Grammar and usage(Unit1M10)


Unit 1 Grammar and usage 课件高中英语牛津译林版(2020)必修第一册

Unit 1 Grammar and usage 课件高中英语牛津译林版(2020)必修第一册

• The music sounds good.
• Your jacket is in my bagp. redicative
• They seem nice guys. ◦Word or clause that shows the identity, nature, character and state of the subject. ◦The predicative is often played by nouns, adjectives and prepositional phrases, and it often comes after a linking verb.
• 1. separate something into smaller parts so that it is easier to do or understand 分成几个小部分
• He showed us the whole dance, then broke it down so that we could learny head up and down
But there is a heavy cloud inside my head
Isolation is not good for me
I don't want to sit on a lemon tree
Subject I Subject
What are the most important parts of a sentence?
◦Subject + Verb
◦The sun rises in the east. ◦He likes dancing. ◦Twenty years is a short time in history. ◦I agree.

M10U1 Grammar and usage

M10U1 Grammar and usage

What are the four common types of links between sentences? time sequence words cause and effect words contrasting words addition words
Time sequence words show the order of ideas or actions.
first(ly), second(ly), finally, to begin with, then, next, earlier/later, after this/that, following this/that, now, in the end, afterwards…
Example: Do you know how to plant a tree? First, we need to dig a hole and stand a stick in it. Second, we need to put the sapling into the hole and tie the sapling to the stick. Finally, we need to pad the soil back in the hole and water the area.
Dear Tom, It’s great to receive your email. Now I’d like to tell you something that took place in my school yesterday. In the afternoon we held a growing-up ceremony for our coming 18-year-old birthday. At first we made an oath that as grown-ups we should have a sense of duty for our society from now on. Then we showed our thanks to our parents who had gone through hardships to bring us up and teachers who have been educating us patiently.

牛津译林版高中英语Module 10 Unit 1 Grammar and usage教学课件

牛津译林版高中英语Module 10 Unit 1 Grammar and usage教学课件

3. Rewrite the following sentences with the linking words. 1) You should fully prepare before going on a hike. Bring enough drinking water with you. ---You should fully prepare before going on a hike. Above all, bring enough drinking water with you.
They show the order of ideas or actions. Common expressions that show time sequence are first, second, finally, now and in the end.
Cause and effect words (因果关系词语)
My son has a good job. My daughቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱer
has a good job. In brief, my wife and
I do not have to support them
financially any longer.
2. Linking words that give an example, such as for example, for instance, in this/that case, etc. e.g. I have always been interested in sport, for instance, when I was at school I was in the swimming, running, and tennis teams. A: There’s no milk in the fridge. B: In that case, I’ll drink water instead.



firstly, …. secondly,… thirdly,…. to begin with,then,next, finally, now, in the end,….
湖南长郡卫星远程学校 制作 13 2012年下学期
How to plant a tree? Firstly, we need to dig a hole and stand a stick in it. Secondly, we need to put the young plant into the hole and tie the plant to the stick. Finally, we need to put the earth back in the hole and water the area.
湖南长郡卫星远程学校 制作 13 2012年下学期
Third, education helps develop people’s personalities. Through education, young people learn to respect and tolerate others and will become more friendly, cooperative and helpful. Last, education prepares young people for the future. Apart from academic knowledge, they will also learn the skills they need for their future careers.
湖南长郡卫星远程学校 制作 13 2012年下学期


Unit 1 Back to school
Grammar and Usage(I)
Sentence Elements and Sentence Structures
Read the short speech on p6 and answer the following questions: 1. What is a goal? A goal is a dream that needs action. 2. What’s the significance of setting goals?
can’t wait to lies in
rise to
make a differ
taking part in
look forward to
stick to
P58 D
Senior high school is an imporant period for students to develop independent thinking. In time,you will have more confidence in yourself.
Setting goals gives a focus in life, helps develop good habits and makes one more confident.
Sentence Elements and Sentence Structures
subject, verb, object, complement,
主语 谓语 宾语
adverbial, predicative, attributive, apposition



基本句型一 主+谓
① The sun rises. ② Time flies. ③ The man smokes heavily. ④ They stopped when the phone was ringing. ⑤ They talked for half an hour. Conclusion: 这类动词叫做 不及物动词 , 后面不跟宾语,但 是可以带状语。
1) 表状态的be动词:be,is,am,are,was,were 2)表感官的动词: look, sound, taste, smell, feel, 3)表变化的动词: 4)表持续的动词: remain, stay, keep, continue 5)表表像的动词: seem, appear (似乎,好像) 6)表终止的动词: prove, turn out(证明 always makes his parents angry.
状 频率


修饰名词的叫“定语” 修饰名词以外的其他成分的统统叫“状语”
Practice 学法P26-30
P6 A Exploring the rules: 1. I agree. 2. Setting goals gives you a focus. 3. These habits will be helpful. 4. Setting goals makes you more confident. 5. You will live a happy life.
现在分词 doing
They found the house broken in.


•How many times has Mavis Wood seen them?
The present perfect tense :
1. Revise the usage of the present perfect tense
2. Revise the differences between the present perfect tense and the simple past tense.
Translate the following sentences:
1. 根据村民们的说法,他们已经看见不名飞行物许多次了。 According to the villagers, they have seen UFO many times. 2. 最近,你收到你朋友的来信了吗? Have you heard from your friend recently? 3. 在过去三、四百年期间,世界的人口数量增长得非常快。 In the past three or four hundreds years, the world’s population has grown very fast. 4. 到目前为止,中国有多少宇航员乘宇宙飞船到太空旅行过? So far, how many astronauts in China have travelled in space by spaceship ? 5. 他还没有读完那本小说。 He hasn’t finished reading the novel yet.
1. Revise the present perfect tense.
2. Finish multiple choice on the paper.
/ 老时彩计划软件
要给予她真真正正の,除咯排字琦以外,比任何诸人都高の荣宠和待遇。那是他の首要原则和基本立场。解决咯水清在园子里の住处问题,那仅仅只是万事开头难,刚刚完成咯第 壹步,此时王爷还有壹件同样重要の事情要办,那就是为他捐献给水清の那各院子命名。那各院子别是已经有咯壹各名字,叫做“清心斋”吗?为啥啊还要命名呢?因为以前它可 以叫做“清心斋”,因为那是王爷自己の地盘,是他那各壹家之主の领地。现在它换咯壹各新主人,还是壹位女眷,那里就别可能再继续挂着“清心斋”の牌匾。第壹卷 第663章 命名清心斋是王爷为自己修建の壹处修心养性、避世离居之所,清心斋三各字代表着那各地界是他の势力范围。作为壹家之主,别仅是享壹家之主の名分,更是要在时时刻刻处处 都体现着男主人至高无上の权威。所以他名下の势力范围,也是女眷们の禁区,任谁都别能轻易涉足踏入之地。别管是在王府还是园子,也别管是任何壹各女眷,假设想要到他の 住处找他,首先要禀报,只有得到他の许可才能进入。相反对于女眷们の院子,他是想来就来,想走就走,随随便便,畅通无阻。正所谓,只许州官放火,别许百姓点灯。假设清 心斋还叫清心斋,那就是犯咯女眷入住男主人住处の大忌。那在格外讲究规矩、礼制の王府,简直就是大逆别道の行径。他无论如何喜欢水清,也别可能为她而犯咯祖宗家法。壹 时半会儿盖别成壹座新院子,舍别得水清委屈地住客房,别能违咯礼制女入男房、鸠占鹊巢,种种现实问题摆在他の面前。但是那些都难别倒王爷大人!因为他天生就是壹各勤于 思考、善于动脑之人。他总是说水清“诡计多端”,其实平心而论,他の“诡计”应该是只多别少。水清の“诡计”仅限于如何解决壹各难题,他の“诡计”技高壹筹,更是体现 在如何规避制度、逃脱限制,如何冲破条条框框の束缚,以期达到他自己の别合情理の要求和目の。现在他千方百计地想要规避の就是如何改变女眷入主男主人住处の别合理问题。 于是,地界还是那各地界,但是名字却别能再叫“清心斋”那各名字。改头换面壹番,有咯新名字可就大别壹样咯,那就相当于将那各院子赏赐给咯她,变成咯水清名下の住处, 既合情又合理,前面那壹堆の所有问题统统都别再是问题,全部迎刃而解。换各啥啊名字呢?当初王府の院子,他之所以起名为“怡然居”,那是希望婉然嫁到他の王府,能够还 像在年府里当闺女那样,依旧怡然自得。没想到,虽然娶到手の是水清,虽然他们两人闹得别可开交,但是水清确实如他所愿壹般,过得确实怡然自得,怡然自得到将他那各夫君 都忘到咯脑后边。现在园子里の那各院子,取各啥啊名字呢?既然他们两各人都有浓重の隐士情结,都无限向往自由自在、无拘无束の田园生活,而她又来自湖广那片世外桃源般 の仙境之地,那何别……壹想到那里,他压抑别住心中の喜悦和激动,即刻朝书案走去,同时将秦顺唤咯进来。秦顺儿见他站在书案前,晓得爷那是要写字儿,于是极有眼力劲儿 地研墨、铺纸。而他则精心地挑选着手中の“兵器”,选来选去,终于选定壹支特大号の狼毫,此刻墨已研好,纸已铺就,他提起笔来,蘸饱墨汁,挥毫而就,心之所想,跃然纸 上。望着刚刚写就,还散发着墨香の院名,他の脸上轻轻地洋溢起壹各微笑,然后立即吩咐秦顺儿,赶快让苏培盛去制匾。第壹卷 第664章 陶源两天以后,众人如期搬至园子里 来。水清望着眼前の那座院子,并没什么急于进去,而是望着那各全新の地方,别禁暗自问道:那就她の另外壹各牢笼吗?王府の那座牢笼已经让她很别开心,很别愉快,现在, 面前の那座新牢笼又将带给她啥啊样の伤心和痛苦?就在她踟蹰良久,还没什么调整好心情,别晓得啥啊时候踏进那座院子の时候,她随意抬头看咯壹眼门楣,那遒劲の“陶源” 二字即刻映入她の眼帘,而那两各字居然有那么大の力量,她の心仿佛是被啥啊撬动咯壹下。她当然壹眼就认出来,毋庸置疑,那是他の

module 10 unit 1 Grammar and usage (公开课)

module 10 unit 1 Grammar and usage (公开课)
Functions Common expressions firstly, secondly , finally, now, in the end, etc
for one thing, therefore , so , as a result
Show order of ideas or actions . show reason and results of doing sth Introduce idea in contrast to the one mentioned Introduce
I .Linking words
(连接词/ 过渡词)
Types of linking words 1. Time sequence words (时间顺序) 2. Cause and effect words(因果) 3. Contrasting words(对比) 4. Additional words (增加,补充)
Common types Time sequence words Cause and effect words Contrasting words Additional words
Read the instructions on page 8 and complete the following form.
4. Addition words introduce additional information in addition, besides , on top of as well as,/ also furthermore, moreover not only … but also besides this/that
3.Contrasting words are used to introduce an idea that is in contrast to the idea mentioned before. however, on the other hand, despite,in spite of,though , although, on the contrary, in contrast otherwise,yet,instead of,nevertheless even though, compared with,



说明主语的动作、状态和特征 (“做什么”“是什么”或“怎么样”)
助动词 系动词 实义动词
及物动词 不及物动词
(1)简单谓语:由一个动词或动词短语构成 He practices running every morning.
(2)复合谓语:由情态动词或助动词加动词原形构成 You may keep the book for two weeks.
(1) She has lunch happily. (2) He arrived in London yesterday..
SVP 主语+系动词+表语
此类型的句子,谓语动词不能表达一个完整的意思,必须加 上一个表明主语性质或状态的表语,才能表达完整的意思。
常见的系动词: be动词类: am, is , are , was, were 感官动词类:look, sound, smell, taste, feel
可接“双宾语”的动词 (1)V.+sb.+sth.=V. +sth. + to + sb.
give, tell, lend, sell, teach, send, bring, write, take, offer, pass, return, promise, show, throw, hand, award等
5.定语(attributive) 修饰或限制名词或代词,翻译成
This is an apple tree.
He is our friend.



必修一Unit 1 Grammar句子成分和结构学案Class______ Name______ 一、句子成分:构成句子的各个部分叫做句子成分。



二、各种句子成分1. 主语:主语(Subject) 是一个句子所叙述的主体,动作的执行者,一般位于句首,谓语动词之前。

但在there be结构、疑问句(当主语不是疑问词时)和倒装句中,主语位于谓语、助动词或情态动词后面。


例如:The sun rises in the east.(名词)He likes dancing. (代词)Twenty years is a short time in history. (数词)To see is to believe. (不定式)Exercising is a good habit. (动名词)Whether or not they will come depends on the weather. (主语从句)◆Underline the subjects of the following sentences.1. During the 1990s, American country music was very popular.2. We often speak English in class.3. One-third of the students in this class are girls.4. To swim in the river is a great pleasure.5. Smoking does harm to the health.6. The rich should help the poor.7. When we are going to have an English test has not been decided.8. It is necessary to master a foreign language.2. 谓语:谓语(Predicate) 说明主语所做的动作或具有的特征和状态。

grammar and usage学案牛津译林版必修1

grammar and usage学案牛津译林版必修1

grammar and usage学案牛津译林版必修1life-grammar and usage Attributive clausesTry to find the attributive clauses in the following sentences:1、Tachers are professionals who/ that work in schools, colleges and universityies、2、 A secretary is a person whom/ who/ that a visitor first meets before seeing the boss、3、 Surgeons operate on sick people and repair the organs that/ which no longer work properly、4、 They may want to get the same kind of clothes these fashiion models wear、5、 A chef is the person whose job is to plan the meals, buy the food, and cook the meals in a restaurant、(A)the relative pronouns in the above sentences ________________________________(B)the antecedents in the above sentences______________________________________(C)Choose the best answer、1、An attributive clause modifies (修饰)_____、A、 a noun or a pronounB、 a verb2、 Which relative pronouns refer to a thing? And which to a person? Match each relative pronoun with A orB、(A)(B)1)who2)whomA、 a thing3)that4)whichB、 a person5)whose3、 A relative pronoun often comes ________ of a clause、A、 at the beginningB、 at the end4、 We usually put an attributive clause ______ the modified noun or pronoun、Conclusion1、定语从句修饰 ______________________2、定语从句通常紧跟________________________3、当关系代词在句中作________________, 关系代词可以省略,如第___________句4、定语从句的关系代词如下:主格宾格所有格指代人 __________________________________ _____________________指代物__________________ _____________________________________PracticeI、 Fill in the blanks with who, whom or whose1、This is the man ____________ teaches us chemistry、2、 Is this the woman _______________ you want to see?3、 Those are the parents _______________ children are studying at Beijing University、4、 Do you know the man _____________ son is in the UK?5、 This is the student ______________ we should all learn form、6、I don’t think Miss Zhang was the teacher ____________ has given you the good advice on how to learn Chinese well、7、 Those ______________ are in favour of the plan please raise your hands8、 the classroom _________________ windows face south is ours、9、 The old man ________________ wevisited last week has come to see you、10、 The teachers _____________ the students are talking with over there come from Australian、11、The children _____________ school work hasn’tdone yet should finish it after class、12、 Do you know the man ____________ bicycle was stolen last night?13、 They are the workers _____________ are good at building bridge、14、 The doctor _____________ you are waiting for has come、15、 Is she the chef ________________ you want to see?16、 A colleague is a man or a woman _____________you work with、17、 A fireman is a soldier _______________ fightswith fires、18、 A secretary is a person _____________ is paidfor doing office work、19、 Can you introduce me to the girl _____________ voice is so beautiful?20、That’s the manager _____________ car is a white Passat、II、 Fill in the blanks with which (that), who, whom, or whose1、This is the watch ______________ my father boughtin Switzerland、2、 The bicycle _______________ colour isvery unusual belongs to Mr Wang、3、 The lady_______________ has found her lost bag is my next door neighbour、4、 Listening to pop music is a hobby______________ interests a lot of young people、5、Computer is a subject ______________ every student should learn、6、 How can we finish a task ___________ is impossible for us to do?7、 Are these books _____________ you need right now?8、 Come to see the boy ________________ can speak five languages、9、 The book ______________ cover is broken is worth a lot of money、10、 The kids ________________ Grandma Li is taking care of are very naughty、III、 Put the two sentencesinto one, using a relative clause、1、I don’t know the teacher、 The teacher is singing an English song、_________________________________________________________ _______2、 Have you been to France? France is famous for wine and perfume、_________________________________________________________ _______3、 What do you think of the lecture? The lecture was held last Wednesday、_________________________________________________________ ________4、 The German student can speak six languages、 The German student came to our class yesterday、_________________________________________________________ _______5、 A typewriter is a machine、 The machine can help people to type、_________________________________________________________ ___________6、 Is this the womanscientist )、_________________________________________________________ __________7、 The book is very useful、The book’s cover is designed by Mr、 Zhu、_________________________________________________________ ____________8、 Do you know the woman in light blue? Her job is taking care of my kid、_________________________________________________________ ___________9、 The news was not true、 She told me the news the day before yesterday、_________________________________________________________ ____________10、 The cell phone cost Miss Whalen only $1、Miss Whalen is using the cell phone、_________________________________________________________ _____________Attention; You can only use relative pronoun “that” in the following situations、1、先行词是不定代词all much little something everything anything nothing none the one时Do you have anything that you want to say for yourselves?2、当先行词前面有only any few little no all very 等词修饰时This is the very book that I am looking for、3、当先行词是形容词最高级时或它的前面有形容词最高级修饰时This is the best that has been used against pollution、4、当先行词时序数词或它前面有一个序数词修饰时his is the last train that will go to Zuzhou、5、当先行词既有人又有物时Do you know the things and persons that they are talking about?6、当主句的主语是疑问词who 或which时Which is the bike that you lost?Who is the boy that won the gold medal?7、有两个定语从句,其中一个关系代词已which用,另一个宜用that They secretly built up a small factory which produce things that could cause pollution、8、当先行词在主句中作表语,而关系代词也在从句中作表语时Shanghai is no longer the city that it used to be、。


She lost no time (in) giving the patient first aid. 她不失时机地给病人急救。
2.表示行为方式的in在in this way, in the same way, in another way等词组中,可省略介词。
He did it (in) this way. 他以这种方式做到了。
* 省略的意义:
可使语言更加简洁,意思更加明确,句 子结构更加紧凑。
一、简单句的省略 1、省略主语:祈使句中主语通常省略,其它省略主语
(I) Thank you for your help. (I) See you tomorrow. (It) Doesn’t matter.
• Why not (=Why don’t you) clean the room after breakfast?
使用so, not等时的省略 在英语中,可以用so, not或其他方式来省略上文或问句中的一部分 或整个句子。
—Can you finish your work today? —I think so. —I don’t think so./I think not.
B: Yes (I’m coming).
告示、标牌、 报纸标题
• •
(There will be) Roadworks ahead! (A) Millionaire (was) poisoned (in his home) in Beverly Hills.
• We need to solve the problem as soon as (it is) possible.
2. You can watch it online if you want to ( watch it ). 3. I felt worried when ( I was ) watching the documentary. 4. Some call for the application of modern technology, and others ( call for ) a change of lifestyle. 5. ( Have you) Got any ideas? 6. ( It/That ) Sounds great!

Unit 1 Grammar and usage 教案-高中英语牛津译林版(2020)选修第二册

Unit 1 Grammar and usage 教案-高中英语牛津译林版(2020)选修第二册

Subject B9U1 Beware and take care Host CheckerTeaching objectives By the end of this section, students will be able to:1. identify the use of linking words;2. use linking words to finish the tasks of rewriting sentences and completing an article;3. write a short letter of advice to someone who is misusing medicine with linking words;Teaching im-portant and difficult points To understand the exact functions of linking words and to apply linking words in contexts.Teaching types New lessonPeriods Period 1PreparationTimeNov.17Presentation Time Nov.20Teaching procedures:Lead-inStep 11. The teacher has students read the blog post on Page 6 and present its outline in theform of a chart.2. The teacher has students read the blog post again and answer the following questions.(1)How did Kevin tell his self-medicating experience?He told his self-medicating experience in time order. He woke up one morning with a bad backache. After taking the painkillers he ordered online for a few days, his health worsened. Then it turned out it was not a muscle strain but a serious liver infection that caused the backache. In the end, he made a full recovery after two weeks in hos-pital.(2)Why didn’t Kevin go to see the doctor first?For one thing, he was too lazy to drag himself down to the hospital and for another, he thought he knew what he was doing.(3)What did Kevin assume caused his back pain? What was the real cause?He assumed that it was because of a muscle strain. On the contrary, it was caused by a serious liver infection.(4) What damage did self-medication do to Kevin’s body?It irritated the lining of his stomach. Additionally, it damaged an already damaged liver.Exploring t he rulesStep 21.The teacher has students find the different categories of linking words in the blog post 二次备课and fill in the table of Part A on Page 6.2.The teacher guides students to work out the rules on Page 6.3.The teacher has students go through “Grammar notes” on Pages 94.Step 31. The teacher has students finish B1 on Page 7.Rewrite the following sentences with the linking words in the brackets.1). When there is flu going around, you should learn to protect yourself. You need to weara face mask. (first of all)When there is flu going around, you should learn to protect yourself. First of all, you need to wear a face mask.2). During the fire drill, students are required to bend down and leave through the emer-gency exit. They need to cover their mouth and nose with a wet towel. (furthermore) During the fire drill, students are required to bend down and leave through the emergency exit. Furthermore, they need to cover their mouth and nose with a wet tow-el.3).At an intersection without zebra crossings, do not cross the road directly. You can use a flyover or an underpass to cross the road. (instead)At an intersection without zebra crossings, do not cross the road directly. Instead, you can use a flyover or an underpass to cross the road.2.The teacher has students compare the sentences containing linking words with the original sentences and tell the effects linking words can bring about.Linking words can be used to combine ideas in writing, and thus ensure that ideas within sentences and paragraphs are logically and elegantly connected. Take the first sentence as an example. The phrase “first of all”is used to say that something is more important than anything else. When we use it to connect these two sentences, we mean that to wear a face mask is the first thing that you should do to protect yourself, and there are more tips to follow.3.The teacher has students finish B2 on Page 7, and then fill in the following table.Step 4The teacher has students finish B3 on Page 7 to write a short letter of advice to someone who is misusing medicine using proper linking words.Homework1. Finish Part B on Page 57.2. Polish up your short letter of advice. Whiteboard design:Teaching Reflection:。



linking verbs
am, is, are
was, were
have/has/had been
e.g. He is a teacher. It was fantastic. She is being kind today. They have been poor since last year.
sentence elements
It’s a lovely day.
sentence elements
They are used to modify nouns or pronouns.
I went to a large library yesterday.
He doesn’t have anything to do at the moment.
linking verbs
They are used to indicate that the subject continues or maintains a state or attitude.
e.g. He remains single. This matter remains a mystery. I always keep enthusiastic in my daily life. Please stay calm.
sentence structures
(3) These habits will be helpful.
W h a t is sp e c ia l a bo u t th e v e rb h e re ?
In English, the function of a linking verb is mainly to connect the predicate with its subject, indicating the nature, characteristics, character, or state of the subject.
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6. — I heard Johnson was badly injured in the accident. B — ____, let’s go and see him. A. What’s more B. If so C. Where possible D. When necessary
7. This Englishman is good at writing, A reading and __ is kind to others. A. above all B. first of all C. in all D. after all
10. —Do you think I should get a good guidebook? A —Yes, of course. _____ , you also need a good camera and comfortable shoes. A. What’ s more B. In other words C. By the way D. All in all
11. —I’m afraid Mr. Wood can’t see you until 4 o’clock. C —Oh, _________ I won’t wait. doubt . that case . B.after all . this way .
12. _____ your assistance, he finished A the job in only two hours. A. Owing to C. Owed to B. Owing D. Owed
13. _____ his knowledge of the B mountainous country, John Smith was appointed as our guide. A. In spite of B. On account of C. Regardless of D. Instead of
What are the four common types of links between sentences? • time sequence words • cause and effect words • contrasting words • addition words
Time sequence words show the order of ideas or actions.
2. I can’t tell you the exact time when I B will get there. ______, I’ll be there as early as I can. A. No matter C. Therefore B. Anyhow D. Besides
3. You have made a few spelling mistakes in your composition, but A _______, it is fairly good. A. on the whole B. generally speaking C. above all D. on one hand
4. ---When did you first meet Tom? ---On May 2, _______, the first day A I came to this city. A. or rather C. on the whole B. at least D. in a word
5. He came home after midnight, and A _______, he was drunk. That made his parents very angry. A. what is more B. on the other hand C. in my opinion D. in another word
since, because (of), due to, owing to, the reason why, in other words, leads to, cause, as a result, thus, so, therefore, consequently, it follows that, eventually, then, in that case …
first (ly), second (ly), to begin with, then, next, earlier/later, after this/that, following this/that, afterwards …
Cause and effect words show the reasons or results of doing something.
1. --- I’d like to go home now. ---Why not stay here for the night? It A is so late now. ________, it is raining so hard. A. Besides C. Instead B. Therefore D. As a result
A 8. What he said, _____ has _____, nothing to do with what he did. A. to my surprise B. to my surprised C. to my surprising D. to our surprises
C 9. ___ his face, the young man must be over 20. A. Judged from C. Judging from B. Judged D. Judging
Addition words introduce additional information.
in addition, and, similarly, likewise, as well as, besides, furthermore, also, moreover, and then, too, not only …but, even, besides this/that …
Contrasting words are used to introduce an idea that is in contrast to the idea mentioned before.
however, on the other hand, despite, in spite of, though, although, but, on the contrary, otherwise, yet, instead of, whereas, nonetheless, even though, compared with, in contrast, alternatively …
14. I thought I was going to fail D the exam, but I succeeded _______. A. first all C. at all B. in all D. after all
15. The idea of fish being able to produce electricity strong enough to light a lamp D is almost unbelievable, _____ several kinds of fish are really able to do this. A. therefore C. then B. and D. but
Unit 1
Building the பைடு நூலகம்uture
Linking words
Links are needed between sentences to connect the ideas of the sentences to each other. Without these links, it is easy for readers to get confused. These links help readers work out what is going to happen next in a text.