Number of greenfield FDI projects, by source, 2003-April 2011



Difficulty: Medium
Chapter 07 - Foreign Direct Investment
22. (p. 255) The free market view argues that FDI is a benefit to both the source country and to the host country. TRUE
Difficulty: Medium
23. (p. 255) Countries adopting a pragmatic stance pursue policies designed to maximize the national benefits and minimize the national costs. TRUE
Difficulty: Medium
4. (p. 242) The amount of FDI undertaken over a given time period is known as the flow of FDI. TRUE
Difficulty: Easy
5. (p. 242) The total accumulated value of foreign-owned assets at a given time is the inflow of FDI. FALSE
19. (p. 253) Dunning, in the eclectic paradigm theory, suggests that a firm must establish production facilities where foreign assets or resource endowments necessary to the production of the product exist. TRUE



综合试题综合试题1I.Translate the following words and expressions (10%)(ⅰ) From English into Chinese1. manufactured goods 制成品2. protectionist measures 保护措施3. securities exchange 证劵交易4. comparative 比较优势5. Gross National Product 国民生产总值(ⅱ) From Chinese into English6. 最惠国待遇Most-Favored Nation Treatment7. 宽限期grace period8. 不可以撤销信用证irrevocable letters of credit9. 运输单据transportation documents,10. 金边债券gilt bondⅡ. Match the words and expressions on the left with the explanations on the right (5%)11. compulsory a. policy to restrict imports ( d )12. trade barriers b. unit cost getting low with the increasing of quantity. ( a )13. specialization c. products produced with efficiency ( c )14. trade terms d. something must have be done ( e )15. economics of scale: e. trade rules set by ICC ( b )Ⅲ. Make brief explanations of the following terms in English (20%) 16. quotaquota: the limited quantities or value of imports made by government for consideration to protect domestic industries.17. PPPPPP: purchasing power parity, a decisive factor for the change of exchange rate.18. deregulationderegulation: government lowers or abolishes some restrictive domestic or foreign economic policies and make the economic activity develop more freely.19. infrastructureinfrastructure: large-scale public services such as transportation, communication equipments.20. indemnityindemnity: a basic idea in all branches of insurance that the insured should be in the same position after a loss as he was before it, neither richer nor poorer as a result of loss.Ⅳ. Fill in each of the following blanks with an appropriate words (10% )Differs, Which, predecessor, mechanism. In one word, one, permanent, services, settle , World BankInstead of being a mere replacement of GATT, the WTO 21__differs__ from its22 __predecessor___ in several prominent dimension. Firstly, as the name suggests, he GATT is only an agreement, or more exactly an interim secretariat, 23__In one word__an organization entity in the true sense, while WTO is a full-fledged 24__permanent__organization. Secondly WTO has a much broader mandate promoting trade liberalization of goods and 25__services__.Thirdly, the WTO has established far greater enforcement powers to 26__settle__ trade frictions among member countries, 27__Which__is called dispute settlement 28__mechanism__.WTO has become 29__one__ of important three international economic organizations. The others two are 30.__World Bank__ and International Monetary Funds.Ⅴ. Translate the following into English (25%)31. 及时库存制源于日本,现在已经被很多国家企业采纳。


➢ 3、从目标公司是否是上市公司看 ➢ 私人公司并购指并购公司在非证券交易所对非
上市公司的收购。 ◆ 私人并购一般通过公司股东之间直接的、非公
开的协商方式进行,只要目标公司的大部分股 东同意出售其持有的股份,私人公司的控制权 便由并购公司所掌握,并购行为即告完成。 ➢ 上市公司并购是指并购公司在证券交易所通过 对上市公司股票的收购来实现的并购。
企业收购强调买方企业向卖方企业的“购 买”行为
按照内容的不同,分为资产收购和股份收购 资产收购指买方企业收购卖方企业的全部
或部分资产,使之成为买方的一部分 股份收购则指买方企业直接或间接购买卖
横向并购的目的通常是扩大世界市场份额或增加企业 国际竞争力和垄断或寡占实力,进而形成规模经济、 内部化交易而导致利润增长。
➢ 纵向跨国并购(Vertical M&A,也称垂直式并购):两个 以上国家处于生产同一或相似产品但又处于不同生产 阶段的企业之间的并购。
并购双方一般是原材料供应者或产成品购买者,并购 后较易融合在一起
第四章 跨国并购 第一节 跨国并购概述
❖ Modes of FDI entry ❖ Greenfield investment refers to investment
in new facilities and the establishment of new entities through entry as well as expansion, while M&As refer to acquisitions of, or mergers with, existing local firms.



fdt练习题一、基础概念理解1. 请简述FDI(外国直接投资)的定义及其特点。

2. 说明跨国公司进行FDI的主要动机。

3. 描述国际投资中的绿地投资与棕色投资之间的区别。

5. 解释跨国公司内部化理论的基本原理。

二、国际投资政策6. 请简述国际投资政策的主要类型。

7. 说明东道国吸引FDI的主要政策措施。

8. 分析国际投资政策对东道国经济的影响。

10. 说明跨国公司在东道国投资过程中可能面临的政治风险。

三、跨国公司管理11. 请简述跨国公司的组织结构及其特点。

12. 分析跨国公司的人力资源管理策略。

13. 说明跨国公司的财务管理策略。

14. 请列举跨国公司进行市场进入策略的几种方式。

15. 分析跨国公司在全球范围内的供应链管理。

四、国际投资法律制度16. 请简述国际投资法律制度的基本原则。

17. 说明国际投资争端解决的主要途径。

18. 分析国际投资法律制度对跨国公司投资的影响。

20. 说明国际投资法律制度在促进跨国投资中的作用。

五、国际投资案例分析21. 分析苹果公司在中国的投资案例,说明其投资策略及效果。

22. 以特斯拉在上海建立超级工厂为例,分析其投资动机及对当地经济的影响。

23. 以阿里巴巴在印度尼西亚的投资为例,分析其投资策略及面临的挑战。

24. 分析华为在非洲的投资案例,说明其在当地市场的发展策略。

25. 以可口可乐在巴西的投资为例,分析其投资对当地经济的影响。

六、国际投资趋势与展望26. 分析当前国际投资的主要趋势。

27. 预测未来国际投资的发展方向。

29. 分析国际投资对全球经济发展的影响。

30. 探讨如何应对国际投资中的挑战与机遇。

七、国际投资环境分析31. 描述国际投资环境的主要构成要素。

32. 分析经济全球化对国际投资环境的影响。

33. 请列举影响国际投资环境的宏观经济指标。

34. 说明政治稳定性对国际投资环境的重要性。

35. 探讨如何优化国际投资环境以吸引更多外国直接投资。

八、国际投资合作36. 分析国际投资合作的主要形式。



<Ch. 10> MNCs跨国公司and Global Production- Today's globalization has created new forms of global production.- 今天的全球化创造了全球生产的新形式。

- This chapter reviews the impact of such global productions on both MNCs and the societies within which they operate.- 本章回顾了这些全球性产品对跨国公司及其所在社会的影响。

MNCs = defined as corporations that have operations in two or more countries.跨国公司=被定义为在两个或两个以上国家开展业务的公司。

MNCs produce and distribute goods and services across national borders, plan their operations on a global scale; and spread ideas, tastes, and technology throughout the world. 跨国公司生产和分销跨越国界的货物和服务,在全球范围内规划其运作; 并在全球传播思想,品味和技术。

->These MNCs control global value chains. (가치사슬)- >这些跨国公司控制全球价值链。

(가치사슬)Glossary Check:Global Value Chains= the sequence of activities through which technology is combined with material and labor inputs, and then assembled, marketed, and distributed.全球价值链=技术与物质和劳动力投入相结合,然后组装,销售和分配的活动顺序。



1.全球化世界贸易组织:(World Trade Organization)国际货币基金组织:(International Monetary Fund)《关税及贸易总协定》:(General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade)世界银行:(World Bank)国际贸易:(international trade)对外直接投资:(foreign direct investment)对外直接投资存量:(stock of foreign direct investment)外国企业:(multinational enterprise)国际企业:(international business)2.政治经济中的国家差异政治经济:(political economy)政治体制:(political system)集体主义:(collectivism)社会主义者:(socialists)共产主义者:(communists)社会民主主义者:(social democrats)私有化:(privatization)个人主义:(individualism)民主:(democracy)极权:(totalitarianism)市场经济:(maeket economy)计划经济:(command economy)法律体系:(legal system)普通法:(common law)大陆法:(civil law system)宗教法:(theocratic law system)合同法:(contract law)财产权:(property rights)私下行为:(private action)公共行为:(public action)《反海外腐败法》:(Foreign Corrupt Practices Act)知识产权:(intellectual property)专利:(patent)版权:(copyrights)商标:(trademarks)产品安全法:(product safety laws)产品责任:(product liability)3.政治经济和经济发展人均国民收入:(gross national income)购买力平价:(purchasing power parity)人文发展指数:(Human Development Index)创新:(innovation)创业者:(entrepreneurs)放松管制:(deregulation)第一进入者优势:(first-mover advantages)后进者优势:(late-mover disadvantages)政治风险:(political risk)经济风险:(economic risk)4.文化差异跨文化知识能力:(cross-cultural literacy)价值观:(values)准则:(norms)社会:(society)社会习惯:(folkways)道德准则:(ethics)社会结构:(social structure)群体:(group)社会阶层:(social strata)社会流动性:(social mobility)等级制度:(caste system)阶级制度:(class system)阶级意识:(class consciousness)宗教:(religion)伦理体系:(ethical systems)关系:(relationship)联系:(connection)权利距离:(power distance)个人主义:(individualism versus)集体主义:(collectivism)不确定性规避:(uncertainty avoidance)男性主义和女性主义:(masculinity versus femininity)儒家动力:(confucian dynamism)种族中心主义:(ethnocentrism)5.国际商务伦理商业伦理:(business ethics)伦理策略:(ethics strategy)社会责任:(socisl responsibility)伦理困境:(ethical dilemmas)组织文化:(organizayion cultural)文化相对论:(cultural relativism)道德论者:(righteous moralist)非道德论者:(native immoralist)实用主义伦理:(utilitarian approaches)权利理论:(rights theories)公正分配:(just distribution)无知之幕:(veil of ignorance)道德公约:(code of ethics)利益相关者:(stakeholders)6.国际贸易理论自由贸易:(free trade)新贸易理论:(nwe trade theory)重商主义:(mercantilism)零和博弈:(zero-sum game)绝对优势:(absolute advantage)规模报酬率:(constant returns to specialization)要素禀赋:(factor endowments)规模经济:(economies of scale)国际收支账户:(balance-of-payments accounts)经常账户:(current account)经常账户赤字盈余:(current account deficit surplus)资本账户:(capital account)金融账户:(financial account)7.国际贸易中的政治经济自由贸易:(free trade)关税:(tariff)从量税:(specific tariffs)从价税:(ad valorem tariffs)补贴:(subsidy)进口配额:(import quota)关税配额:(tariff rate quota)自愿出口限制:(voluntary export restraint)配额租金:(quota rent)国产化规定:(local content requirement)行政管理贸易政策:(administrative trade policies)倾销:(dumping)反倾销政策:(antidumping policies)抵消性关税:(counter vailing duties)幼稚工业论:(infant industry argument)战略贸易政策:(strategic trade policy)8.国际直接投资新设投资:(greenfield invsetment)流量:(flow of FDI)存量:(stock of FDI)对外直接投资:(outflows of FDI)外来直接投资:(inflows of FDI)固定资本形成总额:(gross fixed capital formation)折中理论:(eclectic paradigm)出口:(exporting)技术授权:(licensing)内部化理论:(internalization theory)不完善理论:(market imperfections approach)寡头垄断行业:(oligopoly)多点竞争:(multipoint competition)区位优势:(location-specific advantages)外部性:(externalities)国际收支账户:(balance-of-payments accounts)经常项目:(current account)离岸生产:(offshore production)9.区域经济一体化区域经济一体化:(regional economic integration)自由贸易区:(free trade area)关税同盟:(customs union)共同市场:(common market)经济联盟:(economic union)政治联盟:(political union)贸易创造:(trade creation)贸易转移:(trade diversion)执行董事会:(executive board)监管董事会:(governing council)最优货币区:(optional currency area)10.外汇市场外汇市场:(foreign exchange market)汇率:(exchange rate)外汇风险:(foreign exchange risk)外汇投机:(currency speculation)套息交易:(carry trade)即期汇率:(spot exchange rate)远期外汇:(forward exchange)远期汇率:(forward exchange rate)掉期:(currency swap)套汇:(arbitrage)载体货币:(vehicle currency)一价定律:(law of one price)效率市场:(efficient market)应用材料:(applied materials)费雪效应:(Fisher effect)跟风效应:(bandwagon effect)效率市场:(efficient market)无效市场:(inefficient market)自由兑换:(freely convertible)对外可兑换:(externally convertible)不可兑换:(nonconvertible)资本外逃:(capital flight)对等贸易:(counter trade)交易风险:(transaction exposure)折算风险:(translation exposure)经济风险:(economic exposure)提前策略:(lead strategy)错后策略:(lag strategy)11.国际货币体系国际货币体系:(international monetary system)浮动汇率:(floating exchange rate)盯住汇率:(pegged exchange rate)管理浮动:(dirty float)固定汇率:(fixed exchange rate)金本位制度:(gold standard)黄金平价:(gold par value)贸易收支平衡:(balance-of-trade equilibrium)管理浮动制度:(managed-float system)货币局制度:(currency board)货币危机:(currency crisis)银行危机:(banking crisis)外债危机:(foreign debt crisis)裙带资本主义:(crony capitalism)道德风险:(moral hazard)12.全球资本市场共享方差:(shared variance)对冲基金:(hedge funds)游资:(hot money)耐心货币:(patient money)外国债券:(foreign bonds)13.国际企业的战略战略:(strategy)盈利能力:(profitability)投资资本收益率:(ROIC)利润增长:(profit growth)价值创造:(value creation)运营:(operations)核心竞争力:(core competence)区位经济:(location economies)全球网络:(global web)经验曲线:(experience curve)学习效应:(learning effects)规模经济:(economies of scale)普遍需要:(universal needs)全球标准化战略:(global standardization strategy)本土化战略:(localization strategy)跨国战略:(transnational strategy)国际战略:(international strategy)14.国际企业的组织组织构架:(organizational architecture)组织结构:(organizational structure)控制系统:(control systems)奖励:(incentives)流程:(processes)组织文化:(organizational culture)垂直差异化:(vertical differentiation)水平差异化:(horizontal differentiation)建立整合机构:(integrating mechanisms)国际分部:(intermational division)世界范围的地区结构:(worldwide area structure)世界范围的产品分部:(worldwide product division structure)全球矩阵结构:(global matrix structure)知识网络:(knowledge network)个人控制:(personal control)行政组织结构:(bureaucratic control)产出控制:(output control)文化控制:(cultural control)绩效模糊:(performance ambiguity)15.进入战略和战略联盟战略联盟:(strategic alliance)私营部门债务:(private-sector debt)进入时机:(timing of entry)先入者优势:(first-mover advantages)开拓成本:(pioneering costs)交钥匙工程:(turnkey project)技术授权协议:(licensing agreement)技术授权协议:(cross-licensing agreement)特许经营:(franchising)合资企业:(joint venture)全资子公司:(wholly owned subsidiary)16.出口、进口和对等贸易出口管理公司:(export management company)信用证:(letter of credit)汇票:(draft)即期汇票:(sight draft)远期汇票:(time draft)提单:(bill of lading)进出口银行:(Export-Import-Bank)对等贸易:(counter trade)易货贸易:(barter)互购:(counter purchase)抵销:(offset)转手贸易:(switch trading)回购:(buy back)从价关税:(ad valorem tariff)委托代销:(consignment)禁运:(embargo)全球配额:(global quota)无形贸易壁垒:(invisible barriers to trade)信用证:(letter of credit)重商主义:(mercantilism)201条款:(section 201)17.全球生产、外包与物流生产:(production)物流:(cogistics)全面质量管理:(total quality management)六西格玛:(six sigma)最小效率规模:(minimum efficient scale)柔性制造技术:(flexible manufacturing technology)精益生产:(lean production)大规模定制:(mass customization)柔性机器单元:(flexible machine cells)价值重量:(value-to-weight)全球学习:(global learning)来源决策:(make-or-buy decisions)专业化资产:(specialized asset)动态能力:(dynamic capabilities)即时存货:(just-in-time)电子数据交换:(electronic data inferchange) 18.全球营销与开发营销组合:(marketing)市场细分:(market segmentation)集中零售体系:(concentrated retail system)分散零售体系:(fragmented retail system)渠道长度:(channel length)独占性的分销渠道:(exclusive distribution channel)渠道质量:(channel quality)源效应:(source effects)原产国效应:(country of orign effects)噪声:(noisy)推策略:(push strategy)拉策略:(pull strategy)需求价格弹性:(price elasticity of demand)富有弹性:(elastic)缺乏弹性:(inelastic)策略性定价:(strategic pricing)掠夺性定价:(predatory pricing)多点定价:(multipoint pricing)经验曲线定价:(experience curve pricing) 19.全球人力资源管理人力资源管理:(human resource management)外派经理:(expatriate manager)人员配备政策:(staffing policy)企业文化:(corporate culture)外派人员:(expatriates)内派人员:(inpatriates)外派失败:(expatriate failure)自我倾向:(self-orientation)他人倾向:(others-orientation)感知能力:(perceptual ability)文化刚性:(cultural thoughness)20.国际企业会计和财务会计准则:(accounting standards)审计准则:(auditing standards)内部远期汇率:(internal forward rate)货币管理:(money management)交易成本:(transaction costs)双边净额:(bilateral netting)多边净额:(multilateral)税收抵免:(tax credit)税收条款:(tax treaty)延期准则:(deferral principle)避税港:(tax havens)特许权使用费:(royalties)转移价格:(transfer price)弗罗廷贷款:(fronting loan)。




绿色全要素生产率(Green Total Factor Productivity, GFPT)作为一种衡量经济增长与环境保护之间平衡关系的有效指标,已经成为国际上研究经济发展与环境问题的重要领域。

在这个背景下,外国直接投资(Foreign Direct Investment, FDI)作为一种重要的国际资本流动形式,对各国经济的发展和环境规制产生了深远的影响。









A. FD一、中国经济的作用和发展趋势自改革开放以来,中国经济取得了举世瞩目的成就。




Chap 4. Entering Foreign Markets1

Chap 4. Entering Foreign Markets1

Chapter. 4Entering Foreign MarketsThe Global Trade and Investment EnvironmentKey takeaways from previous chapterCross-cultural literacy and cultural adjustment⚫How can we manage different market trends and customer tastes to penetrate the local market-Adapt your offerings to better befit the social habits of consumers -Be flexible in strategies in response to regulations-Consider other forms of market entryLearning objectivesEntering Foreign Markets⚫Understand how firms enhance their capability and performance through global expansion in consideration of where, when, and how questions⚫Clarify the differences of entry modes (e.g., what scale and what nature should this entry have?) and understand the importance of choosing a right entry modeThree Basic Decisions⚫WHERE -Which markets to enter?⚫WHEN -When to enter these markets?⚫HOW -How to enter these markets? (i.e., what scale and what nature should this entry have?)OPENING CASE: Market Entry at StarbucksQuestion 1Why do you think Starbucks decided to enter the Japanese market via ajoint venture with a Japanese company? What lesson can you draw fromthis?Question 2What drove Starbucks to start expanding internationally?How is the company creating value for its shareholders by pursuingand international expansion strategy?Which Foreign Markets?⚫There are more than 200 countries•191 are member-nations of the UN…⚫Each country’s attractiveness as a market to a particular firm depends on:• A balance of benefits, costs, and risks, along with thefirm’s strategic objectives.•The value an international business can create in aforeign marketTiming of entry: First Mover Advantages⚫Preempt rivals; establish strong brand name; capture demand ⚫Build sales volume; ride down experience curve ahead ofcompetitors (learning effect and EoS); cost advantage⚫Create switching costs; tie customers to 1st mover’sproducts⚫Establish social ties ahead of following foreign competitorsTiming of entry First-mover disadvantages; Pioneering costs⚫Time spent to learn DOs-DON’Ts may benefit competitors who can learn from 1st mover⚫1st mover who starts a new industry builds the infrastructure ⚫1st mover “trains” customers for followers⚫Breaks through host country’s adjustment to “foreignness”issues•Regulations may change due to 1st mover’s effort•Followers benefit from 1st mover’s efforts/costsHow to enter foreign marketsWhat is foreign direct investment?Foreign direct investment (FDI) occurs when a firm invests directlyin new facilities to produce and/or market in a foreign countryOnce a firm undertakes FDI it becomes a multinational enterprise There are two forms of FDI:-A greenfield investment (the establishment of a wholly newoperation in a foreign country)-Acquisition or merging with an existing firm in the foreigncountryExporting & Licensing⚫Exporting involves producing goods at home and then shipping them to the receiving country for sale.⚫Licensing involves granting a foreign entity (the licensee) the right to produce and sell the firm’s product in return for a royalty fee on every unit sold.Why do firms prefer FDI to either exporting or licensing?T o answer this question, we need to look at the limitations of exporting and licensing, and theadvantages of FDI1. Limitations of Exporting⚫The viability of an exporting strategy can be constrained by transportation costs and trade barriers•When transportation costs are high, exporting can beunprofitable•Foreign direct investment may be a response to actualor threatened trade barriers such as import tariffs orquotas2. Limitations of LicensingThe Internalization theory (also known as market imperfections) suggests that licensing has three major drawbacks•it may result in a firm’s giving away valuable technological know-how to a potential foreign competitor•it does not give a firm the tight control over manufacturing, marketing, and strategy in a foreign country that may be required to maximize its profitability•It may be difficult if the firm’s competitive advantage is not amendable to licensingExporting⚫Advantages:•Avoids cost of establishing manufacturing operations•May help achieve experience curve and scale economies ⚫Disadvantages:•May compete with low-cost location manufacturers•Possible high transportation costs•T ariff barriers•Possible lack of control over marketing reps⚫It is common for firms in the same industry to •have similar strategic behavior and undertake foreign direct investment around the same time•direct their investment activities towards certainlocations at certain stages in the product life cycle1. Strategic Behavior⚫Knickerbocker explored the relationship between FDI and rivalry in oligopolistic industries (industries composed of a limited number of large firms)⚫Knickerbocker suggested that FDI flows are a reflection of strategic rivalry between firms in the global marketplace⚫This theory can be extended to embrace the concept of multipoint competition (when two or more enterprises encounter each other in different regional markets, national markets, or industries)2. The Product Life Cycle⚫Vernon argues that firms undertake FDI at particular stages in the life cycle of a product they have pioneered⚫Firms invest in other advanced countries when local demand in those countries grows large enough to support local production ⚫Firms then shift production to low-cost developing countries when product standardization and market saturation give rise to price competition and cost pressuresThe Eclectic Paradigm⚫John Dunning’s eclectic paradigm argues that in addition to the various factors discussed earlier, two additional factors must be considered when explaining both the rationale for and the direction of foreign direct investment•location-specific advantages (that arise from using resourceendowments or assets that are tied to a particular location and that a firm finds valuable to combine with its own unique assets)•externalities(knowledge spillovers that occur when companies in the same industry locate in the same area)Entry Mode: Licensing⚫Licensor grants rights to licensee for•Intangible property use: patents, inventions, formulas,processes, designs, copyrights, trademarks•Specified period of time•Specified compensation⚫Licensee typically gives licensor•Quality assurance rights•Strategic brand control if licensee sells to consumersusing the licensor’s brand nameEntry Mode: Franchising⚫Franchising•Franchisor, grants franchisee use of intangibles under thecondition that franchisee follow strict rules of operating thebusiness (franchisor transfers to the franchisee a total business method --including production and marketing methods, salessystems, procedures, training, and the use of its name.)•Mode of operation is part of the brand image•Similarities to Licensing•More comprehensive and longer-term than licensing.Putting it into Practice Growing one store at a timeLicensing: Advantages⚫Reduces development costs and risks of establishing foreign enterprise⚫Don’t need to commit substantial resources to unfamiliar or politically volatile foreign markets⚫Overcomes restrictive investment barriers⚫Others can develop business applications of intangible property•Bell lab at AT&T –T exas Instrument•Coca cola ---clothing and accessoriesLicensing: Disadvantages⚫Lack of control over manufacturing, marketing, and strategy ⚫Inability to realize location and experience curve economies ⚫Inability to engage in global strategic coordination⚫May lose technology by licensing it•RCA ---Sony and Matsushita⚫Means to Reduce Risks•Cross-Licensing ---Amgen and Kirin•Link with Joint Venture ---Fuji-XeroxFranchising⚫Advantages:•Reduces costs and risk of establishing foreign operations ⚫Disadvantages:•May prohibit movement of profits from one country to support operations in another country•Quality control (master franchising subsidiary)Entry Mode: WOS & IJVThese involve Foreign Direct Investment⚫International joint ventures (IJV)•Firms that are owned jointly by two or more otherwise independent firms;•One (or more) parent firms are non-resident in the host market⚫Wholly owned subsidiaries (WOS)•Firms solely owned by a company in a foreign countryJoint VenturesAdvantages:⚫Benefit from the partner’s knowledge⚫Shared costs/risks with partner⚫Reduced political riskDisadvantages:⚫Risk giving control of technology to partner⚫May not realize experience curve or location economies ⚫Shared ownership can lead to conflictWholly Owned Subsidiary Advantages:⚫No risk of losing technical competence to a competitor ⚫Tight control of operations⚫Realize experience curve and location economies Disadvantage:⚫Bear full cost and risk⚫Slower to implementAcquisitionsAdvantages:⚫Quick to execute⚫Preempt competitors ⚫Possibly less risky Disadvantages:⚫Disappointing results⚫Overpay for firm⚫Optimism about value creation (hubris)⚫Culture clash⚫Problems with proposedsynergiesAcquisition or GreenfieldAcquisitions are attractive if:⚫There are wellestablished firms alreadyin operation⚫Competitors want to enter the region Greenfield ventures are attractive if:⚫There are no competitors⚫Competitive advantage consists of embedded competencies,skills, routines, and uniquecultureWhat we have done so far?Opening up: JCB in IndiaOpening up: JCB in IndiaOpening up: JCB in IndiaOpening up: JCB in IndiaOpening up: JCB in India。



Definition: an investment involving a long-term relationship and reflecting a lasting interest and control of a resident entity in one economy (foreign direct investor or parent enterprise) in an enterprise resident in an economy other than that of the foreign direct investor. In form of Greenfield investment: establishment of a new operation in a foreign country and Merger & Acquisition with an existing firm in the foreign country.Decline in trade barriers over the past 30 years;FDI has grown more rapidly: Driven by the political and economic changesGlobalization of the world economyTheoretical explanation:1.Ownership advantage:tangible assets-specific technological expertise ahead of others.Intangible assets-management style and experience dominant in competitive environment Eg. Volkswagen high reputation in China enables them to succeed in foreign market2.Location advantage: government policy, large market, cheap labour, scared resources etc.BP developed oil fields and established oil refineries in Alaska3.Internalization advantage: more profitable to internalize, control trade or supplies of rawmaterials in order to minimize transaction costs. E.g. Volkswagen has established component production, R&D, promotion, and after sale service department in China so that they can decrease the costs significantly and gain more profit.Motives of firms to FDI:1. Resource seeking: acquire particular and specific resource of a high quality at a lower real cost than home country. There are 3 types of resources:Physical resources: e.g. Chinese and Indian investors invest in agricultural industry such as sugar and coffee in AfricaLabour resources: cheap labour in Vietnam and ChinaTechnological capability or organizational skills: e.g. Indian companies’ alliances with EU or US firms in high-tech sectors2. Market seeking: market si ze, market growth, being adapted to local tastes, saving production and transaction cost, China and India3. Efficiency seeking: to rationalize the structure of established resource-based or market-seeking investment that can gain from the common governance of geographically dispersed activities. Thus economies of scale and scope and risk diversification can be gained.4. Strategic asset or capability seeking: acquire the assets of foreign corporations to promote their long-term strategic objectives, especially sustaining or advancing their global competitiveness, e.g. Lenovo’s acquisition of IBM PC unit to gain technological capability- Respond to government restriction or promotion- Client followership or competitor followership: minimize the gap and maintain the market share. eg. KFC entered China in 1987, McDonald in19901.Attract new sources of demand2.Enter markets with superior profits, expand sales3.React to tax benefits or cheap factors of production4.Access to foreign technology5.Exploit monopolistic advantages6.Increase competitive advantage7.Reduce costs: diversify internationally; benefit from economies of scale8.Reduce risk: react to exchange rate movements, trade restrictionsCompare with exporting and licensing:Advantages:Limitations of exporting: high transportation and transaction costs –unprofitable; trade barriers-import restrictions; reliance on the third party agenciesLimitations of licensing: 1. licensing may result in a firm’s giving away valuable technological know-how to a potential foreign competitor eg. RCA licensed its colour TV tech to SONY; it quickly assimilated the tech and entered the US market to compete directly with RCA.2. Licensing does not give a firm the tight control over manufacturing, marketing, and strategy in a foreign country that may be required to maximize its profitability.3. Problem arises when the firm’s competitive advantage is based not as much on its product as on management, marketing, and manufacturing capabilities that produce those products. FDI: valuable know-how; tight control over a foreign entity; benefit when a firm’s skills and know-how are not amenable to licensing. OLIDisadvantages: Expensive - requires stronger and longer-term of resource commitmentsRisky - involves direct operation in a different countryWhen the transportation cost and trade barriers such as tariff are low, cost of labour andresource similar, eg, EULicensing maybe preferred if other conditions are equalUnfavourable policies restricting FDI: high tax rate for foreign enterprise in UK; Japan prohibit FDI only allow JVSocio-economical environment is not stable in the host countryAdverse external effects, eg. Environmental problems, ethical issuesHost countries influence of inward FDI:Benefits:1.Resource-transfer effects: supply capital, technology, and resources boost that country’seconomy2.Employment effects: brings jobs to a host country E.g. when Toyota’s auto plant in Francein 1997 create 2000 direct jobs and perhaps another 2000 jobs in support industries.3.Balance-of-payments effects: first, a substitute for imports of goods or services, improvethe balance of payments. Second potential benefit when the MNE export goods andservices to other countries. E.g. in china exports increased contributed by MNE.4.Effect on competition and economic growthTakes the form of Greenfield investment, the number of players in a market increases and stimulates competition, prices lowered and consumers’ economic welfare increased.\ Costs:1.Adverse effects on competition: MNE may get funds elsewhere to subsidize its cost in thehost market, allow the firm to monopolize the market. Though Greenfield investments should increase competition, it is less clear if it takes the form of M&A2.Adverse effect on the balance of payment: first, may transfer earnings outflow to homecountry. May imports a substantial number of its inputs from abroad, leads to a debit on the current account of the host country3.National sovereignty and autonomy: host government concern that FDI may lead to lossof economic independence. Some countries (China) prohibit FDI in certain sectorsHome countries influence of outward FDI:Benefits:1.The home country’s balance of payments benefits from the inward flow of foreign earnings.2.Home countries may export components to host countries, therefore result in positiveemployment effects3.Valuable skills learned by MNE in foreign markets can be transferred back to the homecountry.Costs:1.The current account of the balance of payments suffers if the FDI is a substitute for directexports.2.Suffers from the initial capital outflow required to finance the FDI.3.Suffers if the purpose is to serve the home market from a low-cost production location. Ideologies influencing government’s attitude:The radical view: It traces its root to Marxist political and economic theory. They argue that MNE extract profits from the host countries and take them to their home countries, giving nothing of value to the host country in exchange. FDI should be prohibited or restricted.The free market view: It traces its root to classical economics and the international trade theories of Admin Smith and Ricardo. The free market view argues that international production should be distributed among countries according to the theory of comparative advantages. FDI should be allowed with no restriction.Pragmatic nationalism: In practice, many countries have adopted Pragmatic nationalism. FDI has both benefits and costs. FDI can benefit a host country by bringing capital, skills, technology, and jobs, but those benefits come at a cost. When a foreign company rather than a domestic company produces products, the profits from the investment go abroad.So countries adopt a pragmatic stance pursue policies designed to maximize the national benefits and minimize the national costs. FDI should be allowed as long as the benefits outweigh the costs. Its benefit could be increased when effective policy strategy is adopted. Government’s policies:Encourage:Home: government-backed insurance programs, eg. risk of expropriation, war losses, and the inability to transfer profit back home. Particularly useful in encouraging firms to undertake investments in political unstable countriesHost: common for governments to offer incentives to foreign firms to invest in their countries, e.g. tax concessions, low-interest loans, grants or subsidies. Incentives are motivated by a desire to gain from the resource-transfer and employment effects of FDI. Eg. China established special economic zone and successfully attracted many investors。

国际商务 Foreign Direct Investment

国际商务 Foreign Direct Investment
七.Foreign Direct Investment
Learning Objectives

Be familiar with current trends regarding FDI in the world economy. Understand the different theories of foreign direct investment. Appreciate how political ideology shapes a government’s attitudes toward FDI. Understand the benefits and costs of FDI to home and host countries. Articulate the implications for management practices of the theory and government policies associated with FDI.
Introduction p152
This chapter looks at: Importance of FDI in the world economy. Review theories of FDI. Government policies toward FDI. Implications for business.
Introduction p152

Foreign Direct Investment occurs when a firm invests directly in facilities to produce or market products in a foreign country. Two forms:










【关键词】发展中国家、FDI、收入、环境污染、经济增长、环境保护、可持续发展、挑战、治理、平衡、结论.1. 引言1.1 发展中国家FDI收入与环境污染的关系发展中国家FDI收入与环境污染的关系是一个备受关注的问题。














1.全球化世界贸易组织:(World Trade Organization)国际货币基金组织:(International Monetary Fund)《关税及贸易总协定》:(General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade)世界银行:(World Bank)国际贸易:(international trade)对外直接投资:(foreign direct investment)对外直接投资存量:(stock of foreign direct investment)外国企业:(multinational enterprise)国际企业:(international business)2.政治经济中的国家差异政治经济:(political economy)政治体制:(political system)集体主义:(collectivism)社会主义者:(socialists)共产主义者:(communists)社会民主主义者:(social democrats)私有化:(privatization)个人主义:(individualism)民主:(democracy)极权:(totalitarianism)市场经济:(maeket economy)计划经济:(command economy)法律体系:(legal system)普通法:(common law)大陆法:(civil law system)宗教法:(theocratic law system)合同法:(contract law)财产权:(property rights)私下行为:(private action)公共行为:(public action)《反海外腐败法》:(Foreign Corrupt Practices Act)知识产权:(intellectual property)专利:(patent)版权:(copyrights)商标:(trademarks)产品安全法:(product safety laws)产品责任:(product liability)3.政治经济和经济发展人均国民收入:(gross national income)购买力平价:(purchasing power parity)人文发展指数:(Human Development Index)创新:(innovation)创业者:(entrepreneurs)放松管制:(deregulation)第一进入者优势:(first-mover advantages)后进者优势:(late-mover disadvantages)政治风险:(political risk)经济风险:(economic risk)4.文化差异跨文化知识能力:(cross-cultural literacy)价值观:(values)准则:(norms)社会:(society)社会习惯:(folkways)道德准则:(ethics)社会结构:(social structure)群体:(group)社会阶层:(social strata)社会流动性:(social mobility)等级制度:(caste system)阶级制度:(class system)阶级意识:(class consciousness)宗教:(religion)伦理体系:(ethical systems)关系:(relationship)联系:(connection)权利距离:(power distance)个人主义:(individualism versus)集体主义:(collectivism)不确定性规避:(uncertainty avoidance)男性主义和女性主义:(masculinity versus femininity)儒家动力:(confucian dynamism)种族中心主义:(ethnocentrism)5.国际商务伦理商业伦理:(business ethics)伦理策略:(ethics strategy)社会责任:(socisl responsibility)伦理困境:(ethical dilemmas)组织文化:(organizayion cultural)文化相对论:(cultural relativism)道德论者:(righteous moralist)非道德论者:(native immoralist)实用主义伦理:(utilitarian approaches)权利理论:(rights theories)公正分配:(just distribution)无知之幕:(veil of ignorance)道德公约:(code of ethics)利益相关者:(stakeholders)6.国际贸易理论自由贸易:(free trade)新贸易理论:(nwe trade theory)重商主义:(mercantilism)零和博弈:(zero-sum game)绝对优势:(absolute advantage)规模报酬率:(constant returns to specialization)要素禀赋:(factor endowments)规模经济:(economies of scale)国际收支账户:(balance-of-payments accounts)经常账户:(current account)经常账户赤字盈余:(current account deficit surplus)资本账户:(capital account)金融账户:(financial account)7.国际贸易中的政治经济自由贸易:(free trade)关税:(tariff)从量税:(specific tariffs)从价税:(ad valorem tariffs)补贴:(subsidy)进口配额:(import quota)关税配额:(tariff rate quota)自愿出口限制:(voluntary export restraint)配额租金:(quota rent)国产化规定:(local content requirement)行政管理贸易政策:(administrative trade policies)倾销:(dumping)反倾销政策:(antidumping policies)抵消性关税:(counter vailing duties)幼稚工业论:(infant industry argument)战略贸易政策:(strategic trade policy)8.国际直接投资新设投资:(greenfield invsetment)流量:(flow of FDI)存量:(stock of FDI)对外直接投资:(outflows of FDI)外来直接投资:(inflows of FDI)固定资本形成总额:(gross fixed capital formation)折中理论:(eclectic paradigm)出口:(exporting)技术授权:(licensing)内部化理论:(internalization theory)不完善理论:(market imperfections approach)寡头垄断行业:(oligopoly)多点竞争:(multipoint competition)区位优势:(location-specific advantages)外部性:(externalities)国际收支账户:(balance-of-payments accounts)经常项目:(current account)离岸生产:(offshore production)9.区域经济一体化区域经济一体化:(regional economic integration)自由贸易区:(free trade area)关税同盟:(customs union)共同市场:(common market)经济联盟:(economic union)政治联盟:(political union)贸易创造:(trade creation)贸易转移:(trade diversion)执行董事会:(executive board)监管董事会:(governing council)最优货币区:(optional currency area)10.外汇市场外汇市场:(foreign exchange market)汇率:(exchange rate)外汇风险:(foreign exchange risk)外汇投机:(currency speculation)套息交易:(carry trade)即期汇率:(spot exchange rate)远期外汇:(forward exchange)远期汇率:(forward exchange rate)掉期:(currency swap)套汇:(arbitrage)载体货币:(vehicle currency)一价定律:(law of one price)效率市场:(efficient market)应用材料:(applied materials)费雪效应:(Fisher effect)跟风效应:(bandwagon effect)效率市场:(efficient market)无效市场:(inefficient market)自由兑换:(freely convertible)对外可兑换:(externally convertible)不可兑换:(nonconvertible)资本外逃:(capital flight)对等贸易:(counter trade)交易风险:(transaction exposure)折算风险:(translation exposure)经济风险:(economic exposure)提前策略:(lead strategy)错后策略:(lag strategy)11.国际货币体系国际货币体系:(international monetary system)浮动汇率:(floating exchange rate)盯住汇率:(pegged exchange rate)管理浮动:(dirty float)固定汇率:(fixed exchange rate)金本位制度:(gold standard)黄金平价:(gold par value)贸易收支平衡:(balance-of-trade equilibrium)管理浮动制度:(managed-float system)货币局制度:(currency board)货币危机:(currency crisis)银行危机:(banking crisis)外债危机:(foreign debt crisis)裙带资本主义:(crony capitalism)道德风险:(moral hazard)12.全球资本市场共享方差:(shared variance)对冲基金:(hedge funds)游资:(hot money)耐心货币:(patient money)外国债券:(foreign bonds)13.国际企业的战略战略:(strategy)盈利能力:(profitability)投资资本收益率:(ROIC)利润增长:(profit growth)价值创造:(value creation)运营:(operations)核心竞争力:(core competence)区位经济:(location economies)全球网络:(global web)经验曲线:(experience curve)学习效应:(learning effects)规模经济:(economies of scale)普遍需要:(universal needs)全球标准化战略:(global standardization strategy)本土化战略:(localization strategy)跨国战略:(transnational strategy)国际战略:(international strategy)14.国际企业的组织组织构架:(organizational architecture)组织结构:(organizational structure)控制系统:(control systems)奖励:(incentives)流程:(processes)组织文化:(organizational culture)垂直差异化:(vertical differentiation)水平差异化:(horizontal differentiation)建立整合机构:(integrating mechanisms)国际分部:(intermational division)世界范围的地区结构:(worldwide area structure)世界范围的产品分部:(worldwide product division structure)全球矩阵结构:(global matrix structure)知识网络:(knowledge network)个人控制:(personal control)行政组织结构:(bureaucratic control)产出控制:(output control)文化控制:(cultural control)绩效模糊:(performance ambiguity)15.进入战略和战略联盟战略联盟:(strategic alliance)私营部门债务:(private-sector debt)进入时机:(timing of entry)先入者优势:(first-mover advantages)开拓成本:(pioneering costs)交钥匙工程:(turnkey project)技术授权协议:(licensing agreement)技术授权协议:(cross-licensing agreement)特许经营:(franchising)合资企业:(joint venture)全资子公司:(wholly owned subsidiary)16.出口、进口和对等贸易出口管理公司:(export management company)信用证:(letter of credit)汇票:(draft)即期汇票:(sight draft)远期汇票:(time draft)提单:(bill of lading)进出口银行:(Export-Import-Bank)对等贸易:(counter trade)易货贸易:(barter)互购:(counter purchase)抵销:(offset)转手贸易:(switch trading)回购:(buy back)从价关税:(ad valorem tariff)委托代销:(consignment)禁运:(embargo)全球配额:(global quota)无形贸易壁垒:(invisible barriers to trade)信用证:(letter of credit)重商主义:(mercantilism)201条款:(section 201)17.全球生产、外包与物流生产:(production)物流:(cogistics)全面质量管理:(total quality management)六西格玛:(six sigma)最小效率规模:(minimum efficient scale)柔性制造技术:(flexible manufacturing technology)精益生产:(lean production)大规模定制:(mass customization)柔性机器单元:(flexible machine cells)价值重量:(value-to-weight)全球学习:(global learning)来源决策:(make-or-buy decisions)专业化资产:(specialized asset)动态能力:(dynamic capabilities)即时存货:(just-in-time)电子数据交换:(electronic data inferchange) 18.全球营销与开发营销组合:(marketing)市场细分:(market segmentation)集中零售体系:(concentrated retail system)分散零售体系:(fragmented retail system)渠道长度:(channel length)独占性的分销渠道:(exclusive distribution channel)渠道质量:(channel quality)源效应:(source effects)原产国效应:(country of orign effects)噪声:(noisy)推策略:(push strategy)拉策略:(pull strategy)需求价格弹性:(price elasticity of demand)富有弹性:(elastic)缺乏弹性:(inelastic)策略性定价:(strategic pricing)掠夺性定价:(predatory pricing)多点定价:(multipoint pricing)经验曲线定价:(experience curve pricing) 19.全球人力资源管理人力资源管理:(human resource management)外派经理:(expatriate manager)人员配备政策:(staffing policy)企业文化:(corporate culture)外派人员:(expatriates)内派人员:(inpatriates)外派失败:(expatriate failure)自我倾向:(self-orientation)他人倾向:(others-orientation)感知能力:(perceptual ability)文化刚性:(cultural thoughness)20.国际企业会计和财务会计准则:(accounting standards)审计准则:(auditing standards)内部远期汇率:(internal forward rate)货币管理:(money management)交易成本:(transaction costs)双边净额:(bilateral netting)多边净额:(multilateral)税收抵免:(tax credit)税收条款:(tax treaty)延期准则:(deferral principle)避税港:(tax havens)特许权使用费:(royalties)转移价格:(transfer price)弗罗廷贷款:(fronting loan)。

The Economics of Green Technology and Sustainabili

The Economics of Green Technology and Sustainabili

The Economics of Green Technology and Sustainability RevisitedThe economics of green technology and sustainability has gained significant traction in recent years, and a reevaluation is timely and essential.Green technology offers numerous economic benefits. It leads to the creation of new jobs in sectors such as renewable energy, waste management, and sustainable agriculture. For instance, the growth of solar and wind energy industries has generated employment opportunities for engineers, technicians, and installers.Investments in green technologies can drive economic growth. Companies that develop and implement sustainable practices often gain a competitive edge. Take Tesla, for example, which has seen significant success by pioneering electric vehicle technology and sustainable energy solutions.Sustainability also reduces long-term costs. Energy-efficient buildings consume less power, resulting in lower utility bills over time. Similarly, efficient waste management systems can save money on landfill fees and disposal costs.However, there are challenges. The initial costs of implementing green technologies can be high, deterring some businesses and governments from making the switch. The infrastructure required for widespread adoption of renewable energy sources can be expensive to develop.Uncertainties in policy and regulation can also impact the economics of green technology. Fluctuating government subsidies and changing environmental standards can create instability for investors and businesses.In conclusion, the economics of green technology and sustainability is a complex but promising field. While there are obstacles to overcome, the potential for economic growth, job creation, and cost savings makes it a worthy area of focus. A balanced approach that considers both short-term costs and long-term benefits is crucial for promoting a sustainable and prosperous economy. Continued innovation and supportive policies will be key to unlocking the full potential of green technology and ensuring a more sustainable future for all.。



rcep中环境条款的数量英文回答:The Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) is a free trade agreement between 15 countries in the Asia-Pacific region. It includes 10 ASEAN member states (Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam) along with five of their major trading partners (Australia, China, Japan, New Zealand, and South Korea). The negotiations for the RCEP started in 2012 and were concluded in November 2020.When it comes to the environment, the RCEP does include some provisions, but the number of specific environmental clauses is relatively limited. The agreement acknowledges the importance of sustainable development and recognizes the need to promote environmental protection and conservation. However, it does not contain comprehensive environmental regulations like those found in some othertrade agreements.One of the key environmental provisions in the RCEP is the commitment to effectively implement multilateral environmental agreements (MEAs). MEAs are international agreements that address specific environmental issues, such as climate change, biodiversity conservation, and pollution control. The RCEP encourages its member countries tofulfill their obligations under these agreements and cooperate in their implementation.Another important aspect of the RCEP's environmental provisions is the recognition of the right of each member country to establish its own levels of environmental protection. This means that countries have the freedom to set their own environmental standards and regulations without being forced to adopt the standards of other member countries. This provision aims to respect national sovereignty and allow countries to address their unique environmental challenges.While the RCEP's environmental provisions may not be asextensive as some other trade agreements, they stillprovide a framework for cooperation and dialogue on environmental issues among member countries. The agreement creates a platform for sharing best practices, exchanging information, and promoting sustainable development in the region.中文回答:区域全面经济伙伴关系协定(RCEP)是亚太地区15个国家之间的自由贸易协定。



The concept of Green New Deal has been gaining momentum globally as a response to the urgent need for sustainable development and environmental conservation.Heres an essay on this topic:In recent years,the term Green New Deal has emerged as a pivotal strategy to address the dual challenges of climate change and economic inequality.This essay will explore the significance of the Green New Deal,its potential impact on society,and the steps that can be taken to implement it effectively.IntroductionThe Green New Deal is a comprehensive plan that aims to transition economies to renewable energy sources,create jobs,and invest in infrastructure and industry to sustain a healthy environment.It is inspired by the New Deal of the1930s,which was a series of programs and projects initiated by President Franklin D.Roosevelt to help the United States recover from the Great Depression.Environmental BenefitsThe primary goal of the Green New Deal is to combat climate change by reducing greenhouse gas emissions.This involves investing in renewable energy sources such as solar,wind,and hydroelectric power.Transitioning to these cleaner energy sources will not only help in reducing our carbon footprint but also in improving air quality,which has a direct impact on public health.Economic OpportunitiesOne of the key aspects of the Green New Deal is the creation of jobs in the renewable energy sector.As the world shifts from fossil fuels to renewable energy,there will be a demand for skilled workers in areas such as installation,maintenance,and research.This can lead to economic growth and provide new employment opportunities for millions of people.Social EquityThe Green New Deal also seeks to address social and economic inequality by ensuring that the benefits of the transition to a green economy are shared by all.This includes investing in education and training programs to equip workers with the skills needed forthe jobs of the future.Additionally,it emphasizes the importance of affordable housing, healthcare,and public transportation,which are essential for a high quality of life.Implementation ChallengesWhile the Green New Deal presents a promising vision for a sustainable future,its implementation faces several challenges.These include securing political support, managing the economic transition,and overcoming resistance from industries that rely on fossil fuels.It also requires international cooperation to ensure that the benefits of the Green New Deal are felt globally.ConclusionThe Green New Deal represents a bold and necessary step towards a more sustainable and equitable world.By investing in renewable energy,creating new jobs,and addressing social inequalities,it has the potential to transform our societies for the better.However, its success will depend on the collective efforts of governments,businesses,and individuals to embrace this vision and work towards its realization.In conclusion,the Green New Deal is not just an environmental initiative it is a comprehensive approach to building a future that is both sustainable and socially just.It is a call to action for all of us to play our part in creating a world where economic prosperity goes hand in hand with environmental stewardship and social equity.。



I B Midterm Examination Answering card (A)CLASS:1001NAME:NUMBER:I. True / False Questions (1 score per question)1. The notion that national economies are relatively self-contained entities is on the rise.2.Mercantilism advocated that countries should encourage exports and imports.3. A firm becomes a multinational enterprise when it undertakes foreign direct investment.4.The two most common methods of restricting inward FDI are ownership restraints and performance requirements.5. The most global markets currently are markets for industrial goods and materials that serve a universal need the world over.6. Outsourcing is a process that is limited to manufacturing enterprises.7. According to Porter, four broad attributes of a nation shape the environment in which local firms compete including supply conditions, factor endowments, regulation, and advanced factors.8. One of the UN central mandates is the promotion of higher standards of living, full employment, and conditions of economic and social progress and development9. The total amount of capital invested in factories, stores, office buildings and the like is referred to as the stock of FDI.10. Licensing involves the establishment of a new operation in a foreign country.II. Multiple Choice Questions(11-50,2score per question ; 51-60, 1 score per question)11.Which of the following is not characteristic of globalization?A. National economies are turning into independent economic systems.B. Material culture is starting to look similar the world over.C. Perceived distance is shrinking due to advances in transportation and telecommunications.D. Barriers to cross-border trade and investment are declining.12.Which of the following is not an impediment(限制) that makes it difficult for firms to achieve the optimal dispersion(最优分散)of their productive activities to locations around the globe?A. Reduced transportation costs.B. Government regulations.C. Issues associated with economic and political risk.D. Barriers to foreign direct investment.13. Technological innovations have facilitated all of the following except:A. globalization of production.B. globalization of markets.C. creation of electronic global marketplaces.D. creation of absolutely homogeneous(均匀的)consumer markets.14.What is the total cumulative value of foreign investments best referred to as?A. Accumulation of foreign sharesB. Portfolio investmentsC. Stock of foreign direct investmentsD. Stock market investments15.If the critics of globalization are correct, all of the following things must be shown except:A. the share of national income received by labor, as opposed to the share received by the owners of capital should have declined in advanced nations.B. even though labor's share of the economic pie may have declined, living standards need not deteriorate if the size of the total pie has increased sufficiently to offset(抵消)the decline in labor's share.C. the decline in labor's share of national income must be due to moving production to low-wage countries, as opposed to improving production technology and productivity.D. economic growth in developed nations has offset the fall in unskilled workers' share of national income, raising their living standards.16. This theory, advanced by the 19th-century English economist David Ricardo, forms the intellectual basis of the modern argument for unrestricted free trade.A. Heckscher-OhlinB. MercantilismC. Comparative advantageD. Absolute advantage17. This theory explains the observed patterns of international trade by emphasizing the interplay between the proportions in which the factors of production are available in different countries and the proportions in which they are needed for producing particular goods.A. MercantilismB. Heckscher-OhlinC. Absolute advantageD. Comparative advantage18. Identify the incorrect statement pertaining to Raymond Vernon's product life-cycle theory.A. Early in their life cycle, most new products are produced in and exported from the country in which they were developed.B. As a new product becomes widely accepted internationally, production starts in other countries.C. A product in the early stage of the product life-cycle is imported by the country where it was innovated.D. A product may ultimately be exported back to the country of its original innovation.19.The theory of _____, developed by Michael Porter, focuses on the importance of country factors, in addition to factor endowments, such as domestic demand and domestic rivalry in explaining a nation's dominance in the production and export of particular products.A. new tradeB. absolute advantageC. comparative advantageD. national competitive advantage20.Identify the theory that can be interpreted as justifying some limited government intervention to support the development of certain export-oriented industries.A. Theory of national competitive advantageB. Heckscher-Ohlin theoryC. Theory of comparative advantageD. Theory of absolute advantage21. Mercantilism viewed trade as a(n):A. economic evil.B. zero-sum game.C. nonessential economic activity.D. threat to a government's independence.22.What is the basic message of the theory of comparative advantage?A. Countries are similar in their ability to produce goods efficientlyB. International trade is rarely beneficial to a countryC. Potential world production is greater with unrestricted free trade than it is with restricted tradeD. Trade is a zero-sum game23.According to the product life-cycle theory, the locus of global production initially switches from the U.S. to other advanced nations and then from those nations to developing countries. The consequence of this trend for the pattern of world trade is that over time the U.S.:A. becomes the sole producer of the product.B. switches from being an exporter of the product to being an importer of the product.C. switches from being an importer of the product to being an exporter of the product.D. becomes the sole consumer of the product.24._____ suggests that when nations trade, each nation may be able to specialize in producing a narrower range of products than it would in the absence of trade, and through trade, each nation can simultaneously increase the variety of goods available to its consumers and lower the costs of those goods.A. The product life-cycle theoryB. Porter's diamond of competitive advantageC. New trade theoryD. The theory of comparative advantage25. According to the new trade theorists, because early entrants are able to gain _____, the early entrants into an industry may get a lock on the world market that discourages subsequent entry.A. zero-sum advantagesB. highly skilled employeesC. process expertiseD. economies of scale26. A greenfield investment:A. is a form of FDI that involves the establishment of a new operation in a foreign country.B. involves a 7 percent stock in an acquired foreign business entity.C. involves a merger with a foreign business.D. occurs when a firm acquires another company in a foreign country.27. Historically, most FDI has been directed at the _____ nations of the world as firms based in advanced countries invested in:A. underdeveloped; underdeveloped countries.B. developed; underdeveloped countries.C. developed; each other's markets.D. underdeveloped; each other's markets.28.Identify the incorrect statement regarding the direction of FDI.A. Historically, most FDI has been directed at the developing nations of the world.B. During the 1980s and 1990s, the United States was often the favorite target for FDI inflows.C. The developed nations of the EU have received significant FDI inflows.D. Recent inflows into developing nations have been targeted at the emerging economies of South, East, and Southeast Asia.29. According to Knickerbocker:A. the firms that pioneer a product in their home markets undertake FDI to produce a product for consumption in a foreign market.B. when a firm that is part of an oligopolistic industry expands into a foreign market, other firms in the industry will be compelled to make similar investments.C. combining location-specific assets or resource endowments and the firm's own unique assets often requires FDI.D. impediments to the sale of know-how increase the profitability of FDI relative to licensing.30.When two or more enterprises encounter each other in different regional markets, national markets, or industries, there is:A. vertical integration.B. horizontal integration.C. multipoint competition.D. monopolistic competition.31.The product life cycle suggests that:A. often the same firms that pioneer a product in their home markets undertake FDI to produce a product for consumption in foreign markets.B. when a firm that is part of an oligopolistic industry expands into a foreign market, other firms in the industry will be compelled to make similar investments.C. combining location-specific assets or resource endowments and the firm's own unique assets often requires FDI.D. impediments to the sale of know-how increase the profitability of FDI relative to licensing.32.The _____ suggests that a firm will establish production facilities where foreign assets or resource endowments that are important to the firm are located.A. product life cycleB. strategic behavior theoryC. multipoint competition theoryD. eclectic paradigm33. Advantages that arise from using resource endowments or assets that are tied to a particular location and that a firm finds valuable to combine with its own unique assets are known as:A. location-specific advantages.B. resource-specific advantages.C. competitive advantages.D. directional advantages.34.John Dunning, a champion of the eclectic paradigm, argues that:A. the firms that pioneer a product in their home markets undertake FDI to produce a product for consumption in a foreign market.B. when a firm that is part of an oligopolistic industry expands into a foreign market, other firms in the industry will be compelled to make similar investments.C. combining location-specific assets or resource endowments and the firm's own unique assets often requires FDI.D. impediments to the sale of know-how increase the profitability of FDI relative to licensing.35.According to the _____ view of FDI, MNEs extract profits from the host country and take them to their home country, giving nothing of value to the host country in exchange.A. imperialistB. conservativeC. free marketD. radical36. Which of the following is not an impediment that makes it difficult for firms to achieve the optimal dispersion of their productive activities to locations around the globe?A. Reduced transportation costs.B. Government regulations.C. Issues associated with economic and political risk.D. Barriers to foreign direct investment.37.Michael Porter has argued that _____ and _____ are two basic strategies for creating value and attaining a competitive advantage in an industry.A. differentiation; price competitionB. economies of scale; diversification.C. low cost; differentiationD. efficiency; promotion38. The _____ was created in 1944 by 44 nations that met in Breton Woods, New Hampshire to promote economic development.A. World BankB. International Trade CenterC. World Trade OrganizationD. United Nations39. Identify the incorrect statement pertaining to the World Wide Web.A. It makes it much easier for buyers and sellers to find each other.B. Viewed globally, it is emerging as an equalizer.C. It rolls back all of the constraints of location, scale, and time zones.D. It allows businesses to expand their global presence at a lower cost than ever before.40. Technological innovations have facilitated all of the following except:A. globalization of production.B. globalization of markets.C. creation of electronic global marketplaces.D. creation of absolutely homogeneous consumer markets.41. What is the total cumulative value of foreign investments best referred to as?A. Accumulation of foreign sharesB. Portfolio investmentsC. Stock of foreign direct investmentsD. Stock market investments42. Identify the incorrect statement regarding the former Communist nations of Europe and Asia.A. The economies of most of the former Communist states are very strong and developed.B. Many of the former Communist nations of Europe and Asia share a commitment to free market economies.C. As a result of disturbing signs of growing unrest and totalitarian tendencies, the risks involved in doing business in these countries is very high.D. For about half a century these countries were essentially closed to Western international business.43.When a company "exports jobs" overseas, the company is:A. helping domestic workers by pushing up wage rates.B. increasing the demand of qualified domestic workers.C. taking advantage of lower wages in foreign markets.D. deceiving the supporters of globalization.44. Propagated in the 16th and 17th centuries, _____ advocated that countries should simultaneously encourage exports and discourage imports.A. ethnocentrismB. capitalismC. collectivismD. mercantilism45. Identify the incorrect statement pertaining to Raymond Vernon's product life-cycle theory.A. Early in their life cycle, most new products are produced in and exported from the country in which they were developed.B. As a new product becomes widely accepted internationally, production starts in other countries.C. A product in the early stage of the product life-cycle is imported by the country where it was innovated.D. A product may ultimately be exported back to the country of its original innovation.46. Identify the theory that can be interpreted as justifying some limited government intervention to support the development of certain export-oriented industries.A. Theory of national competitive advantageB. Heckscher-Ohlin theoryC. Theory of comparative advantageD. Theory of absolute advantage47. China, deliberately keeping its currency value low against the U.S. dollar in order to sell more goods to the United States, and thus amass a trade surplus and foreign exchange reserves, is viewed by critics as following a:A. zero-sum game.B. neo-mercantilist policy.C. positive-sum game.D. free trade policy.48. A basic tenet of Ricardo's theory is that:A. consumers in those countries with an absolute advantage in the production of all goods might derive no benefits from international trade.B. consumers in all nations can consume more if there are no restrictions on trade.C. restrictions on trade help consumers in countries that lack an absolute advantage in the production of a particular good.D. trade is a zero-sum game.49. According to the _____ model, when a rich country enters into a free trade agreement with a poor country that rapidly experiences dynamic gains, the rich country is likely to not have net gains.A. absolute advantageB. mercantilistC. Heckscher-OhlinD. Samuelson50. According to the new trade theorists, because early entrants are able to gain _____, the early entrants into an industry may get a lock on the world market that discourages subsequent entry.A. zero-sum advantagesB. highly skilled employeesC. process expertiseD. economies of scale51. A greenfield investment:A. is a form of FDI that involves the establishment of a new operation in a foreign country.B. involves a 7 percent stock in an acquired foreign business entity.C. involves a merger with a foreign business.D. occurs when a firm acquires another company in a foreign country.52. If General Electric, a U.S. based corporation, purchased a 50 percent interest in a company in Italy, that purchase would be an example of a(n):A. minority acquisition.B. outright stake.C. majority acquisition.D. greenfield investment.53. FDI has been rising for all of the following reasons except:A. the globalization of the world economy.B. the general increase in trade barriers over the past 30 years.C. firms are trying to circumvent trade barriers.D. there is a shift toward democratic political institutions and free market economies.54. Historically, most FDI has been directed at the _____ nations of the world as firms based in advanced countries invested in:A. underdeveloped; underdeveloped countries.B. developed; underdeveloped countries.C. developed; each other's markets.D. underdeveloped; each other's markets.55. Identify the incorrect statement regarding the direction of FDI.A. Historically, most FDI has been directed at the developing nations of the world.B. During the 1980s and 1990s, the United States was often the favorite target for FDI inflows.C. The developed nations of the EU have received significant FDI inflows.D. Recent inflows into developing nations have been targeted at the emerging economies of South, East, and Southeast Asia.56. The total amount of capital invested in factories, stores, office buildings, and the like is summarized by:A. gross fixed capital formation.B. total investment capital.C. total tangible investment.D. gross depreciable investments.57. Most cross-border investment is:A. in the form of greenfield investments.B. made via mergers and acquisitions.C. between American and Japanese companies.D. involved in building new facilities.58. The rise in FDI in the services sector is a result of all of the following except:A. the general move in many developed countries away from manufacturing and toward services.B. accelerating regulations of services.C. many services cannot be traded internationally.D. many countries have liberalized their regimes governing FDI in services.59.When two or more enterprises encounter each other in different regional markets, national markets, or industries, there is:A. vertical integration.B. horizontal integration.C. multipoint competition.D. monopolistic competition.60.The _____ suggests that a firm will establish production facilities where foreign assets or resource endowments that are important to the firm are located.A. product life cycleB. strategic behavior theoryC. multipoint competition theoryD. eclectic paradigm11。




以下是与碳交易相关的一些单词:1.碳交易(Carbon Trading):一种通过买卖碳排放配额来实现减排的市场机制。

2.碳配额(Carbon Allowance/Carbon Credit):衡量单位,代表单位数量的碳排放权。

3.碳市场(Carbon Market):用于交易碳配额的市场。

4.减排(Emission Reduction):通过降低温室气体排放来减轻气候变化的行为。

5.碳中和(Carbon Neutrality):指个体、组织或活动的净碳排放为零,通过补偿或减排来实现。

6.碳足迹(Carbon Footprint):衡量个体、组织或产品在生命周期内产生的温室气体排放总量。

7.碳税(Carbon Tax):对碳排放实施的税收,鼓励减排。

8.清洁发展机制(Clean Development Mechanism-CDM):通过在发展中国家实施减排项目,为发达国家提供碳配额的一种机制。

9.联合国气候变化框架公约(United Nations Framework Convention onClimate Change-UNFCCC):于1992年通过,旨在推动国际社会应对气候变化。

10.国家确定的贡献(Nationally Determined Contributions-NDCs):各国为减缓气候变化而自愿提交的减排目标和行动计划。

11.绿色金融(Green Finance):通过投资和融资支持可持续和低碳发展的金融机制。

12.气候行动(Climate Action):为应对气候变化而采取的政策、项目和措施。






1. 增长趋势:自1990年代以来,美国的FDI持续增长。


2. 跨国公司为主导:美国的FDI主要由跨国公司引领。


3. 行业分布:美国的FDI分布在多个行业。


4. 来源国变化:美国的FDI源国多样化。


5. 投资项目类型的变化:除了传统的绿地投资和收购,越来越多的外国投资者选择在美国开展研发、创新和技术转让等高附加值项目。

6. 政策环境的影响:美国的FDI趋势也受到国内外政策环境的影响。







为了帮助这些工业发达国家有效的实现其减排承诺,《京都议定书》同时提出三个灵活履约机制,其中与我们关系密切的就是清洁发展机制 (简称CDM)。












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Web table 21. Number of greenfield FDI projects, by source, 2003-April 2011Source region/economy 200320042005200620072008200920102011(Jan-Apr)World 9 458 10 235 10 560 12 277 12 245 16 422 14 192 14 142 4 874 Developed countries 7 870 8 761 9 057 10 291 10 356 13 474 11 651 11 574 4 022 Europe 4 004 4 629 4 920 5 860 6 344 8 027 7 147 6 872 2 295 European Union 3 752 4 278 4 586 5 426 5 896 7 331 6 583 6 316 2 127 Austria 147 204 220 263 252 281 201 214 51 Belgium 78 97 125 142 191 209 141 141 39 Bulgaria 10 15 6 6 7 12 4 11 2 Cyprus 5 9 5 22 8 10 18 23 11 Czech Republic 20 17 22 41 32 53 12 34 11 Denmark 105 135 152 142 136 179 208 138 36 Estonia 19 7 25 44 39 26 13 11 6 Finland 105 104 185 190 183 203 133 130 49 France 499 572 649 688 912 1 060 984 812 254 Germany 829 881 1 026 1 262 1 278 1 464 1 320 1 362 444 Greece 72 44 39 54 61 74 28 27 9 Hungary 26 26 12 19 30 30 21 15 13 Ireland 55 50 76 94 98 132 146 136 39 Italy 274 354 322 288 335 519 444 399 135 Latvia 18 10 11 24 15 18 9 17 2 Lithuania 16 11 54 66 13 18 12 15-Luxembourg 15 26 26 29 94 83 64 64 36 Malta 3 1 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 Netherlands 247 309 238 351 309 453 406 376 134 Poland 14 25 28 38 40 45 39 38 9 Portugal 51 40 21 26 37 88 47 57 12 Romania 5 9 13 13 13 26 13 13-Slovakia 2 5- 4 2 9 2 10 2 Slovenia 52 33 41 49 27 31 20 23 5 Spain 171 267 183 232 461 622 623 609 214 Sweden 216 262 272 285 294 334 326 335 117 United Kingdom 698 765 832 1 051 1 026 1 349 1 346 1 303 496 Other developed Europe 252 351 334 434 448 696 564 556 168 Iceland 6 14 17 30 27 25 9 11 8 Liechtenstein 7 1 4 3 3 7 3 6 3 Norway 62 82 90 102 71 113 109 93 38 Switzerland 177 254 223 299 347 551 443 446 119 North America 2 757 2 886 3 126 3 278 3 037 3 894 3 340 3 439 1 309 Canada 327 301 419 243 259 331 326 299 137 United States 2 430 2 585 2 707 3 035 2 778 3 563 3 014 3 140 1 172 Other developed countries 1 109 1 246 1 011 1 153 975 1 553 1 164 1 263 418 Australia 144 115 145 159 154 208 164 172 70 Bermuda 21 15 22 52 33 64 62 57 9 Greenland 2- 1- 1 1---Israel 39 57 55 108 66 120 74 84 30 Japan 884 1 045 775 808 702 1 131 827 915 296 New Zealand 19 14 13 26 19 29 37 35 13 Developing economies 1 430 1 307 1 321 1 779 1 700 2 650 2 297 2 302 781 Africa 66 49 70 87 64 199 173 151 60 North Africa 17 8 24 28 18 45 40 34 1 Algeria 4-- 1 2 3 2--Egypt 9 6 13 17 9 23 14 25 1 Libyan Arab Jamahiriya 2- 1--- 2--Morocco 1- 4 5 3 5 14 4-Sudan--- 1 1----Tunisia 1 2 6 4 3 14 8 5-Other Africa 49 41 46 59 46 154 133 117 59 Angola- 2-- 2 4- 4-Botswana--- 4-- 2 1 2 Cameroon-- 1--- 2--Congo, Democratic Republic of-----2---Côte d' Ivoire- 1 3 1- 2 2 2-Eritrea-----1---Ethiopia-----21--Ghana- 1----122 Kenya 3 1 4 3 2 26 26 17 10 Madagascar--- 2-----Mauritius 1- 1- 2 5 8 8 8 Namibia--- 1- 1---Nigeria 1 2 3 7 6 27 21 13 7 Rwanda------1--South Africa 36 33 32 41 29 65 50 61 29 Togo-- 1- 4 7 9 3 1 Uganda-- 1- 1 3 3 1-United Republic of Tanzania-----123-Zambia------1--Web table 21. Number of greenfield FDI projects, by source, 2003-April 2011Source region/economy 200320042005200620072008200920102011(Jan-Apr)Zimbabwe 8 1--- 7 3 2-Latin America and the Caribbean 133 162 86 128 226 219 230 273 92 South America 96 112 66 91 146 168 156 173 61 Argentina 15 19 2 16 27 15 21 22 7 Brazil 40 43 34 40 66 102 63 72 35 Chile 21 17 15 15 26 24 37 50 11 Colombia 5 15- 2 9 13 6 12 2 Ecuador 1- 1 1 3 2 12 5-Guyana 1--------Peru 3 14 3 2 6 3 5 5 1 Uruguay 3 1-- 1 1 2 1 1 Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 7 3 11 15 8 8 10 6 4 Central America 30 38 13 21 61 38 59 81 24 Costa Rica- 2 1- 7 2 5 5 2 El Salvador 1 1-- 2- 5 2-Guatemala-- 1- 2 4 7 5-Honduras- 4 1 2 2----Mexico 29 29 10 19 43 26 35 52 19 Nicaragua----22-7-Panama- 2-- 3 4 7 10 3 Caribbean 7 12 7 16 19 13 15 19 7 Bahamas 2 2 1 1 2 1 1--Barbados----1--12 Cayman Islands 1 1 3 10 6 5 8 7 4 Cuba 1----1---Dominican Republic 1 1 1- 3- 2 2-Haiti-------1-Jamaica- 4- 4 1 5 2 4-Martinique-------1-Puerto Rico 1 4-- 4 1 2 2 1 Saint Lucia-- 1------Trinidad and Tobago-- 1 1 2-- 1-Asia and Oceania 1 231 1 096 1 165 1 564 1 410 2 232 1 894 1 878 629 Asia 1 231 1 096 1 165 1 562 1 410 2 229 1 890 1 876 628 West Asia 209 171 232 423 297 582 437 414 118 Bahrain 2 5 3 9 11 34 32 13 4 Iraq-- 1- 1- 1- 2 Jordan 6 2 6 12 6 14 13 9 2 Kuwait 14 15 15 46 28 77 39 29 14 Lebanon 4 8 11 16 6 11 4 14 2 Oman 1 1-- 4 6 3 4-Palestinian Territory--- 1-----Qatar 5 12 9 20 10 50 22 18 18 Saudi Arabia 14 20 20 58 54 56 32 28 8 Syrian Arab Republic 1----21--Turkey 109 66 65 51 32 62 61 87 21 United Arab Emirates 50 41 102 210 145 266 229 211 47 Yemen 3 1--- 4- 1-South, East and South-East Asia 1 022 925 933 1 139 1 113 1 647 1 453 1 462 510 East Asia 566 480 514 586 643 844 820 806 267 China 109 97 141 129 207 261 330 267 85 Hong Kong, China 126 101 99 119 116 170 134 121 52 Korea, Republic of 182 171 186 217 198 256 222 241 80 Macao, China 1----1---Mongolia- 1-----1-Taiwan Province of China 148 110 88 121 122 156 134 176 50 South Asia 185 217 214 315 226 380 294 372 157 Afghanistan-- 1-----2 Bangladesh 1- 4 3- 3 2 6-India 174 203 191 297 215 358 267 339 148 Iran, Islamic Republic of 2 8 7 7 7 9 16 13 2 Nepal-----1-32 Pakistan 6 3 6 4 3 6 5 8 2 Sri Lanka 2 3 5 4 1 3 4 3 1 South-East Asia 271 228 205 238 244 423 339 284 86 Brunei Darussalam-- 2-- 1-- 1 Cambodia-----17--Indonesia 9 9 9 5 9 5 10 14 2 Lao People's Democratic Republic-----2---Malaysia 83 79 73 71 73 135 114 75 18 Myanmar----1----Philippines 30 14 6 9 25 19 14 23 2 Singapore 90 101 84 100 92 177 119 106 28 Thailand 36 18 19 36 29 47 51 38 25 Viet Nam 23 7 12 17 15 36 24 28 10Web table 21. Number of greenfield FDI projects, by source, 2003-April 2011Source region/economy 200320042005200620072008200920102011(Jan-Apr)Oceania--- 2- 3 4 2 1 Fiji------11-Micronesia, Federated States of--- 1-----Papua New Guinea-----2-11 South-East Europe and the CIS 158 167 182 207 189 298 244 266 71 South-East Europe 7 15 8 14 9 31 21 32 5 Albania- 1-----1-Bosnia and Herzegovina- 1 2----22 Croatia 4 11 6 7 7 16 8 13 1 Montenegro-------1-Serbia 2 2- 7 2 15 9 13 1 The FYR of Macedonia 1-----421 CIS 151 152 174 193 180 267 223 234 66 Armenia 1- 2 1- 3- 2-Azerbaijan 4 1 4 2 10 21 20 15 6 Belarus- 6 2 7 14 8 9 19 6 Georgia- 1--- 2 3 3 1 Kazakhstan 2 7 12 5 2 7 10 9-Kyrgyzstan 2- 1-- 1 1--Moldova, Republic of-----1---Russian Federation 120 109 139 154 133 192 151 160 46 Tajikistan-----32--Ukraine 22 28 14 24 21 29 27 26 7 MemorandumLeast developed countries (LDCs) 4 3 7 7 9 33 29 22 5 Landlocked developing countries 18 10 21 12 13 52 49 36 13 Small island developing states (SIDS) 4 6 4 8 8 14 14 16 11 Source: UNCTAD, based on information from the Financial Times Ltd, fDi Markets ().。
