interpretaion = 1
Unit 1 Interpreting 口译概况
同声传译模式: SI=L + M + P + C 同声传译(Simultaneous Interpreting)= 听力与分析(Listening and Analysis)+ 短期 记忆(Short-term memory effort) + 言语传 达(Speech Production)
Interpreting 口译
Interpreting 口译
商务英语口译(黄敏) VOA慢速英语 VOA标准英语 CN理论、口译背景知识以及对学 生进行口译基本技巧的训练,使学生初步掌握口 译程序和基本技巧,初步学会口译记忆方法、口 译笔记、口头概述、公众演讲等基本技巧和口译 基本策略,培养学生关心时事的信息意识,积累 知识,掌握文献检索、资料查询的基本方法;培 养学生的话语分析能力,提高学生的逻辑思维能 力、语言组织能力和双语表达能力,提高学生跨 文化交际的能力和英、汉两种语言互译的能力。
难易程度 证书有效期
初级:三级 > 三级 > 中级 中级:二级 > 二级 > 高级 高级:一级 > 一级 > 无 每3年重新注册 登记一次,一次 注册有效期3年
在“非全日制就业人员工资指导价位”表 中列出的54种行业里,同声传译以每小时 2000元人民币的价格拔得头筹。 同声传译价目表中,英语类1天1.2万~2.1 万元人民币,非英语类是1.8万元人民币。 业内人士称,平均每星期做两次同声翻译, 一年平均50多万RMB。 交传一天的平均工资在3000-6000RMB.
成交金额 增 A股 B股 合计 减 成交量 增 减
554,909.9 260,319.0 7,191,568 3,380,274 6 5 9,480.59 6386.62 171,386 98,150 564,390.5 265,705.6 7,362,954 348,424 5 7
• • e.g. World Expo 不夜城 磁悬浮列车 大学城 everbright city maglev train college town Metro pass
Why do I learn interpretation in college? 1. to enhance your English competence.
• Listen to the following conversation and start to interpret at the end of each segment.
Vocabulary to help
• • • • • • 取行李 claim the luggage time 马路对面 across the road auto parts 直飞:non-stop flight/fly directly 温哥华 Vancouver 倒时差 recover from your jet lag 锦绣中华:Splendid China Theme Park
• It delivers message from one language into another orally, aiming at bridging the linguistic and cultural barriers in international communication. • 1. It is done on request and for a financial reward; 2. it is paid for by a client; • 3. interpreters are subject to professional rules.
1周 口译Interpretation(1)
Pair work & Group Performance
The in-class practices are mainly done in pairs. And the whole class will also be divided into several groups. This will take up 20%.
1.4 Course Policies:
Grading Policy: Class work grade is determined by attendance, participation, presentation, group performance and the final exam. Attendance and participation 10 points Presentation 10 points Pair work & Group Performance 20 points Final exam 60 points TOTAL 100 POINTS
1.2 Objective:
The objective is to develop interpreting skills. By the end of the course the students will be able to interpret in professional communication. They will become aware of the role of interpreters as well as the difficulties and subtle nuances involved in bilingual communication in the modern society where there is a constant flow of information.
Introduction to Interpretation
Definition of Interpretation
It involves comprehending the exact meaning and intention of the source language and expressing it in the target language with accuracy and fluency
Executive Interpretation
The interpreter translates the spooked words of the source language after they have been delivered, either note taking or without notes
Standards for Interpretation
The interpreter must accurately translate the source language into the target language, ensuring that the meaning and intention are fully conveyed.
The interpreter needs to have a good memory to store and recall information during the interpretation process
Language conversion skills
Language comprehension
Tiff 文件参考
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XResolution 282 RATIONAL
YResolution 283 RATIONAL
1. Interpretation 解釋 (a) These terms and conditions have been arranged into separate clauses and paragraphs for convenience only. Any of the terms and conditions in any clause or paragraph shall, where the context permits or requires, apply equally to transactions dealt with under other clauses or paragraphs. Clause headings are for ease of reference only and shall have no legal effect. 本條款及細則所載之條款與條件為方便起見列於各條各款。若上下文許可或需要,任何條、款中之任何條款與條件同樣適用於其他條、款項下之 交易。標題僅為方便參巧而設,並無法律效力。 (b) In these terms and conditions, unless the context otherwise requires, references to me/us shall if I/we am/are a sole proprietorship firm include the sole proprietor and his successors in the business and, if I/we am/are a partnership firm, include the partners as at the date of these terms and conditions and any other persons who shall at any time hereafter be or have been a partner of the firm and the successors to such partnership business. These terms and conditions shall be binding on me/us and my/our successors notwithstanding any change in the constitution of me/us or of any such successor and, without limiting the foregoing, shall not be terminated or affected by the death, bankruptcy, liquidation, or retirement of any parties or by any other change in the composition of any firm as aforesaid. 除文意另有規定者外,本條款及細則中提及之本人/吾等,若本人/吾等為獨資經營之商號,則包括獨資經營者及其業務繼承人;若本人/吾等為合夥 經營,則包括於本條款及細則日期之合夥人及今後任何時候應為或已為該企業合夥人之任何他人及該合夥業務之繼承人。無論本人/吾等或本人/吾等 任何繼承人之章程發生任何變化,本條款及細則應對本人/吾等及本人/吾等繼承人具有約束力,而且於不限制上述規定之同時,本條款及細則不應 由上述任何方之死亡、破產、清盤或退休或上述任何商號、合夥經營章程之任何其他變化而終止或受到影響。 (c) Where I/we consist of more than one person or where I/we am/are a firm consisting of two or more persons, the liabilities of me/us shall be joint and several liabilities of each such person and references to me/us shall be construed as references to each and/or any such persons. The Bank and any Bank Group Company may at any time apply all or part of the funds standing to the credit of any account with the Bank or any Bank Group Company in the name of one joint applicant singly or jointly with others in or towards discharging any debit balance on the account with the Bank or any Bank Group Company of any other joint applicant singly or jointly with others. 若本人/吾等包括一名以上之個人或若本人/吾等為二個或以上個人組成之商號,則本人/吾等之負債為每個該等人仕共同與各自之負債,而且提及 本人/吾等應解釋為指每個及(或)任何該等人仕。銀行及任何渣打集團公司可隨時將某一名聯名申請人單獨或與他人聯名於銀行或任何渣打集團 公司開設之賬戶的全部或部份結存款項用於扣除任何其他聯名申請人單獨或與他人聯名於銀行或任何渣打集團公司開設之賬戶的結欠款項。 (d) References herein to any person shall include a firm or corporation, words importing the singular shall include the plural and vice versa and words importing a gender shall includds “subsidiary” and “holding company” used herein shall have the same meanings as defined in section 2 of the Companies Ordinance (Chapter 32 of the Laws of Hong Kong). 本條款及細則提及之任何人應包括商號或公司。單數詞包括複數詞之意義,反之亦然。單性詞包括他性詞之意義。此處使用之“附屬公司”及“控股 公司”之意思應與公司條例(香港法例第32章)第二條內所定義的相同。 (e) The expression “the Loan” means the total principal amount of Business Instalment Loan advanced by Standard Chartered Bank (Hong Kong) Limited (“the Bank”) to me/us from time to time. “Business day” means a day on which the Bank is open for business in Hong Kong, including Saturday. 在本條款及細則中,「貸款」一詞指香港渣打銀行(香港)有限公司(「銀行」)向本人/吾等不時提供的拓展易中小企業分期貸款總額。「營業日」指 銀行在香港開門營業的一日,包括星期六。
你说烟雨微芒,兰亭远望; 后来轻揽婆娑,深遮霓裳。 你说春光烂漫,绿袖红香; 后来内掩西楼,静立卿旁。 你说软风轻拂,醉卧思量; 后来紧掩门窗,漫帐成殇。 你说情丝柔肠,如何相忘; 我却眼波微转,兀自成霜。
子言慕雨,启伞避之。 子言好阳,寻荫拒之。 子言喜风,阖户离之。 子言偕老,吾所畏之。
新 快乐
Interpretation:a promising career!
Teaching Aim
3. Acquiring related cultures and information.
2. Training of language and therefore promoting expressive capability.
输出 文字,可修改
内容 多为书面语
信息处理 查阅、问询、探讨 即时、即席、短期记忆
互动 很难见到作者和读者 了解发言人和听众的反应
质量标准 信达雅
You say that you love rain, but you open your umbrella when it rains... You say that you love the sun, but you find a shadow spot when the sun shines... You say that you love the wind, But you close your windows when wind blows... This is why I am afraid; You say that you love me too...
Language interpretation 1
Language interpretationLanguage interpretation is the practice of facilitating oral and sign-language communication, either simultaneously or consecutively, between two or more users of different languages. Functionally, interpreting and interpretation are both descriptive words for this process. In professional practice, interpreting denotes the act of facilitating communication from one language form into its equivalent, or approximate equivalent, in another language form. Interpretation denotes the actual product of this work, that is, the message as thus rendered into speech, sign language, writing, non-manual signals, or other language form. This important distinction is observed to avoid confusion.Functionally, an interpreter is a person who converts a thought or expression of a source language into an expression with a comparable meaning in a target language in "real time". The interpreter's function is to convey every semantic element (tone and register) and every intention and feeling of the message that the source-language speaker is directing to the target-language recipients.Interpreting versus translationDespite being used interchangeably, interpretation and translation are not synonymous, but refer, respectively, to the spoken and written transference of meaning between two languages. Interpreting occurs in real time, in the presence — physical, televised, or telephonic — of the parties for whom the interpreter renders an interpretation. Translation is the transference of meaning from text to text (written or recorded), with the translator having time and access to resources (dictionaries, glossaries, etc.) to produce a faithful, true, and accurate document or verbal artifact.A very common, layman's misconception of interpretation is that it is rendered verbatim, that is, as a word-for-word syntactic translation of an utterance. That is impractical, because a literal, verbatim interpretation of a source-language message would be unintelligible to the target-language recipient. For example, the Spanish phrase: Está de viaje, rendered verbatim to English translates as: Is of voyage (senseless in English), yet its faithful, true, and accurate denotational and connotational interpretations in context are: ‘He/She/You is/are travelling’ or ‘He/She/You is/are out of town’. That is, the overall meaning, tone, and style in the target language are what matter, rather than the source-language syntax.Interpretation is also held to a different standard of accuracy than translation. Translators have time to consider and revise each word and sentence before delivering their product to the client. While interpreters try to achieve total accuracy at all times, details of the original (source) speech can be omitted from the interpretation into the target language, without a pause. Conversely, in signed languages, when a word is used for which there is no sign, expansion may be necessary in order to accurately interpret the message and give the recipient the same message as those who are hearing it from the speaker.The trained professional simultaneous interpreter, however, never omits original source language, rather they learn to provide the same information in the target language. For example, when interpreting English to Spanish, they may shorten the interpretation renderedwith gender specific usage and reflexive pronouns not used in English. In court interpretation, it is not acceptable to omit anything from the source, no matter how fast the source speaks, since not only is accuracy a principal canon for interpreters, but mandatory. The alteration of even a single word in a material way can totally mislead the triers of fact. The most important factor for this level of accuracy is the use of a team of two or more interpreters during a lengthy process, with one actively interpreting and the second monitoring for greater accuracy.Speakers at interpreted meetings can ensure better communication of their message into other languages by slowing their delivery slightly and by adding a pause of one or two seconds at the end of each paragraph, although in practice, interpreters have to deal with difficulties such as the speaker speaking too fast, background noise, or other constraints.Modes of interpretingSimultaneous interpretingIn simultaneous interpretation (SI), the interpreter renders the message in the target-language as quickly as he or she can formulate it from the source language, while the source-language speaker continuously speaks; a spoken language SI interpreter, sitting in a sound-proof booth, speaks into a microphone, while clearly seeing and hearing the source-language speaker via earphones. The simultaneous interpretation is rendered to the target-language listeners via their earphones. Moreover, SI is the common mode used by sign language interpreters, although the person using the source language, the interpreter and the target language recipient (since either the hearing person or the deaf person may be delivering the message) must necessarily be in close proximity. NOTE: Laymen often incorrectly describe SI and the SI interpreter as 'simultaneous translation' and as the 'simultaneous translator', ignoring the definite distinction between interpretation and translation.Consecutive interpretingIn consecutive interpreting (CI), the interpreter speaks after the source-language speaker has finished speaking. The speech is divided into segments, and the interpreter sits or stands beside the source-language speaker, listening and taking notes as the speaker progresses through the message. When the speaker pauses or finishes speaking, the interpreter then renders a portion of the message or the entire message in the target language. Consecutive interpretation is rendered as "short CI" or "long CI". In short CI, the interpreter relies on memory, each message segment being brief enough to memorize. In long CI, the interpreter takes notes of the message to aid rendering long passages. These informal divisions are established with the client before the interpretation is effected, depending upon the subject, its complexity, and the purpose of the interpretation.On occasion, document sight translation is required of the interpreter during consecutive interpretation work. Sight translation combines interpretation and translation; the interpreter must render the source-language document to the target-language as if it were written in the target language. Sight translation occurs usually, but not exclusively, in judicial and medical work. Consecutively-interpreted speeches, or segments of them, tend to be short. Fifty years ago, the CI interpreter would render speeches of 20 or 30 minutes; today, 10 or 15 minutes isconsidered too long, particularly since audiences don't like to sit through 20 minutes of speech they cannot understand.Often, if not previously advised, the source-language speaker is unaware that he or she may speak more than a single sentence before the CI interpretation is rendered and might stop after each sentence to await its target-language rendering. Sometimes, however, depending upon the setting or subject matter, and upon the interpreter's capacity to memorize, the interpreter may ask the speaker to pause after each sentence or after each clause. Sentence-by-sentence interpreting requires less memorization and therefore lower likelihood for omissions, yet its disadvantage is in the interpreter's not having heard the entire speech or its gist, and the overall message is sometimes harder to render both because of lack of context and because of interrupted delivery (for example, imagine a joke told in bits and pieces, with breaks for translation in between). This method is often used in rendering speeches, depositions, recorded statements, court witness testimony, and medical and job interviews, but it is usually best to complete a whole idea before it is interpreted.Full (i.e., unbroken) consecutive interpreting of whole thoughts allows for the full meaning of the source-language message to be understood before the interpreter renders it in the target language. This affords a truer, more accurate, and more accessible interpretation than does simultaneous interpretation.Whispered interpretingIn whispered interpreting (chuchotage, in French), the interpreter sits or stands next to the small target-language audience whilst whispering a simultaneous interpretation of the matter to hand; this method requires no equipment, but may be done via a microphone and headphones if the participants prefer. Chuchotage is used in circumstances where the majority of a group speaks the source language, and a minority (ideally no more than three persons) do not speak it.Relay interpretingRelay interpreting occurs when several languages are the target-language. A source-language interpreter renders the message to a language common to every interpreter, who then renders the message to his or her specific target language. For example, a Japanese source message first is rendered to English to a group of interpreters, then it is rendered to Arabic, French, and Russian, the other target languages.Liaison interpretingLiaison interpreting involves relaying what is spoken to one, between two, or among many people. This can be done after a short speech, or consecutively, sentence-by-sentence, or as chuchotage (whispering); aside from notes taken at the time, no equipment is used. Conference interpretingConference interpreting is the interpretation of a conference, either simultaneously or consecutively, although the advent of multi-lingual meetings has consequently reduced the consecutive interpretation in the last 20 years. Conference interpretation is divided between two markets: the institutional and private. International institutions (EU, UN, EPO, et cetera), holding multi-lingual meetings, often favour interpreting several foreign languages to the interpreters' mother tongues. Local private markets tend to bi-lingual meetings (the local language plus another) and the interpreters work both into and out of their mother tongues; the markets are not mutually exclusive. The International Association of Conference Interpreters (AIIC) is the only worldwide association of conference interpreters. Founded in 1953, it assembles more than 2,800 professional conference interpreters in more than 90 countries.Legal and court interpretingLegal, court, or judicial interpreting, occurs in courts of justice, administrative tribunals, and wherever a legal proceeding is held (i.e. a police station for an interrogation, a conference room for a deposition or the locale for taking a sworn statement). Legal interpreting can be the consecutive interpretation of witnesses' testimony for example, or the simultaneous interpretation of entire proceedings, by electronic means, for one person, or all of the people attending. The right to a competent interpreter for anyone who does not understand the language of the court (especially for the accused in a criminal trial) is usually considered a fundamental rule of justice. Therefore, this right is often guaranteed in national constitutions, declarations of rights, fundamental laws establishing the justice system or by precedents set by the highest courts.Depending upon the regulations and standards adhered to per state and venue, court interpreters usually work alone when interpreting consecutively, or as a team, when interpreting simultaneously. In addition to practical mastery of the source and target languages, thorough knowledge of law and legal and court procedures is required of court interpreters. They often are required to have formal authorisation from the State to work in the Courts — and then are called certified court interpreters[1]. In many jurisdictions, the interpretation is considered an essential part of the evidence. Incompetent interpretation, or simply failure to swear in the interpreter, can lead to a mistrial.Focus group (marketing) interpretingIn focus group interpreting, an interpreter sits in a sound proof booth or in an observer's room with the clients. There is usually a one-way mirror between the interpreter and the focus group participants, wherein the interpreter can observe the participants, but they only see their own reflection. The interpreter hears the conversation in the original language through headphones and simultaneously interprets into the target language for the clients. Since there are usually anywhere between 2 to 12 (or more) participants in any given focus group, experienced interpreters will not only interpret the phrases and meanings but will also mimic intonation, speech patterns, tone, laughs, and emotions.Public sector interpretingAlso known as community interpreting, is the type of interpreting occurring in fields such as legal, health, and local government, social, housing, environmental health, education, and welfare services. In community interpreting, factors exist which determine and affect language and communication production, such as speech's emotional content, hostile or polarized social surroundings, its created stress, the power relationships among participants, and the interpreter's degree of responsibility — in many cases more than extreme; in some cases, even the life of the other person depends upon the interpreter's work.Medical interpretingMedical interpreting is a subset of public service interpreting, consisting of communication, among medical personnel and the patient and his or her family, facilitated by an interpreter, usually formally certified and qualified to provide such interpretation services. In some situations medical employees who are multilingual may participate part-time as members of internal language banks.[2]The medical interpreter must have a strong knowledge of medicine, common medical procedures, the patient interview, the medical examination processes, and the daily workings of the hospital or clinic where he or she works, in order to effectively serve both the patient and the medical personnel. Moreover, and very important, medical interpreters often are cultural liaisons for people (regardless of language) who are unfamiliar with or uncomfortable in hospital, clinical, or medical settings.Sign language interpretingWhen a hearing person speaks, an interpreter will render the speaker's meaning into the sign language used by the deaf party. When a deaf person signs, an interpreter will render the meaning expressed in the signs into the spoken language for the hearing party, which is sometimes referred to as voice interpreting or voicing. This may be performed either as simultaneous or consecutive interpreting. Skilled sign language interpreters will position themselves in a room or space that allows them both to be seen by deaf participants and heard by hearing participants clearly and to see and hear participants clearly. In some circumstances, an interpreter may interpret from one sign language into an alternate sign language.Deaf people also work as interpreters. They team with hearing counterparts to provide interpretation for deaf individuals who may not share the standard sign language used in that country. In other cases the hearing interpreted sign may be too pidgin to be understood clearly, and the Deaf interpreter might interpret it into a more clear translation. They also relay information from one form of language to another — for example, when a person is signing visually, the deaf interpreter could be hired to copy those signs into a deaf-blind person's hand plus include visual information.In the United States, Sign Language Interpreters have National and State level associations. The Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf (RID) is the national certifying body. In addition to training requirements and stringent certification testing, the RID members must abide by a Code of Professional Conduct, Grievance Process and Continuing Education Requirement. In Europe each country has their own national association of sign language interpreters. Some countries have more than one national association due to regional or language differences. TheEuropean Forum of Sign Language Interpreters is the umbrella organization of sign language interpreters in Europe. Sign Language Interpreters can be found in all types of interpreting situations, as listed in this article. Most interpreters have had formal training, in an Interpreter Training Program (ITP). ITP lengths vary, being available as a two-year or four-year degree or certificate. There are graduate programs available as well.Media interpretingBy its very nature, media interpreting has to be conducted in the simultaneous mode. It is provided particularly for live television coverages such as press conferences, live or taped interviews with political figures, musicians, artists, sportsmen or people from the business circle. In this type of interpreting, the interpreter has to sit in a sound-proof booth where ideally he/she can see the speakers on a monitor and the set. All equipment should be checked before recording begins. In particular, satellite connections have to be double-checked to ensure that the interpreter's voice is not sent back and the interpreter gets to hear only one channel at a time. In the case of interviews recorded outside the studio and some current affairs program, the interpreter interprets what he or she hears on a TV monitor. Background noise can be a serious problem. The interpreter working for the media has to sound as slick and confident as a television presenter.Media interpreting has gained more visibility and presence especially after the Gulf War. Television channels have begun to hire staff simultaneous interpreters. The interpreter renders the press conferences, telephone beepers, interviews and similar live coverage for the viewers. It is more stressful than other types of interpreting as the interpreter has to deal with a wide range of technical problems coupled with the control room's hassle and wrangling during live coverage.On-site interpretingAlso called "in-person interpreting," this delivery method requires the interpreter to be physically present in order for the interpretation to take place. In on-site interpreting settings, all of the parties who wish to speak to one another are usually located in the same place. This is by far the most common modality used for most public and social service settings.Telephone interpretingAlso referred to as "over-the-phone interpreting," "telephonic interpreting," and "tele-interpreting," telephone interpreting enables the interpreter to deliver interpretation via telephone. The interpreter is added to a conference call. Telephone interpreting may be used in place of on-site interpreting in some cases, especially when no on-site interpreter is readily available at the location where services are needed. However, telephone interpreting is more commonly used for situations in which all parties who wish to communicate are already speaking to one another via telephone (e.g. applications for insurance or credit cards that are taken over the phone, inquiries from consumers to businesses that take place via telephone, etc.)Video interpretingA Video Interpreter sign used at locations offering VRS or VRI services (Courtesy: Significan't SignVideo Services)Main articles: Video Relay Service and Video Remote Interpreting Interpretation services via Video Remote Interpreting (VRI) or a Video Relay Service (VRS) are useful where one of the parties is deaf, hard-of-hearing or speech-impaired (mute). In such cases the interpretation flow is normally within the same principal language, such as French Sign Language (FSL) to spoken French, Spanish Sign Language (SSL) to spoken Spanish, British Sign Language (BSL) to spoken English, and American Sign Language (ASL) also to spoken English (since BSL and ASL are completely distinct), etc.... Multilingual sign language interpreters, who can also translate as well across principal languages (such as to and from SSL, to and from spoken English), are also available, albeit less frequently. Such activities involve considerable effort on the part of the translator, since sign languages are distinct natural languages with their own construction and syntax, different from the aural version of the same principal language.With video interpreting, sign language interpreters work remotely with live video and audio feeds, so that the interpreter can see the deaf or mute party, converse with the hearing party and vice versa. Much like telephone interpreting, video interpreting can be used for situations in which no on-site interpreters are available. However, video interpreting cannot be used for situations in which all parties are speaking via telephone alone. VRI and VRS interpretation requires all parties to have the necessary equipment. Some advanced equipment enables interpreters to control the video camera, in order to zoom in and out, and to point the camera toward the party that is signing.Where interpreters workThe majority of professional full-time conference interpreters work for international organisations like the United Nations, the European Union, or the African Union. See the Career opportunities with DG Interpretation in European Union's institutions. The world's largest employer of interpreters is currently the European Commission[3], which employs hundreds of staff and freelance interpreters working into the official languages of the European Union. The European Union's other institutions (the European Parliament and the European Court of Justice) have smaller interpreting services.The United Nations employs interpreters at almost all its sites throughout the world. Because it has only six official languages, however, it is a smaller employer than the European Union. Interpreters may also work as freelance operators in their local, regional and national communities, or may take on contract work under an interpreting business or service. They would typically take on work as described above. The U.S. military in Iraq and Afghanistan employ hundreds of interpreters to assist with its communications with the local population.。
英汉翻译入门chapter 1
1 翻译理论与实践1. Definition of Translation (P1-3)英国The Oxford English Dictionary: to turn from one language into another美国Webster’s Third New International Dictionary of the English Language: to turn into one’s own or another language 《辞海》、《汉语大词典》:把一种语言文字的意义用另一种语言文字表达出来。
❖Nothing should be added to or taken from the original work.The duty of the translator is simply to change thevocabulary, not the thought. In translation therefore,there are two essential elements: accuracy and expressiveness.❖从以上的翻译定义来看,我们知道……不可有所增删。
2 Three key words from the definitions❖ 1. Textual (What we usually translate are texts rather thanindependent words or sentences.)Eg. 警幻道:“此茶出在放春山遣香洞,又以仙花灵叶上所带之宿露而烹,此茶名曰‘千红一窟’。
上海紧缺人才培训工程教学系列丛书英语中级口译资格证书考试总主编戴炜栋中级口译教程InterpretationThird Edition梅德明编著目录第一部分口译概论Part One An Overview of Interpretation一、口译历史The Development of Interpretation 2二、口译定义The Definition of Interpretation 5三、口译特点The Characteristics of Interpretation 7四、口译标准The Criteria of Interpretation 9五、口译过程The Process of Interpretation 11六、口译类型The Categorical Classification of Interpretation 15七、口译模式 A Tripartite Model of Interpretation 17八、译员素质Interpreter Qualification Requirements 19九、口译培训Interpreter Training 21十、口译研究Research in Interpretation and Interpreting 22第二部分培训教程Part Two A Training Course第一单元口译技巧_______________________________________ 30Unit One Introducing Skills in Interpreting1-1称谓口译 Interpreting Titles 301-2谚语口译 Interpreting Proverbs 331-3引语口译 Interpreting Quotations 371-4数字口译 Interpreting Numbers 401-5口译笔记 Note-Taking in Interpreting 46第二单元接待口译_______________________________________---------- —------------------------------------------------------- — ------------------------ 54Unit Two Interpreting for Reception Service2-1机场迎宾 Greetings at the Airport 542-2宾馆入住 Hotel Accommodation 562-3宴会招待 Banquet Service 582-4参观访问 Getting Around 61句子精练 Sentences in Focus 64参考译文 Reference Version 66第三单元会谈口译_________________________------------------------------------------------------------------- — ---------------------------'75Unit Three Interpreting Conversations3-1欢迎光临 Welcome 753-2投资意向 A Wish to Invest 773-3合资企业 Establishing a Joint Venture 803-4文化差异 Cultural Differences 83句子精练 Sentences in Focus 88参考译文 Reference Version 90第四单元访谈口译____________________________________Unit Four Interpreting Interviews 1004-1行在美国Travel in America 1004-2艾滋哀之The AIDS Epidemic 1044-3经营之道Business Management 1074-4音乐天才 A Gifted Musician 111句子精练 Sentences in Focus参考译文 Reference Version第五单元礼仪性口译(英译汉) 127Unit Five Interpreting Ceremonial SpeechesEnglish-Chinese Interpretation5 -1故地重游 Revisiting the Old Haunt 1275-2愉悦之旅 A Pleasant Trip 1295 -3共创未来 Our Future 1325-4新的长征 A New Long March 135句子精练 Sentences in Focus 139参考译文 Reference Version 142第六单元礼仪性口译(汉译英) 150Unit Six Interpreting Ceremonial Speeches Chinese-English Interpretation6- 1新春联欢 Celebrating the Spring Festival 1506-2圣诞晚会 At the Christmas Party 1516-3开幕祝词 An Opening Speech 1536-4展望未来 Looking Ahead 156句子精练 Sentences in Focus 159参考译文 Reference Version 161第七单元介绍性口译(英译汉)171Unit Seven Interpreting Informative Speeches English-Chinese Interpretation7-1绿色城市 A Green City 1717-2浪漫香槟 The Romantic Champagne 1747-3游客之居 A Place to Stay 1777-4教堂之游 A Tour around the Cathedral 179句子精练 Sentences in Focus 182参考译文 Reference Version 185第八单元介绍性口译(汉译英) ___________ 192Unit Eight Interpreting Informative Speeches Chinese-English Interpretation8 -1丝绸之路 The Silk Road 1928-2传统节日 Traditional Holidays 1948-3教育之本 The Purpose of Education ‘1978-4出版王者 The Super-Publisher 200句子精练 Sentences in Focus 203参考译文 Reference Version 205第九单元说服性口译(英译汉) __________________ 218Unit Nine Interpreting Persuasive SpeechesEnglish-Chinese Interpretation9-1强市之路 The Road to a Prosperous City 2189-2广而误之 The Effects of Misleading Advertising 2249-3大学精神 The University Spirit 2279-4继往开来 The New Beginning of an Old Story 231句子精练 Sentences in Focus 235参考译文 Reference Version 238第十单元说服性口译(汉译英) ____________________ 247Unit T en Interpreting Persuasive SpeechesChinese-English Interpretation10 -1 第二文化 Acquiring a Sepond Culture 247 10-2 环境保护 Environmental Protection 249 10-3 迎接挑战 Meeting the Challenge 252 10-4 习武健身 Practising Martial Art for Your Health 256句子精练 Sentences in Focus 259参考译文 Reference Version 261第十一单元学术性口译(英译汉)275Unit Eleven Interpreting Academic SpeechesEnglish-Chinese Interpretation11-1 语言系统 The Linguistic System 275 11-2 人机之争 Two Kinds of Brain . 277 11 - 3 生物革命 The Biological Revolution 280 11-4 股票市场 The Stock Market 285句子精练 Sentences in Focus '' 288参考译文 Reference Version 291第十二单元学术性口译(汉译英) 299_Unit Twelve Interpreting Academic SpeechesChinese-English Interpretation12-1 语用能力 Communicative Competence 299 12-2 文化冲突〇n Cultural Clashes 301 12-3 书法艺术 The Art of Calligraphy 303 12-4 社区服务 Community Service 305句子精练 Sentences in Focus 308参考译文 Reference Version 310第十三单元商务性口译(英译汉)Unit Thirteen Interpreting Business Speeches321English-Chinese Interpretation13-1企业文化 Entrepreneurial Culture 321 13-2认识债券 Getting to Know Bonds 325 13-3硅谷之贵 The Unique Silicon Valley 329 13-4专利法规〇n Patent Laws 333句子精练 Sentences in Focus 336参考译文 Reference Version 338第十四单元商务性口译(汉译英)_________________ 347 Unit Fourteen Interpreting Business SpeechesChinese-English Interpretation14-1双边经贸 Bilateral Economy and Trade 34714-2亚洲合作 Asian Cooperation 35014-3夕卜资企业 Foreign-Capital Enterprises 35214-4经济关系 Economic Links 354句子精练 Sentences in Focus 358参考译文 Reference Version 360第十五单元科普性口译(英译汉) 373Unit Fifteen Interpreting Popular Science Speeches English-Chinese Interpretation15-1睡眠与梦 Sleep and Dream 37315-2音响今昔 The Sound Reproduction Industry 37515-3遗传信息 Genetic Information 37815-4左脑之优 Left Hemispheric Dominance 380句子精练 Sentences in Focus 384参考译文 Reference Version第十六单元科普性口译(汉译英) __________________ ____Unit Sixteen Interpreting Popular Science SpeechesChinese-English Interpretation16-1汉语概要 The ABC of Chinese 39416-2进化本质 The Nature of Biological Evolution 39616-3蚊虫之祸 The Power of the Petty Mosquito 39916-4用筷技艺 The Magic Chopsticks 401句子精练 Sentences in Focus 404参考译文 Reference Version 406第三部分口译测试I Part Three Interpretation Test in Brief口译测试概要与实践________________________________Interpretation T est : Essentials and Practice英语中级口译考试的要求、形式及题型Intermediate Interpretation T est::Requirement, Structure and Form 420英语中级口译模拟测试Model T ests for Intermediate Interpretation T est 423英语中级口译模拟测试参考答案Reference Version for Intermediate Model T ests 458后记一.口译历史The Development of Interpretation一种语言文字所表达的意义经由另一种语言文字转达出来叫做翻译。
比如:1. interaction(互动): “-action”是一个词缀,表示“行动、状态”,与“inter-”一起组成表示“在彼此之间相互行动”的意思。
2. interfere(干预): “inter-”+“fere”(出现、发生)= “在出现的事情之间干预、干涉”。
3. intern(实习生): “inter-”+“n”(名词化后缀)+“-”= “在两个地方之间的人(即在学校与企业之间的实习生)”。
比如:1. pretend(假装、声称): “pre-”是一个前缀,表示“在前面、先前”,将“pretend”解释为“未曾有过、假扮着的”。
2. preamble(序言): “pr e-”+“amble”(行走、走廊)=“在正文之前的走廊(即序言)”。
比如:1. liberation(解放):来自于“liberate”(解放)+“-ation”=“解放的过程或结果”。
2. innovation(创新):来自于“innovate”(创新)+“-ation”=“创新的行为或结果”。
3. interpretation(解释):来自于“interpret”(解释)+“-ation”=“解释的行为或结果”。
Lecture 1 Interpreting__ Overview
Preparation: Warm-up Exercise
E-C Interpreting
Please do not hesitate to ask if you shall encounter any inconvenience in life or work. 您在生活或工作中若有不便之处,请直接与我联系。 As an old Chinese proverb says, “all good things must come to an end.” 中国有句俗话,“天下没有不散的宴席”。
Bridge between two cultures
Presentation: What is interpreting
A service activity with a communication function and it is done on request and for a financial reward.
Test Levels
Level 1:一级口译证书持有人能够胜任各种场合的口译工作(包括同声传 译),口译质量高。能够承担国际会议的专业交替传译或同声传译工作, 能够承担高级别正式场合讲话的口译工作。 Level 2: 二级口译证书持有人能够胜任多种场合的口译工作,口译质量 较高,达到专业翻译水平。能够承担一般性正式会议、技术或商务会谈, 以及类似活动的专业交替传译工作。 Level 3: 三级口译证书持有人能够胜任一般性会谈的口译工作。能够承 担一般性一般性内容讲话的交替传译和陪同口译工作。 Level 4: 英语专业大专或高职高专毕业生、英语专业本科二年级学生、 社会上具有同等学历水平的各类英语学习者和翻译爱好者。
Chapter 3Adjusting Accounts and Preparing1. The cash basis of accounting reports revenues when cash is received while theaccrual basis reports revenues when they are earned. The cash basis reports expenses when cash is paid while the accrual basis reports expenses when they are incurred and matched with revenues they generated.2. The accrual basis of accounting generally provides a better indication of companyperformance and financial condition than does the cash basis. Also, the accrual basis increases the comparability of financial statements from one period to the next.Thus, business decision makers generally prefer the accrual basis.3. Businesses that have major seasonal variations in sales are most likely to select thenatural business year as the fiscal year.4. A prepaid expense is an item paid for in advance of receiving its benefits. As such, itis reported as an asset on the balance sheet.5. Long-term tangible plant assets such as equipment, buildings, and machinery leadto adjustments for depreciation. Generally, land is the only long-term tangible plant asset that does not require depreciation.6. The Accumulated Depreciation contra account is used for depreciation. It providesfinancial statement users with additional information about the relative age of the assets. Without the contra account information, the reader would not be able to tell whether the assets are new or in need of replacement.7. Unearned revenue refers to cash received in advance of providing products andservices. Another name for unearned revenue is deferred revenue. It is reported asa liability on the balance sheet.8. Accrued revenue is revenue that is earned but is not yet received in cash (and/orother assets) and the customer has not been billed prior to the end of the period.Therefore, end-of-period adjustments are made to record accrued revenue.Examples are interest income that has been earned but not collected and revenues from services performed that are neither collected nor billed.9.A If prepaid expenses are initially recorded with debits to expense accounts, then theprepaid expenses asset accounts are debited in the adjusting entries.10. For Best Buy, all of the accounts under the category of Property and Equipment(except for Land), require adjusting entries. The expense related to the depreciation expense account would be understated on the income statement if Best Buy fails to adjust these asset accounts. If the adjusting entries are not made, net income would be overstated. Note: Students might also correctly identify accounts receivable, goodwill, and tradenames as needing adjustment.11. Circuit City must make adjusting entries to Prepaid expenses and other currentassets; Deferred income taxes; Accrued expenses and other current liabilities;Accrued income taxes; and possibly other assets and liabilities such as Receivables for bad debts. (It is also possible that Circuit City would need to adjust Goodwill and Other intangible assets.)12. RadioShack would need to debit interest receivable and credit interest revenue.13. The Accrued Wages Expense would be reported as part of “Accrued Expenses” onCash AccountingRevenues (cash receipts) ...................................................... $52,000Expenses (cash payments: $37,500 - $6,000 + $3,250) ...... 34,750Net income ............................................................................. $17,250 Accrual AccountingRevenues (earned) ................................................................ $60,000Expenses (incurred) .............................................................. 37,500Net income .............................................................................. $22,500 Quick Study 3-2 (10 minutes)a. AE Accrued expensesb. PE Prepaid expensesc. UR Unearned revenuesd. PE Prepaid expenses (Depreciation)e. AR Accrued revenuesa. Debit Unearned Revenue Balance SheetCredit Revenue Earned Income Statementb. Debit Wages Expense Income StatementCredit Wages Payable Balance Sheetc. Debit Accounts Receivable Balance SheetCredit Revenue Earned Income Statementd. Debit Insurance Expense Income StatementCredit Prepaid Insurance Balance Sheete. Debit Depreciation Expense Income StatementCredit Accumulated Depreciation Balance SheetQuick Study 3-4 (15 minutes)a. Insurance Expense ....................................................... 3,000Prepaid Insurance ................................................. 3,000 To record 6-month insurance coverage expired.b. Supplies Expense ......................................................... 4,150Supplies .................................................................. 4,150 To record supplies used during the year.($900 + $4,000 – [?] = $750)Quick Study 3-5 (15 minutes)a. Depreciation Expense—Equipment ............................ 8,400Accumulated Depreciation—Equipment ............. 8,400 To record depreciation expense for the year.($45,000 - $3,000) / 5 years = $8,400b. No depreciation adjustments are made for land asit is expected to last indefinitely.Salaries Expense (400)Salaries Payable (400)To record salaries incurred but not yet paid.[One student earns $100 x 4 days, Mondaythrough Thursday]Quick Study 3-7 (15 minutes)a. Unearned Revenue ........................................................ 22,500Legal Revenue ....................................................... 22,500 To recognize legal revenue earned (30,000 x 3/4).b. Unearned Subscription Revenue ................................ 1,200Subscription Revenue ........................................... 1,200 To recognize subscription revenue earned.[100 x ($24 / 12 months) x 6 months]1. Accrue salaries expense e ga f2. Adjust the Unearned Services Revenue accountto recognize earned revenueb f3. Record the earning of services revenue for whichcash will be received the following periodQuick Study 3-9 (10 minutes)The answer is a.ExplanationThe debit balance in Prepaid Insurance was reduced by $400, implying a $400 debit to Insurance Expense. The credit balance in Interest Payable increased by $800, implying an $800 debit to Interest Expense.The answer is 2.ExplanationInsurance premium errorUnderstates expenses (and overstates assets) by .......... $1,600 Accrued salaries errorUnderstates expenses (and understates liabilities) by .... 1,000The collective effects from this company’s errors follow:Understates expenses by ..................................................... $2,600Overstates assets by ............................................................. $1,600Understates liabilities by ...................................................... $1,000 Quick Study 3-11 (10 minutes)Profit margin = $78,750 / $630,000 = 12.5%Interpretation: For each dollar that records as revenue, it earns 12.5 cents in net income. Miller’s 12.5% is markedly lower than competitors’ average profit margin of 15%—it must improve performance.Quick Study 3-12A (5 minutes)1. B 4. A2. F 5. D3. C 6. EExercise 3-2 (25 minutes)a. Depreciation Expense—Equipment ................................ 16,000Accumulated Depreciation—Equipment..................... 16,000 To record depreciation expense for the year.b. Insurance Expense ........................................................... 5,360Prepaid Insurance* ....................................................... 5,360 To record insurance coverage that expired($6,000 - $640).c. Office Supplies Expense .................................................. 3,422Office Supplies**............................................................ 3,422 To record office supplies used ($325 + $3,480 - $383).d. Unearned Fee Revenue .................................................... 3,000Fee Revenue .................................................................. 3,000 To record earned portion of fee received in advance($15,000 x 1/5).e. Insurance Expense ........................................................... 6,160Prepaid Insurance ......................................................... 6,160 To record insurance coverage that expired.f. Wages Expense ................................................................. 2,700Wages Payable .............................................................. 2,700 To record wages accrued but not yet paid.a. Unearned Fee Revenue .................................................... 5,000Fee Revenue .................................................................. 5,000 To record earned portion of fee received in advance($15,000 x 1/3).b. Wages Expense ................................................................. 7,500Wages Payable .............................................................. 7,500 To record wages accrued but not yet paid.c. Depreciation Expense—Equipment ................................ 17,251Accumulated Depreciation—Equipment..................... 17,251 To record depreciation expense for the year.d. Office Supplies Expense .................................................. 5,682Office Supplies*............................................................. 5,682 To record office supplies used ($240 + $6,102 - $660).e. Insurance Expense ........................................................... 2,700Prepaid Insurance†........................................................ 2,700 To record insurance coverage expired ($4,000 - $1,300).f. Interest Receivable ......................................................... 1,400Interest Revenue ........................................................ 1,400 To record interest earned but not yet received.g. Interest Expense ............................................................. 2,000Interest Payable........................................................... 2,000 To record interest incurred but not yet paid.a. Adjusting entry2009Dec. 31 Wages Expense (825)Wages Payable (825)To record accrued wages for one day.(5 workers x $165)b. Payday entry2010Jan. 4 Wages Expense.......................................................2,475Wages Payable (825)Cash .....................................................................3,300To record accrued and current wages.Wages expense = 5 workers x 3 days x $165Cash = 5 workers x 4 days x $165Exercise 3-5 (15 minutes)a. $ 2,000b. $ 6,607c. $11,987d. $ 1,375Proof: (a) (b) (c) (d) Supplies available – prior year-end ......... $ 350 $1,855 $ 1,576 $1,375 Supplies purchased in current year ........ 2,450 6,307 11,987 6,907 Total supplies available ............................ 2,800 8,162 13,563 8,282 Supplies available – current year-end ..... (800) (6,607) (2,056) (800) Supplies expense for current year........... $2,000 $1,555 $11,507 $7,482a.Apr. 30 Legal Fees Expense ........................................... 4,500Legal Fees Payable ..................................... 4,500 To record accrued legal fees.May 12 Legal Fees Payable ............................................ 4,500Cash ............................................................. 4,500 To pay accrued legal fees.b.Apr. 30 Interest Expense ................................................. 1,900Interest Payable .......................................... 1,900 To record accrued interest expense($5,700 x 10/30).May 20 Interest Payable .................................................. 1,900Interest Expense ................................................. 3,800Cash ............................................................. 5,700 To record payment of accrued and currentinterest expense ($5,700 x 20/30).c.Apr. 30 Salaries Expense ................................................ 4,800Salaries Payable.......................................... 4,800 To record accrued salaries($12,000 x 2/5 week).May 3 Salaries Payable ................................................. 4,800Salaries Expense ................................................ 7,200Cash ............................................................. 12,000 To record payment of accrued andcurrent salaries ($12,000 x 3/5 week).Basis*Basis Basis**Basis Dec. 31, 2007 ........$14,450 $0 2007 ..........$ 850 $15,300 Dec. 31, 2008 ........9,350 0 2008 ..........5,100 0 Dec. 31, 2009 ........4,250 0 2009 .......... 5,100 0 Dec. 31, 2010 ........0 0 2010 .......... 4,250 0$15,300 $15,300 Explanations:*Accrual asset balance equals months left in the policy x $425 per month (monthly cost is computed as $15,300 / 36 months).Months Left Balance12/31/2007 .. 34 $14,45012/31/2008 .. 22 9,35012/31/2009 .. 10 4,25012/31/2010 .. 0 0**Accrual insurance expense equals months covered in the year x $425 per month.Months Covered Expense2007 ............ 2 $ 8502008 ............12 5,1002009 ............12 5,1002010 ............10 4,250$15,300Dec. 31 Accounts Receivable ............................................. 1,980Fees Earned ..................................................... 1,980 To record earned but unbilled fees (30% x $6,600).31 Unearned Fees ........................................................ 4,620Fees Earned ..................................................... 4,620 To record earned fees collected in advance(70% x $6,600).31 Depreciation Expense—Computers ..................... 1,650Accumulated Depreciation-Computers ........ 1,650 To record depreciation on computers.31 Depreciation Expense—Office Furniture ............. . 1,925A ccumulated Depreciation—Office Furniture ... 1,925To record depreciation on office furniture.31 Salaries Expense .................................................... 2,695Salaries Payable.............................................. 2,695 To record accrued salaries.31 Insurance Expense.................................................. 1,430Prepaid Insurance ........................................... 1,430 To record expired prepaid insurance.31 Rent Expense (700)Rent Payable (700)To record accrued rent expense.31 Office Supplies Expense (528)Office Supplies (528)To record use of office supplies.31 Advertising Expense (500)Advertising Payable (500)To record accrued advertising expense.31 Utilities Expense (77)Utilities Payable (77)To record incurred and unpaid utility costs.a. $ 6,039 / $ 52,970 = 11.4%b. $100,890 / $ 471,430 = 21.4%c. $106,880 / $ 301,920 = 35.4%d. $ 67,140 / $1,721,520 = 3.9%e. $ 84,780 / $ 513,800 = 16.5%Analysis and Interpretation: Company c has the highest profitability according to the profit margin ratio. Company c earns 35.4 cents in net income for every one dollar of net sales earned.Exercise 3-10A (30 minutes)a.Dec. 1 Supplies Expense ................................................... 2,000Cash ................................................................. 2,000 Purchased supplies.b.Dec. 2 Insurance Expense ................................................. 1,540Cash ................................................................. 1,540 Paid insurance premiums.c.Dec. 15 Cash ......................................................................... 13,000Remodeling Fees Earned ............................... 13,000 Received fees for work to be done.d.Dec. 28 Cash ......................................................................... 3,700Remodeling Fees Earned ............................... 3,700 Received fees for work to be done.e.Dec. 31 Supplies .................................................................. 1,840Supplies Expense ........................................... 1,840 Adjust expenses for unused supplies.f.Dec. 31 Prepaid Insurance .................................................. 1,200Insurance Expense ......................................... 1,200 Adjust expenses for unexpired coverage($1,540 - $340).g.Dec. 31 Remodeling Fees Earned ..................................... 11,130Unearned Remodeling Fees .......................... 11,130 Adjusted revenues for unfinished projects($13,000 + 3,700 - $5,570).a. Initial credit recorded in the Unearned Fees accountJuly 1 Cash ....................................................................... 2,800Unearned Fees .............................................. 2,800 Received fees for work to be done for Solana.6 Cash ....................................................................... 8,100Unearned Fees .............................................. 8,100 Received fees for work to be done for Haru.12 Unearned Fees ...................................................... 2,800Fees Earned ................................................... 2,800 Completed work for Solana.18 Cash ....................................................................... 7,300Unearned Fees .............................................. 7,300 Received fees for work to be done for Jordan.27 Unearned Fees ...................................................... 8,100Fees Earned ................................................... 8,100 Completed work for customer Haru.31 No adjusting entries required.b. Initial credit recorded in the Fees Earned accountJuly 1 Cash ....................................................................... 2,800Fees Earned ................................................... 2,800 Received fees for work to be done for Solana.6 Cash ....................................................................... 8,100Fees Earned ................................................... 8,100 Received fees for work to be done for Haru.12 No entry required.18 Cash ....................................................................... 7,300Fees Earned ................................................... 7,300 Received fees for work to be done for Jordan.27 No entry required.31 Fees Earned .......................................................... 7,300Unearned Fees .............................................. 7,300 Adjusted to reflect unearned fees for unfinishedjob for Jordan.c. Under the first method (and using entries from a)Unearned Fees = $2,800 + $8,100 - $2,800 + $7,300 - $8,100 = $7,300 Fees Earned = $2,800 + $8,100 = $10,900Unearned Fees = $7,300Fees Earned = $2,800 + $8,100 + $7,300 - $7,300 = $10,9001. I 5. G 9. H2. D 6. C 10. E3. F 7. I 11. H4. B 8. A 12. BProblem 3-2A (35 minutes)Part 1Adjustment (a)Dec. 31 Office Supplies Expense ................................ 12,325Office Supplies ......................................... 12,325 To record cost of supplies used($2,900 + $11,977 - $2,552).Adjustment (b)31 Insurance Expense .......................................... 12,280Prepaid Insurance .................................... 12,280B 290 ($10,440/36 mo.) 9 2,610C 770 ($ 9,240 /12 mo.) 5 3,850Total $12,280Adjustment (c)31 Salaries Expense ............................................. 3,660Salaries Payable....................................... 3,660 To record accrued but unpaid wages(2 days x $1,830).Adjustment (d)Dec. 31 Depreciation Expense—Building ................... 18,875Accumulated Depreciation—Building ... 18,875 To record annual depreciation expense[($800,000 -$45,000) / 40 years = $18,875]Adjustment (e)31 Rent Receivable ............................................ 3,000Rent Earned ........................................... 3,000 To record earned but unpaid Dec. rent.Adjustment (f)31 Unearned Rent .............................................. 5,436Rent Earned ........................................... 5,436 To record the amount of rent earned forNovember and December (2 x $2,718).Part 2Cash Payment for (c)Jan. 6 Salaries Payable ........................................... 3,660Salaries Expense* ........................................ 5,490Cash ....................................................... 9,150 To record payment of accrued andcurrent salaries. *(3 days x $1,830)Cash Payment for (e)15Cash ............................................................... 6,000Rent Receivable .................................... 3,000Rent Earned ........................................... 3,000 To record past due rent for two months.Part 2Adjustment (a)Dec. 31 Insurance Expense ...............................................3,000Prepaid Insurance ...........................................3,000 To record the insurance expired.Adjustment (b)31 Teaching Supplies Expense ................................9,000Teaching Supplies ..........................................9,000 To record supplies used ($11,000 - $2,000).Adjustment (c)31 Depreciation Expense—Equipment ....................10,000Accumulated Depreciation—Equipment ............10,000 To record equipment depreciation.Adjustment (d)31 Depreciation Expense—Profess. Library ...........5,000A ccumul. Depreciation—Profess. Library.........5,000To record professional library depreciation.Adjustment (e)31 Unearned Training Fees .......................................5,000Training Fees Earned .....................................5,000 To record 2 months’ training fees earnedthat were collected in advance.Adjustment (f)31 Accounts Receivable ............................................4,000Tuition Fees Earned........................................4,000 To record tuition earned($1,600 x 2 1/2 months).Adjustment (g)31 Salaries Expense (480)Salaries Payable (480)To record accrued salaries(2 days x $120 x 2 employees).Adjustment (h)31 Rent Expense ........................................................2,178Prepaid Rent ....................................................2,178 To record expiration of prepaid rent.Part 3WELLS TEACHING INSTITUTEAdjusted Trial BalanceDecember 31, 2009Debit Credit Cash .......................................................................... $ 28,064Accounts receivable ................................................ 4,000Teaching supplies ................................................... 2,000Prepaid insurance .................................................... 13,000Prepaid rent 0Professional library ................................................. 33,000 Accumulated depreciation—Professional library ... $ 15,000 Equipment ................................................................ 75,800 Accumulated depreciation—Equipment ................ 25,000 Accounts payable .................................................... 39,500 Salaries payable . (480)Unearned training fees ............................................ 7,500 T. Wells, Capital ....................................................... 71,000 T. Wells, Withdrawals .............................................. 44,000Tuition fees earned .................................................. 115,000 Training fees earned ................................................ 46,000 Depreciation expense—Professional library ........ 5,000 Depreciation expense—Equipment ....................... 10,000Salaries expense ..................................................... 52,480Insurance expense................................................... 3,000Rent expense ............................................................ 26,136Teaching supplies expense .................................... 9,000 Advertising expense ................................................ 8,000Utilities expense....................................................... 6,000 _______ Totals ........................................................................ $319,480 $319,480Part 4WELLS TEACHING INSTITUTEIncome StatementFor Year Ended December 31, 2009RevenuesTuition fees earned ............................................ $115,000Training fees earned .......................................... 46,000Total revenues .................................................... $161,000 ExpensesDepreciation expense—Professional library ... 5,000Depreciation expense—Equipment .................. 10,000Salaries expense ................................................ 52,480Insurance expense ............................................. 3,000Rent expense ...................................................... 26,136Teaching supplies expense ............................... 9,000Advertising expense .......................................... 8,000Utilities expense ................................................. 6,000Total expenses ................................................... 119,616 Net income ............................................................ $ 41,384WELLS TEACHING INSTITUTEStatement of Owner’s EquityFor Year Ended December 31, 2009T. Wells, Capital, December 31, 2008 ................................. $ 71,000 Plus: Net income .................................................................. 41,384112,384 Less: Withdrawals by owner ............................................... 44,000 T. Wells, Capital, December 31, 2009 ................................. $ 68,384Problem 3-3A (Concluded)WELLS TEACHING INSTITUTEBalance SheetDecember 31, 2009AssetsCash ................................................................................. $ 28,064 Accounts receivable ...................................................... 4,000 Teaching supplies .......................................................... 2,000 Prepaid insurance .......................................................... 13,000 Professional library ........................................................ $33,000 Accumulated depreciation—Professional library ....... (15,000) 18,000 Equipment ....................................................................... 75,800 Accumulated depreciation—Equipment ...................... (25,000) 50,800 Total assets ..................................................................... $115,864LiabilitiesAccounts payable ........................................................... $ 39,500 Salaries payable . (480)Unearned training fees .................................................. 7,500 Total liabilities ................................................................ 47,480EquityT. Wells, Capital .............................................................. 68,384 Total liabilities and equity ............................................. $115,864Problem 3-4A (45 minutes) —Part 1Cash ......................................... $ 86,000 $ 86,000 Accounts receivable ........... 15,000 (a) 4,000 19,000Office supplies ...................... 17,800 (b) 8,800 9,000Prepaid insurance ................ 6,040 (c) 2,080 3,960Office equipment .................. 87,000 87,000 Accumulated depreciation—Office equipment ........... $ 24,000 (d) 2,000 $ 26,000 Accounts payable ................ 9,100 (e) 14,900 24,000 Interest payable ..................... (f) 2,500 2,500 Salaries payable ................... (g) 15,000 15,000 Unearned consulting fees .20,000 (h) 7,000 13,000 Long-term notes payable .. 54,000 54,000 K. Jenkins, Capital ............... 46,000 46,000 K. Jenkins, Withdrawals .... 10,000 10,000Consulting feesearned .................................... 165,000 (a)(h)4,0007,000 176,000Depreciation expense—Office equipment ................ (d) 2,000 2,000Salaries expense .................. 67,990 (g) 15,000 82,990Interest expense ................... 1,270 (f) 2,500 3,770 Insurance expense .............. (c) 2,080 2,080Rent expense ........................ 14,540 14,540Office supplies expense .... (b) 8,800 8,800 Advertising expense ........... 12,460 _______ (e) 14,900 ______ 27,360 _______ Totals ........................................ $318,100 $318,100 $56,280 $56,280 $356,500 $356,500 Adjustment description(a) Earned but uncollected revenues.(b) Cost of office supplies used.(c) Cost of expired insurance coverage.(d) Depreciation expense on office equipment.(e) Incurred but unpaid advertising expense.(f) Incurred but unpaid interest expense.(g) Incurred but unpaid salaries expense.(h) Earned revenues previously received in advance.。
• Parliament in Kenya has been recalled for an emergency session to debate ending the country's membership of the International Criminal Court.(0904) • Parliament in Kenya has voted in favour of a motion to begin the process of withdrawing from the International Criminal Court. (0906) • The German agency responsible for hunting down Nazi era war criminals has recommended that 30 former guards of the Auschwitz concentration camp in Poland face charges of helping to commit murder even if they didn't personally kill anyone. (0904) • A Communist-era prison governor in Romania has been charged with genocide.(0904) • The Vatican has recalled its ambassador to the Dominican Republic and launched an investigation after local media reports accused him of pedophilia.(0905) • The German President Joachim Gauck has paid the first visit by a German leader to the site of one of the worst massacres in Nazi occupied France during the Second World War.(0905)
2024小学科学新课标及解读-1英文版2024 Primary School Science New Curriculum and Interpretation-1In 2024, the new science curriculum for primary schools will be implemented. This curriculum aims to enhance students' understanding of scientific concepts and principles through practical and hands-on activities. It will focus on developing critical thinking skills and fostering a love for science from an early age.The new curriculum will cover a wide range of scientific topics, including biology, chemistry, physics, and environmental science. Students will learn about the basic principles of each discipline and how they apply to the world around them. Through experiments and projects, they will be encouraged to explore and discover the wonders of science.Teachers will play a crucial role in implementing the new curriculum. They will need to undergo training to familiarize themselves with the content and teaching methods. By engaging students ininteractive lessons and discussions, teachers can create a stimulating learning environment that nurtures curiosity and creativity.Parents are also encouraged to support their children's learning by providing opportunities for them to explore scientific concepts outside of the classroom. By engaging in simple experiments at home or visiting science museums, parents can help reinforce the lessons learned in school and inspire a lifelong interest in science.Overall, the 2024 primary school science curriculum aims to equip students with the knowledge and skills they need to succeed in an increasingly complex and technology-driven world. By fostering a passion for science and encouraging curiosity and inquiry, the curriculum will help students become critical thinkers and problem solvers who are prepared to tackle the challenges of the future.。
catti英语口译一级 考试科目
catti英语口译一级考试科目全文共6篇示例,供读者参考篇1Wowza! The CATTI English Interpretation Exam Level 1? That's a real mouthful! But my big sister is taking it soon, so I've been trying to learn what it's all about. From what I can tell, it's a super important test for people who want to be professional translators and interpreters working between English and Chinese.The exam has two main parts - interpretation and translation. The interpretation part is where you listen to people talking in one language and have to say out loud what they're saying in the other language. My sister practices by turning on the TV and trying to interpret the shows from English to Chinese or vice verversa. Sometimes she records herself to see how she did. I tried it once but got all tongue-tied and mixed up halfway through!The translation part is where you read things in one language and have to write out the same text in the other language. My sister has tons of practice materials with all sorts ofdocuments like news articles, technical manuals, business contracts and more. She has to make sure she picks just the right words and phrases to capture the exact meaning. It's like a puzzle, matching up the pieces between the two languages. I love puzzles, but this one looks super hard!From watching my sister study, I've learned that interpreting and translating between languages requires crazy skills. You have to deeply understand grammatical structures, vocabulary, idioms, and cultural context in both languages. It's like having two super-brains working at the same time! My sister says the exam tests listening comprehension, memory, note-taking, terminology research, and the ability to smoothly switch between languages on the fly. Whew, no wonder she studies so hard!The exam is administered by an organization called CATTI, which is the Certification Authority for Professional Interpreters and Translators. They're really strict and the exam is crazy difficult to pass from what I hear. My sister says only the very best and most prepared can become certified professional interpreters and translators by passing this Level 1 exam.I'm just a kid, but I have so much respect for people pursuing this career now. Being a bridge between languages sounds likeone of the most important jobs in our globally connected world today. I'll be cheering my sister on when she takes her big exam soon. Maybe I'll even become an interpreter myself one day - that would be so cool! Though I should probably get started on studying like right now if I want to pass that crazy difficult test in the future. Better get cracking on those language lessons!篇2My Big Dream to Be an InterpreterHi there! My name is Emma and I'm 10 years old. I'm in the 5th grade at Oakwood Elementary School. I have a really big dream that I've been thinking about for a few years now - I want to be a professional interpreter when I grow up!You might be wondering, what exactly is an interpreter? Well, an interpreter is someone who translates spoken words from one language into another language. They help people who speak different languages understand each other by listening carefully and quickly converting the messages back and forth.There are all sorts of interpreters out there working in really cool places. Some work at big important meetings with world leaders, some help patients talk to doctors, and others even helpathletes and actors at big events! No matter where they work, interpreters have to be crazy good at languages.I first learned about interpreting a couple of years ago when my parents hired an interpreter to help my grandparents from China understand everything at my little brother's birthday party. My grandparents don't speak much English, so the interpreter was a huge help in making sure they could join in on all the fun. I watched in awe as she seamlessly switched between Chinese and English, somehow managing to convey every joke, story, and happy birthday song perfectly! From that day on, I decided that's what I wanted to do.To become a professional interpreter, you have to pass something called the CATTI exam. CATTI stands for Certified Accreditors of Translators and Interpreters. It's a big important test that proves you have expert-level skills in interpretation and translation between Chinese and English.From what I've learned so far, the CATTI English Interpretation Level 1 exam has three main sections you have to master:Consecutive InterpretationThis is where the interpreter listens to a message in one language, and then delivers the interpretation in the other language after the speaker pauses. It tests your amazing listening comprehension, note-taking abilities, and short-term memory! The consecutive passages can cover all kinds of topics like politics, economics, culture, and science. You really have to know your stuff.Simultaneous InterpretationThis part is super hard! The interpreter has to listen to someone speaking and immediately start interpreting into the other language at the same time. Talk about multi-tasking! You need a quiet concentration, rapid language conversion skills, and the ability to juggle multiple thoughts at once. The exam tests your skill with simultaneous interpretation of speeches, meetings, media broadcasts and more.Sight TranslationFor this section, you're given a written document in one language and have to read it aloud and translate it into the other language on the spot. It combines reading comprehension and oral interpretation all together. The documents could be anything from official reports to letters to website content.On top of those three interpretation tests, you also have to take sections on translation (converting written texts between languages) and language knowledge and aptitude. Phew, it's a lot to prepare for!Ever since deciding I want to be an interpreter, I've been working really hard at school to build up my English and Chinese skills. My parents have been super supportive too - we watch movies together switching between the languages, I attend weekend language classes, and we even do practice interpretation exercises at home.It's not going to be easy to pass the CATTI exams, but I'm determined! Over the next few years of middle school and high school, I'll have to study really hard, do lots of practice tests, and work on building up my knowledge across tons of different subjects too. But I'm ready for the challenge!My dream job would be to become a United Nations interpreter, traveling the world and helping important diplomats and leaders communicate. Can you imagine how cool it would be to interpret speeches for the President of the United States or the Prime Minister of Canada? Another awesome path could be becoming a media or sports interpreter, helping announcers and athletes at big global events like the Olympics or the World Cup!No matter what, I just know interpreting is going to be such an exciting career.I still have a long road ahead of me, but I'm going to give it my absolute best effort. Becoming an expert interpreter won't be easy, but I'm ready to work as hard as I can to make my dream come true! Wish me luck!篇3The CATTI English Test Is Super Important!Hi everyone! My name is Emily and I'm in 5th grade. Today I want to tell you all about this really big English test called the CATTI. It stands for Certified Interpreters for China Accreditation Test and it's a huge deal if you want to be an interpreter when you grow up.My older sister Jessica is studying really hard to take the CATTI English Interpretation Test Level 1 this year. She's been practicing every single day after school. I'm going to explain what's on the test so you can understand why it's so tough!First, there's the Consecutive Interpretation part. That means the interpreter has to listen to someone speak for a little while in one language, like Chinese. Then when the person stops, theinterpreter has to switch to English and repeat everything they just said. It's kind of like being a parrot, but much harder!Jessica has been practicing by watching videos of people giving speeches in Chinese. She listens really carefully, taking little notes as they speak. Then when the person stops, she has to say everything they said but in perfect English. It's crazy! Sometimes the speeches are over 5 minutes long with super complicated words. I've tried it before and I can never remember everything.The next section is Simultaneous Interpretation from English to Chinese. This one is even trickier! The interpreter has to speak in Chinese at the exact same time as someone is speaking in English. Their brain has to translate the words from one language to the other instantly as they hear them. It's like being a real-life translation robot!Jessica bought these crazy noise-cancelling headphones for practicing. She plays videos of English speeches while wearing the headphones. Then she has to repeat everything in Chinese at the same time she's hearing the English. It looks so hard! I've watched her and she gets all tongue-tied trying to think and speak at the exact same time. I don't know how anyone can do it.The third part of the test is Simultaneous Interpretation from Chinese to English. This is the section Jessica struggles with the most. Just like the last part, but in reverse! She has to instantly translate from Chinese into perfect English as she's hearing it. Her brain must be getting superpower muscles from all this practice.I've caught Jessica just reading books out loud to herself, going back and forth between Chinese and English pages. She switches between the languages every few sentences to get ready for the test. Sometimes I'll sneak into her room and shout random words at her in Chinese to practice her English responses. She gets so mad at me, but I think it's helping!The very last section is Translation. This is where you have to write out a perfect translation of a text, either from Chinese to English or English to Chinese. No speaking required, hooray!But the translations have to be flawless. Jessica showed me one practice text that was over 1,000 words long! It was some strange document about international finance laws. She had highlighted tons of idioms, jokes, cultural references, and other tough phrases. Apparently those tiny details are the hardest part of written translation. Who knew finances could be so funny?Phew, I'm exhausted just thinking about everything my poor sister has to master for this CATTI test. Consecutive interpretation, simultaneous interpretation in both directions, and precision translation. It's like she's acquiring super linguistic powers!I've decided I definitely don't want to be an interpreter when I grow up. Give me nice easy math problems any day instead of juggling multiple languages at once. Although I have to admit, being a professional parrot does sound like a pretty fun job sometimes.Good luck on your test, Jessica! I'll be cheering you on from the sidelines. Nobody deserves that CATTI certificate more than you after all your crazy hard work. Just don't ask me to interpret anything more complicated than "Pass the pizza!" I'll leave that to you, Wonder Translator.篇4The CATTI English Test is Really Hard!My big sister is trying to get a special certificate called the CATTI English Interpretation Level 1. She has to take a big exam with several different parts. I don't really understand everything about it, but I'll try my best to explain!The first part is called Consecutive Interpretation. That's where someone speaks for a little while in one language, and then my sister has to repeat everything they said in the other language. It sounds super difficult! She practices by listening to recordings and trying to interpret them into English or Chinese. Sometimes the recordings are about serious grown-up topics like politics, business, or science. I have no idea what she's talking about when she practices those!Another section is Simultaneous Interpretation. For this one, my sister has to listen to someone talking and interpret what they're saying into the other language at the same time! Like, as they're still speaking! I don't know how anyone can do that. When I try interpreting my sister's practice materials, I get all confused and mixed up between the two languages. Simultaneous interpretation must take a lot of concentration.Then there's a part called Sight Translation. This is where they give my sister a document in one language, and she has to read it over quickly and then translate the whole thing out loud into the other language. She showed me some of the practice documents and they were full of big fancy words and talking about complicated ideas. Sight translation seems almost impossible to me!My sister also has to take tests on translation theory, communication skills, and interpretation strategies and techniques. There's a lot of memorization and studying involved, I think. She has these thick books full of definitions and concepts that she has to learn. It all looks incredibly boring if you ask me!On one of the test days, there's something called the Interpretive Reconstructing section. From what I understand, they'll play an audio recording in one language, and then my sister has to listen carefully and reconstruct everything that was said in her own words in the other language. But she gets no break or pause between hearing it and reconstructing it. Just thinking about that makes my head spin!The last part of the exam is called the Interpretive Abstracting test. For this one, they give her a long recording or document about some complex topic. Then she has to listen or read it, understand all the key points, and summarize it concisely in the other language while keeping all the important details. Summarizing is already hard enough for me with simple books, so having to do it at that level sounds crazy.My big sister has been studying and practicing so hard for this CATTI English test. I really admire her dedication and brainpower! There's no way I could handle all those differentinterpreting and translating tasks, at least not until I'm much older. Interpreting between languages seems like one of the most mentally challenging skills there is. I guess that's why my sister will get an impressive certificate if she can pass all the sections of this incredibly difficult exam. I'll be rooting for her!篇5My Big Interpretation TestHi there! My name is Lily and I'm 10 years old. I love learning new things, especially languages. English is my favorite subject in school. Did you know there's a really big test called the CATTI Level 1 English Interpretation Exam that people can take to show how good they are at interpreting between English and Chinese? My teacher says it's a very difficult test, even for grown-ups! But I've been studying really hard and I think I might want to take it someday when I'm older. Let me tell you all about the subjects on the test!The first part is called Consecutive Interpretation. This is where the interpreter listens to someone speak in one language for a little bit, then interprets what they said into the other language right after. It's kind of like when I'm playing house with my friends and I have to remember and repeat back what my"client" said to my "co-worker". Except on the real test, the speeches can be up to 5 minutes long about all sorts of complicated topics! Politics, economics, science, culture - you name it. The interpreter has to take really good notes to remember all the details. My teacher says developing an excellent memory is crucial for consecutive interpretation. I've been practicing by trying to memorize pages from my favorite books. It's hard work but kind of fun too!Then there's Simultaneous Interpretation, which sounds even trickier to me. For this part, the interpreter has to speak the translation out loud at the same time the speaker is still talking in the source language! Can you imagine how difficult that must be? You have to comprehend what's being said, reformulate it in your mind into the other language, and speak it out loud - all at the exact same time the person is still going. No wonder they use a special soundproof booth and equipment for this part of the exam. My teacher showed our class some videos of simultaneous interpreters at big conferences and international events. They make it look so easy and natural, even though their brains must be working at superhuman speeds! I really admire their incredible multi-tasking abilities.Part of what makes the CATTI exam so challenging is that the test materials can cover pretty much any subject area. One minute you might be interpreting a speech about the latest medical research, and the next thing could be an economic policy discussion. The interpreter has to be knowledgeable about a huge range of fields and topics. My teacher tells me that's why experienced interpreters never stop reading, studying, and expanding their understanding of the world. I definitely want to keep learning as much as I can about everything!Another tough part is the Sight Translation section, where interpreters have to read a written document in one language and translate it out loud into the other language basically at sight. No time for preparation, note-taking, or looking things up - you just have to do it on the fly. My parents took me to an interpreting conference once and I watched some of the sight translations. Those interpreters are like linguistic superheroes, able to smoothly read and speak different languages at the same time! I was in awe. For now, I'm practicing by having my parents give me random articles or stories to sight translate for them from English to Chinese and back again. The hardest part is staying focused and not stumbling over my words.Overall, the CATTI Level 1 seems like an incredibly difficult challenge. But I know if I keep working diligently at my language studies, maybe I can achieve that level of interpretation mastery someday too. Becoming a professional interpreter would be such an amazing career. Can you imagine how cool it would be to help people understand each other across language barriers? To facilitate communication between world leaders, diplomats, scientists, artists and anyone else from different linguistic backgrounds? What an important skill!I have so much more to learn, but I'm excited for the journey. Who knows, maybe you'll see me up on that篇6My Big English Interpretation Exam AdventureHi there! My name is Jenny and I'm 10 years old. I just took this really cool exam called the CATTI English Interpretation Level 1 test. It was quite an adventure! Let me tell you all about it.First up was the consecutive interpretation part. The examiner read out these awesome stories and dialogues in English. I had to listen really carefully, taking little notes using my special notation system that I practiced a bunch. Then when she finished each section, I had to interpret it all back into Chinesewithout missing any important details. It was kinda like being a narrator! I felt like I was on stage telling an exciting tale from another language. Some parts were pretty tricky with all the idioms and culturally specific things, but my training helped me power through.The next section was simultaneous interpretation from English into Chinese. This one was mega challenging! The examiner read out these English speeches and news reports through my headphones. At the same time, I had to instantly interpret out loud in Chinese what she was saying, basically talking at the exact same time! It was like being an athlete running an intense mental marathon. I concentrated so hard to keep up without falling behind or losing the meaning. I used all my shorthand skills and predictive techniques that my coach taught me. Phew, I was sweating buckets after that one!Then we switched modes for the simultaneous interpretation from Chinese into English. The examiner spoke in Chinese and I had to concurrently spit out the English version through my mic.I couldn't fall behind at all or I'd miss crucial stuff. This required insane multitasking - comprehending the Chinese, reformulating it into natural English in my head, and then speaking it out loud, all at the exact same time the examiner was still going. My brainwas overheating trying to handle it all simultaneously! I pictured myself as a pro interpreter at the United Nations smoothly swapping between languages on the fly. Total focus mode activated!The sight translation was next up - this was almost a nice break after all that intense simultaneous action. For this, I had to read through an English document first, then render it into smooth spoken Chinese all at once. It was kinda like shadowboxing before the real fight - getting warmed up by taking it step-by-step first. There were tricky vocabulary and cultural references to navigate, but overall this gave me a chance to re-energize.Finally, the grand finale was the consecutive interpretation from Chinese into English. Feeling pumped up from the sight translation, I was ready to rock this one. The examiner read out these awesome Chinese stories and dialogues with tons of idioms, culture, and nuance packed in. I did my special notation capturing all the zingers, then boom! I re-delivered each passage back into English in my own pyrotechnic performance. I had to really punch up the flair and expressiveness to capture the authenticity of the original material. Voices, accents, acting it out - I gave it my full energy!Wow, I was mentally drained but felt such a rush after conquering all those different exam components. It was like I traveled the whole interpretation galaxy - from consecutive to simultaneous in both directions, sight translation planet, the works! I felt so powered up like a young interpretation Jedi master after making it through. Maybe I'll give the United Nations a call when I'm older. An intense exam for sure, but wow what an achievement!Well, that's my epic CATTI English Interpretation Level 1 exam experience! It pushed me to my limits but I studied really hard and gave it my all. No matter the results, I'm just proud I had the grit to take on such a crazy challenge at my age. Wish me luck! Okay, gotta blaze - I need to go recharge after that insane cerebral workout. Thanks for listening to my adventure! Catch you later!。
interpretation的用法一、interpretation的基本用法“interpretation”主要用作名词,有以下几种基本含义:1. 解释;说明。
例如:The interpretation of this law is veryplex.(对这项法律的解释非常复杂。
)2. 演绎;演奏方式;表演方式。
如:His interpretation of the symphony was quite unique.(他对这首交响曲的演绎相当独特。
)二、interpretation的固定搭配1. give an interpretation (of):作出(对……的)解释。
例如:The expert gave an interpretation of the ancient text.(专家对古代文本作出了解释。
)2. different interpretations:不同的解释。
例如:There are different interpretations of this historical event.(对这个历史事件有不同的解释。
)3. literal interpretation:字面解释。
例如:A literal interpretation of this poem may miss its deeper meaning.(对这首诗的字面解释可能会错过其更深层次的含义。
)4. subjective interpretation:主观解释。
例如:Your subjective interpretation might not be the same as others'.(你的主观解释可能和其他人的不一样。
)三、双语例句1. I heard your interpretation of that dream, but I think mine makes more sense. 我听了你对那个梦的解释,但我觉得我的更合理。
• Opportunities (external) potential new markets, dynamic R&D section
• Threats (external) competitors
Ratio Analysis –in context
➢ Absolute figures are of little value. They only provide insights if they can be compared with other relevant amounts in ratios, e.g. – Sales as a percentage of gross profits – Allows prediction of likely increase in profit given an increased level of sales
➢ Managers may have access to considerably more information and so can perform very detailed ratios say on budget information
➢ External users usually have restricted information such as that only available in the Annual Financial Statements supplemented by other published data such as economic or industry data (e.g trade journals, the press, competitors and customers, commercial analysis services, Reuters, Bloombergs).
舒尔曼知识转化理论对教师知识发展的启⽰舒尔曼知识转化理论对教师知识发展的启⽰重庆师范⼤学数学与计算机科学学院童莉 教师的知识是教师进⾏教学的基础,合理的知识结构是教学效率的有效保障,如何发展教师合理的知识结构是⼀个值得我们重点关注的问题,也是教师教育研究的需要。
⼀、舒尔曼的知识转化理论的基本观点 (⼀)舒尔曼的知识转化的含义 舒尔曼受专家新⼿⽐较研究的启发,对教师教学⾏为的研究进⾏了认识论和⽅法论上的批判,提出了教学需要七类教师知识的⽀撑:学科知识(content knowledge,简称CK)、⼀般教学法知识(general pedagogical knowledge)、学科教学知识(pedagogical content knowledge,简称PCK)、学⽣知识(knowledge of learners)、教育环境的知识(knowledgeof educational context)、有关教育宗旨、⽬的等知识(knowledge of educationalends,etc.)①。
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Week one
1.Translation (下次上课要交)
B:Nice to meet you, Director Chen. I‟m very excited to visit your company and of course, to tour around Shanghai and the whole country.
A: 您专程从英国赶来,我很高兴。
B:It is indeed my pleasure and privilege to have received your gracious invitation and work with a distinguished group of people like Director Chen. I had been looking forward to this visit for years.
I had been a dream that someday I would visit China and work in the beautiful city of Shanghai for a while. I‟m very grateful that you have made my dream come true.
B:That‟s wonderful. Isn‟t it nice that not only your …Overseas Department” looks “over the sea”, but also my residence?
A: 罗伯茨先生,我真的很喜欢您的幽默感。
B:I like what you said, Mr. Chen. We have much in common with Shanghai and its people. I believe my wife will like here too.
A: 我希望您的家人能早日与您在此团聚。
B:Thank you so much for your concern. My wife teaches at a university and the best time for her and our son to come over is when school breaks in the summer. Two more months. We simply can not wait to see each other in Shanghai.
A: 真遗憾,您还要等那么久。
B:You are very nice, Mr. Chen, really.
A: 长途飞行后您一定很累了。
B:Very good.
2: Number practice (two students as a group)
3. I will check your work next time
1. A bad beginning makes a bad ending. 恶其始者必恶其终。
2. A bad conscience is a snake in one's heart. 做贼心虚。
3. A bad thing never dies. 坏事传千年。
4. A bad workman quarrels with his tools. 拙匠常怨工具差(人笨怨刀钝)。
5. A bargain is a bargain. 达成的协议不可撕毁。
6.Absence sharpens love, presence strengthens it. 相聚爱益切,离别情更深。
will make the hearts grow fonder. 距离产生美/别久情深)
7. A burnt child dreads the fire. 一朝被蛇咬,十年怕井绳。
8.Accidents will happen. 天有不测风云。
(Every cloud has a silver lining.)
9. A clean hand wants no washing. 身正不怕影子斜。
10. A cock is valiant on his own dunghill. 夜郎自大。
11. A common danger causes common action. 同仇敌忾。
12. A contented mind is perpetual feast. 知足常乐。
13.Actions speak louder than words. 事实胜于雄辩。
14. A fair face may hide a foul heart. 人不可貌相。
(Appearances are deceitful./You
cannot judge a tree by its bark..)
15. A fall into the pit, a gain in your wit. 吃一堑,长一智。
16.An old dog cannot alter its way of barking. 江山易改,本性难移
17. A friend in need is a friend indeed. 患难朋友才是真朋友。
18. A friend to everybody is a friend to nobody. 广交友,无深交。
19.After a storm comes a calm. 否极泰来。
(After black clouds, clear weather.)
20.After meat, mustard. )
21. A good appetite is a good sauce. 饥不择食。
(Beggars can not be choosers.)
22. A good example is the best sermon. 身教胜似言教。
Practise/practice what you preach.
23. A good marksman may miss. 智者千虑,必有一失。
24. A good medicine tastes bitter. 良药苦口,忠言逆耳。
25. A good neighbour is better than a brother in the next village. 远亲不如近邻。
26. A good winter brings a good summer. 瑞雪兆丰年。
A heavy snow promises a good
27. A hero is known in the time of misfortune. 时势造英雄。
28. A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. 千里之行,始于足下。
29. A lazy youth, a lousy age. 少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲。
30.Ale will make a cat speak. 酒后吐真言。
31. A little spark kindles a great fire. 星星之火,可以燎原。
32.All roads lead to Rome. 条条道路通罗马。
33.All time is no time when it is past. 光阴一去不复返。
34. A man knows his companion in a long journey and a little inn. 路遥知马力,日久见人
35.Ambition never dies until there is no way out. 不到黄河心不死。
36. A miss is as good as a mile. 失之毫厘,差之千里。
37. A new broom sweeps clean. 新官上任三把火。
38.As a man sows, so he shall reap. 种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆。
(As you sow you shall mow. )
39. A straight foot is not afraid of a crooked shoe. 身正不怕影子斜。
40. A word spoken is past recalling. 一言既出,驷马难追。
A word spoken is an arrow let