chinese version


JIS C8712 chinese version

JIS C8712 chinese version

TWS Confidential
(Ⅱ)国 际标准编
(Ⅳ)JIS和国际标准的技术差异评价 (Ⅴ)JIS和国际标准的技术
项目编号 内容
号 项目编号 内容
TWS Confidential
(Ⅱ)国 际标准编
(Ⅳ)JIS和国际标准的技术差异评价 (Ⅴ)JIS和国际标准的技术
项目编号 内容
号 项目编号 内容
7.包装 记录电池包装的注意事项
记录电池包装的注意事 项
JIS C 8712-1:2006 密闭型小型2次电池的安全性
(Ⅱ)国 际标准编
项目编号 内容
号 项目编号 内容
1.1适用 范围
及锂离子2次电池的通常使用 及可预见的误用下的安全工 作,规定实验方法和要求事项

记载主体参照的JIS、国际标 准。对JIS记载相对应的国际 标准。
Guide 51作为相关标准
TWS Confidential
项目编号 内容 做下述定义。 1.3.1安全性 1.3.2危险性 1.3.3危害 1.3.4危险源 1.3.5通常使用 1.3.6可预见的误用 1.3.7单电池

Chinese Version.《哈姆雷特》汉译

Chinese Version.《哈姆雷特》汉译

Chinese Version: To be or not to be






ASTM A6-04_Chinese Version

ASTM A6-04_Chinese Version

ASTM A 6/A 6M–04a结构钢轧制棒材、钢板、型钢和钢板桩的一般要求1本标准是以固定代号A6/A6M发布的。




1.范围*1.1 本标准2规定了适用于ASTM发布的下列各标准的轧制钢板、型钢、钢板桩和棒材的一般要求(除非材料标准中另有规定)。

ASTM标准号标准名称A36/A36M 碳素结构钢A131/A131M 船用结构钢A242/A242M 高强度低合金结构钢A283/A283M 低中抗拉强度碳素钢板A328/A328M 钢板桩A514/A514M 焊接用高屈服强度、淬火和回火合金钢板A529/A529M 高强度结构质量碳锰钢A572/A572M 高强度低合金铌钒钢A573/A573M 高韧性碳素结构钢板A588/A588M 最小屈服强度为50ksi(345MPa),厚度≤4in.(100mm)的高强度低合金结构钢A633/A633M 正火高强度低合金结构钢板A656/A656M 热轧结构钢,高强度低合金改进成形性钢板A678/A678M 淬火加回火碳素和高强度低合金结构钢板A690/A690M 海洋环境用高强度低合金H钢桩和板桩A709/A709M 碳素和高强度低合金结构钢型钢、钢板和钢棒及桥梁用淬火加回火合金结构钢板A710/A710M 时效硬化低碳镍—铜—铬—钼—铌合金结构钢板A769/A769M 碳素和高强度电阻焊接钢结构型钢A786/A786M 轧制地板用钢板A808/A808M 高韧性结构级高强度低合金碳、锰、铌、钒钢A827/A827M 供锻造及类似用途碳素钢钢板A829/A829M 结构级合金钢钢板A830/A830M 按化学成分交货的结构级碳素钢板A852/A852M 最小屈服强度为70ksi(485MPa)、厚度≤4in.(100mm)的淬火和回火低合金结构钢钢板━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━1本标准由ASTM A01 钢、不锈钢、合金钢委员会归口,由A01.02桥梁、建筑、铁道、造船用结构钢分委员会直接负责。



我最喜欢的活动是打篮球英语作文Chinese Version:我最喜欢的活动无疑是打篮球。




English Version:Undoubtedly, my favourite activity is playing basketball. This sport not only offers me boundless enjoyment but also molds my tenacious character and team spirit. The allure of basketball lies in its intense competition, rapidly shifting dynamics, and profound utilization of skills and strategies. It serves as a vital channel for me to release stress, exercise physically, and foster friendships.Chinese Version:自幼年起,我就对篮球产生了浓厚的兴趣。




English Version:Ever since childhood, I have held a deep fascination for basketball. Each time I witnessed the agile figures of players on TV, their precise shots, skillful dribbling, and seamless teamwork, I yearned to emulate them – sweating it out on the court, relishing the joy of every scored point. Thus, the basketball court became my sanctuary, where I devoted most of my leisure hours to honing fundamental skills and enhancing my game.Chinese Version:篮球对我而言,是一项充满挑战与成长的运动。

初中英语学科知识大纲 人教版

初中英语学科知识大纲 人教版

初中英语学科知识大纲人教版Chinese Version:初中英语学科是义务教育阶段学生接触并学习英语的初始阶段,其课程内容以人教版教材为主线,旨在通过系统性、科学性的教学,培养学生的英语语言基础知识、基本技能以及跨文化交际意识。


English Version:Junior high school English is the initial stage where students encounter and study English within compulsory education. Centered around textbooks from the People's Education Press, the curriculum aims to systematically and scientifically cultivate students' foundational knowledge of the English language, essential skills, and intercultural communication awareness. This outline will comprehensively detail the knowledge structure of junior high school English, encompassing vocabulary, grammar, the four basic skills of listening, speaking, reading, and writing, thematic content, and cross-cultural communication.二、Vocabulary (词汇)Chinese Version:词汇学习是英语学习的基础。



MLA格式Ⅰ.文内引证我们在写毕业论文时,一般遵从MLA格式,即现代语言协会(Modern Language Association)所规定的形式。


在对文内引证进行标明时:1. 在所引材料后直接加括号,括号内注明作者的姓氏和页码(注:姓氏和页码之间无任何标点符号)。




如Mueller also writes, “…The question is how many poets—who are not as you say, creatures of pop culture will continue to reflect this” (2).“How do you know it was nothing?” (Hemingway 142).2. 如果直接引用的部分超过了四行,则所引部分应采用缩进形式,即左右各缩进五个字母的空间,此时不需要使用引号。


如:The same problem troubles another Hemingway couple in Cat in the Rain.At the beginning of it, Hemingway overuses repetitions:The war monument glistened in the rain. The rain droppedfrom the palm trees. Water stood in pools on the gravel paths.The see broke in a long line in the rain and slipped back downthe bench to came up and break again in the rain. (129)下面是一些文内引证的具体范例。

URC522-chinese version

URC522-chinese version










UNIT 3 Chinese Version for Part

UNIT 3 Chinese Version for Part

Chinese Version for Part ⅡReading国际贸易术语贸易术语,又称价格术语或交货术语,是国际贸易中单价条款的重要组成部分,它代表买卖双方各自特定的责任和义务。




















Guide for Authors (Chinese Version)-050426

Guide for Authors (Chinese Version)-050426

CARBON――Guide for Authors(作者指南) 此中文指南为Carbon—Guide for Authors的中文版。

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以诺书 中英对照

以诺书 中英对照

以诺书中英对照《以诺书》中英对照In the Book of Enoch, we can find a fascinating account that describes the interaction between heavenly beings and humans. This ancient text has been translated into various languages, including English. In this article, we will provide a comparison of selected passages from the Book of Enoch in both Chinese and English versions, highlighting the similarities and differences between the two.1. Chapter 1:Chinese version:当宇宙初创之时,世界如此寂静空无一物。



English version:In the beginning of the creation of the universe, there was silence and emptiness. Only God, the Supreme Creator, existed. However, God was not alone. He had countless mysterious messengers.2. Chapter 5:Chinese version:天使们看到人类在地上行走,生活成长。



English version:The angels observed humans walking on the earth, living and growing. They were fascinated by the beauty and wisdom of mankind, longing to communicate with them. Therefore, the angels made the decision to leave heaven and descend to earth.3. Chapter 10:Chinese version:上帝下了一个命令,命令我作为主天使的以诺,到地上去教导人类一些关于道德和正义的知识。



Unit 1 Traits of Chinese CultureWarm-up Activity1.Appreciate the movie clips of different peoples’ talking about Chinese culture.1) Speakers in the movie may be from the following places: Scotland, China, England, Europe, Russia based on their English speaking dialects and their facial features and even their hair etc. 2) Cultural traditions, the artistic aspects, so lantern making, kite making, Zodiac, New Year celebrations, the wishing tree, a dramatic experience, a musical experience, a historical experience, some aspects of modern studies, some aspects of business education, The Chinese lanterns, chopsticks, Tai Chi, the calligraphy, the art, the Beijing opera masks.2. Discuss the question after reading the following story.Reference for the discussed questions:A Chinese would politely tell the waiter that it was immoral to put a fly in the coffee-cup and that it was against the doctrines of Confucius. Such are the expressions of the cultural characters of different nations.Section A. Cultural Treasures:Task1. Answer the following questions.a. The rat, the ox, the tiger, the rabbit, the dragon, the snake, the horse, the goat, the monkey, the rooster, the dog, the pig.b. Because the cat got up so early that morning and he became sleepy on their way of swimming across the river by riding on top of the ox’s back. He was pushed into the water when crossing the river. Then the cat arrived dripping wet in 13th.c. The month, rather than the year, of one's birth (referred to the following reading)plete the following tasks after eading the passage brackets.1):十天干:甲jia乙yi丙bing丁ding戊wu乙ji庚geng, 辛xin壬ren癸kui 十二地支:子zi丑chou寅yin卯mao辰chen巳si午wu未wei申shen酉you 戌xu亥hai2):丙戌,丁亥,汉族,彝族,黎族,傣族,维吾尔,吉尔吉斯,图腾3):Rat: 23:00 ~ 1:00 named Zishi, when rats are most active in seeking food.Ox: 01:00 ~ 03:00 named Choushi, when oxen begin to crush the food, regurgitating to the mouth slowly and comfortably.Tiger: 03:00 ~ 05:00 named Yinshi, when tigers hurt their prey more and show their ferocity.Rabbit: 05:00 ~ 07:00 named Maoshi, when the jade rabbit is busy pounding herbal medicine on the Moon according to the tale.Dragon: 07:00 ~ 09:00 named Chenshi, when dragons are hovering in the sky to give rain.Snake: 09:00 ~ 11:00 named Sishi, when snakes are leaving their caves.Horse: 11:00 ~ 13:00 named Wushi, when the sun is high above and other animals are lying down for a rest, while the horses are still standing.Goat: 13:00 ~ 15:00 named Weishi, when goats urinate frequently.Monkey: 15:00 ~ 17:00 named Shenshi, when the monkeys are lively.Rooster: 17:00 ~ 19:00 named Youshi, when roosters begin to go back to their coops.Dog: 19:00 ~ 21:00 named Xushi, when dogs begin to carry out their duty of guarding the houses.Pig: 21:00 ~ 23:00 named Haishi, when pigs are sleeping sweetlye. The task of filing the appropriate terms in the blank can be of great help to thisquestion.4)Section B. Cultural Knowledge CardingTask 1. Try to guess the Chinese equivalents for the following words or terms underlined in the passage below.a. plateau, plain and basin 高原丘陵和盆地b. Qinghai-Tibet Plateau 青藏高原c. the Roof of the World 世界屋脊d. highlands 高地e. Sino-Nepalese border 中国-尼泊尔边境f. the Kunlun and Qilian Ranges 昆仑山和祁连山脉g. Hengduan Mountains 横断山脉h. Yuannan-Guizhou, Loess and Inner Mongolian Plateaus云贵高原,黄土高原和内蒙古高原i. Tarim, Junggar and Sichuan Basins 塔里木盆地,准格尔盆地和四川盆地j. the Continental Shelf 大陆架k. unfathomable seas 深不可测的大海l.impassable valleys and jungle 难以翻越的大山深谷和难以穿越的丛林m. continental culture 大陆文化o. subcultures and unintelligent dialects 子文化和难以理解的方言p. an uneventful life of the simple rhythmical pulse of nature一种无戏剧性大事的、平和的、自然纯朴的生活,一种顺应大自然节律的生活q. this self-contained and self-sufficient farming culture 这种自给自足的农耕文化r. China’s arable land 中国的可耕地s. god-forsaken 被上帝遗弃的或老天没有惠顾的Task 2. Questions for thought and discussion based on the passage above.1)2)3)Reference:Physical environment helps shape culture. Man environment and culture interact in a triangle. Man is conscious, dynamic and intelligent. He is raised above the environment, “dominating the non-human world”. He works on the environment to create culture, but he is never completely free from it. On the contrary, he is just a miserable part of the biosphere, bound up to a certain extent. He has to follow nature and work within its possible limits. The culture he created likewise has to be conditioned by the physical world.c. Answers can be referred to the supplementary readingsd. openTask 3. What are the Chinese versions for the following sentences? Do you know theorigination of these sayings? What may be implied in each of them? Are they still practical in today’s life?1)Rise with the sun to work, retire with the sun to rest. Farm the land for food, sink a well for water. What has heaven got for me?Chinese version: “日出而作,日落(入)而息。

Presidium Diamond Mate 用户手册 (Chinese Version)说明书

Presidium Diamond Mate 用户手册 (Chinese Version)说明书

目录(Chinese Version)I. 关于本手册 pg 19 II. 关于Presidium Diamond Mate pg 20 III. 重要说明 pg 221. 开始使用 Presidium Diamond Mate pg 232. 在 Presidium Diamond Mate上执行检测 pg 27 3. 在 Presidium Diamond Mate上读取检测结果 pg 29 4. 维护 Presidium Diamond Mate pg 30I. 关于本手册感谢您购买 Presidium Diamond Mate(简称“PDMT”或“检测仪”)。



本手册可同时用于 PDMT-A 与 PDMT-C。

II. 关于 Presidium Diamond MatePresidium Diamond Mate 是一种袖珍仪器,可根据导特性即刻鉴别钻石的真伪。

它是以澳大利亚新南威尔士大学 Julian Goldsmid 教授的发明为基础的。


和市面上所有热敏检测仪一样,Presidium Diamond Mate 不能分辨天然钻石和莫桑石。

Presidium Diamond Mate 经过周密广泛的实验室测试,在正确使用的条件下可为受测宝石给出明确而可靠的读数。


Presidium Diamond Mate 的特点如下:• 可伸缩的热电探针头,确保探针头和宝石之间的压力保持恒定• 业内最细的探针头 (0.6mm),可用于检测小至0.02ct 的宝石• 金属报警蜂鸣器,确保在检测时探针头与宝石保持接触• 可连续检测,无须等待• 清晰易读的 LED 显示屏• 低电量指示灯• 电池消耗量很低包装物品:• Presidium Diamond Mate 检测仪• 保护性便携袋• 3 节 AAA 充电电池*• AC 适配器/充电器(120/230 伏)*• 快速指南• QR码卡* 仅限于 PDMT-C1可伸缩的探针头2电源指示 LED3显示面板4适配器插口5电池匣6锯齿状金属部件7打开/关闭 (ON/OFF) 开关8探针保护帽III. 重要说明• 保持检测仪干燥。



中国人的骄傲英文作文Chinese Version:第一段:中华民族自古以来,以其悠久的历史、璀璨的文化、不屈的民族精神以及在世界舞台上的卓越贡献,为每一个中国人赋予了深深的骄傲。


English Version:Paragraph 1: Since ancient times, the Chinese nation has bestowed profound pride upon every Chinese individual through its long history, dazzling culture, indomitable national spirit, and outstanding contributions on the world stage. This pride stems from both reverence for the wisdom and courage of our ancestors and recognition of China's remarkable achievements in modern times.Chinese Version:第二段:五千年的历史长河中,中华文明孕育了儒家伦理、道家哲学、法家治国理念等多元思想体系,以及诗词、书法、绘画、戏曲等艺术瑰宝,这些无不彰显着中华民族深厚的文化底蕴和独特的审美情趣。


English Version:Paragraph 2: Spanning over five thousand years, Chinese civilization has nurtured diverse intellectual systems such as Confucian ethics, Taoist philosophy, and Legalist principles of governance, alongside artistic treasures like poetry, calligraphy, painting, and opera. These embody the profound cultural heritage and unique aesthetic sensibilities of the Chinese nation. This cultural pride enables us to steadfastly preserve our identity amidst global cultural exchange, confidently showcasing the allure of Chinese culture to the world.Chinese Version:第三段:面对外侮与困境,中华民族始终展现出坚韧不屈的精神风貌。



改革开放以来高等教育的发展英语范文Chinese Version: 自1978年中国实施改革开放政策以来,高等教育经历了前所未有的发展与变革。

English Version: Since the inception of China's reform and opening-up policy in 1978, higher education in China has undergone extraordinary development and transformation.Firstly, the scale of higher education has expanded dramatically. In the early years of reform and opening-up, college enrollment was limited; however, today, millions of students annually enter universities across China. This surge is largely attributed to policies like the expansion of college admissions and the establishment of more universities and colleges.Chinese Version: 首先,高等教育的规模大幅度扩大。



English Version: Firstly, there has been a dramatic expansion in the scale of higher education. During the early days of the reform and opening-up era, universityadmissions were restricted; however, today, millions of students enroll in universities nationwide each year, thanks largely to policies such as the enlargement of university admission quotas and the establishment of numerous new institutions.Secondly, quality improvement is another hallmark of higher education development. The government has implemented various measures to enhance teaching standards, research capabilities, and international collaboration. Programs like the "Double First-Class Initiative" have significantly raised the global profile and academic excellence of Chinese universities.Chinese Version: 其次,高等教育质量的提升是其发展的又一显著特征。



关于亲人会编中国结的英文作文Chinese Version:我有一位特别的亲人——我的阿姨,她对中国的传统工艺有着深厚的感情,尤其擅长编织中国结。


English Version:I have a very special relative - my aunt, who holds an immense affection for traditional Chinese crafts and excels particularly in the art of Chinese knotting. Chinese knots, also known as "auspicious knots," are ancient handcrafted treasures from China that symbolize harmony, unity, and eternal good wishes.Chinese Version:阿姨自幼就对中国结产生浓厚兴趣,几十年来,她的指尖流转的是红绳间的智慧与匠心。


English Version:Since her childhood, my aunt has nurtured a deep interest in Chinese knotting. Over the decades, her fingers have danced with wisdom and ingenuity amidst the red cords.She can transform ordinary red strings into variously shaped and profoundly meaningful Chinese knots such as the Safety Knot, the Fortune Knot, and the Double Fish Knot, each encapsulating profound emotions and boundless blessings for our family.Chinese Version:每逢春节或是家人的生日,阿姨总会精心编织一个中国结作为礼物赠予我们。



介绍白马寺英语作文Chinese Version: 白马寺,位于中国河南省洛阳市,是一座具有悠久历史和深厚文化底蕴的佛教寺院。


English Version: White Horse Temple, situated in Luoyang City, Henan Province, China, is an ancient Buddhist temple with a profound historical legacy and cultural depth. It is hailed as "China's First Ancient Monastery," serving not only as the birthplace of Chinese Buddhism but also as a significant testament to international cultural exchange.II. Historical BackgroundChinese Version: 白马寺始建于东汉明帝永平年间(公元68年),据传因两位印度高僧摄摩腾、竺法兰乘白马驮经而来而得名。


English Version: White Horse Temple was established during the Yongping era of the Eastern Han Dynasty (AD 68), named so according to the legend that two Indian monks, Kasyapa Matanga and Dharmaratna, arrived carrying Buddhistscriptures on the back of a white horse. Its founding marked the formal introduction of Buddhism into China, inaugurating a development history of over two thousand years for Chinese Buddhism.III. Architectural FeaturesChinese Version: 白马寺建筑群布局严谨,古朴庄重,融合了汉代与唐代建筑风格。



我最喜欢的传统节日清明节英语作文Chinese Version:我最喜欢的中国传统节日是清明节。



English Version:My favourite traditional Chinese festival is the Qingming Festival. This deeply emotional and culturally rich celebration, also known as the Tomb-Sweeping Day or Clear Bright Festival, takes place around the 5th day of the fourth lunar month each year. Not only is it one of China's 24 solar terms, but it is also one of the country's four major ancestral worship festivals, embodying profound remembrance and respect for our forebears.Chinese Version:清明节的起源可追溯至周代,最初为寒食节的一部分,旨在纪念介之推。



English Version:The origins of Qingming Festival can be traced back to the Zhou Dynasty, initially as part of the Cold Food Festival in memory of Jie Zitui. Over time, Qingming gradually separated from the Cold Food Festival, evolving into an independent occasion with its central activity being the visitation and清扫of ancestors' graves, expressing longing for deceased loved ones. Additionally, people engage in customs such as spring outings, kite flying, and willow-branch planting on this day, symbolizing the rejuvenation and vitality of life.Chinese Version:清明节的扫墓习俗,蕴含着深厚的孝道文化。



你喜欢中国节日还是外国节日英文作文Chinese Version:中国的传统节日对我来说意义非凡。


"Spring Festival",寓意着辞旧迎新,人们在欢声笑语中扫除旧岁晦气,迎接充满希望的新年。



English Version:Traditional Chinese festivals hold a profound significance for me. I have a deep affection for the Spring Festival, which is not only China's most significant holiday but also a symbol of family reunion and harmony. "The Spring Festival" signifies bidding farewell to the old and ushering in the new, with people joyfully banishing the gloom of the past year while embracing a hopeful new beginning. Households hang couplets, set off firecrackers, and indulge in sumptuous New Year’s Eve feasts, while children eagerly anticipate the arrival of red envelopes. This rich cultural heritage and familial ambiance make Chinese festivals dear to my heart.Chinese Version:然而,我也被西方节日的独特魅力所吸引。

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Unit 2 (paras 4-6)
4. 然而,想到得到其他那么多人都有的物质的东 西,对我来说,只不过是转瞬即逝的念头而已。 我的汽车是1999年的产品,到现在开了十万五 千英里,已经很破很旧了,但它依然可靠。我的 住房不大,但是很安静,住着挺舒心,我的衣服 很适合于我的工作,主要都在户外。我对计算机 的很少的需求,可以在图书馆得到解决。
Unit 1
13. 但我并不想夸大其辞,无论在过去还是在当今, 中国在科学、技术和艺术革新方面都展示了巨大 的创造力。而西方的创新突破则有被夸大的危险。 如果仔细审视任何一项创新,其对以往成就的依 赖则都显而易见(“站在巨人肩膀之上”的现 象)。
Unit 1
14. 然而,假定我这里所说的反差是成立的,而 培养技艺与创造力两者都是值得追求的目标, 那么重要的问题就在于:我们能否从中美两个 极端中寻求一种更好的教育方式,它或许能在 创造力与基本技能这两极之间获得某种较好的 平衡?
Unit 5
10. 于是他深深吸了一口气。在摆脱腿部肌肉紧张 的同时,他轻轻地把撑杆放在脚边。他开始舒展 双臂和上身。刚才飘过一阵轻风,此刻消失了。 他小心翼翼地拿起撑杆,只觉得心砰砰在跳。他 相信观众们的心也在砰砰跳动。场上鸦雀无声, 令人透不过气来。当他听见远处飞鸟啼鸣时,他 知道,自己飞身起跃的时刻到了。
Unit 4
12. 但有时面对面的与人相处实在难以忍受。我与 一位朋友见面,她那种响亮的笑声让人忍无可 忍——饭店里的嘈杂谈话声也让人受不了。我找 了个借口逃之夭夭。我重新回到我的公寓,冲向 电脑,似乎那儿才是一个安全的地方。
Unit 4
13. 我点击鼠标,打开调制解调器,曾经听了就烦 的连接声此刻听起来就如同最心爱的曲子那么悦 耳。我键入密码。真实世界转瞬便消逝了。
Unit Leabharlann -5Chinese Version
Unit I (paras 12-14)
12.美国人的立场可以概括起来这么说,我们比中 国人更重视创新和自立。我们两种文化的差异 也可以从我们各自所怀的忧虑中显现出来。中 国老师担心,如果年轻人不及早掌握技艺,就 有可能一辈子掌握不了;另一方面,他们并不 同样地急于促进创造力的发展。美国教育工作 者则担心,除非从一开始就发展创造力,不然 创造力就有可能永不再现;而另一方面,技艺 可于日后获得。
L186-192. 你们能想象我觉得自己有多么丢人现眼 吗?堂堂的优秀生、班主席。父亲竟然去求别人 叫他们的儿子打电话来邀我去跳舞!可这就是我 那可爱的老爸。他其实挺可爱的。他就是不好好 想一想。不止我一个人深受他横加干预之苦。哦, 绝非我一个人,我们兄妹三人整天提心吊胆,知 道倒霉的事随时可能来临,
Unit 2
5. 尽管有些东西我没有,我并不感到贫穷。这是 为什么?五十三年来我一直非常健康。我不但 不生病,而且精力充沛,情绪饱满。锻炼对我 而言是确确实实的快事,我乐意长距离步行, 越走越有劲。我喜欢步行后随之产生的一种 “什么都干得了”的心态。
Unit 2
6. 我还十分珍惜我的创作才能。当我写出美丽的 诗句或编造出能把人逗乐的笑话时,我内心感到 很富有。通过写作而获得的洞察力,不断的令我 惊奇,而与那么多写作朋友交谈,是我乐趣的主 要源泉之一。
Unit 4 (paras 10-13)
10. 以前我从未意识到日常的生活起居是多么重要, 如穿戴整齐去上班,按时就寝。以前我从未想过 自己会那么依赖同事作伴。我开始理解为什么长 时间的失业会那么伤人,为什么一个人的生活缺 少了外部支持的日常计划就会导致吸毒、犯罪、 自杀率的增长。
Unit 4
11. 为了恢复生活的平衡,我强迫自己回到真实世 界中去。我给别人打电话,与所剩无几的仍然住 在纽约城的几个朋友安排见面。我至少设法去去 健身房,以便使周末与工作日有所不同。我安排 采访好写报道,预约看医生——安排任何需要我 出门与他们接触的活动。
Unit 3 (lines 68-73;186-192 )
L68-73. 这类事要是偶尔发生一两次,那倒也没 什么。总的来说,我是不肯把自己老爸跟别人 的老爸换的。他爱我们当子女的,也爱老妈。 不过我想,有时问题就出在这儿。他一心想帮 助我们,他自以为在为我们做好事呢,可他应 该多想想才对,
Unit 3
Unit 5 (paras 9-10)
9.这一回,那跑道显得有些异样。刹那间,他感到一阵惊 吓。一种惶惑不安的感觉向他袭来。横杆升到高出他个 人最高纪录9英寸的高度。他想,这一高度与全国纪录 只差1英寸了。这一刻紧张异常,他感到焦虑不安。他 想摆脱紧张情绪。没有用,他更紧张了。在这种时刻怎 么会这样呢,他暗暗思忖着。怎么办?他以前从来不曾 有过这种感觉。这时,不知不觉地,在内心最深处,出 现了他母亲的身影。为什么是在这一刻?记忆中,母亲 在这种时候会怎么做呢?很简单,母亲过去总跟他说, 当你觉得紧张、焦虑,甚至害怕的时候,就深深地吸气。