


装备环境工程第20卷第12期·20·EQUIPMENT ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING2023年12月不同温度下DD6单晶高温合金的燃气热腐蚀行为研究杨丽媛,张骐,孙志华,刘明,赵明亮(北京航空材料研究院 航空材料先进腐蚀与防护航空科技重点实验室,北京 100095)摘要:目的研究DD6高温合金在650、800、950 ℃等3种典型温度的燃气热腐环境下的耐腐蚀性能。



当温度为650、800 ℃时,合金的腐蚀速率较小;当温度为950 ℃时,表面腐蚀产物明显剥落,腐蚀程度明显增加。

在650 ℃下,DD6合金的腐蚀层较薄,主要为NiO、Al2O3等氧化物。

在800、950 ℃下,腐蚀层分为2层,外层由2部分构成,最外侧为一薄层NiO和Co3O4等的混合物,次外层为相对疏松的NiO,内层为Al2O3和Cr2O3构成的相对致密的腐蚀层。


关键词:DD6;单晶高温合金;燃气热腐蚀;微观形貌;内硫化中图分类号:TG132.3 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1672-9242(2023)12-0020-06DOI:10.7643/ issn.1672-9242.2023.12.003Hot Gas Corrosion Behavior of Single Crystal Superalloy DD6 at Different Temperature YANG Li-yuan, ZHANG Qi, SUN Zhi-hua, LIU Ming, ZHAO Ming-liang(Aviation Key Laboratory of Science and Technology on Advanced Corrosion and Protection for Aviation Material,AECC Beijing Institute of Aeronautical Materials, Beijing 100095, China)ABSTRACT: The work aims to study the corrosion resistance of DD6 super alloy in three typical hot gas corrosion environ-ments at 650 ℃, 800 ℃ and 950 ℃. The corrosion behavior of DD6 super alloy was investigated by X-Ray Diffraction, scan-ning election microscopy and energy dispersive X-ray spectrum (EDS). The hot corrosion rate of alloy increased with the in-crease of temperature. The hot corrosion rates at 650 ℃ and 800 ℃ were relatively low. Significant spallation of corrosion products and obvious corrosion occurred at 950 ℃. The corrosion layer of DD6 alloy at 650 ℃ was relatively thin, mainly composed of oxides such as NiO and Al2O3. The corrosion products were divided into two layers at 800 ℃ and 950 ℃. The outer layer consisted of two parts, the outermost layer was a mixture of a thin layer of NiO and Co3O4, the secondary layer was loose NiO and the inner layer was a relatively dense corrosion layer composed of Al2O3 and Cr2O3. The phase γ' degradation zone appeared in the alloy below the corrosion layer, and there was obvious internal vulcanization phenomenon which acceler-ated the hot corrosion.KEY WORDS: DD6; single crystal super alloy; hot gas corrosion; microstructure; internal vulcanization收稿日期:2023-10-29;修订日期:2023-12-11Received:2023-10-29;Revised:2023-12-11引文格式:杨丽媛, 张骐, 孙志华, 等. 不同温度下DD6单晶高温合金的燃气热腐蚀行为研究[J]. 装备环境工程, 2023, 20(12): 20-25. YANG Li-yuan, ZHANG Qi, SUN Zhi-hua, et al. Hot Gas Corrosion Behavior of Single Crystal Superalloy DD6 at Different Temperature[J]. Equipment Environmental Engineering, 2023, 20(12): 20-25.第20卷第12期杨丽媛,等:不同温度下DD6单晶高温合金的燃气热腐蚀行为研究·21·DD6单晶高温合金具有优异的综合力学性能(拉伸、持久、蠕变)和良好的抗氧化性,目前已广泛应用于航空发动机和燃气轮机关键热端部件[1-8]。

swagelok 样本气瓶,配件和停工管 2说明书

swagelok 样本气瓶,配件和停工管 2说明书

Sam ple Cylinders, Accessories, and Outage TubesFeatures■ Sizes from 10 to 3785 cm3 (1 gal)■ Working pressures up to 5000 psig (344 bar)■ 304L and 316L stainless steel and alloy 4002 Sample Cylinders, Accessories, and Outage TubesDouble-Ended Cylinders■ Sizes from 40 to 3785 cm 3 (1 gal)■ Working pressures up to 5000 psig (344 bar)■ 304L and 316L stainless steel materials resist intergranularcorrosion.■ 304L and 316L stainless steel double-ended cylinders areavailable with dual certifi cation to DOT and TC requirements.TestingEach DOT cylinder is hydrostatically tested to at least 5/3 theworking pressure. All testing of DOT cylinders is witnessed by a DOT-approved independent inspection agency.DOT-3E 1800/TC-3EM 124 cylinders are hydrostatically proof tested at 3050 psig (210 bar). One cylinder of each lot is burst tested.DOT-3A 1800 and 5000/TC-3ASM 124 and 344 cylinders are marked with a serial number. Volumetric expansion of each cylinder during hydrostatic testing must be within the limits set by DOT Specifi cation 3A and TC Specifi cation 3ASM. D OT-3A 1800/TC-3ASM 124 cylinders are hydrostatically proof tested at 3000 psig (206 bar) minimum. D OT-3A 5000/TC-3ASM 344 cylinders are hydrostatically proof tested at 8500 psig (586 bar) minimum.DOT-SP7458 1800 cylinders are hydrostatically proof tested at 3000 psig (206 bar).ƽ I t is the responsibility of the party fi lling the cylinder tohave it retested by an approved facility, at the requiredintervals, in accordance with DOT and TC regulations.Features■ Body made of seamless tubing provides consistent wallthickness, size, and capacity.■ Smooth internal neck transition allows easy cleaning andeliminates trapped fl uids.■ Cold-formed female NPT threads provide greater strength.■ Heavy-wall end connections provide strength andresist fl aring.■ Full-penetration gas tungsten arc-weld constructionprovides leak-tight sample containment.■ S w agelok ® DOT sample cylinders conform to 49 CFR Part178, “Specifi cations for Packagings.”■ Swagelok Transport Canada (TC) sample cylinders conformto CAN/CSA B339, “Cylinders, Spheres, and Tubes for theTransportation of Dangerous Goods.”Single-Ended Cylinders■ 150, 300, and 500 cm 3 sizes meeta variety of sampling needs.■ 304L stainless steel constructionresists intergranular corrosion.TestingDOT-4B 500 cylinders are hydrostatically proof tested at 1000 psig (69 bar) minimum.Pressure-Temperature RatingsRatings up to 100°F (37°C) are determined by DOT code. Ratings limited to 300°F (148°C) max with PTFE internal coating. Ratings may be limited by individual country government regulations.Sample CylindersTransportable Pressure Equipment Directive (TPED)The Transportable Pressure Equipment Directive (TPED) provides requirements relating to the design, manufacture, and testing of transportable pressure vessels and accessories, including sample cylinders and rupture discs. The intent of the directive is to provide a uniform level of product safety throughout the European Union countries.For information about TPED-compliant Swagelok products, see the Swagelok Products Compliant with the Transportable Pressure Equipment Directive catalog, MS-02-193.Sample Cylinders, Accessories, and Outage Tubes 3Ordering Information, Technical Data, and DimensionsSelect an ordering number.Dimensions are for reference only and are subject to change.Single-Ended CylindersDouble-Ended CylindersSample Cylinders4 Sample Cylinders, Accessories, and Outage TubesOverpressure ProtectionCompressed gas cylinders must be equipped with pressure relief devices in accordance with United States DOTregulations and CGA S-1.1. The CGA standard lists devices that can be used with specifi c gases. It also contains information on other types of pressure relief devices.ƽ B e sure to use the correct pressure-relief device for the gas being used.ƽ Proper fi lling of the cylinder according to DOTspecifi cations, or other local regulations, is criticalin preventing overpressurization.Rupture Disc UnitsSwagelok rupture disc units pro t ectsample cylinders from overpressurizationby venting the cylinder contents toatmosphere. The rupture disc is welded toa body that is threaded into a valve bodyor a rupture disc tee and sealed by an elastomer O-ring. Therupture disc can be easily replaced without removing thevalve or the tee from the cylinder.Nonrotating-Stem Needle Valves with Rupture Disc UnitsRupture Disc TeesThese compact assemblies are designed for use with various Swagelok valves. Tees are made of 316 stainless steel. Eachtee includes a rupture disc unit.Rupture Disc Precautions1. D o not use rupture disc devices in a location where the release of the cylinder contents might create a hazard. The rupture disc vents to the atmosphere through six radial holes in the body. Pressure is released suddenly with a loud noise, and gases escape at high velocity.2. K now the burst pressure. (This rating is marked on theend face of the rupture disc unit, as required by CGAS-1.1.)3. B e sure the maximum burst pressure does not exceed the cylinder test pressure.4. B e sure the minimum burst pressure is at least 40 % higher than the cylinder fi lling pressure.5. I nspect rupture discs regularly. The strength of rupture discs deteriorates with time due to temperature, corrosion, and fatigue. Pulsating pressure, vacuum/pressure cycling, heat, and corrosive fl uids and atmospheres can reduce the disc’s burst pressure.6. D o not use rupture discs to protect vessels with volumes greater than 3 gal (11 355 cm 3) for compressed gases or 1 1/2 gal (5677 cm 3) for liquefi ed gases.7. P rovide suitable means to isolate the sample cylinderfrom the system in case the rupture disc bursts whiletaking a sample.8. I n cylinders with liquefi ed gases, a small temperatureincrease during transportation or storage will causethe liquid to expand and may cause the rupture diskto release its contents. See local regulations and otherappropriate guidelines for safe fi lling limits for yourapplication.Ordering Information and DimensionsDimensions are for reference only and are subject to change.Dimensions are for reference only and are subject to change.For more information, see the Swagelok Nonrotating-Stem Needle Valves catalog, MS-01-42. Other Swagelok valves are available for use with sample cylinders. Contact your authorizedSwagelok sales and service representative for details.Ordering Information and DimensionsOrdering InformationMaterials of Construction O-ring Fluorocarbon MSample Cylinders, Accessories, and Outage Tubes 5PTFE CoatingInternal cylinder surfaces can be coated with PTFE to providea nonstick surface, which aids in cleaning. To order, add -T to the cylinder ordering number.Example: 304L-HDF4-300-TElectropolishingElectropolishing provides a clean internal surface with ahigh degree of passivation. To order, add -EP to the cylinder ordering number.Example: 304L-HDF4-300-EPAdditional MarkingCylinders can be furnished roll stamped or laser etched to meet specifi c identifi cation requirements, such as company name, address, serial number, or order number. Swagelok will not mark cylinders with the intended contents.Roll Stamping—To order, add -RS to the cylinder ordering number, followed by the specifi c information.Example: 304L-HDF4-300-RS Company Name and Address DOT-3E, -4B, and -SP7458 cylinders are roll stamped on the cylinder wall. DOT-3A cylinders are roll stamped on the crown.Laser Etching—To order, add -LE to the cylinder ordering number, followed by the specifi c information.Example: 304L-HDF4-300-LE Company Name and Address This information will be laser etched on the cylinder wall.Cylinders with the above options conform to DOT specifi cations.End CapsEnd caps protect valves from damage. Each cap threads onto a neck ring that has been peened to the cylinder neck. End caps are made from plated carbon steel and areavailable for use on 2250 and 3785 cm 3 (1 gal) cylinders. Swagelok angle-pattern valves canbe used on cylinders with end caps.To order, add C to the cylinder ordering number.Caps and PlugsCaps and plugs protect Swagelok tube fi tting or NPT endconnections on valves during cylinder transport. Contact your authorized Swagelok representative for details.Tube fittingplugPipe plugPipe capCustomer-suppliedring shownNeck ringEnd capAccessoriesCarrying HandleThis accessory provides a convenient way to carry sample cylinders.The handle is made from 304 stainless steel and is available for use on 400 cm 3 and larger cylinders, as well as 300 cm 3 cylinders rated to 5000 psig (344 bar).To order a sample cylinder to be shipped with a carrying handle, add Hto the cylinder ordering number.Example: 304L-HDF4-300HTo order a carrying handle as a separate component, use one of the following ordering numbers:To order a 2250 or 3785 cm 3 (1 gal) sample cylinder withfactory-assembled end caps and neck rings to be shipped with a carrying handle, add CH to the cylinder ordering number.Example: 304L- H DF8-2250CHOptions6 Sample Cylinders, Accessories, and Outage TubesOutage TubesTube LengthLOutage tubeadapterOutage tube length (L) is measured from the end of the pipefi tting to the end of the tube. Standard tube length is 10.4 in.(26.4 cm). Tubing can be cut to a desired length; instructionsare included.Outage tubewelded tomale NPT endOutage tubeSample Cylinders, Accessories, and Outage Tubes 7Ordering InformationAdapters with Outage TubesSelect an adapter ordering number. For alloy 400 material, replace SS with M.Example: M -DTM4-F4-104Nonrotating Stem Needle Valves with Outage Tubes Select a valve ordering number.For alloy 400 material, replace SS with M.Example: M -14DKM4-104Factory-Cut Tube Lengths Follow the example below to determine how to order outagetubes cut at the factory to a length other than 10.4 in. (26.4 cm).Sample cylinder ordering number is 304L-HDF4-150.Outage required is 30 %.See Outage Tube Lengths table at right:1. Find 304L-HDF4-150, the cylinder ordering number.2. Read across to the 30 % column.3. Tube length is 1.79 in.4. Designator is 018.5. R eplace 104 in the outage tube adapter or valve ordering number with 018.Examples: S S-DTM4-F4-018SS-16DKM4-F4-018ƽC aution:Tolerances on cylinder volume, dimensions, andthread fi t can change the outage obtained by asmuch as 20 %. To obtain an exact outage, each outage tube and cylinder assembly should becalibrated by a suitable method.Valves do not include rupture disc units. Contact your authorized Swagelok representative for information about valves with outage tubes and rupturedisc units.Outage Tube LengthsOutage TubesSafe Product SelectionWhen selecting a product, the total system design must be considered to ensure safe, trouble-free performance.Function, material compatibility, adequate ratings,proper installation, operation, and maintenance are the responsibilities of the system designer and user.Warranty InformationSwagelok products are backed by The Swagelok Limited Lifetime Warranty. For a copy, visit or contact your authorized Swagelok representative.Miniature Sample CylindersMiniature sample cylinders with 3/8 in. Swagelok tube adapter end connections allow transport of low volumes of fl uids. The tube adapter ends can be connected to 3/8 in. Swagelok tube fi ttings or welded to 1/4 or 3/8 in. tubing.Features■ S ingle-ended or double-ended designs■ Corrosion-resistant 316 stainless steel construction ■ P ressure rating of 1000 psig (68.9 bar)■ Sizes include 10, 25, and 50 cm 3 capacities ■ Smooth internal port transition for easy cleaning ■ Volume is closely controlled■ Full-penetration butt weld constructionCleaning and TestingEvery miniature sample cylinder is cleaned in accordance withSwagelok Special Cleaning and Packaging (SC-11), MS-06-63.Every miniature sample cylinder is proof tested at 1667 psig (114 bar) with dry nitrogen gas.Oxygen Service HazardsFor more information about hazards and risks of oxygen-enriched systems, see the Swagelok Oxygen System Safety technical report, MS-06-13.Ordering Information and DimensionsSelect an ordering number.Dimensions, in inches (millimeters), are for reference only and are subject to change.Swagelok—TM Swagelok Company© 2001, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2007 Swagelok Company Printed in U.S.A., MI October 2007, R4MS-01-177(9.5)1/4 ID for tube socket weld connectionAExisting DOT and TC specifications do not cover miniature cylinders of this size, construction, and pressure rating.N Series Needle ValvesSwagelok N series severe-service union-bonnet needle valves can handle working pressures up to 6000 psig (413 bar) and are available in straight and angle patterns.For more information, see the Swagelok Severe-Service Union-Bonnet NeedleValves—N Series and HN Series catalog, MS-01-168.Quick-ConnectsSwagelok quick-connects are available in single- and double-end shutoff stem models and can be keyed to prevent accidental intermixing of different lines in multifl uid or multipressure systems.For more information, see the Swagelok Quick-Connects catalog, MS-01-138.Additional Products。

Chloride threshold level for corrosion of steel in concrete(2007)

Chloride threshold level for corrosion of steel in concrete(2007)

Chloride threshold level for corrosion of steelin concreteKi Yong Ann,Ha-Won Song*School of Civil and Environmental Engineering,Yonsei University,Seoul 120-749,Republic of KoreaReceived 8May 2006;accepted 3May 2007Available online 3June 2007AbstractThe steel rebar inside reinforce concrete structures is susceptible to corrosion when permeation ofchloride from deicing salts or seawater results in the chloride content at the surface of the steelexceeding a chloride threshold level (CTL).The CTL is an important influence on the service lifeof concrete structures exposed to chloride environments.The present study discusses the state ofart on the CTL for steel corrosion in concrete,concerning its measurement,representation,influen-cing factors and methods to enhance the CTL.As the CTL values reported in the majority of previousstudies were varied with experimental conditions,corrosion initiation assessment method,the way inwhich the CTL was represented,direct comparison between the results from different sets and eval-uation was subjected to the difficulty.As a result,total chloride by weight of cement or the ratio of[Cl À]:[H +]is the best presentation of CTL in that these include the aggressiveness of chlorides ( and bound chlorides)and inhibitive nature of cement matrix.The key factor on CTL was foundto be a physical condition of the steel–concrete interface,in terms of entrapped air void content,which is more dominant in CTL rather than chloride binding,buffering capacity of cement matrixor binders.The measures to raise the CTL values using corrosion inhibitor,coating of steel,and elec-trochemical treatment are also studied.Ó2007Elsevier Ltd.All rights reserved.Keywords:A.Steel reinforced concrete;B.Modelling studies;C.Chloride-induced corrosion0010-938X/$-see front matter Ó2007Elsevier Ltd.All rights reserved.doi:10.1016/j.corsci.2007.05.007*Corresponding author.Tel.:+82221232806;fax:+8223645300.E-mail (H.-W.Song).Available online at Corrosion Science 49(2007)4113–4133/locate/corsci4114K.Y.Ann,H.-W.Song/Corrosion Science49(2007)4113–41331.IntroductionThe importance of chloride ions in the corrosion of steel in concrete has led to the con-cept of a chloride threshold level(CTL).The CTL can be defined as the content of chloride at the steel depth that is necessary to sustain local passivefilm breakdown and hence ini-tiate the corrosion process[1].It is usually presented as the ratio of chloride to hydroxyl ions,the free chloride content or the percentage of the total chloride content relative to the weight of cement.Assessment of the CTL is a key element in predicting the service life of structures exposed to chlorides.One possible definition of the service life is the time required for transport processes to raise the chloride level at the depth of the steel to the CTL.Thefirst measurement of CTL was performed by Haussman[2]using a synthetic concrete solution with a[ClÀ]:[OHÀ]ratio of0.6.The CTL measured for bridges in the UK ranges from0.2 to1.5%by weight of cement,when expressed as total chloride[3];the British Standard[4] limits the chloride content to less than0.4%for reinforced concrete structures and0.1% for prestressed concrete structures.However,CTL in free chloride content alone has rarely been measured,compared to total chloride content or the ratio of[ClÀ]:[OHÀ].Despite the importance of the CTL,conservative values such as0.2%or0.4%by weight of cement have been used in predicting the corrosion-free life,because of the uncertainty regarding the actual limits in various environments for chloride-induced corrosion[5–9].A considerable amount of research has focused on quantifying the CTL for steel cor-rosion,but the measured values cover an extremely wide range.The reasons for the wide range of reported CTL include the method of measurement,method of presentation of CTL,condition of the steel–concrete interface and the influence of environmental factors. For example,the assessment of the CTL using a solution to replicate concrete produces errors when applied to steel in hardened concrete.The present study concerns the methods of measuring the CTL,including its representation,influencing factors as well as to raise the CTL.2.Measurement2.1.Corrosion initiationTo measure the CTL,the time of onset of corrosion and the chloride content at the steel depth must be identified.The onset of corrosion can be detected by monitoring the mac-rocell current between an anode and a cathode,measuring half-cell potential or monitor-ing the corrosion rate measured by the polarisation technique or AC impedance method.Macrocell devices are widely used(ladder systems are common)to monitor the risk of reinforcement corrosion,with corrosion initiation shown by a sharp increase in the mac-rocell current.A macrocell consists of steel anodes and a single,nobler cathode usually made from titanium mesh,graphite or stainless steel;in practice,the whole macrocell is embedded in the concrete cover above the reinforcement.The measured macrocell current, however,does not provide a direct corrosion rate reading,and may give an incorrect read-ing in dry concrete conditions.Half-cell potential measurement is probably the most common method used for mea-suring the risk of reinforcement corrosion[10–12].In practice,the potential is measured at various points on the concrete surface on a grid pattern relative to the reinforcementK.Y.Ann,H.-W.Song/Corrosion Science49(2007)4113–41334115 and a potential map plotted.Areas of high potential are indicative of a greater risk of reinforcement corrosion.The method,however,is often inconclusive because it depends on the condition of the concrete such as moisture level,the amount of carbon-ation and salt concentration,which will affect the reading and can lead to an erroneous judgment.Measurement of the corrosion rate by electrochemical polarisation or AC impedance methods gives the most accurate information on corrosion.These methods provide a direct reading of corrosion rate,but the relationship between corrosion rate and the onset of corrosion is not clear-cut and can vary over a wide range,in turn affecting the precision of the CTL.The corrosion rate of reinforcing steel is often regarded as being significant when it exceeds1–2mA/m2[13].Uncertainty surrounds depassivation,however,which cannot be detected by visual observation because it may take some time for the coloured oxides resulting from corrosion to appear.Mass loss of steel bar due to corrosion,although not giving the time to corrosion,can also be used to determine the CTL[3,14,15].The mass loss is calculated by weighing the bar before installation in concrete,then removing it after a set time,cleaning offthe rust and re-weighing.The method is only applicable where a significant amount of visible cor-rosion has occurred.It does not indicate pitting corrosion where little mass loss occurs. Table1shows methods used for detecting the onset of corrosion,as well as the CTL inferred from published data.2.2.Chloride contentMeasurement of the chloride content or profile to determine the CTL is performed after corrosion initiation.There are two stages in measuring the chloride content:sampling and analysis.Sampling generally involves grinding the concrete and collecting dust at various depths.It is essential to ensure that there is an approximately equal portion of cement paste in each sample,compared to a bulk concrete,as there is a risk of the sample being dominated by large aggregate sizes.The free(water soluble)chloride concentration is measured from a solution obtained by boiling the extracted dust concrete/mortar sample in water[16].The concentration of chlo-ride can be determined using potentiometry or a chloride ion sensitive electrode;the chlo-ride concentration is expressed as percentage of the weight of cement or concrete.Water soluble chloride measured by water extraction is dependent on thefineness of the pulver-ised sample,amount of added water,temperature,agitation method and time allowed for extraction[17].The pore press method involves extracting the pore solution from the cement paste under high pressure,and is more accurate than the water extraction method [18].However,in this procedure,bound chlorides may be freed so that the free chloride content can be overestimated[19,20].The most widely adopted method for measuring total chloride content uses acid soluble extraction,in which it is assumed that both bound and free chlorides are soluble in acid. Measurement of acid soluble chloride(total chloride)may be made using a chloride ion sensitive electrode or by titration,for example as described in British Standard1881Part 124[21].X-rayfluorescence can also be used to determine the chloride content[22,23].However, the equipment is costly and requires a high level of expertise to operate,and for these rea-sons its use is confined to specialist laboratories.Table1Chloride threshold level reported by various authors with varying conditionsCondition Threshold values Detection method Reference Total chloride(%,cem.)Free chloride(%,cem.)[ClÀ]/[OHÀ]Pore solution0.6Half-cell potential[2]0.3Polarisation[33] Specimen+internal ClÀ8–63Polarisation[34]0.5–2.0Macrocell current[1]0.079–0.19AC impedance[81]0.32–1.9Mass loss[14]0.78–0.930.11–0.120.16–0.26Half-cell potential[12]0.45(SRPC)–1.000.14–0.22ClÀ/OHÀ=0.3[48] Specimen+external ClÀ0.2270.364 1.5Polarisation[28]0.5–1.5Half-cell potential[11]0.70(OPC)Mass loss[15]0.65(15%PFA)0.50(30%PFA)0.20(50%PFA)1.8–2.9Polarisation[26]0.5–1.4Not mentioned[25]0.6–1.4Macrocell[50]Structure0.2–1.5Mass loss[3] Note:SRPC:sulphate resistant Portland cement,PFA:pulverisedfly ash,GGBS:ground granulated blast furnace slag,OPC:ordinary Portland cement.4116 K.Y.Ann,H.-W.Song/Corrosion Science 49 (2007) 4113–4133K.Y.Ann,H.-W.Song/Corrosion Science49(2007)4113–41334117 3.Representations3.1.Free chloride contentThe representation of CTL reflects the aggressive ion content and inhibitive properties of the cement matrix.Chloride ions which are removed from the pore solution as the result of an interaction with the solid matrix(bound chloride)are relatively immobile and may not be transported to the steel surface.This should in theory favour the use of the free chloride content(water soluble chloride)to represent the CTL[24,25].Results by Petter-son[26]show a wide range of the CTL values in terms of free chloride concentration,rang-ing from0.28to1.8M in mortar specimens with water/cement ratios between0.3and 0.75.More recent works by Alonso et al.[27,28]reported CTL values in terms of free chlo-ride content by weight of cement,ranging from0.3%to2.0%.Early works suggested that only the free chloride contributes to the corrosion process [29]and hence the free chloride content was regarded as the best expression of this.This proposals have been challenged by current thinking,when considering that(1)bound chlorides at the steel depth are released to form free chlorides when the pH drops due to depassivation[30],and(2)cement hydration products such as calcium hydroxide resist a fall in pH at a particular value of the pH[31,32].It should be noted that current guide-lines and standards do not address the free chloride content in relation to corrosion risk, largely for the reasons mentioned above.The free chloride content is more often expressed as a function of hydroxyl ion concentration in the pore solution,or the mole ratio of chlo-ride to hydroxyl ions.3.2.[ClÀ]:[OHÀ]This approach assumes that bound chlorides are not a risk to corrosion,and that the hydroxyl ion concentration reflects the inhibitor content of the environment by sustain-ing the high pH of the pore solution.In early works,the relation between free chloride and hydroxyl concentration was used to express the CTL in terms of the ratio of free chloride to hydroxyl concentration[2,33].This expression of the CTL is still currently used[27,34–37].A threshold ratio varying from0.3to40.0,as given in Table1,was reported.Expressing CTL as the[ClÀ]:[OHÀ]ratio implies that the hydroxyl ion concentration reflects the inhibitor content of the environment;it indicates the ratio of aggressive to inhibitive ions causing corrosion initiation in a solution environment.Gouda[33] described the relationship between chloride and hydroxyl ions by the following equation.pH¼n log½ClÀ þKwhere n and K are constants.This implies that the ratio[ClÀ]n:[OHÀ]represents a constant with n%0.8for corrosion prevention.The ratio of[ClÀ]:[OHÀ]has been considered functional,because it reflects the corro-sion risk that is induced by either chloride alone,or carbonation and chloride in combina-tion.Carbonation helps release the bound chloride,thereby increasing the concentration of free chloride as the pore solution pH falls.As a result,the ratio of chloride to hydroxylconcentration increases significantly and the threshold ratio may exceed the CTL,which indicates a higher corrosion risk.The ratio of [Cl À]:[OH À],however,may not represent the CTL well since it ignores the inhibitive effect of the cement matrix,which may include a relatively denser hydration product layer on the steel surface.Precipitated calcium hydroxide forms a continuous layer which prevents the pH from falling below 12.6[38].This can be confirmed if the ratio measured is not different between solution and concrete.As seen in Table 1,the ratio determined in the simulated pore solution ranges from 0.25to 1.0,whereas the threshold ratio expressed in mortar specimens is higher and varies more widely,ranging from 1to 40.Moreover,the ratio of [Cl À]:[OH À]does not consider the dependence of chloride bind-ing capacity on the hydroxyl concentration.The alkaline environment within concrete is caused primarily by the presence of metal hydroxides (KOH or NaOH).An investigation carried out by Page and Treadaway [38]indicated that the pore solution is more likely to be in the pH range 13–14,rather than 12.6.This is due to the fact that pore fluid consists of NaOH and KOH in addition to Ca(OH)2solution (pH 12.6).The reduction of alkalinity may destabilise the chloro aluminate,thus releasing chloride into the pore solution.How-ever,an increase in the pH above 12.6has been observed to produce a remarkable decrease in the level of the bound chloride [39,40].An analysis of the data by Tritthart [39],as given in Fig.1,showed that an increase in the pH is accompanied by an increase in the[Cl À]:[OH À]ratio at a fixed level of total chloride.This means that an increase in corrosion risk accompanies an increase in hydroxyl ions,in spite of the inhibitive effect of hydroxyl ion.3.3.Total chlorideThe representation of the CTL by the total chloride level is the most widely used approach,and is the approach adopted in standards [4,41–43].Table 2gives the limit of the total chloride content of concrete from eachstandard.4118K.Y.Ann,H.-W.Song /Corrosion Science 49(2007)4113–4133The representation of the CTL as the total chloride content as a percentage by weight of cement,is favoured because it is relatively easy to determine and because it involves the corrosion risk of bound chloride and the inhibitive effect of cement hydration products.At the stage of corrosion initiation,the pH in the vicinity of the steel falls locally as a result of an electrochemical reaction with chloride and ferrous ions during pit nucleation.Cor-rosion is initiated in the form of pitting where the local pH falls below 10.The drop in pH releases at least 90%of the total surrounding chloride ions to participate in the corrosion process [30,31,44]with access to oxygen and water as well as chloride accelerating the rate of corrosion.This suggests that the total chloride content is a more accurate indicator of corrosion risk and the inhibitive nature of cement may thus be better reflected by the total cement content rather than the pore solution pH.Hence,the total chloride content to cement weight is the better representation of the CTL because (1)the inhibitive properties of cement matrix are reflected by its cement content and (2)the total aggressive potential of chloride ions is represented.As seen in Table 1,the wide range of CTL values reported in terms of the total chloride content is due to a number of factors.The importance of individual factors is not always clear and no work has successfully modelled the variation in CTL as a function of a single parameter.3.4.[Cl À]:[H +]In a recent work,it was suggested that a more appropriate representation of the inhib-itive and aggressive properties of concrete is provided,respectively,by its acid neutralisa-tion capacity (ANC)and acid soluble chloride content [31,45].The acid neutralisation capacity has been used to quantify the buffering capacity of concrete.The content of acid needed to reduce the pH of concrete and cement paste suspended in water,up to a partic-ular value,has been reported by Sergi and Glass [45].The acid (moles H +/kg binder)required to reduce the pH to 10was determined as 18.9,17.5,15.4and 14.5mol/kg for OPC,sulfate resisting Portland cement (SRPC),30%pulverized fly ash (PFA)and 65%ground granulated blast furnace slag (GGBS),respectively.Thomas [15]determined the CTL of OPC and 30%PFA content as 0.7%and 0.5%by weight of cement,respectively.Based on these data,the CTL for OPC and 30%PFA equate to the same mole ratio of 0.01[Cl À]:[H +].A mole ratio of 0.01also approximates to 0.65%and 0.5%chloride by weight of cement in SRPC and 65%GGBS concretes,respectively.The ratio of total chloride to ANC is probably the best representation of the CTL,since it considers all potentially important inhibitive (cement hydration products)and aggressive (total chloride)factors.Table 2Maximum chloride content values set by various ACI and BS documentsTypeMaximum chloride content (%,cem.)BS 8110ACI 201ACI 357ACI 222Prestressed concrete0.100.060.08Reinforced concrete exposed to chloride in service0. concrete that will be dry or protected frommoisture in service0.40Other reinforced concrete 0.15K.Y.Ann,H.-W.Song /Corrosion Science 49(2007)4113–413341194120K.Y.Ann,H.-W.Song/Corrosion Science49(2007)4113–41334.Influencing factors4.1.Chloride bindingIt is well known that C3A and C4AF bind chlorides to form3CaOÆAl2O3ÆCa-Cl2Æ10H2O(Friedel’s salt)and3CaOÆFe2O3ÆCaCl2Æ10H2O,respectively.Chloride binding can be defined as the interaction between the cement matrix and chloride ions, which results in the removal of chlorides from the pore solution[46].Binding capacity has been regarded as important in the corrosion of steel in concrete structures because of the conventional view that chemically bound chlorides do not participate in the corro-sion process[47].Hence,it has been thought that a higher binding capacity is associated with less corrosion risk.Several investigations have addressed the influence of the chloride binding capacity on the CTL,particularly in terms of the C3A content.Hussain et al.[48]found that the CTL increased with C3A content;three plain cements with C3A contents of2.43%,7.59%and 14%were tested and CTL values for those cements were0.35%,0.62%and1.00%,respec-tively,as the time to corrosion was determined using[ClÀ]:[OHÀ]ratio to reach0.3.The strong relationship shown between the CTL and C3A content is supported by corrosion potential monitoring which found that OPC concrete with11.2%of C3A produced a CTL of>1%by weight of cement,while SRPC with1.41%C3A lowered the CTL[49].On the other hand,concrete specimens made from cement with a low proportion of C3A,such as SRPC,do not always show a lower CTL when the corrosion state is mon-itored with a macrocell.Analysis of the CTL obtained by Hansson and Sorenson[50] shows no correlation between the CTL and chloride binding capacity.Breit and Schiessl [51]reported similar CTL values for OPC and SRPC concretes,ranging from0.2%to 0.4%.This suggests that chloride binding capacity has less influence on the CTL for a sus-tained corrosion process,possibly due to the participation of bound chloride in the corro-sion initiation process[31].The influence of the binding capacity on the CTL is unclear;one possible reason may be the inaccuracy of the methods used to detect the onset of corrosion.The half-cell potential monitoring for corrosion is complicated by other variables affecting the corrosion poten-tial(see Table1),and the time for threshold ratio of[ClÀ]:[OHÀ]to reach0.3,obtained from a beaker test,may not be applicable to judge the corrosion initiation.Despite the uncertainty concerning the effect of chloride binding on the CTL,chloride binding does reduce chloride transport in concrete and lower corrosion rate.Also,chloride binding affects the chloride transport by immobilising a portion of chloride ions[52].The corrosion rate for SRPC concrete(which has less chloride binding)is much higher than for OPC concrete because of the higher free chloride levels[53].4.2.Buffering capacityThe pH dependent dissolution behaviour of cement hydration products can be deter-mined from ANC testing which measures the resistance to a fall in pH.In this method, the titration curve(pH against molar equivalent of acid)shows several plateaus(in spite of a continuous supply of acid),representing the inhibitive effect arising from the resis-tance of different cement hydration products to a pH reduction.One of the peaks,occur-ring at about pH12.6,represents the buffering of calcium hydroxide[54].K.Y.Ann,H.-W.Song/Corrosion Science49(2007)4113–41334121Glass et al.[31]performed the ANC test on chloride contaminated concrete specimens and also measured the change in free chloride content as the pH was decreased.Fig.2 gives the pH dependent release of chloride and ANC analysis plot[31].It is evident that most of the bound chloride is released as the result of dissolution of several hydration phases.Since the pH value is about10at the stage of corrosion initiation,it can be said that the bound chloride released by such a local pH reduction may also participate in cor-rosion initiation.This hypothesis is supported by Reddy[44]who reported that SRPC has similar values of CTL to those of OPC,30%PFA or65%GGBS concretes at a given inter-facial air void content,while a mixture of OPC and calcium aluminate cement(CAC), associated with a high level of ANC,has a much higher CTL.Table3gives the buffering capacity up to pH10,measured by the ANC tests,of OPC,30%PFA,65%GGBS,SRPC and10%CAC concretes.However,the measured CTL tends to be different for specimens cast from the same concrete mix(same binding capacity and same ANC value).This can be attributed to other factors,which may include the condition of the steel–concrete interface.4.3.Steel–concrete interfaceWhen concrete is cast against a steel bar,a dense continuous cement rich layer contain-ing precipitated calcium hydroxide is postulated to be formed at the steel–concrete Table3Buffering capacity of binders as measured by the ANC method[44]ANC(mol/kg)CTL(%,cement) pH121110OPC 1.05 1.75 2.250.23–1.5210%CAC0.83 1.87 2.260.72–2.35SRPC0.92 1.26 2.080.31–0.5330%PFA0.51 1.23 1.80.25–0.3565%GGBS0.41 1.31 1.730.22–0.51 Note:OPC:ordinary Portland cement,CAC:calcium aluminate cement,SRPC:sulphate resistant Portland cement,PFA:pulverisedfly ash,GGBS:ground granulated blast furnace slag.interface[55].This layer restricts the tendency for a decrease in pH to occur at anodic areas and reduces the mobility of chloride ions[38].Suryavanshi et al.[36]supported this hypothesis;they found that steel taken from a mortar specimen was covered with a thin, dense white-deposit approximately10–15l m in thickness,which showed a strong Ca peak in the EDX spectrum.The characteristics of the interfacial layer depend mainly on the characteristics of hydrated cement paste which consists of solids and pores.The sol-ids in cement paste consist of C–S–H gel(50–60%),Ca(OH)2(20–25%),AFm and AFt (15–20%),and unhydrated clinker grains[56].However,Glass et al.[57]examined the steel–concrete interface in backscattered elec-tron(BSE)microscopy and observed no continuous Ca(OH)2layer at the steel–concrete interface.It was subsequently found that5–9%of calcium hydroxide occupies the steel–concrete interface region(area within10l m from the steel surface),while the coarse poros-ity accounts for approximately30%of the cement paste in this region,as shown in Fig.3 [58].The importance of entrapped air voids adjacent to the embedded steel has been empha-sised,because corrosion starts there.Air voids are often generated by bleeding or/and set-tlement underneath the embedded steel,perpendicular to the direction of casting,and then corrosion initiates in these voids irrespective of whether chlorides are introduced internally or externally[59–61].This is due to the fact that voids,in the vicinity of the steel,saturated in pore solution,provide a more active environment for electrochemical reactions(i.e.cor-rosion)than the dense cement matrix which relatively restricts currentflow between anode and cathode.It is now established that air voids at the steel–concrete interface have a sig-nificant effect on the CTL.This effect is attributed to the absence of cement hydrationproducts at these locations that would otherwise resist a local fall in the pH.TheFig.3.Backscattered electron image at the steel–concrete interface[58]. 4122K.Y.Ann,H.-W.Song/Corrosion Science49(2007)4113–4133importance of voids at the interface on the CTL is supported experimentally by Yonezawa et al.[34]who showed strong correlation between the interface condition(i.e.adhesion to mortar)and the CTL.However,the conclusion in this work was based on data obtained on a limited number of mortar specimens with cast-in chloride.More currently it was found that an increase in the air void content resulted in a sharp decrease in CTL as seen in Fig.4[58].Although the physical condition of the steel–concrete interface in terms of the entrapped air void content has an effect on the CTL,quantification of the effect of voids at the interface has seldom been reported.One of the reasons for this is the difficulty of measuring the air void content at the interface non-destructively.Glass and Buenfeld [62]achieved some success in measuring the air voids at the steel–concrete interface with an ultrasonic method.However,this technique was only applicable to larger voids and the presence of a ribbed bar limited the detection.4.4.Cement replacementThe effect of cement replacement on the CTL has received little coverage in the litera-ture,in contrast to the widely reported assessment of its effect on chloride diffusion,the possible reason being the much longer time to corrosion initiation for PFA and GGBS concretes,which are very resistant to chloride transport.Fig.5shows reported CTLs for PFA and GGBS concretes depending on their replacement content and chloride source (i.e.internally admixed or external chlorides).Thomas[15]showed that an increase in the content of PFA in concrete exposed to sea-water produced a decrease in the CTL.However,the mass loss of the steel embedded in PFA concrete measured at4years decreased as the content of PFA increased.Thomas and Matthews[63]subsequently reported a reduction in the CTL of PFA concrete based on10-year performance of PFA concrete,including chloride transport and corrosion of embedded steel,both of which were reduced by PFA replacement.They also showed that。


GB/T 13682-1992(未采标),
IDT 1993版本,
ISO 4042:1999 Fasteners -- Electroplated coatings
GB/T 5267.1-2002
idt 1999版本
GB/T 69-2000
eqv 1994版本
ISO 2342:2003 Slotted headless screws With shank
GB/T 878-2007
MOD 2003版本
ISO 2702:1992 Heat-treated steel tapping screws -- Mechanical properties
GB/T 5282-1985
eqv 1983版本
ISO 1482:1983 Slotted countersunk(flat)head tapping screws (common head style)
GB/T 5283-1985
eqv 1983版本
ISO 1483:1983 Slotted raised countersunk (oval) head tapping screws (common head style)
ISO 4015:1979 Hexagon head bolts -- Product grade B -- Reduced shank (shank diameter approximately equal to pitch diameter)



NORMEINTERNATIONALECEI IEC INTERNATIONALSTANDARD 61854Première éditionFirst edition1998-09Lignes aériennes –Exigences et essais applicables aux entretoisesOverhead lines –Requirements and tests for spacersCommission Electrotechnique InternationaleInternational Electrotechnical Commission Pour prix, voir catalogue en vigueurFor price, see current catalogue© IEC 1998 Droits de reproduction réservés Copyright - all rights reservedAucune partie de cette publication ne peut être reproduite niutilisée sous quelque forme que ce soit et par aucunprocédé, électronique ou mécanique, y compris la photo-copie et les microfilms, sans l'accord écrit de l'éditeur.No part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical,including photocopying and microfilm, without permission in writing from the publisher.International Electrotechnical Commission 3, rue de Varembé Geneva, SwitzerlandTelefax: +41 22 919 0300e-mail: IEC web site http: //www.iec.chCODE PRIX PRICE CODE X– 2 –61854 © CEI:1998SOMMAIREPages AVANT-PROPOS (6)Articles1Domaine d'application (8)2Références normatives (8)3Définitions (12)4Exigences générales (12)4.1Conception (12)4.2Matériaux (14)4.2.1Généralités (14)4.2.2Matériaux non métalliques (14)4.3Masse, dimensions et tolérances (14)4.4Protection contre la corrosion (14)4.5Aspect et finition de fabrication (14)4.6Marquage (14)4.7Consignes d'installation (14)5Assurance de la qualité (16)6Classification des essais (16)6.1Essais de type (16)6.1.1Généralités (16)6.1.2Application (16)6.2Essais sur échantillon (16)6.2.1Généralités (16)6.2.2Application (16)6.2.3Echantillonnage et critères de réception (18)6.3Essais individuels de série (18)6.3.1Généralités (18)6.3.2Application et critères de réception (18)6.4Tableau des essais à effectuer (18)7Méthodes d'essai (22)7.1Contrôle visuel (22)7.2Vérification des dimensions, des matériaux et de la masse (22)7.3Essai de protection contre la corrosion (22)7.3.1Composants revêtus par galvanisation à chaud (autres queles fils d'acier galvanisés toronnés) (22)7.3.2Produits en fer protégés contre la corrosion par des méthodes autresque la galvanisation à chaud (24)7.3.3Fils d'acier galvanisé toronnés (24)7.3.4Corrosion causée par des composants non métalliques (24)7.4Essais non destructifs (24)61854 © IEC:1998– 3 –CONTENTSPage FOREWORD (7)Clause1Scope (9)2Normative references (9)3Definitions (13)4General requirements (13)4.1Design (13)4.2Materials (15)4.2.1General (15)4.2.2Non-metallic materials (15)4.3Mass, dimensions and tolerances (15)4.4Protection against corrosion (15)4.5Manufacturing appearance and finish (15)4.6Marking (15)4.7Installation instructions (15)5Quality assurance (17)6Classification of tests (17)6.1Type tests (17)6.1.1General (17)6.1.2Application (17)6.2Sample tests (17)6.2.1General (17)6.2.2Application (17)6.2.3Sampling and acceptance criteria (19)6.3Routine tests (19)6.3.1General (19)6.3.2Application and acceptance criteria (19)6.4Table of tests to be applied (19)7Test methods (23)7.1Visual examination (23)7.2Verification of dimensions, materials and mass (23)7.3Corrosion protection test (23)7.3.1Hot dip galvanized components (other than stranded galvanizedsteel wires) (23)7.3.2Ferrous components protected from corrosion by methods other thanhot dip galvanizing (25)7.3.3Stranded galvanized steel wires (25)7.3.4Corrosion caused by non-metallic components (25)7.4Non-destructive tests (25)– 4 –61854 © CEI:1998 Articles Pages7.5Essais mécaniques (26)7.5.1Essais de glissement des pinces (26) de glissement longitudinal (26) de glissement en torsion (28)7.5.2Essai de boulon fusible (28)7.5.3Essai de serrage des boulons de pince (30)7.5.4Essais de courant de court-circuit simulé et essais de compressionet de traction (30) de courant de court-circuit simulé (30) de compression et de traction (32)7.5.5Caractérisation des propriétés élastiques et d'amortissement (32)7.5.6Essais de flexibilité (38)7.5.7Essais de fatigue (38)énéralités (38) de sous-portée (40) éoliennes (40)7.6Essais de caractérisation des élastomères (42)7.6.1Généralités (42)7.6.2Essais (42)7.6.3Essai de résistance à l'ozone (46)7.7Essais électriques (46)7.7.1Essais d'effet couronne et de tension de perturbations radioélectriques..467.7.2Essai de résistance électrique (46)7.8Vérification du comportement vibratoire du système faisceau/entretoise (48)Annexe A (normative) Informations techniques minimales à convenirentre acheteur et fournisseur (64)Annexe B (informative) Forces de compression dans l'essai de courantde court-circuit simulé (66)Annexe C (informative) Caractérisation des propriétés élastiques et d'amortissementMéthode de détermination de la rigidité et de l'amortissement (70)Annexe D (informative) Contrôle du comportement vibratoire du systèmefaisceau/entretoise (74)Bibliographie (80)Figures (50)Tableau 1 – Essais sur les entretoises (20)Tableau 2 – Essais sur les élastomères (44)61854 © IEC:1998– 5 –Clause Page7.5Mechanical tests (27)7.5.1Clamp slip tests (27) slip test (27) slip test (29)7.5.2Breakaway bolt test (29)7.5.3Clamp bolt tightening test (31)7.5.4Simulated short-circuit current test and compression and tension tests (31) short-circuit current test (31) and tension test (33)7.5.5Characterisation of the elastic and damping properties (33)7.5.6Flexibility tests (39)7.5.7Fatigue tests (39) (39) oscillation (41) vibration (41)7.6Tests to characterise elastomers (43)7.6.1General (43)7.6.2Tests (43)7.6.3Ozone resistance test (47)7.7Electrical tests (47)7.7.1Corona and radio interference voltage (RIV) tests (47)7.7.2Electrical resistance test (47)7.8Verification of vibration behaviour of the bundle-spacer system (49)Annex A (normative) Minimum technical details to be agreed betweenpurchaser and supplier (65)Annex B (informative) Compressive forces in the simulated short-circuit current test (67)Annex C (informative) Characterisation of the elastic and damping propertiesStiffness-Damping Method (71)Annex D (informative) Verification of vibration behaviour of the bundle/spacer system (75)Bibliography (81)Figures (51)Table 1 – Tests on spacers (21)Table 2 – Tests on elastomers (45)– 6 –61854 © CEI:1998 COMMISSION ÉLECTROTECHNIQUE INTERNATIONALE––––––––––LIGNES AÉRIENNES –EXIGENCES ET ESSAIS APPLICABLES AUX ENTRETOISESAVANT-PROPOS1)La CEI (Commission Electrotechnique Internationale) est une organisation mondiale de normalisation composéede l'ensemble des comités électrotechniques nationaux (Comités nationaux de la CEI). La CEI a pour objet de favoriser la coopération internationale pour toutes les questions de normalisation dans les domaines de l'électricité et de l'électronique. A cet effet, la CEI, entre autres activités, publie des Normes internationales.Leur élaboration est confiée à des comités d'études, aux travaux desquels tout Comité national intéressé par le sujet traité peut participer. Les organisations internationales, gouvernementales et non gouvernementales, en liaison avec la CEI, participent également aux travaux. La CEI collabore étroitement avec l'Organisation Internationale de Normalisation (ISO), selon des conditions fixées par accord entre les deux organisations.2)Les décisions ou accords officiels de la CEI concernant les questions techniques représentent, dans la mesuredu possible un accord international sur les sujets étudiés, étant donné que les Comités nationaux intéressés sont représentés dans chaque comité d’études.3)Les documents produits se présentent sous la forme de recommandations internationales. Ils sont publiéscomme normes, rapports techniques ou guides et agréés comme tels par les Comités nationaux.4)Dans le but d'encourager l'unification internationale, les Comités nationaux de la CEI s'engagent à appliquer defaçon transparente, dans toute la mesure possible, les Normes internationales de la CEI dans leurs normes nationales et régionales. Toute divergence entre la norme de la CEI et la norme nationale ou régionale correspondante doit être indiquée en termes clairs dans cette dernière.5)La CEI n’a fixé aucune procédure concernant le marquage comme indication d’approbation et sa responsabilitén’est pas engagée quand un matériel est déclaré conforme à l’une de ses normes.6) L’attention est attirée sur le fait que certains des éléments de la présente Norme internationale peuvent fairel’objet de droits de propriété intellectuelle ou de droits analogues. La CEI ne saurait être tenue pour responsable de ne pas avoir identifié de tels droits de propriété et de ne pas avoir signalé leur existence.La Norme internationale CEI 61854 a été établie par le comité d'études 11 de la CEI: Lignes aériennes.Le texte de cette norme est issu des documents suivants:FDIS Rapport de vote11/141/FDIS11/143/RVDLe rapport de vote indiqué dans le tableau ci-dessus donne toute information sur le vote ayant abouti à l'approbation de cette norme.L’annexe A fait partie intégrante de cette norme.Les annexes B, C et D sont données uniquement à titre d’information.61854 © IEC:1998– 7 –INTERNATIONAL ELECTROTECHNICAL COMMISSION––––––––––OVERHEAD LINES –REQUIREMENTS AND TESTS FOR SPACERSFOREWORD1)The IEC (International Electrotechnical Commission) is a worldwide organization for standardization comprisingall national electrotechnical committees (IEC National Committees). The object of the IEC is to promote international co-operation on all questions concerning standardization in the electrical and electronic fields. To this end and in addition to other activities, the IEC publishes International Standards. Their preparation is entrusted to technical committees; any IEC National Committee interested in the subject dealt with may participate in this preparatory work. International, governmental and non-governmental organizations liaising with the IEC also participate in this preparation. The IEC collaborates closely with the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) in accordance with conditions determined by agreement between the two organizations.2)The formal decisions or agreements of the IEC on technical matters express, as nearly as possible, aninternational consensus of opinion on the relevant subjects since each technical committee has representation from all interested National Committees.3)The documents produced have the form of recommendations for international use and are published in the formof standards, technical reports or guides and they are accepted by the National Committees in that sense.4)In order to promote international unification, IEC National Committees undertake to apply IEC InternationalStandards transparently to the maximum extent possible in their national and regional standards. Any divergence between the IEC Standard and the corresponding national or regional standard shall be clearly indicated in the latter.5)The IEC provides no marking procedure to indicate its approval and cannot be rendered responsible for anyequipment declared to be in conformity with one of its standards.6) Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this International Standard may be the subjectof patent rights. The IEC shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights. International Standard IEC 61854 has been prepared by IEC technical committee 11: Overhead lines.The text of this standard is based on the following documents:FDIS Report on voting11/141/FDIS11/143/RVDFull information on the voting for the approval of this standard can be found in the report on voting indicated in the above table.Annex A forms an integral part of this standard.Annexes B, C and D are for information only.– 8 –61854 © CEI:1998LIGNES AÉRIENNES –EXIGENCES ET ESSAIS APPLICABLES AUX ENTRETOISES1 Domaine d'applicationLa présente Norme internationale s'applique aux entretoises destinées aux faisceaux de conducteurs de lignes aériennes. Elle recouvre les entretoises rigides, les entretoises flexibles et les entretoises amortissantes.Elle ne s'applique pas aux espaceurs, aux écarteurs à anneaux et aux entretoises de mise à la terre.NOTE – La présente norme est applicable aux pratiques de conception de lignes et aux entretoises les plus couramment utilisées au moment de sa rédaction. Il peut exister d'autres entretoises auxquelles les essais spécifiques décrits dans la présente norme ne s'appliquent pas.Dans de nombreux cas, les procédures d'essai et les valeurs d'essai sont convenues entre l'acheteur et le fournisseur et sont énoncées dans le contrat d'approvisionnement. L'acheteur est le mieux à même d'évaluer les conditions de service prévues, qu'il convient d'utiliser comme base à la définition de la sévérité des essais.La liste des informations techniques minimales à convenir entre acheteur et fournisseur est fournie en annexe A.2 Références normativesLes documents normatifs suivants contiennent des dispositions qui, par suite de la référence qui y est faite, constituent des dispositions valables pour la présente Norme internationale. Au moment de la publication, les éditions indiquées étaient en vigueur. Tout document normatif est sujet à révision et les parties prenantes aux accords fondés sur la présente Norme internationale sont invitées à rechercher la possibilité d'appliquer les éditions les plus récentes des documents normatifs indiqués ci-après. Les membres de la CEI et de l'ISO possèdent le registre des Normes internationales en vigueur.CEI 60050(466):1990, Vocabulaire Electrotechnique International (VEI) – Chapitre 466: Lignes aériennesCEI 61284:1997, Lignes aériennes – Exigences et essais pour le matériel d'équipementCEI 60888:1987, Fils en acier zingué pour conducteurs câblésISO 34-1:1994, Caoutchouc vulcanisé ou thermoplastique – Détermination de la résistance au déchirement – Partie 1: Eprouvettes pantalon, angulaire et croissantISO 34-2:1996, Caoutchouc vulcanisé ou thermoplastique – Détermination de la résistance au déchirement – Partie 2: Petites éprouvettes (éprouvettes de Delft)ISO 37:1994, Caoutchouc vulcanisé ou thermoplastique – Détermination des caractéristiques de contrainte-déformation en traction61854 © IEC:1998– 9 –OVERHEAD LINES –REQUIREMENTS AND TESTS FOR SPACERS1 ScopeThis International Standard applies to spacers for conductor bundles of overhead lines. It covers rigid spacers, flexible spacers and spacer dampers.It does not apply to interphase spacers, hoop spacers and bonding spacers.NOTE – This standard is written to cover the line design practices and spacers most commonly used at the time of writing. There may be other spacers available for which the specific tests reported in this standard may not be applicable.In many cases, test procedures and test values are left to agreement between purchaser and supplier and are stated in the procurement contract. The purchaser is best able to evaluate the intended service conditions, which should be the basis for establishing the test severity.In annex A, the minimum technical details to be agreed between purchaser and supplier are listed.2 Normative referencesThe following normative documents contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this International Standard. At the time of publication of this standard, the editions indicated were valid. All normative documents are subject to revision, and parties to agreements based on this International Standard are encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the most recent editions of the normative documents indicated below. Members of IEC and ISO maintain registers of currently valid International Standards.IEC 60050(466):1990, International Electrotechnical vocabulary (IEV) – Chapter 466: Overhead linesIEC 61284:1997, Overhead lines – Requirements and tests for fittingsIEC 60888:1987, Zinc-coated steel wires for stranded conductorsISO 34-1:1994, Rubber, vulcanized or thermoplastic – Determination of tear strength – Part 1: Trouser, angle and crescent test piecesISO 34-2:1996, Rubber, vulcanized or thermoplastic – Determination of tear strength – Part 2: Small (Delft) test piecesISO 37:1994, Rubber, vulcanized or thermoplastic – Determination of tensile stress-strain properties– 10 –61854 © CEI:1998 ISO 188:1982, Caoutchouc vulcanisé – Essais de résistance au vieillissement accéléré ou à la chaleurISO 812:1991, Caoutchouc vulcanisé – Détermination de la fragilité à basse températureISO 815:1991, Caoutchouc vulcanisé ou thermoplastique – Détermination de la déformation rémanente après compression aux températures ambiantes, élevées ou bassesISO 868:1985, Plastiques et ébonite – Détermination de la dureté par pénétration au moyen d'un duromètre (dureté Shore)ISO 1183:1987, Plastiques – Méthodes pour déterminer la masse volumique et la densitérelative des plastiques non alvéolairesISO 1431-1:1989, Caoutchouc vulcanisé ou thermoplastique – Résistance au craquelage par l'ozone – Partie 1: Essai sous allongement statiqueISO 1461,— Revêtements de galvanisation à chaud sur produits finis ferreux – Spécifications1) ISO 1817:1985, Caoutchouc vulcanisé – Détermination de l'action des liquidesISO 2781:1988, Caoutchouc vulcanisé – Détermination de la masse volumiqueISO 2859-1:1989, Règles d'échantillonnage pour les contrôles par attributs – Partie 1: Plans d'échantillonnage pour les contrôles lot par lot, indexés d'après le niveau de qualité acceptable (NQA)ISO 2859-2:1985, Règles d'échantillonnage pour les contrôles par attributs – Partie 2: Plans d'échantillonnage pour les contrôles de lots isolés, indexés d'après la qualité limite (QL)ISO 2921:1982, Caoutchouc vulcanisé – Détermination des caractéristiques à basse température – Méthode température-retrait (essai TR)ISO 3417:1991, Caoutchouc – Détermination des caractéristiques de vulcanisation à l'aide du rhéomètre à disque oscillantISO 3951:1989, Règles et tables d'échantillonnage pour les contrôles par mesures des pourcentages de non conformesISO 4649:1985, Caoutchouc – Détermination de la résistance à l'abrasion à l'aide d'un dispositif à tambour tournantISO 4662:1986, Caoutchouc – Détermination de la résilience de rebondissement des vulcanisats––––––––––1) A publierThis is a preview - click here to buy the full publication61854 © IEC:1998– 11 –ISO 188:1982, Rubber, vulcanized – Accelerated ageing or heat-resistance testsISO 812:1991, Rubber, vulcanized – Determination of low temperature brittlenessISO 815:1991, Rubber, vulcanized or thermoplastic – Determination of compression set at ambient, elevated or low temperaturesISO 868:1985, Plastics and ebonite – Determination of indentation hardness by means of a durometer (Shore hardness)ISO 1183:1987, Plastics – Methods for determining the density and relative density of non-cellular plasticsISO 1431-1:1989, Rubber, vulcanized or thermoplastic – Resistance to ozone cracking –Part 1: static strain testISO 1461, — Hot dip galvanized coatings on fabricated ferrous products – Specifications1)ISO 1817:1985, Rubber, vulcanized – Determination of the effect of liquidsISO 2781:1988, Rubber, vulcanized – Determination of densityISO 2859-1:1989, Sampling procedures for inspection by attributes – Part 1: Sampling plans indexed by acceptable quality level (AQL) for lot-by-lot inspectionISO 2859-2:1985, Sampling procedures for inspection by attributes – Part 2: Sampling plans indexed by limiting quality level (LQ) for isolated lot inspectionISO 2921:1982, Rubber, vulcanized – Determination of low temperature characteristics –Temperature-retraction procedure (TR test)ISO 3417:1991, Rubber – Measurement of vulcanization characteristics with the oscillating disc curemeterISO 3951:1989, Sampling procedures and charts for inspection by variables for percent nonconformingISO 4649:1985, Rubber – Determination of abrasion resistance using a rotating cylindrical drum deviceISO 4662:1986, Rubber – Determination of rebound resilience of vulcanizates–––––––––1) To be published.。

SAE AMS-STD-753A-2006

SAE AMS-STD-753A-2006

SAE Technical Standards Board Rules provide that: “This report is published by SAE to advance the state of technical and engineering sciences. The use of this report is entirely voluntary, and its applicability and suitability for any particular use, including any patent infringement arising therefrom, is the sole responsibility of the user.”SAE reviews each technical report at least every five years at which time it may be reaffirmed, revised, or cancelled. SAE invites your written comments and suggestions.Copyright © 2006 SAE InternationalAll rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying,recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of SAE.TO PLACE A DOCUMENT ORDER:Tel: 877-606-7323 (inside USA and Canada)Tel: 724-776-4970 (outside USA)Corrosion-Resistant Steel Parts:Sampling, Inspection and Testingfor Surface PassivationNONCURRENT NOTICEThis specification has been declared “NONCURRENT” by the Aerospace Materials Division, SAE, as of May, 2006. It is recommended, therefore, that this specification not be specified for new designs.“NONCURRENT” refers to those specifications which have previously been widely used and which may be required on some existing designs in the future. The Aerospace Materials Division,however, does not recommend these specifications for future use in new designs. “NONCURRENT” specifications are available from SAE upon request.A similar but not necessarily identical process is covered in the following specification. However, this listing is provided for information only and does not constitute authority to substitute this specification for the “NONCURRENT” specification.Annex A of AMS 2700, Passivation of Corrosion Resistant SteelsAEROSPACE MATERIALSPECIFICATIONAMS-STD-753AIssued JUL 1998NoncurrentMAY 2006Superseding AMS-STD-753--`,,`,,,,`,```,,``,,,,,,````,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---NOTICEThis document has been taken directly from U.S. Military Standard MIL-STD-753C and contains only minor editorial and format changes required to bring it into conformance with the publishingrequirements of SAE technical standards. The initial release of this document is intended to replace MIL-STD-753C. Any part numbers established by the original specification remain unchanged.The original Military Standard was adopted as an SAE standard under the provisions of the SAE Technical Standards Board (TSB) Rules and Regulations (TSB 001) pertaining to acceleratedadoption of government specifications and standards. TSB rules provide for (a) the publication of portions of unrevised government specifications and standards without consensus voting at the SAE Committee level, and (b) the use of the existing government specification or standard format.Under Department of Defense policies and procedures, any qualification requirements andassociated qualified products lists are mandatory for DOD contracts. Any requirement relating to qualified products lists (QPL’s) has not been adopted by SAE and is not part of this technical report.CONTENTSParagraph Page1.SCOPE31.1Scope32.APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS32.1ASTM Publications32.2U.S. Government Publications33.DEFINITIONS33.1Passivation33.2Corrosion-resistant steel34.GENERAL REQUIREMENTS44.1Sampling and testing44.1.1Sampling for tests44.1.2Test methods44.1.2.1Visual examination for surface contamination44.1.2.2Surface contaminant tests (free iron or other contaminants) chemicals44.2Failure45.DETAILED REQUIREMENTS45.1Test methods46.NOTES56.1Intended use56.2Copper sulfate test56.3Potassium ferricyanide test56.4Subject term (keyword) listing5TEST METHODSMETHOD 100Water Immersion Test6METHOD 101High Humidity Test7METHOD 102Copper Sulfate Test8METHOD 103Potassium Ferricyanide-Nitric Acid Solution Test9METHOD 104Salt Spray Test111.SCOPE:1.1Scope:This standard describes general and detailed methods of sampling and testing for surface passivity of corrosion-resistant steel parts. These tests may also be useful to determine if there is a need for passivation.2.APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS:The following publications, of the issue in effect on date of invitation for bids or request for proposal, form a part of this specification to the extent specified herein.2.1ASTM Publications:Available from ASTM, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959.ASTM B 117Salt Spray (Fog) Testing2.2U.S. Government Publications:--`,,`,,,,`,```,,``,,,,,,````,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---Available from DODSSP, Subscription Services Desk, Building 4D, 700 Robbins Avenue,Philadelphia, PA 19111-5094.MIL-STD-105Sampling Procedures and Tables for Inspection by Attributes3.DEFINITIONS:3.1Passivation:Passivation is a final treatment/cleaning process used to remove free iron or other anodiccontaminants from the surfaces of corrosion resistant steel parts such that uniform formation of a passive surface is obtained. This treatment induces a more noble (cathodic) potential onto the part thus enhancing corrosion resistance.3.2Corrosion-resistant steel:The term “corrosion-resistant steel” as used herein refers to those alloyed steels containingchromium in excess of 10.5%.4.GENERAL REQUIREMENTS:4.1Sampling and testing:4.1.1Sampling for tests: Unless otherwise specified, samples used for the tests specified in 4.1.2 shallbe chosen in accordance with MIL-STD-105, Inspection Level S-4 with an Acceptable QualityLevel (AQL) of 1.0 percent defective.4.1.2Test methods: examination for surface contamination: Samples chosen in accordance with 4.1.1 shall bevisually inspected to determine that none of the surfaces show evidence of contamination such as the presence of metal particles, paint, oil, grease, flux and other contaminants. contaminant tests (free iron or other contaminants): Unless a particular test is specified,samples chosen in accordance with 4.1.1 shall be subjected to one of the test methods specified in 5.1 to determine the presence of free iron or other anodic surface contaminants. chemicals: All required test chemicals shall be American Chemical Society reagent gradepurity.4.2Failure:Any lot failing to comply with the requirements specified shall be rejected. A lot having failed the specified requirements may be resubmitted for inspection provided that the contractor has removed all defective material or has reworked the lot. Resubmitted lots shall be subjected to tightenedinspection in accordance with MIL-STD-105.5.DETAILED REQUIREMENTS: 5.1Test methods:All detailed test requirements for the determination of free iron or other anodic surface contaminants shall be as specified in the following test methods:6.NOTES:(This section contains information of a general or explanatory nature that may be helpful, but is not mandatory.)6.1Intended use:This standard is intended to provide methods for testing the effectiveness of passivation. This standard can also be used to determine if there is a need for passivation.6.2Copper sulfate test:The purpose of the copper sulfate test is to determine the presence of free iron which is usually induced onto the surface of a part during fabrication with steel components. The principle of the test is based on an oxidation-reduction reaction which causes the aqueous copper ions to deposit or plate out onto the free iron particles. This method is not recommended for use on martensitic 400 series alloys or lower chromium grades (less than 16%) of ferritic 400 series alloys because the copper may plate out onto the parts even though all the free iron has been removed from the surface during passivation. This is due to the higher amount of iron used in the composition of these alloys which makes it difficult to differentiate between a copper deposit that is the result of free iron and one that is the result of the nature of the alloy.6.3Potassium ferricyanide test:This test is more sensitive to the presence of metallic iron than the copper sulfate test, see 6.2. Because of its sensitivity, it is recommended for use only on austenitic AISI 200 and 300 series alloys and only when the determination of trace amounts of free iron is required. Due to the higheramounts of iron used in the composition of the martensitic and ferritic 400 series alloys, this test may show a positive reaction on these alloys even though all the free iron has been removed from the surface during passivation.Test MethodTitle100Water Immersion Test 101High Humidity Test 102Copper Sulfate Test103Potassium Ferricyanide-Nitric Acid Solution Test 104Salt Spray Test--`,,`,,,,`,```,,``,,,,,,````,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---6.4Subject term (keyword) listing:Corrosion Resistant SteelPassivationStainless SteelPREPARED UNDER THE JURISDICTION OF AMS COMMITTEE “F”AMS-STD-753A SAE AMS-STD-753A --`,,`,,,,`,```,,``,,,,,,````,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`-----`,,`,,,,`,```,,``,,,,,,````,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---。

盐雾测试 英文版

盐雾测试 英文版

Salt spray testingSCOPE: this standard prescribles the conditions required in salt spray testing for specification purpose. It dose not prescribe the type of the specimen or sxposure periods to be used for a specific product, nor the interpretation to be given to the results.APPARATUS: 2.1 the apparatus required for salt spray testing consists of a fog chamber, a salt solution reservoir, a supply of suitably conditioned compressed air, one or more atomizing nozzles, specimen supports, provision for heating the chamber, and necessary means of control. The size and detailed the conditions obtained meet the requirements of this method. 2.2. drop of solution which accumulate on the celling or cover of the chamber shall not be permitted to fall on the specimens being tested. 2.3. drops of solution which fall from the specimens shall not be returned to the solution reservoir for respraying. 2.4. materials of construction shall be such that they shall not affect the correctiveness of the fog, nor be themselves corroded by the fog.TEST SPECIMENS: the type and number of test specimens to be used, as well as the criteria for the evaluation of the test results, shall be defined in the specifications covering the material or product being tested of shall be natually agreed upon by the purchaser and the supplier.PREPARATION OF TEST SPECIMENS 4.1. matallic and metallic-coated specimens shall be suitably cleared. The clearing method shall be optional depending on the nature of the surface and the contaminants, except that it shall not include the use of abrasives other than a parts of pure maggssium oxide nor of soivents which are cerretive or will deposit either corrosive or protective films. The ues of a nitric acid solution for the chemical cleaning, or passivation, of stainless steel specimens is permissible when agreed upon by the purchaser and the supplier. Care shall be taken that specimens are not recontaminated after caleaning by excessivs or careless handling. 4.2. specimens for evalustion of paints and other organic coasting shall be prepared according to applicable specification for the material being tested, or as agreed upon by the purchaser and aupplier. Otherwise the specimens shall consist of steel meetion the requirements of the methods for preparation of steel panels for testion paint, varnish, lacquer, and relate products and shall be cleaned and prepared for coation according to procedure A OF ASTM D609. 4.3. specimens coated with paints of nonmetallic coations shall not be cleaned of handled excessively prior to test. Whenever it is desired to determine the development of corrision from an abraded area in the paint of organic coation, a scratch of scribed line shall be made through the coation with a sharp instrument so as to expose the underlying metal before testing, the conditions of making the scratch shall be agreed upon between the purchaser and supplier. 4.5. unless otherwise specified, the cut edges of plated, coated, or duplex materials and areas containing identification marks or in contact with the racks of supports, shall be protected with a suitable coating stable under the conditions of the test, such as ceresin wax.POSITION OF SPECIMENS DURING TEST the position of the specimens in the salt spray chamber during the test shall be such that the following conditions are met. 5.1.unless otherwise specified, the specimens shall be supported or suspended between 15 and 30 degrees from the vertical and preferably parallel to the principle direction of horizontal flow of fog through the chamber, bassed upon the dominant surface being tested. 5.2. each specimen shall not contact each other or any metallic material of any material capable of acting as a wick. .5.3. each specimens shall be so placed as to permit free setting of fog on all specimens.TEST SOLUSION the salt solution shall be prepared by dissolving 5g of salt per every95ml of distilled water of water containing not more than 200 ppm of total solids. The salt used shall be sodium chloride substantially free of nickel and copper and containing on the dry basis not more than 0.1 percent of sodium iodide and not more than 0.3 percent of total impurities.CONDITIONS IN THE TEST CHAMBER 8.1. TEMPERARTURE the exposure zone of the salt chamber shall be maintained at 35 plus 1.1 or minus 1.7℃. the temperature within the exposure zone of the clossed cabinet shall be recorded at least twice a day at least 7 hours apart. 8.1. ATOMIZATION AND QUANTITY OF FOG at least two clean fog collectors shall be so placed within the exposure zone that no drops of solution from the test specimens of any other source shall be collected, the collectors shall be placed in the proximity of the test specimens, one nearest to any nozzle and the other farthest from all nozzles. The fog shall be such that for each 80 C㎡horizontal collection area there will be collected in each collector from 1.0 to 2.0 mL of solution per hour based on an average run of at least 16 hours. The sodiun chloride concentration of the collected solution shall be 5±1 percen mass. The pH of the collected solution shall be 6.5 to 7.2. the pH measurement shall be made electrometrically of colorimetrically using Bromthymol blue as the indicator. 8.3. the nozzle of nozzles shall be so directed or baffled that none of the spray can impinge directly on the test specimens. 8.4.dilution and evsporation of condensate should be avoided.CONTINUIY OF TEST unless otherwise specified in the specifications covering the material of product being tested, the test shall be continuous for the duration of the entire test period. Continuous operation implies that the chamber be clossed and the spray operation continuously except for the short daily interruptions necessary recordings as described in section8. operations shall be so scheduled that these interruptions are held to a minimum. PERIOD OF TEST. The period of test shall be as decignated by the specification covering the material of product being tested, or as mutually agreed by the purchaser and supplier. CLEANING OF TESTED SPECIMENS unless otherwise specified in the specification covering the material of product being tested, specimens shall be treated aws follows at the end of the test. 11.1 the specimens shall be carefully removed from the chamber. 11.2 specimens shall be gently rinsed in clean running warm water to remove salt deposits fromtheir surface, and then immediately dried. Drying shall be accoraplished with a stream of clean, compredded air at a gage pressure of 240 to 25 kPa.CVALUATION OF RESULTS a carefully and immediate examinatin shall be made for the extent of corrosion of the dry test specimens of for other failure as required by the specification covering the material or product being tested or by agreement between the purchaser and supplier.RECORDS AND REPORTS the following information shall be recorded, unless otherwise prescribed in the specification covering the material of product being tested. 13.1 type of salt and water used in preparing the salt solution. 13.2 all readings of temperature within the exposure zone of the chamber. 13.3 daily records of data obtained from each fog collecting device, including the following. 13.4 volume of salt solution collected in millilitres per hour per 80 C㎡13.5 concentration or specific gavity at 35℃of colution collected. 13.6 pH of collected solution. 13.7 type of specimen and dimension thereof or part number of description of part. 13.8. method of cleaning specimens before and ater testing. 13.9 method of supporting of suspending article in the salt apray chamber. 13.10. description of protection used as required in section 4. 13.11 exposure period. 13.12 inerruptions in test, cause and length of time. 13.13 results of all inspections.。



__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ SAE Technical Standards Board Rules provide that: “This report is published by SAE to advance the state of technical and engineering sciences. The use of this report is entirely voluntary, and its applicability and suitability for any particular use, including any patent infringement arising therefrom, is the sole responsibility of the user.”SAE reviews each technical report at least every five years at which time it may be reaffirmed, revised, or cancelled. SAE invites your written comments and suggestions. Copyright © 2011 SAE InternationalAll rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of SAE.TO PLACE A DOCUMENT ORDER: Tel: 877-606-7323 (inside USA and Canada)Tel: +1 724-776-4970 (outside USA)Fax: 724-776-0790Email: CustomerService@SAE WEB ADDRESS: h ttp:// SAE values your input. To provide feedback on this Technical Report, please visit/technical/standards/AMS2700EAEROSPACEMATERIALSPECIFICATIONAMS2700 REV. EIssued 2000-03Revised 2011-11Superseding AMS2700DA MS-QQ-P-35QQ-P-35Passivation of Corrosion Resistant SteelsRATIONALEAMS2700E is issued to incorporate all changes approved by AMS Committee B by 28 day Limited Scope Ballot closed on 6/14/2011 and which were intended to be reflected in AMS2700D but some of which were inadvertently omitted. A complete list of each of these changes is listed in 8.17.1. SCOPE1.1 PurposeThis specification covers the requirements for a process to assure removal of free iron or other less noble contaminants from the surfaces of corrosion resistant steel parts.1.2 ApplicationThe processes defined in this specification have been used typically to dissolve tramp metallic elements from the surfaces of corrosion resistant steels to improve their corrosion resistance, but usage is not limited to such applications.1.3 Classification1.3.1 MethodsPassivation methods covered by this specification are as follows:Method 1 - P assivation in Nitric AcidMethod 2 - P assivation in Citric AcidMethod 1 shall be used unless Method 2 is authorized by the cognizant engineering organization.1.3.2 TypesThe following types may be specified for Method 1:Type 1 Low Temperature Nitric Acid with Sodium DichromateType 2 Medium Temperature Nitric Acid with Sodium DichromateType 3 High Temperature Nitric Acid with Sodium DichromateType 4 40% Nitric Acid for Free Machining SteelsType 5 Anodic, for High Carbon Martensitic SteelsType 6 Low Temperature Nitric AcidType 7 Medium Temperature Nitric AcidType 8 Medium Temperature, High Nitric Acid ConcentrationWhere no type is specified, the processor may use any of the listed types that meet the requirements given herein.1.3.3 ClassesPassivation verification classes are as follows: ClassThe following types of parts shall be selected for testing in accordance with Fasteners, including nuts, bolts, washers, rivets and related hardware where a test frequency is not defined inthe procurement documents. Standard parts defined by drawings labeled AN, MS, NAS or similar where frequency of test is not otherwisedefined. When specified by purchaser. ClassFrequency of corrosion testing shall be one part per lot. Class3Frequency of testing shall be on a periodic basis. ClassParts for which AMS-QQ-P-35 or QQ-P-35 is specified shall be acceptance tested in accordance with When no class is specified and neither nor apply, class 2 shall apply.1.4 Safety - Hazardous MaterialsWhile the materials, methods, applications, and processes described or referenced in this specification may involve the use of hazardous materials, this specification does not address the hazards which may be involved in such use. It is the sole responsibility of the user to ensure familiarity with the safe and proper use of any hazardous materials and to take necessary precautionary measures to ensure the health and safety of all personnel involved.2. APPLICABLE DOCUMENTSThe issue of the following documents in effect on the date of the purchase order forms a part of this specification to the extent specified herein. The supplier may work to a subsequent revision of a document unless a specific document issue is specified. When the referenced document has been cancelled and no superseding document has been specified, the last published issue of that document shall apply.2.1 SAE PublicationsAvailable from SAE International, 400 Commonwealth Drive, Warrendale, PA 15096-0001, Tel: 877-606-7323 (inside USA and Canada) or 724-776-4970 (outside USA), .C hemical Process Test Specimen MaterialAS23902.2 ASTM PublicationsAvailable from ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, P.O. Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, Tel: 610-832-9585, .ASTM B 117 Operating Salt Spray (Fog) Testing ApparatusASTM D 1193 Reagent Water3. REQUIREMENTS3.1 Procedure3.1.1 Passivation shall be performed only on surfaces free from water breaks and visible rust or scale. See Method 1 - Passivation in Nitric Acid3.1.2.1P assivation shall be accomplished by immersion in a bath in accordance with Table 1. When permitted by the cognizant engineering organization, other nitric acid solutions may be used. See When a specific passivation type is not specified, Table 4 may be consulted for recommended types.TABLE 1 - METHOD 1 PASSIVATION TYPESType Feature Value1 Bath Composition 20 to 25% by volume of HNO32 to 3% by weight Na2Cr2O7·2H2OBath temperature 70 to 90 °F (21 to 32 °C)Immersion time 30 minutes minimum2 Bath Composition 20 to 25% by volume of HNO32 to 3% by weight Na2Cr2O7·2H2OBath temperature 120 to 130 °F (49 to 54 °C)Immersion time 20 minutes minimum3 Bath Composition 20 to 25% by volume of HNO32 to 3% by weight Na2Cr2O7·2H2OBath temperature 145 to 155 °F (63 to 68 °C)Immersion time 10 minutes minimum4 Bath Composition 38 to 42% by volume of HNO32 to 3% by weight Na2Cr2O7·2H2OBath temperature 70 to 120 °F (21 to 49 °C)Immersion time 30 minutes minimum5 Bath Composition 20 to 25% by volume of HNO32 to 3% by weight Na2Cr2O7·2H2OBath temperature 70 to 90 °F (21 to 32 °C)Immersion time 2 minutes minimumVoltage Part anodic at 3 to 5 volts6 Bath Composition 25 to 45% by volume HNO3Bath temperature 70 to 90 °F (21 to 32 °C)Immersion time 30 minutes minimum7 Bath Composition 20 to 25% by volume HNO3Bath temperature 120 to 140 °F (49 to 60 °C)Immersion time 20 minutes minimum8 Bath Composition 45 to 55% by volume HNO3Bath temperature 120 to 130 °F (49 to 54 °C)Immersion time 30 minutes minimumNOTE: Nitric acid concentration shown is by volume of 42° Baume(sp. gr. 1.4) nitric acid. See Method 2 - Passivation in Citric AcidComposition3.1.3.1 BathParts shall be immersed in an aqueous solution of 4 to 10 weight percent citric acid, with additional wetting agents and inhibitors as applicable.Conditions3.1.3.2 Operating3. TemperatureBath temperature shall be 70 to 160 °F (21 to 71 °C) with an immersion time of not less than 4 minutes for baths operating over 140 °F (60 °C), not less than 10 minutes for baths operating in the 120 to 140 °F (49 to 60 °C) range, not less than 20 minutes for baths operating in the range of 100 to 119 °F (38 to 48 °C) or not less than 30 minutes for baths operating below 100 °F (38 °C).Rinse3.1.4 FinalImmediately after removal from the passivating solution the parts shall be thoroughly rinsed. Final rinse shall be carried out in clean water. See PostTreatmentWhen a post treatment is specified, after rinsing, parts made from ferritic, martensitic and precipitation hardening steels shall be immersed in a solution containing 4 to 6% by weight of sodium dichromate dihydrate (Na2Cr2O7·2H2O) at 140 to 160 °F (60 to 71 °C) for 1 hour, rinsed, and dried. See PropertiesResistance3.2.1 CorrosionExcept for parts containing 0.85% carbon or more (such as AISI 440C), parts shall meet one of the following conditions, or, when specified, a test method in Appendix A. HumidityParts shall be free from visible red rust after exposure to 95% minimum relative humidity at 100 to 115 °F (38 to 46 °C) for not less than 24 hours.Immersion3.2.1.2 WaterParts shall be free from visible red rust after alternately immersing in reagent water (ASTM D 1193 Type IV) for 1 hour and allowing to dry in room temperature air for 1 hour, until 24 hours (12 cycles) have elapsed. See When specified or when permitted by the cognizant engineering organization, (1) for austenitic steels of theAISI 200 or AISI 300 series and (2) for precipitation hardened steels and ferritic steels containing more than 16% chromium, one of the following requirements shall be met in lieu of humidity or immersion testing: Copper Sulfate TestParts shall be swabbed with or immersed in a test solution containing 8 grams of copper sulfate (CuSO4·5H2O) and 2 to 3 milliliters of sulfuric acid (H2SO4, sp. gr. 1.84) in 500 milliliters of reagent water in accordance with ASTM D 1193 Type IV, keeping the surface wet for not less than 6 minutes. Rinse and dry the surface without disturbing any deposits. A copper colored deposit indicates the presence of unacceptable free iron. The effectiveness of copper sulfate solutions shall be validated by one of the following methods:a. Periodic chemical analysis in accordance with Verification before use. Test specimens of any convenient size, made from materials in accordance with AS2390representing transformation hardening steels and properly cleaned, shall exhibit a copper-colored deposit when subjected to the test above.Spray3. SaltParts shall withstand exposure to 2 hours minimum in a salt spray environment operated in accordance with ASTM B 117. Parts shall not show evidence of red rust following completion of the test.3.2.2 SurfaceAppearanceAfter completion of processing, there shall be no evidence of etching, pitting, smutting, frosting, dimensional changes, or other chemical attack on the parts. However, loss of temper color when Method 2 is used is acceptable.3.3 Written ProcedureAll processing and testing shall be done in accordance with a written procedure acceptable to the cognizant engineering organization. See QUALITY ASSURANCE PROVISIONS4.1 Responsibility for InspectionThe processor shall supply all test specimens for processor's tests and shall be responsible for the performance of all required tests. When parts are to be tested, such parts shall be supplied by purchaser, and, if acceptable after testing, may be included with the lot of processed parts. The cognizant engineering organization reserves the right to perform any confirmatory testing deemed necessary to ensure that processing conforms to specified requirements.4.2 Classification of TestsTests4.2.1 Acceptance4.2.1.1 Classes 1, 2 and 4Corrosion resistance (3.2.1) and surface appearance (3.2.2) are acceptance tests and shall be performed on each lot. Class3Surface appearance (3.2.2) is an acceptance test and shall be performed on each lot.Tests4.2.2 Periodic4.2.2.1 Compositions of passivating and post treatment solutions are periodic tests, and shall be performed at afrequency selected by the processor unless frequency of testing is specified by the cognizant engineering organization. See Class 3 PartsCorrosion resistance is a periodic test and shall be performed at a frequency selected by the processor unless frequency of testing is specified by the cognizant engineering organization.Tests4.2.3 PreproductionAll technical requirements (3.2 and 3.3) of this specification are preproduction tests, and shall be performed prior to production and when the cognizant engineering organization deems confirmatory testing is required.4.3 Sampling for testing shall not be less than the following: A lot shall be all parts of the same part number, processedin the same set of solutions within a 24 hour period, and presented for processor’s inspection at the same time.Tested parts shall be selected randomly from all parts in each lot.4.3.1 Class 1 PartsUnless the cognizant engineering organization specifies a different sampling plan, the minimum number of samples selected for test shall be as shown in Table 2.TABLE 2 - NUMBER OF PARTS TO BE TESTEDNumber of Parts in LotSurfaceAppearanceCorrosionTest1 to 6 All 27 to 15 7 216 to 40 10 341 to 50 15 351 to 110 15 5111 to 150 25 8151 to 500 35 8501 to 700 50 13701 to 1200 75 13Over 1200 125 134.3.2 Class 2 parts or samples shall be corrosion tested at a frequency of one part per lot, and visually examined at thefrequency given in Table Where parts are not available for test, as in the case of large parts or parts that might be damaged by suchtesting, identically processed specimens fabricated from the same alloy as the parts represented may be used.See Class 4 parts or samples shall be tested as shown in Table 3.TABLE 3 - NUMBER OF PARTS TO BE TESTED FOR CLASS 4Number of Parts in Lot (1)SurfaceAppearanceCorrosionTest (2)1 to 13 All All14 to 1200 13 131201 to 35 000 50 1335 001 to 500 000 80 50(1)For Class 4, a lot shall consist of one of the following:a) Parts of similar alloy and manufacturing methods that are pretreated andpassivated in one day’s production or within a timeframe which will ensureconsistent passivation results.b) The same product of one size from one heat in one shipment.c) When the quantity of passivated parts in one day’s production does notwarrant daily testing, the lot size shall be as agreed upon by the cognizantengineering organization and the processor.(2) Identically processed specimens, made from the same alloys used tofabricate the parts, may be used for test purposes. The test specimens shallbe randomly distributed throughout the lot during processing. When multipletests are to be performed, separate samples are required for each test.4.4 Approval4.4.1 The process and control procedures, or a preproduction processed part, or both, whichever is specified, shall beapproved by the cognizant engineering organization before production parts are supplied.4.4.2 If the processor makes a significant change to any material, process or control factor which was used for processapproval, all preproduction tests shall be performed and the results submitted to the cognizant engineering organization for process reapproval unless the change is approved by the cognizant engineering organization. A significant change is one which, in the judgment of the cognizant engineering organization, could affect the properties or performance of the parts.4.4.3 Control factors shall include, but are not limited to the following:Composition and composition limits of the processing solutionsTemperature and temperature limits of the processing solutionsImmersion time limits of the process for each processing solutionMethod(s) for precleaning in preparation for passivating. See 3.1.1.Method(s) used to test for corrosion resistancePeriodic test plan. See ReportsThe processor shall furnish with each shipment a report stating that parts have been processed and tested in accordance with the specified requirements and that they conform to acceptance tests requirements. Where post treatment is used, the report shall so indicate that it was completed. The report shall state the class, method, and, if applicable, type of passivation used. This report shall also include the purchase order number, lot number, AMS2700E, part number, and quantity of parts processed.4.6 Resampling and Retesting4.6.1 If any part subjected to the surface appearance testing fails to meet surface appearance requirements, that partshall be subject to rejection, and all parts in the lot shall be visually examined for conformance to surface appearance requirements or subject to rejection.4.6.2 If any part subjected to corrosion testing fails to meet corrosion test requirements, that part shall be subject torejection. The balance of the lot may be reprocessed and retested at the frequency defined by Table 2 for the original number of parts in the lot, or the remaining parts in the lot shall be tested.5. PREPARATION FOR DELIVERYPackages of passivated parts shall be prepared for shipment in accordance with commercial practice and in compliance with applicable rules and regulations pertaining to the handling, packaging, and transportation of the processed parts.6. ACKNOWLEDGMENTA processor shall mention this specification number and its revision letter in all quotations and when acknowledging purchase orders.7. REJECTIONSParts that are not processed in accordance with the requirements of this specification or to modifications authorized by the cognizant engineering organization will be subject to rejection.8. NOTES8.1 A change bar (l) located in the left margin is for the convenience of the user in locating areas where technicalrevisions, not editorial changes, have been made to the previous issue of this document. An (R) symbol to the left of the document title indicates a complete revision of the document, including technical revisions. Change bars and (R) are not used in original publications, nor in documents that contain editorial changes only.8.2 When post treatment is not specified, parts should be neutralized, preferably in a solution of 2 to 5% sodiumhydroxide, rinsed and dried.8.3 Terms used in AMS are clarified in ARP1917.8.4 Dimensions and properties in inch-pound units and the Fahrenheit temperatures are primary; dimensions andproperties in SI units and the Celsius temperatures are shown as approximate equivalents of the primary units and are presented only for information.8.5 Purchase documents should specify not less than the following:AMS2700EMaterial being processedQuantity of parts to be processedMethod (1.3.1), type (1.3.2) if required, or class (1.3.3)Test method in Appendix A, if requiredPost treatment when required. See These processes have been used primarily to enhance the corrosion resistance of corrosion resistant steel alloys,but the nitric acid process has also been successfully and historically applied to nickel-chromium high temperature alloys for removal of free iron resulting from machining or other processing. Different types of smeared metal on the corrosion resistant surfaces, or the presence of other surface treatments such as plating or braze filler metals may dictate the use of either nitric acid or citric acid as applicable to the specific case.8.7 It is recommended that this process be used prior to heating corrosion resistant steel parts to temperaturesexceeding 1200 °F (649 °C) to prevent diffusion of free iron from the surface into the surfaces of parts.8.8 This document does not address methods for removal of scale or foreign materials from the surfaces of parts priorto passivation. Methods for accomplishing this may be found in such other documents as ISO 8074, ISO 8075 or ASTM A 380.8.9 ARP4992, Periodic Test Plan for Process Solutions, is recommended to satisfy the requirements for control ofprocessing solutions.8.10 “Identically processed” as used in 4.3.3 refers to such operations as machining, grinding, heat treating, welding,and similar processes.8.11 Carburized and nitrided surfaces should not be passivated. Passivating should be accomplished after completion ofall manufacturing operations, such as but not limited to forming, turning, milling, heat treatment or shot peening, that could affect the passivity of the surface of the material. Where other surface altering operations are performed, such as electroplating or nitriding, purchaser should specify when the passivation operation is accomplished within the manufacturing sequence.8.12 Solutions may be made up and maintained with nitric acid at other than the specified 42° Baume if theconcentration is adjusted to compensate.8.13 Guidelines for alternative passivation solutions that may be useful to the cognizant engineering organization are asfollows.8.13.1 Bath CompositionPassivation may be accomplished by immersion in a bath of an aqueous solution of 20 to 55% by volume of 42° Baume (sp. gr. 1.4) nitric acid (HNO3). See It is recommended that the concentration of the nitric acid be above 40% for free machining steels. Where the acid concentration is less than 35% by volume, and for ferritic and martensitic steels, it isrecommended that additional oxidizers be added to the bath in the form of 2 to 6% by weight of sodium dichromate dihydrate (Na2Cr2O7·2H2O). For the purpose of removing lead alloys from surfaces, molybdic acid (HMoO3) may be added to the bath at aconcentration of up to 0.35 weight percent.8.13.2 Operating ConditionsBath temperature should be in the range of 70 to 155 °F (21 to 68 °C) with an immersion time of not less than 30 minutes for baths operating at temperatures below 100 °F (37 °C), not less than 20 minutes for baths operating at temperatures below 125 °F (52 °C), or not less than 10 minutes for baths operating at temperatures above 125 °F (52 °C).8.13.3 For certain high carbon corrosion resistant steels, such as AISI 440C, it may be desirable to passivate with theparts anodic for 2 to 3 minutes at 2 to 3 volts to prevent etching.8.14 It has been found that water containing up to 200 ppm total dissolved solids may be considered to be clean but thislimit is not a requirement. Rinsing may be accomplished with stagnant, countercurrent and/or spray rinses prior to final rinse.8.15 Type IV grade of reagent water may be prepared by distillation, ion exchange, continuous electrodeionization,reverse osmosis, electrodialysis, or a combination thereof. Reagent water prepared by distillation may give more consistent results in the water immersion test compared to other preparation methods.8.16 It has been found that iron concentration in the passivating solution exceeding 2 weight percent may reduce theability to remove iron contamination from parts.8.17 Cumulative changes made to Revisions C and D:8.17.1 Paragraph was “Iron concentration in passivating baths shall not exceed 0.5 percent.” This was deletedand moved, with a change to a recommended 2 percent maximum, to 8.16. Reason: Performance tests demonstrate solution effectivenesss regardless of iron content. This was not considered to be a technical change.8.17.2 “minimum” was added to Table 1 for Type 8 value to correct an omission.8.17.3 Paragraphs 3.1.4 and 3.1.5 were paragraphs and respectively.8.17.4 Paragraph, “or immersed in” a test solution was added so as not to restrict the test to use of a swab.Last sentence “Aqueous copper sulfate solutions more than two weeks old shall not be used for this test” was deleted and replaced with “The effectiveness of copper sulfate solutions shall be validated by one of the following methods:a. Periodic chemical analysis in accordance with Verification before use. Test specimens of any convenient size, made from materials in accordance with AS2390representing transformation hardening steels and properly cleaned, shall exhibit a copper-colored deposit when subjected to the test above.”Reason: The two week age limit was too restrictive and a functional verification more appropriate. Para 2.1 was added to include AS2390.8.17.5 Table 2 column 1 “41 to 51” was changed to “41 to 50” to correct an error.TABLE 4 - RECOMMENDED PASSIVATION SOLUTIONSAlloyMethod 1Nitric Acid TypeMethod2Citric Acid Solution1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8AusteniticS20100 (201) X X X X X XS20200 (202) X X X X X XS21800 (Nitronic 60®) X X X X XS21900(Nitronic 40®) X X X X XS30100 (301) X X X X X XS30200 (302) X X X X X XS30400 (304) X X X X X XS30403 (304L) X X X X X XS30409 (304H) X X X X X XS30430 (302HQ) X X X X X XS30451 (304N) X X X X X XS30500 (305) X X X X X XS30800 (308) X X X X X XS30900 (309) X X X X X XS30908 (309S) X X X X X XS30940 (309Cb) X X X X X XS3100 (310) X X X X X XS31008 (310S) X X X X X XS31100 (311) X X X X X XS31400 (314) X X X X X XS31500 (315) X X X X X XS31600 (316) X X X X X XS31603 (316L) X X X X X XS31609 (316H) X X X X X XS32100 (321) X X X X X XS32109 (321H) X X X X X XS32900 (329) X X X X X XS34700 (347) X X X X X XS34709 (347H) X X X X X X FerriticS40500(405) X X X X X S40900(409) X X X X X S42900(429) X X X X X X S43000(430) X X X X X S43400(434) X X X X X S43600(436) X X X X X S44200(442) X X X X X S44600(446) X X X X X S44625(XM-27) X X X X X Free MachiningS30300(303) X X X S30310(303X) X X X S30323(303Se) X X X S30330(303Cu) X X X S30345(303MA) X X X S30360(303Pb) X X X S34720(347S) X X X S34723(347Se) X X X S43020(430F) X X X S43023(430FSe) X X X S44020(440F) X X X S44023(440FSe) X X XTABLE 4 - RECOMMENDED PASSIVATION SOLUTIONS (CONTINUED)AlloyMethod 1Nitric Acid TypeMethod2Citric Acid Solution1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8MartensiticS40300(403) X X X X X S41000 (410) X X X X X X S41400 (414) X X X X X X S41600 (416) X X X X X S41623 (416Se) X X X X X S41800(GreekAscoloy) X XS42000(420) X X X X S43100(431) X X X X X S44002(440A) X X X X S44003(440B) X X X X S44004(440C) X X X X Precipitation HardeningK66286(A286) X X X X X S13800(13-8Mo) X X X X X S15500(15-5) X X X X X A15700(15-7Mo) X X X X X S17400(17-4) X X X X X S17700(17-7) X X X X X S35000(AM350) X X X X X S35500(AM355) X X X X X S36200 (Almar 362) X X X X XPREPARED BY AMS COMMITTEE “B”APPENDIX A - TEST METHODS FOR DETERMINATION OF PASSIVITYA.1 SCOPEThe test methods in this appendix are to be used only when specified by the purchaser.A.1.1 Safety - Hazardous MaterialsWhile the materials, methods, applications, and processes described or referenced in this appendix may involve the use of hazardous materials, this appendix does not address the hazards which may be involved in such use. It is the sole responsibility of the user to ensure familiarity with the safe and proper use of any hazardous materials and to take necessary precautionary measures to ensure the health and safety of all personnel involved.DOCUMENTSA.2 APPLICABLEThe issue of the following documents in effect on the date of the purchase order forms a part of this specification to the extent specified herein. The supplier may work to a subsequent revision of a document unless a specific document issue is specified. When the referenced document has been cancelled and no superseding document has been specified, the last published issue of that document shall apply.A.2.1 ASTMPublicationsAvailable from ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, P.O. Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, Tel: 610-832-9585, .ASTM B 117 Operating Salt Spray Testing ApparatusPublicationsA.2.2 ASQAvailable from American Society for Quality, 600 North Plankinton Avenue, Milwaukee, WI 53203 or .ASQC Z1.4 S ampling Procedures and Tables for Inspection by AttributesREQUIREMENTSA.3 TESTA.3.1 Method 100 - Water Immersion TestThis method is used to detect anodic surface contamination, including free iron, on corrosion resistant steel.A.3.1.1 Apparatus and MaterialsA tank that will not rust and reagent grade water.A.3.1.2 ProcedureA. Parts shall be alternately immersed in reagent grade water for one hour, removed from the tank, andallowed to dry for one hour for a minimum of 24 hours.A. After completion of the test, parts shall show no evidence of rust or corrosion.A.3.2 Method 101 - High Humidity TestThis method is used to detect anodic surface contamination on corrosion resistant steel, including free iron.。



大庆石油地质与开发Petroleum Geology & Oilfield Development in Daqing2024 年 2 月第 43 卷 第 1 期Feb. ,2024Vol. 43 No. 1DOI :10.19597/J.ISSN.1000-3754.202307013CCUS 腐蚀控制技术对策曹功泽 刘宁 刘凯丽 淳于朝君 张冰岩 杨景辉 张素梅 穆蒙(中国石化胜利油田分公司石油工程技术研究院,山东 东营 257000)摘要: 碳捕集、利用与封存技术(CCUS )对于减缓全球气候变化、推进低碳发展具有重要意义。

在石油开采过程中,利用CCUS 技术将储存的CO 2注入油气井提高了油田原油采收率,但是CO 2溶于水后形成的碳酸会加剧金属管道的腐蚀,对设备的安全运行造成重大威胁。

首先介绍了CO 2腐蚀机理,详细描述了造成油气生产系统中CO 2腐蚀的主要影响因素;然后对合金防护、涂覆防护层防护、缓蚀剂防护等常见的腐蚀控制方法及其研究进展进行了分析讨论;最后结合CCUS 腐蚀控制研究现状,总结了在不同介质环境下CO 2腐蚀控制具体的措施和建议。

研究成果为CO 2腐蚀控制技术的研究与发展提供了参考和依据。

关键词:CCUS ;CO 2腐蚀;腐蚀防护;缓蚀剂中图分类号:TE357.45 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1000-3754(2024)01-0112-07Technical solutions for CCUS corrosion controlCAO Gongze ,LIU Ning ,LIU Kaili ,CHUNYU Zhaojun ,ZHANG Bingyan ,YANG Jinghui ,ZHANG Sumei ,MU Meng(Petroleum Engineering Technology Research Institute of Sinopec Shengli OilfieldCompany ,Dongying 257000,China )Abstract :Carbon capture , utilization and storage (CCUS ) technology is of great significance for mitigating globalclimate change and promoting low -carbon development. In the process of oil production , using CCUS technology to inject stored CO 2 into oil and gas production wells increases oil recovery. However , carbonic acid formed after CO 2is dissolved in water may aggravate the corrosion of metal pipes and cause serious threat to safe operation of equip⁃ment. Firstly , the mechanism of CO 2 corrosion is introduced , and the main influencing factors causing CO 2 corro⁃sion in oil and gas production system are described in detail. Then , common corrosion control methods of alloy pro⁃tection , coating protection and inhibitor protection and their research progress are analyzed and discussed. Finally , combined with the research status of CCUS corrosion control , specific solutions for CO 2 corrosion control in differ⁃ent media environments are summarized. The research provides reference and basis for research and development ofCO 2 corrosion control technology.Key words :CCUS ; CO 2 corrosion ; corrosion protection ; corrosion inhibitor引用:曹功泽,刘宁,刘凯丽,等. CCUS 腐蚀控制技术对策[J ].大庆石油地质与开发,2024,43(1):112-118.CAO Gongze ,LIU Ning ,LIU Kaili ,et al. Technical solutions for CCUS corrosion control [J ].Petroleum Geology & Oil⁃field Development in Daqing ,2024,43(1):112-118.收稿日期:2023-07-07 改回日期:2023-10-13第一作者:曹功泽,男,1978年生,硕士,正高级工程师,从事油田腐蚀与防护研究。

AMS-QQ-P-35 Passivation Treatments For Corrosion-Resistant Steel

AMS-QQ-P-35 Passivation Treatments For Corrosion-Resistant Steel

SAE Technical Standards Board Rules provide that: “This report is published by SAE to advance the state of technical and engineering sciences. The use of this report is entirely voluntary, and its applicability and suitability for any particular use, including any patent infringement arising therefrom, is the sole responsibility of the user.”SAE reviews each technical report at least every five years at which time it may be reaffirmed, revised, or cancelled. SAE invites your written comments and suggestions. Copyright 1998 Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc.All rights reserved.Printed in U.S.A. QUESTIONS REGARDING THIS DOCUMENT:(724) 772-7154FAX: (724) 776-02431.2.1Types: Passivation treatments shall be of the following types, as specified (see 6.2).Type II- Medium temperature nitric acid solution with sodium dichromate additiveType VI- Low temperature nitric acid solutionType VII- Medium temperature nitric acid solutionType VIII- Medium temperature high concentration nitric acid solution2.APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS:The following publications, of the issues in effect on date of invitation for bids or request for proposal, form a part of this specification to the extent specified herein.2.1U.S. Government Publications:Available from DODSSP, Subscription Services Desk, Building 4D, 700 Robbins Avenue,Philadelphia, PA 19111-5094.MIL-S-5002Surface Treatments and Inorganic Coatings for Metal Surfaces of WeaponsSystemsMIL-C-13924Coating, Oxide, Black, for Ferrous MetalsMIL-STD-105Sampling Procedures and Tables for Inspection by AttributesMIL-STD-753Corrosion-Resistant Steel Parts: Sampling, Inspection and Testing for Surface PassivationO-N-350Nitric Acid, TechnicalO-S-595Sodium Dichromate, Dihydrate, TechnicalFED-STD-313Material Safety Data Sheets, Preparation and Submission of2.2ASTM Publications:Available from ASTM, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959.ASTM A380Cleaning and Descaling Stainless Steel Parts, Equipment, and SystemsASTM B117Operating Salt Spray (Fog) ApparatusASTM B254Preparation of and Electroplating on Stainless Steel3.REQUIREMENTS:3.1Material:The chemicals and reagents used for passivation of corrosion-resistant steel parts shall produce passivated surfaces which meet the requirements of this specification.3.2Pretreatment:The pretreatment methods and procedures used prior to the passivation treatment shall be either in accordance with ASTM A380 or MIL-S-5002. The surface of the parts shall be free of oil, grease, rust, scale and other foreign matter and shall have no deleterious effect on material properties.Particular attention shall be given to the pretreatment cleaning of 400 series steels to be certain that all surface oxidation, including rust and heat treat scale, is completely removed. Unless otherwise specified, clean and descale in accordance with ASTM A380. When electrochemical cleaning is required, it shall be performed in accordance with ASTM B254.3.3Passivation treatment:Corrosion-resistant steel parts shall be passivated by immersing them in one of the followingaqueous solutions (see 6.2) and maintaining them within the temperature ranges and timesdescribed below and in Table I. The parts shall be completely immersed in the solution to avoid severe etching which would otherwise occur above the liquid line.3.3.1Type I: Type I withdrawn (see 6.9)3.3.2Type II: Type II solution shall contain 20-25 percent by volume of nitric acid in accordance withO-N-350 and 2.5 ± 0.5 percent by weight of sodium dichromate in accordance with O-S-595. Parts shall be processed for 20 minutes at a temperature range between 120-130°F (49°-54°C). parts made of high carbon/high chromium grades (440 series), straight chromium gradeswith 12-14% chromium (martensitic 400 series), or for corrosion-resistant steels containingrelatively large amounts (0.15 percent) of sulfur or selenium (for example 303, 303Se, 347Se,416, 416Se, 430F, 430FSe and precipitation hardenable steels), type II solution shall be used(see 6.2 and 6.3).3.3.3Type III: Type III withdrawn (see 6.9).3.3.4Type IV: Type IV withdrawn (see 6.9).3.3.5Type V: Type V withdrawn (see 6.9).3.3.6Type VI: Type VI solution shall contain 25-45 percent by volume of nitric acid (HN03) in accordancewith O-N-350. Parts shall be processed for 30 minutes at a temperature range between 70-90°F (21-32°C). VI solution can be used to process austenitic 200 and 300 series chromium nickel andchromium grades with 17% chromium or grater (with exception of the 440 series) corrosion-resistant steels.3.3.7Type VII: Type VII solution shall contain 20-25 percent by volume of nitric acid (HN03) inaccordance with O-N-350. Parts shall be processed for 20 minutes at a temperature rangebetween 120-140°F (49-60°C). VII solution can be used to process parts made of the following corrosion-resistant steels: austenitic 200 and 300 series chromium-nickel, chromium grades with 17% chromium or greater (except 440 series) (see sections 6.2 and 6.3).3.3.8Type VIII: Type VIII solution shall contain 45-55 percent by volume of nitric acid in accordance with O-N-350. Parts shall be processed for 30 minutes at a temperature range between 120-130°F (49°-54°C). VIII solution can be used for parts made from high carbon and high chromium grades (400 series) and precipitation-hardening stainless steels.1/ Caution: Care must be exercised as excessive time may damage the part.3.4Water rinse:Immediately after removal from the passivating solution the parts shall be thoroughly rinsed; final rinse is carried out in clean water (see 6.4).3.5Chromate treatment:When specified and within one hour after the final water rinse (3.4), all ferritic and martensitic steel parts shall be immersed in an aqueous solution containing 4 to 6 percent by weight of sodiumdichromate in accordance with O-S-595, at a temperature of 140° to 160°F (60 - 71°C) for a period of 30 minutes (see 6.1.1). This immersion shall be followed by a rinse in clean water (see 6.4). The parts shall then be thoroughly dried.TABLE I. Passivation treatmentsType Temperature Time, minimum (minutes) 1/% (by wt.)Sodium Dichromate % (by vol.)Nitric Acid I Withdrawn II 120-130°F (49-54°C)202-2.520-25III Withdrawn IV Withdrawn V Withdrawn VI 70-90°F (21-32°C)30none 25-45VII 120-150°F (49-60°C)20none 20-25VIII120-130°F (49-54°C)30none45-553.6Finish:The passivated parts shall exhibit a chemically clean surface and shall show no etching, pitting or frosting when examined. A slight discoloration will be allowed (see 4.3 and 6.5).3.7Staining:3.7.1Water immersion or high humidity tests: The passivated parts shall not exhibit staining attributableto the presence of free iron particles imbedded in the surface when subjected to the waterimmersion test or the high humidity test (see 4.4.1).3.7.2Salt spray or copper sulfate tests: The salt spray test or the copper sulfate test may be specified inaddition to or in lieu of either the water immersion test or the high humidity test. When the saltspray test is specified, the passivated surface shall be capable of withstanding salt spray exposure without evidence of rust or staining (see 4.4.2, 6.11). sulfate test: When testing austenitic 300 series chromium nickel steels, it is permissibleto use the copper sulfate test as a substitute for the salt spray test. The surface of the resultant passivated parts shall not exhibit copper deposits (see 4.4.1, 4.4.2, passivated parts shall be free of iron contamination and other foreign materials which could adversely affect the suitability, use or life of the passivated part (see 4.3, 6.13).3.9Solution analysis:The processor shall maintain a record of the control procedures used on each of the processing solutions used in these passivation treatments. Solutions shall be analyzed to verify that theconcentrations of nitric acid and sodium dichromate meet the specified requirements. Analyses shall be scheduled at intervals which will demonstrate optimum passivation performance. Frequency of analyses will be determined by the contractor’s processing equipment (tank volume), the workload and the time differential between treatments. A chemical record shall be maintained on all control analyses performed, additions made or treatments administered to the processing solution. Upon request of the acquisition activity, such records, including reports of test results, shall be madeavailable (see 4.5 and 6.2).3.9.1The contractor shall be responsible for the safe reutilization and disposal of all material generatedby this process (see 4.7, 6.12 and 6.13).4.QUALITY ASSURANCE PROVISIONS:4.1 Responsibility for inspection:Unless otherwise specified in the contract or purchase order, the contractor is responsible for the performance of all inspection requirements (examinations and tests) as specified herein. Except as otherwise specified in the contract or purchase order, the contractor may use his own or any other facilities suitable for the performance of the inspection requirements specified herein, unlessdisapproved by the Government. The Government reserves the right to perform any of theinspections set forth in this specification where such inspections are deemed necessary to ensure supplies and services conform to prescribed requirements.4.2Inspection provisions:4.2.1Lot: A lot shall consist of passivated parts of similar alloy and manufacturing methods that arepretreated and passivated in one day’s production or within a timeframe which will ensureconsistent passivation results. A lot shall consist of the same product of one size from one heat in one shipment. When the quantity of passivated parts in one day’s production does not warrant daily testing, the lot size shall be as agreed upon by the procuring activity and the contractor (see6.2).4.2.2Sampling: for visual examination: Samples shall be taken at random from each lot in accordancewith MIL-STD-105, Inspection Level S-4. The Acceptable Quality Level (AQL) shall be 1.0percent defective. for other tests: Samples shall be taken at random from each lot in accordance withMIL-STD-105, Inspection Level S-3. The AQL shall be 1.0 percent defective. Identicallyprocessed specimens, made from the same material used to fabricate the parts, may be used for test purposes in lieu of large parts (see 6.6.). When authorized for use, the test specimens shall be randomly distributed throughout the lot during processing. When multiple tests are to beperformed, separate samples are required for each test.4.3Visual examination:Samples selected in accordance with shall be visually examined for etching, pitting or frosting(3.6), and workmanship (3.8).4.4Test methods:The following tests are utilized to evaluate the effectiveness of the passivation treatment. Unless otherwise specified, martensitic grade 440C shall be exempt from these tests (see 6.10).4.4.1Water immersion and high humidity tests: Samples selected in accordance with shall besubjected to either a water immersion test or a high humidity test to determine conformance with3. immersion test: The water immersion test shall be conducted in accordance with Method100 of MIL-STD-753. humidity test: The high humidity test shall be conducted as follows:a.Parts shall be cleaned by immersing them in acetone or methyl alcohol, then swabbing themwith clean gauze saturated with acetone or methyl alcohol and drying in an inert atmosphereor desiccated container.b.The cleaned and dried parts shall be subjected to 95 - 100 percent humidity at 100° - 115°F(38 - 46°C) in a suitable humidity cabinet for 24 - 26 hours.4.4.2Salt spray and copper sulfate tests: The salt spray test may be specified in addition to or in lieu ofeither the water immersion test or the high humidity test. When such a test is specified, samples shall be selected in accordance with and shall conform to 3.7.2 and (see 6.11). spray test: The salt spray test shall be conducted in accordance with ASTM B117 for aminimum of 2 hours using a 5 percent salt solution. sulfate test: The copper sulfate test shall be conducted in accordance with method 102of MIL-STD-753.4.5Certification of analysis:When specified (see 6.2), a certificate of the quantitative analysis (3.9) of the passivating solution shall be furnished the contracting officer.4.6Rejection and retest:Any lot failing to meet the requirements specified herein shall be rejected. A rejected lot may be resubmitted for inspection provided that the defective parts have been re-pretreated per 3.2, as necessary, re-passivated and re-tested. Re-passivated lots shall be subjected to tightenedinspection in accordance with MIL-STD-105.4.7Reuse and disposal of treatment solutions:The reutilization and disposal of all materials generated by this process shall be in accordance with ASTM A380, sections 8.2 and 8.7. Also see 6.12, 6.13 for additional information.5.PREPARATION FOR DELIVERY:(This section is not applicable to this specification.)6.NOTES:This section contains information of a general or explanatory nature that may be helpful, but is not mandatory.6.1Intended use:The passivation treatments provided by this specification are intended to improve the corrosion resistance of parts made from austenitic, ferritic and martensitic corrosion-resistant steels of the 200, 300 and 400 series and precipitation hardened corrosion-resistant steels. High carbon, highchromium martensitic 440C grades which are selected for high hardness and resistance may be exempt from passivation treatments at the discretion of the procuring activity.6.1.1During processing operations such as forming, machining, tumbling and lapping, iron particles orother foreign particles may become smeared over or imbedded into the surface ofcorrosion-resistant steel parts. These particles must be removed or they will appear as rust orstain spots. This condition may be prevented by immersing the parts in a solution of nitric acid and sodium dichromate, which will dissolve the particles and allow a thin, transparent passive film to form over the restored surface. Parts with newly formed passive films, should be handled as little as possible in the 24 hours period following this treatment.6.1.2This specification is not intended for black oxide coating of parts to be used for photographic andoptical instruments; for such applications refer to MIL-C-13924.6.2Ordering data:Purchasers should select the preferred options permitted herein and include the followinginformation in procurement documents:a)Title, number and date of this specification.b)Nomenclature and grade of corrosion - resistant material of parts.c)Type of passivation treatment (1.2.1, 3.3).d)Lot size, if other than one day’s production (4.2.1).e)When quantitative analysis certificate is required (3.9, 4.5).6.3Grades of steel:Austenitic, ferritic or martensitic types of steels are selected on a basis of properties required(corrosion resistance and design criteria) and fabrication requirements. T able II is a compilation which serves as a guide for some steel grades and their recommended passivation treatment.TABLE II. Recommended passivation requirements for different steel alloys.Steel Grades are indicated by Unified Numbering System Numbers(Numbers in parentheses are AISI, AMS, or ASTM).Solution TypesType ofAlloy II VI VII VIII Precipn Hdng K66286 (A286)K66286 (A286) Precipn Hdng S13800 (13-8Mo)S13800 (13-8Mo) Precipn Hdng S15500 (15-5)S15500 (15-5) Precipn Hdng S15700 (15-7Mo)S15700 (15-7Mo) Precipn Hdng S17400 (17-4)S17400 (17-4) Precipn Hdng S17700 (17-7)S17700 (17-7) Austenitic S20100 (201)S20100 (201)Austenitic S20200 (202)S20200 (202)Austenitic S30100 (301)S30100 (301)Austenitic S30200 (302)S30200 (302)Free Machine S30300 (303)Free Machine S30323 (303Se)Free Machine S30310 (303X)Free Machine S30323 (303Se)Free Machine S30330 (303Cu)Free Machine S30345 (303Ma)Free Machine S30360 (303Pb)Austenitic S30400 (304)G30400 (304)Austenitic S30403 (304L)S30403 (304L)Austenitic S30409 (304H)S30409 (304H) Austenitic S30430 (XM-7)S30430 (XM-7)Austenitic S30451 (304N)S30451 (304N)Austenitic S30500 (305)S30409 (305)Austenitic S30800 (308)S30800 (308)Austenitic S30900 (309)S30900 (309)Austenitic S30908 (309S)S30908 (309S)Austenitic S30940 (309Cb)S30940 (309Cb)Austenitic S31000 (310)S31000 (310)Austenitic S31008 (310S)S31008 (310S)Austenitic S31100 (311)S31100 (311)Austenitic S31400 (314)S31400 (314)TABLE II. Recommended passivation requirements for different steel alloys. (Continued) Steel Grades are indicated by Unified Numbering System Numbers(Numbers in parentheses are AISI, AMS, or ASTM).Solution TypesType ofAlloy II VI VII VIII Austenitic S31500 (315)S31500 (315)Austenitic S31600 (316)S31600 (316)Austenitic S31603 (316L)S31603 (316L)Austenitic S31609 (316H)S31609 (316H) Austenitic S32100 (321)S32100 (321)Austenitic S32109 (321H)S31621 (321H) Austenitic S32900 (329)S32900 (329)Austenitic S34700 (347)S34700 (347)Austenitic S34709 (347H)S34709 (347H) Free Machine S34720 (347S)Free Machine S34723 (347Se)Precipn Hdng S35000 (AM350)S35000 (AM350) Precipn Hdng S35500 (AM355)S35500 (AM355) Precipn Hdng S36200 (Almar 362)S36200 (Almar362) Martensitic S40300 (403)S40300 (403) Ferritic S40500 (405)S40500 (405) Ferritic S40900 (409)S40900 (409) Martensitic S41000 (410)S41000 (410) Martensitic S41400 (414)S41400 (414) Martensitic S41600 (416)Martensitic S41623 (416Se)Martensitic S42000 (420)Ferritic S42900 (429)S42900 (429)S42900 (429) Ferritic S43000 (430)Free Machine S43020 (430F)Free Machine S43023 (430FSe)Martensitic S43100 (431)S43100 (431) Ferritic S43400 (434)S43400 (434)Ferritic S43600 (436)S43600 (436Martensitic S44002 (440A)S44002 (440A) Martensitic S44003 (440B)S44003 (440B) Martensitic S44004 (440C)S44004 (440C)TABLE II. Recommended passivation requirements for different steel alloys. (Continued)Steel Grades are indicated by Unified Numbering System Numbers(Numbers in parentheses are AISI, AMS, or ASTM).Solution TypesType ofAlloy II VI VII VIII Free Machine S44020 (440F)Free Machine S44023 (440FSe)Ferritic S44200 (442)S44200 (442)Ferritic S44600 (446)Ferritic S44625 (XM-27)S44625 (XM-27)6.4Clean water:Clean water is defined as water containing a maximum total solid content of 200 ppm. Rinsing can be accomplished by a combination of stagnant, countercurrent and/or spray rinses prior to final rinse.6.5Chemically clean surface:A chemically clean surface is defined as a surface upon which water, when applied momentarily tothe surface, will remain on that surface in an even, continuous film, and in addition is free of any foreign material or residual film deposit which would be detrimental to the quality of the part.6.6Test specimens:When using test specimens in lieu of parts, they can only effectively represent the parts if they have been exposed to the same processing steps, such as machining, grinding, heat treating, welding, etc, as the parts they are to represent.6.7Carburized surfaces:Stainless steel parts with carburized surfaces cannot be passivated because the carbon combines with the chromium forming chromium carbides on the surface.6.8Nitrided stainless steel:Nitrided stainless steel should not be passivated because the treatment will severely corrode the nitrided case. Note: If passivation is required it must be performed prior to this special treatment.6.9Cross reference of classification types:Revision B to QQ-P-35 references six types of treatment solutions for passivation of corrosionresistant steels. New treatment types will be numbered differently from the original in an effort to avoid confusion or compromise interchangeability. Accordingly two new treatment types have been added and four types have been withdrawn as indicated below:Type I- Withdrawn (see Table II, for guidance)Type II- Medium Temperature Nitric Acid Solution With Sodium Dichromate Additive.Type III- Withdrawn (see Table II, for guidance)Type IV- Withdrawn (see Table II, for guidance)Type V- Withdrawn (see Table II, for guidance)Type VI- Low Temperature Nitric Acid Solution.Type VII- Medium Temperature Nitric Acid Solution.Type VIII- Medium Temperature High Concentration Nitric Acid Solution6.10Martensitic grade 440C:High strength alloys such as 440C are subject to hydrogen embrittlement or intergranular attack when exposed to acids. Cleaning by mechanical methods or other chemical methods isrecommended.6.11The salt spray test has been used to evaluate some martensitic grades of steels, but is usuallyspecified for the austentic 300 grades.6.12Material safety:Hazardous items include substances mixtures, and materials which may cause personal injury, property damage or environmental deterioration through transportation, use or disposal (see 6.2). 6.13Materials safety data sheets:Contracting officers will identify those activites requiring copies of completed material safety data sheets prepared in accordance with FED-STD-313. The pertinent government mailing addresses for submission of data are listed in appendix B of FED-STD-313.6.14Free iron measurement:The free iron test is useful for measuring the effectiveness of passivation. Test meters are available for measuring the surface potential of a material. The meters are used to measure the presence of free iron. The subsequent corrosion voltage measurements can be related to the passivation state of the metal.6.15Subject term (keyword) listing:austeniticcopper sulfate testdescalingferriticfree iron measurementhigh humidity testlotmartensiticnitric acidprecipitation hardeningsalt spray testsamplingsodium dichromatesolution analysisstainless steelvisual examinationwater immersionPREPARED UNDER THE JURISDICTION OF AMS COMMITTEE “B”。



不锈钢部件的化学钝化处理的标准技术规范(中英文对照1. Scope1.范围1.1 This specification covers several different types of chemical passivation treatments for stainless steel parts. It includes recommendations and precautions for descaling, cleaning, and passivation of stainless steel parts. It includes several alternative tests, with acceptance criteria, for confirmation of effectiveness of such treatments for stainless steel parts.1.1本技术规范适用于几种不同类型不锈钢部件的化学钝化处理。


1.2 Practices for the mechanical and chemical treatments of stainless steel surfaces are discussed more thoroughly in Practice A 380.1.2 不锈钢表面物理和化学处理的作业在作业A380里有更详尽的论述。

1.3 Several alternative chemical treatments are defined for passivation of stainless steel parts. Appendix X1 gives some nonmandatory information and provides some general guidelines regarding the selection of passivation treatment appropriate to particular grades of stainless steel. It makes no recommendations regarding the suitability of any grade, treatment, or acceptance criteria for any particular application or class of applications.1.3几种可供选择的不锈钢部件化学钝化处理在此有详细规定。

钝化 passivation

钝化  passivation

钝化passivation1、钝化的概念passivation conception采用特殊的溶液让金属表面生成一层致密的氧化膜,钝化是使金属表面转化为不易被氧化的状态,而延缓金属的腐蚀速度的方法。

Passivation of stainless steel is basically the removal of exogenous materials and iron from the surface, thereby "chromium enriching" the surface. This is followed by oxidation of the chromium to form a corrosion resistant layer of chrome oxide on the surface. The purpose of the passivation is to increase the amount of time before corrosion, decrease the corrosion speed on the surface.2、钝化的作用:passivation function防腐蚀/防氧化变色corrosion protection/prevent oxidation stain3、钝化的实施理由:why need passivation电镀后产品经酸洗、水冲洗、漂洗后、金属表面很清洁,非常活化,很容易遭受腐蚀,所以要立即进行钝化处理,使清洗后的金属表面生产保护膜减缓腐蚀.Plated product by acid bath, water bath、rinsing, it’s very clean on the surface, easy to corrosion. So it need passivation treatment after plating immediately,Passivation film on the surface to protect the parts decrease corrosion.4、钝化处理的时机when to passivation treatment电镀后立即实施钝化Passivation treatment after plationg immediatley5、钝化的原理Passivation theory其钝化的机理可用薄膜理论来解释,即认为钝化是由于金属与氧化性质作用,作用时在金属表面生成一种非常薄的、致密的、覆盖性能良好的、牢固地吸附在金属表面上的钝化膜。



AAbramsAbrams cone—Abrams圆筒(坍落度筒)Abrams law—Abrams定则Admixture—外加剂→化学外加剂Aggregate—骨料Absorption of water—吸水率Alkali-carbonate reaction—碱-碳酸盐反应Chloride—氯化物Clay—黏土combination of—结合criteria of acceptance—接受准则frost resistance—抗冻性grading—级配Los Angeles test—洛杉矶实验Maximum size and water requirement—最大粒径和需水量Mechanical properties—力学性能Moisture—含水率organic substance—有机杂质porosity—孔隙率sieve analysis—筛分分析S.S.D.—饱和面干sulphate—硫酸盐water requirement—需水量Aggressive CO2—侵蚀介质CO2Alite—xx特Ammonium salts—铵盐Amorphous silica—无定形二氧化硅ASR Alkali-silica-reaction in aggregate—骨料中的碱-硅反应: BBelite—贝利特Blast furnace cement—矿渣水泥Bleeding—泌水concrete in floor—地板混凝土grout—水泥浆influence of steel bond—钢筋粘结的影响influence of transition zone—过渡区的影响mortar—砂浆BolomeyCCapillary porosity—毛细管孔隙率Capillary pressure—毛细管压力Carbonation—碳化Characteristic strength—特征强度Chemical admixtures一化学外加剂Air entraining agents(AEA)—引气剂use in shotcrete—在喷射混凝土中的应用ASR inhibitor—碱-硅反应抑制剂Corrosion inhibitors—防腐剂Classification—分类Hardening accelerators—促硬剂Hydrophobic admixtures—防水剂High-range water reducers superplasticizers—高效减水剂(超塑化剂) Retarders—缓凝剂Setting accelerators—促凝剂Use in shotcrete—用于喷射混凝土中Silanes—硅烷Shrinkage-reducing admixtures—减缩剂SRA→Shrinkage-reducing admixturesSuperplasticizers—高效减水剂(超塑化剂)Mechanism of action of—作用机理Slump loss/retention—坍落度损失/保持Multifunctional—多功能的Use in shotcrete—用于喷射混凝土中Use to increase strength/durability—用于提高强度/耐久性Use to reduce cement—用于减少水泥Use to increase workability—用于提高工作性Viscosity modifying agents—黏度调节剂VMA→Viscosity modifying agentsWater-reducers—减水剂Cement—水泥Norms—标准Set regulator—调凝剂Setting—凝结Strength—强度Chloride—氯化物Diffusion—扩散Compactability—密实性Compacting factor—密实系数Composite cement—复合水泥Composite Portland cement—复合硅酸盐水泥Concrete—混凝土DDamage→deterioration—损伤→劣化DEF—延迟钙矾石形成Degree of compaction—密实度In shotcrete—喷射混凝土Degree of consolidation—密实度Degree of hydration—水化程度Depassivation—去钝化Deterioration—劣化Drying shrinkage→shrinkage—干缩→收缩DSP一致密小颗粒混凝土Durability—耐久性Capillary porosity—毛细管孔隙率Concrete cover—混凝土保护层Exposure classes—暴露等级Long term durability—长期耐久性Deterioration—劣化Manufacture—生产Placing—浇筑Prestressed—预应力Reinforced—增强Corrosion of reinforcement—钢筋的腐蚀Promoted by carbonation—碳化引起Promoted by chloride—氯化物引起Cracking—开裂Creep—徐变Basic—基本Drying—干燥Influence of creep on drying shrinkage—徐变对干缩的影响Prediction of creep in concrete structures—混凝土结构的徐变预测Cored concrete—混凝土芯样Curing—养护Influence of curing on durability—养护对耐久性的影响Influence of curing on concrete strength—养护对混凝土强度的影响Membrane—薄膜Wet curing—湿养C3A—铝酸三钙C4AF—铁铝酸四钙C3S—硅酸三钙C2S—硅酸二钙C-S-H—水化硅酸钙EEntrained air一引气Influence on freezing—对抗冻性的影响Influence on strength—对强度的影响Entrapped air—夹杂气体Ettringite—钙矾石Primary—一次Secondary—二次Expansive agents→Shrinkage compensating concrete—膨胀剂→收缩补偿混凝土FFibre-inforced concrete ( FRC )—纤维增强混凝土Application of FRC一纤维增强混凝土的应用Crack-free concrete一无裂缝混凝土Toughness of concrete—混凝土的韧性Impact strength—冲击强度In shotcrete—喷射混凝土Metallic fibre—金属纤维Polymer mini-fibre—聚合物微纤维Polymer macro-fibre—聚合物大纤维Polymer structure PVA fibres—聚合物结构聚乙烯醇纤维Fictitious thickness一虚拟厚度Fire endurance of concrete一混凝土的耐火性Behavior of concrete during fire一混凝土在火中的行为Behavior of high-strength concrete during fire—高强混凝土在火中的行为Influence of the aggregate—骨料的影响Influence of the concrete cover—混凝土保护层的影响Influence of the metallic fibres一金属纤维的影响Influence of the loading in service一服役荷载的影响Influence of the polymeric fibres—聚合物纤维的影响Fly ash—粉煤灰Beneficiation—选矿Freezing and thawing一冻融FüllerFüller&Thompson→FüllerGGGBFS→slag—磨细粒化高炉矿渣→矿渣Gluconate—葡萄糖酸盐Glucose—葡萄糖Grout—浆体Gypsum—石膏HHeat—热Cracking due to thermal gradients—温度梯度诱发开裂Of hydration—水化热Hydration—水化Of aluminates—铝酸盐的水化Of silicates—硅酸盐的水化High-Performance Concrete—高性能混凝土High Strength Concrete—高强混凝土Hooke law—Hooke定律KKiln一烧窑LLeaching—析浆Lightweight concrete—轻混凝土Glassification—分类Expanded clay—陶粒Lightweight aggregate—轻骨料In the Rome Pantheon—罗马万神殿Natural lightweight aggregate(pumice)—天然轻骨料(浮石) Shrinkage—收缩Structural—结构的Precast L. C—预制轻混凝土SCC L. C—自密实轻混凝土Structural L. C for ready-mixed concrete—预拌结构轻混凝土Lignosulphonate—木素磺酸盐Lime—石灰Limestone—石灰石Blended cement一混合水泥Lyse rule—Lyse准则MMagnesium salts—镁盐Mass concrete—大体积混凝土Mix design—配合比设计Modulus—模数Of elasticity—弹性模量Of fineness一细度模数Mill一磨机Municipal Solid Waste Incinerator一市政固体废物焚烧炉PPassivation—钝化Permeability—渗透性Pop-out一凸起Porosity—孔隙率Capillary—毛细管孔隙Capillary porosity and strength—毛细管孔隙率与强度Capillary porosity and elastic modulus—毛细管孔隙率与弹性模量Capillary porosity and permeability—毛细管孔隙率与渗透性Capillary porosity and durability—毛细管孔隙率与耐久性Gel—凝胶Macroporosity—大孔孔隙率Portland cement—硅酸盐水泥Blended cements一混合水泥European norm—欧洲标准Ferric一铁相Manufacture—生产White—白色Powers—能源Pozzolan一火山灰Activity—活性Industrial—工业的Pozzolanic cement一火山灰水泥Precast concrete—预制混凝土Steam curing—蒸养Prescriptions on concrete structures—混凝土结构的质量要求Concrete composition prescriptions—混凝土组成的质量要求Concrete performance prescriptions—混凝土性能的质量要求Contractor prescriptions一对承包商的要求RReactive Powder Concrete一活性粉末混凝土Recycled concrete一再生混凝土Process of manufacturing recycled aggregate (RA)一再生骨料的加工工艺Properties of RA一再生骨料的性能Contaminant products—污染物Density of RA一再生骨料的密度Water absorption—吸水率Properties of concrete with RA—含有再生骨料混凝土的性能Relaxation—松弛Retempering—重拌合SSegregation—离析SCC→Self-Compacting Concrete—自密实混凝土Self-Compacting Concrete—自密实混凝土Architectural一装饰High strength—高强Mass concrete—大体积混凝土Lightweight concrete—轻混凝土Shrinkage-compensating—收缩补偿Setting—凝结Shrinkage—收缩Drying shrinkage—干缩Influence of aggregate on drying shrinkage一骨料对干缩的影响Influence of high range water reducers on drying shrinkage—高效减水剂对干缩的影响Influence of workability on drying shrinkage一工作性对干缩的影响Prediction of drying shrinkage in concrete structures—混凝土结构干缩的预测Plastic shrinkage—塑性收缩Standard shrinkage—标准收缩Shrinkage-compensating concrete—收缩补偿混凝土Expansive agents—膨胀剂Combined use of SRA and expansive agents—减缩剂和膨胀剂的结合应用Lime-based expansive agents—石灰基膨胀剂Sulphoaluminate-based expansive agents—硫铝酸盐基膨胀剂Application of shrinkage compensating concrete—补偿收缩混凝土的应用Joint-free architectural buildings—无缝装饰建筑Joint-free industrial floor一无缝工业地板Repair of damaged concrete structures—损坏混凝土结构的修补Expansion of specimen vs. that of structure—试件的膨胀与结构的膨胀Restrained expansion—约束膨胀SCC shrinkage-compensating concrete—自密实收缩补偿混凝土Shotcrete—喷射混凝土ACI recommendations—ACI建议Bond of shotcrete. to substrate—喷射混凝土与基层的粘结Chemical admixtures in—喷射混凝土的化学外加剂Alkali-free accelerators—无碱促进剂Sodium silicate accelerators—硅酸钠促进剂Composition of一喷射混凝土组成Fibres in—喷射混凝土的纤维High performance—高性能喷射混凝土TTemperature—温度Influence of temperature on concrete strength—温度对强度的影响Influence of temperature on site organization—温度对现场浇筑的影响Influence of steel bars on—配筋的影响Mineral additions in—矿物掺合料Nozzelman喷枪操作工Rebound—回弹Sieve analysis—筛分Silica fume—硅灰Silica fume in high strength concrete—高强混凝土中的硅灰Slag—矿渣Cement—矿渣水泥Slump—坍落度Slump loss—坍落度损失SRA→Shrinkage Reducing Admixture in Chemical Admixtures-一化学外加剂中的减缩剂Standard deviation一标准差Steam curing—蒸养Steel-concrete bond—钢筋-混凝土的粘结Strength—强度Characteristic一特征强度Class of cement—水泥的强度等级Class of concrete一混凝土的强度等级Compressive—抗压强度DSP concrete—细颗粒密实混凝土Flexural—抗折强度High-strength concrete—高强混凝土Influence of compaction on一密实性对强度的影响Influence of cement on concrete一水泥对混凝土强度的影响Influence of temperature on concrete—温度对混凝土强度的影响Influence of transition zone on—过渡区对强度的影响Of cement paste—水泥浆的强度Of cored samples一芯样的强度Of specimens—试件的强度Standard deviation—标准差Tensile—抗拉强度Stress—应力Compressive—压应力Flexural—弯曲应力Tensile一拉应力Sulphate attack—硫酸盐侵蚀Sup erplsticizer→Chemical. admixtures—超塑化剂(高效减水剂)→化学外加剂Placing in summer time一夏季浇筑Placing in winter time一冬季浇筑Thaumasite—硅灰石膏Thermal gradients—温度梯度Transition zone—过渡区VVebe—维勃Vibration—振动WWater—水And workability—水与工作性And strength.一水与强度Addition on job site一水的现场添加Water-cement ratio—水灰比Workability—工作性And consolidation—工作性与密实性《A Novel Cable-Enhanced,Wire-MeshReinforcement for Structural Concrete to Improve Its Properties》。



化 %最后通过优化前后效率及转矩对比,
中图分类号:TM351; TM341
Optimization Design of Amorphous Alloy Permanent Magnet Synctronous Motor for Electric Vehicle Based on Responss Surface MetUod
之间通过Parameter Set /
SYS Workbench平台中搭建的
流程主要包括:①在Maxwell 2D
参数化 ,
等设置。②在Response Surface optimization模块中完
实验 ( DOE) 、 响
合( RJsponsJSuaoacJ)

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2. 2. 1优化目标
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CHEN Jinhua1,CHEN Hao1,2,GAO Yunpeny1,SUN Xianbei1,ZHANG Chi1,JIENG Zha1



Instructions for useThe normal mixing ratio for calcium carbonate and other inorganic scale is 1 part AlfaPhos to 9 parts of water.* ** The normal mixing ratio for metallic oxides and rust is 1 part AlfaPhos to 4 parts of water.* **The recommended cleaning temperature is 50–70°C (122–158°F).The recommended cleaning time is 2–6 hours.***AlfaPhos can be mixed with AlfaAdd (0.5–1 vol% to total diluted solution) to provide better cleaning results on oily and fatty surfaces and where biological growth occurs. AlfaAdd also reduces any foaming.AlfaNeutra is used after cleaning is completed in order to neutralize the solution to be disposed of. AlfaNeutra is added until the pH level of the disposal solution reaches 6–8.****base. It is specifically designed for the removal of metallic oxides, rust, calcium carbonate and other inorganic scale. AlfaNeutra can be used for the neutralization of used AlfaPhos prior to disposal.Features and benefits•AlfaPhos is environmentally friendly, and is easily biodegradable.•Tested in Alfa Laval’s own laboratories, which means that Alfa Laval guarantees that plates, gaskets or glue are not damaged.•Can be used in combination with AlfaAdd, which provides even better cleaning results on oily and fatty surfaces and where biological growth occurs. AlfaAdd also reduces any foaming.•AlfaPhos inhibit the corrosion (passivation) of metal surfaces in heat exchangers and related equipment.* Water must be added first.** The pH level must never be more than 2.5 during thecleaning process. To lower the pH level, more AlfaPhos mustbe added to the solution.*** Depends on the amount of fouling present in the heatexchanger, the size of the heat exchanger, the cleaningtemperature and the concentration of the cleaning liquid.**** There is a risk of chemical precipitation in the tank ifneutralization is carried out too rapidly, or if too muchAlfaNeutra is used.Ordering InformationSupplied in a red 25 litre or a blue 200 litre (6.5 or 52.5 USgallons) plastic container or in a white 1000 litre container.Art. no. 31801-2612-531 kg (~20 l)Art. no. 31801-2617-1312 kg (~200 l)Art. no. 31801-2619-21560 kg (~1000 l)Technical specification (physical and chemical properties)Physical state LiquidColour Clear, colourlessOdour OdourlesspH 1.5 ±0.5Density at 20°C (g/ml) 1.55 ±0.05Storability 1 year in closed, original containers (0–40°C)PPS00032EN 0303Alfa Laval reserves the right to change specifications without prior notification.How to contact Alfa LavalContact details for all countries arecontinually updated on our web site.Please visit toaccess the information direct.。



Chemical ProcessingPreliminary QuestionnaireFor reference use only. Do not send back to PRI unless this is for an Initial Audit Price Quotation from the Scheduling Group or a Scope revision。

The following is to assist you in completing the scope of accreditation when scheduling your audit through eAuditNet.Please return completed questionnaire to 614-635—2815Street Address: __xiangjiaotang industial zone xuexiang village bantian town, City: shenzhen_ State/Province: __guangdong________ Country: _____china____ Postal Code:___518129____Audit Contact Name: ____vinson ye__________________________ Title: _____________ Phone: _135********_______ FAX: __0755—84167357 E—mail:___vinson8886@163。


QUALITY SYSTEM APPROVALS (Suppliers are responsible for determining any special Prime or Customer Quality System requirements) ** Prior to issuance of a Nadcap Special Process Certification a supplier must have a valid Quality System approval。



热浸镀锌层表面钛盐转化膜研究许乔瑜;姜瑞【摘要】利用钛盐成膜工艺在热镀锌层表面获得了色泽光亮、耐蚀性能优良的银白色转化膜层.采用扫描电镜、能谱仪、电化学极化和盐水浸泡方法研究了钛盐转化膜层的表面形貌,元素组成和耐蚀性能.分析了钛盐溶液成分及工艺参数对热镀锌层表面转化膜的耐蚀性能影响.确定的最佳工艺条件为:Ti(SO_4)_21 g/L,H_2O_260mL/L,pH 0.5~1.0,处理温度25~30℃,处理时间10 min.热镀锌层经此工艺处理后,耐蚀性能明显提高.【期刊名称】《电镀与涂饰》【年(卷),期】2010(029)003【总页数】4页(P34-37)【关键词】热浸镀锌;钛盐;转化膜;耐蚀性能【作者】许乔瑜;姜瑞【作者单位】华南理工大学材料科学与工程学院,广东,广州,510640;华南理工大学材料科学与工程学院,广东,广州,510640【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TG178热浸镀锌是钢铁重要的防护手段之一,镀锌钢广泛应用于汽车、电力、交通、建筑、电讯等诸多领域[1-2]。






本文采用主盐为 Ti(SO4)2的成膜溶液,对热镀锌层表面进行化学转化处理,研究了工艺条件对转化膜耐蚀性能的影响。



锂离子动力电池铝外壳的腐蚀张娜;李杨【摘要】通过电性能测试与扫描电子显微镜(SEM)、电感耦合等离子光谱(ICP)、X 射线衍射(XRD),能谱定量分析(EDS)等方法对外壳发生腐蚀的铝壳锂离子动力电池和正常电池进行了研究,并分析了腐蚀发生的条件。

研究发现,腐蚀电池在循环、存储以及放电倍率等性能上有明显下降,分析表明当电池内部负极耳与铝壳内壁接触并经过半年以上的放置或者使用时,有可能会发生腐蚀反应,腐蚀首先发生在铝壳内壁,然后逐步发展到铝壳外侧,腐蚀产物主要是 Li2 CO3和铝盐。

%Electrical property test,the SEM,ICP,XRD and EDS were used to study the lithium-ion power batteries;including decomposed and normal batteries with corroded aluminum casing,and the corrosion conditions were discussed.It was found that the cycle life,storage and discharge rateof corrosion batteries had a rapid declining.When the anode tab was contacted with the aluminum inner wall of aluminum lithium-ion battery,corrosion reaction might occur after more than six months of placement or using,the corrosion reaction occurd in the aluminum inner wall first,and then gradually developed into the outer aluminum.The main corrosion products were Li2 CO3 and aluminum salts.【期刊名称】《腐蚀与防护》【年(卷),期】2015(000)004【总页数】5页(P351-354,365)【关键词】锂离子动力电池;铝壳;壳电压;腐蚀【作者】张娜;李杨【作者单位】天津力神电池股份有限公司,天津 300384;天津力神电池股份有限公司,天津 300384【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TM912.9随着环境污染的日益加剧,新能源产业越来越受到人们的关注。

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