1、研究光电效应现象的实验电路如图所示,A 、K 为光电管的两个电极,电压表V 、电流计G 均为理想电表。
已知该光电管阴极K 的极限频率为ν0,元电荷电量为e ,普朗克常量为h ,开始时滑片P 、P '上下对齐。
现用频率为ν的光照射阴极K (ν>ν0),则下列说法错误的是A .该光电管阴极材料的逸出功为hν0B .若加在光电管两端的正向电压为U ,则到达阳极A 的光电子的最大动能为hv-hv 0+eUC .若将滑片P 向右滑动,则电流计G 的示数一定会不断增大D .若将滑片P '向右滑动,则当滑片P 、P '间的电压为0hv hv e时,电流计G 的示数恰好为02、如图所示为剪式千斤顶的截面图。
四根等长的支持臂用光滑铰链连接,转动手柄,通过水平螺纹轴减小MN 间的距离,以抬高重物。
保持重物不变,MP 和PN 夹角为120°时N 点受到螺纹轴的作用力为F 1;MP 和PN 夹角为60°时N 点受到螺纹轴的作用力为F 2。
不计支持臂和螺纹轴的重力,则F 1与F 2大小之比为( )A .1:1B .1:3C .3:1D .3:13、如图所示,从高h =1.8m 的A 点将弹力球水平向右抛出,弹力球与水平地面碰撞两次后与竖直墙壁碰撞,之后恰能返回A 点。
汕头市2021~2022学年度普通高中毕业班教学质量监测试题数 学本试卷共5页,22小题,满分150分,考试用时120分钟。
用2B 铅笔将试卷类型填涂在答题卡相应位置上。
2.作答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用2B 铅笔在答题卡上对应题目选项的答案信息点涂黑;如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其它答案。
第Ⅰ卷 选择题一、单项选择题:本题共8小题,每小题5分,共40分。
1.若集合{|1},{|12}A x x B x x =>=-<<,则=B AA. {|12}x x <<B. {|12}x x -<<C. {|12}x x x >-≠且D. {|1}x x >-2.已知i 为虚数单位,复数z 满足:(1)43z i i -=-,则z =A .72i + B .72i- C .12i + D .12i -3.记n S 为等差数列{}n a 的前n 项和.已知5606S a ==,,则A .12n a n =-B .1016a = C .2210n S n n =- D .1050S =4.已知sin α=,(,)2παπ∈,则cos()6πα-=A. 1-B. 0C.12 D. 5.某市场一摊位的卖菜员发现顾客来此摊位买菜后选择只用现金支付的概率为0.2,选择既用现金支付又用非现金支付的概率为0.1,且买菜后无赊账行为,则选择只用非现金支付的概率为 A .0.5B .0.6C .0.7D .0.86. 是由8个等边三角形组成的正八面体.若某金刚石的棱长为2,体积为A.B.83C.D. 7.已知1313422,3,4a bc===,则,,a b c 的大小关系为A. a b c <<B. c a b <<C. a c b <<D. c b a << 8.已知函数3()(3)1xf x e x a x =++-+在区间(0,1)上有最小值,则实数a 的取值范围是 A. (,2)e -B. (,1)e e --C. (1,2)D. (,1)e -∞-二、多项选择题:本题共4小题,每小题5分,共20分。
试卷类型:A2024年汕头市普通高考第一次模拟考试数学注意事项:1.答题前,考生在答题卡上务必用直径0.5毫米黑色墨水签字笔将自己的姓名、准考证号填写清楚,并贴好条形码.请认真核准条形码上的准考证号、姓名和科目.2.选择题的作答:每小题选出答案后,用2B 铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑,写在试题卷、草稿纸和答题卡上的非答题区域均无效.3.非选择题的作答:用黑色签字笔直接答在答题卡上对应的答题区城内.4.考试结束后,请将本试题卷和答题卡一并上交.第I 卷选择题一、选择题:本题共8小题,每小题5分,共40分.在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的 1.“12a >”是“12a<”的( ) A.充分不必要条件 B.必要不充分条件C.既不充分也不必要条件D.充要条件2.在3与15之间插入3个数,使这5个数成等差数列,则插入的3个数之和为( )A.21B.24C.27D.303.已知ABC 的内角A B C 、、的对边分别为a b c 、、,若60,10A b == ,则下列a 的取值中,使得该三角形有两解的是( )A.8a =B.9a =C.10a =D.11a = 4.7311(1)x x++展开式中3x 项的系数为( ) A.42 B.35 C.7 D.1 5.已知函数()ln (0,0)1m x f x m n n x +=>>−−是奇函数,则12m n +的最小值为( ) A.3 B.5 C.3+ D.3+6.在复数范围内,下列命题是真命题的为( )A.若0z ≠,则z z −是纯虚数B.若22||z z =−,则z 是纯虚数C.若22120z z +=,则10z =且20z = D.若12z z 、为虚数,则1212R z z z z +∈7.已知圆锥的顶点为,S O 为底面圆心,母线SA 与SB 互相垂直,SAB 的面积为8,SA 与圆锥底面所成的角为30 ,则( )A.圆锥的高为1B.圆锥的体积为24πC. D.二面角S AB O −−的大小为458.如图,设12F F 、是椭圆的左、右焦点,点P 是以12F F 为直径的圆与椭圆在第一象限内的交点,延长2PF 与椭圆交于点Q ,若124PF QF =,则直线2PF 的斜率为( )A.12− B.-1 C.-2 D.-3 二、多选题:本题共3小题,每小题6分,共18分.在每小题给出的选项中,有多项符合题目要求.全部选对的得6分,部分选对的得部分分,有选错的得0分.9.某次数学考试后,为分析学生的学习情况,某校从某年级中随机抽取了100名学生的成绩,整理得到如图所示的频率分布直方图.为进一步分析高分学生的成绩分布情况,计算得到这100名学生中,成绩位于[)80,90内的学生成绩方差为12,成绩位于[)90,100内的同学成绩方差为10.则( )参考公式:样本划分为2层,各层的容量、平均数和方差分别为:2212,,;,,m x s n y s .记样本平均数为ω,样本方差为2s ,2222212()()m n s s x s y m n m n ωω =+−++− ++。
2024届广东省汕头市高三上学期第一次模拟考试全真演练物理试题(基础必刷)学校:_______ 班级:__________姓名:_______ 考号:__________(满分:100分时间:75分钟)总分栏题号一二三四五六七总分得分评卷人得分一、单项选择题(本题包含8小题,每小题4分,共32分。
将金属板A、B与电阻R相连,当发电机稳定发电时,假设两板间磁流体的等效电阻为r,则A、B两金属板间的电势差为( )A.B.C.D.第(2)题一横截面为等腰直角三角形的三棱镜如图所示,光线(含红光和紫光)从一直角边垂直射入,已知棱镜对红光的折射率为1.5,图中画出的、、三条光线可能存在也可能不存在,则下列说法正确的是( )A.光存在且是紫光的出射光B.光存在且是红光的出射光C.光存在且是红光的出射光D.光存在且是红光和紫光的出射光第(3)题如图所示,网球拍形状的电蚊拍有三层金属导电网,外面两层较疏的金属网连接电路中的低电势电极,夹在中间的金属网连接电路中的高电势电极,内部电子线路将直流电源升压,使两电极间的电压高达几千伏特。
下列说法正确的是( )A.为达到电击效果,电蚊拍两电极间的电压一定高于B.在使用电蚊拍时,只要蚊虫靠近金属网,就能被高压电击而亡C.人体无意中触碰到了金属网,则会因受到电击而产生严重的伤害D.蚊虫相当于导体,飞入金属网之间会使电极间空气间隙减小,导致空气电离而放电第(4)题图为某游客荡秋千的示意图,两摆绳长均为、与水平横梁的夹角均为。
1、“神舟十一号”发射升空后,飞行了43小时53分钟,绕地球运行27圈,与天宫二号完成自动交会对接,这标志着我国航天事业又迈上了一个新台阶.假定正常运行的“神舟十一号”飞船和通信卫星(同步卫星)做的都是匀速圆周运动,下列说法正确的是A.飞船的线速度比通信卫星的线速度小B.飞船的角速度比通信卫星的角速度小C.飞船的运行周期比通信卫星的运行周期大D.飞船的向心加速度比通信卫星向心加速度大2、关于速度、速度的变化量、速度的变化率、加速度的关系,下列说法正确的是()A.物体加速度增大时,速度也增大B.物体速度变化量越大,则加速度越大C.物体速度变化越快,则速度的变化率越大,加速度也越大D.物体加速度不等于零时,速度一定增大3、如图,直线①和曲线②分别是在平直公路上行驶的甲、乙两车的v﹣t图象,已知t1时刻两车在同一位置,则在t1到t2时间内(不包括t1、t2时刻)()A.乙车速度先增大后减小B.乙车始终在甲车前方,且二者间距离先增大后减小C.乙车始终在甲车前方,且二者间距离一直增大D.甲、乙两车的加速度总是不同4、2018年10月10日,我国成功发射了第32颗北斗导航卫星,该卫星的轨道半径为36000km, 7月29日又以“一箭双星”的方式成功发射了第33、34颗北斗导航卫星,这两颗卫星的轨道半径均为21500km.下列说法正确的是A.这三颗卫星的发射速度均小于7.9km/sB.第32颗卫星与第33颗卫星加速度大小之比C.第32颗卫星在轨道上运行时的速率比第33颗的大D.第32颗卫星与第33颗卫星的运动周期之比为5、如图所示,由A、B组成的双星系统,绕它们连线上的一点做匀速圆周运动,其运行周期为T,A、B间的距离为L,它们的线速度之比=2,则()A.AB角速度比为:B.AB质量比为:=C.A星球质量为:M A=D.两星球质量为:M A+M B=6、一质量为0.5kg的质点从静止开始沿某一方向做匀加速直线运动,它的动量p随位,则此质点()移x变化的关系为P2xA.加速度为2m/s2B.前2s内动量增加8kg m/sC.在连续相等时间内,动量增加量越来越大D.在通过连续相等的位移时,动量增量可能相等二、多项选择题:本题共4小题,每小题5分,共20分。
第一部分必须用2B 铅笔作答;第二部分必须用黑色字迹的签字笔作答。
已知k=2.0 N/m,ab的长度为0.20 m,bc的长度为0.05 m,B=0.20 T,重力加速度为g。
下列说法不正确的是()A.当电流表示数为零时,弹簧的伸长量为mg kB.若要电流表正常工作,应将MN的M端与电源正极相接C.该电流表的量程是2.5 AD.若将量程扩大到2倍,磁感应强度应变为0.20 T2、用一束紫外线照射某金属时不能产生光电效应,可能使该金属产生光电效应的措施是A.改用红光照射B.改用X射线照射C.改用强度更大的原紫外线照射D.延长原紫外线的照射时间3、百余年前,爱因斯坦的广义相对论率先对黑洞作出预言。
下面说法正确的是()A .史瓦西半径为2GM cB .史瓦西半径为22GM c C .黑洞密度为334c G R π D .黑洞密度为2334c G Rπ 4、在如图甲所示的电路中,理想变压器原、副线圈的匝数比为10 : 1,副线圈接有阻值为10Ω的定值电阻R ,原线圈接有如图乙所示的正弦交变电压。
选择题必须用2B 铅笔填涂;非选择题的答案必须用黑色字迹的钢笔或答字笔写在“答题纸”相应位置上。
1、一交流电压为()2002sin100V π=u t ,由此表达式可知( )A .用电压表测该电压时,其示数为2002VB .该交流电压的周期为0.01sC .将该电压加在“200V 100W 、”的灯泡两端,灯泡的实际功率小于100WD .1s 400=t 时,该交流电压的瞬时值为200V 2、如图所示,U 形气缸固定在水平地面上,用重力不计的活塞封闭着一定质量的气体,已知气缸不漏气,活塞移动过程中与气缸内壁无摩擦.初始时,外界大气压强为p 0,活塞紧压小挡板.现缓慢升高气缸内气体的温度,则选项图中能反映气缸内气体的压强p 随热力学温度T 变化的图象是( )A .B .C .D .3、2016年2月,物理学界掀起了“引力波”风暴,证实了爱因斯坦100年前所做的预测。
若质量分别为m 1和m 2的A 、B 两天体构成双星,如图所示。
某同学由此对该双星系统进行了分析并总结,其中结论不正确的是( )A .A 、B 做圆周运动的半径之比为m 2:m 1B .A 、B 做圆周运动所需向心力大小之比为1:1C .A 、B 做圆周运动的转速之比为1:1D .A 、B 做圆周运动的向心加速度大小之比为1:14、如图所示,一量程为10N 的轻质弹簧测力计放在粗糙的水平面上,其两端分别连着木块A 和B ,已知m A =2kg ,m B =3kg ,木块A 和B 与水平面的动摩擦因数均为μ=0.2,今用恒力F 水平拉木块A ,使整体一起运动,要使测力计的读数不超过其量程,则恒力F 的可能值为( )A .50NB .30NC .20ND .6N5、在2018年亚运会女子跳远决赛中,中国选手许小令获得铜牌。
用导线通过滑片与钢盘的边线D连接且按触良好,如图乙所示,若用外力转动手柄使圆盘转动起来,在CD两端会产生感应电动势()A.如图甲所示,产生感应电动势的原因是铜盘盘面上无数个以C为圆心的同心圆环中的磁通量发生了变化B.如图甲所示,因为铜盘转动过程中穿过铜盘的磁通量不变,所以没有感应电动势C.如图乙所示,用外力顺时针(从左边看)转动铜盘,电路中会产生感应电流,通过R的电流自下而上D.如图乙所示,用外力顺时针(从左边看)转动铜盘,电路中会产生感应电流,通过R的电流自上而下2、在竖直平衡(截面)内固定三根平行的长直导线a、b、c,通有大小相等、方向如图所示的电流.若在三根导线所在空间内加一匀强磁场后,导线a所受安培力的合力恰好为零,则所加磁场的方向可能是()A.垂直导线向左B.垂直导线向右C .垂直纸面向里D .垂直纸面向外3、在地球同步轨道卫星轨道平面内运行的低轨道卫星,其轨道半径为同步卫星半径的14,则该低轨道卫星运行周期为( ) A .1h B .3h C .6h D .12h4、1932年美国物理学家劳伦斯发明了回旋加速器,如图所示,磁感应强度为B 的匀强磁场与D 形盒面垂直,两盒间的狭缝很小,粒子穿过的时间可忽略,它们接在电压为U 、周期为T 的交流电源上,中心A 处粒子源产生的粒子飘人狭缝中由初。
已知卡那霉素抗性基因(kan R)常作为标记基因,只有含卡那霉素抗性基因的细胞才能在卡那霉素培养基上生长。
下列叙述正确的是()A.生产抗虫棉的整个过程中只需要基因工程操作即可B.卡那霉素抗性基因(kan R)中可能存在限制酶的酶切位点C.利用CaCl2处理的大肠杆菌将重组质粒导入离体棉花叶片组织细胞D.为检测抗虫基因是否成功表达,将“离体棉花叶片组织”放在含卡那霉素的培养基上培养4.下列有关“制作并观察植物细胞有丝分裂的临时装片”实验的叙述,正确的A.解离的目的是使染色体离开细胞核B.漂洗的目的是洗去染色剂,避免染色过度C.使用龙胆紫溶液的目的是使染色体着色D.盖好盖玻片后压片的目的是使染色体分散开5.溶酶体具有细胞内消化功能,其内部水解酶的最适PH在5.0左右,下列叙述错误的是()A.溶酶体内的水解酶是由核糖体合成的B.溶酶体执行功能时伴随其膜组分的更新C.细胞质基质中的被转运到溶酶体内需消耗能量D.正常生理状态下溶酶体对自身机体的细胞结构无分解作用6.测定玉米正常植株和矮化突变体植株的内源赤霉素含量,结果如下图。
1、某个量D 的变化量ΔD ,ΔD 与发生这个变化所用时间Δt 的比值Dt∆∆叫做这个量D 的变化率.关于“加速度的变化率”,下列说法正确的是( )A .“加速度的变化率”的单位是 m/s 2B .加速度的变化率为0的运动是匀速直线运动C .若加速度与速度同方向,如图所示的a -t 图象,表示的是物体的速度在减小D .若加速度与速度同方向,如图所示的a -t 图象,已知物体在t =0时速度为5 m/s ,则2 s 末的速度大小为7 m/s2、如图所示,一颗人造卫星原来在椭圆轨道1绕地球E 运行,在P 点变轨后进入轨道2做匀速圆周运动。
下列说法正确的是A .不论在轨道1还是轨道2运行,卫星在P 点的速度都相同B .不论在轨道1还是轨道2运行,卫星在P 点的加速度都相同C .卫星在轨道1的任何位置都具有相同的加速度D .卫星在轨道2的任何位置都具有相同的速度3、目前海王星有14颗已知的天然卫星,“海卫一”是海王星的卫星中最大的一颗。
若“海卫一”绕海王星的运行轨道视为圆其轨道半径为r,运行周期为T,将海王星视为质量分布均匀且半径为R 的球体,引力常量为G ,则海王星的质量为A .B .C .D .4、一船在静水中的速度是10 m/s ,要渡过宽为240 m 、水流速度为8 m/s 的河流,sin 53°=0.8,cos 53°=0.1.则下列说法中正确的是( ) A .此船过河的最短时间是30 sB .船垂直到达正对岸的实际航行速度是1 m/sC .船头的指向与上游河岸的夹角为53°船可以垂直到达正对岸D .此船不可能垂直到达正对岸5、已知地球和月球半径的比值为4 ,地球和月球表面重力加速度的比值为6 ,则地球和月球密度的比值为 A .23 B .32C .4D .6 6、如图所示,物体A 、B 用足够长的细绳与轻弹簧连接后跨过滑轮,A 置于薄木板上,此时弹簧左侧细绳与木板平行,已知质量3A B m m ,现将薄木板由倾角30°缓慢放平,物体A 始终与木板保持相对静止,不计滑轮摩擦,物体A 、B 大小可忽略不计.( )A .弹簧伸长量逐渐变大B .连接A 、B 的细绳对滑轮的作用力不变C .物体A 受到的摩擦力先变小后变大D .物体A 受到的摩擦力大小不变二、多项选择题:本题共4小题,每小题5分,共20分。
第一部分(共20小题,每小题1.5分,满分30分)1.Jack and Mike were found cheating in the exam, and_______by their teacher at the moment.A.were scolded B.are being scoldedC.have been scolded D.were being scolded2.一When he know the result of today’s job interview?一In a couple of days.A.should B.may C.shall D.must3.The incident turned him into different person, even if he did not realize it at beginning.A.a; a B.the; the C.the; a D.a; the4.—Would you mind giving your advice on how to improve our business management? —If you make ________ most of the equipment, there will be ________ rise in production.A.the; a B./; / C./; a D.the; /5.Communication can help you gain more respect from your parents, and you may be able to reach ____ that make everyone happy.A.compromises B.contributions C.congratulations D.competitions6.The government spokesman has to ________ his words before responding to reporters.A.pass B.weigh C.cover D.express7.Dad is used to smoking and drinking. There’s no chance _____ I’m able to talk him into .A.whether ; giving it up B.of whether; giving them upC.that; getting rid of them D.which; stopping it8.Sometimes we have to face embarrassing moments ________ we can only keep silent. A.who B.whichC.when D.why9.Mr. Wilson is a man of patience and kindness, and his good temper never ______ him. A.fails B.disappointsC.controls D.worries10.The dining room is clean and tidy, with a table already ______for a big meal.A. being laid B.laying C.to lay D.laid 11.That was not the first time he ____ us. I think it's high time we ____ strong actions against him.A.betrayed, take B.had betrayed, tookC.has betrayed, took D.has betrayed, take12.A large number of excellent films ______ all over the world over the past decades. A.have produced B.have been producedC.were produced D.produced13.____ which university to attend, the girl asked her teacher for advice.A.Not knowing B.Knowing not C.Not known D.Known not14.-I was afraid I would miss the important lecture.-Oh, was that why you _______asking me to speed up?A.had kept B.are keepingC.would keep D.kept15.—I wonder why he has been acting so strangely these days.—Recent pressure at work may ____ his behavior.A.account for B.call for C.change for D.stand for 16.Quantities of soil ________ in the area, resulting in the increasing number of natural disasters.A.is washed away B.have washed awayC.have washed away D.have been washed away17.The U.S. official said North Korea --- and Iran --- should follow in the steps of Libya, which last December said it would work__________ to allow international weapons inspectors to do their work.A.unconditionally B.unwillingly C.unfortunately D.uncomfortably 18.By the time he realizes the mistake he ________,it will be too late for him to do anything about it.A.has made B.made C.makes D.will make19.Everybody was touched ______ words after they heard her moving story. A.without B.beyondC.against D.despite20.—Did you take sides when Mom and Dad were arguing again?—No. I’ve learned that it’s best _______ until it blows over.A.to call it a day B.to pull their legsC.to sit on the fence D.to wash my hands off第二部分阅读理解(满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。
广东省汕头市东厦中学09—10学年度高三第一次质量检测数学文科卷一、选择题:本大题共10小题,每小题5分,共50分1.已知R 为实数集,2{|20},{|1}M x x x N x x =-<=≥,则=)(N C M R ( ).A .{|01}x x <<B .{|02}x x <<C .{|1}x x <D .∅2.函数x x y 22-=的定义域为{}3,2,1,0,那么其值域为( )A .{}3,0,1-B .{}3,2,1,0C .{}31≤≤-y yD .{}30≤≤y y 3、已知m +i 1n =-i ,其中,m n 是实数,i 是虚数单位,则m n +=(A )-1 (B )0(C )1(D )24. 不等式02)1(≥+-x x 的解集是( )A .{x|x>1}B .{x|x ≥1或x =-2}C .{x|x ≥1}D .{x|x ≥-2且x ≠1} 5. 已知命题p :x ∀∈R ,sin x x >,则 ( ) A .p ⌝:x ∃∈R ,sin x x < B .p ⌝:x ∀∈R ,sin x x ≤ C .p ⌝:x ∃∈R ,sin x x ≤D .p ⌝:x ∀∈R ,sin x x <6.已知向量a 表示“向东航行1km”,向量b 表示“向南航行1km”,则向量a +b 表示(A )向东南航行2km (B km(C )向东北航行2km (D km7.若命题p :x ∈A ∪B 则⌝p 是( ) A .x ∉A 且x ∉B B .x ∉A 或x ∉BC .B A x ∉D .B A x ∈8.已知命题p ∶x ≥1,命题q ∶x 2≥x ,则p 是q 的 (A )充分不必要条件 (B )必要不充分条件(C )充要条件(D )既不充分也不必要条件9.在实数集上定义运算⊗:)1(y x y x -=⊗,若不等式1)()(<+⊗-a x a x 对任意实数x 都成立,则实数a 的取值范围是( )A .()1 1,- B .()2 0, C.)23 21(,- .D )21 23(,- 10.当点(,)M x y 在如图所示的三角形ABC 内(含边界)运 动时,目标函数z kx y =+取得最大值的一个最 优解为(1,2),则实数k 的取值范围是( )A .(,1][1,)-∞-+∞B .[1,1]-C .(,1)(1,)-∞-+∞ D .(1,1)-二、填空题:本大题共4小题,每小题5分,共20分11.命题“若122,->>bab a 则”的否命题为 ; 12.函数()ln 2y x =-的定义域是 ;13.下图是一个物体的三视图,根据图中尺寸, 它的体积为 .请从下面两题中选做一题,两题全答的,只计算第一题得分.14.如图,从圆O 外一点P 作圆O 的割线PAB 、PCD ,AB 是圆O 的直径,若PA=4,PC=5,CD=3,则∠CBD= 。
2021届汕头市东厦中学高三英语一模试题及答案第一部分阅读(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项AMy mother and her best friend Martha were in their mid-80s when they saw each other for the last time.They had been friends since they were 18, both of them students atWesleyanCollegeinMacon,Georgia. My mother was the dreamy one, who loved to read and dream herself as an actress. Martha, however, was more practical. I’m not sure what they had in common except that they trusted each other, helped each other, and stayed in touch even when life separated them.Martha spent most of her adulthood inAtlanta, where she raised three kids. My mother, meanwhile, raised eight children, and moved many times during her financially and emotionally troubled marriage, which included several months living with her family inseedymotels.I sensed my mother hid her troubles from most people, but not from Martha, and I knew from my mother that Martha carried her own sorrows. Their willingness to share sorrow without judgment was part of what bond them.The best friendships can also withstand (抵挡) periods without communication. They didn’t communicate a lot — this was before the ease of emails and texts and yet I knew they were always in each other’s minds.One day in 2008, 1 drove my mother to Martha’s house for their final visit. The moment my mother hobbled (蹒跚) into Martha’s house, they threw their arms around each other and went to sit out in the garden, laughing until they were dizzy. I snapped a photo, and spotted something joyous, young and free on my mom, which existed only in the presence of her best friend.Two years later, my mother died. Of all the people I had to tell, Martha was the hardest because I felt it erased her past. After that, we lost touch. But I still think of her and how that friendship strengthened my mother.1. What does the underlined word “seedy” in Paragraph 3 probably mean?A. largeB. dirtyC. urbanD. bright2. The author’s mother and Martha had a lasting friendship partly because they________.A. were willing to shareB. were constantly in touchC. had much in commonD. had a likeness in personality3. What is the author’s purpose in writing the text?A. To tell the importance of friendship.B. To express his gratitude to his mother.C. To share his standard of choosing a friend.D. To praise the friendship between Martha and his mother.BWhen a United Kingdomsupermarket chain promised to move its farms to Net Zero by 2030, it made it clear that the effort would require working on many different fronts. From energy consumption and land - use change to methane emissions (甲烷排放), cattle farming comes with environmental challenges. So even if recent studies suggesting it's possible to cut methane emissions 80% do turn out to be accurate, there's still a very long way to go for most cattle farming to get anywhere close to truly net zero.Organic Valley, when producing milk, might be closer to that goal. It made headlines in 2019 by going 100% renewable (可再生的). Now the company is expanding on that tradition by starting a major loan initiative (贷款计划) to help its farm suppliers adopt renewable energy too.Created with Clean Energy Credit Union, the $ 1 million loan fund will deliver loans at below - marketrates. Specifically, the money will be made available to Organic Valley's 1, 700 farmer members, and can be used for a variety of projects.“We are focused on a whole systems approach to renewable energy, and I'm excited to launch this energy loan fund. From the farm to the shelf, I see renewable energy playing a bigger role in organic food,” said Bob Kirchoff, Organic Valley CEO.“Organic Valley is already helping to protect the environment through organic farming practices, and now they re going one step further by supporting the introduction of renewable energy projects for their farmer members,” said Blake Jones, volunteer board chair of Clean Energy Credit Union. “In addition to the environmental benefits, we re eager to help family farmers throughout the world to lower their energy costs.”The world is not short of examples of farmers innovating in the field of renewable energy. What's encouraging about Organic Valley's announcement is the idea of a national brand putting its marketing and financing weight behind such efforts and, hopefully, creating consumer demand that pushes the rest of the industry in this direction too.4. What does paragraph 1 indicate about going net zero for cattle farming?A It is not easy to achieve B. It is common in the UKC. It is an impractical goalD. It meets no challenges5. What is Organic Valley's tradition according to the text?A. Helping farm suppliersB. Using renewable energyC. Having a loan initiativeD. Making headlines annually6. What is Organic Valley's initiative mainly intended to do?A. Reform organic farming practicesB. Make use of environmental benefitsC. Help farmers decrease energy costsD. Shrink the group of farmer members7. What is the author's attitude towards Organic Valley's initiative?A. WorriedB. DoubtfulC. AmbiguousD. PositiveCYou must have read "The Tortoise and the Hare(《龟兔赛跑》)" when you were younger. So which animal are you? The tortoise or the hare? Do you rush around trying to do things as quickly as possible? Or do you deal your work at a slow , but steady(稳定的)pace? Whether you approach life like the tortoise or the hare can make a difference in the results you'll see.Some will say that you should avoid being like the hare. After all. he was overconfident and finally lost the race. You mayalso have heard teachers say from time to time that "haste makes waste”. But what does that mean? Most people think it meant that the faster you do something,the more likely it is that you'll make mistakes. Many teaches wantyouto approach your schoolwork thoughtfully and carefully.But does haste always make waste? Not necessarily ! Some people are able to work quickly while also maintaining(保持)a high level of quality in all that they do. Recent research, however, is making the idea of haste making waste seem more believableResearchers found that the brain changes into a special mode(模式)when forced to make rapid decisions. Overall, there appears to be a trade-off between speed and correctness. As the brain makes decisions more quickly, those decisions are usually built on less information, which often leads to a greater likelihood of mistakes.When you approach things like the tortoise. you methodically and steadily work towards your goal. You might not arrive there first, but then again you might! In any case, you're likely to make fewer mistakes and you might just enjoy the journey more than the bare.Goals are great to work towards, but often the achievements aren't what we remember. In the end, the most meaningful and important parts of our lives are the journeys we went on , not the destination we reached. So be the hare when you have to, but always remember that the slow and steady journey is what you’ll remember and treasure the most.8. Why does the author mention the story in the first paragraph?A. To introduce the topic.B. To show its popularity.C. To suggest its importance.D. To advise readers to read it.9. For what purpose do teachers often say “haste makes waste to students?A. To ask them not to waste their time.B. To tell them it is OK to make mistakes.C. To ask them to avoid making silly mistakes.D. To tell them they should check their schoolwork.10. What is Paragraph 4 mainly about?A. How the brain collects the information it needs.B. When the decision made by the brain is correct.C. Why the quickly-made decision is often unwise.D. What the relationship between lime and results is.11. Which of the following may the author agree with?A. Finishing the race is often a victory for everyone.B. Joy is found not in finishing an activity but in doing it.C. The journey to every destination starts with a small step.D. A destination is important because it guides us on the journey.DIn the old days, when you had to drive to a movie theater to get some entertainment, it was easy to see how your actions could have an impact(影响)on the environment. After all, you were jumping into your car, driving across town, coughing out emissions(产生排放)and using gas all the way. But now that we're used to staying at home and streaming movies, we might get a littleproud. After all, we're just picking up our phones and maybe turning on the TV. You're welcome. Mother Nature.Not so fast, says a recent report from the French-based Shift Project. According to "Climate Crisis: The Unsustainable Use of Online Video", digital technologies are responsible for 4% of greenhouse gas emissions, and that energy use is increasing by 9% a year. Watching a half-hour show would cause 1. 6 kilograms of carbon dioxide emissions. That's like driving 6. 28 kilometers. And in the European Union, the Eureca project found that data centers(where videos are stored)there used 25% more energy in 2017 compared to just three years earlier, reports the BBC.Streaming is only expected to increase as webecome more enamored ofour digital devices(设备)and the possibility of enjoying entertainment where and when we want it increases. Online video use is expected to increase by four times from 2017 to 2022 and account for 80% of all Internet traffic by 2022. By then, about 60% of the world's population will be online.You're probably not going to give up your streaming services, but there're things you can do to help lessen the impact of your online use, experts say. For example, according to Lutz Stobbe, a researcher from the Fraunhofer Institute in Berlin, we have no need to upload 25 pictures of the same thing to the cloud because it consumes energy every time. If instead you delete a few things here and there, you can save energy. Moreover, it's also a good idea to stream over Wi-Fi, watch on the smallest screen you can, and turn off your Wi-Fi in your home if you're not using your devices.12. What topic is the first paragraph intended to lead in?A. The environmental effects of driving private cars.B. The improvements on environmental awareness.C. The change in the way people seek entertainment.D The environmental impacts of screaming services.13. What does the underlined phrase become more enamored of" in paragraph 3 probably mean?A. Get more skeptical of.B. Become more aware of.C. Feel much crazier about.D. Get more worried about.14. What can we infer about the use of streaming services?A. It is being reduced to protect the planet.B. Its environmental effects are worsening.C. It is easily available to almost everyone.D. Its side effects have drawn global attention.15. Which of the following is the most environmentally-friendly?A. Watching downloaded movies on a mobile phone.B. Downloading music on a personal computer.C. Uploading a lot of images of the same thing.D. Playing online games over mobile networks.第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
2020届汕头市东厦中学高三英语一模试题及参考答案第一部分阅读(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项ABest Online Bachelor's ProgramsAn online college degree may appeal to those who want to take lasses while working full time. Choosing where to sign up online will likely be challenging, but below you'll find advice and other resources to make your search easier.•ArizonaStateUniversityASU relies upon cutting-edge technology and world-class educators to offer degree programs that fit into any lifestyle. Its courses employ advanced technology, such as our virtual labs, adaptive learning and virtual community, to provide real-world experiences to prepare graduates for their chosen industry.ADMISSION: 15,321TUITION: S413•UniversityofIllinoisUI is a top-ranked, diverse research institution and an approved SARA institution. For UTs degree completion programs, students transfer with an associate degree or 57-60 credits. All of the online classes arc recorded so students can access lecture material at their convenience.ADMISSION: 385TUITION: S462•UniversityofFloridaUF Online is a fully-online degree pathway giving students access to the same teachers in UF. Courses arc designed and taught by UF's well-known teachers. Students feel connected, frequently communicating with teachers and their fellow students.ADMISSION: 3,340TUITION: $500•OhioStateUniversityThe courses of OSU online bachelor's programs are all related to health science. The online programs are flexible providing students with the knowledge to enter professional medical practice or prepare them for moreadvanced roles in their fields.ADMISSION: 542TUITION: 56421. What's special aboutArizonaStateUniversity?A. It is an approved SARA institution.B. It provides the most expensive programs.C. It offers some technology-assisted courses.D. It admits fewer students than other universities.2. Which university’s, online programs favor medical students?A.ArizonaStateUniversity.B.UniversityofIllinois.C.UniversityofFlorida.D.OhioStateUniversity.3. What's the purpose of this passage?A. To advertise free online programs.B. To call on people to sign up online.C. To introduce some best online programs.D. To provide access to the best universities.BHappiness is not a warm phone, according to a new study exploring the link between young life satisfaction and screen time. The study was led by professor of psychology Jean M. Twenge at San Diego State University (SDSU).To research this link, Twenge, along with colleagues Gabrielle Martin at SDSU and W. Keith Campbell at the University of Georgia, dealt with data from the Monitoring the Future (MtF) study, a nationally representative survey of more than a million U. S. 8th-, 10th-, and 12th-graders. The survey asked students questions about how often they spent time on their Phones, tablets and computers, as well as questions about their face-to-face social interactions and their overall happiness.On average found that teens who spent more time in front of screen devices — playing computer games, using social media, texting and video chatting — were less happy than those who invested more time in non-screen activities like sports, reading newspapers and magazines, and face-to-face social interactions."The key to digital media use and happiness is limited use," Twenge said. "Aim to spend no more than two hours a day on digital media, and try to increase the amount of time you spend seeing friends face-to-face andexercising — two activities reliably linked to greater happiness."Looking at historical trends from the same age groups since the 1990s, it's easy to find that the increase of screen devices over time happened at the same time as a general drop-off in reported happiness inU. S.teens. Specifically, young peopled life satisfaction and happiness declined sharply after 2012. That's the year when the percentage of Americans who owned a smartphone rose above 50 percent. By far the largest change in teens' lives between 2012 and 2016 was the increase in the amount of time they spent on digital media, and the following decline in in-person social activities and sleep.4. Which method did Twenge's team use for the study?A. Calculating students' happiness.B. Asking students certain questions.C. Analyzing data from a survey.D. Doing experiments on screen time.5. How does the author develop the finding of the study in paragraph 3?A. By making a comparison.B. By giving an example.C. By making an argument.D. By introducing a concept.6. What is the purpose of the last paragraph?A To draw a conclusion from the study.B. To offer some advice to the readers.C. To prove social activities' importance.D. To support the researchers' finding.7. Which of the following can be the best title for the text?A. Quitting Phones Equals HappinessB. Screen Time Should Be BannedC. Teens' Lives Have Changed SharplyD. Screen-addicted Teens Are UnhappierCThe air is thin and we have to rest several times on the shore hike from camp. To our left, snow-covered mountains disappear into clouds that seem almost close enough to touch. On the plain in front of us, we can justmake out a herd of graceful animals. This is why we stay here.Tibetan antelopes live mainly on the plains of Tibet. Watching them move slowly across the green grass, I'm struck by their beauty. I'm also reminded of the danger they are in. They are being hunted illegally for their valuable fur.My guide is Zhaxi, a villager from Changtang. He works at the Changtang National Nature Reserve. The reserve is a safe place for the animals and plants of northwestern Tibet. To Zhaxi, protecting the wildlife is a way of life. “We're not trying to save the animals,” he says. “Actually, we're trying to save ourselves.”In the 1980s and 1990s the population of Tibetan antelopes dropped by more than 50 percent. Hunters were shooting antelopes to make money. Their living places were becoming smaller as new roads and railways were built.In order to save Tibetan antelopes, the Chinese government placed them under national protection. Zhaxi and volunteers watched over the antelopes day and night to keep them safe from attacks. Bridges and gates were added to let the antelopes move easily and keep them safe from cars and trains.The measures were effective. The antelope population has recovered and in June 2015, the Tibetan antelope wasremovedfrom the endangered species list. The government, however, does not intend to stop the protection program since the threat to the Tibetan antelope has not yet disappeared. Only when we learn to exist in harmony with nature can we stop being a threat to wildlife and to our planet.8. What can we learn from Zhaxi's words in paragraph 3?A. Protecting the animals can make money.B. Protecting the animals is protecting ourselves.C. He is not fond of protecting the animals.D. The reserve is only safe for wild animals.9. What is mainly talked about in paragraph 4?A. Why hunters hunt Tibetan antelopes.B. Why antelopes' living places changed.C. Why antelopes' number dropped greatly.D. Why the 1980s and the 1990s are unusual.10. What does the underlined word “removed” in the last paragraph probably mean?A. Deleted.B. Changed.C. Migrated.D. Recognized.11. What might be the future condition of Tibetan antelopes according to the last paragraph?A. They will be over-populated.B. They will be a threat to man and other wildlife.C. They will be on the endangered species list again.D. They will be in harmony with nature and humans.DDogs are often referred to as “man's best friend”. But MacKenzie, a four-pound Chihuahua (奇瓦瓦狗), who was named winner of the 2020 American Hero Dog competition, is making the world a better place for humans and animals alike. Often called the “Oscars for dogs”, the award recognizes dogs who make great contributions to society.This year's competition attracted over 400 competitors from across the country. While all were impressive, it was tiny MacKenzie who won the judges' hearts. Born at a rescue shelter in Hilton, New York, in 2013, she had a cleft palate (腭裂) that required her to be tube fed for the first year of her life. A life-saving operation, performed in 2014, gave her the ability to eat and drink independently, enabling the tiny dog to focus on doing what she loved most: taking care of others.The seven-year-old Chihuahua is now gainfully “employed” by the Mid Foundation, a Rochester, New York-based non-profit organization that shelters and cares for animals born with disabilities. MacKenzie's official job is “to provide love and care for baby rescue animals born with birth defects”. The Chihuahua is good at her job and hasnurturedmany different species-from puppies to kittens to turkeys, squirrels, birds and even a goat. She acts as their mother and teaches them how to socialize, play, and have good manners.In addition to her role as an animal caretaker, MacKenzie also has the important job of greeting the foundation's volunteers and friends. The incredible dog, who has lost her ability to bark, also visits area schools to help children understand physical disabilities in both animals and people. Her heart-warming and inspiring story makes MacKenzie worthy of America's top dog honor!12. What made MacKenzie American Hero Dog?A. Being man's best friend.B. Her struggle with disabilities.C. Rescuing animals with disabilities.D. Her contributions to a better world.13. What can we infer about MacKenzie from Paragraph 2?A. Her growth path was not easy.B. She was deserted by her owner.C. She was operated on at two years old.D. She still needs taking care of by others.14. What does the underlined word “nurtured” in Paragraph 3 mean?A. Trained.B. Comforted.C. Tended.D. Abused.15. Which can be a suitable title for the text?A. MacKenzie—The Most Hard-working DogB. MacKenzie—America's “Most Heroic Dog”C. Chihuahua—Inspiration of Positive EnergyD. Chihuahua—Appeal for Animals' Protection第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
广东省汕头市达濠华侨中学东厦中学2022届高三数学上学期第一次联考试题 理
2022-2022学年度第一学期高三级第一次联考试卷理科数学第一卷〔共60分〕一、选择题:〔本大题共12个小题,每题5分,共60分〕1. 全集U =R , 集合{}2|20N A x x x =∈-≤, {}2,3B =, 那么=)(B C A U A .∅ B .{}0 C .{}1 D .{}0,1 2.复数21iz =+,那么2z =〔 〕 A .2- B .2 C .2i - D .2i 3.在等比数列{}n a 中,1344a a a ==,那么6a =〔 〕 A .6 B .8± C .8- D .8 4.函数)sin(ϕω+=x A y 的局部图象如下图,那么 A. )6sin(2π+=x y B. )62sin(2π-=x y C. )3sin(2π+=x y D. )32sin(2π-=x y 5.522⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛+x x 的展开式中4x 的系数为〔 〕A .10B .20C .40D .806.双曲线14222=-y a x 的渐近线方程为x y 332±=,那么此双曲线的离心率是( ) A.72 B.133 C.53 D.2137.执行下面的程序框图,假如输入的1a =-,那么输出的S = A .2 B .3 C .4 D .58.变量x ,y 满足22221x y x y y x +⎧⎪--⎨⎪-⎩≤≥≥,那么3z y x =-的取值范围为〔 〕A .[]1,6B .[]2,6C .[]2,5D .[]1,2第4题9.某几何体的外接球的半径为3,其三视图如下图, 图中均为正方形,那么该几何体的体积为〔 〕 A .16 B .163C .83D .810.x ,y 均为正实数,且1x +2+1y +2=16,那么x +y 的最小值为( ) A .24 B .32 C .20 D .2811.过抛物线22y px =〔0p >〕的焦点作一条斜率为1的直线交抛物线于A ,B 两点向y 轴引垂线交y 轴于D ,C ,假设梯形ABCD 的面积为32,那么p =〔 〕 A .1 B .2 C .3 D .412. 假设不等式0log 42<-x x a 对任意)41,0(∈x 恒成立,那么实数a 的取值范围为〔 〕 A .⎪⎭⎫⎢⎣⎡12561, B .⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛12561, C . ⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛25610, D .⎥⎦⎤ ⎝⎛25610, 第二卷〔共90分〕二、填空题〔本大题共4小题,每题5分,共20分.把答案填在答题纸上〕13. 设函数2log ,0()4,0xx x f x x >⎧=⎨≤⎩,那么[(1)]f f -= 14.曲线)1ln(2+=x y 在点()0,0处的切线方程为15.不共线向量a ,b 满足a b =,且()2a a b ⊥-,那么a 与b 的夹角为16.函数22)(),)(1)(3()(-=++++=x x g m x m x m x f ,假设对任意R x ∈,有)(x f >0 或)(x g >0 成立,那么实数 m 的取值范围是三、解答题:〔本大题共6小题,共70分〕17.〔本小题总分值10分〕函数222)(22-++-=ax a x x f (1)当1=a 时,解不等式2)(<x f(2)假设对于任意非零实数a 以及任意实数x ,不等式2)(a x b x f -->恒成立,务实数b的取值范围。
第一部分(共20小题,每小题1.5分,满分30分)1.—Shall we put off the experiment till next week?—______, I don’t think our teacher will be happy with it.A.Never mind B.Sure, go aheadC.Yes, better not D.I’d rather not2.The U.S. official said North Korea --- and Iran --- should follow in the steps of Libya, which last December said it would work__________ to allow international weapons inspectors to do their work.A.unconditionally B.unwillingly C.unfortunately D.uncomfortably3.______ the deadline, the workers had to work overtime to get the job finished. A.Giving B.Given C.Having given D.To give4.The kid is crying, for he ______ jump over the ditch on his own.A.dares not to B.dare not to C.doesn’t dare to D.dares not 5.The Mid-Autumn Festival is ________ special holiday for most Chinese when________ whole family will get together.A.the; the B.a; the C.a; a D.the; a6.Many developing countries are unwilling to pursue their economic development______ destroying the environment despite there being several financial crises.A.at the risk of B.at the cost of C.at the end of D.at the mercy of7.public bicycles with a mobile app is more convenient for users.A.To unlock B.Unlock C.Unlocked D.Unlocking8.The news of the newly-elected president’s coming to China for a visit was ______on the radio just now.A.given away B.given in C.given off D.given out9.— What shall we do tonight then?—, whatever you want.A.Help yourself B.It’s a dealC.No problem D.It’s up to you10.I shook hands and ________ greetings with the manager, who I impressed a lot. A.conveyed B.swapped C.exchanged D.switched11.—Are you doing your homework?—No, I’m writing a short play.It _____ at the Christmas party.A.will be put on B.will put onC.puts on D.is put on12.It is immediately clear ______ the financial crisis will soon be over.A.since B.whatC.when D.whether13.New policies, _______ to insure that compulsory education is truly free, ________ by the local government across China since the start of school on September 1. A.intending; have been made known B.intended; have been made known C.intending; are made known D.intended; had made known14.makes me stressed is the entrance examination is coming nearer and nearer.A.It; what B.What; that C.What; what D.That; that15.________ an increase in foreign legal conflicts,China is expected to see the number continue to rise.A.To witness B.Being witnessedC.Witnessed D.Having witnessed16.—He is so delighted to make friends with Johnson.—Oh, I see. That’s _______ they have much in common.A.where B.how C.what D.because17.Hot the night air was,we slept deeply because we were so tired after the long journey.A.although B.while C.as D.however18.--You know Mr. Green has been ill for days?--Yes, I wonder if he is ______ better now.A.any B.some C.any D.no19.worries the public that air pollution is becoming more and more serious these days.A.It B.That C.What D.This20.By the time he arrived in Beijing, we _______ there for two days.A.will have stayed B.stay C.have been staying D.had stayed第二部分阅读理解(满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。
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2.同一纬度,乙地区比甲地区无霜期长的主要原因是A.乙地的地势比甲地低B.乙地离海近,甲地离海远C.乙地河网密度比甲地大D.乙地受西风和暖流影响,气候的海洋性强3.甲图中①②两地无霜期差值T的范围是A.100<T<150 B.50<T<150 C.150<T<200 D.50<T<100 4.关于两地区主要粮食作物和作物熟制的叙述,正确的是A.甲地:冬小麦,一年两熟B.乙地:春小麦,一年两熟C.甲地:春小麦,一年一熟D.乙地:冬小麦,一年三熟2007年12月3日—14日,联合国气候变化峰会在印度尼西亚的巴厘岛举行,巴厘峰会使国际社会所关注的气候变化的辩论推向顶点。
7.嫦娥1号探月的路线依次是A.1237456 B.3217456C.1237654 D.32176548.地震波在地球内部传播时,科学家们发现在距离地面大约2900千米深度处横波速度突然降低为零,纵波速度也突然降低,这说明了A.地球内部存在着岩浆B.该深度上下层次的温度变化明显C.大陆地壳与大洋地壳的厚度不同D.该深度上下层次的物质组成存在很大差异下面为四幅等高线分布图,若图中等高线的数值皆由左上方向右下方递减,按要求完成9—10题。
9.若四幅图的等高距皆为50米,比例尺分别为1∶10 000、1∶20 000、1∶30 000、1∶40 000,则其坡度由大到小的排序是()A.①>②>③>④B.②>③>①>④C.①>④>③>②D.④>①>②>③10.若四幅图的比例尺皆为1∶10 000,等高距分别为10米、20米、30米、40米,则其坡度由大到小的排序是()A.①>②>③>④B.④>③>②>①C.①>④>③>②D.④>①>③>②读世界局部地区图,回答11—12题。
11.甲阴影区为世界著名自然遗产所在地,该地区地形最主要的外力作用是A.风力侵蚀B.流水侵蚀C.冰川侵蚀D.流水堆积12.丙阴影区是全球水患最严重的区域之一,其水患产生的原因有: ①地势低平②热带雨林气候,全年多雨③热带气旋频频侵袭④春季积雪大量融化⑤受西南季风强弱的影响A.①③⑤B.②③④C.②③⑤D.③④⑤图5中的虚线为等深线,图中M点为中国的钓鱼岛。
回答13~14题:13.图5中AB 线的剖面图是图6中的A .① B.② C.③ D .④ 14.下列有关钓鱼岛的表述正确的是①位于中国大陆的大陆架上 ②属中国大陆向海洋的自然延伸 ③附近海域石油、海洋生物资源丰富 ④图上AM 实际距离大于300Km A .②③④ B .①③④ C .①②④ D .①②③ 15、右图为北半球某海岸等高线地形图(单位:米; 等高距:50米),若从避风角度看,图中较适合 建渔港的是A 、甲B 、乙C 、丙D 、丁16、下列叙述,正确的是A 、夏至日,北半球各地正午太阳高度达一年中的最大值B 、当太阳直射南半球时,北半球一定昼短夜长C 、赤道上全年既无昼夜长短的变化,又无正午太阳高度的变化,所以就没有四季的更替D 、太阳直射海口市(20ºN )这一天,海口市的正午太阳高度达一年中的最大值,而且白昼也最长某校地理小组,根据当地各朝向楼房外墙面接受太阳辐射热量的实测值,计算出一月和七月的太阳辐射日总量,并绘出图4,结合图示信息判断17题。
17.一月接受太阳辐射热量最多的墙面朝向是 A .朝东 B .朝南 C .朝西 D .朝北下图为“我国南方某地区等高线地形示意图(单位:米)”。
18.关于两图中河湖补给关系的说法,正确的是A .甲河补给A 湖B .A 湖补给甲河C .B 湖补给乙河D .乙河属于外流河 19.如果两幅图中等高距相同,下列说法正确的是A .甲河比乙河流速快B .乙河比甲河流速快C .甲河、乙河流速相同D .无法确定下图为某地区不同日期的日出与日落示意图,据图回答20题。
20、图中显示,该地区在冬至时A 、日出早,日落晚B 、白昼长,黑夜短图2C 、日出晚,日落早D 、白昼与黑夜等长(二)、双项选择题:本大题共10小题,每小题3分,共30分。
21.右图中的阴影部分表示黑夜,若将右图中的昼夜现象转绘到下图以 极地为中心的半球图上,能正确反映右图昼夜现象的是右图为某地等高线示意图,据此判断22-24题: 22.图中陡崖顶部的海拔可能是A .380米B .590米C .560米D .630米 23.图中陡崖的相对高度不可能是A .180米B .210米C .280米D .460米 24.图中P 、Q 海拔的比较,正确的是 A .P 一定比Q 高 B .P 一定比Q 低 C .P 可能比Q 低500米 D .Q 可能比P 高150米读某国工业化、城市化进程比较图(图12), 回答25~26题。
25.关于该国工业化、城市化进程特点的叙述, 正确的是A .城市化与工业化呈同步增长趋势B .阶段Ⅰ城市化进程速度比阶段Ⅱ快C .该国可能属发达国家D .阶段Ⅱ,工业化促进了城市化 26.阶段Ⅲ,该国新增就业机会主要来自A .资金密集型产业B .技术密集型产业C .资源密集型产业D .现代服务业读“七个国家土地生产利用条件.人口密度比较表”,完成27~28题:27.人均有效利用土地由多到少的排序正确的:A. 澳大利亚 俄罗斯 中国 印度B.美国 加拿大 巴西 中国C. 澳大利亚 巴西 中国 印度D.加拿大 澳大利亚 中国 印度 28.下列叙述正确的是:A.土地资源最丰富的是巴西B.成熟土地最丰富的是印度C.中国难以利用的土地比重居中D. 最地广人稀的是澳大利亚 2007年8月24日希腊从南部伯罗奔尼撒半岛开始燃起的森林大火,持续时间长达一个多星期,大火吞噬了这个国家一半以上的土地。
29.关于此次火灾的一些说法,正确的是 A.这个季节强大的盛行西风加速了火势蔓延B.此季节南欧高温、天气干旱是大火难扑灭的重要原因之一C.被大火烧毁的林地很可能有大片的橄榄、油棕榈林D.由于大火造成的生态破坏可能导致某些地区更易发生山体滑坡30.此次火灾用20多架飞机在空中穿梭灭火,政府运用卫星遥感图象实时监控火情,这些 先进技术的运用对于灭火工作起到了很大的作用。
下列说法正确的是 A.飞机快速灭火主要是运用了GPS 精确定位功能 B.卫星实时监控主要是运用了GPS 精确定位功能C.卫星实时监控、计算受灾面积、确定火灾发展趋势等功能体现GIS 系统在现实中的应用D.卫星遥感图片体现了RS 在现实中的应用第二部分 综合题(共80分)二、综合题(本大题共7小题,满分80分,其中36、37题为选做题,可任选其中一道做答。
(11分) 材料一 太阳系原九大行星在太阳系中的位置示意图材料二 偏心率(e )是焦点到椭圆中心的 距离与椭圆半长轴之比,它决定椭圆的形状。
如果e=0,轨道就是圆;各个行星的轨道面 与黄道面之间的夹角叫轨道倾角(i )。
如果i=0, 行星的轨道面就与黄道面重合。
材料三 下表是太阳系原九大行星有关数据比较表(1)图中各行星绕日公转具有同向性,即呈____________时针方向绕太阳运行。
图中字母A 、B 、C 、D 表示冥王星的是______________________________。
(至少答2点)__________________________________________________________ ___ ____________________________________________________。
(3分) 32、读右图,按要求完成下列问题:(12分)(1)该图表示的是每年 (节气)日的情况。
此刻太阳直射点的地理坐标是 。
(3分)(2)图中,甲乙两地均位于晨昏线中的 线上,乙地日出时刻是 点钟。
(4分)(3)按图中所示情况,北京时间是 点钟,我国南极中山考察站的黑夜长 小时。
(4分)(4)在图中所示的这一天,下列地点中正午太阳高度角达一年中最大值的是(2分)A 、北京B 、广州C 、甲地D 、乙地33、读右侧世界地图,回答:(14分)(1)若AB 为昏线,则H 地的区时为 ( ) A.6月22日6时 B.6月22日18时 C.12月22日18时 D.12月22日6时 (2)若DF 为晨线,由东半球内属于22日的范围可能是( )A.20°W 向东至160°E 之间B.0°向东至180°之间C.160°W 向东至20°E 之间D.0°向东至160°E 之间(3)判断方向,E 地在H 地,D 地在H 地的方向分别是( )A.西北西南B.西北东南C.东北西南D.东北东南(4)在A地进行钻探,设法垂直钻透地球,则最有可能在:( )A.(D)点B.(B、C)点C.(E、F)点D.(H)点(5)图中缺失地中海气候的大洲有:( )A.一个B.二个C.三个D.四个(6)热带企业化种植园的自然条件优势是___ _____,社会经济条件存在的问题是__ ____。