Molecular Organization and Evolution of 5S rDNA in the Genus




Sequence1 Sequence2 Sequence3
Position 1
Position 1 2 3 T G C T A C A G G A A G
If 1 and 2 are grouped a total of four changes are needed.
genetic change
Rooted tree vs. Unrooted tree
无 A 有 根 根 树 B 树 two major ways to root trees:
10 3 2 5
By midpoint or distance
d (A,D) = 10 + 3 + 5 = 18 Midpoint = 18 / 2 = 9
Distance Uses only pairwise distances Minimizes distance between nearest neighbors Very fast Easily trapped in local optima Good for generating tentative tree, or choosing among multiple trees Maximum parsimony Uses only shared derived characters Minimizes total distance Maximum likelihood Uses all data Maximizes tree likelihood given specific parameter values Very slow Highly dependent on assumed evolution model Good for very small data sets and for testing trees built using other methods



⽣物信息学论⽂⽣物信息学课程论⽂⼀个⽟⽶ Mlo 基因的电⼦克隆与⽣物信息学分析姓名:学号:班级:⽣科2班⼀个⽟⽶ Mlo 基因的电⼦克隆与⽣物信息学分析摘要:Mlo 基因家族在植物抗病⽅⾯有极⼤的优势,但有些 Mlo 基因的功能还未知。

经序列拼接电⼦克隆得到 1 个⽟⽶的 Mlo 基因,采⽤⽣物信息学⽅法预测分析了编码蛋⽩的⼀、⼆、三级结构,并对其功能进⾏了预测。

结果表明:⽟⽶ Mlo 基因编码的蛋⽩有⼀个保守的 DUF1084 结构域,此结构域功能在植物中尚未知。

⽣物信息学分析表明,此蛋⽩很可能是⼀种类似于 G 蛋⽩偶联受体的膜结合转运蛋⽩⽽参与到信号传递过程中。

关键词:⽟⽶;Mlo 基因;电⼦克隆;⽣物信息学植物在长期的⽣物进化中形成了⼀系列复杂⽽严密的防御机制,使⾃⾝免受病原物的侵害[1,2]。


Mlo 基因最初在⼤麦中被发现,这类基因在植物中编码⼀个七次跨膜结构域的蛋⽩家族,可能起到与 G 蛋⽩偶联受体(G Protein Coupled Receptor,GPCR)类似的功能。

他们的拓扑结构、亚细胞定位和序列多样化与动物和真菌的 G 蛋⽩偶联受体很相似。

野⽣型 mlo 基因赋予⼤麦对⽩粉菌的⼴谱抗性[3]。

⽩粉病是由⽩粉菌引起的真菌性病害,⽩粉菌能侵染650 多种单⼦叶植物和 9 000 多种双⼦叶植物[4,5]。

⽬前已对拟南芥、⽔稻和杨树中的 Mlo 基因家族有深⼊的研究[6]。

电⼦克隆法是近年来基于表达序列标签(Expressed Sequence Tag,EST)和基因组数据库发展起来的基因克隆新型技术[7],具有效率⾼、成本低、对实验条件要求低等特点。



本研究以⽟⽶为材料,对其中的⼀个 Mlo 基因进⾏电⼦克隆,并对其进⾏部分⽣物信息学⽅⾯分析,为⽟⽶ Mlo 基因的应⽤及⽟⽶的抗病育种提供理论依据。



多基因串联构建进化树的经典文献1. Felsenstein, J. (1985). Confidence limits on phylogenies: An approach using the bootstrap. Evolution, 39(4), 783-791.这篇经典文献提出了一种使用bootstrap方法构建进化树并计算置信区间的方法。


2. Nei, M., & Kumar, S. (2000). Molecular evolution and phylogenetics. Oxford university press.这本经典教材详细介绍了使用多基因串联数据构建进化树的方法。


3. Yang, Z. (2006). Computational molecular evolution. Oxford university press.这本经典教材介绍了使用多基因串联数据进行计算机模拟和进化树构建的方法。


4. Rannala, B., & Yang, Z. (1996). Probability distribution of molecular evolutionary trees: A new method of phylogenetic inference. Journal of molecular evolution, 43(3), 304-311.这篇经典文献提出了一种基于贝叶斯统计的方法,用于构建进化树并估计参数。


5. Wiens, J. J., & Moen, D. S. (2008). Missing data and the accuracy of Bayesian phylogenetics. Journal of Systematics and Evolution, 46(3), 307-314.这篇经典文献探讨了在多基因串联数据中缺失数据的影响,并提出了一种贝叶斯方法来处理缺失数据问题。

基因及遗传学 2016影响因子

基因及遗传学 2016影响因子

31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47
1,500 3,196 3,638 5,449 1,206 30,817 1,469 5,063 1,231 5,133 20,633 6,076 29,555 8,952 16,267 2,287 2,388
53 54 54 56 57 58 59 60 60 62 63 64 65 66 67
4,274 2,872 771 3,419 3,704 3,208 2,425 7,779 545 344 1,325 6,051 5,794 5,007 2,259 1,236 1,905 3,007 591 9,656 1,257 1,892 3,556 4,483 630 2,413
3.391 3.385 3.385 3.326 3.290 3.268 3.246 3.242 3.242 3.237 3.124 3.093 3.043 2.933 2.910 2.896 2.895 2.857 2.800 2.747 2.738 2.726 2.622 2.615 2.602 2.590
4.471 4.303 4.098 4.062 4.044 4.007 3.981 3.960 3.933 3.929 3.900 3.892 3.867 3.801 3.792 3.784 3.719
0.005080 0.005890 0.022040 0.010110 0.005270 0.041220 0.004540 0.010450 0.003290 0.015840 0.017680 0.015480 0.094260 0.013060 0.033410 0.005240 0.011190



综 述R eviewReceived 2000212219,Accepted 2001203212.Some studies of the author cited in the paper were supported by the State Key Basic Research and Development Plan (No.G1998010100)and the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No.39730040).The paper is a version of a lecture given at the 8th National Congress on Plant Physiology ,held in Xiamen ,Fujian Province ,Nov.18221,2000.Progress in Photosynthesis R esearch :From Molecular Mechanisms to G reen R evolutionXU Da 2Quan(Instit ute of Plant Physiology and Ecology ,S hanghai Instit ute f or Biological Sciences ,Chi nese Academy of Sciences ,Shanghai 200032)Abstract :The progress in photosynthesis research for the past five years (199622000)is reviewed on the basis of more than 60references including those from the author ’s laboratory.The review consists of three parts :the precise structure of the photosyn 2thetic apparatus and reaction mechanisms of photo 2synthesis ,the regulation mechanisms of photosyn 2thesis and environmental stress ,and the application of mechanistic knowledge of photosynthesis and Green Revolution.The first part covers the structure of antenna and reaction centers ,the mechanism of oxygen evolution ,and the molecular mechanism of A TP synthesis.The second part includes Rubisco ,photoinhibition ,the redox regulation ,and high 2tem 2perature inhibition of photosynthesis.The third part discusses the features and difficulties of the new Green Revolution.It is pointed out that the central objective of the new Green Revolution is the im 2provement of photosynthetic efficiency of crops ,and gene engineering can be a sharp tool.The success of the revolution is dependent on the comprehensive un 2derstanding of photosynthesis and the cooperative ef 2forts of the molecular biologists ,plant physiologists ,biochemists ,and agronomists.K ey w ords :reaction center ,oxygen evolution ,A TP synthesis ,ribulose 21,52bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase ,photoinhibi 2tion ,redox regulation ,Green Revolution The importance of photosynthesis may be elucidated by the following statement :if it had not been for photosynthesis almost all of or 2ganisms including plants ,animals ,and mankind could not live ,except s ome autotrophic bacteria.Therefore ,the photosynthetic appa 2ratus performing photosynthesis ,including two photosystems and enzyme systems of car 2bon assimilation ,may be considered as the en 2gine of life driven by sunlight energy (Fig.1).Using light energy and inorganic matter such as water and CO 2the engine makes the organicmatter and evolves oxygen necessary for all living processes.Fig.1 The engine of life ———the photosynthetic apparatusCH 2O :Carbohydrate ;e :Electron ;hν:Light energy ;OEC :Oxygen evolution complex ;PS I and PS II :Photosystem Ⅰand photosystem Ⅱ;RuBPC :RuBP carboxylation enzyme. For a long time photosynthesis has been asignificant research area in biological science due to its great importance to the operation of the biosphere and the existence ,development ,and prosperity of mankind society.In 1998the 11th International Congress on Photosyn 2thesis has been held in Budapest ,Hungary.By rough estimate ,there have been more than 100monographs and two kinds of special peri 279Acta Phytophysiologica Sinica 2001,27(2):97~108odicals of photosynthesis in the world.Several thousand papers about photosynthesis are pub2 lished every year in many periodicals and books.Many great achievements in photosyn2 thesis research and related fields have been awarded the Nobel Prizes(Table1).T able1 Nobel Prizes in chemistry related to photosynthesis research(190122000)Y ears Winners Achievements1915Wilst tter RM Plant pigments,especially chlorophyll1930Fischer H Chlorophyll constitution and haemin synthesis1937K arrer P Carotenoid structure1938Kuhn R Carotenoids and vitamins1961Calvin M Carbon assimilation in plant photosynthesis1965Woodward RB Total synthesis of chlorophyll1978Mitchell PD Chemiosmotic theory about phosphorylation1988Deisenhofer J,Huber R,Michel H Determination of the three2dimensional structure of bacterial reaction center 1992Marcus RA Electron transfer theory:including its application to photosynthesis 1997Boyer PD,Walker J E Elucidation of the enzymatic mechanism of A TP synthesis Skou J C Discovery of Na+,K+2A TPase For the limited personal capacity and time I will introduce only briefly some re2 spects of significant progress in photosynthesis research since the7th National Congress on Plant Physiology was held by the Chinese So2 ciety for Plant Physiology in Taiyuan city, Shanxi province,1996.From the plenary lec2 tures and symposia of the11th and12th In2 ternational Congress on Photosynthesis,the second of which will be held in Australia, 2001,as well as some papers published in in2 ternational periodicals such as N at ure,Sci2 ence,and Photosynthesis Research,the fol2 lowing trends may be seen in photosynthesis research.The studies on the fine structure of the photosynthetic apparatus and the reaction mechanism of photosynthesis are going deep down to the molecular level.The investiga2 tions on the mechanisms of activity regulation and the synthesis and assembly of the compo2 nents of the photosynthetic apparatus are go2 ing to a high tide.And the application of the mechanistic knowledge to agriculture is breed2 ing a new Green Revolution.1 Fine Structure and R eaction Me2 chanism 1.1 Structure of antenna and reaction cen2 terAmong1017papers of the proceedings of the11th International Congress on Photo2 synthesis345(34%of total number)are re2 lated to the structure of the photosynthetic apparatus,mainly antenna and reaction center complex(12%and17%,respectively).In 1998,moreover,Photosynthesis Research published a special issue on the structure and function of reaction center of photosynthetic bacteria,including34papers.It appears that the structure and function of reaction center are still the subjects to be studied intensively.1.2 Mechanism of oxygen evolutionThe mechanism of oxygen evolution in photosynthesis has been an important objec2 tive for a long time.During a period of19652 1999at least36models about the mechanism of oxygen evolution were presented(Hogan2 son and Babcock1997,Ksenzhek and Volkov 1998,Zhang et al.1999).In the proceed2 ings of the11th International Congress on Photosynthesis there are56papers devoted to the mechanism.Among them16papers are related to the Mn cluster in oxygen evolution89植 物 生 理 学 报 27卷complex.Great interest and persistent efforts of investigators are probably breeding a great breakthrough in the understanding of the mechanism.A study in our laboratory demon 2strated that the tryptophan 241at the C 2ter 2minus of the manganese 2stabilizing protein (33kD )in the oxygen evolution complex is necessary for maintaining the proper structure and function of the polypeptide in oxygen evo 2lution (Yu et al.2001).1.3 Molecu lar m ech anism of A TP synth esisThe A TP synthase is one of the four complexes on thylakoid membranes.It con 2sists of two parts ,CF 0and CF 1,which in 2clude totally 9kinds of subunits ,namely α3β3γδεfor CF 1and a 1b 1b 1’c 12for CF 0(Groth and Strotmann 1999).The wonderful description of the crystal structure of F 12A TPase from bovine heart mi 2tochondria (Abrahams et al..1994)and the direct observation of the rotation of F 12A T 2Pase in process of catalysis (Noji et al.1997,J unge et al.1997)are the most important achievements made recently in photosynthesis research.These studies provided so strong ex 2perimental evidence for the binding 2change mechanism of A TP synthesis proposed by Boyer (1993)that it was universally accepted and Boyer was awarded the 1997Nobel Prize in Chemistry.Boyer ’s theory includes two important viewpoints:(1)the proton motive force is used in release of A TP synthesized by A TP synthase ,and (2)the several subunits of the enzyme act highly cooperatively and sequen 2tially in the catalytic process.The proof of it by experimental evidence and the awarding of Nobel Prize to Boyer do not represent the end of studies on the mechanisms of the A TP syn 2thesis and its regulation.On the contrary ,a new upsurge in exploring many questions of the structure and function of the A TP syn 2thase arose as shown by many papers about the enzyme published recently.In 1998,a special issue of Photosynthesis Research on the proton 2transporting A TPase and A TP syn 2thase was published.In 1999,6papers about A TP synthase were published in Science and N at ure (Boekema et al.1999,Boyer 1999,Orgel 1999,Sambongi et al.1999,Stock et al.1999,Tezara et al.1999).Since the catalytic function of A TP syn 2thase is performed by several subunits acting cooperatively ,the structure ,function and in 2teractions of these subunits are paid close at 2tention.Our laboratory has made some stud 2ies on these subunits ,especially ε2subunit.It was found that there was a strong interaction between γ2and ε2subunit (Shi et al.2000)and the ε2subunit from maize was stronger than that from broad bean in inhibiting the Ca 2+2A TPase activity ,blocking the proton leakage through CF 0,and enhancing the chloroplast phosphorylation activity (Wang and Wei 2000).Moreover ,the study of our laboratory demonstrated that under low tem 2perature and isotonic conditions ,the proton released during water oxidation was liable to be localized and could be used in A TP synthe 2sis (Wei et al.1998).Several years ago ,it was reported that Photosystem II alone could drive ferredoxin reduction and photoautotrophic growth in some mutants of Chlam ydomonas lacking Photosystem I (Greenbaum et al.1995,Lee et al.1996).These reports conflict with the generally accepted Z 2scheme of photosynthe 2sis.Some recent studies ,however ,have clearly shown that CO 2fixation does not occur in the absence of PS I and the ability of these mutants to fix CO 2in the light is due to the presence of residual amount of PS I ,at least 5%of wild 2type (Cournac et al.1997,Boichenko and Bader 1998),demonstrating992期 许大全:光合作用研究进展:从分子机理到绿色革命(英文)that the Z2scheme is still valid.2 Mechanisms of Activity R egulation and Environmental Stress2.1 Ribulose1,52bisphosphate carboxy2 lase/oxygenase(Rubisco)Due to its key role in the process of pho2 tosynthetic carbon assimilation,the synthe2 sis,assembly,and activity regulation of the enzyme Rubisco have been the intensively studied subjects in photosynthesis research for a long time.As molecular biology develops rapidly,the study on these subjects has re2 cently become more active.For example,in 1999there were3reviews about Rubisco pub2 lished in Photosynthesis Research.In a review about the complexity of Ru2 bisco,Spreitzer(1999)presented16ques2 tions such as the role of the small subunit,the molecular basis for Rubisco activase species specificity,and the reason why plants have Rubisco inhibitors.He pointed out that the answers to most of the questions and the de2 tails of species specificity could be got only by examining more land plants.Also,if we can2 not address more thoroughly the complexity of Rubisco,we cannot make Rubisco better.As we know,Rubisco catalyzes both car2 boxylation and oxygenation reactions of ribu2 lose1,52bisphosphate.The ratio of the car2 boxylase activity/oxygenase activity of Rubis2 co is therefore one of the most important pa2 rameters determining the efficiency of photo2 synthesis.A Rubisco with a strong specificity for CO2fixation(2.52fold that of higher plant Rubisco)has been found in thermophilic red algae(Uemura et al.1997).In a review about microbial Rubisco,Tabita(1999) pointed out that the wide biodiversity of mi2 crobial system containing Rubisco should pro2 vide answers to the mysteries of Rubisco specificity,and the exploitation of natural bio2diversity of Rubisco molecules may be an im2 portant part of future strategies to solve the molecular basis of CO2/O2specificity.Rubisco is composed of nuclear DNA2en2 coded(Rbc S)small subunits(SS)and chloroplast DNA2encoded(rbc L)large sub2 units(L S).Some studies have uncovered two principal mechanisms of regulation of Rubisco accumulation by subunit concentration.When SS accumulation is limiting,L S levels are pri2 marily adjusted to those of the SS at the level of rbc L mRNA translation initiation.On the other hand,when L S accumulation is limit2 ing,SS levels are adjusted to those of the L S at the level of protein degradation(Rodermel 1999).The coordination and integration of synthesis and assembly of the Rubisco sub2 units are performed by the two mechanisms.With respect to the synthesis and assem2 bly of Rubisco some studies have been made also in our laboratory.By the technique of molecular hybridyzation between the large and small subunits of Rubisco from rice and tobac2 co leaves,for instance,Miao and Li(1996) showed that the small subunits of Rubisco play an important role in regulating the ratio of carboxylase activity/oxygenase activity. Furthermore,Chen et al.(2000)found some intermediates of the assembly of Rubis2 co,and deduced a new possible pathway of Rubisco assembly i n vivo in higher plants on the basis of molecular weight of these inter2 mediates.In addition,in our laboratory’s studies on other enzymes participating in the photo2 synthetic carbon metabolism,it was found that fructose21,62bisphosphate is likely a spe2 cial effector,and can specifically protect the α2subunit of pyrophosphate2dependent62phos2 phofructo212phosphotransferase against prote2 olytic degradation(Wang and Shi1999).2.2 Photoinhibition001植 物 生 理 学 报 27卷From the proceedings of the11th Inter2 national Congress on Photosynthesis and the issues of Photosynthesis Research published in recent years,it may be seen that a large pro2 portion of the papers is related to environmen2 tal factors,especially the stresses caused by them.Among these factors,light and tem2 perature are frequently encountered.Since sunlight is the energy source for photosynthesis,its deficit inevitably limits photosynthesis.However,too much sunlight is also unfavorable for plants,because it can induce photoinhibition of photosynthesis and even photodamage of the photosynthetic appa2 ratus,especially when the photosynthetic car2 bon assimilation is severely constrained by the environmental stress such as drought and low temporaries.Since the7th International Congress on Photosynthesis held in1986, photoinhibition has been an important subject investigated intensively.Its exact molecular mechanism,however,is not yet very clear now.According to the recovery time,photoin2 hibition can be distinguished into two main classes:dynamic and chronic.Dynamic pho2 toinhibition is more rapidly recovered,and is associated principally with some energy2dissi2 pation process,whereas chronic photoinhibi2 tion is more slowly recovered,and is largely related to photodamage of the photosynthetic apparatus(Osmond1994).Anderson et al. (1998)suggested that the primary cause of damage to D1protein is P680+,rather than singlet O2formed from triplet P680,or other reactive oxygen species.Our studies showed that under natural conditions without any en2 vironmental stress other than light,photoin2 hibition is only a reflection of enhanced opera2 tion of thermal energy dissipation rather than a result of photodamage to the photosynthetic apparatus(Xu and Shen1998).This is dif2 ferent from a widely accepted viewpoint that photoinhibition occurs only when the rate of damage to the D1protein exceeds the rate of its repair.Under natural conditions without other environmental stresses no net loss of D1pro2 tein to occur is because in the evolutionary process plants have formed many kinds of mechanisms protective against photodamage to the photosynthetic apparatus.These mech2 anisms include decreasing light absorption by the light2avoiding movements of leaf and chloroplast,reducing light distribution to Photosystem II by state transition,enhancing photosynthetic utilization of light energy, heightening energy dissipation as heat,in2 creasing energy consumption by non2photo2 synthetic metabolism such as Mehler reaction and photorespiration,raising capacity of the scavenging of active oxygen,and accelerating reparation of damaged parts.Different opinions exist regarding the way of light energy distribution between two photosystems during state transition.Many researchers consider that the change in light energy distribution during state transition is performed by a change in light absorption cross2section rather than spillover of excitation energy though some researchers believe that spillover is an effective way.Based on our ex2 perimental results it has been suggested that both spillover and absorption cross2section changes are effective ways,and the change in spillover is a quicker response to an unbal2 anced light absorption of the two photosys2 tems.Furthermore,the migration of PS I to2 wards the central region of grana stack during the transition to state2leads to the enhance2 ment of excitation energy spillover from PS II to PS I(Tan et al.1998).Our study has demonstrated that the strong light2caused photoinhibition may be alleviated by the tran2 sition to the state2.However,under natural conditions the relative contribution of state1012期 许大全:光合作用研究进展:从分子机理到绿色革命(英文)transition is smaller than that of energy dissi2 pation mechanisms dependent on the xantho2 phyll cycle andΔp H across thylakoid mem2 branes in protecting the photosynthetic appa2 ratus from photodamage(Hong et al.1999).With respect to energy dissipation most of the studies are involved in the xanthophyll cycle2dependent mechanism.From some re2 ports it seems that this kind of thermal energy dissipation acts as the predominant protective mechanism against photodamage to the photo2 synthetic apparatus in all plant species.How2 ever,we found a difference in the predomi2 nant protective mechanism between different plant species.The xanthophyll cycle2depen2 dent heat dissipation plays a key role only in some plants such as wheat and sweet potato, but not in other plant species,for example, soybean,peanut and cotton.In soybean it is probably dependent on the reversible inactiva2 tion of partial PS II reaction centers(Xu and Wu1996,Hong and Xu1997,1999a).A further study demonstrated that in soybean leaves such reversible inactivation of PS II re2 action centers is closely related to the dissocia2 tion of light2harvesting complex II(L HC II) from the PS II complex(Hong and Xu 1999b).Recently,Li et al.(2000)have isolated mutants of A rabi dopsis thaliana that cannot dissipate excess absorbed light energy,and shown that an intrinsic chlorophyll2binding protein of PS II,also known as CP22,is nec2 essary for non2photochemical quenching of ex2 citation energy but not for efficient light har2 vesting and photosynthesis.The protein may be the site of thermal dissipation of excitation energy.This thermal dissipation process may help in maintaining the balance between ab2 sorption and utilization of light energy to min2 imize generation of oxydizing molecules, thereby protecting the photosynthetic appara2 tus against photo2oxidative damage.2.3 R edox regulationIn the2000annual meeting of American Society of Plant Physiologists,the redox reg2 ulation was one of5symposia,and the5lec2 tures of this symposium were related to photo2 synthesis.These lectures were involved in the beginning of photosynthesis,phosphorylation of PSⅡproteins,activation of Rubisco,bal2 ance of the two photosystems,and regulation of chloroplast mRNA translation.Overall,PSⅡfunctions as a light2driv2 en water/plastoquinone oxidoreductase(Bar2 ber and Kuhlbrandt1999,Melis1999). Changes in environmental conditions around the photosynthetic apparatus lead to variation of redox status of Q A(Melis1999),plasto2 quinone(Pfannschmidt et al.1999),and cy2 tochrome bf(Vener et al.1998).The varia2 tion of redox status can regulate,often by the phosphorylation of protein,the transport of excitation energy from antenna to the reaction centers,the stability and turnover of reaction center including the dissociation of antenna from the reaction center complex,inactivation and reactivation of reaction center,and dam2 age and repair of D1protein to maintain the balances between photosynthetic electron transport and carbon assimilation,or absorp2 tion and utilization of light energy.In addi2 tion to its traditional role in energy transduc2 tion,therefore,the photosynthetic apparatus may also be an environmental sensor(Huner et al.1998).2.4 High temperature inhibitionIn many plants it has been observed that photosynthesis is inhibited at moderate to high temperatures.Nevertheless,the mecha2 nism of this inhibition is not clear.Recently, Crafts2Brandner and Salvucci(2000)present2 ed evidence suggesting that under heat stress the activated Rubisco decreases,namely,Ru2 bisco activase limits the performance of leaf photosynthesis potential.An increase in tem2201植 物 生 理 学 报 27卷perature is thought to be detrimental to the membranes of chloroplasts,but this has been difficult to prove at moderate temperatures (about35℃).Murakami et al.(2000)re2 cently provided the best evidence showing that the level of unsaturated lipids in the thy2 lakoid membrane of chloroplasts is important in determining a plant’s ability for growth and photosynthesis at temperature of35℃or higher(Sharkey2000).They silenced the gene encoding the chloroplast version of the omega23fatty acid desaturase,the enzyme catalyzing the synthesis of trienoic fatty acids, thereby lowered the level of unsaturated lipids and improved photosynthesis and growth in transgenic tobacco plants at moderately high temperatures.Facing increasing concentra2 tions of greenhouse gases,the effect of high temperature on plants has become an impor2 tant subject of research.The studies of Mu2 rakami et al.indicate a possibility to improve the thermotolerance of plants by gene engi2 neering.3 Application of Mechanistic K now2 ledge and N e w G reen R evolutionIn the1950s and1960s,some agricul2 tural scientists developed a package of high2 yielding crop varieties and agricultural man2 agement techniques.The package brought about an unprecedented boom(more than double)in world grain yields.This is the so2 called Green Revolution,one of the twenti2 eth2century’s greatest technological achieve2 ments.The achievement of the first Green Rev2 olution is great,yet its shortcomings are also obvious.The more important one is that only the plant type characterized by short stalk, erect leaves and high harvest index was em2 phasized,while photosynthetic efficiency of leaf itself was not considered as an important selection criterion of high2yielding varieties.However,the potential of improving stalk height,leaf angle and harvest index has been exploited to a full extent,so that the rest room becomes very limited(mainly for wheat and rice).Therefore,agricultural scientists have begun to seek new revolution and consid2 ered the improving of photosynthesis as a great white hope of the future of agriculture (Mann1999a).3.1 Features of the second G reen R evolu2 tionTo usher in the second Green Revolution the increasing of potential of leaf photosynthe2 sis is urgently needed(Ishi1998,Horton 2000).Increasing single2leaf photosynthesis may be the only way to substantially enhance yield potential(Peng2000).Moreover,there is no reason to think that crop plants have e2 volved or have been selected to the best possi2 ble state(Mitchell and Sheehy2000).Under stress conditions the application of a new agri2 cultural measure often leads to a significant in2 crease in crop yield.However,it is not neces2 sarily the result of directly improving photo2 synthetic efficiency.Under favorable condi2 tions without any remarkable stress,the highest value of light use efficiency of crop plants possible in the field is5%.In the field of high yield(about500kg of grain),it is only about 1.1%.Further increase in crop yield or light use efficiency from this level is very difficult by improving plant type and in2 creasing supply of water and fertilizer alone. Therefore,great efforts must be made in im2 proving leaf photosynthetic efficiency.Our observational results have shown that high rate of leaf photosynthesis is one of the impor2 tant causes of high yield of the super2rice be2 sides its good plant type.Some genetic engineers have aimed at en2 hancing crop photosynthesis(Mann1999b). Rubisco,the main rate2limiting site in photo2 synthesis under normal air conditions,is the3012期 许大全:光合作用研究进展:从分子机理到绿色革命(英文)most important target of genetic engineering. It is an enzyme with two functions,namely the catalysis of RuBP carboxylation and RuBP oxygenation.The oxygenation reaction and thereby photorespiration may reduce photo2 synthetic productivity by20%~40%. Therefore,the desire is to engineer higher plant Rubisco to increase its specificity,i.e. to favor carboxylation(Gutteridge et al. 1995).The exploitation of the natural biodi2 versity of Rubisco molecules may be an impor2 tant strategy to solve the molecular basis of CO2/O2specificity(Tabita1999).Some lab2 oratories have tried to improve Rubisco in crop plants by replacing the existing enzyme with the more efficient red algae form(Mann 1999b).However,there has been no report so far that Rubisco being engineered in a way leads to a higher efficiency with respect to CO2fixation although it has been a prime fo2 cus for genetically engineering an increase in photosynthetic productivity(Spreitzer1999).In genetic engineering aimed at improv2 ing photosynthesis,another important target is the enzyme phosphoenolpyruvate carboxy2 lase(PEPC),which catalyzes the first reac2 tion of C4cycle of photosynthetic carbon fixa2 tion.The C4cycle may bring about a several2 fold increase in CO2concentration in the site of Rubisco,which inhibits photorespiration, and thereby performing high efficiency photo2 synthesis.High2level expression of maize PEPC in transgenic rice plants has been suc2 cessful(Ku et al.1999).The transgenic rice leaves have an enhanced PEPC activit y,but whether leaf photosynthetic rate increases re2 mains uncertain(Matsuoka et al.2000).No data indicating an increase in grain yield of the transgenic rice has been published formally al2 though Ku et al.(2000)said that the thans2 genic rice has the enhanced photosynthetic rate and yield.Higher photosynthetic effi2 ciency in C4plants depends not only on PEPC,but also on other enzymes of C4path2 way and the special anatomic structure of their leaves.So,an overexpression of PEPC alone is not likely to result in an improvement of crop yield(Hausler et al.1999).For feeding the increasing population a50%in2 crease in Asian rice yield will be required by 2050.Transforming C3plant rice into C4rice by genetic engineering has been considered as an important strategy to achieve the required increase(Sage2000),but it is undoubtedly a formidable challenge(Evans and von Caem2 merer2000).Sucrose phosphate synthase(SPS)is also a target of genetic engineering.Although a maize SPS gene has been expressed successful2 ly in tomato plants,but area2based photosyn2 thetic rate and fruit yield have not been in2 creased significantly in most cases(Sonnewald 1997,Sharkey et al.2000).In addition,there has been a report that genetic engineering2transformed potato plants with reduced level of a protein located in chloroplasts,showed a stunted growth,de2 creased tuber yield,and reduced values of non2photochemical quenching of chlorophyll a fluorescence.These results indicate a prefer2 ential association of the protein with the light harvesting complex of PS II(L HC II)and its functional role of modulating photosynthetic efficiency and dissipating excessive absorbed light energy within the antenna complex (Monte et al.1999).The efforts mentioned above have im2 plied that the central object is the improve2 ment of photosynthetic efficiency of crops, and the sharpest tool is genetic engineering for the new Green Revolution(Xu and Shen 2001).The tool is powerful not only in un2 derstanding the molecular mechanisms for the regulation of photosynthetic efficiency,but al2 so in engineering crops with desirable charac2 teristics.G enetic engineering,of course,is401植 物 生 理 学 报 27卷。



安徽省皖东十校联盟2023-2024年高三上学期第三次月考英语试题学校:___________姓名:___________班级:___________考号:___________一、阅读理解Small-town destinations have the advantage of being less expensive, without any compromises on charm. Newstweek’s Fast Women recommend these small towns wholeheartedly—from our own travels, or on the trusted advice of close friends. McMinnville, OregonWinery tasting rooms, a quaint downtown and boutique hotels make this city southwest of Portland a natural destination for an adults-only weekend getaway, Every May, McMinnville is also the home of the largest UFO Festival in the U.S., which explains why you’ll see alien art around town throughout the year.Ollantaytambo, PeruThis village located in the Sacred V alley of the Incas sits along the Urubamba River. Here you can take in stunning views of the valley and explore the ruins of the fortress overlooking the town, Wander through ancient streets built by the Incas and take in the landscape of distant mountains.Mandawa, IndiaThis small town was a part of the ancient Silk Road trading gateway between China and the Middle East, Today, it’s filled with frescos, havelis (multistory buildings with courtyards) and wall paintings that have transformed it into an open-air art gallery.Lorne, AustraliaAustralia’s Great Ocean Road follows the coast, making Lorne a perfect stopping-over point as you travel around the country by the sea. Famous as an art community, it is surrounded by sandy beaches and stunning waterfalls. It’s a great fishing destination, too. 1.What can you do at McMinnville, Oregon?A.Try various kinds of wines.B.Enjoy extraordinary natural beauty.C.Get exposed to modern art.D.Celebrate the UFO Festival in summer. 2.Which place best suits people who are fond of ancient art?A.McMinnville, Oregon,B.Mandawa, India.C.Lorne, Australia.D.Ollantaytambo, Peru.3.Where is the text probably taken from?A.A travel journal.B.An encyclopedia.C.A geography book.D.A touristwebsite.A man’s failed attempt at a personalized Christmas card has taken over Twitter.Comedian Daniel White thought it would be a cute idea to send a custom Christmas card this year, using a picture of his family from Halloween. However, he submitted a dental x-ray of his neighbor Mike’s teeth by mistake, resulting in a design that’s more frightening than festive.Since sharing the photo with his followers on December 14th, the mix-up has received over 121,000 likes and more than 9,000 retweets.Dan White ordered 90 Christmas cards using the Shutterfly app. He mixed up his family photo with one of his neighbors. Originally, White planned to use a cute family photograph for his Christmas cards this year. The photo featured his wife and daughter dressed as Minions for Halloween, while he’d gone as Professor X from X-Men; The Last Stand (2006). He used the Shutterfly app to create his design, but somehow mixed up the family photo with one of his neighbor Mike’s teeth.He posted the result to Twitter, along with the caption: “Selected the wrong photo from my camera roll so now I have 90 of these.”The dental X-ray actually belonged to White’s neighbor Mike, who has “great teeth”. But why did White have an X-ray of Mike’s teeth on his phone to begin with? He said that Mike has such great teeth that he asked for a picture to show his own dentist, “Mike got Invisalign a few years back so he had a few of these X-rays taken,” he told Newsweek.When asked what Mike thinks of his teeth’s newfound internet fame, White said he’s a “little embarrassed”. “But he said he’s also flattered so many people have enjoyed his mouth,” he added.Will White still be sending the cards out? Unfortunately, the answer is no. “It’s a funny mix-up,” he said. “But ultimately it’s Mike’s mouth so it’s not my place to mail them.”Twitter users found the photo fail hilarious, with Definitely Danny calling the accidental card design “amazing”.“Phenomenal,” agreed Rob Sheridan.“Genuinely, this would make Christmas for me,” commented Sarah Phelps.“With a smile like that, you gotta show it off,” said Edmond Lorts.“Maybe you could paint them green so they look like Christmas trees?” suggested Arne Parrott.While Caissie wrote: “If I received such a card, I would treasure it.”4.What did Daniel White post online?A.A self-made Christmas card.B.An app designed by himself.C.A special gift from his friend.D.A family picture from Halloween. 5.Why did White have an X-ray of Mike’s teeth?A.It was taken by him,B.He asked Mike for it.C.His dentist gave it to him.D.It was a surprise from Mike.6.Who would Daniel’s personalized cards be sent to?A.Mike.B.His family,C.His 90 friends.D.Nobody. 7.What does the underlined word “hilarious” mean?A.Frightening.B.Ugly.C.Confusing.D.Funny.About 50 cars derailed (脱轨) in East Palestine, Ohio at about 9 p. m. EST Friday as a train was carrying a variety of products from Madison, Illinois, to Conway, Pennsylvania, rail operator Norfolk Southern said Saturday. There was no immediate information about what caused the derailment, No injuries or damage to structures were reported.“The post-derailment fire spanned about the length of the derailed train cars,” Michael Graham, a member of the National Transportation Safety Board, told reporters Saturday evening. “The fire has since reduced in intensity, but remains active and the two main tracks are still blocked.”Norfolk Southern said 20 of the more than 100 cars were classified as carrying dangerous materials “including flammables, combustibles, or environmental risks.” Graham said 14 cars carrying vinyl chloride (氯乙烯) were involved in the derailment “and have been exposed to fire,” and at least one “is releasing the contents of the car through a pressure release device as designed.”“At this time we are working to confirm which dangerous materials cars, if any, have been breached,” he said. The Environmental Protection Agency and Norfolk Southern were continuing to monitor air quality, and investigators would begin their on-scene work “once the scene is safe and secure,” he said.Vinyl chloride, used to make the polyvinyl chloride hard plastic resin used in a variety of plastic products, is associated with increased risk of liver cancer and other cancers, according to the federal government’s National Cancer Institute. Federal officials said they were also concerned about other possibly dangerous materials.Fire Chief Keith Drabick said officials were most concerned about the vinyl chloride and referenced one car containing that chemical but said safety features on that car were still functioning. Emergency crews would keep their distance until Norfolk Southern officials told them it was safe to approach, Drabick said. Firefighters were pulled from the immediate area and unmanned streams were used to protect some areas including businesses that might also have contained materials of concern, officials said.8.What do we know about the derailment from the first two paragraphs?A.It was caused by a severe fire.B.It led to a cut-off on the railway.C.Passengers were trapped in the train.D.Relevant details were releasedimmediately.9.What does the underlined word “breached” in paragraph 4 mean?A.Broken.B.Rescued.C.Repaired.D.Removed. 10.What message does paragraph 5 intend to convey about vinyl chloride?A.It should be used with caution.B.It has disadvantages as well asadvantages.C.It is important for the plastic industry.D.It can greatly harm people’s health. 11.What measures are taken at the moment?A.Guarding the cars.B.Calling in firefighters.C.Checking air quality.D.Investigating the scene.Cancer-fighting genes in elephants could help to tackle one of the biggest killers of people, according to research. Despite their large bodies and long lifespans (寿命), elephants are much less likely to die from cancer than humans, with death rates of less than 5 per cent.The paradox has puzzled scientists because more cells leads to greater replications, which increases the possibility of the body failing to detect damaged DNA or a faulty cell that can result in tumours (肿瘤). Elephants live for almost as long as humans, and can weigh up to five tons.However, a group of British and European scientists say they have taken a big steptowards solving Peto’s paradox, named after the British epidemiologist Sir Richard Peto. Elephants, they say, carry a much larger, more diverse group of tumour-fighting proteins.The findings, published last week in the journal Molecular Biology and Evolution, raise hopes that the cancer-fighting genes in elephants could be the key to tackling cancer, which kills about 167,000 Britons each year. Cells keep dividing throughout an organism’s life, each carrying the risk of producing a tumour. One of the body’s weapons is a gene called p53, known as the “guardian of the genome”, which hunts cells with faulty DNA.It encourages the cell to repair itself or self-destruct, keeping the cell from binding with others and producing tumours.Humans have two versions of p53 but elephants have 40, said the researchers, including those from Oxford and Edinburgh universities. Biochemical analysis and computer simulations also showed that an elephant’s p53 genes are structurally slightly different, providing a much larger anti-cancer toolkit. The researchers suspect that while faulty cells might be able to skirt two p53 versions, they cannot bind to other cells as easily in the face of dozens.The findings will open the way for research on how p53 genes are activated and on medical treatment for humans.12.What has puzzled scientists?A.Few elephants end up dying from cancer.B.Elephants live long and weighenormously.C.More cells lead to higher chances of tumours.D.A larger body is less likely todiscover faulty cells.13.What can be learnt from paragraph 4?A.How many Britons die each year.B.How the anti-cancer gene works.C.How the research was carried out.D.What have the findings been applied to. 14.Which quality of elephants’ p53 genes contributes to preventing tumours?A.Their sizes.B.Their lifespans.C.Their appearances.D.Their varieties. 15.Which is the most suitable title for the text?A.Scientists Find Anti-cancer Genes in ElephantsB.P53 Genes Play Essential Role in Fighting CancerC.Elephant Genes Could Be Key to Preventing CancerD.Groundbreaking Medical Treatment for Cancer on the Way二、七选五As Horace Mann, the great educator, once said, “Habits are like a cable. We weave a strand of it every day and soon it cannot be broken.” I personally do not agree with the lastisn’t a quick fix. It involves a process and a great commitment.Those of us who watched the lunar voyage of Apollo 11 were transfixed as we saw the first man walk on the moon and return to Earth. Words such as “fantastic” and “incredible” were inadequate to describe those eventful days. But to get there, those astronauts literally had to break out of the enormous gravity pull of the earth. 17Habits, too, have enormous gravity pull-more than most people realize or would admit. Breaking deeply rooted habitual tendencies such as procrastination, impatience, criticalness, or selfishness that violate basic principles of human effectiveness involves more than a little willpower and a few minor changes in our lives. 18 But once we break out of the gravity pull, our freedom takes on a whole new dimension.19 The gravity pull of some of our habits may currently be keeping us from going where we want to go. But it is also gravity pull that keeps our world together, that keeps the planets in their orbits and our universe in order. 20 And we can use the gravity pull of habit to create the cohesiveness (凝聚力) and order necessary to establish effectiveness in our lives.A.I know they can be broken.B.“Lift-off” takes an enormous effort.C.Excellence is not an act, but a habit.D.It is a powerful force if used effectively.E.Habits are powerful factors in our lives.F.Their energy was mostly spent in the first few minutes of lift-off.G.Like any natural force, gravity pull can work with us or against us.三、完形填空I’d been working with local authorities to release enslaved children from a carpet factory.conditions. I would get to 22 them on the ride back to their parents.Early the next morning, we 23 into two jeeps. When we reached the 24 , it was two in the morning. “This way, this way,” the kids 25 out. None of us had slept, but we were 26 and wildly excited. We drove on. When the 27 fell on a mud hut, one boy said, “This is where I live.” The remote village had no 28 , and the villagers stood in an unearthly darkness.The boy went to his home, knocked and called, “I am freed from the factory. I am back!” The door flew open and a woman 29 there, absolutely still. Trembling, she 30 for her son, “Is it possible?” she cried, overcome with 31 . “Thank you, thank you,” she repeated to us. The boy smiled 32 as he waved goodbye and stepped through the door, still hugging his mother.The same scene was repeated over and over, with parents throwing open the door to the night and the 33 of their lost son.This was 34 I had come to South Asia: To know that change was possible and a smile could 35 the face of a child.21.A.received B.protected C.rescued D.parted 22.A.join B.collect C.find D.await 23.A.transferred B.glimpsed C.headed D.packed 24.A.factory B.village 25.A.checked B.jumped C.called D.set 26.A.wide-awake C.absent-minded D.heart-broken 27.A.raindrops B.headlights C.night D.silence 28.A.sound B.traffic D.electricity 29.A.smiled B.waved C.stood D.advanced 30.A.asked B.looked C.watched D.reached B.sorrow C.embarrassment D.confusion 32.A.bitterly B.hugely C.kindly D.briefly 33.A.escape B.sight D.existence 34.A.why B.where C.when 35.A.warm up B.light up C.return to D.belong to四、用单词的适当形式完成短文阅读下面短文,在空白处填人1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

第九章 分子进化与系统发育

第九章 分子进化与系统发育

距离最短,代表亲 缘关系最近
A -
B 22 -
(CDE) 39.5 41.5 -
• 自20 世纪中叶,随着分子生物学的不断发 展,进化研究也进入了分子进化(molecular evolution)研究水平,并建立了一套依赖于 核酸、蛋白质序列信息的理论和方法。 • 分子进化(molecular evolution): 研究较长时 间内生物遗传信息改变的原因和结果的学 科领域。
• 直系同源(orthologs): 同源的基因是由于 共同的祖先基因进化而产生的。 • 旁系同源(paralogs): 同源的基因是由于基 因复制产生的。
用于分子进化分析中的序列必须是直系同源 的,才能真实反映进化过程。
• 用于构建系统树的数据有二种类型: • 特征数据(character-based data): 它提供了基因、 个体、群体或物种的信息。 • 距离数据(distance-based data): 它涉及的则是 成对基因、个体、群体或物种的信息。距离数 据可由特征数据计算获得,但反过来则不行。 这些数据可以矩阵的形式表达。距离或相似性 的计算总体上是要依据一定的遗传模型,并能 够表示出两个分类单位间的变化量。



进化树在细菌亲缘关系分析中的应用研究迟文静, 刘宜昕, 王 粟, 刘 涛, 赵 虎, 张艳梅(复旦大学附属华东医院检验科,上海 200040)摘要:随着生物技术的发展与应用,许多未知的细菌陆续被发现。





关键词:细菌;进化树;基因组;亲缘关系Evolutionary tree and its application in the analysis of bacterial kinship CHI Wenjing ,LIU Yixin ,WANG Su ,LIU Tao ,ZHAO Hu ,ZHANG Yanmei.(Department of Clinical Laboratory ,Huadong Hospital ,Fudan University ,Shanghai 20004,China )Abstract :As the development and application of biological technology ,many unknown bacteria have been identified gradually. Meanwhile ,with environment changing ,some known pathogenic bacteria have evolved new phenotypes involved in pathopoiesia or resistance. In the face of growing threats ,carrying out research in bacteria evolution and its relationship with classical pathogens and exploring the emerging mechanisms of new pathogen or new phenotypes would provide a reference for the prevention and controlling of pathogens. Because the genome carries all the genetic information of a species ,the research based on the bacterial genome analysis would present a more realistic evolutionary process. Especially ,the development of the molecular biotechnology ,such as sequencing ,will provide powerful tools for understanding the evolutionary process and mechanisms and their genetic traits and functional characteristics of bacteria.Key words :Bacterium ;Evolutionary tree ;Genome ;Phylogeny基金项目:上海市科委引导类科技支撑项目(184****0600);上海申康医院发展中心新型前沿技术联合攻关项目(SHDC12015107); 上海市科委科技创新行动计划(184****0800)作者简介:迟文静,女,1995年生,硕士,主要从事临床微生物学研究。

05-Molecular Phylogeny(生物信息学国外教程2010版)

05-Molecular Phylogeny(生物信息学国外教程2010版)

Fig. 7.3 Page 220
Historical background: insulin
By the 1950s, it became clear that amino acid substitutions occur nonrandomly. For example, Sanger and colleagues noted that most amino acid changes in the insulin A chain are restricted to a disulfide loop region. Such differences are called “neutral” changes (Kimura, 1968; Jukes and Cantor, 1969). Subsequent studies at the DNA level showed that rate of nucleotide (and of amino acid) substitution is about sixto ten-fold higher in the C peptide, relative to the A and B chains.
To Darwin, the struggle for existence induces a natural selection. Offspring are dissimilar from their parents (that is, variability exists), and individuals that are more fit for a given environment are selected for. In this way, over long periods of time, species evolve. Groups of organisms change over time so that descendants differ structurally and functionally from their ancestors.



2023年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试适应性考试英语试卷学校:___________姓名:___________班级:___________考号:___________一、听力题1、How much will the man pay?A.$25.B. $60.C.$90.2、What will the weather be like in the afternoon?A. Rainy.B.Cloudy.C.Foggy.3、Why does the woman look anxious?A. She can't see a movie.B. She'll have a test next Monday.C. She has trouble with her paper.4、Where are probably the speakers?A. In a pet shop.B.In a restaurant.C.In a grocery store.5、What are the speakers mainly talking about?A. Where to go.B. What movie to sec.C.When to meet.听一段材料,回答下题。

6、What did Lisa do on Saturday afternoon?A. She went to the gym.B. She did a part-time job.C. She did some shopping.7、What will the man probably do next?A. Clean his room.B. Take some exercise.C. Prepare for the exam.听一段材料,回答下题。

8、How does the woman feel about math now?A. Interested.B. Anxious.C. Unconcerned.9、What are the speakers mainly talking about?A.A subject.B. A student.C.A teacher.听一段材料,回答下题。



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1,KONG Xiang-bo 1,ZHNAG Zhen 1,LIU Ling 2(1.Key Laboratory of Forest Protection of National Forestry and Grassland Administration,Ecology and Nature Conservation Institute,Chinese Academy of Forestry,Beijing 100091,P.R.China;2.Yunnan Academy of Forestry and Grassland,Kunming Yunnan 650201,P.R.China)Abstract :Orthotomicus erosus Wollaston is an universal pine forest pest.The outbreak of O .erosus was the main cause of the large -scale death of Pinus yunnanensis in Yubaiding Nature Reserve,E shan county,Yuxi City,Yun-nan Province,while Clerus rufiventris is the main predatory natural enemy of O .erosus .From January to October2021,pheromone traps were used to control O .erosus and explore its population occurrence.The results showed that α-pinene can increase the trapping effect of 2-methyl -3-butene -2-ol and(-)-cis -verbenenol,and play an im-portant role in the chemical communication among P .yunnanensis ,O .erosus and C .rufiventris .The composition of S -α-pinene /R -α-pinene,2-methyl -3-butene -2-ol and(-)-cis -verbenenol has the best trapping effect,but this bait can trap a large number of C .rufiventris .Considering the specificity and effect of field trapping,this attractant still needs further optimization.In addition,S -α-pinene /R -α-pinene mixed with 2-methyl -3-butene -2-alkene㊀第52卷㊀2期㊀2023年4月㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀西㊀部㊀林㊀业㊀科㊀学Journal of West China Forestry Science㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀Vol.52㊀No.2㊀Apr .2023㊀∗收稿日期:2022-12-26㊀㊀㊀基金项目:国家自然科学基金面上项目(31770693),云南省林业科技推广项目(云[2019]ts06号),国家自然科学基金青年项目(31901320)㊂㊀㊀㊀第一作者简介:刘福(1987 ),男,副研究员,主要从事森林害虫信息素防控工作㊂E -mail:liufu2006@㊀㊀㊀通信作者简介:刘凌(1981 ),女,副研究员,研究方向为林业和草原生物安全㊂E -mail:liuling@and(-)-cis-verbenenol respectively can realize the monitoring of the population dynamics of C.rufiventris.This discovery provides a new idea and method for attracting predatory natural enemies to control the damage of pine bark bark beetle.Key words:Orthotomicus erosus;Clerus rufiventris;pheromone;coevolution松瘤小蠹(Orthotomicus erosus Wollaston),异名(Ips erosus),隶属于鞘翅目(Coleoptera)象甲科(Curculionidae)小蠹亚科(Scolytinae)瘤小蠹属(Orthotomicus)㊂松瘤小蠹原产于地中海地区的国家,广泛分布于欧亚大陆㊂地中海地区的国家和岛屿是松瘤小蠹分布最多的区域,该虫还被称为Medi-terranean pine engraver(地中海松树雕刻家)㊂在我国,松瘤小蠹于1984年由殷惠芬先生和黄复生先生首次描述,15省1直辖市有该虫的分布记载,松瘤小蠹是如何传播至中国,其传播途径及传播方式尚不知晓[1]㊂松瘤小蠹在国外的主要寄主包括地中海白松(Pinus halepensis)㊁加那利松(P.canariensis)㊁欧洲赤松(P.sylvestris)㊁意大利五针松(P.pinea)㊁海岸松(P.pinaster)等;在国内主要危害马尾松(P.massoniana)㊁油松(P.tabulaeformis)㊁云南松(P.yunnanensis)㊁思茅松(P.kesiya ngbianensis)和赤松(P.densiflora)等[2]㊂松瘤小蠹个体较小,多数时间在树皮下生活,隐蔽性强,一直以来都未被广泛关注,但是其繁殖能力强㊁扩散速度快㊁世代重叠,并且寄主范围较广㊁环境适应性强,可对松林造成严重损害,是一种潜在的松林害虫㊂松瘤小蠹世代重叠比较严重,代数与发生地的温度相关,每年可发生2~7代㊂以成虫越冬,成虫和幼虫可危害衰弱木主干和主枝部位,侵入韧皮部蛀食㊂被害树木生长受到制约,针叶变为黄色至红褐色,树木逐渐衰弱,严重时可造成松树大面积死亡[3-7]㊂小蠹虫(Scolytidae)是一类森林蛀干害虫,寄主挥发物决定了小蠹虫的寄主选择性㊂寄主植物受到胁迫或机械损伤时,会释放大量的萜烯类化合物以提高自身的抗性,而小蠹虫则利用这些萜烯类物质作为信息素或者信息素的增效剂,吸引更多的同类小蠹虫聚集危害,共同克服寄主抗性[8-13]㊂作为小蠹虫主要的捕食性天敌,郭公虫(Clerus)能够利用小蠹虫信息素或小蠹虫寄主植物所释放的萜烯类化合物搜寻㊁追踪直至捕食小蠹虫㊂由此可见,信息素在小蠹虫㊁郭公虫与寄主植物三者之间的化学通讯中发挥重要作用[14-18]㊂松瘤小蠹为一雄多雌㊁多配偶的昆虫,由雄虫构建交配室,并释放信息素吸引雌虫交配,2-甲基-3-丁烯-2-醇是松瘤小蠹的主要聚集信息素[19-20]㊂野外诱捕证实, 2-甲基-3-丁烯-2-醇和(-)-顺式马鞭草烯醇的组合物(Pheroprax)是松瘤小蠹的高效诱芯,但是并没有考察寄主挥发物对松瘤小蠹信息素诱捕的影响[21]㊂2020 2021年期间,由于干旱及土壤贫瘠等原因导致云南省玉溪市玉白顶自然保护区云南松树势衰弱,松瘤小蠹突然暴发成灾,造成云南松大面积死亡㊂同时在云南松受害林区,松瘤小蠹捕食性天敌红腹郭公虫(Clerus rufiventris)大量出现㊂鉴于玉白顶自然保护区是国家一级重点保护动物 绿孔雀(Pavo muticus)的自然栖息地,同时还存在多种珍稀野生动植物,因此松瘤小蠹的治理应以绿色安全的生物防治措施为主㊂本研究根据寄主云南松挥发物和松瘤小蠹信息素设计配置引诱剂,开展野外诱捕试验,阐明信息素成分在云南松-松瘤小蠹-红腹郭公虫的化学通讯作用,探索三者之间的信息素协同进化关系,筛选松瘤小蠹的高效诱芯,寻找开发利用红腹郭公虫的有效方法,以降低松瘤小蠹对玉白顶自然保护区云南松的危害㊂1㊀材料与方法1.1㊀诱芯的配制根据云南松树皮挥发物和松瘤小蠹信息素,按不同组分配比制备6种引诱剂配方(表1),制作相应的诱芯,空白组无任何成分㊂1.2㊀野外诱捕试验2021年1月13日至2月24日(诱捕试验1)㊁2021年3月21日至5月23日(诱捕试验2)㊁2021年8月17日至10月20日(诱捕试验3)在云南省玉溪市峨山县玉白顶自然保护区使用漏斗诱捕器(北京中捷四方生物科技股份有限公司)进行了6种诱芯的野外诱捕试验㊂诱捕器按50m间距悬挂在松瘤小蠹危害的林分,悬挂高度以底端距地面1.5m为准㊂(1)诱捕实验1,使用诱芯I(6个)和诱芯II(12个),随机悬挂㊂(2)诱捕实验2和3按随机区组的试验设计悬挂诱芯,共设5181㊀第2期㊀㊀㊀㊀刘福等:α-蒎烯对松瘤小蠹及其天敌红腹郭公虫信息素诱捕增效作用研究个区组(重复),每个区组的5个处理(诱芯)随机悬挂在诱捕器上㊂诱捕实验2使用的诱芯为I -IV 和对照,诱捕试验3使用的诱芯为III -V 和对照㊂诱捕期间每4d 检查1次诱捕器,统计各诱捕器的虫口数,被诱捕的红腹郭公虫统计数目后放生在未进行试验的区域,距离试验区域约2km㊂表1㊀引诱剂诱芯配置Tab.1㊀Compounds and the ratio of the lures诱芯编号诱剂主要成分主要成分比例Ⅰ2-甲基-3-丁烯-2-醇,(-)-顺式马鞭草烯醇100︰1Ⅱ2-甲基-3-丁烯-2-醇,(-)-顺式马鞭草烯醇,S -α-蒎烯,R -α-蒎烯100︰1︰100︰10Ⅲ2-甲基-3-丁烯-2-醇,S -α-蒎烯,R -α-蒎烯100︰100︰10IV (-)-顺式马鞭草烯醇,S -α-蒎烯,R -α-蒎烯100︰100︰10V2-甲基-3-丁烯-2-醇100VI (-)-顺式马鞭草烯醇1对照--2㊀结果与分析2.1㊀诱芯I 和诱芯II 对松瘤小蠹的诱捕效果在诱捕试验1中,诱芯I 和诱芯II 共引诱到59头松瘤小蠹,没有诱到其他类别小蠹虫(图1)㊂诱芯I 单个诱捕器平均诱捕量为3.0头/诱捕器(N =6),而诱芯II 为3.42头/诱捕器(N =12),S -α-蒎烯/R -α-蒎烯会增加2-甲基-3-丁烯-2-醇,(-)-顺式马鞭草烯醇组合物对松瘤小蠹的诱捕量,但是在此诱捕期间内,诱芯I 和诱芯II 的诱捕量之间不存在显著性差异(t =-0.118,df =16,P =0.908)㊂诱芯I 和诱芯II 同样可以引诱到大量的捕食性天敌红腹郭公虫,但是在试验1期间并没有对诱捕郭公虫的数量进行统计㊂图1㊀诱芯I 和诱芯II 对松瘤小蠹的诱捕效果注:ɿ表示有此成分,ˑ表示无此成分㊂下同Fig.1㊀Number of Orthotomicus erosus capturedby lure I and lure II2.2㊀不同诱芯对松瘤小蠹和红腹郭公虫的野外诱捕效果在诱捕试验2中,诱芯I -IV 共引诱到松瘤小蠹30头,其中诱芯II 的引诱效果最好(F 4,20=18.611,P <0.001,图2)㊂诱芯II -V 可引诱到大量的红腹郭公虫,在此诱捕期内共诱集到红腹郭公虫1071头,诱芯II 同样对红腹郭公虫的引诱效果最好(F 4,20=16.824,P <0.001)㊂甲基-3-丁烯-2-醇与S -α-蒎烯/R -α-蒎烯的组合诱芯对红腹郭公虫的引诱效果强于(-)-顺式马鞭草烯醇与S -α-蒎烯/R -α-蒎烯的组合诱芯,但是两者间无显著性差异(P >0.05)㊂图2㊀不同诱芯对松瘤小蠹和红腹郭公虫的诱捕效果Fig.2㊀Number of O .erosus andClerus rufiventris captured by lures2.3㊀不同诱芯对红腹郭公虫的野外诱捕效果试验3在诱捕期间,诱芯III -VI 共引诱到红腹郭公虫674头,但没有引诱到松瘤小蠹(图3)㊂281西㊀部㊀林㊀业㊀科㊀学㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀2023年㊀甲基-3-丁烯-2-醇与(-)-顺式马鞭草烯醇分别单独作为诱芯时,会引诱到一定数量的郭公虫[甲基-3-丁烯-2-醇:(18.60ʃ0.93)头;(-)-顺式马鞭草烯醇:(19.80ʃ3.60)头],而S -α-蒎烯/R -α-蒎烯的加入会显著增加2-甲基-3-丁烯-2-醇或(-)-顺式马鞭草烯醇对郭公虫的诱捕量(F 4,20=55.141,P <0.001)㊂图3㊀不同诱芯对红腹郭公虫的诱捕效果Fig.3㊀Number of C .rufiventris captured by lures试验期间(试验1和试验2),共诱捕得到松瘤小蠹83头,诱芯I 单个诱捕器平均诱捕量为(2.55ʃ1.28)头/诱捕器(N =11),而诱芯II 为(3.24ʃ1.52)头/诱捕器(N =17),可以看出S -α-蒎烯/R -α-蒎烯会增加2-甲基-3-丁烯-2-醇,(-)-顺式马鞭草烯醇组合物对松瘤小蠹的诱捕量,但是差异性不显著(t =-0.319,df =26,P =0.752)(表2)㊂表2㊀松瘤小蠹诱捕情况分析Tab.2㊀Analysis on trapping of O .erosus诱芯诱捕总量/头平均诱捕量/头㊃单个诱捕器-1I 28 2.55ʃ1.28II55 3.24ʃ1.52试验期间(试验2和试验3),共诱捕得到红腹郭公虫1745头,诱芯I 单个诱捕器平均诱捕量为(58.60ʃ9.18)头/单个诱捕器(N =5),诱芯II 为(90.00ʃ13.18)头/单个诱捕器(N =5),诱芯III 单个诱捕器平均诱捕量为(43.60ʃ4.52)头/诱捕器(N =10),诱芯IV 为(36.80ʃ3.83)头/单个诱捕器(N =10),诱芯V 为(18.60ʃ0.93)头/单个诱捕器(N =5),诱芯VI 为(19.80ʃ3.60)头/单个诱捕器(N =5)㊂可以看出S -α-蒎烯/R -α-蒎烯会增加信息素[2-甲基-3-丁烯-2-醇㊁(-)-顺式马鞭草烯醇]对红腹郭公虫的诱捕量(F 5,34=14.481,P <0.001)(表3)㊂表3㊀红腹郭公虫诱捕情况分析Tab.3㊀Analysis on trapping of C .rufiventris诱芯诱捕总量/头平均诱捕量/头㊃单个诱捕器-1I 29358.60ʃ9.18b II 45090.00ʃ13.18a III 43643.60ʃ4.52c IV 36836.80ʃ3.83c V 9318.60ʃ0.93d VI9919.80ʃ3.60cd3㊀讨论与结论试验证实,寄主挥发物S -α-蒎烯/R -α-蒎烯能够显著增加松瘤小蠹信息素[2-甲基-3-丁烯-2-醇和(-)-顺式马鞭草烯醇]对松瘤小蠹及其捕食性天敌红腹郭公虫的诱捕效果㊂S -α-蒎烯/R -α-蒎烯㊁2-甲基-3-丁烯-2-醇和(-)-顺式马鞭草烯醇组合物对松瘤小蠹的诱捕效果最好,但是该诱芯在诱捕松瘤小蠹的同时,还可诱集大量的红腹郭公虫,造成其天敌的误杀,从诱芯的专一性和诱捕效果考虑,该配方仍需进一步优化㊂本研究还发现,S -α-蒎烯/R -α-蒎烯与2-甲基-3-丁烯-2-醇或(-)-顺式马鞭草烯醇组成的诱芯可实现对红腹郭公虫成虫种群动态的监测㊂本研究通过对寄主-松瘤小蠹-红腹郭公虫之间信息素协同进化关系的探索,为松瘤小蠹诱芯的优化,红腹郭公虫的信息素诱集利用提供了理论依据㊂小蠹虫暴发与寄主植物之间存在着复杂的化学生态互作关系,寄主植物为了抵抗小蠹虫的定殖危害,会释放大量的有毒萜烯类成分,以α-蒎烯为主,而小蠹虫在与寄主植物共存的过程中,则进化出克服寄主抗性的有效方法,小蠹虫摄入α-蒎烯后,在体内经P450氧化成易排出体外的极性成分,主要为萜烯氧化物(马鞭草烯醇等),小蠹虫可以利用这些萜烯氧化物作为信息素吸引同类小蠹虫聚集危害[22-25]㊂因此,α-蒎烯被认为是马鞭草烯醇生物合成的前体物质,例如类加州十齿小蠹381㊀第2期㊀㊀㊀㊀刘福等:α-蒎烯对松瘤小蠹及其天敌红腹郭公虫信息素诱捕增效作用研究(Ips paraconfusus)雄虫暴露在α-蒎烯环境中,马鞭草烯醇的生成量与α-蒎烯浓度呈正相关[9]㊂研究结果已证明马鞭草烯醇是松瘤小蠹一种重要的聚集信息素,目前尽管没有进行α-蒎烯暴露实验来证明松瘤小蠹信息素马鞭草烯醇来源于α-蒎烯的直接转化,但是松瘤小蠹释放信息素的过程与Ips㊁Pityogenes属小蠹虫相似,当雄虫进行蛀干危害一段时间后才可分泌信息素[21]㊂马鞭草烯醇的合成受到外源α-蒎烯和内激素的调控,小蠹虫蛀干侵害过程中,会接触㊁取食大量的寄主萜烯,小蠹虫主要依靠氧化反应来代谢寄主萜烯,α-蒎烯的直接氧化应该是松瘤小蠹生成马鞭草烯醇最简便的方式,但是松瘤小蠹信息素马鞭草烯醇是否直接来源于α-蒎烯的转化还需要后续研究进行验证㊂通常情况下,当小蠹虫暴发时,其捕食性天敌 郭公虫等会大量出现,并且能够利用小蠹虫信息素或小蠹虫寄主植物所释放的萜烯类化合物搜寻㊁追踪直至捕食小蠹虫[14,17,26]㊂Payne等[15]发现南部松大小蠹(Dentroctonus frontalis)的信息素对疑山郭公虫(Thanasimus dubius)具有很强的诱捕能力,可以依靠其信息素对南部松大小蠹进行定位㊂Raffa等[16]发现疑山郭公虫对小蠹二烯醇ips-dienol的对映体比对小蠹虫的趋性更强,说明信息素的旋光差异可以为小蠹提供逃避被捕食的机会㊂红胸郭公虫(T.substriatus)能够被落叶松八齿小蠹(I.subelongatus)的信息素诱捕,并且寄主挥发物α-蒎烯能够增加信息素的诱捕效果㊂上述研究结果表明:小蠹虫和捕食性天敌郭公虫之间存在着信息素系统的协同进化关系㊂玉白顶自然保护区云南松林内松瘤小蠹发生后,在受害林区红腹郭公虫大量出现㊂在本研究中,云南松挥发物α-蒎烯能够增加信息素对松瘤小蠹和红腹郭公虫的诱捕效果,从而表明云南松-松瘤小蠹-红腹郭公虫之间存在信息素的协同进化关系,而云南松挥发物α-蒎烯在三者之间的化学通讯中也发挥重要作用㊂利用信息素诱杀蛀干害虫以及利用天敌捕食害虫是生物防治的发展方向,尤其是对于存在多种珍稀野生动植物栖息地的自然保护区,不能滥用化学农药,以避免对保护区森林生态环境及野生动植物造成伤害㊂玉白顶自然保护区是国家一级重点保护动物(绿孔雀)的自然栖息地,松瘤小蠹的暴发造成云南松大面积枯死,严重威胁着当地森林健康和生态安全㊂利用信息化学物质对小蠹虫进行生态调控,在国际上已证明是一种非常有效的防治方法[27-29]㊂(-)-顺式马鞭草烯醇和2-甲基-3-丁烯-2-醇的组合物可以大量诱捕松瘤小蠹及少量的郭公虫[5],但是在玉白顶自然保护区应用该配方时,松瘤小蠹诱捕量偏少,红腹郭公虫诱捕量却很多㊂从诱捕专一性和诱捕效果来看,该配方并不能够满足当地对松瘤小蠹的防治,松瘤小蠹信息化学物质是否因为寄主以及分布地环境的变化而产生改变,这将是今后优化松瘤小蠹信息素引诱剂的出发点㊂在松瘤小蠹危害林区,天敌红腹郭公虫大量出现,并且一直维持较高种群数量,表明红腹郭公虫对松瘤小蠹有一定的控制作用,也说明了玉白顶自然保护区存在良好的生态系统㊂本试验发现S-α-蒎烯/R-α-蒎烯与2-甲基-3-丁烯-2-醇或(-)-顺式马鞭草烯醇组成的诱芯可以有效实现对红腹郭公虫成虫种群动态的监测,在后续研究中将进一步评价信息素集中引诱红腹郭公虫对松瘤小蠹的区域防控效果,充分发挥天敌的自然控制效能;同时考察自然条件下松瘤小蠹与红腹郭公虫之间的群体比例与松瘤小蠹暴发之间的关系,为我国松瘤小蠹的有效治理提供新技术和理论指导㊂致谢:云南省林业和草原科学院闫争亮研究员对论文提出宝贵意见,玉溪市玉白顶自然保护区管护局的支持与帮助㊂在此表示感谢!参考文献:[1]殷惠芬,黄复生,李兆麟.中国经济昆虫志:第29册鞘翅目小蠹科[M].北京:科学出版社,1984.[2]刘凌,张知晓,倪应才,等.松瘤小蠹分布新记录及其防治策略[J].中国森林病虫,2021,40(5):9-15. [3]蒋裕平,黄中许,黄旭昌.松瘤小蠹虫研究[J].浙江师大学报(自然科学版),1992,15(3):79-81.[4]Mendel Z.Seasonal history of Orthotomicus erosus(Co-leoptera:Scolytidae)in Israel[J].Phytoparasitica,1983,11(1): 13-14.[5]Mendel Z J,Halperin J.The biology and behavior of Orthotomicus erosus in Israel[J].Phytoparasitica,1982,10(2): 169-181.[6]Lee J C,Flint M L,Seybold S J.Suitability of pines and other conifers as host for the invasive Mediterranean pine engrav-er(Coleoptera:Scolytidae)in North America[J].Journal of Eco-nomic Entomology,2008,101(3):829-837.[7]Human Z R,Slippers B,De Beer Z W,et al.Antifungal actinomycetes associated with the pine bark beetle,Orthotomicus erosus,in South Africa[J].South African Journal of Science, 2017,113(1/2):1-7.481西㊀部㊀林㊀业㊀科㊀学㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀2023年㊀。



分子生物学习题答案第一章绪论Chapter 1 Introduction一名词解释1.人类基因组计划:与曼哈顿原子弹计划和阿波罗登月计划相媲美的美国人类基因组计划(human genome project, HGP),解读人基因组上的所有基因、24个染色体DNA分子中的碱基序列。



2. RFLP (restrict fragment length polymorphism ):A variation from one individual to the next in the number of cutting sites for a given restriction endonuclease in a given genetic locus.3. DNA指纹:基因组中存在着多种重复序列,拷贝数从几个到数十万个,可分为串联重复序列和分散重复序列。



4. SNP(single nucleotide polymorphism, 单核苷酸多态性):在一个群体中,基因组内某一特定核苷酸位置上出现2种或2种以上不同核苷酸的现象,在群体中相应频率为1-2%。


二简答1. What is molecular biology?Molecular biology is the subject of gene structure and function at the molecular level.To explain the principle of development, metabolism, heredity and variation, aging at the molecular level. It grew out of the disciplines of genetics and biochemistry.2. Major events in the genetics century第二章核酸、蛋白质结构一选择题:B, E, D, A, A二名词解释1.Transfection:describes the introduction of foreign material into eukaryotic cells using a virus vector or other means of transfer. The term transfection for non-viral methods is most often used in reference to mammalian cells, while the term transformation is preferred to describe non-viral DNA transfer in bacteria and non-animal eukaryotic cells such as fungi, algae and plants.2.Configuration:The configuration of a molecule is the permanent geometry that results from the spatial arrangement of its bonds. The ability of the same set of atoms to form two or more molecules with different configurations is stereoisomerism.Configuration is distinct from chemical conformation, a shape attainable by bond rotations.3.构象:(Conformation, generally means structural arrangement),指一个分子中不改变共价键结构,仅是单键周围的原子旋转所产生的原子空间排列。



现代生态学研究中的重点和热点论题1. Molecular and evolutionary ecology1) Genetic consequences of climatic and environmental changes2) Ecological adaptation and speciation – the effect of ecological factors on genotype andphenotype3) Ecological genomics4) Phylogeography – use DNA markers to study processes and patterns of geographicalvariation5) Relationship of genetic diversity to species diversity and community stability6) Life history evolution – functional groups, life-history trade-offs, implications to speciescoexistence, sex allocation7) Phenotypic plasticity2. Ecophysiology8) Physiological adaptation and responses to extreme environments / in stressedenvironments9) Physiological responses and adaptation to global change10) Scaling of ecophysiological processes (including allometric scaling)11) Resource allocation, plant defense, and reproductive strategies (closely related tochemical ecology)3. Population Ecology12) Population dynamics in heterogeneous environments (including metapopulationdynamics and metapopulation genetics)13) Role of dispersal in population dynamics and distribution14) Causes and mechanisms of population regulation15) Survival of small populations (demographic, genetic, and environmental stochasticities,as well as disasters)16) Population ecology of clonal organisms17) Interface between population and ecosystem ecology24. Community Ecology18) Maintenance mechanisms of species diversity19) Neutral theory and species-area relationship20) Food web structure and trophic interactions21) Community phenological responses to environmental changes (in relation to globalchange, urbanization, etc.)22) Community organization and dynamics23) Species interactions24) Relationship between local and regional patterns/processes5. Ecosystem Ecology25) Biodiversity and ecosystem functioning26) Ecosystem responses and feedbacks to global changes (e.g., climate change and land usechange; emphasizing multiple stressors/factors)27) Ecosystem responses to local and regional-scale disturbances (including natural andanthropogenic disturbances, such as fires, grazing, nutrient enrichment, pest outbreaks,flooding, hydrological alterations)28) Ecological stoichiometry and elemental interactions6. Landscape Ecology29) Relationship between spatial pattern and ecological processes (particularly populationand ecosystem processes)30) Land use and land cover change and its ecological consequences (including urbanization,urban/wilderness interface, etc.)31) Disturbance and patch dynamics32) Landscape fragmentation and its effects on biodiversity and ecosystem functioning33) Scaling – transferring information across space, time, and organizational levels34) Ecosystem/landscape management35) Integration between ecology and landscape planning, design, andarchitecture36) Transdisciplinary studies of landscape sustainability7. Global Change and Ecological Responses37) Global C, N, and hydrological cycles38) Human dimensions in global change (land use and land cover, decision/policy making,socioeconomic processes, human-induced disturbances, etc.)39) Field manipulative ecosystem experiments (soil warming, FACE, etc.)40) Multiple-scale monitoring/observing systems41) Thresholds, nonlinearity, and uncertainty in global change research8. Biological Invasions42) Invasion mechanisms, processes, and prediction43) Methods, management, and policy for controlling and eradicating biological invasion44) Transcontinental exchange of species45) Impacts of biological invasion39. Conservation Biology (Pattern, dynamics, mechanisms, and conservation of biodiversity)46) Spatial pattern, mechanisms, and conservation strategy of biodiversity47) Biodiversity and global change48) Impacts of major geological events on biodiversity49) Mechanisms and conservation strategies of threatened species50) Role of biodiversity in ecological restoration and rehabilitation51) Monitoring and information systems of biodiversity10. Restoration ecology52) Assembly rules and restored ecosystem organization53) Spatial heterogeneity and restored ecosystem development54) Environmental stochasticity and ecological restoration design and evaluation55) Thresholds and nonlinearity in ecosystem degradation and restoration56) Development and study of reference ecosystems (along a gradient of disturbance for aspecific ecosystem type)57) Whole-ecosystem experimental studies of ecological restoration11. Ecosystem Services and Valuation58) Processes and underlying mechanisms that generate ecosystem services59) Quantification and identification of ecosystem services60) Spatial variability and dynamics of ecosystem services61) Relationship of ecosystem services to human activities and welfare62) Valuation methodologies and approaches13. Other topics of special concern63) Methodology, field design, and statistical analysis of large-scale ecological experiments(some methodologies do exist, but their applications have rarely used or misused)64) Database networking and sharing65) Long-term ecological monitoring and research66) Outbreaks of epidemic and infectious species67) Impacts of grand engineering projects (hydroelectric dams, etc.) on biodiversity68) Ecological risk assessment69) Tree of life – Molecular phylogenetics。



MEGA软件构建系统发育树摘要:以白色念珠菌属下面的十个种的18s RNA 为例,构建系统发育树来说明MEGA 软件的使用方法。

1背景简介1.1 MEGA(分子进化遗传分析)MEGA 的全称是Molecular Evolutionary Genetics Analysis。

MEGA is an integrated tool for automatic and manual sequence alignment, inferring phylogenetic trees, mining web-based databases, estimating rates of molecular evolution, and testing evolutionary hypotheses. MEGA 可用于序列比对、进化树的推断、估计分子进化速度、验证进化假说等。

MEGA 还可以通过网络(NCBI)进行序列的比对和数据的搜索。

最新版本:MEGA 5.1 Beta (软件开发者建议其结果不用于发表文章)建议下载版本:MEGA 5.05 for Windows and Mac OS。

MEGA 5 has been tested on the following Microsoft Windows® operating systems: Windows 95/98, NT, 2000, XP, Vista, version 7, Linux and Mac OS [1].MEGA 5.05 可免费下载,只需输入名字及有效邮箱,下载链接会发送至邮箱,点击可下载。

1.2 系统发育树定义系统发育树(英文:Phylogenetic tree)又称为演化树(evolutionary tree),是表明被认为具有共同祖先的各物种间演化关系的树。


在树中,每个节点代表其各分支的最近共同祖先,而节点间的线段长度对应演化距离(如估计的演化时间)1.3 系统发育树的分类根据有根和无根来区分:树可分为有根树和无根树两类。



生物进化的趋势和现状英文The evolution of organisms involves a variety of trends and patterns that can be observed in the current state of living beings. Here are a few evolutionary trends and their current status:1. Increase in complexity: Over time, organisms have tended to become more complex in structure and function. This trend is evident in various lineages, such as the evolution of multi-cellular organisms fromsingle-celled ancestors. The current state shows a wide array of complex organisms across different taxa, including humans, who are among the most complex creatures on Earth.2. Adaptation to the environment: Evolution involves the adaptation of organisms to their environment, enabling them to survive and reproduce. Through natural selection, traits that confer a survival advantage tend to become more prevalent in a population over time. This trend is ongoing, as organisms continue to adapt to changing environmental conditions, such as the development of antibiotic resistance in bacteria or the ability of certain animals to live in urban environments.3. Diversification and speciation: Evolution often leads to the diversification of species, resulting in the formation of new species overtime. This process is driven by various factors, including geographic isolation, ecological niche partitioning, and sexual selection. The current state reflects a high level of species diversity across the planet, with estimated numbers ranging from millions to tens of millions of species.4. Coevolution and symbiosis: Many organisms evolve in response to interactions with other species, leading to coevolution and the establishment of symbiotic relationships. For example, the coevolution between pollinators and flowering plants has resulted in the mutualistic relationship seen today. Coevolution and symbiosis continue to occur, shaping the relationships between organisms. For instance, the coevolution between bacteria and their animal hosts is a current area of research and study.5. Genetic and molecular evolution: Evolution at the genetic and molecular levels continues to occur, influencing the traits and characteristics of organisms. Mutations and genetic recombination generate new genetic variations, which can be subject to natural selection and other evolutionary forces. The current state of genetic and molecular evolution is of great interest to researchers, as it provides insights into the mechanisms underlying evolutionary processes and helps monitor changes in populations and species, including thosecaused by human activities.In summary, the current state of evolutionary trends reflects ongoing processes of complexity increase, adaptation, diversification, coevolution, and genetic and molecular evolution. These trends shape the diversity and dynamics of living organisms on our planet.。



Muller’s Ratchet: Accumulation of deleterious mutations in asexual populations
"modern synthesis" of Darwinian evolution through natural selection with Mendelian genetics
Francis Galton:
Rabbits experiments
Mendelian inheritance
Proposed by Gregor Johann Mendel in 1865 and 1866
Re-discovered in 1900 by Hugo de Vries, Carl Correns (student of Nägeli) and Erich von Tschermak (whose grandfather taught Mendel botany during his student days in Vienna)
A loose grouping of largely heterodox theories and mechanisms that emerged after Lamarck's time
Ivan Pavlov’s conditioned reflex experiment of white mice. With each generation, the mice became easier to condition. In 1926 Pavlov announced that there had been a fatal flaw in his experiment and retracted his claim to have demonstrated Lamarckian inheritance.

molecular biology and evolution的分区

molecular biology and evolution的分区

molecular biology and evolution的分区
"Molecular Biology and Evolution"是一本生物学期刊,主要发表分子进化、系统发育、基因组学、比较生物学等领域的研究论文。

1. 分子进化和系统发育:包括分子进化理论、分子系统发育、分子进化生物学等方面的研究论文。

2. 基因组学和比较生物学:包括基因组学、比较基因组学、比较生物学等方面的研究论文。

3. 进化生物学和生态学:包括进化生物学、生态学、进化生态学等方面的研究论文。

4. 分子遗传学和生物信息学:包括分子遗传学、生物信息学、分子遗传学和生物信息学的交叉领域等方面的研究论文。



第1页/ 共1页。



昆虫CYP4基因家族多样性和进化王小青;刘婷【摘要】CYP4 belongs to the P4S0 gene super family in a gene family. CYP4 family genes in insects are of great diversity, such as subfamily andita member diversity, gene variants, expression diversity etc, so the CYP4 gene family is a good material to study the evolution. To determine the true evolutionary mechanism of CYP4 gene family, people did a lot of study on CYP4 family genes evolutionary, such as CYP4 family gene intron sub, exon, amino acid, pseudogenes, mosaic gene, promoter and other functional fragments. But research in depth for this area is still necessary. As CYP4 family genes belong to the functional genes, not only further study is needed for nucleotide or amino acid sequences, but also for its senior structure.%CYP4基因家族属于P450基因超家族中的一个基因家族.CYP4基因家族在昆虫中表现出极大的多样性,如亚家族及其成员的多样性、基因变异体、表达多样性等.所以,CYP4基因家族是研究进化的好材料.为了确定CYP4基因家族真正的进化机制,人们对它的内含子、外显子、氨基酸、假基因、镶嵌基因、启动子等其他功能片断进行过研究,但是不够深入.GYP4基因家族属于功能基因,所以,不仅要研究其核苷酸或者氨基酸序列,应该进一步研究其高级结构.【期刊名称】《山西农业科学》【年(卷),期】2012(040)005【总页数】4页(P559-562)【关键词】CYP4;基因家族;多样性;进化【作者】王小青;刘婷【作者单位】长治市郊区农业委员会,山西长治046011;长治市郊区农业委员会,山西长治046011【正文语种】中文【中图分类】S186CYP4基因家族属于P450基因超家族中的一个基因家族,P450超家族蛋白是一组膜上同工酶,主要功能是代谢一些外源的有毒物质及代谢和合成一些与生理功能有关的分子,如脂肪酸、前列腺素(prostaglandin,PG)、胆汁酸、胆固醇类的激素等[1],由于进化的压力,P450表现出很明显的多样性[2]。







大量定点基因突变实验表明,蛋白质功能和性质的改变来自于许多小的内部修饰的积累,这些小的修饰或突变分布于较大的序列空间内,人们试图利用已有的结构生物学信息对蛋白质进行合理设计(rational design),但蛋白质结构的复杂性极大地增加了合理设计的难度,更何况,对于大多数要改造的蛋白质来说,我们并不清楚其三维结构信息,不能进行合理设计,而近年来发展的分子定向进化(molecular directed evolution)策略属于蛋白质的非合理设计范畴,它不需要事先了解蛋白质的三维结构信息和作用机制,而是在体外模拟自然进化的过程(随机突变、重组和选择),使基因发生大量变异,并定向选择出所需性质或功能,从而在几天或几周内实现自然界需数百万年才能完成的事情。






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Molecular Organization and Evolution of 5S rDNA in the Genus Merluccius and Their Phylogenetic ImplicationsDaniel Campo ÆGonzalo Machado-Schiaffino ÆJose Luis Horreo ÆEva Garcia-VazquezReceived:25November 2008/Accepted:29January 2009/Published online:27February 2009ÓSpringer Science+Business Media,LLC 2009Abstract The molecular organization of the 5S rRNA gene family has been studied in a wide variety of animal taxa,including many bony fish species.It is arranged in tandemly repeated units consisting of a highly conserved 120base pair–long region,which encodes for the 5S rRNA,and a nontranscribed spacer (NTS)of variable length,which contains regulatory elements for the transcription of the coding sequence.In this work,a comparative analysis of 5S ribosomal DNA (rDNA)organization and evolution in the 12species of the genus Merluccius ,which are dis-tributed in the Atlantic and Pacific oceans,was carried out.Two main types of 5S rDNA (types A and M)were iden-tified,as differentiated by the absence or presence of a simple sequence repeat within the NTS.Four species exhibited the 2types of 5S rDNA,whereas the rest showed only 1type.In addition,the species M.albidus and M.bilinearis showed 2variants (S and L)of type-M 5S rDNA,which differentiated by length.The results obtained here support the hypothesis of a 5S rRNA dual system as an ancient condition of the Piscine genome.In contrast,some inconsistencies were found between the phylogeny of the genus Merluccius based on mitochondrial genes and that obtained from nuclear markers (5S rDNA,microsatellite loci,and allozyme data).Hybrid origin of the American species M.australis is suggested based on these results.Keywords Merluccius Á5S rDNA ÁCoding sequence ÁNTS A ÁNTS M ÁMolecular evolution ÁPhylogeny ÁIncongruence ÁSpeciation ÁHybridizationIntroductionThe minor class of ribosomal DNA (rDNA)comprises the 5S rRNA gene family,which is arranged in higher eukaryotes in several thousands of copies of tandemly repeated units.Each unit consists of a highly conserved coding sequence of 120base pairs (bp)encoding for the 5S rRNA,and a flanking region of variable length that is not transcribed (nontranscribed spacer [NTS])and contains some regulatory elements for the transcription of the cod-ing sequence (Sajdak et al.1998;Wasko et al.2001).Because it is nontranscribed,the NTS is neutral and it is expected to freely mutate.However,the 5S rDNA fits in aconcerted evolution model (Drouin and Moniz de Sa`1995),which allows for the homogenization of the repeated sequences,thus decreasing intraindividual and intrapopu-lation heterogeneity (Dover 1982).For this reason,the NTS has been widely employed as a molecular marker for species identification and phylogenetic studies,although its application for this last purpose in closely related species is being currently discussed (Pasolini et al.2006).Many studies have been published dealing with the structure,chromosomal location,and sequence variation of the 5S rRNA genes in fungi (Kramer et al.1978;Cihlar and Sypherd 1980;Tabata 1980;Cassidy and Pukkila 1987;Duchesne and Anderson 1990;Amici and Rollo 1991),plants (Ganal et al.1988;Nedi et al.2002),and animals (Brown et al.1977;Bogenhagen et al.1980;Bogenhagen and Brown 1981;Komiya et al.1986),including freshwaterand marine fishes (Penda´s et al.1994;Mora ´n et al.1996;Electronic supplementary material The online version of thisarticle (doi:10.1007/s00239-009-9207-8)contains supplementary material,which is available to authorized users.D.Campo (&)ÁG.Machado-Schiaffino ÁJ.L.Horreo ÁE.Garcia-VazquezDepartamento de Biologia Funcional,Universidad de Oviedo,C.Julian Claveria s/n,33006Oviedo,Spain e-mail:campodaniel@uniovi.esJ Mol Evol (2009)68:208–216DOI 10.1007/s00239-009-9207-8Sajdak et al.1998;Martins and Galetti2001;Wasko et al. 2001;Sola et al.2003;Robles et al.2005;Pasolini et al. 2006;Gornung et al.2007).Two different types of5S rDNA have been found in Xenopus laevis,one expressed in somatic cells and the other in oocytes,derived from the somatic type by gene duplication(Komiya et al.1986).This dual system of paralogous5S rRNA genes has been documented in other animal taxa,including manyfish species(Sajdak et al. 1998;Martins and Galetti2001;Wasko et al.2001;Sola et al.2003;Robles et al.2005;Pasolini et al.2006).The main difference between these two types of5S rDNA relies on the length of the NTS,although in some cases nucleo-tide substitutions in the120bp-long coding sequence of the two5S rDNA types have been reported(Penda´s et al. 1994;Martins and Galetti2001;Wasko et al.2001;Paso-lini et al.2006;Gornung et al.2007).The genus Merluccius is included in the family Mer-lucciidae,which is considered the most basal group within the Gadoidei(Teletchea et al.2006).The12species of the genus Merluccius are distributed in the Atlantic(Euro-pean–African coasts:M.merluccius,M.senegalensis,M. polli,M.capensis,and M.paradoxus;American coasts:M. albidus,M.bilinearis,and M.hubbsi)and the Pacific(M. productus,M.angustimanus,M.gayi,and M.australis) oceans.Hakefisheries are a priority for many regions (Pitcher and Alheit1995);thus,many works published about hake genetics are mainly focused on the population structure of Merluccius species(Lundy et al.1999;Castillo et al.2004;Cimmaruta et al.2005;von der Heyden et al. 2007)for application infisheries management.The phy-logeny of the genus has been scarcely studied,based only on allozyme variation(Rolda´n et al.1999;Grant and Leslie 2001)and mitochondrial loci(Quinteiro et al.2000;Campo et al.2007).Nuclear ribosomal RNA genes have been studied in the genus Merluccius for application as species-specific markers to identify commercial seafood based on the length of polymerase chain reaction(PCR)products(Pe´rez and Garcı´a-Va´zquez2004;Pe´rez et al.2005).Simulta-neous occurrence of C2amplification products of different lengths for the5S rDNA locus in species,such as Mer-luccius paradoxus,M.gayi,and M.bilinearis(Pe´rez and Garcı´a-Va´zquez2004),suggests the existence of[1locus at this gene in the genus.However,the type or origin of these duplicated loci has not been investigated until now.Two main objectives were achieved in this study.First,a comparative analysis of the5S rDNA organization among the12species of Merluccius was carried out to contribute to deciphering the pattern of evolution of this multigene family.Second,phylogenetic relations were inferred for all the species in the genus based on the5S rDNA sequences here obtained and for some American hake species based on genetic distances estimated with5microsatellite loci. They were compared with the molecular phylogeny and speciation patterns previously proposed for Merluccius (Stepien and Rosenblatt1996;Rolda´n et al.1999; Quinteiro et al.2000;Grant and Leslie2001;Campo et al. 2007).Material and MethodsSampling,DNA Extraction,and PCR AmplificationThe Merluccius samples analyzed in this work(2to10for each of the12Merluccius species yielding a total of51 individuals)belong to the collection already analyzed by Campo et al.(2007).Total DNA was extracted from muscle tissue according to Chelex resin protocol(Estoup et al.1996).Amplification of the NTS and partial-coding sequence of the5S rDNA was done using the universal primers5SA and5SBR(Penda´s et al.1994).The total coding sequences were amplified according to the protocol described by Pe´rez and Garcı´a-Va´zquez(2004)by employing the primers5S C(50-AAGCTTACAGCACCTGGTATT-30) and5S MD(50-TTCAACATGGGCTCCGACGGA-30) described therein.PCR reactions were carried out in a total volume of40l l containing Promega buffer19(Promega, Madison,WI), 2.5mM MgCl2,250l M each dNTP, 40pmol each primer,0.2l l Promega GoTaq polymerase (Promega,Madison,WI),and2-l l sample of DNA.PCR was performed in a GeneAmp PCR System9700(Applied Biosystems)with the following conditions:initial dena-turing step at95°C for5minutes,followed by30cycles of denaturing at95°C for30seconds,annealing(for30sec-onds)at65°C for both pair of primers,and extension at 72°C for30seconds,ending with afinal extension at72°C for15to minutes.In addition,for M.bilinearis,M.albidus, M.hubbsi,M.australis and M.gayi,5dinucleotide microsatellite loci were analyzed(in24,24,25,50,and25 individuals,respectively):Maus7,Maus30,and Maus32 (Machado-Schiaffino and Garcia-Vazquez2009);Mmer-UEAW01(Rico et al.1997),and Mmer-Hk20(Mora´n et al. 1999).PCR amplifications were performed on reaction mixtures containing approximately50ng extracted hake DNA template,10mM Tris-HCl(pH8.8),2.5mM MgCl2, 50mM KCl,0.1%Triton x-100,0.35l Mfluorescently labelled primers,0.5U Promega Taq polymerase,and 250l M each dNTP in afinal volume of20l L.DNA Purification and SequencingPCR products were loaded in50-ml2.5%agarose gels and stained with2l l10mg/ml ethidium bromide.Bandscorresponding to the5S rDNA fragments amplified were removed from the gel,and DNA was purified using the Wizard SV Gel and PCR Clean-Up System and then sequenced.Automatedfluorescence sequencing was per-formed with both primers in every case on an ABI PRISM 3100Genetic Analyzer(Applied Biosystems)with BigDye 3.1Terminator system,in the Unit of Genetic Analysis of the University of Oviedo(Spain).For the microsatellite markers,size of the labelled PCR products were deter-mined employing the same genetic analyzer,and the results were visualized employing GENESCAN V.3.7software (Applied Biosystems).Phylogenetic AnalysesSequences were edited with BioEdit(Hall1999)and aligned with ClustalW(Thompson et al.1994)with a penalty of6for gap opening and4for gap extension. However,alignments had to be edited manually a posteri-ori because due to the enormous differences in length, some regions were not properly aligned by the program.To perform phylogenetic analyses,gaps were coded according to the methods proposed by Simmons and Ochoterna (2000)(i.e.,simple and complex indel coding methods)as implemented in SeqState(Mu¨ller2005).We constructed two phylogenetic trees:(1)one with a mixed data set composed of the sequence alignment(without gaps)plus the codification of the gaps according to the simple indel coding method and(2)another one using only the gaps coded with the complex indel coding procedure.The phylogenetic analysis of thefirst data set was done in MrBayes 3.1.2(Huelsenbeck and Ronquist2001)with default settings to establish the initial heating values for four Markov chains,which ran simultaneously and were sampled every100cycles.MrModelTest software version 2.2(Nylander2004)was employed to determine the model of sequence evolution that bestfitted the DNA data (according to Akaike criterion),and this information was implemented in the Bayesian analysis.In contrast,for the data set containing only gap information,maximum par-simony(MP)analysis was done with the program PAUP (ver.4.0b10;Swofford2003)using an heuristic search with 10random-addition sequence replicates and the Tree-Bisection-Reconnection(TBR)algorithm for branch-swapping.The statistical robustness of MP tree nodes was tested with100bootstrap replicates(Felsenstein1985).We also constructed a neighbor-joining tree with a distance matrix calculated from frequency data for thefive microsatellite loci previously mentioned in computer package PHYLIP(Felsenstein1989).Statistical support of nodes was calculated in this case with1000bootstrap replicates.Finally,the program FigTree1.1.2(Rambaut 2008)was employed to visualize the trees.ResultsMolecular Organization of5S rDNA in Merluccius speciesThe electrophoretic banding pattern of the fragments amplified with the primers5SA and5SBR(Penda´s et al. 1994)was very heterogeneous among the12species of Merluccius(Table1).Some species exhibited only1band (M.angustimanus,M.australis,M.capensis,M.gayi,M. merluccius,M.productus,and M.senegalensis),whereas others yielded2(M.albidus,M.hubbsi,M.paradoxus,and M.polli)or3bands(M.bilinearis).After sequencing the fragments obtained with the2pairs of primers A-BR and C-MD for the51individuals analyzed,a consensus sequence of the5S rDNA repeat unit(coding sequence plus NTS)was obtained for each band.These sequences were deposited in GenBank under the accession numbers FJ196623to FJ196640(Table1).As reported by Campo et al.(2007),only two types of coding sequences were found(Fig.1),differentiated by two nucleotide substitutions at positions3and25.One of the sequences(sequence A)was obtained for M.merluc-cius,M.senegalensis,and M.capensis.The other (sequence B)was obtained for all the bands of the rest of hake species.Neither heterozygotes nor intraspecific vari-ation were found.All of the internal control regions(ICRs) were identified in the coding sequence of all species(box Table1Size(bp),type,and GenBank accesion number for each of the5S rDNA repeat units(coding sequence plus nontranscribed spacer)found for all Merluccius speciesSpecies Size and type Accession no.M.albidus652,type-ML FJ196623416,type-MS FJ196624 M.angustimanus401,type-M FJ196625 M.australis400,type-M FJ196626 M.bilinearis223,type-A FJ196627759,type-ML FJ196628661,type-MS FJ196629 M.capensis371,type-A FJ196630 M.gayi386,type-M FJ196631 M.hubbsi241,type-A FJ196632660,type-M FJ196633 M.merluccius371,type-A FJ196634 M.paradoxus371,type-A FJ196635492,type-M FJ196636 M.polli371,type-A FJ196637501,type-M FJ196638 M.productus404,type-M FJ196639 M.senegalensis365,type-A FJ196640A,internal element,and box C in Fig.1).No nucleotide variation was found within these ICRs.All5S rDNA sequences contained the TATA box con-trol element within the NTS at position-30bp(base pairs) upstream from the next array(Sajdak et al.1998;Wasko et al.2001).In M.merluccius,M.senegalensis,and M. capensis it has been modified to AATA.All of the sequences analyzed exhibited an additional TATA-like region at exactly16residues upstream from the TATA box. They also presented the5thymidine residues required for transcription termination(Bogenhagen and Brown1981)at positions119to123and a second T-cluster2bases downstream from the primary one.Comparative Analyses of the NTS SequencesIn M.hubbsi,M.polli,and M.paradoxus,the NTS of the longer band contained of a simple sequence repeat(SSR), which also appeared in the single band of M.productus,M. angustimanus,M.gayi,and M.australis;in the two bands of M.albidus;and in the two longer bands of M.bilinearis. The SSR consisted of a variable number of repeats of the CA motif(between4and14)preceded by a variable number of Cs(between1and13).Its location was always similar,starting at position118,119,or121of the NTS.Based on the absence or presence of this microsatellite sequence within the NTS,we classified the5S rDNAs of hakes in type-A(absent)and type-M(microsatellite pres-ent).In addition,two variants of different length because of insertions and/or deletions were found within type-M sequences of M.albidus and M.bilinearis.These two variants were called‘‘S’’and‘‘L’’(short and long, respectively).In contrast,some intraspecific variation at the size of the NTS type-M caused by the number of Cs and CA motif repeats was found for M.productus,M.biline-aris,M.albidus,and M.hubbsi but not for M.polli and M. paradoxus.However,intraindividual variation cannot be ruled out for the two latter species because the methodol-ogy employed in this study(direct sequencing of PCR products without cloning them)does not allow unambig-uously identification of minor differences in the chromatogram.Because there is some variation,only the most frequent size found for each type-M band is listed in Table1.After introducing long gaps for solving the alignment, four groups of sequences were inferred based on nucleotide similarity and position of gaps.Group A comprised all type-A sequences(M.merluccius-A,M.senegalensis-A, M.capensis-A,M.paradoxus-A,and M.polli-A),except the sequences of M.bilinearis-A and M.hubbsi-A,which were223bp–and241bp–long,respectively.These two sequences could be considered a group apart based on their short length.Group M-I was composed of type M sequences of M.productus,M.angustimanus,M.gayi,M. australis,M.bilinearis-M-L,and M.albidus-M-S.Group M-II comprised the type-M sequences of M.polli and M. paradoxus.Finally,group M-III included the sequences M. bilinearis-M-S,M.albidus-M-L,and M.hubbs i-M.Two conserved‘‘blocks’’were identified in the NTS alignment as evidenced by high similarity between all sequences(Fig.2).Thefirst block(block-1)corresponded to the1to66nucleotides within the NTS,and the second block(block-2)comprised the last105residues of each sequence,with the exceptions being the short M.hubbsi and M.bilinearis type-A sequences,which only matched partially to these blocks because of long deletions.In addition,alignment regions with nucleotide homology between C2sequences(i.e.,with no gaps)showed little variation.The three groups of sequences carrying micro-satellites(M-I,M-II,and M-III)were clearly different from each other,although group M-II exhibited more fragments of the alignment in common with group M-III than with group M-I.Phylogenetic Relations Among NTS SequencesThe model of evolution obtained from MrModelTest (Nylander2004)was the Hasegawa–Kishino–Yano85Fig.1Alignment of the two haplotypes of the5S rDNA codingregion found in all of the individuals sequenced from the Merlucciusspecies.In bold letters(positions3and25)are shown the twonucleotide substitutions found.The internal control regions(boxA=position50to64;internal element=positions67to72;boxC=nucleotides80to97)areshadedFig.2Schematic representation of the alignment of the eighteentype-A and type-M sequences found for all the species within thegenus Merluccius.Dark grey represents fragments with nucleotidealignment,whereas light grey indicate gaps.The numbers below thediagram point:1=first conserved block(positions1to66);2=zone with the SSR;3=zone of nucleotide homology betweentype-A and type-M sequences;and4=second conserved block(positions570to675)(Hasegawa et al.1985),with a proportion of invariable sites of0.6076and equal rate of substitution for all sites. We did an analysis with all NTS sequences but later decided to remove M.hubbsi and M.bilinearis type-A sequences in thefinal phylogenetic reconstruction because due to their much shorter length they introduced noise into the phylogenetic inference.Thefinal phylogenetic tree is shown in Fig.3a.Almost identical topologies were recovered in Bayesian(DNA?’’simple indel’’coded gaps)and MP(‘‘complex indel’’coded gaps)analyses,with only two minor differences between them(see later text). Three main clades can be depicted from the tree,and the sequences belonging to the same group inferred from the alignment(A,M-I,M-II,and M-III)clustered together in all cases.From up to down,thefirst clade consisted of all the M-I sequences divided into two subgroups:(1)M. productus-M?M.angustimanus-M?M.gayi-M?M. australis-M]and(2)M.bilinearis-M-L?M.albidus-M-S. For this clade,the Bayesian tree exhibited a multifurcated pattern involving thefirst subgroup taxa,whereas in the MP tree they were clustered in a separate branch with61% of bootstrap support(tree not shown).The next branch clustered M-II and M-III sequences.The Bayesian tree placed M.bilinearis-M-S as a sister taxon of groupM-IIFig.3a Tree topology obtained in the bayesian phylogenetic analyses of the type-A and type-M sequences of the12Merluccius species plus the alignment gaps coded according to the simple indel coding method of Simmons and Ochoterna(2000).Values above the branches indicate posterior probability support,whereas numbers below the branches indicate bootstrap support after100replicates for MP analyses of only the alignment gaps coded according to the complex indel coding method of Simmons and Ochoterna(2000)as implemented in SeqState(Mu¨ller2005).Type-A sequences of M. bilinearis and M.hubbsi were excluded in both analyses(see reasons given in the text).b Neighbor-joining tree estimated from frequency data of5microsatellite loci for5American hake species.c ML tree topology for Merluccius species based on the combination of4r mitochondrial partial gene sequences(12S,16S,control region,and cytochrome b)as adapted from Campo et al.(2007).Outgroup= Gadus morhua(M.paradoxus-M?M.polli-M),whereas the MP tree split both groups in separate branches.Finally,all type-A sequences(group A)clustered in a well-separated branch with two subclades:one comprising M.paradoxus-A?M. polli-A and the other comprising M.merluccius-A?M. senegalensis-A?M.capensis-A.The four groups of sequences seem to constitute well-differentiated evolutionary clades.This was supported by high values of bootstrap and posterior probability for almost all nodes supporting these groups.Figure3b shows the midpoint-rooted neighbor-joining tree obtained from frequency data offive microsatellite loci(Maus7,Maus30, Maus32,Mmer-UEAW01,and Mmer-Hk20)forfive American hake species.M.bilinearis was separated as the most divergent taxon,whereas M.australis and M.gayi were clustered as sister species in the most derived branch. DiscussionMolecular Organization and Evolution of5S rDNAin Merluccius speciesAll sequences analyzed here likely correspond to func-tional genes because they exhibit all the necessary features for the correct gene expression:the three ICRs(box A, internal element,and box C in Fig.1),the TATA box,and the poly T region.The second T cluster that was found two bases downstream from the primary one could be a ‘‘backup’’cluster,a feature already described for Xenopus 5S RNA genes(Bogenhagen and Brown1981).This has also been reported in otherfishes(Gornung et al.2007). Similarly,the second TATA-like region,found16residues upstream from the TATA box,could be a‘‘backup’’TATA box.For the genus Merluccius,we found at least2types of 5S rDNA,of different length,in5species(M.bilinearis, M.albidus,M.hubbsi,M.paradoxus,and M.polli)of12. The existence of2classes of5S rDNA differing mainly in the size of the NTS,and sometimes also in the nucleotide sequence of the coding region,has been described for many animal species,includingfish(Komiya et al.1986;Penda´s et al.1994;Martins and Galetti2001;Wasko et al.2001; Sola et al.2003;Pasolini et al.2006;Gornung et al.2007). In addition,the existence of conserved blocks within NTS sequences and the low number of nucleotide substitutions found in the homologous sequence alignment regions indicate that the differences between the NTS sequences found in Merluccius species are mainly caused by inser-tions and deletions(more than nucleotide substitutions), such as in Characiformes(Wasko et al.2001)and other taxa as separate as sturgeons(Robles et al.2005).How-ever,the organization of Merluccius5S rRNA genes may be somewhat different from that of otherfish taxa.First,4 types of NTS sequences(groups A,M-I,M-II,and M-III), instead of2,could be considered for this genus,clustering the type-M sequences into3well-separated groups in the reconstructed phylogenetic tree.Second,differences in the coding sequence between the2types(long type-II and short type-I NTS)of5S rDNA,which have been reported for otherfish(Komiya et al.1986;Penda´s et al.1994; Martins and Galetti2001;Wasko et al.2001;Sola et al. 2003;Pasolini et al.2006;Gornung et al.2007),did not occur in Merluccius,where nucleotide substitutions in the coding region were found only for the clades M.merluc-cius,M.senegalensis,and M.capensis,the3most recently diverged species within the genus(Campo et al.2007).Distinct families of5S rRNA genes,often characterized by variants of spacers,have been described associated with differential expression in somatic and oocyte cells(Komiya et al.1986;Martins and Galetti2001;Wasko et al.2001; Pasolini et al.2006).Such kinds of tissue specialization can not be generalized for the genus Merluccius because only one type of NTS(type-A or type-M)exists for seven spe-cies,such as in European M.merluccius(type-A),Pacific M.australis(type-M),and others.Pasolini et al.(2006)suggested that the dual5S rRNA gene system corresponds to the ancestral condition of the Piscine genome and that the loss of a5S rRNA gene cluster might have occurred secondarily infish taxa that bear only one type of5S rDNA.M.bilinearis,supposed to be the most ancient species of the genus(e.g.,Quinteiro et al. 2000;Campo et al.2007)exhibited the two types of5S rDNA.In the most recent M.merluccius–M.senegalensis–M.capensis lineage,the loss of type-M5S rDNA in the ancestral species could have led to the current presence of only type-A5S rDNA.Deletion or loss of the type-A locus in all species within the Pacific Ocean lineage(,M.angustimanus,and M.gayi)explains their5S rDNA organization.However,the evolution of this gene family in the remaining clade can not be explained by simple loss of one type of5S rDNA.The north Atlantic American M.albidus and M.bilinearis exhibit two dif-ferent types of NTS containing microsatellites;M. bilinearis possesses one additional NTS without SSR, which absent in M.albidus.This could be explained by a duplication of type-M locus in the M.albidus–M.bilinearis lineage plus a loss of type-A in M.albidus.Additional deletions in M.bilinearis type-A could explain its short feature.A complex combination of duplications,insertions, and deletions,in general genome rearrangements,has likely been involved in the evolution of this gene family in the genus Merluccius.With respect to M.hubbsi-A and M.bilinearis-A,in addition to not having a microsatellite,they do not present any of the other features shared by the rest of type-Asequences,being just short sequences that match only the common blocks of the general alignment.They may have been originated through deletions from a longer sequence, but whether this ancestral state was type-A or type-M cannot be determined using the present data.Phylogenetic InferenceAccording to the phylogenetic trees constructed from NTS sequences and gaps alignment(Fig.3),the species of the genus Merluccius generallyfit a vicariant model of distri-bution(sequences of Pacific species cluster in the same branches as do Atlantic American and Atlantic Euro-Afri-can species),with a couple of exceptions.Type-M sequences of two African species(M.paradoxus and M. polli)cluster within the clade formed by three North American Atlantic hakes(M.bilinearis,M.albidus,and M. hubbsi).In contrast,one of the two type-M sequences of the Northwestern Atlantic species,M.albidus and M.biline-aris,MS and ML,respectively,cluster together as a sister clade of the group formed by the four Pacific hakes(M. productus,M.angustimanus,M.gayi,and M.australis).When comparing the phylogenetic relations here obtained from the analysis of NTS sequences of the12 Merluccius species with the phylogeny constructed from mitochondrial genes(Campo et al.2007),the main scheme is maintained(Fig.3c).Species cluster together by geo-graphic proximity,with M.bilinearis being likely the most ancient species.However,there is an important difference between the two trees.The South American hake M.aus-tralis,clustered as a sister species of the Argentine M. hubbsi from mitochondrial genes(in geographic concor-dance;their distributions overlap in Southwest Atlantic waters),was grouped with the Pacific hakes M.productus, M.angustimanus,and M.gayi in NTS sequences analysis. In addition,the phylogenetic tree constructed fromfive microsatellite frequency data infive American hakes (Fig.3b)also supports this pattern,placing M.australis as the sister species of the Pacific M.gayi.Moreover,phy-logenetic relations among Merluccius species inferred from other nuclear markers,such as allozyme loci(Stepien and Rosenblatt1996;Rolda´n et al.1999;Grant and Leslie 2001)also place M.australis more related to the Pacific lineage than to the Atlantic one.Although not uncommon,it is not easy to explain large incongruence of nuclear and mitochondrial phylogenies.In other cases—fromfish(e.g.,Egger et al.2007;Koblmu¨ller et al.2007)to lizards(e.g.,Leache´and McGuire2006)to mammals(e.g.,Ting et al.2008)—it has been interpreted as a signal of repeated hybridization and introgression, leading to the hybrid origin of some species and/or retic-ulate phylogeny.In the present case,phylogenetic incongruence between nuclear and mitochondrial markers for only one species could be explained by ancient asym-metric hybridization leading to the formation of a species of ancestral hybrid origin,M.australis.This process would have involved two ancestral populations,one from the M. productus–M.angustimanus–M.gayi branch(Pacific Ocean)and other from M.albidus–M.hubbsi lineage (Atlantic Ocean).If male individuals from the former population successfully reproduced atfirst with female individuals from the latter,and then also with the new hybrid female individuals with higherfitness than male individuals coming from the latter population and from the new hybrid pool,after a considerable number of genera-tions the nuclear genome of the M.albidus–M.hubbsi lineage could have been lost in the new hybrid population pool,being replaced by that of the M.productus––M.gayi ancestor,whereas they would have kept the mitochondrial lineage of the latter.Then these two ancestral populations could have split and migrated to the North Pacific and the South Atlantic oceans,respectively (Campo et al.2007).Therefore,the analysis of the nuclear sequences would place M.australis together with–M.angustimanus–M.gayi lineage,whereas mitochondrial DNA phylogeny would cluster it closely related to the Atlantic species M.albidus and M.hubbsi.Thus,we propose hybridization as a third mechanism of speciation(together with vicariance and geographic dis-persion;Campo et al.2007)to explain the evolutionary history of the genus Merluccius.Further work,such as extensive genome and karyotype analysis,should be done to confirm this hypothesis because hybridization can result in genomic changes,including alterations of gene expres-sion,chromosomal structure,and genome size(Baack and Rieseberg2007).Acknowledgments Hake samples were kindly provided by Francis Juanes(University of Massachusetts),Ignacio Sobrino(Instituto Es-pan˜ol de Oceanografia Cadiz,Spain),Luis O.Bala(Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cientificas y Tecnicas,Argentina),Mauricio Ponte (University of Santiago,Chile),Francisco Sanchez(Instituto Espan˜ol de Oceanografia Santander,Spain),Robin Tilney(Department of Environmental Affairs,Cape Town,South Africa),and Eduardo Vallarino(University of Mar del Plata,Argentina). 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