⾼考数学专题03数列求和问题(第⼆篇)(解析版)备战2020年⾼考数学⼤题精做之解答题题型全覆盖⾼端精品第⼆篇数列与不等式【解析版】专题03 数列求和问题【典例1】【福建省福州市2019-2020学年⾼三上学期期末质量检测】等差数列{}n a 的公差为2, 248,,a a a 分别等于等⽐数列{}n b 的第2项,第3项,第4项. (1)求数列{}n a 和{}n b 的通项公式;(2)若数列{}n c 满⾜12112n n nc c c b a a a ++++=L ,求数列{}n c 的前2020项的和.【思路引导】(1)根据题意同时利⽤等差、等⽐数列的通项公式即可求得数列{}n a 和{}n b 的通项公式; (2)求出数列{}n c 的通项公式,再利⽤错位相减法即可求得数列{}n c 的前2020项的和.解:(1)依题意得: 2324b b b =,所以2111(6)(2)(14)a a a +=++ ,所以22111112361628,a a a a ++=++解得1 2.a = 2.n a n ∴= 设等⽐数列{}n b 的公⽐为q ,所以342282,4b a q b a ==== ⼜2224,422.n n n b a b -==∴=?= (2)由(1)知,2,2.n n n a n b ==因为11121212n n n n nc c c c a a a a +--++++= ①当2n ≥时,1121212n n n c c c a a a --+++= ②由①-②得,2n n nc a =,即12n n c n +=?,⼜当1n =时,31122c a b ==不满⾜上式,18,12,2n n n c n n +=?∴=?≥ .数列{}n c 的前2020项的和34202120208223220202S =+?+?++?2342021412223220202=+?+?+?++?设2342020202120201222322019220202T =?+?+?++?+? ③,则34520212022202021222322019220202T =?+?+?++?+? ④,由③-④得:234202120222020222220202T -=++++-?2202020222(12)2020212-=-?-2022420192=--? ,所以20222020201924T =?+,所以2020S =202220204201928T +=?+.【典例2】【河南省三门峡市2019-2020学年⾼三上学期期末】已知数列{}n a 的前n 项和为n S ,且满⾜221n S n n =-+,数列{}n b 中,2+,对任意正整数2n ≥,113nn n b b -??+=.(1)求数列{}n a 的通项公式;(2)是否存在实数µ,使得数列{}3nn b µ+是等⽐数列?若存在,请求出实数µ及公⽐q 的值,若不存在,请说明理由;(3)求数列{}n b 前n 项和n T . 【思路引导】(1)根据n S 与n a 的关系1112n nn S n a S S n -=?=?-≥?即可求出;(2)假设存在实数µ,利⽤等⽐数列的定义列式,与题⽬条件1331n n n n b b -?+?=,⽐较对应项系数即可求出µ,即说明存在这样的实数;(3)由(2)可以求出1111(1)4312nn n b -??=?+?- ,所以根据分组求和法和分类讨论法即可求出.解:(1)因为221n S n n =-+,当1n =时,110a S ==;当2n ≥时,22121(1)2(1)123n n n a S S n n n n n -=-=-+-----=-.故*0,1 23,2,n n a n n n N =?=?-∈?…;(2)假设存在实数µ,使得数列{}3xn b µ?+是等⽐数列,数列{}n b 中,2133a b a =+,对任意正整数2n (113)n n b b -??+=.可得116b =,且1331n nn n b b -?+?=,由假设可得(n n n b b µµ--?+=-?+,即1334n n n n b b µ-?+?=-,则41µ-=,可得14µ=-,可得存在实数14µ=-,使得数列{}3nn b µ?+是公⽐3q =-的等⽐数列;(3)由(2)可得11111133(3)(3)444nn n n b b ---=-?-=?- ,则1111(1)4312nn n b -??=?+?- ,则前n 项和11111111(1)123643121212nn n T -=++?+?+-+?+?-?? ? ????????? 当n 为偶数时,111111*********n n n T ??- =+=- ???- 当n 为奇数时,11111115112311128312248313n n n nT ??- =+=-+=- ????- 则51,21248311,2883nn n n k T n k ?-=-=??-=(*k N ∈).【典例3】【福建省南平市2019-2020学年⾼三上学期第⼀次综合质量检查】已知等⽐数列{}n a 的前n 项和为n S ,且( )*21,nn S a a n =?-∈∈R N.(1)求数列{}n a 的通项公式;(2)设11n n n n a b S S ++=,求数列{}n b 的前n 项和n T .【思路引导】(1)利⽤临差法得到12n n a a -=?,再根据11a S =求得1a =,从⽽求得数列通项公式;(2)由题意得1112121n n n b +=---,再利⽤裂项相消法求和. 解:(1)当1n =时,1121a S a ==-.当2n ≥时,112n n n n a S S a --=-=?()*,因为{}n a 是等⽐数列,所以121a a =-满⾜()*式,所以21a a -=,即1a =,因此等⽐数列{}n a 的⾸项为1,公⽐为2,所以等⽐数列{}n a 的通项公式12n n a -=.(2)由(1)知21nn S =-,则11n n n n a b S S ++=,即()()1121121212121n n n n n n b ++==-----,所以121111111113377152121n n n n T b b b +?=++???+=-+-+-+???+- ? ? ? ?--?,所以11121n n T +=--.【典例4】【⼭东省⽇照市2019-2020学年上学期期末】已知数列{}n a 的⾸项为2,n S 为其前n 项和,且()120,*n n S qS q n +=+>∈N (1)若4a ,5a ,45a a +成等差数列,求数列{}n a 的通项公式;(2)设双曲线2221ny x a -=的离⼼率为n e ,且23e =,求222212323n e e e ne ++++L .【思路引导】(1)先由递推式()120,*n n S qS q n +=+>∈N 求得数列{}n a 是⾸项为2,公⽐为q 的等⽐数列,然后结合已知条件求数列通项即可;(2)由双曲线的离⼼率为求出公⽐q ,再结合分组求和及错位相减法求和即可得解. 解:解:(1)由已知,12n n S qS +=+,则212n n S qS ++=+,两式相减得到21n n a qa ++=,1n ≥.⼜由212S qS =+得到21a qa =,故1n n a qa +=对所有1n ≥都成⽴.所以,数列{}n a 是⾸项为2,公⽐为q 的等⽐数列. 由4a ,5a ,45+a a 成等差数列,可得54452=a a a a ++,所以54=2,a a 故=2q .所以*2()n n a n N =∈.(2)由(1)可知,12n n a q-=,所以双曲线2的离⼼率n e ==由23e ==,得q =.所以()()()()2122222123231421414n n e e e n e q n q -++++?=++++++ ()()()21214122n n n q nq -+=++++,记()212123n n T q q nq -=++++①()()2122221n n n q T q q n qnq -=+++-+②①-②得()()221222221111n n nnq q ---=++++-=-- 所以()()()()222222222211122121(1)111nn n n n n n n q nq q nq T n n q q q q --=-=-=-+?=-+----. 所以()()222212121242n n n n e e n e n +++++?=-++. 【典例5】已知数列{}n a 的各项均为正数,对任意*n ∈N ,它的前n 项和n S 满⾜()()1126n n n S a a =++,并且2a ,4a ,9a 成等⽐数列. (1)求数列{}n a 的通项公式;(2)设()111n n n n b a a ++=-,n T 为数列{}n b 的前n 项和,求2n T .【思路引导】(1)根据n a 与n S 的关系,利⽤临差法得到13n n a a --=,知公差为3;再由1n =代⼊递推关系求1a ;(2)观察数列{}n b 的通项公式,相邻两项的和有规律,故采⽤并项求和法,求其前2n 项和. 解:(1)Q 对任意*n ∈N ,有() ()1126n n n S a a =++,①∴当1a =时,有()()11111126S a a a ==++,解得11a =或2. 当2n ≥时,有()()1111126n n n S a a ---=++.②①-②并整理得()()1130n n n n a a a a --+--=. ⽽数列{}n a 的各项均为正数,13n n a a -∴-=.当11a =时,()13132n a n n =+-=-,此时2429a a a =成⽴;当12a =时,()23131n a n n =+-=-,此时2429a a a =,不成⽴,舍去.32n a n ∴=-,*n ∈N .(2)2122n n T b b b =+++=L 12233445221n n a a a a a a a a a a +-+-+-L()()()21343522121n n n a a a a a a a a a -+=-+-++-L242666n a a a =----L ()2426n a a a =-+++L246261862n n n n +-=-?=--.【典例6】【2020届湖南省益阳市⾼三上学期期末】已知数列{}n a 的前n 项和为112a =,()1122n n n S a ++=-. (1)求2a 及数列{}n a 的通项公式;(2)若()1122log n n b a a a =L ,11n n nc a b =+,求数列{}n c 的前n 项和n T . 【思路引导】(1)利⽤临差法将递推关系转化成2112n n a a ++=,同时验证2112a a =,从⽽证明数列{}n a 为等⽐数列,再利⽤通项公式求得n a ;(2)利⽤对数运算法则得11221nn c n n ??=+- ?+??,再⽤等⽐数列求和及裂项相消法求和,可求得n T 。
2019-2020学年福建省福州市英语八年级(上)期末质量检测模拟试题一、选择题1.I know the job is difficult,but I'm ready ________ it.A.take。
B.to take。
C.not take。
D.not to take2.Cindy plays the violin ________。
but I play it ________ than her.A.well。
well3.He arrived late for school because there were _____________ XXX.too much。
B.too many。
C.much too。
D.many too4.—Jack,please hang ______ with us tomorrow night.—OK.That’s great.A./B.out。
D.for5.To show ______ we’re going to miss her。
let’s have a party for her next Friday the28th!A.XXX6.-Where is your sister?-I'm not sure。
She ____________ be in the library because she likes reading.A.XXX't-In two days.A.XXXC.careless;carefully8.Jack made a _________ mistake again because he never did things _________.A.careful;carefullyB.careless;carelesslyD.careful;carelesslyB.XXX't7.- ____________ will your head teacher come back from America?9.James with the Greens。
【期末试卷】2019-2020学年高一上学期期末考试英语试卷(新高考卷)笔试部分附参考答案按秘密级事项管理★启用前2019-2020 高一上学期期末考试英语试卷(新高考卷)注意事项:1. 答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、考生号等填写在答题卡和试卷指定位置上。
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第一部分阅读(共两节,满分50分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5 分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。
AArtificial intelligence (AI) is practically everywhere today. There are so many products out there which use AI. Some are being developed, some are already in use, and some failed and are being improved, so it’s very difficult to name a few of them and regard them as the best.ViIt is an AI personal trainer which is mainly concerned with fitness and coaching. It, however, requires the use of bio-sensing earphones and other fitness tracking equipment (设备)! It can play your favourite music while you work out and all you have to worry about is the exercise you’re doing.Deep TextDo you ever wonder how an ad appears suddenly just whenyou are looking for something similar? This is because of Deep Text. It uses real-time consumer (消费者) information to produce data which in turn is used to target consumers. Thus, if you search online for flight tickets from Bangalore to Delhi, it is very likely that an ad relating to hotels in Delhi will soon follow.Hello EggIf you live alone and miss your mother because you always miss your breakfast or don’t know what to eat for dinner, the n Hello Egg is exactly what you are looking for. A very healthy choice of the 2-minute noodles and oats, Hello Egg provides you with a detailed weekly meal plan about the needs of your body. It is truly a modern AI-powered home cooking tool for the young.WordsmithYou can put Mr. Smith into your Microsoft Excel using their free API, and let it write up detailed analysis (分析) of the stories behind your numbers. It can produce detailed reports on thousands of pages of spreadsheets in seconds.1.What can we learn about Vi from the text?A. It is an AI music player.B. It is a bio-sensing earphone.C. It doesn’t work without bio-sensing earphones.D. It can make you more energetic while you work out.2. Which can help you improve cooking skill?A.Hello Egg.B.Deep Text.C.Vi.D.Wordsmith.3. What can Wordsmith do for us?A.Produce a detailed report.B.Book a ticket ahead of time.C.Provide us with a detailed meal plan.D.Offer us information on hotels for traveling.BA couple in their 60s has travelled 12,000 miles across 16 countries from Britain to China — riding their bikes the entire way. Grandparents Peter and Chris stepped on the long journey after deciding to “do something a bit different”. They traversed (横穿) cities, deserts, mountains and everything in between across Europe, the Middle East and the East Asia. The married couple of 37 years enjoyed themselves with delicious local food and spent most nights inside a tiny tent put up wherever they could find shelter.Peter, 66, said the moment they finally had a look at the famous Great Wall after a year and a half of cycling 30 miles a day was “really exciting”. At the end of their journey, the special pair didn’t fly home but instead choose to book a cabin (舱) inside a 400m-long container ship. The final part was a three-week voyage from Singapore across the Indian Ocean and into the Mediterranean Sea before arriving at Southampton.“You never know what the day is going to bring. All you know is that you aregoing to get on your bike and cycle. Every day is an adventure and every day is new. Overall, the experience is absolutely unbelievable, ” Peter said.Peter and Chris initially set out to cycle from Britain in January 2017 but were forced home. They had cycled all the way to Hungary when Peter slipped on tiles and broke his leg. After seven months of recovery, the couple set out again in Britain. They finally arrived in China in November 2018.Both Peter and Chris agreed that the best part of the entiretrip was coming across the kindness of strangers along the way, many of whom invited the couple for food and drink. Chris, 64, said, “It was a wonderful experience, particularly wonderful because of the amazing people we met along the way.”4.What’s the couple’s purpose of taking the long journey?A.To try something new.B.To break the world record.C. To go across 16 countries by bike.D. To celebrate their 37-year marriage.5. How did the couple go back to their home after the trip to China?A. By cycling.B. By train.C. By plane.D. By sea.6. Why did the couple put off their trip in 2017?A. Peter had an accident.B. They ran out of their money.C. They met with a heavy snow.D. Peter fell ill suddenly in Hungary.7. What’s the best part of the trip for the couple?A. The beautiful scenes.B. The help from others.C. The delicious food and drink.D. The kindness from other cyclists.CHundreds of thousands of lives were saved in 2017 alone because of the improvement of the environment, according to a new research. Fine particle pollution declined rapidly following the new rules on industrial emissions and the promotion of cleanfuels, according to the study, published on Monday in the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. The study, which focused on the period from 2013-2017, was conducted by a group of Chinese researchers and scientists.PM2.5, as this kind of pollution is known, is so small that it can enter the bloodstream, potentially leading to cancer, stroke and heart attack in the long term. After rapid industrialization and weak regulations left the country with a reputation for smog and bad air quality, Chinese authorities started to take air pollution seriously in 2008.In 2013, Beijing had PM2.5 concentrations 40 times higher than levels recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO), and the governmentintroduced its toughest-ever clean air policies that year. The study found “signif icant declines” in PM2.5 levels across China from 2013-2017, with new standards for thermal power plants and industrial boilers, the replacement of old factories, and new emissions rules for vehicles. The authors say this “confirms the effectiveness of Chi na’s recent clean air actions.”These recent actions have seen Beijing fall out of the top 100 most-polluted cities in Asia in recent years, with the pollution levels 10% lower across Chinese cities between 2017 and 2018, according to a report by Greenpeace and AirVisual. Shanghai, the country’s largest city and financial capital, has also made environmental advances, such as adopting strict recycling regulations. Public pressure has been the driving force of pollution policy in China.Air pollution is a global issue, and India is now home to 22 of the 30 most polluted world cities, according to the Greenpeace and AirVisual report. In the US, a recent study said air pollutionwas linked to more than 107,000 deaths in 2011 and cost the country $866 billion.8. What saved many lives in China?A. China’s clean air policies.B. The increased particle pollution.C. The study by researchers.D. The reduction of the clean fuels.9. Why did PM2.5 cause many diseases?A. It was called smog.B. It made the air cleaner.C. It went into the blood.D. It had a bad reputation.10. When did Chinese government decide to treat the pollution?A. In 2008.B. In 2013.C. In 2017.D. In 2018.11. What did people in Shanghai do to protect the environment?A. They built the thermal power plants.B. They stopped using industrial boilers.C. They made Shanghai financial capital.D. They tried to recycle some rubbish.DIn the 1994 film Forrest Gump, there’s a famous saying, “Life is like a box of chocolates; you never know what you’re gonna get.” The surprise is part of the fun. Now blind box toys are bringing the magic of surprise to online shopping.A blind box toy is hidden inside uniform packaging(包装) butinvisible from the outside. You don’t know what will be inside, although the toys typically come from pop culture, ranging from movies to comics and cartoons.Blind boxes have caught on since they were first introduced from Japan to China in 2014. According to a 2019 Tmall report, the mini-series of Labubu blind box. designed by Hong Kong -born Kasing Lung, was named Champion of Unit Sales with 55,000 sold in just 9 seconds during the Singles Day shopping event. Most customers for blind boxes are young people aged 18 to 35.According to The Paper, blind box toys are popular in part because of their cute appearances. The typically cute cartoon figurines (小塑像) come in miniature (微型的) sizes, making them suitable for display almost anywhere.Even if blind boxes are not their top choice for decorations(装饰品), the mystery and uncertainty of the process also attracts people. It’s the main reason why people buy blind boxes one after another.“Fear of the unknown is always a part of the box-opening process,” said Miss Cao, 24, who lives and works in Shenyang. Speaking to Sina News, she said: “Until you open all the boxes, you cannot know what it is inside.”Opening a blind box is a delightful little surprise for our mundane daily lives, something small but fun to wait for each day, week or month. When people open this simple little box, they may be disappointed, but the uncertainty is part of the fun. People will open more blind boxes and hope for a better outcome.When someone re-makes Forrest Gump, don't be surprised if he says, “Life is like a blind box.”12.What feature of blind boxes attracts people?A.They often get toys designed by famous artists.B.They don’t know what they’ve got until they open them.C.They can learn about pop culture from the packaging.D.They can experience the excitement of online shopping.13.Why does Miss Cao love blind box toys?。
2019-2020学年度第一学期福州市九年级期末质量抽测英语试卷Ⅱ. 选择填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)从每小题所给的A、B、C三个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的正确答案。
21.- Have you finished your project?- Not yet. But we are making _______ .A.peaceB. noiseC. progress22. Don’t worry! If you can’t complete the work _______ your own, I will give you a hand.A. InB. onC. at23.- How much difficulty did you have solving this problem?- _______. It’s quite easy.A. NobodyB. NowhereC. None24.--Kate, don’t sing here! I'm busy preparing for tomorrows math test.-Sorry, I didn’t _______ it.A. mentionB. realizeC. manage25.-What a fine day today!Yes. It’s ______ to stay indoors. Why not go out for a picnic?A. sillyB. naturalC. excellent26. Thomas and Martin climbed the higher mountain, ____they enjoyed a better view1A. butB. soC. or27. The style of my dress ______ that of Mary’s, but hers is a little longer.A. is similar toB. is pleased withC. is short of28.-How’s Mrs. Black?-She ______ her medicine and is resting now.A. takesB. is takingC. has taken29.-_____ have you been in the sports club?- Since the first month I came to this school.A. How longB. How soonC. How often30. We ______ respect the disabled and be kind to them.A. dare toB. orC. have to31.- Why can’t Karl enter the bar?- Only those _____ are above eighteen years old are allowed to enter.A. whoB. whichC. when32. My cat was lying under the shelf on the wall. So when the shelf fell, she _____ right on the head.A. hitB. was hitC. was hitting33. Jane and her friends ______ themselves when they saw one another’s costumesA. laughed atB. turned toC. named after34. The doctor did what he could ______ the girl who was badly injured in the accident.2A. saveB. savingC. to save35. Steve is free tomorrow. Let's ask him ________ .A. where he has goneB. when did he go to the Great WallC. whether he wants to go to the ball game with usCBCBA BACAB ABACCⅢ. 完形填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)阅读下面短文,从每小题所给的A、B、C三个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。
2019-2020学年广东省普宁市高三上学期期末考试英语试题1. Many people would love to leave their jobs behind and have a life-changing adventure overseas. They imagine lying under palm trees as the sun goes down. However, life overseas is not always easy, and many are not prepared for the shock of living in an alien culture.The honeymoon periodAt first, for those who actually decide to move abroad, life is an exciting adventure. They enjoy exploring their new surroundings, and life seems like an extended holiday. They don’t mind trying the local cuisine and discovering the local culture. They can even afford to practice their foreign-language skills without fear of making mistakes.Trouble in paradiseIn many cases, when people consider moving to another country, they often fail to realize how different life will be. As time goes by, they become frustrated when language and cultural misunderstandings become a daily headache. In this stage, the visitors begin to withdraw from life in the host country and avoid spending time with local people in favor of mixing with others from their own cultural background.The road to recoveryGradually, most visitors realize they must accept the differences and not fight against them. This change encourages them to improve their language skills and slowly they manage to do the things they could easily do at home, such as opening a bank account. This new-found confidence enables them to see a side of life which very few tourists get to witness.Adjusting to life abroad can often be a real problem. The secret to overcoming it is to stop trying to change your host country: you will not succeed. If not, you risk losing your dream and having to return to the old life you wanted to leave behind.1. Why do people moving abroad feel excited at first?A.They find foreign living much easier.B.They love the adventure and exploration.C.They have the necessary language skills.D.They enjoy meeting people from different cultures.2. According to the author, what is the main problem many people moving abroad face?A.Culture shock. B.Homesickness.C.Health problems. D.Lack of employment.3. What would the author suggest people moving abroad do?A.Go on holidays frequently. B.Learn how to open a bank account.C.Study the local language. D.Seek out people from their home country.2. I wrote a business plan the other day. I gave it to my husband for suggestions. After reading it, he said, “I don’t think this is up to your usual standards.” I said, “I need more information. What doesn’t work?” He said he wasn’t sure. I then took the letter and reread it.He asked, “How about if I look at it again and make notes between the space?” I agreed. A half hour later I looked at his notes and told him he didn’t understand the situation and what I really wanted to express. He shrugged (耸肩) and said OK. I took the letter and went back to my computer and again revised. As I was writing, I could see my letter improving based on his suggestions. When I finished, I proudly handed the letter back to my husband. He read it for the third time and said, “It’s still not right but I couldn’t exactly say.” I was a little annoyed and then told him I was the writer and I had seen some goofy letters he sent out. But I picked up my letter and went back to the computer.After an hour of revisions, I went back to my husband apologetically with letter in hand. I told him I was sorry for what I’d said and asked if he would please read the letter again because I did value his contribution. Being a very patient and kind-hearted fellow, he once again read my letter and declared that it was fine.This all leads me to the following: When you ask for advice on a project, be appreciative and grateful. Understand that the advice and suggestions you get may be negative. Understand that it may mean more work for you. And keep in mind that the final responsibility for the project is still yours. So be modest and thankful even if he or she has noted some problems.1. Why did the author give her business plan to her husband at first?A.To show off her excellent work.B.To have him type it on the computer.C.To ask him to make some changes from all details.D.To ask him to give her some advice.2. The author’s husband shrugged after hearing her words because he ________.A.believed in his judgement but couldn’t find whyB.knew there was nothing wrong in the business planC.doubted about himself since he found no excusesD.believed he himself was right and knew the roots3. We can infer from the passage that the author’s husband was _________.A.selfish, proud and determinedB.good at expressing himselfC.honest, kind and patientD.humorous, active and careful4. The author wants to tell us that if you ask for suggestions, ________.A.do accept all suggestions from the giversB.don’t get upset if some are negativeC.do keep silent before taking actionD.do be grateful and confident3. As you grow older, you’ll be faced with some challenging decisions—like whether to cut class or try cigarettes. Making decisions on your own is hard enough, but when other people get involved and try to pressure you one way or another it can be even harder. People who are your age, like your classmates, are called peers. When they try to influence how you act, to get you to do something, it’s called peer pressure.Peers can have a positive influence on each other. Maybe another student in your science class taught you an easy way to remember the planets in the solar system. Maybe you got others excited about your new favorite book, and now everyone’s reading it. These are examples of ho w peers positively influence each other.Sometimes peers influence each other in negative ways. For example, a few kids in school might try to get you to cut class with them; your soccer friend might try to convince you to be mean to another player and never pass him the ball.It is tough to be the only one who says “no” to peer pressure, but you can do it. Paying attention to your own feelings and beliefs about what is right and wrong can help you know the right thing to do.You’ve probably had a parent or teacher advising you to “choose your friends wisely.” Peer pressure is a big reason why they say this. If you choose friends who don’t cut class, smoke cigarettes, or lie to their parents, then you probably won’t do these things either, even if other kids do.If you continue to face peer pressure and you’re finding it difficult to handle, talk to someone you trust. Don’t feel guilty if you’ve made a mistake or two.1. For whom is the passage most probably written?A.Parents. B.Teachers.C.Students. D.Doctors.2. In the last three paragraphs, the author mainly_____.A.explains why friendship is so importantB.shows how to make more good friendsC.discusses how peers influence usD.gives advice on how to deal with peer pressure3. Which of following may help handle peer pressure?A.Spending more time with classmates.B.Taking up more relaxing hobbies.C.Choosing friends with no bad habits.D.Helping others who are in trouble.4. What is the topic of the passage?A.Friendship. B.Making decisionsC.Self-confidence D.Peer pressure4. When it comes to friends, I desire those who will share my happiness, who possess wings of their own and who will fly with me. I seek friends whose qualities illuminate(照亮)me and train me upfor love. It is for these people that I reserve the glowing hours.When I was in the eighth grade, I had a friend. We were shy and “too serious” about our studies when it was becoming fashionable with our classmates to learn acceptable social behaviors. We said little at school, but she would come to my house and we would sit down with pencils and paper, and one of us would say, “Let’s start with a train whistle today.” We would sit quietly together and write separate poems or stories that grew out of a train whistle. Then we would read them aloud. At the end of that school year, we, too, were changing into social creatures and the stories and poems stopped.When I lived for a time in London, I had a friend. He was in despair and I was in despair. But our friendship was based on the idea in each of us that we would be sorry later if we did not explore this great city because we had felt bad at that time. We met every Sunday for five weeks and found many excellent things. We walked until our despairs disappeared and then we parted. We gave London to each other.For almost four years I have had a remarkable friend whose imagination illuminates mine. We write long letters in which we often discover our strangest selves. Each of us appears, sometimes in a funny way, in the other’s drea ms. She and I agree that, at certain times, we seem to be parts of the same mind. In my most interesting moments, I often think, “Yes, I must tell…”, though we have never met.It is such comforting companions I wish to keep. One bright hour with their kindness is worth more to me than the lifetime services of a psychologist, who will only fill up the healing silence necessary to those darkest moments in which I would rather be my own best friend.1. In the eighth grade, what the author did before developing proper social behavior was to________.A.become serious about her study B.go to her friend’s house regularlyC.learn from her classmates at school D.share poems and stories with her friend 2. In Paragraph 3, “We gave London to each other” probably means________.A.our exploration of London was a memorable gift to both of usB.we were unwilling to tear ourselves away from LondonC.our unpleasant feeling about London disappearedD.we parted with each other in London3. In the darkest moments, the author would prefer to________.A.seek professional help B.be left aloneC.stay with her best friend D.break the silence4. What is the best title for the passage?A.Unforgettable Experiences B.Noble CompanionsC.Remarkable Imagination D.Lifelong Friendship5. Get a Thorough Understanding of OneselfIn all one’s life time, it is oneself that one spends the most time being with or dealing with. 1When you are going upwards in life you tend to overestimate yourself. It seems that everything you seek for is within your reach. 2 It’s likely that you think it wise for yourself to stay away from the outer world. Actually, to get a thorough understanding of oneself, you may as well keep the following tips in mind.Gain a correct view of oneself. You may look forward hopefully to the future but be sure not to expect too much, for dreams can never be fully realized. You may be courageous to meet challenges but it should be clear to you where to direct your efforts. 3Self-appreciate. Whether you compare yourself to a high mountain or a small stone, you represent a state of nature. 4 If you earnestly (诚挚地) admire yourself, you’ll have a real sense of self-appreciation.5 In time of anger, do yourself a favor by releasing it in a quiet place so t hat you won’t be hurt by its flames; in time of sadness, do yourself a favor by sharing it with your friends so as to change a bad mood into a cheerful one; in time of tiredness, do yourself a favor by getting a good sleep.Get a full control of one’s lif e. Then one will find one’s life full of color and flavor.6. I’ve been obsessed (痴迷的) with languages for as long as I can remember. My dad could talk to everyone with ease, confidently _________ between languages. His abilities made a big impression on me, but he didn’t _________ me to follow his lead.I wasn’t a(n) _________ language learner. I made slow progress with French at school and almost gave it up. But things felt different when I _________ German at university — loving many German writers in translation, I wanted to read them in their _________ tongue, and that’s been my main_________ for learning new ones since. Once I got German, I was _________ ; French, Latin, Greek and Sanskrit quickly followed. The idea of having a _________ overview of the world has always fascinated me, and _________ languages seemed a good way of achieving that. By my 20s, I’d set my heart on __________ the rest of my life to learning as many as I could.I’m often asked what the __________ is, and whether some people have a gift for absorbing words and phrases. The truth is th at it’s down to endless hours of __________ — reading, studying and practicing grammar. __________ , all these wonderful languages start to swim into focus, and ever increasing numbers of great works become __________ .It’s hard, but the __________ can b e thrilling. When I started studying Spanish, there was a moment when the living language suddenly __________ itself to me. Something __________ happened when I heard Swedish spoken around me. It seemed to __________ elements of languages I was familiar with. The more of them I know, the more I see how inter-related they are. All it took was three weeks and I was able to __________ effectively in complex conversations.Now, I can read about three dozen languages and speak most of them fluently. I think I’m much richer for that — it makes me more __________ .1.A.distinguishing B.comparing C.switching D.dividing2.A.trust B.threaten C.promise D.encourage3.A.natural B.average C.individual D.sensitive4.A.put down B.took on C.went over D.made up5.A.simple B.sharp C.native D.polite6.A.foundation B.motivation C.advantage D.appreciation7.A.hooked B.shocked C.relieved D.depressed8.A.historical B.scientific C.skeptical D.comprehensive 9.A.imitating B.acquiring C.selecting D.speaking10.A.reducing B.adjusting C.attaching D.devoting11.A.puzzle B.purpose C.benefit D.secret12.A.evaluation B.concentration C.expectation D.admiration 13.A.Regularly B.Usually C.Gradually D.Suddenly14.A.accessible B.reliable C.affordable D.invisible15.A.beginning B.options C.rewards D.circle16.A.explained B.revealed C.limited D.recommended 17.A.significant B.reasonable C.funny D.similar18.A.transform B.promote C.combine D.substitute19.A.communicate B.compromise C.compete D.compensate 20.A.confident B.considerate C.objective D.arbitrary7. 阅读下面材料,根据上下文在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。
2020-2021学年高三上学期期末试卷 英语试题(解析版)
13. Why do the speakers need to make an appointment? A. To discuss a party. B. To study for the final exam. C. To talk about the quiz competition. 14. Which month is it now? A. May. B. June. C. July. 15. What is the man going to do on Wednesday afternoon? A. Play football. B. Have lessons. C. Take a trip. 16. When will the speakers meet? A. This Friday. B. This Sunday. C. Next Monday.
1. How will the woman go to London? A. By air. B. By train. C. By car. 2. Which place is going to be pulled down? A The square. B. The park. C. The theater. 3. What are the speakers talking about? A. A handbag. B. A cup. C. A book. 4. Which button will the woman press? A. The top one on the left. B. The top one on the right. C. The bottom one on the right. 5. What does the woman advise the man to get? A. Some water. B. Some scissors. C. The vase.
(共5小题:每小题1分,满分5分)EHenry was going through a very hard time. His wife had just passed away. He felt that life without her was pointless. 66Henry's neighbor, an old woman named Lisa, saw him from her yard one day. She had not seen him outside in days! She asked him to come closer to the fence(篱笆)next to her house."Hello. Henry! Just look at the fence. It is falling apart. You are strong man. 67 "Lisa asked.Henry was angry inside. He was the one who needed help right then. He thought the old lady was being kind of rude. But she was too old to fix the fence herself, so he agreed.Henry worked on the fence for days. 68 Henry smiled for the first time in months."What a wonderful job! Could you please paint it for me?" Lisa said to him.69 But because he respected her, he agreed. He worked hard painting the fence in the hot sun. As their neighbors passed by, they all told Henry what a beautiful job he had done. Henry felt very happy.Henry no longer felt that life was pointless. 70 She knew that staying busy could help us forget our sadness. He helped her, but she truly saved him.第二节(每小题1分,共5分)66-70 CEDBA评分标准:66-70小题,每小题1分。
1.How did the man go to work todayA.On foot.B.By taxi.C.By bike.2.What does the man want to buyA.An air fryer.B.A microwave.C.A refrigerator.3.What is the probable relationship between the speakers A.Colleagues.B.Strangers.C.Classmates.4.What are the speakers mainly talking aboutA.Doing an article.B.Designing research projects.C.Interviewing a professor.5.What does the woman think of making grape wineA.Time-wasting.B.Enjoyable.C.Difficult.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白,每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。
6.How many pieces of baggage does the man haveA.Two.B.Four.C.Six.7.Where does the conversation probably take placeA.On the plane.B.In the airport.C.At the station.听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。
Z20名校联盟(浙江省名校新高考研究联盟)2023-2024学年高三上学期第一次联考英语试题学校:___________姓名:___________班级:___________考号:___________二、阅读理解The ebike has become an essential item, and even the King has been spotted riding one. According to the market research company Mintel, sales have almost tripled over the past five years. While ebikes have become increasingly commonplace, they are still undeniably expensive. You can pick up a perfectly adequate push bike for £300, but most ebikes cost nearly £2,000. Now, Cycling Electric, designed to help consumers choose an ebike, offers the following recommendations.Best folding bikeCarbo Model XPrice: £2, 799 | Weight: 13.3kgRange: up to 34 milesThis is one of the most convenient bikes, from a little-known label. The lightweight Carbo X is the perfect example of convenience thanks to its carbon frame and belt drive, instead of a metal bike chain. This makes it lighter and less likely to get messy than an electric Brompton, with its more traditional, oily chain.Most stylishTemple Cycles ClassicPrice: from £2, 995 | Weight: 19kgRange: up to 74 milesThis Bristol-based brand is known for its elegant pushbikes, which are hand-built in the city.This is its electric version. It’s a very sleek and functional commuter option and not too heavy. Temples have fewer proprietary (品牌专卖的) parts and so are serviceable in any bike shop. Stylish as they may be, the VanMoofs and the Cowboys can be a bit more complex to get back-up and service.The money-no-object optionRiese & Müller Nevo4 GT Vario GXPrice: £5, 380 | Weight: 28.4kgRange: up to 93 milesThis is a prime example of the attention to detail delivering a high-quality experience in functionality, comfort and practicality — if you can afford it. It has the capacity to handle 25kg of luggage in a pannier, powerful road lights and a beautifully smooth motor.21.What is the advantage of the Temples over other stylish ebike brands?A.They are more lightweight. B.They have more functions.C.They have easier access to service. D.They are more comfortable.22.Which ebike will a consumer probably choose, who cares most about an excellent experience?A.Carbo Model X. B.The VanMoofs and the Cowboys.C.Temple Cycles Classic. D.Riese & Müller Nevo4 GT Vario GX. 23.Where is the text probably taken from?A.An online post. B.A magazine column.C.A market research report. D.An official document.【答案】21.C 22.D 23.B【导语】本文是一篇应用文,主要介绍的是Cycling Electric推荐的三款电动自行车。
⼈教版2019-2020学年九年级英语第⼀学期期末测试题(含答案)2019-2020学年九年级英语第⼀学期期末测试题(满分120 分,考试⽤时120 分钟)⼀、听⼒(共三节;计25分)第⼀节(共5⼩题;每⼩题1分,满分5分)听句⼦。
1.A B C2.A B C3.A B C4.A B C5.A B C第⼆节(共15⼩题;每⼩题1分,满分15分)听下⾯6段对话。
6. What does Peter need?A.Some cards.B.Some help.C.An English test.7. How did Mary study for the last English test?九年级英语试题第1页(共8页)A.By making word cards.B.By doing something.C.By Peter’s help.听第7段对话,回答第8、9⼩题。
8. What can we learn about the boy from the dialogue?A.He reads very slowly.C.He doesn’t want to give a report.9. What does Annie ask him to do?A.Read word by word.B.Read word groups.C.Finish reading a book. 听第8段对话,回答第10、11⼩题。
10.What a school rule should be changed?A.The one which we should be allowed to use dictionaries.B.The one which we should be allowed to get our ears pierced.C.The one which we should be allowed to wear our own clothes.11.What is good for studying?A.Wearing our own clothes.B.Changing a rule.C.Giving away our clothes. 听第9段对话,回答第12、14⼩题。
2019-2020学年华师附属高级中学高三英语上学期期中试题及答案解析第一部分阅读(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项AIn his 402nd anniversary year, Shakespeare is still rightly celebrated as a great language master and writer. But he was not the only great master of play writing to die in 1616, and he is certainly not the only writer to have left a lasting influence on theater.While less known worldwide, Tang Xianzu is considered one of Chinas greatest playwrights and is highly spoken of in that country of ancient literary and dramatic traditions.Tang was born in 1550 inLinchuan,Jiangxiprovince. Unlike Shakespeare's large body of plays,poems and sonnets (十四行诗), Tang wrote only four major plays: The Purple Hairpin, Peony Pavilion (《牡丹亭》), A Dream under the Southern bough, and Dream of Handan. The latter three were constructed around a dream narrative, a way through which Tang unlocked the emotional dimension of human desires and ambitions and explored human nature beyond the social and political limits of that time.Similar to Shakespeare, Tang's success rode the wave of a renaissance (复兴) in theater as an artistic practice. As in Shakespeare'sEngland, Tang's works became hugely popular inChinatoo. During Tang'sChina, his plays were enjoyed performed, and changed. Kunqu Opera, a form of musical drama, spread from southernChinato the whole nation and became a symbol of Chinese culture. Combining northern tune and southern music, kunqu Opera was known for its poetic language, music, dance movements and gestures. Tang's works benefited greatly from the popularity of kunqu Opera, and his plays are considered classics of kunqu Opera.While Tang and Shakespeare lived in a world away from each other, there are many things they share in common, such e humanity of their drama, their heroic figures, their love for poetic language, a lasting popularity and the anniversary during which we still celebrate them.1. Why is Shakespeare mentioned in the first paragraph?A. To describe Shakespeare's anniversary.B. To introduce the existence of Tang Xianzu.C. To explain the importance of Shakespeare.D. To suggest the less popularity of Tang Xianzu.2. What's possibly one of the main theme of Tang's works?A. Social reality.B. Female dreams.C. Human emotions.D. Political environment.3. What does the author mainly tell us in Paragraph 4?A. The influence of Kunqu Opera on Tang's works.B. Tang's success in copying Shakespeare's styles.C. The way Kunqu Opera became a symbol of Chinese culture.D. Tang's popularity for his poetic language and music.BThe Rise of Voice TechnologyVoice technology has come a long way. Just a few years ago, it would have been unusable. But now, those who follow the technology know that it has got considerably better.Writing with your voice raises several interesting questions. How difficult is it actually? Human speech involves a lot more starting and stopping with errors and the need for repairing broken sentences than you may think. Even gifted speakers make mistakes. To turn the spoken word into reasonable writing requires lots of planning. You’ll need some kinds of notes or other organisers to make it work.Another question turning speech into writing raises is the style. How would writing make the change that people speak their writing rather than type? Chances are that it would come up with many more short sentences and more concrete language, which is good. It would probably also rely on prepared phrases a lot more often, which is not available when you are speaking quickly.To confirm this, a column was not written, but dictated (听写). It was composed from brief notes written down for structure only, and it was edited for length, with all of the original errors kept in. Here were the results. The first was that the literal accuracy was extremely high. There weren’t many cases wherethe software had heard one word incorrectly and written down another. But the other result was that the readability of this column was rather bad. Obviously, the blame is not with the technology at all, which turns out to be rather good. Speaking into writing relies on a better human brain than the one we currently possess. Writing is hard. There’s a reason it can’t be done at the speed of speech, in real time.To clarify the matter, this time paragraph breaks were added after the whole writing. Punctuations (标点) had to be spoken aloud, and after a full stop, the first word in the new sentence was capitalized automatically. Some minor punctuation marks were added to make it clearer. To improve accuracy, people “trained” the softwarebeforehand, reading a prewritten passage aloud. Actually it turns out to be more effective. All of these ensure the satisfactory completion of turning speech into writing.Language is the most important tool for human interaction, and voice is one beautiful part of language. With the maturity of modern technology, it has given birth to a great change in the human-computer voice interaction.4. According to the passage, which helps to turn speech into writing in terms of style?A. There is careful planning in advance.B. Errors and broken sentences are avoided.C. People type words as fast as they say them.D. The writing contains more prepared phrases.5. To achieve better results, the author mentions some changes for ______.A. processing errors in a column.B. adding minor punctuation marks.C. increasing the number of brief notes.D. integrating short paragraphs in writing.6. The author suggests that ______.A. human brains are responsible for poor dictated writing.B. writing with voice promises to improve the quality of writing.C. writing is an unnatural act that can hardly be learned and improved.D. technology has a long way to go in the human-computer voice interaction.7. What is the passage mainly about?A. Why people fully intend to turn speech into writing.B. What role voice technology plays in improving readability.C. Where the human-computer voice interaction is at an advantage.D. How voice technology enables the change from speech into writing.CClara Daly was seated on an Alaska Airlines flight from Boston to Los Angeles when a flight attendant asked an urgent(紧急的) question over the loudspeaker: “Does anyone on board know American Body Language?” She knew she needed to help.Clara, 15 at the time, pressed the call button. The flight attendant came by and explained the situation. “We have a passenger on the plane who’s blind and deaf,” she said. The passenger seemed to want something, but hewas traveling alone and the flight attendants couldn’t understand what he needed, according to PEOPLE magazine.Clara had been studying ASL for the past year to help with her dyslexia (阅读障碍) and knew she’d be able to spell on the man’s palm(手掌) by finger. So she unbuckled her seat belt, walked toward the front of the plane, and knelt by the aisle seat of Tim Cook, then 64. Gently taking his hand, she wrote, “How are you? Are you OK?” Cook asked for some water. When it arrived, Clara returned to her seat. She came by again a bit later because he wanted to know the time. On her third visit, she stopped and stayed for a while.“He didn’t need anything. He was lonely and wanted to talk,” Clara said. So for the next hour, that was what they did. She talked about her family and her plans for the future (she wants to be a politician). Cook told Clara how he had gradually become blind over time and shared stories of his days as a traveling salesman. Even though he couldn’t see her, she “looked attentively at his face with such kindness”, a passenger reported.“Clara was amazing,” a flight attendant told Alaska Airlines in a blog interview. “You could tell Cook was very excited to have someone he could speak to, and she was such a warm-hearted girl.” Cook’s reaction: “Best trip I’ve ever had.”Looking for ways to offer help? Start with this random(随时的) act of kindness that can change someone’s life right now.8. The flight attendant asked an urgent question because ________.A. the passenger was traveling aloneB. the plane was in a dangerous situationC. the passenger asked for something suddenlyD. none of the flight attendants could communicate with the passenger9. Why did Clara talk about her plans for the future?A. Because the flight attendant asked her to do so.B. Because she needed topics to go on talking with Cook.C. Because Cook hoped to understand teenagers better.D. Because she wanted to show her dream for the future.10. Which of the following words can best describe Clara?A. Kind and caring.B. Warm-hearted and brave.C. careful and calm.D. opened-minded and confident.11. The passage is mainly written to ________.A. tell a touching story of an amazing girlB. show the great importance of American Body LanguageC. encourage readers to give a hand kindly and randomlyD. show how kind the flight attendant was to help CookDGrowing up as kids we are told to share our toys and notto be selfish. We also live in an age when discussing our feelings is encouraged. But when does it all become too much? With new crazes trending all the time, such as dance challenges and wearing a carpet as a dress, the question is: when can sharing become oversharing on social media?“Oversharing” has become associated with social media, but it isn'texclusiveto this platform. Imagine you head to a party and meet x k w someone. Within five minutes they have revealed private details about their life. While some of us may try to escape these people, according to marriage advisor Carolyn Cole, this form of oversharing could come from a strong desire to connect with someone. But how does this translate to social media?Dr. Christopher Hand, a lecturer in cyberpsychology (网络心理学),says the more details people disclose, the less sympathy we express when things go wrong. It seems that searching for sympathy by oversharing is generally considered as negative rather than the cry for help it could really be.However, Dr. Hand's research also seems to suggest that the more we post on a platform, the more socially attractive we become-provided that the posts that we bang out are positive. Even back in 2015, Gwendolyn Seidman PhD said that we should avoid complaining and being negative online. We should also avoid showing off, especially about our love lives. It makes sense-if your date is going “that well", would you really have time to share a photo with text?So, how can you know if you are oversharing? Well, why not ask your friends in real life. They would probably be happy to tell you if your posts about your breakfast or your complaints about your lack of money really are too much.12. What does the underlined word “exclusive" in paragraph 2 mean?A. Unique.B. Similar.C. Relevant.D. Fundamental.13. Why do some people prefer oversharing at parties?A. To draw others' attention.B. To satisfy others' curiosity.C. To remove negative feelings.D. To develop good relationships.14. Which of the following may Dr. Hand agree with?A. Sharing more details online can attract more sympathy.B. Oversharing negative experiences is equal to crying for help.C. Sharing negative posts can't help one become socially attractive.D. Oversharing isn't likely to happen online when things go wrong.15. According to the text, what should be avoided for online sharing?A. Reflecting on past bad manners.B. Showing a great many expensive goods.C. Writing a recipe for a balanced breakfast.D. Recording unforgettable moments with friends.第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
1.What does the woman prefer?A.Oranges.B.Apples.C.Bananas. 2.What will the man do tomorrow?A.Take the girl to see a doctor.B.Attend a basketball game.C.Work at his office. 3.What will the weather be like tonight according to the woman?A.Rainy.B.Cloudy.C.Clear.4.What meal is the man going to eat?A.Dinner.B.Lunch.C.Breakfast. 5.What are the speakers mainly talking about?A.Fire practice.B.A meeting.C.Plans for the weekend.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。
Period Seven Grammar—Prepositions (time,place &movement)&Relativeclauses(Ⅰ)感知以下课文原句,完成方框下的小题(一)1.表示时间的介词有:句1中的during,句2中的between,句6中的in。
1. What was the weather like in Beijing last Friday?A. B. C.2. What is the boy going to do first?A. B. C.3. When is Tom’s birthday?28th 26th 27thA. B. C.4. What are they talking about?A. B. C.5. Where can the woman be?A. At a library.B. At the doctor’s.C. At a bookshop.6. How often does Jack work on his Happy and Happy?A. Never.B. Once a week.C. Every day.7. Where was Ann last night?A. At home.B. At school.C. In the cinema.8. What’s the relationship (关系) between the two speakers?A. Teacher and student.B. Father and daughter.C. Husband and wife.9. When did William begin to skate according to the conversation?A. Four years ago.B. Five years ago.C. Six years ago.10. Why didn’t Cindy come to Lily’s birthday party?A. Because she was ill.B. Because Lily didn’t invite her.C. Because she forgot it.第二部分听对话和短文,回答问题。
2019-2020学年福建省龙岩市七年级(上)期中英语试卷I.听力测试(共三节,20小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)第一节听五个句子,从每小题所给的三幅图中选出与所听到的句子内容相符的选项.(每个句子读两遍)1.( 1.5分)2.( 1.5分)3.( 1.5分)4.( 1.5分)5.( 1.5分)第二节听七段对话,每段对话后有一个或两个小题,从题中所给的三个选项中选出正确答案.(每段对话读两遍)6.(1.5分)Who has a sister?A.Li Mei.B.Jane.C.Ann.7.(1.5分)Are Jim and Sara in the same grade?A.Yes,they are.B.No,they aren't.C.We don't know.8.(1.5分)Who has a round face?A.Bill.B.Jim.C.Jim's father.9.(1.5分)Who is Mike?A.Bill's student.B.Bill's friend.C.Bill's teacher.10.(3分)听第五段对话,回答第10~11小题.10.What class is Bruce in?A.Class Five.B.Class SixC.Class Seven11.How old is Linda?A.ElevenB.TwelveC.Thirteen.11.(3分)听第六段对话,回答第12~13小题.12.What color is Miss Wang's coat?A.PinkB.WhiteC.Green13.Who gives Miss Zhang the coat?A.Her familyB.Her friendC.Her student.12.(3分)听第七段对话,回答第14~15小题.14.Whose coat is black?A.Judy'sB.Lisa'sC.Father's15.Does the father find Lisa's coat?A.Yes,he does.B.No,he doesn'tC.We don't know.第三节听一段短文,根据短文内容及要求填写表格,每空填一词.短文读三遍13.(7.5分)II(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)14.(1分)下列字母中,全是元音字母的是.()A.A;C;E B.A;O;Y C.I;E;O15.(1分)Mom,my English teacher,Mrs.Ye.()A.she is B.this is C.that's16.(1分)﹣Are these your books?﹣()A.Yes,they are B.Yes,it isC.Yes,these are17.(1分)Li Ming and Liu Bin are in the same ,but in differernt .()A.class;grade B.grades;classesC.grade;classes18.(1分)The boy is Dave White.White is his _______name.()A.given B.family C.English19.(1分)﹣﹣﹣What're those in English?﹣They are_______.()A.bus B.knife C.boxes20.(1分)﹣Tom,this is your book.Here you are.﹣________.()A.Thank you B.I'm OKC.You're welcome21.(1分)﹣﹣﹣Do you have a new jacket?﹣﹣﹣Yes,I have ________.()A.one B.it C.that22.(1分)He doesn't _____ a big head but his feet ______ big.()A.has;is B.have;is C.have;are23.(1分)﹣﹣﹣What color is that?﹣﹣﹣It's orange.It's __________ orange dress.()A.a;an B.an;an C./;an24.(1分)Please_____ this letter _____ Maria.()A.give;to B.give;of C.give;with25.(1分).﹣﹣﹣____________?﹣Yes,B﹣U﹣S,bus.()A.How do you spell"bus"B.Can you spell"bus"C.Is that a bus26.(1分)﹣﹣﹣_________?﹣He has long brown hair.()A.How old is heB.What does he look likeC.Where is he from27.(1分)﹣Fangfang,____ toy car is that?﹣It's ____.()A.whose;mine B.whose;herC.who's;my28.(1分)找出画线部分读音与其他二个不同的选项.()A.not B.no C.thoseⅢ. 完形填空从每小题所给的A、B、C三个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案.(每小题1.5分,满分15分)29.(15分)I am a Chinese girl.(1)name is Liu Ying.I(2) a new friend.Her name is Kitty Lee.She is thirteen years old.She is in(3)with her family now.She is in No.10 Junior School in Shanghai.She is in Class Five,Grade Seven.She is not tall or short.She has short brown(4).She has a big head,a wide mouth and small eyes.She is(5) a green jacket.Her QQ(6)is889680888.Her father Mr.Lee is(7)English teacher in a school.Her mother,Mrs.Lee,is a(8),too.Kitty has a sister.She is ten years old.She(9)like their father.She is tall.She has long hair.Her eyes are big.Kitty and her sister are in the same(10),but in different grades.They like China.(1)A.His B.My C.Your(2)A.have B.help C.think(3)A.Cuba B.China C.Japan(4)A.eye B.face C.hair(5)A.in B.on C.at(6)A.grade B.box C.number(7)A.an B.the C.a(8)A.teacher B.student C.classmate(9)A.sees B.gives C.looks(10)A.schools B.school C.gradeⅣ.阅读理解.(共两节)第一节,阅读以下A.B.C.D四篇短文,根据短文内容,从题中所给的A,B,C,D四个选项中,选择最佳答案.(满分40分)30.(10分)Alice I have three friends.Anna and Cindy are 14 and Dale is13.Mr.Wang is my Chinese teacher and he is my good friend,too.Bob I have two pencils,four erasers,five rulers,three pens and aschoolbag.Frank I have a desk,a pencil﹣box and a toy.I have a map.It is in thedesk.Helen I like Chinese and English very much.I have Chinese and Englishbooks.They are in my desk.My desk is blue.Blue is my favoritecolor.Eric My mom is Kate and my dad is Bruce.I have a sister.Her name isLily.I'm 8and she is 7.Cindy is Alice's.A.friendB.sisterC.teacherD.classmate(2)Bob has.A.a knifeB.four erasersC.five pencilsD.six pens(3)Frank doesn't have a.A.a mapB.boxC.toyD.schoolbag(4)What is Helen's favorite color?A.YellowB.BlackC.BlueD.White(5)下列哪项陈述是正确的?A.Mr.Wang is Alice's English teacher.B.Anna is thirteen years old.C.Lily is Eric's sister.D.Helen's books are in her schoolbag.31.(10分)Jane and Ann are good friends.They are from different countries.Jane comes from England,and Ann is from Japan.Now they're in the same school ﹣﹣﹣Beijing International School.Jane is in Class Two,Grade Seven.Ann is in Class Seven,Grade Eight.Jane is 13 years old and Ann is 14 years old.Jane has long blond hair,and her eyes are blue.Ann's hair is short and black,and she has big eyes.Kungfu Panda (《功夫熊猫》)is their favorite movie (电影).Jane has a sister,and her name is Lisa.She's only 7 years old.(1)Jane and Ann come from.A.JapanB.EnglandC.different countriesD.China(2)How old is Jane?A.7B.13C.14D.15(3)What does Ann look like?A.She has long hair and blue eyes.B.She has long black hair and big eyes.C.She has short black hair and big eyes.D.She has short hair and blue eyes.(4)Lisa is.A.Jane's sisterB.Ann's sisterC.Ann's friendD.Jane's friend(5)Which (哪一个)is TRUE (正确的)?A.Jane and Ann look the sameB.Jane an Ann are in different schoolsC.Kungfu Panda is Jane and Ann's favorite movieD.Jane and Ann are in the same class32.(10分)Mr.Smith is my uncle.He is a big man.He is very heavy.His old clothes are too small.He wants to buy new shirts and very big pants.The pants must(必须)be very long.He does not want to buy short pants.Blue is his favorite color.So he wants blue shirts and dark (暗)brown pants.He doesn't like black or green.(1)What does Mr.Smith look like?A.Small and heavyB.Big and thinC.Big and heavyD.Small and thin(2)He likes best (最).A.blackB.greenC.brownD.blue(3)He wants to buy.A.short pantsB.long pantsC.green shirtsD.brown shirts(4)His new clothes must be.A.very smallB.very shortC.very oldD.very big(5)What's the Chinese meaning of the underlined world "heavy"?A.力气大的B.胖的C.力气小的D.瘦的33.(10分)Han Mei is a girl from Zhengzhou.She is eleven years old.She has big eyes and a small mouth.She is in Class Nine,Grade Seven.She likes blue.She is in a blue dress now.Ma Hua and Ma Xia are from Zhengzhou,too.They are in Class Five,Grade Eight.They are twins.They are twelve years old.They both have long black hair.They are both tall.Ma Hua likes white and red.She is in a white T﹣shirt and a red skirt.Ma Xia likes green.She is in a green dress.Their mom is a Chinese teacher,but she isn't in Ma Hua and Ma Xia's school.The three students are in Haitian Junior School in Zhengzhou.They are good friends.(1)How old is Han Mei?A.10B.11C.12D.13(2)What clothes is Han Mei in now?A.A white T﹣shirtB.A red skirtC.A blue dressD.A green dress(3)What does the underlined (划线的)word (单词)"twins" mean in Chinese?A.双胞胎B.姐妹C.邻居D.同学(4)What color does Ma Xia like?A.BlueB.WhiteC.RedD.Green(5)Who is a Chinese teacher?A.Han Mei's momB.Ma Hua's momC.Han MeiD.Ma Xia第二节,阅读下面短文,从短文后所给的五个选项中选出能填入短文空白处的最佳选项,使短文通顺、连贯、意思完整.(满分5分)34.(5分)My name is Tommy.I come from Canada.(1)I have big blue eyes and blond hair.I'm tall.(2)Now I'm in Class Seven,Grade Eight.Look!That boy in a green coat is my friend,Paul.(3)He's twelve.He is strong.We are in the same school,but we are in different classes.(4)I give my photo to him,too.(5).A.He's from the USA.B.We are good friends.C.He gives his photo to me.D.I'm thirteen years old.E.My shirt is red and my pants are white.V.情景交际根据情景提示,完成下列各题.(每题2分,共10分)35.(2分)你想欢迎外国朋友来到中国,可以这么说:!36.(2分)你想知道对方正在做什么,可以这样问:?37.(2分)你想知道Jane的电话号码,你可以这样问,Jane?38.(2分)你想对别人说"让我来帮助你吧"可以这么说:.39.(2分)你想问对方有没有长的尺子,你可以这样问?Ⅵ.看图写句.根据每小题所提供的图画情景和提示词,写出一个与图画情景相符的句子.(满分10分)40.(10分)看图写句.根据每小题所提供的图画情景和提示词,写出一个与图画情景相符的句子.。
Period Four Grammar—Subjunctive Mood (1)感知以下课文原句,补全方框下的小题1.在虚拟条件句中,谓语动词用一般过去时(be动词常用were)表示与现在事实相反的情况,主句谓语则用“would/should/could/might+动词原形”表示。
其使用情况如下:一、虚拟语气在if条件从句中的用法注意:1.虚拟条件句中有had,should,were时,可将if去掉,把had,should,were提到主语之前,即倒装结构,如:Were theyherenow,they couldhelp us.如果现在他们在这里,他们就能帮助我们。
HadIworked harderatschool,I’dhavegot abetterjob.如果我在学校学习更努力的话,就会找到一份更好的工作。
Shouldheagree togothere,we wouldsend himthere.要是他答应去的话,我们就派他去。
Ifhe hadtaken myadvicethen,he wouldn’tbe introublenow. 如果那时他听取了我的建议,现在他就不会有麻烦了。
Ifshe wereto leave,I wouldhaveheard aboutit.如果她要走,我会听说的。
AWalk and dance on the ceilings, sit in a bathroom with an upside-down toilet, grab a chair in the home office, and traverse the entry way,sitting-room,bedroom, kitchen and e on down, upside-down, to House Down Under, Australia’s first inverted house photo experience!This hugely successful, unique and exciting attraction is back just in time for the school holidays at Rouse Hill Town Centre in Western Sydney. It is a must-see, family-friendly, fun experience with a range of installations and activities inside a completely inverted house.Visitors can spend as much time as they like inside the house, so they can take their time perfecting poses and taking as many photos as they like. House Down Under staff are always on hand in the house,offering advice, tips on best photo ops and to snap pictures of the whole group.House Down Under is open from 1 April and opening hours can be found at the end of this article or on the official website.The building is located between the Metro and the Town Centre at Market Square, Rouse Hill Town Centre and you won't be able to miss it.Rouse Hill Town Centre is also a great place for families with a variety of entertainment and food options, so make it a day out and enjoy everything on offer.Entry tickets to House Down Under are $27 for an adult; $19 for a child;$23 for a concession (优惠), with family passes ranging from $52-$74 for a family of four. For further information on House Down Under, visit the website, www. house downunder. com. au.OPEN DAILY-Weekdays 9 am to 6 pm; Weekends 10 am to 6 pm.1. What is special about House Down Under?A. It is conveniently located.B. All staff are properly trained.C. All things are upside-down in it.D. It supplies flexible food options.2. What can visitors do in House Down Under?A. Take pictures at will.B. Enjoy a shopping trip.C. Have a family party.D. Visit its occupants.3. How much does a family of four pay at least for the entry?A. $23.B. $27.C. $52.D. $74.【答案】1. C 2. A 3. C【解析】【导语】这是一篇应用文。
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第一部分阅读(共两节, 满分50分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2. 5分, 满分37. 5分)阅读下列短文, 从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中选出最佳选项。
AA recent landing on the moon has awakened or renewed people’s enthusiasm for the stars and space exploration. Here are four trip ideas to inspire those would-be astronauts and astronomers.Kennedy Space Center, AmericaThe NASA-operated Kennedy Space Center is a must for ambitious astronauts and space-lovers. Hands-on experiences range from live presentations delivered by astronauts to the new Astronaut Training Experience Center. Children aged 10 to 17 can experience spacewalking and exploring Mars.North York Moors, EnglandAs an International Dark Sky Reserve in the world, this lovely part of Yorkshire, England is host to the UK’s family-friendly National Parks Dark Skies festival. Well timed to the latter part of autumn half term in England, the festival includes bat-box making, evenings with winter birds and moonlit coastal walks.Pic du Midi, FranceThere are few observatories where you can observe stars before retiring to a comfortable cabin and watch the sunrise. Getting to the Pic du Midi Observatory is also an adventure by itself, involving a ride on two cable-cars up to a 2,877-meter-high mountain. The guided astronomy sessions help kids discover Saturn (土星) and its rings viapowerful telescopes.Mount Teide, SpainHome to the largest solar observatory in the world, it sits on Spain’s highest mountain. Ride the cable-car up for a scientist-led tour, which includes the chance to observe the Sun through hand-held solar telescopes. The special family tour includes an attractive 90-minute workshop exploring how observatory physicists carry out their research.1. Which trip suits the teenagers expecting a face-to-face contact with astronauts?A. Kennedy Space Center.B. North York Moors.C. Mount Teide.D. Pic du Midi.2. What can visitors do on a trip to Yorkshire?A. Attend live presentations.B. Observe the rings of Saturn.C. Enjoy the sea view at night.D. Learn about physicists’ work.3. What do Pic du Midi and Mount Teide have in common?A. They accommodate family tourists.B. They include a tour led by scientists.C. They offer free hand-held telescopes.D. They are located on high mountains.【答案】1. A 2. C 3. D【解析】【导语】本文是一篇应用文。
宝山区2019学年第一学期期末高三年级英语学科教学质量监测试卷Part I. Listening略Part II. Grammar and Vocabulary.Section ADirections: After reading the passage below, fill in the blanks to make the passage coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank.This weekend many families in America will celebrate Mother’s Day. The event dates back to May 9, 1914, (21)_______America’s President Wilson established the official holiday. Some people had begun campaigning for the holiday a few years (22)_______(early). Finally in 1914, the president made it official. He declared that each second Sunday in May (23) _______ (dedicate) to thanking the nation’s mothers. He also ordered all government buildings (24)_______(display) the national flag on that day. According to President Wilson, this was done “as a public expression of …love …for the mothers of our country.”Before long, people in other countries (25)_______(begin) asking for a similar holiday to celebrate their mothers. Mexico celebrated its first official Mother’s Day on May 10, 1922. May 10th became their annual holiday because the country preferred a fixed date to (26)_______that changed.Other countries are happy to share the day with the United States. Some on the list include Australia, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Finland, Italy, Japan and Turkey.Oddly enough, the U.S. Congress rejected a Mother’s Day resolution at first. Today, though, Mother’s Day is a highly popular holiday. It’s also very successful commercially. Along with giving cards, candy and flowers, (27)_______(take) moms out for brunch is a very popular gesture. America’s National Restaurant Association says Mother’s Day is the year’s most popular day for eating out.But why do we honor our mothers? Many moms lovingly dedicate their lives to their children. Moms sacrifice time, sleep and often their own dreams. Moms try to provide a strong foundation (28)_______children can build their lives. With (29)_______(love) care, mothers guide their children toward adulthood.When we consider everything our mothers have done for us, how can we not honor them? There’s no need to wait for a national holiday, though. Every day is a great opportunity to tell our mothers (30)_______they mean to us.解析:21. 分析词性,连词后接句子,先行词是时间,在后面的从句中充当时间状语,考察非限制性定语从句,这里用when22. 考察形容词或者副词的适当形式,根据句意表示之前,所以用比较级,用earlier23. 考察动词适当形式,分析He declared that....,that引导的宾语从句,这里用谓语动词,注意动词的时态和语态;be dedicated to doing 表示致力于注意时态,根据句意表示:他宣布每年的第二个星期天都来用于感谢全国的母亲。
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福建省福州市2020届高三上学期期末英语试卷二、阅读理解(本大题共15小题,共40分)ASeptember is the month for fashion, with four international cities hosting Fashion Week. All eyes will turn to New York City, London, Milan and Paris this month to see which city puts on the best show.New YorkNew York Fashion Week, or NYFW, kicks off on September 5th and runs for approximately eight days. NYFW is considered the most commercial and casual of the four. It is also the only event to allow some fashion school students to participate, bringing a fresh look to the runway.LondonLondon Fashion Week (LFW)comes on the heels of NYFW, starting on September 13th and running through September 17th. Once considered a minor player among the Big Four, LFW can now command a list of big names as well as promising new designers. London fashion houses have a reputation for being very experimental and open to new ideas.MilanFashion Week moves to Milan on September 17th. This beautiful Italian city is home to some of the biggest fashion houses and designers in the fashion world, including Armani and Prada. Milan's fashion houses are known for offering glamorous (有魅力的),yet practical, options.ParisThe chaotic month of fashion makes its way to France as Paris Fashion Week begins on September 23rd. Saving the best for last, Paris never fails to offer some of the most exciting shows of the season. World-famous labels like Chanel and Dior try to outdo one another with their latest designs. The word that best describes Paris Fashion Week is "elegant".1. Which city is likely to attract the new designers?A. New YorkB. LondonC. MilanD. Paris2. When does Milan Fashion Week probably end?A. September 19thB. September 20thC. September 21stD. September 22nd3. What can we learn from the four fashion weeks?A. Each has its own characteristics.B. Each shows its biggest brand.C. Each offers practical options.D. Each is open to school students.【答案】1. B 2. D 3. A【解析】【分析】本文为一篇说明文。
根据第三段中“LFW can now command a list of big names as well as promising new designers.”可知,LFW既可以领导一些知名人士,也可以领导有前途的新设计师。
根据第四段“Fashion Week moves to Milan on September 17th.”可知,9月17日,时装周将移师米兰。
根据第二段“NYFW is considered the most commercial and casual of the four. It is also the only event to allow some fashion school students to participate, bringing a fresh look to the runway.”纽约时装周是最商业和休闲的,也是唯一允许时尚学校学生参与的活动;根据第三段“London fashion houses have a reputation for being very experimental and open to new ideas.” London Fashion Week以实验性强、乐于接受新创意而闻名;根据第四段“Milan's fashion houses are known for offering glamorous (有魅力的),yet practical, options.”米兰时装周以提供迷人但实用的选择而闻名;第五段“The word that best describes Paris Fashion Week is "elegant".”巴黎时装周以优雅闻名。
题目中,第一题中题干为“new designers”,与第三段内容相对应,而不能简单理解为第二段中的“fashion school students”和“fresh look”而错选A项。
BFire Capt. Kevin Lloyd arrived at the scene of a car accident in West Point, Utah, north of Salt Lake City. A pregnant woman and her screaming 2-year-old daughter were trapped in the car.While his partner, Allen Hadley, was tending to the driver, Lloyd couldn't get the frightened girl to calm down. He saw she was holding several bottles of nail polish, and then he had a better idea. He asked her if she wanted to paint his nails. Soon she entirely lit up. At the same time, Hadley showed up to check on the scene.Lloyd had calmed her down and was in the process of getting his fingers painted. Then Hadley just put his hand in there. The girl began to color his nails pink. By this time, she was not only calm, but she was also happy.The girl's mother was not injured. She thanked them for helping her daughter feel better, and they all chuckled, looking at the firefighters' nails, and took some photos.The firefighters brought the photos back to headquarters and showed them around. The department put them up on Facebook, and thousands of people responded, with many thanking the firefighters for going out of their way to calm down a frightened girl.Fire Chief Mark Becraft said he had been surprised at all the attention. He said he was proud of his firefighters, and added that he had known members of the department who had done many things that weren't part of the job.After the fact, Lloyd and Hadley had a small matter to tend to:the layers of polish on their nails. They boughta bottle of nail polish remover, and used almost all of it.4. Why was the 2-year-old girl frightened?A. She was caught in an accident.B. Her mother was badly injured.C. Her nails were hurt by the bottles.D. She was afraid of seeing firefighters.5. Which is closest in meaning to the underlined word "chuckled” in Paragraph 4?A. Sighed.B. Shouted.C. Laughed.D. Hugged.6. Which of the following can best describe the two firefighters?A. Knowledgeable.B. Comforting.C. Humorous.D. Courageous.7. What is the purpose of the text?A. To ask us to learn to calm down in time of danger.B. To speak highly of the warm-hearted firefighters.C. To introduce the little girl who likes polishing nails.D. To praise the two firefighters who learn to decorate nails.【答案】4. A 5. C 6. B 7. B【解析】本文为一篇记叙文,主要讲述了消防队长凯文·劳埃德通过涂指甲油的方式,安抚被困在车里小女孩,并最终将其和怀孕的母亲救出来的故事。