国家开放大学《国际法》形考任务1题库 (题目顺序是随机的,使用查找功能(Ctrl+F)进行搜索)一、单项选择题1、从国家结构形式上看,美国是()。
答案:随领土转移原则6、关于国家管辖豁免问题,( )立场在19世纪初得到英美等国的司法判例的确认,19世纪末叶以前一直得到几乎所有西方国家的司法实践和学者的普遍支持。
答案:绝对主义7、关于国家管辖豁免问题,( )立场在19世纪末期由比利时和意大利等国的司法判例正式确认。
答案:限制主义8、关于国家行使自卫权,下列哪个说法是正确的?( )。
答案 :可以单独自卫,也可以集体自卫9、国际法编纂的意义在于( )。
答案:使国际法法典化10、国际法的官方编纂始于( )。
答案:19世纪11、国际法的基本原则具有强行法的性质,这表明( )。
答案:国际法的基本原则均应具备强行法的各种条件和特征12、国际法基本原则的特征之一是各国公认,这意味着( )。
答案:一国不能创造国际法13、国际法基本原则有( )。
答案:强行法性质14、国际法上的承认在承认国与被承认国之间引起一系列法律后果,下列哪个说法是正确的( )。
答案:建交是承认的一种表现形式15、国际法委员会于( )年经选举正式成立。
答案:194816、国际法优先说的著名代表人物是( )。
答案:美国的凯尔森17、国家的核心构成要素是( )。
答案:主权18、国家可以自由决定与其他国家缔约、建交、结盟或进行其他往来,不受他国或国际组织的支配和任何形式的干涉,这是国家( )的体现。
答案:独立权19、国家领土自然划界的方法有( )。
哈佛大学测试题及答案一、单项选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 哈佛大学位于美国的哪个州?A. 纽约州B. 马萨诸塞州C. 加利福尼亚州D. 德克萨斯州2. 哈佛大学的校徽上有几个字母?A. 1个B. 2个C. 3个D. 4个3. 哈佛大学的创立年份是?A. 1636年B. 1637年C. 1638年D. 1639年4. 以下哪位不是哈佛大学的校友?A. 奥巴马B. 比尔·盖茨C. 马克·扎克伯格D. 乔治·华盛顿5. 哈佛大学的官方颜色是什么?A. 红色和白色B. 蓝色和白色C. 绿色和白色D. 黑色和白色6. 哈佛大学的哪个学院是专门研究商业的?A. 法学院B. 医学院C. 教育学院D. 商学院7. 哈佛大学的哪个图书馆是世界上最大的大学图书馆?A. 哈佛图书馆B. 耶鲁图书馆C. 剑桥图书馆D. 牛津图书馆8. 哈佛大学的校训是什么?A. VeritasB. LibertasC. ScientiaD. Pax9. 哈佛大学的吉祥物是什么?A. 熊B. 鹰C. 狮子D. 猫头鹰10. 哈佛大学的哪个学院是专门研究工程和应用科学的?A. 法学院B. 文理学院C. 教育学院D. 工程与应用科学学院二、多项选择题(每题3分,共15分)11. 以下哪些是哈佛大学的著名校友?(多选)A. 亨利·基辛格B. 马拉拉·优素福扎伊C. 阿尔·戈尔D. 乔治·W·布什12. 哈佛大学的哪些学院是其主要的研究生学院?(多选)A. 法学院B. 医学院C. 教育学院D. 工程与应用科学学院13. 以下哪些是哈佛大学的著名教授?(多选)A. 斯蒂芬·霍金B. 诺姆·乔姆斯基C. 爱德华·博伊登D. 艾米·沃茨14. 哈佛大学的哪些建筑是其标志性建筑?(多选)A. 哈佛礼堂B. 哈佛纪念教堂C. 哈佛科学中心D. 哈佛图书馆15. 哈佛大学的哪些学科在全球排名中位列前茅?(多选)A. 经济学B. 法学C. 医学D. 工程学三、简答题(每题5分,共30分)16. 简要描述哈佛大学的历史背景。
美国概况知识点总结考研一、地理概况1. 地理位置:北美洲的中部,东临大西洋,西临太平洋,南与墨西哥、加勒比海和太平洋诸国相接,北与加拿大为邻。
2. 地形地势:美国地形多种多样,包括大平原、喀斯喀特山脉、罗基山脉、阿巴拉契亚山脉和阿拉斯加山脉等。
3. 气候:美国境内的气候多样,包括亚热带气候、地中海气候、温带气候和寒带气候等。
二、政治概况1. 政治制度:美国是一个联邦共和制国家,国会制为基础。
2. 政治体系:美国政治体系分为联邦政府和州政府,联邦政府和50个州政府之间有一定的自治和责任划分。
3. 政治党派:美国政治中的两大党派分别是共和党和民主党。
三、经济概况1. 经济体系:美国是一个发达的市场经济体,市场在资源配置中起主导作用,私有财产权得到保护,市场竞争自由。
2. 经济结构:美国的经济结构非常多样化,包括农业、工业、金融和服务业等。
3. 国民生产总值:美国是全世界最大的经济体之一,国民生产总值连续多年稳居世界第一。
四、文化概况1. 语言:美国的官方语言是英语,但由于移民的多样性,其他语言也得到了广泛使用。
2. 宗教:美国拥有多种宗教信仰,包括基督教、犹太教、伊斯兰教等。
3. 文化传统:美国的文化传统深受欧洲文化的影响,包括英国、法国、德国和荷兰等。
五、教育概况1. 教育体制:美国的教育分为初等教育、中等教育、高等教育。
英语国家概况期末考试试题含答案中南民族大学1.The importance of the British monarchy can be seen in its effect on(D).A.passing the billsB.advising the governmentC.political partiesD.public attitude2.The policies of the Conservative Party in Great Britain are characterized by pragmatism and(D).ernment interventionB.nationalization of enterprisesC.social reformD.a belief in individualism3.Cabinet members are chosen by(B)in Britain.A.the monarchB.the Prime MinisterC.the ArchbishopD.the Lord Chancellor4.The following Christmas traditions are particularly British except(A).A.Trooping the ColorB.Queen's Christmas messageC.Boxing DayD.Christmas pantomime5. The Labor Party affected the British society greatly in that it(A).A.set up the National Health ServicesB.improved public transportationC.abolished the old tax systemD.enhanced the economic development6.The three principle features of the climate of Britain are the following EXCEPT(C).A.the frequent fog in winterB.the large number of rainy daysC.extreme coldness even in summerD.changeability all the year round7.(C)was not among the four self governing dominions in the British Empire.A.AustraliaB.CanadaC.IndiaD.the Union of South Africa8.The end of the Wars of the Roses led to the rule of(C).A.the House of ValoisB.the House of YorkC.the House of TudorD.the House of Lancaster9.The(C)marked the establishment of feudalism in England.A.Viking invasionB.signing of the Magna CartaC.Norman ConquestD.adoption of common law10.Such big cities as Glasgow,Manchester, Sheffield and Newcastle are famous for the(D)A.oil industryB.car industryC.shipping companiesD.coalfields11.Aestheticism is the belief that artists have no obligation other than to strive for beauty "art for art's sake".The most important representative of Aestheticism is(B).A.Thomas HardyB.Oscar WildeC.Virginia WoolfD.William Butler Yeats12.(C)is viewed as Romantic poetry's "Declaration ofIndependence".A."1 Wondered Lonely as a Cloud"B.Don JuanC."Preface to Lyrical Ballads"D.Prometheus Unbound。
美国大学考试题目及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 美国独立战争的导火索是以下哪一项?A. 波士顿茶党事件B. 莱克星顿的枪声C. 独立宣言的发布D. 法国与美国的联盟答案:B2. 下列哪位科学家不是美国籍?A. 爱因斯坦B. 费曼C. 霍金D. 奥本海默答案:C3. 美国宪法的第一条修正案保护了哪项权利?A. 言论自由B. 宗教自由C. 持有和携带武器的权利D. 禁止不合理搜查和扣押答案:A4. 美国的第一任总统是谁?A. 乔治·华盛顿B. 托马斯·杰斐逊C. 约翰·亚当斯D. 本杰明·富兰克林答案:A5. 下列哪项不是美国大学的入学要求?A. 高中成绩单B. 标准化考试成绩(如SAT或ACT)C. 推荐信D. 必须精通三门外语答案:D6. 美国的联邦储备系统是由谁负责的?A. 总统B. 国会C. 联邦储备委员会D. 最高法院答案:C7. 美国的感恩节通常在每年的哪一天?A. 11月的第四个星期四B. 12月的第二个星期日C. 10月的最后一个星期日D. 1月的第三个星期一答案:A8. 下列哪项不是美国文学的经典作品?A. 《了不起的盖茨比》B. 《白鲸》C. 《百年孤独》D. 《红字》答案:C9. 美国的国土面积在世界上排名第几?A. 第一B. 第二C. 第三D. 第四答案:C10. 下列哪位不是美国历史上的著名总统?A. 亚伯拉罕·林肯B. 约翰·F·肯尼迪C. 威廉·霍华德·塔夫脱D. 温斯顿·丘吉尔答案:D二、简答题(每题10分,共30分)11. 简述美国独立战争的主要过程。
东北师范大学22春“英语”《英美概况(二)》作业考核题库高频考点版(参考答案)一.综合考核(共50题)1.Washington is the headquarters of all the branches of the American federal system: ____, the Supreme Court and the Presidency.A.the SenateB.The House of RepresentativesC.CongressD.the highest court参考答案:C2.The largest seaport of the United States is ____.A.San DiegoB.San FranciscoC.ChicagoD.New York参考答案:D3.Franklin Roosevelt was elected President of the US in ____.A.1931B.1932C.1933D.1934参考答案:B4.The US is the worlds leading exporter of agricultural products, in which the second most important export is ____.A.CottonB.vegetable oils参考答案:C5.Niagara Falls is not in New York City.()A.错误B.正确参考答案:B6.The Indians were the original inhabitants on the continent. However, ever since the discovery of the land in 1492 they have been cruelly treated. They were driven into barren desert regions, the so-called “Indian Reservations”.()A.错误B.正确参考答案:B7.The Midway Island Battle was the turning point of the ____ War.A.PacificB.ColdC.AtlanticD.Civil参考答案:A8.In the 1960s and 1970s, tennis enjoyed a huge growth as some of the new professional stars, especially women, stimulated amateurs.()A.错误B.正确参考答案:B____ are the most numerous in the minorities of the United States.A.blacksB.Hispanicsn-AmericansD.Jews参考答案:A10.American industry is developing so rapidly that it has been in the leadin gposition for the past century.()A.错误B.正确参考答案:B11.The western part consists of high plateaus and mountains formed by the Appalachian Range.()A.错误B.正确参考答案:A12.American economy is a free enterprise system.()A.错误B.正确参考答案:B13.The number of Congressmen from each state varies depending on ____.A.the size of the areaB.the size of populationC.the traditionD.the wealth14.____ has the power to interpret the constitution.A.The PresidentB.The CongressC.The Supreme CourtD.The House of Representatives参考答案:C15.Telephone companies in the United States are not all private businesses.()A.错误B.正确参考答案:A16.The USA includes 50 states and a federal district,the District of Columbia, which is the seat of the Federal Government.()A.错误B.正确参考答案:B17.Before the breakout of the Civil War, the Whig Party, which had been formed during Jackson's day, began to break up.()A.错误B.正确参考答案:B18.The U.S.A. is known as a “Melting Pot” for it's ____.C.mixture of climatesD.mixture of habits参考答案:B19.The first American President who inaugurated in Washington City was ____.A.George WashingtonB.Thomas JeffersonC.John AdamsD.Andrew Jackson参考答案:B20.The national flag of the United States is known as ____.A.the Star-Spangled BannerB.Uncle SamC.Hot DogD.Union Jack参考答案:A21.The U.S.A. is known as a “Melting Pot” for its ____.A.mixture of religionsB.mixture of nationalitiesC.mixture of climatesD.mixture of habits参考答案:B22.The most important advantage the North had over the South in the Civil War was its ____ superiority.A.industrialB.agricultural参考答案:A23.Between the Sierra Nevada Mountains and the Rocky Mountains there is a large area of desert, of which Death Valley is the lowest and hottest place in America.()A.错误B.正确参考答案:B24.The land can be pided into three parts according to its geographical features:the eastern part,the western part,and the central Plains.()A.错误B.正确参考答案:B25.The state ____ is rich in fishing and trapping.A.HawaiiB.CaliforniaC.AlaskaD.New York参考答案:C26.The ____ River forms part of the boundary between Canada and the USA, serving as an international river.A.ColoradoB.OhioC.Missouriwrence参考答案:D27.Detroit has been known as the automobile capital of the world.()A.错误B.正确参考答案:B28.Detroit is famous for the production of ____.A.bambooB.automobilesC.timberD.airplanes参考答案:B29.Harvard University was founded in ____.A.1366B.1633C.1636D.1363参考答案:C30.The victory at Saratoga was viewed as the turning point of the War of Independence.()A.错误B.正确参考答案:B31.The first computer came into being in 1944 and in the same year, the first atom bomb was tested.()A.错误参考答案:A32.The Federal Government is supposed to keep independent from the states governments.()A.错误B.正确参考答案:B33.You can get quick and inexpensive meals in ____ .A.magnificent restaurantsB.snack barsC.guest houseD.motels参考答案:B34.The following were some of the characteristics of Protestantism except ____.A.challenging the authority of the PopeB.salvation through faithC.salvation through the churchD.establishing a direct contact with God参考答案:C35.The University of California, with several branch campuses, has more than ____ students.A.128000B.129000C.126000D.127000参考答案:AThe spirit of “do-it-yourself” may be reflected in many aspects of American life.()A.错误B.正确参考答案:B37.The leading producing area for chemicals and machinery is ____.A.The East North CentralB.the Middle Atlantic regionC.the Pacific coast regionD.the South Atlantic region参考答案:B38.Which of the following American values did NOT come from Puritanism?____A.Separation of state and churchB.Respect of educationC.Intolerant moralismD.A sense of mission参考答案:A39.In western California lies Death Valley, 280 feet below sea level. It is the lowest point in the whole of North America.()A.错误B.正确参考答案:A40.The first Continental Congress was held in Philadelphia in September 1775 to consider and act on the situation arising from the so-called Intolerable Acts passed by the Bitish Parliament.()A.错误参考答案:A41.The “Senior Citizens” in the senior centers refer to ____.A.high officialsB.professorsC.presidentsD.old people参考答案:D42.The original name of New York is ____.A.New HampshireB.New AmsterdamC.New JerseyD.New England参考答案:B43.The United States is situated in the central part of North America with its two youngest states-Alaska and Hawaii.()A.错误B.正确参考答案:B44.The three biggest newspapers are of the following except ____.A.New York TimesB.Readers DigestC.Washington PostD.Los Angeles Times参考答案:B45.The largest public library in the U.S. is ____.A.Library of CongressB.Library of HarvardC.Franklin LibraryD.Roosevelt Library参考答案:A46.The state to which the Mayflower sailed is ____.A.FloridaB.MaineC.MassachusettsD.Virginia参考答案:C47.In the autumn of 1620, the first group of people started for America in a ship named the “Mayflower”. They l anded at a place they named Plymouth.()A.错误B.正确参考答案:B48.____ is the largest city in the US.A.Los AngelesB.ChicagoC.DetroitD.the New York City参考答案:D49.The city's name, “Philadelphia” means ____.A.fishing pitB.brotherly loveC.waste landD.wild laral参考答案:B50.The continental USA runs 4505 kilometers from its Atlantic coast to Pacific coast,and 2574 kilometers from Canada to Mexico.()A.错误B.正确参考答案:B。
英美概况英国部分练习题英美概况 - 英国部分练习题英国,位于欧洲西北部的一个岛国,是英联邦成员国之一。
下面是一些关于英国的练习题,让我们来测试一下你对这个国家的了解吧!1. 英国的首都是哪个城市?a) 伦敦b) 曼彻斯特c) 爱丁堡d) 都柏林2. 英国的国旗是什么颜色的?a) 红色、白色和蓝色b) 红色、白色和绿色c) 红色、白色和黄色d) 蓝色、白色和红色3. 威廉·莎士比亚是英国最著名的戏剧作家之一。
以下哪个是他的作品?a) 《哈姆雷特》b) 《鲁密欧与朱丽叶》c) 《奥赛罗》d) 以上都是4. 英国的皇室家族是?a) 伊丽莎白家族b) 斯图亚特家族c) 神秘家族d) 温莎家族5. 英国最著名的晚餐菜肴之一是什么?a) 鱼和薯条b) 汉堡包c) 比萨饼d) 果酱面包6. 英国的标准货币是什么?a) 欧元b) 英镑c) 美元d) 日元7. 英国最古老的大学是?a) 牛津大学b) 剑桥大学c) 帝国理工学院d) 伦敦城市大学8. 英国传统的下午茶时间通常是在下午几点?a) 1点b) 3点c) 5点d) 7点9. 英国最高的峰是什么?a) 英格兰山b) 威尔士山c) 苏格兰山d) 北爱尔兰山10. 英国最有名的音乐节是?a) 格拉斯顿伯里音乐节b) 皇家艾伯特音乐厅音乐节c) 圣理查德音乐节d) 狂欢节希望你已经作出了选择。
答案:1. a) 伦敦2. a) 红色、白色和蓝色3. d) 以上都是4. d) 温莎家族5. a) 鱼和薯条6. b) 英镑7. a) 牛津大学8. b) 3点9. c) 苏格兰山10. a) 格拉斯顿伯里音乐节希望这些问题能帮助你更深入地了解英国。
哈佛大学试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共10分)1. 哈佛大学位于美国的哪个州?A. 加利福尼亚州B. 马萨诸塞州C. 纽约州D. 德克萨斯州答案:B2. 哈佛大学的校训是什么?A. 真理B. 智慧C. 知识D. 力量答案:A3. 哈佛大学成立于哪一年?A. 1636年B. 1686年C. 1721年D. 1786年答案:A4. 以下哪位不是哈佛大学的校友?A. 巴拉克·奥巴马B. 比尔·盖茨C. 史蒂夫·乔布斯D. 马克·扎克伯格答案:C5. 哈佛大学的官方颜色是什么?A. 蓝色和白色B. 红色和白色C. 绿色和白色D. 黄色和黑色答案:A二、填空题(每题2分,共10分)1. 哈佛大学的图书馆是世界上最大的大学图书馆,其名称是______。
答案:哈佛图书馆2. 哈佛大学的吉祥物是______。
答案:约翰·哈佛的雕像3. 哈佛大学的校徽上刻有拉丁文______,意为“真理”。
答案:Veritas4. 哈佛大学的校旗颜色与校徽颜色一致,是______。
答案:蓝色和白色5. 哈佛大学的校歌名为______。
答案:Fair Harvard三、简答题(每题5分,共20分)1. 简述哈佛大学的创立背景。
2. 描述哈佛大学的学术地位。
3. 列举至少两位哈佛大学的著名校友。
4. 说明哈佛大学的入学要求。
四、论述题(每题15分,共30分)1. 论述哈佛大学对美国乃至世界高等教育的影响。
英语国家概况自考试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 英语作为官方语言的国家数量是:A. 5个B. 6个C. 7个D. 8个答案:C2. 美国的首都是:A. 纽约B. 华盛顿特区C. 洛杉矶D. 芝加哥答案:B3. 英国的货币单位是:A. 欧元B. 英镑C. 美元D. 日元答案:B4. 澳大利亚的国庆日是哪一天?A. 1月1日B. 7月4日C. 12月25日D. 1月26日答案:D5. 加拿大的官方语言包括:A. 英语和法语B. 英语和西班牙语C. 法语和德语D. 英语和德语答案:A6. 新西兰的首都是:A. 奥克兰B. 惠灵顿C. 基督城D. 但尼丁答案:B7. 英语中“Thanksgiving Day”指的是:A. 感恩节B. 圣诞节C. 万圣节D. 复活节答案:A8. 英国的哪个城市被称为“大学城”?A. 牛津B. 剑桥C. 爱丁堡D. 曼彻斯特答案:A9. 美国独立日是哪一天?A. 7月4日B. 7月14日C. 4月17日D. 10月12日答案:A10. 英语中“Big Ben”是指:A. 一个著名的运动员B. 伦敦的一座钟楼C. 一个著名的电影D. 一个著名的乐队答案:B二、填空题(每题2分,共20分)11. 英语中“Black Friday”通常指的是感恩节之后的_________天,这一天标志着圣诞购物季的开始。
答案:第二天12. 英语中“Red Cross”是指国际性的志愿援助组织,其标志为_________十字。
答案:红13. 英语国家中,_________是唯一一个以英语为主要语言的亚洲国家。
答案:菲律宾14. 美国的自由女神像位于_________市。
答案:纽约15. 英语中“Easter”指的是_________节,是基督教的重要节日之一。
答案:复活16. 英语中“St. Patrick's Day”是_________的国庆日。
答案:爱尔兰17. 英语中“Commonwealth”指的是英联邦,它是一个由_________国家组成的国际组织。
4.高等教育的重要本质特征是( .专业性)。
8.现代高校的基本职能是( D.培养专门人才9.蔡元培说过“欲知明日之社会,先看今日之校园”,是指学校文化的( 先导性)。
10.美国开设的第一所高校是( 哈佛学院)。
第二章高等教育的目的一、选择题1.确定教育目的的客观依据是( 生产力和科技发展水平)。
2.高等教育活动的总方向是( 高等教育目的)。
6.体育是以( 发展体能,锻炼体魄)为目标的教育活动。
7.下列哪一观点是正确的?( 智育是实现人全面发展的途径之一)8.按照美的规律对自己劳动条件和劳动产品进行设计和加工,对居室、日用品、服饰等方面按照美的观念做出选择与合理的配置属于( 创造美)。
9.美育之“超美育”功能,即指( 间接育德、促智、健体功能)。
10.教育者创设一定的情境以提升教育对象的智慧水平为目标的教育为( .智育)。
12.我国教育目的的基本精神在于,培养体、智、德、美全面发展的、( 具有独立个性的)、社会主义现代化的建设者。
13.“美育”一词最早是( 席勒)在《美学书简》中提出的。
A.培根B.康德C.D.卢梭14.下列哪一项未列入学校体育的功能?( 个体享用功能15.教育目的和培养目标的关系是(普遍与特殊第三章高等教育的几个理论问题一、选择题1.具有强烈的人道主义特色,全盛时期出现在18、19世纪,突出人的本性需要和自由发展,反对神学等观点属于( .个人本位论)的认识。
2.“君子欲化民成俗,其必由学乎”、“古之王者,建国君民,教学为先”体现了( 社会本位论)的教育目的观。
石河子大学 2008-2009 学年第二学期英语国家概况考试试卷注意:请将所有试题答案做在试卷二上,做在试卷一上不得分试卷一Part I Choose the correct answer. (1 ’×50=50’)1.The British Isles are made up of ________A. two large islands and hundreds of small onesB. two large islands and Northern IrelandC.three large islands and hundreds of small onesD.three large islands and Northern Ireland2.There are three political divisions on the island of Great Britain.They are_____A. Britain, Scotland and WalesB. England, Scotland and WalesC. Britain, Scotland and IrelandD. England, Scotland and Ireland3.In British history, both Saxons and Angels came from ________A. northern EuropeB. northern GermanyC. southern EuropeD. southern Germany4.It was _________ who laid the foundations of the English state.A. the VikingsB. the DanesC. the CeltsD. the Anglo-Saxons5._________ is perhaps the best-known event in English history.A. The Norman Conquest of 1066B. The Great Charter of 1215C. The Hundred Years’War with FranceD. The English Renaissance6. In the reign of the Norman kings ___________ flowered on the English soil.A. the German cultureB. the British cultureC. the Danish cultureD. the Norman culture 7. Black Death, an epidemic disease spread by rat fleas, spread through Europe in the ____centuryA.13thB. 14thC. 15thD. 16th8.The English Renaissance achieved its finest expression in __________A. Elizabethan dramaB. Leonardo Da Vinci’s work sC. Thomas Moor’s worksD. Thomas Wyatt’s poems9. The English Civil War had been seen as a conflict between ________A. the Commons and the LordsB. the King and the BaronsC. Parliament and the KingD. the Crown and the Church10.Two of the most famous literary works of late 17th century England were John Bunyan’s Pilgrim’s Progress and _________A. William Shakespeare ’s HamletB. Francis Bacon’s Essay sC. John Milton’s Paradise LostD. Christopher Marlowe’s Tamburlaine11. In Britain, ________ were the forerunners of the Conservative Party.A. the ToriesB. the PuritainsC. the WhigsD. the Anglo-Americans12. As a result of the Industrial Revolution, Britain became ________A.“the shop of the world”B.“the workshop of the world ”C.“the centre of the world ”D.“the leader of the worl d”13.________is generally regarded as the greatest writer in the English languageA. Christopher MarloweB. William ShakespeareC. Edmund SpenserD. Charles Dickens14.In Britain,the prime minister is the leader of the party that holds the most seats in___A. the House of LordsB. the House of CommonsC. the SenateD. the House of Representatives15. In Britain, private schools or independent schools are called __________A. grammar schoolsB. high schoolsC. public schoolsD. state schools16. In American, the first English colony was founded at _______ in 1607.A. Jamestown, VirginiaB. Plymouth, MassachusettsC. New AmsterdamD. Boston, Massachusetts17. The first immigrants in American history came from _______ and _________A. Ireland/FranceB. England / China命题组组长签字:第 1 页(本试卷共 5 页 ) I II IIIC. Scotland / EnglandD. England / the Netherlands18. The British established 13 colonies along ___________A. the west coast of North AmericaB. the west coast of South AmericaC. the east coast of North AmericaD. the east coast of South America 19. The American War of Independence began with ________A. the battles of TrentonB. the Boston Tea PartyC. the battles of Lexington and ConcordD. the battles of Gettysburg 20. The declaration of Independence was drafted by ________ A. Abraham Lincoln B. John Adams C. Benjamin Franklin D. Thomas Jefferson 21. The Emancipation Proclamation was issued by _______ during the Civil War A. George Washington B. Abraham Lincoln C. Thomas Jefferson D. Franklin Roosevelt 22. The 1920s in the U.S. has been described as a period of __________ A. cultural revival B. loss of purpose C. development in science and technology D. material success and spiritual frustration23. McCarthyism refers to the anti-Communist hysteria whipped up by senator McCarthy ______ A. after world war I B. during world war II C. in the early 1950s D. in the 1960s24. The famous leader of black movements in the U.S. in the 60s is _________ A. Abraham Lincoln B. George Garrison C. Douglas Moor D. Martin Luther King 25. The functions of institutions of higher education in the U.S. are _______ A. research and teaching B. teaching and degree awardingC. professional training, teaching and public serviceD. teaching, research and public service 26. Walt Whitman’s masterpiece is ________B. Song of MyselfD. The Adventures of Tom Sawyer27. The_____, the backbone of the North American continent, is also known as the Continental Divide. A. Appalachians B. Rockies C. Blue Ridge Mountains D. Great Smokies 28. The American Constitution was drawn up in 1787 when _________A. the War of Independence was startedB. the War of Independence was wonC. the American Civil War was startedD. the American Civil War was won 29. 2. The general election in America is held every _____ years. A. 5 B. 4 C. 6 D. 330. Among the following authors, the one who was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature, is __ A. T. S. Eliot B. Emily Dickenson C. Walt Whitman D. Richard Wright31. The legal holiday observed annually in the U.S. on the fourth Thursday of November is _____ A. Independence Day B. Thanksgiving Day C. Washington ’s Birthday D. Halloween 32. The theme of Thanksgiving has always been ____________. A. friendship and happiness B. peace and plenty C. cooperation and rich reward D. love and happiness33. By long custom, nationally observed holidays in the U.S. include the following except ______ A. Christmas B. Valentine’s Day C. Lincoln’s Birthday D. Mid -Summer’s Day 34. In terms of area Canada is the ________ country in the world.A. largestB. second largestC. third largestD. fourth largest35. The first British settlers in Canada were _______ who refused to fight against the British army the War of American Independence.A. French refugeesB. British merchantsC. American refugeesD. French reformers 36. Australia was originally inhabited by ________.第 2 页(本试卷共 5 页 )A. Leaves of GrassC. A tramp AbroadA. IndiansB. EskimosC. MaorisD. Aborigines37._______is the oldest of the Australian states because it was the first colony established by Britain in 1788.A. VictoriaB. New South WalesC. South AustraliaD. Queensland38._________is an integral and pervasive influence on national life and culture of Ireland.A. ProtestantismB. CatholicismC. Calvinist doctrineD. Idealism39.In Ireland,the constitution provides for both________as official languages.A. Irish and EnglishB. English and FrenchC. Irish and FrenchD. English and Welsh40. The capital of New Zealand is __________.A. WellingtonB. ChristchurchC. HamiltonD. Auckland41. The original inhabitants of New Zealand are called ________.A. EskimosB. AboriginesC. IndiansD. Maoris42.The largest city in Australia is_______.A.CanberraB.MelbourneC.SydneyD.Perth43.The climate in New Zealand is ________.A.subtropicalB.arcticC.temperateD.tropical44._______is/are mainly responsible for education in Australia.A.Federal governmentB.State governmentC.Territory assembliesD.Municipal government45.Of the following,____ is not among the 3 major Australian Parties.A.The Labor PartyB.The National PartyC.The Liberal PartyD.The Australian Democrats46.The Commonwealth of Australia was established in ______.A.1847B.1885C.1900D.190147.Franklin Roosevelt’s program for the depressio n was called.A. ProgressivismB. laissez faireC. New FreedomD. New Deal48._______is celebrated as New Zealand‘s National Day.A.February 6B.July 4thC.June 14thD.June 4th49.The most well-known Irish writer is _____. He introduces the stream of consciousness technique.A. Mark TwainB.Emily DickinsonC. James JoyceD.Charles Dickens50.In Ireland the head of state is the______.A.Prime MinisterB.PresidentC.British monarchD.General GovernorPart II Give one-sentence answer to the following questions. (3 ’×10=30’)1.What is the official name of Great Britain?2. In the election of 1979, who became the first woman prime minister in Britain?3. In Britain, what does BBC stand for?4.What are the two major political parties in the United States?5.What is the principal river in the United States?6. Why is Australia a dry land?7.When did Ireland declare itself a republic?8. What animal is regarded as a national symbol of New Zealand?9. How many large cities do you know in Canada ?10. In New Zealand what is the Treaty ofWaittangi ?PartIII Explain the following items either in English or in Chinese. (5 ’×4=20’)1. The Industrial Revolution2. English Renaissance3. The Declaration of Independence4. Separation of powers第 3 页(本试卷共 5 页 )石河子大学 2007-2008 学年第二学期英语国家概况考试试卷学院:专业:班级:姓名:学号:授课教师:试卷二Part I Choose the correct answer. (1 ×50=50)1.[A][B][C][D] 2.[A][B][C][D] 3.[A][B][C][D] 4.[A][B][C][D] 5.[A][B][C][D]6. [A][B][C][D] 7. [A][B][C][D] 8. [A][B][C][D] 9. [A][B][C][D] 10 [A][B][C][D]11. [A][B][C][D]12. [A][B][C][D]13. [A][B][C][D]14. [A][B][C][D]15 [A][B][C][D] 16. [A][B][C][D]17. [A][B][C][D]18. [A][B][C][D]19. [A][B][C][D]20. [A][B][C][D]21. [A][B][C][D]22. [A][B][C][D]23. [A][B][C][D]24. [A][B][C][D]25. [A][B][C][D]26. [A][B][C][D]27. [A][B][C][D]28. [A][B][C][D]29. [A][B][C][D]30. [A][B][C][D]31. [A][B][C][D]32. [A][B][C][D]33. [A][B][C][D]34. [A][B][C][D]35. [A][B][C][D]36. [A][B][C][D]37. [A][B][C][D]38. [A][B][C][D]39. [A][B][C][D]40. [A][B][C][D]41. [A][B][C][D]42. [A][B][C][D]43. [A][B][C][D]44. [A][B][C][D]45. [A][B][C][D]46. [A][B][C][D]47. [A][B][C][D]48. [A][B][C][D]49. [A][B][C][D]50. [A][B][C][D]Part II Give one-sentence answer to the following questions. (3 ×10=30) 1.What is the official name of Great Britain?2. In the election of 1979, who became the first woman prime minister in Britain?3. In Britain, what does BBC stand for?4.What are the two major political parties in the United States?5.What is the principal river in the United States?6. Why is Australia a dry land?7.When did Ireland declare itself a republic?8. What animal is regarded as a national symbol of New Zealand?9. How many large cities do you know in Canada ?10. In New Zealand what is the Treaty ofWaittangiPartIII Explain the following items either in English or in Chinese. (5 ×4=20) 1. The Industrial Revolution2. English Renaissance3. The Declaration of Independence4. Separation of powers第 4 页(本试卷共 5 页 )石河子大学 2007-2008 学年第二学期英语国家概况考试试卷 (答案)Part I: Choose the correct answer. (1 ×50=50)6-10: D B A C C 16- 20: A D C C D 26-30: A B B B A 36-40: D B B A A 46-50: D D A C BPart II Give one-sentence answer to the following questions. (3 ×10=30)1. The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 2. Margaret Thatcher3. British Broadcasting Corporation4. The Republic Party and the Democratic Party. 5. The Mississippi6. Because more than half of Australia is covered by dry lands. 7. In 1949 8. The Kiwi.9. Toronto, Montreal, Vancouver .Part Ⅲ Explain the following items either in English or in Chinese. (5 ’×4=20’)1. The Industrial Revolution: The Industrial Revolution refers to the mechanizaton ofindustry and the consequent changes in social and economic organization in Britain in the late 18th and 19th centuries.2. English Renaissance: Politically, the English Renaissance marks the end of the period ofcivil war among the old feudal aristocracy in mid-15th century, and the establishment of a modern, efficient, centralized state. Technically, the date is close to that of the introduction of printing into England. And culturally, the first important period in England was the reign of the second Tudor monarch, Henry VIII.3. It it an important document in the war of Independence. Thomas Jefferson drafted theDeclaration of Independence. On July 4,1776, the Congress adopted the declaration. It marked the indepencence of the United States.4. Separation of powers is the concept thought to be the safeguards of the U.S. government.The government is divided into three branches: the legislative, the executive and the judicial. Each branch has part of the powers but not all the power. And each branch of government can check or block the actions of the other branches. The three branches are thus in balance. This is called“caecks and balances ”10.It ’s an agreement between the chiefs of the Maori people and the Brithish Crown.第 5 页(本试卷共 5 页 )1-5: A B B D A 11- 15: A B B B C 21-25: B D C D D 31-35: B B D B C 41-45: B C C B D。
单选题(2.5 分) 2.5分B.地方分权2.2.【选择题】目前,英国实行年义务教育。
单选题(2.5 分) 2.5分B.113.3.【选择题】法国是个政教分离主义的国家,国立学校都是学校,不允许进行任何宗教教育。
单选题(2.5 分) 2.5分D.世俗4.4.【选择题】到了1900年,中日甲午战争后,根据不平等《》,日本得到中国的赔款共计2.3亿两白银。
单选题(2.5 分) 2.5分B.马关条约5.5.【选择题】随着进步教育运动的发展,以杜威为首的实用主义教育哲学思想一度成为美国众多初等学校进行课程改革的依据,许多美国初等学校按照杜威的“”来编制和安排初等学校的课程、编制课程计划。
单选题(2.5 分) 2.5分B.儿童中心论6.6.【选择题】1944年,英国设立了考试来控制初等教育和中等教育的衔接,这使得英国各地区的初等学校课程标准大体上一致。
单选题(2.5 分) 2.5分A.11岁7.7.【选择题】现行的法国初等学校课程主要是1985年所颁布的全国小学教育计划所规定的,共7门:法语、数学、科学与技术、历史与地理、、艺术、体育。
单选题(2.5 分) 2.5分C.公民教育8.8.【选择题】日本初等学校课程实行的是的课程标准,由文部省制定和颁布初等学校的课程标准。
单选题(2.5 分) 2.5分B.全国统一二、简答题(每题10分,共50分)9.1.【简答题】简述美国全国教育学会对小学教育目的的概括简答题(10 分)答:美国全国教育协会曾将小学教育目的概括为:(1)增进儿童的健康和发展儿童的体格;(2)增进儿童的心理健康和发展儿童的人格;(3)发展儿童对社会和科学世界的认识;(4)发展儿童有效地参与民主社会的技能;(5)发展儿童民主的生活价值;(6)发展儿童的创造性能力。
10.2.【简答题】简述英国幼儿学校的教育目标简答题(10 分)答:英国幼儿学校的教育目标为:①锻炼幼儿的体格。
1. The continental United States lies in the central North American with ___to its east and __to its west.A. the pacific ocean, the Atlantic oceanB. the Atlantic Ocean, the Pacific OceanC. the Pacific Ocean, the Gulf of MexicoD. the Gulf of Mexico, the Atlantic Ocean2. Among the Great Lakes, _____ is the only one entirely in the United States.A. Lake SuperiorB. Lake HuronC. Lake OntarioD. Lake Michigan3. The Appalachians run from ____ to ____.A. the north, the southB. the east, the westC. the northwest, the southeastD. the northeast, the southwest4. The biggest city in the U.S. is ____.A. Los AngelesB. New Y orkC. ChicagoD. San Francisco5. The ____ River meets the Atlantic Ocean at New Y ork City.A. PotomacB. HudsonC. ColumbiaD. Colorado6. Hawaii became the fiftieth state of the United States in ____.A. 1948B. 1950C. 1956D. 19597. ____ is the largest fresh water lake in the world.A. Lake SuperiorB. Lake MichiganC. Lake HuronD. Lake Eire8. The largest of the racial and ethnic minorities in the United Sates is ___.A. the HispanicsB. the Asian-AmericansC. the IndiansD. the blacks9. The Grand Canyon is located in the state of ____.A. ColoradoB. CaliforniaC. ArizonaD. New Mexcio10. ____ are the fastest-growing racial and ethnic group in the United Sates.A. the BlacksB. The HispanicsC. the Asian-AmericansD. the Indians11. The ____ River has been called the American Ruhr.A. MississippiB. OhioC. MissouriD. Colorado12. The Mississippi River flows to ____.A. the Atlantic OceanB. the Gulf of CaliforniaC. the Gulf of MexicoD. the Pacific Ocean13. The U.S. produces nearly ___ of the corn in the world.A. 25%B. 35%C. 40%D. 50%14. ____ is sometimes called the birthplace of America.A. The MidwestB. the Great PlainsC. New EnglandD. the South15.The Snow belt areas in the united States refer to North.16. The chief industry in the Rocky Mountains is ____A. the tourist tradeB. miningC. textile industryD. iron and steel17. The United States is the ____ most populous country in the world.A. thirdB. fourthC. fifthD. sixth18. New Y ork is located in ___.A. the MidwestB. the Middle Atlantic regionC. New EnglandD. the great Plains19. The United States is the ____ largest country in the world.A. secondB. thirdC. fourthD. fifth20. ___ is the home of the space center in the U.S.21. The Midwest states lies in the ___ part of the U.S.A. westernB. southernC. northernD. northwestern22. The smallest state in the U.S. is ____.A. WashingtonB. Rhode islandC. HawaiiD. Maryland23. In the U.S., the largest city along the Pacific Coast is _____.A. Los AngelesB. San FranciscoC. SeattleD. Portland24. The first industrial area in the United Sates is _____.A. New EnglandB. the Middle AtlanticC. the MidwestD. the South25. _____ is the largest city of the Great Plains of the U.S.A. ColoradoB. Los AngelesC. Salt Lake CityD. Denver26. The largest state on the mainland of the United States is _____.A. CaliforniaB. T exasC. AlaskaD. Arizona27. The largest and busiest port on the great Lakes is ___.A. New Y orkB. ChicagoC. DetroitD. St. Louis28. The sunbelt areas in the united States refer to _____.A. the East and the NorthB. the North and the W estC. the west and the SouthD. the east and the South29. The newest state in the United States is _____.A. New MexicoB. AlaskaC. CaliforniaD. Hawaii30. The state of ____ is the leading state in oil and natural gas deposits in the U.S.A. CaliforniaB. New MexicoC. FloridaD. T exas31. The Rustbelt areas refers to Northeastern USA32. Please list five metropolitans which located on the Atlantic Coastal Plain. (Boston-Washington corridor )Boston, Massachusetts, new Y ork city, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Baltimore, Maryland, and Washington,D.C.33. _Florida__is the southern-most city( exclusive of Hawaii).34. The highest summits in the US. is Mt. Mckinley35. The national flag of the United States is known as ____.A. the star-spangled BannarB. Uncle SamC. Got DogD. Union Jack36. The Niagara Falls is located on thee US and the Canadian boundary between Lake _________ and Lake ________.A. Superior, HuronB. Michigan, HuronC. Huron, EireD. Eire, Ontario37.Which of the king was executed in the civil war?A. James IB. Charles IC. James IID. Charles II38.Westminster Palace is the ___________.A. seat of British House of ParliamentB. seat of English ChurchC. residence of king and queenD. Residence of Prime Minster39.No. 10 Downing Street is ________.A. Office of British NavyB. Official residence of Prime MinsterC. Seat of English parliamentD. Official residence of King40.The American Civil War lasted from _______ to _______.A. 1858,1861B. 1861, 1863C. 1861, 1865D. 1863, 186741.In the U.S., the senatorial term is _________ years.A. 3.B. 4C. 6D. 842.The______ were the forerunners of the Conservative Party.A .WhigsB .T oriesC .RadicalsD .Nonconformists43.Among the Great Lakes, ______ is the only one entirely in the United States.A. Lake SuperiorB. Lake HuronC. Lake OntarioD. Lake Michigan44._____ was Britain’s first colony in America.A .PlymouthB .JamestownC .PhiladelphiaD .New Y ork45.____ was a king that was so enthusiastic about agricultural changes that he got the nickname “Farmer George”.A .George IB .George IIC .George IIID .George IV46.During the American Civil War, the army of the North was known as _____.A. the Continental ArmyB. the Confederate ArmyC. the U.S. armyD. the Union Army 47.The Marsh Plan offered economic aid to ______.A. European countriesB. Western European countriesC. Eastern European countriesD. European countries except the Soviet UnionMock T est1. The official name of the United Kingdom is______.A .the United Kingdom of Great BritainB .the United Kingdom of Great Britain and IrelandC .the United Kingdom of Britain and Northern IrelandD .the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland2. It was under______ that the feudal system in England was completely established.A .HaroldB .WilliamC .HenryD .Edward3 .The largest and most important museum in Britain is______.A .the British MuseumB .the Victoria and Albert MuseumC .the Imperial War MuseumD .the National Gallery4. Which of the following is not a political division on the island of Great Britain?A .EnglandB .ScotlandC .Northern IrelandD .Wales5. The highest peak in Britain is______.A .Ben NevisB .ScafellC .SnowdoniaD .Cross Fell6. The first known settlers of Britain were______.A .the IberaiansB .the Bearker FolkC .the CeltsD .the Romans7. The Wars of the Roses lasted from ______ to______.A.1455, 1465B.1455, 1475C.1455, 1485D.1455, 14958. The religious change from Catholicism toward Protestant theology in England was called “______”.A .RenaissanceB .ReformationC .RevolutionD .Evolution9. A British Parliament has a maximum duration of______ years.10. In criminal trials, the______ decides the issue of guilt or innocence.A .judgeB .lawyerC .juryD .audience11. The first English colony in America was founded in______.A .1593B .1607C .1618D .162012. Britain is separated from the rest of Europe by the English Channel in the______ and the North Sea in the______.A .south, westB .south, eastC .north, westD .north, east13. The first successful Roman conquest in Britain was led by______.A .Julius CaesarB .ClaudiusC .AgricolaD .Constantine14.______ served as the new cultural centers in England during the reign of the Norman kings.A .The schoolsB .The monasteriesC .The royal courtD .The big towns15. The House of Lancaster was symbolized by the_____rose, while that of Y ork was symbolized by the______rose.A .white, blackB .white, redC .red, whiteD .black, red16. In Britain, the ultimate authority for law-making resides in______.A .the House of LordsB .the Hose of CommonsC .the QueenD .the Prince of Wales17. Which of the following statements is not true about the contributions made by the Anglo-Saxons to English state?A .They divided the country into shires.B .They devised the narrow-strip, three-field farming system.C .They created the manorial system and the Witan.D .They established the complete feudal system in England.18. The narrowest part of the English Channel is the Straits of Dover, which is only______ km across.A .25B .33C .43D .5019. Which of the following statements is not true about William’s policy toward the church in England?A .He kept the church completely in his control and tried to suppress its power.B .He appointed the Italian-born Lanfranc to be Archbishop of Canterbury.C .He encouraged the church to have a closer relationship with Rome.D .He took care to maintain the independence of the church.20. The Magna Carta had altogether______ clauses.A .50B .53C .58D .6321. The______ were the forerunners of the Conservative Party.A .WhigsB .T oriesC .RadicalsD .Nonconformists22. In the 1970s among the developed countries, Britain maintained______ growth rate and______ inflationrate.A .the highest, the highestB .the lowest, the lowestC .the highest, the lowestD .the lowest, the highest23. The House of Lord is presided over by the______.A .Archbishop of CanterburyB .Lord ChancellorC .QueenD .Archbishop of Y ork24. The capital of Scotland is______.A .BelfastB .CardiffC .EdinburghD .Dublin25. How long was Britain under the Roman occupation?A .About 200 yearsB .About 300 yearsC .About 400 yearsD .About 500 years26. Which of the following statements is not among the causes of the hundred years’ war between England and France?A .The French king wanted to take back the territory occupied by England.B .Both English and French kings wanted to control the Flemish cloth manufacturing towns.C .England wanted to stop France from giving aid to the Scots.D .The English refused to recognize Edward as their king.27. Mrs. Thatcher was British Prime Minister from______.A .1980, 1990B .1982, 1988C .1979, 1990 D.1979, 198428. The present Sovereign of Britain is______.A .PhilipB .Elizabeth IC .Elizabeth IID .Charles29. Britain’s most popular pastime is______.A .reading newspaperB .watching TVC .playing footballD .horse racing30. The destruction of the______ in 1588 showed England’s superiority as a naval power under Elizabeth I’s reign.A .French FleetB .Spanish ArmadaC .Danish VikingsD .Portuguese Navy31. The replacement of James II by William and Mary has been known as______.A .the Glorious RevolutionB .the RestorationC .the ReformationD .the Renaissance32. The decade of 1980s is remembered in Britain as the era of______.A .centralizationB .nationalizationC .privatizationD .industrialization33. The Church of Scotland is a______ church.A .MethodistB .BaptistC .PresbyterianD .Catholic34. The longest river in Britain is______.A .the Severn RiverB .the Thames RiverC .the Mersey RiverD .the Clyde River35.______ were the people who laid foundation of the English state.A .The CeltB .The RomansC .The JutesD .The Anglo-Saxons36. Mrs. Thatcher’s Medium-term Financial Strategy was characterized by______.A .prices controlB .incomes controlC .state interventionismD .privatization37. The British Prime Minister is appointed by______.A .the QueenB .the SpeakerC .the House of CommonsD .the House of Lords38.______ is the highest judiciary officer in Britain.A .The Lord ChancellorB .The Home SecretaryC .The Attorney GeneralD .The Prime Minister39. The well-known Lake District in Britain is located in______.A .north ScotlandB .north-west EnglandC .north WalesD .Northern Ireland40. Which of the following statements is not among the achievements of King Alfred?A .He defeated the Danes and conquered Denmark.B .He translated Bede’s Ecclesiastical History of the English People into English.C .He founded a strong fleet and became known as “ the father of the British navy”.D .He established a number of schools.41. Henry VIII was above all responsible for the______ reform in England.A .militaryB .economicC .socialD .religious42. The______ presides over the House of Commons and enforces the rules of order.A .Prime MinisterB .SpeakerC .Lord ChancellorD .Queen43.______ is the ultimate court of appeal in civil cases throughout the United Kingdom.A .The High CourtB .The Supreme Court of JudicatureC .The House of LordD .The Court of Appeal44. Around which time period did the Celts start to arrive in Britain?______A .3000 B.C.B .2000 B.C.C .700 B.C.D .500 B.C.45. The death of King______ marked the perishing of Anglo-Saxon England.A .AlfredB .EdwardC .HaroldD .William46. England has been a Protestant country since the reign of______.A .Henry VIIIB .Edward VIC .Mary T udor D.Elizabeth I47.______ was Britain’s first colony in America.A .PlymouthB .JamestownC .PhiladelphiaD .New Y ork48. In 1838, the London Working Men’s Association put forward a charter of political demands, which was called a “____”.A .Great CharterB .Greater CharterC .People’s CharterD .new Poor Law49. Which of the following is not included in the new industries in Britain?______A .microprocessorsB .computersC .biotechnologyD .motor vehicle50. The head of State in Britain is______.A .the king or queenB .Prime MinisterC .ParliamentD .Prince of Wales51. In Great Britain, the______ is uniquely related to the Crown.A .Church of EnglandB .Church of ScotlandC .Church of IrelandD .Church of Wales52. Among the four political divisions of Britain, ______ is the most densely populated.A .EnglandB .ScotlandC .WalesD .Northern Ireland53. “The Danelaw”refers to the______ part of England which was occupied by the Danes in King Alfred’s time.A .south and eastB .north and eastC .south and westD .north and west54. The hundred years’ war between England and France was declared by______.A .Henry IIIB .Edward IC .Edward IIID .Henry V55.______ was a king that was so enthusiastic about agricultural changes that he got the nickname “FarmerGeorge”.A .George IB .George IIC .George IIID .George IV56. The end of Britain’s empire was hastened by______.A .World War IB .the Great DepressionC .World War IID .the Korean War57. The Prime Minister in Britain is chairman of the______.A .shadow cabinetB .cabinetC .ParliamentD .Opposition58. The Universities of Oxford and Cambridge date from______.A .the 11th and 12th centuriesB .the 12th and 13th centuriesC .the 14th and 15th centuriesD .the 18th and 19th centuries59. Which of the following statements is not true about St.Augustine?A .He was sent by Pope Gregory I to England.B .He was the first Archbiship of Canterbury.C .He was remarkably successful in converting the king and the nobility.D .One of his greatest achievements was to have converted large numbers of common people in Britain.60. The Black Death spread through Europe in the______ century.A .13thB .14thC .15thD .16th61. There were______ T udor monarchs who ruled England and Wales and the first one was______.A .4, Henry VB .5, Henry VIIC .6, Henry VIID .7, Henry VIII62. The Gunpowder Plot of 1605 was a______ conspiracy.A .ScottishB .CatholicC .PuritanD .Spanish63. The British Labor Party got its name in_______.A .1893B .1899C .1900D .190664 .The members of______ in Britain have also been known as dissenters or nonconformists.A .the Anglican ChurchesB .the Church of EnglandC .the Roman Catholic ChurchD .the Free Churches65. Which of the following people are not descendants of the Celts ?A .EnglishB .ScotsC .W elshD .Iris66. Which of the following statements is not true about Canute?A .He became King of England in 1016.B .He made England part of a Scandinavian empire.C .He divided power between Danes and Saxons.D .He formulated a legal system in England.67. James I was son of______.A .Mary T udorB .Mary StuartC .Elizabeth ID .Edward VI68. Greater London is divided into 32______ and the City of London.A .districtsB .countiesC .boroughsD .regions69. The largest church of the Free Churches in Britain is______.A .the Baptist ChurchB .the Presbyterian ChurchC .the Methodist ChurchD .the United Reformed Church70. The names T uesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday derive from the gods in______.A .DruidismB .ChristianityC .the T eutonic religionD .Roman Catholicism71. As a transitional period, Renaissance covered the years between______ and______.A .1150, 1450B .1250, 1550C .1350, 1650D .1450, 175072.______ is generally regarded as the beginning of modern world history.A .The RenaissanceB .The English ReformationC .The English Civil WarD .the Glorious Revolution73. Which of the following countries was not a member of the “Allies” during World War I?A .BritainB .FranceC .RussiaD .Germany74 .Among the following industrial cities,______ is not based on coalfields.A .LondonB .GlasgowC .EdinburghD .Manchester75. T o Scots, the most important festival is______.A .Christmas DayB .New Y ear’s EveC .EasterD .Whit Sundays that begin with M’, Mc or Mac are______ names.A .EnglishB .WelshC .ScottishD .Irish77. The first Christian church in Britain was established in______.A .LondonB .Y orkC .CanterburyD .Bath78. The Magna Carta was signed by King John in______.A .1213B .1214C .1215D .121679. The Petition of Right was also regarded as the______.A .Magna CartaB .General PardonC .Grand RemonstranceD .second Magna Carta80. The British East India Company was established in______.A .1500B .1600C .1700D .180081. The Midlands refers to the area of______.A .central EnglandB .central Lowlands of ScotlandC .North-East EnglandD .North Wales82. By tradition, the Prime Minister of Britain is also First Lord of______.A .the T reasuryB .the Home OfficeC .the Foreign and Commonwealth OfficeD .the Ministry of Defense83. Easter is a Christian festival that celebrates______.A .the birth of ChristB .the resurrection of ChristC .the coming of the Holy Spirit to Christ’s apostlesD .the death of Christ84. The most important river in Britain is______.A .the Severn RiverB .the Thames RiverC .the Mersey RiverD .the Clyde River85. Margaret Thatcher was leader of the______ Party.A .ConservativeB .LaborC .LiberalD .Democratic86. In December 1653, Oliver Cromwell was made______ of the Commonwealth of England.A .KingB .GeneralC .Lord ProtectorD .Lord Chancellor87. There are now______ Roman Catholic provinces in Great Britain.A .5B .7C .9D .1088. Football has its traditional home in______.A .EnglandB .ScotlandC .FranceD .Italy89.______ is the most typically English of sports.A .FootballB .RugbyC .CricketD .Horse racing90. King______ was known of his piety as “the Confessor”.A .AlfredB .CanuteC .EdwardD .William91. Henry VIII’ s religious reform began as a struggle for______.A .powerB .a divorceC .equalityD .peace92. In Britain the last stage for a bill to become law as Acts of parliament is called______.A .First and Second ReadingsB .Royal AssentC .Third ReadingD .Committee stage93. The______ are Anglo-Saxons.A .EnglishB .ScotsC .WelshD .Irish94. Which of the following statements is not true about the jury system in the reign of Henry II?A .It was replacing old English ordeals by fire and water and old Norman trials by battle.B .A jury was composed of twelve men.C .The jurors’ function was not only to act as witnesses, but to hear evidences and give verdict.D .It was originated from primitive trials in which witnesses were called forward to swear to the innocence of theaccused.95. It was______ that united the Houses of Lancaster and Y ork.A .Edward VB .Richard IIIC .Henry T udorD .John Beaufont96. During the First Civil War of England, the supporters of Parliament were called______.A .CavaliersB .RoundheadsC .RoyalistsD .Crusaders97. The Beatles was a band formed by four boys from______.A .ManchesterB .LiverpoolC .LondonD .Edinburgh98. England got its name “Angle” land from______.A .the CeltsB .the RomansC .the Germanic conquerorsD .the Danes99. Which city used to be the Roman capital in Britain?A .LondonB .Y orkC .BathD .Edinburgh100. Which of the following statements is not true about Henry VII?A .He was said to have murdered Edward V and his brother.B .During his reign he refilled the royal treasury through loans, subsidies, property levies and fines.C .He was able to build up England’s navy and foreign trade.D .He forbade the nobles to keep excessive power.101. The Church of England is not free to change its form of worship without the consent of______.A .ParliamentB .the archbishop of CanterburyC .the archbishop of Y orkD .the Queen102. The home of golf is______.A .EnglandB .ScotlandC .FranceD .the U.S.A103. Which of the following statements is not true about Elizabeth I(童贞女王)?A .Her religious reform was a compromise of views.B .She tried and executed her cousin Mary.C .She was succeeded by her son James VI.D .She enabled England to become a great trading and colonizing country.104. The game “Rugby” got its name from a______.A .townB .countryC .schoolD .person(一所拉格比学校一名学生W.W.埃利斯在1823年的一次校内足球比赛中因一次踢球失误,感到十分惋惜,竟然不顾一切地抱起球来就跑)105. Which of the following statements is not true about William the Conqueror?A .He was Duke of Normandy.B .His cavalry was then the finest fighting horsemen in Europe.C .He was Norman.(英格兰第一位诺曼人国王)D .He was crowned as King of England at Canterbury.(在威斯敏斯特大教堂加冕为英格兰国王)106. Winston Churchill became Prime Minister of Britain in______. 《He served as prime minister twice (1940–45and 1951–55).》A .1930B .1935C .1940D .1945107. The Open University in Britain was founded in______.(it was founded by Royal Charter in 1969.)A .1958B .1969C .1970D .1975108. The Supreme Court of the U.S. consists of one Chief Justice and ____ Associate Justices.A. 6B. 7C. 8D. 10109. During the American Civil War, the army of the North was known as _____.(p224)A. the Continental ArmyB. the Confederate ArmyC. the U.S. armyD. the Union Army110.______ is sometimes called the birthplace of America.(莱克星敦的枪声,发生在马萨诸塞州,是新英格兰的一部分)A. The MidwestB. the Great PlainsC. New EnglandD. The south111. In the U.S., the Senatorial term is _________ years.A. 3B. 4C. 6D. 8112. The Marsh Plan offered economic aid to ______.A. European countriesB. Western European countriesC. Eastern European countriesD. European countries except the Soviet Union1.The statement “A person cannot step into the same river twice.” was said by _____.A. PythagorasB. PlatoC. HeraclitusD. Democtitus2.________ said, “One thing only I know, and that is that I know nothing.”A. PlatoB. SocratesC. AristotleD. Thales3.________ founded the science of logic.A. PlatoB. SocratesC. AristotleD. Thales4.The Republic was written by ___________.A. PlatoB. SocratesC. AristotleD. Thales5. “Question-and-answer” technique was created by _________.A. PlatoB. SocratesC. AristotleD. Thales6.“The Renaissance” was between _________.A. 1500-1700 A.D.B. 1400-1700 A.D.C. 1300-1600 A.D. D. 1400-1600 A.D.7._________ said, “I think; therefore, I am”.A. David HumeB. Rene DescartesC. John RockD. George Berkeley8.__________ was called the farther of modern Rationalism.A. David HumeB. Rene DescartesC. John RockD. George Berkeley9.________ was called the modern father of Empiricism.A. David HumeB. Rene DescartesC. John RockD. George Berkeley10._________ combined elements of both Rationalism and Empiricism into one new comprehensive system.A. Immanuel KantB. George HegelC. John RockD. George Berkeley11.________ were mainly interested in love, Nature and art.A. The National RomanticsB. The Universal RomanticsC. The Classical RomanticsD. The contemporary Romantics.12.The British Isles is made up of ________A.T hree large islands and hundreds of small ones B. T wo large islands and hundreds of small onesC.Three large islands and dozens of small onesD. T wo large islands and dozens of small ones13.The tower of London, located in the center of London, was built by _______.A. King HaroldB. William the ConquerorC. Robin HoodD. Oliver Cromwell14.Between 1337 and 1453 the ______ took place in Britain.A. Wars of RosesB. Black deathC. Hundred Y ears’ war (与法国)D. peasants uprising15. In English individualistic culture, one should not bother Englishmen without a good reason and making appointment beforehand seems to be important. It is best reflected by an English proverb __________.A. as welcome as a stormB. an Englishmen’ s house is his castleC. don’t wear out your welcomeD. outstay one’s welcome16.Which of the king was executed in the civil war(开始内战)?p71A. James IB. Charles IC. James IID. Charles II17.Westminster Palace(国会大楼)is the ___________.A. seat of British House of ParliamentB. seat of English ChurchC. residence of king and queenD. Residence of Prime Minster18.No. 10 Downing Street(唐宁街10号)is ________.A. Office of British NavyB. Official residence of Prime MinsterC. Seat of English parliamentD. Official residence of King19.The oldest university in Britain is ________.A. Cambridge UniversityB. St. Andrews UniversityC. OxfordD. Edinburgh University20.British English is spoken in _______.A. Great BritainB. AustraliaC. New ZealandD. A,B and C21.The goal of Roosevelt’s New Deal(罗斯福新政)was _________.A. to save the American economic and political systemB. to change the American economic systemC. to weaken monopoly interests in AmericaD. to nationalize banks and financial institutions in America.22.The American Civil War lasted from _______ to _______.A. 1858,1861B. 1861, 1863C. 1861, 1865D. 1863, 186723. The American population movement between the end of the civil war and 1880 had much to do with _______.A. the westward movementB. the urbanizationC. the industrializationD. the development of hi-tech industries24. In the U.S., the senatorial term(参议院的任期)is _________ years.A. 3.B. 4C. 6D. 825. The______ were the forerunners of the Conservative Party.保守党的先行者A .Whigs(辉格党人)B .T ories(托利党)C .Radicals (激进)D .Nonconformists(新教徒)26._____ constitute the dominant sector of the U.S. economy(美国经济的主要成分).A. state-owned business(国有企业)B. privately owned businessC. independent professionalsD. government-run businessa)What’s the Scottish native language? Gaelic(盖尔语)b)Geologically, Scotland is divided into _(three)_ main regions: they are: ___(the highlands and WesternIsles)__, (the Lowlands), and the (Southern Uplands).c)Northern Ireland is sometimes referred to as “Ulster”.d)The capital of Northern Ireland is Belfast.e)The Giant’s Causeway is located in __Northern Ireland_?f)What’s the name of W elsh language? (Cymru)g)The longest River in Britain rises in _(Wales)__?h)__The midlands/ Lowlands of Central England__ has been termed the Industrial heart of England or theBlack Country.i)New Forest is located _(_England_)____?11。
B. 地方分权
B. 11
D. 世俗
B. 马关条约
B. 儿童中心论
A. 11岁
C. 公民教育。
ACT(American College Test)即美国大学入学考试,是对申请读本科一年级课程的学生进行的入学资格 考试,是美国大学本科的入学条件之一,也是奖学金发放的重要依据之一;由ACT公司主办;ACT考试分为四个部 分:英语(English),数学(Math),阅读(Reading),和科学推理(Science Reasoning),作文为选考。 成绩被全美包括哈佛大学等常青藤名校在内的3000多所大学接受为本科入学标准。美国的大学既把ACT视为入学 条件,又把它作为发放奖学金的主要依据之一。如今,ACT被全球各国广泛推崇,新加坡等东南亚国家的顶级大 学,如新加坡国立大学等高校也承认ACT成绩。
ACT(美国高考 (AmericanCollegeTest))
01 概况
03 成绩查询
02 费用 04 考试时间
05 与SAT比较
07 经验分享
06 考试现状 08 泄题事件
ACT(American College Test)被称为“美国高考”,作为对学生综合能力的测试标准,既是美国大学的 入学条件之一,又是大学发放奖学金的主要依据之一。这个考试被很多美国大学承认,但以中部和西部居多。
第四部分为科学推理(Science Reasoning Test),此部分难度不大,但是方法重要。不必细读实验介绍, 直接看题目,解题重点在清晰明确的表格和图像中。考生需注意,此部分如果方法不得当,同样会在规定时间里 做不完全部题目,所以考前一定要练习如何使用方法快速解题。
2017年9月9日,央视新闻客户端消息,“美国大学入学考试”也就是ACT主办方近日宣布,由于美国境外一 些国际考点出现泄题事件,决定取消涉事考点原定于9号举行的考试,并且不再重新组织考试。被取消的考点大多 位于亚洲地区,不少来自中国、泰国、新加坡等地的考生受到影响。
一、历史篇1. 英国的工业革命是在哪个时期发生的?答案:英国的工业革命发生在18世纪下半叶,具体时间为1760年至1840年左右。
2. 美国独立战争是在哪个世纪进行的?答案:美国独立战争发生在18世纪,具体时间为1775年至1783年。
3. 英国的大革命是在哪个时期爆发的?答案:英国的大革命发生在17世纪,具体时间为1642年至1651年。
二、政治篇1. 英国的政治体制是什么?答案:英国的政治体制是君主立宪制,国家元首为君主,首相为政府首脑。
2. 美国的政治体制是什么?答案:美国的政治体制是总统制,国家元首为总统,总统由选举产生。
3. 英国的议会制度是什么样的?答案:英国的议会制度由上下两院组成,上院为贵族院,下院为普选产生的下议院。
三、经济篇1. 英国的经济体制是什么?答案:英国的经济体制是资本主义经济体制,市场经济占主导地位。
2. 美国的经济体制是什么?答案:美国的经济体制也是资本主义经济体制,市场经济占主导地位。
3. 英国的主要经济产业有哪些?答案:英国的主要经济产业包括金融、制造业、服务业等。
四、文化篇1. 英国的莎士比亚是哪个时期的作家?答案:莎士比亚是文艺复兴时期的作家,活动于16世纪末至17世纪初。
2. 美国的哈佛大学是哪个世纪建立的?答案:哈佛大学建立于17世纪,具体时间为1636年。
3. 英国的摇滚乐队披头士是哪个时期的代表?答案:披头士乐队是20世纪60年代的代表,对摇滚乐产生了重要影响。
考研试题(与英美概况有关试题) Microsoft Word 文档
北京第二外国语大学试卷(2004)综合考试(英美文学)作家及作品等(40%)语言学部分(30%) 英美概况:(40%) 翻译:(40%)(汉译英20%,英译汉20%)I.Answer all the following questions.(10%)Explain the following :1.the Pilgrims(1) In England, there had been a group of people called Puritan who had broken away from the Church of England and formed their own churches. Later they fled to Holland to escape the persecution in their native land. (2) Several years passed when they were again threatened by religious suppression, they thought of moving, and this time to American. (3) They began to call themselves Pilgrim because of their wanderings in search of religious freedom. (4) In 1620, they crossed the Atlantic in the ship Mayflower and settled at Plymouth, Massachusetts.2. Boston Tea Party (1) In the years following the French and Indian War, British Government enforced several acts which were bitterly opposed by colonists.(2) In order to ease tensions, British government removed all the new taxes except that on tea. (3) In 1773, a group of patriots responed to the tea tax by staging the Boston Tea Party. Disguised as Indians, they boarded British merchant ships and tossed 342 crates of tea into Boston harbour. (4) British parliament then passed “ the Intolerable Acts”, and in response to this, the First Continental was held in Sep.1774.II. Choose the correct answer in each of the following(15%)1.美国独立前有几个洲(35 1348 50)2.哪一个不是New England 的洲(Connecticut New York State New Hampshire Vermont)3.哪个州是最晚加入the Union (Kentucky Pennsylvania Arizona Alaska)4.下列那个名称不在New York City(Hollywood Broadway Rockefeller Centre Harlem)5. 那几个州是大西洋中部的洲(mid-Atlantic States)(6 5 11 4) III.(15%)Explain the characteristics of the uniformity in American cultureand give your own evaluation.北京第二外国语大学试卷(2005)综合考试(英美文学)(50%) 语言学部分(50%)综合考试(英1,英2)(英美概况)(50%)I. 解释(15%)1.pioneering spirit (1) In the mid-nineteenth centry, it was this pioneering spirit that led American settlers to travel westward by the thousands in search of land and gold. (2) It is still an important part of the American character . (3) Today, Northerners and Midwesterners are attracted to the West because of good business opportunities and a mild climate.2. Separation of powers Influenced by Montesquieu‟s theory of division of powers, the US Constitution ruled that political structures should share out political power between legislative, executive and judicial authorities, and that these authorities should exercise checks against each other.II.选择正确答案(15%)1.下面有关美国宪法的表述那个是不对的。
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6. The leader of the US, the Soviet Union and Britain met three times during the WW
II. The first summit was held at a in November, 1943.
A. Teheran
B. Y alta
C. Potsdam
D. Paris
7. Between 1607 and 1733, the British established b colonies along the east
coast of North America.
A. 12
B. 13
C. 14
D. 15
8. The U.S. is called a “melting pot” because d .
A. its steel industry is highly developed
B. it has great influence on the world
C. it is an important economic center of the world
D. people from different races live there together
9. Which cannot explain the low voter turnout in America? d
A. Complicated voter registration
B. No penalty for not voting
C. Americans think that politics is irrelevant to their life.
D. Traffic jams
10. The Bill of Rights is the term for the first a amendments to the
A. ten
B. eleven
C. twelve
D. thirteen
11. Which of the following statements about American education is wrong? d
A. Elementary and secondary education in America is free and compulsory.
B. Private schools are financially supported by religious or nonreligious private
organizations or individuals.
C. Public schools are supported by American taxpayers.
D. There are only two categories of American higher education institutions: the
university, and the college.
12. Which of the following is not the feature of American education? b
A. Universality
B. Federalism
C. Comprehensiveness
D. Professionalism
13. The American minimum wage is $ c per hour.
A. 4.75
B. 5
C. 5.25
D. 5.5
14. The Judicial Branch is headed by __a___.
A. the Supreme Court
B. Congress
C. the House of Senate
D. President
15. Which is not one of the three major TV networks of America? a
A. Fox Broadcasting System
B. American Broadcasting Company
C. Columbia Broadcasting System
D. National Broadcasting Company。