Analogue models of folds above a wrench fault


More on the order of prolongations and restrictions

More on the order of prolongations and restrictions

Transformation to Fourier space
As is well-known, the Fourier transform (F u)(ξ ) := (2π )−d/2 u(j )e−ij·ξ
j ∈Zd
defines isomorphism between ℓ2 (Zd ) and L2 (Td ), where T = R/2π Z. Its adjoint F ∗ = F −1 is given by (F ∗ v )(j ) = (2π )−d/2 We will need the following lemma: Lemma 2.1 e
β∈Zd /AZd iβ·A−T 2π α
iβ·A−T 2π α β∈[0,M )d ∩Zd e lim . M →∞ #[0, M )d ∩ Zd / #Zd /AZd
There exists an m ∈ {1, . . . , d} with (A−T α)m ∈ Z. On the other hand, there exists a 0 = q ∈ N with q (A−T α)m ∈ Z. We conclude that for any M ∈ q N, the numerator at the right hand side of (1) is zero, and thus that iβ·A−T 2π α = 0. 2 β∈Zd /AZd e As the Fourier transform is a bijection between the rapidly decreasing functions and C ∞ (T), the symbols p ˆ(ξ ) :=


At the same time, AI MIT laboratory has attracted many famous scholars from the world to participate in the research of machine vision,which included the theory of machine vision , algorithm and design of system .
Its mainstream research is divided into three stages:
Stage 1: Research on the visual basic method ,which take the model world as the main object;
Stage 2: Research on visual model ,which is based on the computational theory;
the other is to rebuild the three dimensional object according to the two-dimensional projection images .
History of computer vision
1950s: in this period , statistical pattern recognition is most applied in computer vision , it mainly focuse on the analysis and identification of two-dimensional image,such as: optical character recognition, the surface of the workpiece, the analysis and interpretation of the aerial image.



高三英语学术研究方法创新不断探索单选题30题1. In academic research, a hypothesis is a ______ that is tested through experiments and observations.A. predictionB. conclusionC. theoryD. assumption答案:D。



2. The main purpose of conducting academic research is to ______ new knowledge and understanding.A. discoverB. createC. inventD. produce答案:A。




3. A reliable academic research should be based on ______ data and methods.A. accurateB. preciseC. correctD. valid答案:D。





高二英语数学建模方法单选题20题1.In the process of mathematical modeling, the factor that determines the outcome is called_____.A.independent variableB.dependent variableC.control variableD.extraneous variable答案:B。


独立变量(independent variable)是指在实验或研究中被研究者主动操纵的变量;因变量dependent variable)是指随着独立变量的变化而变化的变量,在数学建模中决定结果的因素通常是因变量;控制变量(control variable)是指在实验中保持不变的变量;无关变量(extraneous variable)是指与研究目的无关,但可能会影响研究结果的变量。

2.The statement “The value of y depends on the value of x” can be represented by a mathematical model where y is the_____.A.independent variableB.dependent variableC.control variableD.extraneous variable答案:B。

在“y 的值取决于x 的值”这句话中,y 是随着x 的变化而变化的变量,所以y 是因变量。

3.In a mathematical model, the variable that is held constant toobserve the effect on other variables is_____.A.independent variableB.dependent variableC.control variableD.extraneous variable答案:C。



第一章测试1【判断题】(5分) Peopledoresearchinordertohaveabetterunderstandingofourworld.A.对B.错2【判断题】(5分)Wedon’tneedtobecreativeinresearchasanyresearchisbasedonevidences.A.错B.对3【判断题】(5分)Goodresearchquestionsareimportantinresearch.A.错B.对4【判断题】(5分) Literaturereviewisneededinsomeresearchpapers.A.对B.错5【判断题】(5分) Agoodresearchpaperneedscarefulrevisingandproofreading.A.错B.对6【判断题】(5分) Unintentionalplagiarismcanbeexcusedasitisnotcommitteddeliberately.A.对B.错7【判断题】(5分) Academicfalsificationisonecommontypeofacademicdishonesty.A.对B.错8【多选题】(5分) Whatroledoesaliteraturereviewplayinaresearchpaper?A.Itenhancesthecredibilityofyourpaper.B.Itprovestheexistenceofaresearchgap.C.Itsynthesizestheexistingstudiesinyourarea.D.Itprovidesevidencesforyourargument.9【单选题】(5分) WhichofthefollowingisNOTanessentialstepinaresearchpaperwriting?A.ChoosingatopicB.ConsultinginstructorsC.LocatingsourcesD.OutliningthePaper10【多选题】(5分) Whichofthefollowingmayleadtoacademicdishonesty?A.AcademicplagiarismB.AcademicpromotionC.AcademicinterestD.Academicfabrication第二章测试1【多选题】(5分)Inchoosingaresearchtopic,whichofthefollowingdoweneedtoconsider?A.PublicationpossibilitiesB.AcademicimportanceC.OurresearchinterestD.Ourmanageability2【判断题】(5分)Tocheckthevalidityofaresearchtopic,weneedtobecriticalenough.A.对B.错3【判断题】(5分) Itisanactofplagiarismifonesimplyparaphrasesabookforaresearchpaper.A.对B.错4【判断题】(5分) StudentsshouldbebraveenoughtotrychallengingissuesfortheirBAtheses.A.对B.错5【判断题】(5分) Carefulreadingofliterarytextisimportantinliterarystudies.A.对B.错6【判断题】(5分) Literarytheoriestakepriorityoverliterarytextsinliteraryanalysis.A.错B.对7【判断题】(5分) ICstudycanbechallengingbutinterestingandpracticalinlife.A.错B.对8【判断题】(5分) Expertssharesimilarunderstandingsoverthestandardsoftranslation.A.错B.对9【判断题】(5分) Translationstrategiesandtranslationtechniquesaredifferentconceptsintranslation.A.对B.错10【判断题】(5分) Sociolinguisticsisoneofthebranchesofappliedlinguistics.A.对B.错第三章测试1【判断题】(5分) Aworkingbibliographyincludesthesourceswehavesofarcollectedforaresearchproject.A.对B.错2【判断题】(5分) Knowingwhatsourcesyouneedisofvitalimportanceinevaluatingyoursources.A.错B.对3【判断题】(5分) Sourcesfromleadingscholarscanbeveryusefultoyourresearch.A.错B.对4【判断题】(5分)Inreadingsources,weneedtobecriticalandformourpersonalresponses.A.对B.错5【判断题】(5分) Theplanforanempiricalresearchshouldcoveritspurpose,method,subjects,andprocedure.A.错B.对6【判断题】(5分) Itiswisefortheobservernottotakepartintheactivityobservedatalltime.A.错B.对7【多选题】(5分)InBooleanLogic,ifonewantstosearchonlyforsourcesrelevantwithcomputervirus,thesearchformul ashouldbe_______.A.computernotvirusB.computernearvirusC.computerorvirusD.computerandvirus8【多选题】(5分) Theannotationofasourceinanannotatedbibliographymayhaveyour____:A.reflectionofthesourceB.adaptationofthesourceC.summaryofthesourceD.assessmentofthesource9【单选题】(5分)Inaquestionnaireentitled“ASurveyontheThirdYearEnglishMajors’EnglishVocabularyinXXUniv ersity”,the“thethirdyearEnglishmajors”shouldbe:A.ThetimeofthesurveyB.ThesubjectofthesurveyC.ThecontentofthesurveyD.Themodeofthesurvey10【单选题】(5分)Inanexperimententitled“AStudyontheEffectsofWriting-after-ReadingActivityonEnglishMajors EnglishVocabulary”,students’languageproficiencyshouldbe:A.IrrelevantvariableB.dependentvariableC.Independentvariable第四章测试1【判断题】(5分)Aresearchproposalshouldbepersuasiveinnature.A.错B.对2【判断题】(5分) Wecanaskforsuggestionsfromtheexpertsforourresearchinourproposal.A.错B.对3【判断题】(5分) Weneedtoputforwardourresearchquestionsinourresearchproposals.A.错B.对4【判断题】(5分) Aresearchproposaldemonstratesthesignificanceofourproposedresearch.A.错B.对5【判断题】(5分) Theliteraturereviewsectioninaproposalprovestheexistenceofaresearchgap.A.对B.错6【判断题】(5分)The“ApplicationoftheResearch”tellshowyourresearchwillbenefitinpractice.A.对B.错7【判断题】(5分)A“PreliminaryBibliography”isalistofthesourcesyouhavecitedinyourproposal.A.错B.对8【判断题】(5分) Thesignificanceofyourresearchemphasizespossibleresearchcontributions.A.对B.错9【判断题】(5分)Simpleasitis,aBAthesisproposalincludesalltheelementsinagrantresearchproposal.A.错B.对10【多选题】(5分)WhichofthefollowingisNOTincludedinthree-moveschemeoftheproposalsummary?A.researchneedB.potentialcontributionsC.possiblelimitationsD.researchmethod第五章测试1【判断题】(5分) Theuseofsignalphrasesincitationcanenhancethefluencyofwriting.A.对B.错2【判断题】(5分) Theintegrationofthesourcesmustfitourwritinginstructureandgrammar.A.错B.对3【判断题】(5分) Researchlimitationisacompulsoryelementinallresearchpapers.A.错B.对4【判断题】(5分) CARSModelisapatternforintroductionwritinginresearchpapers.A.对B.错5【判断题】(5分)Inrevising,weneedtofocusontheerrorslikegrammarandspelling.A.错B.对6【判断题】(5分) Aliteraturereviewmainlypresentsasummaryofeachsourceinchronologicalorder.A.错B.对7【单选题】(5分) Characteristicsofacademicwritingincludesallthefollowingexcept________.A.thefirst-personviewB.aformaltoneC.aclearfocusD.precisewordchoice8【单选题】(5分) Itisessentialtoalwaysacknowledgethesourceofborrowedideasinyourpaper.Todootherwiseisconsi dered_________.A.IgnoranceB.CarelessnessC.Plagiarism9【单选题】(5分)Whichofthefollowingarefeaturesofagoodtitle?A.ClearB.AlloftheaboveC.Attractive.D.Direct10【单选题】(5分)Abstractscanbedividedintotwotypes accordingto their_________.A.functionsB.length第六章测试1【判断题】(5分)MLAin-textcitationrequiresthattheauthorinformationshouldbeputeitherinthetextofthepaperorint heparentheticalcitation.A.错B.对2【判断题】(5分)InMLAdocumentation,parentheticalcitationinthetextofthepapermustalwaysincludetheauthor’sn ameandthework’stitle.A.错B.对3【判断题】(5分)MLAworkscitedlistisorganizedalphabeticallybytheauthor’slastnames(orbytitleforaworkwithnoa uthor).A.错B.对4【判断题】(5分)Whenawork’sauthorisunknown,theworkislistedunder“Anonymous”inthelistofMLAworkscited.A.错B.对5【单选题】(5分)Lee(2007)stated,“Theabilitytothinkcriticallyisneededinthisrevolutionaryageoftechnologicalcha nge”(p.82).Thein-textcitationusedhereis__________.A.integratedB.non-integrated6【多选题】(5分)WhatarethefunctionsofAPAdocumentation?A.Tociteothers’ideasandinformationusedwithinyourpaperB.TodemonstratethetypeofresearchconductedC.ToindicatethesourcesintheReferenceslist7【单选题】(5分)Writethelistofworkscited,usingtheAPAformat.Aparaphraseofanideafrompage121ofWritingSpace:TheComputer;Hypertext,andtheHistoryofWr iting,byJayDavidBolter.This1991bookwaspublishedbyLawrenceErlbaumAssociatesofHillsdale, NewJersey.Whichofthefollowingiscorrectfortheauthor’sname?A.Bolter,J.DB.J.D.BolterC.Jay,D.BolterD.Bolter,JayDavid【单选题】(5分)Writethelistofworkscited,usingtheAPAformat.Aquotationfrompage78ofanarticlebyBartKoskoandSatornIsakafromtheJuly1993issueofScientifi cAmerican,amonthlypublication.Thearticleisentitled"FuzzyLogic"andappearsonpages76to81in volume239,ofthejournal. Whichofthefollowingisthecorrectformatforthevolumeandpagernumber?A.ScientificAmerican,239,78B.ScientificAmerican,239,76-81C.ScientificAmerican,239:76-81D.ScientificAmerican,239,76-81.9【多选题】(5分)Bohren,M.A.,G.J.Hofmeyr,C.Sakala,R.K.Fukuzawa,andA.Cuthbert.(2017).Continuoussupportf orwomenduringchildbirth.CochraneDatabaseofSystematicReviews,2017(7).https:///10.1 002/14651858.CD003766.pub6Errorsmadeinthisentryinclude_________.A.authors’namesB.issuenumberC.theword“and”D.doinumber10【单选题】(5分)Perrey,S.(2017).Doweperformbetterwhenweincreaseredbloodcells?TheLancetHaematology,17, 2352-3026.https:///10.1016/S2352-3026(17)30123-0.RetrievedAugust23,2018.Whatinfo rmationisNOTneededinthisentry?A.ThedateofretrievalB.ThepagerangeC.Thedoinumber。



绝密★启用并使用完毕前山东省实验中学2024届高三第一次模拟考试英语试题2024.04(本试卷共10页, 共三部分: 全卷满分120分, 考试用时100分钟)注意事项:1. 答卷前, 先将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在试卷和答题纸上。

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第一部分阅读理解(共两节, 满分50分)第一节(共15小题; 每小题2.5分, 满分37.5分)阅读下列短文, 从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。

AIntroduction to Drama ExamsOur exams inspire and enable learners across the globe to be confident communicators. Exams are open to anyone looking to gain confidence and experience in speech, communication and performance. There are no age restrictions. As one of the UK's oldest and most respected drama schools and awarding organizations, we examine over 100,000candidates and deliver exams both online and in person in many countries across the globe.Now we are pleased to offer free, online "Introduction to Examinations" information session. Booking is now opening for events until Summer 2024.The 1.5-hour session will begin with an Introduction to Examinations, their history and the format of assessment. Work will then focus on the subjects available to take, and will end with a Q&A phase where participants will be invited to write in their questions to the host organizer.Ifyouhaveanyquestionsregardingthis,********************************.ukandwewillbehappytohelp. Looking forward to seeing you online at this event.1. What is an advantage of the drama exam?A. It is free of charge.B. It offers flexible schedules.C. It suits a wide range of people.D. It puts restrictions on nationality.2. What is required to register for the sessions?A. Payment in advance.B. Contact information.C. Education background.D. Performance experience.3. What should you do if you have a question during the online session?A. Email it to the drama school.B. Write it down before the session.C. Propose it at the beginning of the session.D. Send it to the host organizer in Q&A phase.BCafeterias have been filled with challenges—right from planning, purchasing, and preparing, to reducing waste, staying on budget, managing goods, and training staff. Through the tedious process, restaurateurs lacked a unified platform for efficient management. To bring consistency to the unorganised catering(餐饮)industry, childhood friends Arjun Subramanian and Raj Jain, who shared a passion for innovation, decided to partner in 2019 to explore opportunities in the cafeteria industry.In May 2020, they co-founded Platos, a one-stop solution for restaurants with a custom technology kit to streamline all aspects of cafeteria management. The company offers end-to-end cafeteria management, staff selection and food trials to ensure smooth operations and consistent service. "We believe startups solve real problems and Platos is our shot at making daily workplace food enjoyable again. We aim to simplify the dining experience, providing a convenient and efficient solution that benefits both restaurateurs and customers and creating a connected ecosystem, "says Subramanian, CEO and co-founder.Platos guarantees that a technology-driven cafeteria allows customers to order, pay, pick up, and provide ratings and feedback. It also offers goods and menu management to effectively perform daily operations. Additionally, its applications connect all shareholders for a smart cafeteria experience. "We help businesses that are into catering on condition that they have access to an industrial kitchen setup where they' re making food according to certain standards," Jain states.Since the beginning, Platos claims to have transformed 45 cafeterias across eight cities in the country. Currently, it has over 45,000 monthly users placing more than 200,000 orders. Despite facing challenges in launching cafeterias across major cities in the initial stages, Platos has experienced a 15% increase in its month-over-month profits.As for future plans, the startup is looking to raise $1 million from investors as strategic partners, bringing in capital, expertise, and networks. "Finding the right lead investor is the compass that points your startup toward success," Subramanian says.4. What does the underlined word "tedious" in Paragraph 1 mean?A. Time-consuming.B. Breath-taking.C. Heart-breaking.D. Energy-saving.5. What is the purpose of founding Platos?A. To connect customers with a greener ecosystem.B. To ensure food security and variety in cafeterias.C. To improve cafeteria management with technology.D. To make staff selection more efficient and enjoyable.6. What can we learn from the statistics in Paragraph 4?A. Platos has achieved its ultimate financial goal.B. Platos has gained impressive marketing progress.C. Challenges in food industry can be easily overcome.D. Tech-driven cafeterias have covered most urban areas.7. What is Subramanian's future plan for Platos?A. To reduce costs.B. To increase profits.C. To seek investment.D. To innovate technology.CWith a brain the size of a pinhead, insects possess a great sense of direction. They manage to locate themselves and move through small openings. How do they do this with their limited brain power? Understanding the inner workings of an insect's brain can help us in our search towards energy-efficient computing, physicist Elisabetta Chicca of the University of Groningen shows with her most recent result: a robot that acts like an insect.It's not easy to make use of the images that come in through your eyes when deciding what your feet or wings should do. A key aspect here is the apparent motion of things as you move. "Like when you're on a train,” Chicca explains. "The trees nearby appear to move faster than the houses far away." Insects use this information to infer how far away things are. This works well when moving in a straight line, but reality is not that simple. To keep things manageable for their limited brain power, they adjust their behaviour: they fly in a straight line, make a turn, then make another straight line.In search of the neural mechanism(神经机制)that drives insect behaviour, PhD student Thorben Schoepe developed a model of its neuronal activity and a small robot that uses this model to find the position. His model is based on one main principle: always head towards the area with the least apparent motion. He had his robot drive through a long passage consisting of two walls and the robot centred in the middle of the passage, as insects tend to do. In other virtual environments, such as a space with small openings, his model also showed similar behaviour to insects.The fact that a robot can find its position in a realistic environment is not new. Rather, the model gives insight into how insects do the job, and how they manage to do things so efficiently. In a similar way, you could make computers more efficient.In the future, Chicca hopes to apply this specific insect behaviour to a chip as well. "Instead of using a general-purpose computer with all its possibilities, you can build specific hardware; a tiny chip that does the job, keeping things much smaller and energy-efficient." She comments.8. Why is "a train" mentioned in Paragraph 2?A. To illustrate the principle of train motion.B. To highlight why human vision is limited.C. To explain how insects perceive distances.D. To compare the movement of trees and houses.9. What does Paragraph 3 mainly talk about concerning Schoepe's model?A. Its novel design.B. Its theoretical basis.C. Its possible application.D. Its working mechanism.10. What do the researchers think of the finding?A. Amusing.B. Discouraging.C. Promising.D. Contradictory.11. What will Chicca's follow-up study focus on?A. Inventing insect-like chips.B. Studying general-purpose robots.C. Creating insect-inspired computers.D. Developing energy-efficient hardware.DWith the help from an artificial language(AL)model, MIT neuroscientists have discovered what kind of sentences are most likely to fire up the brain's key language processing centers. The new study reveals that sentences that are more complex, because of either unusual grammar or unexpected meaning, generate stronger responses in these language processing centers. Sentences that are very straightforward barely engage these regions, and meaningless orders of words don't do much for them either.In this study, the researchers focused on language-processing regions found in the left hemisphere(半球)of the brain. By collecting a set of 1,000 sentences from various sources, the researchers measured the brain activity of participants using functional magnetic resonance imaging(fMRI)while they read the sentences. The same sentences were also fed into a large language model, similar to ChatGPT, to measure the model's activation patterns. Once the researchers had all of those data, they trained the model to predict how the human language network would respond to any new sentence based on how the artificial language network responded to these 1,000 sentences.The researchers then used the model to determine 500 new sentences that would drive highest brain activity and sentences that would make the brain less active, and their findings were confirmed in subsequent human participants. To understand why certain sentences generate stronger brain responses, the model examined the sentences based on 11 different language characteristics. The analysis revealed that sentences that were more surprising resulted in greater brain activity. Another linguistic(语言的)aspect that correlated with the brain's language network responses was the complexity of the sentences, which was determined by how well they followed English grammar rules and bow logically they linked with each other.The researchers now plan to see if they can extend these findings in speakers of languages other than English. They also hope to explore what type of stimuli may activate language processing regions in the brain's right hemisphere.12. What sentences make our brain work harder?A. Lengthy.B. Logical.C. Straightforward.D. Complicated.13. What is the function of the AL model in the research?A. To examine language network.B. To reduce language complexity.C. To locate language processing area.D. To identify language characteristics.14. How did the researchers carry out their study?A. By conducting interviews.B. By collecting questionnaires.C. By analyzing experiment data.D. By reviewing previous studies.15. Which of the following is a suitable title for the text?A. AL Model Stimulates Brain ActivitiesB. AL Model Speeds Up Language LearningC. AL Model Reveals the Secrets of Brain ActivationD. AL Model Enhances Brain Processing Capacity第二节(共5小题; 每小题2.5分, 满分12.5分)根据短文内容, 从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。

Bending flows for sums of rank one matrices

Bending flows for sums of rank one matrices
1. Introduction The aim of this paper is to generalize results of Kapovich and Millson [KM96] and Klyachko [Kly92] on the moduli space Mr of (closed) polygons in R3 with prescribed sidelengths r = (r1 , . . . , rn ), polygons related by a Euclidean motion being identified. They showed that Mr is a (possibly singular) symplectic manifold, and introduced a class of commuting Hamiltonian flows, the so-called bending flows. These flows bend the polygon about the diagonals emanating from one fixed vertex. The part of the polygon to one side of the diagonal does not move, while the other part rotates at constant speed. The lengths of the diagonals are action variables which generate the bending flows; the conjugate angle variables are the dihedral angles between the fixed and the moving parts. We generalize this picture by replacing vectors in R3 by positive semidefinite rank-one Hermitean matrices. These have the form e = rw ⊗ w ∗, where r > 0 and w is a unit vector in Cm+1 . Explicitly, e : v → r (v, w )w where ( , ) is the standard positive definite Hermitean form ∗ on Cm+1 . The edges of a polygon will be ei = ri wi ⊗ wi , i = 1, . . . , n, ri > 0 fixed, and closed will mean closed up to a multiple of the identity, e1 + · · · + en = ΛI. Equality of traces forces Λ = (r1 + · · · + rn )/(m + 1). Polygons are identified if they are related by simultaneous rotation of the sides by an element of U(m+1). Since w ⊗ w ∗ is unchanged if w is multiplied by √ exp( −1 θ), we may think of an edge rw ⊗ w ∗ as a weighted point in the projective space CPm , and of a polygon as a weighted configuration of points in CPm . The paper has three parts. (1) A study of the moduli space Mr . Criteria for nonemptiness and nonsingularity of Mr are found. (2) A generalization of bending flows and their action-angle coordinates. (3) A relation between the bending flows and representations of U(m+1); this is reminiscent of geometric quantization. This is the logical progression of the material, but (1) stands alone, and (2), about the bending flows, can be read independently of the rest. We give a brief outline of each part. If follows from general results of [Kly98] (however we sketch a direct proof in what follows) that Mr is nonempty if, and only if, the side



《英语语言学概论》精选试题11.Which of the following statements about language is NOT true?nguage is a systemnguage is symbolicC.Animals also have l anguagenguage is arbitrary2.Which of the following features is NOT one of the design features of language?A. SymbolicB. DualityC. ProductiveD. Arbitrary3.What is the most important function of language?A. InterpersonalB. PhaticC. InformativeD. Metalingual4.Who put forward the distinction between Langue and Parole?A. SaussureB. C homskyC. HallidayD. Anonymous5.According to Chomsky, which is the ideal user's internalized knowledge of his language?A. competenceB. paroleC. performanceD. langue6.The function of the sentence "A nice day, isn't it?" is .A. informativeB. phaticC. directiveD. performative7.Articulatory phonetics mainly studies .A.the physical properties of the sounds produced in speechB.the perception of soundsC.the combination of soundsD.the production of sounds8.The distinction between vowels and consonants lies in .A.the place of articulationB.the obstruction of airstreamC.the position of the tongueD.the shape of the lips9.Which is the branch of linguistics which studies the characteristics of speech sounds and provides methods for their description, classification and transcription?A. PhoneticsB. PhonologyC. SemanticsD. Pragmatics10.Which studies the sound systems in a certain language?A. PhoneticsB. PhonologyC. SemanticsD. Pragmatics11.Minimal pairs are used to .A.find the distinctive features of a languageB.find the phonemes of a languagepare two wordsD.find the allophones of languageually, suprasegmental features include ,length and pitch.A. phonemeB. speech soundsC. syllablesD. stress13.Which is an indispensable part of a syllable?A. CodaB. OnsetC. StemD. Peak三、判断1.The analyst collects samples of the language as it is used, not according to some views of how it should be used. This is called the prescriptive approach. F2.B road transcription is normally used by the phoneticians in their study of speech sounds. F台州学院考试题1.Articulatory Phonetics studies the physical properties of speech sounds.2.English is a typical intonation language.3.Phones in complementary distribution should be assigned to the same phoneme.4.Linguistic c is a native speaker’s linguistic knowledge of his language.1.The relationship between the sound and the meaning of a word is a .2.P refers to the realization of langue in actual u se.3.Linguistics is generally defined as t he s study of language.1.Which of the following branch of linguistics takes the inner structure of word as its main object of study?A. Phonetics.B. Semantics.C. M orphology.D. Sociolinguistics.3. Which of the following is a voiceless bilabial stop?A. [w].B. [m].C. [b].D. [p].6. What phonetic feature distinguishes the [p] in please and the [p] in speak?A.VoicingB. AspirationC. RoundnessD. Nasality11.Conventionally a is put in slashes.A. a llophoneB. phoneC. phonemeD. morphemenguage is tool of communication. The symbol “highway closed ”serves .A. an expressive functionB. an informative functionC. a performative functionD. a persuasive function14.Which of the following groups of words is a minimal pair?A. but/pubB. wet/whichC. cool/curlD. fail/find16.What are the dual structures of language?A. Sounds and letters.B. Sounds and m eaning.C. Letters and meaning.D. Sounds and symbols.19.Which of the following is one of the core branches of linguistics?A.Phonology.B.Psycho-linguistics.C.Sociolinguistics.D.Anthropology.IV. Translate the following linguistic terms: (10 points, 1 point each)A. From English to ChineseB. From Chinese to English1.acoustic phonetics6. 應用語言學2. closed class words4. distinctive featuresVI.Answer the following questions briefly. (20 points)1.Define phoneme. (4 points)2.Explain complementary distribution with an example.(5 points)3.What are the four criteria for classifying English vowels. (4 points)问答答案1. A contrastive phonological segment whose phonetic realizations are predictable by rules. (4 points)(or: A phoneme is a phonological unit; it is a unit that is of distinctive value.)2.The situation in which phones never occur in the same phonetic environment.(4 points)e.g. [p] and [p h] never occur in the same position. (1 point)3.the position of the tongue in the mouth(1 point), the openness of the mouth(1 point), the shape of the lips(1 point), and the length of the vowels. (1 point)Chapter 1 Introductions to LinguisticsI.Choose the best answer. (20%)nguage is a system of arbitrary vocal symbols used for humanA. contactB. communicationC. relationD. Community2.Which of the following words is entirely arbitrary?A. treeB. typewriterC. crashD. Bang3.The function of the sentence ―Water boils at 100 degrees Centigrade.‖ is.A. interrogativeB. directiveC. informativeD. Performative4.In Chinese when someone breaks a bowl or a plate the host or the people present are likely to say―碎碎(岁岁)平安‖as a means of controlling the forces which they believes feelmight affect their lives. Which functions does it perform?A. InterpersonalB. EmotiveC. PerformativeD. Recreational5.Which of the following property of language enables language users to overcome the barriers caused by time and place , due to this feature of language, speakers of a language arefree to talk about anything in any situation?A. TransferabilityB. DualityC. DisplacementD. Arbitrariness6.Study the following dialogue. What function does it play according to the functions of language?—Anice day, isn’t it?—Right! I really enjoy the sunlight.A. EmotiveB. PhaticC. PerformativeD. Interpersonal7.________ refers to the actual realization of the ideal language user’s knowledge of the rules of his language in utterances.A. PerformanceB. CompetenceC. LangueD. Parole8.When a dog is barking, you assume it is barking for something or at someone thatexists hear and now. It couldn’t be sorrowful for some lost love or lost bone. This indicat design feature of .A.cultural transmissionB.productivityC.displacementD. Duality9.answers such questions as how we as infants acquire our first language.A.PsycholinguisticsB.A nthropological linguisticsC.SociolinguisticsD.Applied with language application to other fields, particularly education.A.Linguistic theoryB.Practical linguisticsC.Applied linguisticsparative linguisticsII.Decide whether the following statements are true or false. (10%)11. Language is a means of verbal communication. Therefore, the communication way used by the deaf-mute is not language. F13.Speaking is the quickest and most efficient way of the human communication systems.nguage is written because writing is the primary medium for all languages. F15.We were all born with the ability to acquire language, which means the details language system can be genetically transmitted. F16.Only human beings are able to communicate. F17. F. de Saussure, who made the distinction between langue and parole in the early 20th century, was a French linguist. F18. A study of the features of the English used in Shake e s a p re’s time is an example of the diachronic 历时study of language. F19.Speech and writing came into being at much the same time in human history.F20. III.All the languages in the world today have both spoken and written forms.Fill in the blanks. (10%)Fnguage, broadly speaking, is a means of verbal_ communication.22.In any language words can be used in new ways to mean new things and can becombined into innumerable sentences based on limited rules. This feature is usually termed creativity_ .nguage has many functions. We can use language to talk about itself. This funct is .24.Theory that primitive man made involuntary vocal noises while performing heavywork has been c alled the yo-he-ho ________ theory.25.Linguistics is the systematic study of language.26.Modern linguistics is __ ________ in the sense that the linguist tries to discover what language is rather than lay down some rules for people to observe.27.One general principle of linguistic analysis is the primacy of over writing.28.The description of a language as it changes through time is a study.29.Saussure put forward two important concepts. refers to the abstract linguistic system shared by all members of a speech community.30.Linguistic potential is similar to Saussure’s langue and Chomsky’s.I V.Explain the following terms, using examples. (20%)31.Design feature32.Displacementpetence34.Synchronic linguisticsV.Answer the following questions. (20%)35.Why do people take duality as one of the important design features of human language?Can you tell us what language will be if it has no such design feature? (南开大学,2004 )35.Duality makes our language productive. A large number of different units can be formed out o a small number of elements – for instance, tens of thousands of words out of a small set of sounds, around 48 in the case of the English language. And out of the huge number of words, there can be astronomical number of possible sentences and phrases, which in turn can combineto form unlimited number of texts. Most animal communication systems do not have this design feature of human language.If language has no such design feature, then it will be like animal communicational systemwhich will be highly limited. It cannot produce a very large number of sound combinations, e.g. words, which are distinct in meaning.Chapter 2 Speech SoundsI.Choose the best answer. (20%)1.Pitch variation is k nown as when its patterns are imposed on s entences.A. intonationB. toneC. pronunciationD. voice2.Conventionally a is put in slashes (/ /).A. allophoneB. phoneC. phonemeD. morpheme3.An aspirated p, an unaspirated p and an unreleased p are of the p phoneme.A. analoguesB. tagmemesC. morphemesD. allophones4.The opening between the vocal cords is sometimes referred to as .A. g lottisB. vocal cavityC. pharynxD. uvula6.A phoneme is a group of similar sounds called .A. minimal pairsB. allomorphsC. phonesD. allophones7.Which branch of phonetics concerns the production of speech sounds?A.Acoustic phoneticsB.Articulatory phoneticsC.Auditory phoneticsD.None of the above8.Which one is different from the others according to places of articulation?A. [n]B. [m]C. [ b ]D. [p]9.Which vowel is different from the others according to the characteristics of vowels?A. [i:]B. [ u ]C. [e]D. [ i ]10.What kind of sounds can we make when the vocal cords are vibrating?A. VoicelessB. V oicedC. G lottal s topD. ConsonantII.Decide whether the following statements are true or false. (10%)11.Suprasegmental phonology refers to the study of phonological properties of units larger thanthe segment-phoneme, such as syllable, word and sentence.12.The air stream provided by the lungs has to undergo a number of modification to acquire thequality of a speech sound.14.[p] is a voiced bilabial stop.15.Acoustic phonetics is concerned with the perception of speech sounds.16.All syllables must have a nucleus but not all syllables contain an onset and a coda.17.W hen pure vowels or monophthongs are pronounced, no vowel glides take place.18.According to the length or tenseness of the pronunciation, vowels can be divided into vs. lax or long vs. short.III.Fill in the blanks. (20%)21. Consonant sounds can be e ither ______ __ or _______ _, while all vowel sounds are .23. The qualities of vowels depend upon the position of the and the lips.25.Consonants differ from vowels in that the latter are produced without .26.In phonological analysis the words fail / veil are distinguishable simply because of the two phonemes /f/ - /v/. This is an example for illustrating .27.In English there are a number of _________ , which are produced by moving f rom one vowel position to another through intervening positions.28.refers to the phenomenon of sounds continually show the influence of their the smallest linguistic unit.IV.Explain the following terms, using examples. (20%)31.Sound assimilation32.Suprasegmental featureplementary distribution34.Distinctive featuresV.Answer the following questions. (20%)35.What is a coustic phonetics? (中国人民大学,2003 )36.What are the differences between voiced sounds and voiceless sounds in terms of articulation? (南开大学,2004 )VI.Analyze the f ollowing situation. (20%)37.Write the symbol that corresponds to each of the following phonetic descriptions; then give an English word that contains this sound. Example: voiced alveolar stop [d] dog. (青岛海洋大学,1999 )(1)voiceless bilabial unaspirated stop(2)low front vowel(3)lateral liquid(4)velar nasal(5)voiced interdental fricative32.Suprasegmental feature: The phonetic features that occur above the level of the segments are called suprasegmental features; these are the phonological properties of such units as the syllable, the word, and the sentence. The main suprasegmental ones includes stress, intonation, and tone.plementary distribution: The different allophones of the same phoneme never occur in the same phonetic context. When two or more allophones of one phoneme never occur in the same linguistic environment they are said to be in complementary distribution.34.Distinctive featureIst: refers to the features that can distinguish one phoneme from another. If we can group the phonemes into two categories: one with this feature and the other without, this feature is called a d istinctive feature.V. 35.Acoustic phonetics deals with the transmission of speech sounds through the air. When a speechsound is produced it causes minor air disturbances (sound waves). Various instruments are usedto measure the characteristics of these sound waves.36. When the vocal cords are spread apart, the air from the lungs passes between them unimpeded. Sounds produced in this way are described as voiceless; consonants [p, s, t] are produced in this way. But when the vocal cords are drawn together, the air from the lungs repeatedly pushes them apart as it passes through, creating a vibration effect. Sounds pr in this way are described as voiced. [b, z, d] are voiced consonants.11。



高二英语数学建模方法单选题20题1. In the process of mathematical modeling, "parameter" means _____.A. a fixed valueB. a variable valueC. a constant valueD. a random value答案:A。

解析:“parameter”常见释义为“参数”,通常指固定的值,选项 A 符合;选项B“variable value”意为“变量值”;选项C“constant value”指“常数值”;选项D“random value”是“随机值”,在数学建模中“parameter”通常指固定的值。

2. When building a mathematical model, "function" is often used to describe _____.A. a relationship between inputs and outputsB. a set of random numbersC. a single valueD. a group of constants答案:A。

解析:“function”在数学建模中常被用来描述输入和输出之间的关系,选项 A 正确;选项B“a set of random numbers”表示“一组随机数”;选项C“a single value”是“单个值”;选项D“a group of constants”指“一组常数”。

3. In the context of mathematical modeling, "optimization" refers to _____.A. finding the best solutionB. creating a new modelC. changing the parameters randomlyD. ignoring the constraints答案:A。


___1. The conclusion of non-monotonic argument is always true. ___2., Probabilistic reasoning is more efficient than Bayesian network. ___3. Conflicts in the "Nixon Diamond" is an example of conflicts in defaults. ___4. Inconsistent probability assignments is one of the challenges to probabilistic approaches. ___5. That general-purpose fuzzy rules are hard to get is one of the challenges to fuzning with Uncertainty
Exercises I. Read the following statements carefully, and decide whether they are true (T) or false (F) according to the text.
Section A: Reasoning with Uncertainty
II. Choose the best answer to each of the following questions according to the text.
1. When was Thomas Bayes born? A. In 1936 B. In 1702 C. In 1761 D. In 1985
• Part 1 Reading and Translating



英文科技论文写作_北京理工大学中国大学mooc课后章节答案期末考试题库2023年1.If a real physical system shows a variation of both material properties acrossthe graded layer, the assumed linear variation may not give the bestapproximation.答案:may2.The idea of 'community' in terms of GRT lives is very strong and could beseen to correspond to some of the nostalgic constructs that non-GRT groups place on 'community'.答案:could be seen3.Is the research topic “How safe is nuclear power” effective?答案:正确4.Decide whether the following statement is true or false.c.Introductionincludes more detailed information than abstract.答案:正确5.Tertiary education may be ________ asthe period of study which is spent atuniversity.答案:defined6.Unbalanced Force ________ tothe sum total or net force exerted on an object.答案:refers7.This scatter can be attributed to the difficulties in measuring the dent depthdue to specimen processing.答案:can be attributed8.Choose a proper word from the choices to complete the following sentence.Arocket traveling away from Earth ____________ a speed greater than 11.186kilometers per second (6.95 miles per second) or 40,270 kilometers per hour (25,023 mph) will eventually escape Earth’s gravity.答案:at9.Choose a proper word from the choices to complete the following sentence.Inmechanical systems, power, the rate of doing work, can be computed____________ the product of force × velocity.答案:as10.Choose a proper word from the choices to complete the followingsentence.N ewton’s first law, the law of inertia, __________ that it takes a force to change the motion of an object.答案:states11.Choose a proper word from the choices to complete the followingsentence.Newton’s second law relates force, acceleration, and mass and it is often ___________ as the equation:f = ma答案:written12.Choose a proper word from the choices to complete the followingsentence.Because all types of energy can be expressed ___________ the sameunits, joules, this conversion can be expressed quantitatively in simplemodels.答案:in13.Choose a proper word from the choices to complete the followingsentence.So a key difference between a rocket and a jet plane is ____________ a rocket’s engine lifts it directly upward into the sky, whereas a jet’s engin es simply speed the plane forward so its wings can generate lift.答案:that14.Which of the following are the guidelines for writing formulas and equations?答案:Numbering all equations in sequence if referred to later._Centeringequations on their own separate lines._Using equations as grammatical units in sentences._Defining the symbols that are used.15.Acceleration relates to motion. It ________ a change in motion.答案:means16.Assertiveness is ________ asa skill of being able to stand up for your own orother people's rights in a calm and positive way, without being eitheraggressive, or passively accepting 'wrong'.答案:viewed17.The force that pushes a rocket upward is ________ thrust.答案:called18.Water ________ a liquid made up of molecules of hydrogen and oxygen in theratio of 2 to 1.答案:is19.The number of private cars increased ______60% from 2015 to 2016.答案:by20.Which can be the situations for writing a researchproposal?答案:Applying for an opportunity for a project_Applying for a bachelor’s, or master’s or doctor’s degree_Applying for some research funds or grants21.Who are usually the readers of the research proposals?答案:Specialists_Professors_Supervisors for the students_Professionals22.What are the elements to make the research proposal persuasive?答案:Reasonable budget_Clear Schedule_A Capable research team_Theimportance and necessity of the research question23.What are the language features of the research proposal?答案:Future tense_First person24.The purpose of writing a proposal is to ________________ the readers that theresearch plan is feasible and we are capable to do it.答案:persuade25.What types of information are generally supposed to be included in theintroduction section in the report?答案:Background_Summary of the results and conclusion_The purpose of the research26.Please decide whether the following statement is T(true) orF(false)according to the video.Discussion section analyzesand evaluates the research methods.答案:错误27.Please decide whether the following statement is T(true) orF(false)according to the video.Conclusion and recommendation sectionstates the significance of the findings and usually includes possible directions for further research.答案:正确28.These causes affected different regions differently in the 1990s, ______ Europehaving as much as 9.8% of degradation due to deforestation.答案:with29.Coal is predicted to increase steadily to 31q in 2030, whereas gas will remainstable ______ 25q.答案:at30.Manufacturing value added amounted ______12.3% of total U.S. grossdomestic product (GDP) in 2012, according to United Nations calculations.答案:to31.Chinese manufacturing value added accounted ______ 30.6% of its economy’stotal output in 2012, according to the UN.答案:for32.Japan ranked third ______ manufacturing value added at $1.1 trillion (seeFigure 1).答案:in33.About 4.2% of the 1,120 respondents were younger than 20 years, and 26.7%were ______ 21 and 30 years old.答案:between34.______ all the respondents, 67.1% were married and 32.9% were single.答案:of35.Decide whether the following statement is true or false.b.Both introductionand abstract include research findings.答案:错误36.Decide whether the following statement is true or false.a.It is possible to findtables or diagrams in introduction.答案:正确37.What are the possible contents of an introduction?答案:Reviewing the existing literature relevant to the presentstudy_Announcing the purpose/focus of the study_Identifying a gap in the existing literature_Explaining the significance or necessity of the research38.Choose the proper answers for the following questions.Ways to organize thereferences include:答案:a. Chronological order of publications_b. Researchmethods_c. Research theories_d. Research modes39.This indicates that there is a possibility of obtaining fluid density from soundspeed measurements and suggests that it is possible to measure soundabsorption with an ultrasonic cell to determine oil viscosity.In this sentence, the writer presents答案:Implication40.The measurements were shown to lead to an accurate determination of thebubble point of the oil.In this sentence, the writer presents答案:Results and achievement41.An ultrasonic cell was constructed to measure the speed of sound and testedin a crude oil sample. The speed of sound was measured at temperaturesbetween 260 and 411 K at pressures up to 75 MPs.In this sentence, thewriter presents答案:Methodology42.The aim of this study was to investigate the use of an ultrasonic cell todetermine crude oil properties, in particular oil density.In this sentence, the writer presents答案:Research aim43. A citation gives the s____ where the information or idea is from.答案:source44.An in-text citation usually includes information about the author and thep____ year.答案:publishing##%_YZPRLFH_%##publication45.To avoid plagiarism, using citations is the best way to give c____ to theoriginal author.答案:credit46.The publication details of the references listed at the end of the paper usuallyare put in a____ order.答案:alphabetical##%_YZPRLFH_%##alphabetic##%_YZPRLFH_%##alphab et47.The speed of sound in a fluid is determined by, and therefore an indicator of,the thermodynamic properties of that fluid.In this sentence, the writerpresents答案:Background factual information48.Citations are not necessary if the source is not clear.答案:错误49.Unintentional plagiarism can be excused.答案:错误50.Citing will make our writing less original.答案:错误51.Citing can effectively stress the originality of someone’s work.答案:正确52.As for the purposes of a literature review, which one is not included?答案:predicting the trend in relation to a central research question orhypothesis53. A literature review could be possibly presented as a/an ______.答案:all of the above54.The heading “Brief review of literature: drawing a timeline from 2005 to2017” shows the literature review is arranged in ______ order.答案:chronological55.About writing a literature review, which of the following statements is notcorrect?答案:To show respect to others’ work, our own interpretations should not be included.56.In terms of the writing feature, a research paper resembles a/an______.答案:argumentation57.Each citation can only have one particular citing purpose.答案:错误pared with in-text citations, the end-of-text references are more detailed.答案:正确59.In-text citations provide the abbreviation of an author’s given/first namerather than family/last name.答案:错误60.When the Chinese writers’ ideas are cited, the first names in Pinyin will begiven in in-text citations.答案:错误61.When a process is described, _____________ are usually used to show the orderof the stages or steps.答案:sequencers62.To help the reader better understand a complicated process, _____________ is(are) very often used.答案:visual aids63.What information is usually included when defining a process?答案:Equipment._Product_Material64.Decide whether the following statement is true or false.Researchers arerequired to use past tense when describing a process.答案:错误65.Decide whether the following statement is true or false.A definition of theprocess is very often given first when a process is described.答案:正确66.Escherichia coli, when found in conjunction with urethritis, often indicateinfection higher in the uro-genital tract.答案:正确67.The 'management' of danger is also not the sort of language to appear withinpolicy documents that refer to GRT children, which reflects systematicfailures in schools.错误68.Conceivably, different forms, changing at different rates and showingcontrasting combinations of characteristics, were present in different areas.答案:正确69.Viewing a movie in which alcohol is portrayed appears to lead to higher totalalcohol consumption of young people while watching the movie.答案:正确70.Furthermore, this proves that humans are wired to imitate.答案:错误71.One possibility is that generalized latent inhibition is likely to be weaker thanthat produced by pre-exposure to the CS itself and thus is more likely to be susceptible to the effect of the long interval.答案:正确72.It is unquestionable that our survey proved that the portrayal of alcohol anddrinking characters in movies directly leads to more alcohol consumption in young adult male viewers when alcohol is available within the situation.错误73.Implications of these findings may be that, if moderation of alcoholconsumption in certain groups is strived for, it may be sensible to cut down on the portrayal of alcohol in programmes aimed at these groups and thecommercials shown in between.答案:正确74.This effect might occur regardless of whether it concerns a real-lifeinteraction.答案:正确75.It definitely proves that a movie in which a lot of partying is involved triggersa social process between two participants that affects total drinking amounts.答案:错误76.It is believed that alcohol related health problems are on the rise.答案:believed77.Drinking to excess, or 'binge drinking' is often the cause of inappropriatebehaviour amongst teenagers.often78.It seems as though the experiment conducted simply confirms suspicionsheld by the academic and medical professions.答案:seems79.However, attrition was greatest among the heaviest drinking segment of thesample, suggesting under-estimation in the findings, and although the study provided associational, prospective evidence on alcohol advertising effects on youth drinking, it addressed limitations of other research, particularly the unreliability of exposure measures based on self-reporting (Synder andSlater, 2006).答案:suggesting80.These differences may be due to the fact participants reporting higherconsumption levels were primed to overrate their weekly drinking by the condition they were in.答案:may81.The crack tends to grow into the more brittle material and then stay in there,whether the initial crack tip lies in the graded material or in the more ductile material (and thereafter advances across the graded layer.答案:tends82.Decidewhether hedging language is used in thesentence below.Light smokingseems to have dramatic effects on cardiovascular disease.答案:正确83.Decidewhether hedging language is used in thesentence below.The impact ofthe UK’s ageing population will lead to increased welfare costs. Definitely,this will result in higher taxes and an increased retirement age for younger people.答案:错误84.Decidewhether hedging language is used in thesentence below.Althoughduration of smoking is also important when considering risk, it is highlycorrelated with age, which itself is a risk factor, so separating their effectscan be difficult.答案:正确85.Decidewhether hedging language is used in thesentence below.All these factstaken together point toward the likely presence of calcium carbonate in the soils that Phoenix has analyzed.答案:正确86.Decidewhether hedging language is used in thesentence below.Because thesefeatures are carved into the Tharsis Plateau, they must have an intermediate age.答案:错误87.Decidewhether hedging language is used in thesentence below.They appearto be covered with multiple layers of volcanic flows and sedimentary debris that originated in the south.答案:正确88.Decidewhether hedging language is used in thesentence below.Steven M.Clifford of the Lunar and Planetary Science Institute in Houston, amongothers, has conjectured that melting under a glacier or a thick layer ofpermafrost could also have recharged subterranean water sources.答案:正确89.Decidewhether hedging language is used in thesentence below.Earlier thisyear Philip Christensen of Arizona State University discovered gullies that clearly emerge from underneath a bank of snow and ice.答案:错误90.Put the following expressions in the proper place of the Discussion.A. Thesedata suggestB. In this study, we demonstrate C. it is critical to emphasizeD.additional research will be requiredE. we were unable todetermineDiscussionIndividuals who recover from certain viral infections typically develop virus-specific antibody responses that provide robustprotective immunity against re-exposure, but some viruses do not generate protective natural immunity, such as HIV-1. Human challenge studies for the common cold coronavirus 229E have suggested that there may be partialnatural immunity. However, there is currently no data whether humans who have recovered from SARS-CoV-2 infection are protected from re-exposure.This is a critical issue with profound implications for vaccine development, public health strategies, antibody-based therapeutics, and epidemiologicmodeling of herd immunity. _____1_______ that SARS-CoV-2 infection in rhesusmacaques provided protective efficacy against SARS-CoV-2 rechallenge.We developed a rhesus macaque model of SARS-CoV-2 infection thatrecapitulates many aspects of human SARS-CoV-2 infection, including high levels of viral replication in the upper and lower respiratory tract and clear pathologic evidence of viral pneumonia. Histopathology,immunohistochemistry, RNAscope, and CyCIF imaging demonstratedmultifocal clusters of virus infected cells in areas of acute inflammation, with evidence for virus infection of alveolar pneumocytes and ciliated bronchial epithelial cells. ______2_______ the utility of rhesus macaques as a model forSARS-CoV-2 infection for testing vaccines and therapeutics and for studying immunopathogenesis. However, neither nonhuman primate model led torespiratory failure or mortality, and thus further research will be required to develop a nonhuman primate model of severe COVID-19 disease.SARS-CoV-2 infection in rhesus macaques led to humoral and cellular immune responses and provided protection against rechallenge. Residual low levels ofsubgenomic mRNA in nasal swabs in a subset of animals and anamnesticimmune responses in all animals following SARS-CoV-2 rechallenge suggest that protection was mediated by immunologic control and likely was notsterilizing.Given the near-complete protection in all animals following SARS-CoV-2 rechallenge, ______3_______ immune correlates of protection in thisstudy. SARS-CoV-2 infection in rhesus monkeys resulted in the induction of neutralizing antibody titers of approximately 100 by both a pseudovirusneutralization assay and a live virus neutralization assay, but the relativeimportance of neutralizing antibodies, other functional antibodies, cellular immunity, and innate immunity to protective efficacy against SARS-CoV-2remains to be determined. Moreover, ______4_______ to define the durability of natural immunity.In summary, SARS-CoV-2 infection in rhesus macaquesinduced humoral and cellular immune responses and provided protectiveefficacy against SARS-CoV-2 rechallenge. These data raise the possibility that immunologic approaches to the prevention and treatment of SARS-CoV-2infection may in fact be possible. However,______5_______ that there areimportant differences between SARS-CoV-2 infection in macaques andhumans, with many parameters still yet to be defined in both species, andthus our data should be interpreted cautiously. Rigorous clinical studies will be required to determine whether SARS-CoV-2 infection effectively protects against SARS-CoV-2 re-exposure in humans.答案:BAEDC91.Rearrange the order of the following sentences to make a coherent andmeaningful abstract.1.These antibodies neutralized 10 representative SARS-CoV-2 strains, suggesting a possible broader neutralizing ability against otherstrains. Three immunizations using two different doses, 3 or 6 micrograms per dose, provided partial or complete protection in macaques against SARS-CoV-2 challenge, respectively, without observable antibody-dependentenhancement of infection.2.The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19)pandemic caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2(SARS-CoV-2) has resulted in an unprecedented public health crisis. Because of the novelty of the virus, there are currently no SARS-CoV-2–specifictreatments or vaccines available.3.Therefore, rapid development of effective vaccines against SARS-CoV-2 are urgently needed.4.Here, we developed apilot-scale production of PiCoVacc, a purified inactivated SARS-CoV-2 virus vaccine candidate, which induced SARS-CoV-2–specific neutralizingantibodies in mice, rats, and nonhuman primates.5.These data support the clinical development and testing of PiCoVacc for use in humans.答案:2341592.It seems likely that the details of the predictions depend on the assumedvariations of the toughness parameter and the yield stress.答案:It seems likely that93.The Relationships of Meteorological Factors and Nutrient Levels withPhytoplankton Biomass in a Shallow Eutrophic Lake Dominated byCyanobacteria, Lake Dianchi from 1991 to 2013A. The SHs, WS, and TPconcentrations controlled the bloom dynamics during the dry season, among which the TP concentration was the most important factors, whereas the TN and TP concentrations were the primary factors during the rainy season.B.Interannual analysis revealed that the phytoplankton biomass increased with increases in air temperature and TP concentration, with TP concentration as the main contributing factor.C. The results of our study demonstrated that both meteorological factors and nutrient levels had important roles incontrolling cyanobacterial bloom dynamics.D. All of these results suggest that both climate change regulation and eutrophication management should be considered in strategies aimed at controlling cyanobacterial blooms.E. Insummary, we analyzed the effects of meteorological factors and nutrientlevels on bloom dynamics in Lake Dianchi to represent the phytoplanktonbiomass.F. Further studies should assess the effects of climate change andeutrophication on cyanobacterial bloom dynamics based on data collected over a longer duration and more frequent and complete variables, andappropriate measures should be proposed to control these blooms.G.Decreasing nutrient levels, particularly the TP load should be initiallyconsidered during the entire period and during the dry season, anddecreasing both the TN and TP loads should be considered during the rainy season.H. However, the relative importance of these factors may changeaccording to precipitation patterns.1.2.B3.A4.G5.5. __________答案:F94.The Relationships of Meteorological Factors and Nutrient Levels withPhytoplankton Biomass in a Shallow Eutrophic Lake Dominated byCyanobacteria, Lake Dianchi from 1991 to 2013A. The SHs, WS, and TPconcentrations controlled the bloom dynamics during the dry season, among which the TP concentration was the most important factors, whereas the TN and TP concentrations were the primary factors during the rainy season.B.Interannual analysis revealed that the phytoplankton biomass increased with increases in air temperature and TP concentration, with TP concentration as the main contributing factor.C. The results of our study demonstrated that both meteorological factors and nutrient levels had important roles incontrolling cyanobacterial bloom dynamics.D. All of these results suggest that both climate change regulation and eutrophication management should be considered in strategies aimed at controlling cyanobacterial blooms.E. Insummary, we analyzed the effects of meteorological factors and nutrientlevels on bloom dynamics in Lake Dianchi to represent the phytoplanktonbiomass.F. Further studies should assess the effects of climate change andeutrophication on cyanobacterial bloom dynamics based on data collected over a longer duration and more frequent and complete variables, andappropriate measures should be proposed to control these blooms.G.Decreasing nutrient levels, particularly the TP load should be initiallyconsidered during the entire period and during the dry season, anddecreasing both the TN and TP loads should be considered during the rainy season.H. However, the relative importance of these factors may changeaccording to precipitation patterns.1.2.B3.A4.G5.4. __________答案:D95.The Relationships of Meteorological Factors and Nutrient Levels withPhytoplankton Biomass in a Shallow Eutrophic Lake Dominated byCyanobacteria, Lake Dianchi from 1991 to 2013A. The SHs, WS, and TPconcentrations controlled the bloom dynamics during the dry season, among which the TP concentration was the most important factors, whereas the TN and TP concentrations were the primary factors during the rainy season.B.Interannual analysis revealed that the phytoplankton biomass increased with increases in air temperature and TP concentration, with TP concentration as the main contributing factor.C. The results of our study demonstrated that both meteorological factors and nutrient levels had important roles incontrolling cyanobacterial bloom dynamics.D. All of these results suggest that both climate change regulation and eutrophication management should be considered in strategies aimed at controlling cyanobacterial blooms.E. Insummary, we analyzed the effects of meteorological factors and nutrientlevels on bloom dynamics in Lake Dianchi to represent the phytoplanktonbiomass.F. Further studies should assess the effects of climate change andeutrophication on cyanobacterial bloom dynamics based on data collected over a longer duration and more frequent and complete variables, andappropriate measures should be proposed to control these blooms.G.Decreasing nutrient levels, particularly the TP load should be initiallyconsidered during the entire period and during the dry season, anddecreasing both the TN and TP loads should be considered during the rainy season.H. However, the relative importance of these factors may changeaccording to precipitation patterns.1.2.B3.A4.G5.3. __________答案:H96.The Relationships of Meteorological Factors and Nutrient Levels withPhytoplankton Biomass in a Shallow Eutrophic Lake Dominated byCyanobacteria, Lake Dianchi from 1991 to 2013A. The SHs, WS, and TPconcentrations controlled the bloom dynamics during the dry season, among which the TP concentration was the most important factors, whereas the TN and TP concentrations were the primary factors during the rainy season.B.Interannual analysis revealed that the phytoplankton biomass increased with increases in air temperature and TP concentration, with TP concentration as the main contributing factor.C. The results of our study demonstrated that both meteorological factors and nutrient levels had important roles incontrolling cyanobacterial bloom dynamics.D. All of these results suggest that both climate change regulation and eutrophication management should be considered in strategies aimed at controlling cyanobacterial blooms.E. Insummary, we analyzed the effects of meteorological factors and nutrientlevels on bloom dynamics in Lake Dianchi to represent the phytoplanktonbiomass.F. Further studies should assess the effects of climate change andeutrophication on cyanobacterial bloom dynamics based on data collected over a longer duration and more frequent and complete variables, andappropriate measures should be proposed to control these blooms.G.Decreasing nutrient levels, particularly the TP load should be initiallyconsidered during the entire period and during the dry season, anddecreasing both the TN and TP loads should be considered during the rainy season.H. However, the relative importance of these factors may changeaccording to precipitation patterns.1.2.B3.A4.G5.2. __________答案:C97.The Relationships of Meteorological Factors and Nutrient Levels withPhytoplankton Biomass in a Shallow Eutrophic Lake Dominated byCyanobacteria, Lake Dianchi from 1991 to 2013A. The SHs, WS, and TPconcentrations controlled the bloom dynamics during the dry season, among which the TP concentration was the most important factors, whereas the TN and TP concentrations were the primary factors during the rainy season.B.Interannual analysis revealed that the phytoplankton biomass increased with increases in air temperature and TP concentration, with TP concentration as the main contributing factor.C. The results of our study demonstrated that both meteorological factors and nutrient levels had important roles incontrolling cyanobacterial bloom dynamics.D. All of these results suggest that both climate change regulation and eutrophication management should be considered in strategies aimed at controlling cyanobacterial blooms.E. Insummary, we analyzed the effects of meteorological factors and nutrientlevels on bloom dynamics in Lake Dianchi to represent the phytoplanktonbiomass.F. Further studies should assess the effects of climate change andeutrophication on cyanobacterial bloom dynamics based on data collected over a longer duration and more frequent and complete variables, andappropriate measures should be proposed to control these blooms.G.Decreasing nutrient levels, particularly the TP load should be initiallyconsidered during the entire period and during the dry season, anddecreasing both the TN and TP loads should be considered during the rainy season.H. However, the relative importance of these factors may changeaccording to precipitation patterns.1.2.B3.A4.G5.1. __________答案:E98.It is rare to offer recommendations forfuture researchin Conclusion section.。





0介绍 (1)1系统与综述 (1)2神经网络 (2)3机器学习 (2)3.1联合训练的有效性和可用性分析 (2)3.2文本学习工作的引导 (2)3.3★采用机器学习技术来构造受限领域搜索引擎 (3)3.4联合训练来合并标识数据与未标识数据 (5)3.5在超文本学习中应用统计和关系方法 (5)3.6在关系领域发现测试集合规律性 (6)3.7网页挖掘的一阶学习 (6)3.8从多语种文本数据库中学习单语种语言模型 (6)3.9从因特网中学习以构造知识库 (7)3.10未标识数据在有指导学习中的角色 (8)3.11使用增强学习来有效爬行网页 (8)3.12★文本学习和相关智能A GENTS:综述 (9)3.13★新事件检测和跟踪的学习方法 (15)3.14★信息检索中的机器学习——神经网络,符号学习和遗传算法 (15)3.15用NLP来对用户特征进行机器学习 (15)4模式识别 (16)4.1JA VA中的模式处理 (16)0介绍1系统与综述2神经网络3机器学习3.1 联合训练的有效性和可用性分析标题:Analyzing the Effectiveness and Applicability of Co-training链接:Papers 论文集\AI 人工智能\Machine Learning 机器学习\Analyzing the Effectiveness and Applicability of Co-training.ps作者:Kamal Nigam, Rayid Ghani备注:Kamal Nigam (School of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA 15213, knigam@)Rayid Ghani (School of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA 15213 rayid@)摘要:Recently there has been significant interest in supervised learning algorithms that combine labeled and unlabeled data for text learning tasks. The co-training setting [1] applies todatasets that have a natural separation of their features into two disjoint sets. We demonstrate that when learning from labeled and unlabeled data, algorithms explicitly leveraging a natural independent split of the features outperform algorithms that do not. When a natural split does not exist, co-training algorithms that manufacture a feature split may out-perform algorithms not using a split. These results help explain why co-training algorithms are both discriminativein nature and robust to the assumptions of their embedded classifiers.3.2 文本学习工作的引导标题:Bootstrapping for Text Learning Tasks链接:Papers 论文集\AI 人工智能\Machine Learning 机器学习\Bootstrap for Text Learning Tasks.ps作者:Rosie Jones, Andrew McCallum, Kamal Nigam, Ellen Riloff备注:Rosie Jones (rosie@, 1 School of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA 15213)Andrew McCallum (mccallum@, 2 Just Research, 4616 Henry Street, Pittsburgh, PA 15213)Kamal Nigam (knigam@)Ellen Riloff (riloff@, Department of Computer Science, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT 84112)摘要:When applying text learning algorithms to complex tasks, it is tedious and expensive to hand-label the large amounts of training data necessary for good performance. This paper presents bootstrapping as an alternative approach to learning from large sets of labeled data. Instead of a large quantity of labeled data, this paper advocates using a small amount of seed information and alarge collection of easily-obtained unlabeled data. Bootstrapping initializes a learner with the seed information; it then iterates, applying the learner to calculate labels for the unlabeled data, and incorporating some of these labels into the training input for the learner. Two case studies of this approach are presented. Bootstrapping for information extraction provides 76% precision for a 250-word dictionary for extracting locations from web pages, when starting with just a few seed locations. Bootstrapping a text classifier from a few keywords per class and a class hierarchy provides accuracy of 66%, a level close to human agreement, when placing computer science research papers into a topic hierarchy. The success of these two examples argues for the strength of the general bootstrapping approach for text learning tasks.3.3 ★采用机器学习技术来构造受限领域搜索引擎标题:Building Domain-specific Search Engines with Machine Learning Techniques链接:Papers 论文集\AI 人工智能\Machine Learning 机器学习\Building Domain-Specific Search Engines with Machine Learning Techniques.ps作者:Andrew McCallum, Kamal Nigam, Jason Rennie, Kristie Seymore备注:Andrew McCallum (mccallum@ , Just Research, 4616 Henry Street Pittsburgh, PA 15213)Kamal Nigam (knigam@ , School of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University Pittsburgh, PA 15213)Jason Rennie (jr6b@)Kristie Seymore (kseymore@)摘要:Domain-specific search engines are growing in popularity because they offer increased accuracy and extra functionality not possible with the general, Web-wide search engines. For example, allows complex queries by age-group, size, location and cost over summer camps. Unfortunately these domain-specific search engines are difficult and time-consuming to maintain. This paper proposes the use of machine learning techniques to greatly automate the creation and maintenance of domain-specific search engines. We describe new research in reinforcement learning, information extraction and text classification that enables efficient spidering, identifying informative text segments, and populating topic hierarchies. Using these techniques, we have built a demonstration system: a search engine forcomputer science research papers. It already contains over 50,000 papers and is publicly available at ....采用多项Naive Bayes 文本分类模型。

Self-Similar Decay in the Kraichnan Model of a Passive Scalar

Self-Similar Decay in the Kraichnan Model of a Passive Scalar
1 BLL (0,t) ∞ 0 dr
BLL (r, t). Althoughly widely employed
in nonequilibrium physics, the validity of such self-similarity hypotheses is still debated and their foundations poorly understood. This is particularly true when the random initial data of the system exhibit long-range power-law correlations. Recently, the validity of the self-similarity has been examined in a soluble model, the decaying Burgers turbulence [5]. Those authors solved exactly for the two-point correlations and energy spectra of the one-dimensional Burgers equation with initial energy spectra exhibiting a low-wavenumber power-law form, E (k, t0 ) ∼ Akn for kL0 ≪ 1, and thus a power-law decay in the spatial velocity correlation function, B (r, t0 ) ∼ A′ r −(n+1) for r ≫ L0 (when n is not 3


【答案】 rest
考查非谓语动词。句意:花时间休息可以让我们发展出更深层次的自我意识。take (the) time to do sth.为固定搭配,表示“花时间做某事”,所以空处应用动词不定式形式。故填to rest。
9. A.whisperingB.arguingC.clappingD.stretching
10. A.funnierB.fairerC.clevererD.braver
【答案】1. C 2. B 3. D 4. A 5. B 6. D 7. B 8. A 9. C 10. D
考查动词词义辨析。句意:然后他们测试了我的唱歌技巧,问我想要演什么角色。A. advertised为……做广告;B. tested测验;C. challenged对……怀疑;D. polished润色。根据上文“I entered the room and the teachers made me say some lines from the musical.”以及下文“The teachers were smiling and praising me.”可推知,此处指作者进入戏剧室后,老师们让作者说几句音乐剧中的台词,测试作者的唱歌技巧,并对作者的表现很满意。故选B。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:在1:10的时候,戏剧室外面排起了队。A. game游戏;B. show展览;C. play游戏;D. line队伍。根据下文“Everyone looked energetic. I hadn’t expected I’d be standing there that morning.”可知,此处指戏剧室外面排起了队。故选D。

Abstract Animating Jellyfish through Observational Models of Motion

Abstract Animating Jellyfish through Observational Models of Motion
∗ e-mail: † e-mail:
Figure 2: General anatomy of a jellyfish.
As for specific treatment of jellyfish, no work has been published in computer graphics forums. We turn instead to biological literature for the details of jellyfish motion. Sullivan et al. [Sullivan et al. 1997] provide some data on the mechanics behind jellyfish movement and of the reaction of other object in proximity to a jellyfish in motion. Daniel [1983] gives an approximation model of the thrust that a jellyfish achieves via umbrella contraction. Daniel’s model was analyzed by Dabiri and Gharib [2003] to determine the fitness of Daniel’s model. Dabiri and Gharib also provide reasonable empirical data on jellyfish motion. Some high-level information on the motion and muscular structure of jellyfish can also be gleaned from Aria’s work [1997].

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for advertising or

Bayesian Estimation of Distance and Surface Normal with a Time-of-FlightLaser RangefinderJochen Lang and Dinesh K.PaiLaboratory of Computational Intelligence,Department of Computer ScienceUniversity of British Columbia,Vancouver,B.C.Canada V6T 1Z4.e-mail:jlang,pai @cs.ubc.cac 1999IEEE.Personal use of this material is permitted.However,permission to reprint/republish this materialfor advertising or promotional purposes or for creating new collective works for resale or redistribution to servers or lists,or to reuse any copyrighted component of this work in other works must be obtained from the IEEE.AbstractWe describe a Bayesian estimation method for measure-ment of both range and surface orientation using a laser range finder.The method not only provides more accurate estimates of range for dark surfaces that are difficult to mea-sure,but also simultaneously provides estimates of surface normals.This paper describes our efforts for a commercial-ly available sensor,the laser rangefinder Acuity AccuRange 3000LIR,a widely available device.We detail the Bayesian techniques,sensor calibration,and the processing required.1.IntroductionGeometric models of pre-existing surfaces are required for many applications including robot navigation on rough terrain,virtual environments,reverse engineering,and ar-chitectural walk-throughs.Realistic modeling requires that the models are based on actual measurements,i.e.,the mod-el’s parameters and their uncertainty are estimated from measurement data and measurement uncertainty.We call these “reality-based”models.Figure 1.Acuity 3000LIRSeveral technologies are available for measuring range;in this paper we consider a popular type of time-of-flight laser rangefinder (Acuity AccuRange 3000LIR).This type of scanner is well suited for measuring range over large dis-tances.However,the raw accuracy of range measurement is rel-atively poor,particularly for “dark”objects.Range mea-surement is adversely affected by surface orientation.In addition,many applications of range measurement,such as surface reconstruction,require that surface normals are sep-arately estimated by expensive post-processing of the range data.In this paper we show how these problems can be ad-dressed simultaneously.By carefully modeling the depen-dence of range measurements on surface orientation,we can significantly improve range estimates.Somewhat surpris-ingly,the sensor model shows how to extract useful infor-mation about surface orientation as well —effectively al-lowing a range sensor to be used as a surface orientation sensor.We consider the Acuity laser rangefinder as a black-box,and improve its performance.The techniques developed here may also be applicable to other complicated measure-ment devices with unknown internal workings.The remainder of the paper is organized as follows.Sec-tion 2describes the measurement system used.In Section 3we outline the estimation method in a simple setting,and introduce Bayesian estimation [2,5]and sensor modeling.A detailed sensor model is developed in Section 4,and es-timation of range and orientation in a realistic setting is de-scribed in Section 5.The appendices provide details on pre-processing of rangefinder data and shows some typical re-sults.12.Measurement systemThe range measurement system is part of the UBC Ac-tive Measurement Facility(ACME)[8].This facility is de-signed to acquire multi-modal data for material and sur-face properties of small to medium size objects(diameter ).The range measurement setup is is shown in schematic in Figure2.The Acuity3000LIR is a time-of-flight laser rangefind-er;a type of device sometimes also referred to as a LIDAR scanner.The transmitter and receiver are located at the same position in the Acuity rangefinder.In the3000LIR an in-frared laser diode()of is used as the trans-mitter source.The rangefinder isfitted with a rotating45 degree angled mirror producing depth measurements in a plane(see Figure1).The device is classified as a ANSI class3b laser product(non-eye-safe).Range measuremen-t is based on the time required by the reflected laser-beam to return to the device.The patented measurement method [3]uses an inverter to switch the laser diode based on the reflected beam,thereby creating an oscillation.The fre-quency of oscillation depends on the time of travel of the beam.The frequency of oscillation is measured by the de-vice and mapped into a range measurement(see Appendix A for more details).The beam sweeps out a plane and a measurement con-sists of the tuple:angular position and range.The angular position of the mirror is sensed by an encoder with2000 counts per revolution.3.Method overview3.1.Bayesian estimationWe develop a Bayesian parameter estimation method to estimate the true distance and surface orientation given our measurements for dark surfaces.This produces accurate re-sults despite the very noisy measurements.The key to using sensor models for estimation is Bayes’theorem.For the laser rangefinder,Bayes’theorem may be expressed as in Equation1.The background information contains the knowledge that we dealing with a type of dark material.The term is the bi-variate prior probabili-ty distribution for the incidence angle and distance given our information.The denominator contains a normalization term which is the measurement probability or pri-or predictive probability.The sensor model or the sampling probability is.It can be derived from the cali-bration data,since both the true angle of incidence and the true range are known while the measurement data is recorded.The derivation is detailed below.(1)Commonly employed least squares routines can be viewed as Bayesian modeling for data errors with a normaldistribution.3.2.Sensor modelingA sensor model describes the data to be expected givena known entity to be measured.In our situation,we would like to describe the distance measurement process with the rangefinder.In a calibration setup,the distance measure-ment is compared to a known ground truth.The deviation between the true value and the measured value is the er-ror of the sensor in the calibration setup,i.e.,. The error term may be further split into a systematic er-ror and a random error.Systematic errors are errorswhich one has knowledge about and plans to model,while random errors one has no suitable model,e.g.,their cause is unknown,too complicated or too minor to account for.Thesystematic error we explore in this paper is the dependence of the distance measurement on the angle of incidence be-tween the laser beam and the surface normal.Please see Figure4.The dependency of the distance measurement on material properties is also recognized.We model the sensorafter the data has been modified by the data processing steps detailed in Appendix B.3.3.A simple exampleIn order to outline the process,we willfirst discuss esti-mating the distance to the plate and the angle of incidence of the beam on the plate in a simplified configuration that weuse for calibration.A more realistic situation is addressed in Section5.In this configuration the plate is upright and the angle of incidence is only dependent on the angular posi-tion of the rotation stage and the beam angle(see Figure 2).Furthermore,the intersection of the plane of the laserbeam and plate is at the rotation axis.As a result,for given beam angle,rotating the plate changes only the angle of incidence but not the point measured with the beam.We as-sume that we do not know the true distance and the absolute orientation of the plate.The likelihood,,based on the calibrated sen-sor model is shown in Figure3(a).It is a function of and given measured data.Notice that the likelihood has a considerable spread in both range and orientation.Thisclearly shows the poor accuracy that would be obtained by simply using the raw data.Multiple measurements can now be combined based on the measurement data and the known relative rotation angle between two measurements,using Bayes’theorem.The measurements are always of the samedoffsetRotation Stage(a)Top View(b)Side ViewFigure2.Measurement Setuppoint in this simple example,since we use the same beam angle.The likelihood of the distance and angle of inci-dence peaks rapidly very close to the true solution;the peak is the Maximum Likelihood Estimate of both and.In Section5,we will extend this simple estimation pro-cess to the problem of estimating the position and orienta-tion of afinite but small planar patch not necessarily at the rotation axis.4.Sensor modelingIn the calibration step,data is gathered in various con-figurations.The general setup during calibration is shown in Figure2.A planar metal plate is mounted upright on the rotation stage in the workspace of the rangefinder.The plate surface facing the beam is modified by different colored pa-per to explore different material properties.The plate is ro-tated in steps and data is recorded for the intersection of the plane of the laser beam and the plate.Figure4shows three examples of calibration data for different colors of paper.Figure4indicates that both the material properties and the angle of incidence influence the measured distance.The error in the data for bright colors is small and detoriates only with very acute angles between surface and beam.However, dark surfaces result in much sparser data and result in large error due to the angle of incidence.We assume that our range data is normally distributed for a given angle of incidence.This is a very reasonable assumption judging from the calibration data.Keep also in mind that a Gaussian error model is the least informative (or most conservative)error model for a given standard de-viation,i.e.,if the Gaussian assumption is invalid,we will err on the safe side.The standard deviation of the error is estimated from the sample standard deviation.Another observation from the calibration data is that noise standard deviation grows with the angle of incidence. To properly account for this variation,we group samples together within narrow bands of angle of incidence.The combined samples in each group and their error bars are shown in Figure5(a).Bayes’theorem also helps in selecting the model order. We have no further information than the calibration data on the dependence of the distance measurement on the angle of incidence.Therefore,we decide to model the influence with a polynomial of arbitrary order.We use the data to decide which order of polynomial best describes the data. Obviously a higher order polynomial model will always de-scribe data more accurately than a lower order one(the set of higher order models contains the lower order ones).We use Occam’s Razor to decide when over-fitting oc-curs and employ in accordance with Bayesian probability theory the odds ratio for model comparison(see Equation 2).In the case of competing linear models with equal prior probabilities,the odds ratio can be calculated by Equation 3[5].The odds ratio only depends on the difference in the residuals,the determinant ratio of the covari-ance matrices and the difference in the number of model parameters times the prior ranges for the linear model coefficient.(2)(3)Setting all prior parameter ranges to leads to a ratio of:1,8.86:1,and0.238:1for the linear vs.the constant model,the quadratic vs.linear model and the cubic(a)1Measurement(b)3Measurements(c)7MeasurementsFigure3.Likelihoods,,for simplified experiment(Section3.3),plotted as function of relative to and.-1123e [cm] 1.2 1.4phi [rad]-1123e [cm] 1.2 1.4phi [rad]-1123e [cm] 1.2 1.4phi [rad](a)White Paper(b)Blue Paper(c)Black PaperFigure4.Calibration Data.The horizontal axis is labeled with the angle between incidence laser beam and surface normal.The vertical axis is the error between true distance and the range reading.-1123e [cm] [rad]-1123e [cm] [rad]-1123e [cm] [rad](a)Sample Grouping(b)Model Comparison(c)Final ModelFigure5.Sensor Modeling for a Black Targetvs.quadratic model,respectively.Therefore,we decided to employ the quadratic model given in Equation4,with the coefficients estimated from the calibration data.(4)The systematic error is modeled with Equation4, however,it remains to model the probabilistic error term .The probabilistic error term is modeled with a normal distribution.As noted previously,the probabilistic error is also dependent on the angle of incidence.This is obvious from the plot of the residual of the quadratic modelfit vs. the angle of incidence in Figure6(a).We employ a strate-gy very similar to that used for the systematic error model. First,the variance of the residual is calculated for narrow ranges of incidence angles.The standard derivation of this variance is expected to decrease with the square root of the number of samples used for the estimation.The resulting variance estimation and their is shown in Figure6(b).The model comparison yields odds ratios of5.85:1and 0.520:1for the linear over the constant and the quadratic vs.linear model,respectively.Therefore,the linear model in Equation5is chosen.The overall model in Equation6 follows.(5)(6)This completes the sensor modeling task.We will now ex-plore the use of the model to arrive at better estimates of distance(and angle of incidence)given measurements tak-en with the sensor.5.Planar patch estimationThe sensor returns a one-dimensional distance measure-ment.However,the sensor model developed in Section4is two-dimensional(see Equation6).One possibility is to simply choose to marginalize over the additional dimension—the angle of incidence.This requires solving the integral. The resulting distance estimates recognizing the angular de-pendency should be an improvement on a simple averaging of measurements.Averaging distance measurements can only reduce the probabilistic error to zero in the limit but would not be capable of reducing the systematic error due to the dependency on the angle of incidence.Rather than treating the dependency of the distance mea-surement on the angle of incidence as a nuisance,we exploit this dependency to estimate both the distance and the angle of incidence.In order to extend the estimation process to a sur-face of arbitrary orientation and position anywhere in the rangefinder’s workspace,a surface model is required.This requirement stems from two facts:on the one hand wewould like to fully utilize the bi-variate sensor model to learn about the distance to a surface and the angle of in-cidence at the same time;and on the other hand,we needa method to combine measurements if the change in angle of incidence between measurements is unknown(unlike the situation in Section3.3).For simplicity,we choose a pla-nar patch as a surface model rather than a more elaborate or more extended model.A planar patch in the workspace of the laser can be pa-rameterized as in Equation7.This parameterization ex-cludes planes parallel to the plane and plane; these however cannot be imaged by the rangefinder in the first place.Given a planar patch and the knowledge of the position and the orientation of the rangefinder,the angle of incidence between the beam and the surface normal is calculated as in Equation8.The range is found with Equa-tion9(see coordinate frame assignment in Figure2).The patch is rigidly attached to the rotation stage since it is as-sumed to be on an object placed on the stage.The rotation stage can rotate the object by a rotation angle and the stage itself can be moved along the x-axis by and y-axis by through two additional translation stages.The equation of the rotated patch in the original coordinate system is given by Equation10.with(7)(8)(9)(10)The next step in the process of the planar patch estima-tion is the application of Bayes’theorem to this case.Equa-tion11sketches the derivation based on the independence of the measurements and the relation being de-terministic.The prior is set to be uniform over the range of distances and angles of incidence we expect to see. The sensor model has been derived in Section 4.Equations7-10provide an indexing function into the -space of the measurement data.-1.5-1-0.500.511.5e [cm] [rad]- [cm] [rad](a)Residual of Systematic Error Fit (Quadratic)(b)Variance ModelFigure 6.Dependency of Probabilistic Sensor Error on Angle of Incidencesince and are deterministic functions of.There-fore,(11)In order to clarify the procedure,we will repeat the sim-ple demonstration case of Section 3.3but with the abovedeveloped machinery.It is sufficient to seta pri-ori corresponding to upright planes and to notice that this results in a 1:1mapping between the -space and thespace -atof the planar patch.The most likely patch corresponds then to the peak in the likelihood in -space.The result of our discrete evaluation yields and for a patch on the calibration plate at from the same measurements as in Section 3.3.6.ResultsWe will now report two applications of our planar patch estimation method.One application involves black metal plates at varying position and orientation,for which the re-sults are listed in Table 1.The other application are planar patches along the cylindrical wall of a dark painted beverage can.The results for the can are easily judged by inspection and shown in Figure 7.In this first application the plates are mounted away from the rotation-axis at different angles.The translation and ro-tation stages are employed to ensure that the measured point is always within a small patch.The minimum size of thepatch is determined from the error in an initial distance es-timate,as well as by the location of the patch relative to the rotation axis.The distance to the plate is erroneous at first,since it is initially estimated from only one orientation.The three-dimensional space of patches is difficult to visualize,therefore,we only list the most likely patch found by our estimation process in Table 1.Observe the well estimated normal of the planar patch.The application of our model to the dark painted bever-age can requires modeling the sensor for the material of the can.We follow the same procedure as outlined in Section 4.The calibration data was gathered by viewing a vertical line on the cylindrical can from various angles (assuming the can along the vertical scanline is straight).The param-eters for this model (Equation 6)are the systematic error in Equation 12and the probabilistic error in Equation 13.(12)(13)We estimate a planar patch along the cylindrical wall of the can.This plane is an estimate of the tangent plane to the can since we only use data along the same scanline.The approximation is based on three depth images of the canwhich are atrelative to each other.The images were taken by translating the can in steps parallel to the scanning plane of the rangefinder.The depth images were mapped into a common coordinate frame and the re-sulting point cloud is shown in Figure 7(a).The point cloud shows a very distinct parabolic rather than circular shape of the can when viewed from the top.Application of the planar patch estimation procedure of Section 5provides the parameters of the planar patch (stillrepresented by the implicit model).The position and the normal of the central point of the patch a-Actual Estimated SamplesNormal Distance Normal Distance No.-steps-range49.5013251.64132,,52.0487Table1.Summary ofResults3436384042-2-1012(a)Point Cloud viewed from Top(b)Comparison between“True”Surface(Dotted Line),Simple Averaging(Cross)andOur Patch Estimation Method(Box and Solid Line) Figure7.Planar Surface Patch Reconstruction for Dark Beverage Canlong the scanline is shown in Figure7(b).The position and normal are computed from the most likely patch for each scan line respectively(the likelihood is three-dimensional in the parameters,and of the implicit model).For comparison the true shape of the can as well as the result of naive averaging is shown.The application of our sen-sor model to planar patch estimation leads to a drastic im-provement over naive averaging and is fairly close to the real shape of the can.7.ConclusionWe have shown that the application of Bayesian proba-bility theory to measurements with a typical laser rangefind-er improves the accuracy of range measurements,and it is even possible to exploit the systematic measurement errors to extract orientation information.Probability theory pro-vides the tools to deal with low intensity measurements due to material properties of the imaged surface and the very subtle systematic dependence of the noise on the surface orientation.The process employs a planar surface model which has to be a suitable model for all measurements of the same patch.This patch can be very small.The method could also be extended to a variety of surface models.We aim to incorporate the described techniques in the UBC Ac-tive Measurement Facility(ACME)[8],our multi-modal active object modeling facility.In future work,we plan to develop faster methods for finding the MAP(maximum a posteriori)estimate for a sur-face patch,and to design an active sensing algorithm which exploits our estimation method.Our current method relies on prior sensor calibration for material;in the future we hope to better understand the nature of this dependence on material type.AcknowledgmentsThefinancial support of the Federal Networks of Centres of Excellence IRIS project and NSERC Canada is gratefully acknowledged.We thank Dr.R.J.Woodham for his valu-able input to parts of this work.References[1]M.D.Adams and P.J.Probert.The integration of phase andintensity data from amcw light detection sensors for reliable ranging.IJRR,15(5),1996.[2]G.L.Bretthorst.Bayesian spectrum analysis and parameterestimation.Springer-Verlag,New York,1988.[3]R.R.Clark.Scanning rangefinder with range to frequency Patent5,309,212,May,3rd1994.[4] D.C.Cramer and sar radar in robotics.Proc.of the IEEE,84(2):299–320,1996.[5]P.C.Gregory.Measurement theory and bayesian data anal-ysis.Lecture notes in physics509,1997.UBC,Vancouver, Canada,to appear.[6]M.Hebert and E.Krotkov.3d measurements from imaginglaser radars:How good are they?Image and Vision Comput-ing,10(3):170–178,1992.[7]J.Kostamovaara,K.M¨a¨a tt¨a,M.Kosjinnen,and Myllyl¨a R.Pulsed laser radars with high modulation-frequency in indus-trial applications.In Laser Radar VI,volume V.1633,pages 114–127.SPIE,1995.[8] D.K.Pai,ng,J.E.Lloyd,and R.J.Woodham.ACME,atelerobotic active measurement facility.In International Sym-posium on Experimental Robotics,volume6,Sydney,Aus-tralia,March1999.[9]M.Wellfare,L.Love,K.McCarthy,and darimage synthesis with comprehensive laser model.In Laser Radar Technology and Applications,volume V.2748,pages 208–219.SPIE,1996.A.Acuity3000LIR operationIn the design of time-of-flight laser rangefinders sever-al inherent difficulties need to be addressed[7,9](most of these problems are similar to modulated continuous-wave rangefinders[6,4]).The times to be measured are extreme-ly short(travel time at the speed of light);therefore,the electronic circuits measuring the time suffer from thermal drift.The Acuity addresses this problem somewhat by mea-suring frequency based on several periods instead of the di-rect travel time of the beam.It also simultaneously mea-sures the temperature with the time-of-flight.The reflection of the beam at an object depends on the object’s surface, i.e.,on the angle of incidence between the beam and the surface,as well as the reflectance properties of the surface. The intensity of the reflected beam at the receiver somewhat characterizes the reflectance properties of the surface.The intensity is also measured simultaneously with range by the Acuity(like most similar devices-often classified as imag-ing laser rangefinders).The Acuity employs a calibration look-up table to map a measurement triplet of frequency, intensity and temperature into a range reading.B.Data processingThe image processing steps added to the Acuity black-box aim to address some major errors observed in the da-ta:outliers(often due to mixed pixels[1]:reflection of thefinite size laser beam from multiple surfaces at differ-ent depth in one measurement),missed absolute orienta-tion pulse,thermal drift(which is still present after Acuity’s look-up calibration)and white noise.Figure8(a)shows a typical result of a scan indoors.No-tice the mixed pixels in form of single measurement points020406080100120140160180Range[cm]05001000150020002500Relative Angle [1000 ticks/Pi]81012141618Range[cm]13001400150016001700Angle[1000 ticks/Pi]020406080100120140160180Range[cm]0500100015002000Angle[1000 ticks/Pi]-20020406080100120140y [cm]-100-50050100x [cm]Top Row:(a)Scan before Image Processing(b)Scan Detail:Mounting Plate Bottom Row:(c)Filtered and Offset Compensated Scan (d)Scan after Image ProcessingFigure 8.Image Processing Steps for a Typical Indoor Scenebetween continuous segments in the scan.Also notice the influence of surface material increasing the width of some segments with respect to others.The scan is in units of range in cm over device angular ticks.The range distance contains an offset value for the beam length due to the dis-tance between transmitter and rotating mirror,and between rotating mirror and receiver.The detection of gross outliers is simple given two as-sumptions:(i)all scanned reflecting surfaces are continuous for at least two consecutive range readings and (ii)the re-ceiver only sees a reflection for surfaces for which the inci-dence angle of the beam is greater than a breakdown angle.We modeled the result of the thermal drift as a constant range offset.The offset due to thermal drift and the dis-tance between mirror transceiver can be corrected based on a static mounting plate in the laser plane of view (see Figure 8(b)).A median filter is applied to repeated scans.The medi-an filter is followed by averaging of measurements withina given band of the median (see Figure 8(b)for the mount-ing plate before filtering and Figure 8(c)for the scan after filtering and offset correction).Assuming the noise of the measurements has a zero mean,this filter makes it reason-able that the noise of the average can be modeled with a Gaussian distribution (Central Limit Theorem).Missing of the absolute orientation can be corrected by registering several scans together.The registration finds the orientation of a scan with unknown absolute orientation rel-ative to a scan with known absolute orientation.However,it was found that repeating scans until an absolute orientation is successfully read is often faster.Therefore,the current implementation attempts to find the absolute orientation of a scan in three steps:it keeps scanning until success or for a maximum fixed (8)number of times,failing this it tries to register the section corresponding to the mounting plate of the laser,and finally,if this fails it registers the whole scan by correlation (see Figure 8(d)).。

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folds first appear fault. Further wrench
at heterogeneities
and with axes at about 45’ to the trace of the wrench with the basement stabilize forming
fault displacement
fault, and a resulting weakens
of fold axes at larger fault displacement. an area which tends to quickly deformation is concentrated vergence, with an external down in width, since folding cover and subsequent Deeper upper in it. Axial surfaces of folds are initially on the basement that are greater between surface
zones between
the layers of the cover and at the basement-cover
Fig. 2. Triangulation base determine Each segment
of the crests of folds of a model. The CI, coordinates
is represented a wrench fault.
by two plates The cover.
of expanded on these
(120 X 40 X 5 cm). These two plates slide one against
each other along a resting wax (melting
(Received August 23, 1982; revised version accepted April 19, 1983)
ABSTRACT Odonne, F. and Vialon, P., 1983. Analogue models of folds above a wrench fault.
Experimental The basement, plane polystyrene vertical
structures assumed of contact
are produced to he rigid, simulating
controபைடு நூலகம்led
a basement wrench fault under a sedimentary interface.
Fig. 1. Principle cover. Shaded
of experimental part: greased
used to simulate
* Present address: Laboratoire de Radiogeologie, Universite de Bordeaux I, F-33405 Talence (France).
0 1983 Elsevier Science Publishers
Tectonoph_~sics, 99:
3 l-46.
This paper simulating folds appear bedding bulk rotation Folding describes the experimental deformation wrench of models fault. made with sheets of paraffin wax, in the causes a curvature the sheared upright, wrench then fault.
Tectonophysics, 99 (1983) 3 l-46
Elsevier Science Publishers B.V.. Amsterdam - Printed in The Netherlands
forcing blocks, is represented
by sheets (80 x 80 x 0.21 cm) of paraffin
point 46”-48’C, manufactured by Merck). These sheets simulate relatively competent layers. Silicone grease coatings, simulating thinner weaker layers. are placed between the wax layers and permit slipage, i.e. “bedding plane slip”. The experiment consists of sliding one of the two basement plates. llorizo~~tall~ and parallel to the contact. under a cover made up of a pile of six. initially flat. paraffin wax layers. Under these conditions, when the displacement of the basement causes the cover to move, the anisotropy due to the simulated stratification causes folding to occur easily and to become visible (Ramberg. 1964). The basic mechanics of the cover deformation consists of a simple shear (Ramsay and Graham. 1970) which is centered on the plane of the basement the layers. “En echelon” folds appear of the wrench fault. fault (see Fig. 1). combined with an axial trend oblique with slip between to the orientation
involves fold reorientations line, there is no continuity folds.
than in the and deep by
of folds appearing
at later stages of wrenching
is controlled
tend to become inclined layer-deformation, layers. Therefore, The geometry
a fan centered
close to the basement, a given vertical extant and orientation of already
a bedded
cover resting
on a basement
the experiments,
“en echelon”
in the cover. As a result of early fault motion, of fold axes towards affects parallelism
* and PIERRE
~~tit~t de ~eeher~he~ ~~te~dis~ipIj~ai~es de Gkoiogie et de ~~eani4~. Ikmaine Un~vers~taiTe de Grenoble, BP 68, F-38402 Saint Martin d’H&es <France)and ERA no. 603, C.N.R.S. (France)
the geometry
and orientation
An “en echelon” array of folds associated with a strike-slip fault is a well-known geological structure (see Goguel, 1943; Campbell, 1958; Vialon et al., 1976). However laboratory models of these structures have not been made systematically, but only to simulate specific cases (e.g., Pavoni, 1961; Wilson, 1970; Lowell, 1972; Wilcox et al., 1973; Graham, 1978). This work does not aim to reproduce an individual special case. Its purpose is to investigate the general geometrical pattern of ‘<en echelon” folds that develops in a simplifying model. Thus “en echelon” folds are seen as structures formed in a stratified cover above a wrench fault in its basement.