managing ethnic diversity




人力资源管理-Unit-英文-习题与答案————————————————————————————————作者:————————————————————————————————日期:2Chapter 2: Equal Opportunity and the LawMultiple Choice1.Every time you advertise a job opening, interview, test or select a candidate orappraise an employee, you should be aware of:a.equal employment opportunity lawb.anti-discrimination lawc.criminal lawd.both a and be.both a and c(d; moderate)2.The _____ Amendment to the US Constitution states, “no person shall bedeprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of the law.”a.Firstb.Fifthc.Tenthd.Thirteenthe.Fourteenth(b; moderate)3.The _____ Amendment to the US Constitution makes it illegal for any state to“make or enforce any law which shall abridge the pr ivileges and immunities of citizens of the United States.”a.Firstb.Fifthc.Tenthd.Thirteenthe.Fourteenth(e; moderate)4.Which Amendment to the US Constitution is generally viewed as barringdiscrimination based on sex, national origin, or race?a.Firstb.Fifthc.Tenthd.Thirteenthe.Fourteenth(e; moderate)5.In the US, Title VII of the Civil Rights Act prohibits discrimination based onall of the following characteristics except _____.a.raceb.sexual orientationc.colord.religione.national origin(b; moderate)196.In the US, the _____ made it unlawful to discriminate in pay on the basis ofsex when jobs involve equal work, require equivalent skills, effort, and responsibility, and are performed under similar working conditions.a.Title VIIb.Equal Pay Actc.Executive Order (US President)d.Age Discrimination in Employment Acte.13th Amendment to the US Constitution(b; moderate)7.Which of the following factors is not an acceptable basis for different pay forequal work under the US Equal Pay Act?a.genderb.seniority systemc.merit pay systemd.quality of productione.all are unacceptable factors(a; moderate)8.The US EEOC guidelines define sexual harassment as:a.unwelcome sexual advancesb.requests for sexual favorsc.verbal sexual conductd.physical sexual conducte.all the above(e; moderate)9. In the US, when is sexual harassment a violation of sex harassment law?a.when such conduct has the purpose or effect of substantially interferingwith a person’s work performanceb.when such conduct has the purpose or effect of creating an intimidating,hostile, or offensive work environmentc.when a crime of violence is motivated by genderd.both a and be.all of the above(d; moderate)10. In the US, _____ exists when an employer treats an individual differentlybecause that individual is a member of a particular race, religion, gender, or ethnic group.a. Disparate treatmentb. Disparate impactc. Unintentional discriminationd. Adverse impacte. Prima facie(a; easy)2011. In the US, _____ refers to the total employment process that results in asignificantly higher percentage of a protected group in the candidate population being rejected for employment, placement, or promotion.a.disparate treatmentb.disparate impactc.unintentional discriminationd.adverse impacte.prima facie(d; easy)12. In the US, employers primarily use bona fide occupational qualification(BFOQ) as a defense against charges of discrimination based on _____.a.raceb.sexual orientationc.aged.gendere.all of the above(c; easy)13. In the US, religion may be used as a BFOQ if _____.a. a religious organization requires employees to share its employer does not want to honor an employee’s religious holidaysc.hiring a person to teach in a nondenominational schoold.all of the abovee.none of the above(a; moderate)14. Which of the following characteristics could serve as a BFOQ depending onthe nature of the job requirements?a.ageb.genderc.national origind.religione.all of the above(e; easy)15. Organizations can measure diversity by using _____.a.equal employment hiring metricsb.employee attitude and employee evaluationsd.focus groupse.all of the above(e; moderate)16. Diversity management includes the following step(s):a.provide strong leadershipb.assess the situationc.provide diversity trainingd. a and be.a, b and c(e; moderate)2117. In providing strong leadership in diversity management, the CEO of acompany musta.take a personal interestb.become the role to every workerd. a and be.a, b and c(d; moderate; )18. In a company, the tools to measuring diversity include the following:a.equal employment hiring and retention metricsb.employee attitude surveyc.employee evaluationd. a and be.a, b and c(e; moderate)19. The objectives of diversity training include the following:a.make employees aware of value self esteem of the different ethnic groupsc.create a friendly atmosphere in the companyd. a and be.a, b and c(e; moderate)20. In Australia, employees are protected against discrimination at the workplaceby laws at the:a.federal levelb.state levelpany leveld. a and be.all of the above(d; moderate)21. In Australia, employees who have been discriminated against by an employermay complain to the:a.Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commissionb.Ministry of Laborc.Prime Ministerd.Parliamente.All of the above(a; easy)22. In Hong Kong, the Sex Discrimination Ordinance covers the situationb.non-work situationc.special situationd. a and be.a, b and c(d; easy)2223. In Hong Kong, the Equal Opportunities Commission provides employers witha code of practice on:a.job advertisementsb.job titlespensationd.promotione.all of the above(e; moderate)24. In Indonesia, under the employment law, pregnant women have the followingrights:a.they cannot be dismissedb.they can return to their job after maternity leavec.they can have six months of maternity leaved. a and be.a, b and c(d; moderate)\25. In Japan, the Labor Standards Law prohibits the following:a.discrimination based on nationalityb.discrimination based on creedc.discrimination based on social statusd. a and be.a, b and c(e; easy)26. In Singapore, the Code of Responsible Employment Practices encouragesself-regulation on the part of employers in:a.recruitmentb.selectionc.appraisald.traininge.all of the above(e; easy)27. In Singapore, the Code of Responsible Employment Practices recommendsthat employers should not discriminate employees based on:a. raceb. religionc. aged. gendere. all of the above(e; easy)2328. In Singapore, the Code of Responsible Employment Practices is recommendedby:a. Singapore National Employers Federationb. Singapore Business Federationc. National Trades Union Congressd. The governmente. a, b, and c(e; moderate)29. Candidates for employment should be selected based on the following:a.meritb.experiencec.capabilityd. a and be.a, b, and c(e; easy)30. Selection criteria should be consistently applied to the following aspect(s) ofemployment:a.recruitmentb.trainingc.appraisald. a and be.a, b, and c(e; easy)31. In South Korea, the Labor Standards Act prohibits employers fromdiscrimination against workers statuse.all of the above(e; easy)32. In South Korea, under the Aged Employment Promotion Act, it isrecommended that companies with over 300 workers should have a minimum ____ percent of their workers in the above-55 age group.a.Threeb.Fivec.Tend.Fifteene.Twenty(a; moderate)2433. In Malaysia, under the Code of Practice for the Prevention and Handling ofSexual Harassment at the Workplace, the Ministry of Manpower has:a.special division to deal with harassment casesb.the power to jail any person accused of sexual harassmentc.the power to fine any person accused of sexual harassmentd.the power to compensate the victim of sexual harassmente.all of the above(a; easy)34. In Thailand, under the Labor Protection Act, women may:a.sue employers for passing sexist remarksb.sue colleagues for passing sexist compensation from the governmentd. a and be.none of the above(d; easy)True/ False35.Managers in non-U.S. companies must be aware of equal employmentopportunity laws in the US and in countries where they do business. (T; easy) 36.U.S. citizens working overseas for U.S. companies do not have the same equalemployment opportunity protection as those working within U.S. borders. (F;easy)37.In the U.S., equal employment opportunity laws were only introduced a fewyears ago. (F; easy)38.Managing diversity means maximizing diversity’s potential advantages whileminimizing the potential barriers that can undermine the functioning of a diverse workforce. (T; easy)39.Equal employment opportunity practices have become necessary because oflegal requirements. (T; easy)40.Equal employment opportunity practices have become necessary because ofglobalization. (T; moderate)41.Equal employment opportunity practices have become necessary because ofchanges in workforce demographics. (T; moderate)42.In most countries, the workforce consists of people from different ethnic origins.(T; moderate)43.Global companies actively recruit and maintain a diverse workforce to tap thetalents from different ethnic groups (T; moderate)44.Managing diversity implies that companies are exploiting workers fromdifferent ethnic groups (F; difficult)2545.Managing diversity involves only compulsory management action. (F;moderate)46.Managing diversity involves only voluntary management action. (F; moderate)47.Managing diversity involves both compulsory and voluntary management action.(T; moderate)48.Managing diversity involves more than just employing workers of differentethnic origins. (T; difficult)49.In most countries, there are laws to prevent discrimination at the workplace (T;easy)50.Diversity management training should include inter-group conflict managementskills. (T; moderate)51.In diversity management practices, supervisors must be trained to deal withinter-group conflict. (T; moderate)52.Training foreign workers in their own language will help them to be moresensitive to ethnic differences. (T, difficult)53.Teaching foreign workers how to speak English will help them to be moresensitive to other cultures. (T; difficult)54.Having employees from different backgrounds helps the company to understanddifferent customer preferences. (T; moderate)55.Having employees from different ethnic groups helps the company to project amulti-cultural image. (T; moderate)56.It is expensive to maintain a multi-cultural workforce. (F; moderate)57.Workplace diversity makes strategic sense. (T; easy)58.Equal employment opportunity is the same as affirmative action. (F; moderate)59.Equal employment opportunity means giving every person an equal chance toget a job. (T; easy)60.The objective of affirmative action is to eliminate past effects of pastdiscrimination. (T; moderate)61.Affirmative action implies giving privileges to some protected groups. (T;difficult)62.Managing diversity is voluntary. (T; moderate)63.Affirmative action programs are mandatory. (T; moderate)2664.In Australia, there are laws to ensure that only Australians are not discriminatedagainst in the workplace. (F; easy)65.In Australia, employees who have been discriminated against by an employermay complain to the Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission. (T;easy)66.In Australia, non-Australian employees are not protected against discrimination.(F; difficult)67.In Hong Kong, advertisements that specify gender or marital status are barred.(T; moderate)68.In Hong Kong, the Sex Discrimination Ordinance deals only with discriminationbased on the grounds of sex. (F; moderate)69.In Hong Kong, the Sex Discrimination Ordinance deals with discriminationbased on the grounds of sex, marital status and pregnancy. (T; moderate)70.In Hong Kong, the Sex Discrimination Ordinance covers only work situations.(F; moderate)71.In Hong Kong, it is illegal to have different titles for men and women doing thesame work. (T; moderate)72.In Hong Kong, the Family Status Ordinance protects persons who areresponsible for taking care of their family members. (T; moderate)73.In Hong Kong, the Equal Employment Commission has to power to investigatenon-compliance with the law. (T; easy)74.In Indonesia, there are no anti-discrimination laws for female employees. (T;easy)75.In Indonesia, as there are no anti-discrimination laws, employers may dismisspregnant workers. (F; moderate)76.In Japan, the Equal Employment Opportunity Law provides equality inopportunities concerning recruitment, payment, promotion and training between male and female workers. (T; easy)77.In Japan, the Labor Standards Law prohibits only discrimination in wages andwork hours. (F; moderate)78.Singapore is a multi-racial, multi-religious and multi-cultural society. (T; easy)79.In Singapore, the Code of Responsible Employment Practices helps employersto promote responsible employment practices. (T; easy)80.In Singapore, the Code of Responsible Employment Practices is issued by thegovernment. (F; moderate)2781.In Singapore, employers may be jailed for not complying with the Code ofResponsible Employment Practices. (F; difficult)82.In Singapore, workers may sue their employers under the Code of ResponsibleEmployment Practices. (F; difficult)83.In South Korea, under the Aged Employment Promotion Act, all companiesmust employ some workers in the above-55 age group. (F; moderate)84.In South Korea, under the Employment Promotion Act for the Handicapped, allcompanies must employ some handicapped workers. (F; moderate)85.In South Korea, the Labor Standard Act prohibits employers fromdiscrimination against workers by gender, nationality, religion or social status.(T; easy)86.In Malaysia, the Code of Practice for the Prevention and Handling of SexualHarassment at the Workplace provides a mechanism for redress. (T; moderate) 87.In Malaysia, the Ministry of Human Resources has a special division to handlesexual harassment cases. (T; moderate)88.In Malaysia, the government encourages trade unions to include sexualharassment clauses in the collective agreements. (T; easy)89.In Thailand, women are protected under the Labor Protection Law. (T;moderate)90.In Thailand, women workers may sue their colleagues for making sexist remarksat the workplace. (T; moderate)91.In order to attract the best candidates, employers should adoptnon-discriminatory HR practices. (T; easy)92.Employers should apply non-discriminatory criteria only for some aspects ofemployment. (F; easy).93.Criteria and terms of employment should be made known to all employees. (T;moderate)94.There are business situations where a person’s race may be a requirement for thejob. (T; difficult)95.There are business situations where a person’s national origin may be arequirement for the job. (T; difficult)28Essay/ Short Answer96.What are the five sets of voluntary organizational activities that support thesuccess of a diversity management program? (moderate)Answer: The activities are to provide strong leadership, assess the situation, provide diversity training and education, change culture and management systems, and evaluate the diversity management program.97.Several Asian countries have introduced anti-discrimination laws that make itunlawful to treat a person unfairly because of certain attributes. Give two examples.Answer: In Japan, the Labor Standards Law prohibits discrimination in wages, work hours and other labor conditions because of nationality, creed or social status. In South Korea, its Labor Standard Act prohibits employers from discrimination against workers by gender, nationality, religion, or social status.98.What is the purpose of introducing the Code of Responsible EmploymentPractices in Singapore?Answer: To help employers promote responsible employment practices regardless of race, religion, age, gender, marital status, disability or factors which are not relevant to the job.99.In some business situations, a person’s race, nationality or religion may be arequirement for a job. Give some examples.Answer: a) When the employee is recruit to deal with clients of a specific language group. b) When the employee has to handle food or products that are not permitted by some religions (e.g. Muslims are not allowed to handle pork;Hindus do not eat beef).29。
























社会问题 英语作文

社会问题 英语作文

Social issues are a pervasive and complex set of challenges that societies face in their quest for progress and harmony.These issues can range from economic disparities to environmental concerns,from educational inequalities to technological disruptions. Here are some key social issues that are often discussed in English essays:1.Poverty and Economic Inequality:Poverty remains a significant social issue,with vast numbers of people living below the poverty line.Economic inequality,where the gap between the rich and the poor widens,exacerbates this problem,leading to social unrest and a lack of access to basic needs for many.cational Disparities:Access to quality education is not equal across all social strata or geographic locations.This disparity can lead to a cycle of poverty,as education is a key factor in social mobility.3.Environmental Degradation:Climate change,pollution,and deforestation are pressing issues that affect the sustainability of our planet.The consequences of environmental degradation are farreaching,impacting health,biodiversity,and the overall quality of life.4.Healthcare Access:Inequalities in healthcare access can lead to disparities in health outcomes.The lack of universal healthcare in some regions means that certain populations are more vulnerable to diseases and have less access to preventive care.5.Gender Inequality:Despite progress,gender inequality persists in many areas, including the workplace,where women may face a wage gap and limited representation in leadership roles.Additionally,issues of genderbased violence and unequal social expectations continue to be a concern.6.Racial and Ethnic Discrimination:Prejudice and discrimination based on race, ethnicity,or nationality can lead to social divisions and hinder the integration of diverse communities.This issue is often tied to systemic racism and social structures that perpetuate inequality.7.Migration and Refugee Crises:The movement of people due to conflict,persecution, or economic hardship is a significant global issue.The treatment of migrants and refugees, as well as the policies surrounding their integration,are topics of intense debate.8.Technological Unemployment:As technology advances,there is a growing concern about the displacement of jobs.The automation of certain tasks can lead to unemployment,which in turn can affect social stability and economic growth.9.Mental Health:The stigma surrounding mental health issues and the lack of resources to address them are significant social problems.Mental health is increasingly recognized as a critical component of overall wellbeing.10.Social Media and Privacy:The rise of social media has brought about new challenges related to privacy,data security,and the spread of misinformation.The impact of social media on mental health and social interactions is also a topic of concern.11.Urbanization and Overpopulation:Rapid urbanization can lead to overcrowding, strain on resources,and increased environmental pressures.Managing the growth of cities while maintaining quality of life is a complex challenge.12.Drug Abuse and Addiction:The misuse of substances,including illegal drugs and prescription medications,is a significant social issue with farreaching consequences for individuals,families,and communities.When writing an English essay on social issues,its important to consider the causes, effects,and potential solutions to these problems.Analyzing the interplay between different social issues can provide a more nuanced understanding of the challenges societies face.Additionally,discussing the role of government,nongovernmental organizations,and individuals in addressing these issues can offer a comprehensive view of the possible paths to resolution.。



diversity例句Diversity plays a crucial role in every aspect of our lives. It encompasses variations in culture, ethnicity, gender, religion, age, and ability, among other factors. Recognizing and celebrating diversity not only enhances our understanding and respect for different perspectives but also fosters inclusivity and equality within our society. In this article, we will explore various examples of diversity and its impact on different domains.1. Cultural Diversity:Cultural diversity refers to the presence of multiple cultural groups within a society, each with its unique beliefs, traditions, and values. For instance, in a multicultural city like New York, one can find neighborhoods where diverse ethnic communities coexist, such as Chinatown, Little Italy, and Harlem. These communities showcase their cultural heritage through colorful festivals, cuisines, and artistic expressions, allowing residents and visitors to embrace and appreciate the richness of different cultures.2. Workplace Diversity:Workplace diversity refers to the inclusion and representation of individuals from various backgrounds in an organization. This includes differences in gender, race, age, sexual orientation, and educational background. Embracing workplace diversity has become increasingly important in today's globalized economy. Companies that promote diversity not only create a more inclusive and equitable work environment but also benefit from different perspectives and insights, leading to enhanced innovation, problem-solving, and overall business performance.3. Biodiversity:Biodiversity refers to the variety of plant and animal species, their genetic differences, and the ecosystems they inhabit. The preservation of biodiversity is crucial for maintaining ecological balance and sustaining life on Earth. For example, the Amazon rainforest, known as the "lungs of the Earth," is home to an immense variety of plants, animals, and indigenous communities. Protecting this biodiversity not only ensures the survival of these species but also contributes to the regulation of climate patterns and the provision of essential ecosystem services.4. Linguistic Diversity:Linguistic diversity refers to the existence of multiple languages within a particular region or community. Languages not only serve as a means of communication but also carry the collective knowledge and cultural identity of a group of people. For instance, India is known for its linguistic diversity, with hundreds of languages spoken across its vast territory. Preserving and promoting linguistic diversity is important for maintaining cultural heritage, fostering cross-cultural understanding, and providing equal opportunities for all individuals to express themselves.5. Educational Diversity:Educational diversity promotes inclusivity and equal access to education for individuals from various backgrounds, abilities, and learning styles. It recognizes that every person is unique and requires different approaches to learning to reach their full potential. Inclusive classrooms, for example, incorporate diverse teaching strategies, adaptive technologies, and specialized support to accommodate students with different learning needs.By embracing educational diversity, we create an environment where every learner can thrive and contribute to society.6. Social Diversity:Social diversity refers to the range of identities, experiences, and perspectives within a society. It encompasses aspects such as gender, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, and disability. A society that values social diversity takes active steps to promote equality, justice, and inclusivity. This includes ensuring equal rights and opportunities for all individuals, challenging discrimination and prejudice, and creating spaces where diverse voices can be heard and respected.In conclusion, diversity is not only a vital aspect of our society but also a source of strength and enrichment. By acknowledging and embracing diversity in all its forms, we create a more inclusive, innovative, and harmonious world. It is essential for individuals, communities, and institutions to actively promote diversity and work towards building a society that values and celebrates the uniqueness of every individual.。

Immigration and Ethnicity

Immigration and Ethnicity
Chapter 5
Immigration and Ethnicity
Once I thought to write a history of the immigrants in America, I discovered that the immigrants were American history. —Oscar Handlin
A2. Melting Pot vs. Salad Bow
The metaphor of melting pot was adopted from steelmaking to dramatize a process by which racial "inferiors" were to be burned away in the crucible 熔炉 of the New World and the highest qualities of intellect and physical strength fused into a new race of man. Salad bowl represents a potent (strong) affirmation of multiculturalism. In American cuisine烹饪, a salad includes lettuces莴苣, tomatoes, cucumbers, carrots, green peppers, etc. Even though a salad is mixed together, the individual components are still easily recognizable.
A2. Melting Pot vs. Salad Bow



人力资源管理-Unit-英文-习题与答案————————————————————————————————作者:————————————————————————————————日期:2Chapter 2: Equal Opportunity and the LawMultiple Choice1.Every time you advertise a job opening, interview, test or select a candidate orappraise an employee, you should be aware of:a.equal employment opportunity lawb.anti-discrimination lawc.criminal lawd.both a and be.both a and c(d; moderate)2.The _____ Amendment to the US Constitution states, “no person shall bedeprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of the law.”a.Firstb.Fifthc.Tenthd.Thirteenthe.Fourteenth(b; moderate)3.The _____ Amendment to the US Constitution makes it illegal for any state to“make or enforce any law which shall abridge the pr ivileges and immunities of citizens of the United States.”a.Firstb.Fifthc.Tenthd.Thirteenthe.Fourteenth(e; moderate)4.Which Amendment to the US Constitution is generally viewed as barringdiscrimination based on sex, national origin, or race?a.Firstb.Fifthc.Tenthd.Thirteenthe.Fourteenth(e; moderate)5.In the US, Title VII of the Civil Rights Act prohibits discrimination based onall of the following characteristics except _____.a.raceb.sexual orientationc.colord.religione.national origin(b; moderate)196.In the US, the _____ made it unlawful to discriminate in pay on the basis ofsex when jobs involve equal work, require equivalent skills, effort, and responsibility, and are performed under similar working conditions.a.Title VIIb.Equal Pay Actc.Executive Order (US President)d.Age Discrimination in Employment Acte.13th Amendment to the US Constitution(b; moderate)7.Which of the following factors is not an acceptable basis for different pay forequal work under the US Equal Pay Act?a.genderb.seniority systemc.merit pay systemd.quality of productione.all are unacceptable factors(a; moderate)8.The US EEOC guidelines define sexual harassment as:a.unwelcome sexual advancesb.requests for sexual favorsc.verbal sexual conductd.physical sexual conducte.all the above(e; moderate)9. In the US, when is sexual harassment a violation of sex harassment law?a.when such conduct has the purpose or effect of substantially interferingwith a person’s work performanceb.when such conduct has the purpose or effect of creating an intimidating,hostile, or offensive work environmentc.when a crime of violence is motivated by genderd.both a and be.all of the above(d; moderate)10. In the US, _____ exists when an employer treats an individual differentlybecause that individual is a member of a particular race, religion, gender, or ethnic group.a. Disparate treatmentb. Disparate impactc. Unintentional discriminationd. Adverse impacte. Prima facie(a; easy)2011. In the US, _____ refers to the total employment process that results in asignificantly higher percentage of a protected group in the candidate population being rejected for employment, placement, or promotion.a.disparate treatmentb.disparate impactc.unintentional discriminationd.adverse impacte.prima facie(d; easy)12. In the US, employers primarily use bona fide occupational qualification(BFOQ) as a defense against charges of discrimination based on _____.a.raceb.sexual orientationc.aged.gendere.all of the above(c; easy)13. In the US, religion may be used as a BFOQ if _____.a. a religious organization requires employees to share its employer does not want to honor an employee’s religious holidaysc.hiring a person to teach in a nondenominational schoold.all of the abovee.none of the above(a; moderate)14. Which of the following characteristics could serve as a BFOQ depending onthe nature of the job requirements?a.ageb.genderc.national origind.religione.all of the above(e; easy)15. Organizations can measure diversity by using _____.a.equal employment hiring metricsb.employee attitude and employee evaluationsd.focus groupse.all of the above(e; moderate)16. Diversity management includes the following step(s):a.provide strong leadershipb.assess the situationc.provide diversity trainingd. a and be.a, b and c(e; moderate)2117. In providing strong leadership in diversity management, the CEO of acompany musta.take a personal interestb.become the role to every workerd. a and be.a, b and c(d; moderate; )18. In a company, the tools to measuring diversity include the following:a.equal employment hiring and retention metricsb.employee attitude surveyc.employee evaluationd. a and be.a, b and c(e; moderate)19. The objectives of diversity training include the following:a.make employees aware of value self esteem of the different ethnic groupsc.create a friendly atmosphere in the companyd. a and be.a, b and c(e; moderate)20. In Australia, employees are protected against discrimination at the workplaceby laws at the:a.federal levelb.state levelpany leveld. a and be.all of the above(d; moderate)21. In Australia, employees who have been discriminated against by an employermay complain to the:a.Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commissionb.Ministry of Laborc.Prime Ministerd.Parliamente.All of the above(a; easy)22. In Hong Kong, the Sex Discrimination Ordinance covers the situationb.non-work situationc.special situationd. a and be.a, b and c(d; easy)2223. In Hong Kong, the Equal Opportunities Commission provides employers witha code of practice on:a.job advertisementsb.job titlespensationd.promotione.all of the above(e; moderate)24. In Indonesia, under the employment law, pregnant women have the followingrights:a.they cannot be dismissedb.they can return to their job after maternity leavec.they can have six months of maternity leaved. a and be.a, b and c(d; moderate)\25. In Japan, the Labor Standards Law prohibits the following:a.discrimination based on nationalityb.discrimination based on creedc.discrimination based on social statusd. a and be.a, b and c(e; easy)26. In Singapore, the Code of Responsible Employment Practices encouragesself-regulation on the part of employers in:a.recruitmentb.selectionc.appraisald.traininge.all of the above(e; easy)27. In Singapore, the Code of Responsible Employment Practices recommendsthat employers should not discriminate employees based on:a. raceb. religionc. aged. gendere. all of the above(e; easy)2328. In Singapore, the Code of Responsible Employment Practices is recommendedby:a. Singapore National Employers Federationb. Singapore Business Federationc. National Trades Union Congressd. The governmente. a, b, and c(e; moderate)29. Candidates for employment should be selected based on the following:a.meritb.experiencec.capabilityd. a and be.a, b, and c(e; easy)30. Selection criteria should be consistently applied to the following aspect(s) ofemployment:a.recruitmentb.trainingc.appraisald. a and be.a, b, and c(e; easy)31. In South Korea, the Labor Standards Act prohibits employers fromdiscrimination against workers statuse.all of the above(e; easy)32. In South Korea, under the Aged Employment Promotion Act, it isrecommended that companies with over 300 workers should have a minimum ____ percent of their workers in the above-55 age group.a.Threeb.Fivec.Tend.Fifteene.Twenty(a; moderate)2433. In Malaysia, under the Code of Practice for the Prevention and Handling ofSexual Harassment at the Workplace, the Ministry of Manpower has:a.special division to deal with harassment casesb.the power to jail any person accused of sexual harassmentc.the power to fine any person accused of sexual harassmentd.the power to compensate the victim of sexual harassmente.all of the above(a; easy)34. In Thailand, under the Labor Protection Act, women may:a.sue employers for passing sexist remarksb.sue colleagues for passing sexist compensation from the governmentd. a and be.none of the above(d; easy)True/ False35.Managers in non-U.S. companies must be aware of equal employmentopportunity laws in the US and in countries where they do business. (T; easy) 36.U.S. citizens working overseas for U.S. companies do not have the same equalemployment opportunity protection as those working within U.S. borders. (F;easy)37.In the U.S., equal employment opportunity laws were only introduced a fewyears ago. (F; easy)38.Managing diversity means maximizing diversity’s potential advantages whileminimizing the potential barriers that can undermine the functioning of a diverse workforce. (T; easy)39.Equal employment opportunity practices have become necessary because oflegal requirements. (T; easy)40.Equal employment opportunity practices have become necessary because ofglobalization. (T; moderate)41.Equal employment opportunity practices have become necessary because ofchanges in workforce demographics. (T; moderate)42.In most countries, the workforce consists of people from different ethnic origins.(T; moderate)43.Global companies actively recruit and maintain a diverse workforce to tap thetalents from different ethnic groups (T; moderate)44.Managing diversity implies that companies are exploiting workers fromdifferent ethnic groups (F; difficult)2545.Managing diversity involves only compulsory management action. (F;moderate)46.Managing diversity involves only voluntary management action. (F; moderate)47.Managing diversity involves both compulsory and voluntary management action.(T; moderate)48.Managing diversity involves more than just employing workers of differentethnic origins. (T; difficult)49.In most countries, there are laws to prevent discrimination at the workplace (T;easy)50.Diversity management training should include inter-group conflict managementskills. (T; moderate)51.In diversity management practices, supervisors must be trained to deal withinter-group conflict. (T; moderate)52.Training foreign workers in their own language will help them to be moresensitive to ethnic differences. (T, difficult)53.Teaching foreign workers how to speak English will help them to be moresensitive to other cultures. (T; difficult)54.Having employees from different backgrounds helps the company to understanddifferent customer preferences. (T; moderate)55.Having employees from different ethnic groups helps the company to project amulti-cultural image. (T; moderate)56.It is expensive to maintain a multi-cultural workforce. (F; moderate)57.Workplace diversity makes strategic sense. (T; easy)58.Equal employment opportunity is the same as affirmative action. (F; moderate)59.Equal employment opportunity means giving every person an equal chance toget a job. (T; easy)60.The objective of affirmative action is to eliminate past effects of pastdiscrimination. (T; moderate)61.Affirmative action implies giving privileges to some protected groups. (T;difficult)62.Managing diversity is voluntary. (T; moderate)63.Affirmative action programs are mandatory. (T; moderate)2664.In Australia, there are laws to ensure that only Australians are not discriminatedagainst in the workplace. (F; easy)65.In Australia, employees who have been discriminated against by an employermay complain to the Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission. (T;easy)66.In Australia, non-Australian employees are not protected against discrimination.(F; difficult)67.In Hong Kong, advertisements that specify gender or marital status are barred.(T; moderate)68.In Hong Kong, the Sex Discrimination Ordinance deals only with discriminationbased on the grounds of sex. (F; moderate)69.In Hong Kong, the Sex Discrimination Ordinance deals with discriminationbased on the grounds of sex, marital status and pregnancy. (T; moderate)70.In Hong Kong, the Sex Discrimination Ordinance covers only work situations.(F; moderate)71.In Hong Kong, it is illegal to have different titles for men and women doing thesame work. (T; moderate)72.In Hong Kong, the Family Status Ordinance protects persons who areresponsible for taking care of their family members. (T; moderate)73.In Hong Kong, the Equal Employment Commission has to power to investigatenon-compliance with the law. (T; easy)74.In Indonesia, there are no anti-discrimination laws for female employees. (T;easy)75.In Indonesia, as there are no anti-discrimination laws, employers may dismisspregnant workers. (F; moderate)76.In Japan, the Equal Employment Opportunity Law provides equality inopportunities concerning recruitment, payment, promotion and training between male and female workers. (T; easy)77.In Japan, the Labor Standards Law prohibits only discrimination in wages andwork hours. (F; moderate)78.Singapore is a multi-racial, multi-religious and multi-cultural society. (T; easy)79.In Singapore, the Code of Responsible Employment Practices helps employersto promote responsible employment practices. (T; easy)80.In Singapore, the Code of Responsible Employment Practices is issued by thegovernment. (F; moderate)2781.In Singapore, employers may be jailed for not complying with the Code ofResponsible Employment Practices. (F; difficult)82.In Singapore, workers may sue their employers under the Code of ResponsibleEmployment Practices. (F; difficult)83.In South Korea, under the Aged Employment Promotion Act, all companiesmust employ some workers in the above-55 age group. (F; moderate)84.In South Korea, under the Employment Promotion Act for the Handicapped, allcompanies must employ some handicapped workers. (F; moderate)85.In South Korea, the Labor Standard Act prohibits employers fromdiscrimination against workers by gender, nationality, religion or social status.(T; easy)86.In Malaysia, the Code of Practice for the Prevention and Handling of SexualHarassment at the Workplace provides a mechanism for redress. (T; moderate) 87.In Malaysia, the Ministry of Human Resources has a special division to handlesexual harassment cases. (T; moderate)88.In Malaysia, the government encourages trade unions to include sexualharassment clauses in the collective agreements. (T; easy)89.In Thailand, women are protected under the Labor Protection Law. (T;moderate)90.In Thailand, women workers may sue their colleagues for making sexist remarksat the workplace. (T; moderate)91.In order to attract the best candidates, employers should adoptnon-discriminatory HR practices. (T; easy)92.Employers should apply non-discriminatory criteria only for some aspects ofemployment. (F; easy).93.Criteria and terms of employment should be made known to all employees. (T;moderate)94.There are business situations where a person’s race may be a requirement for thejob. (T; difficult)95.There are business situations where a person’s national origin may be arequirement for the job. (T; difficult)28Essay/ Short Answer96.What are the five sets of voluntary organizational activities that support thesuccess of a diversity management program? (moderate)Answer: The activities are to provide strong leadership, assess the situation, provide diversity training and education, change culture and management systems, and evaluate the diversity management program.97.Several Asian countries have introduced anti-discrimination laws that make itunlawful to treat a person unfairly because of certain attributes. Give two examples.Answer: In Japan, the Labor Standards Law prohibits discrimination in wages, work hours and other labor conditions because of nationality, creed or social status. In South Korea, its Labor Standard Act prohibits employers from discrimination against workers by gender, nationality, religion, or social status.98.What is the purpose of introducing the Code of Responsible EmploymentPractices in Singapore?Answer: To help employers promote responsible employment practices regardless of race, religion, age, gender, marital status, disability or factors which are not relevant to the job.99.In some business situations, a person’s race, nationality or religion may be arequirement for a job. Give some examples.Answer: a) When the employee is recruit to deal with clients of a specific language group. b) When the employee has to handle food or products that are not permitted by some religions (e.g. Muslims are not allowed to handle pork;Hindus do not eat beef).29。



情商测试题1“We are being judged by a new yardstick: not just how smart we are, or by ourtraining and expertise, but also by how well we handle ourselves and each other.”Daniel Goleman, Working with Emotional Intelligence, 1998How Emotionally Intelligent Are You测试你的情商?1. You are on an aeroplane that suddenly hits extremely bad turbulence andbegins rocking from side to side. What do you do? 你正在飞机上,突然飞机遇上了强烈气流引起的剧烈颠簸并且开始左右摇晃,你怎么办?❍ Continue to read your book or magazine, or watch the movie, trying to paylittle attention to the turbulence.继续阅读你的书籍或杂志,或者看电影,试图不去注意飞机的颠簸。

❍ Become vigilant for an emergency, carefully monitoring the stewardessesand reading the emergency instructions card.开始警惕紧急情况的发生,密切注意空中小姐并且阅读紧急情况指示卡。

❍ A little of both a and b. a 和b 都有一点。

❍ Not sure – never noticed.不能肯定-没有注意过。

2. You are in a meeting when a colleague takes credit for work that you havedone. What do you do?你正在参加一个会议,会上一位同事把你做的工作归为自己的成绩,你怎么办?❍ Immediately and publicly confront the colleague over the ownership ofyour work.马上并且公开与该同事就你的工作成绩的归属问题发生对抗。

human resource management chap (3)

human resource management chap (3)
The fastest growing segment will be workers aged 45-64.增加最快的年龄段是45-64岁。
By 2015, workers aged 40 and above will exceed the number under 40 for the first time ever.到2015年,40岁 以上劳动力的数量将超过40岁以下的劳动力的数量。 8
ions for 1996-2006, indicate the U.S.
labor force will grow from 134 to 149 million workers.从1996-2006年,美国劳动力总数 将从1.34亿增加到1.49亿。
(1)An Aging Workforce 正在趋向老龄化的劳动力
(1)An Aging Workforce 正在趋向老龄化的劳动力
The Bureau of Labor Statistics tracks
changes in the composition of the U.S. labor force and forecasts employment needs.美国 劳动统计局跟踪美国劳动力构成的变化,并 且预测就业趋势。
Chapter Two
Trends In Human Resource Management 人力资源管理的
Chapter vocabulary
劳动力:labor force 内部劳动力:internal labor force 外部劳动力市场:external labor market 知识型员工:knowledge workers 雇员授权:employee empowerment 团队工作:team work 全面质量管理:total quality management, TQM 虚拟小组:virtual team

ethnic diversity英语作文

ethnic diversity英语作文

Ethnic Diversity: A Vital Ingredient for a Vibrant Society Ethnic diversity, a fundamental aspect of human society, refers to the rich tapestry of cultures, traditions, languages, and identities that coexist within a given geographical area. It is a phenomenon that has shaped the historical, political, and economic landscapes of nations and continues to do so in the present day. The significance of ethnic diversity extends beyond mere cultural representation; it is a driving force for innovation, progress, and societal growth.Firstly, ethnic diversity enriches the cultural fabric of a society. Each ethnic group contributes unique customs, arts, music, cuisine, and festivals that add color and vitality to the cultural mix. This多样性promotes mutual understanding and respect among different groups, fostering a sense of belonging and unity. It also encourages cultural exchange and融合, leading to the creation of new ideas, traditions, and practices that are a blend of diverse influences.Secondly, ethnic diversity fosters innovation and creativity. Diverse teams bring together individuals with different perspectives, experiences, and knowledge backgrounds. This diversity in thought leads to more comprehensive problem-solving, innovative solutions, andincreased creativity. It encourages a culture of inclusivity where everyone's voice is heard and valued, leading to a more inclusive and sustainable society.Moreover, ethnic diversity contributes to economic growth and prosperity. A diverse workforce brings together talents and skills from various backgrounds, enhancing the competitiveness of businesses and organizations. It also opens up new markets and opportunities for trade and investment, as diverse ethnic groups often have unique networks and connections that span across borders and industries.However, it is crucial to acknowledge that ethnic diversity can also present challenges, such as cultural clashes, language barriers, and social tensions. It is essential to foster an environment of tolerance, respect, and equal opportunity to ensure that the benefits of diversity are maximized while minimizing its potential downsides.In conclusion, ethnic diversity is a vital ingredient for a vibrant and progressive society. It enriches cultural expression, fosters innovation and creativity, and contributes to economic growth and prosperity. By embracing and celebrating ethnic diversity, we can build stronger, more inclusive, and sustainable communities that thrive on the rich tapestry ofhuman experiences and identities.。

ethnic diversity英语作文

ethnic diversity英语作文

ethnic diversity英语作文**English Version:**Ethnic diversity, a hallmark of our globalized society, enriches communities with a vibrant tapestry of cultures, traditions, and perspectives. In today's interconnected world, it is more important than ever to embrace and celebrate this diversity as it fosters mutual understanding, promotes social cohesion, and drives innovation.At the heart of ethnic diversity lies the recognitionthat every individual, regardless of their ethnic background, brings unique experiences and knowledge to the table. This multiplicity of viewpoints encourages creative problem-solving and enhances decision-making processes in various sectors, from business and education to government and the arts. For instance, diverse teams in corporations have been shown to outperform homogeneous ones, attributedto the wider range of ideas and approaches they bring tothe table.Moreover, ethnic diversity plays a pivotal role in education. Exposure to different cultures withineducational institutions helps students develop empathy, respect, and a broader worldview. It equips them with the skills necessary to navigate an increasingly diverse workforce and society, fostering global citizenship.However, the benefits of ethnic diversity can only be fully realized in an environment that actively promotes inclusivity and combats discrimination. Policies and initiatives aimed at promoting equal opportunities, language support, and cultural awareness are crucial to ensure that diverse communities not only coexist but also thrive together.In conclusion, ethnic diversity is a treasure that, when valued and nurtured, can transform societies into harmonious and thriving entities. It is a testament to humanity's collective strength and a reminder that our differences, when celebrated, are the very threads that bind us closer together.---**中文版本:**族群多样性作为全球化社会的一个标志,以丰富多彩的文化、传统和视角充实着社区。



Diversity is a powerful force that shapes societies,economies,and cultures around the world.It brings a richness of perspectives,experiences,and ideas that can drive innovation,creativity,and progress.Heres a detailed look at the various aspects of diversity and its impact on different areas of life.Cultural Diversity:Cultural diversity is the variety of human societies or cultures in a specific region or in the world.It includes differences in language,religion,cuisine,social habits,music,and arts.Cultural diversity enriches our lives by exposing us to new ideas and ways of living. It fosters a greater understanding and appreciation for the different ways people live and think,which is essential for building bridges between communities and nations.Linguistic Diversity:Language is a key component of cultural diversity.Linguistic diversity refers to the existence of multiple languages within a given area or among a group of people.It plays a crucial role in preserving cultural heritage and identity.Moreover,being multilingual can enhance cognitive abilities and improve problemsolving skills.In a globalized world, linguistic diversity also opens up opportunities for international communication and collaboration.Ethnic Diversity:Ethnic diversity refers to the presence of people from different ethnic backgrounds within a community or society.It contributes to a vibrant social fabric where different traditions, histories,and customs coexist.Ethnic diversity can lead to a more inclusive society where everyone feels valued and respected for their unique heritage.Religious Diversity:Religious diversity is the presence of various religious beliefs and practices within a community.It promotes tolerance and respect for different spiritual paths.Understanding and accepting religious diversity can lead to a more harmonious society where people of different faiths can live together peacefully.Gender Diversity:Gender diversity refers to the inclusion of people of all gender identities and expressions. It is about recognizing and valuing the unique contributions that individuals of different genders bring to the table.In the workplace,gender diversity can lead to better decisionmaking and increased creativity,as diverse perspectives can lead to more innovative solutions.Age Diversity:Age diversity is the inclusion of individuals from various age groups in a community or workplace.It can bring a mix of experience and fresh ideas,with younger individuals often being more familiar with new technologies and trends,while older individuals bring a wealth of experience and wisdom.Diversity in Thought:Diversity in thought,or cognitive diversity,is the variety of ways individuals think about and approach problems.It is about having a range of perspectives,ideas,and problemsolving approaches within a group.This type of diversity can lead to more robust solutions and can prevent groupthink,where everyone agrees without critically evaluating the options.Economic Benefits of Diversity:Diverse teams and societies are more likely to be economically successful.They can attract a wider range of talent,foster innovation,and tap into a broader consumer base. Companies that embrace diversity are often more competitive and adaptable to change.Challenges of Diversity:While diversity brings many benefits,it also presents challenges.Managing diversity requires addressing issues such as prejudice,discrimination,and misunderstanding.It calls for inclusive policies,education,and open dialogue to ensure that all voices are heard and valued.Conclusion:In conclusion,diversity is a multifaceted concept that encompasses a wide range of differences among people.It is a source of strength that can drive societal development, economic growth,and cultural richness.Embracing diversity requires a commitment to understanding,respect,and inclusion,but the rewards are well worth the effort.By leveraging the power of diversity,we can build stronger,more resilient communities and societies.。



历史作文写民族交融英文回答:The amalgamation of distinct ethnic groups and cultures is a phenomenon that has shaped the course of human history, leaving an enduring legacy on societies around the world. Throughout the ages, various factors such as trade, conquest, and migration have facilitated the interminglingof diverse populations, leading to the emergence of vibrant and multifaceted societies.One of the most prominent examples of ethnic intermingling can be traced back to the ancient Silk Road,a vast network of trade routes that connected the East and West. The exchange of goods and ideas along these routes fostered cultural and linguistic exchange, resulting in the assimilation of diverse ethnic groups into new societies. For instance, the introduction of Buddhism from India into China led to the rise of a new syncretic religion that blended elements of both cultures.Another significant driver of ethnic intermingling has been conquest and colonization. When one civilization conquers another, the ensuing power dynamics often lead to the assimilation of the conquered people into the dominant culture. This process of cultural assimilation can manifest itself in various ways, such as the adoption of language, customs, and belief systems of the conquerors. Over time, this intermingling can give rise to the emergence of new ethnic identities that reflect the amalgamation of the original cultures.Migration has also played a crucial role infacilitating ethnic intermingling. Throughout history, people have migrated from their homelands in search of new opportunities, escaping persecution, or seeking refuge from war. The arrival of these migrants in new lands has often resulted in the formation of diverse and cosmopolitan societies. For example, the United States is a nation built by immigrants from all corners of the globe, each bringing their unique cultural heritage to the melting pot of American society.The intermingling of ethnic groups has had profound implications for the development of human civilization. It has led to the exchange of ideas, technologies, andartistic traditions, enriching the cultural tapestry of the world. The resulting diversity has been a source ofstrength and resilience for societies, allowing them to adapt and thrive in changing circumstances.However, ethnic intermingling has not always been a smooth or harmonious process. Conflicts and tensions between different groups have often arisen, stemming from cultural differences, economic disparities, or political ideologies. Managing these conflicts and fostering mutual understanding and respect are essential for the peaceful coexistence of diverse ethnic groups within a society.In conclusion, the intermingling of ethnic groups is a complex and multifaceted phenomenon that has shaped the course of human history. Driven by factors such as trade, conquest, and migration, this process has led to the emergence of vibrant and diverse societies around the world.While it has brought about countless benefits, including cultural exchange and innovation, it has also presented challenges that require careful management and understanding. As we move forward, it is imperative that we recognize the value of diversity and work towards creating inclusive and harmonious societies that embrace the richness of different cultures.中文回答:民族交融。



民族特色高中英语作文In the vibrant mosaic of high school life, the threads of ethnic diversity weave a rich and colorful tapestry. As a student from a culturally diverse background, I have had the privilege of experiencing and learning from the unique traditions, languages, and customs that my peers bring to our school community.The first and most striking aspect of ethnic diversity in high school is the array of festivals and celebrations that are observed. From Diwali to Lunar New Year, from Thanksgiving to Ramadan, each event offers an opportunity for students to share their heritage with classmates. These celebrations are not just about the food and decorations; they are about storytelling, about passing down history, and about fostering a sense of belonging.Language is another key element that showcases the beauty of ethnic diversity. In our school, we have a language club that encourages students to teach each other phrases and idioms from their native languages. This not only enhances our linguistic skills but also provides a deeper understanding of the cultural nuances that underpin each language.Moreover, the arts are a significant medium through which ethnic diversity is expressed. Traditional dances, music, and art forms are often showcased in school assemblies and cultural nights. These performances allow students toappreciate the artistic expressions that are unique to different cultures, and they serve as a reminder of the global community we are part of.Educational initiatives also play a crucial role in promoting understanding and respect for different ethnicities. Our school has implemented a curriculum that includes the study of world history and geography, which helps students to understand the historical and social contexts that have shaped different cultures. This knowledge fosters empathy and a more profound appreciation for the struggles and achievements of various ethnic groups.In conclusion, the ethnic diversity in high school is a treasure trove of experiences and knowledge. It is a testament to the strength of our global community and a reminder that we are all part of a larger human family. By embracing and celebrating our differences, we can create a more inclusive, understanding, and harmonious society. As we grow and learn together, we pave the way for a future where every individual, regardless of their ethnic background, can thrive and contribute to the common good.。



星巴克绩效管理调研报告星巴克绩效管理调研报告1. 引言绩效管理是组织管理中的重要环节,对于企业的发展和员工的激励起着决定性作用。



2. 调研方法本次调研采用了多种方式进行数据收集和分析,包括对星巴克员工的访谈、问卷调查以及对星巴克绩效管理政策和程序的研究。


3. 绩效管理政策和程序星巴克以其独特的文化和管理理念而著名。





4. 绩效管理的影响绩效管理对员工的表现和行为有着重要的影响。




5. 问题与建议然而,我们也发现星巴克的绩效管理存在一些问题和挑战。











二、 ethnic的用法1. 形容词用法在很多情况下,ethnic被用作一个形容词,用来形容特定的民族或种族。

例如:- Ethnic minorities in the country have been facing discrimination for decades.- The celebration featured ethnic music and traditional dances from various cultures.2. 名词用法除了作为形容词使用外,ethnic也可以作为一个名词。

常见的搭配有:- Ethnicity: 意指人们所属的民族或种族。

例如:- Shees from a mixed ethnic background.- The policy 本人ms to promote diversity and respect for different ethnicities.- Ethnics: 可以指代多种多样的民族或种族。

例如:- The country is home to a rich tapestry of ethnics from around the world.- The cultural festival showcased the traditions of various ethnics living in the region.3. 其他用法ethnic还可以形成其他词性的衍生词,例如ethnically(以民族或种族为基础的)、ethnocentrism(种族中心主义)、ethnologist(民族学家)等。



diversity的用法及固定搭配Diversity is a term often used to describe the variety and differences in people, cultures, or ideas within a certain group or society. It emphasizes the importance of inclusion, tolerance, and respect for all individuals, regardless of their background or characteristics. In this article, we will explore the usage of diversity and some common fixed phrases associated with it.1. Cultural diversity: This phrase refers to the coexistence of different cultural backgrounds within a community or society. It highlights the richness and uniqueness resulting from the fusion of various customs, beliefs, and traditions. Cultural diversity promotes an inclusive society that appreciates and values different cultures.Example sentence: The city's annual multicultural festival celebrates the cultural diversity of its residents, showcasing various music, dance, and culinary traditions from around the world.2. Diversity of thought: This term emphasizes the importance of considering different perspectives, opinions, and ideas in decision-making or problem-solving processes. It highlights the need to include voices from various backgrounds and experiences to ensure comprehensive and innovative solutions. Example sentence: The company actively encourages diversity of thought by organizing brainstorming sessions that bring together employees from different departments to share their ideas and suggestions.3. Gender diversity: This phrase refers to the equal representation and inclusion of different genders in various contexts, such as workplaces, educational institutions, or political arenas. Gender diversity aims to eliminate gender-based discrimination and create a more equal and balanced society. Example sentence: The organization has implemented strategies to promote gender diversity in leadership roles, ensuring equal opportunities for both men and women to advance in their careers.4. Biodiversity: Biodiversity refers to the variety of plant and animal species, as well as the intricate ecosystems they form. It highlights the importance of preserving natural habitats and promoting sustainable practices to protect and conserve the Earth's biodiversity.Example sentence: The national park's conservation efforts focus on safeguarding biodiversity by protecting endangered species and restoring habitats that have been damaged by human activities.5. Celebrating diversity: This phrase emphasizes the acceptance and appreciation of differences among individuals. It encourages the celebration of diverse cultural, racial, ethnic, and religious backgrounds, fostering a sense of inclusion and unity.Example sentence: The school holds an annual diversity week where students organize events and workshops to celebrate different cultures and promote understanding and respect.In conclusion, diversity is a concept that promotes inclusivity, tolerance, and acceptance of differencesin a society. The various fixed phrases associated with diversity demonstrate its application across different fields, including culture, thought, gender, nature, and interpersonal relationships. Embracing diversity leads to a more vibrant and harmonious society.。



传承民族文化的英文作文Title: Upholding Ethnic Culture。

Culture is the essence that binds a community together, preserving its traditions, values, and identity through generations. Within the rich tapestry of global cultures, ethnic cultures stand as vibrant threads, weaving stories of heritage and legacy. Upholding and perpetuating these traditions is not just a choice but a responsibility, a commitment to safeguarding the soul of a people. In this essay, we delve into the significance of preserving ethnic culture and explore various ways to ensure its continuity.Firstly, the preservation of ethnic culture serves as a testament to the collective history and experiences of a community. It encapsulates the wisdom of ancestors, their struggles, triumphs, and the unique worldview shaped by their environment. Through cultural practices, rituals, language, music, and art, each generation inherits a treasure trove of knowledge, enabling them to navigatelife's complexities while staying grounded in their roots.Moreover, ethnic culture fosters a sense of belonging and identity among its members. In a rapidly globalizing world, where cultural homogenization threatens diversity, holding onto one's ethnic heritage becomes paramount. It provides individuals with a sense of pride in their ancestry, fostering self-esteem and resilience in the face of adversity. Embracing one's cultural identity not only strengthens personal connections but also fosters mutual respect and understanding among diverse communities.Furthermore, the preservation of ethnic culture is essential for the sustenance of indigenous knowledge systems and ecological harmony. Many ethnic cultures have deep-rooted ecological philosophies and sustainable practices that have sustained their communities for centuries. From indigenous farming techniques to medicinal plant knowledge, these traditions offer invaluable insights into living in harmony with nature. By preserving and revitalizing these practices, we not only honor our ancestors but also contribute to the global efforts towardsenvironmental sustainability.In today's digital age, where information spreads atthe click of a button, preserving ethnic culture faces both challenges and opportunities. On one hand, globalization exposes communities to diverse influences, leading to the erosion of traditional practices and languages. On theother hand, technology provides platforms for cultural exchange, education, and advocacy. Leveraging digital tools, such as social media, websites, and mobile applications, ethnic communities can share their stories, celebrate their heritage, and connect with like-minded individuals across the globe.Education plays a pivotal role in transmitting ethnic culture to future generations. Incorporating cultural curriculum in schools, organizing cultural events, and establishing heritage centers can instill a sense of pride and belonging among youth. By engaging children and adolescents in cultural activities, storytelling, and language classes, we ensure that the flame of ethnicculture continues to burn brightly in the hearts of thenext generation.Furthermore, community engagement and intergenerational dialogue are essential for the revitalization of ethnic culture. Elders, as custodians of tradition, possess invaluable knowledge and experiences that must be shared with the younger generation. Through oral history projects, mentorship programs, and community gatherings, elders can pass down their wisdom, rituals, and cultural practices to ensure continuity.In conclusion, the preservation of ethnic culture is not just a matter of nostalgia or sentimentality but avital aspect of safeguarding human diversity and heritage. By embracing and celebrating our ethnic identities, we enrich the mosaic of global cultures and contribute to a more inclusive and harmonious world. Through education, technology, and community involvement, we can ensure that the flame of ethnic culture continues to illuminate the path for generations to come. As stewards of our cultural heritage, let us pledge to uphold and cherish thetraditions that define us, for they are the threads thatconnect us to our past and guide us towards a brighter future.。



做一个英语演讲的英语作文Title: Embracing Diversity: A Pathway to Unity and Progress。

Ladies and gentlemen, esteemed guests, and fellow citizens,。

Today, I stand before you to address a topic of utmost importance in our contemporary society: the significance of embracing diversity as a pathway to unity and progress. As we navigate through the complexities of our interconnected world, it becomes increasingly evident that diversity is not merely a buzzword, but rather a cornerstone upon which we can build a more inclusive and prosperous future.First and foremost, let us acknowledge that diversity encompasses a multitude of dimensions – be it cultural, ethnic, religious, linguistic, or ideological. Each facet of diversity adds a unique hue to the tapestry of human experience, enriching our collective identity andbroadening our perspectives. By embracing diversity in all its forms, we foster an environment where individuals are empowered to express their authentic selves without fear of prejudice or discrimination.Moreover, diversity serves as a catalyst for innovation and creativity. When individuals from diverse backgrounds come together, they bring with them a wealth of knowledge, skills, and insights that can spark groundbreaking ideas and solutions. By embracing diversity in our workplaces, educational institutions, and communities, we createfertile ground for collaboration and problem-solving, propelling us towards new frontiers of discovery and progress.However, it would be remiss of me not to acknowledge the challenges that accompany the journey towards embracing diversity. Deep-seated prejudices, ingrained stereotypes, and systemic inequalities often hinder our efforts to create truly inclusive societies. Yet, it is precisely in the face of these challenges that our commitment to diversity is most urgently needed.To truly embrace diversity, we must actively dismantle the barriers that divide us and strive to create environments where every individual is valued and respected. This requires not only policies and legislation, but also a fundamental shift in mindset – a willingness to confront our own biases and preconceptions, and to engage in meaningful dialogue with those who hold different perspectives.In closing, let us remember that embracing diversity is not merely a moral imperative, but a strategic imperativefor our collective well-being and prosperity. Bycelebrating our differences and harnessing the power of diversity, we can build a world where every individual has the opportunity to thrive, and where unity becomes our greatest strength.Thank you.。



Practical Guide to Ethical Decisions
the manager’s decision fall within usual and accepted standards?是否在普遍的可接受标准范围 Is the manager willing to personally and openly communicate the decision to all affected stakeholders? 可否告诉stakeholders?/媒体 Does the manager believe that his friends would approve? If the answer is “Yes” to all of the above, the decision is probably an ethical decision.
Vendor Conduct
to physical locations like towns or cities or to social milieus like ethnic neighborhoods in which companies are located
Suppliers and Distributors
expect to be paid fairly and promptly for their inputs
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英语作文少数民族Title: Embracing Diversity: The Significance of Ethnic Minorities in English Composition。

In contemporary society, the role and significance of ethnic minorities in various aspects of life, including education, culture, and social dynamics, have become increasingly acknowledged. This essay explores the importance of ethnic minorities in English composition, shedding light on their unique perspectives, contributions, and challenges within the context of language and communication.First and foremost, ethnic minorities enrich English composition through their diverse cultural backgrounds and experiences. Their unique linguistic heritage, idiomatic expressions, and storytelling traditions offer a rich tapestry of language that adds depth and authenticity to written works. By incorporating diverse voices and narratives, English composition becomes more inclusive andreflective of the multicultural society in which we live.Moreover, ethnic minorities bring forth alternative viewpoints and insights that challenge mainstreamnarratives and broaden perspectives. Through their lived experiences, they offer fresh interpretations of familiar themes and subjects, prompting readers to reconsider preconceived notions and stereotypes. In doing so, English composition becomes a platform for dialogue, empathy, and understanding across cultural divides.However, it is essential to recognize the challenges faced by ethnic minorities in English composition. Language barriers, cultural differences, and systemic inequalities can pose significant obstacles to their full participation and recognition within academic and literary circles. Limited access to resources, biased evaluation criteria, and linguistic discrimination may hinder their ability to express themselves effectively and have their voices heard.Despite these challenges, the empowerment of ethnic minorities in English composition is imperative forfostering inclusivity, equity, and social justice. Educators, policymakers, and literary institutions must actively promote diversity and create supportive environments where ethnic minority voices are valued, respected, and celebrated. This can be achieved through inclusive curriculum development, targeted support programs, and initiatives that amplify marginalized voices.Furthermore, embracing ethnic diversity in English composition not only benefits individuals from minority backgrounds but also enriches the learning experience forall students. Exposure to diverse perspectives fosters critical thinking, cultural competency, and global awareness, preparing students to navigate an increasingly interconnected world. By embracing diversity, English composition becomes a catalyst for social change and progress, promoting mutual respect, solidarity, and unity amidst diversity.In conclusion, ethnic minorities play a crucial role in English composition, enriching it with their diverse perspectives, insights, and experiences. While they facevarious challenges, their inclusion and empowerment are essential for creating a more inclusive, equitable, and culturally rich society. By embracing diversity in English composition, we can foster dialogue, understanding, and empathy across cultural divides, ultimately building a more harmonious and interconnected world.。

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Forging a national identity is the most important measure the Singapore government has taken to promote social cohesion. Do you agree? Explain your answer.
Forging a national identity is an important way to promote social cohesionin Singapore.The policy of multi-racialism promotes equality among the races. Everyone is seen as valuable in Singapore society, a sense of national identity as Singaporean has been created. Besides, common practices such as singing national anthem and taking the pledge are actions that Singaporeans do together to inculcate loyalty and national pride towards Singapore. Moreover, the policy of bilingualism which was introduced in school in 1966 requires students to learn English and their own Mother Tongue. No one has an advantage over others because English is a non-native language for all ethnic groups. By using English as an official language, different ethnic groups are linked together and it helps to improve communication among Singaporeans. Therefore, forging a national identity is an important way to promote social cohesion in Singapore because Singaporeans see themselves as one and social coherent and bonding are promoted.
Safeguarding the interests of the minority is animportant way to promote social cohesion in Singapore. The policy of minority representation gives minority groups a say in governance. For example, Singapore has Presidential Council of Minority Rights (PCMR) and Group Representation Constituency (GRC) to safeguard the interests of the minority groups. The PCMR leaders who come from all communities ensure that no law in Singapore discriminates against any minority races. Meanwhile, the GRC ensures that the minority racial groups are presented in Parliament. There are also Self-Help groups,which give moral support to members of their own community, to ensure that Singaporeans can cope and compete with one another equally and improve social and economic positions of minority groups. The interaction between different groups held by Self-Help Groups ensures that all members from different ethnics can come together and understand better with one another. Therefore, safeguarding the interests of the minority is an important way to promote social cohesion in Singapore because it helps people from minority groups to ensure that they will not be disadvantaged. It also provides a chance of interaction for people from different ethnic groups, strengthening the bonds between Singaporeans.
Developing common space is an important way to promote social cohesion in Singapore. In 1989, the ethnic integration policy was introduced by the government in order to prevent people in same ethnic groups from moving into particular housing estates. Educational institutions such as schools and tertiary institutions are open to every Singaporean. Co-curricular activities in schools also help to build bonds as students from varies ethnics have to learn and work together. All this measures are in place to create common space so that different ethnic groups can interact. Besides, National Service is another area where common space is created.All able-bodies male Singaporeans go through military training and this helps to create
strong bonds amongst the men from different groups. Therefore, developing common space is an important way to promote social cohesion in Singapore because it allows for interaction amongst the different ethnic groups, causing more understanding, appreciation and respect.
In conclusion, forging a national identity is the most important measure the Singapore government has taken to promote social cohesion followed by developing common place and safeguarding the interests of the minority groups. If all Singaporeans see themselves as one in the country, it is very difficult for other factor to break the bonding they share. It ensures that all Singaporeans are united and loyal towards the country. Developing common space is the second important factor because it covers all Singaporeans and makes sure that the citizens interact with each other in their daily life, resulting in appreciation and respect others culture and talent. Safeguarding the interests of the minority groups is the least important factor because it only relates to the members in minority groups which is about a small percent of the whole population.。
