女人的32个秘密 中英
②倾听的技巧:停止其余事情,摆出“我正仔细听你说话”的姿势眼神接触,时间最长大概是2-3 秒适合的点头及回应(千万不要用“我理解”三个字!)体谅的重复对方的话,有节奏地配合对方的频次来判断重复机遇2、基本步骤:卸掉对方的心——基础的倾听术——选择对方喜爱的话题——产生共识①让男人说他感兴趣的话题:工作、旅游、食品、兴趣喜好、季节天气、朋友、家人等。
女:我不喜爱喝啤酒啦 ~ 男:我喜爱喝啤酒。
告诉你女生不可缺位的理由的句子及翻译告诉你女生不可缺位的理由的句子及翻译1. You can explore the men’s nature.你可以探索男性的天性。
A man and a woman are two absolutely different human beings. It seems they’re living in different realities. There’s no doubt that every woman would like to understand males better. The best way to explore the men’s nature is by making more male friends.男人和女人是完全不同的两种人。
If you think that r eading men’s magazines will help you study the psychology of men, then you’re mistaken. Only everyday communication will provide you a chance to understand their feelings, interests, values and thoughts. Your male friend is the only one who can give a valuable advice on how to win the affection of the man you’re in love with. This knowledge will come in handy in the future. Psychologists state that those ladies who get along better with guys have more chances to build long-lasting and romantic relationships with their significant others.如果你认为看男性杂志能帮你研究男性心理的话,那你就大错特错了。
Desperate Housewives Mary Alice语录第四季 中英对照版
<Desperate Housewives> Mary Alice语录第四季中英对照版4-01There is a certain time of night,after children have been put to bed and husbands have begun snoring,that women lie awake and think of the secrets they've been keeping from their friends.It might be an impromptu wedding,or a recently diagnosed tumor,or a make-believe pregnancy.Regardless,it's all they will think of,until something comes along to remind them that other people have secrets,too.晚上,总有些时候,在孩子们上床睡觉之后,老公鼾声雷动之时,女人们仍然无法入睡,她们在想着不为人知的秘密。
There is a certain time of morning.I t occurs after kids have left for school and husbands have headed off for work.It's a time when women think of the secrets they've been keeping from their friends.And how shocked they would be if the truth was discovered.And how they'll do everything in their power to keep that from happening.But what of those lucky women who have no secrets left to keep?What do they think about every morning?These women spend their mornings t hinking of their neighbors and the secrets they may be keeping.每天早上总有段时间,就在孩子们去上学,丈夫们去上班之后,有些女人会想起那些秘密,她们瞒着朋友们的秘密,假如真相大白,其他人会多么吃惊,而她们会尽一切努力,不让这种事发生。
The Minister's Black Veil+中文翻译
The Minister’s Black Veil 牧师的黑面纱(中英文)一个寓言米尔福礼拜堂的门廊上,司事正忙着扯开钟绳。
解密身体密码——FBI读心术一、宏观概述1. 1952年,一个名为保罗·麦克林的科学先驱提出,人类大脑是由爬虫类脑(脑干)、哺乳动物类脑(边缘系统)、人类大脑(新皮质)组成的三位一体。
2. 边缘系统:最诚实的大脑。
3. 我们在电视上看到的间谍人员一般是眼戴墨镜、一身黑衣、高大威猛、英俊帅气,然而这往往是最不真实的,现实中的间谍最重要的技能是隐藏,茫茫人海中不显露的存在,这样才能最大程度上不暴露身份,获取情报。
4. 边缘的生存反映不仅可以追溯至我们的幼年时代,同样可以追溯至人类的远祖时代。
5. 相对来说,我们大脑的第三部分加入颅顶的时间较晚,因此被称作新皮质,即新大脑。
6. 现实生活中,动物,包括人类,会依照下列顺序——冻结、逃跑、战斗来应付各种苦恼和威胁。
7. 冻结反应:大约100万年前,原始人类跨越了非洲大草原。
[ 标签 :标题 ]篇一:适合中学生阅读的中英读物书目英语组一、适合学生的中英对照的书虫。
( 58 本)书虫 (1 级上适合初初 2 年级共 10 册) 1 爱情与金钱 Love or Money2 《苏格兰玛丽女王》《Mary Queen of Scots Tim Vicar y》中英对照3 在月亮下面Under The Moon4 潘德尔的巫师The Witches of Peddle5 歌剧院的幽灵The Phantom of The Opera6 猴爪 The Monkey's Paw7 世界上最冷的地方The Coldest Place on Earth 8 阿拉丁和神灯Aladdin and the Enchanted Lamp 9 《象人》《The Elephant Man 》中英对照10 别了,好莱坞先生Goodbye Mr Hollywood 书虫 (共 8 册 1 级下适合初 1 初 2 年级 )1 小公主 A Little Princess2.邦蒂号暴动Mutiny On The Bounty3.奥米茄文件The Omega Files4.谁谋杀了总统The President's Murderer5.福尔摩斯和公爵的儿子Sherlock Holmes and The Duke's Son6.白色死亡White Death7. 绿野仙踪The Wizard of Oz8. 难忘米兰达Remember Miranda9.福尔摩斯与赛马Sherlock Holmes and The Sport of Kings书虫 (2 级上适合初 2 初 3 年级共 8 册 ) 1.威廉·莎士比亚William Shakespeare 2. 一个国王的爱情故事The Love of a King 3. 亡灵鸟Dedd Man's Island4.哈克贝利·费恩历险记The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn5.《鲁宾孙漂流记》《 The Life and Strange Surprising Adventures of Robinson Crusoe》中英对照6.爱丽丝漫游奇境记Alice's Adventure in Wonderland7.格林·盖布尔斯的安妮Anne of Green Gables8.五个孩子和沙精Five Children and It书虫 (共 8 册 2 级下适合初 2 初 3 年级 ) 1.神秘女人—阿加莎·克里新蒂Agatha Christie 2.德拉库拉Dracula3.亨利八世和他的六位妻子Hey VIII and His Six Wives4. the Rue Margue5. 坎特维尔幽灵The Canterville Ghost6.五镇故事Stories From The Five Towns7. 法兰克福的耳环林王子The Jungle Book 蕈尔格街凶杀案The Murders in Ear-Rings from Frankfurt8.森书虫 (共 8 册 3 级上适合初 3 高1 年级 ) 1. 弗兰肯新坦Frankenstein2.《野性的呼唤》《The Call of The Wild 》中英对照3.秘密花园The Secret Garden4.曾达的囚徒The Prisoner of Zinda5.爱丽丝镜中世界奇遇记Through The Looking-Glass6.风语河岸柳The Wind in the Willows7.神秘及幻想故事集Tales of Mystery and Imagination 8. 铁路少年The Railway Children9.三个陌生人The Three Strangers and Other Stories书虫 (3 级下适合初 3 高 1 年级共 8 册 )1. 《圣诞欢歌》《 A Christmas Carol 》中英对照2.多里安·格雷的画像The Piciure of Dorian Gray3.勃朗特一家的故事The Bionte Story4.牙齿和爪子Tooth and Claw5.星际动物园The Star Zoo6.《诱拐》《 Kidnapped 》中英对照7.公正Justice8.化学秘密Chemical Secret 9. 劫机!Skyjack 书虫 (第 4 级上适合初 3 学生共 5 册 )1《. 巴斯克维尔猎犬》《 The Hound of The Baskervilles 三怪客泛舟记Three Men in A Boat 4.三十九级台阶》2.不平静的坟墓The Thirty-nineThe Unquiet Grave 3.Steps 5.小妇人LittleWomen中英对照篇二:适合中学生的英语读物第一级: 300 生词量,适合小学、初一学生,共1、《爱情与金钱》2、《苏格兰玛丽女王》3、《在月亮下面》4、《潘德尔的巫师》5、《歌剧院的幽灵》6、《猴爪》7、《象人》8、《世界上最冷的地方》第二级: 600 生词量,适合初一学生,8 本1、《威廉·莎士比亚》2、《一个国王的爱情故事》L3 、《亡灵岛》8 本4、《哈克贝利·费恩历险记》5、《鲁宾孙漂流记》6、《爱丽丝漫游奇境记》7、《格林·盖布尔斯来的安妮》8、《五个孩子和沙精》第三级: 1000 生词量,适合初二学生,分上册上册1、《弗兰肯斯坦》2、《野性的呼唤》3、《秘密花园》4、《曾达的囚徒》5、《爱丽丝镜中世界奇遇记》6、《风语河岸柳》7、《神秘幻想故事集》7 本,下册8 本下册:1、《圣诞欢歌》2、《多里安·格雷的画像》3、《勃朗特一家的故事》4、《牙齿和爪子》5、《星际动物园》6、《诱拐》7、《公正》8、《化学秘密》第四级: 1500 生词量,适合初三学生,分上册 5 本,下册 6 本上册:1、《巴斯克维尔猎犬》2、《不平静的坟墓》3、《三怪客泛舟记》4、《三十九级台阶》5、《小妇人》下册:1、《黑骏马》2、《织工马南》3、《双城记》4、《格列佛游记》5、《金银岛》6、《化身博士》第五级: 2000 生词量,适合高一学生,共 4 本。
盗梦空间中英字幕Christopher Nolan'sINCEPTION 《盗梦空间》Hey! e here!嘿!快过来!I'm on my way. 我这就过去。
He was delirious.But he asked for you by name. 他神志不清,一直在叫你名字。
Show him. 快拿上来。
He was carrying nothing but this... 他身上只带着这个,and this.还有这个。
Are you here to kill me? 你是来这儿杀我的吗?I know what is this. 我知道这是什么。
I've seen one before, many, many years ago. 我以前也见过一个,很多很多年以前。
It belonged to a man I met in a half-remembered dream, 它属于一个人,我在梦里遇见的,一个依稀记得的梦里,a man possessed of some radical notions. 他对一些疯狂的念头着了魔。
What is the most resilient parasite? 什么是最有韧劲的寄生物?A bacteria? A virus? An intestinal worm? 细菌?病毒?肠虫?Uh... What Mr. Cobb is trying to say...呃…<U>考博</U>先生想说的是An idea. Resilient, highly contagious. 是意念,非常有韧劲、极具传染性。
Once an idea's taken hold in the brain, it's almost impossible to eradicate. 一旦意念占据了头脑,那就几乎不可能再将它根除,An idea that is fully formed, fully understood, 一个完整成形、被彻底理解的意念… that sticks right in there somewher e. 会牢牢地附着在这儿。
我和贝丝·安高中时开始交往I started dating Beth Ann in high school.她以前常给我做三明治还有缝衣服扣子She used to make me sandwiches and sew buttons on my shirts.相信我爱照顾人的女生I tell you, there's nothing sexier than a girl最性感了who likes to take care of you.我是在一次慈善晚会上认识萨蒙妮的I was introduced to Simone at a benefit.她的出场太惊艳了Oh, the entrance she made.设计师礼服挂满钻石Designer gown, dripping in diamonds.你能从她的走姿看出来You could tell from the way she walked,她知道她美若天仙she knew she was fabulous.我最初是在一次女性游♥行♥示♥威上见到泰勒的I first saw Taylor at a women's march.她在做一个关于废除父权制的演讲She was giving a speech about dismantling the patriarchy.讲了什么我记不大清了And I don't really remember much of it,因为她整个演讲期间我都在想because the entire time she was speaking, I was just thinking,"这个女权主义者也太性感了""That is one hot feminist."新婚之夜时贝丝·安还是处女Beth Ann was a virgin on our wedding night.我是萨蒙妮的第三任丈夫I was Simone's third husband.泰勒一来就跟我说她是双性恋Right away, Taylor told me she was bisexual.她一心只想做家庭主妇She wanted nothing more than to be a housewife.她喜欢购物和开派对Oh, she loved to shop and throw parties.我娶了一个律师So I married a lawyer.我的犹太父母高兴坏了My Jewish parents were thrilled.我们生活幸福不过只维持了几年We were very happy, for the first few years.直到她发现了我的秘密Until she discovered my secret.然后生活就天翻地覆And then, all hell broke loose.帕萨迪纳1963年你能相信吗Can you believe it?罗伯真漂亮Oh, Rob. It's lovely.那是当然Damn straight.而且好大And it's so big.这可是豪宅Well, it's a mansion, is what it is.你嫁给了一个Yeah, you're married to a guy买得起该死的豪宅的男人who can afford a goddamn mansion.-你好-你好- Hello. - Hello.我是希拉·莫斯科尼这是我老公利奥Sheila Mosconi. This is my husband, Leo.你们应该就是我们的新邻居吧I guess you're our new neighbors.抱歉我丈夫出口成脏I must apologize for my husband's language.他太激动了因为我们从没住过这么好的街区He's excited because we've never lived anywhere this nice before. -他平时很少说脏话的-淡定- He doesn't usually swear. - Relax.-我们是布鲁克林的-是的我们才他妈不在乎- We're from Brooklyn. - Yeah. We don't give a fuck.好的Yes.很高兴认识你们Well, it was lovely to meet you.你们放好行李后邀请我们去做客After you unpack, invite us over.我给你说说街坊邻居的八卦I'll give you the skinny on all the neighbors.你懂的要回避哪些人You know, who to avoid.她就是想看看你们家家具是不是比我们的好She just wants to see if your furniture's nicer than ours.我嫁了一个守财奴I married a tightwad.她家家具肯定比我们的好I know that her furniture is nicer than ours.搬家公司的人马上就会来The moving men will be here any second.他们完事后我们会很乐意邀请你们过来After they're done, we would love to host you.我看到你和邻居聊天了I saw you talking to the neighbors.他们什么样What are they like?意大利人Italian.卡尔Karl?卡尔Karl?我在这儿萨蒙妮I'm in here, Simone.电话应该马上就会打来了Oh. The phone is going to ring any second.是我的理发师亨利他会暴怒的It'll be Henri, my hairdresser, and he will be livid.-你做了什么-我迟到了20分钟- What have you done? - I'm 20 minutes late.又一次他会说他取消了我的预约Again. He's gonna try to say he's given away my appointment.不准他那么做你要坚称我一小时前就出门了Don't let him. Insist I left an hour ago,你很抓狂and that you're beyond frantic.可以吗亲爱的你能为我撒谎吗Can you do that, darling? Can you lie for me?上周我跟德莉娅·布特罗斯说你从没整过容Well, last week, I told Delia Butrose you'd never had work done.所以你是我有过的最棒的老公This is why you're the best husband I've ever had.我以为只能进前三呢I was just hoping to be in the top three.祝我好运Wish me luck.早点回家Hurry home.派对7点开始Our party starts at 7:00.你了解我我从不迟到You know me. I'm never late.不会迟到参加派对For a party.索尔Saul.-哥们-我刚收到你短信怎么了- My man. - I just got your text. What's up?其实是我老婆找你Actually, it's my wife.她想跟你当面谈谈She requires a little face time.老天Geez.-你好索尔-你好- Hey, Saul. - Hey.你好我有个关于Hey. I just had a quick question改建蓝图的小问题about the blueprints for the remodel.-有什么问题吗-是这样- What seems to be the problem? - Well, see,我要求在房子的侧面安装一扇窗户I asked for a window to be put in the side of the building.但是你装在后面了but you put it in the back.嗯我不得不那么做Yeah. I had to do it that way.因为什么原因呢Okay, but why?这样结构更合理Well, it's a structural thing.很难解释It's hard to explain.我是个聪明姑娘试试吧Well, I'm a smart girl. Give it a try.放轻松甜心装好了会很棒的Relax, sweetheart, it's gonna look great.索尔我是这么想的Okay, Saul, here's what I think is going on.你想尽快完成这项工作You want to finish this job quickly然后继续下一项工作而且把窗户and move on to the next one, and it's easier装在后面比按我的要求做更简单to put the window there instead of where I want it.我说得对吗Am I right?我在建筑行业工作了40年I've been in construction 40 years.从来没有人质疑过我的职业道德No one's ever questioned my integrity.在你会用我的语言说话前And until you can speak my language,你只能相信我了亲爱的you're just gonna have to trust me, sweetie.我可能不懂建筑行业I may not understand construction,但是我懂合同but I do understand contracts.尤其是你签的那份合同Especially the one you signed,上面明确写着除非工作完成得which clearly states that I don't have to pay you令我满意否则我一分钱都不用付unless the work is completed to my satisfaction.也就是说就这场谈话And that means, for the purpose of this,和未来的一切谈话而言and all future conversations,我的屌♥都比你大my dick is bigger than yours.现在我会说你的语言了吗索尔Am I speaking your language now, Saul?嗯Yes.很好Good.没事的伙计It's okay, man.她的屌♥也比我大Her dick's also bigger than mine.慢慢就习惯了You get used to it.我找到杯垫了在我最后找的那个箱子里I found the coasters. They were in the last box I looked in.希拉和利奥跟我介绍了周边邻里Sheila and Leo were just telling me about the neighborhood.你一定会喜欢这里的超市You are gonna love the supermarket.五个街区远一切应有尽有It's five blocks away and it's got everything.我迫不及待了I can't wait.我有好多东西要买I have so much shopping to do.而且这里的学校棒极了你们有孩子吗And the schools here are excellent. You guys got kids?没有No.我们有四个小家伙Well, we have four little rug rats.早晚有一天他们会弄坏你们的东西At some point, they are gonna break something that you own.别担心我们会赔偿的Not to worry. We will pay for it.我们通过做好邻居We make up for being bad parents来弥补做坏父母的不足by being good neighbors.罗伯Rob,我怎么觉得我们之前见过why do I get the feeling we've met before?我不知道利奥I don't know, Leo.你太面熟了I mean, your face looks so familiar to me.你是做什么工作的What do you do for a living?我是做航空航天工程的I'm in aerospace engineering.听说过塞特科技公司吗Ever hear of Cyther-Tech?-没有-他们和国家宇航局签约了- No. - They have contracts with NASA.。
Desperate Housewives Season 7 season06中英对照字幕
00:00:00,410 --> 00:00:02,710Previously on...前情提要...200:00:02,780 --> 00:00:04,980Bree's romance warmed up.Bree的恋情渐渐升温300:00:05,070 --> 00:00:06,100Oh, my.哦天400:00:06,160 --> 00:00:08,310You have no right to give Grace expensive gifts.你无权给Grace贵重的礼物500:00:08,380 --> 00:00:11,550Gaby grew closer to her biological daughter.Gaby和她的亲生女儿日渐亲密600:00:11,630 --> 00:00:14,130I want you to have it. You deserve beautiful things. 我要你收下你应该得到漂亮的东西700:00:14,230 --> 00:00:16,450Lynette finally got a nanny.Lynette终于有了一位保姆800:00:16,630 --> 00:00:17,540- Tommy! - Mom!- Tommy啊! - 妈妈!900:00:17,670 --> 00:00:20,630But there was a catch.但却是个大麻烦1000:00:21,350 --> 00:00:24,040Susan added to her teaching income...Susan在教课之余赚外快...1100:00:24,130 --> 00:00:26,600a secret job that made her vulnerable...这份秘密工作成了她的把柄...1200:00:26,680 --> 00:00:27,930- Oh! Oh! - It would be unfortunate- 哦! 哦! - 要是让别人也得知1300:00:28,030 --> 00:00:30,790if anyone were to find out what I already know.这件我已经知道的事那就糟了1400:00:30,880 --> 00:00:32,050to blackmail.她被敲诈了1500:00:32,130 --> 00:00:33,920Imagine what your husband would think.想想你的丈夫会怎么想吧1600:00:40,670 --> 00:00:43,620Paul Young was a frustrated man.Paul Young很失意1700:00:44,800 --> 00:00:48,220He'd been living with his wife for over two months, 他同妻子生活了两个多月1800:00:48,660 --> 00:00:51,640but she still refused to sleep with him.可她仍然却拒绝和他上床1900:00:53,870 --> 00:00:57,110He tried everything he could think of他想尽一切办法2000:00:57,140 --> 00:00:58,890to put her in the mood...来调动她的情绪...2100:00:59,540 --> 00:01:01,510Expensive jewelry...昂贵的首饰...2200:01:03,380 --> 00:01:05,380Second glasses of wine...灌她喝酒...2300:01:07,310 --> 00:01:09,500Instructional videos.性爱教学录像2400:01:10,570 --> 00:01:11,780But sadly,但不幸的是2500:01:11,950 --> 00:01:16,070his wife's response was never what he'd hoped for. 她妻子的反应从未如其所愿2600:01:18,680 --> 00:01:21,180So Paul decided to get help所以Paul决定求助于2700:01:21,290 --> 00:01:24,890from someone sure to sympathize with his situation...一定会同情他这种处境的人...2800:01:26,240 --> 00:01:27,540Hi. I'm Dr. Gable.嗨我是Gable医生2900:01:28,040 --> 00:01:29,120another man.另一位男人3000:01:29,950 --> 00:01:31,480Should we get this session started?我们可以开始这次治疗了吧?3100:01:34,400 --> 00:01:36,660So... when you married Paul,那么... 你嫁给Paul的时候3200:01:36,770 --> 00:01:40,120it didn't occur to you he might be released from prison someday? 从未想过他会被释放吗?3300:01:40,430 --> 00:01:41,440Not really.还真没想过3400:01:42,280 --> 00:01:43,500So you were content to marry a man所以你满足于嫁给一个3500:01:43,580 --> 00:01:45,420you could never truly be with?不能和你真正在一起的男人?3600:01:46,010 --> 00:01:48,410I just wanted someone to care about me.我只想要一个关心我的人3700:01:50,240 --> 00:01:53,720I... I wasn't really interested in all that other s... stuff. 我... 我对其他一些事... 事情还真没什么兴趣3800:01:54,200 --> 00:01:55,170"stuff"?"事情"?3900:01:55,550 --> 00:01:57,190Meaning sex?是说性生活吗?4000:02:00,550 --> 00:02:02,130Do you not like sex?你不喜欢过性生活吗?4100:02:03,120 --> 00:02:06,290I'm not... sure exactly.其实我... 不太清楚4200:02:08,420 --> 00:02:09,650I'm a virgin.我是处女4300:02:11,440 --> 00:02:13,190Oh, come on!哦得了吧!4400:02:13,520 --> 00:02:15,550- It's true. - You're 30 years old!- 是真的 - 你都三十岁了!00:02:15,620 --> 00:02:19,130- I was saving myself for marriage. - Good news. You are married. - 我想留到结婚以后的 - 那好呀你已经结婚了4600:02:19,210 --> 00:02:20,860Time to take the lid off the cookie jar.是时候打开饼干盒的盖子了4700:02:20,940 --> 00:02:23,850- Stop calling it that. - Give me a cookie, and I will!- 别那么形容它 - 给我块饼干我就不这么说!4800:02:23,920 --> 00:02:26,610Okay, okay, let's take a step back here.好了好了大家都各退一步4900:02:27,200 --> 00:02:29,890This is clearly an unusual situation.显然情况比较特殊5000:02:29,970 --> 00:02:32,530The two of you... never got to know each other你们两个... 从传统意义上来说从未5100:02:32,610 --> 00:02:34,250in any traditional sense.相互了解过5200:02:34,940 --> 00:02:35,980My suggestion?想听听我的建议吗?5300:02:36,950 --> 00:02:37,880Start dating.先从约会开始5400:02:39,180 --> 00:02:41,140You want me to date my wife?你要让我和自己的妻子约会?5500:02:41,220 --> 00:02:45,240Yes. Court her. Take Beth out to some nice restaurants. 没错向她献殷勤带Beth去一些高级饭店5600:02:45,320 --> 00:02:46,170Give her a chance to know you给她一个了解你的机会5700:02:46,260 --> 00:02:48,700so she can develop normal romantic feelings.好让她能培养正常的浪漫感觉5800:02:48,770 --> 00:02:50,460In time, I'm sure she'll want nothing more最后我保证她会别无所求5900:02:50,520 --> 00:02:52,040than to share your bed.只想同你上床6000:02:54,290 --> 00:02:56,530I wouldn't mind going to some nice restaurants.去高级饭店的话我没意见6100:02:59,710 --> 00:03:00,390Fine.好吧6200:03:02,120 --> 00:03:05,260Yes, Paul Young was frustrated.是的 Paul Young很失意6300:03:05,330 --> 00:03:07,140But even frustrated men...但即使是失意的男人...6400:03:07,240 --> 00:03:10,120F.Y.I., until I get some action,顺便说下在我得到实质性回报前6500:03:10,290 --> 00:03:11,840it'll be dutch treat.我们各付各的6600:03:12,610 --> 00:03:14,410have their pride.也是有自尊心的6700:03:15,510 --> 00:03:18,410--==圣城家园SCG字幕组 / ==--仅供翻译交流使用, 禁止用于商业用途6800:03:18,610 --> 00:03:24,810--==圣城家园SCG字幕组 / ==--协调:绝望的桂花时间轴:MAXの依依 ^小翅膀^翻译: Flower一休绝望的桂花绝望的XIXI 予潇潇 summerQ 灰灰兔校对: summerQ 绝望的XIXI 绝望的桂花桃茜茜6900:03:26,590 --> 00:03:30,230It was that time of year when people find out每年的这个时候人们总能发现7000:03:30,580 --> 00:03:32,140what they're afraid of.自己害怕什么7100:03:36,000 --> 00:03:39,130For some, it's the monster in the bushes.对一些人来说他们害怕丛林中的怪兽7200:03:40,800 --> 00:03:44,110For others, it's the spider in their hair.对另一些人来说他们害怕头发上的蜘蛛7300:03:46,680 --> 00:03:50,270for a few, it's the vampire in the driveway.还有少数人害怕车道上的吸血鬼7400:03:51,280 --> 00:03:56,110Yes, Halloween had once again come to Wisteria Lane.没错紫藤巷又一次迎来了万圣节7500:03:57,200 --> 00:04:00,170And the only thing that frightened one woman对某个女人来说唯一能让她感到害怕的就是7600:04:00,510 --> 00:04:04,320was that she might not be the center of attention.她可能无法成为万众瞩目的焦点7700:04:04,800 --> 00:04:07,030I'm having a party, and you all have to come.我要办一个派对你们都要来7800:04:08,450 --> 00:04:09,510Did you knock?你敲门了吗?7900:04:10,280 --> 00:04:13,420Doug and I had Halloween parties every year in New York,我和Doug在纽约的时候每年都会办万圣节派对8000:04:13,520 --> 00:04:15,830and I figured just because I'm in Fairview now,我想即使现在我住在美景镇8100:04:15,890 --> 00:04:17,830doesn't mean I can't carry on the tradition...也不意味着我能抛弃这个传统...8200:04:17,920 --> 00:04:19,710Even though the food's not as good虽然食物没有那么上档次了8300:04:19,780 --> 00:04:22,890and the company is... far less interesting.伙伴们也... 无趣多了8400:04:23,300 --> 00:04:26,210Well, who can turn down an invitation like that?呃谁能拒绝这样的邀请呢?8500:04:26,760 --> 00:04:28,490Well, Grace is sleeping over that night,那晚Grace要寄宿在我家8600:04:28,580 --> 00:04:29,910but we can swing by after we're done trick-or-treating 但我们可以在玩完"不给糖就捣乱"之后顺便拜访下8700:04:30,000 --> 00:04:31,650and show you their costumes.给你看看她们的装扮8800:04:31,720 --> 00:04:35,110Juanita's going as a puppy this year. She's gonna look so cute. 今年Juanita要扮成一只小狗她看起来会超可爱的8900:04:35,190 --> 00:04:37,190Yeah, see this?嗯瞧见这个了吗?9000:04:38,330 --> 00:04:40,190- The tricycle with a line through it? - What does that mean? - 一条线划过一辆三轮车? - 什么意思?9100:04:40,270 --> 00:04:41,430No kids.不准带孩子9200:04:41,530 --> 00:04:43,960They always get underfoot, they eat all the candy,他们总是碍手碍脚吃掉所有的糖果9300:04:44,030 --> 00:04:47,180and, uh, you can't swear in front of the little bastards.还有你还不能在这些小兔崽子面前说脏话9400:04:47,240 --> 00:04:49,680Well, I'll come if I can bring Keith.呃如果我能带Keith来的话我就来9500:04:50,160 --> 00:04:52,660I guess one child will be okay.我想带一个孩子还是可以的9600:04:54,300 --> 00:04:56,550I'm sorry to interrupt. Lynette?抱歉打扰一下 Lynette?9700:04:56,640 --> 00:04:57,130Yeah?什么事?9800:04:57,210 --> 00:04:59,470Did you buy me my China Pearl hand cream?你给我买了中国珍珠护手霜了吗?9900:04:59,550 --> 00:05:01,120I don't remember you asking me to.我不记得你让我买啊10000:05:01,200 --> 00:05:03,190But I guess I could go after we're done eating.但我估计可以在大家吃完后去买10100:05:03,250 --> 00:05:05,780Oh, all right. It's just that my hands are so dry.哦没关系只是我的手太干了10200:05:05,840 --> 00:05:08,480They're starting to crack and bleed.开始裂口子流血了10300:05:09,520 --> 00:05:13,990Uh... Okay. I'll go now. I'll see you guys later. 呃... 好吧我现在就去大家一会儿见10400:05:14,080 --> 00:05:17,160Just make sure that you wake up Paige at 3:00,你只要确保在3点钟的时候把Paige叫醒10500:05:17,230 --> 00:05:19,430'cause if she sleeps any longer, she'll be up all night. 因为如果她是睡久了晚上会整夜睡不着的10600:05:19,500 --> 00:05:22,220All right, dear. Okay.好的亲爱的没问题10700:05:22,370 --> 00:05:23,760Oh!哦!10800:05:23,850 --> 00:05:25,000A party!派对!10900:05:25,070 --> 00:05:26,580No.不行11000:05:31,550 --> 00:05:34,400As websites go, it's not that popular...就网站发展速度看它没那么普及...11100:05:34,610 --> 00:05:37,570just in Asia and parts of europe.仅限于亚洲和欧洲部分地区11200:05:38,990 --> 00:05:41,020And you can see that there's no nudity.而且你可以看到没有裸露11300:05:41,080 --> 00:05:44,260I was just cleaning... in my underwear.我只是在打扫... 穿着内衣打扫11400:05:47,800 --> 00:05:50,290Oh, look, Mike. I know that you must be angry. 哦天呐 Mike 我知道你一定很生气11500:05:50,370 --> 00:05:53,550I... if you wanna yell, yell. Let me have it.如... 如果你想吼就吼吧冲我来吧11600:05:53,880 --> 00:05:56,430Say something, please?说句话吧求你了?11700:05:57,300 --> 00:05:59,500I should've taken that job in Alaska.我当初真该接受阿拉斯加的那份工作的11800:06:00,250 --> 00:06:00,810What?什么?11900:06:00,910 --> 00:06:03,010If I did a better job taking care of this family,如果我把这个家照顾得好一点12000:06:03,080 --> 00:06:04,740you wouldn't have had to resort to this.你就不必采取这样的方式了12100:06:04,820 --> 00:06:08,340No, no! This is not your fault! It was my stupid mistake.不不! 这不是你的错! 是我做了蠢事12200:06:08,430 --> 00:06:11,090I thought I could make some easy money and no one would know. 我以为我可以轻松地赚点钱而且没人会知道12300:06:11,160 --> 00:06:12,610I'm so sorry.我很抱歉12400:06:12,690 --> 00:06:16,420Why'd you decide to tell me? Did somebody see you? 你为什么决定告诉我? 是被谁看到了吗?12500:06:18,640 --> 00:06:19,450Paul Young.Paul Young看见了12600:06:20,280 --> 00:06:21,430Oh, god.哦天呐12700:06:21,630 --> 00:06:24,720And he's... sort of blackmailing me.他... 貌似在勒索我12800:06:26,530 --> 00:06:27,960He said that if we don't sell him our house,他说如果我们不把房子卖给他12900:06:28,040 --> 00:06:29,300he was gonna tell you.他就会告诉你13000:06:31,250 --> 00:06:32,930But I told you, so it doesn't matter.但是我已经告诉你了所以没关系的13100:06:33,010 --> 00:06:34,690And w... what are you doing?你... 你要干什么?13200:06:36,530 --> 00:06:37,540What do you think?你觉得呢?13300:06:37,630 --> 00:06:40,370No, no, no! Don't be angry. This was good.不不不! 别生气这是好事13400:06:40,450 --> 00:06:42,200I'm not lying to you now.现在我不对你撒谎了13500:06:42,280 --> 00:06:45,000When you think about it, Paul did us a favor.想想吧 Paul帮了我们个忙13600:06:45,110 --> 00:06:46,160Look! No! No!哎! 别! 别!13700:06:46,240 --> 00:06:48,960Look, look, look! We're closer than ever.哎哎哎! 我们比以往更亲密了13800:06:49,040 --> 00:06:51,330- Susan, get off me. - Violence isn't the answer. - Susan 放开我 - 暴力解决不了问题13900:06:51,410 --> 00:06:52,640We can't let him get away with this.我们不能就这么轻易放过他14000:06:52,720 --> 00:06:57,690We won't. I have an idea how to get him to back off. 我们不会的我有办法让他放弃14100:06:59,290 --> 00:07:00,080I'm listening.我听着呢14200:07:04,400 --> 00:07:06,690I can't wait to go trick-or-treating with you.我迫不及待想和你一起去玩"不给糖就捣蛋"了14300:07:06,780 --> 00:07:08,740This is what I'm gonna use to hold all my candy. 我想用这个来装我要来的所有糖果14400:07:08,820 --> 00:07:11,250Uh, that's not going to cut it in my neighborhood. 呃在我们小区这个不够装14500:07:11,330 --> 00:07:13,560Last year, I filled up two pillowcases.去年我装满了两个枕头套14600:07:13,640 --> 00:07:14,670Wow.哇14700:07:19,830 --> 00:07:21,660Where'd you get this?你从哪儿拿到这个的?14800:07:22,220 --> 00:07:23,140Why?怎么了?14900:07:23,500 --> 00:07:24,320This is my Mom's.这是我妈妈的15000:07:24,400 --> 00:07:25,580No, it's not.不这不是15100:07:25,680 --> 00:07:28,430This was a gift... from my aunt.这是我阿姨... 给我的礼物15200:07:30,410 --> 00:07:31,560Oh.哦15300:07:32,080 --> 00:07:33,090 Okay.好吧15400:07:33,220 --> 00:07:35,970 Girls, come on. Mrs. Solis is here. 女孩们出来吧 Solis太太来了15500:07:45,300 --> 00:07:46,570Hi, sweetie.嗨宝贝15600:07:46,640 --> 00:07:47,920You and Grace have a good time?你和Grace玩的开心吗?15700:07:48,020 --> 00:07:49,300It was okay.还行吧15800:07:50,450 --> 00:07:52,190What are you smiling about?你在笑什么?15900:07:52,810 --> 00:07:55,010I found out something about Grace today.今天我发现了点关于Grace的事16000:07:55,230 --> 00:07:56,870She's a thief.她是个小偷16100:07:59,310 --> 00:08:00,340What...你...16200:08:00,550 --> 00:08:01,760what are you doing with that?你拿着那个做什么?16300:08:01,860 --> 00:08:04,220She stole your necklace, so I stole it back.她偷了你的项链所以我又偷回来了16400:08:04,270 --> 00:08:06,100No! No! No!不! 不! 不!16500:08:07,450 --> 00:08:08,430I...我...16600:08:08,510 --> 00:08:10,860I mean... that's very sweet of you,我是说... 你真贴心16700:08:10,940 --> 00:08:14,530but Grace didn't steal this. I gave it to her as a present.但是这不是Grace偷的是我给她的礼物16800:08:14,600 --> 00:08:15,880Why?为什么?16900:08:16,170 --> 00:08:19,800Because... I felt sorry for her.因为... 我为她感到难过17000:08:19,870 --> 00:08:23,610You know, her family is poor, and we have so much.你看她家很穷而我们很富有17100:08:23,670 --> 00:08:26,290Aunt Rosie's poor, and you always hide your jewelry box Rosie姑妈也很穷她来我们家的时候你总是17200:08:26,370 --> 00:08:28,070when she comes over.把珠宝盒藏起来17300:08:28,360 --> 00:08:31,750Yeah, well, Grace isn't a klepto with a meth habit.是啊呃 Grace又不是吸毒成瘾的偷窃狂17400:08:32,590 --> 00:08:34,450So do you want me to give it back?那你希望我还回去吗?17500:08:35,260 --> 00:08:37,610No. I'll take care of it.不用交给我来处理吧17600:08:40,150 --> 00:08:42,770But now that I know you're good at getting things back,不过现在我发现你很擅长把东西拿回来17700:08:42,840 --> 00:08:46,020next time we're at aunt Rosie's, I'm missing gold earrings. 下次我们去Rosie姑妈家的时候记住我的金耳环不见了17800:08:50,530 --> 00:08:52,240Ah! Here you go.啊! 给你17900:08:52,340 --> 00:08:53,950Your China Pearl hand cream.你的中国珍珠护手霜18000:08:54,020 --> 00:08:57,300Thank you, dear. I just used my last jar.谢谢你亲爱的我刚把最后一罐用完18100:08:57,350 --> 00:08:58,760You're welcome.不用客气18200:08:58,890 --> 00:09:00,860So how did it go with the baby?宝宝怎么样了?18300:09:01,970 --> 00:09:04,520And on a related note, where is the baby?顺便问问宝宝在哪儿?18400:09:04,610 --> 00:09:05,730Upstairs in the crib.楼上的婴儿床里18500:09:05,790 --> 00:09:07,920Oh. What?!哦什么?!18600:09:08,020 --> 00:09:08,980She's still asleep?她还在睡?18700:09:09,050 --> 00:09:10,960Yes, bless her heart.是啊上帝保佑18800:09:11,040 --> 00:09:15,080I had time to mend all of Rodney's old sweaters.这样一来我就有时间来缝补Rodney的这些旧毛衣了18900:09:15,150 --> 00:09:16,320Tom's sweaters,这些是Tom的毛衣19000:09:16,420 --> 00:09:19,600and I asked you, and you said you would wake her at 3:00. 我问过你你说过你会在3点叫醒她的19100:09:19,680 --> 00:09:20,520Oh, that's ridiculous.哦太可笑了吧19200:09:20,610 --> 00:09:23,240I would never agree to wake a sleeping baby.我绝不可能答应去叫醒一个熟睡的宝宝19300:09:23,320 --> 00:09:26,350Oh, she's been down for almost four hours.哦她已经睡了差不多四个小时了19400:09:26,440 --> 00:09:28,620Damn it. She's gonna be up all night.该死她该整晚都睡不着了19500:09:28,690 --> 00:09:30,590You stop yelling at me!你别冲我嚷嚷!19600:09:30,960 --> 00:09:32,380- I'm not yelling at you. I'm... - Yes, you are!- 我不是在冲你嚷嚷我... - 没错你就是!19700:09:32,470 --> 00:09:34,950You're angry and you're saying it's my fault, and it isn't! 你生气了你在说这都是我的错不是我的错!19800:09:35,020 --> 00:09:36,250You're a liar!你是个谎话精!19900:09:42,890 --> 00:09:43,800Susan.Susan啊20000:09:44,470 --> 00:09:46,850Hello. Um... what's this?你好呃... 这是什么?20100:09:46,920 --> 00:09:48,130A peace offering.我在示好20200:09:48,690 --> 00:09:49,260A what?什么?20300:09:49,330 --> 00:09:53,610Paul, we need to move past... the past.Paul 过去恩怨...就别提了20400:09:53,690 --> 00:09:56,530And you have been a really good tenant,你真的是个很好的房客20500:09:56,600 --> 00:09:58,290and I appreciate that.我对此表示感谢20600:09:58,370 --> 00:10:01,240You never complain. You're never late with the rent check. 你从不抱怨从不迟交房租20700:10:01,330 --> 00:10:04,330In fact, you're usually early. And who does that?事实上你总是提前交谁会这么做呢?20800:10:04,350 --> 00:10:06,910I'm just so lucky that... oh, dear.我真是太幸运了... 哦天呐20900:10:07,290 --> 00:10:08,180What?怎么?21000:10:08,670 --> 00:10:11,700Is... is that a thumbtack on the wall?那... 那墙上的是图钉吗?21100:10:13,480 --> 00:10:15,420Well, I tried willing the calendar to stay up,呃我想把日历贴在墙上21200:10:15,500 --> 00:10:16,790but it just wouldn't cooperate.但它就是贴不稳21300:10:16,880 --> 00:10:18,200Oh, but, Paul,哦可是 Paul21400:10:18,270 --> 00:10:20,860that's a clear violation of your lease agreement, 这很明显违反了你的租赁协议21500:10:20,960 --> 00:10:24,670which I happen to have...正好我带来了...21600:10:24,960 --> 00:10:27,490right here. Oh.就在这哦21700:10:28,600 --> 00:10:31,760See? Page 2.看到没? 第二页21800:10:31,910 --> 00:10:34,460Strictly no alterations.严格不可更改21900:10:34,870 --> 00:10:35,760So...这样一来...22000:10:36,330 --> 00:10:40,270it appears that you have 60 days to vacate the premises. 看来你有60天的时间搬出这房子22100:10:40,460 --> 00:10:41,310But good news.但有个好消息22200:10:41,400 --> 00:10:43,760I think you'll be getting most of your deposit back.我想你能拿回大部分保证金22300:10:43,860 --> 00:10:45,490I'll just need to deduct我只需扣除修补22400:10:45,610 --> 00:10:48,500the cost of repairing the thumbtack hole.图钉钻出的洞的费用22500:10:48,590 --> 00:10:50,920Very clever, Susan, but do you really think很聪明 Susan 你真的以为22600:10:50,990 --> 00:10:53,380you're in a position to be making such demands?你有资格对我提出这种要求吗?22700:10:53,450 --> 00:10:54,290Why don't we just agree在我打电话给你的丈夫22800:10:54,370 --> 00:10:56,390to overlook this slight lease infraction告诉他你小小的打扫癖好之前22900:10:56,460 --> 00:10:58,350before I call your husband and let him know我们为何不干脆商定23000:10:58,420 --> 00:11:00,620about his wife's little cleaning fetish?忽略这小小的违约行为?23100:11:01,320 --> 00:11:02,660He knows, Paul.他知道了 Paul23200:11:03,170 --> 00:11:04,750I told him everything,我把一切都告诉他了23300:11:04,940 --> 00:11:08,680including the part where you tried to blackmail me.包括你试图勒索我的部分23400:11:08,830 --> 00:11:10,460He wasn't happy.他很不满23500:11:12,020 --> 00:11:12,890See this?看到这个了吗?23600:11:13,780 --> 00:11:16,300This is what I had to pry out of his hand我不得不从他手里抢回这个23700:11:16,380 --> 00:11:20,120so you wouldn't need a paramedic to pry it out of your skull. 不然就轮到医护人员从你的脑壳里把它拿出来了23800:11:21,130 --> 00:11:23,520Allow me to demonstrate.让我来示范下吧23900:11:24,570 --> 00:11:25,510This...这个...24000:11:26,060 --> 00:11:26,890is you.就是你24100:11:29,800 --> 00:11:33,810This is you if you tell anyone and Mike finds out. 要是Mike发现你告诉了任何人这就是你的下场24200:11:35,940 --> 00:11:37,020I understand.我知道了24300:11:40,190 --> 00:11:42,920Don't forget. 60 days.记得 60天哦24400:11:45,210 --> 00:11:48,260Oh! And enjoy those raisin muffins.哦! 好好享用那些葡萄干松饼吧24500:11:48,350 --> 00:11:50,130At least, I hope they're all raisins.至少我希望它们都是葡萄干24600:11:50,240 --> 00:11:51,770My apartment has rats.因为我公寓里有老鼠24700:11:58,030 --> 00:11:59,890I can't believe you're finally gonna see my apartment. 真不敢相信你终于要到我的公寓来了24800:12:00,020 --> 00:12:02,000Me neither, but as you said,我也不敢相信不过正如你所说24900:12:02,060 --> 00:12:04,670we need to get to know each other better.我们得更深地了解彼此25000:12:04,750 --> 00:12:05,810So...所以...25100:12:07,520 --> 00:12:08,430here goes.开门吧25200:12:12,630 --> 00:12:13,480Oh, my god.哦天啊25300:12:13,790 --> 00:12:15,820- What's wrong? - Well, you have to understand.- 怎么了? - 呃你要知道25400:12:15,920 --> 00:12:18,220I had this whole frozen smile ready.我都准备好了僵硬的假笑25500:12:18,300 --> 00:12:20,580I was expecting a bachelor pad...以为我会看到一间单身汉公寓...25600:12:20,650 --> 00:12:24,050you know, pizza boxes, dirty underwear, 就是有批萨盒子啊脏脏的内衣裤啊25700:12:24,120 --> 00:12:26,650neon beer clock. But look at this place. 彩灯啤酒钟啊可是瞧瞧你这儿25800:12:26,730 --> 00:12:28,500It's tastefully decorated装修高雅25900:12:28,570 --> 00:12:29,850and smells...闻起来...26000:12:30,680 --> 00:12:33,680Oh, my. Is that potpourri?哦天呐是百花香吗?26100:12:34,960 --> 00:12:38,650I just switched to the... autumn blend. 我刚刚换上的... 秋天的混合香26200:12:38,750 --> 00:12:41,570Take me... right now... on the table.来要我... 立刻马上... 就在桌上26300:12:41,640 --> 00:12:43,190Should I use a place mat?要垫上餐布吗?26400:12:43,270 --> 00:12:44,650Mmm. Mmm.嗯嗯26500:12:49,620 --> 00:12:50,560Hello.你好26600:12:52,810 --> 00:12:55,070That is Mimi, my roommate.她是Mimi 我的室友26700:12:55,350 --> 00:12:56,260See ya.回见26800:13:00,500 --> 00:13:01,220Well, it looks like嗯看起来26900:13:01,300 --> 00:13:03,820that frozen smile came in handy after all. 我僵硬的假笑最终还是派上用场了27000:13:07,740 --> 00:13:11,200I have to say, you do keep me on my toes.我得承认你确实让我欣喜若狂啊27100:13:11,290 --> 00:13:14,380This is an unexpected spot for a first date. 这个初次约会的地点真是出乎意料27200:13:14,510 --> 00:13:15,640Well, I know it sounds corny.嗯我知道那有点老套了27300:13:15,740 --> 00:13:17,460But you take a girl to a haunted house,但是据说你带女生去鬼屋玩的话27400:13:17,520 --> 00:13:19,430and she'll probably wanna grab onto you.她们可能会吓得扑你怀里27500:13:20,900 --> 00:13:22,750Hey, that pumpkin bread looks pretty good.嘿那边的南瓜饼好像挺不错27600:13:23,360 --> 00:13:24,940Why don't you get us a couple of slices?不如你去拿几片来?27700:13:25,050 --> 00:13:25,930Sure.行啊27800:13:34,880 --> 00:13:37,240So... are you an Oakridge parent?那么... 你孩子也念Oakridge学校?27900:13:37,460 --> 00:13:39,290Oh, yes. We love the school.哦对啊我们挺喜欢那学校的28000:13:39,360 --> 00:13:41,390Are you thinking of sending your child there? 你也想送孩子到那去念书吗?28100:13:41,470 --> 00:13:44,170I don't think so.我可不这么想28200:13:44,250 --> 00:13:45,680My family values are quite traditional.我们家的价值观相当传统28300:13:46,250 --> 00:13:49,090I happened to hear some information about我碰巧听说过那所学校28400:13:49,170 --> 00:13:51,230the after-school activities of one of the teachers. 其中一名老师的业余活动呢28500:13:51,310 --> 00:13:54,830And let's just say... it was troubling.我只能说... 真让人烦心28600:13:55,390 --> 00:13:57,840What kind of information?你听说了什么?28700:13:58,620 --> 00:14:02,030Are you familiar with a, um, Mrs. Delfino?你认识一位嗯 Delfino老师吗?28800:14:04,270 --> 00:14:05,320Ohh.哦28900:14:05,400 --> 00:14:09,080# Go to sleep, go to sleep ## 睡吧睡吧 #29000:14:09,170 --> 00:14:13,240# This is all grandma's fault ## 这都是奶奶的错呀 #29100:14:13,320 --> 00:14:17,910# Go to sleep, go to sleep ## 睡吧睡吧 #29200:14:17,960 --> 00:14:22,790# Why can't she put her things away? ## 她怎么不把东西收好呢? #29300:14:38,750 --> 00:14:39,640You okay?你没事吧?29400:14:40,700 --> 00:14:41,470What time is it?现在几点了?29500:14:41,570 --> 00:14:42,5804:12.4点12分29600:14:42,640 --> 00:14:45,030I'm sorry to wake you up, but I am worried about your mom. 很抱歉把你叫醒了不过我很担心你妈妈29700:14:45,090 --> 00:14:48,510I don't think she's all there.我觉得她有点不正常29800:14:48,790 --> 00:14:52,720You woke me up at 4:00 a.m. to bitch about my mom?你在凌晨4点把我叫醒就为了说我妈的坏话?29900:14:52,800 --> 00:14:54,900You couldn't do that during business hours?。
不同年龄女人的真爱密码(中英文)20女人:1.You can't change or save anyone, so stop trying.你不能改变或拯救任何人,所以不要再做这些事了。
2.If anyone is going through anyone's email inbox/phone/Facebook account, you shouldn't be together.如果对方想要看你的邮箱、或电话、或社交网络账户,那么你俩不合适。
3.Be okay with yourself.对自己好一点。
4.You chose the friends you have for a reason. Take their advice seriously.你选择和某人交朋友总有你自己的原因。
5.Don't feel guilty about breaking up with someone.不要因为和某人分手了而感到于心不安。
What I Know About Love Now That I'm In My 30s30女人:1.Being in a relationship doesn't automatically make you a happier person.开始了一段感情,不代表你就能活得更加快乐。
2.If he seems unavailable, he is.如果他看起来遥不可及,那么他就是。
3.Marriage isn't an accomplishment.婚姻不是一项任务。
4.Sex is not an accurate relationship barometer. 性不是衡量两人关系的晴雨表。
5.Male friends are important.异性朋友很重要。
What I Know About Love Now That I'm In My 40s40女人:1.Sometimes love is not a feeling...it's a choice. 有时候,爱不是一种感觉,而是一种选择。
Six years ago ,I was taken from a prison,and forced to be an assassin for a covert unit of the government.名为组织的秘密行动组,现在已经不听将令了The black ops program called division that now has gone rogue.他们抹杀了我的存在,而且抹杀我爱的人They destroyed my identity.and destroyed the man I love我逃走了,如今我曾经信赖的教官,正zhui杀我I escaped,and now the man that trained me,someone I trusted, is hunting me但组织并不知道,我有个内应在里面What division doesn’t know is that I have a parenter on the inside有着黑暗过去的的组织新成员,我曾秘密教授她如何抵御他们的操控A new recruit with a dark past,who I’ve trained in secret to resist their control我们打算联手,一步一步击垮组织Together we’re going to take division apart ,one mission at a time他们临死前说的最后一个词And the last word they’ll breathe before the end will be my name希望你不介意我不请自来I hope you don’t mind me dropping in unannounced.你永远是我最欢迎的客户之一You were always one of my favorite customers我不得不佩服得五体投地I gotta hand it to you这些很称我心意There are gorgeous如果掉了任何零件,都可来找我配If something jumps out I have any number of accessories to match别问原因On questions asked我想价格没变吧I assume the price is still the same恐怕价格上涨了Afraid it’s gone up供求关系决定价格Supply and demand自从你抗命不尊,我行我素,你的朋友就供应不足Ever since you went rogue,your friends are in short supply而要你尸体的需求却一路高涨And there’s great demand for your corpes我拿枪,你保住小命,并永远不能告诉任何人我来过New deal,I keep the gun, you keep your breathing,and never tell anyone I was here别自作多情了Don’t flatter yourself我还有大鱼要钓I’v got a much bigger target in mind我身后集结的示威群众,正在搞议检察官审查不利,米尔科达迪奇推翻了原审定罪The people gathered behind me are protesting Mirko Dadich’s overturned conviction.due to prosecutorial misconduct.。
One Republic-Secrets共和时代-秘密I need another story 我需要一个故事Something to get off my chest 把闷在胸口的话都输出来My life gets kind of boring 我的生活变得有点乏味Need something that I can confess 我承认我需要这些(这份感情)Till all my sleeves are stained red (我愿为我说的抗争)直到我的衣袖沾满血迹From all the truth that I've said 我说的句句属实Come by it honestly I swear 对此我信誓旦旦Thought you saw me wink, no 你以为我神采奕奕,不I've been on the brink, so 我的心走到了崩溃的边缘,那就请Tell me what you want to hear 告诉我你渴望听到的Something that‘ll light those ears 是那些意耳目一新的事情吗I'm sick of all the insincere 我已厌倦了虚情假意So I'm gonna give all my secrets away 因此我要倾吐我所有的秘密This time 此时此刻Don't need another perfect lie 不再需要完美的谎言Don't care if critics ever jump in line 也不需在乎是否会有接踵而来的指责I'm gonna give all my secrets away 我要倾吐我所有的秘密My God 我的天啊Amazing that we got this far 我们何时变得如此遥远It's like we're chasing all those stars 就好像我们在追逐着那些明星大腕Who's driving shiny big black cars 他们开着宽敞漆黑闪亮的豪车And everyday I see the news, all the problems that we could solve 每天我看到新闻里似乎所有问题我们都可迎刃而解And when a situation rises, just write it into an album 当重大事件来袭时仅仅是顺手写入专辑Seen it straight to go (让时间)去做个了断I don't really like my flow, no, so 我真的不愿随波逐流不Tell me what you want to hear 告诉我你渴望听到的So mething that‘ll light those ears是那些意耳目一新的事情吗I'm sick of all the insincere 我已厌倦了虚情假意So I'm gonna give all my secrets away 因此我要倾吐我所有的秘密This time 此时此刻Don't need another perfect lie 不需要完美的谎言Don't care if critics ever jump in line 也不需在乎是否会有接踵而来的指责I'm gonna give all my secrets away 我要倾吐我所有的秘密Got no reason, got not shame 无需理由无需羞愧Got no family I can blame 无需向我的亲朋好友责备抱怨Just don't let me disappear 只是不要对我视而不见I'mma tell you everything 我会向你倾吐所有So tell me what you want to hear 告诉我你渴望听到的Something that‘ll li ght those ears 是那些意耳目一新的事情吗I'm sick of all the insincere 我已厌倦了虚情假意So I'm gonna give all my secrets away 因此我要倾吐我所有的秘密This time 此时此刻Don't need another perfect lie 不再需要完美的谎言Don't care if critics ever jump in line 也不需在乎是否会有接踵而来的指责I'm gonna give all my secrets away 我要倾吐我所有的秘密So tell me what you want to hear 告诉我你渴望听到的Something that‘ll light those ears 是那些意耳目一新的事情吗I'm sick of all the insincere 我已厌倦了虚情假意So I'm gonna give all my secrets away 因此我要倾吐我所有的秘密This time 此时此刻Don't need another perfect lie 不再需要完美的谎言Don't care if critics ever jump in line 也不需在乎是否会有接踵而来的指责I'm gonna give all my secrets away 我要倾吐我所有的秘密All my secrets away 倾吐我所有的秘密All my secrets away 倾吐我所有的秘密。
导演: Tom Vaughan
编剧: Steven Pearl
主演:麦莉·赛勒斯/亚历克西斯·克纳普/凯莉·奥斯本Kelly Osbourne
上映日期: 2012-1
又名: I’m Like So来自o Undercover / So Undercover
听歌学英文 carrie underwood 中英歌词集
Blown Away 随风飘散Dry lightning cracks across the skies 枯燥的闪电在天空中划开裂痕Those storm clouds gather in her eyes 她眼中已是阴云密布Daddy was mean old mister 她爸爸是一个刻薄的老家伙Mama was an angel in the ground 妈妈已经在地底长眠The weather man called for a twister 气象播报员报导着一场旋风的到来She prayed blow it down 她祈祷着龙卷风可以吹跨一切There's not enough rain in Oklahoma 俄克拉何马州的雨水To wash the sins out of that house 不足以洗刷那栋房子里的罪恶There's not enough wind in Oklahoma 俄克拉何马州的风To rip the nails out of the past 不足以摆脱过去的重重枷锁(拔过去的钉子)Shatter every window till it's all blown away 粉碎每一扇窗户直到一切都吹走Every brick, every board, every slamming door flown away 每一块砖每一块板每一扇门都吹走Till there's nothing left standing 直至它们化为乌有Nothing left to yesterday 让往事灰飞烟灭Every tear-soaked whiskey memory blown away 让每个参杂着威士忌和眼泪的记忆吹走Blown away 随风飘散She heard those sirens screaming out 她听到那些警报器在叫嚣Her daddy laid there passed out on the couch 她的爸爸醉倒在沙发上She locked herself in the cellar 她把自己关在地窖Listened to the screaming of the wind 聆听着风声呼啸Some people called it taking shelter 某些人会称它为自我保护She called it sweet revenge 她称它为甜蜜的复仇Shatter every window till it's all blown away 粉碎每一扇窗户直到一切都吹走Every brick, every board, every slamming door flown away 每一块砖每一块板每一扇门都飞走Till there's nothing left standing 直至它们化为乌有Nothing left to yesterday 让往事灰飞烟灭Every tear-soaked whiskey memory blown away 吹散每个参杂着威士忌和眼泪的记忆Blown away 随风飘散There's not enough rain in Oklahoma 俄克拉何马州的雨水To wash the sins out of that house 不足以洗刷那栋房子里的罪恶There's not enough wind in Oklahoma 俄克拉何马州的风To rip the nails out of the past 不足以摆脱过去的重重枷锁Shatter every window till it's all blown away 粉碎每一扇窗户直到一切都吹走(blown away)随风飘散Every brick, every board, every slamming door flown away 每一块砖每一块板每一扇门都飞走(flown away)灰飞烟灭Till there's nothing left standing 直至它们化为乌有Nothing left to yesterday 让往事灰飞烟灭Every tear-soaked whiskey memory blown away 吹散每个参杂着威士忌和眼泪的记忆Blown away, blown away, blown away, blown away 随风飘散……Two Black Cadillacs两辆黑色卡迪拉克Two black Cadillacs driving in a slow parade两辆黑色卡迪拉克徐徐驶来Headlights shining bright in the middle of the day车灯闪烁映照明亮的白天One is for his wife一辆车里坐着他的妻子The other for the woman who loved him at night另一辆车里是夜里爱过他的女人Two black Cadillacs meeting for the first time两辆车第一次相遇在一起And the preacher said he was a good man牧师说他是个正人君子And his brother said he was a good friend兄弟说他是真正的朋友But the women in the two black veils didn't bother to cry 然而车里戴黑纱的她们却不必为他而哭泣Bye bye, bye bye再见吧,再见,再见吧,再见Yeah they took turns laying a rose down她们轮流为他献上最后的一朵玫瑰Threw a handful of dirt into the deep ground她们轮流为他的坟墓撒下一捧沙土He's not the only one who had a secret to hide他将不再是唯一隐藏秘密的那个人Bye bye, bye bye, bye bye再见吧,再见,再见吧,再见Two months ago his wife called the number on his phone两月前他的妻子拨通了他手机上的号码Turns out he'd been lying to both of them for oh so long 发现他竟然让她们彼此蒙在鼓里太久太久They decided then he'd never get away with doing this to them她们决心这样的欺骗不再会重演Two black Cadillacs waiting for the right time, right time 于是两辆卡迪拉克彼此等候在对的时间,对的时间And the preacher said he was a good man牧师说他是个正人君子And his brother said he was a good friend兄弟说他是真正的朋友But the women in the two black veils didn't bother to cry 然而车里戴黑纱的她们却不必为他而哭泣Bye bye, bye bye再见吧,再见,再见吧,再见Yeah they took turns laying a rose down她们轮流为他献上最后的一朵玫瑰Threw a handful of dirt into the deep ground她们轮流为他的坟墓撒下一捧沙土He's not the only one who had a secret to hide他将不再是唯一隐藏秘密的那个人Bye bye, bye bye, bye bye再见吧,再见,再见吧,再见Yeah, yeahIt was the first time and the last time they saw each other face to face那是她们第一次和最后一次的相遇They shared a crimson smile她们彼此的嘴角相互闪耀过一丝猩红的微笑and just walked away然后悄然地离开And let the secret at the grave把秘密留在他的坟墓里,永远掩埋!And the preacher said he was a good man牧师说他是个正人君子And his brother said he was a good friend兄弟说他是真正的朋友But the women in the two black veils didn't bother to cry 然而车里戴黑纱的她们却不必为他而哭泣Bye bye, bye bye再见吧,再见,再见吧,再见Yeah they took turns laying a rose down她们轮流为他献上最后的一朵玫瑰Threw a handful of dirt into the deep ground她们轮流为他的坟墓撒下一捧沙土He's not the only one who had a secret to hide他将不再是唯一隐藏秘密的那个人Bye bye, bye bye, bye bye再见吧,再见,再见吧,再见Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeahCowboy Casanova牛仔卡萨诺瓦You better take it from me, that boy is like a disease 你最好听我的,那小子就像是一场瘟疫You’re running, you’re trying, you’re trying to hide你想跑,你挣扎,你试图躲起来And you’re wondering why you can’t get free却不明白为什么你跑不开He’s like a curse, he’s like a drug他就像一个魔咒,他就像一种毒品You get addicted to his love你沉溺于他的爱You wanna get out but he’s holding you down你想要跳出,但被他牢牢抓住‘Cause you can’t live without one more touch因为没有他的触摸,你就无法存活He’s a good time cowboy casanova他带给你欢愉时光,他就是牛仔卡萨诺瓦Leaning up against the record machine背靠着唱片机Looks like a cool drink of water如同一杯冷饮But he’s candy-coated misery但他是一场包裹着糖衣的灾难He’s the devil in disguise他是乔装打扮的恶魔A snake with blue eyes一条有着忧郁眼神的毒蛇And he only comes out at night他行动只在夜晚Gives you feelings that you don’t want to fight给你的感觉让人不想反抗You better run for your life赶快逃跑吧,为了你自己的小命一条I see that look on your face我懂你脸上的表情You ain’t hearing what I say你根本就没在听我说So I’ll say it again那我就再说一次‘Cause I know where you been因为我懂你的危险处境And I know how it ends我知道故事的结局You can’t get away你无法逃脱Don’t even look in his eyes不要去看他的眼睛He’ll tell you nothing but lies他说的一切全都是谎言And you wanna believe而你却打算相信But you won’t be deceived但是,你不会上当受骗If you listen to me如果你听我的And take my advice接受我的建议Run run away从他身边逃离吧Don’t let him mess with your mind不要被他搞乱你的思维He’ll tell you anything you want to hear他说的话甜得就像抹了蜜He’ll break your heart但是他会让你心碎It’s just a matter of time一切只是时间问题But just remember我的话请你切记(He’s a good time他带给你欢愉时光, ~~You better run for your life哦你最好快点逃命)Oh you better run for your life哦你最好快点逃命Oh you better run for your life哦你最好快点逃命I Told You So 我早就告诉你Suppose I called you up tonight假如我今晚打电话给你. And told you that I love you且说我爱你.And suppose I said I wanna come back home假如我说我要回家,And suppose I cried and said I finally learned my lesson 假如我哭了,说我终于得到了教训.And I'm tired of spending all my time alone我已经厌倦了独处.If I told you that I realize you're all I ever wanted如果我告诉你我发现你正是我一直想要的.And it's killing me to be so far away离开那么远实在让我受不了.Would you tell me that you love me too你会不会告诉我你也爱我?And when we cry together当我们抱头痛哭的时候Would you simply laugh at me and say你会不会只是嘲笑我说I told you so我早告诉过你的Oh, I told you so唉,我告诉过你会这样I told you someday you'd come crawling back and asking me to take you in我早说过你总有一天会爬回来求我接纳你.I told you so我早告诉过你会这样But you had to go但你仍然走了.Now I found somebody new and you will never break my heart in two again现在我找到了新的伴侣,你不可能再次让我心碎了.If I got down on my knees and told you I was yours forever如果我跪下来告诉你我会永远都属于你.Would you get down on yours too and take my hand那么你会不会也屈膝下来握住我的手Would we get that old time feeling我们能不能感受过往时光Would we laugh and cry for hours我们能不能一起哭着笑着几个小时The way we did when our love first began一如我们刚开始恋爱时候Would you tell me that you miss me too你会不告诉我你也同样思念我And that you've been so lonely告诉我你一直如此孤独And that you've waited for the day that I returned告诉我你一直在等待我回来的那一天And we live and love forever然后我们相爱着一起生活到永远And that I'm your one and only告诉我我是你的唯一Would you say the tables finally turn你会不会告诉我情形不一样了Would you say I told you so你会不会说我早就告诉过你会这样Oh, I told you so唉,我早告诉过你会这样I told you someday you'd come crawling back and asking me to take you in我早说过总有一天你会爬回来求我接纳你I told you so我早说过会这样But you had to go但你仍然走了Now I found somebody new and you will never break my heart in two again现在我已经找到了新的伴侣,你不可能再次让我心碎.Now I found someone new and you will never break my heart in two again现在我已经找到了新的伴侣,你不可能再次让我心碎.Before He Cheats... 在他欺骗之前Right now 就是现在He's probably slow dancing 也许他在慢舞With a bleached-blond tramp 走着褪色的舞步And she's probably getting frisky... 也许她只是在狂欢Right now 就是现在He's probably buying her some 他也许在为她Fruity little drink 买些果汁Cause she can't shoot whiskey... 因为她不能喝威士忌Right now 现在He's probably up behind herWith a pool-stick 也许他手持球棍站在她身后Showing her how to shoot a combo... 教她如何射击组合球And he don't know... 他不知道I dug my key into the side 我用钥匙Of his pretty little suped up 4 wheel drive 打开他的车子Carved my name into his leather seat... 在他的柔软的座位刻上我的名字I Took a Louisville slugger To both head lights我用路易(斯)维尔棒球强击者的打击力打碎他的车灯Slashed a hole in all 4 tires... 砍破4个轮胎And maybe next time 也许下一次He'll think before he cheats 在他欺骗之前他会想起Right nowShe's probably up singing some 现在也许他在唱着White-trash version of Shania karoke... Shania karoke 无聊的歌曲Right nowShe's probably saying I'm drunk 现在也许她说醉了And he's a thinking that he's gonna lucky 他以为是他的幸运Right nowHe's probably dabbing 3 dollars 现在也许他拍着Worth of that bathroom Polo... 三美元的浴室水球Oh, and he don't know... 但他不知道I dug my key into the side 我用钥匙Of his pretty little suped up 4 wheel drive 打开他的车子Carved my name into his leather seat... 在他的柔软的座位刻上我的名字I Took a Louisville slugger To both head lights我用路易(斯)维尔棒球强击者的打击力打碎他的车灯Slashed a hole in all 4 tires... 砍破4个轮胎And maybe next time 也许下一次He'll think before he cheats 在他欺骗之前他会想起I might saved a little trouble for the next girl 或许我可以减少下个女孩的麻烦Cause the next time that he cheats... 因为在他下次欺骗之前Oh, you know it won't be on me 你知道不会是我Ohh... not on me...I dug my key into the side 我用钥匙Of his pretty little suped up 4 wheel drive 打开他的车子Carved my name into his leather seat... 在他的柔软的座位刻上我的名字I Took a Louisville slugger To both head lights我用路易(斯)维尔棒球强击者的打击力打碎他的车灯Slashed a hole in all 4 tires... 砍破4个轮胎And maybe next time 也许下一次He'll think before he cheats 在他欺骗之前他会想起Ohh.. Maybe next time 也许下一次He'll think before he cheats... 在他欺骗之前他会想起Ohh... before he cheats...Ohh...So Small微不足道Yeah, YeahWhat you got if you ain't got love若得不到爱情你会如何The kind that you just want to give away你会选择分手It's ok to open up敞开心扉Go ahead and let the light shine through拥抱明天让阳光驱散阴霾I know it's hard on a rainy day细雨霏霏我理解一切都很难You wanna shut the world out and just be left alone你希望远离俗世纠葛独自一人But don't run out on your faith但绝不要背弃你的信仰Cause sometimes that mountain you've been climbing因其为你攀登过的高山Is just a grain of sand仅如一粒沙子And what you've been out there searching for forever而你毕其一生苦苦寻觅Is in your hands尽在股掌之中And when you figure out love is all that matters after all 当你理解真爱无限的时候It sure makes everything else 一切都会seem So small微不足道It's so easy to get lost inside很容易迷失自我A problem that seems so big at the time似乎困难重重It's like a river that's so wide it swallows you whole宛如一条宽阔的河流将你完全吞没While you're sitting around thinking about what you can't change你坐下来思考无力改变的事实And worrying about all the wrong things为所有过错感到苦恼Time's flying by, moving so fast时光荏苒You better make it count cause you can't get it back 不要虚度光阴因为时光无法倒流Sometimes that mountain you've been climbing因其为你攀登过的高山Is just a grain of sand仅如一粒沙子And what you've been out there searching for forever而你毕其一生苦苦寻觅Is in your hands尽在股掌之中Oh, and when you figure out love is all that matters after all当你理解真爱无限的时候It sure makes everything else 一切都会seem So small, yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah 微不足道Sometimes that mountain you've been climbing因其为你攀登过的高山Is just a grain of sand仅如一粒沙子And what you've out there searching for forever而你毕其一生苦苦寻觅Is in your hands尽在股掌之中And then you figure out love is all that matters after all当你理解真爱无限的时候It sure makes everything else一切都会Oh, it sure makes everything else 一切都会seem So small微不足道Yeah, yeahMama’s Song 妈妈的歌Mama you taught me to do the right things妈妈,你教我明辨是非So now you have to let your baby fly如今,你必须让宝贝放飞梦想You’ve given me everything that I will need你曾给我所需的一切To make it through this crazy thing called life让我达成那着迷的事叫感悟人生And I know you watched me grow up我知道你守护我的成长And only want what’s best for me一心一意让我是世间最美And I think I found the answer to your prayers我想我找到了你祈盼的答案And he is good, so good他很好,很棒He treats your little girl like a real man should他以模范男孩待你小女He is good, so good他很好,很棒He makes promises he keeps他信守承诺No he’s never gonna leave不,他不离不弃So don’t you worry about me因此不用为我担心Don’t you worry about me不用为我担心Mama there’s no way you’ll ever lose me妈妈,你决不会失去我And giving me away is not goodbye让我远走不是离别As you watch me walk down to my future正如你关注我奔向未来I hope tears of joy are in your eyes我衷心希望欢喜之泪伴你左右Cause he is good, so good因为他很好,很棒And he treats your little girl like a real man should 他以模范男孩待你小女He is good, so good他很好,很棒He makes promises he keeps他信守承诺No he’s never gonna leave不,他不离不弃So don’t you worry about me因此不用为我担心Don’t you worry about me不用为我担心And when I watch my baby grow up而当我守护我的宝贝成长I’ll only want what’s best for her我将一心一意让她是世间最美And I hope she’ll find the answer to my prayers我也希望她找到那我祈盼的答案And that she’ll say而她将会说He is good, so good他很好,很棒And he treats your little girl like a real man should 他以模范男孩待你小女He is good, so good他很好,很棒He makes promises he keeps他信守承诺No he’s never go nna leave不,他不离不弃So don’t you worry about me因此不用为我担心Don’t you worry about me不用为我担心Mama don’t you worry about me妈妈,不用为我担心Don’t you worry about me不用为我担心Jesus Take The Wheel上帝啊,请帮我掌控方向盘She was driving last Friday on her way to Cincinnati上周五她开车前往辛辛那提On a snow white Christmas Eve在那飘雪的圣诞节前夜Going home to see her Mama and her Daddy with the baby in the backseat她要回家探望父母,她的宝贝正在车的后座Fifty miles to go and she was running low on faith and gasoline还有五十英里的路程要走,她担心着驾驶和汽油It's been a long hard year这是很艰难的一年She had a lot on her mind and she didn't pay attention 她吃了很多苦但是她并不在意She was going way to fast她渐渐加速Before she knew it she was spinning on a thin black sheet of glass当她意识到自己头晕的时候She saw both their lives flash before her eyes她眼睛发花She didn't even have time to cry却没时间哭泣She was so scared她是如此恐惧She threw her hands up in the air她把手伸向天空Jesus take the wheel上帝啊,请帮我掌控方向盘Take it from my hands请帮我掌控方向盘!Cause I can't do this all on my own我已经无法控制I'm letting go我就要失去一切So give me one more chance所以再给我一次机会吧To save me from this road I'm on从这条公路上拯救我吧Jesus take the wheel上帝救起了她It was still getting colder when she made it to the shoulder当她清醒时外面依然很冷And the car came to a stop车已停下She cried when she saw that baby in the backseat sleeping like a rock当她看到自己的宝贝依然在后座沉睡的时候她放声痛哭And for the first time in a long time 然后她做了一件许久不曾做过的事She bowed her head to pray低头默默祈祷She said I'm sorry for the way她说为刚才的一切感到抱歉I've been living my life我会好好生活I know I've got to change我知道我需要改变So from now on tonight所以从今晚开始Jesus take the wheel上帝啊,请帮我掌控方向盘Take it from my hands请帮我掌控方向盘!Cause I can't do this all on my own 我已经无法控制I'm letting go我就要失去一切So give me one more chance所以再给我一次机会吧To save me from this road I'm on 从这条公路上拯救我吧Oh, why, oh噢,为什么,噢Change改变What you’re gonna do with the 36 cents用36美分你想干什么呢Sticky with coal on your floorboardWhen a woman on the streetis huddled in the coldOn a sidewalk benchtrying to keep warm 一个女人在寒风中蜷缩在人行道的长椅上努力保持温暖Do you call her overhand her the change 你唤醒她,想改变点什么Ask her her story, ask her her name 问问她的故事,问问她的名字Or do you tell yourself 或者,你告诉自己”You’re just a fool, 你只是一个傻瓜just a fool to believe you can change the world”只是一个相信自己能改变世界的傻瓜”You’re just a fool, 你只是一个傻瓜just a fool to believe you can change the world”只是一个相信自己能改变世界的傻瓜What you’re gonna dowhen you’re watching TV And an ad comes on, yeah,you know the kindFlashing up picturesof a child in need当你看电视的时候,一条困境中儿童的公益广告闪过,你将做什么呢?For a dime a day, you could save a life 一天只需一毛钱,你就可以挽救一个生命Do you call the number,reach out a hand 你会伸出手拨打支助电话吗?Or do you change the channel, call it a scam或者你改变想法,认为那只是个骗局Do you tell yourself 你告诉你自己”You’re just a fool, 你只是一个傻瓜just a fool to believe you can change the world”只是一个相信自己能改变世界的傻瓜Don’t listen to them when they say”You’re just a fool, 你只是一个傻瓜just a fool to believe you can change the world”只是一个相信自己能改变世界的傻瓜Oh, the smallest thing哦,最微小的事can make all the difference可以改变一切Love is alive, don’t listen to them when they say爱情存在的,不要听信他们,当他们说”You’re just a fool, 你只是一个傻瓜just a fool to believe you can change the world”Home Sweet Home家,甜蜜的家You know I'm a dreamer你知道我是一个梦想家But my heart's of gold但我的心有如黄金I had to run away high我不得不往上努力So I wouldn't come home low因此我就不会低微地回家Just when things went right当事情开始好转时Doesn't mean they were always wrong并不意味着之前他们一直都是错误的Just take this song and you'll never feel Left all alone 听听这首歌你就永远不会觉得孤单Take me to your heart带我进入你心扉Feel me in your bones感觉我就在你的骨髓中Just one more night又是另一个夜晚And I'm comin' off this我正走在我的旅途中Long & winding road 又长又弯的旅途之路I'm on my way我正走在我的旅途中I'm on my way我正走在我的旅途中Home sweet home家,甜蜜的家Tonight, tonight今晚,今晚I'm on my way我正走在我的旅途中I'm on my way我正走在我的旅途中Home sweet home家,甜蜜的家You know that I've seen你知道,我已经看到了Too many romantic dreams太多浪漫的梦想Up in lights, fallin' off the silver screen在灯光下,从银幕上坠落My heart's like an open book我的心就像一本打开的书For the whole world to read全世界都可以阅读Sometimes nothing keeps me together at the seams有时什么也不想让我将伤口愈合I'm on my way我正走在我的旅途中I'm on my way我正走在我的旅途中Home sweet home家,甜蜜的家Tonight, tonight今晚,今晚I'm on my way我正走在我的旅途中I'm on my wayI'm on my way Home sweet home Tonight, tonightI'm on my wayJust set me free Home Sweet Home Home Sweet Home Home Sweet Home Home Sweet Home I'm on my wayI'm on my way Home Sweet Home YeahI'm on my wayJust set me free Home Sweet HomeSee You Again重逢Said goodbye, turned around我们已经告别彼此,转身And you were gone, gone, gone却发现你已离开,离开,离开Faded into the setting sun消失在落日的余晖中Slipped away消失不见……But I won't cry但我绝不会哭Cause I know I'll never be lonely因为我知道我永远不会独自一人For you are the stars to me因为你就是我心中的明星You are the light I follow你就是指引我的光芒I'll see you again, oh oh我们一定会重逢的This is not where it ends我们的故事不会到这里就结束的I will carry you with me, oh我会把你放在我的内心深处,一直带在身边Till I see you again直到我们重逢的那一刻I can hear those echoes in the wind at night 我依稀能听见夜风中那阵阵回声Calling me back in time呼唤我回到你的身边Back to you回到你的身边哪In a place far away在某个遥远地方Where the water meets the sky在那里水天相接The thought of it makes me smile脑中这样的画面美得让我微笑You are my tomorrow你就是我的未来I'll see you again, oh oh 我们一定会重逢的This is not where it ends我们的故事不会到这里就结束的I will carry you with me, oh我会把你放在内心深处,一直带在身边Till I see you again直到我们重逢的那一刻Sometimes I feel my heart is breaking有时候我真感觉很心痛But I stay strong and I hold on cause I know 但我一直很坚强一直在坚持因为我知道I'll see you again, oh oh我们一定会重逢的This is not where it ends我们的故事不会到这里就结束I will carry you with me, yeah yeah我会把你放在内心深处,一直带在身边I'll see you again, oh oh我们一定会重逢的This is not where it ends我们的故事不会到这里就结束I will carry you with me, oh我会把你放在内心深处,一直带在身边Till I see you again直到我们重逢的那一刻Till I see you again直到我们重逢的那一刻Till I see you again直到我们重逢的那一刻Said goodbye, turned around我们已经告别彼此转身And you were gone, gone, gone却发现你已经离开,离开,离开Quitter胆小鬼here's how it goes这就是如何发生的boy meets girl, girl leaves boy男孩遇见女孩,女孩离开男孩that's all i know那就是我所知道的全部all i've done, all my life我做的一切,我的一生'cause throughout my history因为横贯我的历史i've only been with jerks我只跟混蛋们在一起who couldn't take it他们不能忍受but you see the picket fence但你看见了尖桩篱栅a swing on the front porch在前廊的秋千with us two on it上面是我们的身影when i believe that nothing lasts forever当我相信没有什么能永久you stay with me, keeping us together你陪伴着我,让我们在一起and make me feel like i never ever wanna give you up 让我感觉我永不会放弃你'til now, i've always been a quitter直至现在,我一直都是胆小鬼you rescued me你拯救了我saved my life just in time在恰当时机救我性命saw past all my issues and scars锯子划过我的担忧与伤疤and made me try让我哭泣'cause oh, the way you're kissing me因为,噢,你亲吻我的方式makes it hard to breathe令我难以呼吸but i still like it但我仍然喜爱oh oh, it truly feels like a dream噢,这真的感觉像是一个梦you know exactly how i want it你正知道我想要什么i believe that nothing lasts forever我相信没有什么能永久you stay with me, keeping us together你陪伴着我,让我们在一起and make me feel like i never ever wanna give you up 让我感觉我永不会放弃你'til now, i've always been a quitter直至现在,我一直都是胆小鬼i've always been a quitter我一直都是胆小鬼i believe that nothing lasts forever我相信没有什么能永久you stay with me, keeping us together你陪伴着我,让我们在一起and make me feel like i never ever wanna give you up 让我感觉我永不会放弃你'til now, i've always been a quitter直至现在,我一直都是胆小鬼i've always been a quitter我一直都是胆小鬼Good Girl好女孩Hey, good girl, (hey, good girl) (嗨好女孩(嗨好女孩)) With your head in the clouds(通过你头上笼罩的阴霾)I bet you I can tell you what you're thinkin' about (我敢打赌我能告诉你你正在想什么)You'll see a good boy, (you'll see a good boy)(你会见到一个好男孩(你会见到一个好男孩))Gonna give you the world(他将给你整个世界)But he's gonna leave you cryin' with your heart in the dirt (但他将不会让你的心蒙尘然后离开伤心哭泣着的你)His lips are dropping honey but he'll sting you like a bee (他的嘴似蜜甜但他会像蜜蜂一样蛰伤你)So lock up all your loving, go and throw away the key(所以请把你全部所爱放起来锁上,然后去把钥匙丢掉)Hey, good girl (hey, good girl) (嗨好女孩(嗨好女孩)) Get out while you can(在你能够时就退出吧)I know you think you got a good man(我知道你只是自认为得到了一个好男人)Whyyyy, why you gotta be so bliiiind? (为为为什么,为什么你如此盲目?)Won't you open up your eeeyes?(你不会睁开你的眼眼眼睛好好看看吗?)It's just a matter of time 'till you find(你会发现这只是时间的问题)He's no good, girl, no good for you(他不好对你来说不够好)You better get to getting on your goodbye shoes(你最好踏上别离的脚步)And go, go, go...(并走开,走开,走开。
[妃英理]妃英理:妃英理篇一: 妃英理:妃英理-角色背景,妃英理-角色设定女主角毛利兰的母亲,小五郎正在分居中的妻子。
实习医生格蕾 经典台词中英文
◆实习医生格蕾”第一季第二集It's all about lines:The finishing line is the end of the residencywaiting in lines for a chance at the operating tableand then there's the most important line the line separating you from the people you workwithIt doesn't help to get too familiar to make friends,you need boundaries, between you andthe rest of the world.other people are far too messyIt's all about lines: drawing lines in the sand and pray like hell no one crosses themEnd: But there're some lines..that're way too dangerous to cross..Here's what I knowIf you are willing to take the chance that the view from other side is spectacular 所有这一切都是关于“线”的,线的终点是实习期的结束,接着排成直线来等待机会上手术台,然后是最重要的那条“线”将你和你的同事们隔开,界限并没有帮助我熟悉周围,或是结交朋友,你需要一个分界线,在你和这个世界之间,其他人都忙的一团糟,一切都是关于“线”的,在沙子上画线...然后拼命祈祷没有人去踩坏它们。
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女人的三十二个秘密1.Women need to cry. And they won't do it alone unless they know you can hear them.女人需要哭泣,并且只有在你能听到时才哭。
2.Women especially love a bargain.女人特别喜欢便宜货。
3.Women love to shop. It is the only area of the world where they feel like they're actually in control.女人喜欢购物,她们觉得那是她们在这个世界上能控制的惟一领域。
4.Women will always ask questions that have no center answers,in an effort to trap you into feeling guilty.女人总是问一些没有正确答案的问题,她们想使你有犯罪感。
5.Women love to talk. Silence intimidates them and they feel a need to fill it, even if they have nothing to say.女人喜欢交谈。
6.Women need to feel like there are people worse off than they are.女人需要感觉到别人不如她们。
7.Women hate bugs. Even the strong -willed ones need a man around when there's a spider or a wasp involved.女人讨厌虫子。
8.Women can't keep secrets.女人不能保守秘密。
9.Women always go to public rest rooms in groups. It gives them a chance to gossip.女人经常结伴去公共卫生间,这是她们闲谈的好机会。
10.Women can't refuse to answer a ringing phone, no matter what she's doing.女人不会拒绝接听任何来电。
11.Women never understand why men love toys. Men understand that they wouldn't need toys if women had an″on/off″switch.女人永远不会明白男人为什么喜欢玩具。
12.Women think all beer is the same.女人觉得所有品牌的啤酒都是一个味儿。
13.Women keep three different shampoos in the shower. After a woman showers, the bathroom will smell like a tropical rain forest.通常,女人的浴室里总放着3种不同的洗发香波。
14.Women don't understand the appeal of sports. Men seek entertainment that allows them to escape reality. Women seek entertainment that reminds them of how horrible things could be.女人不能领略体育节目的魅力。
15. If a man goes on a seven-day trip, he'll pack five days worth of clothes and will wear some things twice;if a woman goes on a seven-day trip she'll pack 21 out fits because she doesn't know what she'll feel like wearing each day.如果一个男人要出门7天,他会带够5天穿的衣服,并且会将一些衣物穿两次。
16.Women brush their hair before bed.女人在睡觉前梳头。
17.Women are paid less than men, except for one field:Modeling.女人的薪水比男人低,只有一个行业例外———模特。
18.Women are never wrong. Apologizing is the man's responsibility.女人永远不会犯错。
19.Women do not know anything about cars, even if they drive car themselves.女人对汽车一无所知,即使她们自己开车。
20.Women have better rest rooms. They get the nice chairs and red carpet.女人的卫生间很讲究,那里有精致的椅子和红地毯。
21.Women love cats. Men say they love cats, but when women aren't looking, men kick cats.女人喜欢猫。
22.Women love to talk on the phone. A woman can visit her girl friend for two weeks, and upon returning home, she will call the same friend and they will talk for three hours.女人喜欢煲电话粥。
23. A woman will dress up to go shopping, water the plants,empty the garbage, answer the phone, read a book, or get the mail.女人做什么事之前都会化妆———购物、给植物浇水、倒LJ、接电话、读书、收邮件……??24.Women do NOT want an honest answer to the question,″How do I look?″在这个问题上女人不想得到诚实的答案———“我看上去怎么样?”25.″Oh,nothing,″has an entirely different meaning in woman-language than it does in man-language.“哦,没什么。
26.All women will say that they are over weight, but don't agree with them about it.所有女人都会说自己超重,但千万别对此表示赞同。
27.Only women understand the need for ″guest towels″and the ″good china″.只有女人知道为什么“客用毛巾”和“好瓷器”是必要的。
28.Women want equal centers, but you rarely hear them clamoring to cover the responsibilities that go with those centers.女人要求享有与男人同样的权利,但你几乎听不到她们吵嚷着要求承担和男人同样的责任。
29.Women can get out of speeding tickets by pouting. This will get men arrested.面对超速行驶的罚单,噘嘴可以使女人免于处罚,却会使男人被拘留。
30.Women don't really care about a sense of humor in a guydespiteclaims to the contrary.女人并不真的在乎男人是否有幽默感,尽管她们声称幽默感很重要。
31.Women will spend hours dressing up to go out, and then they'll go out and spend more time checking out other women. Men can never catch women checking out other men;women will always catch menc hecking out other women.女人在出门前将花费数小时化妆,然后她们出门,花更多时间注视其他女人。
32.The most embarrassing thing for women is to find another woman wearing the same dress at a formal party.最让女人尴尬的,就是在一个正式的聚会上发现另一个女人穿着和自己同样的衣服。