



渣打银行SWOT分析金融(2)班金腾君企业概况:渣打银行集团(Standard Chartered)源于英国,至今有149年历史,是世界顶尖的商业银行,致力于在全球高增长市场的发展,其业务范围覆盖全球,在50多个国家和地区有超过500个分行。






随着我国按入世承诺向外资银行全面开放,2007 年3月渣打银行(中国)成为第一批本地法人银行,4月拿到人民币业务牌照,正式经营境内居民人民币业务。









英国渣打银行银团贷款课件(ppt 36)

英国渣打银行银团贷款课件(ppt 36)
▪ 所有参贷银行的贷款条款和条件都相同,并受统一起草的信贷协议约束。
▪ 贷款签署以后,由一家贷款机构(“代理行”)负责管理日常事宜(如提款、付息、还本 等)。
▪ 银团贷款可以向一家企业或一个特定项目提供融资,分别称为“企业贷款”及“项目融 资”。
▪ 企业贷款和项目融资都具有银团贷款的一般特征,也具有不同的特点:
上海 宁波
分行 (* 即将开业) 代表处
2 银团贷款的概念
银团贷款是由一家或多家银行(通常称为“牵头银行”)承销并安排、并向 一组金融机构(一般以商业银行为主)推介发行,为企业或项目提供债务融 资的债务资本市场工具
▪ 首次股票发行 ▪ 二次发行(配股/增发) ▪ 可转换债券 ▪ 股权私募 ▪ 其他
▪ 由一家或少数几家银行获得企业委任,成为“牵头银行”,统筹负责整笔贷款融资的安排
和完成。 ▪ 牵头银行可以“包销”或“尽力承销”方式安排贷款,并邀请其他银行参与贷款。
• 包销是指无论最后组织银团的结果如何,牵头银行都有义务按照提供事先承诺的金额 和条款提供贷款给企业;
• 而在尽力承销下,牵头银行不作上述的承诺,即最后贷款金额的多少完全视其他银行 的最终参与情况而定。
▪ 在中国入股渤海银行20%股份。
▪ 为香港发钞银行之一。
▪ 拥有良好国际信用评级:
穆 迪 标准普尔
长期存款 / 长期外币债务等级 短期存款 / 长期本地债务等级
P-1 A-1
渣 打 是 在 华 历 史 最 悠 久,网 络 最 广 泛 的 外 资 银 行。


结合自身优势 和外部机会聚 焦发展中小企 业贸易融资
中小企业促进社会稳定与经济发 展,对经济增长所做出来的贡献越来 越大,它已经成为我国经济发展中最 活跃的成分。与这个辉煌的成绩相比, 中小企业目前的融资情况非常不乐观, 能够获得战银略行目贷标款的企业只有不到 20%
• 主已要经业植务根是1企5业2年银,行业现务在和它个是人在银行华业最务大的外资银行网络

上海成立 第一间分行
2行洲之行0、公0一。75司年,月新9无增月是推抵“持收香押中亚购贷港小洲款美企三”商国业家业运银通发行银钞、行行0、9镇之在年2银0古华一20行月8首营在年,家业收内1村是购月蒙 台摩收农根购贷新湾试疆大南最点小通韩项额大旗互目的下惠外嘉储诚蓄资亚银银
收入和盈利均出现负增 长
潜在进入者 中国的银行市场已经 很成熟,几乎融合了 世界所有的知名金融 机构
• 贷款业务:贷款额度 下降
• 中间业务收人可能 出现较大的下滑
中资银行在技术上与外 资银行差距减少,而外 资银行可以开展更多的 人民币业务,竞争激烈
3. 中国加大金融创新投入,创新产 品快速发展
国有银行市场份额下降, 金融产品创新活跃
外资和商业银行份额上 创新重点和方式呈现新

商业银行贷款在融资结 构中占主导地位且明显 上升
资产规模继续增大 资产质量持续改善
利率下降、存款增速上 升、贷款快速增长


…... …… ……
先进的管理理念和服务 体制灵活,产品创新能力强 完善的风险控制体系
网点少,经营规模较小 本土文化融合度不高,品牌影响力 不足
金融市场对外开放步伐加快, 未来贸易总额增加 中小企业融资需求旺盛 私人银行业务潜在市场巨大
其他商业 银行业务
中小企业 贸易融资
其他商业 银行业务
不管是在大陆,还是在香港和 台湾,渣打都是通过绿地投资的 方式——直接建立自己的银行或 者分公司实现全资经营来打开市 场。
更好地维护垄断技术、经营诀窍、商标信誉等 无形资产,降低机会主义成本。
政府对外资银行监管干预 银行业逐步开放,竞争激烈
私人银行的对象定位在社 会中间阶层的企业家上
渣打的优势是能够把资金在 企业与私人账户之间进行合 法的转移,当企业需要资金 时,渣打可以把资金投入到企 业中去。



利用生物特征进行身份验 证,如指纹、虹膜、人脸 识别等,提高银行卡的安 全性。
结合多种认证方式,如动 态口令、短信验证码等, 增加非法访问的难度。
采用更高级的加密算法和 安全协议,保护银行卡信 息和交易数据。
政府应制定和完善银行卡 相关的法律法规,规范银 行卡业务的发展和管理。
政府、银行、持卡人等各 方应加强合作,建立风险 联防机制,共同防范银行 卡风险。
政府和银行应加强公众教 育,提高公众对银行卡风 险的认知和防范意识。
保留好交易凭证,如POS单、电子银行对 账单等,以便在发生问题时进行核对和处 理。
在输入密码、确认交易信息时,务必核对 清楚商户名称、卡号、交易金额等关键信 息,防止误操作或诈骗交易。
银行卡信息是个人隐私的重要组成部分,需要采取有效措施防止信息 泄露和滥用。
银行应建立健全的风险管理制度,明 确各级风险管理部门的职责,确保风 险管理的有效实施。
银行应采用先进的技术手段,如数据 挖掘、人工智能等,提高风险预警和 防范的准确性和及时性。
银行应通过加强内部审计、风险评估 和监测等手段,确保银行业务的合规 性和风险的可控性。



• 1、发送逾期贷款 催收通知书(第10条第1项) • 2、借款人同意履行还款义务(第16条) • 3、从借款人银行账户扣收贷款本息(第10条第3项) • 4、公正送达逾期贷款催收文书(第10条第1项) • 5、以数据电文、邮寄(含特快专递)方式送达催收文书(第10条第2
• 法律依据《商业银行法》7条《贷款通则》22条,司法解 释10条3项。
• 注意问题: • 1、扣收对象仅限于借款人; • 2、合同对银行行使抵销有约定; • 3、扣收账户的资金必须是到期债权;未到期的定期存款
不能扣收; • 4、扣收前应把主张抵销的通知送达债务人并取得相关证
明,扣收后应将扣收贷款本息的事实通借款人。 • 5、扣收账户必须是借款人按规范要求开的账户。
• 法律依据:最高人民法院关于审理民事案件适用诉讼时效制度若干问 题的规定
• 第十条(四)当事人一方下落不明,对方当事人在国家级或者下落不 明的当事人一方住所地的省级有影响的媒体上刊登具有主张权利内容 的公告的,但法律和司法解释另有特别规定的,适用其规定。
• 注意问题:催款公告可以公布拖欠贷款的债务人名单及金额,但不应 公布与催贷无关信息,不得侵犯债务人的隐私和商业秘密。
• 一、当事人就超过诉讼时效期间的债权重新达成还款协议 • 二、借款人在超过诉讼时效期间的债权催款通知书上签章 • 三、超诉讼时效担保债权的拯救 • 四、依据司法解释衍生的其他补救措施 • 法律依据:《关于超过诉讼时效期间当事人达成还款协

• 1.诉讼时效的中止必须是因法定事由而发生。这些法定 事由包括两大类:一是不可抗力,如自然灾害、军事行动 等,都是当事人无法预见和克服的客观情况;二是其他阻 碍权利人行使请求权的情况。



75% 项目四 77%
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新起点、新希望。站在201X年的起点,我们将继 承和发扬过去工作中存在的优点,汲取经验,摒弃不足 ,满怀信心,以更清醒的头脑、更旺盛的斗志、更奋发 的姿态和更充沛的干劲,向我们的既定目标进发! (本段可编辑可替换)
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渣打银行SWOT分析金融(2)班124062009066 金腾君企业概况:渣打银行集团(Standard Chartered)源于英国,至今有149年历史,是世界顶尖的商业银行,致力于在全球高增长市场的发展,其业务范围覆盖全球,在50多个国家和地区有超过500个分行。






随着我国按入世承诺向外资银行全面开放,2007 年3月渣打银行(中国)成为第一批本地法人银行,4月拿到人民币业务牌照,正式经营境内居民人民币业务。










渣打银行在中国已推出 “优先理财” 信用卡、智能信用卡、行政人员白金卡、 商务白金卡等数十种信用卡种类,并推出 多种随附优惠服务,如积分、食宿、旅游、 购物、音乐会一体化等,完善的种类,精 巧的外形,多彩的兑换活动,都无疑成为 了吸引顾客的“渣打”特色产品。
渣打集团在70个国家设有1,700多个分支机构,为超过 85,000名员工提供多彩并富有挑战性的全球化事业发展机 会。集团致力于建设具长效的可持续业务,并通过坚持高 水平的公司管治、履行社会责任、实践环境保护及员工多 样化等行动赢得了世界的信任。渣打的文化传承和企业价 值都在其品牌承诺“一心做好,始终如一”中得到充分体 现。
截至2019年底,渣打银行连续九年创下业绩新高。尽管全球经济 仍处于动荡中,渣打银行依然在高度竞争性的环境下权衡多方面利害 轻重,支付职工薪酬之余积极地进行业务投资;渣打银行制定任何策 略时都以股东权益为最大考量,2019年,渣打银行总资产较2009年 增加了16%至6千亿元,经营收入增加了10%至176亿元,除税前溢利 上升了11%至68亿元,核心资本充足率达13.7%,足以应对不断演变 的监管要求;资产负债表变动强劲,客户存款增长11%至3520亿元, 客户垫款增长9%至2690亿元,每股股息增长10%,每股盈利增长 0.5%。渣打银行的良好业绩再一次证明,正确的目标策略、正确的策 略加上正确的领导,渣打银行将持续为股东创造剩余价值。
一、渣打银行概况 二、5年财务报表 三、财务报表项目分析 四、财务指标分析及各银行比较 五、风险经营与管理 六、市场展望
渣打银行,又称标准渣打银行、标准银行;总部在英 国伦敦。它的业务遍及许多国家,尤其是在亚洲和非洲, 在英国的客户却非常少,2019年其利润的30%来自于香港 地区。渣打银行的母公司渣打集团有限公司则于伦敦证券 交易所及香港交易所上市,亦是伦敦金融时报100指数成 份股之一。



商业银行经营管理学实验作业——渣打银行经营状况分析商业银行经营管理学实验作业——渣打银行经营状况分析金融xxxxx班第x组小组成员:xxXxXxXxxx目录一、渣打银行概况 (5)(一)渣打银行简介 (5)(二)渣打银行部分产品展示 (6)(三)渣打银行最新市场业绩简述 (7)二、渣打银行五年财务报表 (7)(一)综合损益表 (8)(二)综合资产负债表 (9)(三)综合现金流量表 (10)(四)补充资料 (11)三、财务报表项目分析 (12)(一)资产负债表项目分析 (12)(二)损益表项目分析 (14)四、财务指标分析及各银行比较 (15)(一)安全性指标分析及比较 (15)(二)流动性指标分析及比较 (19)(三)盈利性指标分析及比较 (22)五、渣打银行风险管理 (25)(一)信贷风险管理 (26)(二)流动性风险管理 (28)(三)市场风险管理 (30)(四)其他风险管理 (32)六、渣打银行前景展望 (33)(一)最新市场战略及表现 (33)(二)渣打银行前景展望 (35)参考文献 (37)摘要渣打银行是一家业务遍及全球许多国家的商业银行,总部设在英国。








渣打银行的风险管理Newly compiled on November 23, 2020渣打银行的风险管理渣打无抵押贷款风控之道风险控制分“三道”渣打风险控制分“三道”:前道由客户经理完成;中道是指风险分析;后道则是总行的审批。

















试论渣打银行的风险管理渣打银行(Standard Chartered Bank)是一家跨国银行,总部位于英国伦敦。


























09MBA脱产班第 小组 脱产班第5小组 脱产班第
2、环境分析——宏观环境分析(PEST模型) 、环境分析 宏观环境分析( 模型) 宏观环境分析 模型
P(政治) (政治)
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 金融市场逐步对外开放 对金融业监管加强, 对金融业监管加强,逐步与国际接轨 国内金融干预逐步放开 对外资法人银行实现基本国民待遇 人民币业务牌照对更多外资银行发放 1. 2. 3. 4.
贷款业务:贷款额度 贷款业务: 下降 中间业务收人可能 出现较大的下滑
中资银行在技术上与外 资银行差距减少, 资银行差距减少,而外 资银行可以开展更多的 人民币业务, 人民币业务,竞争激烈
供应方 货币政策放松, 货币政策放松, 货币供应量增加 利率下降,存款 利率下降, 者议价能力增强
09MBA脱产班第 小组 脱产班第5小组 脱产班第
1、渣打中国背景——渣打中国主营业务理财、存款业务、 个人理财、存款业务、 现代派无担保个人贷款、 现代派无担保个人贷款、 投资服务、电子银行、 投资服务、电子银行、 房产抵押贷款、 房产抵押贷款、智通卡
战略目标 企业做何 打算? 打算? 渣打中国战略分析 战略规划 战略实施
09MBA脱产班第 小组 脱产班第5小组 脱产班第
1、渣打中国背景——渣打中国发展历程 、渣打中国背景 渣打中国发展历程
1853年在伦敦建立,伦敦及香港交易所上市 1853年在伦敦建立 渣打中国 年在伦敦建立, 分布在70多个国家(主要在亚非、拉美)超过90%的营运收入 分布在70多个国家(主要在亚非、拉美)超过90%的营运收入 70多个国家 90% 1858年 2004年 2006年 2008年11月 2009年 2009年 1858年 2004年 2006年5月 2007年 2008年11月 2009年4月 2009年4月 和利润来自亚洲, 2007年6月 和利润来自亚洲,非洲市场 拥有1700多个分支机构,超过73000名雇员渣打银行在中国 拥有1700多个分支机构,超过73000 1700多个分支机构 73000名雇员 作为首批本地法人化的外资银行, 作为首批本地法人化的外资银行, 主要业务是企业银行业务和个人银行业务 已经植根152年,现在它是在华最大的外资银行网络 已经植根 年 2007年9月收购美国运通银行、2008年1月收购南韩互惠储蓄银 2007年 月收购美国运通银行、2008年 之一,是香港三家发钞行之一, 之一,是香港三家发钞行之一,是台湾最大的外资银 月增持亚洲商业银行、09年2月收购摩根大通旗下嘉诚亚 行、5月增持亚洲商业银行、09在华首家村 年 新疆小额 镇银行在内蒙 行。 新推“ 上海成立 洲公司新推“中小企业 农贷试点项目 古营业 无抵押贷款” 无抵押贷款”



IntroductionWelcome to standard charted Bank. This risk handbook will give you an introduction to the various risk related activities within the bank. This handbook is not meant to be a “Bible” on Risk Management but instead will provide you with the background to several key areas within the leading function and will serve as your “first point of reference”. Elaboration and detail of any policy or process will be found in the respective databases and you will be provide a reference to the same in the handbook. Further, if you are in a sales related role, you must also refer to the Relationship Manager Guide, which will equip you on, “How to be a better Relationship manager and become a partner to your clients” .Risk Culture- What does it mean at Standard CharteredWhat is Culture? Webster defines it as:“The set of shared attitudes, values, goals, and practices that characterize a organization”- the key word is …shared‟. We all have different roles to play within the organization but one thing is clear, Standard Chartered can and will only be successful if we all take ownership of risk and accept accountability for our actions. Every one of us can lead by example and ensure that the decisions we make, the actions we take, are to the long term benefit of the bank firstly and that any personal benefit is subordinate.The bank benefits from a strong risk culture and we endeavor to reward good risk behavior in the same way that we reward other achievements, Those of us who demonstrate a sound approach to risk can expect to see this further our careers and be appropriately rewarded. Saving losses is as important as growing revenue.(物质奖励)We expect people to behave responsibly and to bring problems to the fore(在前面)at the earliest possible stage. In the same way that we expect openness and full disclosure from our clients, so we expect it of ourselves. Problem are there to be solved, not hidden.In a good, sound institution risk is an integral part of strategic planning from the top down. Good risk culture derives from good risk behavior, a collegiate approach, open and robust debate on issues of concern and most of all a firm and unwavering commitment to a “No Surprises” philosophy. We will also ensure we all have a clear framework within which to operate and that we all understand what we can and can not do.Business and RiskMost dictionaries define risk as …danger‟ or …the possibility of somet hing harmful or undesirable happening‟. Consequently the intuitive understanding of the world is a “negative” one. However, as a Bank, risk is our business and we profit from managing it. Therefore it is imperative that we understand the risks we face and have robust systems that identify, measure and manage these risks and have people who are risk aware so that we can exploit the opportunities that are presented to us. Specifically we need to ensure when we accept risk, we do so because it fits with our strategy, is within underwriting(保险业) standards, is priced and approved appropriately and is monitored constantly.Risk Principles (also refer Database B 101)The Basic Principles of Risk Management within the bank are:A. We recognize that revenue is earned by accepting risk and we will ensure that business activities are controlled on the basis of risk adjusted return.B. We will be explicit in setting our appetite for risk and we will manage risk to stay within agreed parameters. It follows from this that risk must be quantified wherever possible.C.Risk will be assessed before acceptance and for as long thereafter as we remain exposed to it.D. We will comply with all applicable laws and regulations in every country where we do business, and with the governance standards prescribed for listed companies.E.We will apply high and consistent ethical standards to our relationships with all customers, employees, and other stakeholders.F. Group activities will be undertaken in accordance with fundamental control standards. These Controls will employ the disciplines of planning, monitoring, segregation, authorization and approval, recording, safeguarding, reconciliation, and valuation.Risk TypesOften credit risk is considered as the only risk that lenders need to evaluate when arriving at a lending decision. In an increasingly dynamic and complex marketplace, it is imperative that we consider all the types of risk that could exist and then dimension and evaluate the critical ones so as to focus our limited time and resources on them before arriving at a decision. As a bank we generate most of our revenues by accepting risk of differing types in our lending decisions. For a summary of definitions of the main types of risk, also refer Database B 101. The main types of risk that need to be considered are:Credit RiskIn assessing credit risk we seed to establish the probability that a counterparty will not repay it‟s obligations to the Bank. The better the quality of the customer, the lower is the expected probability of default. The assessment of this risk is carried out by the nature of the counterparty and can be broadly categorized into the following:Corporates –These include Local Franchises and MNC(MultiNational Corporation) segments of the Corporate Bank and are approved by Credit Officers with delegated lending authority within the Country and if beyond their authority then at Regional Credit Officer level or Group level.Non Corporates–These include Governments, Banks, Financial Institutions and Investment Institutions. Given that the nature of these counterparties are very different from that of Corporates, the same are assessed and approved by Markets and Institutions Risk Management (MIRM) which is an independent approving unit within the Risk Manag ement function. MIRM on a centralized basis supports the bank‟s business in setting and approving credit limits on counterparties to support the following activities: 1. Asset Liability Management(资产负债管理)– This is done on a portfolio(投资组合)basis and against pre agreed norms with regard to counterparty rating, nature of instrument and amount of exposure and does not need specific approval on a counterparty basis. These are controlled on an oversight basis with regard to outstanding and credit quality.2. Normal Business–This is done on a product basis (e.g. Trade Finance, FEX,Derivatives, Fixed Income Securities, Syndication‟s, etc) and with reference to a specific counterparty on whom credit limits are established.Sovereign Risk and Country Risk –are they the same?No, Sovereign Risk is the counter-party credit risk of a borrower who is a government or a wholly owned entity of a government. Hence sovereign risk is assessed as part of the risk approval process for Non Corporates and should not be confused with Country Risk.Country Risk (Also refer database B 301 and B 326)Country Risk arises when the bank has a cross border exposure on a counterparty on which we have Credit Risk. Country Risk is the risk that our counterparty is unable to meet its contractual obligations as a result of adverse economic conditions or actions taken by governments in the relevant country. Given that this is independent of the counterparty credit risk, we assess this risk in addition to credit risk. Since the assumption of country risk requires capital allocation, we also price for it in accordance to the risk of the country on which an exposure is being taken, Country risk arises in all cases other than in those that are on-shore transactions in domestic currency. Nominated Country Risk Allocation Holder manage and monitor this risk under the supervision of Group Country Risk in London. (also refer database B327 and B329, for details of allocation holders and country status)A modular e-learning solution is also available on “Peoplewise” for country Risk.Market and Liquidity Risk(Also refer Group Market Risk Policy Database)Unlike Credit and country Risk where the risk needs to be assessed at a counterparty level, Market and Liquidity risk are assessed in the main on a portfolio basis. However, in the case of large or complex exposures this could also be evaluated at a transaction level. Typically these risks are evaluated with the use of sophisticated statistical models which are employed to quantify these risks at transaction or portfolio level. Group Market Risk is responsible for the overall framework and management/ control of market and liquidity risk within the organization. They evaluate and implement the models and validate the assumptions in the models on a continuous basis. At a business and country level, they monitor and control these risks by delegating authority to Local Management who are primarily responsible to comply with the group guidelines. These can be briefly explained as under:1. Market Risk is the risk to the Group‟s earnings and capital due to changes in themarket level of interest rates, securities, foreign exchange and equities, as well as the volatilities of those prices. Group Mark Risk prescribes the unified framework for the assessment and control of market price risk. A risk monitoring limit and reporting structure is set out of portfolios of products, instruments, and income streams, where the economic value is directly or indirectly sensitive to change in variable market price, such as spot foreign exchange or maintain adequate.2. Liquidity risk management involves the ability to manage and maintain adequateliquidity at all times. Good liquidity risk management will result in the bank being in a position(in the normal course of business) to meet al l it‟s obligations, to repay depositors, to fulfil commitments to lend and to meet any other commitments it may have made. OF critical importance is the need to avoid having to liquidate assets or to raise funds at unfavourable terms resulting in financial loss or long term damage to the reputation of the Bank. Prudent liquidity management is of paramount importance as the ultimate cost of a lack of liquidity is being out of business, which we cannot afford.Operational Risk (also refer database B501)In addition to other established risk classes discussed so far, the bank also views Operational risk as a separate risk class. Like Credit, Market and Liquidity risks, Operational Risk too has evolved in the Group and now has it‟s own established policies(also refer database sub chapter B500) and procedures (also refer database sub chapter B525) to facilitate management and measurement.Operational Risk is defined as “The risk that the Group will incur direct or indirect loss due to an event or action causing the failure of technology, processes, infrastructure, personnel and other risks having operational impact. Legal risk is included. This definition excludes strategic/business and reputational risk”.Some of the key developments in this area are enumerated hereunder:1. Operational Risk coverage is now enterprise wide i.e. across front office/middle officeand back office functions in the Group and works on a de-centralised model, with business and countries taking greater responsibility and ownership for day-to-day risk management.2. Group Operational Risk is today an independent risk unit within Group Risk and isresponsible for defining and implementing the Group‟s Operational Risk Policy and framework. In addition to the Operational Risk unit, the Group Operational Risk function also includes Group Insurance and Group Security (including responsibility for the Group‟s Continuity Planning Policy).3. The Operational Risk management framework is also being used to track and managenon-traditional risks like Reputational, Compliance, Social, Ethical and Environmental risk in the Group.4. Risk management at country, business and Group level is an integrated process andis through self-assessment and exception reporting.5. The evolving relationship between a robust control environment and shareholdervalue has resulted in a greater governance focus within organizations. Roles and responsibilities are also being constantly reviewed/enhanced to support the same and Group Audit plays an active role in reviewing the effectiveness of risk management process and framework.6. On the international front Standard Chartered is a member on the Financial ServicesAuthority (FSA) Advisory panel on Operational Risk and the Institute of International Finance(IIF) Working Group on Operational Risk.All employee have a role to play in managing operation risk and compliance with the Group Operational Risk Policy & Procedures is mandatory. You must ensure that your key operational risks are understood, being managed and reported(where significant) to senior management. Within the Wholesale Bank, significant risks should be reported to the Wholesale Bank Risk Committee. Coverage should be across front office, middle office and back office and back office areas and scope should not be restricted to just Service Delivery/Technology issues.Compliance Risk (also refer database B601 and B602)Since Banking and Financial service activities are conducted within a framework of obligations imposed by regulators and national/international law, complying with such requirements is not optional for the bank. The consequences of non-compliance include fines, public reprimands, and enforced supervision of operations or withdrawal of authorization to operate, any of which can lead to reputational loss particularly through adverse publicity in national or international media. Noncompliance with regulatory requirements can also lead to civil or criminal action being taken against the Bank and responsible employees, which is detrimental to our ability to successfully conduct business. Therefore the bank is working towards developing a robust framework of procedures and controls so as to minimize compliance risk and to ensure that everyone understands their roles and responsibilities in this process. All employees are expected to observe the Group Code of Conduct, which must be followed at all times. The increasing importance to the issue of money laundering cannot be overlooked and it is mandatory forall staff to be conversant with the Money Laundering Policy(refer B 507).Reputational Risk (also refer database B701 and J401)Our reputation is one of our most important assets and therefore it is important to understand the implications of putting our “Reputation” at risk. T o protect our (good) reputation we need to ensure that we are seen to conduct business activities in a manner that is in line with the requirements or expectations of all our key stakeholders. Every time we fail to manage one or more of the risks discussed so far in an appropriate manner, the resultant adverse publicity will always impact our reputation as well our revenue generating capability in any given business location. The intuitive way to assess this risk is to ask yourself the question, “If this made it to the Headlines in the newspaper, will it embarrass or harm us in any way?” If the answer is Yes, then escalate to be made and an appropriate decision agreed to. All staff are responsible for the day to day identification and management of reputational risk. It is the duty of every SCB employee to consider the reputational impact of his or her actions. This must be considered at the outset of any course of action. The Wholesale Bank Reputational Risk Committee is responsible to review the reputational risk aspects of proposed transactions (products, lines of business etc) originated within Wholesale Bank and is authorized to approve the reputational risk aspects of the transactions referred to it.Environmental and Social Risk (also refer database B204)With growing awareness about the need to protect the natural environment and concerns with regard to social factors (e.g. employment of child labour), we are exposed to the risks of non-compliance with environmental and social legislation. This risk can emanate either directly from our own actions as a bank or in-directly as a fall out of out counterpartys‟ actions, should they not be in compliance of legislation or take actions that are not acceptable to their regulators. Environmental and Social Risk is part of the total risk associated with lending, it should not be seed as a standalone risk. It needs to be identified, mitigated where possible, and if appropriate priced for, as are all other risks. Risk and Relationship Managers are not expected to be experts in environmental and social issues, however they are expected to be able to use the tools at their disposal to recognize and evaluate the risks associated with lending decisions.Risk Management Framework & Matrix of ResponsibilitiesIn order to ensure that risk is effectively managed when we provide products to our customers, and throughout the period of our relationship with them,, it is necessary to have a robust risk management framework in place and have clarity as to roles and responsibilities.The term risk management framework refers to the structure within which the management of risk is effected within an organization. Building and maintaining this structure requires putting together a mix of the following elements:1. methodology for determining risk appetite2. policies and procedures for managing risk3. models for measuring risk e.g. credit grading4. tools for analyzing risk e.g. spreading balance sheets5. processes for recording and approving credit requests e.g. Business CreditApplication6. the means o delegating and monitoring the use of credit authority7. the management of documentation and limit input8. tools and techniques for monitoring and reporting risk exposures9. the structures for regularly reviewing risk exposures e.g. risk committeesand so on. Just as you can build many different designs of buildings with simple materials such as bricks, steel and cement the above elements can be put together in many combinations depending on the nature of the risks involved. The structure varies therefore according to the type of risk – credit, market and country risks are managed in different ways – and even within credit according to the types of counterparty – multinationals, local corporate, banks and financial institutions, governments all have different credit processes.Overall responsibility for ensuring that there is an appropriate risk management framework in place rests with Group Risk. For Wholesale Bank the responsibility lies with the WB Risk Management team. At country level the SCO will ensure that its requirements are operating effectively.At an officer of the bank, is it your responsibility to ensure that you are aware of the business strategy and underwriting standards in your area. You must also be aware of the policies and procedures that are relevant to the area in which you are working and ensure that you work within their spirit as well as to their letter. Ignorance is no defence so ask if you are unsure how things are supposed to operate in your location and what your authorities are.Risk Management OrganizationAs mentioned earlier, the risk management organization operates at three levels, Group, Functional and Country.Group LevelGroup Risk(GRM) largely based in London has responsibility for ensuring that risk across SCB is recognized and managed effectively. It is support function reporting to an independent Group Executive Director.It ensures that the overall risk management framework is operating effectively. This is done, for example, by putting in place high level Group policies(see section B of the Notes database ot the Group Risk pages of SCyBernet), involvement in significant risk decisions including business strategy and budgets, over-viewing actual exposures and involvement in the various risk committees.Functional LevelThe members of the Function (either WB or CB) risk team based in Singapore have similar responsibilities as GRM but their focus is solely on the function or business they manage. The main differences are the scope of this responsibility is narrower and they must operate within the confines of the authorities given to them and within Group policyboundaries. The risk team will therefore define policies and procedures appropriate to the function and monitor the performance of the business within their area id responsibility. The risk team is independent of the business but work very closely with them. Their remit is global applying equally to countries managed on a segmented and non-segmented basis.Country LevelAt the country level the SCO for a business is responsible for ensuring that risk is managed effectively by setting local risk boundaries, underwriting standards, and ensuring that risk is taken on within those boundaries and that Group and WB policy and procedural requirements are complied with.Other support functions, which impact on WB risk, are:Group Special Assets Management–this unit is responsible for management of delinquent or potentially delinquent accounts to maximize recoveries and minimize losses. It is an independent function, which works very closely with WB and GRM.Audit– the Group Audit function check that policies and procedures are being complied with by operating units and is an independent function so as to ensure no conflict of interest.Risk Policies and ProceduresTo define, regulate and monitor the activities of the bank, various policies and procedures have been put in place. These are available in the Notes database under “Risk Policies and Procedures Database” and in SCyBernet on the Group Risk web page under “Policies and Procedures”. These are the set of ru les and guiding principles covering the provision of credit and related activities and also describe the processes and procedures within the bank. These policies and procedures encompass a wide range of risks (Credit, Country, Reputational, Operational etc.) as discussed earlier in the handbook. It is useful to be familiar with the structure and overall content of this database.The policies in the Bank could be broadly categorized into three –1. Group PoliciesThese set out the broad overall credit policies of Standard Chartered Group for the Conduct of credit business and apply to all counter-parties and to all business functions within the Group. The definitive document in this area is the Group Credit Policy(B 201). The ownership of these policies rest with Group Risk. These are located under Chapter B of the Risk Policies and Procedures Database.2. Functional PoliciesThese are Individual business specific credit policies and procedures, which are developed within the overall guidelines of the group credit policies. The most definitive documents in this area are the C&I Functional Credit Policy (J101) and the Global Markets Credit Policy (J103). These set out the basis credit philosophy and standards by whichbusiness is to be undertaken and credit risk managed within the Wholesale Bank in all territories and business units. Where necessary these are supported by more detailed Polices and Product Programs as appropriate for each business unit. The ownership of these policies rest with the respective businesses that formulate these policies. These are located under Chapter J of the Risk Policies and Procedures Database.3. Country Underwriting StandardsThese are country specific standards that lay down norms for writing business in a specific country and outline variations to either the Group or Functional Level policies. This document essentially outlines the parameters within which business will be conducted within a country that may not necessary have been captured by the higher level policies. The ownership of these standards rest with the Country Head of Business and the Local Senior Credit Officer. These are located in the Country Underwriting Standards DatabaseWhile it is possible to do business with customer on terms differing from those laid down under the above policy framework, this will require a higher level of scrutiny and a clear justification for the deviation.(also refer appendix 1 of Database J101).Having got an appreciation of the structure of the Bank‟s Risk Management organization, and Policies Framework let us now look at how these impact the conduct of our business on a day to day basis. Most issues that you will be faced with at work can be linked back to a credit policy or procedure and in the unlikely event that it does not or you require any clarification, the Senior Credit Officer of your country should be your first port of call!!!Risk PricingAs business models have evolved so have the measurement models. The bank is now focusing on ensuring that we earn an adequate risk adjusted return on our business relationships. The term we use is Economic Profit.Economic ProfitThis is a risk-adjusted performance measure, which measures profitability after subtracting the expected minimum return to shareholders(i.e. capital charge). By risk adjusted we mean including in the costs of doing business, a risk cost (Expected Loss) and a charge for the capital needed to support the facilities provided to a customer. Using Economic Profit as a performance measure allows the business to understand whether shareholder wealth is being created or destroyed and aligns the goals of the business with that of maximizing shareholder value. Creating sustainable improvement in Economic Profit is synonymous with increasing shareholder value.The consequences of looking at things from an EP point of view are that more emphasis is placed on ensuring adequate returns are earned as negative EP deals mean we are underpriced, under secured or providing too large facilities.Measurement ToolsIn the bank, …Odyssey‟ is the business tool that allows Relationship Managers and Credit Analysts to model Risk Adjusted Return, Economic Profit and Expected Loss for proposed deals and entire customer relationships. The tool is intended to provide directional guidance, and not a prescriptive answer. It is very important that the tool be used with a clear understanding of the methodology, how to interpret the results, and how a single deal fits into the overall customer relationship and Account Plan.Care is needed however as EL and EP are only calculated using a model which is vulnerable to the quality of data inputs and the soundness of the model itself (model risk).Pricing GuidelinesIn order to ensure that a minimum return is obtained on our customer relationships, the bank is progressively introducing Pricing Guidelines at the country level to provide strategic direction to Relationship Managers. Make sure you have a copy of the same. For further details please refer to the Customer Management Process database in Lotus Notes and the Customer Profitability Guide therein which contains a very good and detailed explanation of all the measures, etc.Also, look out for a modular e-learning solution is …Peoplewise‟on Pricing for Risk (available by 06/2003).Management of Customers/CounterpartiesNot having the right type of customer can often be the root of all problems and hence a good place to start would be to know the type of customers that the bank would normally do business with. This is driven by the country specific business strategy of the bank and could vary from one country to another e.g. whilst we may be willing to do business with middle market customers in one or more countries the same may not be the case for all countries.Knowing our customers well is a fundamental credit principle. Failure to do so will mean that we will not understand the risks associated with doing business with the customer resulting in inaccurate credit ratings and inappropriate credit facilities being provided. The following section highlights the overall mix of bank customers and the manner in which they are categorized within the bank. This is categorization is necessitated due to。



商业银行经营管理学实验作业——渣打银行经营状况分析商业银行经营管理学实验作业——渣打银行经营状况分析金融xxxxx班第x组小组成员:xxXxXxXxxx目录一、渣打银行概况 (5)(一)渣打银行简介 (5)(二)渣打银行部分产品展示 (6)(三)渣打银行最新市场业绩简述 (7)二、渣打银行五年财务报表 (7)(一)综合损益表 (8)(二)综合资产负债表 (9)(三)综合现金流量表 (10)(四)补充资料 (11)三、财务报表项目分析 (12)(一)资产负债表项目分析 (12)(二)损益表项目分析 (14)四、财务指标分析及各银行比较 (15)(一)安全性指标分析及比较 (15)(二)流动性指标分析及比较 (19)(三)盈利性指标分析及比较 (22)五、渣打银行风险管理 (25)(一)信贷风险管理 (26)(二)流动性风险管理 (28)(三)市场风险管理 (30)(四)其他风险管理 (32)六、渣打银行前景展望 (33)(一)最新市场战略及表现 (33)(二)渣打银行前景展望 (35)参考文献 (37)摘要渣打银行是一家业务遍及全球许多国家的商业银行,总部设在英国。







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