人教版初二英语Holiday Plan课件
《Summer holiday plans》PPT(第二课时)
holiday [ˈhɒlədeɪ]
名词,意为“假期,假日”。 eg:We will go to Italy for our summer holiday this year.
今年我们将去意大利度过暑假。 小练习:汉译英:寒假_w_i_n_te_r _ho_l_id_ay___
拓展:on holiday为固定词组,意为“度假”。 eg:He is on his holiday in Beijing. 他正在北京度假。
(2)在英语中,有些词既可以作形容词,又可以作副词,如early, much, fast, little,
wide, loud等。由于这类词词性虽不同,但词形却一样,这就需要大家学 会在特定
语境中判断它们各自的词性。 例如:①Thank you very much. (adv.) 多谢。
Liu Tao : I’ll go to Taipei with my parents. 刘涛:我将和我的父母去台北。 Su Hai : That’s wonderful. I want to see the city too. 苏海:太好了,我也想去看看这座城市。 Liu Tao : OK. I’ll show you some photos after the holiday. 刘涛: 好的,假期之后我将向你展示一些照片。 Su Hai : Thanks. 苏海:谢谢。
1. 暑假__s_u_m__m__e__r holiday _____
2. 寒假__w__i_nter holida_y_____g__o_to Disneylan_d______ _
英语人教版八年级下册A Meaningful Holiday
Teaching Plan珠海市斗门区实验中学林佩芳我设计的这节课是英语说写课。
八年级下(人教版Go for it!)Units1-6六个单元中有4个单元都是围绕一个话题“如何给建议”,我因此把四个单元的相关内容结合起来,设计了一节运用PowerPoint的说写课。
I. Teaching aims: (教学目标)(1) Target languages:Key sentences:①You should/could…②Could you please do …?③You’d better do …?④Why don’t you do …? /Why not do …?⑤It’s a good idea to do …⑥It’s important/necessary for sb to do…(2) Ability goals:A. Enable students to express their opinions with target languagesB. Enable students to give others advice with target languages(3)Emotional attitudes targets:A. Enable students to train the team work.B. Enable students to learn to cherish and arrange the time and do something meaningful during holidays or weekends(4) Learning strategy targets:Help students how to write a good writing with the assessmentII. Teaching important points (教学重点)A. Practice the key sentences (Target languages)B. Enable students to express their opinion(How to give advice)C. Enable students to write their opinion(How to write advice)III. Teaching difficulties(教学难点)Make the students of the lower English lever not be afraid of writing and make them become interested in writing.IV. Teaching strategy (教学策略)Make the students practice freely in giving others advice ,in order to help them have confidence in writing. Through designing interesting activities , they can cut the difficulties of writing.V. Teaching Procedures(教学过程)(整一节课主要以PowerPoint形式展示)Step 1: Lead inAnswer the questions.①What day is it today? (Friday)②Weekend is coming. What do you usually do on weekend?T: Is playing computer games meaningful?Is helping mom do chores meaningful?Step 2: Revision review the phrasesT: What kinds of chores do you usually do on weekends? (chores)Eg:Make the bed, clean the living room, cook the meals, fold the clothes, take out the trash, water the flower, help clean the car, sweep the floorT: What other meaningful things could we do?(out-door activities)Eg: Help clean the city parks, help the old people, help the sick kids, help the disabled people, volunteer to help others, clean the street, do sportsStep 3: Task 1: Watch photos about Ben’s weekend①T: What does Ben usually do on weekend? Do you think his weekend is meaningful?②Can you give him some advice? Let’s discuss.③Check. Write down the drills on blackboard.(blackboard design)Eg: Could you please….?Why don’t you …?Step 4: Flying game (Practice)Work in small groupWhile you are playing a game, you should give Ben some advice.(PowerPoint在这部分充分发挥作用,展示出来,教师可以更清楚地给学生介绍棋盘的游戏规则,以便学生再四人小组再玩)(每组分发游戏纸、四个棋子和一个率子)。
《Summer holiday plans》基础知识PPT【实用课件】
10.sound great
11.travel around the world 环游世界
12.go with me
13.be excited about the plan 对这个计划感到兴奋
14.get to the UK
15.take a taxi
1.—Where will you go for the summer holiday? 你暑期要去哪儿?
—I will go to Hong Kong with my family. 我要和家人一起去香港。
2.—When will you go? 你将何时去?
—I will go in June/July/August. 我将在六月/七月/八月去。
2.talk about
3.go back to London 回到伦敦
4.how long
5.stay there
6.go to Beijing by plane 乘飞机去北京
7.Ocean Park
8.go to Disneyland
9.after the holiday
3.—How long will you stay there? 你将在那儿待多久?
—I will stay there for a month. 我将在那儿待一个月。
4.—What will you do? 你将做什么?
—I will visit Disneyland and Ocean Park. 我将参观迪士尼乐园和海洋公园。
[单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]在下列类型的反应中,加入磁性微粒为同相载体包被抗原(抗体)的是()A.直接化学发光免疫B.间接化学发光免疫C.化学发光酶免疫D.电化学发光免疫E.A+C [填空题]加压后的液氨气化时体积会膨胀(),并大量(),使周围物质的温度()。 [单选,A1型题]患者男,35岁。运动后突发右下腹阵发性剧痛伴恶心、呕吐及镜下血尿,应考虑是()A.急性阑尾炎B.膀胱结石C.右输尿管结石D.急性胆囊炎E.肠套叠 [问答题]预算单位使用涉密资金的人员需要办理公务卡吗? [单选]先天性胆管扩张称为A.硬化性胆管炎B.瓷状胆囊Caroli病D.先天性胆总管囊肿 [单选]堤岸基础及护脚工程的破损主要表现为淘刷坍塌、坡面沉陷、()等。A.流速大B.石块小C.被水流挟带走失D.水大 [单选]债权相对性理论的内涵不包括()。A.债权主体的相对性B.债权内容的相对性C.债权责任的相对性D.债权客体的相对性 [判断题]采用顺序分配法分配辅助生产费用,其特点是受益少的先分配,受益多的后分配。先分配的辅助生产车间不负担后分配的辅助生产车间的费用。()A.正确B.错误 [多选]下列各项中,影响当期营业利润的有()。A.所得税费用B.固定资产减值损失C.销售商品收入D.投资性房地产公允价值变动收益 [单选]总体合同结构分解的目标是()。A.明确项目相关的所有合同的设备款项B.明确项目相关的所有合同的资金预算C.明确项目相关的所有合同的种类及数量D.明确项目相关的所有合同的结算方式 [单选]车辆辅修时,新装磨耗板与侧架立柱的间隙,用厚度()的塞尺检查,不得触及铆钉杆或螺杆。A.1mmB.2mmC.3mmD.4mm [单选]孔子在《论语》中说:为人师者就当“诲人不倦”。这名话名言至今仍在中国流传说明了()A.职业道德的广泛性B.职业道德的连续性和稳定性C.职业道德的有限性D
holiday Plan 课件
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Tip 1
set up the time 设定时间
make a holiday plan 制定假期计划
Tip 1: Set up the time
How many days are there in a week? 一周有几天?
SundSay MoMnday TueTsday WeWdnesday sun Sundmaoynkey Monday
Natiosnwuaimnl tmDeearryhhoholoildliidadayayy寒暑国假假庆假期
Let’s learn!
holiday 假期、节日 What are the photos about?
Do you like holidays?
watch TV watch TV
challenge your memory
What will you do, Shanshan? I’ll go swimming. I’ll play =wIithwimll y friends.
What will you do, Shanshan? I’ll go swimming.
I’ll play with my friends.
Ask Sunny for help. 有问题问老师。
Let’s diy!
Let’s make a holiday plan!
You can draw some pictures and write some words. 可图文结合。
outdoor activitieinsdoor activities
《Holidays》PPT 图文
UNIT 6 Listen and say
UNIT 6 Look and learn
UNIT 6 Look and read
UNIT 6 Think and write
UNIT 6 Ask and answer
UNIT 6 Ask and answer
UNIT 6 Listen and enjoy
作者简介:谈笑在指尖 文章,诗歌多见于省内外报刊和网络 平台。 喜欢把 日子中 的点点 滴如同 一次旅 行,一 次不清 楚哪里 是终点 的旅行 。在人 生的旅 程中, 有些人 走的很 从容, 一边走 一边欣 赏着沿 途的风 景,春 天踏青 ,感受 万物复 苏时生 命的萌 动;夏 日赏荷 ,嗅闻 花儿的 芳香, 聆听悠 扬的蝉 鸣;秋 时听风 ,欣赏 落叶在 秋风中 忘情的 舞动; 冬日品 雪,品 味银装 素裹的 晶莹, 让自己 的人生 如四季 绚烂, 多姿多 彩。有 些人却 是步履 匆匆, 他们只 顾埋头 盯着脚 下的道 路,拼 命的赶 完余下 的旅程 ,一路 上,只 顾疲于 奔跑, 疲于生 存,疲 于生, 看不见 路边花 儿的美 丽,也 注意不 到蔚蓝 天空中 白云的 漂浮, 一心只 忙于到 达目的 地,一 程又一 程的奔 跑,将 自己置 于永不 停歇的 劳碌之 中,错 过了欣 赏身边 许多美 丽的风 景。
《Summer holiday plans》ppt(第二课时)【完美版课件】
with [wɪð]
介词,意为“和”。 eg:Please come with me. 请和我一起来。 小练习:选择合适的介词填空: He is playing computer games __w_i_th_(with / and)Liu Tao.
拓展:作介词,意为“具有,携带”。 eg:The girl with long hair is my sister. 长着长头发的女孩是我的妹妹。 作介词,意为“使用”。 eg:Please cut this cake with the knife. 请用刀把这块蛋糕切开。
春节,是中国最盛大、最热闹、最重要的一个古老传统节 日,也是中国人所独有的节日。是中华文明最集中的表现。春 节一般指除夕和正月初一。但在民间,传统意义上的春节是指 从腊月初八的腊祭或腊月二十三或二十四的祭灶,一直到正月 十五,其中以除夕和正月初一为高潮。在春节这一传统节日期 间,我国的汉族和大多数少数民族都有要举行各种庆祝活动, 这些活动大多以祭祀神佛、祭奠祖先、除旧布新、迎禧接福、 祈求丰年为主要内容。活动形式丰富多彩,带有浓郁的民族特 色。2006年5月20日,“春节”民俗经国务院批准列入第一批 国家级非物质文化遗产名录。
holiday [ˈhɒlədeɪ]
名词,意为“假期,假日”。 eg:We will go to Italy for our summer holiday this year.
今年我们将去意大利度过暑假。 小练习:汉译英:寒假_w_i_n_te_r _ho_l_id_ay___
拓展:on holiday为固定词组,意为“度假”。 eg:He is on his holiday in Beijing. 他正在北京度假。 NhomakorabeaUnit 1
holidayplan英语作文英文回答:Greetings!Day 1。
Morning: Upon arrival at the bustling metropolis of London, immerse yourself in the grandeur of Buckingham Palace. Capture the iconic Changing of the Guard ceremony, a remarkable spectacle not to be missed.Afternoon: Embark on a captivating exploration of the Tower of London, a historical fortress shrouded in captivating tales of imprisonment, execution, and the enigmatic Crown Jewels.Evening: Indulge in a quintessential British culinary experience at a traditional pub. Enjoy a delectable fish and chips dinner, accompanied by a pint of the finest localale.Day 2。
Morning: Cross the majestic River Thames to reach the vibrant South Bank. Visit the world-renowned Tate Modern, an art gallery housing a collection of masterpieces from modern and contemporary masters.Afternoon: Stroll along the picturesque Embankment, admiring the panoramic cityscape. Gaze upon the London Eye, an awe-inspiring Ferris wheel offering breathtaking views of the city skyline.Evening: Book a performance at the enchanting West End theatre district. Witness the brilliance of live theatre and immerse yourself in the captivating world of the performing arts.Day 3。
关于my holiday plan的英语手抄报
关于my holiday plan的英语手抄报My Holiday Plan。
For this upcoming holiday, I have meticulously planned a delightful escape that promises to be both refreshing and enriching. The destination of choice is a quaint coastal town nestled between rugged cliffs and serene beaches. This setting not only offers a peaceful retreat but also opportunities for exploration and relaxation.The journey begins with a scenic drive along winding coastal roads, where the azure sea stretches endlessly to the horizon. The town, known for its charming local culture and welcoming atmosphere, immediately captivates visitors with its picturesque streets and cozy cafes. The accommodations are carefully selected to blend comfort with local charm, providing a perfect base for my holiday adventures.Mornings will typically start with leisurely walks along the shoreline, where the gentle waves lap against the sandy beaches. The crisp sea breeze invigorates the senses, setting the tone for a day of exploration. The town's historical landmarks and cultural sites are a treasure trove of stories waiting to be discovered. From ancient ruins to quaint museums, each site offers a glimpse into the rich tapestry of local history and traditions.One of the highlights of my itinerary is indulging in the local cuisine. Seafood, freshly caught and expertly prepared, takes center stage in the town's eateries. Whether savoring grilled fish at a seaside restaurant or sampling traditional dishes at a bustling market, each meal promises to be a culinary delight. The flavors are as vibrant as the surroundings, creating a perfect harmony of taste and experience.Afternoons are reserved for more relaxed activities, such as browsing local artisan shops or simply lounging on the beach with a good book. The town's artisanal crafts and unique souvenirs offer glimpses into the creativity and craftsmanship of the region. Engaging with local artisans provides insights into their techniques and inspirations, adding depth to my holiday experience.Evenings in this coastal town are magical, with breathtaking sunsets painting the sky in hues of orange and pink. These moments are best enjoyed with a leisurely stroll along the promenade or a quiet spot on a cliff overlooking the sea. As day transitions to night, the town comes alive with music and laughter. From live performances to lively gatherings in charming pubs, there is always something to enjoy after sunset.Throughout my holiday, I aim to immerse myself fully in the rhythm of the town, embracing its tranquility and vibrancy in equal measure. Each day brings new discoveries and experiences, enriching my understanding of the local culture and leaving lasting memories. From tranquil mornings by the sea to lively evenings in the town square, every moment is a testament to the beauty and allure of this coastal gem.In conclusion, my holiday plan revolves around embracing the essence of this coastal town – its natural beauty, cultural richness, and warm hospitality. It is a journey of exploration and relaxation, where every experience is a step deeper into the heart of this captivating destination. As I prepare for this adventure, I eagerly anticipate the discoveries that await and the memories that will be cherished long after the holiday ends.。
下列哪个不是患侧肾动脉狭窄在肾动态显像的表现()A.肾影缩小B.肾影增大C.显影延迟D.消退延迟E.肾显影差 以下各项,属于护士行为规范的是。A.严格执行医嘱B.使用适宜诊疗技术和药物C.不过度医疗D.严格遵循临床诊疗规范和技术操作规范E.不违规签署医学证明文件 石油产品是易、易、易产生静电和对人体有害的物品。 急性下壁心肌梗死的心电图诊断包括。A.V1、V2出现异常Q波,时限>0.04sB.Ⅱ、Ⅲ、aVF、ST段弓背上抬,与T波形成单向曲线C.Ⅱ、Ⅲ、aVF出现异常Q波,时限>0.04sD.Ⅰ、aVL出现ST段弓背型上抬,T波直立E.Ⅰ、aVL出现异常Q波,时限>0.04s 腘窝软组织严重损伤伴有腘动脉断裂时,最简单直接的检测手段是。A.触诊足背动脉B超检查C.观察小腿和足的肿胀情况D.检查小腿和足的感觉及运动E.X线检查 国有资产管理经营的总体目标可以归纳为A.政治目标B.社会目标C.经济建设目标D.宏观经济调控目标 电信企业的品牌分为、技术品牌、业务品牌、服务品牌和五种类型。 某试液用1cm比色皿测得透光率为T,若用2cm比色皿测量时,透光率会发生什么变化。A.增加B.减少C.不变D.提高一倍E.降低一半 行政管理方法的优点是A.有利于提高经济效益B.减少主管人员的主观主义C.信息传递快D.有利于常规问题的处理E.有利于发挥基层单位能动性 在机器运转部位加润滑油,并是否有影响机器转动的障碍物。A.观察B.检查C.清查D.注意 [问答题,论述题]简要论述《诗经》的艺术成就。 沟通接收者的障碍不包括A.目的不明B.心理障碍C.知觉偏差D.过度加工E.思想观念上的差异 EAD的含义是A、债项预期损失率,根据债项等级与违约损失率的映射关系取得B、违约风险暴露,即贷款风险敞口,就是贷款违约时的余额C、客户违约概率,通过历史数据统计的客户信用等级对应的平均违约概率D、客户贡献率,根据客户的存款、贷款(含票据贴现)和中间业务收入计算 人文地理学 提出“法律乃是人类理性的法则或内在的公正(即正义)”的思想家是A.马基雅弗利B.马西利C.阿奎那D.布丹 下列关于肥胖症的说法不正确的是A.肥胖症可作为某些疾病的临床表现之一B.肥胖症患者的预期寿命缩短C.梨形肥胖症患者发生代谢综合征的危险性大于苹果形肥胖症患者D.肥胖症患者恶性肿瘤的发生率升高E.遗传因素是肥胖症发生的主要原因之一 建设中国特色社会主义,总布局是。A.一面旗帜、一条道路、一个理论体系和一套制度B.一个中心、两个基本点C.经济、政治、文化、社会和生态建设五位一体D.对内构建和谐社会,对外构建和谐世界 癫痫诊断的有效检查项目是A.腰穿B.头部CTC.颅脑MRID.脑血管造影E.脑电图 在民族六要素中,具有相当稳定性、历史连续性和持久性的要素是。A、共同心理认同B、共同文化C、共同生产方式D、共同风俗习惯 胸痛日久,痛如针刺有定处,舌有瘀斑,脉涩者宜选用A.血府逐瘀汤B.补阳还五汤C.生化汤D.失笑散E.鳖甲煎丸 浅昏迷与深昏迷的区别主要在于A.对光、声刺激有无反应B.咳嗽、吞咽、瞳孔、角膜反射是否存在C.呼吸、脉搏是否正常D.血压是否正常E.大小便是否失禁 某溃疡病并发幽门梗阻病人.因反复呕吐入院.血气分析结果为:pH7.49,PaCO248mmHg,HCO3-36mmol/L.该病人应诊断为()A.呼吸性碱中毒B.呼吸性酸中毒C.代谢性酸中毒D.代谢性碱中毒E.混合性酸碱中毒 尿道恶性肿瘤A.男性较多见B.主要经淋巴转移C.常为移行细胞型D.上述都是E.上述都不是 社区建设的基本原则是什么? 关于功能独立性评定(FIM)的作用不正确的描述是()A.用于确定患者功能丧失的严重程度、康复医学的成果B.评定康复部门或机构的效率与成果C.可以作为多学科、多机构之间研讨残疾问题的共同语言,促进小组成员间的交流D.用于残疾预后的估计E.医疗保险机构可依此确定支付或拒付 洗胃术的禁忌证有A.服用强酸或强碱等腐蚀性物质B.胃底食管静脉曲张C.食管或贲门梗阻、狭窄D.严重心肺疾病E.胃穿孔患者 生命伦理学研究的主要内容是A.义务论B.公益论C.公平理论D.生命道德理论E.生命科学 依照各国《电信法》的规定,负责电信法的具体实施和规制,并且根据管理实际适时提出修改法律的建议和制定具体规制措施。A.独立的电信规制机构B.独立的电信运营公司C.独立的反垄断机构D.独立的行政管理机构 下列关于型深D的定义,说法错误的是。A.在船长中点处,沿船舷由平板龙骨上缘量至上层连续甲板下缘的垂直距离B.在型长中点处,沿船舷由平板龙骨上缘量至干舷甲板上缘的垂直距离C.在船长中点处,沿船舷由平板龙骨上缘量至甲板线上缘的垂直距离D.在两柱间长中点处,沿船舷由平板 女性,45岁。新诊断糖尿病,用胰岛素治疗后第5天,血糖从原来甚高很快降至接近正常水平,但突然发生视力模糊,应首先考虑可能是由于A.已有白内障B.视网膜微血管病变C.合并青光眼D.晶体渗透压改变E.玻璃体出血 肛门内测体温的正确方法是A.肛表插入肛门内1~2cm,测温1分钟B.肛表插入肛门内1~2cm,测温2分钟C.肛表插入肛门内2~3cm,测温1分钟D.肛表插入肛门内2~3cm,测温2分钟E.肛表插入肛门内3~4cm,测温2分钟 癫痫持续状态临床表现之一是指一次癫痫发作持续超过A.50minB.40minC.30minD.20minE.10min 连舌本、散舌下的是。A.手少阴心经B.手太阴肺经C.足少阴肾经D.足太阴脾经E.足厥阴肝经 一贝尔面瘫患者,少数贝尔面瘫病人有家族史,其发生率是()A.<1%B.2%~3%C.5%D.8%E.20% 客户综合贡献测算可通过系统来实现。A、债项评级系统B、集团客户综合价值评价系统C、债项评级系统和集团客户综合价值评价系统D、客户关系管理系统 患支原体肺炎时,以下哪项检查对诊断特异而灵敏A.血清冷凝集试验B.血清抗体测定C.聚合酶链反应D.C反应蛋白E.血清肥达反应 我国社会主义改造的基本经验有哪些? 青春中期发育特征主要是A.性腺基本发育成熟B.出现月经初潮或首次遗精C.第二性征发育成熟D.骨骼基本愈合E.体格发育基本停止 土壤水平地带性 土壤的适耕期如何确定?
Public holiday
Unit 2 As soon as it’s 12 o’clock …
Public holidays of USA
Public holiday 为“法定假日,公共假日” 的意思,在美国实际上没有国家法定假日, 因为每个州都有权规定它自己的假日。中 央(联邦)政府只能为它自己的雇员规定休息 日。但是,所有的州都把联邦政府规定的 这—天假日定为公共假日。美国的法定假 日一般有九个.
My new year’s resolutions: 1. Although I love sweets, I will try to eat healthy food. 2. Last year I was very lazy with my school work, but this year I will work harder. 3. Last year I didn’t tidy my room very often. However, this year I will tidy it every day.
New Year’s Day 元旦(1月1日)
Washington‘s Birthday President’s Day
Memorial Day
Independence Day
独立纪念日 (7月4日)
Labour Day
Language Points 3.depend on 意为“取决于、依赖于、依靠” eg. 1. Health depends on good food and enough sleep.健康在于合理的 饮食和充足的睡眠。 2. I depend on you to do it.我指望你来做这件事。 3.You can depend on me.你可以信赖我。 4. It depends (on) where you live.这要看你住在哪儿。 注意:在后有时可以省略,特别是在口语中。 4.have fun = enjoy oneself “尽情地玩,玩得开心” 5. count down “倒计时” 6. Out with the old year and in with the new!除旧迎新。 7. relax at home 在家放松 8. get together 相聚 9.make resolutions许下诺言 keep/ follow one’s resolutions遵守诺言
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For example: A: Hello,PSY/sai/. Can I ask you some questions about your holiday plan? B: Sure. A: What are you doing this summer? B: I’m taking a vacation. A: Where are you going? B: Thailand, maybe. …….
How to distinguish
1.Time adverbial I’m babysitting my sister now/this weekend. 2.According to the context Lucy: I’m going fishing, exercising and learning an instrument. Tom: wow, your holiday must be colorful!
Role play. Imagine you are a superstar and you are usually very busy. But you want to relax yourself so you plan to take a long vacation this summer! Your partner can be the reporter. Please make a conversation.
be +present participle(V-ing form)
1. The action is doing now Lucy is having English class now.
2.The future action Lucy is having English class on holiday.
Where are you going? What are you doing there? Where are you leaving from? When are you leaving?
Thank you!
Enjoy a song
I’m babysitting my sister on Thursday
--Would you like to go out on Monday? -- No, sorry, I can’t. -- Why not? -- I’m babysitting on Monday. -- Would you like to go out on Tuesday? -- No, sorry, I can’t. -- Why not? -- I’m doing my laundry on Tuesday. -- Would you like to go out on Wednesday? -- No, sorry, I can’t. -- Why not? -- I’m working overtime on Wednesday. -- Would you like to go out on Thursday? -- No, sorry, I can’t. -- Why not? -- I’m working out on Thursday. -- Would you like to go out on Friday? -- No, sorry, I can’t. --Why not? -- I’m visiting relatives on Friday. --Would you like to go out on the weekend? -- Well… maybe!
Play computer
Have English class
Present progressive as future ---现在进行时表将来
Lucy is having English class now.
Lucy is having English class on holiday.
Lucy is having English class now. Lucy is having English class on holiday. 是“正在上英语课吗”
Lucy is having English class on holiday. future Present continuous tense Present progressive as future
Holiday Plan
What does it remember you of
Holiday plan
Go sightseeing Visit relatives Do physical exercise Go fishing Learn an instrument Learn to draw Babysit a baby Joent progressive as future ---现在进行时表将来
Structure: be + present participle(V-ing form)
eg:I’m going sightseeing this weekend.
Imagine you are a tour guide. Write a schedule for this weekend. Answer the questions below in your schedule.