









又称:免疫反应性(immunoreactivity)或反应原性(reactogenicity)5.半抗原(hapten) /不完全抗原(incomplete antigen):只具有抗原性而无免疫原性的物质。


7.异嗜性抗原(heterophilic antigen):是一类与种属无关的存在于人、动物及微生物之间的共同抗原。




11.单克隆抗体(monoclonal antibody,M cAb):只针对某一特定的抗原决定基,纯度高的抗体。








3.super antigen(SAg):超抗原,是指在极低浓度下即可非特异性激活大量T细胞克隆增殖,产生极强的免疫应答,但又不同于丝裂原作用的抗原物质。




6.hypervariable region(HVR):高变区,在Ig分子VL和VH内某些区域的氨基酸组成、排列顺序与构型极易变化,这些区域为高变区。

7.variable region(V):可变区,在Ig多肽链氨基端(N端),L链1/2与H链1/4区域内,氨基酸的种类、排列顺序与构型变化很大,故称为可变区。

8.monoclonal Ab(mAb或McAb):单克隆抗体,是由识别一个抗原决定簇的B淋巴细胞杂交瘤分裂而成的单一克隆细胞所产生的高度均一、高度专一性的抗体。

9.antibody-dependent cell-mediated cytotocity(ADCC):ADCC效应,即抗体依赖性细胞介导的细胞毒作用,是指表达Fc受体的细胞通过识别抗体的Fc段直接杀伤被抗体包被的靶细胞的作用。























5.异嗜性抗原heterophilic antigen:存在于人、动物、微生物等不同种属之间的共同抗原。




9.超抗原Superantigen SAg:仅需极低浓度即可非特异性激活高达2%~20%的T细胞克隆,产生极强免疫应答的抗原。














免疫应答:是指免疫系统识别和清除“非己”物质的整个过程固有免疫(innate immunity):固有免疫是生物在长期进化中逐渐形成的,是机体抵御病原体入侵的第一道防线适应性免疫(acquired immunity):适应性免疫应答是指体内T、B淋巴细胞接受“非己”的物质(主要指抗原)刺激后,自身活化、增殖、分化为效应细胞,产生一系列生物学效应(包括清除抗原等)的全过程。

黏膜相关淋巴组织(MALT,mucosal-associated lymphoid tissue):概念:亦称黏膜免疫系统,主要指呼吸道、胃肠道及泌尿生殖道黏膜固有层和上皮细胞下散在的淋巴组织,以及含有生发中心的淋巴组织,如扁桃体、小肠派尔集合淋巴结及阑尾等,是发生黏膜免疫应答的主要部位。


淋巴细胞归巢(lymphocyte homing):成熟淋巴细胞离开中枢免疫器官后,经血液循环趋向性迁移并定居在外周免疫器官或组织的特定区域,称为淋巴细胞归巢。





2、免疫防御(immunologic defense):免疫防御指防止外界病原体入侵和清除已入侵病原体及有害的生物性分子,此功能就是机体的抗感染免疫。


3、免疫自稳:(immune homeostasis):免疫自稳指机体对自身成分的耐受,对自身衰老和损伤细胞的清除,阻止外来异物入侵并通过免疫调节达到维持机体内环境稳定的功能。

4、免疫监视(immunologic surveillance):免疫监视是指监督机体内环境出现的突变细胞及早期肿瘤,并予以清除。


5、淋巴细胞归巢(lymphocyte homing ):成熟淋巴细胞离开中枢淋巴器官后,经血液循环趋向性迁移并定居在外周淋巴器官或组织的特定区域,称为淋巴细胞归巢。

6、淋巴细胞再循环(lymphocyte recirculation):定居在外周淋巴器官的淋巴细胞,可由输出淋巴管经淋巴干、胸导管或右淋巴导管进入血液循环,淋巴细胞随血液循环到达外周免疫器官后,可穿越HEV,并重新分布于全身淋巴器官和组织。








免疫应答(Immune Response):免疫应答是机体接触到外来的抗原引发的一系列的免疫反应。


免疫调节(Immune Regulation):免疫调节是指机体对免疫反应进行调节、维持免疫系统正常运行状态的一种过程,它是一种自我调节的过程,包括促进免疫刺激与抑制免疫反应相结合的功能。



免疫学名词解释大全1.免疫(immunity)2.免疫学(immunology)3.固有免疫(innate immunity)4.适应性免疫(adaptive immunity)5.反向免疫学(reverse immunology)6.免疫系统(immune system)7.免疫组织(immune tissue)8.免疫细胞(immunocyte)9.免疫分子(immune molecule)10.中枢免疫器官(central immune organ)11.外周免疫器官(peripheral immune organ)12.黏膜相关淋巴组织(mucosal-associated lymphoid tisse, MALT)13.胸腺依赖区(thymus-dependent area)14.非胸腺依赖区(thymus-independent area)15.淋巴细胞再循环(lymphocyte recirculation)16.抗原(antigen,Ag)17.半抗原(hapten)18.抗原表位(epitope)19.顺序表位(sequential epitope)20.构象表位(conformational epitope)21.交叉反应(cross reaction)22.胸腺依赖性抗原(TD-Ag)23.同种异型抗原(allogenic antigen)24.自身抗原(autoantigen)25.独特型抗原(idiotypic antigen)26.超抗原(superantigen, sAg)27.佐剂(adjuvant)28.抗体(antibody, Ab)29.免疫球蛋白(immunoglobulin, Ig)30.决定互补区(complementarity-determining region,CDR)31.高变区(hypervarible region, HVR)32.同种型(isotype)33.同种异型(allotype)34.独特型(idiotype, Id)35.调理作用(opsonization)36.抗体依赖细胞介导的细胞毒作用(antibody dependent cell-mediatedcytotoxicity,ADCC)37.单克隆抗体(monoclonal antibody,McAb)38.骨架区(framework region, FR)39.免疫球蛋白超家族(immunoglobulin superfamily, IgSF)40.多克隆抗体(polyclonal antibody, pAb)41.基因工程抗体(genetic engineering antibody)42.补体(complement, C)43.C3转化酶(C3 convertase)44.C5化酶(C5 convertase)45.补体活化的经典途径(classical pathway of complement activation)46.补体活化的旁路途径(alternative pathway of complement activati on)47.补体活化的MBL途径(mannan-binding pathway of complement activ ation)48.膜攻复合体(membrane attack complex,MAC)49.细胞因子(cytokine)50.白细胞介素(interleukin, IL)51.干扰素(interferon, IFN)52.集落刺激因子(colony-stimulating factor,CSF)53.趋化性细胞因子(chemokine)54.生长因子(growth factor, GF)55.肿瘤坏死因子(tumor necrosis factor, TNF)56.自分泌(autocrine)57.旁分泌(paracrine)58.内分泌(endocrine)59.白细胞分化抗原(leukocyte differenciation antigen)60.分化群(cluster of differenciation,CD)61.黏附分子(cell-adheresion molecules,CAM)62.整合素家族(integrin family)63.选择素家族(selectin family)64.主要组织相容性复合体(major histocompatibility complex,MHC)65.人类白细胞抗原(human leukocyte antigen,HLA)66.低分子量多肽(low molecular-weight polypeptide, LMP)67.抗原加工相关转运体(transporter associated with antigen proces sing, TAP)68.MHC多态性(MHC polymorphism)69.HLA基因分型(HLA genotyping)70.连锁不平衡(linkage disequilibrium)71.单元型(haplotype)72.锚定残基(anchor residue)73.MHC限制性(MHC restriction)74.固有免疫(innate immunity)75.病原相关分子模式(pathogen associated molecular pattern)76.表面模式识别受体(pattern recognition receptor,PRR)77.调理性受体(opsonic receptor)78.抗体依赖的细胞介导的细胞毒作用(ADCC)79.杀伤细胞活化受体(killer activatory receptor,KAR)80.杀伤细胞抑制受体(killer inhibitory receptor,KIR)81.TCR-CD3复合体(T cell antigen receptor-CD3 complex)82.免疫受体酪氨酸活化基序(ITAM)83.协同刺激信号(costimulatory signal)84.初始T细胞(naïve T cell)85.记忆性T细胞(memory T cell)86.穿孔素(perforin)87.颗粒酶(granuzyme)88. BCR复合体(B cell antigen receptor complex)89.B-1细胞(B-1 cell)90.多反应性B-1细胞(polyreactivity B-1 cell)91.造血干细胞(hemopoietic stem cell, HSC)92.多能干细胞(multipotential stem cell):93.定向干细胞(committed stem cell)94.等位基因排斥(allelic gene exclusion)95.同种型基因排斥(isotype exclusion)96.微生物屏障(microcrobe barrier)97.血脑屏障(blood-brain barrier)98.血胎屏障(blood-placenta barrier)99.防御素(defensin)100.分泌型PRR(secretory PRR)101.Toll样受体 (Toll like receptor)102.C反应蛋白(C-reaction protein,CRP)103.抗原提呈细胞(antigen-presenting cell,APC)104.胞吞作用(phagocytosis )105.蛋白酶体(low molecular-weight polypeptide,LMP)106.抗原加工相关转运体(transporter of antigenic peptide,TAP)107.Ⅱ类相关恒定链短肽(classII-associated invariant chain peptid e,CLIP)108.初始T细胞(naive T cell)109.抗原识别(antigen recognition)110.T细胞活化双信号(double signal of T cell actization)111.信号转导(signal transduction)112.遗传性限制(MHC restriction)113.共刺激分子(co-stimulatory molecule)114.协同刺激信号(co-stimulatory signal)115.活化诱导的凋亡(activation induced cell death,AICD)116.免疫突触(immunological synapse)117.免疫应答(immune response)118.初次免疫应答(primary response)119.二次免疫应答(secondary response)120.抗原受体编辑(receptor editing)121.体细胞性高频突变(somatic hypermutation)122.Ig(同种型)类别转换(class switch)123.Ig亲和力成熟(affinity maturation)124.免疫调节(regulation of immune response)125.自然调节T细胞(innate regulatory T cells)126.适应性调节T细胞(adaptive regulatory T cells)127.独特型(idiotypes)128.抗独特型抗体(anti-idiotype antibodies)129.FcgRⅡ-B130.抗原内影像(internal image)131.Fas132.活化诱导的细胞凋亡AICD133.Caspase134免疫耐受(immunological tolerance)135中枢耐受(central tolerance)136.外周耐受( peripheral tolerance)137.克隆消除( clonal deletion)138.克隆无能(clonal anergy)139.免疫忽视(immunological ignorance)140.耐受分离(split tolerance)141.低带耐受(low-zone tolerance)142.高带耐受(high-zone tolerance)143.免疫隔离部位(immunologically privileged sites) 144.超敏反应(hypersensitivity)145.变应原(allergens)146.Ⅰ型超敏反应(hypersensitivity-type Ⅰ)147.Ⅱ型超敏反应(hypersensitivity-type Ⅱ)148.Ⅲ型超敏反应(hypersensitivity-type Ⅲ)149.Ⅳ型超敏反应(hypersensitivity-type Ⅳ)150.自身免疫性疾病(autoimmune disease)151.类风湿因子(rheumatoid factor, RF)152.分子模拟(molecular mimicry)153.表位扩展(epitope spreading)154.免疫缺陷病(immunodeficiency disease,IDD)155.原发性免疫缺陷病(primary Immunodeficiency disease, PIDD)156.重症联合免疫缺陷病(severe combined-immunodeficiency disease, SCID)157.获得性免疫缺陷病(acquired immunodeficiency disease, AIDD)158.获得性免疫缺陷综合征(acquired immune deficiency syndrome,AI DS)159.肿瘤抗原(tumor antigen)160.肿瘤特异性抗原(TSA)161.肿瘤相关抗原(TAA)162.分化抗原(differentiation antigen)163.抗原调变(antigen modulation)164.肿瘤漏逸(sneaking through)165.增强抗体(enhancing antibody)166.供者(donor)167.受者( recipient)168.自体移植(autograft)169.同种同基因移植(syngraft)170.同种异基因移植(allograft)171.异种移植(xenograft)172.原位移植(orthotopic)173.异位移植(heterotopic)174.同种异型反应(alloreaction)175.异种反应(xenoreaction)176.移植物抗宿主反应(GVHR)177.过客白细胞(passenger leukocyte)178.酶联免疫吸附试验(ELISA)179.放射免疫分析法(RIA)180.免疫荧光技术(immunofluorescence)181.凝集反应(agglutination)182.直接凝集反应183.间接凝集反应184.免疫电泳(immunoelectrophoresis)185.流式细胞术(flow cytometry)186.沉淀反应(precipitation)187.免疫比浊(immunonephelonetry)188.人工主动免疫(artificial active immunization)189.灭活疫苗(inactived vaccine)190.减毒活疫苗(live-attenuated vaccine)191.类毒素(toxiod)192.人工被动免疫(artificial passive immunization) 193.佐剂(adjuvant)194.计划免疫(planed immunization)195.亚单位疫苗(subunit vaccine)196.结合疫苗(conjugate vaccine)197.合成肽疫苗(synthenic peptide vaccine)198.免疫治疗(immunotherapy)。





医学免疫学(Medical Immunology):研究人体免疫系统的组成和功能、以及有关疾病的免疫学发病机制、诊断和防治的一门生物学科淋巴细胞归巢(lymphocyte homing):成熟淋巴细胞离开中枢免疫器官后,经血液循坏趋向性迁移并定居于外周免疫器官或组织的特定区域。


淋巴细胞再循环(lymphocyte recirculation):淋巴细胞在血液、淋巴液、淋巴器官或组织间反复循环的过程称之为~。




抗原(antigen ,Ag):能与T细胞的TCR/B细胞的BCR结合,促使其增殖、分化,产生致敏T淋巴细胞或抗体,并与之结合而发挥免疫效应的物质。

※不完全抗原(incomplete antigen)或半抗原(hapten):单独使用无免疫原性而只有抗原性的物质。



交叉反应(cross reaction):抗体或致敏淋巴细胞与具有相同或相似抗原表位的不同抗原发生的结合反应。

※胸腺依赖性抗原TD- Ag(thymus dependent antigen):此类抗原刺激B细胞产生抗体时依赖T细胞的辅助。


※胸腺非依赖性抗原TI- Ag(thymus independent antigen):此类抗原刺激B细胞产生抗体不依赖T细胞的辅助。








包括淋巴细胞: T、B;单核吞噬细胞;抗原呈递细胞;自然杀伤细胞(NK细胞);粒细胞;肥大细胞;红细胞、血小板等。






11、抗原表位(抗原决定基)antigenic determinant :抗原分子中决定抗原特异性的特殊化学基团。



13、异嗜性抗原(heterophilic antigen):是一类与种属无关的存在于人、动物及微生物之间的共同抗原。





Aαβ-T cell, αβ-T细胞:表达αβ-TCR的T细胞,占外周血中成熟T细胞总数的90%左右。

Acquired immune response,获得性免疫应答:主要由T和B淋巴细胞所介导的抗原特异性免疫应答,包括细胞免疫应答和体液免疫应答两部分,亦称adaptive immune response或specific immune response(特异免疫应答),具有免疫记忆性。

Acquired immunity,获得性免疫:机体在被外来抗原免疫后所获得的抗原特异性免疫状态。


亦称adaptive immunity。

Active immunization,主动免疫:将外来抗原(常配以佐剂)注入宿主体内以诱导获得性免疫应答的过程,与被动免疫(passive immunization)反义。

Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS),获得性免疫缺陷综合征(艾滋病):由人免疫缺陷病毒(HIV)感染所引起的免疫缺陷性疾病。


Acute-phase protein,急性期蛋白:一组具有抗感染和辅助组织修复作用的血清蛋白(如MBP和CRP 等),多由肝脏合成,其血清浓度在病原微生物感染或者组织损伤之后迅速大幅度增加。

Adenosine deaminase (ADA),腺苷脱氨酶:在细胞代谢过程中催化腺苷(adenosine)和2'-脱氧腺苷脱氨分别成为肌苷(inosine)和2'-脱氧肌苷的酶。


Adherent cell,黏附细胞:在体外能够黏于塑料或者玻璃表面的细胞,又为贴壁细胞,如单核巨噬细胞和某些上皮细胞。










7、抗原决定簇(antigenic determinant,AD)(物质基础):抗原分子中决定抗原特异性的特殊化学基团。







12、补体系统(complement system):补体及其调节因子和相关膜蛋白共同组成的一个反应系统。







2、Immunity defense:即免疫防御,是机体排斥外来抗原性异物的一种免疫保护功能。


3、Immunity surveillance:即免疫监视,是机体免疫系统及时识别、清除体内突变、畸变细胞和病毒感染细胞的一种生理功能。


4、Immunity homeostasis:即免疫自稳,是机体免疫系统维持内环境稳定的一种生理功能。


5、Immunity response:即免疫应答,是指免疫系统识别和清除抗原的整个过程,可分为固有免疫应答和适应性免疫应答。

6、Central immune organ:即中枢免疫器官,是免疫细胞发生、分化、发育、成熟的场所,包括胸腺、骨髓及鸟类的法氏囊。

7、Peripheral immune organ:即外周免疫器官,是淋巴细胞和其他免疫细胞定居、增殖以及产生免疫应答的场所,可分为淋巴结、脾及黏膜免疫系统。

8、Lymphocyte homing:即淋巴细胞归巢,成熟淋巴细胞的不同亚群从中枢免疫器官进入外周淋巴组织后,可分布在外周免疫器官或组织中特定区域的过程。

9、Lymphocyte recirculation:即淋巴细胞再循环,淋巴细胞在血液、淋巴液、淋巴器官或组织之间反复循环的过程。





免疫学名词解释1、Immunological defence免疫防御1、是机体排斥外来抗原性异物的一种免疫保护功能。




2、immunologic homeostasis免疫自稳1是机体免疫系统维持内环境稳定的一种生理功能、2该功能正常时,机体可及时清除体内损伤、衰老、变性的细胞和免疫复合物等异物,而对自身成分保持免疫耐受;3、该功能失调时,可发生生理功能紊乱或自身免疫性疾病。


3、immunologic surveillance免疫监视1 是机体免疫系统及时识别、清除体内突变、畸变细胞和病毒感染细胞的一种生理功能。




4、innate immune固有免疫1.是生物体在长期种系发育和进化过程中逐渐形成的天然免疫防御功能,是机体抵抗病原体入侵的第一道防线,也称为非特异性免疫。





5、adaptive immune适应性免疫1.也称特异性免疫应答,是在非特异性免疫基础上建立的,这种免疫只针对一种病原。






3.super antigen(SAg):超抗原,是指在极低浓度下即可非特异性激活大量T细胞克隆增殖,发生极强的免疫应答,但又分歧于丝裂原作用的抗原物质。




6.hypervariable region(HVR):高变区,在Ig分子VL和VH内某些区域的氨基酸组成、排列顺序与构型极易变更,这些区域为高变区。

7.variable region(V):可变区,在Ig多肽链氨基端(N端),L链1/2与H链1/4区域内,氨基酸的种类、排列顺序与构型变更很大,故称为可变区。

8.monoclonal Ab(mAb或McAb):单克隆抗体,是由识别一个抗原决定簇的B淋巴细胞杂交瘤分裂而成的单一克隆细胞所发生的高度均一、高度专一性的抗体。

9.antibody-dependent cell-mediated cytotocity(ADCC):ADCC效应,即抗体依赖性细胞介导的细胞毒作用,是指表达Fc受体的细胞通过识别抗体的Fc段直接杀伤被抗体包被的靶细胞的作用。





免疫学英文名词解释(一)1. Immunity: “a condition of being able to resist a particular disease especially through preventing development of a pathogenic microorganism or by counteracting the effects of its products”2. Immunology: Immunology is the study of our protection from foreign macromolecules or invading organisms and our responses to them.3. Innate immunity: evolves with the germline and involves receptors, enzymes and cells that detect conserved aspects of microbes and parasites. It is the 1st line of defense. No specificity, no memory.4. Adaptive immunity is provided by T & B lymphocytes. It is the 2nd line of defense. It has two important characteristics: Immune response is highly specific for the antigen that triggered it. Exposure to antigen creates an immunologic “memory.”5. Primary lymphoid organs: Lymphoid organs include primary (bone marrow & thymus) and secondary lymphoid organs and tissues (lymphoid nodes、spleen、MALT). Primary lymphoid organs are the place where lymphocytes develop and mature. Lymphocytes includes B cell and T cell, respectively originating from bone marrow and thymus and mediates humoral and cellular immunity.6. Secondary lymphoid organs: Secondary lymphoid organs are the place that immune responses happen, which include lymph nodes, spleen, tonsil and MALT. Lymph nodes drain the connective tissues of the body. The spleen drains the blood. MALT are responsible for local infection.7. MALT: The majority (50%) of lymphoid tissue in the human body is located within the lining of the major tracts, including respiratory, digestive and genitourinary tracts. This is because these are the main sites of entry for microbes into the body. These are collectively called the mucosa-associated lymphoid tissues (MALT).8. Antigens are molecules which are recognized by receptors on lymphocytes. B lymphocytes usually recognize intact antigen molecules, while T lymphocytes recognize antigen fragments on the surface of antigen presenting cells.9. Epitope:Antigen molecules each have a set of antigenic determinants, also called epitopes. Epitopes are molecular shapes recognized by antibodies and T cells of the adaptive immune system.10. Clonal selection: Each lymphocyte is genetically programmed to be capable of recognizing essentially only one particular antigen. When an antigen binds to the cell that can recognize it, it is induced to proliferate rapidly. Within a few days there are a sufficient number to mount an adequate immune response. In another words, the antigen selects for and generates the specific clones of its own antigen-binding cells, a process called clone selection. In brief: clone selection involves recognition of antigen by a particular lymphocyte, this lead to clonal expansion and differentiation to effector and memory cells11. Opsonization: This s is a process of making a microbe easier to phagocyte. A number of molecules called “opsonins” do this by coating the microbes and aid attachment of the microbe to the phagocyte and also trigger activation of phagocytosis. Opsonins include the complement component C3b and antibody which acting as a bridge between antigen and phagocytes.12. NK cells: belong to lymphocyte family. But in contrast to all T and B lymphocytes, NK cell do not express antigen-specific receptors and do not possess the adaptive property of memory cell development: they are there for considered to form part of the innate immune system. However, like Tc, their main function is to kill infected cell and tumor cells using similar mechanism to those of Tc cells to induce apoptosis of their targets. NK cell are also able to kill targets coated with IgG via their receptor for IgG. This property is referred to as ADCC.13. DCs are required by T cell to enable them to respond to antigens. DCs are most important antigen presenting cells known so far and are the interface of innate and adoptive immunity. Functions: Antigen up-taking in peripheral sites & antigen presentation in lymph nodes.14. Complement: The complement system is an important component of innate immunity It can be activated by the classical and alternative pathways, both pathways will eventually lead to the lytic pathway which featured by the formation of MAC.Function of complement: anaphylaxis (C3a,C5a), chemotaxis (C5a),opsonization (C3b,C4b), lysis (C56789)15. Interferons: Interferons are proteins involved in protection against viral infections. The two kinds of interferon, type I and type II, have different cellular origins and mediate a range of different activities. They interfere with viral replication but also are signaling molecules between cells.16. lymphocyte traffic and recirculation Lymphocytes produced in the primary lymphoid organs (thymus-T, bone marrow-B) migrate via the bloodstream to the secondary lymphoid organs/tissues where they carry out the function. They do not stay in one site but continually recirculate through the body in search of antigens.17. Affinity is the tightness of binding of an antibody binding site to an antigenic determinant (epitope)----the tighter the binding, the less likely the antibody is to dissociate from antigen.18. Valence: Valence is the maximum number of epitopes with which the antibody can react.19. Avidity: antibody binds a multivalent antigen is termed avidity, to differentiate it from the affinity of a single antigenic determinant for an individual combining site. Antibody avidity indicates the overall strength of interaction between antibody and antigen.20. Isotype: These are genetic markers on immunoglobulins shared by all the individual of same species. The genes for isotypic variants are present in all healthy members of a species. For example, the genes for γ1, γ2,γ3, γ4, μ, α1, α2, δ, ε, κ and λ chains are all present in the human genome, and are therefore isotypes.21. Allotype:These are genetic markers on immunoglobulins that segregate within the species. This refers to genetic variation between individuals within a species. For example, the variant of IgG3 called G3m(b0) is characterized by a phenylalanine at position 436 of the γ3 heavy chain. It is not found in all people and is therefore an allotype. Allotypes occur mostly as variants of heavy chain constant regions.22. Idiotype: These are unique antigenic determinant associated with antigen binding sites of antibodies and are the results of the different amino acid sequences which determine their specificities. Variation in the variable domain, particularly the hypervariable regions, produces idiotypes. These determine the binding specificity of the antigen-binding site.23. CDRs: At the amino acid level, the variable region of antibody is comprised of three regions of extreme variability (hyervarible region). They are called complementarity-determining regions, or CDRs.24. FRs: Interspersed among the CDRs are framework regions (FRs) which are less variable and more evolutionarily conserved. At the three-dimensional level, the three CDRs of each chain converge to form a combining site which recognize the antigenic determinant (epitope).25. Monoclonal antibody: In 1975, Kohler and Milstein developed a procedure to create cell lines producing predetermined, monospecific and monoclonal antibodies. The basic technology involves fusion of an immortal cell (a myeloma tumor cell) with a specific predetermined antibody-producing B cell from immunized animals or humans. The resulting hybridoma cell is immortal and synthesizes homogeneous, specific, mAb which can be made in large quantities.26. ADCC:ANTIBODY-DEPENDENT CELL-MEDIATED CYTOTOXICITY –The linking of antibody bound to target cells (virus infected cells, or some tumor cells) with FcR of natural killer cells (NK cells), neutrophils, macrophages,or eosinophils can result in killing of the target cell.27. cytokines: Definition: Cytokines are small molecules, secreted by cells in response to a stimulus. Function: As a group, cytokines induce growth, differentiation, chemotaxis, activation and/or enhanced cytotoxity. They are used for strengthening communications between cells.28. Toll like receptors (TLR)Toll like receptors are a family of proteins of which there are at least 5 known members.Using TLRs, innate immune cells can detect and respond to infection by recognizing conserved motifs of microbes. TLRs transmit signals about microbial constituents to the nucleus, thus regulating the type of genes expressed, and the subsequent response.29. Positive selection of T cells:T cells that express a TCR that can bind weakly to self MHC are spared from death and are positively selected to survive.30. Negative selection of T cells: T cells that react strongly to self-antigens on MHC are eliminated. Only those T cells that can react to MHC, but do not bind strongly to self-antigens emerge as mature T cells from the thymus.。



免疫名词解释历年题1. Recirculation of lymphocytes(淋巴细胞再循环)It means the continuo us movement of lymphocytes across the sites through out blood and lym phatic vessels, and it is critical for the initiation and effector phases of i mmune response.2. hapten(半抗原) antigen which can combine with the corresponding Ab or sensitized T lymphocyte but can not evoke the immune response i ndependently.3. TD-Ag(thymus dependent Ag) Ag stimulates B cells to produce Ab with the help of T cells and macrophage.4. TI-Ag(thymus independent Ag)Ag stimulates B cells to produce Ab without the help of T cells and macrophage.5. heterophile Ag(异嗜性抗原)common antigens shared by different sp ecies and play an important role in immunopathology and diagnosis.6. HVR(hypervariable region)超变区Most of sequence differences am ong antibodies are confined to three short stretches in the V regions of heavy and light chains are called HVR7. CDR(complementary determinant region)互补决定区The sequences of the antibodies form an antigen binding surface that is complementary to the three dimensional structure of the bound antigen It is also called complementary determinant regions.8. idiotype (独特型) Igs produced by each B cells clone possessing unique structure respectively in HVR or CDR, the unique structure is call ed idiotype of Ig.9. monoclonal Ab (mAb 单克隆抗体) It is prepared by hybridoma tec hnique. Immunized spleen cells (B cells) fuse with myeloma cells and for m hybridoma with property of proliferating Ab10. conformational determinants 构象决定簇They are composed of amin o acid residues are not in a sequence but become special juxtaposed infolded protein. They are usually on the surface of antigen and be recogn ized by B cells and Ab.11. ADCC(antibody dependent cell mediated cytotoxicity)It is a proce ss in which NK cells are target to Ab coated cells, resulting in lyses Ab coated cells .FcRⅢis expressed on NK cell membrane and mediate bi nding of IgG.12. MAC membrane attack complex 攻膜复合体A lytic complex of the terminal components of complement cascade, Including C5678and multico pies of C9,which forms in the membrane of target cells MAC causes let hal ionic and osmotic changes in cells.13. CK cytokine 细胞因子A group of low molecular weight polypeptides or proteins which are secreted by activated immunocytes or some matrix cells and possess high activity and various functions. Their major functio ns are to mediate and regulation immune response and inflammation rea ction.14. CAM or AM cell adhesion molecules 黏附分子The cell surface mol ecules whose function is to promote adhesive interaction with other cells or the extra cellular matrix and play a crucial role in cell interaction, rec ognition, activation and migration.15. CD cluster of differentiation 分化簇It is a group of cell surface mol ecules associated with the development and differentiation of immune cel ls.16. MHC major histocompatibility complex主要组织相容性复合体It is a group of genes which encode for major histocompatibility antigens and re late to immune response.17. HLA human leukocyte antigen 人类白细胞抗原The major histocomp atibility antigens for human bodies which associated with histocompatibilit y and immune response.18. HLA complex The MHC of human, a cluster of genes which encode for HLA and related to histocompatibility and immune response.19. MHC restriction In interaction of T cell and APC or target cells, T cells not only recognize specific antigen but also recognize polymorphic r esidules of MHC molecules.20. PAMP(pathogen associated molecular pattern) 病原相关分子模式dis tinct structures or components that are common for many pathogens ,such as LPS, dsRNA of viruses etc.21. PRR (pattern recognition receptor) The receptors that can recognize PAMP, located on the surface of macrophage, including mannose rece ptor, scavenger receptor , toll like receptor etc.22. APC a group of cells which can uptake and process antigen and p resent antigen-MHC-Ⅰ/Ⅱcomplex to T cells, playing an important role in immune response.23. TCR complex a group of membrane molecules on T cells that can specifically bind to antigen and pass an activation signal into the cell, co nsisting of TCR(αβγδ),CD3 (γεδε)andζ-ζ。

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免疫名词解释历年题1. Recirculation of lymphocytes( 淋巴细胞再循环)It means the continuo us movement of lymphocytes across the sites through out blood and lym phatic vessels, and it is critical for the initiation and effector phases of i mmune response.2. hapten( 半抗原) antigen which can combine with the corresponding Ab or sensitized T lymphocyte but can not evoke the immune response independently.3. TD-Ag(thymus dependent Ag) Ag stimulates B cells to produce Ab with the help of T cells and macrophage.4. TI-Ag(thymus independent Ag)Ag stimulates B cells to produce Ab without the help of T cells and macrophage.5. heterophile Ag( 异嗜性抗原)common antigens shared by different sp ecies and play an important role in immunopathology and diagnosis.6. HVR(hypervariable region) 超变区Most of sequence differences am ong antibodies are confined to three short stretches in the V regions of heavy and light chains are called HVR7. CDR(complementary determinant region) 互补决定区The sequences of the antibodies form an antigen binding surface that is complementary to the three dimensional structure of the bound antigen It is also called complementary determinant regions.8. idiotype (独特型) Igs produced by each B cells clone possessing unique structure respectively in HVR or CDR, the unique structure is call ed idiotype of Ig.9. monoclonal Ab (mAb 单克隆抗体) It is prepared by hybridoma tec hnique. Immunized spleen cells (B cells) fuse with myeloma cells and for m hybridoma with property of proliferating Ab10. conformational determinants 构象决定簇They are composed of amin o acid residues are not in a sequence but become special juxtaposed infolded protein. They are usually on the surface of antigen and be recog nized by B cells and Ab.11. ADCC (antibody dependent cell mediated cytotoxicity )It is a process in which NK cells are target to Ab coated cells, resulting in lyses Ab coatedcells .FcR 川is expressed on NK cell membrane and mediate b inding of IgG.12. MAC membrane attack complex 攻膜复合体 A lytic complex of the terminal components of complement cascade, Including C5678and multico pies of C9,which forms in the membrane of target cells MAC causes let hal ionic and osmotic changes in cells.13. CK cytokine 细胞因子A group of low molecular weight polypeptides or proteins which are secreted by activated immunocytes or some matrix cells and possess high activity and various functions. Their major funct ions are to mediate and regulation immune response and inflammation r eaction.14. CAM or AM cell adhesion molecules 黏附分子The cell surface mol ecules whose function is to promote adhesive interaction with other cellsor the extra cellular matrix and play a crucial role in cell interaction, re cognition, activation and migration.15. CD cluster of differentiation 分化簇It is a group of cell surface mol ecules associated with the development and differentiation of immune cel ls.16. MHC major histocompatibility complex 主要组织相容性复合体It is a g roup of genes which encode for major histocompatibility antigens and rel ate to immune response.17. HLA human leukocyte antigen 人类白细胞抗原The major histocomp atibility antigens for human bodies which associated with histocompatibilit y and immune response.18. HLA complex The MHC of human, a cluster of genes which encod e for HLA and related to histocompatibility and immune response.19. MHC restriction In interaction of T cell and APC or target cells, T cells not only recognize specific antigen but also recognize polymorphic r esidules of MHC molecules.20. PAMP(pathogen associated molecular pattern) 病原相关分子模式dist inct structures or components that are common for many pathogens ,such as LPS, dsRNA of viruses etc.21. PRR (pattern recognition receptor) The receptors that can recogniz e PAMP, located on the surface of macrophage, including mannose rece ptor, scavengerreceptor , toll like receptor etc.22. APC a group of cells which can uptake and process antigen and p resent antigen-MHC - I / n complex to T cells, playing an important role i n immune response.23. TCR complex a group of membrane molecules on T cells that can specifically bind to antigen and pass an activation signal into the cell, consisting of TCR (aB Y$ ) , CD3 (丫& S&) and Z - Z。

24. ITAM (immunoreceptor tyrosine-based activation motif) 免疫受体酪氨酸活化基序ITAM transduced e activation signals from TCR, composing of tyrosine residues separated by around 18 aas. When TCR specially bi nd to antigen, the tyrosine become phosphorylated by the receptor assoc iated tyrosine kinases to transduct actively signals.25. immunotolerance 免疫耐受 a type of specific unresponsiveness to a given antigen previously exposure of specific lymphocytes to that antigen but response naturally to other antigens.26. clonal anergy 克隆无能 a state of functional inactivation without cell death of Tlymphocytes induced by recognition of antigen in the absence of co-stimulatory signal.27. AICD(activation induced cell death) 活化诱导细胞死亡repeated stim ulation to T B lymphocytes by persistent antigen results in death of the activated ell process of apoptosis. FasL on activated T cell binding to Fa s on activated T cell and induce T cell apoptosis.28. Hypersensitivity 超敏反应 a harmful immune response when a sensit ized individual encounters the same antigen again, subsequently producetissue injury or disorder of function and may cause serious disease.29 TSA tumor specific Antigen 肿瘤特异抗原antigens that are only ex pressed on tumor cells but not on normal cells ,having high specificity.30 direct recognition 直接识别In transplantation immunology T cell is activated by recognition of an intact MHC molecules displayed by donor APC in the graft. It is a cross reaction of a normal TCR. In normal con dition, it recognize self MHC molecules plus foreign peptides , but now ,i t recognize an allogenic MHC plus peptide.31 GVHD (graft versus host disease) 移植物抗宿主病 a disease usuall y occurs in bone marrow immune response, immune cells in the graft ca n give immune response to the host.32 lymphocyte homing 淋巴细胞归巢the process by which particular subsets of lymphocytes selectively enter some tissues but not others is c alled lymphocyte homing.33 isotype exclusion 同种型排斥double positive T cells whose TCR c an recognize and combine with MHC can develop and differentiate conti nuously into single positive T cells and got MHC restriction.34 IFN The CKs produced by human or animal tissue cells or T lym phocytes and NK cells,following the infection of virus and exposure to an tigen whose principle function is to inhibit virus replication or activate ma crophage in both innate immunity and adaptive immunity.35 cross-priming or cross-presentation 交叉递呈a mechanism by which a professional APC activates, a na?ve CD8 CTL specific for the antigens of a third cell (e.g. a virus-infected or tumor cell ).1 、Active immunity( 主动免疫) : Immunity that is induced by exposure to antigens in which the immunized individual plays an active role in responding to the antigen 。
