

全美超模大赛以及Tyra 和Alison的简介

全美超模大赛以及Tyra 和Alison的简介

全美超模大赛(America's Next Top Model ,简称ANTM)是一个给参赛者争夺模特儿及化妆品合约的美国真人秀,由知名模特儿泰雅·宾丝(Tyra Banks)任主持及监制选出新一代超模。

全美超模大赛(America's Next Top Model,简称ANTM)是近来最热的一套以模特选举为题材的真人秀节目。

每周,超模Tyra Banks和其他评委们都会通过残酷的模特挑战和';摄影照片中淘汰其中一位女孩,直到选出最后的美国超级模特儿。


来自美国不同地方和阶层、年龄介于18至25岁的参赛者,经过筛选后,从这些希望有一天登上V ogue和Elle等时尚杂志封面的女孩们中对行时装天桥、密集式体能训练、硬照拍摄和宣传技巧等各方面进行测试,并接受二十四小时的严密监察,每集均有几名固定或客席嘉宾评判参与评审工作;每周淘汰一名参赛者,适者生存,直到顺利进入最后阶段。







美国竞赛介绍作文英文英文:When it comes to competitions in the United States, there are a wide variety of options available. From academic competitions like spelling bees and science fairs to athletic competitions like track and field and basketball, there is something for everyone.One of the most popular academic competitions in the United States is the National Spelling Bee. This competition brings together the top spellers from around the country to compete for the title of National Spelling Bee Champion. The competition is intense, with students having to spell words from a wide range of languages and origins.Another popular academic competition is the Science Olympiad. This competition tests students' knowledge and skills in a wide range of scientific disciplines, includingbiology, chemistry, and physics. Students compete in events like building bridges, designing experiments, and identifying fossils.In terms of athletic competitions, there are many options as well. One of the most popular is basketball. High school and college basketball games draw large crowds and are often televised. Another popular athletic competition is track and field. Students compete in events like the 100-meter dash, high jump, and shot put.Overall, competitions are a great way for students to showcase their skills and talents. They provide a platform for students to challenge themselves and push their limits. Whether it's academic or athletic, there is a competition out there for everyone.中文:在美国,竞赛的种类非常多样化。



在全美超模大赛第二季中, 一个女孩介绍自己说,我的 父亲是一个穆斯林,他从来 没有支持过我,对他来说, 模特和妓女没有什么区别。 这应该是最极端的宗教问题
• 学历问题
来参加比赛的女孩都有不同的背景,有一些是高学历的,而有 一些 却是完全没有受过高等教育的人,很多来自贫民区的女孩希望 通过 这个比赛改变自己的命运,比赛中经常会因为这个问题引发纠 纷
• 与观众பைடு நூலகம்共鸣:美的多样性
ANTM宣传美的多样性,不是瘦就是美的, 也不一定是传统以一定美女,在十七季中
Mckey Sullivan
• 精神宣扬 在兼顾娱乐性的同时,ANTM也传达着女性 自由坚强的一面,有些参赛女孩有着不幸 的遭遇,通过节目自强自立,追求自己的 梦想
※ 现实审美 虽然这个节目 想表达自己接受 胖一点的女性成
• 外形问题
这个问题应该是模特比赛的重中之重了。 《ANTM》在模特的选择方面,有他们的说法。泰 雅说,她要寻找不同女性的美。也就说这个节目 接受各种具有个性美的女孩,起码是她们认为的 个性美。 模特体重问题一直是讨论的重点,因为不仅仅是 模特,女性对于自身体重的认知就是一个很值得
• 全美超模大赛每季大约共有十至十四名的参赛者,一共有九至十三集, 当中有一集是回顾。自第三季开始,第一集为预赛,播放入围者入围过 程。而每集有一人被淘汰。而淘汰何人由评判决定,并不为选手干扰。

每集参赛者都要学习不同的东西,可能是学习摆姿势、拍照、走秀、 化妆、见客、国家文化等等。学习之后女孩们将会进行小比赛,胜出者 能够自己享用奖品或挑选数人一同享受奖品。 • 之后她们会和拍照指导杰· 曼纽尔(Jay Manuel)一同拍照,照片会 用于评判的评审。拍照主题非常的多种类,例如泳装照、裸照、大头照、 与动物拍照、与男模特儿拍照、内衣广告、或各种主题照片(例如第四季 的七宗罪、第七季的负面模特儿)等等。有时会以拍摄广告作评审,如第 一季为隐形眼镜拍摄广告、第三季为罐头汤拍摄广告等,而第一季、第 二季和第九季都有一集并非拍摄广告或拍摄照片,第一季是以往时的照 片和参赛者本人的潜质作评审;第二季跟第九季她们则要拍摄音乐录像 带作评审。 •

america's got talent英文简介

america's got talent英文简介

一、America's Got Talent节目简介America's Got Talent,简称AGT,是一档由NBC制作播出的美国电视选秀节目。



二、参赛规则及选拔过程1. 参赛者可以是个人或团体,芳龄和国籍不限。

2. 参赛者需通过线上或线下报名,经过初步筛选后有机会参加预选赛。

3. 预选赛阶段由专业评委和现场观众进行评分,选拔出进入后续比赛的选手。

4. 节目设有多个轮次的比赛,选手需在每一轮比赛中展示自己的才艺,经过评委和观众的投票决定谁能够晋级下一轮比赛。

5. 最终决赛由获得好评的选手通过多轮角逐产生,评委和观众将共同决定最终的胜出者。

三、评委团队及主持人1. America's Got Talent的评委团队由一组具有丰富经验和权威性的行业专家组成,他们将对参赛选手的表现进行评分和点评。

2. 节目的主持人是一位富有魅力和亲和力的主持人,能够妥善引导现场气氛,为观众带来愉悦的观赏体验。

四、节目特色及影响1. America's Got Talent吸引了众多具有不同才艺和梦想的参赛者,他们通过节目有机会展现自己的才华,获得更多的关注和支持。

2. 节目在全美范围内引发了热烈的讨论和关注,成为夏季档的收视保障,也拓宽了艺人的表演舞台。

3. 节目涵盖了多种艺术形式,为观众呈现了丰富多彩的表演节目,增加了美国以及全球观众的娱乐选择。

五、America's Got Talent对个人的意义1. 对于参赛选手来说,America's Got Talent是一个展示自己才华的宝贵机会,能够在全国范围内赢得认可和支持,为自己的演艺事业打下良好的基础。

2. 对于观众来说,America's Got Talent为大众提供了一个欣赏各种才艺表演的评台,也能够激发观众对艺术的热情和欣赏。


《追梦女孩》(Two Broke Girls)
首播日期: 2011-9-19(美国时间周一)
介绍:由《欲望都市》的总监制Michael Patrick King打造的新剧《都市女孩》(Two Broke Girls)。该剧讲述两个身份背景完全不同的都市女孩的故事。Max(Kat Dennings扮演)生在穷人家庭,而Caroline(Beth Behrs扮演)生在富人家庭。Caroline家道中落,令她不得不去Max工作的饭店打工赚钱。两人商量着筹集25万美元资金来共同开创新事业。
故事的主人公是两个公关经理,他们都有一段伤感的经历。Alex(Hank Azaria扮演)最近刚刚离婚,心碎的感觉让他几乎无法继续面对人生。他的同事Helen(Kathryn Hahn扮演)则刚刚失去未婚夫,尽管表面上装出一副若无其事的样子,但内心几乎快要崩溃。于是乎,在酩酊大醉之后,Alex和Helen两个不幸的人儿稀里糊涂地上床了。Helen认为他们不应该继续发展,而应该保持朋友关系。
《不眠之夜》(Up All Night)
首播日期: 2011-9-14(美国时间周三)
介绍:该剧由Emily Spivey(《Parks and Recreation》)主创,获得艾美奖的制片人Lorne Michaels联合打造。故事主要描述现代人如何在事业、婚姻和孩子之间寻找平衡点。Christina Applegate(《第二人生》)在剧中扮演女主人公Reagan Brinkley,一位事业成功的职业女性、社交女王。Will Arnett(《发展受阻》)在剧中扮演Reagan的丈夫Chris,甘愿当个居家男人,默默在幕后支持妻子的工作。这对夫妻的生活本来一直相安无事,可最近Reagan生了个孩子!无论是Reagan还是Chris,立刻乱成了热锅上的蚂蚁。怎样带孩子?怎样当个合格的家长?怎样处理孩子与工作、生活、爱情之间的关系?

美国真人秀节目成功背后的策略——以《America's Next Top Model 全美超模》为例

美国真人秀节目成功背后的策略——以《America's Next Top Model 全美超模》为例

美国真人秀节目成功背后的策略——以《America's Next Top Model 全美超模》为例第一章真人秀——将“现实”生活搬上“超现实”舞台电视真人秀节目是目前风靡世界的一种全新的节目形态。


《America's Next Top Model 全美超模》作为美国一档真人秀节目,在美国取得了相当的成功,下文笔者就针对紧张刺激,挑战极限的赛程设置;矛盾的高度集中;为“公开”叙事设置“隐私”场景进行分析。





而每集有一人被淘汰(当Tyra Mail未提示留下人数时,有可能是双淘汰)。


《America's Next Top Model》的编排极为紧凑,每集时间都把握在45分钟左右,比赛每集内容都分为挑战项目和拍摄照片两个方面,挑战项目的部分一般是让选手们完成一项训练或任务,胜出者可以得到一份额外的奖励,例如与好莱坞明星共进晚餐或是每次拍摄可以比其他选手多拍一百张照片等等。




马来西亚这里一片欢欣Here in Malaysia, there is an almost overwhelming sense of euphoria, 因为新总理as the newly-elected prime minister给了这穷国一个希望has given this impoverished nation the gift of hope,承诺提高过低的工资promising to raise the substandard minimum wage并禁止使用童工and end child labour once and for all.被誉为活圣人的总理Already considered a living saint,成了这个小国he has become this small country's greatest hope,新纪♥元♥的最大希望for a thriving future in the new millennium.詹科靠近一点Get closer, Jaco.真讨厌你怎能让这件事发生This is disgusting. How could you let this happen?我已经尽力商讨了佐治奥I have negotiated my butt off, Giorgio.我试过行贿送礼甚至送宠物牛给他I've tried bribes, I've tried gifts. I even sent him some pet oxen.他们喜欢的但他不肯让步I mean, they love that crap in Malaysia, but he won't budge.听着有一半存货Listen, 50% of my inventory都是在马来西亚边境做的is manufactured in sweatshops on the Malaysian border.要想想办法Something has got to be done.如果马来西亚失败接着会怎样If Malaysia goes, what is next?我的所有裤子生产线在越南My entire panty line is made in Vietnam.我们会破产We'll all go bankrupt within a year.一定要干掉那个马来西亚人莫加图The Malaysian must be eliminated, Mugatu.什么我没有时间做这件事What? No, I don't have time for this.你宁愿回头Perhaps you'd rather go back去哈肯萨克搞新奇领带吗to turning out novelty neckties in Hackensack.但我的秋季新系列快要面世了But my new fall line is almost due.你还想活着看你的春季系列吧And I trust you would like to live to see your spring line, as well?马国总理14天后来纽约The Malaysian prime minister visits New York in 14 days.得下手Do it then.十四天后那是时装周不可能我有表演Fourteen days? That's Fashion Week. It's impossible! I have a show!好极了邀请他做你的贵宾吧It's perfect. Invite him to be your guest of honour.没有足够时间聘请和训练特工That's not enough time. It takes months to train an operative.费比奥如何What about Fabio?太精明是紧急任务需要蠢人Too smart. This is a rush job. He's got to be extremely dim-witted.-你知道要找哪一类 -一个漂亮自恋-You know the profile, Jacobim. -A beautiful, self-absorbed,能像果冻任意摆布的笨蛋simpleton who can be manipulated and moulded like Jell-O.或者像曲奇饼面团Or cookie dough.-或泥胶 -任何种类的生面团-Or Play-Doh. -Any kind of dough.重点是我们要个笨头笨脑无知的蠢人The point is, we need an empty vessel, a shallow, dumb, vacuous moron. 事成后我们会把他除掉And when he's finished, we'll dispose of him.但找谁But who?我是说去哪里I mean, where in all of God's green goodness,找这样的蠢才am I gonna find someone that beef-headed?戴力多问几题好吗Derek, I just have a few more questions, if that's okay.好的Cool.你几时知道你想当模特儿So when did you know you wanted to be a model?我猜第一次是我在二年级时吧I guess it would have to be the first time I went through the second grade. 吃麦片时在匙里看见自己倒映I caught my reflection in a spoon while I was eating my cereal,心想 "你真英俊and I remember thinking, "Wow, you're ridiculously good-looking.-可以当做职业" -做什么-"Maybe you could do that for a career." -Do what?-专业的英俊 -好吧-Be professionally good-looking. -Right.如果你有个商标那会是什么What would you say your trademark is, if you have one?我最著名的是蓝钢Well, I guess the look I'm best known for is Blue Steel.怎样的What's that look like?很吸引That's impressive.还有法拉利And then there's Ferrari and Le Tigre.老虎就较温柔是卡迪拉形象Le Tigre's a lot softer. It's a bit more of a catalogue look.-有时用它来宣传鞋 -可否看看-I use it for footwear sometimes. -Can I see that?没有戴力·祖兰德Look, without Derek Zoolander,男模界就没有今天male modelling wouldn't be what it is today.他是时装界的翘楚He is a fashion icon.你是否花很多时间设计这些形象So, do you spend a lot of time working on these looks,考虑它们thinking about them?是过去八九年我在钻研炮火Sure. I've been working on Magnum for at least eight or nine years."炮火" 很奇特呢我能看看吗"Magnum"? That's intriguing. Can I see that?你说笑吗我不该说出来Are you kidding? I shouldn't even be talking about it.还没有准备好It's nowhere near ready.他周围像发光似的流露着美态It's almost like there's a light around him. He exudes beauty.我每次设计时装系列都想起戴力I think about Derek every time I design a collection.戴力你或听过Derek, I don't know if you're familiar始部族相信...with the belief that some aboriginal tribes hold.拍照时会把你部分灵魂摄走It's the concept that a photo might steal a part of your soul.你靠被拍摄维生What are your thoughts on that,对此有何想法as someone who gets his picture taken for a living?他做的蓝钢形象天那气派和发型That Blue Steel look he does? Oh, my gosh! The style and the hair.就像白种非洲人一样You know, it's almost like the new afro for the white man,真是漂亮but it's beautiful.我要用另一个问题来回答你Well, I guess I would have to answer your question with another question. 你看过多少个土著做模特儿How many "abo-digitals" do you see modelling?女士们先生们欢迎来到时尚产业最大的盛典Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the fashion industry's biggest night, VH1时装颁奖礼the VH 1 Fashion Awards.他来了三届最佳男模There he is, three-time Male Model of the Year,戴力·祖兰德Derek Zoolander.他像在沉思He's like a muse.一鸣惊人的Proud owner of Blue Steel,蓝钢形象始创者the look that made him the legend he now is.他实在太英俊了He's almost too good-looking.帕科Hey, Paco!那是我考虑发展恋情的主要障碍That would be my main deterrent in considering a relationship.他是今晚戴力·祖兰德能否卫冕的对手And that's who Derek Zoolander is defending his title against tonight.韩塞尔Hansel.-韩塞尔这里 -好了好了-Hansel, right here! -All right, all right.令时装界另眼相看The rookie sensation who has burned his way和热烈爱戴的into the eye sockets of the fashion world,新晋宠儿and left them clawing their faces for more.莫加图很讨厌支持总理Mugatu sucks! Support the prime minister!莫加图利用廉价劳工Mugatu uses slave labour!扳倒莫加图Down with Mugatu !在这种场合不得不见到点这种事You have to see something like that at an event like this.丑陋的示♥威♥者骚扰漂亮的人们Ugly protesters bothering beautiful people.詹科拜·莫加图被告剥削马来西亚工人There's no denying Jacobim Mugatu has used cheap Malaysian workers制♥造♥成衣业大部分的衣服to make his, and most of the garment industry's, clothes.-戴力戴力 -史蒂夫你好吗-Derek! Derek! -Hey, Steve, how are you doing?今晚你要角逐第四次年度最佳男模大奖You're going for your fourth straight Male Model of the Year award tonight. 紧张吗Come on. Are you nervous?我有点紧张Well, there are couple of little butterflies in my basket,但我很好but I think I'm doing okay.听说你有个新形象能跟我们说说吗We also hear you're working on a new look. Can you tell us about it?事实上我不能史蒂夫因为它还没达到完美Actually, I can't, Steve, because it's not yet perfected.不过我可以告诉你它叫做炮火But I can tell you that it's called Magnum and...闭嘴宝贝儿闭嘴Shut, baby, shut!如果我再多说的话他会杀了我If I tell you anything else, this guy's gonna kill me.没错你怎么样史蒂夫Got that right. How are you doing, Steven?莫里·鲍尔斯坦鲍氏模特公♥司♥Maury Ballstein, Balls Models.一个无需介绍的人A man who needs no introduction.莫里你掌管所有著名的男模三十年Maury, you've handled every important male model for the last 30 years. -戴力的机会多大 -我告诉你-Derek's chances tonight? -Let me tell you something.没人能碰他没人我得进去了Nobody can touch Derek. Nobody! I gotta get inside.这些灯光令我冒汗I'm shvitzing like a shmendrick with all these lights.戴力戴力你担心韩塞尔吗Derek! Derek! Are you worried about Hansel?不如担心葛雷特Not as much as I'm worried about Gretel.韩塞尔与葛雷特又名糖果屋出自格林童话把韩塞尔和葛雷特报导出来Hey, put that Hansel and Gretel line in your article.让人知道我有多风趣I want people to know how funny I can be.相信我他们会知道的明天就会刊登Oh, believe me, they'll know. It hits newsstands tomorrow.抱歉莫加图先生玛蒂尔达·杰弗瑞Excuse me, Mr. Mugatu. Mr. Mugatu, Matilda Jeffries.时代杂♥志♥Time magazine.你对马来西亚总理哈桑给制衣工人Any comment on Prime Minister Hassan's wage increases -加薪有何意见 -他没意见-for Malaysian garment workers? -No, he has no comment. 你为什么不让他自己说Why don't you let him speak for himself?你是否真的想总理下台Isn't it true you'd like to see the prime minister out of power 让你可以剥削马来西亚的工人so you can continue exploiting cheap Malaysian workers?莫加图你和你的小狗去死吧Hey, Mugatu ! Screw you and your little dog, too!小心她拿了个鸡蛋Look out! She's got an egg !老天放开我Oh, my God ! Let go of me!是啊Yes!是啊Yes.我无法形容成为第一个获奖人I just can't tell you how much this means to me,对我来说意味着什么to be the first recipient of this beautiful award.我们有大♥麻♥烦了莫里We have a serious problem on our hands, Maury.马来西亚的事正在失控This Malaysian thing is getting out of hand.我听到了詹科I hear you, Jaco.这个斜线意味着What this, the Slashie, mean,我是最佳演员模特is you consider me the best actor slash model,而不是倒过来and not the other way around.这项加薪建议会害死我们His proposed wage increase could ruin all of us.我要办妥它我要向人家交代I need it taken care of soon. I have people to answer to.好了现在颁发大奖All right, now to the important stuff.没有兼♥职♥人士These ain't no slashes, folks.全都是专业人士These are the pure breeds.获得年度最佳男模提名的是Here are the nominees for Male Model of the Year.年轻性感炙手可热Young, hot, brash.比任何新晋模特拍更多封面With more covers in his first year than any rookie model ever有着"谁在乎时装罢了"的态度and an attitude that says, "Who cares? It's only fashion."那个韩塞尔现在很火That Hansel's so hot right now.我听过很多诸如"漂亮"和"帅气"I hear a lot of words like "beauty" and "handsomeness"还有"难以置信的轮廓分明"的形容and "incredibly chiselled features."对我来说那些都是浮夸和自负To me, that's like a vanity, a self-absorption,而我设法摆脱它们that I try to steer clear of.我蹦极那对我来说仅是一种生活方式I dig the bungee. For me, it's just the way I live my life.我追求刺♥激♥的生活I grip it and I rip it. I live it with a lot of flair.我的生活充满才能和刺♥激♥ 那就是我I live it on the edge, where I gotta be.我不像别的孩子般梦想当太空人I wasn't like every other kid, who dreams about being an astronaut. 我对树皮的构造很感兴趣I was always more interested in what bark was made out of on a tree. 理查德·基尔是我的真正英雄Richard Gere's a real hero of mine. Sting.史汀是另一个英雄人物Sting would be another person who's a hero.他这些年创作的音乐The music that he's created over the years,我并没怎么听过I don't really listen to it,但事实是他在做这个我敬重他but the fact that he's making it, I respect that.我很关注自己所做的事情I care desperatety about what I do.我不知自己卖♥♥什么做什么Do I know what product I'm selling? No. Do I know what I'm doing today? No. 但我会全力以赴But I'm here, and I'm gonna give it my best shot.过几十年Over the past decade,男模界被一个人male modelling has had a shadow cast over it by one man和五个字雄霸and five syllables,戴力·祖兰德Derek Zoolander.我认为模特不单要有副好面孔Modelling, to me, isn't just about being good-looking,或经常玩乐和非常非常好看or having a lot of fun and being really, really good-looking.这月历非常棒The calendar was great,因为他给了人♥民♥机会看到我多才多艺的一面because it gave people a chance to see a side of my versatility.希腊语模特是一团泥土的意思The original Greek word for model means "misshapen ball of clay",我每次在摄影机前都那么想and I try to think about that every time I get in front of a camera.三届年度最佳男模Three-time Male Model of the Year.今年获得这项大奖的是And the award goes to韩塞尔Hansel.谢谢你伦尼Thank you, Lenny.你知道很多人说You know, a lot of people said winning this award不可能四度赢得这个奖four years in a row couldn't happen.我猜我证明了...Well, I guess I showed...我想我们找到解决方法了鲍尔斯坦I think we've found our solution, Ballstein.不不要戴力No, not Derek.他很适合你知道的做吧He's perfect, and you know it. Now make it happen.这让我不太舒服不过你是对的It stings me like a fissure in my ass, but you're right.他准备好了He's ready.我是谁Who am I?我不知道I don't know.我有很多事情要思索I guess I have a lot of things to ponder.朋友已成定局Hey, the results are in, amigo!有什么好思索的What's left to ponder?好一个卷土重来Nice comeback!我受不了了韩塞尔了I can't stand Hansel !我知道I know, right?他威风地骑着那辆踏板车Riding in on that scooter like he's so cool.-还有韩萨尔那个发型 -威风个屁-And the way Hansel combs his hair. -Or, like, doesn't.好像说"抱歉听过定型胶吗"It's like, "'Ex-squeeze' me, but have you ever heard of styling gel?" 我肯定他听过他是个男模I'm sure Hansel's heard of styling gel. He's a male model.地球呼叫布瑞特我在说笑话Earth to Brint. I was making a joke.地球呼叫米卡思我知道好吗Earth to Meekus. Duh, okay? I knew that.地球呼叫布瑞特我不确定你知道Earth to Brint. I'm not so sure you did因为你一副"我肯定他听过定型胶"的样子'cause you were all, "Well, I'm sure he's heard of styling gel."看起来你不知道这是个笑话Like you didn't know it was a joke.我知道那是个笑话米卡思我只是没立刻意识到I knew it was a joke, Meekus. I just didn't get it right away.-地球呼叫布瑞特... -你们能停下吗-Earth to Brint... -Would you guys stop it already!你们可有想过除了长得非常非常Did you ever think that maybe there's more to life非常可笑的好看之外生命还有其他意义吗than being really, really, really, ridiculously good-looking?我是说也许我们I mean, maybe we should be doing应该做点有意义的事something more meaningful with our lives.比如帮助别人Like helping people.戴力什么人Derek, what people?我不知道需要帮助的人I don't know. People who need help.模特们帮助人们他们让人们自己感觉良好Models help people. They make them feel good about themselves.还展示给他们They also show them how to dress cool,怎样打扮和修饰头发and wear their hair in interesting ways.我猜也是I guess so.知道怎样解决这些重要问题吗You know what could really help you sort through these important issues? 怎么What?-橙汁咖啡特饮 -橙汁咖啡特饮-Orange mocha frappuccino! -Orange mocha frappuccino!来吧Come on, man ! Come on !"戴力·祖兰德一个笨蛋模特""Derek Zoolander. A model idiot."-布瑞特 -怎么-Brint! -Huh?不No!雷佛布瑞特和米卡思跟我情同兄弟Rufus, Brint and Meekus were like brothers to me.还有当我说兄弟时并不是指真正的兄弟And when I say brother, I don't mean like an actual brother,我是指像黑人般的用语but I mean it like the way black people use it,是具有更深意义的我想which is more meaningful, I think.这宗可怕的惨剧给我们一个教训If there's anything that this horrible tragedy can teach us,就是男模特的生命是很宝贵的it's that a male model's life is a precious, precious commodity.即使我们的腹肌鲜明外表俊朗Just because we have chiselled abs, and stunning features,也会死于it doesn't mean that可怕的汽油意外中we too can't not die in a freak gasoline fight accident.所以女士们先生们我想藉此机会So today, ladies and gentlemen, I would like to take this opportunity,宣布我的to announce my...韩塞尔现在这么厉害韩塞尔Hansel. He's so hot right now. Hansel.我想藉此机会...I would like to take this...各位People!我想宣布退出男模界I'd like to announce my retirement from the male modelling profession. 什么What?我很确定除了非常非常英俊I'm pretty sure there's a lot more to life生命还有其他东西than being really, really good-looking.而我打算找寻出来谢谢And I plan on finding out what that is. Thank you.莫加图先生莫加图先生Mr Mugatu ! Mr Mugatu !可否打扰你一会If I could just have a moment of your time, please, sir.只是一会儿先生Just one minute of your time, please, sir!戴力戴力Derek? Derek, hey!你想怎么样What do you want?事实上我正在试图跟莫加图说上话Actually, I'm trying to talk to Mugatu,但比找总统还要困难but he's tougher to get to than the president.你想说我是差劲的"致悼迟者"I thought you were gonna tell me what a bad "eugoogolizer" I am. 什么A what?致悼迟者就是在丧礼致词的人A "eugoogolizer." One who speaks at funerals.以为我蠢得不知道什么是悼迟吗Or did you think I'd be too stupid to know what a "eugoogoly" was? 你怎能把我写得那么糟糕How could you have written those terrible things about me?听着戴力标题是编辑写的Look, Derek, my editor put that headline on it, okay?我很抱歉抱歉我知道这很刻薄I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I know it came off kind of harsh.幸好的是我认识的人中Yeah, well, fortunately for you, not too many people I know很少人看时代或者随便它叫什么read your little Time magazine, or whatever it's called.或者你可以帮我一个忙Look, maybe you could do me a favour.我想找一些莫加图的背景资料All I'm trying to do is get some background information on Mugatu. 莫加图如果知道的话Mugatu? If you knew anything,他是从不雇用我的设计师you'd know Mugatu's the one designer who's never hired me.行了一定是...Come on. There's gotta be...抱歉女士没兴趣Sorry, lady. Not interested.现在抱歉我要失陪了我要出席丧礼后的聚会了Now, if you'll excuse me, I've got an after funeral party to attend.回家你反应过度了Go back home? You're overreacting.我想做点有意义的事I want to do something meaningful with my life, Maury.我有一些更深远的构思I have deeper thoughts on my mind.那天我在想关于志愿者的事The other day, I was thinking about volunteering,去教导贫苦儿童读书to help teach underprivileged children to learn how to read.觉得这是令我获益良多的体验Just thinking about it was the most rewarding experience I've ever had.戴力我不认为你适合这种事Derek, I don't think you're cut out for that kind of thing.我是说也许我甚至可以有自己的研究所I mean, maybe I could even have my own institute.我们可以叫它戴力·祖兰德儿童读书中心We could call it the Derek Zoolander Centre for Kids Who Can't Read Good. 我们呢我们一起建造了这地方What about us? We built this place together.小心Look out! Tushy squeeze!莫里Maury!戴力我们刚认识时你还是一个Derek, when I met you, you were a junior petite连西尔斯目录都看不懂的小孩儿who couldn't book a goddamn Sears catalogue,连左转保护自己都不会and who couldn't turn left to save his ass.-现在看看你 -我能左转-Now look at you. -I can turn left!是啊Yeah, right.戴力有些男模在天桥尽头左转Derek, please. Some male models go left at the end of a runway,有些右转others go right.你才华横溢却不懂得转左You got a lot of gifts, but hanging a louie just isn't one of them.坐下Sit down !想听好消息吗Hey, you want to hear some great news?莫加图想找你宣传新服装Mugatu wants you for his new campaign.你没听到吗莫里我刚退休了Didn't you hear me, Maury? I just retired.但这是莫加图戴力But this is Mugatu, Derek.他现在炙手可热Right now, this guy is so hot,他抓起一件垃圾放上几个鱼钩he can take a crap, wrap it in tin foil, put a couple of fishhooks on it, 就能当作耳环卖♥♥给伊利莎白女皇and sell it to Queen Elizabeth as earrings.戴力你成了时装界的笑柄Derek, you're the laughing stock of the entire fashion world.我们坠马时要怎么做What do we do when we fall off the horse?要重新上马We get back on.对不起莫里我不是体操运动员Sorry, Maury. I'm not a gymnast.我要回乡我得找我的根I'm going back home. I need to get in touch with my roots.思索我是谁再见莫里Figure out who I am. See you around, Maury.爸爸Hey, Pop!是我It's me.格比洛克Scrappy, Luke,记得你的兄弟吗you remember your brother, right?你想怎么样What do you want?我想跟你们一起在矿场工作I thought maybe I could work the mines with you guys. 祖兰德家男人再聚首一堂You know, all the Zoolander men together again,就像小时候那样like when we were kids.今时不同往日Times have changed, boy.你熬不过一天You wouldn't last one day down those coal pits.爸你见到我就不能假装高兴吗Can't you even pretend to be happy to see me, Pop?该死戴力我是矿工Damn it, Derek, I'm a coal miner,不是专业演员not a professional film and television actor.帮我们一个忙离开这儿吧Do us all a favour and get out of here.爸等等Pop, wait, please!给我个机会Give me a chance.我不会让你失望的我保证I won't let you down. I promise.别动我在工作这...Hold very still. Very still. I'm working right now. This...我很抱歉Oh, I'm sorry.我的针♥刺♥到你的屁♥股♥吗Did my pin get in the way of your ass?帮我个忙立刻减五磅Do me a favour and lose five pounds immediately,否则立刻滚出我的房♥子or get out of my building like now!滚出去Get out!我累透了陶德现在不行I'm so tired ! No, Todd, not now!是莫里It's Maury.说点好消息吧Tell me something good.你可能要找别人You may have to start looking for someone else.没有别人了十天后就要表演了鲍尔斯坦There is no one else. The show is in 10 days, Ballstein.詹科我听到了但是这孩子很困惑Jaco, I hear you, but the kid's mixed up.他回家了他说要思考He went home. He's talking about going off to ponder和教育贫苦弱智儿或其他什么鬼东西and tutoring underprivileged retards or some shit.无论代价如何找他回来I don't care what it takes. Get him back.我们没时间了你了解吗We're running out of time. Capisce?是的我了解我现在只想小解Yeah, I capisce. Now if I could only ca-piss.我的前列腺胀得像个电筒My prostate's flaring up like a frickin' tiki torch.让我撒泡尿两三滴吧Give me a little pee-pee. Come on, a couple of drops.我说的是这个That's what I'm talking about!惊喜Surprise!你搞什么鬼What the hell's the matter with you?马高后传Pacheco back to pass.他受到记者队压♥迫♥He's feeling pressure from Pressman.他正带着他全美国的约翰·德罗萨长传接球手He's tooking for his All-American John DeRosa, the wide receiver. 他在中场乘虚而入He's got him wide open in the middle of the field.强劲的冲刺Big rush.谁领先Who's winning the match?看紧凯文·康奈利赛点在那儿了Hits Kevin Connolly, the tight end down in there.州队State.爸我想我患了煤肺病I think I'm getting the black lung, Pop.矿洞里不是很通风lt's not very well ventilated down there.天你在下面只是一天For Christ's sake, Derek, you've been down there one day. 我做了三十年Talk to me in 30 years.水分是湿润的要素Moisture is the essence of wetness,而湿润是美颜的要素and wetness is the essence of beauty.你为何要回来这该死的小镇Why'd you have to come back to this damn town?我想重过新生活I wanted to make a new life for myself.抱歉我天生骨骼完美I'm sorry I was born with this perfect bone structure.头发涂上定型胶和慕丝时That my hair looks better done up with gel and mousse 比用有灯的帽子遮住好看than hidden under a stupid hat with a light on it!我一直只想令你以我为荣All I ever wanted to do was make you proud of me, Pop. 做男模特With what? Your male modelling?穿着内衣到处跳动Prancing around in your underwear露出你那话儿让所有人看见with your wiener hanging out for everyone to see?儿子我已当你死了You're dead to me, boy.跟你去世的母亲一样You're more dead to me than your dead mother.感谢主她看不见儿子是条美人鱼I just thank the Lord she didn't live to see her son as a mermaid. 是美男鱼Merman.美男鱼Merman !我是谁Who am I?戴力你听到吗Hello? Derek, you hearing me?-上帝 -上帝-God? -God?你在说什么是我莫里What the shit are you talking about? It's me. Maury.你已经找到你的根了吧I hope you're finished touching your roots,莫加图给你提供了一个你难以相信的工作机会because Mugatu's making you an offer you won't believe.快回来You gotta get your tuches back here.老实说我当时有点怀疑莫加图先生Well, to tell you the truth, I was a little hesitant at first, Mr Mugatu. 你从不雇用我我也做了...I mean, you've never hired me before, and I've been around for... 很多年了我从没要求过你什么For ages and ages. You've been around for a long, long time.我从没想从你这儿要任何东西I never wanted anything from you.现在你退休了我却不能找你And now that you're retired, I can't have you.这改变真有趣And it's funny how it switches like that.现在要尝禁果了But now the forbidden fruit must be tasted.当莫里告诉我你愿意时我...Well, when Maury told me what you were willing to do, I...陶德Todd !你不知我喝奶会放屁和膨胀的吗Are you not aware that I get farty and bloated with a foamy latte? 我的错詹科拜My mistake, Jacobim.确实是你的错Your mistake, indeed !是的戴力Yes, Derek.莫里说我愿意为你做的事What Maury said I was willing to do for you.说回我们为何来这里的原因吧Let's get back to the reason that we're really here.事不宜迟我给你Without much further ado, I give you戴力·祖兰德儿童读书中心the Derek Zoolander Centre for Kids Who Can't Read Good.这是什么What is this?蚂蚁中心吗A centre for ants?什么What?儿童进不去大厦How can we be expected to teach children to learn how to read,又怎能读书if they can't even fit inside the building?-戴力那只是个... -我不要听借口-Derek, it's just a small... -I don't want to hear your excuses!这个中心至少要The centre has to be at least比这个大三倍three times bigger than this.-他说得很对 -过奖-He's absolutely right. -Thank you.我有一个抱负I have a vision.我也有的让我给你看看And so do I. Let me show you mine.我帮不到你我对莫加图无所知I can't help you, lady. I don't know nothing about Mugatu.你代表所有男模But you've represented every male model in each of his campaigns. 一定认识他的You must have some kind of a relationship with him.即使我认识他为何我要跟你说Even if I did, why would I talk to you?为何你挑剔戴力·祖兰德Shame on you how you picked on Derek Zoolander in that story.他没有害人He's a sweet simpleton who never hurt a fly.不要转换话题鲍尔斯坦先生Please don't change the subject, Mr Ballstein.莫加图剥削马来西亚廉价劳工又如何What about Mugatu's exploitation of sweatshop workers in Malaysia? -你对此有什么意见吗 -你想听意见-Do you have an opinion on that? -You wanna hear an opinion?魔术胸围能让身材丰满With a push-up bra, you could have a nice rack of lamb going on there. 我带你看看时装的前景Let me show you the future of fashion.让我给你看看Let me show you颓废Derelicte!一种受流浪汉乞丐妓♥女♥It is a fashion, a way of life,启发的时尚生活方式inspired by the very homeless, the vagrants, the crack whores令这城市变得独特that make this wonderful city so unique.我想你成为颓废的封面And I want you, Derek, to be the face,形象颓废的精神the image, nay, the spirit of Derelicte!形象会让你辉煌地东山再起It'll be your glorious comeback.听来不错Sounds cool.戴力我给你介绍卡廷卡·英格保格比娜娜Derek, I'd like you to meet Katinka Ingabogovinanana.她会负责你这次宣传的日常事务She'll be your day-to-day on the campaign.我们改造这模特吧Let's get this model on his way!大型汇演在八天后举♥行♥ 戴力The big show is in eight days, Derek.像毛毛虫蜕变成蝴蝶一样你要变成颓废Like a caterpillar becomes a butterfly, so must you become Derelicte! 你要我睡在贫民窟So you want me to sleep in the gutter?不我们会送你去一间特别的疗养院No. We're sending you to a very exclusive day spa.没有人知道是我们的秘密So exclusive, no one knows about it. Our little secret, okay?-玛蒂尔达 -阿奇什么是-Matilda, hey. -Hey, Arch, what's up?没什么这些天我搜集了一些Nothing. I've just been up for a few days,你要的莫加图的背景资料putting together these background articles on Mugatu you asked for. 真细心谢谢你Wow! Very thorough, Archie. Thank you.奇怪的是我找不到他在1995年以前的资料It's weird. I couldn't get any info on him before 1995.就像他是从天而降的It's like he just appeared out of the blue.-真的吗这真奇怪 -是啊-Really? That's strange. -Yeah.-玛蒂尔达·杰弗瑞 -继续拉毛衣吧-Matilda Jeffries. -Keep pulling the sweater.-什么 -整件事最终会弄清楚-Excuse me? -Eventually the thing will unravel.如果拉毛线整件事就会弄清楚You mean, if you pull the thread, the whole thing will unravel?现在你在说话了想知更多就去12号♥码头Now you're talking, sister. If you want to know more, go to Pier 12.情况并非像表面那样Things aren't what they seem.这是什么疗养院What kind of spa is this?用作深层休息你先放轻松It's designed for deep, deep relaxation. Come, let's get you loosened up. 好孩子好孩子Good boy. Good boy.好孩子Good boy.对不起。

“真人秀”节目中冲突元素的建构——以《全美超模》(《America’s Next Top Model》)为例

“真人秀”节目中冲突元素的建构——以《全美超模》(《America’s Next Top Model》)为例

关键词:“ 真人秀” ;全 美超模 ;冲 突元素
中图分类号 :G2 2 0 文献标识码 :A 文章编号 :1 6 7 2 - 8 1 2 2( 2 0 1 3 )0 8 - 0 0 8 9 - 0 4
《 全 美超 模 》( Ame i r c a ’ S Ne x t T o p Mo d e l ,全 称 《 全

性。 黑格 尔认 为 , 冲突 是对 本来 很和 谐 的情 况 的一种 破坏 , 出戏剧 性和 极端 性 的双重特 点。 但“ 这种 破 坏不 能 始终 是破 坏 ,而 是要 被 否定 掉 。【 l 】 ’ ’《 全 1 . 戏 剧性— — 奢 华感 和仪 式感 美超 模 》 的成 功 , 就在 于其 不停 地在 节 目中制造 各种 紧张 、 和 戏剧 相 对 固定 的舞 台设置 一样 ,《 全 美 超模 》也 有 激烈 的戏 剧 冲突 ,从 而 吸 引到 了广 大 受众 。 节 目对 于 冲突 其 固定 的场 景 ,这些 场景 在 一定程 度上 突 出 了“ 模 特” 的职 元素 的建构 ,可 以从 环境 设 置 、人 际关系 设 置和赛 事 设置 业特 点 ,也在 很大 程度 上暗 示 了赢得 《 全 美超 模 》会对 这 三个 方面 进行 分 析和 研究 。 些 参赛 者人 生产 生 的重要 影 响,起 到 了欲 望 调节 的功能 。
摘 要 :“ 真人秀” 节 目作为一种结合 了戏剧 元素的节 目样态 , 其核 心在于节 目叙事策略中的冲突性。本文 以美国知名 真人秀节 目Ⅸ 全美超 模》(  ̄ A m e i f e a ’ s N e x t T o pMo d e l  ̄ )为例,从环境 设置、人物关系设置和赛程设置三个方面分析“ 真人 秀” 节 目的冲突元 素建构方式。探讨冲 突元 素在“ 真人秀” 节 目中的运用 价值。

america's got talent 英文简介

america's got talent 英文简介

America's Got Talent (AGT) is an American reality television show that features a variety of talents including singers, dancers, magicians,edians, and other performers of all ages. The show first premiered on June 21, 2006, and has since be a popular and influential platform for aspiring entert本人ners to showcase their skills to a wide audience.1. Introduction to America's Got TalentAmerica's Got Talent is part of the global Got Talent franchise created by Simon Cowell. The show is broadcast on the NBC network and is open to contestants of all ages who possess a wide range of talent, from singing and dancing to magic and other unique performances.2. The Format of the ShowThe show follows a format where contestants audition in front of a panel of celebrity judges and a live audience. During the audition phase, the judges assess the contestants' performances and provide feedback. Those who receive a majority vote from the judges move on to the next round.3. The JudgesThe panel of judges on America's Got Talent has changed over the years, but has generally included renowned personalities from the entert本人nment industry. The judges play a crucial role in the show, as their opinions and critiques can determine the fate of the contestants.4. The HostThe show's host is responsible for guiding the audience and contestants through the various stages of thepetition. The host providesmentary and interacts with the judges and contestants, adding an entert本人ning and engaging element to the show.5. The ContestantsContestants on America's Got Talente from diverse backgrounds and possess a wide range of talents. The show has seen a variety of acts including singers, dancers,edians, magicians, ventriloquists, and novelty performers. Each season brings forth a new crop of talented individuals eager to make their mark on the entert本人nment industry.6. The PrizeThe ultimate prize on America's Got Talent is the title of the winner, along with a significant cash prize. The winner often receives the opportunity to headline their own show in Las Vegas, showcasing their talent to a broader audience and potentially launching their career in the entert本人nment industry.7. Impact and Cultural InfluenceAmerica's Got Talent has had a significant impact on popular culture and the entert本人nment industry. The show has provided a platform for talented individuals to g本人n exposure and pursue their dreams, while also captivating audiences with a diverse array of performances. Additionally, the show has inspired various spin-offs and adaptations in other countries, contributing to the global reach of the Got Talent franchise.In conclusion, America's Got Talent has be a prominent fixture in the television landscape, offering a platform for talentedindividuals to showcase their skills and pursue their dreams. The show's format, diverse range of contestants, influential judges, and cultural impact have solidified its status as a leading reality television program. As the show continues to evolve and discover new talents, it will undoubtedly rem本人n a source of inspiration and entert本人nment for audiences worldwide.。



Ann is probably just what they’re looking for this season – an impossible thin ,freakylooking girl who will take amazing picture .perfect for ITALIAN VOGUE, which is the prize for this cycle’s winner.
Finally Ward defeated 22-year-old Cheashey to become the new "Top Model.This is a surprising result.
Ann was also suprised about the voctory. I'm so happy that I can make my parents proud," she said. "I won! I can't believe any of this right now."
student number :091304228
America's Next Top Model (ANTM) is a reality televison show in which a number of women compete for the title of America’s Next Top Model and a chance to start their career in modeling industry.
Double J biographies --- J. Alexander
Runway coach
Mrs J was born in New York, the young want to be accountants, but later embarked on the fashion industry happened this way. As a model, he often given to models in fashion show proposal, so he began joined this "catwalk trainer" in the ranks.



选美大赛参赛介绍英文作文英文:Hello everyone, my name is Lily and I am thrilled to be participating in this beauty pageant. I have always been interested in modeling and beauty, and I believe that this competition is the perfect opportunity for me to showcase my talents and skills.I am a confident and outgoing person, and I believethat these qualities will help me to stand out from the other contestants. I have also been working hard to prepare for this competition, by practicing my runway walk, perfecting my makeup and hair styling skills, and maintaining a healthy lifestyle.One of my biggest strengths is my ability to connect with people from all walks of life. I believe that beautyis more than just physical appearance, but also includes inner beauty such as kindness, compassion, and empathy. Ihope to use this competition as a platform to promote these values and inspire others to embrace their own unique beauty.中文:大家好,我叫莉莉,我非常兴奋能够参加这次选美大赛。



模特比赛小作文英文I never thought I would be standing here, in front of all these people, competing in a modeling contest. It's nerve-wracking, but also exhilarating. The lights are blinding, the music is pulsing, and I can feel the energyin the air. This is my moment to shine, and I'm going to give it everything I've got.The competition is fierce. There are so many beautiful and talented people here, all vying for the top spot. ButI'm not intimidated. I know that I have something unique to offer, something that sets me apart from the rest. I've worked hard to get here, and I'm not going to let anyone outshine me.Walking down the runway, I feel powerful and confident. Each step is a statement, a declaration of my presence and my worth. The audience is watching, and I can see the admiration in their eyes. This is what I was born to do –to captivate and inspire with my presence.The judges are scrutinizing every move, every pose, every expression. I can feel their eyes on me, assessing my every move. But I don't let it faze me. I know that I have the skills and the charisma to win them over. I hold my head high and give them the best of me.As the competition heats up, I can feel the tension in the air. The other contestants are giving it their all, and I can't afford to hold back. This is the moment to push myself to the limit, to show everyone what I'm capable of.I take a deep breath and give it everything I've got.The final results are in, and I can feel my heart racing as the judges announce the winner. And then, the moment I've been waiting for – my name is called. I've done it. I've won the modeling contest. The sense of accomplishment and pride is overwhelming. This is just the beginning of my journey, and I can't wait to see where it takes me.。



介绍模特的英语作文Title: The World of Fashion Modeling.Fashion modeling, an often misunderstood profession, is a dynamic and exciting world where beauty, grace, and uniqueness converge. It is not merely about physical attributes, but also about personality, poise, and the ability to translate a designer's vision onto the runway or the pages of a magazine. Models are the ambassadors of fashion, their bodies the canvases for the latest trends and styles.Models come from diverse backgrounds, each with their unique story and journey into the fashion world. Some are scouted at a young age, while others pursue modeling as a career later in life. Regardless of their origin, they all share a common goal: to express beauty in its many forms through fashion.The modeling industry is competitive, and success isnot guaranteed. Models must possess the right physical attributes, including height, proportion, and a certain level of fitness. However, it is their inner qualities that truly set them apart. Confidence, adaptability, and the ability to work well under pressure are crucial for success in this industry.Behind the glamour and glitz of modeling, there is alot of hard work and dedication. Models spend hours practicing their poses, learning new dance steps, and Perfecting their walk. They must also maintain a strictdiet and fitness routine to maintain their physical appearance. This commitment to their craft is what sets them apart from the crowd.In addition to physical attributes, models must also possess a strong sense of style and fashion. They are often the first to wear designers' new collections and are responsible for bringing these designs to life. They must have a keen eye for detail and an understanding of how different pieces work together to create a cohesive look.Models also play a crucial role in society. They are often the faces of important social and environmental causes, using their platform to raise awareness and promote positive change. They appear in advertisements and campaigns, urging people to support causes such as sustainability, body positivity, and gender equality.Despite the challenges and pressures of the modeling industry, it remains a dream career for many. The allure of the glamour, the excitement of being part of the fashion world, and the opportunity to make a difference through fashion are what keep models motivated and driven.In conclusion, modeling is not just about beauty and physical attributes. It is about expressing oneself through fashion, about hard work and dedication, and about making a difference in the world. Models are the embodiment of fashion's power and influence, and their stories are as diverse and inspiring as the fashion they represent. As we admire their beauty and grace, it is important to remember that they are more than just models; they are trendsetters, ambassadors, and agents of change.。



模特比赛小作文英文英文:I have participated in several modeling competitions in the past, and I must say that it is not an easy task. The competition is fierce, and you have to bring your A-game if you want to win. However, the experience is rewarding, and it helps you grow as a model.One of the challenges of modeling competitions is the pressure to look your best. You have to spend hours getting ready, from hair and makeup to choosing the perfect outfit. It can be exhausting, but it's all worth it when you step on the runway and feel confident in your appearance.Another challenge is the competition itself. You have to compete against other models who are just as talented and beautiful as you are. It can be intimidating, but it's important to remember that everyone has their own unique qualities and strengths. Focus on what makes you stand outand showcase that on the runway.Finally, one of the most important things to rememberis to have fun. Modeling competitions can be stressful, but they are also a great opportunity to meet new people, network, and showcase your skills. Enjoy the experience and learn from it, regardless of the outcome.中文:我曾经参加过几次模特比赛,我必须说这不是一件容易的事情。




文档下载后可定制随意修改,请根据实际需要进行相应的调整和使用,谢谢!并且,本店铺为大家提供各种各样类型的实用资料,如教育随笔、日记赏析、句子摘抄、古诗大全、经典美文、话题作文、工作总结、词语解析、文案摘录、其他资料等等,如想了解不同资料格式和写法,敬请关注!Download tips: This document is carefully compiled by theeditor. I hope that after you download them,they can help yousolve practical problems. The document can be customized andmodified after downloading,please adjust and use it according toactual needs, thank you!In addition, our shop provides you with various types ofpractical materials,such as educational essays, diaryappreciation,sentence excerpts,ancient poems,classic articles,topic composition,work summary,word parsing,copyexcerpts,other materials and so on,want to know different data formats andwriting methods,please pay attention!Well, there are a lot of competitions in the US. Like the spelling bee, where kids try to spell really hard words. It's super exciting to watch! And then there's the science fair. Kids come up with all kinds of crazy and cool projects. It's amazing to see what they can do. Another one is the robotics competition. Teams build these awesome robots and see who's is the best. It's really high-tech and fun. There's also the math olympiad for those who arereally good at math. They solve really difficult problems.It's quite a challenge! And let's not forget about thesports competitions. From football to basketball, there's always something going on. People get really into it and cheer for their teams.。



介绍模特英文作文Title: The World of Modeling: A Comprehensive Overview。

In the dynamic realm of fashion and entertainment, models play an integral role in showcasing the latest trends, designs, and concepts. Their presence on runways,in magazines, and across various media platforms captivates audiences worldwide. In this essay, we will delve into the multifaceted world of modeling, exploring its significance, the diverse types of modeling, and the skills and qualities required to excel in this competitive industry.First and foremost, modeling is much more than striking poses and looking glamorous. It is an art form thatrequires talent, dedication, and versatility. Models serve as conduits between designers, brands, and consumers, breathing life into clothing and accessories through their presentation and interpretation.There are several categories of modeling, each with itsown distinct requirements and opportunities. Fashion modeling, perhaps the most well-known, encompasses runway shows, editorial spreads, and advertising campaigns. Models in this category must possess exceptional poise, confidence, and the ability to embody the designer's vision.Commercial modeling, on the other hand, focuses on promoting products and services through advertisements, catalogs, and commercials. This type of modeling requires a relatable and approachable appearance, as well as theability to convey emotions and narratives effectively.Additionally, there are niche categories such asfitness modeling, which emphasizes a healthy and athletic physique, and plus-size modeling, which celebrates body positivity and inclusivity. These segments of the industry cater to specific audiences and offer opportunities for individuals with diverse backgrounds and body types.Regardless of the category, successful models share certain essential qualities. Firstly, professionalism is paramount. Models must conduct themselves with grace andprofessionalism both on and off the set, maintaining punctuality, respectfulness, and a positive attitude at all times.Furthermore, adaptability is key in an industry characterized by rapid change and innovation. Models must be able to adapt to different environments, styles, and directives, often on short notice. Flexibility and openness to constructive criticism are invaluable traits that enable models to thrive amidst the ever-evolving landscape of fashion and media.Moreover, perseverance is essential in a competitive industry where rejection is commonplace. For every successful booking, there may be numerous auditions and castings where models face rejection. However, resilience and determination are what set aspiring models apart, driving them to continuously improve and pursue their goals relentlessly.In addition to these qualities, models must also prioritize self-care and maintain their physical and mentalwell-being. Healthy lifestyle choices, including proper nutrition, regular exercise, and adequate rest, are essential for sustaining the rigorous demands of modeling and ensuring longevity in the industry.In conclusion, modeling is a diverse and dynamic profession that requires a unique blend of talent, dedication, and resilience. From the glamorous world of fashion to the everyday realm of commercial advertising, models play a pivotal role in shaping trends, inspiring audiences, and representing brands. By embodying professionalism, adaptability, and perseverance, aspiring models can navigate the challenges of the industry and pursue successful and fulfilling careers in this exciting field.。



介绍模特英文作文英文:As a model, my job is to showcase clothing and accessories for designers and brands. I work in a variety of settings, from photo shoots to runway shows. It's important for me to maintain a good physique and take care of my appearance, as I am essentially a walking advertisement for the products I am modeling.One of the most exciting parts of my job is getting to wear and showcase different styles of clothing. I love being able to express myself through fashion and help bring a designer's vision to life. It's also a great feeling to see the final product in magazines or on billboards and know that I played a part in creating that image.However, modeling is not always glamorous. There can be long hours, early call times, and a lot of waiting around on set. It's important to have a positive attitude and beable to adapt to different situations.Overall, being a model requires hard work, dedication, and a passion for fashion. But it's also a fun and exciting career that allows me to meet new people and travel to different places.中文:作为一名模特,我的工作是展示设计师和品牌的服装和配饰。



全美超级模特新秀大赛America's Next Top Model(2003)(America's Next Top Model ,簡稱ANTM)是一個給參賽者爭奪模特兒及化妝品合約的美國真人秀,由知名模特兒泰拉·賓絲(Tyra Banks)任主持及監製選出新一代超模。

該新秀大賽由2003年開始在UPN電視網路播放,2006年由於UPN和WB電視台合併成The CW,故由第七季起改為The CW播放。



ANTM(America's Next Top Model的簡稱)由第三季開始每半年舉辦一次。



泰拉·班克斯是節目主持人,在推出首季ANTM時,曾邀請多名專業的時裝界人士擔任評判,包括:前模特兒、現任Baby Phat時裝設計師姬摩拉·西門絲(Kimora Lee Simmons)、時裝雜誌Marie Claire(現為Seventeen Magazine)編輯博·昆利恩(Beau Quillian)及自稱為「世界第一位超模」的珍妮絲·狄金森(Janice Dickinson)。

但是到了第二季就只有泰拉·班克斯及珍妮絲·狄金森留任評判,其他席位就改為加入兩位新面孔擔任,包括:時裝雜誌Jane Magazine編輯艾力·力高遜(Eric Nicholson)及前模特兒、現任時裝攝影師尼祖·百克(Nigel Barker)。



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Company name
Company slogan here
My favourite judge Tyra Banks
Company slogan here
Company name
My favourite model
the cruel game Two beautiful young ladies stand before me,but I only have one photo in my hands.
the theme of photo shots So today you guys will play Micheal Jackson through the years
Company slogan here
Company name
Allison harvard
Company name
Company slogan here
THANKS FOR whatching
Lily NO.37
Company name
Company slogan here
harsh--speaking judegs "I will die." "I don't wanna see the picture because it sucks." " It likes a hook."
bitches & beauties Model A yelled at model B "you really think American's next top model going to be a strip dancer ? give up! go home !"
Company name
Company slogan here
Company name
Company slogan hxt Top Model (ANTM) is an America's reality TV show that offers a rare chance for competitors to grab model and cosmetics contract,it is compered and produced by the famous supermodel----Tyra Banks,she and other judges would pick out a young supermodel in the TV show. ANTM is the most porpular reality TV show which is based on models election in recent years.One competitor would washed out in the weekly examination with the decision of tyra banks and other judges which is concerned with the models' performence on their challenge and photo shot,and the last one stand on the platform will be the winner. ANTM is more than showing the girls a model dream,it gives them an opporunity to make their dream come true.The competitors whose age between 18 to 25,may come from different places、classes、backgrounds,13 girls live in one house,so their conflicts can easily expose to us through the 24 hours operating watch dogs which are installed the a conners of their rooms.You can see the process of how a girl struggling for her future ,with the help of world class designers and photographers,gradually becomes a professional amazing model,then starts her brand new life.