英语教学法 PPT Unit+2+CLT




1.linguistic competence语言能力是指理解语
言本身,语言形式及其意义的能力。语言能力包 含了拼写、发音、词汇、构词、语法、句型和语 义等方面的能力。语言能力是交际能力的基石, 一个不可缺少的组成部份。
2.pragmatic competence语用能力是指学习
者在特定的语境中针对特定的对象知道如何合适 清晰地表达自己的意图的能力。用 Hymes 的话 说就是知道 “何时说,何时不说,和谁,什么时
Unit 2 Communicative Principles & TBLT
❖ knowing whether something is in line with social norms (appropriateness in a social context);知道是 否得体
❖ knowing whether or not something is in fact done (what the language performance entails).知道实施的 条件
Why is CLT highly promoted in FLT?
Q1: What are the differences between language used in real life and language taught in the traditional FLT ? Q2: What is the final goal of FLT? And how to achieve it? (P.14-15) ❖ In real life:



Strategic competence
Teachers need to help learners
To take risks in using the language; to use a range of communicative strategies; to learn the language needed to engage in some of these strategies, e.g. “what do you call a thing that\ a person who…”
Strategic competence is similar to communication strategies. It refers to strategies one employs when there is communication breakdown due to lack of resources.
Unit Two Communicative Principles and Activities
Part One: Communicative Language Teaching
Grammar Translation Direct Method
The Audio-lingual Method Total Physical Response
Discourse competence refers to one’s ability to create coherent written text or conversation and the ability to understand them. It also includes one’s ability to initiate, develop, enter, interrupt, check, or confirm in a conversation.

英语教学法课件 Unit 2 Part 2 Task-based Language Teaching(王蔷主编)

英语教学法课件 Unit 2 Part 2 Task-based Language Teaching(王蔷主编)

• “TBLT” has stressed the importance to combine form-focused teaching with communication focused teaching.
2. 1 What is a task? P27
A task is a piece of work undertaken for oneself or for others, freely or for some reward. It is meant what people do in everyday life, at work, at play, and in between. (Long 1985:89) 任务是人们在日常生活中所从事的有目的的活 任务是人们在日常生活中所从事的有目的的活 动。
Listening to a weather forecast and deciding what to wear Looking at a set of pictures and decide what should be done Responding to a party invitation Completing a banking application Describing a photograph of one’s family
3) Learner participation in class is related significantly to improvements in language proficiency. Lim (1992)
学习者积极主动的参与与语言熟练程度的提 高关系极大。 高关系极大。
4) Classrooms that were basically “communicative” for explicit grammatical instruction, were superior to both traditional classrooms that focused heavily on grammar, and to immersion programs that eschewed explicit grammatical instruction. 基本上以“交际”为导向的课堂教学, 基本上以“交际”为导向的课堂教学,但同时 也有明确的语法讲解, 也有明确的语法讲解,要比只注重语法教学或 回避语法讲解的沉浸式教学都更好。 回避语法讲解的沉浸式教学都更好。

2.CLT and TBLT 英语教学法

2.CLT and TBLT 英语教学法

T or F statements about CLT
• 1.____ CLT can bridge the gap between classroom language teaching and real language use. • 2.____ CLT is the only solution to bridge the above gap. • 3.____ The goal of CLT is to foster the learner's communicative competence.
How is the cued role-play different from the cued dialogue?
IV.Principles of CLT
• 1. Communicative principle:
– Activities that involve real communication promote learning.
• Learner B:You are the manger(ess) of a small hotel that prides itself on its friendly, homely atmosphere. You have a single and a double room vacant for tonight. The prices are $850 for the single room, $1500 for the double room. Breakfast is $150 extra per person. In the street behind the hotel, there is a free car park. Guests can have tea in bed in the morning for 50 cent.

英语教学法 unit 2Communicative Principles and Task-based Language teaching

英语教学法 unit 2Communicative Principles and Task-based Language teaching
Social norms Actual use
4. Implications for teaching and learning
Linguistic competence Teachers need to help learners
Achieve accuracy in the grammatical forms of the
functions; Use stress and intonation to express attitude and emotion; Learn the scale of formality; Understand and use emotive tone; Use the pragmatic rules of language. Select language forms appropriate to topic, listener or setting, etc.
4. Implications for teaching and learning
Strategic competence Teachers need to help learners Strategic competence To take risks in using the language; To use a range of communicative strategies; To learn the language needed to engage in some of these strategies.
•Focus on forms rather than functions •Focus on one or two skills

英语教学法教程Unit 2 Communicative Principles TBLT

英语教学法教程Unit  2 Communicative Principles  TBLT
3)Meaningfulness principle: Language that is meaningful to learner supports the learning process.
(e.g. words of animals)
a weak and a strong version of CLT
Teachers need to help learners …
Teachers need to help learners …
Teachers need to help learners …
Teachers need to help learners …
Teachers need to help learners …
Howatt( 1984)指出,交际教学法流派中可分 出“温和派”和“激进派”两种:
“温和派”强调向学习者提供使用英语进行交际 的机会的重要性。将这类交际活动置于更大范围的语 言教学中,可以称作“学用英语”(Learning to use English),成为近年来交际教学法的主流。
“激进派”声称语言是通过交际习得的,因此这并 不是一个激活已有的知识的问题,而是一个促进掌握 语言系统本身的问题。可称作“用英语学英语” (using English to learn it)。
1.linguistic competence语言能力是指理解语
言本身,语言形式及其意义的能力。语言能力包 含了拼写、发音、词汇、构词、语法、句型和语 义等方面的能力。语言能力是交际能力的基石, 一个不可缺少的组成部份。
2.pragmatic competence语用能力是指学习
者在特定的语境中针对特定的对象知道如何合适 清晰地表达自己的意图的能力。用 Hymes 的话 说就是知道 “何时说,何时不说,和谁,什么时 间,什么地点,以什么方式说些什么” 。

英语:Unit 2(PPT)2-1.8《Pronunciation》课件(译林牛津版八年级下)

英语:Unit 2(PPT)2-1.8《Pronunciation》课件(译林牛津版八年级下)

Read : an apple
an apple
we usually link a consonant sound with a vowel sound together like this
将第一个单词的最后一个辅音和第 二个单词的第一个元音连读。
Read: we enjoy
we enjoy
when there are two vowel sounds and th,we join them as if there were a /j/sound sound between them.
当第一个单词的最后一个音和第二个单词的第 一个音都是元音时,并且第一个单词是以/u:/ 或/u/音为结尾时,在它们之间加/w/音.

; https:/// 九色优选
科罗拉多招潮蟹的头胸是甲梯形。前宽后窄,额窄,眼眶宽,眼柄细长。雄体的一螯总是较另一螯大捕蝇草偏好保水性佳、酸性的栽培介质。可以直接使用泥碳土或水苔来栽培,也就是完全只用单一种栽培介质即可。不过,水苔的价格较高,而且使用年限较 短,但其较其他栽培介质干净,故水苔比较适合作为叶插或小苗的栽培介质。大株的捕蝇草比较适合使用成本较低的泥碳土。有些泥碳土的质地较为细致,因此完全只用泥碳土时可能会造成排水不良,容易积水。我们可以在泥碳土中加入少量的珍珠石或是颗 粒土,亦可将泥碳土和沙以一比一的方式溷合使用。事实上,在原产地的捕蝇草是生长在含沙的土地上,使用沙和泥碳土溷合而成的栽培介质或许是最好的选择。由于捕蝇草喜欢偏酸性的栽培介质,因此在沙子的选择上以石英沙、硅沙或河沙为主;不可使用 含有钙质的沙,例如珊瑚沙或贝壳沙。 种子越新鲜出芽率越高,种子放在密封透明的器皿里,里面放水苔; 种子撒播在水苔表面(切记不要太密集) 湿度以水苔不滴水为准(意思为水苔的最大饱和量)上面覆盖保鲜膜,保鲜膜上用牙签戳几个小眼,放在光线强但阳光不能直射到的地方, 质量好 点的种子大约一个星期出芽。 植株高度或直径大约在2厘米的时候移栽到普通花盆,移栽出来还需要驯化。 得多(称交配螯),大螯特大甚至比身体还大,重量几乎为整体之半,小螯极小,用以取食(称取食螯)。雌体的二螯均相当小,而对称,指节匙形,均为取食螯。如果雄体失去大螯,则原处长出一个小螯,而原来的小螯则长成大螯,以代替失去的大螯。雄 的颜色较雌体鲜明。 [1] 在原生地,捕蝇草只有一个原生种和几个变型种,它们的外形都比较单一。但是,在组织培养或者播种等方法繁殖捕蝇草的过程中,有极少数的捕蝇草会发生变异,导致它们的某些形态会与变异前不同,当这些变异特征稳定在下一代出现时;就可以称为一个 新的品种,而众多的变异 品种也正是喜欢捕蝇草的玩家最大的追求之一。捕蝇草的园艺品种已经有超过600种,其中大部分是由组织培养而出现的变异品种;此外还有许多杂交品种,同时,由种子发芽的植株也有发生变异的可能。 介绍几种知名的变异品种男爵捕蝇草(学名:Dionaea “Wacky Traps”或Dionaea “Bart Simpson”),是发生严重变异后产生的品种,拥有那么多区别于典型捕蝇草特征的品种极少。男爵捕蝇草的叶柄截面圆且有不规则凸起,几乎终年匍匐于地面生长,肉 质夹子是所有捕蝇草中最厚实的品种之一,夹子的触毛以上部位几乎全部残缺,边缘呈现不规则的三角形,光照越充足时则残缺的越明显,夹子几乎无法闭合,基本上失去捕虫的能力,内侧会呈鲜红色。男爵捕蝇草不仅夹子是残缺不全的,其花朵上的柱头也 发育不全,无法正常授粉,所以无法结出种子,只能通过叶插等无性繁殖的方法繁殖。生长比较缓慢,夹子能生长到的最大尺寸一般也不过两厘米左右。

英语教学法第2章Unit 2

英语教学法第2章Unit 2

Not having
Not having The language form is right or wrong control
Having The task is finished or not free
Correct the error or mistake
Exchange information
The difference between TASK and EXERCISE
Exercise Form Not having Task Focus Communicative desire Meaning Having
Communicative purpose
Communicative purpose Assessment means Language controlling
*Used to perform
certain communicative functions * All skills used * Used in a certain context * Learning language throw using language
* Taught as
language knowledge * Focus on one or two language skills * Isolate language from its context * Being taught through learning language knowledge
Four main components of a task.
A purpose: making sure the students have a reason for understanding the task.

Unit 2 Part 2 Task-based Language Teaching 英语教学法课件

Unit 2 Part 2 Task-based Language Teaching 英语教学法课件
It is meant what people do in everyday life, at work, at play, and in between. (Long 1985:89)
任务是人们在日常生活中所从事的有目的的活 动。
What people do in everyday life:
painting a fence, dressing a child, filling out a form, buying a pair of shoes, borrowing a library book, taking a driving test, making an airline reservation, writing a check, finding a street destination, etc.
Unit 2 Part 2 Task-Based Language Teaching
• “TBLT” is a further development of CLT. It shares the same beliefs, as language should be learned as close as possible to how it is used in real life.
Input: Questionnaire on sleeping habits
Activity: 1) Reading questionnaire
2) Asking and answering
questions about sleeping habits
Teacher role: Monitor and facilitator
Completing a banking application



英语教学法教程(第二版)Unit2要点Unit 2Communicative Language Teaching⏹The goal of CLT is to develop students’ communicative competence , which includes both the knowledge about the language and the knowledge about how to use the language appropriately in communicative situations(knowledge of what to say, when, how, where, and to whom).Five main components of communicative competence⏹Linguistic competence: knowledge of the language itself, its form and meaning (spelling, pronunciation, vocabulary, word formation, grammatical structure, sentence structure, semantics)⏹Pragmatic competence: the appropriate use of the language in social context (the choice of the vocabulary and structure depends on the setting, the relative status of the speakers and their relationships.)⏹Discourse competence: one’s ability to create coherent written text or conversation and the ability to understand them.(to express or to understand a topic logically and coherently by effectively employing or comprehending the cohesive markers used in the discourse)Five main components of communicative competence⏹Strategic competence : one’s ability to compensate for thecommunication breakdown due to lack of resources by searching for other means of expression, such as using a similar phrase, using gestures, or using a longer explanation.⏹Fluency: one’s ability to link units of speech together with facility and without strain or inappropriate slowness or undue hesitation Principles of CLT⏹Communication principle: activities that involve real communication promote learning⏹Task principle: activities in which language is used for carrying out meaningful tasks promote learning⏹Meaningfulness principle: language that is meaningful to the learner supports the learning processThe teaching of language skills in CLT⏹Listening & speaking: students should have the chance to listen to and produce what is meaningful, authentic, unpredictable, and creative if possible.⏹Reading: the purpose of reading is focused. Reading is to extract meaning or information (the learning of grammar and vocabulary is to facilitate such a process)⏹Writing: students should practice writing what people write in everyday life and writing in the way people write in reality.Learner roles within CLT⏹Learner acts as negotiator (between the self, the learning process, and the object of learning) when he/she interacts within the group and within the classroom procedures and activities which the group undertakes.⏹Learner should contribute as much as he gains, and learn in an interdependent way.Teacher roles within CLT⏹Organizer: to facilitate the communication process between all participants in he classroom, and between these participants and the various activities and texts⏹Learner and researcher: to act as an independent participant within the learning-teaching group.⏹Needs Analyst: to respond to learner language needsTeacher roles within CLT⏹Counselor: to maximize the meshing(配合)of speaker intention and hearer interpretation, through the use of paraphrase, confirmation, and feedback.⏹Group process manager: organize the classroom as a setting for communication and communicative activities. During an activity the teacher monitors, encourages learners but suppress the inclination to supply gaps in words, grammar, and strategy but notes such gaps forlater commentary. At the conclusion of group activities, the leads in the debriefing(汇报)of the activity, pointing out alternatives and extensions and assisting groups in self-correction discussion.Six criteria for evaluating communicative classroom activities⏹Communicative purpose⏹Communicative desire⏹Content, not form⏹Variety of language⏹No teacher intervention⏹No materials controlTask-based Language Teaching⏹Four components of a task:⏹A purpose: ensure that students have a reason for undertaking the task⏹A context:location, participants, relationships, time … (can be real, simulated or imaginary )⏹A process: getting the students to use learning strategies(problem solving, reasoning, inquiring, etc.) to use appropriate words,sentence structures,etc.⏹A product: visible(a written plan, a play, a letter) or invisible(enjoying a story, learning about another country, etc.)Procedures of TBLT⏹Pre-task⏹introduction to⏹topic and task⏹Task cycle⏹Task Planning Report⏹Language Focus⏹Analysis and practice characteristics of TBLT⏹1.Interactive principles. Students communicate with each other in target language, and then acquire this language;⏹nguage materials are close to real life. Student learn in the environment which is real and natural;⏹3.Focusing on both the result and process. It provides students with the chances for both language that they are learning and the learning process;⏹4.Stressing on personal experience. Students' own experience and feeling about learning language can promote the effectiveness of class;⏹5.Relative principles. It aims to connect the in-class learning and out-class one.Advantages of TBLT⏹Exposure to rich but comprehensible input of real language, ie the kind of language that learners will be needing or wishing to understand and use themselves.(Exposure and input come from teacher talk(esp. during the pre-task phase and when reviewing language analysis), students listening to each other, reading the texts or listening to recordings of others doing the task.⏹This input is not confined to sentence level examples, but consists of real, often spontaneous language use.⏹Opportunities for real use of language---chances for learners to experiment and test hypothesis, to mean what they say and express what they mean in a variety of circumstances.⏹TBLT framework gives students opportunities to use language to express what they want to say, to gain practice in turn-taking, controlling the interaction, interacting spontaneously in pairs. The Report phase then offers them the challenge of drafting and perfecting their report for a wider audience. The Planning stage givesstudents the confidence and support they need before they actually perform in public.⏹Motivation to listen and read, ie to process the exposure for meaning; and also to use the language , to speak and write.⏹Focus on language--- Report and Analysis phaseSimilarities between CLT and TBLT⏹1. Design Principles⏹Communication Principle⏹The Authenticity Principle⏹Learning by Doing Principle⏹2. Teaching Forms⏹role play and group discussionDifferences between CLT and TBLT⏹CLT pays more attention to the process of communication. It has not a certain purpose and the result of it is not important.⏹However, TBLT stresses on purpose and result. A task must have a clear purpose.。

英语教学法 UnitCLT

英语教学法  UnitCLT
Hedge (2000:46-55)
Implications for teaching and learning
• See task 5
Principles of CLT
• Communicative principle: 1) purpose 2) context either real or created 3) actual use of the target language
• Meaningfulness principle: language used is meaningful to both the speaker and learner
Implications of CLT for the teaching
of language skills
• Listening and speaking: students should have the chance to listen to and produce meaningful, authentic and creative language.
• Reading: students should read with different purposes and skills and focus on both meaning and form.
• Writing: students should practise writing what people write in everyday life and write in the way people write in reality
Aims of the unit
1. How is language learned in classrooms different from language learned in real life?

unit 2--CLT

unit 2--CLT

1. Do some revision
Views on language
Structural view (sound, words and sentences) Functional view (as a linguistic system and as a means for doing things) Interactional view (Rules of language form ---grammar & vocabulary) ( Rules of language use in a context ----pragmatic)
That is a way of the traditional language teaching. what about the language used in real life? • Supose when xiao li meet a foreigner in real life and says the sentence to him : Have you had your lunch? For Chinese, Li means a question: ask if the foreigner has eaten the meal or not. it’s a usual informal greeting, and it has the same function as “Hello”. • But for English, it often means an invitation “Come, it’s my treat “ • the foreigner will feel confused why xiaoli asked me such a personal question? Why he moved away without waiting for the answer.

Unit 2 教学法part1 CLT讲解学习

Unit 2 教学法part1 CLT讲解学习
2.1 Definition of CLT(Communicative competence)
2.2 Principles of CLT 2.3 Features of communicative activities
Difference of language use in real life and traditional language teaching
Discourse competence
1. Meaning the ability to produce different types of coherent texts
语篇能力:用口头或书面形式连贯地表达不同种类语 篇的能力
writing: argumentation conjunctions: first, second, third. besides, ect.
2. Communicative competence
1) definition (Hymes's) the ability to use language for meaningful communication in addition to grammatical knowledge of the language
2) Components (Hedge's) Communicative competence: a. linguistic competence b. pragmatic competence c. discourse competence d. strategic competence e. fluency
Communicative Language Teaching(CLT): 交际教学法
Contents: 1.difference of language use in real life and traditional

英语教学法教程Unit2 Communicative PrinciplesTBLT

英语教学法教程Unit2 Communicative PrinciplesTBLT

where and to say
Five main components of communicative competence
Hedge (2000: 46-55) discusses five main components of communicative competence: ---linguistic competence ---pragmatic competence ---discourse competence ---strategic competence --- fluency (PP17-19)
a. the functions and forms b. Language skills c. The way to use or teach language
In terms of functions and forms
In real life:Language is used to perform certain communicative functions. The traditional FLT: focuses on forms rather than on functions. The consequence: The learners have learned a lot of sentences or patterns, but they are unable to use them appropriately in real social situations.
In terms of the way to use /teach language In real life: Language is always used in a certain context. The traditional FLT: tends to isolate language from its context. e.g. the passive voice The consequence:The students are puzzled about how to use the language in a particular context.

王蔷 英语教学法教程 第二版 Unit2

王蔷 英语教学法教程 第二版 Unit2

第2章CLT与TBLT一、Language use in real life vs. Traditional pedagogyThe ultimate goal of foreign language teaching is to enable students to use the foreign language in work or life when necessary. So we should teach that part of the language that will be used and we should teach language in the way it is used in the real world.The differences between language used in real life and language taught in the classroom:①In real life, language is used to perform certain communicative functions. e.g. to give directions, to exchange information, or to make a complaint, etc.; In a traditional language classroom, the teaching focus is often on forms rather than functions.②In real language use we use all skills, including receptive skills such as listening and reading, and productive skills such as speaking and writing. For various reasons, traditional pedagogy tends to focus on one or two language skills and ignore the others.③In reality language is always used in a certain context, but traditional pedagogy tends to isolate language from its context.二、CLT1. CLT refers to an approach to the teaching of foreign or second language through communicative activities.2. The goal of CLT is to develop students’ communicative competence, which includes both the knowledge about the language and the knowledge about how to use the language appropriately in communicative situations.3. Principles of CLT1) Communication principle: Activities that involve real communication promote learning.2) Task principle: Activities in which language is used for carrying out meaningful tasks promote learning.3) Meaningfulness principle: language that is meaningful to the learner supports the learning process.4. Five components of communicative competenceHedge discusses five components of communicative competence. Namely, linguistic competence, pragmatic competence, discourse competence, strategic competence, and fluency.(1)Linguistic competence is concerned with knowledge of the language itself, its form and meaning. It involves spelling, pronunciation, vocabulary, word formation, grammatical structure, sentence structure and semantics.(2)Pragmatic competence refers to the appropriate use of the language in social context. That is to say, the choice of the vocabulary and structure depends on the setting, the relative status of the speakers, and their relationships.(3)Discourse competence refers to one’s ability to create coherent written text or conversation and the ability to understand them. In other words, it is one’s ability to express or to understand a topic logically and coherently by effectively employing or comprehending the cohesive markers used in the discourse, such as “first”, “it”.(4)Strategic competence is similar to communication strategies. It refers to strategies one employs when there is communication breakdown due to lack of resources.(5)Fluency means one’s ability to link units of speech together with facility and without strain or inappropriate slowness or undue hesitation.5. CLT and the teaching of language skillsThe translation of communicative competence in language teaching practice is to develop learners’ language skills, namely, listening, speaking, reading and writing.①Listening and speaking skills need to be redefined in terms of the real communicative use, that is, students should have the chance to listen to and produce what is meaningful, authentic, unpredictable, and creative ifpossible. Listening is viewed not only as the counterpart of speaking, but as an independent skill with its own objectives.②Reading is to extract meaning or information and the learning of grammar and vocabulary is to facilitate such a process. In CLT with different reading purposes, students use different skills, such as skimming, scanning, etc.③In writing, students should have the chance to write to express their own feelings or describe their own experiences, so making the practice of writing meaningful and authentic.In a word, CLT has not replaced the previous approaches or methodologies. It has expanded three areas: language content, learning process, and product.6.Main features of communicative activities如何设计交际活动(1)Functional communicative activities:Communicating patterns and picturesFollowing directionsIdentifying picturesDiscovering missing informationDiscovering missing featuresDiscovering differences(2) Social interaction activities:ImprovisationRole-playing through cues and informationRole-playing through situations and goals7. Six criteria for evaluating communicative classroom activities:(1)Communicative purposeThe activity must involve the students in performing a real communicative purpose rather than just practicing language for its own sake. There must be some kind of ‘information gap’ that students seek to bridge when they are communicating.(2)Communicative desireThe activity must create a desire to communicate in the students.(3)Content, not formWhen the students are doing the activity, they must be concentrating on what they are saying, not how they say it.(4)Variety of languageThe activity must involve the students in using a variety of language, not just one specific language form. (5)No teacher interventionThe activity must be designed to be done by the students working by themselves rather than with the teacher. (6)No materials controlThe activity should not be designed to control what language the students should use.三、TBLT1. TBLT is a method of instruction under CLT, which emphasizes taking various tasks as the center of the language teaching. It is widely promoted in English language teaching nowadays. It is a further development of CLT. It shares the same beliefs in the use of language in real life, but stresses the importance to combine form-focused teaching with communication-focused teaching.2. Task: A task is essentially goal-oriented; it requires the group, or pair, to achieve an objective that is usuallyexpressed by an observable result, such as brief notes or lists, a drawing, a spoken summary.3. Four components of a task:a purpose: making sure the students have a reason for undertaking the task;a context:the task can be real, simulated or imaginary, and involves sociolinguistic issues such as thelocation, the participants and their relationship, the time, and other important factors;a process: getting the students to use learning strategies such as problem solving, reasoning, inquiring,conceptualizing and communicating;a product: there will be some form of outcome, either visible or invisible.4. How to design a task:Teachers need to address four sets of questions when designing tasks:①What is the objective of the task?②What is the content of the task?③How is the task to be carried out?④In what situation is the task to be carried out?There are basically five steps:Step 1: Think about students’ needs, interests, and abilities.Step 2: Brainstorm possible tasks.Step 3: Evaluate the list.Step 4: Choose the language items.Step 5: Preparing materials.四、PPP1. PPP is a model of teaching consisting of the presentation, practice, and production.①Presentation of single ‘new’ item: introduce new vocabulary and grammatical structures in what ways appropriate;②Practice of new item: drills, exercises, dialogue practice: the lesson moves from controlled practice to guided practice and exploitation of the texts when necessary;③Production: activity, role-play or task to encourage ‘free’ use of language: the students are encouraged to use what they have learned and practiced to perform communicative tasks, at this stage, the focus is on meaning rather than accurate use of language forms.A typical PPP lesson would start by the teacher introducing a new language item in a context followed by some controlled practice, such as drilling, repetition, dialogue reading, etc. Students then move on to produce the language in a more meaningful way, such as a role play, a drama, an interview, etc.2. Differences between PPP and TBLTWillis explains the differences between the two models from two perspectives: one perspective looks at the way students use and experience the language; the other perspective looks at the procedures and context of learning.(1)The way students use and experience language in TBL is radically different from PPP.①free of language control and learners rely on their own linguistic resources;②a free exchange of ideas;③a genuine need to use language to communicate;④a genuine need to strive for accuracy and fluency;⑤appropriateness and accuracy of language form in general, not production of a single form;(2)TBL can provide a context for grammar teaching and form-focused activities, PPP is different in this aspect.①a task-established context;②encourages students to analyze and think, not simply to apply, repeat, and manipulate;③a more varied exposure to natural language;④language forms not pre-selected for focus;⑤learners’ free selection of language;⑥TBL cycle lead from fluency to accuracy;⑦In TBL integrated skills practiced.五、评价1.评价CLT①The first is whether it will meet the needs of learners from different contexts becomes a questions.②The second problem relates to the design of the syllabus for teaching purposes in the classroom. And it is very different to design a syllables with a one to one correspondence between a function and a form.③The third problem is that whether such an approach is suitable for all age level of learners or all competence level of learners.2.评价TBLT①The first is that it may not be effective for presenting new language items. Neither may it be appropriate for those contexts where language exposure is not sufficient and class time is limited.②The second constraint is time as teachers have to prepare task-based activities very carefully. This makes demands on the teacher, who is already busy with many other professional duties.③The third is the culture of learning. Some students may find it difficult to adapt to TBLT.④The forth is level of difficulty. Students may find task-based learning very difficult if they don’t have sufficient linguistic resources to handle holistic communication.Despite these potential drawbacks, TBLT can help students learn English in a challenging and stimulating way.3.评价pppPPP offers a simplified approach to language learning. It is based on the idea that you can present language in a clear way. And your language develops by adding new forms from one lesson to the next. However, simply being able to produce forms in isolations will not help learners acquire the language for communication.。


4. Writing
practical writings
High demand of the teacher???
Principles of CLT(Richards and Rodgers)
classroom activities 1. Communication principle
real communication (e.g. offer help in railway stations) 2. Task principle
receptive skills and
productive skills
To isolate language from context
Language is always used in a certain context.
How to bridge the gap?
Introduction on CLT
linguistic competence
1. Meaning the ability to know the basic knowledge of the language itself, its formation and meaning 语言能力 spelling, grammatical structure, etc.
2. Implications for language teaching P19 a. pronounce the forms accurately b. build a range of vocabulary
pragmatic competence
1. Meaning the ability to use the language appropriately in different social contexts

2.CLT and TBLT 英语教学法

2.CLT and TBLT 英语教学法

Activity 2
1. Draw students’ attention to the past events happening in real life by pictures. 2. Create a context in which students’ interaction by using past tense must be needed for accomplishing the task.
• Strategic competence
– the ability to use strategies when there is communication breaddown due to the lack of resources;
• Fluency
– the ability to link units of speech together with facility and without strain or inappropriate slowness or undue hesitation;
II.Stages of TBLT
Unit 2 CLT and TBLT
Part A Communicative Language Teaching
Two activities for reviewing past tense are offered. Which do you prefer? Why? Activity 1
1. Show the construction of past tense form ‘v.+ed’. 2. An exercise is given to review the –ed forms of some typical verbs.



• For Chinese, it’s a usual informal greeting, and it has the same function as “Hello”. And whether the answer is “yes” or “no”, it’s also a greeting.
presentation, practice, production and consolidation
Aims of the unit
After learning the unit, you should be able to answer the following questions:
• 1. How is language learned in classrooms different from language used in real life?
• Have you had your lunch?
• The traditional teaching steps:
• Step 1 Teacher: Read the sentence, and then get the students to read the sentence after the teacher.
Differences between real life learning and traditional pedagogy :
• Real life learning focuses on:
• ● Communicative functions • ● All skills • ● Certain context
tense used in the sentence: The present perfect tense, and
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Designing tasks
• When designing a task, think about the following questions: • 1. what is the purpose of the task? 2.what is the content of the task? 3. how is the task to be carried out? 4. In what situation is the task to be carried out? • Specific steps: • 1. take into account the students’ needs, interests, and abilities. • 2.Brainstorm possible tasks • 3.evaluate the list • 4. choose the language items • 5.preparing materials
Classification of communicative activities
• Functional communicative activities: 1)indentifying 2)discovering 3)following 4)reconstructing 5)pooling • Social interactional activities: 1)roleplaying 2)simulation activity 3)discussion 4) debate 5)interview 6) improvisation
Exercise, exercise-task and task exerciseExercise -focus on language items
task -purposeful real communication
• PPP stands for presentation, practice and production. • Presentation: the teacher introduces a new language item (usually in a context). • Practice: students practise the new language item by drills, repetition or dialogue reading. (usually controlled) • Production: students produce the language in meaningful way, such as role play or activities involving free use of the language.
TaskTask-based language teaching (TBLT)
• Task: tasks are activities where the target language is used by the learner for a communicative purpose in order to achieve an outcome. Willis (1996:23) • TBLT: a further development of CLT. It shares the same beliefs, as language should be learned as close as possible to how it is used in real life. However, it stresses the importance to combine form-focused teaching with communicationfocused teaching.
Four components of a task
• Purpose: the reason for undertaking the task • Context: the situation where the target language is used. It can be real or created. • Process: using the target language and strategies to solve problems. • Product: any form of outcome, either visible or invisible.
Implications for teaching and learning
Communicative principle: 1) purpose 2) context either real or created 3) actual use of the target language • Task principle: 1) authentic tasks ( classroom activities involving the real use of the target language) 2) tasks should be meaningful and promote learning • Meaningfulness principle: language used is meaningful to both the speaker and learner
Features of communicative activities
• • • • • • Communicative purpose Communicative desire Focus on content, not form A variety of language form No teacher intervention No materials control Now, based on the above features, complete task 8 on page 24.
What is communicative competence?
• Communicative competence includes both the knowledge of language and the knowledge about how to use the language appropriately in communicative situations. • (in other words, it includes linguistic knowledge and appropriate use of language)
Aims of the unit
1. How is language learned in classrooms different from language learned in real life? 2. What is communicative competence? 3. What are the implications of CLT for teaching and learning? 4. What are the main features of communicative activities? 5. What is task-based language teaching? 6. How is TBLT different from PPP? 7. Are there limitations of CLT and TBLT?
Five components of communicative competence
• • • • • Linguistic competence Pragmatic competence Discourse competence Strategic competence Fluency Hedge (2000:46-55)
Limitations of CLT
• Demanding on the part of the teacher • Time-consuming • May not be appropriate for all language /cultural contexts. (native/foreign/second language context?) • May not be appropriate for learners of all age levels and competence levels. • Not easy to design the teaching syllabus
Implications of CLT for the teaching of language skills
• Listening and speaking: students should have the chance to listen to and produce meaningful, authentic and creative language. • Reading: students should read with different purposes and skills and focus on both meaning and form. • Writing: students should practise writing what people write in everyday life and write in the way people write in reality
• TBLT has a task cycle: task-planning-report • Students use and experience language freely • Students have a real need and purpose to use language to communicate. • There should be an outcome to achieve for any one task. • In TBLT, the context is already established by the task itself. • TBLT focus on students’ ability to think and analyze. • In TBLT, all the four language skills are naturally integrated.