

03-2024普通高中学业水平考试仿真模拟检测三)(原卷版 )

03-2024普通高中学业水平考试仿真模拟检测三)(原卷版 )

2024年普通高中学业水平考试仿真模拟检测三(时间:90分钟满分:100分)一、语言文字应用(18分,选择题12分,每小题3分;第5题6分)1.下列词语中加点字的注音,不正确的一项是 ( )A.河畔.(pàn) 点缀.(zhuì) 踱.步(duó) 舐.犊情深(shì)B.倩.影(qiàn) 谙.熟(yīn)谬.种(miào) 锲.而不舍(qiè)C.遐.想(xiá) 形骸.(.hái) 嫡.亲(dí) 脚镣.手铐(liào)D.蹩.脚(bié) 泅.渡(qiú) 掂.量(diān)怏.怏不乐(yàng)2.下列词语中有错别字的一组是 ( )A.诞生陶冶譬喻嬉笑怒骂B.晌午枯燥国粹闻名遐迩C.颓圮精悍洗涤垂涎三尺D.狭隘部署纯粹无耻斓言3.下列句中加点的熟语,不能用括号中的四字格成语替换的一句是 ( )A.记者在采访中发现,渴望健康的读者面对越来越多贴着各种标签的有关健康书,面对公说公..有理、婆说婆有理........的有关养生的理论却是无所适从。



(从长计议)D.本来,只是这“政协委员”的身份好歹也是社会地位的象征,所以她才割舍不得,可她那点文化素质要弄出什么高水平的提案来,这不是明摆着要“赶鸭子上架.....”吗?(强人所难)4.依次填入下面横线处的句子,衔接最恰当的一项是 ( )爱雨的人是不想躲开雨的。


辽宁省普通高中高二学业水平考试模拟(三)语文试题 解析版

辽宁省普通高中高二学业水平考试模拟(三)语文试题 解析版

辽宁省普通高中高二学业水平考试模拟(三)语文试题解析版(本试卷分Ⅰ、Ⅱ两卷,满分 100 分,考试时间 90 分钟)注意事项:1.答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡上。



3.做答第Ⅰ卷选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用 2B 铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案涂黑。


第Ⅰ卷(选择题共 40 分)一、1. 下列各句中,加点的成语,使用不恰当的一项是()A. 《战争与和平》这部卷帙浩繁的巨著以战争问题为中心,以四家贵族的生活为线索,展示了 19 世纪初的俄国历史。

B. 秋收时节,我陪父母回到了久别的故乡,瓜田李下传来的缕缕清香,让我们不由自主地向大坝上的老自留地走去。

C. 为了加快城市现代化建设的步伐,我市“城市总体规划修编计划”启动,新一轮城市总体规划呼之欲出。

D. 他们为化解部分旅客不满情绪而设立“投诉中心”的做法,表明他们不仅有良好的服务意识,还有闻过则喜的雅量。








2. 下列各句中,没有语病的一项是()A. 业内人士认为,中国要想在新一轮汽车产业的变革中占据领先地位,关键在于研发领域能否有重大突破。

B. 文化自信,对于行进在实现自己伟大梦想征途中的民族、国家意义重大,对于积极进取,追求幸福的个体更是不可或缺。

C. 长江经济带发展必须坚持生态优先、绿色发展的战略方式,这不仅是对自然规律的尊重,也是对经济规律、社会规律的尊重。







下列物理量中属于标量的是()A. 位移B。

功C. 力D. 速度2. 物理学发展历程中,利用理想实验推翻“力是维持物体运动的原因"的科学家是( )A。

阿基米德B. 牛顿C。

伽利略D. 亚里士多德3。


物体的速度越大,加速度越大B. 物体的速度为零,加速度也一定为零C。

物体的速度变化量越大,加速度越大D. 物体的速度变化越快,加速度越大4。

一物体从塔顶做自由落体运动,经过3s落地,取g=10m/s2,则塔高为()A. 25mB. 30mC. 45m D。



12N B. 7N C. 6N D。


在水平地面上固定一个竖直轻弹簧,现在弹簧上端放一个重为10N的木块后,弹簧被压缩了2cm,系统处于平衡状态.则轻弹簧的劲度系数为( )A。

2 000N/m B. 500N/mC. 50N/mD. 20N/m7. 如图所示,在做“探究力的平行四边形定则"的实验时,通过细绳套用两个互成角度的弹簧测力计拉动橡皮条使其伸长到某一点O,此时不需要记录的是( )A。



安徽省阜阳三中2023—2023学年第二学期高二年级第二次调考全真演练物理试卷一、单选题 (共7题)第(1)题近来,交警部门开展的“车让人”活动深入人心,不遵守“车让人”的驾驶员将受到严厉处罚。

假设一辆以36km/h 的速度匀速行驶的汽车即将通过路口,此时一老人正在过人行横道,汽车的车头距离人行横道14m 。

若该车减速时的最大加速度为;要使该车在到达人行横道前停止,驾驶员的反应时间不能超过( )A .0.5sB .0.4sC .0.3sD .0.2s第(2)题在聚变反应中,一个氘核H)和一个氚核H)结合为一个氦核(),并放出一个中子,同时释放大约的能量。


下列说法正确的是( )A .太阳因为辐射能量每秒亏损的质量约为B .的比结合能比H H 的比结合能都要大C .要使轻核发生聚变,高温可以使它们克服库仑力和核力而聚变D .聚变反应又叫热核反应,核聚变可以放出巨大能量,现有的核电站都是采用核聚变第(3)题曲线运动是生活中一种常见的运动,下列关于曲线运动的说法中正确的是( )A .可能存在加速度为0的曲线运动B .平抛运动是加速度随时间均匀变化的曲线运动C .匀速圆周运动一定是加速度变化的曲线运动D .圆周运动不可以分解为两个相互垂直的直线运动第(4)题老师在物理课堂内做了“千人震”趣味小实验,如图所示,用了一个日光灯上拆下来的镇流器、四节的干电池、电键以及导线若干,几位同学手牵手连到电路的C 、D 两端,会产生“触电”的感觉,则以下说法正确的是( )A .“触电”是发生在电键K 断开的瞬间B .总电源的电压让人感到“触电”C .“触电”是发生在电键K 闭合的瞬间D .“触电”时通过人体的电流方向是A→C→D→B第(5)题如图所示,质量分别为1kg 和2kg 的A 、B 两个物体放在光滑水平面上,外力、同时作用在两个物体上,其中(表达式中各个物理量的单位均为国际单位),。



安徽省2023-2024学年高二下学期普通高中学业水平合格性考试仿真模拟数学试卷一、单选题1.已知集合{}{}21,0,1,2,3,230M N x x x =-=--<,则M N =I ( )A .{}1,0,1-B .{}1,0,1,2,3-C .{}0,1,2D .{}1-2.下列图象中,表示定义域和值域均为[0,1]的函数是( )A .B .C .D .3.已知向量()()1,3,3,a b m =-=r r ,若a b r r∥,则m =( ) A .9B .9-C .1D .1-4.已知函数()()222,22,2x x x f x f x x ⎧-++≤⎪=⎨->⎪⎩,则()3f =( )A .1-B .1C .2D .35.若函数()25742xy a a a a =-++-是指数函数,则有( )A .2a =B .3a =C .2a =或3a =D .2a >,且3a ≠6.已知角α的顶点在坐标原点,始边与x 轴的非负半轴重合,终边经过点1,12⎛⎫- ⎪⎝⎭,则πtan 4α⎛⎫+= ⎪⎝⎭( )A .3-B .3C .13-D .137.水平放置的ABC V 的斜二测直观图如图所示,已知3,2A C B C ''''==,则ABC V 的面积是( )A .4B .5C .6D .78.命题“21,10x x ∀≥-≤”的否定是( ) A .21,10x x ∃<-> B .21,10x x ∃≥-> C .21,10x x ∀<-≤D .21,10x x ∀-<>9.函数π2sin 26y x ⎛⎫=+ ⎪⎝⎭的图象的一条对称轴是( )A .π6x =- B .π2x =C .2π3x =D .5π6x =10.已知复数z 满足()34i i z +=,则z =( )A .34i 55-B .34i 55+C .43i 55+D .43i 55-11.“今有城,下广四丈,上广二丈,高五丈,袤两百丈.”这是我国古代数学名著《九章算术》卷第五“商功”中的问题.意思为“现有城(如图,等腰梯形的直棱柱体),下底长4丈,上底长2丈,高5丈,纵长200丈(1丈=10尺)”,则该问题中“城”的体积等于( )A .5310⨯立方尺B .5610⨯立方尺C .6610⨯立方尺D .6310⨯立方尺12.抛掷一枚质地均匀的骰子,记随机事件:E =“点数为奇数”,F =“点数为偶数”,G =“点数大于2”,H =“点数小于2”,R =“点数为3”.则下列结论不正确的是( )A .,E F 为对立事件B .,G H 为互斥不对立事件C .,E G 不是互斥事件D .,G R 是互斥事件13.ABC V 的内角,,A B C 的对边分别为,,,a b c ABC V 且π1,3b C ==,则边c =( )A .7B .3C D 14.已知,,αβγ是空间中三个不同的平面,,m n 是空间中两条不同的直线,则下列结论错误的是( )A .若,,m n αβα⊥⊥//β,则m //nB .若,αββγ⊥⊥,则α//γC .若,,m n m n αβ⊥⊥⊥,则αβ⊥D .若α//,ββ//γ,则α//γ15.若不等式2430ax x a -+-<对所有实数x 恒成立,则a 的取值范围为( )A .()(),14,-∞-⋃+∞B .(),1∞--C .(][),14,-∞-⋃+∞D .(],1-∞-16.已知某地区中小学生人数和近视情况分别如图甲和图乙所示,为了了解该地区中小学生的近视形成原因,用分层抽样的方法抽取2%的学生进行调查,则样本容量和抽取的小学生近视人数分别为( )A .100,30B .100,21C .200,30D .200,717.已知向量a r 与b r 的夹角为π,2,16a b ==rr ,则向量a r 与b r 上的投影向量为( )A .b rBC .a rD r18.若函数()22log 3y x ax a =-+在(2,)+∞上是单调增函数,则实数a 的取值范围为A .(,4]-∞B .(,4)-∞C .(4,4]-D .[4,4]-二、填空题19.已知5sin cos 4αα-=,则sin 2α=. 20.已知单位向量a r 与单位向量b r的夹角为120︒,则3a b +=r r .21.某学校举办作文比赛,共设6个主题,每位参赛同学从中随机抽取一个主题准备作文.则甲、乙两位参赛同学抽到的主题不相同的概率为.22.某服装加工厂为了适应市场需求,引进某种新设备,以提高生产效率和降低生产成本.已知购买x 台设备的总成本为()21800200f x x x =++(单位:万元).若要使每台设备的平均成本最低,则应购买设备台.三、解答题23.已知()f x a b =⋅r r,其中向量())()sin2,cos2,R a x x b x ==∈r r ,(1)求()f x 的最小正周期;(2)在ABC V 中,角、、A B C 的对边分别为a b c 、、,若224A f ⎫⎛== ⎪⎝⎭,求角B 的值.24.如图,在直三棱柱111ABC A B C -中,3AC =,4BC =,5AB =,点D 是AB 的中点.(1)证明:1AC BC ⊥; (2)证明:1//AC 平面1CDB . 25.已知函数()[]()211,1x b f x x x a+-=∈-+是奇函数,且()112f = (1)求,a b 的值;(2)判断函数()f x 在[]1,1-上的单调性,并加以证明;(3)若函数()f x 满足不等式()()12f t f t -<-,求实数t 的取值范围.。




选择题12分,每小题3分;第5题6分)1.下列词语中加点字的注音,不正确的一项是( )A.谬种(miù) 宁可(nīng) 隽永(juàn) 窸窸窣窣(xī)B.羸弱(léi) 俨然(yǎn) 嫉恨(jí)吹毛求疵(cī)C.熨帖(yùn) 狡狯(huì) 驱逐(qū) 恪尽职守(kè)D.梧桐(wú) 倔强(jué) 恍惚(huǎng)舐犊情深(shì)【答案】C【解释】(“熨帖”的“熨”应读“yù”,“狡狯”的“狯”应读“kuài”。

)2.下列词语中有错别字的一项是( )A.阔绰疲沓敞篷车充耳不闻B.怄气隐蜜扫描仪穿流不息C.提纲怂恿文绉绉唇枪舌剑D.教诲寰宇创可贴臭名昭著【答案】B【解释】(“隐蜜”应为“隐秘”,“穿流不息”应为“川流不息”。

)3.下列句子中有语病的一项是( )A.越来越多的证据显示,如人造黄油、植物奶油等的人造反式脂肪会对人体造成多种危害,尤其是显著提高罹患心血管疾病的风险。





)4.下列依次填入画横线处的内容,最恰当的一项是( )不远处,我见到了那座古桥,斑驳的桥身萦绕着时光流转的叹息,但始终没有抹去它庄重古朴的光影。












1.What was the reason for the man to work at the charity at first?A.To help the homeless.B.To do a college project.C.To get work experience.【答案】C【原文】W:So,it says here that you did some volunteer work to raise money for a homeless charity during the summer.M:That’s right.I originally took the job because I needed some work experience for college,but helping other people really made me realize how lucky I am.听第2段材料,回答第2题。

2.Where does the conversation take place?A.On a beach.B.In a hospital.C.Over the phone.【答案】C【原文】W:San Francisco General Hospital.M:Hello.This is an emergency.Can you please send an ambulance?W:OK,OK.Just try to calm down,sir.And tell me where you are.M:Right.Uh,we are at La Traviata Restaurant in North Beach.听第3段材料,回答第3题。







2.关于IPV4和IPV6.下列说法正确的是()A. IPV4地址长度是32位二进制位,IPV6地址长度是48位二进制位。


C. IPV6是新一代的地址规格,现在已经完全取代了IPV4。


3.以下设置密码的方式相对比较安全的是()A.用自己的生日傲密码B.全部用英文字母做密码C.用大小写字母数字等D用自己姓名的汉语拼音4.有一部分同学要共同完成一个实践探究活动,在此实践活动过程中不恰当的是( )A.将研究成果制作成演示文稿进行展示B.建立QQ群进行讨论交流和共享文件C.利用Aecess制作研究报告的封面D.使用Excel统计调查的结果并图表化5.在Python中,下列程序运行后会看到几个“*”()for x in range(0,3):for y in range(0,4):print("*".end="")6.一部4K影片(3840X2160).其帧频为30[ps(帧/秒),颜色位深度为24位,若不进行压缩,则其1分钟视频的数据量是()A.695MBB.5. 56GB7.利用Python求100以内所有能被3整除的正整数,代码如下:i=lwhile i<=100:if:print(i)i=i+1则下列程序第3行的横线应该填()A.i=i*3B.i= i%3C. i%3= =0D.i/3= =18.下列关于信息的编码.说法正确的是()A.常见的字符编码有ASCII、Unicode、GB2312等B. ASCII码是单字节编码系统,共有127个C.目前国际上有多种条形码编码方式,我国普遍采用的是EAN13条形码,13位数字是随机生成的D.视频的编码一般是指通过特定的压缩技术对视频进行压缩,常见的有AVI、flv、mpeg等9.运用数字化工具探究数理知识的实验步骤的正确顺序是()①分析数据,建立模型②实验验证模型③收集实验数据④利用数字化工具进行数学实验A.①②③④B.②①③④C.③①②④D.③④①②10.模拟信号数字化的三个步骤依次是()A采样、编码、量化B.采样、量化、编码C.量化、编码、采样D.编码、采样、量化11.某用户在网上购买了一件商品.电商根据交易平台的大数据,给该用户进行个性化推荐时,最不需要考虑的是()A.该商品一般与什么商品组合销售B.购买过该商品的其他用户还会购买什么商品.C.该用户曾经购买过什么产品D.该用户为什么购买这件商品12.疫情期间,王老师利用腾讯课堂给同学们上课,答疑解惑,请问他采用了以下哪种数字化工具.()A.网络课程平台B.网络资源平台C.网络互动平台D.网络教学平台13.下列文件中属于网页文件的有()①hello. wav ②index. htm ③nothing. wma④admin.html ⑤cookie. txt ⑥bg. jpgA.①③B.②④C.②⑤D. ④⑥14.新冠疫情来袭,疫苗接种全面铺开,我国的疫苗研发工作总体上是处于领先地位的,具体来说已经有13个疫苗进人了临床试验。



新高二(模拟上海中学入学摸底卷)第I卷(选择题)一、语法填空(每小题1分,共10分)Buy a Cup of Coffee for a StrangerCoffee has developed rapidly and soon become an essential friend and companion for many people.(1) you first meet her, you'll drink it for a while, feeling refreshed. Slowly, the deeper you go, the more you'll become addicted to it, attracted by her unique smell. You can't help but (2) (follow) her, and you always think coffee has a story.Coffee can be traced back to about the 10th century AD. It was (3) the 16th century that coffee was introduced to Europe. The way that coffee is grown and made has been refined by the Arabs, and modem coffee is all beverages (饮料).How about buying a cup of coffee for someone you'll never meet? It may sound like the latest trend in the coffee culture, but a suspended coffee is (4) (heartwarming) than a popular latte. The tradition born in a cafe in the southern Italian city of Naples is to buy a cup or two of coffee in advance for (5) who need it later in the day. A customer-in-need can then later ask if there is a suspended coffee available and have a hot drink(6) having to pay for it.It may be hard to imagine that this idea has become an internet fashion, with countless coffee shops in Europe and North America (7) (participate) in the movement. The Facebook page alone has more than 28, 000 “likes". The tradition of suspended coffee is a long-standing one in Italy (8) increased in popularity after the Second World War. Agence France-Presse reported last week the practice was starting to be popular in other European countries (9) (hit) hard economically. More than 150 cafes in Bulgaria were taking part. At the very cafes customers can ask. whether there are any suspended coffees available, and if so, they (10) (supply) with a beverage, thanks to the kindness of a stranger.二、完形填空(每小题1分,共15分)Color Can greatly Affect Human Emotion and BehaviorThere’s been a lot written about color ps ychology but what we do know is that color can greatly affect human emotion and behavior. A lot of us already know that colors can suggest a mood or attitude, but do you know that color is a 11 that can persuade us to buy things? According to some research, color can be up to 85 percent of the reason why we 12 to purchase something. Smart marketers know: Color 13 !Yes, you know, right colors make products better. Colors 14 how we feel about the food we eat. 15 , orange juice with enhanced orange color was preferred over naturally colored orange juice and was thought to be sweeter.In the case of 16 , color also plays a role. Have you ever noticed that pink is often used as the color of face creams? That’s for a good reason. In a re search study, some women were given pink and white face creams, which were 17 except for their color. One hundred percent of the women said that the pink face creams were more effective and milder on sensitive skin.18 , “more colorful, more personalized” is also accepted by most producers. It’s true that we need not only good quality products, but personalized ones. This urges manufacturers to make their products more and more “colorful”.Take M&M’s Milk Chocolate Candies for example. Having a packet of M&M’s candies in 19 , choosing which one to eat first according to the colors-- many of us probably have had such experience. A variety of colors is the 20 of the classic candies. Now they have come with even more custom colors that will be sure to “21 in your mouth, not in your hand!” Gold, silver, pink and many other colors are available to choose from. Eating such candies must be 22 “sweet” experience.Another successful color marketing example is Apple’s iPhone. Does Apple have23 communication technology? Maybe, but that’s not the point, marketing experts say. What makes the iPhone so 24 is “the system that makes it easy for people to express themselves through color choices.” The newest model of iPhone features several colors- pink, red, blue, green, and so on. Color, as a personal statement, adds a touch of 25 to the smartphone.11.A.sign B.therapy C.tool D.secret 12.A.decide B.struggle C.refuse D.seek 13.A.advertises B.sells C.claims D.screams 14.A.reflect B.recall C.influence D.stimulate15.A.For example B.By contrast C.In the meantime D.What’s more 16.A.fashion B.cosmetics C.skin D.psychology 17.A.ideal B.smooth C.identical D.practical 18.A.Additionally B.However C.Therefore D.Meanwhile 19.A.mind B.mouth C.hand D.pocket 20.A.signature B.taste C.code D.signal 21.A.swallow B.digest C.chew D.melt 22.A.commonly B.particularly C.normally D.regularly 23.A.limited B.superior C.positive D.supportive 24.A.diverse B.entertaining C.precious D.appealing 25.A.humanity B.popularity C.individuality D.activity第II卷(非选择题)三、选用适当的单词或短语补全短文(每小题1分,共10分)Directions: Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need.We often use the terms “worry,” “stress” and “anxiety” interchangeably, but they aren’t the same. Each has unique 26.and features. Identifying which one is 27.us will help us better address it. Registered psychologist Kristin Buhr, a director at the North Shore Stress & Anxiety Clinic in North Vancouver and co-author of The Worry Workbook, 28.the differences.Worry is a negative thought you have about an uncertainty in life. Worries tend to focus on the assumption that something negative will come from future events or from the results of 29.that happened in the past.Stress involves your reaction to pressures placed on you. You feel overwhelmed because life is demanding too much of your limited time, energy or some other personal resource. While worries are thoughts, stress is a feeling.Anxiety is your mental and physiological response to a perceived threat. It’s like the body’s smoke detector—it 30.danger and signals your body to run to deal with it. While worry takesplace only in the mind, anxiety can have physical effects, like speeding up your pulse rate. Worry, however, 31.anxiety when your mind perceives imagined uncertainties as real threats.While worry, stress and anxiety are normal, intense and 32.anxiety can become a problem. You might have a behavioral 33.if, for instance, you have regular sleep issues or you’re skipping out on your accustomed activities. Excessive anxiety can be focused on a fear of something specific, like social gatherings (known as social anxiety) or a host of experiences (known as generalized anxiety disorder).The best way to avoid risk is getting it all out. Telling a friend or family member what’s worrying you, or even saying it aloud to yourself or writing it down, can allow you to see the 34.. “It’s a little easier to challenge worries—to recognize that if there is a negative outcome. It’s more of a struggle than a horror—when your worries are on paper or said out loud, rather than 35.around in your head,” says Buhr.四、阅读选择(每小题2分,共20分)AWhen I was three, my parents took me to have an operation in India, which stopped my eyesight from deteriorating(恶化). Several years later we moved to Pakistan, where I received 12 operations within one year and went completely blind. Later, I realized that the doctors used me as an experiment.I met my husband when he came over from India to study. I wanted to go to India to marry him, but it was almost impossible to emigrate. I made a crazy plan to cross the borders of several countries to get to India. I was arrested in the first country I escaped to. Back in Pakistan, I lost my job and was asked to sign a “never-to-escape” promise. Instead, when I got home, I made a cup of coffee and decided to make a formal application for emigration.The chance was slim , and people who applied to go to India found it hard to find a job in Pakistan while they were waiting. In the end, my husband managed to smooth the way for my emigration. We got married and had children. But after nine years, he died of brain cancer. I was helpless for a while, and then I learned to face reality optimistically. He taught us happiness came from inside us.Six years ago, I brought home a dog called Moritz from the seeing-eye dog centre. He was short with long ears. No one liked him because of his pathetic(可怜的)appearance. We were almost always together. Moritz could not leave me for even one minute. Now when I walk downthe street, not like before, people will come up and say, “What a good seeing-eye dog!”, and have a little chat with me as a normal creature.I’m now working for the Association of the Blind and I have many good friends, and a special friend in Hamburg. It is a wonderful feeling to speak freely with someone I can’t see, to trust one another.36.The author went blind just because _______.A.she was born completely blindB.she received an operation in IndiaC.her parents didn’t pay attention to her illnessD.she was unluckily put to the test37.What does the underlined part in Paragraph 2 mean?A.It was full of hope to unite with her husband.B.Emigrating to India was never easy at that time.C.She was very thin and weak at that hard time.D.There was little chance to find a job in India.38.When the author walked down the street before, people may _________.A.look down upon her and view her as a poor beingB.chat with her with great warmthC.criticize how ugly her dog lookedD.respect her for her independence39.From the text, we learn the author is ________.A.a burden not only for her family but also for the societyB.a kind-hearted lady protecting wretched petsC.not an obedient citizenD.a determined and optimistic personBThere are many places to go on safari (观赏野生动物) in Africa, but riding a horse through the flooded waters of Botswana's Okavango Delta must rank as one of the world's most exciting wildlife journeys.Several safari camps operate as the base for this adventure, providing unique rides twice aday to explore deep into the delta. The camps have excellent horses, professional guides and lots of support workers. They have a reputation for providing a great riding experience.The morning ride, when the guides take you to beautiful, shallow lakes full of water lilies, tends to be more active. It is unlike any other riding experience. With rainbows forming in the splashing water around you and the sound of huge drops of water bouncing off your body and face, it is truly exciting. You are very likely to come across large wild animals, too. On horseback it is possible to get quite close to elephants, giraffes and many other animals. The sense of excitement and tension levels rise suddenly though, as does your heart rate, as you move closer to them.In the evening, rides are usually at a more relaxed and unhurried pace, with golden light streaming across the grassy delta and the animals coming out to eat and drink. Sedate though they are, rides at this time of day are still very impressive. As the sun's rays pass through the dust kicked up by the horses, the romance of Africa comes to life.Back at the camp you can kick off your boots and enjoy excellent food and wine. Looking back on your day, you will find it hard to deny that a horseback safari is as close as you will ever come to answering the call of the wild.40.What is the purpose of the text?A.To warn B.To entertain C.To introduce D.To educate 41.What does the author find most exciting about a horseback safari?A.Seeing and feeling the real African life.B.Enjoying good food and wine at the camp.C.Hunting large animals just as our ancestors did.D.Being part of the scene and getting close to animals.42.The author introduces the riding experience in the Okavango Delta mainly by ________. A.following space order B.following time orderC.making classifications D.giving examplesCJENISON PUBLIC SCHOOLSJenison International Academy is excited to offer online, nonessential courses to international students. Kindly view the online elective options, as well as the enrollment process, below. The application window for part time enrollments will close on Friday, December 30, 2016.Online Courses Offered Grades__-__Elective OpportunitiesPlease click to view our Elective Course Offerings.Part Time Enrollment at JIAStudents participating in the program are allowed to enroll in up to 4 elective courses each semester, and have the option to take 100% of their courses online or create a schedule combination of online and on-campus courses at Jenison Public Schools, which may also include Tech Center, Co-op, and other qualified programs.Student Application ProcessSTEP 1: Online PreparationPlease review the following Interactive Online Readiness Criteria. Please keep this form for your own records.Online Readiness CriteriaSTEP 2: Submit Forms & DocumentationBy completing the Part Time Enrollment Application, applicants are fulfilling the Virtual Learning and District-Required Documentation.Printed ApplicationParents or guardians can download, print, and complete the JIA Enrollment paperwork & JPS District Application. Mail, scan or fax all completed paperwork using the contact information provided on the first page.Printed ApplicationAdditional Required Documentation can be found within the enrollment packet .An email will be sent to the parent or guardian email account when a completed application has been received. Upon review and approval, a welcome message and course selection email will be issued to the same address.43.The courses are designed for .A.high-level students who are studying in Jenison Public SchoolsB.international students whose parents work in Jenison Public SchoolsC.foreign students who can’t study full time in Jenison International AcademyD.graduate students who want a part-time job in Jenison International Academy44.To get enrolled, one should .A.prepare both online and offlineB.print the Online Readiness CriteriaC.contact JIA in person beforehandD.email the J1A Enrollment paperwork45.What can be learned from the webpage?A.The enrollment should be applied on December 30, 2016.B.The parent or guardian needs to have an email account.C.The students need to study at least 8 courses each year.D.The courses can only be learned online.五、六选四(每小题2分,共8分)Can Whales And Dolphins Fight Cancer?Whales and dolphins have been shown to be better at fighting cancer than we are, and now we may be closer to understanding why cetaceans (鲸目动物)do it. Cetaceans arc generally the oldest living mammals, and some cetaceans have reached their 200th birthday. Their size means their bodies contain far more cells than the human body. (46)“If you have more cells, that means that one of those cells has an increased risk of becoming cancerous." says Daniela Tejada-Martinez at the Austral University of Chile. "So, if you are big or live longer, you have thousands and millions of cells that could become harmful."(47) .“There's a joke that whales should be born with cancer and not even able to exist becau se they're just too big," says Vincent Lynch at the University at Buffalo, New York, lie says there is a super trivial explanation for how whales can exist. "They just evolved better cancer protectionmechanisms," he says. (48) .Now, Tejada-Martinez and her colleagues have studied the evolution of 1077 tumor suppressor (肿瘤抑制)genes (TSGs). In all, they compared the evolution of the genes in 15 mammalian species, including seven cetacean species. Genes regulating DNA damage, tumor spread and the immune system were positively selected among the cetaceans. (49) "It's not like we're gonna be taking whale genes and putting them into humans and making humans cancer resistant," says Lynch. "But if you can find the genes that play a role in tumor suppression in other animals, and if you can figure out what they're doing, maybe you can make a drug that can be used to treat people."六、概要写作(每小题10分,共10分)50. Directions: Read the following passage. Summarize the main idea and the main point(s)of the passage in no more than 60 words. Use your own words as far as possible.Docs Kilimanjaro Still Have Its Beauty?Kilimanjaro is a watershed (分水岭)between Tanzania and Kenya. It is a volcano and a snowy mountain. Surrounded by mountain forests, Kilimanjaro is home to numerous mammals, some of which are endangered. Kilimanjaro was established as a national park in 1968 and was added to the World Heritage List in 1981. In the Tanzanians5 mind, Kilimanjaro is not just a bright mountain, and it is also an interesting mountain. Kilimanjaro is a world-famous tourist resort with the world's explorers and mountain enthusiasts gathering there.Every year about 40.000 people attempt to climb Kilimanjaro, the highest mountain in Africa. They bring with them lots of waste. The crowds might damage the beauty of the place. The glaciers are disappearing, changing the face of Kilimanjaro. Hearing these stories, I'm wondering about the place - other destinations arc described as purer natural experiences.However, I soon discover that much has changed since the days of disturbing reports of camps among tons of rubbish. T find a clean mountain, with toilets at camps and along the paths. The environmental challenges are significant but the efforts made by the Tanzania National Park Authority seem to be paying off.The best of a Kilimanjaro experience, in my opinion, isn't reaching the top. Mountains are regarded as spiritual places by many cultures. This view is especially evident on Kilimanjaro as climbers go through five ecosystems in the space of a few kilometers. At the base is a rainforest. Itends suddenly at 3, 000 meters, giving way to lands of low growing plants. Further up, the weather changes — low clouds envelope the mountainsides covered with thick grass. I count twelve shades of green from where I stand. Above 4, 000 meters is the highland desert: gravel (砾石),stones and rocks. Finally, you climb into an arctic-like zone with permanent snow and the glaciers that may soon disappear.Does Kilimanjaro deserve its reputation as a crowded mountain with lines of tourists ruining the atmosphere of peace? I found the opposite to be true.七、翻译(每小题3分,共12分)Directions: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.51. 90%的人都无法拒绝这样的一种善意。

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此运动形成的主要原因是()A.太阳辐射对粒子产生了驱动力的作用效果B.粒子的带电荷量减小C.洛伦兹力对粒子做负功,使其动能减小D.南北两极附近的磁感应强度较强3.在如图所示的装置中,电阻不计的线框通过电刷、导线与变压器原线圈构成闭合电路,线框在磁场中绕垂直于磁场方向的转轴以大小为ω的角速度逆时针转动,已知线框匀速转动时产生的感应电动势最大值为E m ,原、副线圈的匝数比为2:1,副线圈接一个灯泡,电压表为理想电表且始终正常读数,下列说法正确的是( )A .从图示时刻开始计时,线框中感应电动势表达式为e =2E m sinωtB mC E mD .若给小灯泡两端再并联一个相同的小灯泡,电压表示数变大4.a 、b 两个带正电的粒子经同一电场由静止加速,先后以1v 、2v 从M 点沿MN 进入矩形匀强磁场区域,经磁场偏转后分别从PQ 边E 、F 离开。

直线ME 、MF 与MQ 的夹角分别为30、60︒,粒子的重力不计,则两个粒子进入磁场运动的速度大小之比为( )A .12:1:3v v =B .12:3:1v v =C .12:3:2v v =D .12:2:3v v =5.如图所示为某质谱仪的工作原理示意图。

线练学校高中化学 学考仿真卷3高二全册化学试题

线练学校高中化学 学考仿真卷3高二全册化学试题



1.下列生活用品不属于有机合成材料的是( )A.塑料瓶B.不锈钢刀C.涤纶布料D.电源插座盒B [不锈钢刀是合金材料。


肉、鱼和红枣食物含有丰富的铁,这里的铁理解为( )A.单质B.分子C.元素D.同位素答案:C3.全球环境问题按其相对的严重性排在前三位的是( )A.全球增温问题,臭氧空洞问题,酸雨问题B.海洋污染问题,土壤荒漠化问题,物种灭绝C.森林面积减少,饮用水污染问题,有害废弃物越境迁移D.饮用水污染问题,土壤荒漠化问题,噪声污染问题答案:A4.下列诗句属于化学变化的是 ( )A.无边落木萧萧下,不尽滚滚来B.只要功夫深,铁杵磨成针C.爆竹声中一岁除,春风送暖入屠苏D.遥知不是雪,为有暗香来C [爆竹爆炸要发生化学反。

]5.下列物质中,属于非电解质的是( )A.碳酸钠B.蔗糖C.氢氧化钠D.硫酸B [非电解质是在水溶液里和熔融状态下都不能导电的化合物。

]6.下列说法中,正确的是 ( )A.在周期表中,非金属元素占大多数B.最外层电子数为8的粒子一是稀有气体元素的原子C.在周期表中,元素所在的周期数于原子核外电子层数D.在周期表中,主族元素所在的族序数于原子核外电子数答案:C7.家发现月球表面陨石坑中存在Hg、H2O、NH3、CH4物质,其中属于有机物的是( )A.Hg B.H2OC.NH3D.CH4D [CH4属于有机物。

]8.关于二氧化硫和二氧化氮叙述正确的是( )A.两种气体都是无色有毒的气体,且都可用水吸收以消除对空气的污染B.二氧化硫与过量的二氧化氮混合后通入水中能得到两种常用的强酸C.两种气体都具有强氧化性,因此都能够使品红溶液褪色D.两种气体溶于水都可以与水反,且只生成相的酸答案:B9.硫酸型酸雨主要由SO2形成。




一、选择题(本愿共16小题,每小愿2分共32分.在每小题给出的四个选项当中,只有一个选项是正确的)1. 下列物理量中属于矢量的是A. 速度B. 质量C. 时间D. 路程 2. 有两个共点力,一个力的大小是3 N ,另一个力的大小是6 N ,它们合力的大小可能是A. 18 NB. 6 NC. 2 ND. 1 N3. 在国际单位制中,规定长度、质量和时间的单位是( )A. m 、kg 、sB. km 、N 、hC. m 、J 、hD. w 、kg 、s 4. 乘客坐在行驶的火车上,看到车外的房屋和树木向车后方退去,他选择的参考系是( )A. 他乘坐的火车B. 迎面驶来的火车C. 路旁的房屋D. 路旁的树木5. 一个物体做自由落体运动,取g = 10 m/s 2,则第2 s 末物体速度的大小为A. 10 m/sB. 20 m/sC. 30 m/sD. 40 m/s 6. 跳水运动员从10 m 高跳台上跳下,在运动员下落的过程中A. 运动员的动能增加,重力势能增加B. 运动员的动能减少,重力势能减少C. 运动员的动能减少,重力势能增加D. 运动员的动能增加,重力势能减少 7. 如图所示,一个小球绕圆心O 做匀速圆周运动,已知圆周半径为r ,该小球运动的角速度为ω,则它运动线速度的大小为( ).A. r ωB. r ωC. 2r ωD. 2r ω8. 一个质点沿直线运动,其速度图象如图所示,则质点( )A. 在0~10s 内做匀加速直线运动B. 在0~10s 内做匀速直线运动C. 在10~40s 内做匀加速直线运动D. 在10~40s 内保持静止9. 在力的合成中,合力与分力的大小关系是 ( )A. 合力一定大于每一个分力B. 合力一定至少大于其中一个分力C. 合力一定至少小于其中一个分力D. 合力可能比两个分力都小,也可能比两个分力都大10. 作用在一个物体上的两个共点力,大小分别是30N 和40N ,如果它们的夹角是90°,则这两个力的合力大小为( )A. 10NB. 35NC. 50ND. 70N11. 如图所示,劲度系数为k 的轻弹簧,下端悬挂木块A 并处于静止状态,弹簧的伸长量为l ∆(处于弹簧限度内),则木块所受重力的大小为( )A. l ∆B. k l ∆C. l k ∆D. k l∆ 12. 如图5所示,水平地面上有一货箱,货箱所受的重力G =1000N. 某人用F = 400N 的水平力拉货箱,没有拉动. 则货箱受到的静摩擦力大小是( )A. 400NB. 600NC. 1000ND. 1400N13. 如图所示,一个小物块沿光滑斜面向下滑动。



一、单选题1. “”是“方程表示焦点在轴上的椭圆”的A.充分不必要条件B.必要不充分条件C.充要条件D.既不充分也不必要条件2. 已知随机变量的分布列如下:若的数学期望,则()A.B.C.D.3. 不等式的解集是()A.B.C.D.4. 如图,已知点是正方形的边上一动点(端点除外),现将沿所在直线翻折成,并连接,记二面角的大小为,则A.存在,使得平面B.存在,使得平面C.存在,使得平面D.存在,使得平面5.设、分别是椭圆的左、右焦点,为椭圆上的一点,若的最大值为,则椭圆的离心率的取值范围是()A.B.C.D.6. 牛顿流体符合牛顿黏性定律,在一定温度和剪切速率范围内黏度值是保持恒定的:,其中为剪切应力,为黏度,为剪切速率;而当液体的剪切应力和剪切速率存在非线性关系时液体就称为非牛顿流体.非牛顿流体会产生很多非常有趣的现象,如人陷入沼泽越挣扎将会陷得越深;也有很多广泛的应用,如某些高分子聚合物还可以做成“液体防弹衣”.如图是测得的某几种液体的流变曲线,则其中属于沼泽和液体防弹衣所用液体的曲线分别是()A.③和①B.①和③C.④和②D.②和④7. 已知函数,其中,从中随机抽取1个,则它在上是减函数的概率为()A.B.C.D.0湖南省岳阳市平江县第三中学等多校联考2023-2024学年高二普通高中学业水平合格性考试仿真模拟湖南省岳阳市平江县第三中学等多校联考2023-2024学年高二普通高中学业水平合格性考试仿真模拟二、多选题三、填空题8.甲地下雨的概率为,乙地下雨的概率为,两地是否下雨相互独立,则两地同时下雨的概率为( )A.B.C.D.9.已知圆,直线,点在直线上运动,过点作圆的两条切线,切点分别为,,当最大时,则( )A .直线的斜率为1B .四边形的面积为C.D.10. 已知函数,则( )A.的最小值为1B .,C.D.11. 设,分别为椭圆的左、右焦点,P 为椭圆上第一象限内任意一点,,表示直线,的斜率,则下列说法正确的是( )A .存在点P,使得成立B .存在点P ,使得成立C .存在点P,使得成立D .存在点P ,使得成立12. 已知,且,则( )A.B.C.D.13.已知三棱锥的四个顶点A ,B ,C ,D 均在球O的球面上,,是边长为4的等边三角形,M ,N 分别是,的中点,,则__________,球O 的表面积是__________.14. 已知抛物线C :的焦点为F ,过动点P 的两条直线,均与C 相切,设,的斜率分别为,,若,则的最小值为____________.15. 将3个的正方形都沿其中的一对邻边的中点剪开,每个正方形均分成两个部分,如图(1)所示,将这6个部分接于一个边长为的正六边形上,如图(2)所示.若该平面图沿着正六边形的边折起,围成一个七面体,则该七面体的体积为_______;若在该七面体内放置一个小球,则小球半径的最大值为_______.四、解答题16. 兵乓球(table tennis),被称为中国的“国球”,是一种世界流行的球类体育项目.已知某次乒乓球比赛单局赛制为:两球换发制,每人发两个球,然后由对方发球,先得11分者获胜.(1)若单局比赛中,甲发球时获胜的概率为,甲接球时获胜的概率为,甲先发球,求单局比赛中甲获胜的概率;(2)若比赛采用三局两胜制(当一队朚得两场胜利时,该队获胜,比赛结束),每局比赛甲获胜的概率为,每局比赛结果相互独立,记为比赛结束时的总局数,求的期望.(参考数据)17. 已知椭圆的左、右焦点分别为,焦距与短轴长均为4.(1)求E的方程;(2)设任意过的直线为l交E于M,N,分别作E在点M,N上的两条切线,并记它们的交点为P,过作平行于l的直线分别交于A,B,求的取值范围.18. 已知各项均不为零的数列的前项和为,,.(1)求的通项公式;(2)若恒成立,求正整数的最大值.19. 已知函数,(1)若直线与曲线相切,求的值.(2)当时,求证:当时,恒成立.20. 某大学2021届毕业生共10000人,该校于6月份发布了2021年度毕业生就业与深造质量报告.如下表所示:东部地区西部地区中部地区总计国有单位142097110743465民营企业1651110813994158深造学习8896936952277总计396027723168M(1)请根据上表求出M与该校2021届学生的就业率(深造学习不属于就业范畴);(2)该校2022届预计有毕业生12000人,请根据表中数据估计其中有多少人会在民营企业工作;(3)若在前往西部地区工作的人当中随机抽取3人,记其中继续深造学习的人数为X,求X的分布列以及数学期望.21. 已知函数.(1)当时,证明:;(2)证明:存在实数,使得曲线与有公共点,且在公共点处有相同的切线.。






如图为自耦变压器部分示意图,已知该自耦变压器可视为理想变压器,线圈总匝数为1250匝,其中原线圈为1100匝,接在有效值为的交流电源上,则输出端可以得到最高电压是( )A.B.C.D.第(3)题下列物理量中没有单位的是( )A.动摩擦因数B.磁通量C.电容D.功率第(4)题图(a)左侧的调压装置可视为理想变压器,负载电路中R=55Ω,A、V为理想电流表和电压表,若原线圈接入如图(b)所示的正弦交变电压,电压表的示数为110V,下列表述正确的是( )A.原、副线圈匝数比为1:2B.电流表的示数为2AC.电压表的示数为电压的瞬时值D.原线圈中交变电压的频率为100Hz第(5)题如图,绝缘竖直圆环上均匀分布着正电荷,轴为圆环轴线,光滑细杆位于圆环轴线上,杆上套有带正电小球。

时将小球从圆环右侧点由静止释放,则小球运动的速度随时间变化关系图像及轴上电势与坐标的关系图像可能正确的是(  )A.B.第(6)题根据西游记关于“天庭”的描述,可推算出“天庭”绕地心运动一周约49000 km。

2023年9月21 日,天宫课堂第四课在距地面高约400 km的中国“天宫”空间站开讲。

假如“天庭”真实存在,且“天庭”和“天宫”均绕地心做匀速圆周运动,地球可视为半径约 6400 km的均匀球体,则“天庭”相对于“天宫”( )A.线速度更大B.周期更大C.加速度更大D.受地球引力一定更大第(7)题要想富先修路,为了乡村振兴,农村公路正逐渐优化。

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1、关于电荷所受电场力和洛伦兹力,正确的说法是( ) A .电荷在磁场中一定受洛伦兹力作用 B .电荷在电场中一定受电场力作用
C .电荷所受电场力一定与该处电场方向一致
D .电荷所受的洛伦兹力不一定与磁场方向垂直
2、目前,世界上正在研究一种新型发电机叫磁流体发电机.图表示了它的发电原理:将一束等离子体喷射入磁场,磁场中有两块金属板A 、B ,这时金属板上就会聚集电荷,产生电压.如果射入的等离子体的初速度为v ,两金属板的板长(沿初速度方向)为L ,板间距离为d ,金属板的正对面积为S ,匀强磁场的磁感应强度为B ,方向垂直于离子初速度方向,负载电阻为R ,电离气体充满两板间的空间.当发电机稳定发电时,电流表的示数为I ,那么板间电离气体的电阻率为( )
A.⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛-R I Bdv d S
⎝⎛-R I BLv d S C ⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛-R I Bdv L S D.⎪⎭⎫
⎝⎛-R I BLv L S
3、如图所示,圆形区域内有垂直纸面的匀强磁场,三个质量和电荷量都相同的带电粒子a 、b 、c ,以不同的速率对准圆心O 沿着AO 方向射入磁场,其运动轨迹如图。

若带电粒子只受磁场力的作用,则下列说法正确的是( ) A .a 粒子动能最大
B .c 粒子速率最大
C .c 粒子在磁场中运动时间最长
D .它们做圆周运动的周期Ta<Tb<Tc
4、如图是比荷相同的两粒子从O 点垂直进入直线边界匀强磁场区域的运动轨迹。

则下列说法正确的是:( )
A . a 带正电,b 带负电
B . a 的带电量比b 的带电量小
C . a 运动的速率比b 的小
D . a 的运动时间比b 的短
5、如图所示,两个带等量正电荷的小球与水平放置的光滑绝缘杆相连,并固定在垂直纸面向外的匀强磁场中,杆上套有一个带正电的小环,带电小球和小环都可视为点电荷.若将小环从图示位置由静止开始释放,在小环运动的过程中,说法正确的是( ) A .小环的加速度的大小不断变化 B .小环的速度将一直增大
C .小环所受的洛伦兹力一直增大
D .小环所受的洛伦兹力方向始终不变
6、如图所示,半径为R 的光滑圆弧轨道处在匀强磁场中,磁场方向垂直纸面(纸面为竖直平面)向里.两个质量为m 、带电量均为q 的正电荷小球,分别从距圆弧最低点A 高度为h 处,同时静止释放后沿轨道运动.下列说法正确的是( ) A .两球可能在轨道最低点A 点左侧相遇
B .两球一定在轨道最低点A 点相遇
C .两球可能在轨道最低点A 点右侧相遇
D .两球一定在轨道最低点A 点左侧相遇
7、回旋加速器是加速带电粒子的装置,其核心部分是分别与高频交流电极相连接的两个D 形金属盒,两盒间的狭缝中形成周期性变化的电场,使粒子在通过狭缝时都能得到加速,两D 形金属盒处于垂直于盒底的匀强磁场中,如图所示,要增大带电粒子射出时的动能,则下列说法正确的是( )
A .增大电场的加速电压
B .增大D 形金属盒的半径
C .减小狭缝间的距离
D .减小磁场的磁感应强度 二、计算题
8、如图所示,在y 轴的右侧存在磁感应强度为B 的方向垂直纸面向外的匀强磁场,在x 轴的上方有一平行板式加速电场.有一薄绝缘板放置在y 轴处,且与纸面垂直.现有一质量为m 、电荷量为q 的粒子由静止经过加速电压为U 的电场加速,然后以垂直于板的方向沿直线从A 处穿过绝缘板,而后从x 轴上的D 处以与x 轴负向夹角为30°的方向进入第四象限,若在此时再施加一个电场可以使粒子沿直线到达y 轴上的C 点(C 点在图上未标出).已知OD 长为l ,不计粒子的重力.求:
(3)所加电场的电场强度和带电粒子在y 轴的右侧运行的总时间.。
