



咖啡英语单词常见咖啡分类低因咖啡:Decaffeinated Coffee半脱因咖啡:Half-decaf Coffee现磨咖啡:Fresh Ground Coffee黑咖啡:Black Coffee速溶咖啡:Instant Coffee手冲咖啡:Pour Over Coffee冷萃咖啡:Cold Brew Coffee冰滴咖啡:Cold Drip Coffee / Dutch Coffee 法式滴滤咖啡:French Coffee挂耳包:Drip Bag Coffee招牌咖啡:Signature Coffee咖啡馆里常见的咖啡拿铁咖啡:Coffee Latte卡布奇诺:Cappuccino美式咖啡:Americano摩卡咖啡:Coffee Mocha / Mocha玛奇朵:Macchiato焦糖玛奇朵:Caramel Macchiato可塔朵:Cortado醇艺白 / 馥芮白 / 平白咖啡:Flat White欧蕾咖啡:Coffee Au Lait半拿铁 / 布雷卫咖啡:Breve阿芙佳朵:Affogato密斯朵咖啡:Coffee Misto浓缩康宝蓝:Espresso Con Pana浓缩咖啡玛奇朵:Espresso Macchiato意式浓缩: Espresso(Short black)澳式咖啡:Long Black,先在杯中加入约120毫升的热水,然后冲入双份浓缩,表面会有咖啡油脂蕊丝翠朵:Ristretto,萃取标准浓缩咖啡时仅萃取其前段,将萃取时间掐到15-20秒左右廊构咖啡:Lungo,拉长萃取时间后的浓缩咖啡,萃取时间会在30秒以上,萃取液量会达到近60毫升红丝绒拿铁:Red Velvet Latte冰薄荷咖啡:Iced Mint Coffee果味卡布奇诺:Fruit Cappuccino薰衣草卡布奇诺:Lavender Cappuccino香草卡布奇诺:Vanilla Cappuccino菠萝冰美式:Iced Pineapple Americano 芒果冰美式咖啡:Iced Mango Americano 蜜桃冰美式咖啡:Iced Peach Americano 香蕉冰美式:Iced Banana Americano冰摩卡:Iced Mochaccino冰水果咖啡:Iced Fruit Coffee法国香草咖啡:French Vanilla Coffee 漂浮冰咖啡:Iced Coffee Float巧克力冰咖啡:Iced Chocolate Coffee 玫瑰夫人咖啡:Rose Lady Coffee墨西哥冰咖啡:Iced Mexican Coffee瑞士冰咖啡:Iced Swiss Coffee皇家咖啡:Royal Coffee君度咖啡:Cointreau Coffee爱尔咖啡:Irish Coffee姜汁咖啡:Ginger Juice Coffee贵妇人咖啡:Dame Coffee椰香咖啡:Coconut Coffee星巴克相关每周精选咖啡:Coffee of the week星冰乐:Frappuccino气致冷萃:Nitro Cold Brew冰柠耶加:lced Citrus Yirgacheffe泰舒茶:Tazo Tea抹茶拿铁:Green Tea Latte伯爵红茶:Earl Grey冰摇柠檬茶:Iced Shaken Lemon Tea经典热巧克力:Signature Hot Chocolate杯型超大杯:Venti大杯:Grande中杯:Tall小杯:Short牛奶的种类全脂牛奶:Whole Milk(total ester milk)低脂牛奶:Lowfat脱脂牛奶:Nonfat Milk(skinny milk)豆奶:Soy milk半牛奶半奶油 / B奶:Breve(half-and-half)蛋奶:Eggnog有机牛奶:Organic Milk椰奶:Coconut Milk杏仁奶:Almond Milk糖浆香草:Vanilla无糖香草:Sugar-free Vanilla 巧克力糖浆:Chocolate Syrup 焦糖:Caramal太妃坚果糖浆:Toffee Nut杏仁:Almond榛果:Hazelnut无糖榛果:Sugar-free Hazelnut 覆盆子:Raspberry薄荷:Peppermint肉桂:Cinnamon香草精:Vanilla Extract奶泡:Milk Foam巧克力粉:Chocolate Powder鲜奶油:Whipped Cream(whip)星巴克咖啡选择单点一份浓缩咖啡:Solo单点双份浓缩咖啡:Doppio加一份浓缩咖啡:Single加二份浓缩咖啡:Double加三份浓缩咖啡:Triple加四份浓缩咖啡:Quad定制不要奶油 / 奶沫:No Whip(foam)多奶沫少奶 / 少奶沫多奶:Dry(wet)多点奶沫:Extra Foam多 / 少点牛奶:More / Less Milk热一点的:Extra Hot少量奶油、糖浆、奶沫:Light Whip(syrup、foam)不要糖:Sugar Free增加浓缩咖啡浓度:Extra Shots秘密菜单:Secrect Menu在店里喝咖啡:for here外带:to go杯盖:Cup Lid杯托:Tray吸管:Straw咖啡品种阿拉比卡:Arabica罗布斯塔:Robusta利比瑞卡: Liberica波旁:Bourbon卡杜拉:Caturra帝比卡:Typica蒙多诺沃:Mundo Novo卡图文:Catuai马拉戈日皮:Maragogype瑰夏:Geisha / Gesha怕卡斯:Pacas薇拉·萨尔奇:Villa Sarchi 帕卡马拉:Pacamara肯特:Kent常见的产地名咖啡带:Coffee Zone巴西:Brazil哥伦比亚:Colombia哥斯达黎加:Costa Rica埃塞俄比亚:Ethiopia危地马拉:Guatemala印度尼西亚:Indonesia肯尼亚:Kenya巴拿马:Panama坦桑尼亚:Tanzania云南:Yunnan也门:Yemen咖啡豆单品:Single Estate综合:Blend爪哇:Java耶加雪菲:Ethiopia Yirgacheffe肯尼亚:Kenya肯亚特极:Kenya AA哥伦比亚:Colombia曼特宁:Sumatra Mandheling曼巴咖啡:Mandeling & Brazilian Coffee 碳烧咖啡:Charcoal Roasted Coffee巴西咖啡:Brazilian Coffee哥伦比亚咖啡:Colombian Coffee夏威夷可娜咖啡:Hawaiian Kona Coffee蓝山咖啡:Blue Mountain Coffee极品蓝山咖啡:The Best Blue Mountain Coffee 猫屎咖啡:Kopi Luwak精品咖啡:Specialty Coffee商品咖啡:Commodity Coffee咖啡树:Coffee Tree咖啡樱桃:Coffee Cherry咖啡生豆:Green Coffee Bean脱皮:Process摘果:Harvest发酵:Fermentation瑕疵豆:Defect银皮:Silverskin咖啡豆:Coffee Bean蜜处理法:Honey Process日晒处理法:Natural Process水处理法:Washed Process季风处理法:Monsooning去果皮日晒处理法:Pulped Natural Process批次:Lot咖啡器具摩卡壶:Moka Maker法压壶:French Press爱乐压:AeroPress蛋糕杯:Kalita Wave滴滤杯:Dripper美式滤泡壶:Chemex虹吸式咖啡壶:Siphon/syphon越南壶:Vietnamese Pot比利时皇家咖啡壶 / 平衡式塞风壶:Balancing Syphon 土耳其咖啡壶:Cezve美式滴漏咖啡壶:Electric Coffee Maker那不勒斯壶:Napoletana咖啡细口壶:Swan Neck Kettle咖啡机:Coffee Machine咖啡壶:Coffee Pot咖啡机(壶):Coffee Maker咖啡磨豆机:Coffee Grinder 滤纸:Coffee Paper Filter 粉层膨胀:Bloom水粉比例:Brew Ratio冲煮时间:Brew Time克丽玛 / 咖啡油脂:Crema杯测:Cupping品尝:Tasting咖啡机意式咖啡机:Espresso Machine 半自动机型:Semi-automatic 自动机型:Automatic营业商用机型:Commercial消费者机型:Consumer气压:Bar锅炉:Boiler冲煮头:Machine's Grouphead 压粉锤:Tamper填压:Tamping冲煮把手:Portafilter粉碗:Basket蒸汽管:Steamwand喷嘴:Nozzle控制面板:Panel拉花缸:Pitcher打奶:Steam Milk咖啡拉花:Latte Art蒸奶:Steamed Milk奶泡:Milk Foam咖啡因:Coffeine咖啡渣:Sediment咖啡粉饼:Coffee Pack / Coffee Bed 研磨:Grind萃取:Extraction冲煮:Brew冲煮温度:Brew Temperature冲煮时间:Brew Time咖啡浓度:Strength of Coffee萃取不足:underextracted过度萃取:overextracted磨盘式 / 锯齿式磨豆机:Burr Grinder刀盘 / 刀片式磨豆机:Balde Grinder粗研磨:Coarse,颗粒如粗盐大小,适合法压式、过滤式咖啡中研磨:Medium,颗粒如砂砾状,适合平底滤壶的滴滤式咖啡细研磨:Fine,颗粒如一般的糖或盐,适合锥状滤壶的滴滤式咖啡浓缩咖啡式研磨:Finer / Espresso,颗粒比一般糖再更细一些,适合浓缩咖啡极细研磨:Finest / Turkish烘焙工坊:Roastery烘焙师:Roaster咖啡师:Barista杯测师(咖啡品质鉴定师):Cupper / Q-Grader咖啡烘焙机:Coffee Roaster鼓式 / 滚筒式烘焙机:Drum Roaster浮风床式烘焙机:Fluid-Bed Roaster切线式烘焙机:Tangential Roaster球式离心力烘焙机:Centrifugal Roaster烘焙咖啡豆 / 熟豆:Roasted Coffee咖啡烘焙系列极浅烘焙:Light Roast肉桂色烘焙:Cinnamon Roast 中度烘焙:Medium Roast中高度烘焙:High Roast都市烘焙:City Roast深都市烘焙:Full City Roast 法式烘焙:French Roast意式烘焙:Italian Roast重焙:Deep Roast深焙:Dark Roast咖啡风味描述平顺:Smooth深度:Depth风味:Flavor醇度:Body酸度:Acidity苦味:Bitter甘度:Sweet香气:Aroma干净:Clean平衡:Balance口感:Body / Mouthfeel 复杂度:Complexity清淡:Bland咸味:Briny泥土的芳香:Earthy独特性:Exotic芳醇:Mellow温和的:Mild柔润的:Soft香辛:Spicy发酸:Sour浓郁的:Strong狂野的:Wild葡萄酒味儿:Winy黄油味:Buttery乳脂状:Creamy厚重:Heavy轻:Light稠:Thick薄:Thin水味:Watery咖啡相关组织和赛事雨林联盟:Rainforest Alliance卓越杯: COE - Cup of Excellence精品咖啡协会:SCA - Specialty Coffee Association美国精品咖啡协会:SCAA - Specialty Coffee Association of America欧洲精品咖啡协会:SCAE - Specialty Coffee Association of Europe世界咖啡师大赛:WBC - World Barista Championship世界咖啡拉花大赛:WLAC - World Latte Art Championship世界咖啡烘焙师大赛:WRC - World Roasters Championship世界咖啡冲煮大赛:WBCC - World Brewers Cup Championship世界咖啡调酒大赛:WCIGSC - World Coffee In Good Spirits Championship世界咖啡杯测大赛:WCTC - World Cup Tasters Championship世界爱乐压大赛:WAC - World Aeropress Championship专业咖啡大师竞技赛:P.C.A - Professional Coffee Athletics常见的咖啡馆星巴克:Starbucks瑞幸咖啡:Luckin Coffee连咖啡:Coffee Box蓝瓶咖啡:Blue Bottle知识分子咖啡:Intelligentsia树墩咖啡:Stumptown反文化咖啡:Counter Culture雀巢咖啡:Nestlé太平洋咖啡:Pacific Coffee咖世家:Costa漫咖啡:Maan Coffee动物园咖啡:Zoo Coffee上岛咖啡:UBC Coffee雕刻时光咖啡:Sculpting in Time 咖啡店:Coffee Bar / coffee Shop 咖啡角:Coffee Corner咖啡控:Coffee Lover咖啡桌:Coffee Table喝杯咖啡休息一会:Coffee Break最后再来学一个,嘿嘿zhuangbility。



咖啡厅常用词汇Useful Words of Coffee ShopⅠ服务程序Service procedure1.问候Greeting2.入座Seating the Guests3.递菜单Showing the menu4.点菜Taking orders5.出品Offering food & beverage6.席间服务Service during the meal7.结帐Checking bills,check8.送客Saying thanks &good-byeII菜单Menu1.餐牌本menu2 .cake 1)草莓Strawberry 2)巧克力chocolate 3) 黑森林Black forest4) 芝土cheese 5) 车厘子cherry 6)蛋挞/果挞egg tart/ fruit tart7)花生peanut 8)粟子chestnut 9)胡萝卜/ 甘笋carrot10)巧克力毛土chocolate mousse3.雪糕ice cream4.制作方式method of cocking1)烟熏smoke 2)炒fry 3)蒸steam 4)煮boil5)炖braise/stew/poach 6)烩stew 7) bake 8)熘saute9)烤roast 10)煎panfry 11)炸deepfry5.配料ingredients1)蒜garlic 2)咸菜pickle 3)香草herb 4)洋葱onion5)柠檬lemon 6)姜ginger 7)油oil 8)榄油olive oil6.沙律汁salad dressing1)恺撒汁Caesar dressing 2)千岛汁Thousand Island dressing3)法汁French dressing 4)油醋汁oil&vinegar dressing5)意大利汁Italian dressing 6)它它Tartar sauce7)蛋黄酱mayonnaise7.调料condiments1)茄酱detchup 2)辣椒仔Tabasco 3)美极油maggi 4)酱油soy sauce5)芝士粉cheese powder 6)醋vinegar 7)辣椒酱chili sauce8)芥辣mustard/wasabi8.扒类steak1)生熟R,MR,MW,WD,VWD2)汁Dressings.seasonings:黑椒Black pepper 蘑菇mushroom 班尼士Bearnaise sauce蒜茸香草牛油Garlic&herb butter 薄荷汁mint sauce3)配料ingredients/side dishes:酸忌廉Sour cream 葱scallion’spring onion 烟肉碎diced bacon薯Baked potato 薯条French fries 薯泥mashed potato饭Rice 意粉spaghetti 时菜seasonal vegetable Ⅲ酒水牌Drink listⅣ餐厅常用物品名Common Restaurant Articles1.胡椒/盐瓶pepper/salt shaker2.黄油butter3.牙签toothpick4.筷子chopsticds5.餐巾napkin6.纸巾paper napkin7.烟盅ashtray8.咖啡奶coffee cream9.糖sugar10.鲜奶fresh milk 11.咖啡/茶offee/tea 12.吸管straw13.搅棒stir stick 14.杯垫coaster 15.咖啡炉coffee warmer16.菜盖cover 17.菜单menu 18.酒水单drink list 19.点菜本captain order 20.托盘tray 21.果酱jam22.酸果酱marmalade 23.蜂蜜honey 24.花生酱peanut butter附:水果fruit:橙orange 西瓜watermelon 梨pear 蜜瓜honeydew melon葡萄grape 苹果apple 西柚grapefruit 菠萝pineappleⅤ餐厅用具名Reataurant equipment1.不锈钢stainless stell ware/flatware1)正餐刀dinner knife 2)正餐叉dinner fork 3)牛油刀butter knife4)水果/甜品刀dessert knife 5)甜品勺/饭勺dessert spoon 6)甜品叉dessert ford7)汤勺soup spoon 8)服务勺vice spoon 9)冻茶勺soda spoon10)茶勺teaspoon 11)扒刀steak knife 12)柄铲cake knife 13)冰夹ice tongs 14)服务夹service tongs 15)服务叉service fork16)小咖啡勺demi-spoon 17)长把勺ladle2.瓷皿chinaware1)饭碗rice bowl 2)汤碗soup bowl 3)咖啡杯coffee cup/mug 4)咖啡碟saucer 5)甜品碟desscrt plate 6)面包碟bread plate-B/B plate7)奶勺creamer 8)糖盅sugar bowl 9)咖啡壶coffee pot10)茶盅tea pot 11)特浓杯espresso cup 12)花瓶vase13)牙签筒toothpick tuble 14)正餐碟dinner plate15)牛油碟butter plate3.玻璃皿glassware1)水杯water glass 2)果汁杯juice glass 3)高杯high ball4)啤酒杯beer glass 5)洛杯rock 6)酒杯wineglass一、西餐服务英语1、您好!How do you do!2、您好吗?很好,谢谢!您呢?How are you?I'm fine,Thank you!and you?3、欢迎光临!Welcome to our hotel!4、谢谢,不客气。




coffee house咖啡厅相关英语表达咖啡厅主管Coffee Shop Supervisor几米咖啡厅Jimmy Cafe棕色咖啡厅Brown Cafe皇家灯塔咖啡厅Sovereign Light Cafe咖啡厅的英语例句1. I went and had an overpriced cup of coffee in the hotel cafeteria.我去酒店的咖啡厅喝了一杯要价奇高的咖啡。

2. We went into the cafe for coffee and dessert.我们到咖啡厅喝杯咖啡,吃些点心.3. They don't have a coffee shop.他们也没有咖啡厅.4. Well, let's go down to the coffee shop.哦, 那我们下去咖啡厅吧 .5. Does the hotel have a coffee shop?酒店里有咖啡厅吗?6. See you in the coffee shop soon – order me a coffee.我会很快与你在咖啡厅见面;;替我点杯咖啡.7. Above rates include service charge, and include buffet breakfast at Traders Cafe.以上房价已包括服务费, 且含三江咖啡厅自助早餐.8. Arca's Silver Cafe on the promenade in Morecambe is now complete.方舟的银咖啡厅的长廊,在莫克姆现已完成.9. A coffee bar named Qiyuan is an ideal place for meeting friends.名曰“憩园”的咖啡厅是您交友会客的极好去处.10. After dancing, we went to a cafe and had something to drink.跳完舞, 我们去了一家咖啡厅喝点东西.11. Go up these stairs and the coffee shop is to the left.走上楼,咖啡厅就在左边.12. Assume, there is also that fashionable lady at the cafe.设想, 有个时尚女性在咖啡厅.13. In addition has the outdoor court, the pingpong table, the cafe.另有室外篮球场、乒乓球桌、咖啡厅.14. A Midday sounds good? C how about 12.30 at coffee shop?A中午听起来合适――中午12点半在咖啡厅见面怎么样?15. The coffee shop in the hotel. Let's meet there at 2.在饭店的咖啡厅.2点在那里见面.咖啡厅英文阅读带翻译The Coffee Place咖啡厅I used to believe courtesy was a thing of the past. Very seldom have I encountered a courteous human being in this modern era of the so called Generation X.我曾经一度认为礼节是过去才为人崇尚的事。



严谨地说,爱尔兰咖啡是一种含有酒精的咖啡,于1940年由Joseph Sheridan发明。 传统上,爱尔兰咖啡是由热咖啡、爱尔兰威士忌、奶油、糖混合搅拌而成。
爱尔兰咖啡是一种既像酒又像咖啡的咖啡,原料是爱尔兰威士忌加咖啡豆,特殊的咖啡杯, 特殊的煮法,认真而执着,古老而简朴。其爱尔兰咖啡杯是一种方便于烤杯的耐热杯。 烤杯的方法可以去除烈酒中的酒精,让酒香与咖啡更能够直接的调和。
like 喜欢,想要
like sth. 我喜欢苹果. I like apples. 后面如果是可数名词则必须用复数 你喜欢玩具吗? Do you like toys? 你喜欢咖啡吗? Do you like coffee? like doing sth. 喜欢做某事 我们不喜欢滑冰 We don’t like skating. 她不喜欢画画 She doesn’t like drawing. 他喜欢游泳吗? Does he like swimming?
CHRISTINE: Do you want any sugar? ANN: Yes, please.
CHRISTINE: Do you want any milk? ANN: No, thank you. I don’t like milk in my coffee.
I like black coffee.
★助动词do的学习: 特征: 英语中的特殊语法现象。 协助动词进行使用。 本身无词义。
do构成一般疑问句。 They love her. Do they love her? He loves you. Does he love you? 陈述句中谓语动词为实义动词的,转换为一 般疑问句需要助动词do引导。
CHRISTINE: Do you like biscuits? ANN: Yes. I do.



第一部分:经典咖啡类1.热饮系列:Hot espresso拿铁:Caffe latte香草拿铁:Vanilla latte美式咖啡:Caffe Americano卡布奇诺:Cappuccino摩卡: Caffe Mocha焦糖玛奇朵: Caramel Macchiato浓缩咖啡: Espresso浓缩康保蓝:Espresso Con Panna浓缩玛奇朵:Espresso Macchiato2、冰饮系列:Iced Espresso冰拿铁:Iced Caffe Latte冰香草拿铁:Iced Vanilla Latte冰摩卡:Iced Caffe Mocha冰焦糖玛奇朵:Iced Caramel Macchiato第二部分:星冰乐Frappuccino1、咖啡系列:Blended Coffee焦糖咖啡星冰乐:Caramel浓缩咖啡星冰乐:Espresso摩卡星冰乐:Mocha咖啡星冰乐: Coffee2、无咖啡系列:Blended Cream焦糖星冰乐:Caramel抹茶星冰乐:Green Tea香草星冰乐:Vanilla巧克力星冰乐:Chocolate3、果茶系列:Blended Juice芒果西蕃莲果茶星冰乐:Mango PassionFruit第三部分:咖啡和茶Coffee & Tea1、新鲜调制咖啡Brewed Coffee本周精选咖啡:Coffee of The Week密思朵咖啡:Caffe Misto冰调制咖啡:Iced Brewed Coffee2、泰舒茶Tazo Tea抹茶拿铁:Green Tea Latte英式咖啡:English Breakfast伯爵红茶:Earl Grey冰摇泰舒茶:Iced Shaken Tea冰摇柠檬茶:Iced Shaken Lemon Tea3、其他饮料Other Favorite经典热巧克力(含牛奶):Signature Hot Chocolate(contain dairy)冰经典巧克力(含牛奶):Iced Signature Chocolate(contain dairy)牛奶:Milk豆奶:Soy Milk气泡矿泉水:Sparkling Mineral Water矿泉水:Mineral Water果汁:Juice瓶装星冰乐:Bottled Frappuccino妈逼以后天天去星巴克,不喝就进去跟服务员BB你知道吗?星巴克里的英文术语话说今天在星巴克里研究杯子时被shots 和syrup难住了,尤其是shots,百思不得其解,上网搜索了才知道原来是指浓缩咖啡的量词。



演讲稿1:LifeislikeacupofcoffeeLife is like a cup of coffee. This may sound like a strange analogy at first glance, but if you think about it, the two things actually have quite a lot in common. Both are complex, multi-layered experiences that can be enjoyed in many different ways. Both can be sweet and uplifting, orbitter and difficult to swallow. And both, if approached with the right mindset and attitude, can bring a great deal of richness and depth to our lives.So what does it mean, exactly, to say that life is like a cup of coffee? Well, for one thing, it means that both are infinitely varied and complex. Just as there are countless ways to prepare and enjoy a cup of coffee, there are countless different experiences and paths that we can take in our lives. Some of us may prefer our coffee black and strong, while others prefer it light and creamy. Similarly, some of us may choose to lead quiet, contemplative lives, while others are more drawn to excitement and adventure. But no matter what our individual tastes and preferences may be, there is something special and unique about each and every cup of coffee, just as there is something special and unique about each and every one of us.Another way in which life is like a cup of coffee is in how it can be sweet or bitter, depending on how we approach it. Just as some coffees are naturally more bitter or acidic than others, our lives can be filled with hardships and challenges that can be difficult to swallow. But just as a skilled barista can balance out the bitterness of coffee with the sweetness of cream and sugar, we too can find ways to temper the bitterness of life with joy, love, and gratitude. By focusing on the things that bring us pleasure and happiness, and by developing a deep sense of appreciation for even the smallest things in life, we can transform even the most bitter experiences into opportunities for growth and renewed strength.Of course, none of this is to say that life is always easy or straightforward. Just as there are times when even the best coffee can be tough to swallow, there will be times in our lives when we are faced with challenges that seem insurmountable. But just as a cup of coffee can offer us a refreshing jolt of energy when we need it most, so too can our lives provide us with the strength and resilience we need when we are feeling down. By cultivating a sense of purpose, by seeking out meaningful connections with others, and bystaying true to our core values and beliefs, we can weather even the toughest storms and emerge stronger than ever before.So what can we take away from this analogy between life and coffee? For one thing, we can remember that life is complex, multi-layered, and infinitely varied 鈥?just like a good cup of coffee. We can also remember that, just as a cupof coffee can be sweet or bitter depending on how we approach it, our lives too can be full of joy and sweetness if wefocus on the things that matter most to us. And finally, we can remember that although there will inevitably bechallenges and difficulties along the way, if we face themwith courage, determination, and a sense of purpose, we can overcome them and emerge stronger and more resilient thanever before.In short, life is like a cup of coffee in many ways. Both are complex, multi-layered experiences that can offer us a great deal of richness, depth, and flavor if we approach them with an open mind and a grateful heart. So let us savor each and every day, just as we savor each and every cup of coffee, with a deep appreciation for all that life has to offer.。




开机后,需要放气(10 )秒,,需检查水压达到(9)bar、水温达到(100 )℃2.制备一杯摩卡咖啡,需要:(咖啡液)(巧克力酱)(牛奶)3.不仔细压咖啡粉,填压棒倾斜压下的情况,萃取出的Espresso味道就会有(偏差)4.将意式浓缩、摩卡、卡布奇诺、拿铁4种咖啡翻译成英文:(Espresso)(Coffee Mocha)(Cappuccino )、Coffee latte5.咖啡豆研磨的太粗,热水流下的速度必然很(快),做出来的Espresso的酸味会较(重),苦味很(淡)6.在咖啡萃取的过程中应显示压力气压为(1-1.5)帕,水压为(9)帕7.卡布奇诺与拿铁的不同之处:两者都是咖啡与牛奶的融合,不同之处在于牛奶的(分量)不同8.意式咖啡机(手柄)及咖啡机表面,(接水槽),(蒸汽棒)每天清洁。

9.咖啡最早起源于(诶塞尔比亚)10.咖啡这个名称则是源自于(阿拉伯)11.咖啡的主要成分咖啡因、单宁酸、脂肪,蛋白质,(糖分),(纤维),(矿物质)12.种植咖啡的自然条件是(土壤)(阳光)(水)(温度)13.在意大利国家,(烘焙)咖啡豆的市场占有率 99% ,而速溶咖啡仅为(1%)14.制作一杯标准的(意式浓缩)咖啡需要25-30 秒,成品是( 30 )毫升15.雀巢牛奶是(含有)脂肪的的牛奶16.虹吸壶咖啡使用的咖啡粉研磨刻度为(2.5 )17.给客人送上账单时应(低声告知)买单人,而不应(大声唱出)账单金额18.(18世纪)葡萄牙人把咖啡树移植到巴西19.咖啡树的浆果是(黄色和红色)的20.咖啡粉研磨的越细,(氧化)速度越快二.单选题(20题)1.不适宜存放生豆的方式是(B)A,麻袋B,密封良好的锡箔袋C,木桶D,编织袋2.烘焙后的咖啡豆,最佳饮用期是(A)A,3-21天B,立即饮用C,30-60天D,60-90天3.Mocha Pot的中文译名是(C)A,摩卡咖啡B,咖啡壶C,摩卡壶D,加热器亚4.越南人饮用咖啡的习惯,是烘焙后加上(D)调香A,香料B,花瓣C,药材D,奶酪5.蓝山咖啡产自(A)A,牙买加B,夏威夷C,法国D,桑托斯6.比利时咖啡壶又叫做(C)A,滴滤壶B,手冲壶C,平衡式塞风壶D,虹吸壶7.属于滴滤式冲泡的咖啡器具是(C)A,虹吸壶B,咖啡机C,三孔滤杯D,土耳其咖啡壶8.用咖啡机制作奶泡,需要的时间为(B)A,0~8秒B,8~15秒C,20~30秒D,55~60秒9.被誉为咖啡中的波尔多葡萄酒的是(A)咖啡A,蓝山B,摩卡C,曼特宁D,哥伦比亚10.(D)烘焙度的也门摩卡咖啡,时常展现出巧克力般的苦甜韵味。

coffee 怎么读

coffee 怎么读

coffee 怎么读
“coffee”的发音为/ˈkɒfi/ 或/ˈkɔːfi/,其中“co”发音类似于“科”,而“ffee”则类似于“飞”的发音。











小学上册英语第一单元真题试卷英语试题一、综合题(本题有100小题,每小题1分,共100分.每小题不选、错误,均不给分)1.The coffee is ___ (hot/cold).2.My brother loves __________ (历史书).3.The peacock has beautiful _________. (羽毛)4.My favorite season is ______ (fall).5. A parakeet can learn to mimic ______ (声音).6.What do you call a story about someone's life?A. FictionB. AutobiographyC. NovelD. FableB7. A __________ is a mixture where one substance is uniformly distributed in another.8.My _______ (金鱼) swims gracefully.9.I like playing ______ (电子游戏) with my cousins. It is a fun way to compete.10.I want to create a ________ to share with my friends.11. A covalent bond forms when atoms _____ electrons.12.collaborative initiative) addresses shared concerns. The ____13.What is the name of the dinosaur with a long neck?A. Tyrannosaurus RexB. StegosaurusC. BrachiosaurusD. VelociraptorC14.I think animals are very _______ (形容词). They bring joy and _______ (快乐) to our lives.15. A ____(green infrastructure) integrates nature into urban planning.16.The chef is famous for his _____ (食谱).17.We will _______ (explore) the city tomorrow.18. A ________ (植物民俗文化) enriches traditions.19.The __________ (二战) involved many countries.20.My mom has a _____ (new/old) car.21.My dad is a great __________ (模范) of kindness.22.What is the capital of China?A. ShanghaiB. BeijingC. Hong KongD. TaipeiB23.Planting diverse species can enhance the resilience of your ______. (种植多样物种可以增强系统的韧性。



咖啡店名字咖啡店名字650例1、申岛咖啡屋2、尚大咖啡3、平治咖啡馆4、欢乐柠檬5、啡同凡想6、HARDROCK7、假日咖啡厅8、原地9、假日咖啡厅10、魔力意大利11、左岸咖啡12、简便小镇咖啡馆13、香啡阁14、塞纳河畔15、莱茵河畔16、时光漫步咖啡17、悠适上岛咖啡屋18、醇自然咖啡19、么么咖啡店20、佰分咖啡21、忠诚22、多伦多咖啡23、那时花开24、都市晶华咖啡屋25、飘香坊26、城市月光27、圣柏拉咖啡29、微时光咖啡30、春之物语31、百味咖啡32、雀桥-咖啡33、浓情蜜意34、雕刻时光35、贵族咖啡世届36、太平洋咖啡37、LACAFE38、暖暖咖啡39、西堤岛咖啡40、佐伊咖啡馆41、暖暖DE宅42、彼岸43、黑熊咖啡店44、十月咖啡馆45、露天咖啡座46、萌贝儿咖啡47、绿韵咖啡厅48、申申阳光咖啡馆49、水玻璃50、公馆咖啡51、好久不见52、月亮咖啡53、布拉格54、+咖啡55、四季阳光咖啡56、沱江小站57、舒米勒咖啡59、西提岛咖啡60、香榭丽舍咖啡屋61、意犹未尽62、仁和春天咖啡店63、玛丽64、小小的咖啡馆65、Meet·bar66、新岛咖啡67、广豆YP馆68、悦来咖啡店69、露天咖啡座70、彼岸71、年代咖啡72、浓情蜜意73、花神咖啡屋74、迷森林75、玛娜咖啡76、午后浓香咖啡馆77、浪漫樱花78、回味79、观星台咖啡厅80、第二杯咖啡81、彭年咖啡厅82、酷比咖啡83、悠悠房84、情缘奶咖85、维也纳风情咖啡屋86、Starbuckd87、空中楼阁89、咖色啡岸90、叠翠咖啡厅91、雅堤咖啡92、袅袅咖啡93、夏洛克之约94、狮迈咖啡95、幽香世家96、金粤咖啡语茶97、THECAFEKACAO咖咖奥98、谜森林の咖啡厅99、啡你莫属100、普罗柯布咖啡101、天地人咖啡店102、慧娴雅叙103、香啡阁104、黑白玻璃球105、浪漫都会106、贵族咖啡世届107、修哒108、恋色梦幻109、小城故事110、完美体验111、啡语咖屋112、蓝调心境113、上海向后转114、myosotis勿忘我115、袅袅咖啡116、午后117、香飘飘118、yw起名网119、浪漫樱花120、九号咖啡121、假日咖啡厅122、黑糖咖啡123、茶香小憩124、农庄咖啡厅125、玛奇哈朵126、色彩咖啡厅127、露天咖啡座128、爵士岛咖啡129、同昌咖啡馆130、卡夫卡咖啡131、假日咖啡厅132、格调咖啡133、咖妃咖啡134、玛莎拉咖啡厅135、舒米勒咖啡136、雅迪咖啡137、monsoon咖啡酒廊138、myosotis勿忘我139、天鹅堡咖啡厅140、卡西欧咖啡厅141、奇异庄园咖啡店142、米兰咖啡143、莱茵河畔144、沙耶加145、西提岛咖啡146、咖啡驿站147、缘咖啡148、好听的咖啡厅名字149、沙星咖啡吧150、得闲来151、D°Ice152、等一人咖啡153、香香清154、隔壁老王的.咖啡厅155、没时间咖啡馆156、蜜糖157、真汉咖啡剧158、啡吧159、暖暖咖啡160、苏莲托161、假日咖啡厅162、雅阁咖啡163、莱茵河畔164、花神咖啡165、请品鉴166、午后浓香咖啡馆167、浪漫咖啡雨168、何泰尔咖啡店169、咖啡陪你170、雅阁咖啡171、年代咖啡172、咖色啡岸173、雕刻时光174、芳庭咖啡廊175、生态咖啡馆176、紫金阁咖啡厅177、曼妙178、羽樊地咖啡179、华林苑180、左岸咖啡181、梦巴黎182、悠乐咖啡馆183、梦巴黎184、真锅咖啡馆185、可可186、Waiting吧187、啡同凡响188、moonbucks 189、雅迪咖啡190、布拉格191、雅迪咖啡192、马哥孛罗咖啡厅193、缘咖啡厅194、脑残星巴克195、阑珊咖啡196、咖啡物语197、浪漫樱花198、米亚罗咖啡西餐西餐199、玛丽200、爱情咖啡屋201、清风阁202、色彩咖啡厅203、花可蜜204、那么咖啡205、布莱梅之家206、果粒咖啡207、旧时光咖啡馆208、心境故事209、沙耶加210、缘木坊211、上岛咖啡212、清清香213、咖啡一号店214、米萝咖啡215、卡摩西216、啡语217、芒果咖啡店218、咖啡湾219、上岛咖啡220、豆雅醇香221、卡西欧咖啡厅222、午后的咖啡馆223、啡扬咖啡224、MY咖啡225、哩渡咖啡馆226、再坐一会227、圆梦咖啡228、咖色啡岸229、咖啡厅230、研磨时光231、城市月光232、黑白玻璃球233、缘咖啡厅234、建筑时光235、鸟巢咖啡236、真锅咖啡馆237、黑色郁金香238、七彩琥珀咖啡屋239、百花园咖啡240、沁恬241、香啡阁242、大道咖啡馆243、卡布奇诺244、翠堤春晓245、Sweet咖啡屋246、夏蒙尼咖啡247、品谓生康桥咖吧248、蜗牛咖啡馆249、蜂巢咖啡屋250、仁和春天咖啡店251、o(氧)咖啡馆252、莱茵河畔253、蓝阁咖啡254、午后咖啡馆255、幻化咖啡店256、爱丽丝257、雅堤咖啡厅258、君野咖啡馆259、咖啡一号店260、真汉咖啡剧261、魔力意大利262、半生缘263、爱丽丝264、Starbuckd 265、阳光咖啡厅266、参差咖啡267、随心吧268、双叟咖啡馆269、蓝调心境270、夏洛克之约271、咖咖Show 272、绿色咖啡273、黑匣子274、咖与啡咖啡275、海贼王咖啡276、零碎的时光277、桃花源278、研磨时光279、西提岛咖啡280、滴水清音281、左岸咖啡282、景苑咖啡厅283、绿洲咖啡厅284、山堤咖啡285、花神咖啡286、PURR 287、黑匣子288、MANGOSIX 289、麦咖啡290、花园咖啡厅291、旋涡水晶啡292、馨韵293、楚留香294、霞缘咖啡厅295、MISS咖啡296、西提岛咖啡297、中意298、转角遇见爱299、主题空间咖啡厅300、拾间咖啡301、MyCoffee 302、魔咖啡303、尊典咖啡西餐厅304、啡语咖啡厅305、咖啡玻璃屋306、迪欧咖啡307、布拉格308、正好咖啡309、索列咖啡店310、简便满屋311、苏眉咖啡312、水漾心境313、真锅咖啡馆314、浪漫咖啡屋315、名匠咖啡西餐厅316、梦巴黎317、沙耶加318、研磨时光319、星期八咖啡厅320、哩渡咖啡馆321、新侨饭店咖啡厅322、西提岛咖啡323、米萝咖啡324、康宝兰325、妈咪咖啡326、午后浓香咖啡馆327、啡常道咖啡329、翻版星巴克330、鸟巢咖啡331、HARDROCK 332、玛丽333、℃咖啡馆334、尚爱咖啡店335、彼岸336、那些年咖啡337、悟鱼咖啡338、米蕥339、鸟巢咖啡340、上好咖啡341、午后的咖啡馆342、梵德咖啡343、暗色coffee 344、凯迪咖啡店345、初恋346、爱琴海347、泛思fans 348、洛神咖啡349、爱琴海350、啡阅咖啡351、年代咖啡352、沙星咖啡吧353、人文楼一咖啡屋354、蜜糖355、尚豆咖啡356、申岛咖啡屋357、梅伊359、缪斯女神360、莱茵河畔361、上岛咖啡362、四季风咖啡酒吧363、银座364、啡域咖啡365、真锅咖啡馆366、芳香四溢咖啡屋367、这有家咖啡店368、小磨咖啡369、维也纳风情咖啡屋370、雕刻时光371、初心咖啡馆372、勿忘我373、自由神374、埃米克咖啡375、袅袅376、研磨时光377、尤加378、橘子咖啡猫379、蜜糖380、啡言啡语咖啡381、玛奇哈朵382、心境故事383、路人咖啡384、百味咖啡385、某某咖啡厅386、爵士岛咖啡387、天鹅堡咖啡厅388、怀旧389、咖啡玻璃屋390、由稻里咖啡391、℃咖啡馆392、苏莲托393、浪漫清新394、左岸咖啡395、天鹅堡咖啡厅396、米萝咖啡397、MISS咖啡398、黑匣子399、袅袅咖啡400、午后晨前401、街角咖啡吧402、零下一度咖啡馆403、阿依莲咖啡店404、恋色梦幻405、空中楼阁406、康宝兰407、relaxcafe 408、欣达茶语咖啡409、卡西欧咖啡厅410、让时间慢下来411、上好咖啡412、雅堤咖啡413、卡摩西414、恋色梦幻415、悠适上岛咖啡屋416、咖啡地带417、水玻璃418、我们约会吧419、马哥孛罗咖啡厅420、Sarah的调调421、蜂巢咖啡屋422、麦佳咖啡423、终生免费424、品味咖啡店425、浪漫咖啡屋426、春花秋意咖啡427、塞纳河畔428、帕帕罗蒂咖啡429、MY咖啡430、相思豆咖啡431、天鹅堡咖啡厅432、天庭咖啡厅433、SUMPOP-UPCAFE 434、绿林咖啡435、黑木耳咖啡馆436、富岚迪咖啡437、有家加非店438、乐巢咖啡439、Lacafe440、花神咖啡屋441、爱丽丝442、快活林443、梅伊444、午后的咖啡馆445、玫瑰色446、缠绵447、霞缘咖啡厅448、云淡风轻449、阅爱咖啡店(吧) 450、雅格仕咖啡屋451、天庭咖啡厅452、Soft咖啡屋453、简爱咖啡454、旋涡水晶啡455、雅迪咖啡456、怪咖先生457、蓝调458、遇吧Meet 459、苏莲托460、清心坊461、卡布奇诺462、梦巴黎463、查理精品咖啡464、悠闲咖啡屋465、月亮雪咖啡屋466、Q特咖啡屋467、舒米勒咖啡468、雅堤咖啡469、爱琴海470、旋涡水晶啡471、星期八咖啡厅472、轻舞指尖473、城市月光474、温馨咖啡坊475、日盛向岛咖啡476、君野咖啡馆477、无恙咖啡478、城市月光479、香榭丽舍480、心境故事481、玫瑰五号咖啡482、正负二度C 483、挚爱484、℃咖啡馆485、浪漫樱花486、佐伊咖啡馆487、非非想露天咖啡488、缘味489、蓝调咖啡490、得闲来491、彼岸咖啡站492、意浓咖啡493、浪漫情怀494、Lacafe 495、本素咖啡吧496、左右悠然497、卡西欧咖啡厅498、蜜糖499、洛神咖啡500、街角的咖啡店501、Mocca咖啡站502、老树咖啡503、露天咖啡座504、苏莲托505、熊猫咖啡506、欧尚咖啡厅507、咖啡物语508、执手概念咖啡509、鸟巢咖啡510、星期八咖啡厅511、啊琵璃坤斯奇512、忆江南513、咖啡厅514、MonsantCafe 515、拾号咖啡店516、芳庭咖啡廊517、香啡馆518、卡布奇诺519、麦色咖啡520、安怡休闲驿站521、源点咖啡522、磨啡523、浓好咖啡店524、萌贝儿咖啡525、相约意浓526、往事527、非凡一杯咖啡馆528、路漫漫529、卡斯卡洛咖啡530、江南茶楼531、恋色梦幻532、卡布奇诺533、雅格仕咖啡屋534、雅堤咖啡厅535、时间对面536、雕刻时光咖啡厅537、卡摩西539、舍咖啡馆540、蓝调心境541、申申阳光咖啡馆542、咖隆咖啡543、康桥咖啡544、麦咖啡545、卡摩西546、雅堤咖啡厅547、森尼咖啡站548、索尔咖啡549、爱琴海550、浪漫樱花551、一家咖啡厅552、爵士岛咖啡553、咖啡地带554、利莱咖啡555、雅堤咖啡556、尚爱咖啡店557、啡常道咖啡558、八月咖啡559、切尔西咖啡厅560、麦咖啡561、闲来雅去562、泰谷咖啡馆563、莱茵河咖啡564、咖啡小馆565、“号”咖啡屋566、图兰朵咖啡567、咖啡一号店569、玛奇哈朵570、咖色啡岸571、七里香572、蓝樽咖啡573、紫荆花574、黑糖咖啡575、诚品咖啡576、LACFE 577、聚雅轩578、袅袅咖啡579、瑞士咖啡厅580、七里飘香581、心境小站582、景苑咖啡厅583、园艺咖啡584、咖啡物语585、啡扬咖啡586、星期八咖啡厅587、香雪之恋咖啡厅588、情缘咖啡589、元丽咖啡馆590、萌贝儿咖啡591、索列咖啡店592、施兰贝格咖啡593、小镇咖啡屋594、东苏咖啡595、圣柏拉咖啡596、谜森林の咖啡厅597、啡语598、思念居599、浓情蜜意600、恋色梦幻601、同昌咖啡馆602、暖暖咖啡603、英式田园咖啡604、下一站605、星期咖啡606、尤加607、本色咖啡608、百花园咖啡609、卡摩西610、咖啡色611、雅适咖啡612、年代咖啡613、舒米勒咖啡614、街角啡语615、黑糖咖啡616、雕刻时光617、Mocca咖啡站618、新岛咖啡619、啡语620、咖啡物语621、梵高咖啡店622、蓝调心境623、几米咖啡624、米兰咖啡625、上好咖啡626、四季风咖啡酒吧627、情缘奶咖628、咖色啡岸629、香榭丽舍咖啡屋630、萌贝儿咖啡631、sunbucks 632、岚博633、中柏咖啡店634、恋爱季节635、旋律咖啡636、街角的咖啡店637、静听流光638、咖啡馆639、苏莲托640、尤加641、浪花海韵642、云影竹风643、小呆咖啡644、第二杯咖啡645、SPRCOFFEE 646、九号咖啡647、黑糖咖啡648、Mocca咖啡站649、莱茵河咖啡650、四季风咖啡。






在英语中称“coffee ”。




























世界上最全的咖啡知识 咖啡喝的是一种情调

世界上最全的咖啡知识 咖啡喝的是一种情调




意大利式拿铁咖啡(Caffe Latte)需要一小杯Espresso和一杯牛奶(150~200毫升),拿铁咖啡中牛奶多而咖啡少,这与Cappuccino有很大不同。





如果不放热牛奶,而直接在意大利浓缩咖啡上装饰两大勺牛奶泡沫,就成了被意大利人叫做Espresso Macchiato的玛奇哈朵咖啡.欧蕾咖啡(Café Au Lait)欧蕾咖啡可以被看成是欧式的拿铁咖啡,与美式拿铁和F拿铁都不太相同。



法国人是欧蕾咖啡最热情的拥护者,你在法国入的早餐桌上会看到肚子圆圆的欧蕾杯,里面盛的是他们一天好心情的源泉. 有趣的是,比较所有的咖啡杯,可能法国人用来盛欧蕾咖啡的杯子是最大号的。




1. 哥伦比亚咖啡 Colombian Coffee2. 牙买加咖啡 Jamaican Coffee3. 蓝山咖啡 Blue Mountain Coffee4. 巴西山度士咖啡 Brazil Santos Coffee5. 曼特林咖啡 Brazilian Coffee6. 意大利咖啡 Italian Coffee7. 意大利浓咖啡 Espresso8. 意大利泡沫咖啡 Cappuccino9. 拿铁咖啡Café Latté (Coffee Latte)10. 美式咖啡Café Americano11. 法式滴滤咖啡 French Coffee12. 冰法式滴滤 Iced French Coffee13. 低因咖啡 Decaffeinated Coffee14. 曼巴咖啡 Special Coffee (Mandeling and Brazilian Coffee)15. 速溶咖啡 Instant Coffee16. 现磨咖啡 Fresh Ground Coffee17. 冰咖啡 Iced Coffee18. 浓缩冰咖啡 Iced Espresso19. 冰薄荷咖啡 Iced Mint Coffee20. 冰卡布奇诺 Iced Cappuccino21. 冰焦糖卡布奇诺 Iced Caramel Cappuccino22. 冰香草卡布奇诺 Iced Vanilla Cappuccino23. 冰榛子卡布奇诺 Iced Hazelnut Cappuccino24. 果味冰卡布奇诺 Iced Fruit Cappuccino25. 果味卡布奇诺 Fruit Cappuccino26. 薰衣草卡布奇诺 Lavender Cappuccino27. 香草卡布奇诺 Vanilla Cappuccino28. 榛子卡布奇诺 Hazelnut Cappuccino29. 冰拿铁咖啡Iced Café Latté30. 冰焦糖咖啡拿铁Iced Caramel Latté31. 冰香草咖啡拿铁Iced Vanilla Latté32. 冰榛子咖啡拿铁 Iced Haz elnut Latté33. 冰菠萝咖啡拿铁Iced Pineapple Latté34. 冰草莓咖啡拿铁Iced Strawberry Latté35. 冰果味咖啡拿铁Iced Fruit Latté36. 黑莓咖啡拿铁Blackberry Latté37. 拿铁香草Vanilla Bean Latté38. 薰衣草咖啡拿铁Lavender Latté39. 椰子冰咖啡拿铁Iced Coconut Latté40. 黑莓冰咖啡拿铁 Iced B lackberry Latté41. 芒果冰咖啡拿铁Iced Mango Latté42. 蜜桃冰咖啡拿铁Iced Peach Latté43. 蜜桃咖啡拿铁Peach Latté44. 樱桃咖啡拿铁Cherry Latté45. 樱桃冰咖啡拿铁Iced Cherry Latté46. 榛子咖啡拿铁Hazelnut Latté47. 香蕉咖啡拿铁Banana Latté48. 浓缩咖啡康保蓝 Espresso Con Panna49. 浓缩咖啡玛奇朵 Espresso Macchiato50. 冰美式咖啡Iced Café Americano51. 菠萝冰美式 Iced Pineapple Americano52. 芒果冰美式咖啡 Iced Mango Americano53. 蜜桃冰美式咖啡 Iced Peach Americano54. 香蕉冰美式 Iced Banana Americano55. 冰摩卡 Iced Mochaccino56. 草莓摩卡咖啡 Iced Strawberry Mocha57. 樱桃摩卡咖啡 Cherry Mocha58. 椰子摩卡咖啡 Coconut Mocha59. 芒果摩卡咖啡 Mango Mocha60. 香蕉摩卡咖啡 Banana Mocha61. 冰水果咖啡 Iced Fruit Coffee62. 法国香草咖啡 French Vanilla Coffee63. 漂浮冰咖啡 Iced Coffee Float64. 巧克力冰咖啡 Iced Chocolate Coffee65. 巧克力咖啡 Chocolate Coffee66. 塔拉珠高山咖啡 Tarrazu Coffee67. 碳烧咖啡 Charcoal Coffee68. 特雷里奥咖啡 Tres Rios Coffee69. 维也纳咖啡 Vienna Coffee70. 杏香咖啡 Saronno Coffee71. 夏威夷可娜咖啡 Hawaiian Kona Coffee72. 玫瑰夫人咖啡 Rose Lady Coffee73. 墨西哥冰咖啡 Iced Mexican Coffee74. 瑞士冰咖啡 Iced Swiss Coffee75. 巴西咖啡 Brazil Coffee76. 皇家咖啡 Royal Coffee77. 君度咖啡 Cointreau Coffee78. 爱尔咖啡 Irish Coffee79. 生姜咖啡 Ginger Juice Coffee80. 贵妇人咖啡 Dame Coffee81. 椰香咖啡 Coconut Coffee 本文地址:/w_show/2/w_show-1057.html 感谢您的支持与配合,我们会努力把内容做得更好!。



coffee相关英语三级阅读理解第五篇.Late-Night DrinkingCoffee lovers beware〔当心〕. Having a quick "pick-me-up" cup of coffee late in the day will play havoc〔破坏〕with your sleep. As well as being a stimulant〔〕, caffeine interrupts〔打断〕the flow of melatonin 〔褪黑激素〕,the brain hormone〔荷尔蒙〕that sends people into a sleep.Melatonin levels normally start to rise about two hours before bedtime. Levels then peak(山峰)betweenn2 am and 4 am, before falling again. "It' s theneurohormone(神经激素) that controls our sleep and tells our body when to sleep and when to wake," says Maurice Ohayon of the Stanford Sleep Epidemiology Research Center at Stanford University in California. But researchers in Israel have found that caffeinated coffee halves the body's levels of this sleep hormone.Lotan Shilo and a team at the Sapir Medical Center in Tel Aviv University found that six volunteers(志愿者)slept less well after a cup of caffeinated coffee than after drinking the same amount of decaf(脱咖啡因咖啡). On average, subjects slept 336 minutes per night after drinking caffeinated coffee, compared with 4l5 minutes after decaf. They also took half an hour to drop off- twice as long as usual -and jigged around in bed twice as much.In the second phase(阶段)of the experiment, the researchers woke the volunteers every three hours and asked them to give a urine(尿) sample. Shilo measuredconcentrations(浓度)of a breakdown(分解)product of melatonin. The results suggest that melatonin concentrations in caffeine drinkers were half those in decaf drinkers. In a paper accepted for publication in Sleep Medicine, the researchers suggest that caffeine blocks production of the enzyme that drives melatonin production.Because it can take many hours to eliminate(排除)caffeine from the body, Ohayon recommends that coffee lovers switch to decaf after lunch.练习:l. The author mentions "pick-me-up" to indicate(表明)thatA melatonin levels need to be raised.B neurohormone can wake us up.C coffee is a stimulant.D decaf is a caffeinated coffee.2. Which of the following tells us how caffeine affects sleep?A Caffeine blocks production of the enzyme that stops melatonin production.B Caffeine interrupts the flow of the hormone that prevents people fromsleeping.C Caffeine halves the body's levels of sleep hormone.D Caffeine stays in the body for many hours.3. What does paragraph 3 mainly discuss?A Different effects of caffeinated coffee and decaf on sleep.B Different findings of Lotan Shilo and a team about caffeine.C The fact that the subjects slept 4l5 minutes per night after drinking decaf.D The proof that the subjects took half an hour to fall asleep.4. What does the experiment mentioned in paragraph 4 prove?A There are more experiment in decaf drinkers' urine sample.B There are more melatonin concentrations in caffeine drinkers' urine sample.C Decaf drinkers produce less melatonin.D Caffeine drinkers produce less sleep hormone.5. The author of this passage probably agrees thatA coffee lovers sleep less than those who do not drink coffee.B we should not drink coffee after supper.C people sleep more soundly at midnight than at 3 am.D if we feel sleepy at night , we should go to bed immediately.。



生活高频单词单词:coffee1. 定义与释义1.1词性:名词1.2中文释义:咖啡,一种由咖啡豆研磨后煮制或冲泡而成的饮品。

1.3英文释义:A drink made from the roasted and ground seeds of a tropical shrub.1.4相关词汇:caffeine(咖啡因,派生词)、espresso(浓咖啡,近义词)、latte(拿铁咖啡,相关词)2. 起源与背景2.1词源:“coffee”这个词源自阿拉伯语“qahwah”。



3. 常用搭配与短语3.1短语:(1) coffee break:工作中间的喝咖啡休息时间。

例句:We have a coffee break at 10 o'clock every morning.翻译:我们每天上午10点有个咖啡休息时间。

(2) black coffee:纯咖啡(不加奶或糖)。

例句:He prefers black coffee in the morning.翻译:他早上更喜欢喝纯咖啡。

(3) coffee shop:咖啡店。

例句:Let's meet at the coffee shop around the corner.翻译:咱们在街角的咖啡店见面吧。

4. 实用片段(1) "I'm so tired this morning. I need a cup of coffee to wake me up." Mary said as she yawned. Her colleague replied, "Me too. The coffee in the office is not bad."翻译:“我今天早上太累了。




1.3英文释义:A drink made from roasted and ground coffee beans.1.4相关词汇:café(同指咖啡,也可表示咖啡馆,为名词,源于法语),coffeemaker(咖啡壶,名词,派生词),caffeinated(含咖啡因的,形容词,派生词)2 起源与背景2.1词源:“coffee”一词源于阿拉伯语“qahwah”,最初指的是一种由植物汁液制成的酒,后来用于指咖啡这种饮品。



3 常用搭配与短语3.1短语:(1) coffee break:工作间隙喝咖啡休息的时间。

例句:Let's have a coffee break at 10 o'clock.翻译:咱们10点来个咖啡休息时间吧。

(2) coffee shop:售卖咖啡等饮品的小店。

例句:There is a new coffee shop near my house.翻译:我家附近有一家新开的咖啡店。

(3) black coffee:纯咖啡(不加奶或糖)。

例句:I prefer black coffee in the morning.翻译:我早上更喜欢喝纯咖啡。

(4) coffee cup:咖啡杯。

例句:She accidentally broke her coffee cup.翻译:她不小心打碎了她的咖啡杯。

4 实用片段(1). "I'm so tired this morning. I need a big cup of coffee to wake me up." Jack said as he yawned. His colleague replied, "Me too. Let's go to the coffee shop downstairs."翻译:“我今天早上太累了。





店铺整理了关于coffee的英语小短文,欢迎阅读!关于coffee的英语小短文篇一He met her at a party. She was outstanding; many guys were after her, but nobody paid any attention to him. After the party, he invited her for coffee. She was surprised. So as not to appear rude, she went along.As they sat in a nice coffee shop, he was too nervous to say anything and she felt uncomfortable. Suddenly, he asked the waiter, “Could you please give me some salt? I'd like to put it in my coffee.”They stared at him. He turned red, but when the salt came, he put it in his coffee and drank. Curious, she asked, “Why salt with coffee?” He explained, “When I was a little boy, I lived near the sea. I liked playing in the sea ... I could feel its taste salty, like salty coffee. Now every time I drink it, I think of my childhood and my hometown. I miss it and my parents, who are still there.”She was deeply touched. A man who can admit that he's homesick must love his home and care about his family. He must be responsible.She talked too, about her faraway hometown, her childhood, her family. That was the start to their love story.They continued to date. She found that he met all her requirements. He was tolerant, kind, warm and careful. And to think she would have missed the catch if not for the salty coffee!So they married and lived happily together. And every time she made coffee for him, she put in some salt, the way he likedit.After 40 years, he passed away and left her a letter which said: My dearest, please forgive my life-long lie. Remember the first time we dated? I was so nervous I asked for salt instead of sugar.It was hard for me to ask for a change, so I just went ahead.I never thought that we would hit it off1. Many times, I tried to tell you the truth, but I was afraid that it would ruin everything.Sweetheart, I don't exactly like salty coffee. But as it mattered so much to you, I've learnt to enjoy it. Having you with me was my greatest happiness. If I could live a second time, I hope we can be together again, even if it means that I have to drink salty coffee for the rest of my life.他在晚会上遇见了她。

life coffee

life coffee


A group of graduates got together to visit their old university professor.一群毕业生,各自在事业上都已有所建树,相约一起去看望他们年老的大学教授。

The conversation soon turned into complaints about stress in work and life. Offering his guests coffee, the professor went to the kitchen and returned with a large pot of coffee and a variety of cups—porcelain, plastic, glass, crystal, some plain-looking, some expensive, some exquisite—telling them to help themselves to the coffee.谈话一会儿就变成了各自对工作和生活压力的抱怨。


When all the students had a cup of coffee in hand, the professor said,当所有学生手中都端了一杯咖啡后,教授发话了:"If you have noticed, all the nice-looking expensive cups have been taken up, leaving behind the plain and cheap ones. While it is normal for you to want only the best for yourselves, that is the source of your problems and stress. "“如果你们注意一下,就会发现所有好看的昂贵的杯子都被挑走了,剩下的只是那些普通的和便宜的。












Lesson 47 A cup of coffee一杯咖啡CHRISTINE: Do you like coffee, Ann?ANN: Yes, I do.CHRISTINE: Do you want a cup?ANN: Yes, please, Christine.CHRISTINE: Do you want any sugar?ANN: es, please.CHRISTINE: Do you want any milk?ANN: No, thank you. I don't like milk in my coffee. I like black coffee. CHRISTINE: Do you like biscuits?ANN: Yes. I do.CHRISTINE: Do you want one?ANN: Yes, please.参考译文克里斯廷:你喜欢咖啡吗,安?安:是的,我喜欢。







本课重点1.Do you like coffee, Ann? Yes, I do.你喜欢咖啡吗?安?是的,我喜欢。

1) sb. like(s) sth.这个句型常常用来表示“某人喜欢或想要…”例如:I like rice, but I don’t like noodles.我喜欢米饭,但我不喜欢面条。


完整的回答应为:Yes, I like coffee. 为了避免重复,回答时用问句中的助动词do来代替like coffee。

如果是否定回答,则为:No, I don’t.2.Do you want a cup?你想要一杯吗?1)通过上下文我们知道,这里的a cup实际上指的是 a cup of coffee。

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-产品质量稳定; Quality consistent
-- 咖啡风味口感浓郁; Typical and pure coffee aroma and flavor. - 速溶性好; Instant soluble
Coffee Powder 咖啡粉

• • • •
百分百纯烘烤咖啡提取,喷雾干燥而成的速溶于水的粉状咖啡,微造粒,深棕 色颗粒,良好的水溶性 Instant soluble coffee powder, extracted from 100% roasted coffee beans and spray dried. Microagglomerated powder, darkish brown particle, good solubility in water.
其它 咖啡花生 调味包 咖啡瓜子
山东乳山华隆 惠香源 大好大
V型&C型咖啡coffee 包装规格: 10kg
Coffee application 咖啡粉的应用
喜之郎:咖啡优乐美 Strong, coffee U.loueit
统一雅哈咖啡味奶茶 President, Aha Coffee taste Milk Tea
Coffee Powder 咖啡粉
外形 咖啡因 密度 PH 咖啡豆 风味
2.1-2.8 250260g/L
5.45.6(更 酸)
Robusta 偏酸 (目前 越南进 口)+ Arabica (云南)
3.8-4.3 300320g/L
5.4-5.6 100% 偏苦 Robusta (目前 越南进 口)
Coffee Powder 咖啡粉
Product Characteristics and Advantages 产品特点及优势
-100%纯咖啡豆制成; 100% coffee bean - 原料产地稳定,长期供货; Long-term stable cooperative material resource -干燥塔为雀巢独有专利设备,最大程度保持咖啡的风味; Excluded spray dryer design technology to preserve coffee flavor by maximum content
和路雪:梦龙卡布其诺 Wall‘s , Magnum
乐天:咖啡味口香糖 Le Conte Coffee Gum
徐福记 碳烧咖啡糖 Hsu Fu Chi coffee candy
咖啡含片 coffee tabelt
格力高 百力滋 Glico, PRETZ
品尝方法tasting: 1.8克咖啡粉样品加入150ml水(85 ℃-90 ℃),搅拌均匀后品尝, 1.8g sample+150ml hot water (85-90 ℃) , stir simultaneously.
包装Packaging:10公斤包装,内衬双层100微米厚PE袋, 外用瓦楞纸箱10kg net weight, two 100microns PE bags with cable tie plus shipping carton. 保质期 Shelf life:12M
Coffee application 咖啡粉的应用
用途 固体饮料 咖啡三合一 咖啡饮料 奶茶 咖啡雪糕 梦龙 咖啡糖 糖果 烘焙 咖啡口香糖 巧克力 曲奇 饼干、面包 咖啡酱料 味可美 客户 茶店、津美珍、一家人 三得利 喜之郎、统一 伊体饮料
Coffee Powder process 咖啡粉生产工艺
生咖啡 green coffee 清洗,混合 cleaning,blending 烘焙 roasting 碾磨 milling 萃取 Extracting
喷雾干燥 Spray drying 包装 packaging