LPSP a linear plan-level stochastic planner, unpublished, available from httpwww.cs.ubc.cas


optimal operation of multireservoir systems

optimal operation of multireservoir systems

Optimal Operation of Multireservoir Systems:State-of-the-Art ReviewJohn badie,M.ASCE 1Abstract:With construction of new large-scale water storage projects on the wane in the U.S.and other developed countries,attention must focus on improving the operational effectiveness and efficiency of existing reservoir systems for maximizing the beneficial uses of these projects.Optimal coordination of the many facets of reservoir systems requires the assistance of computer modeling tools to provide information for rational management and operational decisions.The purpose of this review is to assess the state-of-the-art in optimization of reservoir system management and operations and consider future directions for additional research and application.Optimization methods designed to prevail over the high-dimensional,dynamic,nonlinear,and stochastic characteristics of reservoir systems are scrutinized,as well as extensions into multiobjective optimization.Application of heuristic programming methods using evolutionary and genetic algorithms are described,along with application of neural networks and fuzzy rule-based systems for inferring reservoir system operating rules.DOI:10.1061/͑ASCE ͒0733-9496͑2004͒130:2͑93͒CE Database subject headings:Reservoir operation;State-of-the-art reviews;Optimization models;Stochastic models;Linear programming;Dynamic programming;Nonlinear programming.IntroductionAccording to the World Commission on Dams ͑WCD 2000͒,many large storage projects worldwide are failing to produce the level of benefits that provided the economic justification for their development.This may be due in some instances to an inordinate focus on project design and construction,with inadequate consid-eration of the more mundane operations and maintenance issues once the project is completed.Performance related to original project purposes may also be undermined when new unplanned uses arise that were not originally considered in the project au-thorization and development.These might include municipal/industrial water supply,minimum streamflow requirements for environmental and ecological concerns,recreational enhance-ment,and accommodating shoreline encroachment and develop-ment.Although there may exist some degree of commensurability among these diverse project purposes,there is more often conflict and competition,particularly during pervasive drought condi-tions.In addition,performance of publically owned reservoir sys-tems is often restricted by complex legal agreements,contracts,federal regulations,interstate compacts,and pressures from vari-ous special interests.With construction of new large-scale water storage projects at a virtual standstill in the U.S.and other developed countries,along with an increasing mobilization of opposition to large stor-age projects in developing countries,attention must focus on im-proving the operational effectiveness and efficiency of existing reservoir systems for maximizing the beneficial uses of these projects.In addition,many of the adverse impacts of large storage projects on aquatic ecosystems can be minimized through im-proved operations and added facilities,as demonstrated by the Tennessee Valley Authority ͑TV A ͒͑Higgins and Brock 1999͒.Construction of bottom outlets or selective withdrawal structures can pass sediments downstream and improve water quality con-ditions.Unfortunately,many existing reservoir operational poli-cies fail to consider a multifacility system in a fully integrated manner,but rather emphasize operations for individual projects.However,the need for integrated operational strategies confronts system managers with a difficult task.Expanding the scope of the working system for more integrated analysis greatly multiplies the potential number of alternative operational policies.This is further complicated by conflicting objectives and the uncertainties associated with future hydrologic conditions,including possible impacts of climate change.Optimal coordination of the many facets of reservoir systems requires the assistance of computer modeling tools to provide information for rational operational puter simula-tion models have been applied for several decades to reservoir system management and operations within many river basins.Many models are customized for the particular system,but there is also substantial usage of public domain,general-purpose mod-els such as HEC 5͑Hydrologic Engineering Center 1989͒,which is being updated as HEC RESSIM to include a Windows-based graphical user interface ͑Klipsch et al.2002͒.Spreadsheets and generalized dynamic simulation models such as STELLA ͑High Performance Systems,Inc.͒are also popular ͑Stein et al.2001͒.Other similar system dynamics simulation models include POW-ERSIM ͑Powersim,Inc.͒applied by Varvel and Lansey ͑2002͒,and VENSIM ͑Ventana Systems,Inc.͒applied by Caballero et al.͑2001͒.These simulation or descriptive models help answer what if questions regarding the performance of alternative operational strategies.They can accurately represent system operations and1Professor,Dept.of Civil Engineering,Colorado State Univ.,Ft.Collins,CO 80523-1372.E-mail:labadie@Note.Discussion open until August 1,2004.Separate discussions must be submitted for individual papers.To extend the closing date by one month,a written request must be filed with the ASCE Managing Editor.The manuscript for this paper was submitted for review and pos-sible publication on August 22,2002;approved on November 27,2002.This paper is part of the Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management ,V ol.130,No.2,March 1,2004.©ASCE,ISSN 0733-9496/2004/2-93–111/$18.00.D o w n l o a d e d f r o m a s c e l i b r a r y .o r g b y D A L I A N U N I VE R S I T Y OF o n 06/04/14. C o p y r i g h t A S C E . F o r p e r s o n a l u s e o n l y ; a l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d .are useful for Monte Carlo analysis in examining long-term reli-ability of proposed operating strategies.They are ill-suited,how-ever,to prescribing the best or optimum strategies when flexibil-ity exists in coordinated system operations.Prescriptive optimization models offer an expanded capability to systemati-cally select optimal solutions,or families of solutions,under agreed upon objectives and constraints.The purpose of this paper is to assess the state-of-the-art in reservoir system optimization models and consider future direc-tions.This is an update of a review that appeared in Water Re-sources Update published by The Universities Council on Water Resources ͑UCOWR ͒͑Labadie 1997͒.The focus is primarily on optimization of systems of reservoirs,rather than a single reser-voir.This is not meant to imply that single reservoir optimization is unimportant,but rather the substantial technological challenges and rewards abide with integrated optimization of interconnected reservoir systems.Optimization methods designed to prevail over the high-dimensional,dynamic,nonlinear,and stochastic charac-teristics of reservoir systems are scrutinized,as well as extensions into multiobjective optimization.Heuristic programming methods using evolutionary and genetic algorithms are described,along with the application of artificial neural networks and fuzzy rule-based systems for inferring reservoir system operating policies.Overcoming Hindrances to Reservoir System OptimizationDespite several decades of intensive research on the application of optimization models to reservoir systems,authors such as Yeh ͑1985͒and Wurbs ͑1993͒have noted a continuing gap between theoretical developments and real-world implementations.Pos-sible reasons for this disparity include:͑1͒many reservoir system operators are skeptical about models purporting to replace their judgment and prescribe solution strategies and feel more comfort-able with use of existing simulation models;͑2͒computer hard-ware and software limitations in the past have required simplifi-cations and approximations that operators are unwilling to accept;͑3͒optimization models are generally more mathematically com-plex than simulation models,and therefore more difficult to com-prehend;͑4͒many optimization models are not conducive to in-corporating risk and uncertainty;͑5͒the enormous range and varieties of optimization methods create confusion as to which to select for a particular application;͑6͒some optimization methods,such as dynamic programming,often require customized program development;and ͑7͒many optimization methods can only pro-duce optimal period-of-record solutions rather than more useful conditional operating rules.Optimal period-of-record solutions are criticized in the Engineer Manual on Hydrologic Engineering Requirements for Reservoirs ͑U.S.Army Corps of Engineers 1997;pp.4–5͒,where it is stated that ‘‘...the basis for the system operation are not explicitly defined.The post processing of the results requires interpretation of the results in order to develop an operation plan that could be used in basic simulation and applied operation.’’Many of these hindrances to optimization in reservoir system management are being overcome through ascendancy of the con-cept of decision support systems and dramatic advances in the power and affordability of desktop computing hardware and soft-ware.Several private and public organizations actively incorpo-rate optimization models into reservoir system management through the use of decision support systems ͑Labadie et al.1989͒.Incorporation of optimization into decision support systems has reduced resistance to their use by placing emphasis on optimiza-tion as a tool controlled by reservoir system managers who bear responsibility for the success or failure of the system to achieve its prescribed goals.This places the focus on providing support for the decision makers,rather than overly empowering computer programmers and modelers.An example of an optimization model incorporated into a de-cision support system ͑DSS ͒is the MODSIM river basin network flow model ͑Labadie et al.2000͒,which is currently being used by the U.S.Bureau of Reclamation for operational planning in the Upper Snake River Basin,Idaho ͑Larson et al.1998͒.The Windows-based graphical user interface ͑GUI ͒in MODSIM al-lows the user to create any reservoir system topology by simply clicking on various icons and placing system objects in any de-sired configuration on the screen.Data structures embodied in each model object on the screen are controlled by a database management system,with formatted data files prepared interac-tively and a network flow optimization model automatically ex-ecuted from the interface.Results of the optimization are pre-sented in useful graphical plots,or even customized reports available through a scripting language included with MODSIM .Complex,non-network constraints on the optimization in MOD-SIM are incorporated through an iterative procedure using the embedded PERL scripting language.RiverWare ͑Zagona et al.1998͒affords similar DSS functionality with an imbedded pre-emptive goal programming model providing the optimization ca-pabilities.RiverWare has been successfully applied to the TV A system for operational planning ͑Biddle 2001͒.Although lacking a generalized Windows-based graphical user interface,CALSIM has been developed by the California Depart-ment of Water Resources to allow specification of objectives and constraints in strategic reservoir systems planning and operations without the need for reprogramming ͑Munevar and Chung 1999͒.Similar to the use of PERL script in MODSIM,CALSIM employs an English-like modeling language called WRESL ͑Water Re-sources Engineering Simulation Language ͒that allows planners and operators to specify targets,objectives,guidelines,con-straints,and associated priorities,in ways familiar to them.Simple text file output,along with time series and other data read from relational data bases,are passed to a mixed integer linear programming solver for period by period solution.CALSIM II replaces the DWRSIM and PROSIM models that required con-tinual reprogramming as new objectives and constraints were specified,for coordinated operation of the Federal Central Valley and California State Water Projects.OASIS ͑HydroLogics,Inc.͒is a similar modeling package to CALSIM that uses an Operations Control Language ͑OCL ͒for developing linear programming models for multiobjective analysis of water resource systems.The explosion of readily available information through the In-ternet has increased the availability of advanced optimization methods and provided freely accessible software and data re-sources for successful implementation.Many powerful optimiza-tion software packages are available through the Internet,such as from the Optimization Technology Center ͑Northwestern Univer-sity and Argonne National Laboratory,Argonne,Illinois ͒at ͗/otc/otc.html ͘.In addition,several spreadsheet software packages available on desktop computers include linear and nonlinear programming solvers in their numeri-cal toolkits.The generalized dynamic programming package CSUDP ͑Labadie 1999͒facilitates the use of dynamic program-ming models,avoiding the need to develop new code for each application.CSUDP software is freeware and can be downloaded at ͗ftp:///distrib/͘.D o w n l o a d e d f r o m a s c e l i b r a r y .o r g b y D A L I A N U N I VE R S I T Y OF o n 06/04/14. 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F o r p e r s o n a l u s e o n l y ; a l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d .The power and speed of the modern desktop computer have reduced the degree of simplifications and approximations in res-ervoir system optimization models required in the past,and opened the door to greater realism in optimization modeling.The primacy of the system manager over the model is also empha-sized in the incorporation of knowledge-based expert systems into reservoir system modeling which recognize the value of the in-sights and experience of reservoir system operators.Despite these advances,optimization of the operation of an integrated system of reservoirs still remains a daunting task,particularly with attempts to realistically incorporate hydrologic uncertainties.Reservoir System Optimization Problem Objective FunctionAccording to the ASCE Task Committee on Sustainability Crite-ria ͑1998͒,‘‘Sustainable water resource systems are those de-signed and managed to fully contribute to the objectives of soci-ety,now and in the future,while maintaining their ecological,environmental and hydrological integrity.’’Objective functions used in reservoir system optimization models should incorporate measures such as efficiency ͑i.e.,maximizing current and future discounted welfare ͒,survivability ͑i.e.,assuring future welfare ex-ceeds minimum subsistence levels ͒,and sustainability ͑i.e.,maxi-mizing cumulative improvement over time ͒.Loucks ͑2000͒states that ‘‘sustainability measures provide ways by which we can quantify relative levels of sustainability...One way is to express relative levels of sustainability as separate weighted combinations of reliability,resilience and vulnerability measures of various cri-teria that contribute to human welfare and that vary over time and space.These criteria can be economic,environmental,ecological,and social.’’The strategy of shared vision modeling ͑Palmer 2000͒is useful for enhancing communication among impacted stakeholders and attaining consensus on planning and operational goals.A generalized objective function for deterministic reservoir system optimization can be expressed asmax ͑or min ͒r͚t ϭ1T␣t f t ͑s t ,r t ͒ϩ␣T ϩ1␸T ϩ1͑s T ϩ1͒(1)where r t ϭn -dimensional set of control or decision variables ͑i.e.,releases from n interconnected reservoirs ͒during period t ;T ϭlength of the operational time horizon;s t ϭn -dimensional state vector of storage in each reservoir at the beginning of period t ;f t (s t ,r t )ϭobjective to be maximized ͑or minimized ͒;␸T ϩ1(s T ϩ1)ϭfinal term representing future estimated benefits ͑or costs ͒be-yond time horizon T ;and ␣t ϭdiscount factors for determining present values of future benefits ͑or costs ͒.The dynamic nature of this problem reflects the need to repre-sent an uncertain future for sustainable water management;i.e.,‘‘...a future we cannot know,but which we can surely influence’’͑Loucks 2000͒.The time step t used in this formulation may be hourly,daily,weekly,monthly,or even seasonal,depending on the nature and scope of the reservoir system optimization prob-lem.Hierarchical strategies may also be pursued whereby results from long-term monthly or seasonal studies provide input to more detailed short-term operations over hourly or daily time periods ͑Becker and Yeh 1974;Divi and Ruiu 1989͒.The objective function may be highly nonlinear,such as for maximizing hydropower generationf t ͑s t ,r t ͒ϭ͚i ϭ1nK •e i ͑s it ,s i ,t ϩ1,r it ͒•h ¯it ͑s it ,s i ,t ϩ1͒•r it •⌬t it (2)where e i ϭoverall powerplant efficiency at reservoir i as a func-tion of average head and discharge during period t ;h ¯it ϭaveragehead as a function of beginning and ending period storage levels ͑calculated from the reservoir mass balance or system dynamics equation ͒,as well as possibly the discharge if tailwater effects are included;K ϭunit conversion factor;and ⌬t it ϭnumber of on-peak hours related to the load factor for powerplant i .This is a highly nonconvex function characterized by many local maxima ͑Tauxe et al.1980͒,and may be discontinuous and nondifferentiable if loading of individual turbines in the powerplant is considered.Other objective functions related to vulnerability criteria may at-tempt to minimize deviations from ideal target storage levels,water supply deliveries,discharges,or power capacities.If eco-nomic benefit and cost estimates are available for these uses,then the objective may be to maximize total expected net benefits from operation of the system,but with consideration of long-term sus-tainability.ConstraintsThe system dynamics or state-space equations are written as fol-lows,based on preservation of conservation of mass throughout the system:s t ϩ1ϭs t ϩCr t ϩq t Ϫl t ͑s t ,s t ϩ1͒Ϫd t͑for t ϭ1,...,T ͒(3)where s t ϭstorage vector at the beginning of time t ;q t ϭinflow vector during time t ;C ϭsystem connectivity matrix mapping flow routing within the system;l t ϭvector combining spills,evaporation,and other losses during time t ;and d t ϭrequired de-mands,diversions,or depletions from the system.In some formu-lations,diversions are treated as decision variables and included in the objective function as related to benefits of supplying water.Accurate calculation of evaporation and other water losses in the term l t (s t ,s t ϩ1)creates a set of nonlinear implicit equations in s t ϩ1which can be difficult to evaluate and constitute a nonconvex feasible set.Initial storage levels s 1are assumed known and all flow units in Eq.͑3͒are expressed in storage units per unit time.Spatial connectivity of the reservoir network is fully described by the routing or connectivity matrix C .For the example reservoir system of Fig.1,the connectivity matrixisFig.1.Example reservoir system configurationD o w n l o a d e d f r o m a s c e l i b r a r y .o r g b y D A L I A N U N I VE R S I T Y OF o n 06/04/14. 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F o r p e r s o n a l u s e o n l y ; a l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d .C ϭͫϪ10000Ϫ1000ϩ1Ϫ10ϩ1ϩ1Ϫ1ͬAdditional state variable nodes with zero storage capacity may represent nonstorage locations where inflows and diversions occur.For more complex system configurations that are nonden-dritic,such as bifurcating systems and off-stream reservoirs,a more complex link-node connectivity matrix is gged routing of flows can be considered by replacing the term Cr t inEq.͑3͒with ͚␶ϭ0kC ␶r t Ϫ␶,where elements of the routing matrices C ␶may be fractions representing lagging and attenuation of downstream releases.Explicit lower and upper bounds on storage must be assigned for recreation,providing flood control space,and assuring mini-mum levels for dead storage and powerplant operation.s t ϩ1,min рs t ϩ1рs t ϩ1,max͑for t ϭ1,...,T ͒(4)Limits on reservoir releases are specified asr t ,min рr t рr t ,max͑for t ϭ1,...,T ͒(5)These limits maintain minimum desired downstream flows for water quality control and fish and wildlife maintenance,as well as protection from downstream flooding.In some cases,it may be necessary to specify these limits as functions of head where al-lowable discharges depend on reservoir storage levels.Additional constraints may be imposed on the change in release from one period to the next to provide protection from scouring of down-stream channels.When evaluating long term historical or syn-thetic hydrologic sequences,or multiple short-term sequences,difficulties may arise in finding feasible solutions that satisfy these constraints.In these cases,it may be necessary to relax these as explicit constraints and indirectly consider them through use of weighted penalty terms on violation of these constraints in the objective function.Other constraints may represent alternative objectives that must be maintained at desired target levels ␧:f ¯͑s ,r ͒у␧(6)Example targets might include annual water supply requirements or power capacity maintenance.These targets may be adjusted parametrically to compute tradeoff relations between the primary objective of Eq.͑1͒and secondary objectives as a means of pro-viding multiple objective solutions ͑Cohon 1978͒.The optimization model defined in Eqs.͑1͒–͑6͒is challenging to solve since it is dynamic,potentially nonlinear,and nonconvex;and large-scale.In addition,unregulated inflows,net evaporation rates,hydrologic parameters,system demands,and economic pa-rameters should often be treated as random variables,giving rise to a complex large-scale,nonlinear,stochastic optimization prob-lem.In this formulation,it is assumed that calibration and verifi-cation studies have been carried out to assure the model is capable of reasonably reproducing historical energy production,storage levels,and flows throughout the system.This review explores several solution strategies,including implicit stochastic optimiza-tion,explicit stochastic optimization,real-time optimal control with forecasting,and heuristic programming methods.For more detailed treatment of these topics,the reader is referred to a num-ber of important books written over the years dealing with opti-mization of water resource systems in general,and optimal opera-tion of reservoirs in particular.These include:Maass et al.͑1962͒;Hall and Dracup ͑1970͒;Buras ͑1972͒;Loucks et al.͑1981͒;Mays and Tung ͑1992͒;Wurbs ͑1996͒;and ReVelle ͑1999͒.Implicit Stochastic OptimizationThe solution of Eqs.͑1͒–͑6͒may be accomplished by implicit stochastic optimization ͑ISO ͒methods,also referred to as Monte Carlo optimization,which optimize over a long continuous series of historical or synthetically generated unregulated inflow time series,or many shorter equally likely sequences ͑Fig.2͒.In this way,most stochastic aspects of the problem,including spatial and temporal correlations of unregulated inflows,are implicitly in-cluded and deterministic optimization methods can be directly applied.The primary disadvantage of this approach is that optimal operational policies are unique to the assumed hydrologic time series.Attempts can be made to apply multiple regression analy-sis and other methods to the optimization results for developing seasonal operating rules conditioned on observable information such as current storage levels,previous period inflows,and/or forecasted inflows.Unfortunately,regression analysis may result in poor correlations that invalidate the operating rules,and at-tempting to infer rules from other methods may require extensive trial and error processes with little general applicability.Linear Programming ModelsSince ISO models can be extremely large-scale,covering a lengthy time horizon,it is critical that only the most efficient optimization methods are applied.One of the most favored opti-mization techniques for reservoir system models is thesimplexFig.2.Implicit stochastic optimization ͑ISO ͒procedureD o w n l o a d e d f r o m a s c e l i b r a r y .o r g b y D A L I A N U N I VE R S I T Y OF o n 06/04/14. 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F o r p e r s o n a l u s e o n l y ; a l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d .method of linear programming and its variants ͑Nash and Sofer 1996͒.These models require all relations associated with Eqs.͑1͒–͑6͒to be linear or linearizable.The advantages of linear pro-gramming ͑LP ͒include:͑1͒ability to efficiently solve large-scale problems;͑2͒convergence to global optimal solutions;͑3͒initial solutions not required from the user;͑4͒well-developed duality theory for sensitivity analysis;and ͑5͒ease of problem setup and solution using readily available,low-cost LP solvers.Recent al-ternatives to the simplex method,such as the affine scaling and interior projection methods ͑Terlaky 1996͒,are particularly attrac-tive for solving extremely large-scale problems.Hiew et al.͑1989͒applied ISO using LP to the eight-reservoir Colorado-Big Thompson ͑C-BT ͒project in northern e of a 30year historical hydrologic record of monthly unregu-lated inflows to the system resulted in a linear programming prob-lem with 12,613variables and 5,040constraints.Multiple regres-sion analysis was applied to the LP model results to produce optimal lag-one storage guide curves:s t ϩ1ϭA ¯s t*ϩB ¯q t Ϫ1ϩc ¯(7)where s t *ϭoptimal storage levels obtained from the linear pro-gramming solution;q t ϭobserved hydrologic inflows;and corre-lation matrices A ¯,B ¯and vector c ¯are calculated from multiple regression analysis performed on the LP results.Coefficients of determination obtained from this analysis ranged from 0.795to 0.996for the larger reservoirs,with the remaining reservoirs ei-ther small or with water levels only allowed to vary a few feet per year.Simulation of the system operations using the optimal stor-age guide curves of Eq.͑7͒confirmed their validity.This study was successful because of the ability of linear models to accu-rately represent the system behavior,along with the fortunate cal-culation of high correlation coefficients obtained from the mul-tiple regression analysis.For other systems,these advantages may not be in evidence.Other extensions of linear programming into binary,integer,and mixed-integer programming may be valuable for representing highly nonlinear,nonconvex terms in the objective function and constraints ͑e.g.,Trezos 1991͒,but these methods are consider-ably less efficient computationally and would likely be intractable for use in ISO.Needham et al.͑2000͒applied mixed integer lin-ear programming to deterministic flood control operations in the Iowa and Des Moines Rivers,but noted the potential for exces-sive computer times when extended to stochastic evaluation.This study came to the rather counterintuitive conclusion that coordi-nated operation of reservoir systems does not necessarily improve performance,which stands in stark contrast with other studies that have shown just the opposite ͑e.g.,Shim et al.2002͒.Piecewise linear approximations of nonlinear functions are often used in separable programming applications and solved with various extensions of the simplex method,although problem size can become excessive in some cases.Functions of more than one variable can be approximated using multilinear interpolation methods over a multidimensional grid.For minimization prob-lems,these functions must be convex;otherwise,more time con-suming restricted basis entry simplex algorithms must be applied which fail to guarantee convergence to global optima.Crawley and Dandy ͑1993͒applied separable programming to the multi-reservoir Metropolitan Adelaide water supply system in Australia.Network Flow Optimization ModelsIt is evident from Fig.1that an interconnected reservoir system can be represented as a network of nodes and links ͑or arcs ͒.Nodes are storage or nonstorage points of confluence or diver-sion,and links represent reservoir releases,channel or pipe flows,carryover storage,and evaporation and other losses.If all rela-tions in Eqs.͑1͒–͑5͒are linear,then the following dynamic,mini-mum cost network flow problem results:minimize͚t ϭ1T͚ᐉ෈Ac ᐉt x ᐉt(8)subject to͚j ෈O ix jt Ϫ͚k ෈I ix kt ϭ0͑for all i ෈N ;for all t ϭ1,...,T ͒(9)l ᐉt рx ᐉt рu ᐉt ͑for all ᐉ෈A ;for all t ϭ1,...,T ͒(10)where A ϭset of all arcs or links in the network;N ϭset of nodes;O i ϭset of all links originating at node i ͑i.e.,outflow links ͒;I i ϭset of all links terminating at node i ͑i.e.,inflow links ͒;x ᐉt ϭflow rate in link ᐉduring period t ;c ᐉt ϭcosts,weighting factors,or priorities per unit of flow rate in link ᐉduring period t ;and l ᐉt and u ᐉt ϭlower and upper bounds,respectively,on flow in link ᐉ.Fig.3illustrates a fully dynamic network where the horizontal arcs represent carryover storage ͑i.e.,s t )in the same physical reservoir from one period to the next,whereas the vertical arcs are flows,releases,and diversions ͑i.e.,r t )during the current period.Eqs.͑8͒–͑10͒define a pure network formulation where all network data can be represented by a set of arc parameters ͓l ᐉt ,u ᐉt ,c ᐉt ͔.For fully circulating networks,additional artificial nodes and links must be added for satisfying overall mass balance throughout the entire parative studies by Kuczera ͑1993͒and Ardekaaniaan and Moin ͑1995͒have shown the dual coordinate ascent RELAX algorithm ͑Bertsekas and Tseng 1994͒to be the most efficient network solver,as compared to primal-based algorithms and variations on the out-of-kilter method ͑Ford and Fulkerson 1962͒.Several network algorithms allow designation of node supply and demand ͓i.e.,entry of values other than zero on the right-hand side of Eq.͑9͔͒without requiring specification of artificial nodes and links,although this is only possible when no demand shortages occur.For so-called networks-with-gains ,Eq.͑9͒must be adjusted with coefficients not equal to Ϫ1,0,or ϩ1to allow for channel losses,evaporation losses,and return flows.Further extensions into generalized networks allow inclusion of side con-straints ͓i.e.,Eq.͑6͔͒that violate the pure network structure.All of these deviations from the pure network format exact acompu-Fig.3.Illustration of dynamic network showing carryover storagearcsD o w n l o a d e d f r o m a s c e l i b r a r y .o r g b y D A L I A N U N I VE R S I T Y OF o n 06/04/14. C o p y r i g h t A S C E . F o r p e r s o n a l u s e o n l y ; a l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d .。

MBA课程 线性规划 Linear Programing 英文原版

MBA课程 线性规划 Linear Programing 英文原版

ASSUMPTIONS OF LINEAR PROGRAMMING •from a mathematical viewpoint, the assumptions simply are that the model must have a linear objective function subject to linear constraints.•However, from a modeling viewpoint, these mathematical properties of a linear programming model imply that certain assumptions must hold about the activities and data of the problem being modeled, including assumptions about the effect of varying the levels of the activities.•Proportionality •Additivity •Divisibility •CertaintyProportionality assumptioncosts•This case would arise if there were start-up costs associated with initiating the production of product 1. For example, there might be costs involved with setting up the production facilities. There might also be costs associated with arranging the distribution of the new product. Because these are one-time costs, they would need to be amortized on a per-week basis to be commensurable with Z (profit in thousands of dollars per week).costs•Suppose that this amortization were done and that the total start-up cost amounted to reducing Z by 1, but that the profit without considering the start-up cost would be 3x1. This would mean that the contribution from product 1 to Z should be 3x1-1 for x1 > 0, whereas the contribution would be 3x1 0 when x1 0 (no start-up cost). This profit function,3 which is given by the solid curve in Fig., certainly is not proportional to x1.increasing marginal return•the slope of the profit function for product 1 keeps increasing asx 1is increased. This violation of proportionality might occurbecause of economies of scale that can sometimes be achieved at higher levels of production, e.g., through the use of more efficient high-volume machinery, longer production runs, quantity discounts for large purchases of raw materials, and the learning-curve effect whereby workers become more efficient as they gain experience with a particular mode of production.As the incremental cost goes down, the incremental profit will go up (assuming constant marginal revenue).decreasing marginal return•the slope of the profit function for product 1 keeps decreasing as xis increased.1decreasing marginal return•the marketing costs need to go up more than proportionally to attain increases in the level of sales . For example, it might be possible to sell product 1 at the rate of 1 per week (x 1=1) with no advertising, whereas attaining sales to sustain a production rate of x 1=2 might require a moderate amount of advertising, x 1=3might necessitate an extensive advertising campaign, and x 1=4 might require also lowering the price•The conclusion was that proportionality could indeed be assumed without serious distortion.•what happens when the proportionality assumption does not hold even as a reasonable approximation? In most cases, this means you must use nonlinear programming instead• a certain important kind of nonproportionality can still be handled by linear programming by reformulating the problem appropriately.•Furthermore, if the assumption is violated only because of start-up costs, there is an extension of linear programming (mixed integer programming) that can be usedAdditivity•Although the proportionality assumption rules out exponents other than 1, it does not prohibit cross-product terms (terms involving the product of two or more variables).•Additivity assumption: Every function in a linear programming model (whether the objective function or the function on the left-hand side of a functional constraint) is the sum of the individual contributions of the respective activities•this case corresponds to an objective function of Z =3x1+5x2+x1x2, so that Z =3+ 5+ 1= 9 for (x1, x2) (1, 1), thereby violating the additivity assumption that Z =3+5.•The proportionality assumption still is satisfied since after the value of one variable is fixed, the increment in Z from the other variable is proportional to the value of that variable. This case would arise if the two products were complementary in some way that increases profit.•For example, suppose that a major advertising campaign would be required to market either new product produced by itself, but that the same single campaign can effectively promote both products if the decision is made to produce both. Because a major cost is saved for the second product, their joint profit is somewhat more than the sum of their individual profits when each is produced by itself.•Case 2 also violates the additivity assumption because of the extra term in the corresponding objective function, Z =3x 1+5x 2-x 1x 2, so that Z=3+5-1= 7 for (x 1, x 2) (1, 1). As the reverse of the first case, Case 2 would arise if the two products were competitive in some way that decreased their joint profit.•For example, suppose that both products need to use the same machinery and equipment . If either product were produced by itself, this machinery and equipment would be dedicated to this one use. However, producing both products would require switching the production processes back and forth, with substantial time and cost involved in temporarily shutting down the production of one product and setting up for the other.Affect the additivity of the constraint functions•Affect the additivity of the constraints function•For example, consider the third functional constraint of the Wyndor Glass Co. problem: 3x1+2x2<=18. (This is the only constraint involving both products.)•3x1+2x2+0.5x1x2<=18•namely, extra time is wasted switching the production processes back and forth between the two products. The extra cross-product term (0.5x1x2) would give the production time wastedin this way. (Note that wasting time switching between products leads to a positive cross-product term here, where the total function is measuring production time used, whereas it led to a negative cross-product term for Case 2 because the total function there measures profit.)•For Case 4 the function for production time used is 3x1+2x2-0.1x21x2, so the function value for (x1, x2)=(2, 3) is 6+6-1.2=10.8. This case could arise in the following way.•As in Case 3, suppose that the two products require the same type of machinery and equipment. But suppose now that the time required to switch from one product to the other would be relatively small.•occasional idle periodsDivisibility•Divisibility assumption: Decision variables in a linear programming model are allowed to have any values, including noninteger values, that satisfy the functional and nonnegativityconstraints. Thus, these variables are not restricted tojust integer values. Since each decision variable represents the level of some activity, it is being assumed that the activities can be run at fractional levels.Certainty•Certainty assumption: The value assigned to each parameter of a linear programming model is assumed to be a known constant •Linear programming models usually are formulated to select some future course of action. Therefore, the parameter values used would be based on a prediction of future conditions, which inevitably introduces some degree of uncertainty.•sensitivity analysis to identify the sensitive parameters•other ways of dealing with linear programming under uncertainty•It is very common in real applications of linear programming that almost none of the four assumptions hold completely. Except perhaps for the divisibility assumption, minor disparities are to be expected.This is especially true for the certainty assumption, so sensitivity analysis normally is a must to compensate for the violation of this assumption•A disadvantage of these other models is that the algorithms available for solving them are not nearly as powerful as those for linear programming, but this gap has been closing in some cases. For some applications, the powerful linear programming approach is used for the initial analysis, and then a more complicated model is used to refine this analysisThe Simplex MethodTHE ESSENCE OF THE SIMPLEX METHOD •The simplex method is an algebraic procedure. However, its underlying concepts are geometric.•Before delving into algebraic details, we focus in this section on the big picture from a geometric viewpoint.•each constraint boundary is a line that forms the boundary of what is permitted by the corresponding constraint. The points of intersection are the corner-point solutions of the problem. The five that lie on the corners of the feasible region—(0, 0), (0, 6), (2, 6), (4, 3), and (4, 0)—are the cornerpoint feasible solutions (CPF solutions). [The other three—(0, 9), (4, 6), and (6, 0)—are called corner-point infeasible solutions.]•In this example, each corner-point solution lies at the intersection of two constraint boundaries.•For a linear programming problem with n decision variables, each of its cornerpoint solutions lies at the intersection of n constraint boundaries.•Certain pairs of the CPF solutions share a constraint boundary, and other pairs do not.•For any linear programming problem with n decision variables, two CPF solutions are adjacent to each other if they share n-1 constraint boundaries. The two adjacent CPF solutions are connected by a line segment that lies on these same shared constraint boundaries. Such a line segment is referred to as an edge of the feasible region•Since n=2 in the example, two of its CPF solutions are adjacent if they share one constraint boundary; for example, (0, 0) and (0, 6) are adjacent because they share the x1=0 constraint boundary. The feasible region in Fig has five edges, consisting of thefive line segments forming the boundary of this region. Note that two edges emanate from each CPF solution. Thus, each CPF solution has two adjacent CPF solutions•Optimality test: Consider any linear programming problem that possesses at least one optimal solution. If a CPF solution has no adjacent CPF solutions that are better (as measured by Z), thenit must be an optimal solutionSolving the Example -Wyndor Glass Co. Problem•Initialization: Choose (0, 0) as the initialCPF solution to examine. (This is aconvenient choice because no calculationsare required to identify this CPF solution.)•Optimality Test: Conclude that (0, 0) is notan optimal solution. (Adjacent CPFsolutions are better.)•Iteration 1: Move to a better adjacent CPFsolution, (0, 6), by performing the followingthree steps.•1. Considering the two edges of the feasible region that emanate from (0, 0), choose to move along the edge that leads up the x 2axis. (With an objective function of Z=3x 1+5x 2, moving up the x 2axis increases Z at afaster rate than moving along the x 1axis.)•2. Stop at the first new constraint boundary:2x 2=12. [Moving farther in the directionselected in step 1 leaves the feasible region; e.g., moving to the second new constraint boundary hit when moving in that direction gives (0, 9), which is a corner-point infeasible solution.]•3. Solve for the intersection of the new set of constraint boundaries: (0, 6). (The equations for these constraint boundaries, x 1=0 and 2x 2=12, immediately yield this solution.)•Optimality Test: Conclude that (0, 6) is not an optimal solution. (An adjacent CPF solution is better.)•Iteration 2: Move to a better adjacent CPF solution, (2, 6), by performing the following three steps•1. Considering the two edges of the feasible region that emanate from (0, 6), choose tomove along the edge that leads to the right. (Moving along this edge increases Z, whereas backtracking to move back down the x2axis decreases Z.)2. Stop at the first new constraint boundary encountered when moving in that direction:3x1+2x2=12. (Moving farther in the direction selected in step 1 leaves the feasibleregion.)3. Solve for the intersection of the new set of constraint boundaries: (2, 6). (The equations for these constraint boundaries, 3x1+2x2=18 and2x2=12, immediately yield this solution.)•Optimality Test: Conclude that (2, 6) is an optimal solution, so stop. (None of the adjacent CPF solutions are better.)The Key Solution Concepts•Solution concept 1: The simplex method focuses solely on CPF solutions. For any problem with at least one optimal solution, finding one requires only finding•The only restriction is that the problem must possess CPF solutions. This is ensured if the feasible region is bounded.•Solution concept 2: The simplex method is an iterative algorithm (a systematic solution procedure that keeps repeating a fixed series of steps, called an iteration, until a desired result has been obtained) with the following structure.•Solution concept 3: Whenever possible, the initialization of the simplex method chooses the origin (all decision variables equal to zero) to be the initial CPF solution. When there are too many decision variables to find an initial CPF solution graphically, this choice eliminates the need to use algebraic procedures tofind and solve for an initial CPF solution•Solution concept 4: Given a CPF solution, it is much quicker computationally to gather information about its adjacent CPF solutions than about other CPF solutions. Therefore, each time the simplex method performs an iteration to move from the current CPF solution to a better one, it always chooses a CPF solution that is adjacent to the current one. No other CPF solutions are considered. Consequently, the entire path followed to eventually reach an optimal solution is alongthe edges of the feasible region.•Solution concept 5: After the current CPF solution is identified, the simplex method examines each of the edges of the feasibleregion that emanate from this CPF solution. Each of theseedges leads to an adjacent CPF solution at the other end, but the simplex method does not even take the time to solve for theadjacent CPF solution. Instead, it simply identifies the rate of improvement in Z that would be obtained by moving along the edge. Among the edges with a positive rate of improvement in Z, it then chooses to move along the one with the largest rate of improvement in Z. The iteration is completed by first solving for the adjacent CPF solution at the other end of this one edge and then relabeling this adjacent•Solution concept 6: Solution concept 5 describes how the simplex method examines each of the edges of the feasible region that emanate from the current CPF solution. This examination of an edge leads to quickly identifying the rate of improvement in Z that would be obtained by moving along the edge toward theadjacent CPF solution at the other end. A positive rate of improvement in Z implies that the adjacent CPF solution is better than the current CPF solution, whereas a negative rate of improvement in Z implies that the adjacent CPF solution is worse. Therefore, the optimality test consists simply of checking whether any of the edges give a positive rate of improvement in Z. If none do, then the current CPF solution is optimalSETTING UP THE SIMPLEX METHOD•The algebraic procedure is based on solving systems of equations. Therefore, the first step in setting up the simplex method is to convert the functional inequality constraints to equivalent equality constraints. (The nonnegativity constraints are left asinequalities because they are treated separately.) This conversion is accomplished by introducing slack variables.•Although both forms of the model represent exactly the same problem, the new form is much more convenient for algebraic manipulation and for identification of CPF solutions.•We call this the augmented form of the problem because the original form has been augmented by some supplementary variables neededto apply the simplex method.。





) 日记总数: 47 品题数目: 42 访问次数: 15577 acceptance testing 验收测试 accumulated error积累误差 ac-dc-ac frequency converter 交-直-交变频器 ac(alternatingcurrent)electric drive交流电子传动 active attitude stabilization主动姿态稳定 actuator 驱动器,执行机构 adaline 线性适应元daptation layer适应层 adaptive telemeter system 适应遥测系统 adjoint operator 陪同算子 admissible error容许误差 aggregationmatrix结集矩阵ahp(analytic你好 erarchy process)条理分析法 amplifying element放大环节analog-digital conversion模数转换 ntenna pointing control接收天线指向控制anti-integral windup抗积分饱卷 aperiodic decomposition非周期分解 a posteriori estimate笱楣兰?approximate reasoning类似推理 a priori estimate 先验估计 articulated robot关节型机器人 assignment problem配置问题,分配问题 associative memory model遐想记忆模子 asymptotic stability渐进稳定性 attained pose drift现实位姿漂移 attitude acquisition姿态捕获aocs(attritude and orbit control system)姿态轨道控制系统 attitude angular velocity姿态角速度 attitude disturbance姿态扰动 attitude maneuver 姿态机动 augment ability可扩充性 augmented system增广系统 automatic manual station不用人力-手动操作器 autonomous system自治系统 backlash characteristics间隙特征 base coordinate system基座坐标系bayes classifier 贝叶斯分类器 bearing alignment 方位瞄准 bellows pressure gauge 波纹管压力表 benefit-cost analysis 收入成本分析 bilinear system 双线性系统 biocybernetics 生物控制论 biological feedback system 生物反馈系统black box testing approach 黑箱测试法 blind search 盲目搜索 block diagonalization 块对于角化 boltzman mac 你好 ne 玻耳兹曼机 bottom-up development 自下而上开辟 boundary value analysis 界限值分析 brainstorming method 头脑风暴法 breadth-first search 广度优先搜索 cae(computer aided engineering) 计较机匡助工程 cam(computer aided manufacturing) 计较机匡助创造 camflex valve 偏疼旋转阀 canonical state vari able 标准化状况变量capacitive displacementtransducer 电容式位移传感器 capsule pressure gauge 膜盒压力表 card 计较机匡助研究开辟 cartesian robot 直角坐标型机器人cascadecompensation 串联赔偿 catastrophe theory 突变论 chained aggregation 链式结集 characteristic locus 特征轨迹 chemical propulsion 化学推进classical information pattern 经典信息标准样式 clinical controlsystem 临床控制系统关上 d loop pole 闭环极点关上 d looptransfer function 闭环传递函数cluster analysis 聚类分析 coarse-finecontrol 粗- 精控制 cobweb model 蜘蛛网模子 coefficient matrix 凳?卣?cognitive science 认知科学 coherent system 枯燥关接洽统 combination decision 组合决定计划 combinatorial explosion 组合爆炸combined pressure and vacuum gauge 压力真空表 command pose 指令位姿companion matrix 相伴矩阵 compartmental model 房室模子 compatibility 相容性,兼容性 compensating network 赔偿采集 compensation 赔偿,矫正compliance 柔顺, 适应 composite control 组合控制 computable general equilibrium model 可计较普通均衡模子 conditionallyinstability 条件不稳定性connectionism 毗连机制 conservative system 守恒系统 constraint condition 约束条件 consumption function 消费函数 context-free grammar 上下文无关语法continuous discrete eventhybrid system simulation 连续离散事件混淆系统仿真continuous duty 连续事情制 control accuracy 控制精密度 control cabinet 控制柜controllability index 可控指数 controllable canonical form 可控标准型[control]plant 控制对于象,被控对于象 controlling instrument 控制仪表 control moment gyro 控制力矩捻捻转儿 control panel 控制屏,控制盘 control synchro 控制 [式]自整角机 control system synthesis 控制系统综合 control time horizon 控制时程 cooperativegame 互助对于策 coordinability condition 可协调条件coordinationstrategy 协调计谋 corner frequency 迁移转变频率 costate variable 蔡?淞?cost-effectiveness analysis 用度效益分析 coupling ofrbit and attitude 轨道以及姿态耦合 critical damping 临界阻尼 ritical stability 临界稳定性 cross-over frequency 穿越频率,交越频率 current source inverter 电流[源]型逆变器 cut-off frequency 截止频率 cyclic remote control 循环遥控 cylindrical robot 圆柱坐标型机器人 damped oscillation 阻尼振动 damping ratio 阻尼比 data acquisition 数值采集 data encryption 数值加密 data preprocessing 数值预处理 data processor 数值处理器 dc generator-motor set drive 直流发机电-电动机组传动 d controller 微分控制器 decentralizedstochastic control 分散 rand 控制 decision space 决定计划空间 decisionsupport system 决定计划支持系统 decomposition-aggregation approach 分解结集法 decoupling parameter 解耦参量 deductive-inductive hybrid modeling method 演绎与归纳混淆建模法 delayed telemetry 延时遥测derivation tree 导出树 derivative feedback 微分反馈 describingfunction 描写函数 desired value 希望值deterministic automaton 确定性不用人力机 deviation alarm 误差报警器 dfd 数值流图 diagnosticmodel 诊断模子 diagonally dominant matrix 对于角主导矩阵diaphragmpressure gauge 膜片压力表 difference equation model 差分方程模子differential dynamical system 微分动力学系统 differential game⒎侄圆differential pressure level meter 差压液位计 differentialpressure transmitter 差压变送器 differential transformer displacementtransducer 差动变压器式位移传感器 differentiation element 微分环节 digital filer 数码滤波器 digital signal processing 数码旌旗灯号处理 digitizer 数码化仪 dimension transducer 尺度传感器 direct coordination 直接协调 discrete event dynamic system 离散事件动态系统 discretesystem simulation language 离散系统仿真语言 discriminant function 判别函数 displacement vibration amplitude transducer 位移波幅传感器dissipative structure 耗扩散局 distributed parameter control system 漫衍参量控制系统 disturbance compensation 扰动赔偿 domain knowledge 范畴常识dominant pole 主导极点 dose-response model 剂量反映模子 dual modulation telemetering system 两重调制遥测系统 dualprinciple 对于偶原理 dual spin stabilization 双自旋稳定 duty ratio 负载比 dynamic braking 能耗制动 dynamic characteristics 动态特征 dynamic deviation 动态误差 dynamic error coefficient 动态误差系数 dynamic exactness 动它吻合性 dynamic input-outputmodel 动态投入产出模子 econometric model 计量经济模子 economiccybernetics 经济控制论 economic effectiveness 经济效益 economicvaluation 经济评价 economic index 经济指数 economic in dicator 经济指标 eddy current t 你好 ckness meter 电涡流厚度计 effectivenesstheory 效益意见 elasticity of demand 需求弹性 electric actuator 电动执行机构 electric conductancelevelmeter 电导液位计 electricdrive control gear 电动传动控制设备 electric hydraulic converter 电-液转换器 electric pneumatic converter 电-气转换器electrohydraulicservo vale 电液伺服阀 electromagnetic flow transducer 电磁流量传感器 electronic batc 你好 ng scale 电子配料秤 electronic belt conveyorscale 电子皮带秤 electronic hopper scale 电子料斗秤 emergencystop 异样住手empirical distribution 经验漫衍 endogenous variable 内发生变故量equilibrium growth 均衡增长 equilibrium point 平衡点 equivalence partitioning 等价类区分清晰 error-correction parsing 纠错剖析 estimation theory 估计意见 evaluation technique 评价技术 event chain 事件链evolutionary system 高级演化系统 exogenous variable 外发生变故量 expected characteristics 希望特征 failure diagnosis 妨碍诊断 fast mode 快变模态 feasibility study 可行性研究 feasiblecoordination 可行协调 feasible region 可行域 feature detection 特征检测 feature extraction 特征抽取 feedback compensation 反馈赔偿 feedforward path 前馈通路 field bus 现场总线 finite automaton 有限不用人力机 fip(factory information protocol) 工场信息以及谈 first order predicate logic 一阶谓词逻辑 fixed sequence manipulator 固定挨次机械手 fixed set point control 定值控制 fms(flexiblemanufacturing system) 柔性创造系统 flowsensor/transducer 流量传感器 flow transmitter 流量变送器 forced oscillation 强迫振动 formal language theory 情势语言意见 formal neuron 情势神经元forward path 正向通路 forward reasoning 正向推理 fractal 分形体,分维体frequency converter 变频器 frequency domain modelreduction method 频域模子降阶法 frequency response 频域相应 full order observer 全阶测候器 functional decomposition 功效分解 fes(functional electricalstimulation)功效电刺激 functionalsimularity 功效相仿 fuzzy logic 含糊逻辑 game tree 对于策树 general equilibrium theory 普通均衡意见 generalized least squaresestimation 意义广泛最小二乘估计 generation function 天生函数geomagnetictorque 地磁性矩 geometric similarity 几何相仿 gimbaled wheel 蚣苈global asymptotic stability 全局渐进稳定性 global optimum 全局最优 globe valve 球形阀 goal coordination method 目标协调法 grammatical inference 文法判断 grap 你好 c search 图搜索 gravitygradient torque 重力梯度力矩 group technology 成组技术 guidancesystem 制导系统 gyro drift rate 捻捻转儿漂移率 hall displacementtransducer 霍尔式位移传感器 hardware-in-the-loop simulation 半实物仿真 harmonious deviation 以及谐误差 harmonious strategy 以及谐计谋 heuristic inference 开导式推理你好 dden oscillation 隐蔽振动你好 erarc 你好 calchart 条理布局图你好 erarc 你好 cal planning 递阶规划你好 erarc你好 calontrol 递阶控制 homomorp 你好 c model 同态系统 horizontal decomposition 横向分解 hormonal control 内排泄控制 hydraulic step motor 液压步进马达 hypercycle theory 超循环意见 i controller 积分控制器 identifiability 可辨识性 idss(intelligent decision support system)智能决定计划支持系统 image recognition 图象辨认 impulse function 冲击函数,电子脉冲函数 incompatibility principle 不相容原理 incrementalmotion control 增量运动控制 index of merit 品质因数 inductiveforce transducer 电感式位移传感器 inductive modeling method 归纳建模法 industrial automation 工业不用人力化 inertial attitude sensor 惯性姿态敏锐器 inertial coordinate system 惯性坐标系 inertialwh eel 惯性轮 inference engine 推理机 infinite dimensional system 无限维系统information acquisition 信息采集 infrared gasanalyzer 红外线气体分析器 inherent nonlinearity 本来就有非线性 inherent regulation 本来就有调节 initial deviation 初始误差 injection attitude 入轨姿式input-output model 投入产出模子 instability 不稳定性 instructionlevel language 指令级语言 integral of absolute value of errorcriterion 绝对于误差积分准则integral of squared error criterion 平方误差积分准则 integral performance criterion 积分性能准则 integration instrument 积算摄谱仪 intelligent terminal 智能终端 interactedsystem 互接洽统,关接洽统 interactive prediction approach 互联预估法,关联预估法 intermittent duty 断续事情制ism(interpretivestructure modeling) 诠释布局建模法 invariant embedding principle 不变镶嵌原理 inventory theory 库伦论 inverse nyquist diagram 逆奈奎斯特图 investment decision 投资决定计划 isomorp 你好 c model 同构模子iterative coordination 迭代协调 jet propulsion 喷气推进 job-lot control 分批控制kalman-bucy filer 卡尔曼-布西滤波器 knowledgeaccomodation 常识适应knowledge acquisition 常识获取 knowledgessimilation 常识夹杂kbms(knowledge base management system) 常识库管理系统 knowledge representation 常识抒发 lad der diagram 菪瓮?lag-lead compensation 滞后超前赔偿 lagrange duality 拉格朗日对于偶性 laplace transform 拉普拉斯变换 large scale system 大系统 lateral in 你好 bition network 侧抑制采集 least cost input 最小成本投入 least squares criterion 最小二乘准则 level switch 物位开关 libration damping 天平动阻尼 limit cycle 极限环 linearizationtechnique 线性化要领 linear motion electric drive 直线运动电气传动 linear motion valve 直行程阀 linear programming 线性规划 lqr(linear quadratic regulator problem) 线性二次调节器问题 oad cell 称重传感器 local asymptotic stability 局部渐近稳定性 local optimum 局部最优 log magnitude-phase diagram 对于数幅相图long term memory 长期记忆 lumped parameter model 集总参量模子 lyapunov theorem of asymptotic stability 李雅普诺夫渐近稳定性定理 macro-economic system 宏观经济系统 magnetic dumping 磁卸载 magnetoelastic weig 你好ng cell 磁致弹性称重传感器 magnitude- frequencycharacteristic 幅频特征magnitude margin 幅值裕度 magnitudecale factor 幅值缩尺 man-mac 你好ne coordination 人机协调 manualstation 手动操作器 map(manufacturing automation protocol) 创造不用人力化以及谈 marginal effectiveness 边岸效益mason's gain formula 梅森增益公式 matc 你好 ng criterion 匹配准则 maximum likelihood estimation 最大似然估计 maximum ove rshoot 最大超调量maximum principle 极大值原理 mean-square error criterion 均方误差准则mechanismmodel 机理模子 meta-knowledge 元常识 metallurgical automation 冶金不用人力化 minimal realization 最小使成为事实 minimum phase system 最小相位系统 minimum variance estimation 最小方差估计 minor loop 副回路missile-target relative movement simulator 弹体- 目标相对于运动仿真器 modal aggregation 模态结集 modal transformation 模态变换 mb(model base)模子库model confidence 模子置信度 model fidelity 模子传神度 model reference adaptive control system 模子参考适应控制系统 model verification 模子证验mec(mostconomic control)最经济控制 motion space 可动空间 mtbf(mean time between failures) 均等妨碍距离时间 mttf(mean timeto failures)均等无妨碍时间 multi-attributive utility function 嗍粜孕в 煤??multicriteria 多重判据 multilevel 你好 erarc 你好 cal structure 多级递阶布局 multiloop control 多回路控制 multi- objective decision 多目标决定计划 multistate logic 多态逻辑multistratum 你好 erarc 你好 calcontrol 多段递阶控制 multivariable control system 多变量控制系统 myoelectric control 肌电控制 nash optimality 纳什最优性 naturallanguage generation 自然语言天生 nearest- neighbor 这段邻necessitymeasure 肯定是性侧度 negative feedback 负反馈 neural assembly 神经集合 neural network computer 神经采集计较机 nichols chart 尼科尔斯图noetic science 思维科学 noncoherent system 非枯燥关接洽统 noncooperative game 非互助博弈 nonequilibrium state 非平衡态 nonlinear element 非线性环节nonmonotonic logic 非枯燥逻辑 nonparametric training 非参量训练nonreversible electric drive 不成逆电气传动 nonsingular perturbation 非奇妙摄动 non-stationaryrandom process 非平稳 rand 历程 nuclear radiation levelmeter 核辐射物位计 nutation sensor 章动敏锐器 nyquist stability criterion 奈奎斯特稳定判据 objective function 目标函数 observability index 可测候指数observable canonical form 可测候标准型 on-line assistance 在线帮忙 on- off control 通断控制 open loop pole 开环极点 operational research model 运筹学模子 optic fiber tachometer 光纤式转速表 opt imal trajectory 最优轨迹optimization technique 最优化技术 orbital rendezvous 轨道交会 orbit gyrocompass 轨道捻捻转儿罗经 orbit perturbation 轨道摄动 order parameter 序参量 orientationcontrol 定向控制 oscillating period 振动周期 output predictionmethod 输出预估法 oval wheel flowmeter 椭圆齿轮流量计overalldesign 总体设计 overlapping decomposition 交叠分解 pade approximation 帕德类似 pareto optimality 帕雷托最优性 passive attitude stabilization 不主动姿态稳定 path repeatability 路径可重复性 pattern primitive 标准样式基元 pr(pattern recognition)标准样式辨认 p control 比例控制器 peak time 峰值时间penalty function method 罚函数法 periodic duty 周期事情制 perturbation theory 摄动意见 pessimisticvalue 悲观值 phase locus 相轨迹 phase trajectory 相轨迹hase lead 相位超前 photoelectric tachometric transducer 光电式转速传感器phrase-structure grammar 短句布局文法 physical symbol system 物理符号系统 piezoelectric force transducer 压电式力传感器 playbackrobot 示教再现式机器人 plc(programmable logic controller)可编步伐逻辑控制器 plug braking 反接制动 plug valve 旋塞阀 pneumaticactuator 气动执行机构 point-to-point control 点位控制 polar robot 极坐标型机器人 pole assignment 极点配置 pole-zero cancellation 零极点相消 polynom ial input 多项式输入 portfolio theory 投资配搭意见 pose overshoot 位姿过调量 position measuring instrument 位置丈量仪posentiometric displacement transducer 电位器式位移传感器 positive feedback 正反馈 power system automation 电力系统不用人力化 predicate logic 谓词逻辑pressure gauge with electric contact 电接点压力表 pressure transmitter 压力变送器 price coordination 价格协调 primal coordination 主协调 primary frequency zone 主频区 pca(principal component analysis)主成份分析法principlef turnpike 通途原理 process- oriented simulation 面向历程的仿真production budget 生产预算 production rule 孕育发生式法则 profitforecast 利润预测 pert(program evaluation and review technique) 计划评审技术program set station 步伐设定操作器 proportionalcontrol 比例控制 proportional plus derivative controller 比例微分控制器 protocol engineering 以及谈工程pseudo random sequence 伪 rand 序列 pseudo-rate-increment control 伪速度增量控制 pulse duration 电子脉冲持续时间 pulse frequency modulation control system 电子脉冲调频控制系统 pulse width modulation controlsystem 电子脉冲调宽控制系统 pwm inverter 脉宽调制逆变器 pushdown automaton 下推不用人力机 qc(quality control)质量管理 quadratic performance index 二次型性能指标 quali tative physical model 定性物理模子quantized noise 量化噪声 quasilinear characteristics 准线性特征 queuing theory 列队论 radio frequency sensor 射频敏锐器 ramp function 斜坡函数 random disturbance rand 扰动 random process rand 历程 rateintegrating gyro 速度积分捻捻转儿 ratio station 比率操作器 reactionwheel control 反效用轮控制realizability 可以使成为事实性,能使成为事实性 eal time telemetry 实时遥测receptive field 感受野 rectangularrobot 直角坐标型机器人 recursive estimation 递推估计 reducedorder observer 降阶测候器 redundant information 冗余信息 reentrycontrol 再入控制 regenerative braking 回馈制动,再生制动 regionalplanning model 地区范围规划模子 regulating device 调节装载 relationalalgebra 关系代数 relay characteristic 继电器特征 remote manipulator 遥控操作器 remote set point adjuster 远程设定点调整器 rendezvo 目前世界上最强大的国家 nd docking 交会以及对于接 resistance thermometer sensor 热电阻 esolution principle 归结原理 resource allocation 资源分配responsecurve 相应曲线 return difference matrix 回差矩阵 return ratiomatrix 回比矩阵 reversible electric drive 可逆电气传动 revoluterobot 关节型机器人revolution speed transducer 转速传感器 rewritingrule 重写法则 rigid spacecraft dynamics 刚性航天动力学 riskdecision 危害分析 robotics 机器人学 robot programming language 机器人编程语言 robust control 鲁棒控制 roll gap measuring instrument 辊缝丈量仪 root locus 根轨迹 roots flowmeter 腰轮流量计otameter 浮子流量计,转子流量计 rotary eccentric plug valve 偏疼旋转阀 rotary motionvalve 角行程阀 rotating transformer 旋转变压器 routh approximation method 劳思类似判据 routing problem 肪段侍?sampled-data control system 采样控制系统 sampling controlsystem 采样控制系统 saturation characteristics 饱以及特征 scalarlyapunov function 标量李雅普诺夫函数 scara(selective complianceassembly robot arm) 最简单的面关节型机器人 scenario analysis method 情景分析法 scene analysis 物景分析 self- operated controller 自力式控制器 self-organizing system 自组织系统 self-reproducing system 自繁殖系统self-tuning control 自校正控制 semantic network 语义采集 semi-physical simulation 半实物仿真 sensing element 敏锐元件 sensitivity analysis 活络度分析sensory control 觉得控制 sequentialdecomposition 挨次分解 sequential least squares estimation 序贯最小二乘估计 servo control 伺服控制,随动控制servomotor 伺服马达 settling time 过渡时间 short term planning 短期计划shorttime horizon coordination 短时程协调 signal detection and estimation 旌旗灯号检测以及估计 signal reconstruction 旌旗灯号重构 simulated interrupt 仿真中断 simulation block diagram 仿真框图 simulation experiment 仿真实验simulation velocity 仿真速度 single axle table 单轴转台 single degree of freedom gyro 单自由度捻捻转儿 single levelprocess 单级历程 single value nonlinearity 单值非线性 singularattractor 奇妙吸引子 singular perturbation 奇妙摄动 slave dsystem 受役系统 slower-than-real-time simulation 欠实时仿真slow subsystem 慢变子系统 socio-cybernetics 社会形态控制论 socioeconomic system 社会形态经济系统软体 psychology 软件生理学 solar array pointing control 日头帆板指向控制 solenoid valve 电磁阀 speed control system 魉傧低spin axis 自旋轴 stability criterion 稳定性判据 stabilitylimit 稳定极限 stabilization 镇定,稳定 stackelberg decision theory 施塔克尔贝格决定计划意见 state equation model 状况方程模子 state space description 状况空间描写 static characteristics curve 静态特征曲线 station accuracy 定点精密度stationary random process 平稳 rand 历程 statistical analysis 统计分析 statistic pattern recognition 统计标准样式辨认 steady state deviation 稳态误差steadystate error coefficient 稳态误差系数 step-by-step control 步进控制step function 阶跃函数 stepwise refinement 慢慢精化 stochasticfinite automaton rand 有限不用人力机 strain gauge load cell 应变式称重传感器 strategic function 计谋函数 strongly coupled system 狂詈舷低?subjective probability 主观频率 supervised training 喽窖??supervisory computer control system 计较机监控系统 sustainedoscillation 矜持振动 swirlmeter 旋进流量计 switc 你好 ng point 切换点 symbolic processing 符号处理 synaptic plasticity 突触可塑性syntactic analysis 句法分析 system assessment 系统评价 systemhomomorp 你好sm 系统同态 system isomorp 你好 sm 系统同构 system engineering 系统工程target flow transmitter 靶式流量变送器 task cycle 功课周期 teac 你好 ng programming 示教编程 telemetering system ofrequency division type 频分遥测系统 teleological system 目的系统 temperature transducer 温度传感器template base 模版库 theoremproving 定理证实 therapy model 治疗模子 t 你好ckness meter 厚度计 three-axis attitude stabilization 三轴姿态稳定 three state controller 三位控制器 thrust vector control system 推力矢量控制系统 time constant 时间常数 time-invariant system 定常系统,非时变系统 time schedule controller 时序控制器 time-sharing control 分时控制 time-varying parameter 时变参量 top-down testing 自上而下测试topological structure 拓扑布局 tqc(total quality control)全面质量管理 tracking error 跟踪误差 trade-off analysis 权衡分析 transfer function matrix 传递函数矩阵transformation grammar 转换文法 transient deviation 瞬态误差 transient process 过渡历程 transition diagram 转移图 transmissible pressure gauge 电远传压力表 trend analysis 趋向分析 triple modulation telemetering system 三重调制遥测系统 turbine flowmeter 涡轮流量计 turing mac 你好 ne 剂榛?two-time scale system 双时标系统 ultrasonic levelmeter??镂患?unadjustable speed electric drive 非调速电气传动 unbiasedestimation 无偏估计 uniformly asymptotic stability 一致渐近稳定性 uninterrupted duty 不间断事情制,长期事情制 unit circle 单位圆 unit testing 单位测试 unsupervised learing 非监视进修upperlevel problem 较高等级问题 urban planning 城市规划 utility function 效用函数 value engineering 价值工程 variable gain 可变增益,可变放大系数 variable structure control system 变布局控制 vectorlyapunov function 向量李雅普诺夫函数 velocity error coefficient 速度误差系数 velocity transducer 速度传感器vertical decomposition 纵向分解 vibrating wire force transducer 振弦式力传感器 viscousdamping 粘性阻尼 voltage source inverter 电压源型逆变器vortexprecession flowmeter 旋进流量计 vortex shedding flowmeter 涡街流量计 wb(way base) 要领库 weig 你好 ng cell 称重传感器 weightingfactor 权因数weighting method 加权法 w 你好 ttaker-shannon samplingtheorem 惠特克-喷鼻农采样定理 wiener filtering 维纳滤波 work stationfor computer aided design 计较机匡助设计事情站 w-plane w 最简单的面 zero-based budget 零基预算 zero-input response 零输入相应 zero-stateresponse 零状况相应 zero sum game model 零以及对于策模子2022 年 07 月 31 日历史上的今天:ipad2 怎么贴膜好吧,我还是入了 iPad2 2022-06-26 斗破苍穹快眼看书 2斗破苍穹 22 下载 20 11-06-26特殊声明:1:资料来源于互联网,版权归属原作者2:资料内容属于网络意见,与本账号立场无关3 :如有侵权,请告知,即将删除。


Example 2
A patient of limited financial means was advised by his doctor to increase the consumption of liver and chicken in his diet. In each meal he must get no less than200calories from this combination and no more than15units of fat. When he consulted his diet book, he found the following information: there are200calories in a pound of chicken and150calories in a pound of liver. However, there are15units of fat in a pound of liver and5units of fat in a pound of chicken. The price of chicken is£5a poundand the price of liver is£1.50a pound.The patient wants to minimize the total cost subject to the medical constraints imposed by his doctor.
Total number of hours spent at divisionD2= 4x(UnitP1)+3y(UnitP2)+3z(UnitP3)200
Total number of hours spent at divisionD3= 2x(UnitP1)+3y(UnitP2)+0z(UnitP3)30



LP-A5高阶式精益生产 高阶式精益生产
一,大角度精益生产 1.由采购与MRP-II角度(OR/调配式)来做 2.资源调配Operation Research 二,由最佳化资源调配建立的精益生产 1.LP—Liner Programming线型规划 2.TM—Transportation Model运输模式 3.QT—Queuing Theory等候理论 三,成本压缩+流程精简+资源调配 1.多元化「方法学」的导引 2.现场执行力的强化
LP-C5 精益生产中借用 精益生产中借用IE
1, 80±10 80±1.0 2,M±S的基本量测理念 3,标准工时一定以M±S表示 4,M=平均数 S=标准差(变异程度) 二,IE简易M±S公式 1,M=(a+4c+b)/6 2,S=(b-a)/6
80 80
LP-C6活用 七精神的 活用IE七精神的 活用 新旧模式
1924 1950 1955 1965 1970 1975 1980 1990 SPC/施华德–动态稽核 SQC/戴明–品质统计 QPL/裘兰–品质计划 TQC/费根堡–全面品管 CQ/克劳比–质量成本 QCC/石川馨–品管圈 TM/田口–稳健设计 6S–六标模式
LP-B6 精益生产的现场 准备工作
LP-B2 精益生产中供应商与采购 精益生产中供应商与采购
一,货比三家不吃亏,对吗? 1,One Source单一货源 2,More Source多元货源 二,采购五要求—PQTQP 1,近的地点—Place 4,Q=? 2,对的数量—Quality 5,P=? 3,准的时间—Time 三,长期供应伙伴—Partner,优点何在? 四,合格供应商—选择与评价体系. 五,整体式采购与物料系统的配合.



Element Name:Vision / Mission StatementDefinition:The Corporation's desired state, as well as attitudes, mind sets, beliefs, and behaviors, each of which is critical to the success of the organization.Purpose:To guide individual behavior and organizational decisions,creating a process and results focused culture.要素名称:企业宗旨定义:组织的远景目标以及为取得组织成功所必需的信念和行为的表述。


PI-1The Corporation's Vision, Values, and Cultural Priorities are championed by leadership and shared with the entire organization.Have the Vision, Values and Cultural Priorities been shared? Are the Vision, Values, and Cultural Priorities part of business plan discussion and review?PI-2The Corporate Vision, Values, and Cultural Priorities are clearly written and displayed.Where are they displayed throughout the plant? Are they visible to all employees?PI-3The Corporate Vision, Values, and Cultural Priorities are clearly communicated to the entire organization by the Plant Leadership.How are the Vision, Values, and Cultural Priorities communicated and how often?PI-4The Corporate Vision, Values, and Cultural Priorities are clearly understood at all levels of the organization.Ask employees if they have heard of the Corporate Vision, Values, and Cultural Priorities. Are they able to show you where to find them? Are they familiar at all with the concepts? Are they part of the Team's business plan?PI-1公司高层开发宗旨/使命,并与整个组织的员工一起分享。


一、流体运动的基本方程回顾 动量方程: 粘性、不可压缩流体 N-S方程
Du 1 p 2u 2u 2u gx Dt x x 2 y 2 z 2
Dv 1 p 2v 2v 2v gy 2 2 2 Dt y x y z
流动条件,截面为A 1、A 2,平均速度为V 1、
V 2,流体密度为ρ. 由一维平均流动伯努利方程
V12 p1 V22 p gz1 gz 2 2 2 2
V22 V12 p p ( gz1 1 ) ( gz 2 2 ) 2
文特里流量计:一维平均流动伯努利方程 A1、A2截面上为缓变流,压强分布规律与U 形管内静止流体一样,可得
讨论: 1、上式为非定常不可压缩理想流体欧拉运动微分方程。 DV 0 上述方程变成流体静力学中的欧拉平衡微分方程。 2、 Dt 1 g p 0 V 0 此时的理想流体欧拉运动微分方程变成定常不可压缩理 3、 t 想流体欧拉运动微分方程。 1 V V g p
u u u 1 u v fx t x y v v v 1 u v fy t x y
p x p y
V 1 V V g p t
V 不考虑重力 0 t u v w D 0 Dt x y z u v 0 x y v u 0 x y
ρ,U 形管中液体密度ρm .
毕托测速管 解: 设流动符合不可压缩无粘性流体 定常流动条件。 AOB线是一条流线(常称为零流线), 沿



Years between Accidents Accidents
Intervention 1 Effectiveness % Intervention 2 Effectiveness %
Fuel System Safety Compliance Data
SFAR 88/Related Operating Rules
Special Maintenance Requirements &
Compliance Planning Briefing
Operators, FAA Inspectors and Engineers
November 7, 2002 Presented by: Mario L. Giordano, FAA Continuous Airworthiness Maintenance Division, Senior Advisor, AFS-303 Michael Zielinski, FAA Transport Airplane Directorate, AFS Liaison Program Manager, ANM-105
• 1990 - B-737-300 Manila, Philippine
– – – – – – Almost new airplane Empty CWT explosion during pushback from gate CWT pumps operating at time of explosion 8 fatalities Jet-A fuel, approx. 95 degree F ambient temp. NO IGNITION SOURCE IDENTIFIED


MSC: 60H10; 60G42; 65C30 Keywords: BSDE; Comparison theorem; Nonlinear expectation; Dynamic risk measures
1. Introduction The theory of Backward Stochastic Differential Equations (BSDEs) is an active area of research in both Mathematical Finance and Stochastic Control. Typically, one begins by defining
S.N. Cohen, R.J. Elliott / Stochastic Processes and their Applications 12processes (Y, Z ) through an equation of the form Yt −
]t , T ]
Stochastic Processes and their Applications 120 (2010) 442–466 /locate/spa
A general theory of finite state Backward Stochastic Difference Equations
F (ω, u , Yu − , Z u )du +
]t ,T ]
Z u d Mu = Q .
Here Q is a square-integrable terminal condition, F a progressively measurable ‘driver’ function, and M an N -dimensional Brownian Motion, all defined on an appropriate filtered probability space. The ‘solutions’ (Y, Z ) are required to be adapted to the forward filtration, and Z is required to be predictable. Recent work has also allowed the presence of jumps and the use of other underlying processes for M . However, these typically require a generalisation of the equation to include a martingale orthogonal to M , as a martingale representation theorem may not hold. See [7] for some general results. In [4], we considered the situation where M is the compensated jump martingale generated by a continuous time, finite state Markov Chain and showed that solutions existed for equations of this type. In this paper, we shall consider an analogous situation in discrete time. Such processes have been considered previously in [12] and other works, particularly as numerical approximations to continuous time processes. In contrast to these authors, we approach discrete time BSDEs as entities in their own right, and do not significantly address their use as approximations and the related numerical methods. Because of this, we obtain considerably more general conditions under which solutions exist, and also establish fundamental results, including, for example, a comparison theorem. This helps provide a better understanding of the structure underlying our results, by removing the complexity of continuous time and the restrictions inherent in Brownian motion. We begin by defining the discrete analogue of a continuous time BSDE, and giving conditions for existence and uniqueness. We then prove a comparison theorem, and consider the relationship between the driver and the set of solutions. We apply these results to obtain a theory of nonlinear expectations, and show that every nonlinear expectation obeying certain assumptions in this context is indeed the solution to a discrete BSDE. 2. Dynamics We shall consider an underlying discrete time, finite state process X . Without loss of generality, this can be assumed to take values in the standard basis vectors of R N , where N is the number of states of the process. That is, for each t ∈ {0, 1, . . .}, X t ∈ {e1 , e2 , . . . , e N }, where ei = (0, 0, . . . , 0, 1, 0, . . . , 0)∗ ∈ R N , and [·]∗ denotes vector transposition. Let (Ω , F , {Ft }0≤t ≤T , P) be a filtered probability space, where Ft is the completion of the sigma algebra generated by the process X up to time t . Unless otherwise noted, we index all quantities by the first time t such that they are Ft -measurable. X can then be represented as: X t = E [ X t |Ft −1 ] + Mt ∈ R N . By definition, M is the martingale difference process Mt = X t − E [ X t |Ft −1 ]. The central process considered in this paper is the solution (Y, Z ) of a BSDE based on M , that is an equation of the



EE 233 Circuit TheoryLab 1: RC CircuitsTable of Contents1Introduction (1)2Precautions (1)3Prelab Exercises (2)3.1The RC Response to a DC Input (2)3.1.1Charging RC Circuit (2)3.1.2Discharging RC Circuit (3)3.1.3Square Wave Input (3)3.1.4Multiple-stage RC Circuits (3)3.2The RC Response to a Sinusoidal Input (4)3.2.1Time-domain RC Response (4)3.2.2Frequency-domain RC Response (5)4Experimental Procedure and Data Analysis (6)4.1The RC Response to a DC Input (6)4.1.1Square Wave Input Analysis (6)4.1.2Time Constant Measurement (7)4.2The RC Response to a Sinusoidal Input (7)5Reference Material (9)5.1RC Step Response and Timing Parameters (9)5.2Elmore Delay Estimation (10)5.3Frequency Response of a Circuit System (10)5.4Parameter Extraction via Linear Least-Squares-Fit Technique (11)Table of FiguresFigure 3.1.1: Single-stage RC circuit. (2)Figure 3.1.2: Two-stage RC circuit. (4)Figure 3.1.3: Three-stage RC circuit. (4)Figure 3.2.1: An RC circuit with the output over the resistor. (5)Figure 4.1.1: RC circuit for lab experiment. (6)Figure 5.1.1: Timing parameters of signal waveforms. (9)Figure 5.2.1: N-stage RC circuit delay estimation. (10)1 IntroductionThis lab is designed to teach students methods for characterizing circuit systems, and more specifically, an RC circuit system. This lab will also familiarize students with the test bench instruments used in this class by having them use the equipment to analyze some fundamental response trends of step and sinusoidal input functions for an RC circuit.A circuit system can be pictured as a box with inputs and outputs, and the characteristics of this system can be represented by its input and output signals, e.g. voltage and current. A signal contains three parameters: magnitude, frequency, and phase. Any change of these parameters in the input signal will affect the output signal.The RC circuit has many interesting characteristics while staying one of the most basic circuit systems. This lab is going to allow students to observe these characteristics and teach them how to analyze the output signals with changes in input magnitude or frequency.This lab is split into a prelab exercise and hardware implementation. Submit one prelab report and one lab report per group, with the members’ names are clearly written on the front page. There is no template for the prelab report, and the lab report template is available on Canvas. These reports must be in pdf format. There are multiple apps, including CamScanner, for Apple and Android phones that turn photos into pdf’s. 2PrecautionsNone of the devices used in this set of experiments are particularly static sensitive; nevertheless, you should pay close attention to the circuit connections and the polarity of the power supplies, function generator, and oscilloscope inputs.3 Prelab Exercises3.1 The RC Response to a DC Input3.1.1 Charging RC CircuitThe differential equation for v out (t) is the most fundamental equation describing the RC circuit, and it can be solved if the input signal v in (t) and an initial condition are given.Figure 3.1.1: Single-stage RC circuit. Now suppose the input signal v in (t) has been zero for a long time, and then is changed to V o , a positive constant, at time t =0. The input signal is then a step function, which means:v in (t )=V o u(t)={0, t <0V o , t ≥0The initial condition for v out (t ) is needed to solve the differential equation. The output voltage should be zero when t <0, since there is no input until t =0. Thus, the initial condition for v out (t ) is v out (0)=0.Download Lab1_Prelab.m and lab1plot.m from the Canvas webpage, making sure they are in the same folder on your computer. Suppose V o =5V, R =10k Ω, and C =0.01µF.To do this, open Lab1_Prelab.m using Matlab (there is no need to open the other file) and read the developer comments about how to use the lab1plot function. Run the script, select “Change Folder” if the warning appears, and the plot for Prelab #3 should appear. You are not expected to know how to use Matlab in this course, so feel free to ask the TA for assistance if you have difficulty using the script.3.1.2 Discharging RC CircuitYou have now analyzed t he RC circuit’s step response, and you also have a general idea of what this response looks like by plotting it with the input voltage. Now suppose the input signal has been V o , a positive constant, for a long time before being changed to zero at t =0, which meansv in (t )=V o u(−t)={V o , t <00, t ≥03.1.3 Square Wave InputIf the input signal is turned on and off periodically then it becomes a square wave. Suppose the period of this square wave is T , and its duty cycle (the ratio of how long the square wave is on vs. how long it’s off) is 50%. If half of the period, T/2≫RC then the output voltage goes to its limit before the input changes. Example: If T =10RC , the ratio V out (T/2)−V out (0)V 0=V 0exp (−5)V=0.67%<1%. So the change of output voltage is almost equal to the change of the input voltage, andit means the output voltage is close to its limit.Refer to Reference 5.1 to answer Prelab #6.When deriving the expressions, notice that these timing parameters are independent of the input voltage. 3.1.4 Multiple-stage RC CircuitsRefer to Reference 5.2 Elmore Delay Estimation to answer Prelab #8.Figure 3.1.2: Two-stage RC circuit.Figure 3.1.3: Three-stage RC circuit.3.2The RC Response to a Sinusoidal Input3.2.1Time-domain RC ResponseWhile the input square wave changes the magnitude of the signal, exploration of the RC response to an AC signal can show more interesting characteristics of the RC circuit. Looking back on Figure 3.1.1, the single-stage RC circuit, suppose we are using a sinusoidal wave as an input signal, v in(t)=V o cos(ωt), where ω is the angular frequency of the signal.This differential equation is the fundamental equation describing the RC circuit system. The solution for the steady-state output voltage isv out(t)=V o1+R2C2ω2[cos(ωt)+RCωsin(ωt)]This solution shows that v out(t) is a function of the signal’s frequency f and time t. The relationship between angular frequency ω and signal frequency f is ω=2πf.Suppose V o =1V (notice it’s different), f =1kHz, R =10k Ω, and C =0.01µF.3.2.2 Frequency-domain RC ResponseNow consider the solution for v out (t ) with the signal’s frequency f being the independent variable. The output voltage is a sinusoidal wave with the same frequency as the input voltage, and its magnitude is given by|V out (f )|=V o √1+4π2R 2C 2f 2Suppose V o =1V, R =10k Ω, and C =0.01µF. Notice that the frequency-domain plot’s x -axis is logarithmic, that is, each division is 10 times greater than the previous. This frequency-domain plot will become very important in subsequent labs, where you will use it to design filters for your audio mixer.Now consider another RC system in Figure 3.2.1,in which the output voltage is over the resistor,rather than the capacitor.The output voltage is now the input signal minusthe voltage over the capacitor, and its magnitude isgiven bySuppose V o =1V, R =10k Ω, and C =0.01µF.Figure 3.2.1: An RC circuit with the output over the resistor. |V out (f )|=o +4π2R 2C 2f 24 Experimental Procedure and Data Analysis4.1 The RC Response to a DC Input4.1.1 Square Wave Input AnalysisBuild the circuit in Figure 4.1.1 and set thefunction generator to provide a square wave inputas follows:a) The period T ≥4ms (to ensure that T ≫RC ).This value of T guarantees that the output signalhas sufficient time to reach a final value beforethe next input transition. Record your value ofT . b) The minimum voltage is 0V and maximumvoltage is 5V. Note that you may need to manually set the offset to achieve this waveform. Use the oscilloscope to display this waveform on Channel 1 to verify that the amplitude is correct. We use these amplitudes since it they are common in computer systems (false = 0V, true = 5V).Use Channel 2 of the oscilloscope to display the output voltage over the capacitor. Adjust the time base to display 3 complete cycles of the signals. Capture the output from the scope display with both the waveforms and the measured values. Turn this oscilloscope waveform in as part of your lab report.Using the oscilloscope ’s Cursor menu, record the period T of the input signal, as well as the maximum and minimum values of the output signal. Then measure the time value of the 10% point of V out , the time value of the 90% point of V out , and the time value of the 50% point of V out .Note: Instructions for using the lab equipment are found in Lab Equipment.pdf , on the Canvas webpage. Percent error is defined as:PE =|actual value −theoretical value|theoretical value ×100%Now clear all the oscilloscope measurements. Use the measurement capability of the oscilloscope to measure the rise time of v out (t), the fall time of v out (t), and the two delay times t PHL and t PLH .Figure 4.1.1: RC circuit for lab experiment.4.1.2Time Constant MeasurementThe time constant τ=RC is one of the most important characteristics of RC circuit, and its value can be extracted from measured data.To measure the time constant τ, use the oscilloscope’s Cursor menu to measure the voltage and time values at 10 points on the v out waveform during one interval when v out either rises or falls with time (pick one interval only). Note that the time values should be referred to time t=0 at the point where the input signal rises from 0V to 5V or falls from 5V to 0V. Record the 10 measurements.Explanation: Consider the ratio of |v out−v in| and high voltage V0. It isRatio(t)=|v out(t)−v in||V0|=e−tτand it can be calculated by measured data. So the function ln (Ratio(t)) is linearaccording to time, and the slope is −1τ. Read Reference 5.4 for more information.Now build two-stage and three-stage RC circuits and measure time constant τtwo−stage and τthree−stage using the same methods as the single stage circuit analysis. Record all your measurements.4.2The RC Response to a Sinusoidal InputRebuild the circuit in Figure 4.1.1 and set the function generator to provide a sinusoidal input with:a) An amplitude of 1V, which means V pk−pk=2Vb) A frequency of 1kHz.Connect Channel 1 to the input voltage and Channel 2 to the voltage over the capacitor as the output. Display the input and output voltages simultaneously on the oscilloscope in 3 complete cycles. Capture the output from the scope display with both the waveforms and the measured values. Turn this oscilloscope waveform in as part of your lab report.Now measure the RC response to sinusoidal signals with various frequencies. Keep the input amplitude at 1V, but sweep the frequency from the starting input frequency of 10Hz, varying it using a 1-2-5 sequenceup to 1MHz (i.e. set input frequency to 10Hz, 20Hz, 50Hz, 100Hz, 200Hz … up to 1MHz). Record the amplitudes of the output signals.Once done, switch the locations of the resistor and capacitor and change the output to be the voltage over the resistor. Set the function generator to provide a sinusoidal wave input with 1V amplitude. As before, sweep the frequency starting from 10Hz using the 1-2-5 sequence up to 1MHz. Record the amplitudes of the output signals.5Reference Material5.1RC Step Response and Timing ParametersThe step response of a simple RC circuit, illustrated in Figure 5.1.1, is an exponential signal with time constant τ=RC. Besides this timing parameter, four other timing parameters are important in describing how fast or how slow an RC circuit responds to a step input. These timing parameters are marked in Figure5.1.1, as three voltage levels:a) The 10%-point is the point at which the output voltage is 10% of the maximum output voltage.b) The 50%-point is the point at which the output voltage is 50% of the maximum output voltage.c) The 90%-point is the point at which the output voltage is 90% of the maximum output voltage.Figure 5.1.1: Timing parameters of signal waveforms.The three timing parameters are defined as follows:a) Rise time: the time interval between the 10%-point and the 90%-point of the waveform when the signal makes the transition from low voltage (L) to high voltage (H). Notation: t r.b) Fall time: the time interval between the 90%-point and the 10%-point of the waveform when the signal makes the transition from high voltage (H) to low voltage (L). Notation: t f.c) Delay time (or propagation delay time): the time interval between the 50%-point of the input signal and the 50%-point of the output signal when both signals make a transition. There are two delay times depending on whether the output signal is going from L to H (delay notation t PLH) or from H to L (delay notation t PHL). The subscript P stands for “propagation.”Note that the rise time and the fall time are defined using a single waveform (the output waveform), while the delay time is defined between two waveforms: the input waveform and the corresponding output waveform.5.2Elmore Delay EstimationFigure 5.2.1 depicts a multi-element configuration. The resistor R1 in this figure charges all N capacitors downstream of its own position. The Elmore estimated delay τ1 from point x0 to x1 is thereforeτ1=R1∑C mNm=1Resistor R2 charges only capacitors numbered 2 through N, so the estimated delay from point x1 to x2 isτ2=R2∑C mNm=2Working down the row, the total delay for the whole circuit is then estimated as:τ=∑R nNn=1∑C m Nm=nFigure 5.2.1: N-stage RC circuit delay estimation.5.3Frequency Response of a Circuit SystemAn analog circuit system has different responses for sine waves with different frequencies. The magnitude of the output voltage always changes in terms of frequencies if the magnitude of the input sine wave stays the same. Therefore, the frequency response is the quantitative measure to characterize the system. Since any input signal can be regarded as the sum of a set of sinusoidal waves, the output signal will have different responses to input waves with the set of frequencies. If the circuit has high magnitude for low frequencies, and close to zero magnitude for high frequencies, the high frequencies will be removed by the circuit in the output signal, and vice versa.The frequency response is one of the main characteristics of the system, and you will explore methods of analyzing the frequency response in the following labs.5.4Parameter Extraction via Linear Least-Squares-Fit TechniqueThe important parameters of V out(t) are the maximum amplitude and the time constant τ. The maximum amplitude is easily measured by using the oscilloscope. Measuring the time constant directly and accurately is more difficult, since the waveform is an exponential function of time. A linear least-squares-fit procedure can be used in the lab to extract the time constant from measured voltage and time values as follows.The equation for V out(t) during the time interval when V out(t) falls with time, which you can write based on what you learned in prerequisite courses, can be manipulated to provide a linear function in terms of the time t. The slope of this line is then used to extract the time constant τ.Alternatively, the equation for V out(t) during the time interval when V out(t) rises with time can also be manipulated to provide a linear function in terms of the time t. The slope of this line is then used to extract the time constant τ.In the lab, you will measure a set of data points (t,V out). These values, after the appropriate manipulation as above, can be used to plot a straight line, whose slope is a function of τ. You can use any procedure or a calculator to plot and extract the slop. The slope value will then be used to calculate the time constant τ. Make sure you understand this procedure and be ready to use it in the lab. Note that the more points you measure, the more accurate the extracted value for τ.。



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【解】这是一个条材下料问题 ,设切口宽度为零。 设一根圆钢切割成甲、 乙、丙三种轴的根数分别为y1,y2,y3,则切割方式可用不等式 1.5y1+y2+0.7y3≤4表示,求这个不等式关于y1,y2,y3的非负整数解。象这样 的非负整数解共有10组,也就是有10种下料方式,如表1-3所示。
表1-3 下料方案
制作与教学 武汉理工大学管理学院 陈雅娟
1.1 线性规划的数学模型 Mathematical Model of LP
Chapter 1 线性规划
Linear Programming
Page 4
1.1.1 应用模型举例
【例1-1】生产计划问题。某企业在计划期内计划生产甲、乙两 种产品。按工艺资料规定,每件产品甲需要消耗材料A 2公斤, 消耗材料B 1公斤,每件产品乙需要消耗材料A 1公斤,消耗材 料B 1.5公斤。已知在计划期内可供材料分别为40、30公斤;每 生产一件甲、乙两产品,企业可获得利润分别为300、400元, 如表1-1所示。假定市场需求无限制。企业决策者应如何安排 生产计划,使企业在计划期内总的利润收入最大。
40 0
0 30 30
0 15 5 20 60
20 20 0 40 20
5 15 17 55
Chapter 1 线性规划
Linear Programming
Page 13
【例1-4】配料问题。某钢铁公司生产一种合金,要求的成分规格 是 : 锡 不 少 于 28% , 锌 不 多 于 15% , 铅 恰 好 10% , 镍 要 界 于 35%~55%之间,不允许有其他成分。钢铁公司拟从五种不同级 别的矿石中进行冶炼,每种矿物的成分含量和价格如表1-4所示。 矿石杂质在治炼过程中废弃,现要求每吨合金成本最低的矿物数 量。假设矿石在冶炼过程中,合金含量没有发生变化。

passage planning

passage planning









1 Passage AppraisalVoyages of whatever length, can be broken down into two major stages-preparation, which included in preparation is appraisal and planning and execution of the voyage includes organization and monitoring.Before any voyage can be embarked upon or, indeed, any project undertaken, those controlling the venture need to have a good idea of the risks involved. The appraisal stage of passage planning examines these risks. If alternatives are available, these risks are evaluated and a compromise solution is reached whereby the level of risk is balanced against commercial expediency. The appraisal could be considered to be the most important part of passage planning as it is at this stage that all pertinent information is gathered and the firm foundation for the plan is built. The urge to commence planning as soon as possible should be resisted. Time allocated to appraisal will pay dividends later.1.1 Information SourcesThe Master’s decision on the overall conduct of the passage will be based upon an appraisal of the available information. Such appraisal will be made by considering the information from sources including:Chart Catalogue, Navigational charts, Ocean Passages for the World, Routeing charts or pilot charts, Sailing Directions and Pilot Books, Light Lists, Tide Tables, Tidal stream atlases, Notices to Mariners (Navareas, Hydrolants, Hydropacs), Routeing information, Radio signal information (including VTS and pilot service), Climatic information, Load-line chart, Distance tables, Electronic navigational systems information, Radio and local warnings, Owner’s and other unpublished sources, Draught of vessel,1.图书总目录是指由英国水道测量局每年出版的NP131和由美国国防部每年出版的CATP2V01U。

Linear Constraint Projection--- Top-Down and Bottom-Up

Linear Constraint Projection--- Top-Down and Bottom-Up
Linear Constraint Projection | Top-Down and Bottom-Up
Andreas Fordan GMD-FIRST { German National Research Center For Information Technology
1 Iluation of a (constraint) logic program, many variables are encountered that are local to a rule, i.e. they appear only in the body. After the evaluation of a rule, its local variables become dead. After the evaluation of a query, all variables except for those in the query are dead. In order to keep the answer constraint as small and as concise as possible, it should contain just the query variables. In the case of linear arithmetic constraints, this is possible via projection on the wanted variables. In 4], we investigated the Can-Build problem 1, 11]. It represents one extreme of all constraint satisfaction problems as it does not use any logic search or solver capability but takes advantage only of the projection. The Can-Build problem is a model of an availabilitycontrolled materials requirement system. From the availability of the parts, a generalized production plan is constructed. In 11], a modeling of Can-Build was realized in CLP(R) 7]. The generation of the plan, i.e. the imposing of the constraints, was very fast, but the projection turned out to be the bottleneck. One of the examples ran 105 times longer for the projection than for the rest of the evaluation. The reason for this behaviour is the exponential worst case complexity of the linear inequality projection. Existing top-down systems like CLP(R) and ECLi PSe perform only one single projection for every query at the end of computation. But projection can be more than an ornament of the answer presentation. Rather, projection is a powerful instrument to reduce the size of problems to the relevant parameters, or technically spoken, to keep the constraint store small and free of dead variables. Now we have collected three reasons for an early projection . We can accelerate the answer projection by decomposition, provide projection as a declarative instrument for the user, and keep the store free of local variables. 123
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LPSP:A Linear Plan-level Stochastic PlannerRonen I.Brafman Department of Math and CSBen-Gurion University Beer Sheva,Israel84105 brafman@cs.bgu.ac.ilHolger H.HoosDepartment of Computer ScienceDarmstadt University of TechnologyD-62483Darmstadt,Germanyhoos@informatik.tu-darmstadt.deCraig BoutilierDepartment of Computer ScienceUniversity of British ColumbiaV ancouver,BC V6T1Z4,Canadacebly@cs.ubc.caAbstractWe describe LPSP,a domain-independent planning algorithm that searches the space of linear plans using stochastic local search techniques.Because linear plans,rather than propo-sitional assignments,comprise the states of LPSP’s search space,we can incorporate into its search various operators that are suitable for manipulating plans,such as plan-step reordering based on action dependencies,and limited for-ward/backward search.This,in turn,leads to aflexible plan-ning algorithm that outperforms the SATPLAN planner on dif-ficult blocks world problems.1IntroductionThe last several years have witnessed the emergence of a number of novel classical planning algorithms,includ-ing Ginsberg’s approximate planning[Gin96],Blum and Furst’s GRAPHPLAN[BF95],Kautz and Selman’s SA T-PLAN[KS96]constraint-based planning[JP96]and refine-ment planning[KKY95].While considerable research has been directed in the last decade toward the development of least-commitment planners that search in plan space—with a notable lineage defined by TWEAK[Cha87],SNLP[MR91] and UCPOP[PW92]—these new algorithms employ ideas that differ,sometimes considerably,from those underlying more classic work in generative planning.SA TPLAN,in particular,is a very different form of plan-ner,seemingly relying on almost none of the intuitions used to develop state-space or plan-space planners in the past. While similar in some respects to constraint-based planning, it embodies none of the concepts usually used to direct the search for plans,such as projection,regression,means-ends analysis,producers,consumers,causal links,threats,clob-berers,and so on(at least not explicitly).Instead,using a propositional encoding of a planning problem,it searches stochastically for a satisfying assignment,from which a plan can be extracted.On many problems,it outperforms other planning approaches by orders of magnitude.While SA TPLAN’s success is certainly good news for those concerned with the prospects for generative planning, one cannot but admit a certain disappointment that many ofOf course,it has not been claimed that stochastic planning out-performs more traditional approaches on all domains,and an un-derstanding of the nature of domains on which it is better/worse re-mains an issue.That is,bw-large.d:a19block problem(18step optimal plan); and bw-large.c:a15block problem(14step optimal plan).to embody certain planning intuitions;but this interaction is often accidental,and can be hard to verify.Furthermore,it can be almost impossible to apply new planning intuitions to search guidance:one must devise a new encoding whose in-teraction with stochastic search embodies these intuitions. The approach taken in LPSP is to provide a representa-tion that allows these explicit planning intuitions and oper-ators to impact search.In fact,as we describe in the con-cluding section,LPSP is a specific instance of a more gen-eral approach that admits different plan representations and search procedures.Our LPSP algorithm is quite simple;it operates roughly as follows.We generate an initial linear plan(sequence of actions offixed size)from which search proceeds.We also assume the existence of a scoring function that measures the degree of conflict exhibited by a plan:plans with a higher score are“less valid”than plans with a lower score.We then compute plan successors by considering the replacement of each action with a different action.We then apply the best replacement(i.e.,choose the successor with the minimal score),unless no replacement improves the score of the current plan.In this case,we do one of two things:if the current plan score is sufficiently high(i.e.,it has a large number of conflicts),we perform a stochastic shuffling of the plans actions;if the score is low(i.e.,it is promising)we per-form an optimization step involving the(stochastic)applica-tion of various plan construction techniques with limited for-ward search.This optimization step differentiates LPSP from SA TPLAN to great degree,and relies on the choice of plan space as our search space.It is also crucial to the success of LPSP—without it the planner’s performance is abysmal. The rest of this paper is organized as follows.Following a brief review of the classical planning problem,we present a more detailed description of the LPSP.This is followed by a description of our experimental results comparing LPSP to SA TPLAN,and a short discussion.2The Planning ProblemWe focus on the well-known classical AI planning problem. We assume we are given an initial state,a set of goal states ,and a set of actions(i.e.,partial functions mappingstates to states).Our task is tofind a sequence of actions such that the sequential application of these ac-tion in this order starting at will yield a state in(i.e.,).The complexity of this planning problem depends on the language used for describ-ing and[ENS95].We adopt the popular STRIPS language for representing actions[FN71].We consider problems formulated using a propositional STRIPS representation,where the states corre-spond to propositional assignments,goal states are described via conjunctions of propositions,and actions are represented using two lists:the precondition list,containing a conjunc-tion of propositions,and the effect list,containing a conjunc-tion of literals.An instance of the move action from the blocks world domain is shown in Figure1.The action can beplan score is below some optimization threshold,we applyan optimization procedure to;intuitively,if is reason-ably good,we will perform some plan-directed search.If thethreshold is exceeded,we apply a random Shuffle procedure.We describe each of these components in turn.3.1Initialization and ScoringThe search procedure is restarted with a new plan after a max-imum number of search steps and search is stopped after amaximum number of tries.This general scheme can be foundin many stochastic local search algorithms,such as GSA T[SLM92]or Walksat[SKC94]A plan is initialized at the be-ginning of a search try using bi-directional search.If the planlength is,we choose the last actions by performing re-gression from the goal state.If multiple actions can be ap-plied,one is chosen randomly.We choose thefirst ac-tions using an analogous forward search through state space(again randomly choosing from among multiple applicableactions).Thus the initial plan consists of two“valid”frag-ments that are(highly)unlikely to match where they meet.The scoring function is defined as follows.For each ac-tion in the plan,its required atoms are those ground atomsthat appear in some literal in its precondition list(i.e.,theseare preconditions without polarity).For any action inand required atom,the most recent action for is thelatest occurring action in,,that has an effect on.If the effect of agrees with this precondition of(i.e.,if produces and needs,or if produces andneeds),we let.Intuitively,this means thereis no conflict in the plan with regard to’s precondition in-volving.Otherwise,there is a conflict in the plan in thisregard,and we let.The scoreis given by the sum of the scores for eachin and each of’s required atoms.Although we arrived at this scoring function empirically,we believe that its main effect is to favor resolution of a con-flict between action’s effects and’s preconditions by in-sertion of an action between and,if possible at position):this leads to the greatest reduction in the scoreof the plan(in this dimension).3.2Selecting Actions for ReplacementHaving described the scoring function and the plan initializa-tion step,we now describe the main subroutines of LPSP.Asmentioned above,given a current plan with score,wefirstattempt to replace one of its actions to improve its score.Thisis the function of the ChooseAction procedure which is de-tailed in Figure3.2.Intuitively,we calculate for each planstep an action such that substituting for inyields the plan with the lowest score among all possiblereplacements of(let this score be).If there are multiplecandidates for(i.e.,multiple actions with the same lowestscore),one is chosen at random.Next,all minimal scores,,are compared.Let be the index of the ac-tion that has the smallest value.One possible strategy A natural extension would be to permit the addition,as well asreplacement,of plan steps that reduce conflict level.Procedure Shuffle simply chooses a random number,chooses random pairs of integers and exchanges actionand in for each such pair.Procedure optimize()-For i=1to n-1-For j=i+1to n-if i depends on j thenexchange steps i and j-For i=1to n-1-For j=i+1to n-if i threatens j thenexchange steps i and j-If new_score not better than old_score then -let S be the initial state-make all actions in plan unchosen-while possible-choose an unchosen action whose-preconditions are satisfied at S andmark it chosen-Reassign to S the state obtained byapplying the chosen action to SFigure3:The Optimization Procedureoptimization step performs very poorly.Without optimiza-tion,the LPSP variant is often able to generate plans con-taining many or all of the steps that appear in some valid so-lution.Unfortunately,their order is usually incorrect.Since the random shuffling of actions is highly unlikely to stumble upon the correct ordering,and because the cost of each search step(especially action replacement)is considerably higher than the cost of one assignment step of typical stochastic SA T engines,we cannot afford the luxury of waiting for random shuffling of actions to bring about the correct ordering.The optimization procedure is detailed in Figure3.It is a based on the heuristic application of some simple intu-itions regarding ordering constraints.Intuitively,we attemptto identify incorrectly ordered,but dependent,actions in the current plan andfix the ordering.We proceed in two stages. We say that action depends on action if, has an effect that is a precondition of,and no action prior to has this effect.We say that threatens ifand has an effect that negates some precondition of, and no action()has this precondition as an effect.Intuitively,if depends on,swapping their posi-tion in the plan has the potential to satisfy the unmet precon-dition of;and if threatens,swapping has the poten-tial to remove this threat and satisfy this precondition of. Notice that these steps do not completely propagate ordering constraints as might be found in a partial order planner.The reasoning used is“incomplete”but very efficient.Thefirst stage of optimization examines each action in in turn,determining whether it depends on some following action;if so,the actions are exchanged in.Next,we again examine each action to see whether it is threatened by some previous action,and if so,we reverse their ordering.Al-though this reordering is incomplete(i.e.,it does not always generate a correct ordering of the existing actions),it is suc-cessful with surprising frequency.large.a,which involves9blocks and can be optimally solved using6steps;bwlarge.c(15blocks,14step plan);and bwThis stage is implemented very simply by choosing a random permutation of the actions in,picking applicable actions in the order they occur in this permutation,and then swapping them into the correct position in the plan being generated.Even for the largest instance,LPSP alwaysfinds a solution in less than1000steps,while SATPLAN requires approximately ten million steps.But SATPLAN/Walksat performs about30,000 steps/sec,while LPSP steps might take more than a second each.SATPLAN/Wsat LPSPProblem stddev mean stddevlarge.a0.43 2.01 1.74large.b21.7626.2120.73large.c503.4572.9969.36large.d588.58322.13353.10cutoff Opt.Thr.large.a0.51000bw100k-1100large.c0.21000bw6000k-2100We base this observation on the material distributed with theSATPLAN planner.eter used in LPSP is the score threshold used to direct plan optimization;this is due to the fact that average score is highly dependent on plan length.2.The use of an intuitive plan representation immediatelysuggests the possibility of using of many novel concepts (such as various plan representations,measures of plan quality and plan transformations),developed in the classi-cal planning community,by stochastic search algorithms.This last point is especially important.The dismal per-formance of LPSP on the logistics domain may suggest dim prospects for LPSP.But we believe that the use of more so-phisticated plan representations and search spaces,especially those based on non-linear plans,constraint-based planning representations,and those that allow concurrent action such as GRAPHPLAN[BF95],offer great promise.Indeed,the success of SA TPLAN using a state-based encoding bodes well for the extension of LPSP in that fashion.Stochastic local search techniques for solving satisfiability problems have started to gain wide attention in the AI com-munity and,as a result,considerable advances in the perfor-mance of these methods have been achieved.The LPSP al-gorithm is still in its earliest stages of development.It is our hope that similar improvements will be made in plan-level stochastic local search techniques.There are a number of optimizationsthat we hope to exam-ine in the near future,both with respect to the implementation and the underlying algorithm.For instance,we hope to soon investigate the use of non-linear and least commitment plan representations,and more sophisticated ordering techniques, as discussed above.Another idea worth pursuing is direct search in the space of variable-sized plans.This couldfit well with LPSP’s optimization steps,where actions that do not ex-ist in the current plan could be added if needed,or where existing actions could be deleted if not useful.In addition, we envision many possible avenues of development.For ex-ample,one could combine ideas from SA TPLAN and LPSP by,say,integrating LPSP’s optimization methods with SA T-PLAN’s ability to reason with constraints;or by using SA T-PLAN for the initial search phase of LPSP.It is our hope that additional ideas from more traditional planning algorithms will be combined with stochastic local search techniques to yield improved planners.References[BF95] A.Blum and M.L.Furst.Fast planning through planning graph analysis.In Proc.Fourteenth In-ternational Joint Conference on AI,1995. 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