

讲授:魏红 博士/教授
1.1有关语言的几个基本概念: 第一语言和第二语言 母语和外语 目的语
1.2 学科名称 对外汉语教学: Teaching Chinese to Foreigners 汉语教学: Chinese Teaching 汉语作为第二语言教学: Teaching Chinese as Second Language 汉语作为外语教学: Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language
3.7 其他方法

从心理学角度探讨的具有一定影响的教学法: 全身反应法; 咨询法; 暗示法; 沉默法。
教学起点不同; 教学环境氛围不同; 受其他语言的影响不同; 文化对语言教学的影响不同; 教学对象不同; 教学目的语要求不同; 教学内容、重点及难点不同; 教学方法和教学技巧不同。
3.1 语法翻译法——传统教学法 以系统的语法知识教学为纲,依靠母语,通过翻译 手段,重在培养外语读写能力的教学法。 优点:有助于学生牢固掌握系统的语法知识。 缺点:忽视口语教学和语音教学;以教师为中心, 教学方式单一;过分强调翻译,不利于学生交际能力 培养。 很早就介绍到我国外语和汉语教学界,至今仍然有 较大影响。
3.2 直接法——反语法翻译法;改革法
直接通过目的语本身进行会话、交谈、阅读来教授 外语的一种教学法。 优点:重视口语和语音教学;强调直接运用目的语 进行教和学;注重语言实践,多说多练;利用直观教 具教学。 缺点:用第一语言教学的方法来教授第二语言,忽 视了第二语言教学的特殊性;排斥母语在外语教学中 的作用;大量的句型模仿具有一定的局限性。 20世纪对我国英语和汉语教学界产生过较大影响。



第二语言习得研究问答梳理Document number:WTWYT-WYWY-BTGTT-YTTYU-2018GT第二语言习得研究问答梳理1.如何区分“母语”与“第一语言”、“第二语言”与“第二语言习得环境”答:母语指学习者所属种族、社团使用的语言,第一语言指儿童幼年最先接触和习得的语言。







自然的第二语言习得(naturalistic SLA)以交际的方式,在自然的社会环境下发生的;有指导的第二语言习得(instructed SLA)以教学指导的方式,在课堂教学环境中发生。




7.为什么第二语言习得研究领域的学者把Corder和Selinker发表的文章作为第二语言习得研究的起点答:因为Corder 1967年发表的《学习者偏误的意义》(the significance of learners’ errors)和Selinker 1972年发表的《中介语》(Interlanguage)先后明确了第二语言习得研究的研究对象,创建了相似的理论假说,指明了第二语言习得研究的方向,为后来的第二语言习得研究奠定了坚实的理论基础。



CHINESE AS A SECOND LANGUAGEPaper 0523/01Reading and WritingKey MessagesIn Reading, candidates are expected not only to understand the information provided in the passages but also to b e ab le to distinguish b etween facts, ideas and opinions. They should demonstrate the ab ility to extract relevant specific information from forms, letters and articles and scan for particular information, then organise and present it in a logical manner.In Writing, candidates need to ensure that answers fulfil the task as well as displaying a development of ideas. Successful candidates should demonstrate the ability to employ a variety of grammatical structures and vocab ulary items. Register should b e appropriate. Writing conventions, such as paragraphing and punctuation, should be followed. The characters produced by the candidates should be accurate.General CommentsPerformance on this component was generally very good, and consistent with the previous year. A few candidates displayed the linguistic competence of a first language speaker. Almost all candidates attempted the whole paper.The majority of candidates coped very well with Section 1, showing a thorough understanding of the reading passages. In Section 2, almost all candidates were able to write with reasonable fluency and express their opinions. The area where the compositions could be improved was in the organisation and clarity of thinking shown, to ensure that candidates produce essays that engage the reader’s interest.Comments on Specific QuestionsSection 1Exercise 1 Questions 1-5In Question 1 candidates are required to identify the four true statements in a list of eight. Most candidates coped well with the format of the question, and realised they must only tick the required number of boxes. Performance on this opening question was good, with even the weakest candidates obtaining 2 or 3 marks. Questions 2-5 are 3-option multiple choice questions, and were answered well by most candidates, showing that they were ab le to understand this part of the passage fully. Question 4 proved to b e the most challenging in the exercise, as it required candidates to read the passage carefully and to pay close attention to both the passage and the question. To reach the correct answer, candidates needed to understand the reason why the app caught the attention of the wider public, not why the developer made the app in the first place.Exercise 2 Questions 6-12In this exercise, candidates are presented with a blank form template, and have to complete it according to their understanding of the passage.Most candidates could find the answer to Question 6 with ease. Candidates need to make sure that the full name, 李小晴, is present and not just the first name. Question 7 asks for the nationality of the protagonist. This has to be a country and not a province. The correct answer is that she is from China and not Sichuan or Guangzhou. The second part of this question asks for her place of birth. The passage says that she was b orn in Sichuan b ut grew up in Guangzhou. This was answered correctly b y most, b ut some candidatesneeded to read the passage more carefully to identify the place correctly. Question 8 asks for the name of the school that the protagonist attends. All three characters, 科里尔were needed to be awarded the mark. Question 9 was answered well by most candidates. Questions 9-12 tended to expose candidates who had not fully understood the passage, and this group of questions was found to be challenging by them. Question 10 asks for the protagonist’s hobby, and either, 曲棍球 or 运动 were accepted. Some candidates gave 棍球 which was not accepted as a correct answer. Question 11 was handled well by most candidates. Question 12 asked candidates to list three of the universities that the protagonist had applied for. A number of candidates wrote down that she might go to America, which was considered a harmless addition to the list of the correct three universities, Oxford, Leeds and LSE.Exercise 3 Questions 13-20Candidates should be reminded that answers to Exercise 3 need to be precise and accurate. They need to ensure that they communicate their answers clearly and without ambiguity.Question 13 was answered well b y many, b ut where candidates were not awarded the mark, this was usually b ecause they did not give sufficient information. Candidates needed to say that Ah Xi needed to prepare for his college entrance exam instead of spending time forming a band. Just saying that he needed to study was a full or accurate enough answer. Question 14 also needed a precise response. In this question, candidates needed to point out that Ah Xi’s decision to pursue a career in music was made after he had taken the college entrance exam / once he graduated from high school / before he started university. For Question 15, two elements were required, namely that Ah Xi’s parents supported his decision (1 mark) and that they thought he should learn more/broaden his horizons (1 mark). Question 16 was well-handled by most. For Question 17 two elements were once again required, indicating that the audience was small and they were not paid well. Question 18 required candidates to say that Ah Xi worked hard to learn English because he wanted to sing English songs well (为了唱好英文歌,他下了大力气去学英语). Questions 19 and 20 presented few problems for candidates.Section 2Question 21Most candidates did well in this part of the exam. They demonstrated their ability to write fluently in Chinese and convey b asic information in a short essay. Most of the Chinese characters produced were highly accurate which is a credit to both the candidates and their teachers.Candidates are expected to write a passage b etween 100-120 characters presenting an interesting discussion b ased on the given b ullet points. In order to ensure that candidates write within this limit, covering all the b ullet points, candidates are advised to avoid writing a lengthy introduction, exchanging pleasantries at the beginning of their essays/letters. They should focus instead on the topics listed in the bullet points and demonstrate their ability to develop ideas.Question 22This was found to be the most challenging part of the exam for many candidates. Candidates are asked to write an argumentative essay expressing their opinions ab out a given issue. Four speech b ub b les are provided as suggestions of the arguments which may b e put forward, b ut candidates are not ob liged to include these, and can use their own ideas and opinions as well.The key to success in this section is to make sure ideas are fully developed. It is better for candidates to try and provide an in-depth and focused discussion on fewer points, rather than covering a large numb er of issues superficially. The highest scoring essays contained interesting and sustained discussions with well developed ideas.For language, the best essays were characterised by being technically accurate and well-structured with at least three paragraphs, containing a clear beginning and ending. Candidates need to remember to provide clear links between paragraphs so that there are clear and logical transitions.CHINESE AS A SECOND LANGUAGEPaper 0523/02SpeakingKey messages•Candidates need to show their ab ility to use a variety of structures and precise vocab ulary consistently, both in the presentation and in the conversation sections.•Discussion in both conversation sections should include opinions, explanations and comparisons,as well as facts, to enable candidates to show their command of the language.•Centres wishing to use more than one Examiner must seek permission from Cambridge before the Speaking Test period starts. Centres using more than one Examiner were not always aware of the correct procedure for internal moderation. Feedback to such Centres was provided by the Moderator and should be acted upon in future sessions.General commentsThe vast majority of Centres carried out the tests very well, and the full range of performance was heard. A variety of topics were chosen for the presentation and well-discussed with Examiners. Most Examiners had done the necessary preparation, and asked a series of excellent searching questions.Examiners need to ensure that their candidates are put at ease and given ample opportunity to demonstrate the full range of their abilities. In order to give candidates the best possible chance, Examiners should ensure that they have read the syllabus carefully so that both the tests and the relevant administration are carried out correctly.Candidates are reminded that this paper rewards their ability to communicate appropriately and demonstrate knowledge of a wide range of vocabulary and structures in order to promote their educational or employment prospects.It is important that candidates choose a topic for the presentation which reflects their interests, as well as being related to an aspect of Chinese culture. It is also crucial that the Examiner asks a series of questions appropriate to the candidate’s level. This should include questions that are more unpredictable, and enable candidates to show their ability to respond spontaneously.The b est performances from candidates of all ab ilities were heard in Centres where it was clear that oral work was a regular part of classroom activity and where candidates were familiar with the requirements of the Speaking test. In such Centres, candidates had prepared the presentation well and Examiners managed to pitch questions at a level and depth appropriate to this syllab us. The most successful candidates demonstrated a range and variety of structures and vocab ulary, and showed an ab ility to respond and contrib ute to the conversation with appropriate pronunciation and intonation. Such candidates covered a selection of different topics across both conversation sections, using a variety of structures and a solid range of vocabulary.● Recorded sample: quality and compositionMany Centres managed to select a good recorded sample which covered the full spread of performance in the Centre. Centres with permission to use more than one Examiner had taken care to ensure that both a good range of marks and different Examiners were represented on the sample.In order to ensure that recordings are clear and of good quality, Centres are reminded to conduct the Speaking tests in a quiet place, away from any noise which may cause disruption. The recording should be checked at intervals by the Examiner to ensure that it is clear and there are no extraneous noises. In someinstances this year, the recording on the CD was almost inaudible, making moderation difficult. Centres are reminded to spot check the quality of all recordings before sending to Cambridge.In occasional cases, candidate name and candidate number were announced by the candidate. Examiners are reminded that these should be announced by the Examiner, not by the candidates.Centres should note that the CD should not be stopped at any point during the recording.● Internal moderationAll Centres wishing to use more than one Examiner to conduct the Speaking tests for their candidates are reminded of the need to apply to Cambridge for permission well before the start of each Speaking test period. Permission is normally granted, on the understanding that internal standardisation/moderation takes place at the Centre before a sample is chosen for external moderation by Cambridge.Where Centres with large numbers of candidates have been granted permission by Cambridge to use more than one Examiner to conduct and assess Speaking tests, the coordinating Examiner is responsib le for checking that the mark scheme has b een applied consistently b y all of the Examiners in the Centre. If a particular Examiner’s marking is judged by his/her colleagues to be out of line with the other marking at the Centre, the marks for candidates examined b y that Examiner must b e adjusted b efore paperwork is submitted to Cambridge.● Clerical checksIn most Centres, the clerical work was completed accurately. Errors in addition were found and corrected in a small number of Centres. Centres are reminded of the importance of careful checking of clerical work, and to ensure that all additions on the Working Mark Sheet as well as the transfer of marks from the WMS to the MS1 mark sheet (or the electronic marks file) are checked before submitting them to Cambridge.● Application of the mark schemeThe mark scheme was generally well understood in most Centres. In cases where downward adjustments to marks were made, this was often because candidates needed to communicate and express their thoughts and opinions more clearly. Some needed to demonstrate their ability to use a wider range of structures and vocabulary more precisely, for example, the use of 还是 and 或者,国籍 and 国家,鼓励 and 吉利,环境 and 气氛, etc.Comments on specific questionsTopic PresentationThe vast majority of candidates were well-prepared the Topic Presentation, and demonstrated good knowledge of sayings and idioms as well as a wide range of different structures. Topics ab out Chinese culture and customs as well as social registers were heard in the presentations this year. Some interesting presentations included ‘Chinese Festivals in Different Countries’, ‘Pros and Cons of the Internet’, ‘Education in Taiwan’, ‘Environment in Hong Kong’, ‘Where has Malaysian Airlines Flight370 gone?’, etc.Topic ConversationA good range and quality of vocabulary and structures was heard in the Topic Conversations and the best performing candidates also gave correspondingly impressive performances in the discussions which followed. It is important that the Examiner listens carefully and pitches questions at an appropriate level, enabling candidates to show the full range of their ability.General ConversationA variety of topics was heard in the General Conversation- ‘en viron men t’, ‘cities an d public service’, ‘education and future plans’, ‘healthy eating habits’, ‘current affairs’, to name a few. Many Examiners were fully aware of the level of language and depth to which General Topics are discussed in this examination and pitched questions appropriately, well done.。

VCE Chinese Second Language and Chinese Second …

VCE Chinese Second Language and Chinese Second …

VCE Chinese Second Language and Chinese Second Language Advanced Assessment Handbook 2008–2016(Updated August 2013)IntroductionChinese Second Language and Chinese Second Language Advanced has been accredited forimplementation (Units 1–4) in 2008. An assessment handbook is published by the VictorianCurriculum and Assessment Authority (VCAA) for each accredited VCE study. The VCE ChineseSecond Language and Chinese Second Language Advanced Assessment Handbook 2008–2016contains assessment information for School-assessed Coursework and the examinations in ChineseSecond Language and Chinese Second Language Advanced and includes related general VCAAadministrative procedures. The VCE Chinese Second Language and Chinese Second Language Advanced Assessment Handbook 2008–2016 is also available on the VCAA website. Details of anychanges to the assessment information in this publication will be published in the VCAA Bulletin VCE,VCAL and VET. Further information on all matters related to the administration of the VCE andassessment is published annually in the VCE and VCAL Administrative Handbook and monthly in theVCAA Bulletin VCE, VCAL and VET. Teachers must also refer to these publications.The VCE Chinese Second Language and Chinese Second Language Advanced Assessment Handbook2008–2016 consists of three sections:1. Administrative Procedures for Assessment in Chinese Second Language and ChineseSecond Language AdvancedThe information in this section is based on regulatory information published in the VCE andVCAL Administrative Handbook. It outlines the general administrative procedures for School-assessed Coursework and the examinations in Chinese Second Language and Chinese SecondLanguage Advanced. Regular updates to this information are published in the VCAA Bulletin VCE,VCAL and VET and annually in the VCE and VCAL Administrative Handbook.ASSESSMENT HANDBOOK 2008–2015 VCE Chi n ese Second Language and Chi n ese Second Language Advanced2. Chinese Second Language and Chinese Second Language Advanced Assessment AdviceThis section contains specific advice on School-assessed Coursework, and the end-of-yearexaminations for Chinese Second Language and Chinese Second Language Advanced. It includes advice on task design and performance descriptors for the outcomes in Units 3 and 4. Theperformance descriptorsare not prescriptive, but are intended to assist teachers in making consistent judgments about each student’s level of performance on the outcomes inUnits 3 and 4.3. Assessment Support Material and Further ResourcesSection 3 contains examples of approaches to School-assessed Coursework for selected outcomes in Units 3 and 4. It also includes details of further resources on assessment to assist teachers in the administration and development of appropriate assessment programs to meet both therequirements of the study design and general administrative requirements for the VCE.VCE Chi n ese Second Language and Chi n ese Second Language Advanced ASSESSMENT HANDBOOK 2008–2015 Section 1: Administrative Procedures for Assessment in ChineseSecond Language and Chinese Second Language AdvancedReporting student achievementUnits 1 and 2In Chinese Second Language and Chinese Second Language Advanced the student’s level of achievement in Units 1 and 2 is a matter for school decision. Assessment of levels of achievement for these units will not be reported to the Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority (VCAA). Schools may choose to report levels of achievement using grades, descriptive statements or other indicators.Units 3 and 4The VCAA will supervise the assessment of all students undertaking Units 3 and 4.In Chinese Second Language and Chinese Second Language Advanced the student’s level o f achievement will be determined by School-assessed Coursework and an end-of-year examination. The VCAA will report the student’s level of performance on each of three Graded Assessment components: Unit 3 School-assessed Coursework, Unit 4 School-assessed Coursework and the end-of-year examination as a grade from A+ to E or UG (ungraded).Study scoreEach student’s overall achievement in Chinese Second Language and Chinese Second Language Advanced will be reported as a study score on a scale of 0 to 50. The study score indicates how a student performed in relation to all others who took the study. This score is used by the Victorian Tertiary Admissions Centre (VTAC) for the calculation of the student’s Equivalent National Tertiary Entrance Rank (ENTER).To receive a study score, students must achieve two or more Graded Assessments in the study and receive S for both Units 3 and 4 in the same year, unless they have Interrupted Studies status and have met these requirements over two years.ASSESSMENT HANDBOOK 2008–2015 VCE Chi n ese Second Language and Chi n ese Second Language Advanced The study score for Chinese Second Language and Chinese Second Language Advanced is calculated using the student’s moderated School-assessed Coursework score and examinations scores. In Chinese Second Language and Chinese Second Language Advanced the three graded assessments contribute to the study score as follows:Unit 3 School-assessed Coursework: 25%Unit 4 School-assessed Coursework: 25%End-of-year examination: 50%For studies with large enrolments (1000 or more), the following table shows the approximate proportion of students who will achieve a study score higher than the stated values. For studies with fewer enrolments, the proportions may vary slightly.Study score (Relative Position) Percentage of students above this position (approximate)45 240 835 2430 5025 7620 92Further information on the calculation of a study score and how student achievement is reported is published annually in the VCE and VCAL Administrative Handbook.School-based assessmentThe following VCAA administrative policies and procedures apply to assessment for satisfactory completion of units and School-assessed Coursework.Satisfactory completion of unitsThe VCE is awarded solely on the basis of satisfactory completion of units. The decision about satisfactory completion of a unit is distinct from the assessment of levels of performance.For satisfactory completion of a unit, a student must demonstrate achievement of each of the outcomes for the unit that are specified in the study design. The decision about satisfactory completion of outcomes is based on the teacher’s professional judgment of the student’s performance on assessment tasks for the unit.To achieve an outcome the student must:∙produce work that meets the required standard∙submit work on time∙submit work that is clearly his/her own∙observe the VCAA and school rules.If a teacher judges that all outcomes are achieved, the student satisfactorily completes the unit.The teacher is responsible for judging satisfactory completion of a unit. By reporting satisfactory completion, the teacher is certifying that the student has achieved the set of outcomes for the unit according to rules set out by the VCAA and the school.VCE Chi n ese Second Language and Chi n ese Second Language Advanced ASSESSMENT HANDBOOK 2008–2015Specific advice on the requirements for satisfactory completion for each unit of Chinese Second Language and Chinese Second Language Advanced is published in the accredited VCE Chinese Second Language and Chinese Second Language Advanced Study Design 2008–2016 under‘Assessment and reporting’ and in the ‘Assessment’ information for each unit.Schools must develop courses that provide opportunities for students to demonstrate achievement of the outcomes specified in the Chinese Second Language and Chinese Second Language Advanced study design. The school should determine the assessment program at the beginning of the year. Schools must provide students with clear written details of both the VCAA rules (see below) and the school’s rules and procedures at the beginning of the school year.The school must specify the work that a student must do to satisfy a unit and the conditions under which the work is to be done. The school must inform each student in writing of:∙all work he/she needs to do to achieve S for the unit∙all work he/she needs to do for Graded Assessment∙class attendance requirements∙how to submit work∙timelines and deadlines for completing work∙procedures for obtaining an extension of time∙internal school appeal procedures.Principals are responsible for administering the VCAA rules and instructions. They must ensure teachers are using the currently accredited VCE Chinese Second Language and Chinese Second Language Advanced study design.School-assessed CourseworkThe VCAA rulesThe VCAA sets down seven rules which a student must observe when preparing work for assessment by the school. These rules apply to School-assessed Coursework and they are:1. A student must ensure that all unacknowledged work submitted for assessment is genuinelyhis/her own.2. A student must acknowledge all resources used, including:–text, websites and source material–the name/s and status of any person/s who provided assistance and the type of assistance provided.3. A student must not receive undue assistance from any other person in the preparation andsubmission of work.Acceptable levels of assistance include:–the incorporation of ideas or material derived from other sources (e.g. by reading, viewing or note taking), but which has been transformed by the student and used in a new context –prompting and general advice from another person or source which leads to refinements and/or self-correction.Unacceptable forms of assistance include:–use of, or copying of, another person’s work or other resources without acknowledgment–corrections or improvements made or dictated by another person.4. A student must not submit the same piece of work for assessment in more than one study.5. A student who knowingly assists other students in a breach of rules may be penalised.ASSESSMENT HANDBOOK 2008–2015 VCE Chi n ese Second Language and Chi n ese Second Language Advanced 6. A student must sign an authentication record for work done outside class at the time of submittingthe completed task. This declaration states that all unacknowledged work is the student’s own.7. A student must sign a general declaration that he/she will obey the rules and instructions for theVCE and accept its disciplinary provisions.Scheduling assessment tasksTeachers are advised to give students the dates for completion of assessment tasks in advance, taking into account the VCAA’s important administrative dates which are published annually in the VCE and VCAL Administrative Handbook.Schools should take into account authentication issues and student workload in deciding when specific details of tasks are given to students.ReschedulingIf an assessment task needs to be rescheduled, for example if the students are not ready to be assessed or due to other circumstances, teachers should provide adequate notification to all students in the class or classes at the school.Extension of timeAn extension may be needed to account for circumstances in which an individual student or group of students has not been given appropriate time to undertake or complete School-assessed Coursework. An extension of time for all students in a class should only be given on condition that all students are given adequate notice and that no one in the class or another class is advantaged or disadvantaged by the change. An extension for an individual student should only be granted in special circumstances. Schools are required to have a policy outlining conditions under which an extension of time for individuals may be granted. It should be common for all VCE studies within a school and should contain procedures including:∙ a formal process for applying for an extension of time∙rules of eligibility∙the maximum period for an extension∙conditions under which the extension will be allowed.An extension of time may extend into the next semester, but not into the next school year. Submitting further workIf, in the judgment of the teacher, work submitted by a student for the assessment of an outcome does not meet the required standard for satisfactory completion, the teacher may take into consideration work previously submitted by the student provided it meets the VCAA’s rules outlined earlier, or allow the student to submit further work. A teacher may permit a student to submit further work to meet satisfactory completion requirements of a unit. Students may not submit further work or resubmit work for the reassessment of School-assessed Coursework scores awarded by the school. Normally, students complete work for a unit during the semester in which the unit is undertaken. The school may decide to delay the decision about satisfactory completion to allow a student to complete or resubmit work.Work completed outside classMost assessment tasks will be completed in class. This does not preclude students from completing work associated with the task/s outside class time, providing that the teacher can confirm that all workVCE Chi n ese Second Language and Chi n ese Second Language Advanced ASSESSMENT HANDBOOK 2008–2015 submitted for assessment is the student’s own. Students should be advised in advance as to the conditions under which tasks are to be completed and submitted.AuthenticationTeachers should have in place strategies for ensuring that work submitted for assessment is the student’s own work. Where aspects of School-assessed Coursework tasks are completed outside class time teachers must monitor and maintain records of student’s work.The teacher may consider it appropriate to ask the student to demonstrate his/her understanding of the task at the time of submission of the work. If any part or all of the work cannot be authenticated, then the matter should be dealt with as a breach of rules.To reduce the possibility of authentication problems arising, or being difficult to resolve, the following strategies are useful:∙Ensure that a significant amount of classroom time is spent on the task so that the teacher is familiar with each student’s work and can regularly monitor and discuss aspects of the work with the student.∙Regularly rotate topics from year to year to ensure that students are unable to use student work from the previous year.∙Where there is more than one class of a particular study in the school, early liaison between teachers on topics, cross-marking and sharing of draft student work enables earlier identification of possible authentication problems and the implementation of appropriate action.AttendanceAll VCE units require 50 hours of scheduled class time. A student needs to attend sufficient class time to complete work. The school sets minimum class time and attendance rules. Where a student has completed work but there has been a substantive breach of attendance rules and the school therefore decides to assign Not satisfactory (N) to the unit, the school must assign N for one or more outcomes and thus the unit.A school policy and set of procedures to cover absence from assessment tasks should be published and made available to staff, students and parents.When a student is absent from school for prolonged periods, or has been unable to complete all assessment tasks because of illness or other special circumstances, the school may, on application from the student, grant Special Provision for school based assessments. Teachers should refer to details on VCE Attendance and Special Provision in the VCE and VCAL Administrative Handbook. In this case the student should not be penalised for lack of attendance.School recordsSchools should keep records of:∙unit completion and graded assessments (and initial school assessments where appropriate)∙student appeals and resultant decisions∙applications and decisions relating to Second Language eligibility∙agreements to work in partnership with other providers in determining initial school assessments ∙applications for extensions of time, with supporting documentation∙applications for and approvals of Special Provision, with supporting documentation∙student absences, and whether or not these are approved∙any interviews with the student and resulting decisions.ASSESSMENT HANDBOOK 2008–2015 VCE Chi n ese Second Language and Chi n ese Second Language AdvancedLost, stolen or damaged workA teacher or student who has lost a coursework assessment task or where a task has been stolen or damaged, must make a written statement of the circumstances. The statement must be signed and dated and filed at the school. The principal, acting on advice from the teacher, and on the basis of records kept, shall determine an initial score for the assessment task.Note:This does not apply to work lost or damaged due to computer misuse or malfunction. Students’ responsibilities for proper management of computer material are published annually in the VCE and VCAL Administrative Handbook.Assessment task selectionThe Chinese Second Language and Chinese Second Language Advanced study design includes tasks that are designated for the assessment of outcomes for each Unit. At Units 1 and 2 level, teachers select from a range of assessment tasks for the unit and must ensure that tasks are comparable in scope and demand.At Units 3 and 4 level the study design states whether any one or a combination of assessment tasks may be used for the assessment of an outcome for a unit. Where options are available, selection should be based on the teaching program, the resources available and the needs and interests of students.Teachers may also use more than one of the tasks suggested for the assessment of an outcome if they prefer to use two or more smaller tasks rather than a single task.Teachers should develop assessment programs for Units 3 and 4 that:∙include both formative assessments, for diagnostic or monitoring purposes, and summative assessments, for determining achievement that contributes to the final coursework score∙include a variety of assessment tasks and conditions∙provide an appropriate balance of short and extended tasks∙take into account the workload for students.If teachers wish to provide options for the same assessment task, they should ensure that the tasks available for selection are of comparable scope and demand.Practice examinations conducted during the year can give students experience and help them develop skills in this type of assessment; however, it is recommended that these are used as formative assessme nt. They can, however, provide useful information for students’ Indicative Grades for the examination.School-assessed Coursework auditAs part of the VCAA ongoing monitoring and quality assurance program for the VCE, samples of School-assessed Coursework tasks in each VCE study can be requested for audit from schools. Schools will receive notification of the studies and the materials required by email. This email is the School Coursework Audit Notification (SCAN). The dates for notification and submission are published annually in the VCAA Bulletin VCE, VCAL and VET and in the current year’s VCE and VCAL Administrative Handbook.The audit material portfolio should contain details of each task set by the teacher.Supporting documentation from teachers should include:∙details of the marking scheme used by the teacher for each task∙the conditions under which the task/s were undertaken.The audit is integral to the quality assurance processes of the VCAA. The audit process will be undertaken by the State Reviewer and a small panel for each study, if required.VCE Chi n ese Second Language and Chi n ese Second Language Advanced ASSESSMENT HANDBOOK 2008–2015 The outcomes of the audit assist the VCAA in planning assessment advice and professional development support for teachers.The audit will also examine school assessments for irregularities, for example instances of undue assistance and cases where the VCAA’s requirements have not been followed. The VCAA will draw any irregularities identified by the auditing process to the attention of the principal. In the event of serious irregularity, the Executive Committee of the VCAA will determine whether disciplinary or other procedures will apply and may alter schools’ assessments in the light of evidence presented. Schools receive individual feedback on the outcomes of the audit by email.Special ProvisionSpecial Provision provides eligible students with the reasonable opportunity to participate in and complete their senior secondary studies. Specific eligibility criteria apply to the granting of Special Provisions for the VCE. Teachers must refer to the relevant section in the VCE and VCAL Administrative Handbook for the eligibility requirements and procedures for granting of Special Provision for school-based assessment, Student Programs, Derived Examination Scores and Special Examination Arrangements.ASSESSMENT HANDBOOK 2008–2015 VCE Chi n ese Second Language and Chi n ese Second Language AdvancedStatistical moderation of School-assessed CourseworkSchool assessment is an important part of the VCE. It is important that the assessments made by all schools throughout the state are comparable and fair to all students.Teachers have flexibility in deciding exactly what teaching and learning activities and what School-assessed Coursework tasks they will use to assess the outcomes specified in the study design. As a result, the School-assessed Coursework assessments from two different schools may sometimes be based on two different sets of assessment tasks, although they will be assessing the same outcomes.In some cases, the assessment tasks or topics set by one school may be easier than those set by another school. In addition, the marking by the teachers in one school may be stricter or more generous than the marking in another school.In a school where assessment tasks are easier and marking is generous, students would get higher marks for the same standard of work than they would in another school where the assessments and marking are harder. If this is not taken into account when using schools’ assessments to calculate students’ study scores, some students would be treated unfairly.To ensure comparability of assessment of School-assessed Coursework from different schools, the VCAA will apply statistical procedures to each moderation group, study by study. Moderation groups are the cohort of students in each school undertaking the study, or the total cohort of students from schools that combine for the purposes of assessment and moderation for a particular study. Moderation is needed to ensure that the same assessment standards are applied to students from every school doing a particular study. Statistical moderation is a process for adjusting schools’ assessments t o the same standard, while maintaining the students’ rank order given by the school.Statistical moderation adjusts the level and spread of each school’s assessments of its students in a particular study, to match the level and spread of the same students’ scores on a common external score. The external score is based on examinations done by all students across the state in the study, it is a common standard against which schools’ assessments can be compared.Each VCE study includes at least one external examination and the VCAA will use the examination scores in each study as the basis for statistical moderation of schools’ assessments. In studies with two examinations, scores from both examinations are used. Students’ General Achievement Test (GAT) scores are used in studies where it increases the reliability of the moderation process. In all such cases, the examination scores are the major influence.For each school a moderation formula is determined so that:∙the highest moderated score is equal to the highest external score∙the median and quartiles of the moderated scores are equal to the median and quartiles of the external scores∙the mean (average) of the moderated scores is as close as possible to the mean of the external scores∙the rank order of school scores is maintained.The highest, median and quartiles are scores at the top, middle, 25 per cent and 75 per cent positions in the group.The formula is then applied to the school’s coursework score for each student to obtain their moderated coursework score.Exclusion of anomalous assessmentsSome students have results that are discrepant or anomalous. Including these results in the moderation process could have an adverse effect on the rest of the group, so they are excluded from the process.VCE Chi n ese Second Language and Chi n ese Second Language Advanced ASSESSMENT HANDBOOK 2008–2015 The moderated scores for these students are interpolated after the group has been moderated. The following students/scores are excluded from the moderation process:∙students who do not have complete coursework assessments, examination scores or GAT scores (in studies where the GAT scores are used)∙external scores that are significantly below the mean external score for the school group∙external scores that are significantly lower than that which would be predicted from the student’s school score∙school scores that ar e very low compared with the student’s external score∙external scores of students with Derived Examination Scores applications for the examination are excluded if the difference between their external score and their school score is below the mean difference for the school group.Small groupsThe moderation formula can be applied to all groups of three or more students; however, it is preferable to have moderation groups of ten or more students. As the size of the moderation group increases, moderation outcomes are less influenced by the scores of individual students in the group. In moderation groups with ten or more students, the group characteristics (e.g. mean and spread) that determine moderation outcomes come from a sufficiently large enough number of students to generate reliable statistics.If a school has fewer than five students doing a study it should combine with another school (preferably a larger group) for moderation purposes. The schools are asked to work together to achieve comparability of assessments and to produce a combined distribution of coursework assessments, which will then be statistically moderated as a single group.In addition to improving reliability, this strategy provides an opportunity for professional development of teachers. Teachers have the opportunity to exchange ideas and approaches, to view a wider variety of student work and to compare standards.The VCAA will approve exemptions from this requirement where the school is able to demonstrate that it is unable to combine with another school. In applying for exemption the school must provide the reasons for requesting the exemption.Teachers should refer to the VCE and VCAL Administrative Handbook for further details on partnerships and exemption requirements.Special casesTwo or more students have the highest school scoreIf two or more students are given the highest coursework scores, the highest moderated score is set equal to the average of the two highest external scores. Therefore, if six students are given the same highest score by the school, then each of these students will receive a moderated score that is equal to the average of the six highest external scores.All students in the group have the same school scoreEach student receives the same moderated score that is equal to the average of the group’s external scores.There is only one student in the moderation groupFor a single student, the moderated score is equal to the student’s external score.。

Teaching Chinese as second language

Teaching Chinese as second language

Unit 5 FamilyObjectivesIdentify and use appropriate terms to define immediate family relationship. Describe family members in terms of age, likes and dislikes.Compare and contrast cultural concept of family in Chinese culture with students’ own. Recognize and respond to questioning words.Be able to communicate and connect after mastering● 10required sentence patterns and responses● 17 vocabulary words in four skills – listening, speaking, reading and writing● 12 vocabulary words in three skills- listening, speaking, and reading● 11 vocabulary words and 2 expressions in two skills – listening and speaking1.Sentence patterns●你家有几个人?我家有五个人。

●这/ 那是谁?他/ 她是我(的)爸爸/ 继父。

●这/ 那是你(的)姐姐吗?是(的)。









2.Vocabulary and ExpressionsRequired skills: Listening/Speaking/Reading/Writing● High frequency words: 个,有,没,还,了,做,大, 小● Content Words: 爱, 家,爸,妈,哥,姐,弟,妹, 比,Required skills: Listening/ Speaking/Reading爷爷/奶奶,公公/婆婆, 继父/母,高/ 矮,老/ 年轻,聪明/ 笨,医生,护士,Required skills: Listening/Speaking胖/廋,律师,运动员,工程师, 商人,教授,回来/出去,作业,功课Expressions: Listening/Speaking●我出去/出去了。



术语表:第二语言习得:second language acquisition对比分析contrastive analysis功能--意念大纲Function and notional ideas汉语词汇等级大纲 a general outline of Chinese vocabulary汉语短期教学Short-term Chinese teaching汉语计算机辅助教学Chinese computer--assisted teaching汉语进修教学Chinese Language Teaching for graduate students汉语水平等级标准grading criterion of Chinese proficiency汉语速成教学speeded--up teaching of Chinese汉语语法等级大纲a general Outline of Chinese Grammar grading 汉语作为第二语言Chinese as a Second Language汉字部件Chinese character component汉字等级大纲a general outline of Chinese character grading汉字识别Chinese Character Recognition教材设计textbook design教学大纲teaching Syllabus教学法pedagogy教学方法Teaching Methods教学计划Teaching plan教学技巧Teaching skills教学总体设计integrative designs of teaching 跨文化交际cross--culture communication母语mother tongue母语负迁移Negative Transfer of native language目的语Target language任务式大纲task--based syllabus听说法audio lingual method应用语言学Applied Linguistics语法翻译法Grammar Translation Method语言教学理论Language teaching theory中介语Interlanguage水平测试:特点:其测试内容和范围不受某一课程教学大纲、教学计划和所使用教材的限制,也不考虑不同学习者学习时间、学习地点、学习程度的不同。



1. What teaching experience do you have in teaching Chinese as a second language? (你在教授中文作为第二语言方面有什么教学经验?)2. How do you adapt your teaching methods to meet the needs of diverse learners? (您如何调整教学方法以满足不同学习者的需求?)3. Can you explain how you incorporate cultural elements into your Chinese language lessons? (请解释一下您如何将文化元素融入您的中文课程中?)4. What strategies do you use to enhance students' listening and speaking skills in Chinese? (您用什么策略来提高学生的听力和口语技能?)5. How do you assess students' progress and proficiency in Chinese language learning? (您如何评估学生在中文学习方面的进步和熟练程度?)6. Have you taught Chinese to non-native speakers before? If so, how did you address their specific challenges? (您以前有没有教过非母语人士中文?如果有,您是如何应对他们的特定挑战的?)7. Can you describe a successful language learning activity or lesson that you have implemented in the classroom? (请描述一个您在课堂上成功实施的语言学习活动或课程。



第二语言教学,英文为Second Language Teaching(SLT),是指在一个非母语环境下教授一门或多门语言的过程。

1.语言习得(Language Acquisition):指非意识、自然而然地学会一种语言的过程,类似于孩子们学习母语的方式。

2.语言学习(Language Learning):指通过有意识的学习来掌握一种语言的过程,通常是通过学习语法规则、词汇等知识来实现的。



5.教学法(Teaching Methodology):指用于实现教学目标的方法和策略,包括教学计划、教学材料、教学技巧等。










澳门科技大学国际汉语教育授课型研究生申请要求澳门科技大学简介学校名称澳门科技大学学校英文名称Macau University of Science and Technology学校位置中国 | 澳门 | 氹仔2020 QS 世界排名暂无澳门科技大学概述澳门科技大学(英语:Macau University of Science andTechnology;简称澳科大、MUST)建校于2000年,是澳门本地规模最大的综合型大学,为国际大学协会、亚太大学联合会、中国高校行星科学联盟、粤港澳空间科学与技术联盟、粤港澳海洋科技创新联盟、粤港澳大湾区物流与供应链创新联盟、粤港澳高校联盟、海峡两岸暨港澳防灾减灾即永续发展大学联盟及亚洲法律学会成员高校,也是海峡两岸暨港澳最年轻的二十一强大学。



国际汉语教育专业简介国际汉语教育国际汉语教育专业相关信息专业名称国际汉语教育专业英文名称Master of Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language隶属学院国际学院学制2年语言要求不需要GMAT/GRE 要求不需要2020 Fall 申请时间10月学费(当地货币)134095澳门币国际汉语教育课程内容序号课程中文名称课程英文名称1当代中国专题Topics on Contemporary China2中国语言学Chinese Linguistics3中文作为第二语言Chinese as a Second Language4第二语言习得Second Language Acquisition5课堂教学与实践案例研究Case Study of Classroom Teaching and Practice 6中国文化专题Topics on Chinese Culture7跨文化交际Cross-cultural Communication8汉语语言与教学要素Elements of Chinese Language and Teaching * 澳门科技大学国际汉语教育研究生申请要求由 Mastermate 收集并整理,如果发现疏漏,请以学校官网为准。



年儿童。从目前中国国内的情况看,成年 人学习者比少年儿童多得多。因此,本书 主要讨论对成年人的汉语作为外语或第二 语言的教学,必要时也涉及对少年儿童的 汉语教学。

对外汉语教学的目标,可以用一句话概况:培养出能用汉 语进行交际的人才。 由于具体的教学目的和教学对象不同,“人才”的含义可 能不同。如一般的短期速成教学,主要是培养具有一定的 听说能力、能应付一般日常生活需要的人。而长时间的专 业(如本科)教学,则要求培养具有听说读写多种交际能 力、在一定程度上系统掌握汉语知识的人才。 随着我国经济的高速发展和综合国力的提高,不但学习汉 语的人数迅速增加,对汉语的需求面也不断扩宽。目前, 对职业汉语的需求日益强烈,相应地,要求学习商务汉语、 经贸汉语、旅游汉语、文秘汉语、法律汉语、医科汉语的 人越来越多。对职业汉语教学的设计和实施,将是对外汉 语教学中的一个重要任务。

汉语作为外语的教学 英文名为Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language。使用这个名称有两个原 因。第一,汉语对学习者来说基本上都是外语; 可以将国内少数民族的汉语教学排除出去。第二, 不少学者认为,“汉语作为第二语言教学”的名 称不够准确。在目的语(所学语言)环境里学习 的语言才叫“第二语言”,如在中国汉语环境里 学习的汉语。而在非目的语环境里学习的语言叫 “外语”,如在外国非汉语环境里学习的汉语。 目前在非目的语环境里学习汉语者占绝大多数。 它的不足,是未能涵盖在中国国内目的语环境里 的汉语教学。
般的语言习得,主要是在目标语环境里接 触所学习的语言,并自然掌握该语言;没 有专门的教师、教材、课堂、测试,看见 什么学什么,听到什么学什么。而对外汉 语教学不管在不在目标语环境里,主要都 是在课堂上进行,有一套正规的教学程序 和方法。

second language定义

second language定义

1. 介绍second language的概念第二部分:second language的重要性1. 提高跨文化交流能力2. 增加就业机会3. 开拓视野,增强全球化竞争力第三部分:second language学习的挑战1. 语法差异2. 发音困难3. 语言习得阶段第四部分:second language学习的方法1. 深入学习目标语言文化2. 重视听说能力的培养3. 注重语言输入和输出4. 多方位学习,全面提高语言水平第五部分:second language的未来发展1. 网络时代的语言学习2. 人工智能在second language学习中的应用3. 跨文化交流的重要性第六部分:结语1. 总结second language的重要性2. 鼓励读者积极学习second languagesecond language,即第二语言,指的是在个体获得主要语言(即母语)之后学习的第二种语言。

在全球化的今天,second language的学习变得日益重要。

下面,将从second language的重要性、学习的挑战、学习的方法以及未来发展等方面展开探讨。

第二部分:second language的重要性second language的学习对个体和社会都具有重要意义,主要表现在以下几个方面:1. 提高跨文化交流能力second language学习可以使个体更好地理解和融入不同文化背景的人裙。


2. 增加就业机会随着全球化的发展,许多企业和组织更青睐那些能够流利运用多种语言的人才。


3. 开拓视野,增强全球化竞争力运用第二语言可以更好地了解国际上的新发展、新理念、新技术、新信息等,从而更好地适应全球化的竞争。


第三部分:second language学习的挑战然而,second language的学习也面临着一些困难和挑战:1. 语法差异不同语言之间的语法和句法结构存在较大差异,这对语言学习者的认知水平和思维方式提出了更高的要求。



• 4.文化对语言教学的影响不同 • 语言和文化关系密切,第二语言的学习者由于文 化背景不同、风俗习惯不同、思维方式有别等, 可能对某些语言现象不易理解并难以接受,这就 会形成语言学习中的文化障碍,甚至会引起文化 冲突。 • 第二语言的教学任务之一就是要结合语言教学进 行相关的文化教学,使学习者了解、理解甚至接 受第二文化。 • 人们在习得第一语言的同时,通常也习得了该文 化,他们自然地形成了说这种语言的人的文化心 理和文化习惯。 • 因而,扫除文化障碍、避免文化冲突在第一语言 教学中一般是不会存在的,即便是有一些文化问 题,也比较容易解决。
• 第一语言教学中,学习者有着共同的基础, 有着共同的学习动机等,因此教学目的和 要求基本一致。 • 第二语言教学中,学习者年龄有差别,学 习动机不尽相同,原有文化与目的语文化 有冲突等,给第二语言教学带来诸多困难 和复杂性。这些差异导致了第二语言教学 和第一语言教学在教学目的和要求方面的 不同。
7.教学内容 及教学重点和难点不同
second language teaching • 第二语言教学是与第一语言教学相对应的概念。 它是指对已经掌握第一语言的人所进行的其他语 言的教学活动,这种活动通常是在学校环境里所 进行的正规的教学活动。 • 如汉语作为第二语言教学,包括对我国国内少数 民族进行的汉语教学和对外国人进行的汉语教学, 对外国人进行的汉语教学,我们通常称为“对外 汉语教学” ,如对第一语言为非汉语的日本人、 韩国人、美国人、澳大利亚人等进行的汉语教学 都称之为“对外汉语教学”。对外汉语教学是一 种第二语言教学,这种教学活动要求制定专门的 教学大纲、教学计划,编写符合教学大纲的教材, 按照大纲和计划组织教学并对学生的学习进行测 试评估等。










自然的第二语言习得(naturalistic SLA)以交际的方式,在自然的社会环境下发生的;有指导的第二语言习得(instructed SLA)以教学指导的方式,在课堂教学环境中发生。




7.为什么第二语言习得研究领域的学者把Corder和Selinker发表的文章作为第二语言习得研究的起点?答:因为Corder 1967年发表的《学习者偏误的意义》(the significance of learners’ errors)和Selinker 1972年发表的《中介语》(Interlanguage)先后明确了第二语言习得研究的研究对象,创建了相似的理论假说,指明了第二语言习得研究的方向,为后来的第二语言习得研究奠定了坚实的理论基础。



Assessing Reading Comprehension in Teaching Chinese as a Second Language: A Singapore Model 作者: 钟国荣[1]
作者机构: [1]新加坡南洋理工大学国立教育学院亚洲语言文化学部中文系,637616
出版物刊名: 世界汉语教学
页码: 415-422页
年卷期: 2010年 第3期
主题词: 汉语作为第二语言;阅读理解;理解能力;产出性能力




1.语文的英文怎么读“语文”的英文language读法:英 ['læŋgwɪdʒ] 美 ['læŋɡwɪdʒ] 释义:n. 语言;语言文字;表达能力official language官方语言second language第二语言Language School语言学校endangered language濒危语言例句:我们学习一种语言是为了交流思想。

2、It is a language in which nouns are freely verbalized.它是名词随意可以变成动词的一种语言。

language的近义词:tongue读法:英 [tʌŋ] 美 [tʌŋ]释义:1、n. 舌头;语言2、vt. 舔;斥责;用舌吹3、vi. 说话;吹管乐器4、n. (Tongue)人名;(英)唐短语:1、Tongue Twister绕口令2、mother tongue母语3、geographic tongue地图样舌4、tongue foam鞋舌泡棉2.数学,语文,英语,的英文怎么写Mathematics、Chinese、English一、Mathematics读音:英 [ˌmæθəˈmætɪks] 美 [ˌmæθəˈmætɪks]释义:数学。

例句:The core subjects are English, mathematics and science基础课是英文、数学和科学。

二、Chinese读音:英 [ˌtʃaɪˈniːz] 美 [ˌtʃaɪˈniːz]释义:中文。

例句:The Dunhuang frescoes are gems of ancient Chinese art.敦煌壁画是我国古代艺术中的瑰宝。

三、English读音:英 [ˈɪŋɡlɪʃ] 美 [ˈɪŋɡlɪʃ]释义:英语。

例句:Their knowledge of written English is certainly better他们的书面英语显然更好。

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You may make notes in this space.
SECTION 1 – continued TURN OVER
Part B (Texts 4 and 5, Questions 10–13)
You will hear two texts. Each text will be played twice. There will be a one-minute pause between the first and second playing of Text 4, and another one-minute pause between the first and second playing of Text 5. You may make notes at any time. Listen carefully to the text and then answer the questions in CHINESE. TEXT 4 Vocabulary/生词 舞蹈 国际 部 w}d2o: dance gu9j*: international b]: section
SECTION 1: Listening and responding Instructions for Section 1
There are two parts in this section: Part A: 20 marks Part B: 10 marks Answer Part A in ENGLISH and Part B in CHINESE. The spaces provided give you an idea of how much you should write.
You may make notes in this space.
SECTION 1 – continued TURN OVER
TEXT 3 Question 5 What is the main purpose of Xiao Ming’s phone call? ___________________________________________________________________ 1 mark Question 6 Follow the directions on the map and write the numbers of the shops in the boxes provided below.
50 70 50 170
• Students are permitted to bring into the examination room: pens, pencils, highlighters, erasers, sharpeners, rulers and any printed monolingual or bilingual dictionary in one or two separate volumes. • Students are NOT permitted to bring into the examination room: blank sheets of paper and/or white out liquid/tape. • No calculator is allowed in this examination. Materials supplied • Question and answer book of 18 pages. Instructions • Write your student number in the space provided above on this page. • Write all your answers in the spaces provided in this question and answer book. At the end of the examination • Hand in this question and answer book at the end of the examination. Students are NOT permitted to bring mobile phones and/or any other electronic communication devices into the examination room.
You may make notes in this space.
Question 10 Where is this special activity being advertised? 这个广告是在哪里看到的? ___________________________________________________________________ Question 11 How does the troupe promote Chinese history and culture? 这个歌舞团怎样介绍中国的历史和文化? • _________________________________________________________________ • _________________________________________________________________ Question 12 Where can tickets be purchased? 在哪里可以买到票? ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________
You may make notes in this spac
Concert Hall
Ice-cream shop
Shop opposite the ice-cream shop 2 marks
SECTION 1 – continued
Question 7 What is the relationship between Xiao Ming and Xiao Hua? ___________________________________________________________________ 1 mark Question 8 Why does Xiao Ming want to buy an ice-cream cake for Xiao Hua? ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ 2 marks Question 9 What advice does Mary give Xiao Ming? ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ 2 marks
Thursday 20 November 2003
Reading time: 9.00 am to 9.10 am (10 minutes) Writing time: 9.10 am to 12.00 noon (2 hours 50 minutes)
You may make notes in this space.
SECTION 1 – continued
TEXT 2 Question 2 Describe the features of the lost bag. • _______________________________________ • _______________________________________ 2 marks Question 3 What three personal/private items were inside the lost bag? • _______________________________________ • _______________________________________ • _______________________________________ 3 marks Question 4 Where did the conversation take place? ___________________________________________________________________ 1 mark
Victorian Certificate of Education 2003
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Written examination
Structure of book
Section Number of questions Number of questions to be answered Number of marks Suggested times (minutes)