

Q.763 - Formats and codes of the ISDN User Part of Signalling System No. 7

Q.763 - Formats and codes of the ISDN User Part of Signalling System No. 7
a) routing label; b) circuit identification code; c) message type code; d) the mandatory fixed part; e) the mandatory variable part; f) the optional part, which may contain fixed length and variable length parameter fields.
The format of and the codes used in the service information octet are described in 14.2/Q.704. The service indicator for the ISDN User Part is coded 0101.
Recommendation Q.763 (03/93)
1.2 Circuit identification code The format of the circuit identification code (CIC) is shown in Figure 2.
Circuit identification code (least significant bits)

DBL 5555-2004

DBL 5555-2004

Issued by: DaimlerChrysler AG 70546 StuttgartStandards (E P/QIN)Technical responsibility (name): FrankDepartment: PWT/VEW Plant:010Telephone: +49(0)711-17-58476HPC: H120Technical coordination by Central Materials and Process Engineering Plant 50, Department PWT/VWK Name: Dr. Wittig Telephone +49(0)7031-90-44270Confidential! All rights reserved. Distribution or duplication in part or in whole without prior written approval of DaimlerChrysler AG is not permitted. Incase of doubt, the German language original should be consulted as the authoritative text.June 2004Mercedes-Benz Supply SpecificationFinished parts and semi-finished products made of or-ganic polymer materialsGeneral conditions and test methods DBL 5555BQF availableAdditional DaimlerChrysler standards required:MB Special Terms, DBL 5490, DBL 8585Supersedesedition: 03/01Refer to Section Changeson page 14 Table of ContentsPart I General ConditionsSection ContentPage 1 Scope 22 Responsibilities 23 Duties of the supplier 24 Changes in materials or preparation 35 Material samples 36 Material investigations 37 Material performance data sheet 48 Material or type release for elastomer materials 4,9 Test report for initial material sampling 4, 5 10 Testing of resistance to chemicals and service products 511 Environmental requirement 5 12 Recycling 5 13 Admixture of regranulated material 5 14 Storability 5 Part II Test methodsSection ContentPage 1 General technical test procedure and sampling 6, 7, 82 Test methods and test media 83 Presentation and assessment of the test results 84 Low-temperature behaviour of elastomers 8, 95 Polymer reference materials 96 Weathering 9, 10, 117 Mechanical properties at high/low temperature (operating temperature) 128 Hot-storage behaviour of plastics 12 9 Extractable matter 12 10 Water content (plastics) 13 11 Residue on ignition (ash) 13 12 Pyrolysis 13 13 Determination of emissions 14 Annexes 1 to 3Continued on pages 2 to 14Page 2DBL 5555 : June 2004Part IGeneral conditions1 ScopeThis Daimler-Benz Supply Specification (DBL) 5555 contains specifications governing the general techni-cal conditions of supply between DaimlerChrysler and its supplying partners for the quality assurance of materials used in finished parts and semi-finished products made of organic polymer materials.This includes plastics (thermosetting plastics and thermoplastics), thermoplastic elastomers (TPE) and elastomers (rubber materials).This DBL 5555 applies in addition to the specific DBL indicated on the drawing in which this DBL is in-cluded by reference, and is therefore part of the contractual agreement in addition to the "Purchase Con-ditions for Production Materials and Spare Parts for Motor Vehicles" and "MB Special Terms“.If assemblies, modules or units are treated as a "black box", individual parts may be covered by one DBL following agreement with the responsible development department.In this case, all the requirements of this DBL have to be met by these individual parts.The supplier is obliged, on his own responsibility, to apply the requirements contained in these general technical conditions of supply to the product to be supplied by him in a suitable manner. In case of doubt, the procedure shall be coordinated with the Quality Assurance department of the receiving plant or with the relevant specialist Production and Materials Engineering department (PWT) before delivery.2 ResponsibilitiesThe Production and Materials Engineering Department (PWT/VWK) is responsible for the compila-tion/creation and the contents of this DBL and its coordination with the responsible DaimlerChrysler de-partments.In case of questions concerning this DBL, please apply to the contacts indicated at the bottom of the first page.3 Duties of the supplierThe supplier shall implement an effective quality system (e.g. QS 9000, VDA QM system audit 6.1) en-suring comprehensive monitoring from the raw material to the finished product and the fulfillment of the quality and safety requirements specified for the product. This includes ensuring, on his own responsibil-ity, competent material selection and the use of suitable manufacturing techniques.The raw material supplier and the parts supplier shall coordinate their work to ensure appropriate proc-essability before sampling is carried out.Each production batch shall be marked and kept separate from other batches. Care shall be taken to en-sure, taking into account aspects of economic viability, that the finished products can be traced back to the raw material or semi-finished product and that their marking makes it possible to identify which prod-ucts originate from a particular raw material batch and have passed through the same manufacturing pro-cess. In the case of continuous processes, a certain level of overlap is accepted for batch changes.Page 3DBL 5555 : June 2004 4 Changes in material or preparationIn case of the following changes, a new sampling and release process is required:x Raw material types in the case of plastics and TPE (e.g. PA 6.6 to PA46)x Polymers in the case of elastomers (e.g. NBR 28% ACN to NBR 36% ACN)x Preparation (e.g. parameters for compounding)The supplier may use similar raw materials of different manufacturers.If the raw materials are not identical chemically or physically, however, he shall provide evidence through his own investigations and assessments that the finished part meets the requirements of the relevant DBL supply specification and that no disadvantages occur in terms of processing or use. This result shall be submitted to the quality assurance department of the receiving plant or, in the case of effects influenc-ing more than one plant, to the relevant specialist Production and Materials Engineering department (PWT).samples5 MaterialMaterial samples are panel-shaped semi-finished products, specimens in accordance with ISO 3167 Type A or components used for material testing.New material samples shall normally be submitted through the person responsible for the component from the relevant development department to the relevant Production and Materials Engineering Depart-ment (PWT) or the quality assurance department of the receiving plant.investigations6 MaterialThe scope and type of the investigations depend on the characteristics of the material concept and are specified, for example, in individual DBLs, performance specifications, drawings or during technical dis-cussions.For elastomers, the relevant material investigations shall be carried out on panel-shaped semi-finished products, specimens manufactured from such products or test specimens manufactured specifically.In case of plastics, the tests shall be conducted on the finished product provided that its shape permits such tests. If this is not possible due to the small size and unfavourable geometry of the part, test speci-mens shall preferably be removed from isotropic panels produced from the relevant material. The condi-tions for the manufacture of the test panels depend on the manufacturing process chosen for the compo-nent (e.g. injection moulding, SMC, LFT etc.) and are partly specified in the individual DBLs.Page 4DBL 5555 : June 20047 Material performance data sheetSpecific test certificate forms shall be used for the most part for the recording of test results which areavailable from the relevant specialist Production and Materials Engineering departments (PWT).The Material performance data sheet shall include the following:x Name of the part manufacturerx Designation of the material (preparation) with precise and complete trade name of the raw material producerx Results of all investigations agreed upon (if subcontractors' results are adopted, these shall be evalu-ated technically and identified in the test certificate)x Information on the material composition, including information as specified on the test certificate form(e.g. residue on ignition, extractable matter)x Quantities if using regranulated material8 Material or type release for elastomer materialsAfter completion of the investigations, the supplier shall receive a written material or type release or re-jection notification. The material or type release must have been granted before initial sampling can com-mence. A material release does not imply a development approval of the component; this also depends, among other factors, on positive test stand and vehicle tryouts and will be granted by the development department responsible for the component.In case of multi-component parts such as drive belts and hoses, type releases are granted.The manufacturer shall indicate a type designation for each type. This type designation shall include a unique indication of the materials (in the case of hoses, for example, the inside and outside layer and the textile braiding) and of the manufacturing process, but not the dimensions.In the case of hoses it may be expedient, however, to subdivide a large diameter range into 2 or 3 hose types. After release of a type designation by DaimlerChrysler, the type release is transferred to individual components during initial sampling.9 Test report for initial material samplingIf a DBL (e.g. 5556.10) is specified on the drawing for the polymer material, the following requirements shall apply for the initial material sampling in addition to MB Special Terms No. 13:for elastomer components and thermoplastic elastomers:x Indication of material designation and, if possible, DC material approval (test report no. and date)x Test results from the current initial sampling batch, measured at the componentx for the identityx at least the density orx other tests which eliminate any confusion of the material, such as IR spectrum x for the processingx e.g. Shore hardness and permanent set test,x also strength values, if applicable;x for composites e.g. rubber mounts, an adhesion test between metal and elastomer;x in case of multi-ply hoses separation strength between fabric layers (refer to DBL)Page 5DBL 5555 : June 2004for plastic components manufactured from thermoplastic or thermosetting mate-rials:Test results from the current initial sampling batchx for the identity e.g.x at least the density,x but preferably an IR spectrum in combination with TGA (thermal analysis)x or other tests which can eliminate any material confusionsuch as DSC (differential scanning calorimetry)x for the processing e.g.x the weight of the partx at critical points such as joint lines values from tensile and impact strength testsx examination of microstructurex e.g. for intake manifolds the burst pressurex or specifically for PA the solution viscosity (viscosity number)10 Testing of resistance to chemicals and service productsWhere plastic parts come into contact with, for example, cleaning or service products, a stress cracking test shall be carried out to ensure resistance to chemicals and service products. This test shall preferably be carried out in accordance with DIN EN ISO 4599 "Determination of resistance to environmental stress cracking (ESC)".The selection of the media (e.g. service products, fuels, cleaning agents etc.) depends on the point of ap-plication of the parts and shall be determined in cooperation with the receiving plant.The laboratory instructions applicable to exterior attachment parts and interior parts are available from PWT/VWK.requirement11 EnvironmentalParts shall only contain such substances/material classes which are non-hazardous for humans and the environment in accordance with the current state of knowledge. Substances/material classes hazardous for the environment may only be included if evidence can be provided that no equivalent ecologically non-critical substances are available. The use of such substances is only permissible after a relevant waiver for a particular application. Daimler-Benz supply specification DBL 8585 shall also apply.12 RecyclingThe supplier shall take into account recyclability during development. The recycling shall take the form of material recycling. Should this not be feasible for technical or economic reasons, energetic recycling shall be permissible under these exceptional circumstances. The requirements for components made of re-granulated materials are described in DBL 5490.13 Admixture of regranulated materialThe ratio of any admixture of, for example, gating material, start-up material etc. in the formulation shall be determined by the supplier on its own responsibility. This includes the quantities of regranulated mate-rial which shall be defined and maintained precisely, and its pass frequency. Evidence shall be provided that the requirements of the relevant DBL are complied with and the functional characteristics are not im-paired.14 StorabilityThe parts shall still comply with the requirements of the relevant DBL supply specification in full after a three-year storage period, provided that storage was carried out properly in accordance with the require-ments laid down in DIN 7716.Page 6DBL 5555 : June 2004Part IITest methods1 General technical test procedure and sampling1.1 General:Evidence of compliance with the requirements contained in this DBL supply specification 5555 or in spe-cific DBLs shall always be provided from the finished part (the material in the finished part) or the semi-finished product.Frequently, the size and the configuration of the finished parts do not allow the full scope of the DBL tests and inspections to be carried out. In these cases, evidence of these tests shall be provided from material samples and identified accordingly in the test report.In the case of elastomers, test specimens are used in principle for the material and type release testswhich are produced from 2 and 6 mm thick panel material (PLM). If the material release has already been granted, in the case of tryout, initial sample and production parts, the scope of the test shall be limited to an identity check and the testing of the quality characteristics influenced by processing. For the compari-son PLM/finished part it is important to ensure that the degrees of vulcanization of the test panel and of the finished part are largely identical.1.2 Identification and quality characteristics:These characteristics serve to determine identity of material and processing between the material sample or the initial or tryout sample and the supplies. In particular, they form the criteria for an acceptance test carried out on the manufacturer's and on the buyer's premises. The supplier shall provide the relevantevidence using one of the methods specified under the first two points in Section 1.2.1 and a furthermethod taken from the remaining methods under Section Identification characteristics:These include:x Analytical characteristic data (material composition) such as pyrolysable components, pyrolysis residue, extractable matter, residue on ignition (ash content) using TG and other methods (seeAnnex 'Methods of Analysis').x Analysis of the type and quantity of filler, detection of stabilizers using physical-chemical methods such as infrared analysis, thermal analysisand other methods (TMA, DSC, TGA; see Annex 1), X-ray fluorescence.x Melting pointx Microscopic examinations of the material structurex Densityx Characteristic data of torsional vibration testx Material hardness (ball indentation hardness, compression hardness of foamed plastics, Shore hardness A and D, IRHD).Page 7DBL 5555 : June 20041.2.2 Quality characteristics influenced by processingThe part properties are influenced by factors such as material discontinuities, flow and adhesion defects, incomplete fusion, internal stress, incomplete cross-linkage, material decomposition etc. related to proc-essing. This influence may cause a deterioration of the part quality.The existence of this type of factor is verified for instance by:x thermal analysisx solution and melt viscosityx microscopyx hot-storage behavior (in case of plastics)x mechanical properties such as tensile strength, elongation at break, impact resistance, by comparing areas close to/distant from the sprue in the finished part and at joint linesx adhesion strength in hose layers or rubber-metal bonded parts.If the part is not identical to the released material sample or in case of a quality defect, DaimlerChrysler is entitled to reject the corresponding delivery submitting appropriate test results.1.3 SamplingGeneral:A sampling plan shall be established for the removal of specimens from parts. This plan shall be coordi-nated with the with the quality assurance department of the receiving plant or with the relevant specialist Production and Materials Engineering department (PWT).When choosing spectroscopic, thermoanalytical and optical test methods, one or, if required, several test specimens shall be taken from the moulded part without pretreatment so that the material status is char-acterized adequately and evenly over the cross-section.Test specimens removed from elastomers and thermoplastic elastomersThe conditions specified in DIN/ISO 4661-1 shall apply to test specimens manufactured from elastomers and TPE. For tests on elastomers, test panels (approx. 200 x 200) mm withthickness (2 +/- 0,2) mm and (6,3 +/- 0,3) mm shall be used.For determining the characteristic values of the torsional vibration test in accordance with ISO 4663, test panels with thickness(1,0 + 0,1) mm shall be used from which test specimens are removed in accordance with DIN/ISO 4661-1. The thickness tolerance within a test specimen shall not exceed ± 0,05 mm.Test specimens removed from plasticsRefer to Part I Section 6Additionally, for plastics sensitive to moisture such as PA, EP, PUR and others, the conditions for manu-facturing/conditioning test specimens shall be as specified in the relevant valid individual DBLs.Page 8DBL 5555 : June 20041.4 Drying of post-cured elastomer specimens(see VDA 675 291)For post-cured, mineral-filled elastomers, another post-curing process shall be provided during prepara-tion of the specimens.ProcedureDrying time: 4 hDrying temperature depending on the basic polymer in accordance with the following table:+/-2)°C(150FPM+/-2)°CHNBR(125ACM/AE M/All other elastomers to be tested at > 125°C (125 +/- 2)°CAt the end of the drying period, the test specimens are taken from the drying cabinet and then initiallytransferred to a desiccator with silica gel for cooling and storage.Storage time at least 30 min at an ambient temperature of (23 +/- 2)°C.Thermally unstable post-cured, mineral-filled elastomer materials which shall be tested at temperatures < 125°C shall not be pre-dried, but shall be conditioned instead for 24 h over silica gel in the desiccator at(23 +/- 2)°C.2 Test methods and test mediaThe test media and test methods to be used shall be agreed with the relevant Production and Materials Engineering Department (PWT) or the quality assurance department of the receiving plant, unless de-scribed in DBL 5555 or individual DBLs.3 Presentation and assessment of the test resultsA test generally consists of three (for mechanical tests at least five) individual tests, the results of whichshall be recorded in the test report as individual values or as mean values with standard deviation. If a test value lies outside the required limit values, an appropriate number of further individual tests shall be conducted in order to corroborate the test result. In such cases, all individual values shall be recorded in the test report. If a total of > 20% individual results within such repeat tests fall outside the specifications, the requirement is deemed not to have been met.In some specific DBL supply specifications, additional permissible tolerances from the sample value are assigned to the limit values. These tolerances represent the maximum permissible differences between different supply batches. The sample value shall be indicated by the supplier at the time of supply of the initial samples in a material test certificate or a tryout sample report or an initial sample inspection report.The required limits indicated in specific DBL supply specifications shall be reached with each individual delivery irrespective of the permitted tolerances for the sample value.4 Low-temperature behavior of elastomers4.1 Selection of test methodsThe following tests may be used to characterize the low-temperature behavior of elastomers (refer to An-nex 3):x the torsional vibration test in accordance with ISO 4663x the determination of the glass transition temperature in accordance with DIN 53513x the determination of calorimetric processes such as DTA or DSCPage 9DBL 5555 : June 2004 4.2 AssessmentThe cold reference (stiffness) value or cold brittleness point, whose application is specified in the specific DBLs, shall be taken as assessment criteria.4.3 Cold reference (stiffness) valueThe temperature at the following property criteria shall be taken as the cold reference value:The main maximum of the loss modulus in accordance with ISO 4663.In the case of DSC, the temperature at which the curve of the specific heat has its half-high inflection point.The cold reference value specified in the individual DBL always refers to the DSC test method.4.4 Cold brittleness pointThe cold brittleness point is defined by the temperature at whichx the glass state is reached during the torsional vibration test in accordance with ISO 4663. On corre-sponding graphs, this temperature point is given by the point of intersection of the two lines resulting from the extrapolated steep rise of the shear modulus and the flat shear modulus curve in the glass state.x the pressure deformation modulus reaches the value of 500 N/mm².Also for this characterization of the low-temperature behavior, the results of the individual test methods do not necessarily have to coincide. In case of doubt, it will be necessary for discussions to be held be-tween the supplier and the material testing department of the relevant receiving plant.5 Polymer reference materialsAppropriate reference or standard polymer materials shall be used for testing the polymer compatibility of service products. The material type is specified in the individual DBL supply specifications. Lists of sup-pliers are available on request from the Production and Materials Engineering Department (PWT/VWK).6 Weatheringweathering6.1 NaturalThe test shall be conducted by analogy with DIN EN ISO 877. The test specimens (200 mm long sections in the case of profiled sections) shall be placed so that the surfaces to be subjected to weathering are di-rected to the south (in regions south of the equator to the north). The inclination shall be chosen so that the relevant test specimen surfaces are perpendicular to the sun at midday. The weathering period shall be 6 months for elastomers and 24 months for plastics. Standard bars S2 in accordance with DIN 53504 shall be preferred for elastomers, and these shall be stretched by 20%.After consultation with the relevant Production and Materials Engineering Department (PWT), an acceler-ated artificial weathering test may be permitted in accordance with Section 6.2 instead of the natural weathering test.Page 10DBL 5555 : June 2004weathering6.2 ArtificialTesting for resistance to artificial weathering shall be conducted in accordance withDIN EN ISO 4892-1 "Methods of exposure to laboratory light sources - General guidance“ andDIN EN ISO 4892-2 "Methods of exposure to laboratory light sources -Xenon-arc sources“.The apparatus and the filter position shall be chosen so that a wavelength range of (290 to 830) nm is achieved.Test specimens (plastics):Preferably 200 x 68 mm, 4 mm thick (with subsequent bending/impact test) or 3 to 4 mm thick (with sub-sequent tensile test).Test specimens (elastomers):Preferably tension bars S2, stretched by 20%. A clearance between holder and test specimen of at least2 mm shall be observed.850hoursperiodWeatheringTest run Simultaneous run without specimen holder coolingRain cycle 102 min dry, 18 min rain exposureBlack standard thermometer 65 + 3 °C (during dry period)Relative humidity min. 60 % (during dry period)+ 2) W/m² (wavelength range to 400 nm) Radiation(61intensityEvaluation :The specimens shall be checked as follows at regular intervals (e.g. every 250 hours):x Visual assessment in accordance with DIN EN ISO 4628-2 (degree of blistering), in accordance with DIN EN 20105-A02 using a grey scale (yellowing). Discoloration and matt appearance by comparisonwith a non-weathered specimen, whereby the weathered specimen shall be compared both beforeand after a wax polish treatment.Assessment in accordance with DIN EN ISO 4628-1x For elastomers, evaluation shall be performed in accordance with DIN 53509 or ISO 1431-1x In addition, test specimens for mechanical tests shall be taken from the specimen panels when weath-ering has been completed.6.3 Hot light ageing in accordance with VDA 75202-3 A4In case of dyed parts which are in the direct field of view of the customer, the UV resistance (hot lightageing) shall be tested.Testing shall be carried out at a specimen temperature of 65 °C and, deviating from the DIN standard, ata black standard temperature of (100 ± 3) °C and without nonwoven backing pad. The test duration shallbe 4 test cycles. The plastic parts shall correspond to grade 4 after the 4 test cycles.As the dyeing process type greatly influences the UV resistance of the material and therefore also of the finished parts, the parts supplier shall document in his initial sample inspection report whether the mate-rial used has been originally dyed by the raw material supplier or dyed by the parts supplier himself by "batching".Page 11DBL 5555 : June 2004 6.4 Steam jet testThis test is intended to check the paint adhesion of top-painted or coated exterior plastic parts.Before initial execution of the test or changes in the test apparatus, coordination with PWT/VBT is re-quired!6.4.1 Procedurex Preparation of specimens: flat, size approx. 5x10 cm (depending on part and geometry),possibleareexceptionsx Damage: cross cut (for width, length, depth, angle: see below)x Positioning: rigid, parallel to one scratch, jet center above cross cutx Positioning, specimens and jet lance to be fixed during the complete testx Test: Expose test specimens over specified test periodx Evaluation: visual assessment, measurement of peeled surface from cross cutx Assessment ok no peeling, up to 1 mm infiltrationnot ok from 1 mm infiltration to large-scale peeling6.4.2 Test parametersTest period: 60 sDistance nozzle/specimen: 100 mmTemperature at nozzle: 60°C r 2°C, all materialsFlowrate: 11,0-11,5 l/min (660-690 l/h)The steam jet appliance shall reach the flowrate with the specified nozzle. The appliance pressure shall be controlled so that the specified band width is reached.No test pressure is indicated on purpose, as this is defined by the volume flow and the test nozzle.Angle of impact: 90°Cross cut: Cut length approx. 10 cm, damage of up to 0,4 mm into the substrateCutting angle: approx. 30°Cutting unit: for all materials, scratch tester according to Sikkens,Erichsen-Typ 463, blade 1mm (new: previously 0,5 mm!)Test nozzle: Can be supplied one-off by PWT/VBTManufacturer: Spraying Systems GmbH, Bahnhofstraße 77, D-73630 RemshaldenDesignation: PowerWashJetOrder number: 1/4PMEG-2506Steadying zone: linear, min. 30 cm in front of nozzleJet pattern: homogeneous, l = 70-75 mm, b = 8-10 mm,Jet force distribution: trapezoidal, no pressure peaksStyrodur type: Request at PWT/VBT, at present Styrofoam RTM approx. 33mmStyrodur supplier: S tadur-Süd Dammstoff-Produktions GmbH, D-72120 Pliezhausen6.4.3 Examination of jet patternThe nozzle examination can be carried out by means of a jet force measurement and/or by using the PWT/VBT Styrodur method. Regular examinations (depending on specimen throughput) shall be carried out using Styrodur and documented. Any adjustment of the test conditions and of the jet pattern shall be coordinated with PWT/VBT.6.4.4 Procedure of PWT/VBT-Styrodur method:x Loading of a suitable Styrodur block in analogy with the test conditions.x Visual assessment of the 3D jet pattern (refer to Annex)x Measuring of 3D jet pattern (for length and width, see above, depth may vary depending onStyrodur type)x Comparison with last jet pattern or with PWT/VBT specification.Annex to test instruction for DC steam jet test (refer to Annex 3)。

ICS557-01 Datasheet说明书

ICS557-01 Datasheet说明书

PCI-EXPRESS CLOCK SOURCEDescriptionThe ICS557-01 is a clock chip designed for use inPCI-Express Cards as a clock source. It provides a pair of differential outputs at 100 MHz in a small 8-pin SOIC package.Using IDT’s patented Phase-Locked Loop (PLL) techniques, the device takes a 25 MHz crystal input and produces HCSL (Host Clock Signal Level) differential outputs at 100 MHz clock frequency. LVDS signal levels can also be supported via an alternative termination scheme.Features•Supports PCI-Express TM HCSL Outputs0.7 V current mode differential pair •Supports LVDS Output Levels•Packaged in 8-pin SOIC•RoHS 5 (green ) or RoHS 6 (green and lead free) compliant packaging•Operating voltage of 3.3 V•Low power consumption•Input frequency of 25 MHz•Short term jitter 100 ps (peak-to-peak)•Output Enable via pin selection•Industrial temperature range availableBlock DiagramPin Assignment Pin DescriptionsPin NumberPinNamePinTypePin Description1OE Input Output Enable signal(H = outputs are enabled, L = outputs are disabled/tristated).Internal pull-up resistor.2X1Input Crystal or clock input. Connect to a 25 MHz crystal or single ended clock. 3X2XO Crystal Connection. Connect to a parallel mode crystal.Leave floating if clock input.4GND Power Connect to ground.5IREF Output A 475Ω precision resistor connected between this pin and groundestablishes the external reference current.6CLK Output HCSL differential complementary clock output.7CLK Output HCSL differential clock output.8VDD Power Connect to +3.3 V.Applications Information External ComponentsA minimum number of external components are required for proper operation.Decoupling CapacitorsDecoupling capacitors of 0.01 μF should be connected between VDD and the ground plane (pin 4) as close to the VDD pin as possible. Do not share ground vias between components. Route power from power source through the capacitor pad and then into IDT pin.CrystalA 25 MHz fundamental mode parallel resonant crystal with C L = 16 pF should be used. This crystal must have less than 300 ppm of error across temperature in order for theICS557-01 to meet PCI Express specifications.Crystal CapacitorsCrystal capacitors are connected from pins X1 to ground and X2 to ground to optimize the accuracy of the output frequency.C L= Crystal’s load capacitance in pFCrystal Capacitors (pF) = (C L- 8) * 2For example, for a crystal with a 16 pF load cap, each external crystal cap would be 16 pF. (16-8)*2=16.Current Source (Iref) Reference Resistor - R RIf board target trace impedance (Z) is 50Ω, then R R = 475Ω(1%), providing IREF of 2.32 mA. The output current (I OH) is equal to 6*IREF.Output TerminationThe PCI-Express differential clock outputs of the ICS557-01 are open source drivers and require an external series resistor and a resistor to ground. These resistor values and their allowable locations are shown in detail in thePCI-Express Layout Guidelines section.The ICS557-01can also be configured for LVDS compatible voltage levels. See the LVDS Compatible Layout Guidelines sectionGeneral PCB Layout RecommendationsFor optimum device performance and lowest output phase noise, the following guidelines should be observed.1. Each 0.01µF decoupling capacitor should be mounted on the component side of the board as close to the VDD pin as possible.2. No vias should be used between decoupling capacitor and VDD pin.3. The PCB trace to VDD pin should be kept as short as possible, as should the PCB trace to the ground via. Distance of the ferrite bead and bulk decoupling from the device is less critical.4. An optimum layout is one with all components on the same side of the board, minimizing vias through other signal layers (any ferrite beads and bulk decoupling capacitors can be mounted on the back). Other signal traces should be routed away from the ICS557-01.This includes signal traces just underneath the device, or on layers adjacent to the ground plane layer used by the device.PCI-Express Layout GuidelinesFigure 1: PCI-Express Device RoutingTypical PCI-Express (HCSL) WaveformLVDS Compatible Layout GuidelinesFigure: LVDS Device RoutingTypical LVDS WaveformAbsolute Maximum RatingsStresses above the ratings listed below can cause permanent damage to the ICS557-01. These ratings are stress ratings only. Functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions above those indicated in the operational sections of the specifications is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods can affect product reliability. Electrical parameters are guaranteed only over the recommended operating temperature range.DC Electrical CharacteristicsUnless stated otherwise, VDD = 3.3 V ±5%, Ambient Temperature -40 to +85°C1 Single edge is monotonic when transitioning through region.2 Inputs with pull-ups/-downs are not included.ItemRatingSupply Voltage, VDD, VDDA 5.5 VAll Inputs and Outputs-0.5 V to VDD+0.5 V Ambient Operating Temperature (commercial)0 to +70°C Ambient Operating Temperature (industrial)-40 to +85°C Storage Temperature -65 to +150°C Junction Temperature 125°C Soldering Temperature 260°CESD Protection (Input)2000 V min. (HBM)ParameterSymbolConditions Min.Typ.Max.UnitsSupply Voltage V 3.135 3.465Input High Voltage 1V IH 2.0VDD +0.3V Input Low Voltage 1V IL VSS-0.30.8V Input Leakage Current 2I IL 0 < Vin < VDD-55μA Operating Supply Current I DD With 50Ω and 2 pF load 55mA I DDOE OE =Low35mA Input Capacitance C IN Input pin capacitance 7pF Output Capacitance C OUT Output pin capacitance 6pF Pin Inductance L PIN 5nH Output Resistance Rout CLK outputs 3.0k ΩPull-up ResistorR PUPOE60k ΩAC Electrical Characteristics - CLK/CLKUnless stated otherwise, VDD=3.3 V ±5%, Ambient Temperature -40 to +85°C1 Test setup is R L =50 ohms with2 pF , R R = 475Ω (1%).2 Measurement taken from a single-ended waveform.3 Measurement taken from a differential waveform.4Measured at the crossing point where instantaneous voltages of both CLKOUT and CLKOUT are equal.5 CLKOUT pins are tri-stated when OE is low asserted. CLKOUT is driven differential when OE is high.Thermal Characteristics (8-pin SOIC)ParameterSymbolConditions Min.Typ.Max.UnitsInput Frequency 25MHz Output Frequency 100MHzOutput High Voltage 1,2V OH 660700850mV Output Low Voltage 1,2V OL-150027mV Crossing Point Voltage 1,2Absolute250350550mV Crossing Point Voltage 1,2,4Variation over all edges140mV Jitter, Cycle-to-Cycle 1,380ps Rise Time 1,2t OR From 0.175 V to 0.525 V 175332700ps Fall Time 1,2t OFFrom 0.525 V to 0.175 V175344700ps Rise/Fall Time Variation 1,2125ps Duty Cycle 1,34555%Output Enable Time 5All outputs 30µs Output Disable Time 5All outputs30µs Stabilization Time t STABLEFrom power-up VDD=3.3 V3.0ms Spread Change Timet SPREAD Settling period after spread change3.0msParameterSymbolConditionsMin.Typ.Max.UnitsThermal Resistance Junction to AmbientθJA Still air150°C/W θJA 1 m/s air flow 140°C/W θJA 3 m/s air flow120°C/W Thermal Resistance Junction to CaseθJC40°C/WMarking Diagram (ICS557M-01LF) Marking Diagram (ICS557MI-01LF)Notes:1. ###### is the lot code.2. YYWW is the last two digits of the year, and the week number that the part was assembled.3. “L ” designates Pb (lead) free packaging.4. “I” denotes industrial temperature.5. Bottom marking: (orgin). Origin = country of origin if not USA.Package Outline and Package Dimensions (8-pin SOIC, 150 Mil. Narrow Body) Package dimensions are kept current with JEDEC Publication No. 95Ordering InformationPart / Order Number Marking Shipping Packaging Package Temperature 557M-01LF See Page 8Tubes8-pin SOIC0 to +70° C557M-01LFT Tape and Reel8-pin SOIC0 to +70° C557MI-01LF Tubes8-pin SOIC-40 to +85° C557MI-01LFT Tape and Reel8-pin SOIC-40 to +85° C"LF" suffix to the part number are the Pb-Free configuration and are RoHS compliant.While the information presented herein has been checked for both accuracy and reliability, Integrated Device Technology (IDT) assumes no responsibility for either its use or for the infringement of any patents or other rights of third parties, which would result from its use. No other circuits, patents, or licenses are implied. This product is intended for use in normal commercial applications. Any other applications such as those requiring extended temperature range, high reliability, or other extraordinary environmental requirements are not recommended without additional processing by IDT. IDT reserves the right to change any circuitry or specifications without notice. IDT does not authorize or warrant any IDT product for use in life support devices or critical medical instruments.Corporate HeadquartersIntegrated Device Technology, For Sales800-345-7015408-284-8200Fax: 408-284-2775For Tech Support/go/clockhelpInnovate with IDT and accelerate your future networks. Contact:www.IDT .com。



Application examples Roof lining passenger cars (molded headlining)
Sliding roof lining
Lining luggage compartment floor W 169
Roof reinforcement insulation BR 211, BR 221 Roof reinforcement insulation BR 164, BR 251, BR 169
DBL 5472 A 2007-06, Page 2
1 Scope .....................................................................................................................................................3 2 Materials ................................................................................................................................................3 3 Properties...............................................................................................................................................3 3.1 General requirements........................................................................................................................3 3.2 Shape, color, dimensions, cut-outs and making-up ..........................................................................4 4 Technical data........................................................................................................................................4 5 Test methods .........................................................................................................................................4 6 Duties of the supplier .............................................................................................................................4 7 Samples .................................................................................................................................................4 8 Deliveries ...............................................................................................................................................4 9 Identification...........................................................................................................................................4 10 Packaging, form of supply and delivery conditions................................................................................4 11 Storability ...............................................................................................................................................4 12 Special instructions ................................................................................................................................4 13 Complaints .............................................................................................................................................4 14 Environmental protection regulations/industrial safety ..........................................................................5 15 Normative references ............................................................................................................................5 16 Technical data: Table 2 .........................................................................................................................6

NI 5783 Four Channel Transceiver Adapter Module 的说

NI 5783 Four Channel Transceiver Adapter Module 的说

DEVICE SPECIFICATIONSNI 5783Four Channel Transceiver Adapter ModuleThis document lists specifications for the NI 5783 adapter module. Pair these specifications with the specifications listed in your FlexRIO FPGA module specifications document or your Controller for FlexRIO specifications document.Caution The protection provided by the NI 5783 can be impaired if it is used in amanner not described in this document.Caution To avoid permanent damage to the NI 5783, disconnect all signalsconnected to the NI 5783 before powering down the module, and only connectsignals after the module has been powered on by the FlexRIO FPGA module or theController for FlexRIO.Note All numeric specifications are typical unless otherwise noted. All graphsillustrate the performance of a representative module.Specifications are subject to change without notice. For the most recent device specifications, visit /manuals.ContentsFlexRIO Documentation (2)Analog Input (3)General Characteristics (3)Typical Specifications (4)Analog Output (9)General Characteristics (9)Typical Specifications (10)CLK/REF IN (13)TRIG General Characteristics (14)AUX I/O (Port 0 DIO <0..3>, Port 1 DIO <0..3>, and PFI <0..3> (15)Power (15)Physical (15)Environment (16)Operating Environment (16)Storage Environment (16)Shock and Vibration (16)Compliance and Certifications (17)Safety (17)Electromagnetic Compatibility (17)CE Compliance (17)Online Product Certification (18)Environmental Management (18)FlexRIO Documentation2| | NI 5783 SpecificationsTable 1. FlexRIO Documentation Locations and Descriptions (Continued)Analog InputGeneral CharacteristicsNumber of channels Four, single-ended, simultaneously sampled Connector Type HDBNC (high-density BNC)Input type50 ΩInput coupling DCNI 5783 Specifications| © National Instruments| 3Sample rateInternal Sample Clock100 MHzExternal Sample Clock60 MHz to 100 MHzAnalog-to-digital converter (ADC)Type Quad, 16-bitPart number AD9653Related InformationFor more information about the ADC, refer to the AD9653 datasheet at . Typical SpecificationsFull-scale input range (normal operating conditions)Elliptic 2.030 V pk-pkButterworth 2.037 V pk-pkDC accuracyElliptic±[(0.80% × reading) + 3.5 mV]Butterworth±[(1.00% × reading) + 3.75 mV]Input impedanceElliptic50 Ω ± 0.5%Butterworth50 Ω ± 0.8%Bandwidth (-3 dB)Elliptic39.4 MHzButterworth39.5 MHzNote All AI spectral performance values apply to both the Elliptic and Butterworthvariants.1Measured at 10.1 MHz with a -1 dBFS signal adjusted to full-scale.2Calculated from SINAD corrected to fullscale.3Measured at 10.1 MHz with a -1 dBFS signal.4| | NI 5783 SpecificationsTable 3. AI Noise Spectral DensityNote All AI channel crosstalk values apply to both the Elliptic and Butterworth variants.Figure 1. AI CrosstalkAmplitude(dBc)Frequency (Hz)NI 5783 Specifications| © National Instruments| 5Figure 2. AI Frequency Response (Zoomed Out)N o r m a l i z e d A m p l i t u d e t o 100 k H z (d B )Frequency (Hz)Figure 3. AI Frequency Response (Zoomed In)N o r m a l i z e d A m p l i t u d e t o100 k H z (d B )Frequency (Hz)6 | | NI 5783 SpecificationsFigure 4. AI Step Response (Butterworth)A m p l i t u d e (V )1–50 m050 m100 m 150 m 200 m 250 m 300 m 350 m 400 m 450 m 500 m 550 m 600 m 650 m 700 m 750 m 800 m 850 m 900 m 950 m Time (ns)20020–10406080100120140160180Figure 5. AI Step Response (Elliptic)A m p l i t u d e (V )–50 m050 m100 m 150 m 200 m 250 m 300 m 350 m 400 m 450 m 500 m 550 m 600 m 650 m 700 m 750 m 800 m 850 m 900 m 950 m 1Time (ns)20020–10406080100120140160180NI 5783 Specifications | © National Instruments | 7Figure 6. AI Spectral (10.1 MHz at -1 dBFS input signal, 6.1 kHz RBW, 10 Averages)A m p l i t u d e (dB F S )0–120–115–110–105–100–95–90–85–80–75–70–65–60–55–50–45–40–35–30–25–20–15–10–5Frequency (Hz)50 M0 2 M6 M10 M14 M18 M22 M26 M30 M34 M38 M42 M46 MNote AI Spectral figure applies to both the Elliptic and Butterworth variants.Figure 7.AI Return LossA m p l i t u d e (dB )Frequency (Hz)8 | | NI 5783 SpecificationsAnalog OutputGeneral CharacteristicsNumber of channels Four, single-ended, simultaneously updated Connector type HDBNC (high-density BNC)Output type50 ΩOutput coupling DCDigital-to-analog converter (DAC)Type Quad, 16-bitPart number DAC3484Minimum analog input to analog output response time4100 MS/s1130 ns200 MS/s720 ns400 MS/s550 nsRelated InformationFor more information about the DAC, refer to the DAC3484 datasheet at .4Minimum time to digitize a signal (AI) and output a response (AO). Time measured from signal entering the AI connector, passing into and out of the LabVIEW FPGA diagram, and observed at the AO connector.5400 MS/s with 2x interpolation is available only when operating in 2 channel analog output mode.NI 5783 Specifications| © National Instruments| 9Typical SpecificationsFull-scale output range (normal operation conditions)50 Ω 1.001 V pk-pk High-Z2.002 V pk-pkDC accuracy (into High-Z)±[(2.0% × desired voltage) + 4.4 mV]Output impedance 50 Ω ± 0.7%SFDR 6-81 dBcTable 6. AO Noise Spectral Density (into 50 Ω)Table 7. AO Channel Crosstalk (10 MHz)Figure 8. AO Crosstalk (into 50 Ω Load)A m p l i t u d e (dB c )Frequency (Hz)610.1 MHz tone at -1 dBFS.10 | | NI 5783 SpecificationsFigure 9. AO Frequency Response Across Data RateN o r m a l i z e d A m p l i t u d e t o 100 k H z (d B )0–10–9.5–9.0–8.5–8.0–7.5–7.0–6.5–6.0–5.5–5.0–4.5–4.0–3.5–3.0–2.5–2.0–1.5–1.0–0.5Frequency (Hz)Figure 10. AO Phase Noise (Signal at 12.1 MHz)A m p l i t u d e (dB c /H z )–95–155–150–145–140–135–130–125–120–115–110–105–100Offset from Carrier (Hz)1 M101001 k10 k100 k–160NI 5783 Specifications | © National Instruments | 11Figure 11. AO Return LossA m p l i t u d e (dB )0–32–30–28–26–24–22–20–18–16–14–12–10–8–6–4–2Frequency (Hz)300 M10 M40 M60 M80 M 100 M 120 M 140 M 160 M 180 M 200 M 220 M 240 M 260 M 280 M Figure 12. AO Two Tone, Each T one at -7 dBFS, 69.95 MHz, and 70.05 MHz, 500 HzRBW0–95–90–85–80–75–70–65–60–55–50–45–40–35–30–25–20–15–10–5Frequency (Hz)70.5 M69.5 M69.6 M 69.7 M 69.8 M 69.9 M 70.0 M 70.1 M 70.2 M 70.3 M70.4 M A m p l i t u d e (d B m )Note The noise floor in the above figure is limited by the noise floor of themeasurement device. Refer to the AO Noise Spectral Density table for more information.12 | | NI 5783 SpecificationsCLK/REF INConnector type HDBNC (high-density BNC)Input impedance50 ΩInput coupling ACReference input voltage range0.75 V pk-pk to 5.2 V pk-pkSample Clock input voltage range0.4 V pk-pk to 5.2 V pk-pkAbsolute maximum voltage±8.0 VDC, 8.0 V pk-pk ACDuty cycle45% - 55%Internal VCXO phase noise10 Hz-80 dBc/Hz100 Hz-110 dBc/Hz1 kHz-140 dBc/Hz10 kHz-150 dBc/Hz100 kHz-155 dBc/Hz1 MHz-160 dBc/Hz10 MHz-162 dBc/Hz7Default clocking configuration.NI 5783 Specifications| © National Instruments| 13Figure 13. Internal Sample Clock Phase NoiseA m p l i t u d e (dB c /H z )–85–175–170–165–160–155–150–145–140–135–130–125–120–115–110–105–100–95–90Offset Frequency (from carrier)10 M101001 k10 k100 k1 MTRIG General CharacteristicsNumber of channels 1, single-ended Connector type HDBNC Coupling DCImpedanceInput 10 kΩOutput 50 ΩLogic level 3.3 V LVCMOS V oltageV IH_MIN 2 V V IL_MAX0.8 V V OH_MIN (unloaded) 3.1 V V OL_MAX (unloaded)0.2 VAbsolute maximum voltage±20 VDC, +21 dBm (7.1 V pk-pk )14 | | NI 5783 SpecificationsAUX I/O (Port 0 DIO <0..3>, Port 1 DIO <0..3>, and PFI <0..3>Number of channels12 bidirectional (8 DIO and 4 PFI) Connector type HDMIInterface standard 3.3 V LVCMOSInterface logicMaximum V IL0.8 VMinimum V IH 2.0 VMaximum V OL0.4 VMinimum V OH 2.7 VMaximum V OH 3.6 VZ out50 Ω ± 20%I out (DC)±2 mAPull-down resistor150 kΩRecommended operating voltage-0.3 V to 3.6 VOvervoltage protection±10 VMaximum toggle frequency100 MHz+5 V maximum current10 mA+5 V voltage tolerance 4.2 V to 5 VPowerTotal power, typical operation 4.6 WPhysicalDimensions12.9 x 2.0 x 12.1 cm (5.1 x 0.8 x 4.7 in.) Weight420 g (14.8 oz)Front panel connectors Ten HDBNC and one HDMINI 5783 Specifications| © National Instruments| 15EnvironmentMaximum altitude2,000 m (800 mbar) (at 25 °C ambienttemperature)Pollution Degree2Indoor use only.Operating EnvironmentAmbient temperature range0 °C to 55 °C (Tested in accordance withIEC 60068-2-1 and IEC 60068-2-2. MeetsMIL-PRF-28800F Class 3 low temperaturelimit and MIL-PRF-28800F Class 2 hightemperature limit.)Relative humidity range10% to 90%, noncondensing (Tested inaccordance with IEC 60068-2-56.) Storage EnvironmentAmbient temperature range-20 °C to 70 °C (Tested in accordancewith IEC 60068-2-1 and IEC 60068-2-2. MeetsMIL-PRF-28800F Class 3 limits.)Relative humidity range5% to 95%, noncondensing (Tested inaccordance with IEC 60068-2-56.)Shock and VibrationOperating shock30 g peak, half-sine, 11 ms pulse (Tested inaccordance with IEC 60068-2-27. MeetsMIL-PRF-28800F Class 2 limits.)Random vibrationOperating 5 Hz to 500 Hz, 0.3 g rmsNonoperating 5 Hz to 500 Hz, 2.4 g rms (Tested in accordancewith IEC 60068-2-64. Nonoperating testprofile exceeds the requirements ofMIL-PRF-28800F, Class 3.)16| | NI 5783 SpecificationsCompliance and CertificationsSafetyThis product is designed to meet the requirements of the following electrical equipment safety standards for measurement, control, and laboratory use:•IEC 61010-1, EN 61010-1•UL 61010-1, CSA 61010-1Note For UL and other safety certifications, refer to the product label or the OnlineProduct Certification section.Electromagnetic CompatibilityThis product meets the requirements of the following EMC standards for electrical equipment for measurement, control, and laboratory use:•EN 61326-1 (IEC 61326-1): Class A emissions; Basic immunity•EN 55011 (CISPR 11): Group 1, Class A emissions•EN 55022 (CISPR 22): Class A emissions•EN 55024 (CISPR 24): Immunity•AS/NZS CISPR 11: Group 1, Class A emissions•AS/NZS CISPR 22: Class A emissions•FCC 47 CFR Part 15B: Class A emissions•ICES-001: Class A emissionsNote In the United States (per FCC 47 CFR), Class A equipment is intended foruse in commercial, light-industrial, and heavy-industrial locations. In Europe,Canada, Australia, and New Zealand (per CISPR 11), Class A equipment is intendedfor use only in heavy-industrial locations.Note Group 1 equipment (per CISPR 11) is any industrial, scientific, or medicalequipment that does not intentionally generate radio frequency energy for thetreatment of material or inspection/analysis purposes.Note For EMC declarations, certifications, and additional information, refer to theOnline Product Certification section.CE ComplianceThis product meets the essential requirements of applicable European Directives, as follows:•2014/35/EU; Low-V oltage Directive (safety)•2014/30/EU; Electromagnetic Compatibility Directive (EMC)NI 5783 Specifications| © National Instruments| 17Online Product CertificationRefer to the product Declaration of Conformity (DoC) for additional regulatory compliance information. To obtain product certifications and the DoC for this product, visit / certification, search by model number or product line, and click the appropriate link in the Certification column.Environmental ManagementNI is committed to designing and manufacturing products in an environmentally responsible manner. NI recognizes that eliminating certain hazardous substances from our products is beneficial to the environment and to NI customers.For additional environmental information, refer to the Minimize Our Environmental Impact web page at /environment. This page contains the environmental regulations and directives with which NI complies, as well as other environmental information not included in this document.Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE)EU Customers At the end of the product life cycle, all NI products must bedisposed of according to local laws and regulations. For more information abouthow to recycle NI products in your region, visit /environment/weee.电子信息产品污染控制管理办法(中国RoHS)中国客户National Instruments符合中国电子信息产品中限制使用某些有害物质指令(RoHS)。



May 2007Mercedes-Benz Supply SpecificationTrim and molded padded parts for vehicleinteriors (composite parts) DBL 5471 BQF availableAdditional DaimlerChrysler Standards required:DBL 5306, DBL 5307, DBL 8585, MB Special Terms .Supersedes edition: 03.2000 Refer to Section Changes: Page 5Fortsetzung Seite 2 bis 9Issued by: DaimlerChrysler AG70546 Stuttgart Standards (GR/EQS) Technical responsibility (name): HöfelDepartment: PWT/VWK Plant: 050 Phone: +49(0)7031 90 83298 HPC: F105 Technical coordination by PWT Plant 59, Department PWT/VWK Name: Dr. Schuh Telephone +49(0)7031 90 44270HPC: 059 X 685 Confidential! All rights reserved. Distribution or duplication in part or in whole without prior written approval of DaimlerChrysler AG is not permitted.In case of doubt, the German language original should be consulted as the authoritative text.Overview of product versions:Table 1All product versions up to PV 89 not for new designsFor technical data, if required, refer to DBL 5471, edition March 2000Product versions Solar irra-diation Temperature exposureExamples(The PV indicated on the drawing shall apply) .90 is replaced by PV 95.91 is replaced by PV 92.92 partly 90°C -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Trim rear space Roadster Roof grab handlesCenter armrestsDoor arm rests, door handles, door pocket lidsTrim station wagon trunk completeSeat gap cover insideMirror triangleEdge guardsTunnel trimHousing with stowage trayTrim for commercial vehicle cab (e.g. roof trim)Sun visorsInstrument panel lower parts (knee bolster)A, B, C pillar trimHead restraint driverDoor trim with waistlineSeat cushion, seat backrestsRoof frame trim, roof frame elements convertibleMolded ceiling, sliding sunroofGlove box lidAir bag assy.93 is replaced by PV 92.94 full 120 °C -- - Instrument panel upper section Rear shelf and speaker grilleRear head restraint.95 without 80°C -- - -Trunk lining Seat facings, seat gap covers outside, driver's backrest liningFloor area occupant compartment, footrestDoor pockets, central door panels, in-door speaker grillesNote:In the case of systems (assemblies), the PV with the higher temperature shall be selected for testing.DBL 5470 has been superseded by DBL 5471 (05.92).Page 2DBL 5471 : May 2007Abbreviated designation : e.g. Composite material DBL 5471.901. APPLICATIONSThis Specification is intended to facilitate the accelerated aging of assembly components by means of different storage parameters. It specifically applies to the assessment of surface materials of trim and molded padding used in vehicle interiors incl. the luggage compartment. Non-laminated plastic compo-nents shall be aged in accordance with DBL 5471 and assessed visually. In addition, DBL 5404 shall be observed for these components. Painted plastic parts shall be assessed according to DBL 7384.2. MATERIALSThe technical values of all starting materials shall correspond to the individual material DBLs, require-ments specifications and drawings.3. PROPERTIES3.1General requirements- - In line with the specifications of the Quality Management unit of the receiving plant, the components shall be free of manufacturing defects of any kind which would impair the processing and utilization properties or the appearance (e.g. free from release agents). Cleaning agents used during the manufac-turing process shall not cause any material/surface damage.Trim:The bond between the surface material and the substrate shall extend across the whole surface and shall be uniform, sufficiently strong and resistant to aging. The surface material shall be turned over and glued at the outside edges with sufficient strength and without disturbing overlaps. The pull-off force of any glued-on, riveted or integrated attachment or assembly parts (holders, clips or similar) shall corre-spond to the values indicated on the drawing, and the values shall be indicated in the ISIR.- Moldedpaddedparts:These shall be molded with correct dimensions in accordance with the drawing or the functional specifi-cations and demonstrate the specified hardness (indentation depth). The foam expansion shall be even and without noticeable pockets. The foam shall have completed all reactions after a storage time of the molded padded part of 24 hours at room temperature, i.e. it shall not be tacky nor brittle. The bond be-tween cover material and foam as well as between foam and substrates shall be firm enough to ensure that no separation can occur during assembly or use (e.g. as a result of release agent residues). This requires appropriate conditioning of the surface of the materials. The surfaces of the molded padded parts shall correspond to the specified design pattern.- The availability of a certificate of testing in accordance with the following method is specified as an over-riding requirement for adherence to the emission values for interior trim materials: VDA 278; threshold values DBL 8585.The user is responsible for checking whether the version in his possession is the latest version. Forinquires on threshold values, please apply to VDA278.DC-Info@.In particular in the case of substances listed in DBL 8585 Section 2.3, the supplier is required to con-tinuously minimize the concentration and emission at least in accordance with the state of the art, even when values have fallen below the required DBL threshold values.-In installed condition, the materials used shall comply with the following requirements when tested in accordance with the test instruction: "Formteile für den Fahrzeuginnenraum - Bestimmung der Abgabe von Formaldehyd, Ammoniak und Phenolen - Messverfahren in der 1 m³- Kammer“ (draft October 1994, issued by Arbeitskreis "Kfz.-Formteile - einfache Prüfmethoden“ under the leadership of FhG-WKI, Bien-roder Weg 54 E, D-38108 Braunschweig):- Formaldehyde emission: initial value max. 0,2 ppm, in equilibrium max. 0,05 ppm- Phenol emission: max. 0,04 ppm- Ammonia emission: minimalPage 3DBL 5471 : May 2007 Measurements shall be carried out on finished parts under the following testing conditions:- Temperature 65 °C- Relative humidity 11 %- Cabinet load 2 m² per m3- Change of air 0,5 h-1The consistency of production with regard to formaldehyde release shall be tested by means of a simple method and documented, e.g. bottle method (determination of formaldehyde release of molded parts by the bottle method, VDA recommendation 275- DKF, Ulrichstr. 14, D-74321 Bietigheim) or gas analysis method DIN-EN 717-2 (was: DIN 52 368 - Beuth Verlag GmbH, D-10772 Berlin). It is a condition, how-ever, that this value is determined already for the initial sample. For this reason, it shall also be indi-cated on the acceptance test certificate.3.2 Shape, dimensions, cut-outs and markingsIn accordance with drawing and/or template.3.3 ColorIn accordance with order, approval, reference sample and other specifications (DE/QM).3.4 GrainIn accordance with order MBN 31 0304.TECHNICAL DATARefer to Table 2, pages 6 to 9.METHODS5. TESTDIN/EN/ISO (refer to Table 2) or DBL 5306, Part II and DBL 5307.5.1 Separating force for laminated parts (cover material/substrate)The test shall be carried out in analogy with the separation test in accordance with DIN 53 357 immedi-ately after the specified storage periods. Test specimens shall be taken in longitudinal, transverse and diagonal directions and shall provide a representative cross-section of the complete part and shall bedocumented in the ISIR.The test specimens shall be prepared by sawing out pieces approx. 70 mm wide and approx. 200 mm long. For testing the separating force, cut the surface material through to the substrate 50 ± 1 mm wide with a knife in the longer direction of the test specimen.5.2 Foam adhesion for molded paddings (excerpt from DBL 5306.16)Strips 50 mm wide shall be cut into the narrow side of the molded padding, and the surface material(e.g. deep drawn films, molded skins) shall be pulled off at an angle of approx. 120° and at a rate ofapprox. 100 mm/5 s constantly and without sudden movements. The area-based foam adhesion on the reverse of the pulled-off materials and the surface of the substrate shall be assessed. As a representa-tive average, at least 75 % of the total surface of the molded padding shall be pulled off from variouslocations and assessed. Adhesion values are specified in the specific material DBL. Each individualstrip shall be assessed; the result shall be calculated by averaging. No individual strip shall lie morethan 50% below the foam adhesion. Where the visual foam adhesion between the molded skin and the foam yields a result lower than 75%, compliance can be proven by indicating the separating force value in N. Attach a spring balance (compression-tension measuring unit 0 to 50 N) to the test strip and de-termine the separating force under the test conditions indicated above. The test result shall not fall be-low the lower threshold value required in the specific material DBL (10 N/5 cm strip width). The test shall be performed on components which have been stored at 23 ± 5 °C for at least 48 h after foaming orwhich have been subjected to heat storage.Page 4DBL 5471 : May 20075.3 Climatic resistance testsAssessmentcriteria: The parts shall not demonstrate any changes interfering with the application in comparison with the as-supplied state (e.g.warping, flattening, deflection, shrinkage or extension of thefinished parts, detachment of the surface material and of thefastening and making-up parts, glue embrittlement, blistering,impressions and piercing, waviness, brittleness and cracking ordiscoloration (assessment in accordance with ISO 105-A02),tackiness, marked glossiness and grain flattening of thesurface material, marked swelling, spalling, layer and fiberseparation of the substrate or similar). Weld joints shall notseparate.S = Focus point test (see DBL 5306.104) shall always be performed.Temperature requirements deviating from the functional specification:There is a temperature differential between the surface and substrate in the vehicle. For climatic cham-ber storage, the requirements profile for the surface is higher.The components are stored unassembled and shall therefore not be used for the assessment of dimen-sional requirements.Test sequence:1.2. 3. 4. Alternating atmospheres All constant atmospheresSolar simulationLow temperature storage5.4 More precise indication of color fastness to light (hot light fastness) and aging (hot light aging) to artifi-cial light at high temperatures in accordance with DIN / EN / ISO 105-B06.Exposure conditions: 3 (normal); irradiance 1,2 W/m² (420nm)For type of apparatus C, filter system BS/SL shall be used.Color fastness (HLF)- Determination of end point: Exposure to ∆E 4,3+/-0,4 of reference 6 (exposed/to covered). Colormeasurement of reference with white reference tile as substrate.- Assessment: Comparison exposed specimen with original specimen for light sourceD65.Assessment with blue scale (references).Determination of aging (HLA)- Determination of end point: as for HLF, but with several consecutive cycles.For each cycle, a new reference 6 shall be used.- Assessment: Comparison exposed specimen with original specimen for light sourceD65.Assessment with gray scale in accordance with DIN EN 20105-A025.5 Abrasion resistance*1. To be tested in as-supplied condition2. To be tested following testing according to 5.3. in sequence 1, 2, 3 (item 3 only for PV 94)3. To be tested following hot light aging (HLA)4. To be tested on leather-faced parts following testing according to5.3 in sequence 1, 25. To be tested on leather-faced parts following hot light aging (HLA)5.6 Sun cream test* Required components: instrument panel, upper and lower sections, center consoles, door linings. Onlyfor films andmolded skin surfaces. Testing in as-supplied condition, not in aged condition.*) For Sections 5.5 and 5.6 also refer to DBL 5399Page 5DBL 5471 : May 20075.7 The contact staining problem shall be assessed in accordance with PAPP PWT 7329.5.8 The corrosion behavior of metallic components shall be assessed in accordance with test instruction PBVWT 217.6.DUTIES OF THE SUPPLIERRefer to MercedesBenz Special Terms No. 13 and No. 16, Purchase Conditions for Production Materi-als and Spare Parts for Motor Vehicles.7. SAMPLESRefer to MercedesBenz Special Terms No. 13.8. DELIVERIESRefer to MercedesBenz Special Terms No. 13 and DBL 5306, Section 104.9. MARKINGRefer to MercedesBenz Special Terms No. 4, No. 24, No. 27 and DBL 5306, Section 105.10. PACKAGING, FORM OF SUPPLY AND DELIVERY CONDITIONSRefer to Mercedes-Benz Special Terms No. 30.Freedom from silicones shall be assured in general.11. STORABILITYRefer to DBL 5306, Section 107.INSTRUCTIONS12. SPECIALRefer to DBL 5306, Section 108.13. COMPLAINTSRefer to MercedesBenz Special Terms No. 16 and Purchase Conditions for Production Materials and Spare Parts for Motor Vehicles.14. ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION REGULATIONS/INDUSTRIAL SAFETYRefer to MercedesBenz Special Terms No. 30, No. 36 and DBL 8585 Negative substance list for theselection of materials.Changes:PV 93 deleted, PV 92, PV 94 and PV 95 revised.Revision 01.2006Page 6DBL 5471 : May 2007Table 2:4. Technical data Product version requirements Test method90 91 92 93 94 95Conditioning of parts Parts shall only be tested after the reaction of the glue or foam has been completed (refer to data sheets). Ifno indications are made: storage 48 h min. at room temperature.General requirements for allalternatingatmospheres Time/temperature/relative humidityNote: All times are holding times. Tolerances: Temperature ± 1 K; relative humidity ± 3 %; rate of change of temperature, heating: approx. 1,5 K/min, cooling: approx. 1,5 K/min; crossover point temperature/relative hu-midity in heating and cooling phases at 40°C max./ 40% r.h. max.The recorded diagrams shall be documented for leather surfaces.Climatic resistance storage For requirements text, refer to Section 5.3, page 4 4.1Alternatingatmospheres4.1.1 Dry-warm/humid-cold(warm climate cycle test A)Film, skin andtextilesurfaces - - - - - S:+ 6 cycl. {2h / 80°C / max. 20%+ 1h / 23 ± 3°C / 50 ± 15%}Leathersurface - - - - - S:+30 cycl. {4h / 10°C / 92%+ 2h / 80°C / max. 20%}for series production monitoring10 cycl.4.1.2 Dry-warm/humid-cold(warm climate cycle test B)Film, skin and textile surfaces S:+S:+S:+S:+ fol-lowed by 2h 105 °C - -6 cycl. {2h / 90°C / max. 20%+ 1h / 23 ± 3°C / 50 ± 15%}Leathersurface S:+S:+S:+S:+ fol-lowed by 2h 105 °C - -30 cycl. {4h / 10°C / 92%+ 2h / 90°C / max. 20%}for series production monitoring10 cycl.4.1.3 Dry-hot/humid-cold(hot climate cycle test)Film, skin andtextilesurfaces - - - - S:+- 6 cycl. {2h / 120°C / max. 20%+ 1h / 23 ± 3°C / 50 ± 15%}Leathersurface - - - - S:+- 30 cycl. {4h / 10°C / 92%+ 2h / 105°C / max. 20%}for series production monitoring10 cycl.UPage 7DBL 5471 : May 2007 4. Technical data Product version requirements Test method(continued) 90 91 92 93 94 954.2 Constant atmospheres4.2.1 Dry-warm endurance test A(warm temperature test)- - - - - S:+7d / 80 °C / max. 20%4.2.2 Dry-warm endurance test B(warm temperature test)S:+S:+S:+S:+- - 7d / 90 °C / max. 20%4.2.3 Dry-hot endurance test(heat test)Film, skin andtextilesurfaces- - - - S:+- 7d / 120 °C / max. 10% Leathersurface S:+7d / 105 °C / max. 10%4.2.4 Humid-warm agingFilm, skin and textile surfaces, not for parts with leather surfaces S:+S:+S:+S:+S:+S:+21d / 40 °C / 92%4.3 Changeincolorafter climate storage 4.1 and 4.2Minimum Rating 4 - 5 4 - 5 4 - 5 4 - 5 4 - 5 4 - 5DIN/EN 20105-A024.4 Solar simulation DIN 75 2204.4.1 Indoor 1 - - - - + - Indoor 1 dry climate4.5 Color change after solarafter solar simulation 4.4Minimum Rating - - - - 4 -ISO 105-A024.6 Cold resistance DBL 5306.7.3;storage 24 h at -30 ±2 °C,4.6.1 Ball drop test + + + + + + Drop height: 200mm4.7 Hardness test The required indentation depth is specified on the relevant drawing for theindividual parts and shall be documented in the ISIR.DBL 5306.15.2 ????UPage 8DBL 5471 : May 20074. Technical data Product version requirements Test method(continued) 90 91 92 93 94 954.8 Layer separation force *Minimum N Refer to Sectio 5.1.n4.8.1 For substrates with rough surface (e.g. hardboard, pressed non-woven fabric etc.)and for covering materials with very high elongation (min. 45% elongation at 50N; e.g. knitted fabric) *If the separating forces are not reached, a waiver shall be agreed with DC and docu-mented. These shall be recorded in the ISIR. after storage in standard atmosphere 15 15 15 15 15 after climatic storage S: 12S: 12S: 12S: 12S: 12S: 12For storage, refer toSection 4.1, 4.2, 4.4 4.8.2 For substrates with smooth surface (e.g. injection-molded ABS, PUR-GF) after storage in standard atmosphere20 20 20 20 20 20but for film 50 50 50 50 50 504.8.2.2 after climatic storage S: 15S: 15S: 15S: 15S: 15S: 15For storage, refer tobut for film S: 50S: 50S: 50S: 50S: 50S: 50Section 4.1, 4.2, 4.44.9 Surface adhesion for molded padding Minimum %Section5.2,DBL5306.16; for storage, refer to4.9.1 Cover material to foam S: 75S: 75S: 75S: 75S: 75S: 75Section 4.1, 4.2, 4.4 4.9.2 Substrate to foam S: 75S: 75S: 75S: 75S: 75S: 754.10 Burningtest S: Fulfillment of requirements in accordance with DBL 5307, product ver-sion 10 / 20.DBL 5307.5.1 or 5.24.11 Abrasion resistance, only for film,skin or plastic surfacesMinimum Rating4.11.1 dry 4 4 4 4 4 4 DBL 5306.4.1 Refer to Section5.54.11.2 wet4.11.3 *MB stain remover 4.11.4 MBplasticscleaner 4.11.5 MBglasscleaner 3-43-43-43-43-43-43-43-43-43-43-43-43-43-43-43-43-43-43-43-43-43-43-43-4* 5 strokes without additionalweightBQF 7528.00BQF 6960.204.12 Sun cream testMaximum Rating 1 1 1 1 1 1 PAPP/PWT 7328 Refer to Section 5.64.13 Scratch resistance only for film,skin or plastic surfaces The surface shall demonstrate no or only a small scribing effect when mar-king with a finger nail.DBL 5306.3.14.14 Scratch exposure of surface withchisel, only for flexible cellular TPO and PVC sheeting No violation of surface.DBL 5306.3.2; for total load, referto individual material DBL, oth-erwise 1600gUPage 9DBL 5471 : May 2007 4. Technical data Product version requirements Test method(continued) 90 91 92 93 94 954.15 Color fastness (HLF)Minimum blue scale Rating 6 6 6-7 6-7 6-7 6DIN/EN/ISO 105-B064.16 Aging (HLA)Minimum gray scale Rating - - 4 periods 4 periods 4 periods3-4 -For test methods refer to Section5.4Requirement:Possible deviationCover product DBL shall determine the requirements for the finished part with regard to the rating and number of periods.If cover product DBL-PV is better in rating (with a number of periods of at least 4) than in the corresponding PV of DBL 5471, the following criteria shall apply:u Number of periods as specified in cover productDBL.u Rating max. deviation 0,5 downwards.If no cover product is specified, rating and number of periods of corresponding PV of DBL 5471 shall apply.4.17Emission analysis4.17.1 VOC value µg/g (ppm) 4.17.2 FOG value µg/g (ppm)Target value: ≤ 100Target value: ≤ 250DBL 8585VDA 278*Critical individual substances shall not exceed the limit/target valuesindicated in DBL 8585, Section Odor testMaximum Rating 3 3 3 3 3 3 VDA 270; depending on compo-nent size4.18 Fogging test For the composite, the fogging values specified in the relevant DBL of thesurface materials apply. The relevant approval shall be available alreadybefore the approval of the relevant parts. If no allocation is possible or novalue has been specified, the following shall applyFogging test: Quantity of condensable substance: Maximum 1,0 mgFor the substrate materials the values specified in the DBL, if available,shall apply. If no allocation is possible or no value has been specified, thefollowing shall applyFogging test: Quantity of condensable substance: Maximum 2,0 mgDIN 75 201 * In the event of deviations, the value specified in the individual material DBLs shall apply.U。

无限Wifi网络破解——BACK TRACK支持的网卡芯片

无限Wifi网络破解——BACK TRACK支持的网卡芯片

BACK TRACK支持的网卡芯片以下数据全部来自BackTrack 3 官方论坛,这份数据可以让你清楚知道你的无线网卡或者你准备购买的无线网卡是否支持BT3,因为使用BT3破解无线网络的密码必须要无线网卡支持监听和注入,所以这个很重要!2.1 PCI2.1.1 Asus WL-138g v22.1.2 Belkin F5D80012.1.3 CNet CWP-8542.1.4 Dlink DWL-AG5302.1.5 Dlink DWL-G5202.1.6 Dlink DWL-G5502.1.7 Dlink DWL-G5102.1.8 Foxconn WLL-33502.1.9 MSI PC60G2.1.10 Netgear WG311T2.1.11 Netgear WPN3112.1.12 SMC SMCWPCI-G2.2 Mini PCI (Built in)2.2.1 Broadcom BCM4306 802.11b/g (rev 3)2.2.2 Broadcom BCM4318 802.11b/g2.2.3 IBM AR5212 802.11abg NIC (rev 01)2.2.4 IPW21002.2.5 IPW22002.2.6 WN360G2.3 Mini PCIe (Built in)2.3.1 Broadcom BCM4311 802.11b/g2.3.2 IPW39452.3.3 IPWRAW (IPW3945 Monitor + Inject)2.3.4 IPW4965/IWL4965 agn2.4 PCMCIA Cards2.4.1 3COM 3CRWE154G72 v12.4.2 3COM 3CRPAG175B with XJACK Antenna2.4.3 Agere Systems ORiNOCO GOLD PC Card Classic2.4.4 AirLink101 AWLC41302.4.5 ASUS WL100G2.4.6 Belkin F5D6020 v32.4.7 Belkin F5D7010 V10002.4.8 Belkin F5D7010 V3000UK2.4.9 Belkin F5D7010 V50002.4.10 Belkin F5D7010 V60002.4.11 Belkin F5D70112.4.12 Buffalo WLI-CB-G54HP2.4.13 Cisco AIR-LMC3502.4.14 Cisco AIR-PCM350-T2.4.15 Cisco Aironet AIR-CB21AG-A-K92.4.16 Dlink DW A-6452.4.17 Dlink DWL-650+2.4.18 Dlink DWL-G6502.4.19 Dlink DWL-G630, 650+/-2.4.20 Dlink DWL-G650M2.4.21 Dlink DWL-G650+2.4.22 D-Link WNA-13302.4.23 Enterasys Roamabout 802.11 DS High Rate2.4.24 Gigabyte GN-WM01GT AirCruiserG Mach G2.4.25 Lucent Technologies Orinoco Silver2.4.26 Linksys WPC11v42.4.27 Linksys WPC11v42.4.28 Linksys WPC54G v32.4.29 Motorola WN825G v22.4.30 NetGear MA4012.4.31 NetGear WPN5112.4.32 NetGear WPN511 – Range Max2.4.33 NetGear WG511T2.4.34 NetGear W AG511v22.4.35 NetGear WG511 v12.4.36 NetGear WG511v22.4.37 Netgear WG511U2.4.38 NetGear WPN511GR2.4.39 Netgear WPNT5112.4.40 PROXIM ORiNOCO 802.11b/g Gold (Model: 8470-WD)2.4.41 Senao NL-2511CD PLUS EXT22.4.42 Senao Sl-2511CD Plus EXT22.4.43 Senao SL-2511 CD PLUS (the one w/o external connectors)2.4.44 Sitecom WL-100b2.4.45 SMC 2532W-B2.4.46 SMC SMC2536W-AG2.4.47 SMC WCB-G2.4.48 SWEEX LW051 ver: TP-link SuperG&eXtended Range 108M Wireless Cardbus Adapter(TL-WN610G) 2.4.50 TP-link eXtended Range 54M Wireless Cardbus Adapter (TL-WN510G)2.4.51 Ubiquiti SRC2.4.52 Wistron WLAN 802.11a/b/g Cardbus CB9-GP2.4.53 X-Micro WLAN 11g PCMCIA Card (XWL-11GPAG)2.4.54 ZCom XI-325HP+2.4.55 Zyxel ZyAIR G-100 PCMCIA Card (FCC ID:N89-WE601l)2.5 USB Dongles2.5.1 Airlink101 AWLL30262.5.2 ALFA Networks AWUS036H2.5.3 ASUS WL-167G2.5.4 A VM Fritz!Wlan USB V1.12.5.5 Belkin F5D7050 V12.5.6 Belkin F5D7050 (4000 series)2.5.7 Belkin F5D7050B2.5.8 Belkin F5D70512.5.9 Buffalo Airstation G54 WLI-U2-KG54-AI (2A)2.5.10 Chiefmax2.5.11 D-Link DWL 122 (USB) F/W3.2.1 H/W A12.5.12 D-Link DWL G122 (USB) F/W 2.03 B12.5.13 D-Link WUA-13402.5.14 Edimax EW-7317UG2.5.15 Edimax EW-7318USG2.5.16 Linksys WUSB54g v42.5.17 Linksys WUSB54GC2.5.18 MicroEdge MEG55A Wireless-G USB Dongle2.5.19 NetGear WG111v22.5.20 NetGear WG111T2.5.21 Netopia ter/gusb-e2.5.22 OvisLink Evo-w54usb2.5.23 SafeCom SWMULZ-54002.5.24 ZyDAS 12112.5.25 SMCWUSB-G EU2.5.26 MSI US54SE2.5.27 Hawking HWUG1为了您的安全,请只打开来源可靠的网址打开网站取消来自: /zsh%5Fmars/blog/item/c5524029148e59f599250ab0.html。


中 图 分 类 号 :T 8 N2 文 献 标 识 码 :B 文 章 编 号 :0 5 — 9 8 2 1 )0 0 1 — 4 2 8 7 9 (0 0 1 — 1 0 0
24 . 5GHz a d ra e n e n a e n h g —b n e d ra tn a b s d o ih—i e a c u fc mp d n e s ra e
2 n e g no ain T c n lg C . t ,S e z e 0 7,Chn ) .Iv n o Ifr t e h oo m o y o ,Ld h n h n 5 5 1 8 ia
Ab t c : 2. 5 GHz b n s n f te b n s w ih r o sr t a 4 ad i o e o h a d h c ae c mmo l s d n F D.I r e o c iv n n e n t o d n y u e i R I n o d r t a h e e a a tn a wi g o h p ro a c i h s b n ef r n e n t i a d,o h a i f i r vn h p r r c u l d e d n e n s u tr , w n r d c a i h- mp d n e m n t e b s o mp o ig t e a et e- o pe fe a t n a t cu e s u r e i t u e hg i e a c o
摘 要 :24 Hz频 段 是 R I 常 用 的 频 段 之 一 。 为 了 实现 一 款 该 频 段 的 性 能 良 好 的 天 线 , 改 .5G FD 在
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437560390_&_427220413_&_ 282757_dbl5571

437560390_&_427220413_&_ 282757_dbl5571

September 2002Mercedes-BenzSupply SpecificationSealing sections / Moulded parts manufactured fromelastomers, mainly in body areasuitable for thermal stressing from 70°C to 100°CDBL 5571BQF availableýAdditional DaimlerChrysler standards required: DBL 5555, DBL 8585 as well as MB Special TermsSupersedes Edition: 12.95Refer to Section Changes onContinued on pages 2 to 5Issued by:DaimlerChrysler AG D-70546 Stuttgart Standards (EP/QIN)Technical responsibility (Name): Elke StoeckerDepartment: PWT/VWL Plant: 050Telephone: (+49) 7031/90-81572HPC: F105Technical coordination by PWT / Materials and Process Engineering Plant 50 Department PWT/VWL Name: Dr. HerrmannTelephone +49 7031-90-2461HPC F 105Confidential! All rights reserved. Distribution or duplication in part or in whole without prior written approval of DaimlerChrysler AG is not permitted.In case of doubt, the German language original should be consulted as the authoritative text.1. General requirements and elastomer bases Product versions PVHardness range Shore A Application examplesRecommended polymer type1025 to 80Fixed seals such as shims, gaskets, cup seals etc.EPDM1480 to 90and > 90as PV .10e.g. clamping baseEPDM blends2025 to 80Seals subject to lifting stress, e.g. for doors, engine hood etc.2180 to 90and > 90as PV .20e.g. clamping base3025 to 80Seals subject to mechanical-dynamic stress, e.g.dust shield seal, window guide railAbbreviated designationsFor drawings in the block for material: e.g. Elastomer 70 ± 5 Shore A DBL 5571.102. General properties of materials, raw materials and supply conditionThe general conditions in accordance with DBL 5555 shall be observed.These include, for example, receiving inspections, in-process inspections, test certificate, sampling, industrial safety and environmental protection, deliveries, marking, packaging, storability, complaints.3. Dimensions and tolerances/Form of supply: Refer to drawing4. Technical data : Refer to Table on page 35. Changes over edition 12/95:Test specifications adapted to VDA standards Editorial revisionPage 2DBL 5571 : September 20026. Other applicable standards:MB standards Other standardsDBL 5555VDA 675 106MB Special Terms VDA 675 130DBL 7906VDA 675 125DBL 8585VDA 675 116DBL 5527VDA 675 242PBVWL 717VDA 675 216 Method BDIN 75 200VDA 675 311DIN 75 201 B VDA 270 Method B 2VDA 675 310VDA 675 102VDA 675 101VDA 675 130VDA 675 205VDA 675 211 Test specimen AVDA 675 217B1) refer to DBL 5555 Part II Item 32) 25% elongation at tension strain (compression set not applicable)> 90 Shore A (tension and compression set not applicable)Page 3DBL 5571 : September 20021) refer to DBL 5555 Part II Item3Technical data4.Product versions (PV)Limit requirements Permitted tolerance with reference to sample value 1)Test method10142021304.1Density g/cm³in accordance with sample ± 0,02VDA 675 106buoyancy method 4.2Shore-A and/ormicrohardness IRHD in accordance with drawing± 5VDA 675 102VDA 675 1014.3Colorin accordance with drawing --4.4 Extractable matter %in accordance with sample ± 3VDA 675 1254.5Residue on ignition%in accordance with sample± 2VDA 675 1304.6Tensile strength at least N/mm²Shore Aat hardness up to 35at hardness of35 to 65at hardness of65 to 80at hardness of80 to 90 and > 905,06,07,0----8,06,06,07,0----8,06,06,07,0-± 20%VDA 675 2054.7Elongation at tear %at leastShore Aat hardness up to 35at hardness of35 to 65at hardness of65 to 80at hardness of80 to 90 and > 90300250200----80350300250----80350300250-± 20%4.8Tear growth resist., at least N/mmShore Aat hardness up to 35 at hardness of 35 to 65at hardness of 65 to 80at hardness of 80 to 90 and > 904,04,55,0----4,04,05,08,0----4,05,08,09,0-± 20%VDA 675 211test specimen A assessment in accordance with DIN 53539Page 4DBL 5571 : September 20021) refer to DBL 5555 Part II Item 32) 25% elongation at tension strain (compression set not applicable) > 90 Shore A (tension and compression set not applicable)4.Technical data (continued)Limit requirements Permitted tolerance with reference to sample value 1)Test method10142021304.9Compression and tension setmaximum %352)60352)5030± 10 %VDA 675 216 BVDA 675 217 B 24h/70+-2°C 4.10Cold reference (stiff- ness) value, max. °C-35± 3VDA 675 116Small discoloration permissible4.11 Contact stainingMigration stainingNo discolorationpermissible-VDA 675 242Visual assessment4.12 Heat ageingresistanceChange in hardnessShore A ± 5± 3VDA 675 3107d/70° CHeat storageDimensional change of length and widthmaximum %1-Tensile strength N/mm²at least Shore Aat hardness up to 35at hardness of 35 to 65at hardness of 65 to 80at hardness of 80 to 90 and > 903,54,55,0----7,04,04,55,0----7,04,05,06,0± 20%Elongation at tear at least %Shore Aat hardness of 35at hardness of 35 to 65at hardness of 65 to 80at hardness of 80 to 90 and > 90250200150----70300250200----70300250200-± 20%4.13Combust. test mm/min< 100-DIN 75 200only for interior partsPage 5 DBL 5571 : September 20021) refer to DBL 5555 Part II Item3Limit requirements4Technical data(continued)1014202130Permittedtolerance withreference tosample value 1)Test method4.14Fogging testQuantity of condens-able substance mg max.2-DIN 75 201-Bonly for interiorparts4.15Odour test gradeat least 3-VDA270Method B 2only for interiorparts4.16Ozone not applicable to EPDM-VDA 675 311 4.17Free of nitrosamines all components-PBVWL717 4.18Self-adhesive finish in accordance with drawing-DBL 79064.19Contact corrosion inconnection with Al orMg parts elastomer blend with reducedconductivity-DBL 5527。

DBL 5403 06.2005

DBL 5403          06.2005
Drehstabgestänge mit hoher Zähigkeit, Lagerelemente Drehstabgestänge mit hoher Steifigkeit
Lagerschalen und Lagerbüchsen, Versteifungselemente Drehstabgestänge mit hoher Steifigkeit
70546 Stuttgart Zentrale Normung
Abteilung: PWT/VEW
Telefon: (0711) 17-20235
Werk: 010 HPC: H120
Werk 50, Abteilung PWT/VWK Telefon (07031) 90-44270
Name: Dr. W. Wittig
Büchsen, Ringstücke, Lagerringe, Stopfen Unkonditionierte trockenschlagzähe Formteile mit Schnapp-, Feder- und Clipsbefestigungselementen Gehäuseteile für mechanische Aggregate
1 Werkstoffe
Ersatz für
Ausgabe: 09.95
Siehe unter Abschnitt Änderungen Seite 3
AA Werkstoff Werkstoffbeschreibung
Anwendungsbeisp来自ele00 PA6Polyamid 6
01 PA6-I
Polyamid 6,
00 PA6-GF25 Polyamid 6 mit



Operation • Double-Buffered Input Register • Address Support for up to Two DAC5571s • Small 6 Lead SOT 23 Package • Operation From -40°C to 105°C
Vapor phase (60s) Infrared (15s)
UNITS -0.3 V to +6 V
-0.3 V to +VDD + 0.3 V -0.3 V to +VDD + 0.3 V
-40°C to + 105°C -65°C to + 150°C
+ 150°C (TJmax - TA)RΘJA
PRODUCTION DATA information is current as of publication date. Products conform to specifications per the terms of the Texas Instruments standard warranty. Production processing does not necessarily include testing of all parameters.
Please be aware that an important notice concerning availability, standard warranty, and use in critical applications of Texas Instruments semiconductor products and disclaimers thereto appears at the end of this data sheet. I2C is a trademark of Philips Corporation.

USER GUIDE EE872 – Modular CO2 Probe说明书

USER GUIDE EE872 – Modular CO2 Probe说明书

USER GUIDEEE872 – Modular CO 2 ProbeSCOPE OF SUPPLY» EE872 probe according ordering guide» Test report according to DIN EN10204 - 2.2CAUTION» The EE872, and most of all the sensing module and the filter cap shall not be exposed to extreme mechanical or thermal stress. » The device must be operated with properly mounted filter cap at all times.» The EE872 is not appropriate for safety, emergency stop or other critical applications where device malfunction or failure could cause injury to humans and other living beings.CONNECTION DIAGRAMfront view device plug24513V+-Voltage outputCurrent output GND analogue output Power supply 10 - 35 V DCGNDfront view12345Pin numberFunctionWire colors for accessories:- Couplig flange HA010705- Connection cable HA010819/820/8211supply voltage brown 2B RS485 (D-) or voltage outputwhite 3GNDblue 4 A RS485 (D+) or current output black 5configuration pingraySELECTION BETWEEN ANALOGUE OUTPUT AND RS485 INTERFACEConfiguration pin connected to GND: EE872 features analogue outputs independently of its original setup.Configuration pin not connected:» EE872 set to RS485 interface (option P1 in the order code) features RS485 interface.» EE872 set to analogue outputs (option GA7 or GA11 in the order code): the RS485 interface is active for the first 10 seconds after power on, and awaits connection with the EE-PCS Product Communication Software. This allows for setup changes or adjustment of the EE872. If the connection to EE-PCS is not established during 10 seconds, the device changes automatically to analogue output.DIMENSIONS136 mm (5.35")M12x165 mm (2.56")Ø 25 m m(0.98")61 mm (2.4")Best measurement performance is achieved when the entire probe is located inside the environment to be monitored.In such a case, the EE872 may be for instance fixed onto a wall with the mounting clip HA010227 (not included in the scope of supply, see data sheet “Accessories”), or freely hang from the ceiling onto the connection cable.The probe can be installed also into a partition wall using the stainless steel mounting flange HA010226 (not included in the scope of supply, see data sheet “Accessories”).For large temperature (T) difference between the two sides of the wall, T gradients may appear along the probe. Although the CO2 measurement is T compensated, large T gradients may still impact on the accuracy.For minimizing this effect place thermal isolation material around the probe looking out of the wall (on the connector side).EE872 with mounting flange HA010226EE872 with mounting clip HA010227ID address, baud rate, parity and stop bits can be set via:1. EE-PCS, Product Configuration Software and the appropriate configuration cable.2. Modbus protocol in the register 60001 (0x00) and 60002 (0x01).See Application Note Modbus AN0103 (available on /EE872)The EE872 factory setting for the slave-ID (Modbus address) is 237 as an integer 16 bit value.The measured values are saved as a 32 bit float value.The serial number as ASCII-code is located at read register address 30001-30008 (16 bit per address).The firmware version is located at register address 30009 (bit 15...8 = major release; bit 7...0 = minor release).1) Register number starts from 1 2) Register address starts from 0 3) For Modbus protocol setting please see Application Note Modbus AN0103 at Modbus RTU ExampleExample of MODBUS RTU command for reading the CO 2 (float value) CO 2 = 1288,34375 ppm from the register 0x424:Device EE872; slave ID 237 [ED in HEX]Decoding of float values:See also Application Note AN0103 at /EE872.SETUP AND ADJUSTMENTThe EE872 is ready to use and does not require any configuration by the user. The factory setup of EE872 corresponds to the type number ordered. For ordering guide please see data sheet at /EE872. If needed, the user can change the factory setup by using the USB configuration adapter (order code HA011018) and the EE-PCS, Product Configuration Software.One can change the CO 2 output signal (analogue to digital and vice versa), the scaling of the analogue outputs, the digital settings and perform CO 2 adjustment.In addition, is it possible to enable or disable the pressure compensation (factory setting: enabled), the NAMUR error indication (factory setting: disabled) and the heating of sensing module (factory setting: enabled).EE-PCS PRODUCT CONFIGURATION SOFTWARE1. Download the EE-PCS Product Configuration Software from /configurator and install it on the PC.2. Connect the E+E device to the PC using the appropriate configuration cable.3. Start the EE-PCS software.4. Follow the instructions on the EE-PCS opening page for scanning the ports and identifying the connected device.5. Click on the desired setup or adjustment mode from the main EE-PCS menu on the left and follow the online instructions of the EE-PCS.ERROR INDICATION ON THE ANALOGUE OUTPUT (NAMUR)The EE872 features an error indication on the analogue output according toNAMUR r ecommendations (factory settings: disabled).The feature can be enabled with the EE-PCS Product Configuration Software, see above.REPLACING THE SENSING MODULE EE872S2Very important: The sensing module EE872S must feature same CO 2 measuring range as the original EE872 probe! If the measuring range of the replacement module and of the original EE872 probe are different, the analogue output will stay at 4 mA, 0 V or NAMUR error indication while the CO 2 reading via RS485 interface will be 0 ppm.Procedure: » Power off the EE872.» Remove the filter cap by turning it counter-clockwise. » Remove the sensing module by pulling it straight out from the output unit.» Plug the new EE872S sensing module into the output unit.» Screw the filter cab fingertight onto the probe.CHANGING THE FILTER CAPIn a dusty, polluted environment it might be necessary to replace the filter cap once in a while. In most of the cases, a clogged filter shows visible contamination or dirt. Longer response time of the CO 2 measurement also indicates a clogged filter cap. In such cases, replace the filter by a new, original one, see data sheet “Accessories”:Order codes: » PTFE filter cap HA010123» Catalytic filter cap for H 2O 2 sterilization HA010124Procedure:» Turn the filter cap counter-clockwise for removing it.» Install the new filter cap fingertight by turning it clockwise.EE872 ADJUSTMENT OR CALIBRATION WITH REFERENCE CO 2 GASDefinitions:Adjustment: the specimen is brought in line with the reference.Calibration: the specimen is compared with a reference and its deviation from the reference is documented.For EE872 calibration or adjustment with reference CO 2 gas use the calibration adapter HA010785 (not included in the scope of supply, see data sheet “Accessories”).Procedure:» Remove the filter cap and install the calibration adapter onto the probe.» Connect the calibration gas to one of the two connection nipples. The gas fed into the calibration adapter will freely flow out through the second nipple.Note:The calibration adapter can also be used as a protection cap , for instance during cleaning operations. For this, close both nipples with the supplied rubber caps.output unitsensing modulefilter capcalibration adapter / protection capHA010785rubber caps0...10 000 ppm: < ± (100 ppm + 5 % mv)0...3 %:< ± (1.5 % from full scale + 2 % mv)0...5 %: Response time t 631) 90 sT dependency, typ. ± (1 + CO 2 concentration [ppm] / 1 000) ppm/°C, for CO 2 <10 000 ppm (-20...45 °C) (-4...113 °F)-0.3 % mv / °C, for CO 2 > 10 000 ppm Residual pressure dependency 2) 0.014 % mv / mbar (ref. to 1013 mbar)(-20...45 °C) (-4...113 °F)Measurement interval15 s (user adjustable from 15 s to 1 h)Long term stability, typ. at 0 ppm CO 220 ppm / yearOutputsAnalogue 0 - 5 V / 0 - 10 V -1 mA < I L < 1 mA0 - 20 mA / 4 - 20 mA (3-wire) R L ≤ 500 Ohm R L = load resistance Digital interface RS485, max. 32 unit load devices on one bus (EE872 = 1/10 unit load) ProtocolModbus RTUGeneralSupply voltage 15 - 35 V DC for current output12 - 30 V DC for voltage output and RS485 interface Average current consumption at 12 V DC 45 mA for 20 mA output currentand 15 s measurement inverval 25 mA for voltage output and RS485 interface Peak currentmax. 200 mAEnclosure material plastic (PET), UL94HB approved orstainless steel 1.4404Filter cap material PTFE, UL94V-0 approved Protection classIP65(Industrial enviroment) EN61326-2-3Operating and -40...60 °C (-40...140 °F)storage conditions700...1100 mbar (10.15...15.95 psi)0...100 % RH (operation, with enabled heating)0...95 % RH non condensing (storage)1) With data averaging algorithm for smooth output signal. Faster response time available upon request.2) The pressure dependency of a device without pressure compansation: 0.14 % mv / mbar.INFORMATION+4372356050/***************Langwiesen 7 • A-4209 EngerwitzdorfTel: +43 7235 605-0 • Fax: +43 7235 605-8***************•LG Linz Fn 165761 t • UID-Nr. ATU44043101 Place of Jurisdiction: A-4020 Linz • DVR0962759USAFCC notice:This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the installation manual, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:- Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.- Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.- Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which thereceiver is connected.- Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.CANADIANICES-003 Issue 5:CAN ICES-3 B / NMB-3 B。



May 2005Mercedes-BenzSupply SpecificationTextile-flocked elastomer parts for body sealings andplastic parts for vehicle interiorDBL 5575BQF available⌧Additional DaimlerChrysler standards required: DBL 5555, DBL 8585, MB Special TermsSupersedes edition: 08.1996 Refer to Section ChangesContinued on pages 2 to 8Issued by: DaimlerChrysler AG 70546 Stuttgart Standards (EP/QIN) Technical responsibility (name): Elke StoeckerDepartment: PWT/VWK Plant: 050Telephone: +49(0)7031/90-81572 HPC: F105 Technical coordination by Central Materials and Process Engineering Plant: 50 Department : PWT/VWK Name: Dr. Wittig Telephone: +49(0)7031/90-44270Confidential! All rights reserved. Distribution or duplication in part or in whole without prior written approval of DaimlerChrysler AG is not permitted.In case of doubt, the German language original should be consulted as the authoritative text.1. General requirements and elastomer basisProduct version PV Application examplesRecommended polymer typeRecommended flock materials 10 Decorative applicationsmolded parts, static sealings 20 Mechanically-dynamically stressed sealings, e.g.window guide rails, window weather strips 21 As PV 20, but with increased requirements withregard to water-repellant finishFor convertible top seals, external weather stripsEPDM TPEDBL 5571 DBL 5573 DBL 556222Applications in vehicle interior, e.g. for stowage compartment, armrest, rear tray,glove compartment and spectacles compartment.ABS, PC/ABS DBL 5404Spinning nozzle dyed textile fibersblack orcolored flockPolyamide PolyesterAbbreviated designations:For drawings in the block for material e.g. Elastomer 70 ± 5 Shore A DBL 5571.10 in the block for design e.g. DBL 5575.20 and delivery2.General properties of the materials, raw materials and supply conditionThe general conditions laid down in DBL 5555 shall be observed.The finished parts shall have no or only a small residual flock content in their as-supplied condition. For PV 22 only: The availability of a certificate of testing in accordance with the following method is specified as anoverriding requirement for adherence to the emission values for interior trim materials: VDA 278; limit values DBL 8585.3.Dimensions and tolerances/Form of supply: Refer to drawing4. Technical data : Refer to Table on pages 5 and 65.Changes as against edition 08/95:Test specifications adapted to VDA standards. Editorial revision Sketches of the test apparatus and chisel are available from department PWT/VWK.Page 2DBL 5575 : May 2005methods6. Test6.1 Determination of flock adhesionThis test is used for initial sample release (refer to Annex page 7).Prepare (punch) specimens from the whole flocked width with alength of 130 mm, avoiding elongation of the parts.Place the specimens in the fixture with the flock facing upwards, and then push the jawsof the fixture towards the specimens until they are closed.Fill the mold with liquefied sealing wax (sealing wax Pelikan red 36 A 196 fromthe company Günther Wagner is recommended). The sealing wax should be approx. 5 – 8 mm high.Depending on the elastomer substrate/flock adhesive used, the liquefaction/casting temperatureshould be 130 °C - 150 °C.Determine the flock adhesion following 2h or in arbitration cases following 24h of storageof the specimens prepared in this way at room temperature.Attach the cylindrical part of the apparatus in the upper holder of a tensile tester. Place the specimen on the rollers so that the sealing wax faces upwards.The free tensioning end is directed downwards through the two rollers.Detach the flocked elastomer part so far from the sealing wax that it can rest on the second roller. Then clamp the free tensioning endin the bottom holder of the machine.Carry out the test with a feed rate of 100 mm/min. At least three individual tests. Evaluation inaccordance with DIN ISO 53 539, method B.Flock adhesion is determined in relation to the specimen width covered by the sealing wax.6.2 Freeze-on test for impregnated flocked sealing profiles made of elastomersAllow the profiles to rest for at least 72 h from the time the impregnation is applied until thespecimens are taken out. Split the back of the flocked sealing lips of the profiles on a splitting machine completely flat so that an even resting surface is ensured.Spread at least two flocked sealing lips of identical width (b = 10 mm) evenly over the width with theirbacks ona stainless steel plate (145 mm x 200 mm x 2 mm), starting 20 mmfrom the edge, using double-sided adhesive tape.Dimension the length of the sealing lips so that a total flocked surface area of 25 cm² iscreated. Load the stainless steel plate by placing a weight on the rear.Total weight (stainless steel plate + specimens + weight) = 1 kg.Store the specimens prepared in this way for at least 8 h before the test in standard atmospherein accordance with DIN 50 014-23/50-2.Dip the specimens attached to the stainless steel plate into deionized water for 10 sec.Then allow the water to drip off the specimens for 10 sec by turning them over. After turning, place aglass pane (tempered safety glass 155 mm x 210 mm x 4 mm) on the flocked surface and loadusing a weight. Total weight (glass pane + weight) = 1 kg.Store this assembly in the freezer so that an object temperature of –5 °C to –6 °C is maintained at the glass panefor at least two hours. Then lift the glass pane in the center –while still in the freezer. Assess whether or not the specimens detach themselves from the glass pane under the influence of the weight of the stainless steel plate loaded with the weight.Repeat the test on fresh specimens taken from the same batch in accordance with the description above after storing them as follows:70 h at +100 °24 h at +40 °C and (95 ± 5) % r.h.Page 3DBL 5575 : May 2005 values6.3 ResistanceTo test the resistance values, prepare the specimens as under Section 6.1 from the finished part andplace in the relevant test substances (water/test liquids). The storage time is 10 min at roomtemperature, unless otherwise indicated in Section 4 "Technical data". Take the specimens out of thetest liquidand store for 2 hours (in case of arbitration for 24 hours)at 110 °C; allow to cool to room temperature. Then apply the sealing wax.The volume ratio between the test specimen and the test liquid should be between 1 : 100 and 1 : 50.Abrasion test: stroke length 100mm. 60 load cycles per minute (double stroke).6.3.1 Test liquidsCleaning agent, consisting of58 - 60 % by weight deionized water30 - 33 % by weight alcohol5 - 5,5 % by weight ester3 % by weight glycol+ surfactants and aromatic substancesProcurement source: B 187 900 1607 Caramba, Duisburg6.4 CleanabilityDBL 5306. Section 9.4resistance6.5 Abrasion6.5.1 For PVs 10, 20, 21Only for specimens where flock adhesion in accordance with Section 4.5 is not possible or if quickassessment is required in case of complaints.Testing is only possible with flat surfaces (prepare specimens using a splitting machine, if required).Execution:Place the test specimen (120 x 10 mm) on the stationary part of the crockmeter and attach (e.g. withdouble-sided adhesive tape). Then move the chisel to and fro.Total weight: chisel + weight = 250gLC = load cycles according to Table 4.6.Test rate: 65 5 LC/minStroke: 100 mm.Test apparatus: refer to 6.5.2values:ResistanceIn cleaning agent as per Section 6.3.1. Store the prepared specimens in the respective test substances.The storage time is 10 min at RT.Then dab well between filter paper. Then carry out the crockmeter strokesin accordance with Table 4.6.Assessment:The layer underneath the flock shall not be apparent after the load cycles indicated. The test area must still display a slight, even flock.Page 4DBL 5575 : May 20056.5.2For PV 22Testing in analogy with DBL 5306, Section 4.1Storage time: 1 hour in water / gasoline (mineral spirit with boiling range 100 - 140°C,6510.20)BQF20 load cycles (crockmeter strokes)Chisel: Chisel weight + load weight + rod weight = 1000 gTest rate: 50+-5 LC/minmm100Stroke:source*ProcurementTest apparatusÖTI crockmeter with arm ** orAbrasion tester type APG 1000*Assessment:Grade 1 Complete abrasion, no more fibers visible on backing materialGrade 2 Marked change, substrate visibleGrade 3 Significant change, strong fiber abrasionGrade 4 Small change, slight fiber abrasionGrade 5 No change, no abrasion impressions, no abraded fibersProcurement sources:* Maag Flockmaschinen GmbHPostfach 29D-72806 GomaringenÖsterreichischesTextil-Forschungsinstitut**Spengergasse 20A-1050 Wienexposure7. FlexingFlex specimen sections up to the coating of the inner surface (flock facing towards the outside).Section 4.88. Tests8.1 ApprovaltestsAn approval test includes all the tests described in Section 4.In case of any changes to makes which have already been approved new approval tests shall be carried out in principle. Test results shall be indicated in a test certificate in accordance with DBL 5555,2.Sectiontests8.2 AcceptanceAcceptance tests include all tests carried out to continuously monitor the quality of supplies. Theyconsist of the tests described under Sections4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.4 , Emission analysis only for PV 221,3-butadiene content:for thermoplastics containing acrylonitrile, butadiene or styrene for interior passenger compartmentapplications.Content analysis ≤1 ppm. Provided that the finished component supplier is able to ensure that noadditional 1,3-butadiene is created during processing, the presentation of analysis data for the rawmaterial is sufficient. The emission results shall be submitted to DaimlerChrysler together with theoriginal CD.Section: 4.14.data: refer to Tables on pages 5 and 6.9. TechnicalPage 5DBL 5575 : May 200510. Drawing: refer to Annex on page 7.11. Other applicable standardsOtherstandardsStandardsMBDBL 5555 DBL 5571 VDA 675 310 DIN 75200DBL 8585 DBL 5573 VDA 675 311 DIN 53539 method BDBL 7906 DBL 5562 VDA 675 312 DIN 50014-23/50-2DBL 5307 DBL 5404 VDA 270 method B 2 DIN 75202DBL 6510 DBL 5767 VDA 278 DIN 50017KKDBL 5306 VDA 75202 DIN 53509 Part 1 Mercedes Benz Special Terms 2005 ISO 105A02Page 6DBL 5575 : May 2005Product version requirements Test method 4. Technical data 10 20 21 224.1 Flock material * Polyester or polyamide * in case of strong exposure to sunlight4.2 Flock length mm according to drawing 4.3 Flock count dtex according to drawing 4.4 Flock adhesive Indication with initial sample4.5 4.5.1 Flock adhesionPeeling resistanceon delivery N/mm 1,6 2,0 2,0 - Section after aging 7d/70°Cat least N/mm 1,5 1,8 1,8 - VDA 675 310 Section after ozone testat least N/mm 1,3 1,8 1,8 - DIN 53509 Part 1 72h, 20% elongation Test temperature: (40 +/- 2) °C Section after storage in constantcondensed waterclimate21d / 40°Cat least N/mm 1,2 1,4 1,4 - Section 6.1 andDIN 50 017 KK4.5.5 after storage incleaning agentat least N/mm 1,0 1,3 1,3 - Section 6.1 Section 6.34.6 Abrasion resistanceat least PVs 10, 20, 21 Section 6.5LC = load cycle4.6.1 dry 100 LC 200 LC 200 LC Grade 4 - 5 For molded parts asagreed betweensupplier and DCPV 22 Section 6.5.2 4.6.2 wet 20 LC 50 LC 50 LC Rating 4Section 6.3PV 22 Section with cleaning agentrefer to test instructions 10 LC 25 LC 25 LC Grade 3 - 4Section 6.3PV 22 Section Cleanability - - - nodestructionof flockDBL 5306,Section 9.4Page 7DBL 5575 : May 2005Product version requirements Test method4. Technical data(continued)10 20 21 224.8 Flex test Cracks may form.No cracking of colored flock.Chipping or peeling off from substrateover surface not permissible.- Section 74.9 4.9 Hotlightagingat least Grade 4 x3**only in case of direct exposure of finished part tosunlightColor fastness tolight at hightemperature: VDA75202Ass. gray scale.ISO 105A024.10 Color fastness tolight at high temperature at least g rade7**only in case of direct exposure of finished part tosunlightVDA 675 312VDA 75 2024.11 Odor testmaximumgrade 3**only for parts in interior passenger compartmentVDA 270 dependingon component size4.12 Burning test DBL 5307, product version 10, Section5.1**only for parts in interior passenger compartmentDIN 75 2004.13 Freeze-on test_ _ Specimenbecomesdetachedfrom glasspane whenpane is lifted._Section 6.24.14 4.14.1 4.14.2 4.14.3 Emission analysisVOC valueFOG value1,3-butadienecontentOnly for PV 22Critical individual substances shall not exceed thelimit/target values indicated in DBL 8585, Section 2.3.Materials containingABSTarget value: ≤ 100 µg/g(ppm) ≤ 50ppmTarget value: ≤ 250 µg/g(ppm) ≤ 200ppm≤ 1ppmDBL 8585VDA 2784.15 Fogging max.mg - 0,7 DBL 5306 method B,Page 8DBL 5575 : May 2005Test apparatus: Flock adhesion。



ICS557-03 PCI-E XPRESS C LOCK S OURCEDescriptionThe ICS557-03 is a spread spectrum clock generator supporting PCI-Express and Ethernet requirements. The device is used for PC or embedded systems to substantially reduce electromagnetic interference (EMI). The device provides two differential (HCSL) spread spectrum outputs. This device is pin configured to select spread and clock selection. Using ICS’ patented Phase-Locked Loop (PLL) techniques, the device takes a 25 MHz crystal input and produces two pairs of differential outputs (HCSL) at 25 MHz, 100 MHz, 125 MHz and 200 MHz clock frequencies. It also provides spread selection of ±0.25%, -0.5%, -0.75%, and no spread. Features•Packaged in 16-pin TSSOP•Available in Pb (lead) free package•Supports LVDS Output Levels•Operating voltage of 3.3 V•Input frequency of 25 MHz•Outputs (HCSL, 0.7 V Current mode differential pair)•Jitter 100 ps (peak-to-peak)•Spread of ±0.25%, -0.5%, -0.75%, and no spread.•Industrial and commercial temperature rangesBlock DiagramPin AssignmentOutput Select Table 1(MHz)Spread Selection Table 2Pin DescriptionsS1S0CLK(1:0), CLK(1:0)0025M 01100M 10125M 11200MSS1SS0Spread %00Center ±0.2501Down-0.510Down -0.7511NoSpreadPin NumberPin NamePin TypePin Description1S0Input Select pin 0. See Table1. Internal pull-up resistor.2S1Input Select pin 1. See Table 1. Internal pull-up resistor.3SS0Input Spread Select pin 0. See Table 2. Internal pull-up resistor.4X1/ICLK Input Crystal or clock input. Connect to a 25 MHz crystal or single ended clock.5X2Output Crystal connection. Leave unconnected for clock input.6OE Input Output enable tri-states outputs and device is not shut down. Internal pull-up resistor.7GNDXD Power Connect to ground.8SS1InputSpread Select pin 1. See Table 2. Internal pull-up resistor.9IREF Output Precision resistor attached to this pin is connected to the internal currentreference.10CLK1Output HCSL compliment clock output.11CLK1Output HCSL clock output.12VDDODA Power Connect to voltage supply +3.3 V for output driver and analog circuits 13GNDODA PowerConnect to ground.14CLK0Output HCSL compliment clock output.15CLK0Output HCSL clock output.16VDDXDPowerConnect to voltage supply +3.3 V for crystal oscillator and digital circuit.Applications Information External ComponentsA minimum number of external components are required for proper operation.Decoupling CapacitorsDecoupling capacitors of 0.01 µF should be connected between each VDD pin and the ground plane, as close to the VDD pin as possible. Do not share ground vias between components. Route power from power source through the capacitor pad and then into ICS pin. CrystalA 25 MHz fundamental mode parallel resonant crystal should be used. This crystal must have less than 300 ppm of error across temperature in order for theICS557-03 to meet PCI Express specifications.Crystal CapacitorsCrystal capacitors are connected from pins X1 to ground and X2 to ground to optimize the accuracy of the output frequency.C L= Crystal’s load capacitance in pFCrystal Capacitors (pF) = (C L- 8) * 2For example, for a crystal with a 16 pF load cap, each external crystal cap would be 16 pF. (16-8)*2=16. Current Source (Iref) Reference Resistor - R R If board target trace impedance (Z) is 50Ω, then R R = 475Ω (1%), providing IREF of 2.32 mA. The output current (I OH) is equal to 6*IREF.Output TerminationThe PCI-Express differential clock outputs of theICS557-03 are open source drivers and require an external series resistor and a resistor to ground. These resistor values and their allowable locations are shown in detail in the PCI-Express Layout Guidelines section.The ICS557-03 can also be configured for LVDS compatible voltage levels. See the LVDS Compatible Layout Guidelines section.General PCB Layout RecommendationsFor optimum device performance and lowest output phase noise, the following guidelines should be observed.1. Each 0.01µF decoupling capacitor should be mounted on the component side of the board as close to the VDD pin as possible.2. No vias should be used between decoupling capacitor and VDD pin.3. The PCB trace to VDD pin should be kept as short as possible, as should the PCB trace to the ground via. Distance of the ferrite bead and bulk decoupling from the device is less critical.4. An optimum layout is one with all components on the same side of the board, minimizing vias through other signal layers (any ferrite beads and bulk decoupling capacitors can be mounted on the back). Other signal traces should be routed away from the ICS557-03.This includes signal traces just underneath the device, or on layers adjacent to the ground plane layer used by the device.PCI-Express Layout GuidelinesPCI-Express Device RoutingTypical PCI-Express (HCSL) WaveformLVDS Compatible Layout GuidelinesLVDS Device RoutingTypical LVDS WaveformAbsolute Maximum RatingsStresses above the ratings listed below can cause permanent damage to the ICS557-03. These ratings are stress ratings only. Functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions above thoseindicated in the operational sections of the specifications is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods can affect product reliability. Electrical parameters are guaranteed only over the recommended operating temperature range.DC Electrical CharacteristicsUnless stated otherwise, VDD = 3.3 V ±10%, Ambient Temperature -40 to +85°C1 Single edge is monotonic when transitioning through region.2 Inputs with pull-ups/-downs are not included.ItemRatingSupply Voltage, VDD, VDDA 5.5 VAll Inputs and Outputs-0.5 V to VDD+0.5 V Ambient Operating Temperature (commercial)0 to +70°C Ambient Operating Temperature (industrial)-40 to +85°C Storage Temperature -65 to +150°C Junction Temperature 125°C Soldering Temperature 260°CESD Protection (Input)2000 V min. (HBM)ParameterSymbol ConditionsMin.Typ.Max.UnitsSupply Voltage V 2.97 3.33.63Input High Voltage 1V IH S0, S1, OE, CLK, SS0, SS1 2.0VDD +0.3V Input Low Voltage 1V IL S0, S1, OE, CLK, SS0, SS1VSS-0.30.8V Input Leakage Current 2I IL 0 < Vin < VDD -55µA Operating Supply Current I DD 50Ω, 2pF 65mA I DDOE OE =Low35mA Input Capacitance C IN Input pin capacitance 7pF Output Capacitance C OUT Output pin capacitance6pF Pin Inductance L PIN 5nH Output Resistance R OUT CLKOUT3.0k ΩPull-up ResistorR PU100k ΩUnless stated otherwise, VDD=3.3 V ±10%, Ambient Temperature -40 to +85°CNote 1: Test setup is R L =50 ohms with 2 pF , Rr = 475Ω (1%).Note 2: Measurement taken from a single-ended waveform.Note 3: Measurement taken from a differential waveform.Note 4: Measured at the crossing point where instantaneous voltages of both CLK and CLK are equal.Note 5: CLK pins are tri-stated when OE is low asserted. CLK is driven differential when OE is high.Parameter SymbolConditionsMin.Typ.Max.Units Input Frequency 25MHz Output Frequency 25200MHz Output High Voltage 1,2V OH Notes 1, 2660700850mV Output Low Voltage 1,2V OLNotes 1, 2-1500mV Crossing Point Voltage 1,2Absolute, Notes 1, 2250350550mV Crossing Point Voltage 1,2,4Variation over all edges, Notes 1, 2, 4140mV Jitter, Cycle-to-Cycle 1,3Notes 1, 360ps Modulation Frequency Spread spectrum3031.533kHz Rise Time 1,2t OR From 0.175 V to 0.525 V , Notes 1, 2175332700ps Fall Time 1,2t OF From 0.525 V to 0.175 V , Notes 1, 2175344700ps Rise/Fall Time Variation 1,2Notes 1, 2125ps Skew between outputs At VDD/2 50ps Duty Cycle 1,3Notes 1, 34555%Output Enable Time 5All outputs, Note 510us Output Disable Time 5All outputs, Note 510us Stabilization Time t STABLE From power-up VDD=3.3 V3.0ms Spread Change Timet SPREAD Settling period after spread change3.0msThermal CharacteristicsMarking Diagram (ICS557G-03)Marking Diagram (ICS557G-03LF)Marking Diagram (ICS557GI-03)Marking Diagram (ICS557GI-03LF)Notes:1. ###### is the lot code.2. YYWW is the last two digits of the year, and the week number that the part was assembled.3. “LF” designates Pb (lead) free package.4. “I” deisgnates industrial temperature range.5. Bottom marking: (origin). Origin = country of origin of not USA.ParameterSymbolConditionsMin.Typ.Max.UnitsThermal Resistance Junction to AmbientθJA Still air 78°C/WθJA 1 m/s air flow 70°C/W θJA 3 m/s air flow68°C/W Thermal Resistance Junction to CaseθJC37°C/WPackage Outline and Package Dimensions (16-pin TSSOP, 173 Mil. Narrow Body)Package dimensions are kept current with JEDEC Publication No. 95Ordering InformationParts that are ordered with a "LF" suffix to the part number are the Pb-Free configuration and are RoHS compliant.While the information presented herein has been checked for both accuracy and reliability, Integrated Circuit Systems (ICS) assumes no responsibility for either its use or for the infringement of any patents or other rights of third parties, which would result from its use. No other circuits, patents, or licenses are implied. This product is intended for use in normal commercial applications. Any other applications such as those requiring extended temperature range, high reliability, or other extraordinary environmental requirements are not recommended without additional processing by ICS. ICS reserves the right to change any circuitry or specifications without notice. ICS does not authorize or warrant any ICS product for use in life support devices or critical medical instruments.Part / Order NumberMarkingShipping PackagingPackageTemperatureICS557G-03See Page 8Tubes 16-pin TSSOP 0 to +70° C ICS557G-03T T ape and Reel16-pin TSSOP 0 to +70° C ICS557G-03LF Tubes 16-pin TSSOP 0 to +70° C ICS557G-03LFT T ape and Reel16-pin TSSOP 0 to +70° C ICS557GI-03See Page 8Tubes 16-pin TSSOP -40 to +85° C ICS557GI-03T T ape and Reel16-pin TSSOP -40 to +85° C ICS557GI-03LF Tubes 16-pin TSSOP -40 to +85° C ICS557GI-03LFTT ape and Reel16-pin TSSOP-40 to +85° C。



描述♔ M5573是一款优化的高性能高集成的用于反激式变换器的电流模式PWM控制芯片,具备低待机功耗和低成本的优点。



♔ M5573提供全面的保护,包括自动恢复保护,逐周期电流限制(OCP),过载保护(OLP)、带迟滞功能的VDD欠压保护,和过电压(固定或可调的)保护(OVP)。

♔ M5573频率抖动能实现优良的EMI性能。

♔ M5573在工作中消除了低于20kHz音频噪声的消除。

♔ M5573采用SOT-23-6封装。









AC Power Sources手册说明书

AC Power Sources手册说明书

1142 S. Diamond Bar Blvd. #106, Diamond Bar, CA USA 91765 • P: +1-909-860-1646 • F: +1-909-860-2727 • 1142 S. Diamond Bar Blvd. #106, Diamond Bar, CA USA 91765 • P: +1-909-860-1646 • F: +1-909-860-2727 • AC Power SourcesManual – Automated – ModularAPT...The Power of Value!300XAC Series Modular AC Power Sources7000 Series Automated AC Power Sources6000 Series Automated AC Power Sources5000 Series Manual AC Power SourcesLS Series Linear AC Power SourcesAdvanced Test Equipment Rentals 800-404-ATEC (2832)®E s t a b l i s h e d 1981300XAC Series Modular ACPower SourcesOur 300XAC Series modular AC power sources incorporate the latest in modular technology, making them ideal for the most demanding applications. These versatile AC power sources can be configured stand-alone operation or linked together forΦ and 3Φfeature automatically assigns the appropriate master/slave designation for each source without the need for the operator to reconfigure internal hardware. The easy-to-use push-button interface allows the operator to select 1Φ or 3Φ operation, setup and perform tests, and simulate the effect of voltage surges and drops for transient testing.The 300XAC Series comes with your choice of an automated interface at no extra charge. Choose from USB, Ethernet, RS-232, or GPIB.What is a modular AC power source?We use the term modular to define the capability of the 300XAC Series of AC power sources to be interconnected in order to produce higher power outputs and different power configurations than an individual instrument. When multiple 300XAC instruments are interconnected the operator can configure the output for Parallel or Polyphase modes. Parallel mode allows the operator to increase the output current of the system by a factor of 2 or 3 depending on the number of sources that are interconnected. Polyphase mode allows the operator to increase the total power output of the system as well as change the output power configuration of the system.The Benefits of the 300XAC Modular AC Power SourcesThe APT 300XAC Modular Power Sources can link several AC power sources to give you the maximum flexibility that your operation requiresAPT...The Power of Value!Toll Free: +1-877-322-76935Easy to change from 1Φ to 3Φ outputNo need to have separate sources for 1Φ to 3Φ applications Allows for future expansion if power requirements changeGreater mobility of the AC Power SourceThe ability to generate greater current or voltage if only 1Φ power is availableThe ability to generate 3Φ power if only 1Φ power is availableThe Modular AC Source AdvantageThe APT Link Card (Option 08)The 300XAC Series can be used as a stand-alone instrument which provides 1Φ output power. If the Linking Card option is installed, up to three 300XAC instruments can be interconnected for Parallel or Polyphase output.Master/Slave RelationshipThe master/slave relationship between linked 300XAC instruments synchronizes the firmware of each power source so the output and phase angle separation is regulated. It also gives the operator the capability to program parameters for all linked sources from the front panel of the master instrument.SmartDETECT ®The SmartDETECT feature automatically determines how many power sources are linked together. After the check is completed the 300XAC Series will automatically change the programming output function based on the number of linked sources.SmartCONFIG ® FeatureThe SmartCONFIG feature allows the operator to change the output of the linked sources to Parallel or Polyphase mode with the push of a button.6300XAC Specifications7300XAC Specifications8300XAC SpecificationsKeyL = Low Limit Range L (2) = Low Limit Range 2 Units Linked H (2 ) = High Limit Range 2 Units Linked 2 = 2 Units LinkedH = High Limit Range L (3) = Low Limit Range 3 Units Linked H (3) = High Limit Range 3 Units Linked 3 = 3 Units Linked91142 S. Diamond Bar Blvd. #106, Diamond Bar, CA USA 91765 • P: +1-909-860-1646 • F: +1-909-860-2727 • 6000 SeriesAutomated AC Power Sources7000 SeriesAutomated AC Power SourcesTo order or for more information please give us a call today!Toll Free: +1-877-322-7693 or +1-909-860-16465000 SeriesManual AC Power SourcesLS SeriesLinear AC Power Sources300XAC SeriesModular AC Power SourcesVariPLUSPower Converter®9/12Model 104 Only。



- Non-woven cover fabric II (PES/cellulose) 35 g/m²
.50 **
- Chopped strand mat I (decorative side) 110 g/m²
- Compressed PUR foam, semi-rigid
- Chopped strand mat II 110 g/m²
- Non-woven polypropylene fabric III (non-woven cover fabric)
60 g/m²
- PUR-GF R-RIM method
20 % by weight
Reinforced reaction
moulding method
- PUR-GF LFI method
6. DUTIES OF THE SUPPLIER Refer to MercedesBenz Special Terms No. 13 and No. 16, Purchase Conditions for Production Materials and Spare Parts for Motor Vehicles.
Table 1
Glass fibre component g/m² /
% by weight
Polyurethane (PUR) rigid
foam reinforced with glass
fibre mats (ageing of rigid
foam in analogy with DBL
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Page 2 DBL 5573 : April 2002
5.1 Wrinkle formation: For wrinkle testing, deform a 100 mm long extruded section in the tubular area in such a way that the apex of the hose points inwards and rests on the base of the extrusion. Compress the hose sides towards the middle and fix in this position using suitable clamps. Test sequence: 30 min at (100+-2)°C in tensioned state 10 min at RT in tensioned state 10 min at RT in untensioned state and subsequent immediate assessment. 5.2 Compression set Apart from assessing the elastomer mixture, this test is also intended to determine the degree of crosslinking of the elastomer mixture. The test shall be carried out in accordance with the extruded cross-sections and the relevant functional instructions / drawing in suitable test fixtures reflecting the installation condition. Where several suppliers are involved, the test type shall be coordinated and specified on the drawing. The test values shall be indicated during initial sampling and in the ISIR. The supplier shall document the process test values. 5.3 Resilience value: This test is intended to determine the recovery capability (door closing forces), in particular for extrusions. The test shall be carried out in accordance with the functional instructions or the deformation path, profile stamp and test fixtures required on the drawing. Where several suppliers are involved, the test type shall be coordinated and specified on the drawing. In order to avoid compression of the profile, the surface of the sponge rubber shall be talc-powdered, or a stamp capable of sliding shall be used. The test values shall be indicated during initial sampling and in the ISIR. The supplier shall document the process test values. 6 Changes as against edition 09/91: Test specifications adapted to VDA standards Editorial revision 7 Other applicable standards MB standards DBL 5555 DBL 7906 DBL 8585 PBVWL717 Special Terms 2000 DIN 75200 DIN 75201B DIN 53579 Part 2 Other standards VDA 675 106 VDA 675 130 VDA 675 125 VDA 675 116 VDA 675 242 VDA 675 216 method B VDA 675 311 VDA 270 method B 2 VDA 675 310
Technical coordination by Central Materials and Process Engineering DaimlerChrysler AG Technical responsibility (name): Elke Stoecker Plant 50 Department PWT/VWL Name: Dr. Herrmann Department:PWT/VWL Plant: 050 70546 Stuttgart Telephone +49 (0) 7031-90-2461 Standards (EP/QIN) Phone: +49 (0) 7031/90-81572 HPC: F105 Confidential! All rights reserved. Distribution or duplication in part or in whole without prior written approval of DaimlerChrysler AG is not permitted. In case of doubt, the German language original should be consulted as the authoritative text. Issued by:
The general conditions laid down in DBL 5555 shall be observed. These include, for example, receiving inspections, in-process inspections, test certificate, sampling, industrial safety and environmental protection, deliveries, marking, packaging, storability, complaints.
April 2002
Supply Specification
Mouldings and extrusions manufactured from sponge rubber (foamed elastomers with open and closed cell structure)
Page 3 DBL 5573 : April 2002
Technical data
Product versions (PV) 10 20 21 30 Permitted tol. with ref. to sample val. 1 ± 0,02
Test method
Abbreviated designations For drawings in the block for material in the block for finish and delivery
e.g.: Sponge rubber DBL 5573.10 e.g.: DBL 5573.10
VDA 675 130
Extractable matter
according to sample
VDA 675 125
Adhesive tape
according to drawing
DBL 7906
Cold reference (stiffness) value
-35 Visual assessment No discolouration
VDA 675 310 7d / 70°C
Product version 10 20 Surfaces Open cell or closed cell Closed cell skinned surface Closed cell skinned surface Closed cell skinned surface Application fixed sponge rubber parts sponge rubber parts subject to lifting stress sponge rubber parts with tubular profile subject to lifting stress seals in vehicle interior EPDM CR SBR NBR Recommended elastomer base
3 Dimensions and tolerances/Form of supply: Refer to drawing 4 Technical data: Refer to Table on page 3 5 Test methods: Refer to page 2
Continued on pages 2 to 3
1 Application:
For example: sponge rubber profiles, door seals, spacers, round cords.