superkids3 课文_打印
朗文三级第一单元 superkids 3

ue blue glue
Ch Cheese Potato chips March Teacher Handkerchief Watched DVDs Lunchbox
le water bottle paddle juggle
Th Thursday Thirsty Throw Thank Gymnastics tennis Apri Vet towel practice the piano toy store
Ping-Pong Running Pretzels August Doctor Sang a new song Restaurant
ey key hockey volleyball
Ew threw Drew picture
y January Library study Studied English Bakery February oo bookstore Baked cookies Swam in the pool Read books
英语教学法在《视情英语》(SuperKids)中的把握和运用ຫໍສະໝຸດ 级别 重点教学内容 教学观 教学法
Superkids 1 听说教学+词汇
TPR教学法;全语言教学观;密集 教学法
Superkids 2
TPR教学法;语法翻译法;密集教 学法
Superkids 3 语法+简单阅读 Superkids 4
语法翻译法 密集教学法
内容 口语 单词 课程要求 能对答如流 所锻炼能力
动作部分 字母

Weekend English
1.How many das in a week? 2.The first day of the week is…?
Weekend English
Weekend English
Sunday Sun day
Weekend English
Monday Mon day
Weekend English
第一课时:七个单词 第二课时:2组对话
Weekend English
Weekend English
Weekend English
1. What day is it today? 2. What’s the weather like? 3. What’s Toni’s new friend’s name? 4. Can Sandy walk? 5. Where are Lisa and Peteglish
Which one is missing?
Weekend English
Weekend English
Weekend English
Which one is missing?
Weekend English
It’s_S_a_tu__rd_a_y_. What’s__th_e__w_e_a_t_h_e_r_l_ik_e__? It’s_c_o_o__l _a_n_d_s_u_n_n__y_. Where’s_T_o_n__i _? Here she is. Toni is_h_a_p_p_y_. She has_a_n_e_w__f_r_ie_n_d__. Her name is_S_a_n_d_y__.
Weekend English
Tuesday Tues day

颜色:red green blue yellow pink orange purple brown black white数字:two four five three nine eleven one six eight seven twelve ten文具类:book crayon pencil notebook book bag pencil case pen ruler eraser stapler colored pencil pen marker scissors paintbrush paint sticker pin家庭成员类:mother father big sister big brother little sister little brother grandmother grandfather2.动作类:walk run hop skip stop eat drink cut swim skate skateboard fly a kite draw ride a bike juggle sing食物类:rice chicken cake candy spaghetti French fries fish salad ice cream noodles fruit soup pizza hamburger pie饮料类:water juice milk tea五官类:head nose mouth ear eye face finger toe shoulder 3。
动物类:dog cat rabbit hamster turtle bird fish snake zebra parrot gorilla monkey elephant lion kangaroo教室用品:clock board door desk chair CD player trash can computer衣物类:T-shirt。

灵通第三册(新版)Super Kids 3 (New Edition)第一单元:日子Unit 1 Days话题和词汇:(Topic and Vocabulary)Days:Sunday,Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday ,Thursday, Friday ,Saturday 日子:星期日,星期一,星期二,星期三,星期四,星期五,星期六语法:(Grammar)It’s Monday.今天是星期一。
What day is it today?/ It’s Monday.今天星期几?/ 是星期一。
日常交际:(Functional Dialogs)Where do you live? / Next door.你住哪里啊?隔壁。
Do we have school on Monday? / Yes,we do. See you then.星期一上学吗?是的,到时候见。
替换练习:(Review Substitution Dialog)Hi. My name’s Toni. / Hi. I’m Sandy.你好。
How are you? / Fine, thanks. And you? / I’m fine.你好吗?我很好,谢谢。
发音:(Phonics)Review: at, an, ad, ock, ox, ot, un, up, um第二单元:喜欢的运动Unit 2 Favorite Sports话题和词汇:(Topic and Vocabulary)Sports:ping-pong, soccer, volleyball, gymnastics, badminton, hockey, running, tennis运动:乒乓球,足球,排球,体操,羽毛球,曲棍球,跑步,网球语法:(Grammar)She likes tennis./ He doesn’t like tennis.她喜欢网球。
superkids3-unit1 DAY

星期五就是主麻日 主麻(Jum‘at) 即公历 星期五。阿拉伯语音译,原意为“聚集”。
• A full day, a good week.
Friday is a wonderful day.
Saturday(Sat.)—Day of Saturn(土 星日)。 这是一星期中最后一天,它是由掌 管农业之神,罗马主神朱庇特的父亲 (the god of Agriculture, father of Jupiter)Saturn的名字命名的,也 是英语直接用罗马神话中神名来命名星 期名称的唯一的一天,其余几天则—Day of the Mars(火星日)。 这一天是为了纪念战神 Tyr而由他的名字命名的。
• Wednesday(星期三)它是根据掌 • 管文化、艺术、战争、死者的最高 • 之神Woden的名字命名的。
星期四的拉丁语名字是dies Iovis,意思是朱 庇特日或木星日;法语是jeudi,来源于拉 丁语;英语是Thursday,来源于日尔曼的 风雨雷电之神Thor;
On saterday ,we needn't go to school.
on Saterday, We can go shopping.
• What day is it today?
星期制的老祖宗,是在东方的古巴比伦和古犹太 国一带,犹太人把它传到古埃及,又由古埃及传 到罗马,公元三世纪以后,就广泛地传播到欧洲 各国。明朝末年,基督教传入我国的时候,星期 制也随之传入。
• Every day is a new day, every day is a new beginning.
Sunday(星期日)太阳神之日,由 Sunnandaeg变来的。在大多数西方国家都把 Sunday作为一周的开始.
3.3superkids u3l3

Lesson three On a picnicTeaching contents:Talk about it: I’m hungry. Me, too. Let’s eat.I’m thirsty. Have some juice.Sing it: I’m hungry.Teaching aims:Ss can say and show the dialogue.Ss can sing and act out the song.Teaching key points:Ss master the dialogue I’m hungry. Me, too. Let’s eat.I’m thirsty. Have some juice. Teaching difficult points:the pronunciation of thirstySs can sing and act out the song.Teaching aids:word cards, video, teaching picture, two dollsTeaching procedures:Step one: Warming upReview the words.A: play “What’s different with the word cards?”Choose four students to take four word cards and stand in front of the classroom.Other students say the words.Then change the order and other students say out the changed words.B: T: Take the word card of chicken and ask students “Do you like chicken?”nod and say “Yes, I do.”shake head and say “No, I don’t.”Ss: follow.Team competition. Ss ask and answer “Do you like chicken?”C: show the teaching picture and let student find out the food and drink.Step two: New lessonA: T: do the action of “hungry” and say “ I’m hungry”Ss follow.T:do Ss: saychoose a student to say “ I’m hungry.”T: do the action of “hungry” and say “ Me, too.”Ss: follow.T: say “ I’m hungry” and do the action.A student say “ Me, too.”Other students follow him.T: beckon him to come over and say “Let’s eat.”Ss: followT: say “ I’m hungry”A student say “ Me, too. Let’s eat.”Team work Choose two students to represent their team to act out the dialogue.Other students follow him.B:Teach “ I’m thirstry. Have some juice” in the similar way.T: do the action of “thirty” and say “ I’m thirsty”Ss follow.T:do Ss: sayA student do. Other students say.Choose a student to say “ I’m thirsty.”T: pass the word card of juice to him , say “ Have some juice” and do the action.Ss: follow.T: do Ss: sayTeam work choose a boy and a girl to act out the dialogue.Other students follow them.Ss listen point and repeat..Step three: practiceA: T do Ss say A student do Ss sayB: team work team competitionboys vs. girlsC: sing a song “ I’m hungry.”Ss listen and point.Ss watch video.T: teach the song one sentence by one sentence. Ss: follow.Teaching reflection:。

UNIT 1 DaysIt’s Saturday. What’ the weather like? It’s cool and sunny. Where’s Toni? Here she is. Toni is happy. She has a new friend. Her name is Sandy. Sandy’s family is moving into the house next door the Toni. What can you see in Sandy’s box? Ping-po ng paddles and a book are in the box. Sandy can’t walk, she sits in a wheelchair. Do Toni and Sandy have school on Monday? Yes,they do. Can you find Lisa? Here she is. She is sleepy. Lisa and Peter are in the kitchen. Peter is making breakfast. It’s Saturd ay. No school on Saturday.UNIT 2 Favorite SportsToni and Sandy are at school. These are Toni’s friends. Donny and Beth. Sandy is happy. New friends are fun. They are going to play sports.Did you like sports? Donny and Toni are playing Ping-pong. Sandy likes Ping-pong, too. Can you play Ping-pong? Peter and Chip are playing soccer. Chip’s favorite sport is soccer. What’s your favorite sport? Sandy can juggle, but Beth can’t juggle. Can you juggle?UNIT 3 LunchSandy is in the lunchroom, she is eating spaghetti. Her friend is eating pizza and salad. What are they drinking? They are drinking juice. Beth wants to sit down. She’s really hungry. Donny and Toni are in the lunchroom, too. What’s Donny eating? He has some noodles and watermelon. He has some pretzels, too. Toni wants some pretzels. She has some chicken, salad, grapes and peanuts. Toni has a big lunch. What time is it ? It’s 1:00. It’s time for English class.Good-bye, everyone. Don’t be late.UNIT 4 MonthsThe super k ids are at school. When’s the music festival? It’s in May.What’s the weather like in May? It’s warm and sunny. What’s the weather like in February? It’s cold and snowy. What’s the weather like in April ? It’s cool and rainy. Chip’s birthday is in June. Ch ip will be eleven in June. Donny’s birthday is in March. He’ll be ten in March. Toni’s birthday is in October. She’ll be eleven in October. How old are you? When’s your birthday? Sandy is good at singing. Beth is good at singing, too. Are you good at singing?UNIT 5 CareersToday is careers Day at school. This is Ms. Long. She is a vet. She likes dogs, cats, hamsters and turtles. She likes rabbits, too. The super kids’ mothers and fathers are at school, too. That’s Sandy’s Mom, she’s a magician. S he can juggle, too. What’s in her hat? It’s a rabbit. That’s magic. Can you see Mojo? He’s on her head. That’s Chip’s father. He’s a pilot. How about your father? Is he a doctor or a firefighter? How about your mother? Is she a police officer or a teacher?UNIT 6 His and HerToday is sports Day at school. Chip is running. Mojo is running,too. They like running. Look, Chip can run fast. Wow! Chip won! He is really happy. Chip is hot. He wants his towel. Where’s his towel? Oh, Toni has his towel. Where’s his water bottle? There it is. Chip has his water bottle. Where’s his lunch box? There it is. It’s on the white bench. Is that Beth’s baseball cap? No, it isn’t. Whose baseball cap is it ? It’s her baseball cap.Peter gives her the baseball cap. Thank you , Peter.UNIT 7 What I DidIt’s Monday morning. The super kids are at school.. They’re talking about Saturday and Sunday. Everyone had a good weekend. On Saturday, Joey washed the car. Lisa practiced the piano. Peter painted pictures. Peter likes to paint pictures. Sandy does,too. On Sunday, Donny played baseball. Beth baked cookies. Chip watched DVDS. On Saturday, Sandy studied English. On Sunday,she went shopping and got new sneakers . How about you? What did you do on Saturday? What did you do on Sunday?UNIT 8 My DayThe super kids are home from school. They are talking to Toni and Peter’s Mom. What did they do today? Toni and Sandy made a poster. Sandy swam in the pool, too. Beth saw a movie. Donny sang a new song. Peter went to the park. Chip wrote stories. Lisa read books and Joey drew pictures. Donny wants to see Peter’s rabbit. Where is it? It’s in the yard. Can you see his rabbit? How about you? What did you do today?UNIT 9 Around TownThe Super kids are walking around town. What are they doing? Peter is in the restaurant with his father. The restaurant is next to the bookstore. Toni and Chip went to the toy store. Toni can’t find her balloons. Where are the balloons? Mojo has them. The toy store is next to the pet shop. Sandy is by the museum . Beth is skating and Donny is skateboarding. They’re by the library. The library is next to the supermarket. Where’s the bakery? Can you find the bakery?。
Superkids3 UNIT5 words

That’s Chip’s father. He's a pilot. How about your father? Is he a doctor or a firefighter? How about your mother? Is she a police officer or a teacher?
Is he a police officer? No, he isn’t. He’s a pilot.
Is he a police officer? No, he isn’t. He’s a … .
vet teacher
baseball player magician
doctors Day at scho ol. This is Ms. Long. She is a vet.
She likes dogs, cats, hamster s and turtles. She likes rabbits, too. The super kids’ mothers and fathers are at school, to o. That’s Sandy’s Mom, she’s a magician. She can juggle, too. What’s in her hat? It’s a rabbit. That’s magic.
The superkids’ mothers and fathers are at school, too. That’s Sandy’s Mom, she’s a magician. She can juggle, too. What’s in her hat? It’s a rabbit. That’s magic.
Can you see Mojo? He’s on her head.

Click it!
第九页,编辑于星期五:一点 三十九分。
第十页,编辑于星期五:一点 三十九分。
Take off your shoes.
Click it!
Put on your skates.
Click it!
Get on your skateboard.
Click it!
Consolidation Activity Book
第十四页,编辑于星期五:一点 三十九分。
第十五页,编辑于星期五:一点 三十九分。
第十六页,编辑于星期五:一点 三十九分。
Can you swim? -Yes, I can. -No, I can’t.
= can not
第十七页,编辑于星期五:一点 三十九分。
第五页,编辑于星期五:一点 三十九分。
Get off your bike.
第六页,编辑于星期五:一点 三十九分。
Jump in the pool.
第七页,编辑于星期五:一点 三十九分。
Kick your feet.
第八页,编辑于星期五:一点 三十九分。
Click it!
Click it!
Click it!
Can you draw? -Yes, I can.
第二十五页,编辑于星期五:一点 三十九分。
第二十六页,编辑于星期五:一点 三十九分。
Activity Book
第二十七页,编辑于星期五:一点 三十九分。
第二十八页,编辑于星期五:一点 三十九分。
第二十九页,编辑于星期五:一点 三十九分。
第二十二页,编辑于星期五:一点 三十九分。
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UNIT 1 DaysIt’s Saturday. What’ the weather like? It’s cool and sunny. Where’s Toni? Here she is. Toni is happy. She has a new friend. Her name is Sandy. Sandy’s family is moving into the house next door the Toni. What can you see in Sandy’s box? Ping-pong paddles and a book are in the box. Sandy can’t walk, she sits in a wheelchair. Do Toni and Sandy have school on Monday? Yes, they do. Can you find Lisa? Here she is. She is sleepy. Lisa and Peter are in the kitchen. Peter is making breakfast. It’s Saturd ay. No school on Saturday.UNIT 2 Favorite SportsToni and Sandy are at school. These are Toni’s friends. Donny and Beth. Sandy is happy. New friends are fun. They are going to play sports. Did you like sports? Donny and Toni are playing Ping-pong. Sandy likes Ping-pong, too. Can you play Ping-pong? Peter and Chip are playing soccer. Chip’s favorite sport is soccer. What’s your favorite sport? Sandy can juggle, but Beth can’t juggle. Can you juggle?UNIT 3 LunchSandy is in the lunchroom, she is eating spaghetti. Her friend is eating pizza and salad. What are they drinking? They are drinking juice. Beth wants to sit down. She’s really hungry. Donny and Toni are in the lunchroom, too. What’s Donny eating? He has some noodles and watermelon. He has some pretzels, too. Toni wants some pretzels. She has some chicken, salad, grapes and peanuts. Toni has a big lunch. What time is it? It’s 1:00. It’s time for English class. Good-bye, everyone. Don’t be late.UNIT 4 MonthsThe super kids are at school. When’s the music festival? It’s in May.What’s the weather like in May? It’s warm and sunny. What’s the weather like in February? It’s cold and snowy. What’s the weather like in April? It’s cool and rainy. Chip’s birthday is in June. Chip will be eleven in June. Donny’s birthday is in March. He’ll be ten in March. Toni’s birthday is in October. She’ll be eleven in October. How old are you? When’s your birthday? Sandy is good at singing. Beth is good at singing, too. Are you good at singing?UNIT 5 CareersToday is careers Day at school. This is Ms. Long. She is a vet. She likes dogs, cats, hamsters and turtles. She likes rabbits, too. The super kids’ mothers and fathers are at school, too. That’s Sandy’s Mom, she’s a magician. She can juggle, too. What’s in her hat? It’s a rabbit. That’s magic. Can you see Mojo? He’s on her head. That’s Chip’s father. He’s a pilot. How about your father? Is he a doctor or a firefighter? How about your mother? Is she a police officer or a teacher?UNIT 6 His and HerToday is sports Day at school. Chip is running. Mojo is running, too. They like running. Look, Chip can run fast. Wow! Chip won! He is really happy. Chip is hot. He wants his towel. Where’s his towel? Oh, Toni has his towel. Where’s his water bottle? T here it is. Chip has his water bottle. Where’s his lunch box? There it is. It’s on the white bench. Is that Beth’s baseball cap? No, it isn’t. Whose baseball cap is it? It’s her baseball cap. Peter gives her the baseball cap. Thank you, Peter.UNIT 7 What I DidIt’s Monday morning. The super kids are at school. They’re talking about Saturday and Sunday. Everyone had a good weekend. On Saturday, Joey washed the car. Lisa practiced the piano. Peter painted pictures. Peter likes to paint pictures. Sandy does, too. On Sunday, Donny played baseball. Beth baked cookies. Chip watched DVDS. On Saturday, Sandy studied English. On Sunday, she went shopping and got new sneakers. How about you? What did you do on Saturday? What did you do on Sunday?UNIT 8 My DayThe super kids are home from school. They are talking to Toni and Peter’s Mom. What did they do today? Toni and Sandy made a poster. Sandy swam in the pool, too. Beth saw a movie. Donny sang a new song. Peter went to the park. Chip wrote stories. Lisa read books and Joey drew pictures. Donny wants to see Peter’s rabbit. Where is it? It’s in the yard. Can you see his rabbit? How about you? What did you do today?UNIT 9 Around TownThe Super kids are walking around town. What are they doing? Peter is in the restaurant with his father. The restaurant is next to the bookstore. Toni and Chip went to the toy store. Toni can’t find her balloons. Where are the balloons? Mojo has them. The toy store is next to the pet shop. Sandy is by the museum. Beth is skating and Donny is skateboarding. They’re by the library. The library is next to the supermarket. Where’s the bakery? Can you find the bakery?。