how long have you been collection shells同步练习1




It’s now
Li Chen started skating 2pm. at 1pm. So he has been skating for 1 hour.
1pm Sam Li Chen
Lu Ning 10am
Alison 9Βιβλιοθήκη mQuestions for the interview
1. Where are they? 2. What are they doing? 3. How long have they been doing that? 4. Why do they decide to do it?
Thank you for listening!
; /fuhaitang/ 傅海棠期货 ;
强得离谱,也不知他是怎么修炼出来の!但是……他还达不到俺の层次.只要全历出手,斩杀呐小儿,问题不大.哼,便是付出一些代价,俺也一定要将呐小儿击杀.只要不让他近身,他炼体上の历量,便是发挥不出几成来.”红叶大王心中也在转念,他对自身能够击杀鞠言の把握,在短短の第一 次交锋后,便急剧增加到近乎拾成.第三一一七章高下第三一一七章高下(第一/一页)红叶大王本就恨极了鞠言,有机会杀死鞠言,自不会放过.一旦能够将鞠言斩杀,对他自身在混元空间叠振威严也有巨大の帮助.而红叶王国虽然王尪和战申殒命损失巨大,可只要他红叶老祖还在,红叶王国仍 是能够慢慢恢复过来.哼,只要他在,其他王国谁敢动红叶王国?此事需要做の,就是击杀鞠言小儿.在第一次交锋之后,红叶大王心中大定,念头转过后,他便主动开始攻击鞠言.他手中骨伞王兵上,光晕更加の浓郁,骨伞打开,光华万丈.滔天の威能波动,充斥于天地之间.只见,红叶大王将骨伞 王兵向上用历抛出,骨伞拖拽着光华,旋转飞到上空.待到了虚空中,骨伞便是快速涨大起来,眨眼之间,便是仿佛能将整个天地都笼罩住.天地之间の道则,尽皆随之震动.红叶大王尚未直接施展善术攻击,鞠言便感觉到了非常强の压历.鞠言看了看上空の骨伞王兵.“红叶老狗の王兵,很不一 般,竟还有如此强悍の束缚能历.其威能,覆盖范围非常大,就算再更远の地方,也会受到呐件王兵の束缚影响.”鞠言心中那个暗道.“其攻击能历,也是极其出色.方才第一次交锋,呐红叶老狗操控骨伞王兵随意迸射出一些光芒长矛,便是威能浩瀚.”鞠言微子世界微微一震,将身体四周来自 于骨伞の禁锢历量驱散开.“如果俺掌握の本源道则数量不够多,那受呐件王兵の影响可就要大了.不过现在,呵呵……”鞠言嘴角泛出冷笑.红叶大王一直盯着鞠言,见此事鞠言还能露出冷笑の表情,红叶大王心中更怒.“去死!”红叶大王咆哮如雷鸣.“唰!”那骨伞王兵之上,万千光芒长 矛同事迸射而出.呐些光芒长矛离开王兵后,迅速凝聚成一束.看上去,其变化为一柄极其巨大の仿若要射穿天穹の巨大可怕光芒长矛.巨大の光芒长矛,以无与伦比の速度,向鞠言所在位置袭杀过去.“乾坤!千叠击!”鞠言气息凝结,微子世界历量涌入冰炎剑,黑白两种本源道则,同事作用. 在冰炎剑の剑身上,层层剑幕空间浮现.灰色の剑幕空间,不断の叠加增强.转瞬之间,剑幕空间便是达到可怖の厚度.随着鞠言心念转过,乾坤千叠击形成の剑幕空间,便向着那巨大光芒长矛迎了上去.“轰!”“砰!”“咚咚!咚咚!”光芒长矛,与剑幕空间碰撞,二者所蕴含の恐怖威能,疯 狂の撞击.红叶大王施展の光芒长矛,一层层穿透鞠言の剑幕空间.但是,鞠言の剑幕空间数量极多,那光芒长矛在穿透一半左右の剑幕空间之后,便出现了颓势.光晕开始变得淡薄,体积也不断の缩小.又是多层剑幕空间被击穿后,光幕长矛破碎,化为漫天の光点,向四周の空间散去.而鞠言の 剑幕空间,仍然是层层叠叠,那吞吐の剑芒,仍然锐利无比.“嗖!”剑幕空间,继续向着王兵骨伞冲去.“该死!”红叶大王在光芒长矛体积缩小の事候,就预感到有些不妙,他极历の催动申历运转本源道则,为广袤长矛弥补消耗の能量,但广袤长矛所消耗の能量速度,要远比他向广袤长矛增 添の能量快得多.所以,红叶大王只能眼睁睁看着广袤长矛破碎.当看到剑幕空间,向骨伞王兵继续冲去の事候,红叶大王咒骂了一声.他全部の心申,都放到骨伞王兵之上.那天空上,巨大の骨伞王兵,旋转速度越来越快.骨伞王兵の四周,层层光晕萦绕开来,形成了厚实の护罩.王兵,与善王本 命相连.若王兵受创,那修行者自身也会受伤.所以,剑幕空间の目标虽然是骨伞王兵,但红叶大王同样是非常の紧罔.剑幕空间,撞击在骨伞王兵四周厚实の护罩上.骨伞王兵,巨大の震动起来,同事发出刺耳の声响.在剑幕空间の剑芒攻击之下,骨伞王兵不断の向后移动,而四周の护罩则是剧 烈の闪烁.当剑幕空间の能量耗尽事,骨伞王兵已经退出很远の距离.其上の光芒,也是明显变得暗淡,不复刚开始事の气势.在红叶大王极历の抵挡之下,骨伞王兵终于是勉强挡住了剑幕空间の攻击.然而,红叶大王此事却是极其难受,气血浮动得厉害,差点没忍住喷出一口老血.他知道,自身 の王兵,已是有所创伤.鞠言施展の善术,威能太过恐怖了,而且渗透历极度惊人.骨伞形成の防护罩,差点就被洞穿.“呐个该死の小畜生,到底掌握了多少至高道则!”红叶大王心中,出现了一些慌乱.交手到此事,红叶大王已是知道,鞠言所掌握の至高道则也就是本源道则,绝对不在自身掌 握の至高道则数量之下.而且,鞠言所掌握の至高道则似乎更为强大,韧性更足.红叶大王自是不知道,鞠言掌握の本源道则是包含黑白双色两种本源道则の.不像他,只掌握了黑色本源道则.“红叶老狗,还不受死!”在红叶大王操控王兵挡住乾坤千叠击善术攻击事,鞠言已是快速接近红叶大 王.红叶大王,无历分申阻挡鞠言接近自身.呐个事候,鞠言已经到了他身前不远处.“唰!”红叶大王心念一动,将王兵骨伞收回到了手中.骨伞王兵虽然具有非常强の束缚功能,但是呐种束缚,对鞠言影响却并不很大.鞠言の速度,都没有被减缓多少.“给俺滚开!”红叶大王脸色铁青,凶狠 挥了一下王兵骨伞,想要将鞠言击退.“呵呵……”鞠言扬起冰炎剑,从上向下,对着红叶大王就一剑劈了下去.对于那即将抽打在自身身躯上の骨伞王兵,鞠言根本就没理会,他自信以自身の肉身防御,能够挡得住红叶大王用骨伞王兵抽打数次.第三一一八章结果注定鞠言不理会红叶大王の 骨伞抽击,冰炎剑叠叠对红叶大王劈下.红叶大王瞪着眼珠子,心中愈发慌乱.鞠言能够不理他の攻击,可他不能不理鞠言劈下の长剑,他可不是炼体善王.在激发防御宝物の同事,红叶大王身体倒退,放弃了用骨伞攻击鞠言.如果他一定要攻击鞠言,那就一定躲不开冰炎剑直接劈在他の身上.然 而,呐后退一些确实是躲开了鞠言の一剑,可接下来处境就更糟糕了.鞠言根本就不给红叶大王の机会,身体一个前冲,又是一剑劈了下去.远端の苍耳大王、段韵大王、伏束大王等人,一个个表情都极为精彩.呐是哪个情况?到底发生了哪个?红叶大王,竟然不是鞠言战申の对手?红叶大王,被 鞠言杀得连连败退.而且,两人从第一次交锋开始算起,不过才几招下来,红叶大王就露出了败势,说明红叶大王与鞠言战申の实历差距还是比较大の.“呐怎么可能?”段韵大王脸色难看の低呼出声.他委实是有些难以信任自身所看到の鞠象.堂堂天庭大王,掌握了大量至高道则の大王,居然 不是鞠言の对手?那鞠言,修行事间明显不是很长,其申魂气息都很年轻.正常情况下,又能掌握多少至高道则,就算拥有蕴含至高道则の资源,想要一条条参悟也是需要大量事间の!“想不到,红叶道友居然都不是鞠言战申对手.”伏束大王也开口.在鞠言与红叶大王交手之前,呐些天庭大王, 没有一个,是认为鞠言能与红叶大王正面对抗の.而现实情况,却是鞠言战申本红叶大王强出一个档次の样子.众大王们,心情当然会复杂,由于他们の实历,与红叶大王其实也都是差不多の,就算是苍耳大王、段韵大王呐样の,也只是略微比红叶大王强一些,想击败红叶大王,怕是并不容易.鞠 言战申能如此轻松就击败红叶大王,呐不说明……鞠言战申也能击败他们呐些天庭大王吗?难道,又是一个永恒先生那样の存在?难道,呐个鞠言也是从混元之外来の?“鞠言战申,到底是怎么修炼の?在战申榜排位赛上,他绝对没有现在の实历.不是说,在排位赛刚开始の事候,鞠言战申连道法 善王都不是吗?”浦桑大王转目说道.“嗯,当事の鞠言战申,确实远没有现在の实历.要不然,红叶道友也不可能伤到那位龙岩国の纪沄国尪.鞠言战申对红叶大王の恨意,主要就是来自于红叶大王对纪沄国尪下杀手.”伏束

Unit6 How Long Have You Been Collecting Shells

Unit6 How Long Have You Been Collecting Shells

1. How long has Tom been skating? He has been skating for two years.
2. How long has Jack been collecting stamps? He has been collecting stamps for four years.
He has been playing computer games for an hour .
an hour
• Talking on the phone
Sleeping an hoing 3 hours
Teaching half an hour
Tom skating 2 years Kobe playing soccer 4 years Andy collecting stamps 3 years Dave reading 2 years Tim swimming I year Jack playing basketball 5 years
4. How long has Mary been swimming? She has been swimming for three years.
5. How long has John been playing basketball? He has been playing basketball for two years.
I have a new friend. Her name is Nancy. She is thirteen. She is from England. She likes skating. And she has been skating for seven years. She said she was interested in skating .

Unit 6 How long have you been collection shells

Unit 6 How long have you been collection shells

Unit 6 How long have you been collecting shells?第一课时●教学内容与分析❶教学内容:Section A: 1a-2c❷教学目标:a. 能够掌握基本单词和词汇。



学会使用for 和 since表达自己的爱好持续的时间,培养学生应用英语进行交际的能力。

语言技能:listening .speaking .reading and writing语言知识:现在完成进行时的用法及复习一般过去时提示词语及句型:skate, collect, What’s your hobby? I like…How long have you been skating?I have been skating since nine o’clock/for five years.How long did you……? When did you ……●教学重点、难点分析:❶教学重点:基本单词,词汇和句型❷教学难点:能够运用现在完成进行时谈论自己的爱好及持续时间●课前准备❶本课时的教学课件●教学设计教学步骤建议和说明↘热身/复习(Warm-up/Revision)❶ Greetings.❷ Talk with students about the following:1.Did you sleep well last night?2.How long did you sleep last night ?3.When did you start class today ?4.How long have you been in class today?Help the students to answer: I have been in class for…↘呈现/操练(Presentation/Practice)❶Draw a long horizontal line on the blackboard. Say, This is called a time line. It shows the years from 19-to the present. Let’s put some information about ourselves on the time line.T: Maria, when did you start studying English?S1: .T: Maria started studying English in .(Write the words Maria started English above the date on the time line.)Maria has been studying English since . (class repeat)❷Repeat the activity using different dates for several other students. Use a different situation, such as When did you start to ride a bicycle? or When did you start to baby-sit? if these questions are more appropriate. Each time ask the class to repeat a sentence, point to the starting date and run the finger along the years up to the present year.❸学生两人一组问答从平常的谈话中轻松导入本课句型,信息沟使谈话非常真实,而又浅显易懂。

【八年级】How long have you been collecting shells教案

【八年级】How long have you been collecting shells教案

【八年级】How long have you been collecting shells教案【八年级】howlonghaveyoubeencollectingshells教案【主题】:第六单元你收集贝壳有多久了A部分(1a-2c)【励志小木屋】:goodhabitsarethebestfriendsofman.良好的习惯是益友[学习目标]:知识目标1.识记并会运用单词collect,shell,pair,skate,since2.理解并使用该短语五年,apairof3.掌握并运用句型(1)---howlonghaveyoubeenskating?---我已经打了五个小时的网球了。







八年级英语How long have you been collecting shells教案

八年级英语How long have you been collecting shells教案

Unit 6 How long have you been collecting shells?一、教学内容:Unit 6 How long have you been collecting shells?教学目标:学会如何询问某人的某个动作进行了多久了,并知道如何回答。

目标语言:—How long have you been skating?—I have been skating for two hours.—I have been skating since two hours ago.语法:现在完成进行时(一)现在完成进行时:一)现在完成进行时表示一个动作从过去某个时间开始,一直延续到现在,并且有可能还要继续下去。

常和表示一段时间的状语连用,如:for two days, since (自从)two days ago.二)构成:助动词have/has + been +v.-ing例如:1. 从七点钟起我就一直在看书。

(现在还在看)I have been reading since seven o’clock.2. 他看电视已经两个小时了。

He has been watching TV for two hours.其中,for后面跟的是时间段;since跟的是表示过去某一时刻的词或词组,也可以跟句子,但句子要用一般过去时。

例如:3. I have been cleaning the room since I got home.4. Tom has been drawing(二)重点词语讲解:1. collect: v. 收集(1) —How long have you been collecting stamps? 你收集邮票多久了?—For 4 years.(2)He likes balls, he has a great sports , and he joined theclub.A. collectingB. collectionC. collectorD. collectors’2. skate:(1) v. 滑冰:How about going ?I have been for half an hour.(2) n.溜冰鞋:This is my first pair of skates.一双溜冰鞋:a pair of skates(3) 溜冰的人:skaterSeveral skaters are still skating.3. pair: 一双,一对,一副(1) 床上有条短裤。



新目标八年级英语下册Unit 6 How long have you been collecting shells?教学设计主备人:辅备人:一、教材分析:这个单元题目是“你集贝壳有多长时间了?”,它是谈论“多久你一直在做的事情”, 本单元主要训练现在完成进行时态。












五、教学重点学习目标:1.掌握重点词汇: collect , shell, skate, coin, Russian, thousand, quite, certain.2.掌握重点句型:--How long have you been skating?--I’ve been skating for fi ve hours.--I’ve been skating since nine hours.--How long did you skate?--I skated for two hours.--What sport do you play? --Tennis.--When did you start? --When I was eleven.能力目标:通过学习现在完成进行时,学会谈论人们做某事持续多长时间,谈论人们收藏某物多长时间。

优品课件之Unit 6 How long have you been collecting shell

优品课件之Unit 6 How long have you been collecting shell

Unit 6 How long have you been collecting shellUnit 6 How long have you been collecting shell ?Teaching goals: 1. Words and expressions in this unit . 2. 现在完成进行时的用法。

3. Patterns: How long have you been doing sth ? I have been doing sth since … . I have been doing sth for … (period of time) . 4. 谈论人们做某事持续多长时间。

5. 谈论人们的业余爱好。

Important and difficult points: 1. Words and expression in this unit . 2. 现在完成进行时的用法以及与现在进行时和过去进行时的区别。

Teaching aids: teaching cards , pictures , a tape recorder . Period 1Teaching procedures : Step 1 Leading in Ask one of the students the question: Liu Ziyang, when did you study English ?Help the student answer: I studied English in 2003.Say,in this unit we’re going to talk about how long we’ve been doingthings .Then ask :Liu Ziyang, how long have you been studying English ?Help him to answer : I have been studying English since 2003./I have been studying English for two years .Get Ss to repeat . Repeat the activity with other students . Step 2 Pre-task SB Page 44 , 1a . 1. Ask a student to read the three questions ,and answer the questions as example like this: I started class at 9:00 .I slept for ten hours . I have been skating for five hours/ I have been skating since five years ago . 2. Have Ss work in groups of four . 3. Ask the class each question and call on several different students to answer . Step 3 While-task SB Page 44 , 1b . 1. Play the recording and get Ss to fill in the chart . 2. Correct the answers . SB Page 44 , 1c .In pairs ,get the students to ask and answer .Then ask some pairs to say their conversations to the class. SB Page 45 , 2a & 2b . 1. Read the instructions and have Ss know what to do .2. Play the recording .Ss write down their answers .3. Correct the answers . Step 4 Post-task SB Page 45 , 2c . 1. Read theexample in sample dialogue in activity 2c . 2. In pairs,role play the interview between Alison and the reporter . 3. Ask two pairs to say their conversations to the class . Step 5 Grammar Focus SB Page 45 , grammar focus . 1. Review the grammar box .2. Explain that in these sentences “since” comes before a date and “for” before a period of time .3. Ask What is the difference between “How long did you skate ?”and “How long have you been sk ating?” .Explain that “did” question means that the person has stopped doing the action .The “have you been” question shows that the person is continuing to do the action at the present moment . Step 6 Homework Review the present perfect progressive . 教学后记:Period 2Teaching contents: SectionA 3a,3b,4,SectionB 1a,1b,2a,2b,2c. Teaching procedures: Step 1 Leading in Ask some students the questions: How long did you skate ?How long have you been studying English ? Step 2 Pre-task SB Page 46 , 3a . 1. Ask Ss to read the passage and fill in the table . 2. Check the answers . SB Page 46 , 3b .Read the instructions and ask Ss to complete the task .Correct the answers . Step 3 While-task SB Page 47 , 1a & 1b . 1. Ask different students to say the items they see in the picture . 2. Ask students to write the names of things they collect and things they would like to correct in the chart .3. Ask some students to read their lists to the class .4. In pairs ,let students tell their partner what they collect and what they would like to collect .Say why .5. Ask several pairs to say their conversations to the class . SB Page 47 , 2a & 2b .1. Read the instructions and let the students know what to do .2. Play the recording and get students to fill in the chart .3. Correct the answers . Step 4 Post-task SB Page 47 , 2c . 1. Ask two students to read the example in the sample dialogue .2. Have students practice conversations in pairs .3. Ask two pairs to say their conversations to the class . Step 5 Homework SB Page 46 , Part 4 . 1. Read the instructions and ask two students to read the dialogue . 2. Make sure students understand what they need to do . 3. Have students complete the work in groups of four after class . 教学后记:Period 3Teaching contents: Section A 3a,3b,4a,4b,selfcheck. Teaching procedures: Step 1 Leading in Check the homework .Ask on group of students to share their conversations with the class . Step 2 Pre-task SB Page 48 , 3a . 1. Ask some different students to tell what they see in the picture . 2. Read the instructions and make sure students know what to do . 3. Ask students to read the e-mail on their own and then draw lines matching each snow globe with its description. 4. Correct the answers . Step 3 While-task SB Page 48 , 3b . 1. Read the instruction to make sure students know what to do . 2. Ask students to complete the message ,writing about Bob ,Marcia or Liam in activity 2a . 3. Ask some students to read their messages to the class . SB Page 48 , 4a . 1. Ask two students to read the dialogue. 2. Ask a student the same questions but let him answer with his own hobbies . 3. In groups of four ,have students complete the work .4. Ask two groups of students to share their conversations . SB Page 48 , 4b . 1. Point to the questions and ask a student to read them to the class . 2. In groups of four ,get students discuss each question . 3. Read the four questions one by one and ask each group to say their answers to the class . Step 4 Post-task SB Page 49 , Selfcheck , Part 1. 1. Ask students to fill in the blanks on their own . 2. Ask one student to write the answers on the Bb . 3. Correct the answers . 4. Ask somedifferent students to make sentences with the words given . SB Page 49 , Selfcheck , Part 2 . Ask students to complete the letter on their own .Then ask on student to read his letter to the class . Step 5 Homework Have students write their letters on their exercise books . 教学后记:Period 4Teaching contents: Reading:I’ve been studying history in China . Teaching procedures : Step 1 Before reading SB Page 50 , Section 1 . 1. In groups of four ,get students to discuss the three questions . 2. Ask a speaker from one group to tell the class what the group knows .Help to complete any missing dynasties and famous characters the class should know . Step 2 While reading SB Page 50 , Section 2 . 1. Ask students to read the passage silently once for general meaning .Ask students if there is anything they don’t understand . 2. Let students read the passage again for detail . Step 3 After reading SB Page 51 , Section 3 , 3a .Ask students to scan the text for information to complete the sentences . SB Page 51 , Section 3 , 3b & 3c .1. In groups of three ,let students practice the sample conversations first ,then make their own conversations .2. Ask two groups of students to present their own conversations in front of the class . Step 4 Go for it 1. Direct the students’ attention to the box and read the heading on the left and ask students to list other things they would miss . 2. Ask students to share their ideas .3. In the same way ,do with the right part of the chart . Step 5 Homework 1. Remember the words and expressions in this unit . 2. Review the present perfect progressive . 教学后记:优品课件,意犹未尽,知识共享,共创未来!!!。



Unit 6 How long have you been collecting shells?语法讲解1.现在完成时态表示过去发生的动作对现在造成的影响或结果。

本时态标志词:already(―已经‖,用于肯定句中,放在have /has之后或句尾);yet(―仍然‖―还‖,用于疑问句或否定句的句尾)just(―刚刚‖,放在have /has之后);before(―以前‖,放在句尾);ever(―曾经‖,放在have /has之后)never(―从没有‖,在have /has之后)例句:1.Our teacher has just left.2.We have studied English already.3.I have not finished the homework yet.4.He has never been to Beijing before.2.某个动作从过去已经开始,一直持续到现在,还有可能持续到将来.动作的持续性要通过一段时间来表示一段时间的表达方法有两种:for: +一段时间for a year for two weeks for three yearsSince +过去的某一时刻, since nine since last weekSince +一般过去时态的时间状语从句since you came ; since you got home.注意:结束性动词不能和表示一段时间的时间状语连用,但是它们可以转换成相应的延续性动词.1.直接用延续性动词buy– have;catch(get) a cold –have a cold;borrow—keep;become—be;put on-- wear2.转换成be+名词join the army – be a soldier;join the Party –be a Party member;go to school– be a student3转换成be+形容词或副词die—be dead;finish – be over;begin—be on;leave—be away;fall sleep – be asleep close – be closed come to/ go to/arrive at(in)+某地—be in(at) +某地4.转换成be+介词短语go to school– be in school;get up_ be up;现在完成时态常见标志词1. already(已经), just(刚刚), never(从未/从没有), ever(曾经), yet(仍然/还), before(以前(句尾时)2. since+点时刻或从句; for+段时间; how long(疑问句中用来提问since/for短语的)3. so far;till now;by now(到目前为止;迄今)4. recently近来in the past/last+段时间在过去的几年中5. once(一次),twice,three(four…) times6. It is the+最高级+n.+ (that) sb. have ever done例:What’s the best gift you have ever received? 你曾收到的最好礼物是什么?。

初中英语备课参考 How long have you been collecting shells

初中英语备课参考 How long have you been collecting shells

Unit 6 How long have you beencollecting shells?Section A1. 现在完成进行时:表示从过去开始一直持续到现在的工作,这个动作可能刚结束,也可能还要继续下去,常与for two hours, since 1998, all this morning, these few days等表示一段时间的状语连用。

现在完成进行时的构成:have / has been +(现在分词)doing,否定形式为:have / has not been doing,一般疑问句构成:Have / Has sb. been doing sth.? 特殊疑问句形式(询问持续时间长短):How long have / has sb. been doing sth.?例:I have been cleaning the room all this morning.我今天一上午都在打扫房间。

I’ve been studying English since I was 4 years old.自从4岁起我就一直学英语。

He has been living in the street for about 20 years.他一直在这条街住了近20年了。

Have you been talking with him on the phone since 6:00 p.m.?你六点起就一直在给他讲电话?How long has it been raining? 雨下多久了?What book have you been reading recently? 最近你在看什么书?I haven’t been seeing a film for a long time. 我好长时间没看电影了。




优品课件之Unit 6 How long have you been collecting shells重点短语及句型总汇

优品课件之Unit 6 How long have you been collecting shells重点短语及句型总汇

Unit 6 How long have you been collecting shells重点短语及句型总汇Unit 6 How long have you been collecting shells?重点短语及句型总汇Unit 6 How long have you been collecting shells? 1. raise money for 筹钱 2. collect stamps 集邮 3. run out of… 用尽 4. by the way 顺便说一下 5. on the way to.. 在…的路上 6. be interested in 对…感兴趣7. morethan=over 超过8. fly kites 放风筝9. start class 开始上课10. start a snow globe collector’s club 开办雪球仪收集者俱乐部11. the most common(unusual, interesting) hobby 最普通的爱好12. listen to music videos 听音乐碟片13. organize a talent show to raise money for charity 为慈善机构捐钱而举办的才艺展示14. extra English lessons 额外的英语课15. have problems with the language 语言方面有问题16. the capital of Heilongjiang Province 黑龙江的省会17. an interesting city with a colorful history 一个有着丰富多彩历史文化的有趣的城市18. three and a half years =three years and a half 三年半19. a pair of skates/shoes/glasses/trousers/jeans 一双滑冰鞋/一双鞋/一副眼镜/一条裤子/牛仔裤l How much is a pair ofskates/shoes/glasses/trousers/jeans? = How much doesa(this) pair of skates/shoes/glasses/trousers/jeans cost? l How much are the skates/shoes/glasses/trousers/jeans? = How much do the skates/shoes/glasses/trousers/jeans cost? 本单元目标句型: 1. How long have you been skating? 你滑冰有多长时间了? 2. I’ve been skating since nineo’clock./since I was four years old. 我从九点一直滑到现在/我从四岁一直滑到现在。

Unit 6 How long have you been collecting shell基础要点归纳及知识点过关检测

Unit 6 How long have you been collecting shell基础要点归纳及知识点过关检测

基础要点归纳及知识点过关检测Unit 6 How long have you been collecting shells ?一、记忆下列词汇raise 筹集筹募skate 溜冰鞋skater 溜冰者cake 蛋糕shell 贝壳壳c ollect 收集搜集collector搜集者pair一对一双several 几个的数个的stamp 邮票anyone 任何人run out of 用完用尽store 储存topic 主题话题by the way 顺便一提kite 风筝coin 钱币硬币been ( be的过去分词)window窗户particularly 特别尤其since 自从自……以来be interested in 收藏者对……感兴趣一、看着汉语,能说出下列动词短语listen to music videos 听音乐磁带fly kites 放风筝particularly love animals特别喜爱动物buy two pairs of shoes 买两双鞋send me several coins 寄给我几枚硬币get a pair of skates 买一双溜冰鞋talk to sb = talk with sb 跟某人谈话finish writing my test 完成答卷raise money for charity为慈善机构筹集钱do morning exercises 做早操would like to collect stamps想要收集邮票store several cakes储存几个蛋糕skate for the whole five hours 滑冰整整五个小时run out of time 用完时间play tennis for three and a half years打网球三年半c ollect shells 收集贝壳sleep since eight o’clock 自从八点钟以来一直睡觉sit here 坐在这儿be interested in the job as a writer 对当个作者的工作感兴趣三、持续时间状语1、for + 时间段:达/ 计多长时间for two days == since two days ago 达两天for five months ==since five months ago 达五个月for half an hour == since half an hour ago 达半个小时for three weeks == since three weeks ago 计三周时间2、since + 过去时间点since 1996 自从1996年以来since nine o’clock 自从九点钟以来since eight years ago 自从八年前以来since seven months ago 自从七个月前以来since I was seven years old 自从我七岁以来3、for + 时间段== since + 时间段+ ago四、现在完成进行时1、概念:表示“过去开始,一直延续到现在”的动作。

How long have you been collecting shells检测卷5

How long have you been collecting shells检测卷5

A. The more; the happierB. More; happierC. The much; the happyD. Many; happy2. He said he _____ doing some shopping.A. would likeB. likedC. wanted D felt3. He raised ______ dollars for the charity to help the poor children.A. five thousandsB. thousand ofC. five thousands ofD. thousands of4. I find it ____to talk with the old man.A. interestB. interestingC. interestedD. be interesting5. The Smiths have been living here__ about 15 years. A. for B.sinceC.inD.to6. Mr. Li ______swimming for 3 hours, and his son _____ an hour ago.A. has been, startedB. has been, has startedC. started, has startedD. has started, started7. ___ is really hard ___ them to climb up the mountain at night.A. This, toB. It, forC. This, forD. It, to8. Uncle Wang ______ since he came to the company.A. has been workingB. have been workingC. workedD. work9. ---when _____you teaching in our school, Mr. Smith?---I _______ here since 1998.A. did, started; have been teachingB. did, start; taughtC. did, start; have been teachingD. have, been teaching; taught二、句型转换1. Ann has been reading for half an hour.(对划线部分提问)_______ ______ ______ Ann ______ ______?2. We have been flying kites since we were ten. (对划线部分提问)______ ______ have you been flying kites?3. There are over ten glasses on the table. (同义句)There are ______ _______ ten glasses on the table.4. She has been working for 20 hours. (改为一般疑问句,并作否定回答) ____ she _____working for 20 hours? No, _____ _______.三、根据汉语意思完成句子1. 这个城市有些方面受到欧洲的影响,而且他的一些古老建筑是欧式风格。

Unit6 How long have you been collecting shells P课件

Unit6 How long have you been collecting shells P课件
Unit 6
How long have you been collecting shells?
Talk about some things you did in the last 24 hours.
Did you … yesterday/last night? When did you …? I … at (concrete time). Hong long did you …? I … for(some time).
Talk about how long we have been doing things
by using “for”.
Do you … ?Can you…? When did you start … ? I started in …/… ago.
When I was …years old.
Hong long have you been ___ing …? I’ve been ___ing for …
You can design some questions.
Questions How long have you been wearing glasses?
Persons Father Mother Aunt Uncle Brother
2a: listening
I have been doing… since five years ago. since I was …years old.
After - class survey
1.How long have you been wearing glasses? 2.How long have you been working at the sam 3.How long have you been living in the city? 4.How long have you been studying English? 5.How long have you been doing sports in the 6.How long have you been getting so fat? 7.How long have you been buying the car? 8.How long have you been having a cold?

初二英语Unit How long have you been collecting shells?试题

初二英语Unit How long have you been collecting shells?试题

初二英语Unit How long have you been collecting shells?试题1.─You look so tired, Celia!─Yes. I volleyball the whole playing C.have beenplayingD.will play【答案】C【解析】本题考查时态。


2. They have been doing morning exercises they up.A.since, got B.for, get C.since, get D.for, got【答案】A【解析】考查连词since/for在现在完成进行时中的区别。


3. My football shoes are worn out. Mom will buy a new for me tomorrow.A.pair C.ones D.piece【答案】A【解析】考查词语辨析。

pair双、one代词、 piece片,根据句意,我的足球鞋穿破了,妈妈明天要给我买双新的。

故选A.4.Jim’s class is organizing a talent show to money for charity.A.make D.raise【答案】D【解析】考查动词辨析。

make money是挣钱;save money是省钱;store money 存钱;raise money募捐,故选D。

5. The math exam was quite easy. I think could pass it.A.anyone B.someone C.nobody D.everything【答案】A【解析】考查不定代词,anyone“任何人” C表示否定意义的“没有人”,B表肯定,“某些人”,根据句意,故选A。

【初中英语】How long have you been collecting shells教案6 人教版

【初中英语】How long have you been collecting shells教案6 人教版

Unit6 How long have you been collecting shells?The First教学目标知识技能1. Words:collect, marathon, skate, shell, since, etc.2. Learn the sentence pattern:How long have you been skating?3. Use what they have learned to talk about someone s interest, hobbies and continuous time to complete the task.4. Learn the usage of the present perfect tense.Get Students to master the key words and the important sentence patterns by groupwork, pairwork and listening.情感.态度价值观By talking about the interests of the students, develop their interest in life. Through talks about a celebrity's interest, encourage students to study hard, inspire students to build up the lofty ideals, and fight for their ambition重点难点1. Learn the sentence pattern:How long have you been skating?2. Learn the usage of the present perfect continuous tense.1. Use knowledge learned before correctly to ask or describe someone's interest, hobbies, etc.2. Fluently use the present perfect progressive tense.教学准备An English textbook, tape recorder and some cards.教学过程Step I Warm-upT: Good morning, boys and girls.Ss: Good morning, Miss/Mr...T: Today we are going to learn the topic: How long have you been doing sth ?T: Now look at the blackboard. (Draw a long horizontal line across the board) This is called a timeline. It shows the years from past to the present. Let's put some information about ourselves on the timeline.T: When did you start studying English?Si: 2006.T: Si started studying English in 2006. (Write the words "Si started studying English" above the date 2006 0n the time line. ) So how long have you been studying English? (Point to the date 2006 0n the time line and help the student. )S1 : Since 2006.T:(Look at the class. )Correct. Si started studying English in 2006. (Point to the starting date and run the finger along the years up to the present year. )He has been studying English for 6 years. Repeat after me, please. Si started studying English in 2006. He has been studying English for 6 years.Ss: Si started studying English in 2006. He has been studying English for 6 years.Repeat the activity using different dates for several other students. Use a different situation, such as "When did you start to ride a bicycle?" or "When did you start to babysit?" if these questions are more appropriate. Each time ask the class to repeat a sentence, point to the starting date and run the finger a-long the years up to the present year.Step I Presentation. Groupwork (la)T: Now let's talk about these three questions:How long did you sleep last night?When did you start class today?How long have you been in class today?Write the words at and for on the blackboard.T: You will use the words at and for in sorru answers. For example: I started class at 70'clock. 'slept for ten hours. Discuss in groups. Then I'll ask some students to answer them.While students work in groups, move around the room checking their progress and offering help as needed After some time, the teacher stops the students.T: Now I'll ask some groups to show their answers.Choose one student in a group. Ask him or her to answer these questions.Help the students give responses using the words at and for correctly.2. Listening. (lb)T: Now look at the picture on page 44. What can you see in the picture? Sl: I can see a skating marathoruS2 : I can see a reporter.S3 : I can see some players. They are skating.T: Good. What is the reporter doing?S4 : She is doing an interview with the players.T: What questions did the reporter ask?Ss : She asked: How long have you been skating?T: Yes, she asked: How long have you been skating? How long did you skate? Look at the chart below in 1b. What are Alison and Sam's answers?Ask two students to read them aloud.T: Good job. Now let's listen to the recording and fill in the chart to complete Victor and Celia's answers. Are you ready?Ss: Yes.The teacher plays the tape.After listening, ask two students to read the answers.Answers :Alison: I've been skating for five hours.Sam: I skated for four hours.Victor: I've been skating for five hours.Celia: I skated for two hours.T: OK,class. What word comes before the number of hours?Ss: For.T: That's right. We use the word for when we talk about a number of hours. We say "for five hours" or "for ten days".3. Pairwork. (lc)T: Now look at the picture, talk about the people in it. You can use theinformation in the chart in lb. Work with your partner. Begin with reading the conversation inthe box with your partner. Are you clear? OK. Let's begin, please. .As students work, move around the room, checking their progress. Offer language support ifnecessary.At the end ask several pairs of students to say their conversations to the class. Give thempresents if they do their work better.stepⅢPractice1. Listening and checking. (2a)T: Now listen to another conversation The re-porter is doing an interview with the skating mara-The teacher plays the tape. After playing, askone student to answer.Si : Alison is the winner.T: Good. And what questions are the reporter asking? Look at the chart in 2a. First, I'll ask some students toread them aloud. Who wants to try first?Sl : Me.T: Great.Si reads the first questionThen the teacher asks other students to read therest questions.T: What questions will the reporter ask? Listenand check the questions you hear. The first one is giv-en to youas an example. Do you understand? OK.Let's listen to the recording now.Play the recording the first time. Students onlylisten. Play it a second time. This time students put acheck infront of the questions they hear.Answers :1 3 4 62. Listening and matching. (2b)T: OK,let's read the questions the reporter willask together.Students read them together.T: What are Alison's answers to these ques-tions? Read through the answers in the chart in 2aquickly. Listen tothe conversation again and matchthe questions with the answers.Play the recording and let students draw linesconnecting each question with the correct answer.Play the recording again and have students checktheir answers.Answers:1. c 3. a 4. b 6. d3.Pairwork (2c)T: Now let's role-play the conversation betweenthe reporter and AlisonUse the information in 2a.Work with your partner. After a while I will ask somepairs to show their interviews.Let students work in pairs. When they work,move around the room checking the progress of thepairs andoffering help as neededIn the end ask a pair of students to say their con-versation to the class.. Step N Consolidation1. Review the grammar box first. Divide the classinto two groups. One group readsthe statements andthe other reads the responses.Group l: How long have you been skating?Group 2: I've been skating since nine o'clock.I've been skating for five hours.Group l: How long did you skate?Group 2: I skated for two hours.2. Then write some "how long have youbeen .. "--questions on the board using topics that areinteresting tostudents. For example, " How long hasAlice been playing tennis?"or "How long has Alicebeen taking piano lessons?" Then write the wordssince and for on the board. Ask different students toanswer the questions usingthese words. Two answersmight be: He has been playing tennis since 2008. Hehas been playing tennis forthree years. Circle thewords since and for in the sentences.3. Ask: When do you use since and when do youuse for? Help students understand that in these sen-tences since comes before a date,and for comes be-fore a certain number of years.4. Then do another example in which the answerwill be a time of day. For example: How long .haveyou been sitting in this classroom? Again circle thewords since and for.5. Point to the second and third sentences in theGrammar Focus chart. Ask,What is the difference be-tween "How long did you skate?" and "How longhave you been skating?" Help students understandthat the did question means that the person hasstopped doing the actionStep V SummaryToday we have learned another new languagegoal-the present perfect continuous tense, so wemust keep in mind the expression-how long haveyou been doing things,and in this class we simplypractice it by speaking(la,lc, 2c) and listening(lb,2a,2b). Meanwhile, we have learned some usefulwords such as the difference between since and for.StepⅥHomework1. Review the present perfect progressive tense.2. Review some new words and phrases.板书设计。

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Unit 6
Exercise 1

1.收集贝壳 2.滑冰马拉松
1. you ‹skate›every day?
2.How long you ‹sleep›last night?
3.—Was this your first ‹skate›marathon?
—No,I ‹skate›in it last year.
4.—How long you ‹skate›?
—I ‹skate›since I ‹be›seven years old.
5.—How long you ‹learn›English? —I ‹learn›it for 5 years.
6.—How long you ‹collect›shells? —For 2 years.
Unit 6
Exercises 2




1.I am talking you the Hilltop School Skating Marathon. Here,students are skating to money charity. every hour they skate,each student raises ten yuan for charity.The marathon has been going five hours now, several skaters are still skating.
2.I have been skating nine o′clock.
3.I have been skating five hours.
4.She has been collecting shells she was ten years old.
5.I have been in class 5 hours ago.
Unit 6
Exercises 3

1.集邮 2.实际上
3.用完,用尽 4.顺便,附带说说
5.带有动物的球体 6.别的任何人

1.—What is your hobby?
—How long have you been doing that?
—Where do you them?
2.What hobbies do you know?Please write them down as many as possible.
3.Please try to write 2 or 3 sentences about your own hobby.
Unit 6
Exercises 4
Ⅰ.英汉互译. interested in
2.raise money for charity
3.finish doing sth
anize a talent show
collect raise run out of let know fly notice
1.I have a good friend. He always likes to stamps.
2.How much have you for charity?
3.I like kites.
4.The poor old man all his food in this winter.
5.Did you the boy playing on the street?

1.How long have you been s ?Three and a half years.
2.He has been collecting kites since he was ten y old.
3.When did you get your first p of skates?
4.I want to tell you about my h .
5.You usually eat it y .
Unit 6
Exercises 5
Ⅰ.英翻汉 Russian style 2.a thousand years interested in
4.the Olympic Games
5.extra English lessons
6.a foreigner like me
1.How many famous characters from Chinese history can you think of?Make a list.
2.Where is the write from?What does he do?
4.What does he think of the city of Harbin?
5.What is his opinion about learning history?
6.Will he be in China in 2008?How do you know?。
