雅思写作 大作文范文赏析

雅思写作大作文范文赏析题目:In many countries schools have severe problems with student behaviour.What do you think are the causes of this?What solutions can you suggest?话题和题型分类教育类,原因对策型题目分析许多国家的学校在管理学生表现方面存在严重问题思路提示原因:文化习俗,传统习惯欠缺正确的教育理论学校利益与学生追求不一致学生的叛逆心理对策:教育者对学生的心理能够科学掌握校方积极听取学生诉求通过社会和传统文化来约束Sample AnswerPoor student behaviour seems to be an increasingly widespread problem. Many experts insist that it is because of the students’individual qualities, but others advocate that it is not so simple like that. As I see it, domestic education, classmates in school and the whole education environment are factors that contribute to this problem.(首段摆明观点: 学生不良行为的原因包括家庭教育、学校同学以及整个教育制度的影响)One very strong argument is that domestic education is not enough to regulate student behaviour. Many people are convinced that family is the first teacher for a child. A person’s temperament forms when he or she is young and the families’behaviour can be learnt by children easily. Thus if their families behave horribly, they may do so. One of the solution to theproblem lies with the families, who need to be more aware of the future consequences of spoiling their children. Perhaps parenting classes are needed to help them to do raise their children to be considerate of others and responsible individuals.(文章第二段论述导致学生不良行为的第一个原因)Another factor which must be taken into consideration is that school is also an environment for students to learn from each other. If a student always communicates and studies with his classmates, he can learn others’behaviours in a short time, including bad performance. Consequently, school environment cannot be neglected. High quality elementary schools could be established that would support families more in terms of raising the next generation.(文章第三段论述导致学生不良行为的第二个原因)Last but not least, the whole education environment of a nation is also crucial for student behaviour. Some students under great pressure may behave terribly. If education department lays a too heavy burden on students, they may be stressed out, give up studying and thus do something harmful. To solve this problem, the government should publish some guidance for students’school work which specifies students’leaning objectives and make some changes to alleviate burdens on students.(文章第四段,论述导致学生不良行为的第三个原因)From the above views, I hold the opinion that the terrible behaviour of the students is not only the responsibility of themselves, but also of other factors including family, classmates and education environment.(全文总结再次重申观点)满分要素剖析:语言表达本文没有刻意用长难句,使用动词不定式等使得语言更简洁明了,客观清晰的地表达了作者的观点。

二、大作文Some people think it is more important to spend public money on roads and motorways than on public transport system such as railways and trams. To what extent do you agree or disagree?你是否同意:有些人认为公共资金更应该投入到道路和高速公路的建设,而不是公共交通系统,比如铁路和轨道交通?题目解读:Agree or Disagree的关于政府交通投资的话题,对比道路建设和公共交通建设,而道路交通更多对应的是私家车,所以实质上是政府更应该投资建设私人交通还是公共交通的问题。
推荐思路:tend to disagree理由1: 政府投资建设公共交通可以提升城市内和城市间的交通效率。

雅思写作大作文范文In this highly competitive world, acquiring a variety of skills has become far more important than ever before. It is argued that people gain more necessary abilities through participating in a variety of group work, compared with the individual one. From my perspective, skills gained from both types of activities are equally essential.在这个竞争激烈的世界里,获得各种技能已经变得比以往任何时候都重要得多。
On the one hand, what people are able to learn by teamwork is meaningful. Firstly, by cooperating and working together with other participators, people are able to gain a better understanding of how to collaborate with others, an important quality that can facilitate to achieve career success. Another essential ability people can develop from group activities is communication skill. Whatever the group work is, playing football, basketball or doing a scientific research, it requires participants to communicate and socialize with others from diverse backgrounds especially when they hold different perspectives. People with strong social skills can adapt to a new environment more quickly and are more likely to access good resources from their friends wherever they are.一方面,人们能够通过团队合作学习是有意义的。

2023年6月10日雅思大作文真题全解,附高分范文6.10雅思大作文真题解析+高分范文话题:社会话题—人们是否应该交税题目:Some people think we should keep all the money we earn and not pay taxes to the state. To what extent do you agree or disagree?写作思路:公民纳税是合理合法的事情。
雅思写作真题范文Taxes play a vital role in funding public services andensuring societal well-being. While some people arguefor keeping all the money earned and question thenecessity of paying taxes to the state, I disagree with thisopinion.Admittedly,individuals with low ines can retain allthe money they earn, which is a mon policy adoptedby many countries worldwide. This is to ensure everymember of society has the money to meet their basicsurvival needs.However, when a person s inesurpasses a certain threshold, they should fulfill theirobligation of paying taxes to the state.One primary reason for paying taxes is that governmentsneed money to maintain criticalinfrastructure andprovide public services. Education, healthcare.transportation, and public safety are all supported by taxrevenue. Without adequate funds, these essentialservices would suffer, affecting people' s lives andhindering societal progress. By contributing a portion oftheir earnings through taxes, individuals activelyparticipate in building a well-functioning society.真题范文Moreover, taxation serves as a mechanism forredistribution of wealth and the promotion of socialstability.In most tax systems, individuals with higherines contribute a larger proportion of their earningsThis policy can help address socioeconomic disparitiesand provide a safety net for the vulnerable members ofsociety. lf people were allowed to keep all the moneythey earn, it would widen the gap between the rich andthe poor, leading to various social problems, such asresentment towards the wealthy or even an increase inviolent crimes.In conclusion,I disagree with the idea of keeping all themoney people earn without paying taxes, as it fails toacknowledge the crucial role that taxation plays insustaining and advancing society重点词汇与语料fund提供资金necessity必要性retain保留surpass超过threshold门槛obligation义务infrastructure基础设施revenue收入adequate足够的hinder阻碍well-functioning 运转良好的mechanism机制重点词汇与语料redistribution重新分配disparity差距safety net安全保障vulnerable弱势的resentment憎恨sustain维持以上就是关于《2023年6月10日雅思大作文真题全解,附高分范文》介绍。

As part of education, students should spend a period of time studying and living in a different country to learn its language and culture. To what extent do you agree or disagree?审题:题目翻译:作为教育的一部分,学生应该要花一段时间去海外学习和生活来学习当地的语言和文化。
框架构造:Partly agree1. 开头段(用于引出题目背景,并且表明自己的态度)2. 论证出国学习和生活对于学习语言和文化的重要性3. 但是,反面论证这种做法对于部分学生是不现实的4. 结尾(再次重申自己的观点,并且可以给出自己的建议)Sample answer:Going abroad for further study has become more of a trend as large numbers of students participate in international language tests, such as IELTS or TOEFL. Some academics advocate that an experience of learning in foreign countries is a necessary part of education for language betterment and language acquisition. As for me, however, such practice should be considered with discretion.Admittedly, studying and living in another country can be an effective way to achieve the mentioned purposes. Compared with second-hand experience, living in the native environment can provide students with many opportunities to use the language to communicate with local people. Such language ability can make them be more competitive in the future job market. Meanwhile, living experiences can help students to have a deep insight into local life, including history, culture as well as religious belief.However, it would be unrealistic if all students are encouraged to participate in it. First of all, considering students themselves, those who lack learning and adaptive ability may find it hard to integrate into local life and sometimes they will feel disappointed or even depressed because of culture shocks and language barriers. Tuition fees and life expenses can be another problem. Different from rich students, those who come from working-class families or needy families cannot afford such a big cost to study overseas. For example, studying in UK for one year may cost one student nearly 300 thousand, which is far from affordability.To sum up, an experience of studying and living overseas can help students to speak good language and understand the local culture well. However, it is not a practical way for most ordinary families unless they make full preparations.思路分析:Introduction:Going abroad for further study has become more of a trend as large numbers of students participate in international language tests, such as IELTS or TOEFL.(用最熟悉的事件引出背景)Some academics advocate that an experience of learning in foreign countries is a necessary part of education for language betterment and language acquisition.(对于题目的改写)As for me, however, such practice should be considered with discretion.(在段落的最后,用一句话表明出自己的观点)Body 1:主题句:Admittedly, studying and living in another country can be an effective way to achieve the mentioned purposes.(其中mentioned purposes指的是题目中的掌握语言和文化,为了避免重复,改用其他方式来表达)支撑论点部分:Compared with second-hand experience, (用了对比论证手法,强调国外生活与学习的好处)living in the native environment can provide students with many opportunities to use the language to communicate with local people. Such language ability can make them be more competitive in the future job market.(凸显对于语言的好处,使用了因果论证来说明语言的重要性) Meanwhile,(论点之间的连接词) living experiences can help students to have a deep insight into local life, including history, culture as well as religious belief. (论证了对于文化的帮助,使用including来举出文化的一些典型表现)。

1. 题目:In many countries, people are living longer and the populationis getting older. What are the advantages and disadvantages of this trend?(在许多国家,人们的寿命越来越长,人口越来越老。
1. 优点:首先,人口老龄化可以带来更多的经验和智慧。
2. 缺点:首先,人口老龄化会增加养老负担。

考生需要在规定的时间内(通常为40分钟)完成一篇至少250个单词的文章。 文章需要结构清晰、观点明确、论证充分、语言流畅。同时,考生需要注意避 免抄袭和语法错误等问题。
雅思大作文的评分标准主要包括任务响应、连贯与衔接、词汇丰富程度、语法多样性和 准确性四个方面。考官会根据这四个方面对考生的文章进行综合评分,最终得出一个总
考题往往要求考生对某一话题进行深 入思考和分析,提出有见地的观点和 解决方案,而非仅仅停留在表面现象 的描述上。
随着人工智能技术的不断进步和应用领域的不断拓展,这一话题将持续成为雅思大作文的 重点考察内容。考生需要关注人工智能的最新发展动态,思考其对社会、经济、伦理等方 面的影响和挑战。
雅思大作文考题详 解课件
目 录
• 引言 • 历年考题回顾与趋势分析 • 审题技巧与思路拓展 • 文章结构与段落安排 • 语言表达与句式运用 • 备考策略与时间规划 • 总结与展望
雅思(International English Language Testing System, 简称IELTS)大作文是考察考生英语写作能力的重要部分,要 求考生在限定时间内完成一篇有深度的议论文或说明文。

写作Task 2Some groups, such as poor people or people from rural areas find it is difficult to access the university education. University should make it especially easy for the students come from the rural areas get an access to the university.To what extent do you agree or disagree?审题:大学应不应该给贫困地区的学生录取优惠政策?确定观点:进行双方论点头脑风暴Brainstorming......应该不应该1.(社会方面):有利于贫困,农村地区的经济发展1.(学生个人方面):学业,同学竞争的压力2.(社会方面):不利于社会和科学持续发展“不应该”一方我们能想出两个分论,“应该”一方只有一个,因此我们的观点选择是“不应该”。
(有其它双方不同论点的同学可以写留言回复进行讨论)文章结构提纲I.开头段(背景引入+转述话题+自己的观点)II.立论1段:peer pressure, academic challengeIII.立论2段:depress social and scientific developmentIV.驳论段:boost the economy in rural and underdeveloped areasV.结尾:重申观点,概括驳论立论段例文:立论1段To begin with, students from rural areas will suffer form huge peer pressure and academic challenge after they are admitted by universities who give them easier access to higher education. Universities, especially those of international reputation, are full of talented students in every field, and academic achievement is a crucial evaluation criteria of a student. So, a mediocre student from rural regions will find it hard to compete with their outstanding classmates with better education background in urban areas, and some of them may even have difficulty to graduate. For example, in China, some high school students form underdeveloped provinces can get “bonus scores” in the College Entrance Examinations. Unfortunately, most of these “unqualified students” have to drop out university because their poor academic performance.驳论段例文Admittedly, affording students in poor areas easier access to university may help develop the local economy, as some of these students who are benefited from this policy may be willing to devote themselves to the development of their underdeveloped hometowns. Thus, the gap between rural and urban areas may be narrowed to some extent. However, the advantage of this policy is quite limited, since most of the university graduates will choose to stay in big cities for a more promising career development.。

题目:Some people believe that newspaper is the best way to learn aboutnews,while others believe that more effective way is through other media. Discussboth views and give youropinion.有些人认为报纸是了解新闻的最好方式,而另一些人则认为更有效的方式是通过其他媒介。
2012年6月9日曾经考过一个有关“新闻”的题目,原题如下:Some people think news has no connection topeople's lives, so it is a waste of time to read the news on the newspaper andwatch television news programs. To what extent do you agree or disagree?这个题目要求我们讨论的观点是:新闻与我们的生活无关,因此阅读报纸或看电视新闻节目是浪费时间。

2023年8月18日雅思大作文题目及写作解析一、2023年8月18日雅思大作文题目Some people think more public money should be spent on roads and motorways than on public transport systems. To what extent do you agree or disagree?一些人认为应该把更多的公共资金花在公路和高速公路上,而不是公共交通系统上。
你在多大程度上同意或不同意?二、2023年8月18日雅思大作文范文及解析IntroductionNowadays, a panorama of traffic-laden roadways appears to stretch into infinity, with a high correlation to road injuries and even fatalities. To solve this conundrum, a simple investment in upgrading road networks and highways should be viewed as a long shot, while combined efforts with access to a well-integrated public transportation system should1be emphasized for more desirable upshots.解析如今,在城市和农村地区,交通拥挤的道路全景似乎延伸到无限,与道路伤害甚至死亡高度相关。
panorama 全景n.traffic-laden 交通拥挤的adj.stretch into infinity 延伸到无限fatalities 死亡n.conundrum 难题n.upgrade 改善v.a long shot 冒险尝试,指可能性很小的尝试或冒险well-integrated 综合良好的adj.desirable upshots 理想的结果2Body 1Those who cling to the notion of road-oriented policy may take it for granted that nifty public works, be multi-layered flyovers or expressways linking two counties, could enhance traffic capacity in car-dependent metropolitan regions with an ever-expanding vehicle ownership. Besides, optimization of non-motor vehicle lane in CBD might be beneficial in dealing with increased complexity in road traffic due to the growing popularity of e-scooters and e-bikes. Nevertheless, the afore-mentioned antidotes are plainly futile attempts to catch up with soaring use of either petrol-fueled or electricity-fueled mobilities; an oblivion of either forthcoming autonomous automobiles or shrinking parking space is unlikely lift a city out of the congestion limbo.解析那些坚持道路导向政策的人可能理所当然地认为,漂亮的公共工程,无论是多层立交桥还是连接两个县的高速公路,都可以在汽车拥有量不断增加的情况下提高依赖汽车的大都市地区的交通能力。

9月雅思写作真题解析题目:In many countries nowadays, more and more women have full-time jobs as men, so it is logical that they should share the housework tasks equally. To what extent do you agree or disagree?现在越来越多的女性跟男性一样有着全职工作,所以男女双方在家应该共同分担家务。
必要性necessity of doing sth社会地位提升rising social status被要求做大部分家务be required to do most of the housework 社会竞争力social competitiveness超出女性能力范围be beyond the female capacities修电器fix electronic appliances移动家具move furniture家庭和谐幸福wellbeing and harmony of families良好的家庭关系sound family relationship加强家庭纽带strengthen family bond缓和矛盾ease conflicts培养独立意识cultivate aware of independence承担责任take up duty家庭地位的丧失the loss of family identity主要劳动力breadwinner家务琐事household chores压力过大over burden以上就是9月份雅思写作考试真题讲解,希望对同学们有所帮助。

2peronaldevelopment—有时对个人发展也有弊端—uncertainty/intability/inecurity/canhardlycoreachievement/worry/ fear/depreion等负面情绪都会阻碍个人发展。

教育话题历来被认为是最容易的话题,但 今天这个题目不但新,而且论述起来有一 定的难度。
今年第三次考到教育话题,也是教育话题 里面相对比较难的题目。难点仍然是在扣 题。
这个题稍微有一点抽象,是一个纯粹的说 理的题目。如果你懂得如何灵活运用之前 的一些题目素材,那么很多素材和词汇都 可以转化到这个题目中来。
offer more affordable houses for the needy
the society more become more stable
strike a balance:
depending on specific factors, governments of all levels should have their own approaches and take many factors into consideration: population density/ the severity of the environment problem For example, in some metropolitan cities in China, like Shanghai and Beijing, it is absurd to expect the municipal governments to build an equal number of trees.
With enough housing for locals to live, trees are needed to cool down the cities and towns. Many cities have to heavily reply on air-conditioning to decrease the indoor temperature during summer. With more trees planted, the outside temperature can be adjusted to a lower level. As a benefit, it will be cooler in people's homes.

以下是为⼤家整理的关于雅思考试的⽂章,供⼤家学习参考!话题: Some people think visitors to other countries should imitate local custom and behaviors. Some people disagree, they think the host country should welcome culture different. Discuss the two views, and give your own opinion. 有⼈觉得到其他国家旅游应该效仿当地的风俗习惯。
抛砖: 观点⼀:到国外旅游⾸先应该尊重当地⼈的⽣活习惯以及风俗⽂化。
范⽂: Nowadays, tourism is developing flourishingly and more and more people travel abroad. When people visit others countries, facing the local customs and behaviors, should imitate it or not, there is a hot debate. Some people hold that we should imitate the local customs and behaviors of the foreign country. First of all, respect is one of the most important factors while we visit others countries. Understanding and following their way of life shows our respect for the local people and thus makes it easier to establish good relationship with them. Secondly, many embarrassments and conflicts are results of differences in custom and traditions between the tourists and the locals, the solution to which would be for the visitors to appreciated and imitate local culture and behaviors. If we don’t experience their customs and behaviors by ourselves, it is hard to understand the local people and culture. By doing things according to their custom, we can better understand them and become more tolerant toward differences, the very quality that enable us to live in harmony. Thirdly, the foreign custom and traditional always seems fascinating to visitors from other parts of the world, the imitating of which makes the travelers life more colorful. On the other side, however, those who oppose the above viewpoint believe that the host country should welcome culture different. In the first place, as a kind of unofficial ambassadors, travelers bring different culture to the destination country, which not only enriches their lives but promote mutual-understanding as well. Besides, imitating is not the best or the only way to understand the local customs and behaviors well. The understanding of the foreign culture also can be through careful observing and intently perceiving. What’s more, for any nation to preserve its unique culture heritages, she has to first embrace cultural difference in order to increase the awareness of its own culture for its citizens. In addition, it is unrealistic to expect visitors coming after to readily pick up the local custom for their own culture and deep-tooted and dearest to them. And we are experiencing a kind of cultural integration, whose advantages far outweigh its disadvantages. People of both sides have their own sound reason to support their opinions. Taking all the above into consideration, to be honest, it is difficult for me to make a decision and I have to hold a balance point of view. It is need not to imitate the foreign customs and behaviors completely, and at the same time, understanding the local culture through this kind of way is not a bad way.。

我的托福雅思必过雅思考试大作文真题范例讲解例题如下:The number of people choosing to live by themselves has increased rapidly in recent years. Why is this? And is it a positive or negative development for society?Personal space is always what some people are in pursuit of after suffering from tiredness from work or stress from study, and naturally a growing number of people begin to live alone, and hereby they believe the inner peace can be easily reached.由于这个题目是混合提问,因此在首段笔者只是介绍了背景,并没有点题。
Primarily, our unprecedentedly noisy living environment is bothering most of people nowadays. There is no gainsaying that our life is surrounded by increasing noise, gradually resulting in huge mental stress to us. Besides, the fast-paced lifestyle makes people live under huge stress and high-tech devices push people into situation where they can be interrupted by all kinds of information moment by moment. Struggling in all those, some people consequently find out a way to escape from all those adversities, a shelter that only belongs to themselves.本段自然是答复以下问题一,也就是述说一下行程这个现象的原因。

二、大作文Extreme sports such as sky diving and rock climbing are very dangerous and should be banned. To what extent do you agree or disagree?极限运动比如跳伞和攀岩是很危险的,并且应该被禁止。
很多同学在写作中可能会把extreme sports are very dangerous当作是这道题的背景,因此会忽略这部分的论证和回应,导致文章出现了偏题。
实际上,本题应该拆分为两个部分来讨论:1.extreme sports是否危险?2.extreme sports是否应该被禁止?题目问的是agree or disagree,那么回应时可以进行一边倒或者让步转折的方式。
推荐思路:tend to disagree主体段1:极限运动并没有很多人想象中那么危险。
2. 极限运动中所使用的防护设备和技术也会提高该项目的安全性,比如赛车、登山等各项极限运动中都需要用到非常专业且高质量的装备和安全保护设施。
1. 每个人都应该自由决定如何度过闲暇时间,只要在选择极限运动之前能够充分了解风险,政客们不应该阻止个体享受自由运动的权利。

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年月至月雅思写作大作文真题解析————————————————————————————————作者:————————————————————————————————日期:题目类别教育与科技提问方式利弊判断考试题目Some people say that playing computer games is bad for children in every aspect. Others say that playing computer games can have positive effects on the way children develop. Discuss both views and give your opinion.分析:教育与科技、教育与媒体可谓是雅思考试的热点,而且这些话题跟广大考生们息息相关。
In recent years, the prevalence of computer games has exerted a significant effect on children’s life. As to whether they affect children negatively, there is an endless debate.Despite the fact that playing computer games is an effective way to relieve pressure, the problems associated with study and health cannot be neglected.Clearly, playing computer games is regarded as a main factor leading to poor academic performance. With the entertaining nature, computer games will easily distract children from their studious pursuits. With the passage of time, children will probably fall behind their peers in academic development. In addition, when children spend too much time playing computer games, they are less likely to participate in physical activities, which is one reason why many children suffer from obesity. As a result, these overweight children’s confidence may be undermined and their health may be negatively influence as well.Despite these disadvantages, the advantages can still not be ignored. First of all, the latest research shows that game-playing helps children to home their communication and interpersonal skills. In many cases, players work together in teams to achieve goals, competing against other players. Therefore, their social skills and teamwork spirit are put to the test. Also, computer games can have positive and therapeutic effects on players. Games provide an opportunity for children to decompress and tune out of strains and stresses of everyday life. Giving their time to rest is critical for emotional and mental well-being.In conclusion, it is not advisable for children to play computer games, for the reasons that it not only has a negative impact on their study, but also makes them lose confidence, although computer games provide a form of relaxation.题目类别政府提问方式A/D考试题目Some people think governments should focus on reducing environmental pollution and housing problems to help people prevent illness and disease. To what extent do you agree or disagree?分析:题目的类型属于单一观点的讨论。
There is no doubt that people’s health will be influenced directly or indirectly by the environment and housing condition. Whether governments should focus more on the environment and estate has triggered a controversy. I feel that individuals should take more responsibility for their well-being other than governments’increasing attention.Indeed, the environmental problems and housing conditions are two main sources for illness and diseases. In many large cities in northern China, haze weather has become a daily killer, especially causing respiratory diseases in winter. Also, populace will easily access to viruses and bacteria if they live in a poor housing condition without any advanced sanitation. Therefore, governments should give more attention and higher investment in these two areas.Compared to individuals, governments have more power to arrange a wide range of social resources to address severe issues; however, it does not mean that addressing this problem totally depends on governments. The state is an organizer or a coordinator in our society instead of a responsibility taker. Although governments can claim people to enhance the awareness of environment protection, make policy to strengthen the environment management and invest estate where they need, public health condition is still a personal problem to some degree. People have the obligation to form and keep a healthy and positive lifestyle, or they will still face the threat of illness and diseases even the environment and housing condition getting better.In conclusion, people also need to take responsibility of their well-being as governments only hold a position as organizer and coordinator. The most feasible solution may be that governments provide a fine setting on one hand and public should pursue a healthy lifestyle for themselves on the other hand.题目类别教育类提问方式观点类考试题目In some countries, secondary schools aim to provide a genera education across a range of subjects. In others, children focus on a narrow range of subjects related to a particular career. Which do you think is appropriate in today’s world?分析:这次考试的题目还是老题,在历史上多次出现。