


本杰明·巴顿奇事_ppt_英语课 presentation_布拉德皮特


7、翩翩新 来燕,双双入我庐 ,先巢故尚在,相 将还旧居。

9、 陶渊 明( 约 365年 —427年 ),字 元亮, (又 一说名 潜,字 渊明 )号五 柳先生 ,私 谥“靖 节”, 东晋 末期南 朝宋初 期诗 人、文 学家、 辞赋 家、散
文 家 。汉 族 ,东 晋 浔阳 柴桑 人 (今 江西 九江 ) 。曾 做过 几 年小 官, 后辞 官 回家 ,从 此 隐居 ,田 园生 活 是陶 渊明 诗 的主 要题 材, 相 关作 品有 《饮 酒 》 、 《 归 园 田 居 》 、 《 桃花 源 记 》 、 《 五 柳先 生 传 》 、 《 归 去来 兮 辞 》 等 。







Mr Button...! 巴顿先生...!
Thomas! 汤马斯!
Thomas, wait! 汤马斯,等等!
Hey, what are you doing there!? What do you have there? 嗨!你去哪里? 你在那儿干嘛呢! 96 00:11:34,489 --> 00:11:36,850 The air is sweet. 外面空气不错
I'm sorry if I offended anybody. 如果冒犯了诸位,我诚心致歉
I hope you enjoy my clock. 我希望你们喜欢我得钟表
Mr Cake was never seen again. 后来凯克先生就音信全无了
Some say he died of a broken heart. 有些人说他死于一颗破碎的心...
Our father was there the day it opened. 建成的那天我得父亲就在那里,
He said that... 他说当时还有个大号团在演奏... 23 00:02:48,791 --> 00:02:51,291 a tuba band was playing.
They had the finest clockmaker in all of the South 整个南部最好的钟表匠造了那台大钟...
Mom, it's not exactly... 妈妈,这本日记不完全是...
Just the sound of your voice, darling. - 听你得声音就足够了... - 好的
It's dated "April 4th, 1985." 这里标记着"1985年四月四日



Benjamin slept in his lover's arms and never woke up again.
1. You can be as mad as a mad dog at the way things went you can curse the fates but when it comes to the end, you have to let go.......... 你,可以像疯狗那样对周围的一切愤愤不平, 你可以诅咒你的命运, 但是等到最后一刻到了之 时,你只能轻轻放手。--------《返老还童》 2.You never know what's coming for you! 你永远也不清楚,接下来会发生什么 3.We're meant to lose the people we love. How else would we know how important they are to us? “我们注定要失去我们所爱的人,要不然我们怎么知道他们对我们有多么 的重要。”
Cate Blanchett
Cate Blanchett is an Australia actress. She graduated from the Sydney country Opera institute. She has played many roles which was very bright, like Queen Elizabeth.
The scene is that Benjamin and his adoptive mother had first met.
They first met at a party.I think they were attracted to each other at that time.

返老还童(introductive speech)

返老还童(introductive speech)
你可以像疯狗那样对周围的一切愤愤不平 你可以诅咒命运 但是等到最后一刻到来之时 你还得平静的放手而去。
I hope you make the best of it. I hope you see things that startle you. I hope you feel things you never felt before. I hope you meet people with a different point of view. I hope you live a life you're proud of. If you find that you are not, I hope you have the strength to start all over again. 我希望你有时能驻足于这个令你感到惊叹的世界, 体会你从未有过的感觉。 我希望你能见到其他与你观点不同的人们。 我希望你能有一个值得自豪的人生。 如果你想象的生活不一样,我希望你能有勇气重新启程。
The Curious Case of Benjamin Button
《返老还童》 返老还童》
The end
You could be mad as a mad dog at the way things went you can swear and curse the fates, but when it comes to the end, you have to let go.



That girl named Caroline was born.From this part of the movie on,you can get moved by any scene,but you can’t tell the reason. Benjamin left,because he knew that he’s getting younger,but Caroline needed a father,not a playmate.Beside,Daisy’s not that strong to raise both them.

In the spring of 1962,Benjamin’s 33.He finally meet Daisy.This time,they were almost the same age. God stop fooling them,they had the most happy time in their life,together.On the boat,on the island,in their house,in each other’ eyes,and throughout the heart.
The La back to the old people’s home.Daisy find him but he can not recognize her.7、5、an infant,just as the same pace as we getting older.Benjamin born child,and died like a child.Who’s gonna know that this tiny body had been through a 85 years’ life. We would never know how it feels when your lover die in your arms,because we’re not Daisy,and we never gonna meet a man like Benjamin Button.



影片一开始,就用了一个特写, 特写:影片一开始,就用了一个特写,着力 刻画了一个满脸皱纹的,饱含沧桑老者的形象。 刻画了一个满脸皱纹的,饱含沧桑老者的形象。 细部的特写, 细部的特写,将一个即将离去的老人内心的安 宁静,以及浅浅的不安,表现的淋漓尽致。 详,宁静,以及浅浅的不安,表现的淋漓尽致。 每一丝的心理变化,透过局部的镜头, 每一丝的心理变化,透过局部的镜头,给人强 烈的心理冲击。 烈的心理冲击。
亚历山卓·迪斯普拉特 亚历山卓 迪斯普拉特(Alexandre 迪斯普拉特 Desplat),负责《返老还童》的配 ,负责《返老还童》 乐工作。 乐工作。他起用好莱坞交响乐队 (Hollywood Studio Symphony)87人团队在索尼配乐 ) 人团队在索尼配乐 舞台( 舞台(Sony Scoring Stage)进行 ) 录音。 录音。 《返老还童》整个影片基调,宁静, 返老还童》整个影片基调,宁静, 深远。因而音乐,借以轻扬, 深远。因而音乐,借以轻扬,深邃 的曲风来烘托剧情。 的曲风来烘托剧情。影片中的音乐 若隐若现的诉说了人物的内心, 若隐若现的诉说了人物的内心,轻 轻几笔勾画出了人物的喜怒哀乐。 轻几笔勾画出了人物的喜怒哀乐。 倾诉着人物心中无法表达的心绪和 忧伤。比如:斯科特·乔普林的圆舞 忧伤。比如:斯科特 乔普林的圆舞 曲〈Bethena: A Concert Waltz〉。 〉
她馈赠了最放肆 的青春,岁月最是无情, 她夺走了最绚烂的流年。 ·他说,我孤独的来,孤独的去, 生不带来,死不带去,只留下记忆。 ·我说,之所以选择介绍《返老还童》, 是因为它,告诉我们,无论我们曾经错过了什么, 只要我们愿意,随时,随时,都可以有崭新的开始。


hobenydaaicrceoccllitidosireoannntcdohuirssebst.yafdf aerseign 经理和雇员之间的冲突已 在所难免。
Our lives are defined by opportunities, even the ones we miss.
When everyone is aging , Benjamin is getting younger and younger.
The movie gives us a fresh way to understand what is love and what is life.
《返老还童》充满着一股淡淡的诗意,那是一首哀伤而又绝妙的诗 6
2、(因能力、命运等)注定 I believe he is meant to be a soldier. 我相信他天生是要当军人的.
And one fall day, a familiar visitor came knocking on our door .
It happened when it was supposed to happen 顺其自然
i can't grow old with you but i will accompany you to the end
愿与你相守,虽不能共老 1
Curious Case
The movie begins with the story of a clock running back forward in honor of the soldiers died in the World War One.


He has a strong desire to learn and explore new things, which drives him to seek out knowledge and understanding
He is a strong willed individual who values his independence and is willing to go against the grain to achieve his goals
Distributed by: XYZ Distribution
Director and Actor Lineup
Director: John Doe Leading Actor: Jane Smith
Supporting Actor: Bob Johnson
Film Awards
Winner of Best Picture at the 2023 Oscar
The emotional bond between people
The novel delves into the dynamics of love, loss, long, and collaboration, exploring how these emotions shape and define the characters and their interactions with each other
She has a productive and sequentially allocating nature that is both enticing and dangerous


Supporting character and antagonist
The supporting character of both has a content relationship with the antagonist, challenging their views or actions This adds tension and drama to the storyline
Principles of framing, balance, and depth in shot design
Visual effects
Types of lighting equipment and techniques for different scenarios, such as soft boxes, reflectors, and spotlights
Turning points
A local resident emerges as a leading figure in the revitalization effort
A conflict arises over the use of English in the town, dividing residents
Exploration of Love
The courseware explores the theme of love in its various forms, including romantic love, love between family members, and love for oneself
things, ideas, and opportunities


The need for inclusive growth
Revitalization efforts should benefit everyone, not just receive groups or individuals Inclusive growth guarantees that all members of society can share in the benefits of rehabilitation and revitalization
Environmental sustainability
Rehabilitation effects can focus on sustainable practices that protect the environment, such as green spaces, renewable energy, and waste reduction
• Get enough sleep: Quality sleep is critical for physical and mental recovery Set a regular sleep schedule, aim for 7-9 hours ofht, and create a relaxing bedtime routine
• A Case Study on Revitalization • The impact and significance of rehabilitation
and rehabilitation • Conclusion
Theme Introduction
Revitalization and adjustment are two important concepts in the field of public health and wellness



Character introduction
• Benjamin Button:main character, a man who have a back forward life.
• Roger Buttons:Benjamin’s parents
• Hildegarde Moncrief:Benjamin’s wife
younger as the years progress. This faithful graphic-novel
adaptation chronicles Benjamin Button‘s many
adventures: He falls in love with a woman who ages
football team. By the time he is an old man, Benjamin
Button resembles(像) a newborn baby. And then he
remembered nothing.Through the noons and nights he
• Personally,I prefer the-movie.
Curious Case
- by Brad Pitt and Cate Blanc6hett
The story began with a clock running back forward in honor of the
breathed and over him there were soft mumblings and
murmurings that he scarcely heard, and faintly


Introduction of F . S cott F itz ge ra ld
• 1896~1940 • Master works The side of paradise(人间天 Tales of the Jazz Age 堂) The Great Gatsby Tender Is the Night(夜色温柔) Tales of the Jazz Age(爵士时代 的故事)
我希望你有时能驻足于这个令你感到惊叹的世界, 体会你从未 有过的感觉. 我希望你能见到其他与你观点不同的人们. 我希望 你能有一个值得自豪的一生. 如果和你想象的生活不一样, 我希 望你能有勇气重新启程.
T ha nk you for your liste ning !
New born Benjamin—had an old appearance and organs.
He was 7, totally a child, but seemed to be a dying man. He went through his childhood in the nursing house .
Байду номын сангаас
The story began with a clock running back forward in honor of the soldiers died in the First World War . It also gave Benjamin the back forward life.
In 1968,they have a daughter .Benjamin was afraid of getting young with her daughter nearby, so he chose to leave again.



When he seemed to be about 17 ,he’s actually 57,he came back ,and his daughter was already12.
At the end of his life, Benjiemin was hold in Daisy’ arms and stared her steadily.
He died … Like a infant… His Deisy looked at him ,like his grandma…
Captain: You could be mad as a mad dog at the way things went.
You can swear and curse the fates... But when it comes to the end... You have to let go.
New born Benjiemin—had an old apprelly a child, but seemed to be a 87 dying man. He went through his childhood in the Home for the Aged. There he felt that he was the same as other aged people.
本杰明巴顿奇事英语课 presentation布拉德皮特演示文
优选本杰明巴顿奇事ppt英语课 presentation布拉德皮特ppt
The story began with a clock running back forward in honor of the soldiers died in the World War One. It also gave Benjiemin the back forward life.



Without Deisy, he spent quite a unconventional life for a time.
They were finally together. They were soul mates.
Daisy gives birth to a girl, Caroline in 1968. Benjamin, believing he cannot be a father figure to his daughter due to his reverse aging, sells his belongings and leaves the proceeds to Daisy and Caroline. He travels the world alone during the 1970s.
Captain: You could be mad as a mad dog at the way things went.
You can swear and curse the fates... But when it comes to the end... You have to let go.
Then he met a captain of tugboat who admired Benjamin very much . Until the World War I ,he took part in the war with captain and came back alone.
After the World War One, Benjamin came back to home, he met Daisy, she was so beautiful in his eyes.



刚出生的他被父 母抛弃
被养老院的奎尼 收养
到些什么,总会 失去些什么
第一次遇到他人生中的挚爱 黛西,本来应该是青梅竹马 的金童玉女,却变成忘年之 交的玩伴
12岁的本杰明有着70岁的容貌 黛西刚好7岁
在第一次世界大战之后,本杰明回 到家里,他遇见了黛西
这是他放下屠刀的转 型之作——一部专注 于生命最华美篇章— 生、死和爱的史诗
“这样那些战争中死去的孩子 们也许就能复生回家来,回 家耕种,工作,生儿育女, 过完他们漫长而充实的一生, 也许我的儿子也能回家。”
我们有时候希望时问能 够倒流,这样就可以去弥补 过去的遗憾。
• 如果你还没有做到,我希望你有勇气重头再来
• 黛西遇到了一场车祸,她不能再跳舞,最后他们有机会聚在一起
• 1962年,受伤复原后的黛西回到故乡,四十多岁的本杰明和三十七八的黛西,无论从 年龄和外表特征都品貌相当,多次错失爱情良机,终于找到人生交汇点而走到一起……
黛西生了一个女孩,卡罗琳。本杰明,认为他不能继续担任父亲,女儿需要的是父 亲而不是一个玩伴,而且黛西也无法同时照顾两个孩子,所以卖掉了他的财资产 给了黛西和卡洛琳。他独自周游世界。
85岁的本杰明成 为一个婴儿,在黛 西的怀里去世 .
about love
容颜不是爱的依据,只 是心灵驻留的外壳
黛西皮肤松弛粗糙,本 杰明皮肤水嫩细腻
黛西已是驼背,本杰明 还是婴儿

appearance is not the basis of love, just heart



Some people, were born to sit by a river. Some get struck by lightning. Some have an ear for music. Some are artists. Some swim. Some know buttons. Some know Shakespeare. Some are mothers. And some people,dance.
Captain: You could be mad as a mad dog at the way things went.
You can swear and curse the fates... But when it comes to the end... You have to let go.
Without Deisy, he spent quite a unconventional life for a time.
They were finally together. They were soul mates.
Daisy gives birth to a girl, Caroline in 1968. Benjamin, believing he cannot be a father figure to his daughter due to his reverse aging, sells his belongings and leaves the proceeds to Daisy and Caroline. He travels the world alone during the 1970s.
Then he met a captain of tugboat who admired Benjamin very much . Until the World War I ,he took part in the war with captain and came back alone.



Daisy met Benjamin when she was a little girl had a good impression of each other. Then they separated for a while and Daisy became an excellent dancer.She met Benjamin again and married him at last.The whole story was recorded in a diary by Daisy.
with strange eyes.He grew up with the care and
guidance from his foster mother Queeney(奎尼) .There
was another strange thing.He's getting younger and
younger when the other people were getting old.
You can be mad as a mad dog at the way things went, You can swear, curse the fates, regret everything you ever did but when it comes to the end, You have to let it go.
我瞎了一个眼睛,几乎听不见晨间喧嚣,动不动就抽搐,总是 丢三落四,上帝却依然扔下闪电来提醒我,能够活着已经是桩幸运 的事了。
There is always something that I should remember for the rest of my life.
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When he seemed to be about 17 ,he’s actually 57,he came back ,and his daughter was already12.
He slept with Daisy for a last time.
In 1991, Daisy is told Benjamin's condition resembles dementia. Daisy moves into the nursing home takes care of him, Benjamin becomes increasingly younger until becomes an infant once more. In 2003, he dies in Daisy's arms remembering who she was. Benjamin's story now told, Daisy dies in her New Orleans hospital.
Then he met a captain of tugboat who admired Benjamin very much . Until the World War I ,he took part in the war with captain and came back alone.
After the World War One, Benjamin came back to home, he met Daisy, she was so beautiful in his eyes.
Without Deisy, he spent quite a unconventional life for a time.
They were finally together. They were soul mates.
Daisy gives birth to a girl, Caroline in 1968. Benjamin, believing he cannot be a father figure to his daughter due to his reverse aging, sells his belongings and leaves the proceeds to Daisy and Caroline. He travels the world alone during the 1970s.
Curious Case
The story began with a clock running back forward in honor of the soldiers died in the World War One. It also gave Benjiemin the back forward life.
Captain: You could be mad as a mad dog at the way things went.
You can swear and curse the fates... But when it comes to the end... You have to let go.
New born Benjiemin—had an old appreance and organs.
He was 7, totally a child, but seemed to be a 87 dying man. He went through his childhood in the Home for the Aged. There he felt that he was the same as other aged people.
Some people, were born to sit by a river. Some get struck by lightning. Some have an ear for music. Some are artists. Some swim. Some know buttons. Some know Shakespeare. Some are mothers. And some people,dance.
In 1930, 12-year-old Benjamin, befriends six-year-old Daisy, whose grandmother lives in the nursing home.
He thought he was strong enough to live by himself when he was 17years old. On the way, he met a married lady named Elizabeth Abbot and fell in love with her . Then they became lovers . He was happy before the lady left him.
We were meant to lose people. How else would we know how important they