三年级英语下册 Lesson 5《Let’s run a race》课件1 科普版
科普版-英语-三下-3B Lesson5 Let’s run a race(Let's chant)说课课件
本节课是小学英语科普版三年级下册Lesson 5 Let’s run a race Let’s chant.的内容, 在语言的学习的学习和活动中听、说、认读生词,为下节课学习做铺垫。
•学生情况分析:学生大都是十岁左右,生性活泼好动,喜欢直观形象思维,对游戏、竞赛等特别感 兴趣。大多数学生能在老师的引导下完成简单的日常会话,对学习英语有了一定的兴趣,个别学生 没有足够的兴趣,在课堂上不积极参与,有的学生不敢回答问题。所以课堂上主要以激发学生学习 兴趣为主,鼓励学生大胆说,积极做。
1 2
race,fine能听懂会说,会认,会 拼读并知道词义。
2.Let’s chant是紧扣本课的
情感目标: 通过学习本节课的知识,提高同学 们用英语表达思想的能力,培养同 学们欣赏事物的能力。
英语学习是语言的学习,语言学习是培养理解、表达技能的问题, 不是单纯的知 识问题。不多听 、 多说、多读、多写、多译 , 不五官并用、并以脑为主导是不 能多快好省地掌握英语这一技能的,所以在本节课的设计中我能够结合教材和学 生的特点,依据新课程标准的精神,从激发学生的学习兴趣、培养良好的学习习 惯、丰富生活经验和提高认知水平出发,科学安排教学内容,合理设计教学任务, 开展形式多样的教学活动,让学生亲身体验,大胆实践,积极参与,共同合作与 交流,帮助学生在任务性的教学途径下发展综合语言运用能力,使语言学习的过 程成为学生形成积极的情感态度、主动思维和大胆实践、提高跨文化意识和形成 自主学习能力的过程。
三年级英语下册Lesson5《Let’srunarace》 优秀课件4科普版
It’s fun in the sun.
Let’s play games. Let’s run a race.
(Run) (run ) (run ).
The (duck ) can (run). It’s fun to ( run) in the
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱsun.
Run run run.
The (cat ) can run.
Lesson 5 Let’s run a race.
race Come on.
Stand up
Sit down
Practice: I say, you do.
jump swim
walk stand up
sit down
What a fine day!
Run run run . The pig can run. It’s fun to run in the sun.
Let’s read:
bus up duck mum
sun run hut bun
Goodbye! Thank you!
1、只要有坚强的意志力,就自然而然地会有能耐、机灵和知识。2、你们应该培养对自己,对自己的力量的信心,百这种信心是靠克服障碍,培养意志和锻炼意志而获得的。 3、坚强的信念能赢得强者的心,并使他们变得更坚强。4、天行健,君子以自强不息。5、有百折不挠的信念的所支持的人的意志,比那些似乎是无敌的物质力量有更强大 的威力。6、永远没有人力可以击退一个坚决强毅的希望。7、意大利有一句谚语:对一个歌手的要求,首先是嗓子、嗓子和嗓子……我现在按照这一公式拙劣地摹仿为:对 一个要成为不负于高尔基所声称的那种“人”的要求,首先是意志、意志和意志。8、执着追求并从中得到最大快乐的人,才是成功者。9、三军可夺帅也,匹夫不可夺志也。 10、发现者,尤其是一个初出茅庐的年轻发现者,需要勇气才能无视他人的冷漠和怀疑,才能坚持自己发现的意志,并把研究继续下去。11、我的本质不是我的意志的结果, 相反,我的意志是我的本质的结果,因为我先有存在,后有意志,存在可以没有意志,但是没有存在就没有意志。12、公共的利益,人类的福利,可以使可憎的工作变为可 贵,只有开明人士才能知道克服困难所需要的热忱。13、立志用功如种树然,方其根芽,犹未有干;及其有干,尚未有枝;枝而后叶,叶而后花。14、意志的出现不是对愿 望的否定,而是把愿望合并和提升到一个更高的意识水平上。15、无论是美女的歌声,还是鬓狗的狂吠,无论是鳄鱼的眼泪,还是恶狼的嚎叫,都不会使我动摇。16、即使 遇到了不幸的灾难,已经开始了的事情决不放弃。17、最可怕的敌人,就是没有坚强的信念。18、既然我已经踏上这条道路,那么,任何东西都不应妨碍我沿着这条路走下 去。19、意志若是屈从,不论程度如何,它都帮助了暴力。20、有了坚定的意志,就等于给双脚添了一对翅膀。21、意志坚强,就会战胜恶运。22、只有刚强的人,才有神 圣的意志,凡是战斗的人,才能取得胜利。23、卓越的人的一大优点是:在不利和艰难的遭遇里百折不挠。24、疼痛的强度,同自然赋于人类的意志和刚度成正比。25、能 够岿然不动,坚持正见,度过难关的人是不多的。26、钢是在烈火和急剧冷却里锻炼出来的,所以才能坚硬和什么也不怕。我们的一代也是这样的在斗争中和可怕的考验中 锻炼出来的,学习了不在生活面前屈服。27、只要持续地努力,不懈地奋斗,就没有征服不了的东西。28、立志不坚,终不济事。29、功崇惟志,业广惟勤。30、一个崇高 的目标,只要不渝地追求,就会居为壮举;在它纯洁的目光里,一切美德必将胜利。31、书不记,熟读可记;义不精,细思可精;惟有志不立,直是无着力处。32、您得相 信,有志者事竟成。古人告诫说:“天国是努力进入的”。只有当勉为其难地一步步向它走去的时候,才必须勉为其难地一步步走下去,才必须勉为其难地去达到它。33、 告诉你使我达到目标的奥秘吧,我唯一的力量就是我的坚持精神。34、成大事不在于力量的大小,而在于能坚持多久。35、一个人所能做的就是做出好榜样,要有勇气在风 言风语的社会中坚定地高举伦理的信念。36、即使在把眼睛盯着大地的时候,那超群的目光仍然保持着凝视太阳的能力。37、你既然期望辉煌伟大的一生,那么就应该从今 天起,以毫不动摇的决心和坚定不移的信念,凭自己的智慧和毅力,去创造你和人类的快乐。38、一个有决心的人,将会找到他的道路。39、在希望与失望的决斗中,如果 你用勇气与坚决的双手紧握着,胜利必属于希望。40、富贵不能淫,贫贱不能移,威武不能屈。41、生活的道路一旦选定,就要勇敢地走到底,决不回头。42、生命里最重 要的事情是要有个远大的目标,并借助才能与坚持来完成它。43、事业常成于坚忍,毁于急躁。我在沙漠中曾亲眼看见,匆忙的旅人落在从容的后边;疾驰的骏马落在后头, 缓步的骆驼继续向前。44、有志者事竟成。45、穷且益坚,不坠青云之志。46、意志目标不在自然中存在,而在生命中蕴藏。47、坚持意志伟大的事业需要始终不渝的精神。 48、思想的形成,首先是意志的形成。49、谁有历经千辛万苦的意志,谁就能达到任何目的。50、不作什么决定的意志不是现实的意志;无性格的人从来不做出决定。我终 生的等待,换不来你刹那的凝眸。最美的不是下雨天,是曾与你躲过雨的屋檐。征服畏惧、建立自信的最快最确实的方法,就是去做你害怕的事,直到你获得成功的经验。 真正的爱,应该超越生命的长度、心灵的宽度、灵魂的深度。生活真象这杯浓酒,不经三番五次的提炼呵,就不会这样可口!人格的完善是本,财富的确立是末能力可以慢 慢锻炼,经验可以慢慢积累,热情不可以没有。不管什么东西,总是觉得,别人的比自己的好!只有经历过地狱般的折磨,才有征服天堂的力量。只有流过血的手指才能弹 出世间的绝唱。对时间的价值没有没有深切认识的人,决不会坚韧勤勉。第一个青春是上帝给的;第二个的青春是靠自己努力的。不要因为寂寞而恋爱,孤独是为了幸福而 等待。每天清晨,当我睁开眼睛,我告诉自己:我今天快乐或是不快乐,并非由我所遭遇的事情造成的,而应该取决于我自己。我可以自己选择事情的发展方向。昨日已逝,
三年级英语下册Lesson5《Let’srunarace》 精品优选PPY课件1科普版
善待自己,叫自己开心一些快乐一些! 这样我门会幸福,我们幸福了,最爱的人同样也幸福! 即使容颜不在,请用我门纯洁的心灵将灿烂崇拜!让世界拥有它的脚步,让我保有我的茧。当溃烂已极的心灵再不想作一丝一毫的思索时,就让我静静的回到我的茧内,以回忆为睡榻,以悲哀为覆被。这是我唯一的美丽。
Lesson5 Let’s run a race
run run run
skip skip skip
jump jump jump
hop hop hop
Very good
所谓最爱,只有一个人.天涯海角,就只有这么一个人. 你可以重复着后悔,却不可以重复着最爱
三年级下册英语课件let run a race
三年级下册英语课件let run a race全文共10篇示例,供读者参考篇1Hi everyone, I'm super excited to tell you all about our English class today! We had so much fun learning about running a race in our lesson. So let me share with you all the cool things we learned.First, our teacher showed us a picture of a race track with lots of little runners on it. We learned that in a race, we need to run fast to reach the finish line before everyone else. We also learned about the different parts of a race track, like the starting line, the lanes, and the finish line.Next, our teacher taught us some English words related to running a race. We learned words like sprint, jog, marathon, and relay. We practiced saying these words out loud and even had a little race around the classroom to see who could run the fastest!After that, we watched a video of a real race with professional runners. It was so cool to see how fast they could run and how they cheered each other on. We learned that in arace, it's important to encourage our friends and never give up, even if we fall behind.Finally, our teacher divided us into teams and we had our very own race in the playground. It was so much fun running with our friends and cheering each other on. We laughed and shouted and had a great time competing against each other.In the end, we all got stickers for participating in the race and our teacher told us that we did a great job. We learned that in a race, it's not just about winning, but about having fun and doing our best.I can't wait for our next English class, I wonder what fun things we'll learn next time! Let's all keep running towards our goals and never give up. Bye for now!篇2Hello everyone! Today we are going to have so much fun in our English class. We are going to run a race! Are you excited? I know I am!First, we need to warm up our bodies. Let's stretch our arms up high, touch our toes, and twist from side to side. Great job everyone! Now we are ready to run!We are going to have different races today. The first race is the sprint race. We will run as fast as we can from one end of the classroom to the other. On your mark, get set, go! Run, run, run! Wow, you are all so fast!Next, we will have a relay race. We will divide into teams and pass a baton to each other as we run. Remember to work together and cheer each other on. Go team, go!After that, we will have a long-distance race. We will run around the playground or field and see who can go the farthest. Pace yourselves and keep going, you can do it!At the end of our races, we will have a medal ceremony. Everyone will receive a medal for participating and doing their best. Remember, it's not just about winning, it's about having fun and trying your hardest.I hope you all had a great time running races today. Let's give a big round of applause to all the runners. Thank you for joining me in our English class race. See you next time!篇3Title: Let's Run a Race!Hey guys! Today we are going to have so much fun because we are going to run a race! Are you ready? Let's get started!First, let's warm up our bodies. We can do some stretches, like touching our toes and reaching up to the sky. Let's shake out our arms and legs to get our muscles ready to run.Now, let's line up at the starting line. On your marks, get set, go! Run as fast as you can to the finish line. Don't forget to breathe and keep your head up.Wow, that was so much fun! Let's do it again. This time, try to beat your own record. See if you can run even faster than before. Remember to pace yourself and not to go too fast in the beginning.Great job, everyone! Running is a great way to stay healthy and strong. Keep practicing and you will become a super fast runner in no time.After the race, we can have a little cool down by walking around and stretching our muscles. It's important to take care of our bodies after exercising.I hope you all had a blast running the race today. Let's cheer for each other and celebrate our achievements. Running is notjust a race, it's a fun way to stay active and have a good time with friends.Thanks for joining me in this exciting race. Let's keep running and having fun together! See you next time!篇4Title: Let's Run a RaceHello everyone! Today, we're going to talk about running a race. It's going to be so much fun, so let's get started!First, we need to warm up our bodies before we run. We can start by stretching our arms and legs. We can also do some jumping jacks or high knees to get our hearts pumping. It's important to warm up so that we don't get hurt while running.Next, let's talk about the different types of races we can do. We can have a sprint race, where we run as fast as we can for a short distance. We can also have a long-distance race, where we run for a longer distance at a steady pace. We can even have a relay race, where we pass a baton to our teammates to finish the race together.Before we start the race, we need to make sure we have the right gear. We should wear comfortable running shoes andclothes. It's also important to stay hydrated, so make sure to drink plenty of water before and after the race.When the race starts, remember to pace yourself. Don't start too fast or you might get tired quickly. Keep a steady pace and save your energy for the final stretch. Remember to breathe deeply and stay focused on the finish line.After the race is over, make sure to cool down by walking and stretching. Remember to congratulate yourself and your friends for a job well done. Running a race is a great way to stay active and healthy.So, let's all get ready to run a race and have a great time together! Let's cheer each other on and have fun while staying fit and active. Let's go! Let's run a race!篇5Hey guys! Today we are going to talk about running a race in our English class. It's going to be so much fun! Are you ready?First, let's warm up. Make sure you stretch your arms and legs so that we don't get any cramps while running. Jump up and down a few times to get our blood flowing. Let's get pumped up!Now, let's talk about how to run a race. The most important thing is to pace yourself. Don't start off too fast, or you might run out of energy before you finish. Run at a steady speed that you can maintain until the end.Next, make sure to breathe properly while running. Take deep breaths in through your nose and out through your mouth. This will help you keep your energy up and make sure you don't get tired too quickly.During the race, don't forget to keep your eyes on the finish line. Focus on your goal and push yourself to reach it. If you start to feel tired, just keep telling yourself that you can do it. Believe in yourself!And most importantly, have fun! Running a race is not just about winning, it's about challenging yourself and enjoying the experience. Cheer on your friends and classmates as they run alongside you. Let's all do our best and have a great time!So, are you ready to run a race? Let's lace up our sneakers, get to the starting line, and give it our all. On your marks, get set, go! Let's run!篇6Hello everyone!Today, let's talk about our English lesson "Let's run a race". It's super fun and exciting, so get ready to learn all about it!First, let's start by learning some new words. When we talk about running a race, we need to know the vocabulary. Words like "start line", "finish line", "race track", and "winner" are important. Can you say these words with me? Great job!Next, let's learn some basic sentences we can use during the race. For example, "On your marks, get set, go!" is what the referee says to start the race. We can also cheer for our friends by saying "Go, go, go!" or "You can do it!" These sentences will make the race more fun and exciting.Now, let's talk about the rules of the race. Everyone lines up at the start line, and when the referee says "go", we all run as fast as we can to the finish line. The first person to cross the finish line is the winner! Remember to run fast, but also be safe and have fun.After the race, we can all congratulate the winner and cheer for our friends who participated. It's important to be a good sport and show good sportsmanship, whether we win or lose.In conclusion, running a race is a great way to have fun, exercise, and practice our English vocabulary. Let's all remember to run with a smile on our faces and have a great time!That's all for today, see you next time! Bye-bye!篇7Hey guys, let's have some fun today! Today we are going to run a race in our English class. It's going to be so much fun, I can't wait!First, we need to warm up our bodies before we start running. Let's stretch our arms, legs, and shake out our bodies. Let's get our muscles ready to run fast!Now, let's line up at the starting line. On your marks, get set, go! Run as fast as you can to the finish line. Remember to keep your eyes on the prize and keep running until you reach the end.Wow, that was so much fun! Let's do it again and see if we can run even faster this time. Remember to breathe and pace yourself so you can keep up your speed.After we finish our race, let's cool down by walking around and stretching our muscles. It's important to take care of our bodies after we exercise.I hope you all had a great time running our race today. Running is a great way to exercise and stay healthy. Keep practicing and you'll get faster and stronger each time.Thanks for joining me for our race today. Let's keep running and having fun together in our English class. See you next time!篇8Hey guys, today in our English class, we are going to learn about running a race! It's going to be super fun and exciting, so let's get started!First, let's talk about the different types of races we can run. There's the sprint, which is a short, fast race. Then there's the relay race, where we pass a baton to our teammates. And there's the long-distance race, where we have to run for a longer time. Each race is different and requires different skills, so let's make sure we know what we're doing!Next, let's warm up our bodies before we start running. We can do some stretches, like touching our toes and reaching up to the sky. We can also do some jumping jacks and high knees to get our heart pumping. It's important to warm up so that our muscles are ready to race!Now, let's line up at the starting line and get ready to run. On your mark, get set, go! Run as fast as you can to the finish line. Keep your eyes on the prize and don't give up. Remember to breathe and pace yourself so you can finish strong.After the race, let's cool down by walking around and stretching our muscles. It's important to take care of our bodies and make sure we don't get injured. And don't forget to congratulate your friends and classmates on a job well done!Racing is a great way to have fun and stay healthy. Let's keep practicing and improving our running skills. Who knows, maybe one day we'll be able to run a marathon! Let's keep running towards our goals and never give up.Great job, everyone! I'm so proud of all of us for running a great race today. Let's keep up the good work and keep running towards our dreams. See you next time!篇9Let's run a race!Hello everyone! Today, we are going to have a super fun race together. Are you all excited? I know I am! Running is so much fun and it's a great way to exercise and stay healthy.Before we start the race, let's make sure we warm up our bodies. We can do some stretches like touching our toes, reaching up to the sky, and jogging in place. This will help us avoid any injuries and get our muscles ready for the race.Now, let's get ready to run! On your mark, get set, go! Run as fast as you can, but remember to pace yourself so you don't get too tired too quickly. Keep breathing and keep moving forward towards the finish line.As we run, let's remember to encourage each other. Cheer on your friends and classmates as they run. We are all in this race together, and it's important to support each other and have fun.When you reach the finish line, give yourself a big high five and congratulate yourself for finishing the race. You did it! Running a race is not about coming in first place, it's about doing your best and having a great time.I hope you all had a fantastic time running the race today. Remember to stay active and keep exercising. Running is a wonderful way to stay healthy and strong. Let's do this again soon! Thank you for joining me today. Good job, everyone!篇10Hey everyone, it's time to run a race! Are you ready? Let's get started!First, we need to warm up our bodies. We can do some stretches like touching our toes, reaching up to the sky, and twisting from side to side. This will help us get our muscles ready for the race.Next, we need to line up at the starting line. Make sureyou're all set and ready to go. When you hear the word "Go!" from the teacher, start running as fast as you can. Don't forget to run in a straight line and stay focused.As you run, remember to pace yourself. Don't go too fast at the beginning or you might run out of energy before the finish line. Keep a steady pace and save some energy for the final sprint.When you see the finish line ahead, give it your all and sprint to the end. You can do it! And don't forget to cheer on your friends as they cross the finish line too.After the race, make sure to cool down by walking and stretching your muscles. And most importantly, congratulate yourself on a job well done. You did your best and that's all that matters.So, let's give ourselves a big round of applause for a great race. We should be proud of ourselves for participating and doing our best. Keep running and stay healthy! Thank you for joining me in this fun and exciting race. Let's do it again soon!。
三年级英语下册Lesson5《Let’srunarace》 精品优选PPY课件4科普版
不再让那些匆匆的脚步,匆匆的走过我门的人生. 不再让别离与邂逅写满我们的期待与无奈. 如果可以 不要让爱的花朵在水晶瓶里枯萎 不要让黑暗将明媚的春天黯然. 如果可以 不再让黑与白显得单调无奈 不再让抉择的灵魂在忐忑间辗转徘徊 如果可以 不会让感情在任性中泛滥成灾 不再用随意的转身将美丽怠慢 如果可以
不在让等待换成沉默的悲哀不要让守望在无声的叹息里走象溃烂 如果可以
不要在为遥远的距离莫名的伤感…… 不要用一贯的悲喜左右着脆弱的情怀。 如果只是如果,我门谁都回不到过去,谁都无法重新来过! 虽然我们无法更改过,但我们可以掌握未来!
从现在起! 历经沧桑的我门不要在做漂浮的花瓣! 不要用艳红的麻痹去撰写茫然的灰暗! 不要在蹉跎我们已经流失的青春岁月!
爱过-痛过-拥有过-失去过! 能忘记的就去,忘记,忘不了就记着吧! 爱一个人很难,想要不爱更难,不是吗? 因为只有自己最清楚最爱的人是珍藏在心底的! 我门不是不爱了,只是换一种方式而已!
善待自己,叫自己开心一些快乐一些! 这样我门会幸福,我们幸福了,最爱的人同样也幸福! 即使容颜不在,请用我门纯洁的心灵将灿烂崇拜!让世界拥有它的脚步,让我保有我的茧。当溃烂已极的心灵再不想作一丝一毫的思索时,就让我静静的回到我的茧内,以回忆为睡榻,以悲哀为覆被。这是我唯一的美丽。