编号:本资料为word版本,可以直接编辑和打印,感谢您的下载加工贸易合同范本中英文版甲方:乙方:0期:.......................厂丽;壽而兩瑟茹我S7 嗣话谿商彊謫:涵莅頒; :义务.同时觸述确定的时间内达成均定的承诺培果.文档可沒接下裁或修改.使用: :村濡详刼阕渓内机《中华人民共和国海关加工贸易货物监管办法》(海关总署令第219号)规定,加工贸易,是指经营企业进口全部或者部分境辅材料、零部件、元器件、包装物料(以下简称料件),经加工或装配后,将制成品复出口的经营活动,包括进料加工、来料加工。
十、木合同一式八分,由签字双方各执一分,其余六分报送有关部门备案甲方(證章)乙方(盖章)加工贸易合同范本(英文版)<THE CONTRACT FOR SINO-FOREIGN COOPERATIVE JOINT VENTUREChapter 17 Liability for Breach of ContractArticle 42 Should the cooperative venture company be unable to continue itsoperation or achieve its business purpose due to the fact that one of thecontracting parties fails to fulfil the obligations prescribed by thecontract and articles of association, or seriously violates the provisionsof the contract and articles of association, that party shall be deemed tohave unilaterally terminated the contract. The other party shall have the right to terminate the contract in accordance with the provisions of thecontract after approval by the original examination and approvalauthority, and to claim damages. In case Party A and Party B of thecooperative venture company agree to continue the operation, the partywhofails to fulfil its obligations shall be liable for the economic lossescaused thereby to the joint venture company.Article 43 Should either Party A or Party B fail to provide on schedule thecontributions in accordance with the provisions defined in Chapter 5 ofthis contract, the party in breach shall pay to the other party Yuan, or。
编号:_____________外贸合同买方:___________________________卖方:___________________________签订日期:_______年______月______日The Buyers:买方:Add:地址:Tel:Fax:The Seller:卖方:Add:地址:Tel:Fax:This Contract is made by and between the Buyers and The Sellers: whereby th e Buyers agree to buy and the Sellers agree to sell the under-mentioned com modity according to the terms and conditions stipulated below:此合同依据下述条款规定由买卖双方签定,买方同意购买并卖方同意出售下述商品。
1.DESCRIPTION OF GOODS货物描述2. COUNTRY OF ORIGIN AND MANUFACTURERS:商品制造商及原产地国:3. PACKINGTo be packed in strong wooden cases or in cartons or in container(s), suit able for long distance air freight transportation and change of climate, w ell protected against moisture and shocks. The Sellers shall be liable for any damage of the commodity and expenses incurred on account of improper pa cking and for any rustattributable to inadequate or improper protective measures taken by the Sel lers in regard to the packing.包装:用牢固的适于长途空运的纸箱或木箱或集装箱包装,卖方对所有因不适当的包装而引起的锈蚀及损坏而负责任。
合同号:______ 合同号:______签约地点:______________日期: _________甲方:________地址:__________电话:__________传真____________乙方:________地址:__________电话:__________传真____________根据平等互利原则有限公司与有限公司友好协商特约签定本合同一、双方承诺:由乙方提供不作价设备美元(港币)给甲方用于加工生产之用,(详见设备清单)。
二、甲方向乙方购买原料、辅料商品品名及规格原料辅料编码、单位数量、单价金额、品名、单位数量、单价金额合计三、甲方供乙方制成品的数量及金额商品编码品名及规格单位数量单价金额合计四、乙方供料于____________________ 起运抵 _______________甲方制成品于_________________ 日前运往______________五、运输方式及运费用六、保险费负担七、付款方式八、包装要求九、仲裁:因执行本合同所发生的争议或与本合同有关的一切争议,双方应通过友好协商解决,如果协商不能解决,应提交中国国际贸易促进委员会根据该会仲裁程序进行仲裁,仲裁裁决为最终裁决,对双方都有约束力。
一、货物描述及规格(中文)货物名称:【货物名称】(中文)型号/规格:【型号/规格】(英文)Goods Description:【Goods Name】(英文)Model/Specification:【Model/Specs】二、数量及单位(中文)数量:【数量】(中文)计量单位:【计量单位】(英文)Quantity:【Quantity】(英文)Unit of Measurement:【Unit】三、价格与支付方式(中文)货物单价:【货物单价】(中文)总金额:【总金额】(英文)Unit Price:【Unit Price】(英文)Total Amount:【Total Amount】支付方式:【支付方式描述,例如:通过不可撤销的信用证,货到付款等】四、交货与包装(中文)交货期限:【交货日期】(中文)交货地点:【交货地点】(英文)Delivery Time:【Delivery Date】(英文)Delivery Place:【Delivery Place】包装要求:【包装描述,例如:按照惯例进行适当包装,保证货物安全等】五、品质保证与检验乙方应保证货物符合合同规定的品质与数量。
九、法律适用与争议解决篇2合同编号:【编号】甲方(买方):【买方名称和地址】乙方(卖方):【卖方名称和地址】根据《中华人民共和国合同法》及相关法律法规的规定,甲乙双方在平等、自愿、公平和诚实信用的基础上,就买方向卖方购买商品事宜,经友好协商,达成如下协议:一、商品名称、规格、数量及价格(中英文对照)Commodity Name, Specifications, Quantity and Price (中英文对照)商品名称商品规格数量价格备注(请根据实际情况填写)二、交货期限与方式(中英文对照)Delivery Time and Mode (中英文对照)乙方应按照甲方要求的交货期限将商品交付给甲方。
国外加工合同清关条款内容(中英文版)Title: Export Processing Contract Customs Clearance Clause Content Subject: Please find below the English and Chinese version of the document regarding the customs clearance clause content in the overseas processing contract.---**English**The overseas processing contract is an agreement between a Chinese exporter and a foreign importer, where the exporter is responsible for processing raw materials into finished goods according to the importer"s specifications.As part of the contract, the customs clearance clause outlines the responsibilities and obligations of both parties regarding the clearance of goods through customs.It is essential that the exporter ensures the goods comply with all applicable laws and regulations of the importing country.The exporter must provide all necessary documents and information to facilitate the customs clearance process, including commercial invoices, packing lists, and any other required documents.The importer is responsible for obtaining the necessary import permits and licenses.In the event that the goods are detained by customs or require additional documentation, the exporter must cooperate with theimporter to resolve the issue as quickly as possible to minimize any delays.The costs associated with customs clearance, including any fines or penalties, shall be borne by the party responsible for the delay or error.The customs clearance clause should also include a provision for the handling of goods that are refused entry or seized by customs.In such cases, the exporter and importer should agree on the steps to be taken to resolve the issue, including any potential refunds or replacement of goods.**中文**海外加工合同是中方出口商与外国进口商之间的一份协议,出口商根据进口商的规格负责将原材料加工成成品。
外贸常见合同(中英版)5篇篇1Contract for Foreign Trade Common Practice甲方(甲方公司名):______________乙方(乙方公司名):______________签订日期:______________________一、合同概述与目的本合同旨在对甲、乙双方在对外贸易中的合作关系进行明确规范,保护双方的合法权益,实现共赢。
二、合同双方信息甲方信息(公司全称):________________________ 联系方式:_______________________乙方信息(公司全称):________________________ 联系方式:_______________________三、交易商品与规格商品名称:________________________规格型号:________________________数量及单位:______________________单价及总价:______________________交货期限:______________________包装方式及标准:______________________付款方式及期限:______________________付款方式说明:本合同的付款方式为________(如电汇、信用证等)。
加工贸易合同中英文版加工贸易合同中英文版CONTRACT FOR PROCESSING TRADE本合同由以下各方于____年___月___日签订:This contract is signed by the following parties on ____ year, ____ month, ____ day:甲方(供货商)Party A (Supplier)公司名称:___________________________Company name: ___________________________地址:_______________________________Address: _______________________________邮编:_______________________________Postcode: _______________________________电话:_______________________________Telephone: _______________________________传真:_______________________________Fax: ___________________________________Unified social credit code: __________________________ 法定代表人/授权代表:__________________________Legal representative/authorizedrepresentative:__________________________身份证号码/护照号码:__________________________ID Card/Passport number: ___________________________ 乙方(加工方)Party B (Processor)公司名称:___________________________Company name: ___________________________地址:_______________________________Address: _______________________________邮编:_______________________________Postcode: _______________________________电话:_______________________________Telephone number: ___________________________传真:_______________________________Fax: ___________________________________Unified social credit code: __________________________法定代表人/授权代表:__________________________Legal representative/authorized representative:__________________________身份证号码/护照号码:__________________________ID Card/Passport number: ___________________________鉴于双方具有加工贸易相关的经营权,双方本着平等、互惠、合作的原则,共同达成以下事项:Whereas, the two parties have the relevant business rights for processing trade, and in the spirit of equality, mutual benefit, and cooperation, the two parties have reached the following agreement:一、货物名称及规格1. Name and specifications of Goods甲方按照乙方的要求,将以下货物提供给乙方进行加工:In accordance with the requirements of Party B, Party A will provide the following goods for processing by Party B:货物名称:______________________________Name of goods: _____________________________规格:__________________________________Specifications: _____________________________二、价格2. Price1. 甲方按照以下价格向乙方提供货物:Party A provides goods to Party B at the following prices:货物名称:______________________________Name of goods: _____________________________价格:____________元/件(或其他计量单位)Price: ____ yuan/piece (or other measurement units)2. 乙方应按照加工标准加工货物,并按以下价格向甲方付款:Party B shall process the goods in accordance with the processing standards and pay Party A according to the following prices:货物名称:______________________________Name of goods: _____________________________价格:____________元/件(或其他计量单位)Price: ____ yuan/piece (or other measurement units)三、质量标准3. Quality Standard1. 甲方对货物的数量、质量、规格、包装等负责,由乙方按照加工要求提供相应的包装材料;Party A shall be responsible for the quantity, quality, specifications, packaging, etc. of the goods. Party B shall provide corresponding packaging materials in accordance with the processing requirements;2. 乙方应按照加工标准加工货物,并负责货物的品质和质量;Party B shall process the goods in accordance with the processing standards and shall be responsible for the quality of the goods;3. 乙方在加工过程中如发现货物存在问题,应及时通知甲方,并得到甲方同意后再行操作;If Party B discovers any problems with the goods during the processing, Party B shall promptly notify Party A and obtain the consent of Party A before taking further actions;4. 乙方应及时检验货物的质量,并在接到货物后__________(天/小时)内申请直接出口。
编号:_______________本资料为word版本,可以直接编辑和打印,感谢您的下载加工贸易合同中英对照甲方:___________________乙方:___________________日期:___________________加工贸易合同中英对照(Processing Trade Contracts)加工贸易合同(Processing Trade Contracts)加工贸易是指由国外厂商提供一定的原材料、辅助材料、零部件、元器件、包装材料,必要时提供及其设备及生产技术,委托国内企业按国外厂商要求进行加工、装配,成品由国外厂商负责销售,国内企业按合同规定收取加工费。
以下为来料加工和来件装配合同的参考格式:来料加工和来件装配合同Contract for Processing With Supplied Materials and Assembling With Supplied Parts订约人:M公司(以下简称甲方)M公司(以下简称乙方)Undersigned Parties:Cotd (hereinafter called Party A)Cotd (hereinafter called Party B)兹经双方同意甲方委托乙方在工标准磁罗经,一切所需的零件与原料由甲方提供,其条款如下:The undersigned parties agree that Party A entrust Party B to manufacture Standard Mag netic Compasses in th all necessary parts and materials provided by Party Aunder the following terms and conditions:1. 来料加工和来件装配的商品和数量(1) ------------------ 商品名称标准磁罗经;(2) 数量--- 共计_______ 台;1. Commodity and quantity for processing with provided materials and parts(1) Name of Commodity -------- S tandard Magnetic Compasses(2) Quantity ----- ------ sets in total;2 .一切所需用的零件和原料由甲方提供,或乙方在或__________ 纣,活单附丁本合同内;2. All necessary parts and materials listed in the contract shall be provided by Party A or purchased by Party B in r ;3. 每种型号的加工费如下:(1) GLC— 1型标准磁罗经:US. D (大写:美元);(2) GLC— 2型标准磁罗经:. S. D (大写美元);(3) GLC— 3型标准磁罗经:. S. D (大写美元);3. Processing Charge for each model is as follows:(1) Standard Magnetic Compass GLC-1: $ .S. (SAY: .S.D) each;⑵ Standard Magnetic Compass GLC-2: $ .S. (SAY: .S.D) each;⑶ Standard Magnetic Compass GLC-3: $ .S. (SAY: .S.D) each;4. 加工所需的主要零件、消耗品及原料由甲方运至若有短少或破损,甲方应负责补充供应;4. The main parts and consumables and materials required for processing shall be shippe d to y PartyA. In case of any shortage or deterioration, Party A shall be held responsible for supplying replacement;5. _______________________________________________________________________ 甲方应丁成品交运前一个月,开立信用证或电汇全部加工费用及由乙方在___________________________ 或—购买零配件、消耗品及原料费用;5. Party A shall pay Party B by L/C or T/T covering the full amount of processing charge s and costs of parts, consumables and materials purchased by Party B in rone month in prior to the shipment of finished products;6. 乙方应在双方同意的时间内完成GLC— 1型标准磁罗经的加工和交运,不得延迟,凡发生无法控制的和不可预见的情况例外;6. Party B shall finish the manufacturing of Standard Magnetic Compass GLC-1 and effect shipment within the date both parties agree on, excluding the occurrence of uncontrollabl e or unforeseeable events;7. 零件及原料的损耗率: 加工时零件及原料损耗率为,其损耗率由甲方免费供应,如损耗率超过 %,应由乙方补充加工所需之零件和原料;7. Attrition Rate of Parts and MaterialsAttrition rate of parts and materials in processing is 豹nd shall be provided by PartyA for free. In case attrition rate exceeds%P artyB shall supplement the additional parts and materials required for processing;8. 若甲方误运原料及零件,或因大意而将原料及零件超运,乙方应将超运部分退回,其费用由甲方承担,若遇有短缺,应由甲方补充;8. In case the shipment of parts and materials by Party A is wrong or in excess, Party B shall return the excessive portion at Party A' sexpenses. In case of short shipment, Party A shall make up the shortage;9. 甲方提供加工GLC- 1型标准磁罗经的零件及原料,乙方应严格按规定的设计加工,不得变更;9. Parts and materials provided by Party A for Standard Magnetic Compasses GLC-1 shall be manufactured by Party B in strict accordance with design without modification;10. 技术服务:甲方同意乙方随时提出派遣技术人员到求,协助培训乙方的技术人员,并允许所派技术人员留在乙方检验成品。
加工贸易合同中英对照(Processing Trade Contracts)加工贸易合同(Processing Trade Contracts)加工贸易是指由国外厂商提供一定的原材料、辅助材料、零部件、元器件、包装材料,必要时提供及其设备及生产技术,委托国内企业按国外厂商要求进行加工、装配,成品由国外厂商负责销售,国内企业按合同规定收取加工费。
以下为来料加工和来件装配合同的参考格式:来料加工和来件装配合同Contract for Processing With Supplied Materials and Assembling With Supplied Parts订约人:____________有限公司(以下简称甲方)____________有限公司(以下简称乙方)Undersigned Parties:____________Co. Ltd (hereinafter called Party A)____________Co. Ltd (hereinafter called Party B)兹经双方同意甲方委托乙方在_________加工标准磁罗经,一切所需的零件与原料由甲方提供,其条款如下:The undersigned parties agree that Party A entrust Party B to manufacture Standar d Magnetic Compasses in ____________ with all necessary parts and materials provi ded by Party A under the following terms and conditions:1.来料加工和来件装配的商品和数量(1)商品名称——标准磁罗经;(2)数量——共计_______台;1. Commodity and quantity for processing with provided materials and parts(1) Name of Commodity——Standard Magnetic Compasses(2) Quantity——____ sets in total;2.一切所需用的零件和原料由甲方提供,或乙方在____________或___________购买,清单附于本合同内;2. All necessary parts and materials listed in the contract shall be provided by Party A or purchased by Party B in ______ or _______;3.每种型号的加工费如下:(1)GLC-1型标准磁罗经:_________U.S.D(大写:____美元);(2)GLC-2型标准磁罗经:_________ U.S.D(大写_____美元);(3)GLC-3型标准磁罗经:_________ U.S.D(大写______美元);3. Processing Charge for each model is as follows:(1) Standard Magnetic Compass GLC-1: $__________ U.S. (SAY: _________ U.S.D) eac h;(2) Standard Magnetic Compass GLC-2: $__________ U.S. (SAY: _________ U.S.D) eac h;(3) Standard Magnetic Compass GLC-3: $__________ U.S. (SAY: _________ U.S.D) eac h;4.加工所需的主要零件、消耗品及原料由甲方运至_______,若有短少或破损,甲方应负责补充供应;4. The main parts and consumables and materials required for processing shall be shipped to _________ by Party A. In case of any shortage or deterioration, Party A shall be held responsible for supplying replacement;5.甲方应于成品交运前一个月,开立信用证或电汇全部加工费用及由乙方在__________ 或_ ________ 购买零配件、消耗品及原料费用;5. Party A shall pay Party B by L/C or T/T covering the full amount of processing charges and costs of parts, consumables and materials purchased by Party B in __ ______ or __________ one month in prior to the shipment of finished products;6.乙方应在双方同意的时间内完成GLC—1型标准磁罗经的加工和交运,不得延迟,凡发生无法控制的和不可预见的情况例外;6. Party B shall finish the manufacturing of Standard Magnetic Compass GLC-1 and effect shipment within the date both parties agree on, excluding the occurrence o f uncontrollable or unforeseeable events;7.零件及原料的损耗率:加工时零件及原料损耗率为_____%,其损耗率由甲方免费供应,如损耗率超过____ %,应由乙方补充加工所需之零件和原料;7. Attrition Rate of Parts and MaterialsAttrition rate of parts and materials in processing is _____% and shall be provid ed by Party A for free. In case attrition rate exceeds ______%, Party B shall sup plement the additional parts and materials required for processing;8.若甲方误运原料及零件,或因大意而将原料及零件超运,乙方应将超运部分退回,其费用由甲方承担,若遇有短缺,应由甲方补充;8. In case the shipment of parts and materials by Party A is wrong or in excess, Party B shall return the excessive portion at Party A’s expenses. In case of sho rt shipment, Party A shall make up the shortage;9.甲方提供加工GLC-1型标准磁罗经的零件及原料,乙方应严格按规定的设计加工,不得变更;9. Parts and materials provided by Party A for Standard Magnetic Compasses GLC-1 shall be manufactured by Party B in strict accordance with design without modification;10.技术服务:甲方同意乙方随时提出派遣技术人员到____________的要求,协助培训乙方的技术人员,并允许所派技术人员留在乙方检验成品。
加工贸易合同英文翻译Processing and Trade ContractParty A: [Insert Company Name and Address]Party B: [Insert Company Name and Address]Whereas, Party A is engaged in the production and manufacturing of [insert product(s)] and desires to engage Party B to perform certain processing services on said product(s) for export purposes;Whereas, Party B is a manufacturer and exporter of [insert product(s)] and is willing to perform such processing services for Party A;Now, therefore, the parties agree as follows:1. Services to be rendered by Party BParty B agrees to perform processing services on the products provided by Party A as follows:[Insert detailed description of the processing services to be performed by Party B].2. Payment and termsParty A agrees to pay Party B a fee for the processing services in accordance with the following terms:[Insert detailed payment terms, including the amount to be paid, the payment schedule, and any penalties or interest for late payment].3. Obligations of Party AParty A shall be responsible for providing Party B with the necessary raw materials or goods to perform the processing services. Party A shall also be responsible for complying with all relevant laws and regulations related to the production, export, and import of the product(s).4. Obligations of Party BParty B shall perform the processing services in a professional manner in accordance with industry standards and specifications agreed upon by the parties. Party B shall also be responsible for complying with all relevant laws and regulations related to the processing, export, and import of the product(s).5. Term of the agreementThis agreement shall commence on [insert date] and shall continue until the services have been completed, or until terminated by either party.6. TerminationEither party may terminate this agreement upon [insert notice period] days’ written notice to the other party for any reason.7. ConfidentialityAll confidential information related to the products and services provided under this agreement shall be kept strictly confidential by both parties and shall not be disclosed to any third party without the express written consent of the other party.8. Governing law and jurisdictionThis agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance wit h the laws of the People’s Republic of China. Any disputes arising out of or in connection with this agreement shall be settled by arbitration in [insert location] in accordance with the rules of [insert governing arbitration body].9. AmendmentsAny amendments to this agreement shall be made in writing and signed by both parties.10. Entire agreementThis agreement represents the entire understanding between the parties and supersedes any prior agreements or understanding, whether oral or written, relating to the subject matter of this agreement.11. ExecutionThis agreement may be executed in counterparts and scanned copies shall have the same legal effect as original documents.In witness whereof, the parties have executed this agreement on the date and year first above written.Party A:______________________________(Signature)Name:Title:Date:Party B:______________________________(Signature)Name:Title:Date:。
Delivered Duty Paid Shipper
Customs Clearance Charges ocean Freight/air
freight Customs Clearance Charge
Pick up Charge Terminal Charges
CIF (成本、保险费加运费) NhomakorabeaCost,Insurance and Freight CFR(成本加运费)
Cost and Freight
Ex Works
贸易条款图解中英文 pick up charge terminal charges 提货费出口码头杂费fob free on board (船上交货) cif (成本,保险费加运 费) cost,insurance and freight cfr(成本加运费) cost and freight exw(工厂交货) ex works ddu(未完税交货)delivered duty unpaid ddp(完税后交货) delivered duty paid shipper sh customs clearance charges ocean freight/air freight customs clearance charge 出口报关费运费进口报关费 shipper shipper consignee shipper c consignee destination delivery charge customs duty目的港派送费 进口关税 consignee nee consignee
外贸加工合同范本(中英对照)【7】7. PORT OF DESTINATION(目的港):Barcelona , Spain8. INSURANCE(保险):To be covered by buyers for 110% invoice value against All Risks.9. PAYMENT(付款方式):T/T 100%外汇现金结算付款, 买方给卖方开出100%外汇现金T/T。
Sellers’s Bank information:卖方银行资料:10. SHIPMENT:The Sellers shall ship the goods within the shipment time from the port of shipment to the destination. Transshipment is allowed. Partial shipment is not allowed.运输:卖方应于交货期内将合同货物从装货港运到目的港,不许分批,允许转运。
11. SHIPPING ADVICE:The sellers shall, immediately upon the completion of the loading of the goods, advise by fax the buyers of the Contract No., commodity, quantity, invoiced value, gross weight, name of vessel and date of delivery etc. In case due to the sellers not having faxed in time, all losses caused shall be borne by the sellers.。
加工贸易合同中英对照加工贸易合同中英对照加工贸易合同加工贸易是指由国外厂商提供一定的原材料、辅助材料、零部件、元器件、包装材料,必要时提供及其设备及生产技术,委托国内企业按国外厂商要求进行加工、装配,成品由国外厂商负责销售,国内企业按合同规定收取加工费以下为来料加工和来件装配合同的参考格式:来料加工和来件装配合同 s 订约人: ____________有限公司 ____________有限公司 : ____________Co ( A) ____________Co ( B) 兹经双方同意甲方委托乙方在_________加工标准磁罗经,一切所需的零件与原料由甲方提供,其条款如下:A B____________ A : 1.来料加工和来件装配的商品和数量商品名称——标准磁罗经;数量——共计_______台; 1 (1) —— (2) ——____ ; 2.一切所需用的零件和原料由甲方提供,或乙方在____________ 或___________购买,清单附于本合同内; 2 A B ______ _______; 3.每种型号的加工费如下:-1型标准磁罗经:_________U.S.D;-2型标准磁罗经:_________ U.S.D;-3型标准磁罗经:_________ U.S.D;3 : (1) -1: $__________ (: _________ ) h; (2) -2:$__________ (: _________ ) h; (3) -3: $__________ (: _________ ) h;4.加工所需的主要零件、消耗品及原料由甲方运至_______,若有短少或破损,甲方应负责补充供应;4 _________ A A ; 5.甲方应于成品交运前一个月,开立信用证或电汇全部加工费用及由乙方在__________ 或_ ________ 购买零配件、消耗品及原料费用; 5 A B L/C T/T B __ ________________ ; 6.乙方应在双方同意的时间内完成—1型标准磁罗经的加工和交运,不得延迟,凡发生无法控制的和不可预见的情况例外; 6 B -1 o f ; 7.零件及原料的损耗率:加工时零件及原料损耗率为_____%,其损耗率由甲方免费供应,如损耗率超过____ %,应由乙方补充加工所需之零件和原料; 7_____% A ______% B ; 8.若甲方误运原料及零件,或因大意而将原料及零件超运,乙方应将超运部分退回,其费用由甲方承担,若遇有。
加工合同范本英文Title: Processing Contract Template (English)This Processing Contract (hereinafter referred to as the "Contract") is made and entered into as of [Date], and between [Company Name] (hereinafter referred to as the "Processor"), having its principal place of business at [Processor's Address], and [Client Name] (hereinafter referred to as the "Client"), having its principal place of business at [Client's Address].WHEREAS, the Client desires to have certn products (hereinafter referred to as the "Products") processed the Processor; andWHEREAS, the Processor has the expertise, facilities, and resources to process the Products in accordance with the Client's specifications and requirements;NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants and agreements contned herein, the parties hereto agree as follows:1. Scope of WorkThe Processor agrees to process the Products in accordance with the specifications, designs, and instructions provided the Client (hereinafter referred to as the "Specifications"). The Processor shall perform all necessary work, including but not limited to, manufacturing, assembling, testing, and packaging of the Products.1.1 Specifications: Detled descriptions of the Products to be processed, including dimensions, materials, and any other relevant information required for the production of the Products.2. Delivery of Materials2.1 The Client shall provide all necessary raw materials, ponents, and other items required for the processing of the Products (hereinafter referred to as the "Materials") to the Processor at the Client's expense. The Client shall deliver the Materials to the Processor's facility at [Processor's Address] within a reasonable time prior to the agreed-upon processing mencement date.2.2 The Processor shall promptly inspect the Materials upon receipt and notify the Client of any discrepancies or defects. The Processor shall not be responsible for any delays or defects in the processing of the Products resulting from the use of Materials provided the Client.3. Processing Fees and Payment Terms3.1 The Client agrees to pay the Processor a fee for the processing of the Products (hereinafter referred to as the "Processing Fee") in accordance with the following schedule:[Detled payment schedule, including amounts, due dates, and payment methods]3.2 The Processing Fee shall be pd in full within [number] days after the Processor's invoice is issued, unless otherwise agreed upon in writing the parties.4. Quality Assurance and Inspection4.1 The Processor shall use its best efforts to ensure that the Products meet the Specifications and are of high quality. The Processor shall perform all necessary quality assurance and inspection procedures during the processing of the Products.4.2 The Client shall have the right to inspect the Products during the processing period and upon pletion. If the Products do not meet the Specifications or quality standards, the Client may, at its sole discretion, require the Processor to correct any defects or non-conformities at the Processor's expense.5. Intellectual Property Rights5.1 All intellectual property rights, including patents, trademarks, copyrights, and trade secrets, associated with the Products and the Specifications shall be owned the Client.5.2 The Processor agrees not to use, disclose, or distribute any Confidential Information (as defined below) relating to the Products or the Client's business without the prior written consent of the Client.6. Confidentiality6.1 As used in this Contract, "Confidential Information" refers to any data, materials, products, technology, puter programs, specifications, manuals, business plans, software, marketing plans, financial information, and other information disclosed or submitted, in writing, orally, or any other media, to the Processor the Client.6.2 The Processor agrees to mntn the confidentiality of the Confidential Information and not to disclose it to any third party without the prior written consent of the Client.7. Term and Termination7.1 This Contract shall mence on the Effective Date and shall continue in effect until the pletion of the processing of the Products, unless terminated earlier in accordance with the provisions of this Contract.7.2 Either party may terminate this Contract upon written notice to the other party if the other party breaches any material term or condition of this Contract and fls to cure such breach within [number] days after receipt of written notice.8. Governing Law and Dispute Resolution8.1 This Contract shall be governed and construed in accordance with the laws of [Jurisdiction].8.2 Any disputes arising out of or in connection with this Contract shall be resolved through binding arbitration in accordance with the rules of the [Arbitration Association], and the decision of the arbitrator(s) shall be final and binding upon the parties.IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Processing Contract as of the date first above written.[Processor's Name] [Client's Name]By: ___________________________ By: ___________________________Name: [Processor's Authorized Representative] Name: [Client's Authorized Representative]Title: [Processor's Title] Title: [Client's Title]NAMES DEFINED:Processor: The entity responsible for processing the Products.Client: The entity that contracts the Processor to process the Products.Products: The items to be processed the Processor.Specifications: Detled descriptions of the Products to be processed.Materials: Raw materials, ponents, and other items required for processing the Products.Processing Fee: The fee pd the Client to the Processor for processing the Products.Confidential Information: Information disclosed or submitted the Client to the Processor that is considered confidential.。
外贸合同Contract( sales confirmation)合同编号(Contract No.): _______________签订日期(Date) :___________签订地点(Signed at) :___________买方:__________________________The Buyer:________________________地址:__________________________Address: _________________________电话(Tel):___________传真(Fax):__________电子邮箱(E-mail):______________________卖方:___________________________The Seller:_________________________地址:___________________________Address: __________________________电话(Tel):_________传真(Fax):___________电子邮箱(E-mail):______________________买卖双方同意按照下列条款签订本合同:The Seller and the Buyer agree to conclude this Contract subject to the terms and conditions stated below:1. 货物名称、规格和质量(Name, Specifications and Quality of Commodity):2. 数量(Quantity):允许____的溢短装(___% more or less allowed)3. 单价(Unit Price):4. 总值(Total Amount):5. 交货条件(Terms of Delivery) FOB/CFR/CIF_______6. 原产地国与制造商(Country of Origin and Manufacturers):7. 包装及标准(Packing):货物应具有防潮、防锈蚀、防震并适合于远洋运输的包装,由于货物包装不良而造成的货物残损、灭失应由卖方负责。
外贸常见合同(中英版)编号: No:日期: Date :签约地点: Signed at:卖方:Sellers:地址:Address:邮政编码:Postal Code:电话:Tel:传真:Fax:买方:Buyers:地址:Address:邮政编码:Postal Code:电话:Tel:传真:Fax:买卖双方同意按下列条款由卖方出售,买方购进下列货物:The sellers agrees to sell and the buyer agrees to buy the under mentioned goods on the terms and conditions stated below.1 货号Article No.2 品名及规格Description&Specification3 数量 Quantity4 单价Unit Price5 总值:数量及总值均有_____%的增减,由卖方决定。
Total AmountWith _____% more or less both in amount and quantity allowed at the sellers option.6 生产国和制造厂家Country of Origin and Manufacturer7包装:Packing:8 唛头:Shipping Marks:9 装运期限:Time of Shipment:10装运口岸:Port of Loading:11目的口岸:Port of Destination:12保险:由买方按发票全额110%投保至_____为止的_____险。
Insurance: To be effected by buyers for 110% of full invoice value covering _____ up to _____ only.13付款条件:买方须于_____年_____月_____日将保兑的,不可撤销的,可转让可分割的即期信用证开到卖方。
合同Contract一、商品信息Product Information1.品名Product Name:单击或点击此处输入文字。
4.粒度Particle Size:单击或点击此处输入文字。
8.单价Unit Price:单击或点击此处输入文字。
11.交货时间Delivery Time:单击或点击此处输入日期。
二、商品运输Commodity transport1.装运口岸Port of Loading:单击此处输入文字。
2.目的口岸Port of Destination:单击此处输入文字。
3.装运期限Time of shipment:单击此处输入日期。
4.装运条件Terms of shipment:单击此处输入文字。
6.唛头Shipping mark:单击此处输入文字。
8.如有必要卖方有权在5%内多装或者少装或根据双方约定条款If necessary, the seller has the right toinstall more or less in 5%, or base on the terms confirmed by both parts.三、结算Settlement1.价格类型Price type:2.支付条款Payment terms:单击或点击此处输入文字。
3.支付期限Date of payment:单击此处输入日期。
四、质量保证Quality assurance1.装货港取样Port sampling:单击此处输入文字。
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加工贸易合同中英对照(Processing Trade Contracts)加工贸易合同(Processing Trade Contracts)加工贸易是指由国外厂商提供一定的原材料、辅助材料、零部件、元器件、包装材料,必要时提供及其设备及生产技术,委托国内企业按国外厂商要求进行加工、装配,成品由国外厂商负责销售,国内企业按合同规定收取加工费。
以下为来料加工和来件装配合同的参考格式:来料加工和来件装配合同Contract for Processing With Supplied Materials and Assembling With Supplied Parts订约人:____________有限公司(以下简称甲方)____________有限公司(以下简称乙方)Undersigned Parties:____________Co. Ltd (hereinafter called Party A)____________Co. Ltd (hereinafter called Party B)兹经双方同意甲方委托乙方在_________加工标准磁罗经,一切所需的零件与原料由甲方提供,其条款如下:The undersigned parties agree that Party A entrust Party B to manufacture Standar d Magnetic Compasses in ____________ with all necessary parts and materials provi ded by Party A under the following terms and conditions:1.来料加工和来件装配的商品和数量(1)商品名称——标准磁罗经;(2)数量——共计_______台;1. Commodity and quantity for processing with provided materials and parts(1) Name of Commodity——Standard Magnetic Compasses(2) Quantity——____ sets in total;2.一切所需用的零件和原料由甲方提供,或乙方在____________或___________购买,清单附于本合同内;2. All necessary parts and materials listed in the contract shall be provided by Party A or purchased by Party B in ______ or _______;3.每种型号的加工费如下:(1)GLC-1型标准磁罗经:_________U.S.D(大写:____美元);(2)GLC-2型标准磁罗经:_________ U.S.D(大写_____美元);(3)GLC-3型标准磁罗经:_________ U.S.D(大写______美元);3. Processing Charge for each model is as follows:(1) Standard Magnetic Compass GLC-1: $__________ U.S. (SAY: _________ U.S.D) eac h;(2) Standard Magnetic Compass GLC-2: $__________ U.S. (SAY: _________ U.S.D) eac h;(3) Standard Magnetic Compass GLC-3: $__________ U.S. (SAY: _________ U.S.D) eac h;4.加工所需的主要零件、消耗品及原料由甲方运至_______,若有短少或破损,甲方应负责补充供应;4. The main parts and consumables and materials required for processing shall be shipped to _________ by Party A. In case of any shortage or deterioration, Party A shall be held responsible for supplying replacement;5.甲方应于成品交运前一个月,开立信用证或电汇全部加工费用及由乙方在__________ 或_ ________ 购买零配件、消耗品及原料费用;5. Party A shall pay Party B by L/C or T/T covering the full amount of processing charges and costs of parts, consumables and materials purchased by Party B in __ ______ or __________ one month in prior to the shipment of finished products;6.乙方应在双方同意的时间内完成GLC—1型标准磁罗经的加工和交运,不得延迟,凡发生无法控制的和不可预见的情况例外;6. Party B shall finish the manufacturing of Standard Magnetic Compass GLC-1 and effect shipment within the date both parties agree on, excluding the occurrence o f uncontrollable or unforeseeable events;7.零件及原料的损耗率:加工时零件及原料损耗率为_____%,其损耗率由甲方免费供应,如损耗率超过____ %,应由乙方补充加工所需之零件和原料;7. Attrition Rate of Parts and MaterialsAttrition rate of parts and materials in processing is _____% and shall be provid ed by Party A for free. In case attrition rate exceeds ______%, Party B shall sup plement the additional parts and materials required for processing;8.若甲方误运原料及零件,或因大意而将原料及零件超运,乙方应将超运部分退回,其费用由甲方承担,若遇有短缺,应由甲方补充;8. In case the shipment of parts and materials by Party A is wrong or in excess, Party B shall return the excessive portion at Party A’s expenses. In case of sho rt shipment, Party A shall make up the shortage;9.甲方提供加工GLC-1型标准磁罗经的零件及原料,乙方应严格按规定的设计加工,不得变更;9. Parts and materials provided by Party A for Standard Magnetic Compasses GLC-1 shall be manufactured by Party B in strict accordance with design without modification;10.技术服务:甲方同意乙方随时提出派遣技术人员到____________的要求,协助培训乙方的技术人员,并允许所派技术人员留在乙方检验成品。
为此,乙方同意支付每人日薪_________ _美元,其他一切费用(包括来回旅费)概由甲方负责:10. Technical Service: Party A agrees to send technicians to _______ to help trai ning Party B’s technicians at the request of Party B at any t ime, and allows the technicians sent by Party A to remain with Party B for inspection of the finished products. As such, Party B agrees to pay a daily wage of $_____ U.S. for each pe rson, all other expenses (including round trip tickets) will be borne by Party A;11.与本合同有关的一切进出口手续应由乙方予以办理:11. All import and export formalities concerning this contract shall be effected by Party B;12.加工后的标准磁罗经,乙方应运交给甲方随时指定的国外买方:12. All Standard Magnetic Compasses processed shall be shipped by Party A to the foreign purchasers appointed by Party A at any time;13.其他条件(1)标准磁罗经的商标应由甲方提供,若出现法律纠纷,甲方应负完全责任:(2)若必要时乙方在__________或____________ 购买加工标准磁罗经的零件及原料,其品质必须符合标准并事先需甲方核准。
13. Other Terms and Conditions:(1) Party A shall provide the trademark of Standard Magnetic Compasses and shall be held fully responsible for legal disputes if any;(2) The quality of parts and materials purchased by Party B in _________ or _____ ______ for processing Standard Magnetic Compasses, if necessary, shall be in conf ormity with the standard and approved by Party A in advance;(3) For promotion of export, Party B shall prepare and store samples of Standard Magnetic Compasses and send them to foreign purchasers appointed by Party A. All parts and materials required shall be provided out of the stock provided by Party A;14.本合同一式三份,甲方与乙方在鉴字后各执一份,另一份呈送__________有关部门备案。