Anaerobic digestion of food waste for volatile fatty acids (VFAs)
氧化铁投加方式对餐厨垃圾厌氧消化产气的影响? 氧化铁投加方式对餐厨垃圾厌氧消化产气的影响氧化铁投加方式对餐厨垃圾厌氧消化产气的影响高雪濛周丽丽秦杰徐期勇(北京大学深圳研究生院环境与能源学院聚硅酸盐复合环保材料工程实验室,广东深圳518055) 摘要:氧化铁可以促进产甲烷菌的代谢活动,从而加快厌氧消化体系的产甲烷速率。
通过设计3组反应器,探究了不同的氧化铁添加方式对餐厨垃圾厌氧消化产甲烷的影响:包括空白组A(餐厨垃圾+厌氧污泥),以及2个实验组B(餐厨垃圾+厌氧污泥,48 h后投加氧化铁)和C(餐厨垃圾+厌氧污泥+氧化铁)。
此外,截止到第54天实验结束,反应器C的累积产甲烷量(48 349 mL)高于B(35 665 mL)。
关键词:餐厨垃圾;厌氧消化;酸抑制;氧化铁;添加方式0 引言随着经济发展和生活水平的提高,城市生活垃圾的产生量逐年增长。
据国家统计局统计,2014年我国城市生活垃圾清运量为17 860万t,一些主要城市的餐厨垃圾占城市生活垃圾总量的60%左右[1]。
外文翻译--- 利用厌氧消化从微波加热的污泥中获取沼气
附录一Biogas recovery from microwave heated sludge byanaerobic digestionBiogas generated from sewage sludge, livestock waste, and food waste by anaerobic digestion is a valuable renewable energyresource. However, conventional anaerobic digestion is not an efficient process. A long hydraulic retention time and low biogasrecovery rate hinder the applications of those resources. An effective pretreatment method to destroy sludge microbial cellshas been one of the major concerns regarding improvement of the biogas production. This article focuses on the effects of microwave heating on sludge anaerobic digestion. Volatile suspended solid (VSS) and chemical organic demand solubilization of heated sludge were investigated. Microwave heating was found to be a rapid and efficient process for releasing organic substrates from sludge. The increase of organic dissolution ratio was not obvious when holding time was over 5 min with microwave heating. The effect of the VSS solubilization was primarily dependent on heating temperature. The highest value of VSS dissolving ratio, 36.4%, was obtained at 170°C for 30 min. The COD dissolving ratio was about 25% at 170°C. Total organic carbon of treated sludge liquor was 1.98 and 2.73 g/L at 150°C and 170°C for 5 min, respectively. A biochemical methane potential (BMP) test of excess sludge and a mixture of primary and excess sludge demonstrated an increase in biogas production. The total biogas from microwave treated mixture sludge increased by 12.9% to 20.2% over control after 30 days of digestion. Biogas production was 11.1% to 25.9% higher for excess sludge than for untreated sludge. The VS removal ratios of mixture sludge and excess sludge were 12% and 11% higher, respectively, compared to the untreated sludge.biogas recovery, microwave heating, sludge, anaerobic digestion 1 IntroductionWastewater treatment plants produce large amounts of primary and excess sludge that contains organic bacterial microbes and inorganic mineral components. State EPA reports have indicated that there are approximately 11 million tons of dewatered sludge cakes (about 80% moisture content) generated annually in China. In recent years, treatment and disposal of sludge have become a serious problem in many cities.Anaerobic digestion is a common process for sludge treatment. Compared with other processes, its advantages are lower energy requirement, better stabilized product, and generation of usable gas. However, the biological gel structure properties of sludge result in difficulties in anaerobic digestion. Pavlostathisetal.andVavilin et al.found that the bacterial cell wall restrained the biodegradability of sludge. An effective pretreatment method to destroy microbial cells has therefore been one of the major concerns in the sludge pretreatment process. Wang et al. Baier et al. Lin et al.and Tanaka et al.separately carried out sludge pretreatment research to improve biogasproduction and included ultrasonic, mechanical,alkaline, and thermal-chemical treatments for degradation of microbes. Heat treatment was a harsh process that disrupted bacterial cell wall, and released and hydrolyzed high molecular weight materials. Brook found that the hydrolysis of organics was a dominant characteristic that distinguished heat treatment from other methods. Industrial application has proven the effectiveness of heat treatment; for example, Kepp et al. stated that when sludge was heated with a Cambi process at 170°C, the volatile solids (VS) removal ratio of the treated sludge increasedfrom about 40% to approximately 60%. Using the advantages of the improved settling performance of heated sludge,Wang et bined heat treatment with an anaerobic sequenced batch reactor to increase the VS removal ratio to 60% with a lower hydraulic retention time (10 days).However, conventional heat treatment is time-consuming .For the purpose of heating sludge, microwave irradiation might serve as an alternative and much more rapid method .In recent years, the use of microwave as a novel technique to treat sludge has attracted much interest.A uniform microwave field generates energy through the realignment of dipoles with oscillating electric fields to generate heat both internally and at the surface of the treated material. Sludge is a multiphase medium containing water,mineral and organic substances, proteins, and cells of microorganisms.Due to its high water content, sewage sludge can absorb significant amounts of microwave energy.Zlotorzynski analyzed the application of microwave irradiation to analytical and environmental chemistry.Eskicioglu et ed sludge heated by microwave to 96°C in a batch anaerobic digestion test and found a 17% biogas increase over untreated sludge. Compared to conventional heat treatment, microwave treatment resulted in more soluble proteins and volatile fatty acids but a lower sugar content of the sludge. Park etal.reported that microwave treated sludge could produce 79% higher methane production than untreated sludge. Wojciechowska used microwave to condition sludge and found that after 180 s of microwave heating, the specific resistance to filtration (SRF) of mixed sludge (primary and secondary sludge)and anaerobic digested sludge decreased by 73% and 84%,respectively. Liao et al.reported that organic hydrolysis,induced by combing microwave with hydrogen peroxide and acid, could be used to recover sludge nutrients.It is evident that the effectiveness of microwave treatment has been recognized by many researchers. However,the exact nature of the sterilization effect, as well as whether this is due solely to thermal effects or to non- thermal effects, has continued to be a matter of controversy. In most conventional heat treatments, sludge is heated at a mild temperature using an open vessel. The higher temperature and pressure that are generated by microwave treatment of sludge in terms of overall biodegradability were investigated in the present paper.2 Materials and methods2.1 Sludge samplingSludge was sampled from three local municipal wastewater treatment plants (the Gaobeidian, Qinghe, and Beixiaohe wastewater treatment plants) in Beijing. These three wastewater works primarily treat municipal sewage. Table 1 presents the characteristics of the sludge. The mixturesludge (MS) was mixed by combining primary and excess sludge sampled from the gravity thickening tank in the Gaobeidian and Beixiaohe plants. Excess sludge (ES) collected from Qinghe plant was thickened in laboratory to a suspended solid (SS) content of 2.8%. After sampling, sludge wasscreened through a 3.2 mm×3.2 mm mesh sieve to remove large particles. The screened sludge was then stored in a refrigerator at 4°C until further testing.MS from Gaobeidian plant was used for the investigation of organics solubilization of sludge with microwave heating.Microwave treated MS from Beixiaohe plant and ES from Qinghe plant was used for evaluation of biodegradation by abiochemical methane potential (BMP) test. Table 1 shows the SS, VS, total COD, and pH.2.2 Microwave heating procedureA commercial domestic microwave oven (2450 MHz, 1000W, MSD6, Shanghai Sineo Co., Ltd) and PTFE vessels were used for microwave irradiation. This frequency of microwave energy has been widely used in scientific research.Sludge microwave heating was performed as batch tests using 30 mL of sludge in a 70 mL PTFE vessel. All test samples were subject to microwave heating at temperatures of 80, 120, 150 and 170°C. The microwave heating holding times were 1, 5, 10, 20 and 30 min. Sludge temperature and pressure were measured and controlled by the microwave oven.2.3 Biochemical methane potential (BMP) testA biochemical methane potential test was used to evaluate biogas recovery from sludge after microwave pretreatment.A 60 mL sample of microwave-heated sludge, seeded with 150 mL of anaerobic digestion sludge, was fed into a 250mL serum bottle. The seed sludge was collected from an anaerobic digestion tank at the Gaobeidian plant. In this plant, gravity thickened sludge was digested at 35°C with 30 days of HRT. A separate 60 mL sample of untreated sludge was used as a control sample. Each test was performed with parallel samples. The BMP tests were performed in a water bath at 35°C. The cumulative gas production was measured using a water displacement method. The serum bottles were shaken every 12 h to allow for sufficient blending. The methane content in the biogas was measured by a gas chromatograph equipped with a thermal conductivity detector.2.4 Analysis methodsThe total COD (TCOD) was determined by the potassium dichromate/ferrous ammoniumsulfate method. Sludge particles were kept uniformly suspended by a magnetic stirrerwhile sampling. The supernatants were separated from sludge by centrifuging (LG10-2.4A) at 2775 g for 10 min and were used for soluble COD (SCOD) determination. The total solid (TS) and SS were measured by drying sludge slurry at 105°C for 24 h; VS and VSS were tested by burning the dried sludge at 600°C for 2 h. For SS and subsequent VSS analysis, sludge was centrifuged prior to heating,to remove soluble solids as described in SCOD determination.TOC of sludge liquid was measured by Shimadzu’s TOC-5000.3 Results and discussion3.1 Temperature increases by microwave heatingCompared with conventional sludge heating, microwave heating is much more rapid. When materials are heated by high frequency electromagnetic waves, the heating effect arises from the interaction of the electric field component of the wave with charged particles in the material. Power absorbed by materials becomes higher as the penetration depth decreases. As a result of the complicated composition of sludge, the absorption of microwave energy will be influenced by organics (such as proteins, lipids, and carbohydrates)and solid concentration, as well as by the heatingLoad. Hong et al.reported that water absorbed microwave energy was in an exponential relationship with the heating load, and that the absorption efficiency could reach 80%.Figure 1 presents the heating and cooling curves in sludge microwave treatment at 120, 150 and 170°C for 5 min. Under microwave irradiation, sludge temperature increased rapidly, and the heating ratios were similar for the different temperatures. The microwave irradiation times to 120, 150 and 170°C were 4, 7 and 7.5 min, respectively. When the sludge was heated to pre-set temperature, sludge was kept at a stable temperature for 5 min. This time was called heating time. When the heating finished, the reactor filled with sludge was transferred from microwave oven into a cool water bath. The decline parts of the curves in Figure 1 representthe cooling of sludge.3.2 Organic sludge dissolving trendsThe conventional heat treatment performed by Wang et al. demonstrated that inorganic components dissolved at a lower dissolution ratio, and that the main part of the solid dissolution was due to VSS hydrolysis. Brooks presented a summary of the solid matter in the sludge and followed their pathways of dissolution and hydrolysis. First of all, the floc of microorganism was found to disperse anddisintegrate. The intracellular material was released, dissolved,and hydrolyzed as follows: lipids were hydrolyzed to palmitic acid, stearic acid, and oleic acid; proteins were degraded to a series of saturated and unsaturated acids,ammonia, and some carbon dioxide, while carbohydrates were broken down to polysaccharides of smaller molecular weight and, possibly, even to simple sugars. Therefore,volatile suspended solid (VSS) were generally taken as a principal parameter of organic hydrolysis.VSS dissolution depicted the tendency of sludge to become an inorganic product. Figure 2 presents changes in sludge VSS dissolution under different conditions. Holding times from 1 to 30 min were used at the temperatures of 80,120, 150 and 170°C. The VSS dissolution ratios substantially increased with rising temperature and prolonged holding time. However, the increases in dissolution were not obvious when the holding time was beyond 5 min. The effect onthe VSS dissolution was mainly dependent on the temperature. The highest value of VSS dissolution ratio,36.4%, was obtained for a treatment at 170°C for 30 min.The COD dissolution was the portion of TCOD in the sludge solid that was hydrolyzed into the liquor during the microwave irradiation. COD dissolution showed organicmatter dissolution. Microwave irradiation caused significant increases in COD concentrations. This corresponded to cell damage as a mechanism of microwave thermal treatment.The highest COD dissolution was 25.8% at 170°C for 10min (seen in Figure 3).The tendency toward COD dissolution, as affected by microwave heating temperature and time, was consistent with the VSS dissolution. Accordingly, SCOD concentration of treated sludge also showed a similar trend with temperature and holding time. As shown in Figure 4, at 170°C,the SCOD of sludge was about 10 g/L. As also shown in Figure 5, the mean value of TOC concentration increased with the microwave irradiation temperature and time, and reached the highest value, 3.4 g/L, with a treatment of 170°C for 30 min. The microwave thermal pretreatment caused a substantial dissolution and hydrolysis of organics.This suggests that microwave irradiation is capable of additionally decomposing complex chemical compounds and hydrolyzing them into simple compounds that can then be easily decomposed by bioprocesses. This effect can be used to enhance the sludge digestion process, as shown in the present results.3.3 Biogas recovery from microwave treated sludgePino-Jelcic et al. compared microwave treatment with conventional heat treatment at 60–65°C,and found that the sludge VS removal ratio of microwave-treated sludge by anaerobic digestion was 53.9%, while the ratio was 51.3%for conventional thermal treated sludge with anaerobic digestion.Microwave treatment was helpful in disrupting the cell membranes of sludge bacteria, destroying more E. Coli and releasing more intracellular materials. Heo et al. used a BMP test to evaluate the anaerobic digestibility of alkaline-treated sludge. A hydrolysis test showed that the VSS dissolution did not increase significantly with the prolongation of holding time beyond 5 min and that VSS dissolution was low at 80°C.In the present study, microwave heated sludge used for the BMP test was heated to temperatures of 120, 150 and 170°C for 5 and 10 min. Compared to ES, primary sludge and amixture of primary and ES could be readily digested.In order to analyze the microwave effect on different types of sludge, both MS from Beixiaohe and ES from Qinghe were tested. Cumulative biogas production of MS is shown in Figure 6. After microwave treatment, total biogas production increased by 12.9% to 20.2% over the control after 30 days of digestion. Figure 7 presents the cumulative total biogas production of ES. This production was 11.1% to 25.9% higher than untreated sludge. The highest biogas production was obtained from the sludge treated by microwave at 170°C for 10 min. Microwave heating as a pretreatment method for MS and ES therefore appeared to be effective in obtaining higher biogas production.Both batches used for BMP gas production showed a fast rate for the first 10 days, then the gas production ratio decreased and stabilized. As seen in Figures 6 and 7, the amount of biogas generated for MS from Beixiaohe plant was higher than that from ES. This was most likely due to differences in organic load, as MS contains more organic content than ES. However, microwave pretreatment improved the sludge anaerobic digestibility for both MS and ES. The microwave treatment temperature was more sensitive for MS than for ES.VS removal ratio in anaerobic digestion was another parameter that affected sludge biodegradability. Figures 8 and 9 present the VS removal ratios of the microwave treated MS from Beixiaohe plant and ES from Qinghe plant, respectively.The VS removal ratio of MS microwave treated at 170°C for 5 min was 12% higher than that for the untreated sludge. For ES, the VS removal ratio increased by 11%compared to untreated sludge.4 ConclusionsMicrowave heating using a domestic microwave oven with a frequency of 2450 MHz wasable to accomplish a rapid temperature increase in sludge. Therefore, as an alternative method, microwave treatment should also prove effective on an industrial scale. VSS dissolution approached values comparable to those by conventional heat treatment. The COD dissolution and the changes of TOC also indicated the same degree of organic component hydrolysis. At 170°C,the VSS dissolution ratio of treated sludge reached 36.4% and COD dissolution ratio was about 25%. Under this typical hydrolysis parameter, microwave irradiation could shorten holding time to 5 min, compared to conventional processes that require more than 30 min. This provided the possibility of shortening system sludge retention time,therefore saving energy and construction costs for industrial applications.Compared with microwave conditioning, higher temperature with a pressure vessel could also bring notable effects with relatively mild temperatures. Microwave irradiation was shown to be effective at improving sludge biodegradability for both MS and ES, allowing a greater recovery of biogas. The BMP test showed a significant improvement in biogas production and in the VS removal ratio. The results of this study indicate that higher biogas production is possible at temperatures no higher than 170°C.利用厌氧消化从微波加热的污泥中获取沼气通过厌氧消化的污水污泥,禽畜废物,食品废物产生沼气是一种宝贵的可再生能源资源。
油脂浓度对餐厨废弃物厌氧消化特性的影响马宗虎;傅国志;叶骏;田立;冯小清【摘要】[目的]研究油脂浓度对餐厨废弃物厌氧消化特性的影响.[方法]在中温条件下,采用批式试验研究了不同油脂浓度(15%、20%、25%、30%和35%TS)对餐厨垃圾中温厌氧消化过程中甲烷日产气量、累积产气量及发酵液中pH、氨氮、碳酸氢盐碱度和总有机酸的变化规律.[结果]油脂浓度为25%TS时,餐厨垃圾的累积甲烷产量最高,为606.0 mL/gVS;发酵液中总有机酸和碳酸氢盐碱度(VFA/ TIC)均小于0.4,维持了较强的缓冲能力.动力学模型参数表明,油脂浓度越高,餐厨垃圾厌氧消化启动阶段的延滞期越长,油脂浓度为35%TS时的延滞期比35%TS时的延滞期延长了4.4d.[结论]油脂浓度为25%TS时,获得最大甲烷产量(606 mL/gVS).【期刊名称】《安徽农业科学》【年(卷),期】2016(000)003【总页数】5页(P185-188,211)【关键词】厌氧消化;餐厨垃圾;油脂浓度;动力学【作者】马宗虎;傅国志;叶骏;田立;冯小清【作者单位】中国华电工程(集团)有限公司,北京10016;中国华电工程(集团)有限公司,北京10016;中国华电工程(集团)有限公司,北京10016;中国华电工程(集团)有限公司,北京10016;中国华电工程(集团)有限公司,北京10016【正文语种】中文【中图分类】S181Abstract [Objective] To research the effects of grease content on the ana erobic digestibility of kitchen waste.[Method] Under medium temperature conditions,we researched the effects of grease content (15,20,25,30 and 35 % TS) on the change laws of methane daily production ,cumulative methan e production,pH value,ammonia nitrogen,bicarbonate alkalinity and total o rganic acids in fermentation broth by batch test.[Result] When grease cont ent was 25% TS,cumulative methane production was the maximum in kitch en wastes,which was 606.0 mL/gVSadded.The ratio of VFA/TIC in fermentat ion broth was less than 0.4,indicating that the fermentation broth maintain ed relatively strong buffering capacity.The kinetic model showed that the h igh grease content led to long lag phase in initiating stage of anaerobic di g phase of 35% TS grease content was 4.4 days longer than that of 25% TS grease content.[Conclusion] The maximum methane production (606 mL/gVS) is obtained when grease content is 25% TS.Key words Anaerobic digestion; Food waste; Grease content; Kinetic随着我国经济增长和居民生活水平的提高,餐厨垃圾的产量也逐年增加,餐厨垃圾已成为城市生活有机垃圾的主要来源,其在我国主要城市有机垃圾中占37%~62%[1-2]。
79餐厨垃圾高效厌氧消化稳定产气研究文_李杰伟 高仁富 罗宇 东江环保股份有限公司摘要:厌氧消化是餐厨垃圾产业化处理的主流方式,厌氧系统单位体积有机负荷和单位体积产气率是评价厌氧系统产业化能力的重要指标。
结果表明,在选择连续式投加物料情况下,维持60min/3hrs搅拌频率和2.8kg TVS/(m3.d)单位体积有机负荷水平,全混合厌氧消化系统可以获得稳定的高产气率,达到(2.69±0.03)m3/(m3.d),甲烷体积分数(65.2±1.3)%。
关键词:餐厨垃圾;有机负荷;厌氧消化Study on High Efficiency Anaerobic Digestion and High Biogas Production Rate of Food W asteLI Jie-wei GAO Ren-fu LUO Yu[ Abstract ] Anaerobic digestion is the main treatment mode of food waste, and organic loading rate and biogas production rate are the main indexes that estimate the anaerobic digestion system function of food waste. The study on factors that effects biogas production rate and anaerobic digestion system stability of food waste shows that system acquires (2.69±0.03)m³/(m³.d)biogas production rate with (65.2±1.3)%(V/V)methane steadily, maintaining 2.8 kg TVS/(m³.d)and 60mins/3hrs and continuous feeding.[ Key words ] food waste; organic loading rate; anaerobic digestion据统计,目前我国每年产生的餐厨垃圾量超过6000万吨。
AThe Best Books of 2020On Monday, the American Library Association announced the top children’s books of 2020. Here are the winners.DevotionAuthor Clare Vanderpool took home the John Newbery Medal for outstanding contribution to children’s literature for Moon over Manifest. The book is about a young girl’s magical adventures in a small Kansas town, in 1936.Vanderpool said that she was shocked to learn that she had won. “You grow up reading legendary authors like Madeleine L’Engle, but I never expected to be put in a category with her,” Vanderpool told TFK. “It’s fabulous.”Picture ThisThe picture book A Sick Day for Amos McGee won the Randolph Caldecott Medal. The book was illustrated by Erin E. Stead and written by her husband, Philip C. Stead. It tells the story of an elderly zookeeper and the animals that visit him when he’s not well enough to go to work.“I love drawing animals and I love drawing people and I love drawing the emotional connection between animals and people,” said Stead.More Honored BooksThe Coretta Scott King award, given to an African-American author and illustrator of “outstanding books for children and young adults,” went to Rita Williams-Garcia for One Crazy Summer. Set in 1968, the novel follows three sisters from Brooklyn, New York, who visit their mother, a poet who ran away years ago and lives in California.The king prize for best-illustrated work went to Dave the Potter: Artist, Poet, Slave. The book, which was written by Laban Carrick Hill and illustrated by Bryan Collier, tells the story of a skilled potter who engraved his poems on the clay pots and jars that he made. The enslaved potter, known only as Dave, lived in South Carolina in the 1800s.1.How did Vanderpool feel when she heard the news that she won the medal?A. Astonished.B. Disappointed.C. Embarrassed.D. Depressed.2.Who illustrated the book Dave the Potter: Artist, Poet, Slave?A. Bryan Collier.B. Erin E. Stead.C. Laban Carrick Hill.D. Madeleine L’Engle.3.What can we infer from the passage?A. The book Moon over Manifest tells a story of a zookeeper and his animals.B. A Sick Day for Amos McGee shows us that animals can interact with humans.C. The book A Sick Day for Amos McGee is written by Erin, a famous woman writer.D. One Crazy Summer is about a mother with her three children having a holiday in California. BI travel a lot, and I find out different “styles” (风格)of directions every time I ask “How can I get to the post office?”Foreign tourists are often confused(困惑的)in Japan because most streets there don’t have names; in Japan, people use landmarks(地标)in their directions instead of street names. For example, the Japanese will say to travelers, “Go straight down to the corner. Turn left at the big hotel and go past a fruit market. The post office is across from the bus stop. ”In the countryside of the American Midwest, there are not usually many landmarks. There are no mountains, so the land is very flat; in many places there are no towns or buildings within miles. Instead of landmarks, people will tell you directions and distances. In Kansas or Iowa, for example, people will say, "Go north two miles. Turn east, and then go another mile."People in Los Angeles, California, have no idea of distance on the map; they measure distance in time, not miles. “How far away is the post office?” you ask. “Oh,” they answer, “it’s about five minutes from here. ’’You say, “Yes, but how many miles away is it?”They don’t know.It’s true that a person doesn’t know the answer to your question sometimes. What happens in such a situation? A New Yorker might say, Sorry, I have no idea. But in Yucatan, Mexico, no one answers “I don't know." People in Yucatan believe that “I don't know" is impolite. They usually give an answer, often a wrong one. A tourist can get very, very lost in Yucatan!4.When a tourist asks the Japanese the way to a certain place, they usually .A. describe the place carefullyB. show him a map of the placeC. tell him the names of the streetsD. refer to recognizable buildings and places5.Which is the place where people measure distance in time?A. New York.B. Los Angeles.C. Kansas.D. Iowa.6.People in Yucatan may give a tourist a wrong answer_____.A. in order to save timeB. as a testC. so as to be politeD. for fun7.what can we infer from the text?A. It's important for travelers to understand cultural differences.B. It's useful for travelers to know how to ask the way properly.C. People have similar understandings of politeness.D. New Yorkers are generally friendly to visitors. CWith the largest population in the world, China has the most mouths to feed on the planet. Consequently, food waste is a great problem in China. It is reported that more than 6% — or 35 million kgs — of the country's total food production is lost before reaching consumers, in the household and warehouse storage, transport and processing sectors. With an ever-growing population, it's imperative to deal with food waste in China.Thankfully, policies covering food waste have been rapidly emerging in recent years. Since 2010, the Chinese government has selected 100 cities and encouraged them to explore alternative waste management systems. In 2016,China amended(修改) its Solid Waste Law to stop illegal dumping(倾倒) and promote recycling and reuse of waste, including food. Restaurants will soon be charged a fee for the amount of food waste they produce. And China is using a good food waste processing method called anaerobic digestion, a process that transforms organic waste into biogas, which can be used as energy, or turned into biofuel.Moving forward, policymakers should consider loss and waste reduction to be as important as increasing production. According to the Food and Agriculture Organization, the current policy system of agricultural subsidisation(补贴) mainly includes price guarantees and subsidies for crops, production materials, seeds and agricultural machinery, which leads to local governments focusing on crop production while paying little attention to the wastage in the supply chain. There should also be increased investment in the construction of new warehouses and special funds for storage, transport, and processing technologies.If food waste were a country, it would be the third-largest emitting(排放) country in the world, generating about 8% of total greenhouse gas emissions. This issue is not location-specific, but an issue that affects every living thing on the planet and should therefore be seen as an essential area to take action in.8.What does the underlined word “imperative” in paragraph 1 mean?A. Impractical.B. Hopeful.C. Costly.D. Urgent9.What can we say about the anaerobic digestion method?A. It has been widely used in restaurants.B. It is required by the Solid Waste Law.C. It is eco-friendly to reuse food waste.D. It has proved effective in 100 cities.10.What is a result of the current agricultural subsidisation policy?A. Food waste in the supply chain is ignored.B. Prices of production materials go up.C. Investment in the supply chain increases.D. Food waste during crop production gets serious.11.What is the main purpose of the text?A. To promote the idea of recycling food waste.B. To call for action against food waste.C. To assess the consequences of food waste.D. To discuss the reasons behind food waste.DScientists have created a new app designed to identify dangerous mosquitoes based on sounds the insects make. The app, called Abuzz, is aimed at helping fight major diseases spread by mosquitoes.Haripriya Vaidehi Narayanan is one of the researchers who helped develop the app. Narayanan told VOA that anyone with a mobile phone could use the app to identify mosquitoes. "If they see a mosquito around, they just take out their phone, open up the app, point their phone towards the mosquito and hit the record button," she said. "Then, when the mosquito flaps its wings and starts flying around, it makes that noise, that annoying buzzing noise. That noise is what gets recorded by the Abuzz app." she added.Many diseases that mosquitoes carry do not have cures or vaccines(疫苗). So, targeting the flying insects is the best way to control them. "The most important step is to know where the mosquitoes are," Narayanan said.Traditional methods for hunting mosquitoes are costly and can take a very long time. The process also requires labor-intensive trapping as well as trained scientists to identify the insects.Manu Prakash is a professor of bioengineering at Stanford University and a lead investigator on the project. He says that out of about 3,500 different mosquito species, only about 40 are dangerous to humans. Prakash says the goal of the project was to find out whether the mosquitoes around a person's house are just an annoyance, or whether they are possibly dangerous.When mosquitoes move their wings up and down, they produce buzzing sounds. But each kind of mosquito makes a slightly different buzzing noise. The app records these sounds. Users of the app can get an answer by recording as little as one or two seconds of the buzzing sound. The app compares this recording to a collection of other recordings. It then predicts which species of mosquito it is most likely to be.By making use of mosquito information worldwide, the app can help build maps of where dangerous mosquitoes are. This can help scientists and health officials identify areas where disease is likely to break out and where to target mosquito control.12.Why is it important to locate mosquitoes?A. Because they are very small and hard to find.B. Because diseases carried by them are a big problem.C. Because mosquitoes flap their wings very quickly.D. Because the buzzing noise of mosquitoes is annoying.13.What will Abuzz do after it records the sound of a mosquito?A. Compare it to a database and identify its species.B. Make a somewhat different buzzing noise.C. Release some chemicals to kill the mosquito.D. Draw a map of the place where the mosquito was.14.In which way could Abuzz help people?A. It can help people control the number of mosquitoes.B. It can help people avoid some species of mosquitoes.C. It can help predict where mosquito-carried diseases are most likely to occur.D. It can help record the mosquito hiding places very quickly.15.What is the best title for the passage?A. The Different Species of Mosquitoes in the WorldB. New Ways to Fight Disease Caused by MosquitoesC. How to Identify Sounds Made by Different MosquitoesD. A New App That Can Identify Dangerous Mosquitoes第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。
餐厨垃圾厌氧发酵影响因素及产物分析杨林海(兰州理工大学,甘肃兰州 730000)摘要:对城市餐厨垃圾进行了厌氧发酵实验,探讨了活性污泥来源、基质来源、盐分、以及基质粒度等因素对餐厨垃圾厌氧发酵的影响。
关键词:餐厨垃圾;厌氧发酵;影响因素The influence factors of food waste anaerobic digestion and product analysisYang lin-hai(Lanzhou university of technology ,Lanzhou Gansu 730000,China)Abstract:In the experiments of city food waste anaerobic digestion.. The effects of sources of activated sludge, sources of food waste, salinity, and matrix size, on anaerobic digestion were discussed in detail. The results showed that the gas anaerobic fermentation is obvious effect using the septic tank sludge;when C/N in about 30 than gas production tend to be stable; the salinity more than 5g/L can inhibit anaerobic fermentation, opposite the salinity less than 5g/L can promote anaerobic fermentation ; reduce the size of matrix can accelerate gas velocity and shortens fermentation time; In the actual, the pH generally can be decreased.Key words: food waste;anaerobic fermentation;influence factors餐厨垃圾俗称泔水,是指宾馆、饭店、餐馆和机关、院校、企事业单位在食品加工、餐饮服务、单位供餐等活动过程中产生的废弃物。
第52卷第6期 辽 宁 化 工 Vol.52,No. 6 2023年6月 Liaoning Chemical Industry June,2023基金项目: 现代农业——碳达峰碳中和科技创新专项资金,项目号:BE2022426。
收稿日期: 2022-10-17小球藻在餐厨沼液中的培养条件及效果研究李吴英,陈燕*,方国生,杨虎君,谢志军,颜丙通(维尔利环保科技集团股份有限公司, 江苏 常州 213125)摘 要: 针对餐厨沼液资源化处理的需求,开展小球藻培养实验,研究小球藻在预处理后的餐厨沼液中培养条件、耐盐量以及主要污染物的去除情况。
结果表明:餐厨沼液稀释至20%的浓度,pH 6~7,接种量OD680=0.1,含盐量<0.5%为最佳培养条件,此时,小球藻能有效去除沼液中82%的氨氮,但小球藻对沼液中的COD 去除能力较弱。
关 键 词:小球藻;餐厨沼液;培养条件;污染物去除中图分类号:X703 文献标识码: A 文章编号: 1004-0935(2023)06-0805-03随着经济发展和人民生活水平的提高,餐厨垃圾逐年增多[1-2],随之产生的大量餐厨沼液具有污染负荷高、氨氮浓度高和难处理等特点[3],若不能妥善处理,则会造成环境污染及资源的浪费,需引起社会的高度重视[4]。
小球藻可通过光合作用进行自养生长,在C/N 比不足的情况下,藻体生长会消耗沼液中的氮、磷等营养成分和有机物,实现沼液的高效净化[7]。
本文将餐厨沼液进行超滤预处理,预处理后的液体进行小球藻的养殖,考查小球藻在不同浓度沼液处理液,不同pH 和不同接种量情况下的生长状况,并初步探究小球藻在沼液处理液中的耐盐性。
( 1. Department of Environmental Science and Engineering,Beijing University of Chemical Technology, Beijing 100029 , China) ( 2. Planting Industry Service Centre of Yanqing County of Beijing City,Beijing 102100 ,China)
第 5 卷 第 12 期 2 011 年12 月
Chinese Journal of Environmental Engineering
Vol. 5 , No . 12 Dec. 2 0 1 1
( 1. 北京化工大学环境科学与工程系, 北京 100029 ; 2. 北京市延庆县种植业服务中心,北京 102100 ) 摘 要 在稳定运行的餐厨垃圾单相厌氧消化体系中, 出现白色颗粒状物质, 且随着负荷的提高, 其数量和粒径不断 13 。 C 增加 利用能谱技术分析白色颗粒的元素组成, 结合傅里叶红外光谱和 核磁共振技术分析白色颗粒中的官能基团 。 经 过研究分析认为, 该白色颗粒的主要成分为长链羧酸钙盐, 具体为硬脂酸钙。 同时, 对其形成过程进行了分析 。 该物质的 形成对餐厨垃圾中油脂的去除提供了新的思路和途径 。 关键词 餐厨垃圾 X703 厌氧消化 硬脂酸钙 A 9108 ( 2011 ) 12284405 文章编号 1673中图分类号 文献标识码
中国资源综合利用 China Resources Comprehensive Utilization
Vol.39 No.6 2021年6月
(宜昌建投水务有限公司,湖北 宜昌443000)
益增强项目可持续运行能力。厌氧发酵作为项目工艺 的主流选择,因此项目沼气产量和影响产气因素的研 究具有深远的意义。本文根据宜昌餐厨垃圾项目稳定 运行一年的数据,分析餐厨垃圾中温湿式厌氧发酵系 统产生沼气的运行工况,以期为类似项目提供借鉴。
1.1项目概况 宜昌餐厨垃圾处理项目是全国第二批试点项目,
XIAO Yangfan, SUN Shishan, LI Zhaojun9 ZHOU Junjie, LUO Zhigang (Yichang Construction Investment Water Co., Ltd., Yichang 443000, China) Abstract: According to the operating conditions of the Yichang Food Waste Project during one year of stable operation, this study analyzes the production data. The analysis indicators include not only the content of volatile solids (VS), but also the pH, temperature, daily biogas production and methane content o£ the anaerobic fermentation system. The organic load of the two anaerobic fermentation systems is between 1.02 〜 3.08 kgVS/(m3 • d), the biogas production rate is maintained at 651.34 ~ 2 371.03 Nm3/tVS, and the methane production rate is maintained at 312.71 ~ 1 493.75 Nm3/tVS. The best operating parameters are as follows: the organic load is 1 〜 2 kgVS/(m3 ■ d), the anaerobic fermentation temperature is 34 ~ 35 乞,and the pH is between 7.6 〜7.8. Keywords: food waste; medium temperature; anaerobic fermentation; biogas
餐厨垃圾厌氧发酵产甲烷综述任维琰;李勇;顾广发【摘要】针对餐厨垃圾厌氧发酵产甲烷过程,从工艺参数、工艺应用等方面阐述了国内外进展,并对餐厨垃圾厌氧发酵技术的规模化应用提出今后的研究方向.%In response to the methane production by anaerobic digestion of food wastes, the development in China and Abroad was discussedfrom the aspects of craft parameter and application. Future research directions for large-scale application of food waste anaerobic digestion wereproposed.【期刊名称】《安徽农业科学》【年(卷),期】2012(000)006【总页数】4页(P3525-3528)【关键词】餐厨垃圾;厌氧发酵;甲烷【作者】任维琰;李勇;顾广发【作者单位】苏州科技学院环境科学与工程学院,江苏苏州215011;苏州科技学院环境科学与工程学院,江苏苏州215011;苏州科技学院环境科学与工程学院,江苏苏州215011【正文语种】中文【中图分类】X799.3餐厨垃圾是指居民生活、食品加工、饮食服务等活动中产生的食物废料,是城市生活垃圾的重要组成部分,仅次于建筑垃圾,是第二大垃圾产生源[1]。
餐厨垃圾具有高含水率、高有机物含量,在高温条件下容易腐烂发臭,孽生蚊蝇、病菌,且不能满足垃圾焚烧发电的发热量要求(5 000 kJ/kg以上)[2]。
1 范围
本标准规定了餐厨垃圾精细分选-全混厌氧消化处理技术的术语和定义、工艺技术参数、技术经济 指标要求以及资源化产品利用等内容。
本标准适用于餐馆、饭店、单位食堂等的饮食剩余物以及后厨的果蔬、肉食、油脂、面点等的加工 过程废弃物的处理处置。
餐厨垃圾 Food Waste
[CJJ 184-2012,定义 2.0.1] 3.2 预处理 Pretreatment
根据餐厨垃圾后续处理工艺的要求,通过消毒、提油、除杂、脱水、破碎、筛选、调质等不同工艺 组合,以满足后续处理工艺对原料要求的过程。 3.3 精细分选 detailed Sundries Separation
5.1 工艺流程 ...................................................................... 3 5.2 工艺参数 ...................................................................... 3 6 技术、经济指标 ..................................................................... 5 6.1 技术指标 ...................................................................... 5 6.2 经济指标 ...................................................................... 6 7 资源化产品利用 ..................................................................... 6 7.1 大件杂物 ...................................................................... 6 7.2 餐厨固渣 ...................................................................... 6 7.3 油脂提取 ...................................................................... 6 7.4 厌氧沼气 ...................................................................... 6 7.5 厌氧沼液(沼渣) .............................................................. 7 8 安全性和环保要求 ................................................................... 7
对食物浪费的提倡英语作文英文回答:Food waste is a significant global issue that has serious environmental, social, and economic implications. Mitigation strategies are crucial to address this problem, and they require the cooperation of individuals, businesses, and governments.Firstly, reducing food waste at the individual level is paramount. Consumer awareness about the consequences offood waste is essential. Educational campaigns can be implemented to promote sustainable shopping practices, such as buying only what is needed, avoiding impulse purchases, and carefully planning meals to minimize leftovers. Additionally, incentivizing home composting, encouragingthe use of leftovers, and promoting the consumption of less perishable foods can significantly reduce food waste at a household level.Businesses also have a significant role to play. Manufacturers can optimize packaging to reduce spoilage and adopt innovative technologies to extend the shelf life of products. Retailers can implement inventory management systems to minimize overstocking and offer discounts on nearing-expiration products. They can also partner with food banks and charities to donate surplus food, ensuring its distribution to those in need.Policymakers can implement regulations to encourage food waste reduction. Tax incentives for businesses that adopt sustainable practices, mandatory composting or anaerobic digestion programs, and the establishment of national targets for food waste reduction can effectively drive change. International cooperation is also crucial to address food waste on a global scale, promoting best practices and sharing technological advancements.By adopting these strategies, we can significantly reduce food waste and its associated negative impacts. This calls for a collaborative approach involving individuals, businesses, and governments, working together to create amore sustainable food system.中文回答:粮食浪费是一个全球性的重大问题,对环境、社会和经济方面都有着严重的影响。
2017年第36卷第1期 CHEMICAL INDUSTRY AND ENGINEERING PROGRESS ·329·化工进展烷基糖苷在废物处理中的应用及工业化的可行性刘洋1,王丰收1,2,董万田1,2(1上海发凯化工有限公司,上海 201505;2中国日用化学工业研究院,山西太原 030001) 摘要:随着城市化和工业发展的不断深入,我国每年产生的废物总量巨大,合理地处理这些废物值得研究人员关注。
关键词:废物处理;厌氧分解;烷基糖苷;工业化;可行性中图分类号:TQ423;X789 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1000–6613(2017)01–0329–07DOI:10.16085/j.issn.1000-6613.2017.01.042Application of alkyl polyglycosides in waste disposal and its industrialfeasibilityLIU Yang1,WANG Fengshou1,2,DONG Wantian1,2(1Shanghai Fine Chemical Co.,Ltd.,Shanghai 201505,China;2China Research Institute of Daily Chemical Industry,Taiyuan 030001,Shanxi,China)Abstract:With the further development of urbanization and industrialization in China,tremendous waste was generated every year. It is necessary to find a suitable way of waste disposal. This paper presented the survey of the waste globally and in China,general ways of waste disposal,especially discussed the current applications of alkyl polyglycosides(APG)for waste in waste-water treatment,food and agriculture. The feasibility of industrial application is addressed. Anaerobic digestion,as an effective WTE(waste-to-energy)approach for waste disposal,is the future’s trend and direction. APG is fully biodegradable and has no harm to the environment. As a surfactant,APG can strongly enhance the solubilization and hydrolysis of organic waste and accelerate the progress of anaerobic digestion,thus can be applied to industrialization progress of anaerobic waste disposal. The technology of anaerobic digestion has been comprehensively used in the developed countries in Europe,America and Asia,but the adoption in China is relatively slow. Thus,some suggestions were proposed for the future’s development of APG as a scientific and economic way to protect the environment.Key words:waste disposal;anaerobic digestion;alkyl polyglycosides;industrialization;feasibility1全球及我国环境废物概况1.1 全球概况各国工业的发展促进了经济的快速增长,同时也给环境带来了更多威胁,如空气污染、水污染和收稿日期:2016-06-01;修改稿日期:2016-07-13。
食堂浪费现象的英语作文Food Waste in the Canteens: A Global Epidemic.Food waste has become a pervasive issue in canteens worldwide, with staggering amounts of edible food being discarded each year. This not only has severe environmental implications but also raises concerns about food security and economic sustainability.Causes of Food Waste in Canteens.Overproduction: Canteens often prepare excessive quantities of food to avoid running out, leading to surpluses.Poor Planning: Inefficient inventory management and lack of coordination between staff can result in food spoilage.Consumer Behavior: Students and staff may take morefood than they can consume, leaving behind unfinished portions.Inappropriate Storage: Improper storage conditions, such as inadequate refrigeration or faulty packaging, can accelerate food deterioration.Limited Awareness: Many users are unaware of the extent of food waste and its consequences.Environmental Impact.Food waste in canteens significantly contributes to greenhouse gas emissions. When organic waste decomposes in landfills, it releases methane, a potent greenhouse gas 25 times more potent than carbon dioxide. Furthermore, the production, transportation, and disposal of wasted food require significant energy and resources.Food Security Concerns.Food waste undermines food security by divertingresources away from those in need. While millions of people worldwide go hungry, tons of edible food are discarded. This moral dilemma highlights the urgency of addressing food waste.Economic Consequences.Food waste represents a substantial financial loss for canteens. The cost of wasted food, including ingredients, labor, and transportation, can significantly impact operating expenses. Additionally, the disposal of food waste incurs additional costs.Strategies for Reducing Food Waste in Canteens.Accurate Demand Forecasting: Utilizing data analysis and historical trends to optimize food production and minimize oversupply.Improved Inventory Management: Implementing inventory systems to track food levels and prevent spoilage.Employee Education: Training staff on proper food handling practices, storage techniques, and portion control.Consumer Awareness Campaign: Engaging students andstaff through awareness campaigns to educate them about the significance of food waste reduction.Innovative Technologies: Leveraging technologies such as dynamic weighing scales and smart storage systems to monitor food consumption and optimize usage.Composting and Anaerobic Digestion: Implementing on-site composting or partnering with waste management companies to utilize food waste for energy production.Collaboration with Local Organizations: Donating surplus food to food banks or charities to help those in need.Conclusion.Food waste in canteens is a global crisis with severeenvironmental, food security, and economic implications. By implementing comprehensive strategies that address the underlying causes and promote sustainable practices, canteens can significantly reduce food waste and contribute to a more sustainable future. This requires a collective effort involving canteen staff, students, and the wider community. By raising awareness, fostering responsible behavior, and utilizing innovative solutions, we can combat this epidemic and create a more equitable and resilient food system.。
对食物浪费的提倡英语作文英文回答:Food waste is a major global problem that has a significant impact on our environment and our food security. According to the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), about one-third of all food producedfor human consumption is wasted. This amounts to approximately 1.3 billion tons of food per year, which is enough to feed about 2 billion people.There are many factors that contribute to food waste, including:Overproduction: Farmers often produce more food thanis needed in order to meet demand, and this excess food is often wasted.Inefficient transportation and storage: Food can be wasted during transportation and storage due to poorhandling, improper temperature control, and spoilage.Consumer behavior: Consumers often buy more food than they need, and this excess food is often wasted. Consumers may also waste food by not properly storing it or by not eating leftovers.Food waste has a number of negative consequences, including:Environmental impact: Food waste contributes to greenhouse gas emissions, as it decomposes in landfills and releases methane, a potent greenhouse gas. Food waste also takes up valuable land and water resources.Economic impact: Food waste costs the global economy billions of dollars each year. This is due to the cost of producing, transporting, and storing food that isultimately wasted.Food security impact: Food waste contributes to food insecurity, as it reduces the amount of food available forthose who need it.There are a number of things that can be done to reduce food waste, including:Improving food production and distribution: Farmers can reduce food waste by using more efficient production methods and by better managing their crops. Governments can also help to reduce food waste by investing in infrastructure and policies that improve foodtransportation and storage.Changing consumer behavior: Consumers can reduce food waste by buying only the food they need, storing food properly, and eating leftovers. Consumers can also support businesses that are working to reduce food waste.Composting and anaerobic digestion: Food waste can be composted or anaerobically digested to produce renewable energy and fertilizer.Reducing food waste is a critical step towards creatinga more sustainable and food-secure world. By working together, we can make a difference.中文回答:食物浪费是一个重大的全球性问题,对我们的环境和粮食安全产生了重大影响。
处理厨余垃圾英语作文Title: Managing Food Waste: A Sustainable Approach。
In today's world, the issue of food waste has become increasingly pressing. It is estimated that roughly one-third of all food produced for human consumption is lost or wasted globally each year. This not only poses asignificant economic burden but also exacerbates environmental problems such as greenhouse gas emissions and resource depletion. Therefore, it is imperative that effective measures are taken to address this issue, and one such measure is the proper management of food waste, especially kitchen waste.Firstly, raising awareness about the consequences of food waste is crucial. Many people are unaware of the environmental and social impacts of wasting food. By educating individuals about the consequences of their actions, we can encourage them to take steps to reducetheir food waste. This can be done through educationalcampaigns, school programs, and community workshops.Secondly, implementing policies and regulations can also play a significant role in reducing food waste. Governments can introduce measures such as food waste recycling programs, incentives for businesses to donate excess food to charities, and penalties for excessive food waste. By creating a supportive regulatory environment, we can incentivize businesses and individuals to adopt more sustainable practices.Moreover, promoting sustainable consumption habits is essential in tackling food waste. This includes buying only what is needed, planning meals to avoid overbuying, and properly storing food to extend its shelf life. Additionally, embracing imperfect produce and leftovers can help reduce waste. By changing our attitudes towards food and adopting a more mindful approach to consumption, we can minimize waste at the source.Furthermore, investing in infrastructure for composting and anaerobic digestion can help divert organic waste fromlandfills. Composting organic waste not only reduces methane emissions but also produces nutrient-rich compost that can be used to enrich soil and support agricultural productivity. Anaerobic digestion, on the other hand, can generate biogas, a renewable energy source, from organic waste.In addition to individual and collective actions, collaboration among stakeholders is essential for effective food waste management. This includes collaboration between governments, businesses, nonprofits, and community organizations. By working together, we can share best practices, leverage resources, and develop innovative solutions to address the complex challenges of food waste.In conclusion, managing food waste is a multifaceted issue that requires a holistic approach. By raising awareness, implementing policies, promoting sustainable consumption habits, investing in infrastructure, and fostering collaboration, we can work towards a more sustainable and equitable food system. Each of us has arole to play in reducing food waste, and together, we canmake a meaningful difference in building a more resilient and environmentally conscious society.。
1. 培养环保意识提高人们的环保意识是实施生活资源回收的基石。
2. 垃圾分类垃圾分类是实现生活资源回收的重要环节。
3. 再生资源利用再生资源利用是回收利用生活资源的关键技术之一。
4. 废物能源化利用废物能源化利用是将生活垃圾转化为能源的方法。
5. 资源循环利用资源循环利用是通过将废弃物分成不同的部分,再对每个部分进行相应的处理,以实现资源的再利用。
6. 加强监管与支持政府应加强对生活资源回收的监管力度,制定相关法律法规,明确责任主体和执行标准。
7. 教育培训政府可通过举办各类培训班、讲座等活动,提高公众对生活资源回收技术的认识和了解。
剩余的食物扔掉英语作文英文回答:Food waste is a major global problem, with vast amounts of edible food being thrown away every day. The environmental and economic impacts of food waste are significant, and it also raises ethical concerns about hunger and poverty.There are many reasons why food is wasted, including:Overproduction: Farmers and food producers may grow or produce more food than is needed, leading to surpluses that are often discarded.Spoilage: Food can spoil quickly due to factors such as improper storage, temperature changes, and microbial contamination.Consumer behavior: Consumers may purchase more foodthan they can eat, or may not properly store or prepare food, leading to spoilage and waste.Packaging and distribution inefficiencies: Inefficient packaging and distribution systems can lead to food damage and spoilage.The environmental impacts of food waste are significant. Food waste contributes to greenhouse gas emissions, as decomposing food releases methane, a potent greenhouse gas. Food waste also requires significant amounts of land, water, and energy to produce.The economic impacts of food waste are also substantial. The value of wasted food is estimated to be in thetrillions of dollars annually. Food waste also represents a waste of resources, such as the labor, energy, andmaterials used to produce, process, and distribute food.In addition to the environmental and economic impacts, food waste also raises ethical concerns. In a world where hunger and poverty persist, it is unjust to waste ediblefood. Food waste represents a failure to use our resources wisely and to meet the needs of all people.There are many things that can be done to reduce food waste, including:Reducing overproduction: Farmers and food producers can use data and analytics to better predict demand and adjust production accordingly.Improving storage and distribution: Food can be stored and distributed more efficiently using improved technologies and practices.Educating consumers: Consumers can be educated about the importance of reducing food waste and provided withtips on how to store and prepare food properly.Composting and anaerobic digestion: Food waste can be composted or anaerobically digested to create valuable soil amendments or energy.By working together, we can reduce food waste andcreate a more sustainable and just food system.中文回答:食物浪费是一个重大的全球性问题,每天都有大量可食用的食物被扔掉。
Food Waste as a Resource in Wastewater Treatment
Food Waste as a Resource in Wastewater TreatmentFood waste is a major problem in our society today, with a significant amount of food being wasted every day. This not only leads to economic losses but also has a negative impact on the environment. One possible solution to this problem is the use of food waste as a resource in wastewater treatment.Wastewater treatment is a process that involves the removal of contaminants from wastewater before it is discharged into the environment. This process is essential for maintaining the health of our environment and preventing the spread of diseases. However, the process of wastewater treatment requires a significant amount of energy and resources. This is where food waste comes in.Food waste can be used as a source of energy in wastewater treatment. The process of anaerobic digestion, which involves the breakdown of organic matter in the absence of oxygen, can be used to convert food waste into biogas. This biogas can then be used to generate electricity, which can be used to power the wastewater treatment plant. This not only reduces the energy requirements of the plant but also helps to offset the cost of food waste disposal.In addition to being a source of energy, food waste can also be used as a source of nutrients in wastewater treatment. The process of composting, which involves the decomposition of organic matter under controlled conditions, can be used to convert food waste into a nutrient-rich soil amendment. This soil amendment can then be used to fertilize crops, which can be used to produce food. This creates a closed-loop system where food waste is used to produce food, reducing the need for synthetic fertilizers and reducing the environmental impact of agriculture.However, there are also challenges associated with using food waste in wastewater treatment. One challenge is the variability of food waste. Food waste can vary in composition, which can affect the efficiency of the anaerobic digestion process. This variability can also affect the quality of the compost produced from food waste. Toovercome this challenge, it is important to carefully monitor the composition of food waste and adjust the process accordingly.Another challenge is the potential for contamination. Food waste can contain pathogens and other contaminants that can be harmful to human health. To ensure the safety of the wastewater treatment process, it is important to carefully screen and treat food waste before it is used in the process.In conclusion, food waste can be a valuable resource in wastewater treatment. It can be used as a source of energy and nutrients, reducing the environmental impact of the wastewater treatment process and creating a closed-loop system. However, there are also challenges associated with using food waste in wastewater treatment, including variability and potential contamination. To overcome these challenges, it is important to carefully monitor and treat food waste before it is used in the process. Overall, the use of food waste in wastewater treatment has the potential to be a sustainable and cost-effective solution to the problem of food waste.。
的餐厨垃圾 固 相 C / N 为 10. 6 ~ 15. 6
除油后的餐厨垃圾 在 较 高 有 机 负 荷 下 进 行 厌 氧 消 化
更敏 感,因 为 Methanosarcinaceae 在 高 FAN 条 件 下 也
[ 8]
积,最终导致系统崩溃。 本文对餐厨垃圾厌氧消化氨
和途径,对于餐厨垃圾厌氧消化的正常稳定运行具有重要 意 义。 通 过 文 献 调 研 阐 明 了 餐 厨 垃 圾 厌 氧 消 化 出 现 氨 氮 抑
制的微生物机理,总结了缓解氨氮抑制的相关方法,包括 提 高 物 料 C / N、运 行 参 数 优 化、氨 氮 去 除 和 微 生 物 驯 化,提 出
了未来缓解氨氮பைடு நூலகம்制的研究方向,为餐厨垃圾处理的实际工艺改进提供科学思路。
Therefore, feasible methods and possible pathways of alleviating ammonia inhibition was of great significance for the normal
and stable operation of anaerobic digesters treating food waste. In this paper, the ammonia inhibition mechanism of food waste
mg / L;T 为 热 力 学 温 度,K。 由 式 ( 2) 可 知:FAN 的 浓
1. 1 氨氮抑制微生物活性的原理
构会从乙酸营养型向互营乙酸发酵型转变 [ 12] 。
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Anaerobic digestion of food waste for volatile fatty acids (VFAs)production with different types of inoculum:Effect ofpHKun Wang,Jun Yin ⇑,Dongsheng Shen,Na LiSchool of Environmental Science and Engineering,Zhejiang Gongshang University,Hangzhou 310012,China Zhejiang Provincial Key Laboratory of Solid Waste Treatment and Recycling,Hangzhou 310012,Chinah i g h l i g h t sInvestigation for high VFA yield under acidic pH was shown.Aerobic and anaerobic activated sludge were inoculated to food waste fermentation for VFA production. The concentration and yield of VFAs were highest at pH 6.0with anaerobic active sludge seeding. Ammonia nitrogen release was linearly related to fermentation time.a r t i c l e i n f o Article history:Received 8January 2014Received in revised form 15March 2014Accepted 18March 2014Available online 27March 2014Keywords:Anaerobic fermentation Food wasteVolatile fatty acid pHInoculuma b s t r a c tFood waste anaerobic fermentation was carried out under acidic conditions using inocula based on aer-obic activated sludge (Inoculum AE)or anaerobic activated sludge (Inoculum AN)for volatile fatty acids (VFAs)production.The results showed that food waste hydrolysis increased obviously when Inoculum AN was used relative to Inoculum AE at any pH investigated.Hydrolysis at pH 4.0and uncontrolled pH was higher than that at other pHs when either inoculum was used.Additionally,VFAs production at pH 6.0was the highest,regardless of the inoculum used.The optimum VFA yields were 0.482g/g VSS removal with Inoculum AE and 0.918g/g VSS removal with Inoculum AN,which were observed after 4d and 20d of fermentation,respectively.VFAs composition analysis showed that butyrate acid was the prevalent acid at pH 6.0,followed by acetate acid and propionic acid.Ó2014Elsevier Ltd.All rights reserved.1.IntroductionVolatile fatty acids (VFAs)including fatty acids from C2to C5(acetic,propionic,butyric,etc.)are potentially renewable carbon sources.VFAs can be used for nutrients removal,production of bio-gas and biodiesel (Fontanille et al.,2012),generation of electricity (Chen et al.,2013c )and synthesis of biosurfactants,bioflocculants and PHAs (Li et al.,2011;Chen et al.,2013a ).Additionally,Srikanth et al.(2009)demonstrated that VFAs are a potential substrate for hydrogen production via photo-fermentation by mixed microbial cultures.VFAs are usually derived from fossil fuels through chem-ical synthesis (Eggeman and Verser,2005);however,anaerobic digestion (fermentation)of biomass has recently gained attention as a cost-effective and environmentally friendly alternative for VFAs production.During the last decade,researchers have focused on waste acti-vated sludge (WAS)fermentation to produce VFAs (Yuan et al.,2006).When compared with WAS,food waste contains higher lev-els of organic materials,such as starches,proteins and lipids;accordingly,it may become a plentiful source of inexpensive or-ganic substrate for fermentative VFAs production as a result of reduction and stabilization of food waste.Moreover,food waste in China accounted for 40%of all MSW in 2011(National Bureau of Statistics of China),and this value appears to be increasing.Ow-ing to stringent environmental regulations,some methods for dis-posal of food waste such as landfill,ocean dumping,incineration,animal feed and fertilizers have been forbidden or become less desirable (Komemoto et al.,2009;Cuéllar and Webber,2010).Anaerobic digestion is preferred as an efficient pathway for the recycling and reduction of food waste.Hydrolysis,acidification,and methanogenesis are usually in-volved in anaerobic digestion,with VFAs produced in the first two steps.To induce the accumulation of higher levels of VFAs,the following strategies can be adopted:(a)improving the hydro-lysis rate to produce more soluble substrates for acidification,(b)/10.1016/j.biortech.2014.03.0880960-8524/Ó2014Elsevier Ltd.All rights reserved.⇑Corresponding author at:School of Environmental Science and Engineering,Zhejiang Gongshang University,Hangzhou 310012,China.Tel.:+8657188071024/7017.E-mail address:jun.yin77@ (J.Yin).promoting the acidogenesis process,and(c)inhibiting the activity of methanogens(Yuan et al.,2006).Hydrolysis is the rate-deter-mining step throughout the fermentation process(Li and Noike, 1992).pH,temperature,C/N ratio and hydraulic retention time (HRT)have been reported to be the key factors controlling the pro-duction of VFAs during fermentation(Chen et al.,2007,2013a;Lee et al.,2014).Chen et al.(2013c)found that the optimal operating conditions for VFAs production during co-fermentation of food waste and WAS were pH8,C/N22,37°C,and a fermentation time of6d.However,the range of the parameters they used to deter-mine this was limited.To improve the production of VFAs,methanogens must beinhibited.To date,many investigations have been conducted to investigate methods of improving VFAs production from WAS by anaerobic digestion,especially under alkaline conditions(Yu et al.,2008).However,a large amount of NaOH must be added into reactors to generate such conditions,and the cost for acid recovery remains a challenge.The inhibition of methanogenesis is one of the primary effects of low pH during anaerobic fermentation(Yuan et al.,2006)because high methanogen activity requires a mini-mum pH of6.5.Previous studies have reported that the optimal pH for effective hydrogenogenesis and inhibited methanogenesis was5.0–6.5(Fang and Liu,2002).Few studies have focused on VFAs production from food waste under acidic conditions.In addition,although type of inoculum is known to be one of the most important factors affecting the evolu-tion of fermentative pathways(De Gioannis et al.,2013).Informa-tion regarding the effects of different inocula on anaerobic acidogenesis is still sparse.Accordingly,this study was conducted to efficiently produce VFAs from food waste by controlling anaero-bic fermentation under acidic conditions while maintaining high hydrolysis and acidification rates without methane production. The effect of inocula on VFAs production was also evaluated,the composition of VFAs was examined,and the mechanism of VFAs production was discussed.2.Methods2.1.Food waste and inoculaFood waste was collected from a canteen on the campus of Zhe-jiang Gongshang University.The food waste,which mainly con-sisted of rice,vegetables and meat,was crushed with an electrical blender after sorting out animal bones and clamshells, after which the resulting slurry was sieved to less than3mm. Two types of inoculum were obtained,anaerobic activated sludge from an up-flow anaerobic sludge bed(UASB)reactor of the Xihu Brewery and aerobic activated sludge from the secondary settling tank of the Qige Wastewater Treatment Plant in Hangzhou.Prior to inoculation,the seeding sludge was re-activated under their respective culture conditions.Before use,the sludge was washed with tap water at least three times to remove organic materials. The characteristics of the food waste and two inocula used in this experiment are shown in Table1.Inoculum AE originated from aerobic activated sludge and Inoculum AN originated from anaero-bic activated sludge.2.2.Batch fermentation experimentsThe fermentation experiments were carried out in brown wide-mouth bottles with working volumes of500mL that were capped with rubber stoppers.Eight batch reactors were divided into two groups of four and inoculated with either aerobic activated sludge or anaerobic activated sludge.The TS content in each reactor was adjusted to7%and the substrate was composed of80%food waste and20%inoculum(dry weight)with an initial VSS content of 32.0±2.1g.The four reactors in each group were operated at pH 4.0,5.0,6.0and pH uncontrolled,respectively,by adding4.5M HCl or NaOH.Experiments were conducted in a greenhouse main-tained at30±2°C and all reactors were mechanically stirred at 120rpm using a magnetic stirrer throughout the experiment.As the optimum oxidation–reduction potential(ORP)condition for methanogen reproduction is underÀ350mV,fermentation tests were carried out under facultative anaerobic conditions to enhance the ORP to inhibit the activities of methanogens.Fermentation tests were carried out for20days.2.3.Specific substrate utilization rateThe glucose degradation rate(GDR)was applied to quantify the activities of the microbial communities.To measure the GDR, 1.5mL of fermented solid was taken from the reactor,after which the sediment was washed with sterile water three times and cen-trifuged at3000rpm for3min to remove the carbohydrates in the suspension.Next,10mL glucose solution(80mg/L)was added and the sediment/suspension was cultivated in a table concentrator at 30±1°C for20h.The glucose concentration in the cultivated supernatant was then detected to calculate the GDR.2.4.Analytical methodsSamples from reactors were immediatelyfiltered through afil-tration membrane with a pore size of0.45l m,after which they were diluted10times with distilled water and used to determine the soluble chemical oxygen demand(SCOD),ammonia nitrogen (NH4+-N),soluble protein,total carbohydrate,and VFAs composi-tions.Afterfiltration,the substrate after was assayed for TSS and VSS.SCOD,TSS,VSS and NH4+-N were analyzed in accordance with the Standard Methods(APHA,1998).Soluble protein was quanti-fied by the Lowry–Folin method using bovine serum albumin (BSA)as the standard(Lowry et al.,1951)and carbohydrate was determined using the phenol–sulfuric method with glucose as the standard(Herbert et al.,1971).Volatile fatty acids(VFAs,C2–C5)including Ac,Pr,n-Bu,iso-Bu,n-Va and iso-Va were deter-mined by gas chromatography using a GC7890-II(Tianmei Co., Shanghai,China)equipped with a3mÂ2mm stainless steel packed columnfilled with GDX-103as the stationary phase and aflame ionization detector(FID).The temperatures of the column, injector and detector were180°C,230°C and250°C,respectively. The conversion factors used for determination of the chemical oxy-gen demand(COD)of soluble organic materials were1.5g-COD/g protein, 1.06g-COD/g carbohydrate, 1.07g-COD/g acetic acid,1.51g-COD/g propionic acid, 1.82g-COD/g butyric acid,and2.04g-COD/g valeric acid(Grady et al.,1999).The quantity of car-bon in VSS,soluble protein and carbohydrate was determined as previously described(Zhang et al.,2009).Lactic acid was analyzed by the para-hydroxydiphenyl colorimetric method using lactic acid as a standard.Briefly,after pre-treating the sample to remove Table1Characteristics of the food waste and inoculums used in the experiment.The data was based on percentage of dry matter except pH and SCOD.Parameter Food waste Inoculum AE Inoculum AN pH 6.1 6.9 6.8TS(%)24.0 6.312.0VSS/TSS(%)96.27270SCOD(g/L)25.2––Total carbohydrate(%)39.5 2.2 1.2Total nitrogen(%) 1.8––Total protein(%)11.0––396K.Wang et al./Bioresource Technology161(2014)395–401interference by carbohydrate and protein,0.5ml supernatant was mixed with25l L4wt.%copper sulfate solution and6ml concen-trated sulfuric acid,after which the mixture was placed in a boiling water bath for5min,then cooled rapidly in an ice bath.Next, 0.05ml0.5wt.%para-hydroxydiphenyl solution was added and the mixture was placed in the boiling water bath for another 90s,and then cooled in the ice bath.Finally,the absorbance of the mixture was measured at565nm.Thefinal experimental data were expressed as the average of duplicate tests.3.Results and discussion3.1.Effect of pH on food waste hydrolysisHydrolysis of food waste can be characterized by the changes in soluble chemical oxygen demand(SCOD)concentrations.During the initial2d,the products of VFAs and methane were relatively low;therefore,the observed SCOD concentrations,which primarily reflected fatty acids,soluble carbohydrates and protein,were re-garded as the main hydrolysates(Zhang et al.,2009).Table2shows the solubilization rates of food waste on the second day under dif-ferent conditions.During thefirst2days,SCOD increased quickly, indicating solubilization of the organic compounds of the solid substrate and an input of dissolved organic compound.As shown in Table2,the hydrolysis of food waste with Inoculum AN was higher than that with Inoculum AE,and lower pH led to increased hydrolysis.One reason for the higher food waste hydrolysis with Inoculum AN was assumed to be the presence of a large amount of facultative and anaerobic microorganisms.High SCOD produc-tion rates were observed at pH4.0and uncontrolled pH,suggesting that acidic conditions could promote the hydrolysis of food waste. Moreover,the pH of each uncontrolled bottle decreased rapidly to 4.0in2days and was still below3.0after10days.3.1.1.Carbohydrate solubilizationDetected soluble carbohydrates and proteins were the result of a net balance between competing rates of release and degradation. Therefore,solubilization rates were calculated according to the VSS removal to characterize the solubilization of carbohydrates and proteins.As shown in Table2,during thefirst2days,fermentation with Inoculum AN produced more carbohydrate than that with Inoculum AE(except at pH6.0).Thesefindings also indicated that Inoculum AE had higher activity during degradation of carbohy-drates.After thefirst2days,soluble carbohydrate concentrations decreased quickly in all reactors,especially at pH5.0and6.0,then remained low after day13(data not shown).Carbohydrate,which is the main organic matter in the fermen-tation substrate,was the preferred substrate of the microbes.The polysaccharides present in food waste werefirst degraded to glu-cose,then to pyruvate(CH3COCOOH).Pyruvate is an important intermediate product that is easily oxidized to acetyl-CoA,which can be further utilized to produce acetate and butyrate by divers-iform enzyme actions(Chen et al.,2013c).In this study,soluble carbohydrates in each reactor decreased rapidly in4days and were consumed by the end of fermentation,which was different from the result of Chen et al.(2007).3.1.2.Protein solubilization and NH4+-N releaseThe time courses of ammonia nitrogen and soluble protein pro-duction in different reactors are presented in Fig.1.As shown in Table2and Fig.1a and b,there was a similar trend during fermen-tation,regardless of whether Inoculum AE or Inoculum AN was used.Specifically,more soluble protein was produced at pH4.0 and uncontrolled pH,demonstrating that acidic conditions can promote the dissolution of protein.However,the concentrations of soluble protein at pH5.0and6.0remained relatively stable and around500–1000mg-COD/L,which were much lower than those at pH4.0and uncontrolled pH,despite somefluctuations in soluble protein at pH5.0and6.0using Inoculum AN before day9(Fig.1a and b).This stability may have been due to the bal-ance between dissolution and consumption of protein.Protein is initially decomposed into amino acids,which are then transformed into ammonia,carbon dioxide and different types of VFAs.A large amount of ammonium from food waste and sludge is released with hydrolysis and acidification,and ammonium nitro-gen is usually used to evaluate the degree of protein degradation. Deamination reactions are mainly completed by Fusiformis den-tium,Mycoplasmas and Streptococcus during anaerobic digestion (Zheng and Feng,1997).Interestingly,as shown in Fig.1c and d, NH4+-N concentrations increased linearly with fermentation time at pH5.0and6.0after4days,regardless of whether Inoculum AE or Inoculum AN was used(Table3).However,at pH4.0and uncontrolled pH the NH4+-N concentrations remained low and sta-ble.A possible reason for the low NH4+-N produced was the toxicity of acidic conditions decreasing the activities of microbial hydro-lytic enzymes such as protease and peptidase.The linear equations (p<0.01)for pH5.0and6.0were determined for x2[5,20],where x is the fermentation time(d),y is the NH4+-N concentration(mg/L) and the k-value represents the NH4+-N release rate(mg/(L d)).The NH4+-N release rate was as follows:Inoculum AN-pH6.0>Inocu-lum AE-pH6.0>Inoculum AE-pH5.0>Inoculum AN-pH5.0.The results revealed that the fermentation process of protein could be divided into two stages under acidic conditions,the dissolu-tion-dominated stage(within4days)and the transformation-dominated stage(after4days).Accordingly,it is assumed that car-bohydrates are utilized prior to proteins during anaerobic fermen-tation,which can also be seen in Table2.3.2.Effect of pH on total VFAs production with different types of inoculaFig.2shows the total VFAs production during fermentation using Inoculum AE and Inoculum AN.The VFAs concentrations at pH5.0and6.0were much higher than those at other pH condi-tions,regardless of which inoculum was used.Moreover,a higher concentration of VFAs was achieved at pH6.0,although with dif-ferent fermentation time.The highest concentration of VFAs wasTable2Hydrolysis of food waste with Inoculum AE and AN at different pHs at fermentation time2d.Designated pH Inoculum AE Inoculum ANgSCOD produced/ gVSS reduction gCOD S-carbohydrate/gVSS reductiongCOD S-protein/gVSS reductiongSCOD produced/gVSS reductiongCOD S-carbohydrate/gVSS reductiongCOD S-protein/gVSS reductionpH4.0 2.030.550.11 4.710.630.17pH5.0 1.07–0.04 1.52–0.03 1.87–0.04pH uncontrolled 1.25–0.09 2.400.780.06Note:‘–’means degradation of carbohydrate is more than its dissolution.K.Wang et al./Bioresource Technology161(2014)395–401397obtained at pH6.0during fermentation with Inoculum AN and a fermentation time of20d.As shown in Fig.2,during fermentation at pH4.0and uncon-trolled pH,VFAs concentrations increased with fermentation time, but they were much lower than under other pH conditions.These findings confirmed that acidogenesis could be inhibited when the pH was less than4.0.At pH5.0,increasing the fermentation time did not result in an increase of VFAs production using Inoculum AN.Obvious VFAs consumption was observed owing to microbial metabolism or the participation of VFAs consumers,such as hydro-gen production by the mesophilic acidogenic culture(Karadag and Puhakka,2010).For fermentations using Inoculum AE,the maximum VFAs con-centrations at pH4.0,5.0,6.0and uncontrolled pH were8.07,30.1, 30.8and9.96g-COD/L,respectively,whereas those obtained using Inoculum AN were2.91,34.6,51.3and8.80g-COD/L,respectively. Thesefindings demonstrated that higher VFAs production could be obtained by inoculating anaerobic activated sludge for food waste fermentation.During the initial fermentation stage,the total VFAs concentration at pH5.0and6.0reached more than10and30g-COD/L,respectively.Inoculum AN groups showed slightly higher VFAs production than Inoculum AE.This was probably related to the fact that anaerobic activated sludge had more acidogenic bac-teria and higher microbial activities under anaerobic condition, while methanogens were inhibited under acidic conditions(Wang et al.,2013).The ratio of VFA to SCOD is very important,as it shows the amount of soluble substances converted into VFAs(Jiang et al., 2013).Higher VFA/SCOD ratios were achieved at pH5.0and6.0, regardless of which inoculum was used(data not shown).The maximum VFA/SCOD ratio at pH 6.0using Inoculum AN was 97.3%,followed by73.9%and79.7%for pH5.0and6.0using Inoc-ulum AE,respectively.However,at pH4.0and uncontrolled pH,the ratios of VFA/SCOD were relatively low,indicating that strong acidic conditions inhibited the activity of anaerobic acidogenic bacteria,decreasing the generation of VFAs.In addition to VFAs, there was a large portion of SCOD at pH4.0and uncontrolled pH.A large volume of lactic acid was detected on day20(Fig.3)in the fermentation broth,indicating that lactate-type fermentation occurred with Inoculum AN at pH4.0and uncontrolled pH(lactic acid concentration=18.50g/L and14.62g/L,respectively).These findings are in accordance with the observation of Parawria et al. (2004).However,for Inoculum AE,the lactic acid concentrations at pH4.0and uncontrolled pH were very low.The most probable products of these fermentations were alcohols(Ren et al.,2007); however,alcohol was not quantified in this study owing to limita-tions of the experimental conditions.The VFA yield was calculated based on the volatile suspending solids(VSS)reduction(Table4).Fermentation using Inoculum AN resulted in a higher VFA yield than fermentation using Inoculum AE,except at pH4.0.This difference in VFA yield was especially great at pH6.0,where the VFA yield was918.23mg/g VSS removal for Inoculum AE,which is much higher than that reported in pre-vious studies(Table5).In this study,higher VFAs yields wereTable3Ammonia nitrogen release rate linear equations.Reactor Linear equation R2valueAE-pH5.0y=17.25xÀ55.050.97AE-pH6.0y=20.31xÀ66.820.96AN-pH5.0y=14.19xÀ61.020.98AN-pH6.0y=40.80x+67.300.97398K.Wang et al./Bioresource Technology161(2014)395–401obtained at pH6.0,which was similar to the results reported by Jiang et al.(2013).The optimum hydrolytic enzymes activities were observed at pH6.0,which led to the highest concentration of VFAs(Parawria et al.,2004).The high VFA yield may have occurred because the anaerobic activated sludge used as an inoc-ulum had much higher amounts of hydrolytic and acidogenic bac-teria than the aerobic activated sludge.The high level of carbohydrate in food waste was also likely responsible for the high VFA yield.As shown in Table1,carbohydrate was the major organic matter in raw food waste.When compared with the car-bohydrate concentration,the proteins accounted for a small part of the organic materials.The C/N ratio of22for food waste observed in the present study is the optimal ratio for VFAs pro-duction(Chen et al.,2013c)position of VFAsThe produced VFA composition is important as it can provide useful information regarding the degree of hydrolysis and fermen-tation.The percentage of individual VFAs accounting for total VFAs at different pH conditions within a fermentation time of20d is gi-ven in Fig.4.Acetic and butyric acids were the most prevalent products in all reactors except for the pH4.0and uncontrolled pH reactors when Inoculum AE was used.At pH4.0and uncon-trolled pH,the prevalent acids generated when Inoculum AE was used were acetic and propionic acids,which accounted for90.3% and9.43%and75.4%and14.6%of the total,respectively.However, at pH5.0and6.0,butyric acid was the dominant product,which was in agreement with a previous study that showed that butyric acid fermentation occurred at pH5.0–6.0(Ren et al.,2007).In reac-tors with Inoculum AN,acetic and butyric acids accounted for greater than90%of the VFAs.The total carbohydrate content in the food waste used in this study was about40%,indicating that fermentation of carbohy-drate-enriched substrates should produce a great deal of acetic and butyric acids.Very little valeric acid was found in any reactors except those at pH6.0.During batch fermentation with Inoculum AE,propionic acid accounted for a larger portion of the VFAs when Inoculum AN was used.This phenomenon was mostly caused by the self-fermentation of AE sludge,which is in accordance with the results of previous studies(Chen et al.,2013b).In addition, since VFAs with more than three carbons are easily biodegraded to form acetic acid in anaerobic fermentation systems,there were not many propionic,butyric,or valeric acids accumulated(Yuan et al.,2006).pH can affect the type of VFA produced from acidogenic fermen-tation,particularly acetic,propionic and butyric acids(Bengtsson et al.,2008).The production of propionic acid from dairyTable4Max VFAs yield in each reactor.Reactor VFAs yield(mg/g VSS removal)Time(d)AE-pH4.0206.4520AE-pH5.0445.179AE-pH6.0481.854AE-pH uncontrolled229.0620AN-pH4.0124.3020AN-pH5.0650.7613AN-pH6.0918.2320AN-pH uncontrolled337.5120Table5Comparison of VFAs production from different types of fermentation.FermentationstuffSeeding OptimalconditionVFAs productionperformanceReferencesKitchen waste Anaerobicdigested sludgepH7.0,35°C36.00g/L Zhang et al.(2005)Food waste DewateredsludgepH9.0,35°C25.93g-COD/L Chen et al.(2013a)Kitchen waste Waste activatedsludgepH8.0,37°C692.4mg-COD/gVSChen et al.(2013c)Food waste Anaerobicdigested sludgepH6.024.5–25.5g/L Lim et al.(2008)35°C23.0–24.0g/LFood waste Anaerobicdigested sludgepH6.0,35°C0.471g/g VSS removalJiang et al.(2013)Food waste Anaerobicdigested sludgepH7.0,35°C18.46g/L He et al.(2012)Food waste Anaerobicactivated sludgepH6.0,30°C0.918g/g VSS removalThis studyWaste activatedsludgepH6.0,30°C0.482g/g VSS removalK.Wang et al./Bioresource Technology161(2014)395–401399wastewater is favored at pH4.0–4.5,whereas that of acetic and bu-tyric acids is favored at pH6.0–6.5(Yu and Fang,2002).However, the results of studies conducted to date suggest that the optimal pH for the production of a specific VFA is highly dependent on the type of waste used(Lee et al.,2014).Acetic,propionic and bu-tyric acids can be formed directly from the fermentation of soluble proteins,carbohydrates and lipids(Horiuchi et al.,2002),while iso/ n-valeric acid was mainly produced from proteins degradation (McInerney,1988).3.4.Specific substrate utilization rateThe abundance and activity of acidogenic bacteria determines the accumulation of VFAs.To investigate the microbial activities in the reactors at different pH with time,fermented solids were re-moved from batch reactors to test the specific substrate utilization rates(Table6).On day15,glucose was obviously biodegraded at pH 5.0and pH 6.0,while at pH 6.0the GDRs were 1.88±0.05mg/h mL and 1.83±0.01mg/h mL for Inoculum AE and Inoculum AN,respectively,which were higher than those ob-served at pH 5.0(1.09±0.02mg/h mL for Inoculum AE and 1.24±0.03mg/h mL for Inoculum AN).Thesefindings demon-strated that fermentation at pH6.0had higher microbial activities. At pH5.0,the GDR for all batch tests decreased from day5to day 15.This phenomenon coupled with the VFA yields suggests that,at pH5.0,after the maximum VFAs yield the activity of acidogenesis decreased with time.Moreover,as shown in Table6,the glucose concentration increased after start-up of the batch tests at pH 4.0,which was similar to the results shown in Table2.The most possible reason for this is that acidic conditions could promote hydrolysis of fermented solids(food waste),more carbohydrate (glucose)was provided,and the low pH acidification of substrate by acidogenic bacteria was inhibited.At uncontrolled pH,microbial activity was inhibited,so the GDRs were around zero.3.5.Carbon balance analysisThe carbon balance of the fermentation process was determined based on the experiment results(Fig.5).In general,the carbon in VSS was converted to carbon in the products,including VFAs,sol-uble protein and carbohydrate,lactic acid,alcohol,methane and carbon dioxide,during food waste fermentation.Owing to fermen-tation under facultative anaerobic conditions,the composition of the gas phase was not detected.The optimum conditions for VFAs production with Inoculum AE were pH6.0(fermentation time of 4d)and pH5.0(fermentation time of9d);therefore,a fermenta-tion time of5d was selected.For Inoculum AN,the highest VFAsTable6Glucose degrading rate(GDR)of fermented sediment.Mean values and standard deviation of three replicates.pH Glucose degrading rate(mg/h mL)AE seed(5d)AE seed(15d)AN seed(5d)AN seed(15d)4.0À0.97±0.09À1.67±0.15À0.51±0.06À0.15±0.25.0 1.74±0.04 1.09±0.02 1.44±0.05 1.24±0.036.0 1.80±0.08 1.88±0.05 1.77±0.08 1.83±0.01UncontrolledÀ0.07±0.320.20±0.100.11±0.060.39±0.07400K.Wang et al./Bioresource Technology161(2014)395–401。