slide的用法总结大全slide的用法你知道多少? 今日我给大家带来了slide的用法总结大全,希望能够关怀到大家,下面我就和大家共享,来欣赏一下吧。
slide的用法总结大全slide的意思vi. 滑落,下跌,打滑,[棒球]滑垒vt. 衰落(成),慢慢降低,使悄悄转动,(使)快捷而悄声地移动n. 幻灯片,降低变形:过去式: slid; 如今分词:sliding; 过去分词:slidslidden;slide用法slide可以用作动词slide的基本意思是物体在外表上顺畅的滑动。
可指与光滑的外表保持接触并且快速而简洁地连续滑动,也可指因为自身快速、轻快地运动使得景物飞速地掠过; 也可作“悄悄塞入,敏捷地放进”解,指不被别人留意而藏起某物或指配套两物相互无阻碍; 还可作“悄悄地走,悄悄溜过,悄悄消失”解。
用作及物动词时,可接名词作宾语; 用作不及物动词时,常与away, by, past等连用。
slide into可作“溜进”解,指轻声或不为人留意的行动。
slide用作动词的用法例句If you pull this lever, the roof will slide back.拉一下这根杆,顶就往后滑动。
The book slid off my knee.书从我膝上滑落。
House values may begin to slide.房价可能开始慢慢下降了。
slide用作动词的用法例句We are to slide the box by exerting a force on it.我们对箱子施加作用力,使它滑动。
After you type your comment you can move it around on the slide.键入批注后,您可以在幻灯片中移动批注。
To resume playing a slide show, click Play Slide Show.若要继续放映幻灯片,请单击“放映幻灯片”。
荧光笔:可以在屏幕的任意位置进行书写、标注,显示为荧光 效果。
调色板:标注模式下选择标注、书写工具的颜色。 笔划设置:标注模式下设置画笔工具的粗细;选择画笔样式:普通,毛笔。
改变聚光灯背景颜色, 重设聚光灯背景颜色。
使用聚光灯时光标为 变镂空部分的大小。
问:为什么提示没有找到设备? 答:如果FreeClass程序启动时提示“没有找到设备” ,可能的问题是: (1) 某些杀毒软件或程序可能会禁用USB或者串口 请确认没有开启这方面的一些程序或进行了相关的设置,如果有请将其关闭后尝试重新启动程序。 (2) 计算机USB故障 请检查计算机USB设置是否正确,或者USB是否正常,如有异常需请专业人员维修。 (3) 没有安装USB驱动程序 正确安装USB驱动程序后可以看到在“控制面板-系统-设备管理器-端口”中出现一个新的可用端 口,否则说明没有安装或安装错误。也可查看“控制面板-系统-设备管理器-通用串行总线控制 器”,如果出现未知的USB设备说明没有安装驱动程序或者安装不正确,请卸载后重新安装。 (4) 操作系统将信号接收器识别为其它设备并启动有关程序,使串口被占用在设备管理器中看是否 有不明的串口设备出现,例如在“控制面板-系统-设备管理器-鼠标和其它指针设备”中如果发现 有某个串口设备出现,请将其禁用后重新启动软件即可。 (5) 使用笔记本电脑供电不足时,可能会导致端口停用从而导致无法发现设备或设备不能正常使用, 建议连接电源使用。某些笔记本计算机USB口不能提供标准的工作电流,或与USB适配器不能良好兼容, 有关此类特殊情况请参考我公司网站提供的解决方案或致电垂询。 注:查看设备有没有连接好最常用的方法是:单击系统托盘菜单上的“关于”按钮,在出现的窗口中 可以看到硬件序列号,如果没有显示,表示设备没有连接好。 问:为什么点过坐标采样后没有绿点出现? 答:有几种情况: (1) 计算机屏幕在不断刷新,可以将刷新屏幕的程序关闭,如Flash动画等; (2) 在没有发现设备的情况下,不会有绿点出现,请检查设备连接后重新运行程序。 问:为什么绿点会自动变黑? 答:这是因为有变化的光干扰,排除干扰光源。
Revised Chargeback Standards for PayPass
因应 paypass 交易修订的拒付规范
• 全球统一标准的Paypass交易: 针对美金25元以下(小于或等于)的Paypass 交 易, 不须要签字且签单是否打印为选项 (由收单行决定).
• 收单行可回应二次请款理由码2713 – Invalid Chargeback 无效拒付. • 对于M/Chip Paypass 交易, 针对拒付理由码4807, 4812, 4837, 4857及4862, 已于亚太
地区芯片风险责任转移规范中涵盖, 依据芯片密文认证应用于脱机与 联机交易. • 此项增补规定适用于全球所有商户类型美金25元以下的Paypass交易
处理 paypass 交易 – Refunds 退货
• Paypass 交易退货流程与传统磁条拉卡相同. 因此, 若商 户同意持卡人退货, 则必须撤销原授权交易, 持卡人 须出示原交易的Paypass卡(或device)在原终端轻拍或拉卡 进行退货处理.
• 收单行与商户则须确保在消费者退Βιβλιοθήκη 服务区能适当 配置Paypass终端.
• 当Paypass交易清楚完整的体现于授权与清分报文时, 可对收单行提供针 对拒付理由码4801, 4802及4837的拒付保护. {但对于Magstripe Paypass, 交易必须 取得联机授权才能提供拒付理由码4837 – No Cardholder Authorization (counterfeit fraud only) 的拒付保护, 收单行可回应二次请款理由码2008 – Issuer Authorized Transaction}
一年级家长会优秀课件PPT(含讲稿)Slide 1: 欢迎页面1.幼儿园名称和Logo2.欢迎词:感谢家长们出席一年级家长会讲稿尊敬的家长们,大家好!欢迎参加我们精心筹备的一年级家长会。
请坐下,让我们开始这次精彩的一年级家长会吧!Slide 2: 介绍一年级教学目标1.学习目标:培养孩子们的基本学习能力和品德素养2.课程设置:介绍各学科和专注的领域3.教学方法:讲解教学方法,如探究式学习、合作学习等讲稿亲爱的家长们,我们将在这个幻灯片中向您介绍一年级的教学目标。
jquery的slide方法(一)jQuery的Slide方法1. 概述Slide方法是jQuery库中的一个常用功能,用于为元素添加动画效果,使其呈现滑动的效果。
2. Slide UpSlide Up方法用于隐藏元素,并采用滑动的效果。
具体用法如下:•语法$(selector).slideUp(speed, callback);•参数•speed:可选参数,规定滑动的速度。
•示例代码$("#element").slideUp(1000, function() {("Slide Up完成");});3. Slide DownSlide Down方法与Slide Up方法相反,用于显示元素,并采用滑动的效果。
具体用法如下:•语法$(selector).slideDown(speed, callback);•参数•speed:可选参数,规定滑动的速度。
•示例代码$("#element").slideDown(1000, function() {("Slide Down完成");});4. Slide ToggleSlide Toggle方法用于切换元素的显示状态,如果元素隐藏,则显示;如果元素显示,则隐藏。
具体用法如下:•语法$(selector).slideToggle(speed, callback);•参数•speed:可选参数,规定滑动的速度。
两个步骤:在创业板除 牌,然后在主板新上市
一个步骤:新的主板 上市方法 — 「由创业 板转板上市」
创业板转板申请人的 主板的标准首次上市费 首次上市费获减50%
不需要 招股章程以公告取代
• 决定进行 • 上市申请
香港证券市场及上市规 则简介-Slide1
•融 资
•境外 •战略投资者 •财务投资者 •债券
切合公司发展战略 交易活跃,再融资容易 监管是否规范,同时具备弹性 贴近投资者及客户 筹备上市及上市后的营运成本 语言文化/时差
•香港 •上市
•国际化市场 –
有利于实施国际化战略;便于国际 买家了解公司;提高品牌知名度
•再融资便利 – 发行人一般可于上市后六个月后引
•主板及 •创业板
– 为不同规模的企业提供融资平台
•文化相同 •地理接近
•提升企业 – 法制严明、监管规范,市场透明度 •管治水平 高,有助企业提升管治水平
• •
上市科审核 上市申请
上市推广科 地址: 香港中环港景街1号国际金融中心一期10楼 电话: (852) 2840 3780 传真: (852) 2530 2858 电邮: imd@ 香港交易所网址:
第1篇---Slide 1: Title Slide- Title: Work Summary: [Your Name] - [Department/Position] - [Reporting Period]- Subtitle: Achievements, Challenges, and Future Plans- Date: [Presentation Date]- Image: Company Logo or Relevant Visual---Slide 2: Introduction- Slide Title: Introduction- Content:- Briefly introduce yourself and your role within the organization.- Mention the reporting period for the summary.- Highlight the purpose of the presentation: to share accomplishments, discuss challenges, and outline future goals.---Slide 3: Key Achievements- Slide Title: Key Achievements- Content:- List your top achievements during the reporting period.- Use bullet points for clarity.- Include quantifiable results where possible.- Example:- "Increased sales by 20% through targeted marketing campaigns."- "Completed [number] projects ahead of schedule and within budget."- "Successfully launched [product/service], generating [number] new customers."---Slide 4: Project Highlights- Slide Title: Project Highlights- Content:- Detail the most significant projects you were involved in.- Discuss the scope, challenges, and outcomes of each project.- Example:- "Managed the development of a new e-commerce platform, resulting in a 40% increase in online sales."- "Led a cross-functional team to implement a new CRM system, streamlining customer service processes."---Slide 5: Challenges and Solutions- Slide Title: Challenges and Solutions- Content:- Identify the challenges you faced during the reporting period.- Explain how you overcame these challenges.- Example:- "Dealt with a sudden staff shortage by reallocating resources and training existing team members."- "Addressed customer feedback regarding product quality by implementing a comprehensive quality control program."---Slide 6: Team Collaboration and Support- Slide Title: Team Collaboration and Support- Content:- Acknowledge the contributions of your team members and colleagues.- Discuss any support you received from others.- Example:- "Collaborated with the marketing team to develop a comprehensive campaign strategy."- "Received valuable insights from the IT department to optimize our software systems."---Slide 7: Personal Development and Learning- Slide Title: Personal Development and Learning- Content:- Reflect on the skills and knowledge you have acquired or improved upon.- Mention any training or professional development activities you have engaged in.- Example:- "Completed a leadership training program, enhancing my project management skills."- "Attended workshops on [relevant topic], which have improved my understanding of [specific area]."---Slide 8: Future Plans and Goals- Slide Title: Future Plans and Goals- Content:- Outline your goals for the upcoming period.- Discuss any initiatives or projects you plan to undertake.- Example:- "Intend to further increase sales by 25% through expanded market reach."- "Plan to launch a new training program to develop the skills of our team members."---Slide 9: Conclusion- Slide Title: Conclusion- Content:- Summarize the key points of your presentation.- Express gratitude for the opportunity to share your work summary.- Open the floor for questions or feedback.---Slide 10: Thank You Slide- Slide Title: Thank You- Content:- Thank your audience for their time and attention.- Provide your contact information for any follow-up questions or discussions.---Additional Notes:- Ensure that your presentation is visually appealing with consistent formatting and a clean layout.- Use clear and concise language to convey your message effectively.- Practice your presentation to ensure a smooth delivery.- Be prepared to answer questions about your work summary and any other relevant topics.第2篇---Slide 1: Title SlideTitle: Work Summary for [Month/Quarter/Year]Subtitle: [Your Name] | [Your Position] | [Your Company]Date: [Presentation Date]---Slide 2: IntroductionSlide Title: IntroductionGood morning/afternoon everyone. My name is [Your Name], and I am [Your Position] at [Your Company]. Today, I will be presenting a summary of my work for [Month/Quarter/Year]. This summary will cover key achievements, challenges faced, and future plans.---Slide 3: Key AchievementsSlide Title: Key AchievementsDuring [Month/Quarter/Year], I have achieved the following:1. Project X Completion: Successfully led the team in completing Project X ahead of the scheduled deadline, resulting in a 15% increase in efficiency.2. Client Satisfaction: Achieved a 90% client satisfaction rate through effective communication and delivery of high-quality services.3. Training and Development: Conducted two successful training sessions for new employees, enhancing their understanding of our products and services.4. Performance Improvement: Implemented a new performance management system, which resulted in a 20% increase in employee productivity.---Slide 4: Challenges FacedSlide Title: Challenges FacedDespite the successes, I encountered several challenges:1. Resource Allocation: Limited resources made it difficult to allocate sufficient time and attention to all projects.2. Market Volatility: External market changes required us to quickly adapt our strategies, which posed a significant challenge.3. Team Coordination: Ensuring seamless coordination among team members was a challenge due to varying workloads and skill levels.---Slide 5: Lessons LearnedSlide Title: Lessons LearnedFrom these experiences, I have learned the following:1. Adaptability: The ability to adapt to changing circumstances is crucial for maintaining project timelines and meeting client expectations.2. Effective Communication: Clear and open communication within the team and with clients is essential for resolving issues and maintaining productivity.3. Resource Management: Efficient resource allocation and prioritization can significantly impact project outcomes.---Slide 6: Future PlansSlide Title: Future PlansLooking ahead, I have the following plans:1. Project Y: I will be leading Project Y, focusing on optimizing our customer service processes.2. Training Program: I aim to develop a comprehensive training program to further enhance employee skills and knowledge.3. Performance Monitoring: I will implement a more robust performance monitoring system to ensure continuous improvement.---Slide 7: ConclusionSlide Title: ConclusionIn conclusion, [Month/Quarter/Year] has been a rewarding period filled with achievements and challenges. I am grateful for the opportunities I have been given and the support of my team and colleagues. I am excited about the future and look forward to contributing further to the success of [Your Company].Thank you for your time and attention.---Slide 8: Q&ASlide Title: Q&AFeel free to ask any questions you may have regarding the presentation.---Slide 9: Contact InformationSlide Title: Contact InformationIf you have any further questions or need additional information, please do not hesitate to contact me at [Your Email] or [Your Phone Number].Thank you.第3篇---Slide 1: Title Slide- Title: Work Summary- Subtitle: [Your Name] | [Your Position] | [Department/Company Name] | [Date]- Background Image: Professional and relevant image- Design Elements: Company logo, theme colors---Slide 2: Introduction- Title: Introduction- Content:- Briefly introduce yourself and your role.- Mention the period covered by this summary (e.g., Q1 2023, January to March).- Highlight the key objectives or goals for the period.Example:"Good morning everyone. My name is [Your Name], and I am the [Your Position] at [Department/Company Name]. This presentation will cover my work summary for the first quarter of 2023, focusing on the objectives of increasing departmental efficiency and enhancing customer satisfaction."---Slide 3: Key Achievements- Title: Key Achievements- Content:- List the main achievements during the period.- Use bullet points for clarity.- Include quantifiable results if applicable.Example:- Successfully completed the [Project/Task Name] ahead of the deadline, resulting in a 20% increase in [metric].- Trained [number] new team members, improving overall departmental knowledge base.- Reduced customer complaints by 15% through enhanced customer service training.---Slide 4: Challenges Faced- Title: Challenges Faced- Content:- Discuss the challenges encountered during the period.- Explain how you addressed these challenges.- Highlight any lessons learned.Example:- Encountered technical difficulties with the [System/Software Name], which delayed project [X]. Addressed by seeking technical support and implementing alternative solutions.- Experienced resource constraints in [Area]. Mitigated by reallocating team members and prioritizing tasks.---Slide 5: Learning and Development- Title: Learning and Development- Content:- Share any new skills or knowledge gained during the period.- Discuss any training or professional development activities.Example:- Completed an online course in [Skill/Topic Name], enhancing my expertise in [Area].- Participated in a workshop on [Topic], which provided valuable insights into [Subject].---Slide 6: Future Plans- Title: Future Plans- Content:- Outline the goals or objectives for the upcoming period.- Discuss any projects or initiatives you are looking forward to.Example:- Aim to increase departmental productivity by 25% through process optimization.- Plan to lead a team on the [Project/Task Name], which is set to launch in [Month].---Slide 7: Feedback and Recommendations- Title: Feedback and Recommendations- Content:- Seek feedback from colleagues or superiors.- Offer recommendations for improvement or additional resources.Example:- Would appreciate feedback on my performance and suggestions forfurther development.- Recommend investing in [Resource/Training] to enhance team capabilities.---Slide 8: Conclusion- Title: Conclusion- Content:- Summarize the key points of the presentation.- Express gratitude for the opportunity to present.Example:"In conclusion, I have had a productive and challenging quarter. I am grateful for the support and opportunities provided by[Department/Company Name]. I look forward to continuing to contribute to our team's success and achieving our future goals."---Slide 9: Thank You- Title: Thank You- Content:- Thank the audience for their time and attention.- Invite questions or comments.Example:"Thank you for your time and attention. I am open to any questions or comments you may have."---Additional Notes:- Ensure that each slide is visually appealing and easy to read.- Use charts, graphs, or images to support your points where applicable.- Practice your presentation to ensure a smooth delivery.---This template can be customized according to your specific needs and the format preferred by your organization.。
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© 2010 信德科技
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信所以进德也。 ----《易经》
© 2010 信德科技 信德产品简介Slide1[1]
大学第一节英语课老师自我介绍课件全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1First Day of English Class Self-Intro SlidesSlide 1: About Our ProfName: Dr. Jennifer HawkinsFrom: Born in Manchester, England but raised in Toronto Education:BA in English Lit from Oxford UniversityMA in TESOL from University of EdinburghPhD in Applied Linguistics from UCLAWork Experience:Taught English at a university in Tokyo for 5 yearsThen moved to Sydney and taught there for 3 yearsThis is her first year teaching at our university!Slide 2: Her Teaching StyleDr. Hawkins seems really chill and down-to-earthShe started the class saying "Just call me Jen!"Says her classes focus on:Building practical English skillsThrough interactive activities & discussionsNot just lectures and busyworkWants us to "gain confidence using English in the real world" Cracked a few jokes to lighten the mood tooSlide 3: Class ExpectationsParticipation is 25% of our grade!We have to speak up in every classShe says "Don't be shy, I won't judge"Reading assignments every weekClassic novels, essays, short storiesHave to write reading response journalsAlso speeches, debates, presentationsTo practice public speaking skillsTopics we can choose ourselvesSlide 4: Her InterestsJen is really into:Traveling (has been to over 30 countries!)Classic British literatureHiking, yoga, being outdoorsIndie/alternative musicTold some funny travel storiesLike the time she got food poisoning in MexicoOr when she got scammed by a taxi driver in Turkey Says traveling "opened her eyes to new perspectives" Slide 5: Why She Teaches-Jen says she loves "being part of students' journeys" - Helping them discover ideas- Grow their skills and confidenceWants to make English "accessible and empowering" Not just rules and grammarLetting us find our own unique voicesSeems really passionate about her jobTalked about English being a "bridge between cultures"Letting people connect across languagesSlide 6: Overall ImpressionI think Jen is going to be a really great profPersonable, relatable, gets good vibes from classCourse seems well-designed to build speaking skillsNot just busy work, but engaging activitiesA little worried about participation being so much of gradeBut she said not to stress, just be yourselfExcited to learn from someone so well-traveledWith real international experienceCan share unique cultural insightsLooking forward to an awesome semester in Jen's English class! Just have to make sure to speak up and not be the quiet student...篇2UNIVERSITY ENGLISH I - FIRST DAYToday was our first English I class of the semester. The classroom was packed and there was an air of anticipation mixed with nervousness as we all waited for our new English teacher to arrive.Right at 9am, an energetic-looking woman with short brown hair and glasses walked briskly into the room. She had a warm smile on her face as she looked around at all of us."Good morning everyone! Welcome to English I," she said in a clear, friendly voice with just a hint of an accent. "My name is Dr. Emily Fletcher and I'm thrilled to be your English instructor this semester."Dr. Fletcher launched into her self-introduction by telling us a bit about her background. She was born and raised in Toronto, Canada but had spent over a decade living abroad in different parts of the world."After finishing my undergrad at the University of Toronto, I decided to satisfy my wanderlust and see more of the world. I spent two years teaching English in rural Japan through the JET Program, which was an absolutely life-changing experience."She went on to describe how she fell in love with the Japanese culture, language, and people during her time there. When her JET contract ended, she knew she wanted to continue her work in English education, so she pursued a master's degree in TESOL, or Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages."During my master's program, I had the amazing opportunity to teach English in Santiago, Chile for a year. Let me tell you, nothing will test your Spanish language skills quite like living in a Spanish-speaking country!" she laughed.After finishing her master's, Dr. Fletcher spent a few years teaching English as a Second Language courses at colleges in the United States. However, her thirst for travel and new cultural experiences wasn't fully quenched yet."I knew I wanted to see more of the world, so I decided to pursue a PhD in Applied Linguistics, which allowed me to live and study in London for several more years. Some of the best experiences of my life happened during those years in England."She spoke briefly about her PhD research, which focused on second language acquisition in multilingual learning environments. After defending her dissertation, she spent a couple of years as a visiting lecturer at universities in Australia and New Zealand before finally returning to her roots."And that brings us to today - my very first day teaching at this wonderful university back in my Canadian homeland. I'm overjoyed to be sharing my passion for the English language and cross-cultural communication with all of you bright, eager students."Dr. Fletcher went on to provide an overview of what we could expect to learn over the course of the English I curriculum. There would be a heavy emphasis on academic writing, research skills, public speaking, and critical analysis of texts from diverse cultural perspectives. While it would be a challenging course, she promised it would be an enriching experience that would prepare us well for our future studies and careers.I already knew I was going to enjoy her class based on her dynamism, real-world experiences, and clear expertise in her field. But Dr. Fletcher saved the best for last in her introduction."Before I move on to going over the course syllabus, I have one fun surprise to share with you all," she said with a mischievous grin. She then burst into flawless Japanese:"Watashi wa nihonjin ni naremashita! How's that for a party trick, everyone? I spent so many wonderful years living in Japan that I can switch between English and Japanese pretty easily now. If anybody needs any Japanese language help, I'm your gal!"The class broke out into stunned applause and laughter. I had a feeling this semester's English I course was going to be anything but boring. With her energy, global experiences, and unique language talents, Dr. Fletcher was clearly a one-of-a-kind instructor. I already couldn't wait for our next lesson.篇3Title Slide: First English Class - Teacher IntroductionThe teacher walks in carrying a stack of papers and a laptop. She sets them down on the desk at the front of the room and launches a PowerPoint presentation.Slide 2: About Our TeacherName: Dr. Emily WoodsonFrom: Seattle, Washington, USAEducation: PhD in English Literature from Stanford UniversityDr. Woodson stands at the front of the room, smiling at all of us. Even though she seems fairly young, probably in her early 30s, her outfit of a blazer and slacks makes her look very professional.She begins speaking in a clear, friendly voice: "Good morning everyone, and welcome to English 101. As you can seeon the slide, my name is Dr. Emily Woodson, but you can just call me Dr. Woodson or Emily."Slide 3: Teaching Experience5 years at University of MichiganTaught courses like:Introduction to LiteratureAmerican PoetryAdvanced Writing Seminar"Before coming here, I spent 5 years teaching at the University of Michigan. Some of the courses I taught there included an intro literature class, a course on American poetry, and an advanced writing seminar for upper-level students."Slide 4: Research Interests20th century American fictionFeminist literature and theoryNature writing"In terms of my own research, I'm really interested in 20th century American fiction, particularly novels by female authors. I also love reading feminist theory and literary criticism. And I havea bit of a side passion for nature writing and environmental literature."I glance around the lecture hall and notice a few people taking notes, but most students just seem to be listening politely.A couple people look bored already.Slide 5: Teaching PhilosophyCreate an engaged, discussion-based classroomEmphasize literary analysis and writing skillsMake literature relevant to students' lives"My teaching philosophy is to create an engaged classroom environment with a lot of discussion and interaction. I really want to emphasize critical thinking, literary analysis, and developing strong writing abilities.""But I also think it's important to make the literature we study feel relevant and applicable to your lives as students here in 2024. We'll be reading a lot of great works, but I'll push you to analyze how they connect to current issues and your own experiences."Slide 6: Course OverviewRead various genres: fiction, poetry, dramaWrite analytical papersParticipate in discussions & activitiesPresentations & group work"Over the course of the semester in English 101, we'll be reading works from a variety of different genres - fiction, poetry, drama, and others. You'll write several analytical papers about the literature. And a big part of your grade will come from participation in class discussions and activities.""There will also be opportunities to give presentations and do group projects. My goal is to have an interactive classroom, not just lectures."Slide 7: Tips for SuccessAttend every classComplete all readings before classParticipate activelyApproach me with any questions!"To do well in this course, I really encourage you to attend every single class session. It's going to be hard to participate and follow along if you miss classes frequently.""You should also make sure to complete all of the readings before each class so you're prepared for discussions. Participation and engagement is key - don't just sit silently!""And finally, please approach me with any questions you have about assignments, grades, or anything else. My door is always open during office hours, and you can also email me."Slide 8: Questions?Dr. Woodson looks around the room."OK, those are the main points about me and about what you can expect from English 101. Does anyone have any other questions for me?"A few hands go up tentatively, and Dr. Woodson calls on students one by one to answer their questions. She seems friendly and approachable as she responds.Slide 9: Thanks!"Alright, well thanks for your attention everyone. I'm really looking forward to working with all of you this semester. See you next class!"She smiles and dismisses the class. As we all get up and start leaving, a few students linger behind to continue chatting with Dr. Woodson.。
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《中华人民共和国个人所得税法》第一、二、三、八条规定 《中华人民共和国税收征收管理法》第三十二条规定、第六
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五、该医院对外支付的租赁费所取得的票据,非税 务机关监制的专用发票。
六、该医院投资人王某某2004年从福利费支付与企 业生产经营无关的消费支出有:3月份5880元,8 月份9942.20元,合计15822.20元,应调增应
可指与光滑的表面保持接触并且迅速而容易地连续滑动,也可指因为自身迅速、轻快地运动使得景物飞快地掠过; 也可作“悄悄塞入,灵巧地放进”解,指不被别人注意而藏起某物或指配套两物相互无阻碍; 还可作“悄悄地走,悄悄溜过,悄悄消失”解。
用作及物动词时,可接名词作宾语; 用作不及物动词时,常与away, by, past等连用。
slide的用法3:slide into可作“溜进”解,指轻声或不为人注意的行动。
slide的用法5:slide还可用作名词,意思是“滑行,滑落; 滑面”。
【篇二】slide的常用短语用作动词 (v.)slide into (v.+prep.)slide out of (v.+adv.+prep.)slide round (v.+prep.)let slide (v.+v.)slide的网络释义slide幻灯片; 滑动,滑落; 滑动; 滑轨;slide culture玻片培养物; 悬滴培养; 玻片培养(物); 玻片培养法,载玻片培养;slide stainer组织切片染色机; 释义:组织切片染色机;slide bushing滑套;object slide载玻片; 物镜滑筒; 物镜筒; 释义:载物玻片;【篇三】slide的用法例句1. Eric lost his footing and began to slide into the pit.埃里克一脚踩空,开始往坑里滑。
2. James Watson, Philip Mayo and I gave a slide and video presentation.詹姆斯·沃森、菲利普·梅奥和我利用幻灯片和视频进行了介绍。
Slide 1共46页
2Q/09 3Q/09 4Q/09 1Q/10 2Q/10 3Q/10
房貸逾放比% 1.46% 1.27% 1.08%
兆豐商銀新增逾放比% **
1.31% 0.93% 0.84%
海外分行 14%
OBU 15%
國內分行 71%
OBU放款餘額成長4.9% QoQ、15.0% YoY,
國內分行放款餘額成長4.9% QoQ、2.4% YoY,單季增幅為近期之冠。
3Q/09 4Q/09 1Q/10 2Q/10 3Q/10
之表現。 近期尚無增資計畫,因整體資本水準(含子銀行第一類資本適足率:9.5% )均遠高於主
* 1-3Q/2019 內部自結數據,除非另行註明。
單位: NT$bn
Total:1,280 1,280 1,228 1,262
兆豐商銀 1-3Q/10 放款分佈 – 依客戶別
其他消金放款 5%
房貸 15%
政府相關企業 3%
其他企業 2%
中小企業 28%
大企業 47%
44 64 209
53 3Q/09
slide,slip,glide,skid的区别slide , slip , glide , skid 这组同义词的⼀般含义为“滑动”或“滑”。
⽤于⽐喻时,表⽰不⾃主地陷⼊某种习惯等For one agonizing moment, the dish was perched precariously on the bank of the canal, but it suddenly overbalanced and slid back into the water.在令⼈坐卧不安的⼀瞬间,馅饼盘悬悬乎乎地停在运河岸边,然⽽它突然失去了平衡,滑回⽔中。
Then the sound of rumbling thunder reached the watchers on the shore, as cargo, ballast, ammunition and 400 people went sliding and crashing down to the port side of the steeply listing ship.后来当船上的货物、压舱物、弹药以及400个⼈轰的⼀声滑到急剧倾斜的船体左舷⼀侧的时候,岸上观看的⼈们听到了雷鸣般的轰隆声。
But it is more important not to think lies, or to slide into those mechanical and untruthful habits of thought which are so pleasant and so easy as descents to mental ineptitude.但是更重要的是不去想谎⾔,也不陷⼊⽆意识的、不诚实的思维习惯,这种思维习惯如此他令⼈惬意和⾃在,就象沦为智⼒低能⼀样。
slip 所表⽰的“滑”与slide相⽐,接触⾯更滑,但不象slide那样持续地滑动,⽽是突然的或短暂的滑动,如滑倒。
可指与光滑的表面保持接触并且迅速而容易地连续滑动,也可指因为自身迅速、轻快地运动使得景物飞快地掠过; 也可作“悄悄塞入,灵巧地放进”解,指不被别人注意而藏起某物或指配套两物相互无阻碍; 还可作“悄悄地走,悄悄溜过,悄悄消失”解。
用作及物动词时,可接名词作宾语; 用作不及物动词时,常与away, by, past等连用。
slide的用法3:slide into可作“溜进”解,指轻声或不为人注意的行动。
slide的用法5:slide还可用作名词,意思是“滑行,滑落; 滑面”。
【篇二】slide的常用短语用作动词 (v.)slide into (v.+prep.)slide out of (v.+adv.+prep.)slide round (v.+prep.)let slide (v.+v.)slide幻灯片; 滑动,滑落; 滑动; 滑轨;slide culture玻片培养物; 悬滴培养; 玻片培养(物); 玻片培养法,载玻片培养;slide stainer组织切片染色机; 释义:组织切片染色机;slide bushing滑套;object slide载玻片; 物镜滑筒; 物镜筒; 释义:载物玻片;【篇三】slide的用法例句1. Eric lost his footing and began to slide into the pit.埃里克一脚踩空,开始往坑里滑。
2. James Watson, Philip Mayo and I gave a slide and video presentation. 詹姆斯·沃森、菲利普·梅奥和我利用幻灯片和视频进行了介绍。
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Course Objectives
To teach the fundamental concepts of data mining
To provide hands‐on experience in
applying the concepts to real‐world applications.
From: R. Grossman, C. Kamath, V. Kumar, “Data Mining for Scientific and Engineering Applications”
Scale of Data
Walmart Google Yahoo NASA satellites NCBI GenBank France Telecom UK Land Registry AT&T Corp
– remote sensors on a satellite – telescopes scanning the skies – microarrays generating gene expression data – scientific simulations generating terabytes of data
Fraud Detection & Mining Unusual Patterns
• Approaches: Clustering & model construction for frauds, outlier analysis • Applications: Health care, retail, credit card service, …
Data Mining: Confluence of Multiple Disciplines
20x20 ~ 2^400 10^120 patterns
Data Mining Applications
• Market analysis • Risk analysis and management • Fraud detection and detection of unusual patterns (outliers) • Text mining (news group, email, documents) and Web mining • Stream data mining • DNA and bio‐data analysis
Why Data Matters: Extracting Insights, Making Better Decisions
Youtube: /watch?v=sSSLYIURzmE
Why Mine Data? Commercial Viewpoint
4,000,000 3,500,000 3,000,000 2,500,000 2,000,000 1,500,000 1,000,000 500,000 0 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999
The Data Gap
Total new disk (TB) since 1995
Number of analysts
Scale of Data
~ 20 million transactions/day ~ 8.2 billion Web pages ~10 GB Web data/hr ~ 1.2 TB/day ~ 22 million genetic sequences 29.2 TB 18.3 TB 26.2 TB
Introduction to Data Mining 龙星计划课程
熊辉 教授 Rutgers University
Required Textbook
Pang‐Ning Tan, Michael Steinbach, Vipin Kumar, Addison Wesley, ISBN: 0‐321‐32136‐7, 2005.
(S. Cass, IEEE Spectrum, Jan 2004)
Why Do We Need Data Mining ?
• Leverage organization’s data assets
– Only a small portion (typically ‐ 5%‐10%) of the collected data is ever analyzed – Data that may never be analyzed continues to be collected, at a great expense, out of fear that something which may prove important in the future is missing. – Growth rates of data precludes traditional “manually intensive” approach
Mining Large Data Sets ‐ Motivation
• There is often information “hidden” in the data that is not readily evident • Human analysts may take weeks to discover useful information • Much of the data is never analyzed at all
– Provide better, customized services for an edge (e.g. in Customer Relationship Management)
Why Mine Data? Scientific Viewpoint
• Data collected and stored at enormous speeds (GB/hour)
What is (not) Data Mining?
What is not Data Mining? – Look up phone number in phone directory – Check the dictionary for the meaning of a word
What is Data Mining? – Certain names are more prevalent in certain US locations (O’Brien, O’Rurke, O’Reilly… in Boston area) – Group together similar documents returned by search engine according to their context (e.g. Amazon rainforest, ,)
(Latitude, Longitude)1
What is Data Mining?
• Many Definitions
– Non‐trivial extraction of implicit, previously unknown and potentially useful information from data – Exploration & analysis, by automatic or semi‐automatic means, of large quantities of data in order to discover meaningful patterns
Financial Fraud Detection
• A virus to transfer one billion dollar to their accounts (less than 100 dollars from over 10 million accounts, so as not to trigger alarms). • Anomaly Detection
– Auto insurance: ring of collisions – Money laundering: suspicious monetary transactions – Medical insurance
• Professional patients, ring of doctors, and ring of references • Unnecessary or correlated screening tests
“The great strength of computers is that they can reliably manipulate vast amounts of data very quickly. Their great weakness is that they don’t have a clue as to what any of that data actually means”
How to identify a murder?
Movie: SEVEN
The murders are all in correspondence to each of the seven deadly sins Question: The information source to the murder?
– Provide automatic, customized services for an edge, e.g. automatic trading machine.
– As of 2009, high frequency trading firms account for 73% of all US equity trading volume – IT is a driving force
Why Do We Need Data Mining?
• As databases grow, the ability to support the decision support process using traditional query languages becomes infeasible – Many queries of interest are difficult to state in a query language (Query formulation problem) – “find all cases of fraud” – “find all individuals likely to buy a FORD expedition” – “find all documents that are similar to this customers problem”