bus: 公共汽车 母线,总线 Condenser: 电容器,补偿机
power plant: 发电厂 动力装置
寄存器 登记册
非技术词汇 (特用词 big word)
属于非专业英语的词汇,在普通英语或非专业 英语中使用较少
take in -> absorb, Look into -> examine, make good use of -> utilize,
隶属于科技英语 是科技英语的一部分,以表达科技概念、理论与事实为主 要目的。遵守科技英语的语法体系和翻译方法;特别注重客观事实和真理,表 达准确、精练和正式。 是结合各自专业的科技英语 有很强的专业性,涉及的面更加狭窄,与专业 内容配合更为密切。
专业英语与科技英语既有区别又有联系。专业英语的学习需要有一个良好 的科技英语基础,同时也要注意其自身的词汇特点、语法特点、修辞特点 和翻译特点等等。
(2) 学习方面
世界上学科的最新发展情况资料的交流主要靠使用 英语,对子电气工程、电子工程和信息类等专业来说, 绝大部分专业资料和信息都是以英语形式出观。
②研究成果展示 专业英语写作能力
申报国家奖项 申请专利 发表学术论文:
autotransformer (自耦变压器) superconductivity (超导特性) 。
(变电站,变电所) ,
次技术词汇 sub-technical wor很ds多专业和学科所共有的词汇,不同专业和学
power : 幂,乘方 动力,功率,效率 电源,电力,功率,电能
Gratitude,Consent and Suggestions
Expressions for Greetings and Parting
At the Customs
Nationalities and Countries
At a Post Office
Exchange Foreign Currencies
第 1 期
江 西 电力 职 业 技 术 学 院 学 报
J u a fJa g iV ct n la d T c nc lColg fE etii o r lo in x o ai a n e h ia l e o lcr t n o e cy
V0 _5 o 1 l N . 2 Ma .01 r 2 2
江 西 电力 职业 技 术 学 院学 报
第2 5卷
知识 状态 的反 应 。而义务 情态表 达 的则是 其主语 所 感觉 到 的需要 或允许履 行 的行 为 、义 务 ,是责任 型
的。前 者主要 通 过情 态动词 、情态 附加语 f p s 如 o—
(t S5和 S6 ,作 为 参 照 的 本 族 语 语 料 库 是 L C t) O N S 料 库 中的美 国 大学 生作 文 子 库 ,使 用 的词 E S语 语 检索 分析 软件为 Wod m t 具 。 同时 ,为 了较 rS i h工
人 际 功能 [ 1 1 。可见 .能 否采 用恰 当 的情态 表达 手段
要 以大学 层次英 语 专业 和非英 语专 业学 生为 对象[ 1 2 1 1 3
研究发现 , 在情 态语 义 表 达上 , 国英 语学 习 中
对命 题 传达 一种 适度 怀 疑或 肯定 的立 场 。是二 语语 言 习得 者灵 活运 用语 言语 用 能力 的重 要表 现 。 作 为情 态 的一种 重要 表 现手段 .情 态 动词 所 在 的不 同句式 ,即类联 接 与情 态语 义类 型存 在着 强烈 的对应 关 系 ,研 究者 可依 据学 习者 对 不 同类 联 接 的 选 择倾 向来 判 断学 习者 的语 言水平 以及他们 的语用
t a hi r a e n ss c lc rc lpo rs e i ly En i h b s ct r no o r — l i g,t a l — e c ng a r ng me t u h ase e t ia we p ca t gl a i e mi l gy wo d buid n s r nsa
“ 力 专 业 英 语 ” 高 校 电气 工 程 及 其 自动 化 电 是 专业 的一 门必修 课 , 般 安 排 在 大 三第 二 学 期 或 大 一
无 数 的新词 汇 。一 般 情 况下 , 加前 缀 改 变 原 单 词 的 词意 , 加后 缀 改 变 原 单 词 的 词 性 。 因此 , 生 法 就 派 成 为 电力 科 技 英 语 术 语 构 词 的 重 要 手 段 。例 如 , “ y r一 ,水 的 , 力 的” h d o l ti: 力 发 电 h do” “ 水 , y ree r 水 c c
摘 要 : 电力 专 业 英 语 ” 电气 工 程 及 其 自动 化 专 业 的 一 门 必 修 课 , 在 学 生 经 过 英 语 四 、 级 考 试并 掌握 了足 够 的专 业 知 识 后 开 设 的 一 门课 “ 是 是 六
程 。笔 者 针 对 该 类 学 生 从 电力 专 业 英 语 术 语 的 基 本 构 词 方 法 、 译 技 巧 等 教 学 内 容 安 排 方 面 , 讨 了 “ 人 以 渔 ” 电力 专业 英 语 教 学 法 。通 翻 探 授 的
第3 3卷
第 4期
电 气 电 子 教 学 学 报 J OuRNAI OF EE E
Vo. 3 NO 4 13 .
Au . 0 1 g 2 1
21 0 1年 8月
电力系统专业英语精品文档发电机generator电压 voltage 母线bus 铁损 iro n loss 有功损耗active loss高压侧high side 低压 low voltage 稳定 stability 电厂 power pla nt 直流DC 开关站 switch station 并列的apposable三相故障 three phase fault 高顶值 high limited value 机端电压控制 AVR 功角 power angle 电抗器Reactor 功率因数 power-factor 功角 power-angle 无功负载 reactive load 电抗 reacta nee 上限 upper limit 负序阻抗 negative sequenee impedanee 功率因数power factor 额定rat ing 电压互感器PT 下降率droop rate 受端 receive-side 摇摆swing 刀闸(隔离开关)Isolator 励磁 excitati on 电流 curre nt 变压器 transformer 铜损 copper loss 无功损耗reactive loss 输电线 transmission line 中压 middle voltage 电压稳定 voltage stability 能量输送 power transfer 电网 powersystem 调节 regulati on 裕度margin分接头tap 静态 static(state ) 电抗 reacta nee 有功(功率)active power断路器Breaker 定子 stator 电压等级 voltage grade 档位 tap position 电导eonductanee 下限 lower limit 零序阻抗 zero sequenee impedanee 无功电流 reactive current 变比ratio 分接头tap 传递函数 transfer function 同步 synchronization 阻尼 damping 机端 gen erator term inal变电站 transformer substation 给永磁同步电机 Perma nen t-mag net Syn chro nism Motor电力系统 power system 励磁器excitor 升压变压器 step-up tra nsformer 空载损耗no-load loss 空载电流 no-load current 输电系统 power transmission system 高压 high voltage 功角稳定 angle stability 暂态稳定 transient stability 交流AC 落点 drop point 高抗 high voltage shunt (逃避)reactor 故障fault 切机 generator triping 动态 dynamic (state ) 电阻 resista nee 电容器Capacitor 电动机 motor 阻抗 impedanee 有功负载:active load PLoad 电阻 resistor 电纟内 susceptanee 正序阻抗 positive sequenee impedanee 无功(功率)reactive power斜率slope 参考值 referenee value 仿真分析 simulation analysis 框图 block diagram 保护断路器circuit breaker 无刷直流电机 Brusless DC motor异步电机 Asynchronous Motor三绕组变压器 three-colum n tran sformer ThrCI nTrans 双绕组变压器 double-colum n tra nsformer DbICIm nTrans 固定串联电容补偿 fixed series capacitor compe nsati on双回同杆并架 double-circuit lines on the same tower 单机无穷大系统 one machi ne - infinity bus system补偿度 degree of compensation 失去同步 loss of synchronization无功补偿 reactive power compensation 极限切除时间 critical clearing time 并联电容器 shunt capacitor< 线路补偿器 LDC(li ne drop compe nsatio n)自动控制理论 Automatic Con trol Theory 微机原理 Principle of Microcomputer 电路原理 Principle of circuits电力电子基 础Basic fun dame ntalsof power electr onics高电压工 程High voltage engin eeri ng励磁电流 Magnetizing current 电磁场:Electromagnetic fields 装机容量 in stalled capacity 故障切除时间 fault cleari ng time 强行励磁 rein forced excitati on 下降特性 droop characteristics电机学 Electrical Machinery 电磁场 Electromagnetic Field 电工学 Electrotechnics 电机学 Electrical Machinery电力系统稳态分析 State An alysis of Power System电力系统暂态分 析Power System电力系统继电保护原理 Electrical System's Relay Protectio n电力系统元件保护原理Prin ciple of Power System 's Element 电力系统内部过电压 Voltage within Power system模拟电子技术基础 An alogue Electr onic Tech ni que数字电子技 术 Tech ni que电路原理实验 of pri nciple of circuits电气工程讲 Steady-Tran sie nt-State An alysis ofPrin ciple ofProtectio nPastBasis ofDigital ElectricalLab.Lectures on电子专题实践Topics on experime ntal project of electr onics电气工程概论In troducti on to electrical engin eeri ng电子电机集成系统Electro nic machi ne system 电力传动与控制Electrical Drive andCon trol电力系统继电保护Power System Relayi ng Protectio n主变压器mai n tran sformer升压变压器step-up tran sformer降压变压器step-dow n tran sformer工作变压器operating transformer备用变压器sta ndby tran sformer公用变压器com mon tra nsformer三相变压器three-phase tran sformer单相变压器sin gle-phase tra nsformeron-load regulati ng 带负荷调压变压器tran sformer变压器铁芯tra nsformer core变压器线圈tra nsformer coil变压器绕组tra nsformer winding变压器油箱tra nsformer oil tank变压器外壳tra nsformer cas ing变压器风扇tra nsformer fantra nsformer oil 变压器油枕con servator( s drum变压器额定电压tra nsformer rated voltage变压器额定电流tra nsformer rated curre nttra nsformer voltage 变压器调压范围regulati on rage配电设备power distribution equipment SF6断路器SF6 circuit breaker开关switch按钮butt on隔离开关isolator,disc onn ector真空开关vacuum switch刀闸开关kn ife-switch接地刀闸earthing knife-switch电气设备electrical equipme nt变流器curre nt con verter电流互感器curre nt tran sformer电压互感器voltage tra nsformer电源power source交流电源AC power source直流电源DC power source工作电源operati ng source备用电源Stan dby source强电str ong curre nt弱电weak curre nt继电器relay信号继电器sig nal relay电流继电器curre nt relay电压继电器voltage relay跳闸继电器tripp ing relay合闸继电器clos ing relay中间继电器in termediate relay时间继电器time relay零序电压继电器zero-seque nee voltage relay 差动继电器differe ntial relay闭锁装置lock ing device遥控telec on trol遥信telesig nalisatio n遥测telemeteri ng遥调teleregulati on断路器breaker,circuit breaker少油断路器min i-oil breaker,oil-min i-mumbreaker高频滤波器high-freque ncy filter组合滤波器combined filter常开触点no rmally ope ned con tact 常闭触点no rmally closed con tact 并联电容parallel capacita nee保护接地protective earth ing熔断器电缆跳闸脉冲合闸脉冲一次电压二次电压并联电容器无功补偿器消弧线圈母线三角接法星形接法原理图一次系统图二次系统图两相短路三相短路单相接地短路device短路电流计算自动重合闸高频保护距离保护横差保护circuit curre nt纵差保护线路保护过电压保护母差保护瓦斯保护变压器保护电动机保护远方控制用电量载波故障选择性速动性灵敏性protectionprotectioncutout,fusible cutout cabletripp ing pulse clos ing pulseprimary voltage sec on daryvoltage parallel capacitorreactive power compe nsation arc-suppress ing coilBus,busbar delta conn ecti onWye conn ecti on schematicdiagram primary systemdiagram sec on dary systemdiagram two-phase shortcircuit three-phase shortcircuit sin gle-phase grou ndshort calculati on of shortcircuit automatic reclos inghigh-freqe ncy protecti ondista nee protecti on transverse differe ntial lon gitudinal differe ntial line protectionover-voltage protecti on busdiffere ntial protecti onBuchholtz protecti on transformer protecti on motorprotecti on remote con trolpower con sumpti on carrierfaultselectivityspeedsen sitivity可靠性reliability电磁型继电器electromag netic无时限电流速断保护in sta ntan eously over-curre nt protection跳闸线圈trip coil工作线圈operati ng coil制动线圈retra int coil主保护mai n protecti on后备保护back-up protecti on定时限过电流保护definite time over-current protection三段式电流保护the curre nt protecti on with threestages反时限过电流保护in verse time over-curre nt protecti on方向性电流保护the directi onal curre nt protecti on零序电流保护zero-seque nee curre nt protecti on阻抗impedanee微机保护Microprocessor Protectio n。
化电力科技人才。 在自己的专业领域实际运用好英语:
掌握一定的专业英语词汇、阅读技巧; 能用英语了解电力的生产过程; 熟悉电力工业常见的英语文献等
③国际学术会议 专业英语表达、听说、应变能力
涉及:电工基础、电子技术、电力电子技术、电 机学、计算机、电力系统、继电保护、发电厂和自 动化等内容
第一章:介绍专业英语的特点,有关的特殊语法 现象和基本句型;
第二章:22个单元,每单元包括三篇阅读材料和 一篇使用英语摘录
autotransformer (自耦变压器) superconductivity (超导特性) 。
(变电站,变电所) ,
次技术词汇 sub-technical words 很多专业和学科所共有的词汇,不同专业和学 科往往具有不同词义
power : 幂,乘方 动力,功率,效率 电源,电力,功率,电能
dep —department
缩略词:由词组中某些词的词头字母(有时多于 一个)所组成,作为一个词按照正常的规则发音
ROM —read only memory 只读存储器 RAM —random access memory 随机(存取)储存器 Radar —radio detecting and ranging ;雷达 GIS —gas insulated station 气体绝缘变电站
(2) 学习方面
专业英语对电气工程的帮助英语作文Professional English in Electrical EngineeringProfessional English plays a crucial role in the fieldof electrical engineering. It not only helps engineers to communicate effectively with colleagues and clients, but also allows them to access the latest technological developments and research findings. In this essay, I will discuss the ways in which professional English benefits electrical engineers and how it contributes to their success in the industry.First and foremost, professional English enables electrical engineers to access a wide range of technical information and resources. Most of the cutting-edge research and development in the field of electrical engineering is published in English, and proficiency in the language is essential for engineers to stay updated with the latest advancements. This includes academic journals, technical reports, conference papers, and online resources that provide valuable insights into new technologies, methodologies, and best practices. Without a strong command of professional English, engineers may struggle tounderstand and apply these advancements in their work, putting them at a disadvantage in the competitive industry.In addition, professional English is essential for effective communication within engineering teams and with clients and stakeholders. Engineers often work in multinational and multicultural environments where English serves as the common language for collaboration. Whetherit's discussing project requirements, presenting technical solutions, or reporting on progress, the ability to express ideas clearly and accurately in English is crucial for successful teamwork and project management. Furthermore, when dealing with clients and stakeholders, clear and professional communication in English helps to build trust and credibility, which are essential for securing contracts and maintaining long-term business relationships.Moreover, professional English is important for engineers to participate in international conferences, workshops, and seminars, where they can network with peers, share their expertise, and learn from others in the field. These events provide valuable opportunities for professional development, knowledge exchange, and exposureto new trends and innovations. By being proficient in English, engineers can fully engage in these activities and contribute to the global discourse on electrical engineering, enhancing their professional reputation and staying at the forefront of the industry.In conclusion, professional English is a valuable asset for electrical engineers, enabling them to access technical information, communicate effectively, and participate in international networking and professional development opportunities. As the field of electrical engineering continues to evolve and expand globally, proficiency in professional English will be essential for engineers to succeed and thrive in their careers.专业英语在电气工程领域起着至关重要的作用。
自动化英语 专业电力电子技术在电力系统中的应用
Power electronic technology in the power systemAbstract:This paper aims at introducing the power electronic technology in electric power system of all kinds of application, the key is in power transmission link, link, link in the application and saving energy distribution in the link of use. Keywords:DC transmission; Power electronics; generatorIntroduction:Power electronic technology is a power semiconductor devices, circuit technology, computer technology and modern control technology for support technology platform. After 50 years of development, the traditional industry equipment in it, power quality control, issued new energy development and civil products have been applied more and more. The most successfully applied in the power system of power electronic technology is a high power dc transmission (HVDC). Since the 1980 s, flexible ac power (FACTS) concept is put forward, power electronic technology in power system, the application research was highly focused, a variety of equipment arise. This paper introduces the power electronic technology in power generation, transmission link, link in the application and saving energy distribution in the link of use. Second, the power electronic technology applicationPower electronic technology applications:Since the 1980 s, flexible ac power (FACTS) concept is put forward, power electronic technology in power system, the application research was highly focused, a variety of equipment arise. Has quite a few paper summarizes the related equipment and the basic principle and application situation. According to the power system of power generation, transmission and distribution and power saving link, the list of power electronic technology research and the application of the status quo.(A) In the power of the application of the linkThe power system of power generation link generator set a variety of equipment involved, the application of the power electronic technology to improve the equipment for the main purpose of the operation characteristic.1, Large generator excitation control of staticStatic excitation using thyristor rectifier since by way, the structure is simple, high reliability and low cost advantages, is the major world power system widely adopted. Due to tell the exciter among the inertial link, and thus has its unique speed adjustment, the control law to advanced provide fully play their part and produce good control effect of favorable conditions 2, The wind turbine hydraulic VSCF excitationThe hydraulic power effective power depends on the head pressure and flow, as head of the change to a larger extent (especially the pumped-storage unit), units of the best speed will change. Effective power of wind power and wind speed is directly proportional to the three times, the speed of the maximum wind power windmill capture with wind speed and change. In order to gain maximum effective power, can make the operation speed, by adjusting the rotor exciter current frequency, make its and the rotor speed stacked stator frequency output frequency that keep constant. The application of the technology is the key of the frequency conversion power.3, Power plant of variable frequency speed pump fanThe power plant factory electricity rates an average of 8%, and fan pump power consumption accounts for about 65% of total power consumption thermal power equipment, and low operation efficiency. Use the low voltage or high voltage inverter, the implementation of the pump fan variable frequency speed regulation, can achieve the purpose of saving energy.(B) In the application of transmission linkPower electronics device used in high voltage transmission system is called "caused by the silicon chips second revolution", greatly improved the stable operation of the grid characteristics.1, DC transmission (HVDC) and Light dc transmission (HVDC Light) technologyHVDC transmission capacity is big, good stability, flexible control regulation etc, and for long-distance transmission, submarine cable transmission and different frequency system networking, HVDC transmission with a unique advantage. The first thyristor change the flow, marking the formal power electronic technology used in dc transmission. From then on the world of the new HVDC project is using thyristor change flow valves.2, Flexible ac power (FACTS) technologyThe concept of dry FACTS technology came in the late 1980 s, is a based on power electronic technology and modern control technology for ac transmission system impedance, voltage and phase of the flexible regulate the transmission technology, can be used for communication with the trend of the power transmission flexible control greatly improve the level of the power system stability.(C) In the distribution of the application of the linkThe power distribution system is urgent needs to solve the question of how to strengthen the power supply reliability and improve power quality. Power quality control should not only meet the voltage, frequency, harmonic and asymmetric degree requirements, but also inhibit all kinds of transient fluctuations and interference. Power electronic technology and modern control technology in the distribution system of application, namely the user Power (custom Power) technology or say DFACTS technology, is in the mature technology FACTS developed on the basis of Power quality control of the new technology. DFACTS equipment can be understood as FACTS equipment smaller version, its principle, structure are the same, the function is similar. Due to the huge potential demand, market intervention in relative easy, investments in development and production cost is lower, with power electronics device prices lower, we can expect DFACTS equipment products will enter the rapid development.(D)In the use of energy saving link1, The variable load motor drive runningMotor power saving potential power saving just dig itself, through the variable load motor speed technology of power saving is another a only both up, motor power saving party more perfect. At present, exchange control in the metallurgy, mining and other departments and social life in a wide range of applications. First is fan and pump variable load in machinery such as the wind speed regulation control instead of board or throttle valve to control the wind flow and the flow of water has the remarkable effect. Foreign variable load of the fans and pumps is used mostly communication speed regulation, our country is the promoted application.Variable frequency speed advantage is wide speed range, high precision, high efficiency, can realize the continuous stepless speed regulation. In the process of poor transfer speed small loss, stator and rotor copper consumption is not large also, energy saving rate generally can reach up to about 30%.2, Reduce the reactive power loss, improve the power factorAt the electric equipment, transformer and exchange asynchronous motor belong to the perceptual load, the equipment in operation with not only the active power consumption, but also consume reactive power. Therefore, reactive power and active power supply, power quality guarantee is the indispensable part. In the power system should keep reactive power balance, otherwise, will make the system voltage reduction, equipment failure, power factor drops, will severely punished by voltage collapse, a system solution to crack, caused a big blackout accidents. So, when the power grid or electrical equipment reactive capacity is insufficient, should add outfit reactive compensation equipment, improve equipment power factor.Summary:Power electronic technology are developing continuously, new materials and new structure of the device was born in succession, computer technology progress for the practical application of modern control technology provide strong support in the application of all walks of life more and more widely.。
电力行业专业术语英文1. Power generation - the process of producing electricity2. Power plant - a facility that generates electricity3. Electricity grid - a network of power stations, substations, and transmission lines that deliver electricity from power plants to consumers4. Transmission lines - high-voltage power lines that transport electricity over long distances5. Distribution lines - low-voltage power lines that deliver electricity from the transmission lines to homes and businesses6. Load - the amount of electricity that is being consumed at any given time7. Demand response - the ability of consumers to adjust their electricity usage in response to changes in price or availability8. Peak load - the highest level of electricity demand during a specific time period9. Base load - the minimum level of electricity demand that must be met at all times10. Renewable energy - energy generated from sources such as wind, solar, hydro, or geothermal that can be replenished naturally11. Fossil fuels - non-renewable energy sources such as coal, oil, and natural gas that are formed from the remains of ancient plants and animals12. Energy efficiency - the ratio of useful energy output to the energy input in a system13. Smart grid - an electricity grid that uses digital communication and advanced technology to improve efficiency, reliability, and sustainability14. Power factor - a measure of how efficiently electrical power is being used in a system15. Voltage - the electrical potential difference between two points in a circuit16. Current - the flow of electric charge in a circuit17. Transformer - a device used to increase or decrease the voltage of electric power18. Substation - a facility that transforms voltage levels and controls the flow of electricity in the grid19. Load shedding - a controlled shutdown of electricity supply to prevent a widespread blackout20. Renewable Portfolio Standard (RPS) - a regulation that requires utilities to obtain a certain percentage of their energy from renewable sources.。
专业英语对电气工程的帮助英语作文English: Proficiency in English is immensely beneficial for electrical engineering students in several aspects. Firstly, English serves as the lingua franca in the global engineering community, enabling seamless communication and collaboration with professionals worldwide. This is particularly crucial in an increasingly interconnected world where engineers often work on multinational projects. Secondly, a strong command of English facilitates access to a wealth of technical resources, including academic papers, research findings, and industry standards, which are predominantly available in English. Such access enhances students' understanding of cutting-edge technologies and fosters innovation within the field. Moreover, English proficiency equips electrical engineering students with the necessary skills to effectively present their ideas, proposals, and project reports, both orally and in writing. Effective communication is paramount in engineering practice, whether it involves explaining complex concepts to colleagues, presenting findings to clients, or negotiating with stakeholders. Additionally, proficiency in English opens up diverse career opportunities for electrical engineering graduates, allowing them to pursue positions in multinationalcorporations, research institutions, or consultancy firms that operate on a global scale. Overall, mastering English is integral to the success of electrical engineering students, empowering them to thrive in a competitive and interconnected world.中文翻译: 英语的熟练运用对电气工程学生在多个方面都有巨大的帮助。
专业英语对电气工程的帮助英语作文Professional English in Electrical EngineeringIntroductionProfessional English plays an important role in the field of electrical engineering. As a specialized form of English, it is essential for engineers to communicate effectively with colleagues, clients, and suppliers, as well as to understand technical documents and research papers. In this essay, we will discuss how professional English helps electrical engineers in their daily work and why it is crucial for success in this industry.Communication with Colleagues and ClientsOne of the primary ways in which professional English assists electrical engineers is in their communication with colleagues and clients. In order to successfully collaborate on projects, engineers must be able to effectively convey their ideas, proposals, and technical information in a clear and concise manner. Professional English provides engineers with the vocabulary and grammar necessary to communicate complex concepts and ideas with precision and accuracy.Furthermore, professional English enables engineers to participate in meetings, conferences, and presentations, both inperson and virtually. By developing their language skills, engineers can engage in discussions, ask questions, and share their expertise with colleagues and clients from around the world. This not only enhances collaboration and teamwork but also helps to build trust and credibility within the industry.Understanding Technical Documents and Research PapersIn addition to communication skills, professional English is critical for electrical engineers to understand technical documents and research papers. Many of the latest advancements and developments in electrical engineering are published in English-language journals and publications. Engineers must have the ability to read and comprehend these documents in order to stay informed about new technologies, methods, and best practices in their field.Moreover, professional English is essential for engineers to write reports, proposals, and research papers of their own. By mastering the conventions of technical writing, engineers can effectively communicate their findings and recommendations to colleagues, clients, and stakeholders. This not only enhances their professional reputation but also contributes to the advancement of knowledge and innovation in the field of electrical engineering.Career Advancement and Global OpportunitiesIn today's globalized economy, proficiency in professional English is a key factor in career advancement and access to international opportunities. Engineers who possess strong language skills are more likely to be considered for leadership roles, management positions, and overseas assignments. By demonstrating their ability to communicate effectively and collaborate with diverse teams, engineers can expand their career prospects and achieve greater success in their field.Furthermore, professional English opens up a world of global opportunities for electrical engineers. With the ability to work on international projects, collaborate with overseas partners, and participate in conferences and events around the world, engineers can broaden their horizons and make valuable connections with colleagues from different cultures and backgrounds. This not only enriches their professional experience but also contributes to their personal growth and development.ConclusionIn conclusion, professional English is a valuable asset for electrical engineers in their daily work and professional development. By enhancing their communication skills, enablingthem to understand technical documents, and opening up global opportunities, professional English plays a crucial role in the success of engineers in the field of electrical engineering. As the industry continues to evolve and expand, engineers must continue to prioritize the development of their language skills in order to stay competitive and excel in their careers.。
二、MySQL技术在电力行业的应用1. 数据采集与存储MySQL提供了高效的数据采集和存储能力,可以快速接收和处理来自电力设备的运行数据,并将其存储在数据库中。
2. 数据可视化与分析MySQL支持丰富的数据分析和可视化工具,可以将存储在数据库中的数据进行统计和分析,并生成各种图表和报表。
3. 智能调度与优化MySQL技术与人工智能、大数据分析等技术相结合,可以实现电力系统的智能调度和优化。
三、MySQL技术在电力行业中的优势1. 高性能和可扩展性MySQL作为一个成熟的数据库管理系统,拥有高性能和可扩展性的特点。
2. 开源和成本效益MySQL是一款开源软件,可以节约企业的IT成本。
考试与评价·大学英语教研版教学实践General Serial No.1062020No.31刘群(1973-),女,四川德阳人,讲师,硕士,研究方向:语言学及外语教学语料库在专门用途英语教学中的应用———以建筑工程英语教学为例刘群1(四川建筑职业技术学院基础教学部,四川德阳618000)摘要:语料库技术的发展为专门用途英语教学提供了系统丰富的语言素材和教学手段。
关键词:建筑工程;语料库;设计研发;教学平台;教学模式1.引言自从Sinclair 和Hunston 较早对语料库进行了定义,杨惠中(2002)曾总结说,语言学研究必然涉及语言材料,根据采集和使用语言材料的不同途径,现代语言学研究的基本方法有三种,即内省法(introspection )、诱导法(elicitation )和语料库相关的方法(corpus-related approach )。
但语料库研究也有不足之处:如Cook (1998)所言,首先,语料库无法告诉人们语料作者使用某一特定语言的成因或其认知选择;其次,无论多大规模的语料库也不能涵盖语言使用的全部。
语料库被日益应用于教材编写、语言测试、教师备课和学生自主学习等领域,但针对语料库在各种专门用途英语(ESP)教学中的研究还不够成熟,这是因为ESP 涉及的学科众多,教师往往无法直接找到相应学科的语料库,将其应用于教学也就变得困难。
电力专业英语The field of electrical engineering is vast, encompassing everything from power generation to the intricate wiring of a microchip. It's a world where the language of voltage and current is as essential as any spoken tongue.In the classroom, the language of electricity is taught through a specialized lexicon that includes terms like "ohms," "watts," and "amperes." Understanding these terms is crucial for anyone looking to excel in the field.As we delve deeper into the subject, we encounter more complex concepts such as "alternating current" and "direct current," each with its own set of rules and applications. The mastery of these principles is key to designing efficient electrical systems.Professionals in the industry must also be adept at reading and interpreting schematics, which are the blueprints of electrical systems. These diagrams use a unique set of symbols to represent different components.Safety is paramount in this industry, and the language of electrical safety includes phrases like "lockout/tagout" and "grounding," which are essential for preventing accidents in the workplace.Innovation in the electrical sector is driven by thedevelopment of new technologies and materials. Terms like "semiconductor" and "superconductor" are at the forefront of this cutting-edge research.Finally, the language of sustainability is becoming increasingly important, with terms like "renewable energy" and "smart grid" shaping the future of electrical engineering and its impact on the environment.In conclusion, the language of electrical engineering is as diverse as the field itself, offering a rich vocabularyfor those who wish to explore its depths and contribute toits ongoing evolution.。
第18卷第4期上海电力学院学报V ol.18,N o.4 2002年12月Journal of Shanghai University of Electric PowerDec. 2002文章编号:1006-4729(2002)04-0054-04从电力专业英语角度谈专业英语翻译 收稿日期:2002-03-04屠志健,靳 希(上海电力学院电力工程系,上海 200090)摘 要:从电力专业英语角度阐述了对翻译概念和翻译准则的认识,分析了专业英语的特点,论证了专业英语翻译对立足于本专业和透彻理解原文的重要性,并阐述了对翻译技巧的两点基本看法.关键词:翻译;专业英语;翻译技巧中图分类号:H315.9 文献标识码:A 随着我国现代化建设的深入开展和对外交流的进一步扩大,特别是在我国加入W T O 后,科技类专业的翻译需求量将越来越大,其中绝大部分是英译汉.专业翻译因涉及大量的专业词汇和内容,因此,都应由懂专业的技术人员来翻译.翻译是语言的实践活动,要从事翻译实践,翻译者需要有一定的技能,而这种翻译技能只能通过具体的翻译实践和翻译理论的学习才能培养.对专业技术人员来说,还要学习翻译的基本知识和各种翻译技巧.本文主要从电力专业英语角度谈谈对专业英语翻译的认知以及对翻译技巧的看法.1 对英语翻译的认知1.1 对翻译本质的认识与对任何事物的认识过程一样,一个人对翻译的认识也是经历从不认识或肤浅认识,通过翻译实践,到深刻本质认识的过程.笔者曾经做过这样一个抽样调查,调查的问题是:“你认为英译汉难不难?”调查结果是:没有翻译经历(以有无正式发表译作来衡量)或初学翻译者大多认为“不难”,而有一定翻译经历者大多回答:“并不是像当初想象那样容易”.其实笔者在从事专业英语教学和翻译实践之前和之后也有同感.为何对翻译的看法从“易”到“难”呢?主要是对翻译的认识有了提高.认为“英译汉容易”是因认为英译汉翻译就是字面上“将英文译成中文”,实际上有这样认识的人还不在少数.下面通过一个具体例子来说明,若对英译汉翻译的认识仅是“将英文译成中文”,那么对Reliable breaker opening is the m ost im portant 这样非常简单的句子,译成“可靠断路器分闸是最重要的”算是完成了翻译,但这样译是存在问题的.英文原文作者之所以写这样一个句子是想表达出一种意思,而翻译的目的是什么?是译“意”还是译“字”.当然应该译“意”.此句的译文之意是否是原文之意呢?不一定,译文中“可靠”可以是指断路器可靠也可以是指分闸可靠,通过逻辑思维加以判断,应该是指可靠的分闸,因若断路器不可靠,就谈不上分闸、合闸了.因此,这句应译成“断路器的可靠分闸是最重要的”.句子是语言中表达完整意思的最小单位,有些句子的意思从字面上就能直接体现出来,但也有一些句子并不是这样,如Electricity is a very useful servant when it is kept under control.原文作者总不致于想通过这句句子表达出“电处于受控之下时是一个非常有用的仆人”的意思,本句的“意”是暗含在字面之中的.既然翻译是译“意”,这句句子就该译成“电处于受控时能很好地为人类服务”.通过这两个具体例子说明,翻译工作者应对翻译的本质有更深刻的认识:翻译是将一种语言(文字的或语音的)所涵盖的信息(明说的或暗含的)传递到另一种语言的活动.所涵盖的信息主要是“意”,但也包括原文的表达风格、通顺性等方面.1.2 对翻译原则的认识翻译原则是指翻译实践中应遵循的原则,也是译文应达到的要求.对翻译有比较精辟认识的,国外首推泰特勒,他认为译文应符合3个原则: (1)译作应完全复写出原作的思想;(2)译作的风格和手法应与原作属同一性质;(3)译作应具备原作所具有的通顺性.我国近代翻译家严复(1854—1921)提出的“信、达、雅”翻译3准则,对翻译界的影响最大,而且一直为大多数翻译工作者接受.“信”是指译文要忠实于原文.“达”是指译文的通顺达意.“雅”则指译文的用词修辞.忠实原文,就是不可少一层意思,也不可擅自增加译者的意思,当然更不能误译.少一层意思可能是由于疏忽而少译了原句中的某个词,但更多的是由于没能补上原文在表达时所省略掉的词造成的.例如将In pum ped storage power stations electricity is generated during peak hour 译成“抽水蓄能电站在高峰时间发电”.就少掉了“用电”这层意思.(是用电高峰时间而不是其他高峰时间)那为什么原文不写成peek power2 consuming hour呢?因为原文作者认为,在特定语境条件下,读者能意会高峰时间具体是指什么高峰时间.至于擅自增加译者的意思往往是由译者认为是意译但实际又意译不当造成的,如将句子The m odern power system must recognize the public’s dependence on electric service译成“现代电力系统必须认识到公众(或社会)依赖供电质量的好坏”.与应译成“现代电力系统必须认识到社会对供电的依赖性”相比,译文中已加了译者的意思.误译当然是无意的,是在译者自认为是对的情况下出现的.造成误译的原因有各种各样,但归纳起来,可从词(词义错)、句(句子结构分析错)、意(意思理解错)、表达(表达错)几个方面来找.例如将In gas2burning power plant only pressure valves and flow measuring equipment are required译成“在燃(天然)气电厂中,仅需压力阀和潮流测量设备”.错在flow的词义(在此句中不是“潮流”而是“流量”).例如将In single bus arrangement the bus faultcan shut down the entire station for extended outage译成“在单母线布置中为了扩大的停电,母线故障会使整个变电站停运”.错在句子结构分析时将for 介词短语分析成了目的状语,正确应是结果状语,应译成“在单母线布置中,母线故障会使整个变电站停运造成停电的扩大”.例如将It is estimated that underground lines cost about8.5~10times m ore than overhead lines译成“据估计,地下线路的造价比架空线多8.5~10倍”.(这是中国人翻译时常犯错误之一.)属理解错误,应译成“……是架空线的8.5~10倍”.例如将Reliable breaker opening is the m ost im portant译成“可靠断路器的分闸是最重要的”.属表达错引起的误译.造成不通顺的原因主要是没有处理好英、中文句子中各成分表达时语序上的差异(照搬原文语序来组织译文),以及表达不符合汉语语言和专业术语表达的规范(翻译腔).例如将The required auxiliary power expressed as a percentage of generating unit capacity was increased significantly in recent years译成“所需要辅助的表达为发电机组容量百分数的功率……”.就没有将其译成“所需要的表达为发电机组容量百分数的辅助功率……”来得通顺.(此例说明要处理好多个定语的先后次序)例如将The v oltage is usually trans formed to a high level at power plant译成“电压通常在发电厂升压至高的等级”.要比译成“电压通常升压至高的等级在发电厂”通顺.例如将M ore than one circuit might be interrupted if the number of outg oing circuits exceeds the number of incoming circuits译成“若出线数超过进线数,则可能不至一条线路要停运”更符合汉语表达习惯“若……,则……”.如将high v oltage and high current译成“高电压高电流”也不符合汉语表达规范,应译成“高电压大电流”.2 对专业英语翻译的认知2.1 科技专业英语的文体特点英语原文体裁不同,表达的风格手法也就不同,翻译时译文的风格也要与原文相称.科技专业英语是属于科技英语EST(English for Science and T echnology)范畴,包括科普英语和专业英语两类文体,专业英语又包括各专业的分支.科技专业英语采用论证叙述的表达形式,注重客观性、逻辑55 屠志健等:从电力专业英语角度谈专业英语翻译性,这些文体特点具体又通过词法和句法体现出来.科技专业英语在词法上大量使用专业词汇.专业词汇一般有3类形式:第一类是本专业特有的形式,如lightning rod(避雷针),circuit breaker(断路器),inductive reactance(感抗)等.(它们是电力专业特有的词汇.)这些词不可能出现于其他专业文章中.第二类是与其他专业学科共有的形式,如power(电力———电力专业中,功率———物理学科中).对于这类词,在翻译时应根据专业学科辨别其词义.第三类是普通词、专业词共用的形式,如current既是专业词(电流),又是普通词(当前的).对这类词在翻译时尤其应加以注意.专业英语中常常可见有许多首字母的缩写词,这是为了表达上的简练,将一些出现频度较高的专业词汇用大写首字母组合成一个缩写词,如SC ADA(Supervis ory control and Data Acquisition监控与数据采集),FACTS(Flexible AC Transmission System灵活交流输电系统).对于首字母缩写词要注意两点:一是某些常用的已经得到一致公认的缩写词,它们究竟由哪些单词的首字母缩写而成已无需再用括号加以具体说明,如AC,C AD,EH V 等,对这些缩写词应掌握;二是同一缩写词可能有几种不同意思,如SCR可以是Silicon C ontrolled Rectifier(可控硅整流器),也可以是Short Circuit Ratio(短路比),这要根据具体情况加以辨别.专业英语在句法上一般都为陈述句,现在时态.(介绍性质的句子则有过去时态或完成时态.)由于专业英语侧重于叙事、推理、论证客观事物,所以一般大量采用被动句,以免造成主观臆断的印象,如采用被动句“The capacitance of a capacitor is measured in farads”.而不采用主动句“W e measure the capacitance of a capacitor in farads”.2.2 准确透彻地理解文意译文可能出现的两大问题是:意思错误和不通顺.意思翻译错误的根本原因出在对原文理解上.若对原文理解错了,译文的意思当然也不会对;若对原文理解不透彻,译文意思也不可能全面.翻译时一定要对原文有准确透彻的理解,不能一知半解.换句话说,翻译对阅读理解的要求要比大学英语考试(CET)对阅读理解的要求更高.专业英语翻译时,往往需要结合专业知识才能透彻理解.例如将The breaker and a half scheme cannot logically be used on substations having only four circuits,since the result w ould be a ring with tw o extra breakers译成“一只半断路器接线在逻辑上不能用在仅有4条线路的变电站,因为其结果是带有两个额外断路器的环形母线”.这在意思上是不明确的,何为逻辑上不能用?何为额外断路器?根据专业知识,比较都具有4条线路的一只半断路器接线和环形母线接线,就可以看出采用一只半断路器接线需用6台断路器,而采用环形母线接线只需要用4台断路器,而且此时一只半断路器接线也构成一只环.见图1.图1 具有4条线路的一只半断路器接线和环形母线接线比较这样,这句句子可译成“对于仅有4条线路的变电站,采用一只半断路器接线在逻辑上不合理,因其结果成为环形母线,而且多用了两台断路器”.此句翻译说明,对原文的理解非透彻不可.又例如:The contacts in SF6breakers need to be parted only a short distance since the power frequency arc that results will be extinguished at first current zero.根据语法结构分析,句中that result为定语从句,但that 不是关系代词,that在句中仅作代词,代主句(contacts need to be parted only a short distance),关系代词that在句中省略(应作result的宾语).这些只能在对句子意思透彻理解后才能确定.这样,句子就译成“在SF6断路器中,触头仅需分开较短距离,这是因为由此引起的工频电弧可在电流第一次过零时熄灭”.从这两句的翻译可看出,准确透彻理解原文对避免翻译错误具有重要作用.2.3 立足于本专业表达文意专业英语译文的读者都是熟悉本专业的人士,因此,译文的表达要符合专业表达的习惯,否则,读者阅读后会觉得费解或觉得译者在说外行65上 海 电 力 学 院 学 报 2002年话.例如By trans fer switching double bus schemes can operate in the manner of single bus,tw o buses,single bus with tw o sections.将trans fer switching译成“转移开闭”就会让读者不解其意,按行业表达习惯应译成“倒闸操作”.例如将Relaying of single bus is relatively sim ple since the only requirements are relays on each of the circuit plus a single bus relay译成“单母线的继电保护相对较简单,因仅需要每条线路上的继电器和单母线的继电器”.虽专业读者也能从译文猜出其意,但这样译没有贴近专业.此句可译为“因仅需对每条线路以及母线进行继电保护,所以单母线的继电保护相对较简单”.3 对翻译技巧的看法翻译是一种实践活动,在翻译实践中总是有一些规律可循的.翻译技巧就是人们在翻译实践中总结出来的一些带有规律性的东西.不学翻译技巧照样可以搞翻译,在翻译实践中照样可以摸索出一些规律性的东西.但由于一个人翻译实践的有限性和局限性,总结出来的经验总不致于很全面,而现在既然有前人通过大量翻译实践总结出来而且已得到实践证明是非常有用的翻译技巧提供给翻译学习者,那又何乐而不用.因此对翻译技巧的第一个看法是:可为我所用.掌握这些技巧可使翻译少走弯路,可使译文译得更快更好.第二个看法是:要会用.学仅是知道了解,在翻译实践中会用更为重要,不会用则说明这些翻译技巧仍是人家的经验,会用才说明已经变成了你自己的经验.如何才能达到会用呢?只能在“游泳中学游泳”,通过“学习实践领会”的过程,来逐渐掌握这些技巧.翻译技巧林林总总,但可归纳为3种基本技巧,即:选词技巧、组句技巧和表述技巧.这与翻译过程的3个环节相对应.(1)选词(义),是指选择句中英文单词(词组)的恰当中文词义;(2)组句,是指根据句子语法结构组成句子并理解句子的意思;(3)表述,是指用中文将这句句子的意思表达出来.例如The main and trans fer bus is preferable to single bus arrangement since it permits insulators to be cleaned,breaker serviced without an interruption to service and with only tem porary com promise of com plete breaker protection.选词技巧用以选择service和com promise的词义,组句技巧可以看出在breaker serviced之间省略了to be.表述技巧可以组织此句译文措辞和先后次序.在采用了翻译技巧后就可译出此句“主母加旁路母线比单母线更可取,这是因为它允许在不中断供电和仅短时影响整个断路器保护情况下进行绝缘子的清洗和断路器的检修”.可见,正确使用翻译技巧,有时会起到“事半功倍”的效果.参考文献:[1] 屠志健.电力专业英语阅读与翻译[M].上海:上海外语教育出版社,2000.[2] 范仲英.实用翻译教程[M].北京:外语教育与研究出版社,1994.T ranslation of E nglish for Special from the Perspectiveof E nglish for E lectric Pow erT U Zhi2jian,J I N X i(Department o f Electric Power Engineering,Shanghai Univer sity o f Electric Power,Shanghai 200090,China)Abstract: Based on English for electric power,this paper expounds the concept and criteria of translation of English for special purpose analyses the characteristics of English for special purpose exam plifies the im portance of basing upon speciality and thorough com prehension of original text in translation.K ey w ords: translation;English for special purpose;translation technique 75 屠志健等:从电力专业英语角度谈专业英语翻译。
电力专业英语阅读与翻译第一课一、Summary of glossary 术语1.电力系统(electric) power systempower generation 发电transmission system(network) 输电系统(网络)distribution system 配电系统2.发电power generationpower plant 发电厂powerhouse 发电站hydropower plant 水力发电厂nuclear plant 核电厂thermal plant 热电厂fossil-power plant火电厂3.负荷分类load classificationindustrial loads 工业负荷residential loads 居民负荷commercial loads 商业负荷4.拓扑结构system topologyradial system 辐射状系统loop system 环状系统network system 网状系统二、Wording-buildingGeneral Introduction 专业英语词汇和构词方法简介专业词汇的形成主要有三种情况:1.借用日常英语词汇或其他学科的专业词汇,但是词义和词性可能发生了明显的变化。
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