Passivity Degradation of Alloy 800 in Simulated Crevice Chemistries




α-铁素体K). 见气体1)得到的%EL)或和 radiatio通用。


















2×10-5eV/atom·K). 见气体常数。






























半导体一些术语的中英文对照离子注入机ion implanterLSS理论Lindhand Scharff and Schiott theory 又称“林汉德-斯卡夫-斯高特理论”。

沟道效应channeling effect射程分布range distribution深度分布depth distribution投影射程projected range阻止距离stopping distance阻止本领stopping power标准阻止截面standard stopping cross section 退火annealing激活能activation energy等温退火isothermal annealing激光退火laser annealing应力感生缺陷stress-induced defect择优取向preferred orientation制版工艺mask-making technology图形畸变pattern distortion初缩first minification精缩final minification母版master mask铬版chromium plate干版dry plate乳胶版emulsion plate透明版see-through plate高分辨率版high resolution plate, HRP超微粒干版plate for ultra-microminiaturization 掩模mask掩模对准mask alignment对准精度alignment precision光刻胶photoresist又称“光致抗蚀剂”。

负性光刻胶negative photoresist正性光刻胶positive photoresist无机光刻胶inorganic resist多层光刻胶multilevel resist电子束光刻胶electron beam resistX射线光刻胶X-ray resist刷洗scrubbing甩胶spinning涂胶photoresist coating后烘postbaking光刻photolithographyX射线光刻X-ray lithography电子束光刻electron beam lithography离子束光刻ion beam lithography深紫外光刻deep-UV lithography光刻机mask aligner投影光刻机projection mask aligner曝光exposure接触式曝光法contact exposure method接近式曝光法proximity exposure method光学投影曝光法optical projection exposure method 电子束曝光系统electron beam exposure system分步重复系统step-and-repeat system显影development线宽linewidth去胶stripping of photoresist氧化去胶removing of photoresist by oxidation等离子[体]去胶removing of photoresist by plasma 刻蚀etching干法刻蚀dry etching反应离子刻蚀reactive ion etching, RIE各向同性刻蚀isotropic etching各向异性刻蚀anisotropic etching反应溅射刻蚀reactive sputter etching离子铣ion beam milling又称“离子磨削”。



包 装 工 程第45卷 第1期 ·262·PACKAGING ENGINEERING 2024年1月收稿日期:2023-07-18基金项目:国家自然科学基金(52071239) 低介电片状FeNi 吸波剂的山嵛酸辅助制备及其织构行为王睿a ,王峰a ,徐逸凡b ,官建国a,b ,陈志宏c*(武汉理工大学 a.材料复合新技术国家重点实验室 b.材料科学与工程国际化示范学院c.理学院,武汉 430070)摘要:目的 在吸波剂表面化学吸附一层绝缘小分子,制备低介电常数且耐腐蚀的低频吸波剂。

方法 通过机械化学处理活化合金粒子表面,增强山嵛酸与合金粒子间形成的化学吸附,从而制备具有低介电常数、光滑表面、高晶粒取向度和耐腐蚀的片状Fe 50Ni 50@山嵛酸吸波剂。

结果 形成的山嵛酸包覆层可调控球磨过程中粉体间的冷焊效应和粉体受到的外界载荷,诱导Fe 50Ni 50粉体沿{111}晶面的滑移,促使粉体内形成{001}面织构。

同时,绝缘且疏水的山嵛酸包覆层可阻碍粉体间导电网络的形成,降低片状Fe 50Ni 50吸波剂的介电常数,使粉体兼具低介电常数、高磁导率和耐腐蚀能力。

结论 Fe 50Ni 50@山嵛酸吸波剂粒子展现出良好的低频吸波性能和耐腐蚀能力,为发展兼具优良耐环境性能和低频强吸收能力的新型吸波材料提供了一种思路。

关键词:电磁吸波材料;机械化学改性;脂肪酸;低频;耐腐蚀中图分类号:TB34 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1001-3563(2024)01-0262-11 DOI :10.19554/ki.1001-3563.2024.01.031Behenic Acid-assisted Preparation of Low Permittivity Flaky FeNiAbsorbent and Its Texture BehaviorWANG Rui a , WANG Feng a , XU Yifan b , GUAN Jianguo a,b , CHEN Zhihong c*(a. State Key Laboratory of Advanced Technology for Materials Synthesis and Processing, b. International School of Materials Science and Engineering, c. School of Science, Wuhan University of Technology, Wuhan 430070, China) ABSTRACT: The work aims to chemically adsorb a layer of small insulating molecules on the surface of microwave absorbent to prepare a low frequency wave absorbent of low permittivity and high corrosion resistance. The particle surface of alloywas treated by mechano-chemical ball milling to enhance the chemical adsorption between behenic acid and the absorbent, so as to prepare a flaky Fe 50Ni 50@behenic acid composite absorbent with low permittivity, smooth surface, high grain orientation and corrosion resistance. The behenic acid coating could regulate the cold-welding effect among powder, induce the slipping of Fe 50Ni 50 powder along the {111} crystal planes, and promote the formation of {001} texture in the powder. At the same time, the insulated and hydrophobic behenic acid coating could prevent the formation of conductive network among powder and reduce the permittivity of flaky Fe 50Ni 50. Thus, the powder had low permittivity, high permeability and corrosion resistance. In conclusion, Fe 50Ni 50@behenic acid wave absorbent particles show good low frequency wave absorption and corrosion resistance, which provides a new idea for developing new wave absorbing materials with excellent environmental resistance and strong low frequency wave absorption ability.KEY WORDS: electromagnetic absorbing material; mechano-chemical modification; fatty acid; low frequency;corrosion resistance第45卷第1期王睿,等:低介电片状FeNi吸波剂的山嵛酸辅助制备及其织构行为·263·近年来,随着雷达探测技术的发展,低频耐环境吸波材料变得越来越重要[1-3]。



3基金项目:国家自然科学基金资助项目(59971032);高等学校骨干教师资助计划资助项目收稿日期:2001201218文章编号:100129731(2002)022*******化学表面处理对Ni Ti 形状记忆合金耐蚀性的影响3朱胜利,杨贤金,崔振铎,郭光伟,姚康德(天津大学材料科学与工程学院,天津300072)摘 要: 通过化学表面处理在医用Ni Ti 形状记忆合金上形成了主要成分为羟基磷灰石的活钙磷层。

钙磷层的存在提高了Ni Ti 合金在模拟人体环境中的耐蚀性,抑制了Ni 离子在生物体内的溶出,改善了生物相容性。

关键词: Ni Ti 合金;化学表面处理;钙磷层;耐蚀性中图分类号: TB381 文献标识码:A1 引 言在外科修复过程中,常需要一些辅助的医疗器件植入体内来进行治疗。




Ni Ti 形状记忆合金是近些年来得到迅速发展的一种新型金属材料,因其优异的机械性能、独特的形状记忆效应和超弹性使其在牙齿整形、脊椎修复、断骨接合等方面得到应用[1~6]。

作为医用植入材料,Ni Ti 合金在人体环境下的腐蚀行为直接影响到其使用的安全性,另外,合金中金属以离子形式进入体内也可能对人体会造成伤害,因此对其耐蚀性的研究具有重要的意义[7~9]。

本文的研究目的是采用化学法对Ni Ti 合金进行表面处理,以改善在人体环境中的耐蚀性,抑制Ni 离子的溶出,提高其生物相容性。

2 实 验2.1 化学法表面处理试样尺寸为 3mm ×2mm ,Ni 、Ti 原子百分比各为50%,其表面用水砂纸打磨至600#,用去离子水、无水乙醇、丙酮依次清洗后,按以下步骤进行处理。

2.1.1 酸处理为了改善合金表面氧化层结构,配制一定浓度配比的浓硫酸与浓盐酸的混合溶液,恒温为40℃,把试样浸入20min ,取出清洗。




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第 1 章 绪论
1.1 AlN 的晶体结构与性质
AlN 是 Al 、 N 唯一稳定的化合物,图 1.1 为 AlN 的晶体结构图 [1] 。 AlN 具有 六方纤锌矿晶体结构, 6mm 点群, P6 3 mc 空间群, 晶格常数 a=0.311nm , c=0.498nm ; Al 原子与周围 4 个 N 原子形成一个四面体,其中 3 个 Al-N i ( i-1,2,3 )键,称之 为 B1 键;沿 c 轴方向的 Al-N 0 键称之为 B2 键;同理以 N 原子为中心也形成一个 四面体,两个四面体形成具有 C 3v 堆成的三棱柱;在 AlN 晶胞中,Al 和 N 原子均 形成四个 SP 3 杂化轨道, Al 原子有三个半满和一个空轨道, N 原子有三个半满和 一个全满轨道 [2] 。
湖南大学 硕士学位论文 反应磁控溅射沉积AlN薄膜取向结构与性能研究 姓名:门海泉 申请学位级别:硕士 专业:材料学 指导教师:肖汉宁;周灵平 20060401

择优取向 AlN 薄膜具有一系列独特的优良物理化学性质,在电子学、光学、 声学和力学等方面有广阔的应用前景。 本研究工作采用 MIS800 型多功能离子束磁控溅射复合镀膜设备制备择优取 向 AlN 薄膜。 首先,采用单靶反应磁控溅射沉积 AlN 薄膜,分析了溅射功率、靶基距等工 艺参数对 Fe 衬底上 AlN 薄膜择优取向生长的影响,运用动力学理论解释了工艺 参数影响 AlN 薄膜择优取向生长的机理。结果表明,溅射功率、靶基距等工艺参 数的变化引起沉积粒子的能量与通量的改变,导致各晶面生长速率不同,最终, “适者生存”,一定沉积条件下具有最高生长速率的晶面在 AlN 薄膜中占有优势 地位,AlN 薄膜具有该晶面的择优取向。研究中还发现不同择优取向 AlN 薄膜表 面形貌不同。 其次,采用能够有效提高薄膜生长速率及均匀性的双靶磁控溅射聚焦共沉积 AlN 薄膜,讨论了 Fe 衬底在样品台上不同位置与薄膜择优取向的关系,研究了工 作气压等工艺参数对 AlN 薄膜生长速率的影响。结果表明,双靶产生的等离子体 辉光对同一样品台上不同位置的衬底辐照不同, 导致各衬底表面温度分布不均匀, 相同工艺参数下具有不同的择优取向;永磁靶 b 辉光辐照的衬底表面温度高于永 磁靶 a 辉光辐照的衬底,且衬底表面温度越高,越有利于( 002 )晶面择优取向生 长;双靶聚焦共沉积可以有效地提高 AlN 薄膜生长速率,工作气压或 N 2 浓度的 升高不同程度上引起了薄膜生长速率的减小, 相对低的溅射沉积速率有利于 ( 002 ) 面择优取向生长。 最后,建立了表面驱动、界面驱动 AlN 薄膜择优取向生长模型,从热力学和 动力学的角度分析了表面与界面影响 AlN 薄膜择优取向生长的机理。本文还研究 了 N 2 浓度对 AlN 薄膜元素成份及电阻率的影响,并用划痕法测定了薄膜粘结强度。 关键词:反应磁控溅射; AlN 薄膜;择优取向;共沉积;生长速率;电阻率



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文章编号:100520299(2000)022*******Sn对烧结钕铁硼合金高温磁性能的影响及机制分析张正富,黄伯云,周科朝,左铁镛(中南工业大学粉末冶金国家重点实验室,湖南长沙410083)摘 要:研究了Sn对三元NdFeB合金和含Dy、Al的钕铁硼合金高温磁性能的影响.发现添加Sn在所有成分系统中,都能显著降低磁通不可逆损失.但是,Sn只对含Dy合金的矫顽力热稳定性有明显改善作用.从微磁学角度分析表明,对于三元NdFeB合金,不可逆损失减小的原因是Sn改善了显微组织,从而降低了合金内部的局部退磁场.而对于含Dy的合金,掺杂Sn使局部退磁场减小及矫顽力热稳定性改善,两者都对磁通不可逆损失降低有贡献.NdDyFeBSn合金矫顽力热稳定性改善的根本原因,仍然是局部有效退磁因子因掺杂Sn而减小.关键词:NdFeB磁体;掺杂;磁性能;稳定性中图分类号:T M271 文献标识码:A E ffect of Sn on stability of magnetic properties of NdFeB atelevated temperature and analysis of mechanismZH ANG Zheng2fu,H UANG Bai2yun,ZH OU K e2chao,Z UO T ie2y ong(S tate K ey Laboratory for P owder Metallurgy,Central S outh University of T echnology,Changsha410083,China)Abstract:Magnetic properties of sintered NdFeB with addition of Sn,Dy and Al were investigated with VS M and hysteresis ograph at various tem peratures.Irrevesible losses of magnetic flux are reduced apparently by doping with Sn.H owever,only coercivity stabilities of alloys doped with Sn are im proved.A fter analyzing with micromagnetic m odel,we find the reduction of effective demagnetization factor for NdFeBSn results in decrement of its Lirr.As for alloys doped with Sn,both reduction of N eff and im provement of coercivity stability contribute to decremetn of mag2 net′s Lirr.Essentially,the im provement of coercivity stability of NdDyFeBSn benefits from reduction of N eff.K ey w ords:NdFeB magnet;dopant;magnetic property;stability 钕铁硼合金具有优异的永磁性能,现已广泛用于微特电机、磁传动、磁分离等技术领域.但是,三元NdFeB合金具有较大的剩磁温度系数和矫顽力温度系数,妨碍了合金在较高温下正常工作.对于钕铁硼的大多数高温应用场合,矫顽力稳定性是限制其使用温度范围的主要因素[1].添加Dy、G a、V、Nb等元素[2,3]能有效地减小矫顽力温度系数,降低磁通不可逆损失.但是,这些元素的添加往往导致剩磁大幅降低.Velices2 cu[4]和桥本信也[5]等发现,Sn能显著改善Nd2收稿日期:1999-07-23作者简介:张正富(1967-),男,博士生.DyFeAlB合金的矫顽力热稳定性、降低磁通不可逆损失.桥本等用约0.1%Sn就使合金工作温度提高50℃,而对剩磁几乎无影响.下面进一步探讨Sn改善磁性能热稳定性的作用与Dy、Al的关系,并分析热稳定性改善的机制.1 实验方法 合金制备工艺见文献[6],成分见表1.开路磁通不可逆损失用感应线圈和DGY2B多功能永磁参量仪测.样品切割成Φ10×7,每个温度点保温约2h.高温磁滞回线用LD J9600型振动样品磁强计(VS M)测量,样品尺寸Φ2×4.用日立H9000分析电镜和J E O L733电子探针分析显微组织.第8卷 第2期 材 料 科 学 与 工 艺 V ol.8 N o.2 2000年6月 MATERI A L SCIE NCE&TECH NO LOGY Jun. 2000表1 合金成分(w /%)T able 1 Constituents of alloys (w/%)样品Nd Dy Fe B AlSnN 33.665.3 1.1B 33.664.8 1.10.5A 33.665.19 1.10.11F 33.664.891.10.110.3D 31.9166 1.1K 31.9165.7 1.10.3G 128.5466.2 1.10.2G 228.5466. 实验结果与讨论211 开路磁通不可逆损失测量开路磁通不可逆损失样品的室温性能见表2,表中H k 为内禀退磁曲线上μ0M r 下降10%所对应的外场,β3为退磁曲线方形度系数[7]:β3=(B H )maxB r22(1)开路磁通不可逆损失的计算公式为Lirr =B r (T 0)-B ′r (T 0)B r (T 0)×100%(2)式中B ′r (T 0)为经高温等温一定时间、再冷却到T 0温度后的剩磁.所分析合金在20~200℃范围内的开路磁通不可逆损失见图1.可见,虽然Nd 2FeBSn 合金在室温下的矫顽力低于三元NdFeB 合金,但是,在所有温度下,前者的开路磁通不可逆损失L i rr 都低于后者.NdFeAlB 合金中添加少量Sn(约0.3%),Lirr 也大幅减小;同样,在含Dy 的合金中,Sn 也能显著降低Lirr .图1 合金开路磁通不可逆损失随温度的变化Fig.1 T em perature dependeme of Lirr 对Dy 含量较高(4%),同时还含少量Al 的合金,Sn 降低Lirr 的作用最为显著.含有Sn 的合金G 20,室温下矫顽力仅比不含Sn 的合金G 10高约39.8kA/m ,两者退磁曲线方形度系数β3相当.但是,前者直到125℃开路磁通不可逆损失Lirr 仍为0,到175℃Lirr 还小于3%;而后者在150℃,Lirr 已大于3%.按Lirr <5%的温度作为工作温度上限,则含Sn 合金G 20的工作温度比G 10提高约30℃.表2 测量开路磁通不可逆损失样品的室温磁性能T able 2 Magnetic flux properties of irreversible loss samples measured at ambient temperature样品B r /TH ci /mA ・m -1H k /mA ・m -1(BH )max /k J ・m -3β3/%N 01.210.7560.652270.692.89B 0 1.150.7160.613246.793.76A 0 1.190.7160.621258.691.80F 0 1.150.7880.716250.793.76D 0 1.240.7160.652278.591.05K 0 1.180.7440.652248.389.63G 10 1.15 1.389 1.114250.794.45G 201.141.4321.146243.594.18212 矫顽力的热稳定性图2是N 、B 、A 、F 、D 、K 合金的矫顽力与温度关系.矫顽力平均温度系数用下式计算:βH C =H ci (T )-H ci (T 0)H ci (T 0)・(T -T 0)×100%(3) 20~250℃内计算所得的平均矫顽力温度系・66・ 材 料 科 学 与 工 艺 第8卷数见表3.可见,N、B、A、F样品的矫顽力随温度升高下降速率几乎一样.而含Dy的合金添加Sn后,矫顽力温度系数在整个温度范围内都有明显下降.说明要在Dy存在情况下,Sn改善矫顽力热稳定性的作用才能充分发挥.这与Dy在合金中能抑制Sn的负面效应有关[8].表3 20~250℃的平均矫顽力温度系数(%/℃)T able3 Average coefficients of coercivity between20℃and250℃(%/℃)t/℃N B A F D K 20~50-0.934-0.995-0.887-0.799-0.950-0.700 20~75-0.812-0.83720~100-0.707-0.707-0.685-0.670-0.772-0.635 20~125-0.643-0.63120~150-0.559-0.575-0.553-0.556-0.607-0.554 20~175-0.528-0.52520~200-0.483-0.481-0.474-0.479-0.507-0.465 20~225-0.443-0.44720~250-0.413-0.412-0.414-0.418-0.400图2 合金矫顽力与温度的关系Fig.2 C orrelation of H ci vs.t213 掺杂Sn后合金磁性能热稳定性改善的机制按照K ronmüller的微磁学矫顽力理论,磁体反磁化核形核场为[9]H N=αK H Nmin-N eff M s(4)式中H Nmin为取向最不利的晶粒的形核场,M s为饱和磁比强度,αK为反映晶粒表面缺陷对形核场影响程度的参数,N eff为局部有效退磁因子.用式(4)拟合不同温度下的矫顽力实验值,可求得参数αK 和N eff,见表4[8].由表可见,Sn能减小NdFeB及NdDyFeB合金的局部有效退磁因子N eff.原因是Sn能减少合金晶粒的尖锐棱、角,且改善富Nd相与基体2∶14∶1的润湿性(图3、图4).表4 合金的微磁学参数T able4 M icrostructural parameters of alloys 参 数N B A F D K αK0.7640.7060.7740.8070.8740.818 N eff 1.297 1.203 1.290 1.343 1.540 1.347图3 K合金的扫描电镜像Fig.3 SE M image for alloy K图4 K合金的透射电镜像(含Sn的富Nd相与基体润湿得较好)Fig.4 TE M image for alloy K(Wettability between matrix and Nd2rich phase containing Sn is better)・76・ 第2期 张正富,等:Sn对烧结钕铁硼合金高温磁性能的影响及机制分析 开路磁通不可逆损失,是由于磁体内部局部磁化状态不稳定的区域,在自身退磁场作用下发生磁化不可逆反转造成的.在三元NdFeB 中掺杂Sn ,可降低局部有效退磁因子N eff ,这样也就降低了作用于磁化不稳定区的局部有效退磁场.因而,磁化反转几率降低.这就是合金B 的Lirr 减小的原因.对于合金F ,它在室温下的矫顽力明显比不含Sn 的合金A 高.虽然它的矫顽力热稳定性与A 合金相当,但在较高温下,其反磁化势垒仍然比A 高.所以,含Sn 合金F 的Lirr 也降低.含Dy 、Sn 的K 合金相对于只含Dy 的D 合金,其局部有效退磁因子N eff 明显减小,且矫顽力热稳定性有显著改善.从而,K 合金内部局部退磁场得到减小,在较高温下其反磁化势垒也较高.因此,K 合金的Lirr 相对于D 合金明显减小.下面分析矫顽力热稳定性改善的机制.由微磁学分析可知,合金在20~150℃的反磁化过程由形核控制[8].将式(4)代入式(3)得βH C=αK H N min (T 2)-N eff M s (T 2)αK H N min (T 1)-N eff M s (T 1)-1×1T 2-T 1×100%.(5)在20℃和150℃时,HN min 分别为3.198mA/m 和2.106mA/m ;μ0M s 分别为1.61T 和1.36T [8].将它们代入式(5)可计算得出βH C 对αK 和N eff 的依赖关系,如图5.可见,N eff 减小或αK 增大都能减小βH C 、改善矫顽力热稳定性.图5 矫顽力温度系数βH C与αK 和N eff 的关系Fig.5 C orrelation of βH Cvs.αK and N eff K 合金与D 合金相比,N eff 明显减小,从而使βH C 也明显减小.Kronm üller 强调指出,对于Nd 2Fe 14B 相,由于其磁晶各向异性常数K 1随温度升高下降的速率远大于M s ,故在较高温下,退磁场对矫顽力的影响将更显著[10].分析结果与K ronm üller 的结论一致.然而,在三元NdFeB 中掺杂Sn ,虽然N eff 也减小,但是,αK 也明显减小.合金B 的矫顽力热稳定性没得到明显改善,原因是αK 减小对矫顽力热稳定性的危害超过了N eff 减小产生的有益作用.同样,由上述计算分析可知,NdFeAlBSn 合金相对于添加Sn 前,矫顽力热稳定性没有明显改善是N eff 增大的结果.在150℃以上,由微磁学分析可知,合金矫顽力由畴壁钉扎控制[8].而在钉扎情况下,合金矫顽力热稳定性更好[11].钉扎场公式为H c =2K 1μ0M s ・2δB3πr 0-N eff M s (6)式中,δB 为畴壁厚度,r 0为钉扎中心尺寸.用式(6)拟合150℃以上的矫顽力数据,可求得合金钉扎中心尺寸r 0[8].对K 合金和D 合金,r 0分别为6nm 和11nm.在150~250℃,畴壁厚度δB ≈4.5nm.因此,含Sn 的合金K 中形成的钉扎中心比D 合金的钉扎中心更为有效[12].从而,150℃以上K 合金矫顽力热稳定性改善的原因是,掺杂Sn 后合金中形成了更为有效的钉扎中心.3 结论 (1)在三元NdFeB 合金或含Dy 、Al 的合金中,Sn 都能降低开路磁通不可逆损失.而掺杂Sn 于含Dy 的合金中,能明显改善矫顽力热稳定性.(2)NdFeBSn 合金开路磁通不可逆损失Lirr降低的原因是,掺杂Sn 降低了合金内部的局部有效退磁场;对于NdFeAlBSn 合金,Lirr 降低则是由于Sn 提高了合金的室温矫顽力;而对于NdDyFeB 2Sn 合金,Sn 使N eff 减小,同时还使矫顽力热稳定性得到改善,两者都促使Lirr 得到减小.(3)NdDyFeBSn 合金矫顽力热稳定性得到改善的根本原因,仍然是掺杂Sn 减小了局部有效退磁因子N eff .・86・ 材 料 科 学 与 工 艺 第8卷参考文献:[1]HIROS AW A S,H ANAKI A,T OMIZ AW A H.Current sta2tus of Nd2Fe2B permanent magnet materials[J].Physica B,1990,164:117.[2]T OK UNAG A M,K OG URE H,E NDOH M.Im provementof thermal stability of Nd2Dy2Fe2C o2B sintered magnets byadditions of Al,Nb and G a[J].IEEE T rans Magn,1987,23(5):2287.[3]TE NAUD P,VI A L F,S AG AW A M.Im proved corrosionand tem perature behaviour of m odified Nd2Fe2B magnets[J].IEEE T rans Magn,1990,26(5):1930.[4]SCHREY P,VE LICESC U M.In fluence of Sn additions onthe magnetic and microstructural properties of Nd2Dy2Fe2Bmagnets[J].J Magn Magn Mater,1991,101:47. 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适度原则英文作文Title: The Principle of Moderation。

In a world of extremes, the principle of moderation stands as a beacon of balance and sensibility. Defined as avoiding excess or extremes, moderation is a guiding principle that fosters harmony and stability in various aspects of life. Whether it's in personal habits, social interactions, or societal policies, embracing moderation leads to healthier, more sustainable outcomes. This essay delves into the significance of the principle of moderation and its implications across different domains.First and foremost, moderation plays a crucial role in maintaining physical and mental well-being. In terms ofdiet and exercise, moderation ensures that individuals neither indulge excessively nor deprive themselves. Balanced nutrition and regular physical activity promote longevity and vitality, while excessive consumption or extreme diets can lead to health issues. Similarly, inmanaging emotions and stress, moderation encourages a healthy balance between work and relaxation. Overworking oneself can result in burnout and mental fatigue, whereas excessive leisure might lead to complacency and lack of productivity. By practicing moderation in lifestyle choices, individuals can optimize their overall well-being.Furthermore, moderation fosters stability in interpersonal relationships. In communication and behavior, moderation cultivates empathy, understanding, and respect.It involves neither dominating conversations nor remaining passive but rather engaging in constructive dialogue with a willingness to listen and compromise. Extremes such as aggression or passivity can strain relationships, while moderation encourages mutual trust and cooperation. Moreover, in conflicts and disagreements, moderation facilitates conflict resolution and reconciliation. By avoiding extreme reactions and seeking common ground, individuals can maintain harmonious relationships with others.In the realm of economics and finance, the principle ofmoderation is essential for sustainable growth and prosperity. In fiscal policies, moderation advocates for prudent spending, balanced budgets, and sustainable debt levels. Excessive borrowing or spending beyond means can lead to financial crises and instability. Similarly, in investment strategies, moderation advocates for diversification and risk management. Putting all resources into high-risk ventures can result in catastrophic losses, whereas a moderate approach spreads risk and ensures long-term stability. By adhering to principles of moderation in economic decisions, individuals and governments can foster economic resilience and prosperity.Moreover, moderation is instrumental in environmental conservation and sustainable development. In resource utilization, moderation promotes responsible consumption and conservation. Overexploitation of natural resources for short-term gains can lead to environmental degradation and ecological imbalance. Adopting sustainable practices such as recycling, energy conservation, and habitat preservation ensures the well-being of current and future generations. Additionally, in urban planning and industrial development,moderation advocates for balancing economic growth with environmental protection. Sustainable development goals prioritize moderation in resource use, pollution control, and climate action, aiming for a harmonious coexistence between human activities and the environment.In governance and politics, moderation is crucial for fostering inclusive and stable societies. In policy-making, moderation advocates for pragmatic solutions that consider diverse perspectives and interests. Extremist ideologies and policies often lead to polarization and social unrest, whereas moderation promotes compromise and consensus-building. By embracing moderation, governments can address societal challenges while respecting individual rights and freedoms. Furthermore, in political discourse and rhetoric, moderation encourages civility and tolerance. Respectful dialogue and constructive debate are essential for democratic societies to thrive, while extremism and intolerance breed division and conflict.In conclusion, the principle of moderation is a fundamental tenet that promotes balance, stability, andsustainability across various domains of human endeavor. From personal habits to societal policies, moderation serves as a guiding principle for optimal outcomes. By embracing moderation in lifestyle choices, interpersonal relationships, economic decisions, environmental practices, and governance, individuals and societies can navigate complexities and challenges with wisdom and prudence. As we strive for a better future, let us heed the wisdom of moderation in our actions and decisions, ensuring a world of harmony and well-being for generations to come.。



第40卷第2期2021年4月红外与毫米波学报J.Infrared Millim.Waves Vol.40,No.2 April,2021文章编号:1001-9014(2021)02-0184-05DOI:10.11972/j.issn.1001-9014.2021.02.008 Three-dimensional structure analysis of Schottky barrier diodein CMOS technology for terahertz imagingCUI Da-Sheng*,YANG Jia-Ming,YAO Hong-Xuan,LYU Xin(Beijing Key Laboratory of Millimeter Wave and Terahertz Technology,School of Information and Electrics,BeijingInstitute of Technology,Beijing100081,China)Abstract:A simple and effective design method for high cut-off frequency Schottky barrier diode is proposed andimplemented.The cut-off frequency of the processed Schottky barrier diode is about800GHz,which can reachabout1THz with the optimized parameters through the test results and simulation data in SMIC180nm process.The integrated detector including antennas,matching circuit and Schottky barrier diode is completed,whose test⁃ed responsivity could achieve130V/W and noise equivalent power is estimated to be400pW/Hz at220GHz.The imaging experiment of invisible liquid surface in ceramic bottles has been completed and good results havebeen achieved.Key words:complementary metal oxide semiconductor(CMOS),detector,imaging,Schottky barrier diode,terahertzPACS:07.57.Kp用于太赫兹成像的CMOS肖特基二极管三维结构研究崔大圣*,杨佳铭,姚宏璇,吕昕(北京理工大学信息与电子学院毫米波与太赫兹技术北京市重点实验室,北京100081)摘要:提出了一种简单、科学、有效的高截止频率肖特基势垒二极管设计方法。

Effect of alloying elements on the microstructure and mechanical properties of nanostructured

Effect of alloying elements on the microstructure and mechanical properties of nanostructured

LetterEffect of alloying elements on the microstructure and mechanical properties of nanostructured ferritic steels produced by spark plasmasinteringSomayeh Pasebani,Indrajit Charit ⇑Department of Chemical and Materials Engineering,University of Idaho,Moscow,ID 83844,USAa r t i c l e i n f o Article history:Received 23November 2013Received in revised form 23January 2014Accepted 29January 2014Available online 15February 2014Keywords:NanostructuresMechanical alloying Powder metallurgyTransmission electron microscopy High temperature alloya b s t r a c tSeveral Fe–14Cr based alloys with varying compositions were processed using a combined route of mechanical alloying and spark plasma sintering.Microstructural characteristics of the consolidated alloys were examined via transmission electron microscopy and atom probe tomography,and mechanical prop-erties evaluated using microhardness nthanum oxide (0.5wt.%)was added to Fe–14Cr leading to improvement in microstructural stability and mechanical properties mainly due to a high number den-sity of La–Cr–O-enriched nanoclusters.The combined addition of La,Ti (1wt.%)and Mo (0.3wt.%)to the Fe–14Cr base composition further enhanced the microstructural stability and mechanical properties.Nanoclusters enriched in Cr–Ti–La–O with a number density of 1.4Â1024m À3were found in this alloy with a bimodal grain size distribution.After adding Y 2O 3(0.3wt.%)along with Ti and Mo to the Fe–14Cr matrix,a high number density (1.5Â1024m À3)of Cr–Ti–Y–O-enriched NCs was also detected.For-mation mechanism of these nanoclusters can be explained through the concentrations and diffusion rates of the initial oxide species formed during the milling process and initial stages of sintering as well as the thermodynamic nucleation barrier and their enthalpy of formation.Ó2014Elsevier B.V.All rights reserved.1.IntroductionNanostructured ferritic steels (NFSs),a subcategory of oxide dis-persion strengthened (ODS)steels,have outstanding high temper-ature strength,creep strength [1,2]and excellent radiation damage resistance [3].These enhanced properties of NFSs have been attrib-uted to the high number density of Y–Ti–O-enriched nanoclusters (NCs)with diameter of 1–2nm [4].The Y–Ti–O-enriched NCs have been found to be stable under irradiation and effective in trapping helium [5].These NCs are formed due to the mechanical alloying (MA)of Fe–Cr–Ti powder with Y 2O 3during high energy ball milling followed by hot consolidation route such as hot isostatic pressing (HIP)or hot extrusion [6–8].Alinger et al.[4]have investigated the effect of alloying elements on the formation mechanism of NCs in NFSs processed by hot isostatic pressing (HIP)and reported both Ti and high milling energy were necessary for the formation of ler and Parish [9]suggested that the excellent creep properties in yttria-bearing NFSs result from the pinning of thegrain boundaries by a combined effect of solute segregation and precipitation.Although HIP and hot extrusion are commonly used to consoli-date the NFSs,anisotropic properties and processing costs are con-sidered challenging issues.Recently,spark plasma sintering (SPS)has been utilized to sinter the powder at a higher heating rate,low-er temperature and shorter dwell time.This can be done by apply-ing a uniaxial pressure and direct current pulses simultaneously to a powder sample contained in a graphite die [10].Except for a few studies on consolidation of simple systems such as Fe–9Cr–0.3/0.6Y 2O 3[11]and Fe–14Cr–0.3Y 2O 3[10],the SPS process has not been extensively utilized to consolidate the NFSs with complex compositions.Recently,the role of Ti and Y 2O 3in processing of Fe–16Cr–3Al–1Ti–0.5Y 2O 3(wt.%)via MA and SPS was investigated by Allahar et al.[12].A bimodal grain size distribution in conjunc-tion with Y–Ti–O-enriched NCs were obtained [12,13].In this study,Fe–14Cr (wt.%)was designed as the base or matrix alloy,and then Ti,La 2O 3and Mo were sequentially added to the ferritic matrix and ball milled.This approach allowed us to study the effect of individual and combined addition of solutes on the formation of NCs along with other microstructural evolutions.Furthermore,SPS instead of other traditional consolidation methods was used to consolidate the NFS powder.The mixture/10.1016/j.jallcom.2014.01.2430925-8388/Ó2014Elsevier B.V.All rights reserved.⇑Corresponding author.Tel.:+12088855964;fax:+12088857462.E-mail address:icharit@ (I.Charit).of Fe–Cr–Ti–Mo powder with Y2O3was also processed and characterized in a similar manner for comparison with the rest of the developed alloys.2.ExperimentalThe chemical compositions of all the developed alloys along with their identi-fying names in this study are given in Table1.High energy ball milling was per-formed in a SPEX8000M shaker mill for10h using Ar atmosphere with the milling media as steel balls of8mm in diameter and a ball to powder ratio(BPR) of10:1.A Dr.Sinter Lab SPS-515S was used to consolidate the as-milled powder at different temperatures(850,950and1050°C)for7min using the pulse pattern 12–2ms,a heating rate of100°C/min and a pressure of80MPa.The SPSed samples were in the form of disks with8mm in height and12mm in diameter.The density of the sintered specimens was measured by Archimedes’method. Vickers microhardness tests were performed using a Leco LM100microhardness tester operated at a load of1000g–f(9.8N).A Fischione Model110Twin-Jet Elec-tropolisher containing a mixture of CH3OH–HNO3(80:20by vol.%)as the electrolyte and operated at aboutÀ40°C was used to prepare specimens for transmission elec-tron microscopy(TEM).A FEI Tecnai TF30–FEG STEM operating at300kV was used. The energy dispersive spectroscopy(EDS)attached with the STEM was used to roughly examine the chemical composition of the particles.A Quanta3D FEG instrument with a Ga-ion source focused ion beam(FIB)was used to prepare spec-imens for atom probe tomography(APT)studies on14L,14LMT and14YMT sam-ples.The APT analysis was carried out using a CAMECA LEAP4000X HR instrument operating in the voltage mode at50–60K and20%of the standing volt-age pulse fraction.The atom maps were reconstructed using CAMECA IVAS3.6soft-ware and the maximum separation algorithm to estimate the size and chemical composition of NCs.This was applied to APT datasets each containing20–30million ions for each specimen.Lower evaporationfield of the nanoparticles and trajectory aberrations caused estimation of higher Fe atoms in the nanoclusters.Although the contribution of Fe atoms from the matrix was examined here,the matrix-correction was not addressed in this study.3.Results and discussionThe TEM brightfield micrographs for the various alloys SPSed at 950°C for7min are illustrated in Fig.1a–d.The microstructure of 14Cr alloy shown in Fig.1a revealed a complex microstructure with submicron subgrain-like structures,relatively high density of dislocations and low number density of oxide nanoparticles. The nanoparticles were larger(25–65nm)than the other SPSed al-loys and found to have chemical compositions close to Cr2O3and FeCr2O4as analyzed by energy dispersive spectroscopy.The microstructure of the consolidated14L alloy is shown in Fig.1b.The microstructure consisted of more ultrafine grains (<1l m but>100nm),a few nanograins with sharp boundaries and a higher number of nanoparticles mainly in the grain interiors. The number density of nanoparticles was higher than that of14Cr alloy shown in Fig.1a but lower than14LMT(Fig.1c)and14YMT (Fig.1d).In14L alloy,the nanoparticles with2–11nm in diameter were found inside the grains(hard to be observed at magnification given in Fig.1b and micrographs taken at higher magnifications was used for this purpose)whereas the nanoparticles with 50–80nm in diameter were located at the grain boundary regions. The particles on the boundaries are likely to be mainly Cr2O3and LaCrO3,but the chemical analysis of those smallest particles could not be done precisely due to the significant influence of the ferritic matrix.Fig.1c shows the microstructure of the SPSed14LMT alloy, consisting of both ultrafine grains(as defined previously)and nanograins(6100nm).The nanoparticles present in the micro-structure were complex oxides of Fe,Cr and Ti.The nanoparticles with faceted morphology and smaller than10nm in diameter were enriched in La and Ti.No evidence of stoichiometric La2TiO5or La2Ti2O7particles was observed based on the EDS and diffraction data.A similar type of microstructure was revealed in the SPSed 14YMT alloy as shown in Fig.1d.The particle size distribution histograms of the14Cr,14L, 14LMT and14YMT alloys are plotted in Fig.2a–d,respectively. Approximately1000particles were sampled from each alloy to de-velop the histograms.The average particle size decreased in order of14Cr,14L,14LMT and14YMT.The highest fraction of the particle size as shown in the histograms of14Cr,14L,14LMT and14YMT was found to be associated with25±5nm(18±2.5%),10±5nm (28±3%),5±1nm(40±6%)and5±1nm(46±5%)in diameter, respectively.The number density of nanoparticles smaller than 5±1nm was higher in14YMT than14LMT alloy.The3-D APT maps for14L alloy revealed a number density (%3Â1022mÀ3)of CrO–La–O-enriched NCs.The average Guinier radius of these NCs was1.9±0.6nm.The average composition of the NCs in14L was estimated by using the maximum separation algorithm to be Fe–17.87±3.4Cr–32.61±3.2O–8.21±1.1La(at.%).A higher number density(%1.4Â1024mÀ3)and smaller NCs with average Guinier radius of 1.43±0.20nm were observed in the APT maps for14LMT alloy as shown in Fig.3a.The NCs were Cr–Ti–La–O-enriched with the average composition of Fe–10.9±2.8Cr–30.9±3.1O–17.3±2.5Ti–8.2±2.2La(at.%).According to the LEAP measurements,the chemical composition of NCs dif-fered considerably from stoichiometric oxides.A large amount of Fe and Cr was detected inside the NCs,and La/Ti and La/O ratios were not consistent with La2TiO5or La2Ti2O7as expected based on thermodynamic calculations,rather the ratios were sub-stoichi-ometric.The3-D APT maps for14YMT alloy were similar to14YMT alloy as shown in Fig.3b.The NCs with an average radius of 1.24±0.2nm and a number density of1.5Â1024mÀ3were Cr–Ti–Y–O-enriched.The chemical composition of NCs was estimated close to Fe–8.52±3.1Cr–37.39±4.5O–24.52±3.1Ti–10.95±3.1Y (at.%).The matrix-corrected compositions are currently being ana-lyzed and will be reported in a full-length publication in near future.The relative density of various alloys sintered at850–1050°C is shown in Fig.4a.Generally,a higher density was obtained in the specimens sintered at higher temperatures.At850and950°C, the density of unmilled14Cr specimen(97.2%and97.5%)was higher than the milled/SPSed14Cr(92.8%and95.5%)because the unmilled powder particles were less hard(due to absence of strain hardening)and plastically deformed to a higher degree than the milled powder leading to a higher density.Adding0.5and 0.7wt.%of La2O3and0.3wt.%Y2O3to the14Cr matrix significantly decreased the density of the specimen,especially at850and 950°C;however,adding Ti to14L and14Y improved the density to some extent.The microhardness data of various alloys processed at different temperatures are shown in Fig.4b.In general,microhardness in-creased with increasing SPS temperatures up to950°C and then decreased.Both Y and La increased the hardness due to the disper-sion hardening effect.The hardness increased at the higher content of La due to the greater effect of dispersion hardening.Adding Ti separately to the14Cr matrix improved the hardness due to theTable1The alloy compositions and processing conditions(milled for10h and SPSed at850-1050°C for7min).Alloy ID Elements(wt.%)Cr Ti La2O3Y2O3Mo Fe14Cr-unmilled140000Bal.14Cr140000Bal.14T141000Bal.14L1400.500Bal.14Y14000.30Bal.14LM1400.500.3Bal.14LT1410.500Bal.14LMT(0.3)1410.300.3Bal.14LMT1410.500.3Bal.14LMT(0.7)1410.700.3Bal.14YMT14100.30.3Bal.S.Pasebani,I.Charit/Journal of Alloys and Compounds599(2014)206–211207dispersion hardening but only at lower temperature(850°C).The coarsening of Ti-enriched particles at above850°C plausibly decreased the hardness.However,at950°C,higher hardness (457HV)was achieved by a combined addition of La and Ti toFig.2.Particle size frequency histogram for(a)14Cr,(b)14L,(c)14LMT and(d)14YMT alloys. Fig.1.TEM brightfield micrographs for various alloys(a)14Cr,(b)14L,(c)14LMT and(d)14YMT.the14Cr matrix to produce14LT.Further addition of Mo to14LT improved the hardness through solid solution strengthening in 14LMT(495HV).High dislocation density and no well-defined grain boundaries were characteristics of14Cr alloy as shown in Fig.1a.The presence of a low number density and larger oxide particles(FeCr2O4and Cr2O3)at the boundaries could not create an effective pinning effect during sintering.As a result,some of these particles became confined within the grain interiors.The coarse grains had the capacity to produce and store high density of dislocations that subsequently resulted in the strain hardening effect.The hardening mechanism in14Cr alloy can thus be attributed to greater disloca-tion activities and resulting strain hardening effect.The grain boundary or precipitation hardening cannot be the dominant mechanism because of larger particles,greater inter-particle spac-ing and weakened Zener drag effect at the temperature of sinter-ing.Such strain hardening capability in nanocrystalline Fe consolidated via SPS was reported by other researchers,too [14,15].Interestingly,the high hardness in Fe–14Cr alloy consoli-dated via SPS at1100°C for4min by Auger et al.[10]wasFig.3.Three-dimensional atom maps showing NCs for(a)14LMT–91Â34Â30nm3and(b)14YMT–93Â30Â30nm3.Fig.4.(a)The relative density and(b)microhardness values for different SPSed alloys processed at different SPS temperatures for a dwell time of7min.attributed to the formation of martensitic laths caused by higher carbon content diffusing from the die,possible Cr segregation and rapid cooling during SPS.It is noteworthy to mention that no martensite lath was observed in the consolidated14Cr alloy in the present study.The level of solutes in the bcc matrix could be much greater than the equilibrium level,associated with a large number of vacancies created during milling.Our recent study[16]has shown that high energy ball milling has a complex role in initiating nucle-ation of La–Ti–O-enriched NCs in14LMT alloy powder,with a mean radius of%1nm,a number density of3.7Â10À24mÀ3and a composition of Fe–12.11Cr–9.07Ti–4.05La(at.%).The initiation of NCs during ball milling of NFSs has also been investigated by other researchers[8,17,18].According to Williams et al.[8],due to a low equilibrium solubility of O in the matrix,the precipitation of nanoparticles is driven by an oxidation reaction,subsequently resulting in reduction of the free energy.As the SPS proceeds,the number density of NCs would decrease and larger grain boundary oxides would form with the grain structure developing simulta-neously during the sintering process[8].Formation of larger grain boundary oxides as shown in Fig.1a could have been preceded by segregation of O and Cr to grain boundaries leading to a decrease in the level of the solutes in the ferritic matrix.The initial oxides forming in a chromium-rich matrix can be Cr2O3as suggested by Williams et al.[8].However,formation of LaCrO3in14L alloy (shown in Fig.1b)was associated with a higher reduction in the free energy according to the enthalpy of formation of various oxi-des given in Table2.The presence of nanoparticles caused grain boundary pinning and subsequently stabilized the nanocrystalline grains.The high density of defects(dislocations and vacancies)in a supersaturated solid solution,such as14LMT and14YMT alloys, could dramatically increase the driving force for accelerated sub-grain formation during the initial stage of sintering.At the initial stage,the vacancies created during the milling are annihilated [8,17].Meanwhile,the temperature is not high enough to produce a significant number of thermal vacancies;subsequently,any nucleation of new NCs will be prevented.As the SPS proceeds with no nucleation of new NCs,the high concentrations of extra solutes in the matrix are thermodynamically and kinetically required to precipitate out to form larger oxide particles.The larger solute-enriched oxide particles can be formed more favorably on the grain boundaries due to the higher boundary diffusivity.On the other hand,it should be considered that there is a dynamic plastic deformation occurring within the powder particles during SPS. The interaction of larger particles and dislocations introduced by dynamic hot deformation can explain the coarsening in some grains;because larger particles could not effectively pin the dislo-cations and the grain boundary migration could be facilitated fol-lowing the orientation with lower efficiency of Zener drag mechanism[19].Once the extra solutes present in the matrix pre-cipitated out,the microstructure will remain very stable because of the grain boundary pinning by triple-junctions of the grain bound-aries themselves[20],along with the high density of NCs and other ultrafine oxide particles[8].Further coarsening of the grains will be prevented even for longer dwell times at950°C.Therefore,a bi-modal grain size distribution emerged.The hardening of14LMT and14YMT alloys were attributed to a combined effect of solid solution strengthening,Hall-Petch strengthening and precipitation hardening.Based on the APT studies of the as-milled powder[16]and for-mation mechanism of the oxide particles suggested by Williams et al.[8]it could be speculated that in14LMT and14YMT alloys, Cr–O species formfirst and then absorb Ti and La/Y.This is associ-ated with a change in the interfacial energy of Cr–O species even though it is not thermodynamically the most favorable oxide.It has been established that the driving force for the oxide precipi-tates to form is the low solubility limit of oxygen in the ferritic ma-trix.The change in free energy due to oxidation reaction and nucleation of oxide nanoparticles is the leading mechanism[8].The majority of the oxygen required to generate the oxide nano-particles may be provided from the surface oxide during milling process.Furthermore,higher concentrations of Cr led to greater nucleation of Cr–O by influencing the kinetics of oxide formation. Concentrations and diffusivities of the oxide species along with the energy barrier for nucleation will control the nucleation of oxide nanoparticles.After the Cr–O formed during sintering,the Ti–O and Y/La-enriched clusters could form.The sub-stoichiome-tric NCs in14LMT and14YMT alloys were not due to insufficient level of O in the matrix[8].Formation of stoichiometric Y2Ti2O7 and Y2TiO5requires very high temperatures[8],which were outside the scope of this study.4.ConclusionThe SPSed Fe–14Cr alloy was found to have a higher hardness at room temperature due to the strain hardening effect.The stability of its microstructure at high temperatures was improved by addi-tion of La forming the Cr–La–O-enriched NCs.Adding La and Ti to Fe–14Cr matrix significantly improved the mechanical behavior and microstructural stability further due to the high number density of Cr–Ti–La–O-enriched NCs in14LMT alloy.It is demon-strated that the potential capability of La in developing new NFSs is promising but further investigations on their thermal and irradiation stability will still be required.AcknowledgementThis work was supported partly by the Laboratory Directed Research and Development Program of Idaho National Laboratory (INL),and by the Advanced Test Reactor National Scientific User Facility(ATR NSUF),Contract DE-AC07-05ID14517.The authors gratefully acknowledge the assistance of the staff members at the Microscopy and Characterization Suite(MaCS)facility at the Center for Advanced Energy Studies(CAES).References[1]M.J.Alinger,G.R.Odette,G.E.Lucas,J.Nucl.Mater.307–311(2002)484.[2]R.L.Klueh,J.P.Shingledecker,R.W.Swindeman,D.T.Hoelzer,J.Nucl.Mater.341(2005)103.[3]M.J.Alinger,G.R.Odette,D.T.Hoelzer,J.Nucl.Mater.329–333(2004)382.[4]M.J.Alinger,G.R.Odette,D.T.Hoelzer,Acta Mater.57(2009)392.Table2The standard enthalpies of formation of various oxide compounds at25°C[8,21,22].Element CompositionÀD H f(kJ molÀ1(oxide))Cr Cr2O31131CrO2583Fe Fe3O41118Fe2O3822Ti TiO543TiO2944Ti2O31522Ti3O52475Y Y2O31907YCrO31493Y2Ti2O73874La La2O31794La2Ti2O73855LaCrO31536210S.Pasebani,I.Charit/Journal of Alloys and Compounds599(2014)206–211[5]G.R.Odette,M.L.Alinger,B.D.Wirth,Annu.Rev.Mater.Res.38(2008)471.[6]ai,T.Okuda,M.Fujiwara,T.Kobayashi,S.Mizuta,H.Nakashima,J.Nucl.Sci.Technol.39(2002)872.[7]ai,M.Fujiwara,J.Nucl.Mater.307–311(2002)749.[8]C.A.Williams,P.Unifantowicz,N.Baluc,G.D.Smith,E.A.Marquis,Acta Mater.61(2013)2219.[9]ler,C.M.Parish,Mater.Sci.Technol.27(2011)729.[10]M.A.Auger,V.De Castro,T.Leguey,A.Muñoz,Pareja,R,J.Nucl.Mater.436(2013)68.[11]C.Heintze,M.Hernández-Mayoral, A.Ulbricht, F.Bergner, A.Shariq,T.Weissgärber,H.Frielinghaus,J.Nucl.Mater.428(2012)139.[12]K.N.Allahar,J.Burns,B.Jaques,Y.Q.Wu,I.Charit,J.I.Cole,D.P.Butt,J.Nucl.Mater.443(2013)256.[13]Y.Q.Wu,K.N.Allahar,J.Burns,B.Jaques,I.Charit,D.P.Butt,J.I.Cole,Cryst.Res.Technol.(2013)1,/10.1002/crat.201300173.[14]K.Oh-Ishi,H.W.Zhang Hw,T.Ohkubo,K.Hono,Mater.Sci.Eng.A456(2007)20.[15]B.Srinivasarao,K.Ohishi,T.Ohkubo,K.Hono,Acta Mater.57(2009)3277.[16]S.Pasebani,I.Charit,Y.Q.Wu, D.P.Butt,J.I.Cole,Acta Mater.61(2013)5605.[17]M.L.Brocq,F.Legendre,M.H.Mathon,A.Mascaro,S.Poissonnet,B.Radiguet,P.Pareige,M.Loyer,O.Leseigneur,Acta Mater.60(2012)7150.[18]M.Brocq,B.Radiguet,S.Poissonnet,F.Cuvilly,P.Pareige,F.Legendre,J.Nucl.Mater.409(2011)80.[19]H.K.D.H.Bhadeshia,Mater.Sci.Eng.A223(1997)64.[20]H.K.D.H.Bhadeshia,Mater.Sci.Technol.16(2000)1404.[21]W.Gale,T.Totemeier,Smithells Metals Reference Book,Amsterdam,Holland,2004.[22]T.J.Kallarackel,S.Gupta,P.Singh,J.Am.Ceram.Soc.(2013)1,http:///10.1111/jace.12435.S.Pasebani,I.Charit/Journal of Alloys and Compounds599(2014)206–211211。



第50卷第4期2021年4月应用化工Applied Chemical IndustryVol.50No.4Apr.2021多金属含铁氧化物活化过硫酸盐降解有机物研究进展官紫佳,黄海燕(中国石油大学(北京)理学院,北京102249)摘要:国内外学者们研究了不同含铁氧化物作为多相催化剂活化过硫酸盐进行氧化降解反应。


关键词:含铁氧化物;磁性MFe?0«;过硫酸盐活化;高级氧化;降解有机物中图分类号:TQ209文献标识码:A文章编号:1671-3206(2021)04-1049-07Progress in the degradation of organic matter byactivated persulfate from polymetallic iron oxidesGUAN Zi-jia,HUANG Hai-yan(College of Science,China University of Petroleum(Beijing),Beijing102249,China)Abstract:Scholars have studied different iron oxides as heterogeneous catalysts to activate persulfate for oxidative degradation.Based on the advanced oxidation technology,the paper reviews the research pro­gress in the activation of persulfate by polymetallic iron oxide, especially the magnetic material MFe2O4 (M=Cu,Co,Mn,elc.).The review introduces the characteristics of activated persulfate process of differ­ent polymetallic iron oxides from the aspects of preparation methods,characteristics of oxides,types of degradation,organics,the degradation process,and degradation efficiency.The paper summarizes the re­search progress of this process with other persulfate activation technology(activated carbon activation,e-lectrical activation)in the synergistic treatment of refractory organics,discussed advantages and disadvan­tages of degradation of organic matter by activated persulfate by the polymetallic iron oxides,and the ap­plication prospect of this technology.Key words:iron oxide;magnetic MFe204;persulfate activation;advanced oxidation;degradation of or­ganic matter近年来,过硫酸盐氧化处理技术是现阶段应用比较广泛的高级氧化技术。



摒弃看客心态作文题目英文回答:Title: Abandoning the Spectator Mentality.As an individual who has always been an advocate for active participation and engagement, I firmly believe in the importance of abandoning the spectator mentality. This mindset, which often results in passivity and detachment, hinders personal growth and societal progress.Firstly, adopting a spectator mentality limits our potential for personal development. By merely observing and not actively participating, we miss out on valuable opportunities for learning and self-improvement. For instance, imagine a student who attends a lecture but does not actively engage with the material or ask questions. They may leave the lecture hall with a superficial understanding of the topic, whereas a student who actively participates by asking questions and engaging indiscussions will gain a deeper understanding and enhance their learning experience.Furthermore, the spectator mentality also hampers our ability to contribute to society. In order to effect meaningful change, it is essential to actively participate and engage in the issues that affect us. Take, for example, a community facing environmental challenges. If individuals adopt a spectator mentality and simply observe the degradation of their surroundings without taking any action, the community will continue to suffer. However, by actively participating in initiatives such as clean-up campaigns or advocating for sustainable practices, individuals can makea tangible difference and inspire others to do the same.Moreover, the spectator mentality can lead to a senseof detachment and apathy towards the world around us. When we choose to be passive observers, we disconnect ourselves from the experiences and emotions of others. This canresult in a lack of empathy and understanding, which are crucial for building strong relationships and fostering a sense of community. By actively engaging with others,whether it be through volunteering, participating in group activities, or simply having meaningful conversations, we can develop a deeper sense of connection and understanding.中文回答:题目,摒弃看客心态。



氧化铝陶瓷火花塞绝缘体English response:Ceramic insulators made from aluminum oxide are widely used in spark plugs due to their exceptional properties. Here are the key characteristics and benefits of aluminum oxide ceramic spark plug insulators:1. High electrical resistance: Aluminum oxide is an excellent electrical insulator, preventing electrical current from leaking through the spark plug insulator. This characteristic is crucial for ensuring proper ignition and preventing short circuits.2. High mechanical strength: Aluminum oxide ceramics exhibit high mechanical strength and durability, enabling them to withstand the harsh operating conditions within an engine. They can endure high temperatures, pressure, and vibration without compromising their integrity.3. Good thermal conductivity: While aluminum oxide is an electrical insulator, it possesses good thermal conductivity. This property allows heat to be dissipated from the spark plug, preventing excessive heat buildup and ensuring optimal performance.4. Resistance to fouling: Aluminum oxide ceramics are resistant to fouling, which is the accumulation of combustion deposits on the spark plug insulator. This resistance helps maintain the spark plug's efficiency and longevity.5. High-temperature stability: Aluminum oxide ceramics exhibit excellent high-temperature stability, making them suitable for use in high-performance engines that operate at elevated temperatures. They can withstand the extreme heat and thermal cycling without degradation or failure.6. Chemical inertness: Aluminum oxide ceramics are chemically inert, meaning they do not react with most chemicals or gases found in an engine's combustion chamber. This inertness ensures long-term stability and reliability.Overall, aluminum oxide ceramics offer an ideal combination of electrical, mechanical, and thermal properties, making them the material of choice for spark plug insulators in various engine applications.中文回答:氧化铝陶瓷火花塞绝缘体广泛应用于火花塞中,这是因为它们具有优异的性能。



第52卷第6期2021年6月中南大学学报(自然科学版)Journal of Central South University (Science and Technology)V ol.52No.6Jun.2021烧结燃料对烟气中挥发性有机物释放的影响李俊杰1,2,魏进超1,王毅璠3,罗云飞3,余正伟3,李杰民3,龙红明3,4(1.中冶长天国际工程有限责任公司,湖南长沙,410205;2.中国科学院过程工程研究所,北京,100190;3.安徽工业大学冶金工程学院,安徽马鞍山,243032;4.安徽工业大学冶金工程与资源综合利用安徽省重点实验室,安徽马鞍山,243002)摘要:采用PF-300便携式甲烷、总烃、非甲烷总烃测试仪对烧结杯试验产生的烟气挥发性有机物含量进行分析,研究混合料水分、固体燃料质量分数和燃料种类对烧结烟气挥发性有机物释放的影响。


关键词:烧结;固体燃料;挥发性有机物;甲烷;非甲烷总烃中图分类号:TQ132.32文献标志码:A文章编号:1672-7207(2021)06-2062-09Effect of fuel on volatile organic compounds release in sinter flue gasLI Junjie 1,2,WEI Jinchao 1,WANG Yifan 3,LUO Yunfei 3,YU Zhengwei 3,LI Jiemin 3,LONG Hongming 3,4(1.Zhongye Changtian International Engineering Co.Ltd.,Changsha 410205,China;2.Institute of Process Engineering,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100190,China;3.School of Metallurgical Engineering,Anhui University of Technology,Maanshan 243002,China;4.Anhui Province Key Laboratory of Metallurgy Engineering &Resources Recycling,Anhui University ofTechnology,Maanshan 243002,China)Abstract:The PF-300portable total hydrocarbon tester to test methane(MHC),total hydrocarbon,non-methane (NMHC)was used to analyze the volatile organic content(VOC)of the flue gas generated in the sintering cup test.The effects of mixture moisture,solid fuel ratio and fuel type on volatile organic compounds release from sintering flue gas were studied.The results show that the volatile organic compounds are continuously released during the收稿日期:2020−12−10;修回日期:2021−03−15基金项目(Foundation item):国家自然科学基金重点资助项目(U1660206);国家自然科学基金面上资助项目(51674002)(Project(U1660206)supported by the Key Program of the National Natural Science Foundation of China;Project(51674002)supported DOI:10.11817/j.issn.1672-7207.2021.06.036引用格式:李俊杰,魏进超,王毅璠,等.烧结燃料对烟气中挥发性有机物释放的影响[J].中南大学学报(自然科学版),2021,52(6):2062−2070.Citation:LI Junjie,WEI Jinchao,WANG Yifan,et al.Effect of fuel on volatile organic compounds release in sinter flue gas[J].Journal of Central South University(Science and Technology),2021,52(6):2062−2070.第6期李俊杰,等:烧结燃料对烟气中挥发性有机物释放的影响sintering process,and the emission concentration is significantly reduced in the last third of the sintering process.Suitable moisture and lower solid fuel consumption are beneficial to reduce volatile organic compounds emissions.The emission of volatile organic compounds in fuel is significantly higher than that of coke powder,and the total amount of emissions is positively correlated to the volatile content of solid fuels,while the amount of NMHC produced is not affected by the type of fuel,which indicates that volatile content is not the decisive factor for NMHC generation.Key words:sintering;solid fuel;VOC;MHC;NMHC挥发性有机物(volatile organic compounds,VOCs)指常温常压下饱和蒸汽压大于70Pa、沸点小于260℃或在20℃条件下蒸汽压大于10Pa且具有挥发性的全部有机化合物,主要包括脂肪族和芳香族的各种烷烃、烯烃、含氧烃和卤代烃等[1−3]。







使用X 射线衍射(XRD)、扫描电子显微镜(SEM)、维卡硬度测试仪等对样品进行表征。



Abstract: This paper will research the influence of inclined sputtering and Nd doping on the high-frequency soft magnetic properties of CoZr thin films. CoZr alloy has good high-frequency soft magnetic properties and has been widely used in inductors,transformers and other fields. However, there is still much room for improvement in its high-frequency soft magnetic properties. In this paper, CoZr thin films were prepared by inclined sputtering technology, and Nd was added at different concentrations during the preparation process. The samples were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), Vickers hardness tester, etc. By testing performance parameters such as saturation magnetic induction intensity (Bs), resonance frequency (fr), and loss factor (tanδ), the influence of inclined sputtering and Nd doping on the high-frequency soft magnetic properties of CoZr thin films were analyzed.Keywords: inclined sputtering; Nd doping; CoZr thin film; high-frequency soft magnetic performance; saturation magnetic induction intensity; resonance frequency; loss factor.。



不锈钢钝化膜显色检测评估及其在核电不锈钢阀门的应用杨树凯;程从前;赵杰【摘要】This paper expounds the color-change detection characteristic on stainless steel passivation films with the laboratory result and application in nuclear power plants. Compared with the blue point solution, the Ferroin solution has higher stability according to Laboratory comparative analysis, and the blue spot solution can cause the surface damage of the stainless steel . Stainless steel valve results agree with experimental results show that the sensitivity of blue point solution decreasedsignificantly .Therefore, It is proposed that the Ferroin solution is superior to blue dot solution during the evaluation on stainless steel facilities in nuclear power plants.%通过实验室与核电站应用比较了邻菲罗啉和蓝点法两种不锈钢钝化膜的显色检测特征.实验室对比分析表明邻菲罗啉溶液较蓝点溶液具有较高的稳定性,而蓝点溶液会造成不锈钢表面的潜在损伤.核电不锈钢阀门检查结果表明蓝点溶液检测灵敏度波动性较大,与实验结果一致.因此邻菲罗啉溶液在核电站不锈钢设备钝化膜评估中具有更高的适用性.【期刊名称】《全面腐蚀控制》【年(卷),期】2016(030)001【总页数】5页(P28-32)【关键词】不锈钢;钝化膜;显色检测;核电站【作者】杨树凯;程从前;赵杰【作者单位】苏州热工研究院有限公司,江苏苏州 215004;大连理工大学材料科学与工程学院,辽宁大连 116085;大连理工大学材料科学与工程学院,辽宁大连116085;大连理工大学材料科学与工程学院,辽宁大连 116085【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TG174;TB304奥氏体不锈钢因其优良耐蚀性,在核电站关键设备得以广泛运用。




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改检索“生产金属钠”检索出记录15 条,数量适中1、利用金属钠制备甲醇钠的生产工艺孙向东孙旭东张慧波王庆薛永江3、金属钠的应用及生产工艺张莉王树轩青海大学学报(自然科学版) 2006年第04期2)万方数据库:检索“生产*金属钠”,检索出记录38条。

如下图:1 无机盐改性钠水玻璃富锌涂料的制备和流变学性能[学位论文] 杨巧,2008 - 武汉工业学院武汉工业学院:应用化学2粗锂脱钠的真空蒸馏研究[学位论文] 魏剑,2003 - 昆明理工大学昆明理工大学:有色金属冶3)维普资讯网(《中文科技期刊数据库》(全文版)):检索“生产金属钠“得到零条结果;用“金属钠”单一算式检索,检索出记录169 条。

6、标示原文线索:1、《高纯度固体叔丁醇钠安全生产技术》技术与市场-2011年4期2、《金属钠生产过程中危险有害因素分析》吴朝香广州化工-2010年8期1、检索课题名称:电解法生产金属钠2、课题分析:中文关键词:1 电解法 2 金属钠 3 生产英文关键词:(1)Electrolytic method(2 )Sodium metal(3 )produce3、选择收索引擎:1谷歌(google)2百度(baidu)3元收索(InfoSpace、Dogpile、Vivisimo、圣博牛收)4、构建检索策略:检索算法:(生产)*电解法*金属钠文献范围:期刊论文、学位论文、会议论文、专著使用学术文献检索、选择。






化学纤维 (man-made fiber, chemical fiber)化学纤维是用天然的或合成的高聚物为原料,主要经过化学方法加工制成的纤维。


芯片(COMS chip)芯片是含有一系列电子元件及其连线的小块硅片,主要用于计算机和其他电子设备。

光导纤维(optical waveguide fibre)光以波导方式在其中传输的光学介质材料,简称光纤。

激光(laser)(light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation简写为: laser)激光是利用辐射计发光放大原理而产生的一种单色(单频率)、定向性好、干涉性强、能量密度高的光束。


仿生材料(biomimetic matorials)仿生材料是模仿生物结构或功能,人为设计和制造的一类材料。

材料科学(materials science)材料科学是一门科学,它从事于材料本质的发现、分析方面的研究,它的目的在于提供材料结构的统一描绘,或给出模型,并解释这种结构与材料的性能之间的关系。

材料工程(materials engineering)材料工程属技术的范畴,目的在于采用经济的、而又能为社会所接受的生产工艺、加工工艺控制材料的结构、性能和形状以达到使用要求。

材料科学与工程(materials science and engineering)材料科学与工程是研究有关材料的成份、结构和制造工艺与其性能和使用性能间相互关系的知识及这些知识的应用,是一门应用基础科学。

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