Government for funding, and to David Kennison, Elisabet Rutström, Sandi Teel, Melonie Williams and Peyton Young for their comments.1. IntroductionVoting rules over three or more alternatives suffer from the general problem of manipulability. However, if the rule is “difficult” to manipulate, in some formal computational sense that is intrinsic to the rule or some cognitive sense specific to the set of voters, then one might not observe manipulation in practice. We evaluate this hypothesis using controlled laboratory experiments. We conclude that one attractive rule, originally due to Condorcet, is indeed behaviorally incentive-compatible despite being theoretically manipulable.Our goal is to see if one can use a relatively simple and attractive voting rule to elicit preferences over the public provision of a real commodity. The objects of social choice in our experiments are five categories of music, so we cannot use binary choice voting rules. In this context, the Gibbard-Satterthwaite Theorem implies that the only voting rule which is strategy proof for all possible preferences is dictatorial. Our hypothesis, however, is that there exist some voting rules which fall prey to the Gibbard-Satterthwaite Theorem only when one assumes that agents have infinite capacity to calculate best responses. Relaxing that assumption opens up a range of voting rules which may be difficult, in a well-defined computational sense, to successfully manipulate. In such a setting it is plausible that the subjects would resort to truthful revelation of preferences, in an attempt to “maximize the pie” instead of “ruining the pie by fighting over it.”In other words, the threat of a Pyrrhic Victory from the manipulation game may provide a behavioral incentive for subjects to respond truthfully.Our method is to design a series of controlled laboratory experiments in which we can elicit values over some real commodity. We have subjects make group choices over five musical categories such as the list of five in bold in Table 1. Subjects ranked the categories and circled one CD within each category, and group members then received the circled CD from the winning category as determined by the group vote. Thus, the individual chose the CD within the category, but the group chose the category according to some defined voting rule.1 Experiments designed to test theoretical predictions most commonly employ induced1 By having a choice of ten specific CDs within each category, we avoided uncertainty as to what constitutes “R&B” or “Rap.”- 1 -2 Random Dictator does not provide incentives for truthful revelation of choice below the top preference, since the version currently implemented only utilizes that top choice. It is a simple matter to extend Random Dictator such that it provides positive incentives over the entire set of choices. For example, assign points to the chosen dictator’s rankings in simple Borda style, then add a randomly generated number to each point score from a die throw, and select the choice with the highest number of points. With appropriate points parameterizations, this causes the subject to worry about secondary preferences, since his top preference may die at the hands of a lousy draw from a non-strategic Nature.- 2 -value methods under which subjects are endowed with preferences that are controlled as part of the experimental design. Our objective, however, is to elicit subjects’ homegrown (i.e.,non-experimentally induced) preferences over a real commodity. Our control experiment uses an extremely simple voting rule, Random Dictator, which provides strong incentives for truthful revelation of the most preferred choice of the individual.2 As the name suggests, one group member is chosen by a random draw after the individual choices are made and her stated preferences determine the group vote over categories. This is not a popular voting rule with social choice theorists since it fails to reliably deliver Pareto-efficient outcomes, but it is ideal for experimental purposes where the sole objective is to elicit true homegrown values for the most preferred alternative.Why do we need to use a rule such as Random Dictator? The reason is that it begs the very question of study, manipulability, if one relies on observed field rankings under some voting rule which has no strong a priori basis for encouraging truth-telling (TT). Such an approach is adopted by Levin and Nalebuff [1995; p.4]:“We have also taken some of the [voting] methods and applied them to voting data gathered fromBritish Union elections (data collected separately by N. Tideman and I.D. Hill). An interesting feature of these British elections is that voters are required to rank the candidates. As a result, knowing the voter ranking, we can simulate elections under a variety of electoral systems. It is perhaps remarkable thatamong the 30 elections we examined, with the exception of plurality rule and single transferable vote,none of the other seven [voting rule] alternatives considered gave a different top choice.”There can be no claim that the other voting rules would generate the same outcome unless some voting rule such as Random Dictator, which is arguably demand-revealing on an a priori basis, is used in the original union elections. The reason is that strategic behavior itself is likely to vary with the voting rule, as well as the very propensity to engage in manipulation. Thus it is premature to draw the conclusion stated, and apparently endorsed by Sen [1995; p.91/2]:“Even though these different voting schemes can give very different results, depending on the nature ofthe individual preferences and their similarity and mismatch, Levin and Nalebuff use data from electionsheld in British organizations to argue that whatever voting method had been chosen, it would actually3 See Appendix B, available at HTTP ://DMSWEB .BADM .SC .EDU /GLENN /CC .HTM .- 3 -have yielded the same or very similar outcomes. This raises the question whether the choice between these different voting schemes should be less agonizing than their formal differences suggest.”Although our null hypothesis contends that the choices should indeed be less agonizing, sincemany voting rules are probably too hard to successfully manipulate, some further agony is clearly warranted.The research experiment employs a voting rule attributed to Condorcet by Young [1988].It is a natural and intuitive extension of the idea of simple majority rule, to allow for thepossibility of Condorcet cycles forming. These cycles are broken by finding the group ranking which receives the greatest support in terms of pairwise comparisons. For problems of thedimensionality considered here we can easily determine this ranking by exhaustive evaluation; for larger dimensional problems we can use more efficient algorithms.3 Once this ranking has been determined, the group choice is just the distinguished element. We refer to this as a Condorcet-Consistent (CC) voting rule.The primary methodological innovation we offer is the use of a control experiment toelicit homegrown values for the top individual preference which have a strong a priori justification for being called “true values.” This control experiment takes the place of experimenter-induced values in standard experimental practice. We can then compare the top choice in the research experiment with the top choice in the control experiment to test our hypothesis. We can only test the hypothesis with respect to the top choice, even though all rankings are incentive-compatible under CC voting under that hypothesis.We conclude that our main hypothesis is valid when we evaluate it in a domain that wecharacterize as employing “tough” preferences, since individuals are assumed to know relatively less about the tastes of other group members. But we conclude that the main hypothesis is not generally valid under “simple” preferences, where taste are likely to be more homogeneous. In the latter case the validity of the hypothesis depends on whether or not the subjects are provided with detailed information about the voting rule.4 See Moulin [1988; Ch. 10] for an excellent exposition. If we place some restrictions on preferences then we can find many voting rules that are strategy-proof. Having a strategy-proof voting rule would make matters much easier: we could just announce the properties of the rule to agents, behaviorally encouraging TT. However, none of the restrictions that have been stated are particularly appealing in the present context (e.g., single-peak preferences) or easily interpreted (e.g., see Muller & Satterthwaite [1985; section 3]). Another escape route from the theorem is to consider the large numbers case. If there are an infinite number of voters, then it has been shown that many voting rules are strategy-proof. For example, the simple Plurality Rule (select the alternative that gets the most votes, with each agent casting one vote) has been studied in this “large numbers” context by Pazner and Wesley [1978]. The question then is how large is “large”? To a theorist the idea of 25 to 30 being arbitrarily large is laughable, and yet to an experimentalist it is perfectly plausible that a voting game of 10or more agents would behave just like the “large numbers” theory would predict. There is abundant evidence in many experimental games to support this hypothesis. Yet another way out of the theorem is to relax the condition that we have a strategy-proof voting rule. One way to relax this requirement is to find voting rules that have Nash Equilibria (NE) that implement the same outcome as would TT. It turns out that there are many such rules (see Peleg [1978] and Dutta &Pattanaik [1978]). The “trouble with Nash” is that there are generically lots of NE, only a subset of which are Pareto-efficient.- 4 -2. Attractive Voting RulesConsider the simple problem of getting people to vote on a group allocation of resources across a range of services that a local government can provide with a given budget. The fact that we will have many agents, many alternatives, and incomplete information on preferences immediately raises the Gibbard-Satterthwaite Theorem: that the only voting rule which isstrategy-proof for all possible preferences is “dictatorial.”4 The term “strategy-proof” here means that truth-telling (TT) is a dominant strategy for each agent, so that he does not need to know anything about the other agents’ preferences in order to figure out that TT is the best he can do.A “dictatorial” rule is one that gives one voter all of the power for all preference profiles, and is therefore not particularly attractive for field applications.In this section we discuss several attractive “escape routes” from theGibbard-Satterthwaite Theorem. This provides some background to the proposed solution we then examine. We propose two voting rules which meet our objectives of eliciting preferences from individuals for use in a group decision in a controlled laboratory setting. It is important to note that we are not seeking a rule which generates Pareto-efficient outcomes, merely one which elicits truthful responses. Moreover, we would like to have a voting rule which is (i) easy to explain to subjects, (ii) easy to implement, and (iii) difficult for subjects to strategically manipulate.5 Assume that everybody except the dictator have identical and strict rankings, but that the dictator is indifferent between all alternatives and chooses at random.6 Fishburn [1973; p.95] has some neat numerical intuition for this. For a given number of agents, generate all possible preference orderings for all agents, assuming that each combination occurs independently and equiprobably. Then the probability that a CW does not exist when the number of alternatives is 3, 4, 5, 6, and7 is 0.056, 0.111, 0.160, 0.202,and 0.239 when there are just 3 agents, for example. For any number of voters greater than two, the probability that a CW does not exist approaches one as the number of alternatives approaches infinity. For a given number of alternatives, the probability of there being no CW when there is an arbitrarily large number of voters is less than one but rapidly increases in the number of voters (e.g., for 3, 4, 5, 6 or 7 alternatives the probabilities are 0.088, 0.176, 0.251, 0.315 and 0.369).- 5 -2.1 Random DictatorOne simple voting rule chooses one voter at random and imposes her stated preferences on all the others. Since an individual’s stated preferences will then only affect the outcome if she is the “dictator,” the individual has no incentive to misrepresent. Although this voting method might seem artificial and unfair in some sense, it clearly gives the individual voter a positive incentive to tell the truth.It is easy to see that this voting rule is not always going to result in a Pareto outcome.5For this reason, it has been discarded by most economists searching for Pareto-efficient voting rules that are also demand-revealing. If one is only interested in eliciting preferences, however,the possible inefficiency of the voting rule can be ignored. Such a narrow focus is justifiable in a laboratory setting.2.2 Condorcet-Consistent VotingWhat if the set of true preferences that agents have is such that a “Condorcet winner”(CW) exists? A CW is an alternative that defeats every other alternative in pairwise comparisons.There is no assurance, without very restrictive assumptions on preferences, that a CW exists for all possible preference profiles.6So much for the bad news. The good news, however, is that if a CW exists and the number of agents is odd then a voting rule which selects it is strategy-proof (see Moulin [1988; Lemma 10.3,p.263]). Moreover, it is also known that in such a setting no coalition of the group can jointly misrepresent their preferences and make every coalition member better off. Coalition formation may not be a serious problem for large and decentralized surveys, but could be for smaller group decision-making in a centralized location such as a committee room.7 Alternatively, we could allow each agent to submit two sets of preferences if he chooses: the first set will be used to select a CW if one exists according to the set of such preferences submitted, and the second set will be used with one of the voting rules if there is no CW. One would have to have some credible way of assuring agents that we would not use the first set of preferences in place of the second set if a CW was not found, but that could be easily done by various logistical devices and/or independent auditors of the procedure. The first set of preferences would then be assumed by the observer to represent the true preferences, even if the latter set of preferences might be the ones used to determine the actual outcome of the vote.- 6 -Following a suggestion by Black [1958], why not have a two-stage voting rule in which we first see if there is a CW, select it if it exists, and go on to some other rule if a CW does not exist?The attractive feature of this rule is that there is some probability that a CW will exist, so why waste it?7Another alternative is to use the extension of Condorcet’s voting rule proposed by Young[1986][1988][1995] and Young and Levenglick [1978]. A CW is defined above as any alternative that defeats every other alternative in pairwise comparison. In other words, a majority of voters must find such an alternative preferable to all other alternatives. A simple example in which this does not occur is as follows. Let the alternatives be A, B and C, and let the symbol X ™ Y (Z) denote a majority vote of Z preferring X over Y . If we have A ™ B (8), A ™ C(6), B ™ A (5), B ™ C (11), C ™ A (7) and C ™ B (2), then we obtain the cyclic social ranking A ™B , B ™ C , and C ™ A . A CW as defined thus far does not exist.Condorcet proposed that such cycles be dealt with by choosing the social ranking that was “most likely.” To give further structure to this notion, posit a model in which (i) each agent votes sincerely in any pairwise comparison with some probability (strictly) greater than one-half that is the same across all voters, (ii) each voter’s preference on each pair of alternatives is independent of his preference on any other pair, and (iii) each voter states his preferences independently of other voters. Then search for the non-cyclic social ranking that has maximal support from the voters.This is a well-posed maximization problem which will always have a solution. In fact, it8 Young [1995; p.55, fn.4] offers a similar statement which is slightly different in one constraint but which leads to the same solution. 9 Details on the computer software which sets up this integer programming problem, uses GAMS to solve it, and reads the solution are provided in Appendix B (available at HTTP ://DMSWEB .BADM .SC .EDU /GLENN /CC .HTM ). 10 Specifically, we envisage embedding our social elicitation procedure into a two-stage procedure in which thevaluation of private citizens as a group is first elicited and then pooled with the rankings of the elected government of these citizens. Thus we might give the private citizens a 50% weight. In order to pool the rankings of these two agents we need to have the rankings of the former as well as the rankings of the latter. More generally, obtaining the rankings of any one group allows us to pool them with rankings obtained for other groups or individuals. Thus one might be interested in the valuation of New Mexico as a state for siting a nuclear waste site, or one might be interested in the SouthWest regional- 7 -can be obtained as the solution to the following integer programming problem:8maximizeZ = 'i,j V ij X ij subject toX ij 0 {0,1}œ i,j X ij + X ji = 1œ i,j 1 #X ij + X jk + X ki # 2œ i …j …k ,where X ij = 1 denotes a social preference for alternative i over j, X ij = 0 denotes the reverse preference, and V ij denotes the number of votes obtained by i over j .The first two constraint sets ensure that we express a strict social preference for allpairwise alternatives. The third constraint set ensures that social preferences are non-cyclic. The objective function to be maximized is the voting support for the social preference. This is astraightforward programming problem that may be solved using GAMS (see Brooke, Kendrick and Meeraus [1992]).9For the example given above, the social ranking that is consistent with Condorcet’s notion of the most probable ranking is A ™ B ™ C . The solution method implied by the aboveprogramming problem is quite different from the heuristic algorithm originally proposed by Condorcet himself (see Young [1988]). Our proposed voting rule, which we refer to as “Condorcet-Consistent,” is to use the Condorcet ranking to select the preferred option.There are four main virtues to using this ranking. First, it always exists and selects theCW whenever one exists. Second, it is very easy to explain to subjects, providing one does not go into details about the need to solve integer programming problems! Third, it generates a ranking rather than a single choice, and there are circumstances under which the former is more useful than the latter.10 Fourth, it is computationally difficult for subjects to strategically manipulate.valuation for such a commodity, or one might be interested in the national valuation. Our proposed ranking could be employed in all of these contexts. 11 The size of the voting problem may be defined with respect to the number of candidates, the number of voters, or both. 12 For a thorough description of the NP class of problems, see Garey and Johnson [1979]. They offer a nice cartoon defining the class of NP-complete problems: a forlorn programmer stands in front of his boss, explaining that while he could not solve the problem he was asked to, neither could a very long list of very smart people standing behind him with furried brows. More accurately, the problem he was asked to solve was “just like” the problem that bedeviled this long list of smart people. Hence there is a strong presumption that it is intrinsically difficult to solve; there is often no proof that it is hard to solve.- 8 -The last property is an important one for our main hypothesis.2.3 The Computational Difficulty of ManipulationComputational difficulty is defined rather narrowly in the computer science literature.Essentially, difficulty or complexity is measured with respect to the potential amount of time it takes to compute the solution to a problem. If the computation time of a solution is a polynomial function of the problem’s size, then the problem is said to be tractable.11 Formally, suchproblems belong to a class of problems called NP . The hardest problems within this class are called NP-complete .12For our purposes, the voting “problem” has two definitions: (i) determine the winning candidate, and (ii) determine if an individual can strategically misrepresent his preferences successfully (knowing the preferences of all other voters). If the first part can be shown to be a difficult computational problem then it would follow that the second part is likely to be hard,since it would be expected to involve solving many sub-problems of the first part.For any number of alternatives, n , there are n ! non-cyclic rankings. Thus, with fivealternatives the number of non-cyclic rankings is 120. Because the complexity of the voting rule increases polynomially with the number of alternatives, holding the number of voters constant,this voting rule satisfies the criteria stated earlier. That is, it is easy to explain and easy to implement in cases where n is relatively small (e.g., n # 6).There are claims in the computer science literature that many voting rules arecomputationally difficult to strategize against. For instance, Bartholdi, Tovey and Trick [1988]prove that the Kemeny [1959] Ranking rule has the property that computing the ranking of13 Kemeny Ranking is a voting rule which finds a “consensus ranking” of the alternatives. That is, it finds the social ranking of the alternative which minimizes the sum of the distances between voters’ preferences. 14 It is common to identify the two as the same, as in Levin and Nalebuff [1995; p.15]. However, there are some ambiguities in the original presentation of several rules by Kemeny [1959], noted by Young [1995; p.61]. Nonetheless, if one adopts the most common interpretation of Kemeny’s rule it is identical to the CC rule. 15 The experimental literature contains many instances of problems in which subjects have “collapsed” to truth-telling,despite the fact that such responses can be quickly shown not to be NE. The preference distortion game induced on the marriage problem by Harrison and McCabe [1995] is one example. As the dimensionality of the problem was increased by experimental treatment, they report a significantly greater tendency for subjects to report their true preferences. The- 9 -candidates and the winning candidate are NP -complete problems.13 For our purposes the CC voting rule is operationally equivalent to Kemeny Ranking.14 This implies that computing the winning candidate using the CC is also an NP -complete problem.However, proofs of this type often involve heavy reliance on “worst-case” scenarios. That is, the proofs target those cases for which the time it takes to compute a problem’s solution is an exponential function of the problem’s size. Most cases for which experimentalists are concerned are not “worst-case” in these respects, since the instance of the problem is fixed.Moreover, even if a problem’s solution does not require an exponential amount of time to compute, the computational problem may be “tough enough” that individuals have a difficult time determining how to misrepresent their preferences successfully. For example, if you are asked to state the number of seconds in a week, you might know that the answer is7×24×60×60, but without a pocket calculator you might be quickly out of your cognitive and computational depth at evaluating this expression. Can we say that you “know” the answer unless you actually say 604,800?These are issues which are bound to be context dependent and subjective, since different subjects are more or less likely to be able to access heuristics from field experience to solve such problems. Our point is that we should remain agnostic about the computational difficulty of certain problems. For our purposes the definitions that have been productive for the field of computer science are not necessarily appropriate here.Our central hypothesis, then, is that CC voting is computationally difficult for our subjects to strategize against. If so, and we observe the same responses as in our control experiment in which subjects have a strong incentive to tell the truth, we will say that the voting rule is behaviorally incentive compatible .15preference distortion game induced on the airport landing slot problem by Rassenti, Smith and Bulfin [1982], and on the gas network problem by McCabe, Rassenti and Smith [1989], are similar instances. 16 All of the instructions and written materials used for the experiment are shown in Appendix A, available at HTTP ://DMSWEB .BADM .SC .EDU /GLENN /CC .HTM .- 10 -3. Experimental DesignSubjects in our lab experiment were asked to vote over categories of CDs.16 CDs as acommodity are familiar to most individuals and can easily be grouped into natural musical categories. Moreover, CDs can be found within major music categories which are in the same price range. Given that our objective is to obtain a preference ranking over categories fromindividuals, this serves to reduce the likelihood that an individual would rank categories based on the expected price of the CDs within the categories.In each experiment subjects were asked to rank five different categories of music, such as the categories shown in Table 1. They were told that one category of music would be chosen for the group and that the category would be determined by a group vote. Every individual in thegroup received the specific CD of his or her choice from the selection of CDs in the category chosen by the group. Each of the five categories had a selection of ten CDs, again as illustrated in Table1. Thus although the group could impose the category “Rap” on some individuals, it could not force them to select a particular CD from the list of 10 available.We discuss three further aspects of our experimental design: the choice of voting rules,the provision of information about the voting rule, and the use of different preference profiles. Table 2 shows the complete experimental design.3.1 Voting RulesThere exist voting rules such as Random Dictator (RD) which are theoretically incentive compatible for the individual’s top choice. Using RD we can therefore elicit individuals’ true first preference for a commodity. With this information and a sufficiently randomized sample, we can use a different elicitation mechanism and compare the stated preferences of individuals for their top choice in the two different voting mechanisms. If the stated first preferences are statistically different between the two mechanisms, the extent of bias can be determined by comparison with。