rc circuit




一阶电路在实践中的应用广西大学电气工程学院 姓名:XXX 学号:10021006XX摘要:一阶电路是指仅含有一种动态元件的电路,在实际应用中主要包含RC 电路和RL 电路,其在电子器件中有广泛的应用。


关键词:一阶电路,RC 电路,RL 电路.the practical application of the first-order circuit.Abstract: The first order circuit is the circuit which only contains a dynamic element.It mainly consists of RC circuits and RL circuits in the circuit in the practical application and there is a wide range of applications in electronic devices. It can constitute a proportion, time delay, integral and differential etc. And it has very good application in the fluorescent lamp, surge arresters and the rectifier filter circuit.Keywords: first-order circuit, RC circuit, RL circuit.实际动态电路中,由于开关的接通和断开,线路的短接或开断,元件参数值的改变等,都将引起电路由一种工作状态到另一种工作状态的转变,由于电路中存在储能元件,这种转变通常不可能瞬时完成,需要一段时间历程。




rc,lc基本电路应用讲解English Answer:1. RC Circuit.An RC circuit is a simple electric circuit that consists of a resistor (R) and a capacitor (C) connected in series. The resistor limits the flow of current in the circuit, while the capacitor stores electrical energy. RC circuits have a wide range of applications, including filtering, timing, and signal processing.Applications of RC Circuits.Filtering: RC circuits can be used to filter out unwanted frequencies from a signal. For example, a low-pass filter can be used to remove high-frequency noise from an audio signal.Timing: RC circuits can be used to create timingcircuits. For example, an RC circuit can be used to create a delay circuit that delays the output signal by a specific amount of time.Signal processing: RC circuits can be used to process signals in a variety of ways. For example, an RC circuit can be used to amplify a signal, or to change the shape of a signal.2. LC Circuit.An LC circuit is a simple electric circuit that consists of an inductor (L) and a capacitor (C) connected in parallel. The inductor stores magnetic energy, while the capacitor stores electrical energy. LC circuits have a wide range of applications, including tuning, filtering, and resonance.Applications of LC Circuits.Tuning: LC circuits can be used to tune circuits to a specific frequency. For example, an LC circuit can be usedto tune a radio receiver to a specific station.Filtering: LC circuits can be used to filter out unwanted frequencies from a signal. For example, a band-pass filter can be used to select a specific frequencyrange from a signal.Resonance: LC circuits can be used to create resonance circuits. Resonance occurs when the frequency of the input signal matches the natural frequency of the LC circuit. At resonance, the circuit will have a very high impedance and will allow a large amount of current to flow.Chinese Answer:1、RC 电路。


The complex impedance, ZC (in ohms) of a capacitor with capacitance C (in farads) is
The complex frequency s is, in general, a complex number,

j represents the imaginary unit:
Natural response
/wiki/RC_circuit 2011/3/17
RC circuit - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
第 2 頁,共 9 頁
The simplest RC circuit is a capacitor and a resistor in series. When a circuit consists of only a charged capacitor and a resistor, the capacitor will discharge its stored energy through the resistor. The voltage across the capacitor, which is time dependent, can be found by using Kirchhoff's current law, where the current through the capacitor must equal the current through the resistor. This results in the linear differential equation . Solving this equation for V yields the formula for exponential decay:



rc电路电容充放电时间的计算(含计算公式)英文版RC Circuit Capacitor Charging and Discharging Time Calculation (Including Calculation Formulas)In an RC circuit, the capacitor's charging and discharging process is governed by the interaction between the resistance (R) and capacitance (C) elements. Understanding how to calculate the charging and discharging times of a capacitor in an RC circuit is crucial for analyzing and designing electronic circuits.Charging Time Calculation:When a capacitor is being charged in an RC circuit, the time taken for it to reach a particular voltage level is known as the charging time. This time can be calculated using the formula: (t_{charge} = RC \ln\left(\frac{V_{final}}{V_{initial}}\right))where:(t_{charge}) is the charging time.(R) is the resistance in the circuit.(C) is the capacitance in the circuit.(V_{final}) is the final voltage across the capacitor.(V_{initial}) is the initial voltage across the capacitor (usually 0 for a completely discharged capacitor).The natural logarithm ((\ln)) is used in this formula to account for the exponential nature of capacitor charging.Discharging Time Calculation:Similarly, when a capacitor is being discharged in an RC circuit, the time taken for it to reach a particular voltage level is known as the discharging time. This time can be calculated using the formula:(t_{discharge} = RC \ln\left(\frac{V_{initial}}{V_{final}}\right)) where:(t_{discharge}) is the discharging time.(R) and (C) have the same meanings as in the charging formula.(V_{initial}) is the initial voltage across the capacitor.(V_{final}) is the final voltage across the capacitor (usually 0 for a completely discharged capacitor).Again, the natural logarithm is used in the discharging time calculation.Conclusion:Understanding the charging and discharging time calculation formulas for capacitors in RC circuits is essential for effective circuit analysis and design. These formulas provide a quantitative understanding of how the resistance and capacitance values in an RC circuit affect the rate at which a capacitor charges or discharges. By manipulating these values, engineers can fine-tune the behavior of electronic circuits to meet specific design requirements.中文版RC电路电容充放电时间的计算(含计算公式)在RC电路中,电容器的充放电过程是由电阻(R)和电容(C)元件之间的相互作用所决定的。



反激电源(flyback power supply)是一种常见的电源拓扑结构,用于将输入电压转换为所需的输出电压,主要应用于开关电源、电磁驱动、变压器输出等领域。

RC吸收电路(RC snubber circuit)是一种用于消除开关电源












From http://www.electronics-tutorials.ws/rc/rc_1.html
The RC Time Constant (contd)
RC Discharging Circuit:
In the previous RC Charging Circuit tutorial, we saw how a Capacitor, C charges up through the resistor until it reaches an amount of time equal to 5 time constants or 5T and then remains fully charged. If this fully charged capacitor was now disconnected from its DC battery supply voltage it would store its energy built up during the charging process indefinitely (assuming an ideal capacitor and ignoring any internal losses), keeping the voltage across its terminals constant. If the battery was now removed and replaced by a short circuit, when the switch was closed again the capacitor would discharge itself back through the Resistor, R as we now have a RC discharging circuit. As the capacitor discharges its current through the series resistor the stored energy inside the capacitor is extracted with the voltage Vc across the capacitor decaying to zero as shown below.



EE 233 Circuit TheoryLab 1: RC CircuitsTable of Contents1Introduction (1)2Precautions (1)3Prelab Exercises (2)3.1The RC Response to a DC Input (2)3.1.1Charging RC Circuit (2)3.1.2Discharging RC Circuit (3)3.1.3Square Wave Input (3)3.1.4Multiple-stage RC Circuits (3)3.2The RC Response to a Sinusoidal Input (4)3.2.1Time-domain RC Response (4)3.2.2Frequency-domain RC Response (5)4Experimental Procedure and Data Analysis (6)4.1The RC Response to a DC Input (6)4.1.1Square Wave Input Analysis (6)4.1.2Time Constant Measurement (7)4.2The RC Response to a Sinusoidal Input (7)5Reference Material (9)5.1RC Step Response and Timing Parameters (9)5.2Elmore Delay Estimation (10)5.3Frequency Response of a Circuit System (10)5.4Parameter Extraction via Linear Least-Squares-Fit Technique (11)Table of FiguresFigure 3.1.1: Single-stage RC circuit. (2)Figure 3.1.2: Two-stage RC circuit. (4)Figure 3.1.3: Three-stage RC circuit. (4)Figure 3.2.1: An RC circuit with the output over the resistor. (5)Figure 4.1.1: RC circuit for lab experiment. (6)Figure 5.1.1: Timing parameters of signal waveforms. (9)Figure 5.2.1: N-stage RC circuit delay estimation. (10)1 IntroductionThis lab is designed to teach students methods for characterizing circuit systems, and more specifically, an RC circuit system. This lab will also familiarize students with the test bench instruments used in this class by having them use the equipment to analyze some fundamental response trends of step and sinusoidal input functions for an RC circuit.A circuit system can be pictured as a box with inputs and outputs, and the characteristics of this system can be represented by its input and output signals, e.g. voltage and current. A signal contains three parameters: magnitude, frequency, and phase. Any change of these parameters in the input signal will affect the output signal.The RC circuit has many interesting characteristics while staying one of the most basic circuit systems. This lab is going to allow students to observe these characteristics and teach them how to analyze the output signals with changes in input magnitude or frequency.This lab is split into a prelab exercise and hardware implementation. Submit one prelab report and one lab report per group, with the members’ names are clearly written on the front page. There is no template for the prelab report, and the lab report template is available on Canvas. These reports must be in pdf format. There are multiple apps, including CamScanner, for Apple and Android phones that turn photos into pdf’s. 2PrecautionsNone of the devices used in this set of experiments are particularly static sensitive; nevertheless, you should pay close attention to the circuit connections and the polarity of the power supplies, function generator, and oscilloscope inputs.3 Prelab Exercises3.1 The RC Response to a DC Input3.1.1 Charging RC CircuitThe differential equation for v out (t) is the most fundamental equation describing the RC circuit, and it can be solved if the input signal v in (t) and an initial condition are given.Figure 3.1.1: Single-stage RC circuit. Now suppose the input signal v in (t) has been zero for a long time, and then is changed to V o , a positive constant, at time t =0. The input signal is then a step function, which means:v in (t )=V o u(t)={0, t <0V o , t ≥0The initial condition for v out (t ) is needed to solve the differential equation. The output voltage should be zero when t <0, since there is no input until t =0. Thus, the initial condition for v out (t ) is v out (0)=0.Download Lab1_Prelab.m and lab1plot.m from the Canvas webpage, making sure they are in the same folder on your computer. Suppose V o =5V, R =10k Ω, and C =0.01µF.To do this, open Lab1_Prelab.m using Matlab (there is no need to open the other file) and read the developer comments about how to use the lab1plot function. Run the script, select “Change Folder” if the warning appears, and the plot for Prelab #3 should appear. You are not expected to know how to use Matlab in this course, so feel free to ask the TA for assistance if you have difficulty using the script.3.1.2 Discharging RC CircuitYou have now analyzed t he RC circuit’s step response, and you also have a general idea of what this response looks like by plotting it with the input voltage. Now suppose the input signal has been V o , a positive constant, for a long time before being changed to zero at t =0, which meansv in (t )=V o u(−t)={V o , t <00, t ≥03.1.3 Square Wave InputIf the input signal is turned on and off periodically then it becomes a square wave. Suppose the period of this square wave is T , and its duty cycle (the ratio of how long the square wave is on vs. how long it’s off) is 50%. If half of the period, T/2≫RC then the output voltage goes to its limit before the input changes. Example: If T =10RC , the ratio V out (T/2)−V out (0)V 0=V 0exp (−5)V=0.67%<1%. So the change of output voltage is almost equal to the change of the input voltage, andit means the output voltage is close to its limit.Refer to Reference 5.1 to answer Prelab #6.When deriving the expressions, notice that these timing parameters are independent of the input voltage. 3.1.4 Multiple-stage RC CircuitsRefer to Reference 5.2 Elmore Delay Estimation to answer Prelab #8.Figure 3.1.2: Two-stage RC circuit.Figure 3.1.3: Three-stage RC circuit.3.2The RC Response to a Sinusoidal Input3.2.1Time-domain RC ResponseWhile the input square wave changes the magnitude of the signal, exploration of the RC response to an AC signal can show more interesting characteristics of the RC circuit. Looking back on Figure 3.1.1, the single-stage RC circuit, suppose we are using a sinusoidal wave as an input signal, v in(t)=V o cos(ωt), where ω is the angular frequency of the signal.This differential equation is the fundamental equation describing the RC circuit system. The solution for the steady-state output voltage isv out(t)=V o1+R2C2ω2[cos(ωt)+RCωsin(ωt)]This solution shows that v out(t) is a function of the signal’s frequency f and time t. The relationship between angular frequency ω and signal frequency f is ω=2πf.Suppose V o =1V (notice it’s different), f =1kHz, R =10k Ω, and C =0.01µF.3.2.2 Frequency-domain RC ResponseNow consider the solution for v out (t ) with the signal’s frequency f being the independent variable. The output voltage is a sinusoidal wave with the same frequency as the input voltage, and its magnitude is given by|V out (f )|=V o √1+4π2R 2C 2f 2Suppose V o =1V, R =10k Ω, and C =0.01µF. Notice that the frequency-domain plot’s x -axis is logarithmic, that is, each division is 10 times greater than the previous. This frequency-domain plot will become very important in subsequent labs, where you will use it to design filters for your audio mixer.Now consider another RC system in Figure 3.2.1,in which the output voltage is over the resistor,rather than the capacitor.The output voltage is now the input signal minusthe voltage over the capacitor, and its magnitude isgiven bySuppose V o =1V, R =10k Ω, and C =0.01µF.Figure 3.2.1: An RC circuit with the output over the resistor. |V out (f )|=o +4π2R 2C 2f 24 Experimental Procedure and Data Analysis4.1 The RC Response to a DC Input4.1.1 Square Wave Input AnalysisBuild the circuit in Figure 4.1.1 and set thefunction generator to provide a square wave inputas follows:a) The period T ≥4ms (to ensure that T ≫RC ).This value of T guarantees that the output signalhas sufficient time to reach a final value beforethe next input transition. Record your value ofT . b) The minimum voltage is 0V and maximumvoltage is 5V. Note that you may need to manually set the offset to achieve this waveform. Use the oscilloscope to display this waveform on Channel 1 to verify that the amplitude is correct. We use these amplitudes since it they are common in computer systems (false = 0V, true = 5V).Use Channel 2 of the oscilloscope to display the output voltage over the capacitor. Adjust the time base to display 3 complete cycles of the signals. Capture the output from the scope display with both the waveforms and the measured values. Turn this oscilloscope waveform in as part of your lab report.Using the oscilloscope ’s Cursor menu, record the period T of the input signal, as well as the maximum and minimum values of the output signal. Then measure the time value of the 10% point of V out , the time value of the 90% point of V out , and the time value of the 50% point of V out .Note: Instructions for using the lab equipment are found in Lab Equipment.pdf , on the Canvas webpage. Percent error is defined as:PE =|actual value −theoretical value|theoretical value ×100%Now clear all the oscilloscope measurements. Use the measurement capability of the oscilloscope to measure the rise time of v out (t), the fall time of v out (t), and the two delay times t PHL and t PLH .Figure 4.1.1: RC circuit for lab experiment.4.1.2Time Constant MeasurementThe time constant τ=RC is one of the most important characteristics of RC circuit, and its value can be extracted from measured data.To measure the time constant τ, use the oscilloscope’s Cursor menu to measure the voltage and time values at 10 points on the v out waveform during one interval when v out either rises or falls with time (pick one interval only). Note that the time values should be referred to time t=0 at the point where the input signal rises from 0V to 5V or falls from 5V to 0V. Record the 10 measurements.Explanation: Consider the ratio of |v out−v in| and high voltage V0. It isRatio(t)=|v out(t)−v in||V0|=e−tτand it can be calculated by measured data. So the function ln (Ratio(t)) is linearaccording to time, and the slope is −1τ. Read Reference 5.4 for more information.Now build two-stage and three-stage RC circuits and measure time constant τtwo−stage and τthree−stage using the same methods as the single stage circuit analysis. Record all your measurements.4.2The RC Response to a Sinusoidal InputRebuild the circuit in Figure 4.1.1 and set the function generator to provide a sinusoidal input with:a) An amplitude of 1V, which means V pk−pk=2Vb) A frequency of 1kHz.Connect Channel 1 to the input voltage and Channel 2 to the voltage over the capacitor as the output. Display the input and output voltages simultaneously on the oscilloscope in 3 complete cycles. Capture the output from the scope display with both the waveforms and the measured values. Turn this oscilloscope waveform in as part of your lab report.Now measure the RC response to sinusoidal signals with various frequencies. Keep the input amplitude at 1V, but sweep the frequency from the starting input frequency of 10Hz, varying it using a 1-2-5 sequenceup to 1MHz (i.e. set input frequency to 10Hz, 20Hz, 50Hz, 100Hz, 200Hz … up to 1MHz). Record the amplitudes of the output signals.Once done, switch the locations of the resistor and capacitor and change the output to be the voltage over the resistor. Set the function generator to provide a sinusoidal wave input with 1V amplitude. As before, sweep the frequency starting from 10Hz using the 1-2-5 sequence up to 1MHz. Record the amplitudes of the output signals.5Reference Material5.1RC Step Response and Timing ParametersThe step response of a simple RC circuit, illustrated in Figure 5.1.1, is an exponential signal with time constant τ=RC. Besides this timing parameter, four other timing parameters are important in describing how fast or how slow an RC circuit responds to a step input. These timing parameters are marked in Figure5.1.1, as three voltage levels:a) The 10%-point is the point at which the output voltage is 10% of the maximum output voltage.b) The 50%-point is the point at which the output voltage is 50% of the maximum output voltage.c) The 90%-point is the point at which the output voltage is 90% of the maximum output voltage.Figure 5.1.1: Timing parameters of signal waveforms.The three timing parameters are defined as follows:a) Rise time: the time interval between the 10%-point and the 90%-point of the waveform when the signal makes the transition from low voltage (L) to high voltage (H). Notation: t r.b) Fall time: the time interval between the 90%-point and the 10%-point of the waveform when the signal makes the transition from high voltage (H) to low voltage (L). Notation: t f.c) Delay time (or propagation delay time): the time interval between the 50%-point of the input signal and the 50%-point of the output signal when both signals make a transition. There are two delay times depending on whether the output signal is going from L to H (delay notation t PLH) or from H to L (delay notation t PHL). The subscript P stands for “propagation.”Note that the rise time and the fall time are defined using a single waveform (the output waveform), while the delay time is defined between two waveforms: the input waveform and the corresponding output waveform.5.2Elmore Delay EstimationFigure 5.2.1 depicts a multi-element configuration. The resistor R1 in this figure charges all N capacitors downstream of its own position. The Elmore estimated delay τ1 from point x0 to x1 is thereforeτ1=R1∑C mNm=1Resistor R2 charges only capacitors numbered 2 through N, so the estimated delay from point x1 to x2 isτ2=R2∑C mNm=2Working down the row, the total delay for the whole circuit is then estimated as:τ=∑R nNn=1∑C m Nm=nFigure 5.2.1: N-stage RC circuit delay estimation.5.3Frequency Response of a Circuit SystemAn analog circuit system has different responses for sine waves with different frequencies. The magnitude of the output voltage always changes in terms of frequencies if the magnitude of the input sine wave stays the same. Therefore, the frequency response is the quantitative measure to characterize the system. Since any input signal can be regarded as the sum of a set of sinusoidal waves, the output signal will have different responses to input waves with the set of frequencies. If the circuit has high magnitude for low frequencies, and close to zero magnitude for high frequencies, the high frequencies will be removed by the circuit in the output signal, and vice versa.The frequency response is one of the main characteristics of the system, and you will explore methods of analyzing the frequency response in the following labs.5.4Parameter Extraction via Linear Least-Squares-Fit TechniqueThe important parameters of V out(t) are the maximum amplitude and the time constant τ. The maximum amplitude is easily measured by using the oscilloscope. Measuring the time constant directly and accurately is more difficult, since the waveform is an exponential function of time. A linear least-squares-fit procedure can be used in the lab to extract the time constant from measured voltage and time values as follows.The equation for V out(t) during the time interval when V out(t) falls with time, which you can write based on what you learned in prerequisite courses, can be manipulated to provide a linear function in terms of the time t. The slope of this line is then used to extract the time constant τ.Alternatively, the equation for V out(t) during the time interval when V out(t) rises with time can also be manipulated to provide a linear function in terms of the time t. The slope of this line is then used to extract the time constant τ.In the lab, you will measure a set of data points (t,V out). These values, after the appropriate manipulation as above, can be used to plot a straight line, whose slope is a function of τ. You can use any procedure or a calculator to plot and extract the slop. The slope value will then be used to calculate the time constant τ. Make sure you understand this procedure and be ready to use it in the lab. Note that the more points you measure, the more accurate the extracted value for τ.。



rc过电压抑制电路原理The principle of overvoltage suppression circuit is to limit the voltage level to a safe threshold in order to protect the circuit and its components from damage due to excessive voltage. Overvoltage, also known as transient voltage, occurs when the voltage in a circuit exceeds the normal operating range, which can lead to catastrophic failure of the circuit. 过电压抑制电路的原理是将电压限制在安全阈值内,以保护电路及其部件免受由于过高电压而造成的损坏。


There are several ways to implement overvoltage suppression in a circuit, including the use of transient voltage suppressor (TVS) diodes, varistors, and gas discharge tubes. One common method is to use TVS diodes, which are semiconductor devices designed specifically to handle high transient voltages by diverting excessive current away from sensitive components. 可以通过多种方法来实现电路中的过电压抑制,其中包括使用瞬态电压抑制器(TVS)二极管、压敏电阻和气体放电管。



Experiment 4 Transient Process of RC CircuitI Objectives1. To Learn to use oscilloscope.2. To study the square wave responses of first-order circuits.II Apparatus and EquipmentsName Spec.Number1Two-channeloscilloscopeXJ432812Function generator EE1641D13ElementsR=510Ω, 1 kΩ, 2 kΩ, 3 kΩ, 10 kΩC=0.1μf, 0.3μf, 0.4μf, 1μf,3 μf, 10μf1III Preperations1. The rectangular pulse responses of a RC circuitFig.4-1 and Fig.4-2 are the rectangular pulses and a RC circuit respectively.Fig.4-1 Rectangular pulses Fig.4-2 RC circuitSupply the signal of rectangular pulses to the RC circuit, we get the responses shown in Fig.4-3 if the initial value of u C is zero. Obviously, RC circuit charges and discharges continuously. It’s the essence of pulse responses of RC circuit.2. Applications of a RC circuit(1) Differential circuit in Fig.4-4——when the parameters R and C make the time constant τ<<t p (the width of rectangular pulses), we can get the impulse responseμR shown in Fig.4-5.(2) Integral circuit in Fig.4-6——when the parameters R and C make the time constant of the circuitτ>>t p, we can get the response u C shown in Fig.4-7. The output voltageu C is approximately the integration of the input voltage u i.Fig.4-3Fig.4-4 RC differential circuit Fig.4-5 Response of the circuit Fig.4-4Fig.4-6 RC integral circuit Fig.4-7 Response of the circuitFig.4-6IV Lab Work1. Measure the peak values and periods of sinusoids produced by a function generator.2. Measure the magnitude, periods, and pulse width of square waves produced by a function generator.3. Measure the phase difference of two sinusoids.Supply the sinusoid u i (f =1kHz, U p-p =1V) to the circuit Fig.4-4, observe the voltage u i and u R with oscilloscope, measure the phase difference of them, and compare the magnitudes of them. The parameters are listed as follow:(1) R =1k Ω, C =0.1μf; (2) R =1k Ω, C =0.2μf; (3) R =2k Ω, C =0.1μf; (4) R =1k Ω, C =10μf.4. Study the transient process of a RC circuitSupply a square-wave signal (amplitude 4V, periods 4ms, and pulse width t w about 4ms) to the circuit Fig.4-6.(1) Observe the waveforms of u R , u C , and u i in the case τ=RC <w t 51; (2) Observe the waveforms of u i and u C simultaneously in the case τ=RC =(w t )51~31; (3) Observe the waveforms of u i and u C simultaneously in the case τ=RC >w t ; (4) Observe the waveforms of u i , u C , and u R simultaneously in the case τ=RC >w t ;V Preparations1. Reading and understanding the specification of two-channel oscilloscope XJ4328;2. Preparing the circuit parameters for lab work 4.VI Discussions1. Give the data measured and draw the waveforms observed;2. Analyze the effects of the circuit parameters on the square-wave responses in first-order circuits.实验四 RC电路的过渡过程一、实验目的1.学习使用XJ4328示波器显示波形和测量幅度、频率、相位的方法。

内联RC电路 Interconnect RC

内联RC电路 Interconnect RC

November 4, 1997
2 / 12
Lecture 4: Interconnect RC
In the good old days, wires were much wider than thick. They could therefore be approximated as having parallel plate capacitance to the grounded substrate. Now, wires often have comparable thickness and width and are closer to adjacent wires than to layers above or below. Moreover, the layers above and below are much closer than the substrate. Thus, a negligible part of a wire’s capacitance is to ground; instead it is to nearby wires which may transition and couple noise into the hapless wire.
3.0 Wire Capacitance
Wires also have capacitance to the substrate and to other nearby wires. A handy rule of thumb is that most wires have about 0.2 fF/µm of total capacitance, about 1/10 that of a transistor gate. Therefore, when estimating sizes, one can treat 10 λ of interconnect as about 1 λ of gate loading.

一阶rc电路 英语

一阶rc电路 英语

一阶rc电路英语A first-order RC circuit is an electrical circuit that consists of a resistor (R) and a capacitor (C) connected in series. The circuit is called "first-order" because it only contains one energy storage element (the capacitor), which determines the time constant of the circuit.In a first-order RC circuit, the resistor limits the current flowing through the circuit, while the capacitor stores electrical energy. When a voltage is applied to the circuit, the capacitor begins to charge up, and the current through the circuit increases over time. The rate at which the capacitor charges depends on the resistance and capacitance of the circuit, as well as the applied voltage.One important characteristic of a first-order RC circuit is its time constant, which is defined as the product of the resistance and the capacitance. The time constant determines how long it takes for the capacitor to charge or discharge to a significant fraction of its final value. In a first-order RC circuit, the time constant is typically on the order of milliseconds to seconds, depending on the values of R and C.First-order RC circuits are commonly used in electronics for a variety of applications, including timing circuits, filters, and oscillators. They are also used to model the behavior of electrical systems, such as the charging and discharging of batteries or the response of a circuit to a sudden change in voltage.In summary, a first-order RC circuit is a simple electrical circuit that consists of a resistor and a capacitor connected in series. It has a time constant that determines the rate at which the capacitor charges or discharges, and is commonly used in electronics for timing, filtering, and oscillator applications.。



英文回答:The development of an RC absorption circuit for a DC-DC power supply necessitates the careful selection of resistor and capacitor values to achieve the desired operational performance. The primary objective of the absorption circuit is to mitigate the adverse effects of high-frequency noise and transients that arise from the switching action of the DC-DC converter. In order to design the parameters of the RC absorption circuit, it is imperative to initiallyprehend the specifications of the DC-DC power supply, as well as the specific requirements for noise suppression. This entails identifying the maximum frequency of noise that necessitates attenuation, as well as the desired level of attenuation. These parameters are crucial in determining the cutoff frequency and the necessary impedance matching for the absorption circuit.要开发DC—DC供电的RC吸收电路,就必须仔细选择电阻器和电容器值,以实现预期的操作性能。



英文回复:Battery second—stage RC equivalent circuit model and parameter identification means the determination of the cell ' s equivalent second—stage RC circuit model and corresponding parameter values through circuit analysis and experimental data processing。

In practical engineering and scientific research,battery modelling is often required for battery management,system design and performance optimization。

Theplex chemical processes and electrochemical properties of batteries,which are important power units, need to be described through a simplified equivalent circuit model, while the second—stage RC model provides a more accurate descriptionof the electrochemical properties of the cells。

The cell second—stage RC equivalent circuit model and parameter identification have important theoretical and practical value。



引文格式:程豪,廖昱博,张捷睿.利用R C 充㊁放电过程测定电容值[J ].赣南师范大学学报,2023,43(6):74-77.利用R C 充㊁放电过程测定电容值*程 豪,廖昱博†,张捷睿(赣南师范大学物理与电子信息学院,江西赣州 341000)摘 要:相比于一些常见的电容测量方法,利用R C 充㊁放电过程测定电容值具有装置简易,测量简便㊁准确等优点.并且通过改变方波信号源的频率可以满足一定范围电容值测量的需要.本文利用R C 充㊁放电过程测定电容.首先,通过测量已知电容的R C 电路时间常数建立C -τ定标曲线,然后,测量未知电容的电路时间常数求得电容值.最后,利用差减法估算出了电容的等效串联电阻值.实验结果表明,0.01μF 至0.1μF 范围内电容测量的相对误差小于3%.关键词:R C 电路;时间常量;电容测量;等效串联电阻中图分类号:O 441.5 文献标志码:A 文章编号:2096-7659(2023)06-0074-04电容是电子设备中最基础的元件之一,在调谐㊁旁路㊁耦合㊁滤波等电路中起着重要的作用.电容值是电学中的重要参数.在电路设计和检测中,电容的准确测量至关重要.电容测量不仅有助于检验电子元件是否符合设计要求,同时也有助于判断电路的稳定性和可靠性,为电路设计和优化提供依据.常用的电容测量方法主要有:万用表法[1],交流电桥法[2-4]和R C 振荡电路法[5-7]等.万用表内阻有限流作用,测量电路中的电流很小,不会对耐压较低的电容造成永久性损坏,但测量精度较低,而且往往存在较大的读数误差.交流电桥法测量结果相对较为精确,但其不具备自动平衡措施,电路组合相对比较复杂,测量结果的干扰因素较多[2,4].R C 振荡法可以测量较宽的频率范围,适用于测量动态电容,灵敏度也较高,但对于小电容值的变化不灵敏[7],同时,电路测量结果易受杂散电容的干扰,稳定性相对较差.目前,也有报道利用R C 电路充放电原理测量电容的数字式方法[8-10],这些方法能够比较准确地测量电容.但是,为了保证测量的准确性,其通常采用比较复杂的电路结构,因而成本相对较高.并且,电容测量过程不够直观,通常不能给出电容的等效电阻值.相比之下,通过示波器直接记录R C 充㊁放电曲线来测电容,原理比较清晰,装置简易,操作简便,测量也较为准确,而且通过改变方波信号源的频率,可以满足一定范围电容值测量的需要图1 实验采用的R C 充㊁放电电路有鉴于此,本文借助示波器记录R C 充㊁放电过程来测定电容值.首先选取串接的电阻和已知电容,测量充㊁放电曲线,读取τ值,建立C -τ定标曲线.然后选取若干待测电容,同理测得时间常数τ,并利用建立的C -τ关系式求得待测电容值.最后,利用差减法近似估计电容的等效串联电阻值.1 实验方法1.1 实验原理实验采用的电路如图1所示.S 为示波器;为串接R 的电阻(阻值可调);C 为待测电容;F 为方波发生器.方波信号脉冲如图2所示,在0到t 1内,以恒定电压U 加在R C 电路两端,此时电容充电;在t 1到t 2时间2023年 赣南师范大学学报 ɴ.6第六期 J o u r n a l o f G a n n a n N o r m a l U n i v e r s i t yN o v .2023*收稿日期:2023-10-21 D O I :10.13698/j.c n k i .c n 36-1346/c .2023.06.013 基金项目:江西省自然科学基金(20202B A B L 201022);江西省教育厅科技项目(G J J 180752);江西省学位与研究生教育教学改革研究项目(J X Y J G-2022-180);赣南师范大学校级教改课题(G S J G-2018-30) 作者简介:程豪(1998-),男,湖南岳阳人,赣南师范大学物理与电子信息学院电子信息专业硕士研究生,研究方向:光电信息处理. †通讯作者:廖昱博(1982-),男,江西安远人,赣南师范大学物理与电子信息学院副教授,硕士生导师,工学博士,研究方向:光电信息处理.内输出电压降到0,此时电容C 经电阻R C 放电.当方波发生器连续将方波电压加在R C 电路时,电路中将周期地发生充㊁放电过程.图2方波信号脉冲图图3 R C串联电路的等效电路图图4撤去电容之后的等效电路图图5 L R C 电路实验仪实物图若电容初始电压为零,充电时电容电压满足:U C =U [1-e x p (-t /τ)](1) 放电时电容电压满足:U C =U e x p (-t /τ)(2) 上述公式中的τ=R C 表示时间常数,是反映暂态过程进行快慢的指标.对于充电过程,时间常数是指电容两端电压从0增加到最大电压的63.2%时所经历的时间;对于放电过程,时间常数是指电容两端电压从最大值降到最大电压的36.8%时所经历的时间.实验以频率为1000H z 的方波为例,将串接电阻值设为900Ჹ.考虑到充㊁放电曲线的完整性,要求方波周期T >10τ,即电容测量上限值约为0.1μF ;又考虑到示波器所能辨识的时间灵敏度,选取0.01μF 为测量范围的下限;即选取0.01μF 至0.1μF 的电容进行测量.由已知电容测得时间常数,建立C -τ定标曲线,再测量接入待测电容后的时间常数,由C -τ函数关系式可得待测电容值.但是,由于待测电容非理想电容,可将其等效为理想电容串接电阻的形式,其等效电路见图3.图中F 为方波信号源,r 0为信号源等效内阻,忽略信号源的等效电抗.C m 为待测电容值,R '是待测电容的等效串联电阻,R 是包含可调电阻在内的外电路其余部分的等效电阻.假设测得待测电容值C m ,其对应电路时间常数为τ,由时间常数的定义式,可知:τ=R t o t C m (3)式中R t o t 为RC 电路总等效电阻,由图3可知:R t o t =R '+r 0+R (4)由式(3)和式(4)可得待测电容的等效串联电阻:R '=τC m-(r 0+R )(5)为了估计r 0+R ,将待测电容撤去,即将信号源直接连接可调电阻R 两端.如图4所示为撤去电容之后的等效电路图.设方波信号源的电动势为ε,方波输出高电平时,外电路两端电压为U 0.根据全电路的欧姆定律有:εRr 0+R=U 0(6) 这样,通过改变可调电阻值,从而获得不同的外电路端电压值,即可测算出r 0+R .1.2 实验器材双踪数字示波器(优利德,U T D 2102C E X ),L R C 电路实验仪(杭州泽胜,Z C 1502)含方波信号源50H z ~1k H z ,信号幅度0~10V p p 可调,幅度和频率调节均采用优质多圈电位;十进式电阻箱(10k Ω+1k Ω+100Ჹ+10Ჹ)ˑ10,精度0.5%;十进式电容箱(0.1μF +0.01μF +0.001μF +0.0001μF )ˑ10,精度1%等.L R C 电路实验仪的实物图如图5所示.57第6期 程 豪,廖昱博,张捷睿 利用R C 充㊁放电过程测定电容值1.3 实验过程开机预热10m i n .然后,按图1连接电路.将信号源调至方波,频率1000H z ,串接电阻使用十进式电阻箱,阻值调为900Ჹ.实验所用电容均取自十进式电容箱,使用前将电容两端短接,使其放电直至两端电压为零.在0.01μF 至0.1μF 范围内,等间距地选取十组已知电容值,测量充㊁放电曲线.再从获取的充㊁放电曲线中分别读出τ1㊁τ2值,求得平均值τ,从而建立C -τ定标曲线.选取参考值为0.015μF 至0.095μF 等间距的九组待测电容,记录其充㊁放电曲线.同理读出τ值.然后,将每组读出的平均值τ分别代入C -τ函数关系式,得出待测电容的测量结果,并求相对误差.最后,撤去电容,电阻箱调为三个不同阻值,在信号源高电平时,用示波器分别测出外电路的端电压,根据公式(6)求出r 0+R ,再由公式(5)求出待测电容的等效串联电阻.图6 电容为0.07μF 时的充电曲线 图7 电容为0.07μF 时的放电曲线图8 C -τ关系曲线图表1 已知电容τ值的测量结果已知电容C /μF 充电过程的τ1/μs 放电过程的τ2/μs 平均值τ/μs 0.011010100.022020200.033030300.044040400.054949490.065860590.076668670.087880790.099090900.10100100100表2 待测电容的电路时间常数测量结果参考电容值C /μF 充电过程的τ1/μs 放电过程的τ2/μs 平均值τ/μs 0.0151515150.025*******.0353535350.0454345440.0555256540.0656567660.0757577760.0858585850.0959595952 实验结果与讨论测量十组已知电容,获取充㊁放电曲线.以0.07μF 的已知电容为例,其充㊁放电曲线分别如图6和图7所示.由此分别读出τ1㊁τ2值,求得平均值τ,如表1所示.由以上数据作C -τ关系曲线如图8所示.由图可知,C 和τ的线性关系非常显著,其函数关系式为:C =0.001τ(7) 测量九组待测电容,获取充㊁放电曲线.由充㊁放电曲线图像,所得的时间常数结果如表2所示.分别将每组读出的τ值代入C -τ函数关系式,得出待测电容的测量结果及相对误差,如表3所示.可见,在所给的测量范围内,相对误差小于3%.为测量待测电容的等效串联电阻,撤去待测电容,示波器记录可调电阻分别为900Ჹ㊁50Ჹ㊁10Ჹ,对应的外电路两端电压值,如表4所示,可得如下三式:εRr 0+R=3.223V (8)ε(R -850)r 0+R -850=3.200V (9)ε(R -890)r 0+R -890=3.190V (10)联立求得:r 0+R =998.021Ω67赣南师范大学学报 2023年进而求得待测电容的等效串联电阻值如表5所示.表3 电容测量值㊁参考值以及相对误差电容测量值/μF 电容参考值/μF 相对误差的绝对值/%0.0150.0150.0250.02500.0350.03500.0440.0452.2730.0540.0551.8520.0660.0651.5150.0760.0751.3160.0850.08500.0950.095表4 三组电阻值与外电路端电压的测量结果可调电阻/Ω9005010外电路端电U 0/V3.2233.2003.190表5 待测电容等效串联电阻的估算结果电容测量值/μF 等效串联电阻R '/Ω0.0151.9790.0251.9790.0351.9790.0441.6730.0540.9650.0661.9860.0761.9960.0851.9790.0951.9793 结论本文选取频率为1000H z 的方波信号源,通过R C 充㊁放电过程测定已知电容的R C 电路时间常数,建立了C -τ定标曲线,用于测量未知电容.在0.01μF 至0.1μF 范围内,电容测量的相对误差小于3%.相比交流电桥法㊁R C 振荡法等方法,本文的实验装置简易,便于操作,测量结果也较为准确.同时,可通过差减法较好地估计电容的等效串联电阻.实验中误差主要来源包括:一方面,示波器本身是非理想仪表,存在不可避免的系统误差;另一方面,方波信号源电压有波动,同时,示波器也有读数误差.再者,实验所用的电容和电阻为十进式电容箱和电阻箱,精度不高,而且电阻箱也存在因绕线产生的电容副效应,这对电容测量结果都有一定的影响.尽管如此,本文测量结果的误差相对较小.利用本文方法,不仅可以较准确测量电容,还可以很好地估计其等效串联电阻值.并且,通过改变方波信号源频率,可以适合一定范围电容值的测量需要.参考文献:[1] 张云秀,曾庆达,李东艳.浅谈数字万用表的使用[J ].现代制造技术与装备,2017(5):156-157.[2] 郭秀芝,郭赫.讨论交流电桥测电容的误差计算方法[J ].大学物理实验,2008,21(1):82-84.[3] O L F A K ,A HM E D Y K ,A HM E D F .M e a s u r e m e n t m e t h o d s f o r c a p a c i t a n c e s i n t h e r a n g e o f 1pF -1n F :A r e v i e w [J ].M e a s u r e m e n t ,2022,195:111067.[4] 刘江.交流电桥测电容实验中干扰信号的识别[J ].包头职业技术学院学报,2005,6(1):9-10.[5] 王泽权,黄明,李兴鑫,等.电容效应测量机理研究及装置研制[J ].工业技术创新,2022,9(2):104-111.[6] 黄运銮,李波,张亚,等.高过载下电子元器件测试方法研究[J ].弹箭与制导学报,2009,29(5):221-223.[7] 赵雪英,郭雨梅.一种小电容检测方法 充放电法[J ].沈阳工业大学学报,2003,25(1):55-57.[8] N O B UM I H ,T A K E O S .A n R C d i s c h a r g e d i g i t a l c a pa c i t a n c e m e t e r [J ].I E E E T r a n s a c t i o n s o n I n s t r u m e n t a t 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a l r e s u l t s s h o w t h a t t h e r e l a t i v e e r r o r m e a s u r e d i n t h e r a n g e f r o m 0.01μF t o 0.1μF i s l e s s t h a n 3%.K e yw o r d s :R C c i r c u i t ;t i m e c o n s t a n t ;c a p a c i t a n c e m e a s u r e m e n t ;e q u i v a l e n t s e r i e s r e s i s t a n c e 77第6期 程 豪,廖昱博,张捷睿 利用R C 充㊁放电过程测定电容值。



rc滤波电路工作原理RC filtering circuit, also known as a resistor-capacitor filter, is a circuit used to filter out unwanted frequencies from a signal. It consists of a resistor (R) and a capacitor (C) connected in series or parallel to each other. When an input signal is applied to the circuit, the resistor and capacitor work together to block or attenuate certain frequencies, allowing only the desired frequencies to pass through.RC滤波电路,也称为电阻电容滤波器,是一种用于从信号中滤除不需要的频率的电路。



From a theoretical perspective, the working principle of an RC filter can be understood through the concept of impedance. The resistor in the circuit provides a constant impedance, while the capacitor provides a varying impedance that depends on the frequency of the input signal. At low frequencies, the capacitor's impedance is high, allowing only a small amount of current to pass through. As the frequency increases, the capacitor's impedance decreases, allowingmore current to pass through. This interaction between the resistor and capacitor forms a frequency-dependent voltage divider, which effectively filters out certain frequency components of the input signal.从理论角度来看,可以通过阻抗的概念来理解RC滤波器的工作原理。



rc电路原理详解RC circuits, which consist of a resistor (R) and a capacitor (C) connected in series or parallel, are fundamental components in electronic systems. These circuits play a crucial role in various applications, such as filtering, signal processing, and timing circuits. Understanding the principles behind RC circuits is essential for engineers and electronics enthusiasts looking to design and analyze complex electronic systems.RC电路由连接在串联或并联的电阻(R)和电容(C)组成,是电子系统中基础的组件。



In an RC circuit, the capacitor stores and releases electrical energy in response to changes in voltage. When a voltage is applied across the circuit, the capacitor charges or discharges through the resistor, leading to a time-varying voltage across the capacitor. This process is governed by the RC time constant, τ = RC, where R is the resistance and C is the capacitance of the circuit.在RC电路中,电容器对电压的变化存储和释放电能。



(Hale Waihona Puke )(*)Note that the coefficient of I(t) is 1/RC. (RC is usually called the time constant) We solve the differential equation in (*) by integrating factor. That is, we want to find a function f(t) so that the derivative of f(t) is f(t)/RC. From our knowledge of exponential function, we see that et/RC is such a function. Multiply both sides of (*) by et/RC,
( )=
The sine and cosine in the above equation can be combined and written in an amplitude-and-phase form.
( )=
cos( − (tan
3)) +
General solution
The constant K can be any real number. The phase tan equal to 1.25.
( )= +(
1 )
+ .
Here, K is an arbitrary real number. The voltage across the resistor is R I(t) = + ( 1 )



如何在Multisim中得到电路的阻抗?主要软件: Electronics Workbench>>Multisim主要软件版本: 10.1.1主要软件修正版本:次要软件: N/A问题:我想要得到电路的阻抗,但是并没有看到相关选项,请问有没有办法在Multisim中得到电路的阻抗?解答:很多Multisim分析具有强大的增加表达式功能,它允许客户输入一个数学表达式。


在下面这个例子中,我们将分析如图1所示的一个简单的RC 电路。

Figure 1: Simple RC Circuit图1:一个简单的RC电路计算电路的阻抗为:Z= R+jXc在1KHz时:Z = 1000 + j159其极坐标形式如下:根据欧姆定律我们可以得到:V=ZI它的极坐标形式如下:阻抗的幅值如下式所示:阻抗的相位如下式所示:Multisim AC 分析步骤:1.在节点1增加一个测试探针,这会使得在AC分析时可以获得电流和电压。

在菜单中选择Simulate>>Instruments>>Measuring Probe, 单击节点1的连线放置该探针。

Figure 2: Simple RC Circuit with Measurement Probes图2:在RC电路上放置探针2.在菜单栏选择Simulate>>Analysis>>AC analysis>>Output>>Add Expression3.在函数中双击 mag();4.在表达式区的括号中单击,并在变量中双击V(probe1)5.在表达式中的等式1应该如下式所示:mag(V(Probe1))/mag(I(Probe1))6.单击OK7.再次单击Add Express8.函数ph()表示相位,表达式中的等式2应如下式所示:ph(V(Probe1))-ph(I(Probe1))9.现在选择Simulate10.在Grapher View中双击幅度相位曲线中的上面曲线,使其选中。

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RC CIRCUITOBJECTIVE: To study the charging and discharging process for a capacitor in a simple circuit containing an ohmic resistance, R , and a capacitance, C .THEORY: Consider the circuit shown below in Fig. 1:1. Charging the capacitor (capacitor is initially uncharged):If the switch S is moved to position "a" at time t =0, a time dependent current, I (t ), begins to flow, and the charge q on the capacitor increases. We can apply Kirchhoff's second rule(conservation of energy) to get:V R + V C = V oor, using Ohm’s Law (V R = IR ) and the definition of capacitance (C = q /V C ),IR + q /C = V o .Further, we can relate q to I (I = dq /dt ):R (dq /dt ) + (1/C )q = V o .This is a differential equation which we can rearrange asdq / (q - V o C ) = (-1/RC )dt ,Integrating both sides, where the lower limits are q = 0 at t = 0 and the upper limits are q = q (t ) at t = t givesq (t ) = V o C (1 - e -t / RC ) .Since C = q / V C , then V C (t ) = q (t )/C and the voltage across the capacitor during charging isV C (t ) = V o (1 - e -t / RC ) (1)Check: At t = 0, V C = 0 since the capacitor is initially uncharged. At large t , V C approaches V o .V o FIGURE 12. Discharging the capacitor (capacitor initially fully charged):If the switch is moved to position "b" at t = 0, the capacitor will discharge and a current will flow through the resistor. Again applying Kirchhoff's second law (conservation of energy) we get: V R + V C = 0 or R(dq /dt) + (1/C)q = 0 .This is a differential equation which we can rearrange asdq /q = -(1/RC)dtIntegrating both sides, where the lower limits are q = Q o at t = 0 and the upper limits are q = q(t) at t = t givesq(t) = Q o e-t / RC andV C(t) = V o e-t / RC. (2)Check: At t = 0, V C=V o. At large t, V C approaches zero.NOTE: The product RC is a time called the “RC time constant” or the “1/e time” and is denoted by τ. When t = τ = RC, the voltage across the capacitor is 1/e times the initial voltage: V C(τ) = V o e-1 = (0.368)V o. (3)3. Using semi-log graph paper to plot an exponential function:Semi-log graph paper has a regular scale on the horizontal axis, but the vertical axis is set up to automatically record the base 10 log of the number. To see how this works, consider plotting the following data pairs: (1,10), (2,100), (3,1000). The x-values (1,2,3) are equally spaced. The y-values (10,100,1000) are obviously not equally spaced, but log(10)=1, the log(100)=2, and the log(1000)=3 so the logs of the y-values are equally spaced. Note that this is true on the semi-log graph paper if you assume that the first 1 on the vertical axis is 10, the second 1 is 100, and the third 1 is 1000. Thus, if we plot our voltage (V C) values on the semi-log scale, the graph paper will automatically plot the log(V C).Now, if we consider Eq. (2) and take the log of both sides, we get:log[V C(t)] = log[V o e-t / RC]= log[V o] + log[e-t / RC]= log[V o] - (t / RC)log[e]log[V C(t)] = log[V o] - (.434/RC)t . (4)Thus, if we plot the log[V C(t)] vs t, we should get a straight line with a y-intercept of log[V o] and a slope of - .434/RC . If, indeed, V C(t)vs t plots as a straight line on the semi-log graph, then we can conclude the V C(t)is an exponential function!Part 1: Capacitance of a CapacitorPROCEDURE:1. Build the circuit as shown in Fig. 2 below. V o is supplied by the Lambda Power Supply (PS);C is supplied by the capacitor marked C 1 on the board; and the DMM is to be used as the resistor, R . (It will also act as a voltmeter to measure V C .) NOTE: Electrolytic capacitors are used in this experiment and the red terminal of the capacitor MUST be connected to the positive voltage or the capacitor will EXPLODE!2. Close the switch, S. Set the PS voltage at 50 Volts as measured by the DMM. The capacitor will be fully charged within fractions of a second (since there is almost no resistance between it and the PS).3. We are going to time how long the capacitor takes to discharge to 1/e of its initial voltage, that is, we are going to find the RC time constant, τ. To do this, first calculate the target voltage V o e -1 = (50 Volts)*(.368). Then as you open the switch, start the stop watch. Record the time when the voltage reaches this target voltage. This time is the RC time constant for this combination of resistor and capacitor.4. To see if the voltage does decay exponentially with time, we will take a set of readings of the voltage across the capacitor as time increases. To do this, first close the switch to charge up the capacitor. Now open the switch and at the same time start your stop watch. Read the voltage across the capacitor, V C , for various times, t , while the capacitor discharges through the DMM which acts like a resistor, R . The input impedance of your DMM is given as 10MegaOhms by the manufacturer, i.e. R = 10 M Ω. Try to get as many readings as you can while the capacitor discharges. Take readings for at least two minutes (120 seconds). Tabulate your readings in a table of V C (Volts) vs. t (sec). Caution: When the stopwatch reads 1:00, this is NOT 100 seconds, but 1 minute and 0 seconds, or 60 seconds.5. Replace the C 1 capacitor used above with the capacitor labeled C 2. Do not change any other part of the circuit. As in procedure 3, measure the time it takes for V C to reach (0.368)V o . (You do NOT have to create the table.)V o FIGURE 2 DMMREPORT:1. Using your 1/e time in procedure one and the given R value of 10 M Ω, calculate a value for the capacitance of C 1 .2. From the values of voltage and time in your data table, plot the Voltage vs Time graph for capacitor C 1. Have the computer draw the best exponential curve to the data and display the equation of the best curve.(a) From this equation, obtain the time constant, τ =RC . Is this the same (withinexperimental uncertainty) as the time constant you directly measured in Step 1?(b) Determine a second "measured" value of the capacitance from this time constant and compare this second value to the first value determined in Step 1.3. From the values of voltage and time in your data table, make a semi-log plot of Voltage vs. Time. (The easiest way to do this in Excel is to format the voltage axis in Plot 1. In the “Format Axis” window, choose the “Scale” tab and click on logarithmic scale. The plot shouldautomatically be generated.) Does the plot appear linear as predicted by theory?4. Is the 1/e time for the second capacitor, C 2, greater or less than the time for C 1 ? Does this indicate that C 2 is greater or less than C 1 ? Using this 1/e time, calculate the "measured" capacitance of C 2 .Part 2: Parallel and Series Combinations of CapacitorsPROCEDURE:1. In this part of the experiment, use the same two capacitors as in Part 1. Build the circuit shown below in Fig. 3.The PS supplies the V o and should be set at 50 Volts. The DMM will supply the resistance, R , as well as serve to measure the voltage across the effective capacitor.2. Close the switch, S, to charge the capacitors (which again should happen quickly - why?) and then open S and measure the time for the voltage to drop to (0.368)V o as the capacitorsdischarge through the resistance offered by the DMM (10 M Ω). This time should be the time constant for this parallel combination of C 1 and C 2 and R .V o FIGURE 3 DMM3. Build the circuit shown in Fig. 4 below. Find the time constant for this series combination of C 1 and C 2 and R .REPORT:1. Calculate the experimental equivalent capacitance for both the parallel and the seriescombination of capacitors using your experimental 1/e time measurements. Also calculate from theory (using your “measured” values for C 1 and C 2 from Part 1) what you would expect for each. Compare your experimental results to your theoretical calculations.2. The manufacturer claims that the nominal values of the capacitors are C 1 = 4.7 µF and C 2 = 2.2 µF. These values are guaranteed by the manufacturer with a certain confidence level (typically to within 5-10%). Compare your "measured" values of the capacitances of C 1 and C 2 from Part 1 to these nominal values. What percent difference is there between the measured and nominal values? Is it less than 10%?V o FIGURE 4 DMMPart 3: Body ResistancePROCEDURE:1. Build the circuit shown in Fig. 5 below where the capacitance, C , is a large capacitor with a value that can be read off the capacitor (it should be between 80 and 250 µF). As before, the DMM will measure the voltage across the capacitor, but you will act as a resistor when you touch the leads marked a and b .2. Do NOT touch the leads a and b until instructed to do so.Set the PS voltage at 5.1 Volts. Close the switch, S, to charge the capacitor. Then open the switch and watch the voltage readout slowly decrease (we are initially using the DMM as a resistor). When the voltage reaches 5.0 Volts (V o ) grab the open ends "a" and "b" with your left and right hands respectively, so that the capacitor will now mainly discharge through your body instead of through the DMM. Do this with dry fingers. [CAUTION: If you grip the open ends while the switch is closed, you will have the power supply trying to run current through you instead of only the DMM.] Watch the readings on the voltmeter, and measure the time it takes the voltage to drop to (0.368)V o . From this RC time constant, obtain the equivalent resistance of you and the meter in parallel using the nominal capacitance From this equivalent resistance, calculate your body resistance.3. Repeat Step 2 with wet fingers.REPORT:1. Calculate your body resistance (both with dry and wet fingers) using the times from Steps 2 and 3 and the stated value of the capacitance.2. Compare your resistances with dry and wet fingers. Comment on any difference.____________________________________________________________________________FOR ALL PARTS:As always, include a section on experimental uncertainties: what did you actually measure, and how well were you able to measure it? How much effect does this uncertainty in measurement have on your results?V o FIGURE 5 a b。
