Main Idea and Supporting Details 段落支撑
In this paragraph, the main idea isn’t stated. However, by reading the paragraph, the reader can determine the main idea: Native Americans used resources in the forest to survive.
What is the main idea?
A) Sloths and tapirs are other creatures that live in the rain forest. B) The rain forest is home to many creatures. C) Monkeys, toucans and macaws live in the rain forest.
The underlined portion of the sentence is the main idea and is stated for the reader.
“The Native Americans used the trees to build their houses. They hunted and trapped animals in the forest for food. They found roots and berries that they could eat. Some plants found in the forest were used for medicine.”
• It didn’t have a MAIN IDEA! • We would go crazy if texts were written like this all the time. • It was difficult to understand because it was made of different ideas that did not link. There was no common thread. • The good news is that normal passages have main ideas!
英语2级知识点总结In the English language, there are several important knowledge points that make up the basis of understanding and communication. These knowledge points include grammar, vocabulary, reading, writing, speaking, and listening.GrammarGrammar is the set of structural rules that govern the composition of sentences, phrases, and words in any natural language. It is important for learners to have a strong grasp of English grammar in order to communicate effectively. Some key grammar points at the English Level 2 include:1. Parts of Speech: Understanding the different parts of speech, such as nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, pronouns, prepositions, conjunctions, and interjections, is crucial for constructing and understanding sentences.2. Tenses: English has several tenses, including simple present, present continuous, simple past, past continuous, present perfect, and past perfect. Understanding how and when to use each tense is important for conveying different meanings and time frames in English.3. Sentence Structure: Learners at English Level 2 should be familiar with basic sentence structure, including subject-verb agreement, word order, and sentence types (declarative, interrogative, imperative, and exclamatory).VocabularyVocabulary refers to the words and phrases used in a language. Building a strong vocabulary is essential for understanding and expressing oneself in English. At Level 2, learners should focus on:1. Word Families: Understanding how words are related to each other through prefixes, suffixes, and roots can help learners expand their vocabulary more quickly.2. Context Clues: Learning how to use context to understand the meaning of unfamiliar words is an important skill at Level 2. This includes understanding the meaning of words based on the surrounding text and recognizing synonyms and antonyms.3. Collocations: Collocations are words that are often used together. Learning common collocations can help learners express themselves more naturally in English.ReadingReading is an essential skill for language learners, as it helps improve vocabulary, comprehension, and overall language proficiency. At Level 2, learners should focus on: 1. Reading Comprehension: Understanding the main idea, supporting details, and the author's purpose in a text is crucial for reading comprehension.2. Inference: Making inferences based on the information presented in a text is an important skill at Level 2. This includes understanding implied meanings and drawing conclusions from the text.3. Text Structures: Recognizing different text structures, such as cause and effect, compare and contrast, and problem-solution, can help learners better understand and analyze written texts.WritingWriting is a key skill for expressing oneself in English. At Level 2, learners should focus on:1. Paragraph Structure: Understanding how to organize and develop a paragraph, including topic sentences, supporting details, and concluding sentences, is important for writing coherence and cohesion.2. Punctuation: Learning how to use punctuation marks, such as periods, commas, apostrophes, and quotation marks, is essential for writing accurately and effectively.3. Sentence Variety: Using a variety of sentence structures, lengths, and types can help make writing more interesting and engaging.SpeakingSpeaking is a crucial skill for language learners to communicate effectively in English. At Level 2, learners should focus on:1. Pronunciation: Learning how to pronounce words accurately and clearly is important for effective communication.2. Fluency: Speaking with confidence and without hesitation can help learners convey their ideas more effectively.3. Intonation and Stress: Understanding the importance of intonation and stress in English can help learners express their emotions and emphasize key points in their speech. ListeningListening is an important skill for language learners to understand spoken English. At Level 2, learners should focus on:1. Main Ideas: Identifying the main ideas and supporting details in spoken texts is important for listening comprehension.2. Verbal Cues: Understanding verbal cues, such as tone of voice, expressions, and emphasis, can help learners interpret the meaning behind the words.3. Note-taking: Developing note-taking skills can help learners retain important information from spoken texts and lectures.In conclusion, the English Level 2 knowledge points include grammar, vocabulary, reading, writing, speaking, and listening. It is important for learners to have a strong understanding of these knowledge points in order to effectively communicate and comprehend the English language. By mastering these knowledge points, learners can build a solid foundation for further language development and fluency in English.。
Main idea is also called Topics are controlling idea, the core, or expressed in words the central focus of a piece of or phrases. Topic is subject of a paragraph, it writing. maybe the title of an article, It of a reading A title Notice!answers the question: who or whatmay is passage be a the article or paragraph about. Once you have determined thetopic. topicAn of a passage, issue that you can move a step further tois get the main idea. What is main idea? discussed may be The main idea is the reason or purpose for the a topic. Main idea is the short explanation author tothe write theitpassage. It is ’not the subject; it for topic, is the author s on the subject. is the viewpoint author’s viewpoint on the subject.If you ask yourself “What is the author telling me about this What is supporting details? Supporting are those to subject?” or “Whatdetails does the auhtor want me to detail the main idea remember about this subject?”You are asking about the main idea.
Topic, Main Idea and Supporting Details
one minute!)
Where can you find the topic sentence?
is most necessary in experimenting. The very purpose of experimentation is to discover truths, which will answer a question. Too often, students disregarded this fact and tend to depend on other people for their information. Scientists have not made their wonderful discoveries by depending entirely on what others have said. New things are always likely to happen. The scientist hopes his theory is correct, but he does not make it turn out as he wishes. He observes carefully, records what he finds accurately, and in this way contributes to the process of knowledge.
Topic, Main Idea and Supporting Details
By Liu Rong
What will you learn today?
1.what topic, main idea and supporting details are 2. How to distinguish topic, main idea and supporting details to find out topic sentence and implied main idea 4. How to identify the patterns of details
MAIN IDEAS AND SUPPORTING DETAILSDEFINITION OF A PARAGRAPH• A group or specially and intentionally related sentences; a thought unit;sentences that revolve around a single idea and is a writer’s attempt to develop an idea or part of an idea.Organization of a Paragraph1.Statement of the main idea.2.Elaboration of the main idea and supporting details.3.Restatement of the main idea-summary of main ideas or conclusions. TOPICThe topic is the subject that the selection is about. The main idea can usually belocated if you can determine what the topic is. To find the topic of a selection,ask the simple question, “Who or what is the selection about?”EXAMPLE: Consumers concerned about the hazards or noise can reduce noisepollution in many ways. They can purchase noisy products such asgarbage disposals and lawn mowers with reduced noise levels.They can also use sound-absorbing materials in their home.Carpeting can be installed instead of hard flooring, and cork andfabric can be used in rooms that tend to be noisy. Also, people canbecome less noisy themselves. They can learn to avoid shouting, toclose doors without slamming them, and to play radios, TV sets,and stereos at moderate levels.TOPIC OF THIS PARAGRAPH: noise pollution or noisepollution in the home.MAIN IDEA•Chief point an author is making about a topic. It sums up the author’s primary message.Topic Sentence; Statement of the main idea. It is the statement under which allother material in the paragraph – examples, reasons, facts, details and otherevidence – can fit.EXAMPLE: (refer to above example)Notice that all information is after the first sentence is about waysto reduce noise pollution. The first sentence is the most general –it states that there are ways to reduce noise pollution. Itsummarizes the other statements in the paragraph.Location of the Topic SentenceTopic sentences are usually in the first sentence of the paragraph, but not always.They may also be located within the paragraph or at the end of the paragraph.They may even appear twice – at the beginning and at the end.EXAMPLE: WITHIN A PARAGRAPH – Preceded by one or moreintroductory sentence that may relate the main idea to the previous paragraph,arouse the reader’s interest or give background for the main reason.The physical complaints of neurotics – people who are overly anxious,pessimistic, hostile, or tense – were once largely ignored by physician. Manydoctors believed that the frequent complaint of neurotic were exaggerations.However, new research shows that neurotics are, fact, more likely to havephysical problems. Specifically, researchers found neurotics stand a grater chance of having five particular ailments: arthritis, asthma, ulcers, headaches, and heartdisease. In addition, there is evidence that people who are pessimistic in theirteens and twenties are more likely to become ill or die in their forties.Main idea: Third sentences. The two sentences before the topicsentence introduce the question of the physical health of neurotics. Thetopic sentence gives the writer’s main ideas on the topic. The last twosentences develop the main idea by giving specific details of the relevantresearch.EXAMPLE: END OF THE PARAGRAPH-Previous sentences build up to themain idea.A study at one prison show that owning a pet can change a hardened prisoninmate into a more caring person. Another study discovered that senior citizens,both those living alone and those in nursing homes, became more interested in life when they were given pets to care for. Even emotionally disturbed children have been observed to smile and react with interest if there is a cuddly kitten or puppyto hold. Animals, then, can be a means of therapy for many kinds of individuals.EXAMPLE: BEGINNING AND END OF THE PARAGRAPHWe are on our way to becoming a cashless, checkless society, a trend that beganwith the credit card.Now some banks are offering “debit cards” instead of thecredit cards. That costs of purchases made with these cards are deducted fromthe holder’s bank account instead of being added the a monthly bill. Andchecking accounts, which are mainly used for paying bills, are going electronic.Now some people can make computer transactions over their pushbutton phonesto pay bills by transferring money from their account to the account of whomever they owe. Soon we may be able to conduct most of our business without signing a check or actually seeing the money we earn and spend.Topic Sentences That Cover More Than One ParagraphSometimes, you find a topic sentence that provides a main idea for more that one paragraph. This occurs when the author feels that the development of the mainidea may be too lengthy for one paragraph.MAIN IDEAS THAT ARE INFERRED•Sometimes a selection lacks a topic sentence but that does not mean that it lacks a main idea. The author simply lets the details of the selection suggest the mainidea. You must figure out the implied idea by deciding the points of all thedetails.EXAMPLE:In ancient times, irrational behavior was considered the result of demons and evil spirits taking possession of a person. Later, Greeks looked upon irrational behavior as a physical problem – caused by an imbalance of body fluids called “humors” – or by displacement of an organ. In the highly superstitious Middle Ages, the theory of possession by demons was revived. It reached a high point again in the witch-hunts of eighteenth-century Europe and America. Only in the last one hundred years did true medical explanations gain wide acceptance and were categories of illnesses changed.No sentence is a good topic sentence that covers all other sentences. We must ask ourselves, “What is the main point the author is trying to make up with these details?” “Does all or most of the material support this idea?” In this case, the details show that people have explained mental illness in man different ways over the years. Although this is not stated, it is a broad enough summary to include all other material in the paragraph-it is the main idea.SUPPORTING DETAILS• A paragraph contains facts, statements, examples-specifics which guide us to a full understanding of the main idea. They clarify, illuminate, explain, describe, expand and illustrate the main idea and are supporting details.Determining Supporting Details1. Decide which details help to further the story line.2.Decide which details help you to understand the main idea.3.Answer question raised by the main idea (who, what when, why or how).Types of Supporting Materials1. COMPARISONS in which one thing is shown to be like another.EXAMPLE: Skilled college students are like the unskilled students in their desire for a diploma.2.CONTRASTS in which one things is shown to differ from another.EXAMPLE: Skilled students are different from unskilled students in that they usea method to read a textbook.3.STATISTICSEXAMPLE: 75 percent of the students who do not attend class regularly receivegrades of C or worse.4.GRAPHSEXAMPLE: Figure 9-1 is one type of graph.5.QUOTATIONS from authoritiesEXAMPLE: Professor Smity admits, “I tell students they don’t need to attendmy class if they don’t want to. I know, however, that if they don’tcome, they won’t pass.”6.VIVID DESCRIPTIONSEXAMPLE: The students took the exam from the professor’s hand, quicklylooked at the grade, gave a sigh or relief and began to smile. Major and Minor DetailsThere are two kinds of supporting details-major and minor. The main idea and its major supporting details form the basic framework of paragraphs. The major details are the primary points that support the main idea. Paragraphs often contain minor details as well. While the major details explain and develop the main idea, they, in turn are expanded upon the minor supporting details.EXAMPLE: Main Idea and Major DetailStudies reveal that people’s first names can have an influence on them.Some names reflect on people in a positive way. However, other names canhave a negative impact.EXAMPLE: Main Idea and Major and Minor DetailStudies reveal that people’s first names can have an influence on them.Some names reflect on people in a positive way. For example, one surveyshowed that American men consider them name Susan to be ver sexy. Andparticipants in a British study thought Tony to be the name of someone veryfriendly. However, other names can have a negative impact. In one study,for instance, teachers gave lower grades to essay supposedly written by boysnamed Hubert and Elmer than to the very same essay when they credited toboys with more popular names. Another study found girls with unpopularnames did worse on IQ and achievement tests than girls with moreappealing names.FROM: TENS STEPS TO ADVANCING COLLEGE READING SKILLS by John Langen and Lynn Jenkins, p. 14-37.。
高二英语选修一unit1知识点Unit 1: Knowledge Points of English Elective Course in Grade 11I. IntroductionIn the first unit of the English elective course for Grade 11, students will study various knowledge points related to the English language. This unit aims to enhance students' understanding and proficiency in English grammar, vocabulary, and reading skills. Let's explore the key knowledge points covered in this unit.II. Grammar1. Verb Tenses- Simple Present Tense: Used to describe general truths, habitual actions, and scheduled events.- Present Continuous Tense: Used to describe actions happening at the moment of speaking or in the near future.- Simple Past Tense: Used to describe completed actions in the past.- Past Continuous Tense: Used to describe actions in progress at a specific time in the past.2. Modal Verbs- Can: Used to express ability, permission, and possibility.- Could: Used to express past ability or polite requests.- May: Used to seek permission or express possibility.- Might: Used to express slight possibility or uncertainty.- Must: Used to express obligation or strong belief.- Should: Used to give advice or express recommendation.III. Vocabulary1. Word Formation and Word Families- Prefixes: Un-, dis-, in-, etc.- Suffixes: -ful, -less, -able, etc.- Roots: Base words that form the core of a term.2. Collocations- Words that naturally go together and form common phrases, such as "make a decision," "take a risk," and "run a business."3. Synonyms, Antonyms, and Homonyms- Synonyms: Words with similar meanings.- Antonyms: Words with opposite meanings.- Homonyms: Words that sound the same but have different meanings, such as "write" and "right."IV. Reading Skills1. Skimming and Scanning- Skimming: Quickly reading a text to get a general idea of its content.- Scanning: Rapidly searching for specific information within a text.2. Understanding Contextual Clues- Using surrounding words and information to determine the meaning of unknown words or phrases.3. Identifying Main Ideas and Supporting Details- Recognizing the primary message and the information that supports it.V. ConclusionThe knowledge points covered in Unit 1 of the Grade 11 English elective course provide students with a solid foundation in grammar, vocabulary, and reading skills. By mastering these elements, students will enhance their overall English language proficiency, enabling them to communicate effectively and understand English texts with ease. It is essential to practice and review these knowledge points regularly to reinforce learning and achieve success in English.。
Main Ideas and Supporting Details解读
There are four forms of assertions
Fact Opinion Belief prejudice
page 4
Evidence/Supporting Details
Evidence are the facts examples, expert opinions, and other information that support the assertions.
Communication: Analyzing and Presenting Complex Communication
Lecture 3: Main Ideas & Supporting Details Allocation in Business Documents
Assertions Evidence Assumptions
page 3
Assertions are positive statements that require support.
The company needs a new set of marketing strategies to replace the existing outdated one.
page 2
பைடு நூலகம் Argument
Argument is writing that attempts to change readers’ minds or move readers to action. A good argument is a work of negotiation and problem solving in which both writer and reader search for the knowledge that will create common ground between them. An argument has three parts:
Identifying Topics
Identifying Topics, Main Ideas, and Supporting Details Understanding the topic, the gist, or the larger conceptual fram ework of a tex tbook chapter, an article, a paragraph, a sentence or a passage is a sophisti cated reading task. Being able to draw conclusions, evaluate, and criti cally interpret articles or chapters is im portant for overall com prehension in college reading. Tex tbook chapters, articles, paragraphs, sentences, or passages all have topi cs and m ain ideas. The topic is the broad, general them e or m essage. It is what som e call the subject. The main idea is the "key concept" being expressed. Details, m ajor and m inor, support the m ain idea by telling how, what, when, where, why, how m uch, or how m any. Locating the topic, m ain idea, and supporting details helps you understand the point(s) the writer is attem pting to express. Identifying the relationship between these will increase your com prehension.Applying StrategyThe successful comm unication of any author's topic is only as good as the organization the author uses to build and define his/her subject m atter.Grasping the Main Idea:A paragraph is a group of sentences related to a parti cular topic, or central them e. Every paragraph has a key concept or m ain idea. The m ain idea is the m ost im portant piece of inform ation the author wants you to know about the concept of that paragraph.When authors write they have an idea in m ind that they are trying to get across. This is especially true as authors com pose paragraphs. An author organizes each paragraph's m ain idea and supporting details in support of the topi c or central them e, and each paragraph supports the paragraph preceding it.A writer will state his/her m ain idea explici tly som ewhere in the paragraph. That m ain idea m ay be stated at the beginning of the paragraph, in the m iddle, or at the end. The sentence in which the m ain idea is stated is the topic sentence of that paragraph. The topic sentence announces the general them e ( or portion of the them e) to be deal t with in the paragraph. Although the topi c sentence m ay appear anywhere in the paragraph, it is usually first - and for a very good reason. This sentence provides the focus for the writer while writing and for the reader while reading. When you find the topi c sentence, be sure to underline it so that i t will stand out not only now, but also later when you review.Identifying the Topic:The first thing you m ust be able to do to get at the m ain idea of a paragraph is to identify the topic - the subject of the paragraph. Think of the paragraph as a wheel with the topic being the hub - the central core around which the whole wheel (or paragraph) spins. Your strategy for topi c identification is sim ply to ask yourself the question, "What is this about?" Keep asking yourself that question as you read a paragraph, until the answer to your question becom es clear. Som etim es you can spot the topic by looking for a word or two that repeat. Usually you can state the topi c in a few words.Let us try this topic-finding strategy. Reread the first paragraph on this page - the first paragraph under the heading Grasping the Main Idea. Ask yourself the question, "What is this paragraph about?" To answer, say to yourself in your m ind, "The author keeps talking about paragraphs and the way they are designed. This m ust be the topi c - paragraph organization." Reread the second paragraph of the sam e section. Ask yourself "What is this paragraph about?" Did you say to yourself, "This paragraph is about different ways to organize a paragraph"? That is the topic. Nex t, reread the third paragraph and see if you can find the topi c of the paragraph. How? Write the topi c in the m argin next to this paragraph. Rem em ber, getting the m ain idea of a paragraph is crucial to reading.The bulk of an expository paragraph is m ade up of supporting sentences (m ajor and m inor details), which help to explain or prove the m ain idea. These sentences present facts, reasons, exam ples, definitions, com parison, contrasts, and other pertinent details. They are m ost im portant because they sell the m ain idea.The last sentence of a paragraph is likely to be a concluding sentence. It is used to sum up a discussion, to em phasize a point, or to restate all or part of the topicsentence so as to bring the paragraph to a close. The last sentence m ay also be a transitional sentence leading to the next paragraph.Of course, the paragraphs you'll be reading will be part of som e longer piece of writing - a tex tbook chapter, a section of a chapter, or a newspaper or m agazine arti cle. Besides expository paragraphs, in whi ch new inform ation is presented and discussed, these longer writings contain three types of paragraphs: introductory, transitional, and summarizing.Introductory paragraphs tell you, in advance, such things as (1) the m ain ideas of the chapter or section; (2) the extent or limits of the coverage; (3) how the topi c is developed; and (4) the writer's attitude toward the topi c. Transitional paragraphs are usually short; their sole function is to tie together what you have read so far and what is to com e - to set the stage for succeeding ideas of the chapter or secti on. Summarizing paragraphs are used to restate briefly the m ain ideas of the chapter or section. The writer m ay also draw som e conclusion from these ideas, or speculate on som e conclusion based on the evidence he/she has presented.All three types should alert you: the introductory paragraph of things to com e; the transitional paragraph of a new topic; and the summ arizing paragraph of m ain ideas that you should have gotten.Exercise:Read the following paragraph and underline the stated main idea. Write down in your own words what you are able to conclude from the information. The rules of conduct during an exam ination are clear. No books, calculators or papers are allowed in the test room. Proctors will not allow anyone with such item s to take the test. Anyone caught cheating will be asked to leave the room. His or her test sheet will be taken. The incident will be reported to the proper authority. At the end of the test period, all materials will be returned to the proctor. Failure to abide by these rules will result in a failing grade for this test.Answer:You should have underlined the first sentence in the paragraph - this is the stated m ain idea. What can be concluded from the inform ation is: If you do not follow the rules, you will autom atically fail the test. This concluding inform ation is found in the last sentence.You can't comprehend the subject matter if you haven't identifyied the topi c, the main idea, and the supporting details.。
1. The Importance of ReadingReading is a fundamental skill in enhancing language proficiency. It broadens our knowledge, improves our vocabulary, and boosts our critical thinking abilities. Moreover, it opens up a whole new world of ideas and imagination.2. Benefits of ReadingReading not only improves our language skills, but it also enhances our concentration and focus. It reduces stress, increases empathy, and enhances our overall mental well-being. Additionally, it improves our writing skills and helps us become better communicators.3. Reading Strategies for BeginnersFor beginners, it is important to start with simple texts. They can use strategies like skimming to get the main ideas of a text or scanning to find specific information. Furthermore, they should make use of context clues and read extensively to improve their understanding.4. Developing Reading Comprehension SkillsTo develop reading comprehension skills, one should actively engage with the text. This involves asking questions, making predictions, and summarizing the main points. Additionally, one should practice reading different genres and analyze the author's purpose and tone.5. Tips for Speed ReadingSpeed reading is a technique that allows readers to read faster while maintaining comprehension. To improve speed reading, one should eliminate subvocalization, use peripheral vision, and practice with timed reading exercises. It is also helpful to identify keywords and skip irrelevant information.6. The Art of InferringInferring is an important skill in reading comprehension. It involves drawing conclusions based on the information provided. To improve inferencing skills, readers should pay attention to details, analyze the author's tone, and make connections between different parts of the text.7. Strategies for Reading Academic TextsAcademic texts can be challenging to read. To tackle them effectively, readers should preview the text, identify the structure, and highlight key points. Taking notes and summarizing the main ideas also help in understanding and retaining the information.8. Enhancing Vocabulary through ReadingReading is an excellent way to improve vocabulary. By encountering new words in context, readers can learn their meaning and usage. It isadvisable to keep a vocabulary journal and practice using the words in different contexts to reinforce learning.9. Reading for Different PurposesReading serves various purposes depending on the situation. For entertainment, one can enjoy novels or short stories. For information gathering, news articles and non-fiction books are helpful. Reading for academic purposes requires tackling textbooks and research papers.10. Identifying Main Ideas and Supporting DetailsUnderstanding the main idea and supporting details is crucial for comprehension. Readers should look for topic sentences, identify key words, and summarize each paragraph. Additionally, recognizing the relationship between sentences and paragraphs helps in grasping the overall meaning.11. Recognizing Text StructuresTexts can be organized in different ways, such as chronological order, cause and effect, or comparison and contrast. Recognizing the text structure helps in understanding the author's intention and improves overall comprehension.12. Dealing with Difficult VocabularyEncountering difficult vocabulary is common while reading. It is important to use context clues to infer the meaning of unknown words. If context clues are not sufficient, readers can look up the words in a dictionary or use online resources for assistance.13. Reading for PleasureReading for pleasure is an enjoyable way to practice and improve language skills. Choosing books or genres that interest you and setting aside dedicated reading time enhances the reading experience. Joining a book club or discussing books with friends adds a social component to reading for pleasure.14. The Role of Background KnowledgeBackground knowledge plays a significant role in understanding a text. Making connections between the text and personal experiences or prior knowledge helps in comprehension. Building background knowledge through regular reading and exploration of different topics is essential.15. Active vs. Passive ReadingActive reading involves actively engaging with the text, asking questions, and making connections. Passive reading, on the other hand, involves reading without much involvement or interaction. Active reading is preferred for better comprehension and retention of information.16. Overcoming Reading AnxietyReading anxiety can hinder comprehension and enjoyment. To overcome it, readers should start with materials that match their proficiency level, gradually increasing the difficulty. Using visualization techniques, taking breaks, and focusing on the process rather than the outcome can also help reduce anxiety.17. Reading Strategies for Standardized TestsStandardized tests often include reading comprehension sections. To excel in these tests, it is important to practice with sample questions, improve reading speed, and develop strategies like eliminating answer choices and prioritizing certain types of questions.18. The Role of Critical Thinking in Reading ComprehensionCritical thinking is essential for deep understanding of a text. It involves analyzing the author's arguments, evaluating evidence, and identifying biases or fallacies. Developing critical thinking skills through reading and practice enhances overall comprehension.19. Importance of Reading Diverse MaterialsReading diverse materials exposes readers to different perspectives, cultures, and ideas. It promotes empathy, broadens horizons, and develops a global mindset. Exploring literature from different genres and authors ensures a well-rounded reading experience.20. Using Technology for Reading ComprehensionTechnology provides numerous resources to enhance reading comprehension. E-books, audiobooks, and online platforms offer interactive features and access to a wide range of texts. Language learning apps and websites also provide engaging reading materials for practice....50. Celebrating Reading AchievementsCongratulations on completing these 50 English reading comprehension articles! Take a moment to celebrate your reading achievements and reflecton how far you've come. Remember to continue practicing and exploring new texts to further improve your skills.总结:以上是50篇英语阅读理解文章,旨在帮助读者提高英语阅读理解能力。
山西大学成人学位英语教材AbstractIntroductionChapter 1: Listening ComprehensionSection 1: Basic Listening SkillsSection 2: Listening for Specific InformationSection 3: Listening for InferenceChapter 2: Reading ComprehensionSection 1: Skimming and Scanning TechniquesSection 2: Vocabulary Building StrategiesSection 3: Understanding Main Ideas and Supporting Details Chapter 3: Writing SkillsSection 1: Sentence Structure and GrammarSection 2: Paragraph DevelopmentSection 3: Essay Writing TechniquesChapter 4: Speaking SkillsSection 1: Pronunciation and IntonationSection 2: Expressing Opinions and Giving Presentations Section 3: Participating in Discussions and DebatesChapter 5: Vocabulary ExpansionSection 1: Word Formation and DerivativesSection 2: Idioms and PhrasesSection 3: Synonyms and AntonymsConclusionReferencesAbstractThe adult English language learners at Shanxi University face unique challenges while pursuing their higher education. As a result, there is a need for a well-rounded English language curriculum tailored specifically to this target group. This article provides an overview of the proposed Shanxi University Adult Degree English Language Teaching Material, highlighting its content and organization.IntroductionThe Shanxi University Adult Degree English Language Teaching Material aims to enhance the English language skills of adult learners, including listening comprehension, reading comprehension, writing skills, speaking skills, and vocabulary expansion. This teaching material is carefully designed to meet the specific needs of adult learners pursuing their degrees at Shanxi University.Chapter 1: Listening ComprehensionSection 1: Basic Listening SkillsThis section focuses on developing the learners' foundational listening skills, including recognizing sounds, understanding sentence structure, and identifying key information.Section 2: Listening for Specific InformationHere, learners will practice listening for specific details, such as dates, names, and numbers. They will learn techniques for effectively extracting relevant information from spoken texts.Section 3: Listening for InferenceThis section aims to improve learners' ability to infer meaning from context and interpret implicit information. Various listening activities will be provided to develop their inference skills.Chapter 2: Reading ComprehensionSection 1: Skimming and Scanning TechniquesLearners will be introduced to skimming and scanning techniques to efficiently extract information from written texts. They will practice these skills through a variety of reading materials.Section 2: Vocabulary Building StrategiesThis section focuses on enhancing learners' vocabulary acquisition through strategies such as context clues, word families, and collocations. Various exercises and activities will be provided to reinforce vocabulary learning.Section 3: Understanding Main Ideas and Supporting DetailsLearners will learn how to identify main ideas and supporting details in written texts. They will practice summarizing and paraphrasing skills to demonstrate their understanding.Chapter 3: Writing SkillsSection 1: Sentence Structure and GrammarThis section covers essential grammar concepts and common sentence structures. Learners will practice applying these rules in various writing exercises.Section 2: Paragraph DevelopmentHere, learners will learn techniques for developing well-structured paragraphs. They will practice organizing their ideas coherently and effectively in different writing contexts.Section 3: Essay Writing TechniquesThis section focuses on equipping learners with the necessary skills to write clear and comprehensive essays, including thesis development, argumentation, and logical coherence.Chapter 4: Speaking SkillsSection 1: Pronunciation and IntonationLearners will receive training in pronunciation and intonation patterns to improve their spoken fluency and accuracy.Section 2: Expressing Opinions and Giving PresentationsThis section aims to develop learners' ability to express their opinions clearly and confidently. They will also practice delivering presentations on various topics.Section 3: Participating in Discussions and DebatesLearners will learn effective strategies for participating in discussions and debates, including turn-taking, expressing agreement or disagreement, and defending arguments persuasively.Chapter 5: Vocabulary ExpansionSection 1: Word Formation and DerivativesIn this section, learners will explore word formation rules and study word derivatives to expand their vocabulary range.Section 2: Idioms and PhrasesLearners will be introduced to common idiomatic expressions and phrases in English. They will practice using these idioms appropriately in context.Section 3: Synonyms and AntonymsThis section aims to enhance learners' vocabulary by introducing synonyms and antonyms. They will practice identifying and using these words effectively in their speaking and writing.ConclusionThe Shanxi University Adult Degree English Language Teaching Material provides a comprehensive and organized curriculum to support theEnglish language learning needs of adult learners. By focusing on essential language skills and tailor-made content, this teaching material strives to empower adult learners at Shanxi University to achieve academic and professional success.References (In-text citations and bibliography should follow the citation style required by the university.)。
中考英语作文15分评分标准及评分细则Assessment Criteria and Detailed Scoring Rules for 15-point English Composition in the Middle School Entrance ExamIntroductionEnglish composition is an important part of the middle school entrance exam, and students are required to write awell-structured and coherent essay on a given topic within a limited time frame. In this document, we will outline the assessment criteria and detailed scoring rules for a 15-point English composition in the middle school entrance exam.Assessment Criteria1. Content and Ideas (5 points): The essay should have a clear main idea and supporting details that are relevant to the topic. The ideas should be well-developed and demonstrate a deep understanding of the topic.2. Organization and Structure (4 points): The essay should have a logical and coherent structure, with an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion. The ideas should bewell-organized and flow smoothly from one paragraph to the next.3. Language Use (4 points): The essay should demonstrate a good command of vocabulary and grammar. The language should be varied and appropriate for the topic, and the essay should be free of major errors in grammar and punctuation.4. Fluency and Coherence (2 points): The essay should be written in a clear and concise manner, with smooth transitions between paragraphs and ideas. The writing should be easy to read and understand.Detailed Scoring Rules1. Content and Ideas:- 5 points: The essay has a clear main idea and supporting details that are relevant to the topic and well-developed.- 4 points: The essay has a main idea and supporting details that are mostly relevant to the topic and somewhat developed.- 3 points: The essay has a main idea and supporting details that are somewhat relevant to the topic but not well developed.- 2 points: The essay lacks a clear main idea and supporting details, or they are irrelevant to the topic.- 1 point: The essay is off-topic or completely lacks a main idea and supporting details.2. Organization and Structure:- 4 points: The essay has a logical and coherent structure, with an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion that are well-organized.- 3 points: The essay has a structure but lacks coherence and organization in some parts.- 2 points: The essay lacks a clear structure and is poorly organized.- 1 point: The essay is a jumble of ideas with no clear structure or organization.3. Language Use:- 4 points: The essay demonstrates a good command of vocabulary and grammar, with varied language that is appropriate for the topic.- 3 points: The essay shows some errors in grammar and vocabulary but is generally comprehensible.- 2 points: The essay has many errors in grammar and vocabulary that impede understanding.- 1 point: The essay is filled with major errors in grammar and vocabulary that make it difficult to decipher.4. Fluency and Coherence:- 2 points: The essay is written in a clear and concise manner, with smooth transitions between paragraphs and ideas.- 1 point: The essay lacks fluency and coherence, with abrupt transitions and a lack of clarity in ideas.ConclusionIn conclusion, the assessment criteria and detailed scoring rules outlined in this document provide a clear framework for evaluating English compositions in the middle school entrance exam. By adhering to these guidelines, students can improve their writing skills and increase their chances of scoring well in the exam.。
英语作文写作三要点英语英文回答:1. Brainstorm and Organize:Generate ideas by outlining the main points and supporting details.Group related ideas into logical paragraphs and sentences.2. Develop and Support Ideas:Provide specific examples, evidence, and anecdotes to support your claims.Use transitions and signposts to connect ideas smoothly and guide the reader.Use active voice, strong verbs, and precise languageto convey your message effectively.3. Revise and Edit:Proofread carefully for grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors.Get feedback from peers or teachers to ensureclarity and coherence.Revise and refine the essay to improve organization, flow, and overall impact.中文回答:英语作文写作三要点。
1. 头脑风暴和组织。
2. 发展和支持想法。
3. 修改和编辑。
Read_Main_Idea2 段落支撑
Answers and Explanations
a) The general idea is "emotions" because it includes all of the others as examples. b) The general idea is "insects" because it includes all of the others as examples. c) The general idea is "science" because it includes all of the others as examples.
People differ in numerous ways. They differ according to physical characteristics, such as height, weight, and hair color. They also differ in personality. Some people are friendly and easygoing. Others are more reserved and formal.
Finding the Main Idea
Locate the Topic--person, place, object, idea Locate the Most General Sentence-the topic sentence
– Topic Sentence First (usually) – Topic Sentence Last (second in frequency) – Topic Sentence in the Middle – Topic Sentence First and Last (last = emphasis)
必修一英语知识点总结译林1. VocabularyVocabulary is the foundation of English learning. Without a good grasp of vocabulary, it is difficult to understand English materials and express oneself effectively. In English learning, there are many different types of vocabulary, such as basic vocabulary, academic vocabulary, and professional vocabulary. It is important for students to develop a good vocabulary base in order to become proficient in English.- Basic Vocabulary: This includes everyday words that are used in daily communication, such as numbers, colors, and common objects. It is important for students to learn and master basic vocabulary to improve their communication skills.- Academic Vocabulary: This type of vocabulary includes words that are commonly used in academic settings, such as schools and universities. It is important for students to understand and use academic vocabulary in order to excel in their studies.- Professional Vocabulary: This type of vocabulary includes words that are specific to a particular profession or field. It is important for students to learn professional vocabulary in order to prepare for their future careers.In addition to the different types of vocabulary, it is important for students to learn and understand word formation, word collocation, and idioms in order to improve their overall vocabulary skills.2. GrammarGrammar is another important knowledge point in English learning. It is the system of rules that governs the structure of sentences in English. A good understanding of grammar is essential for students to communicate effectively in English.- Parts of Speech: In English, there are eight parts of speech, including nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, prepositions, conjunctions, and interjections. It is important for students to understand the functions of each part of speech in order to construct grammatically correct sentences.- Sentence Structure: English sentences are made up of different parts, such as subjects, verbs, objects, and complements. It is important for students to understand sentence structure in order to construct clear and coherent sentences.- Tenses: English has twelve tenses, including present, past, and future tenses. It is important for students to understand the usage of tenses in order to express different time frames in their writing and speaking.- Sentence Patterns: There are different types of sentence patterns in English, such as simple, compound, and complex sentences. It is important for students to understandsentence patterns in order to vary their sentence structures and make their writing more interesting.In addition to these key points, it is important for students to learn and understand the rules of subject-verb agreement, pronoun-antecedent agreement, and parallel structure in order to improve their overall grammar skills.3. Reading ComprehensionReading comprehension is an important skill that enables students to understand and interpret written materials in English. In English learning, there are many different types of reading materials, such as short stories, essays, newspaper articles, and academic papers. It is important for students to develop good reading comprehension skills in order to become proficient in English.- Skimming and Scanning: Skimming is the process of quickly reading a text to get the main idea, while scanning is the process of quickly looking for specific information in a text. It is important for students to develop skimming and scanning skills in order to locate and understand information in a text quickly and efficiently.- Understanding Main Ideas and Supporting Details: In English texts, there are main ideas and supporting details that help to develop and explain the main ideas. It is important for students to identify and understand the main ideas and supporting details in a text in order to comprehend the overall meaning of the text.- Inference and Interpretation: In English texts, there are implicit meanings that require students to make inferences and interpretations. It is important for students to develop inference and interpretation skills in order to understand the deeper meanings of a text.- Vocabulary in Context: When reading English texts, students will encounter unfamiliar words. It is important for students to use context clues and word analysis skills to understand the meanings of unfamiliar words in a text.In addition to these key points, it is important for students to learn and understand text structures, such as cause and effect, comparison and contrast, and problem and solution, in order to improve their overall reading comprehension skills.4. WritingWriting is an important skill that enables students to express themselves effectively in English. In English learning, there are many different types of writing, such as narratives, expository essays, persuasive essays, and research papers. It is important for students to develop good writing skills in order to become proficient in English.- Organization: In writing, organization is the structure and sequence of ideas in a text. It is important for students to organize their writing in a logical and coherent manner in order to convey their ideas effectively.- Coherence and Cohesion: Coherence refers to the clarity and logical connection of ideas in a text, while cohesion refers to the use of transitional words and phrases to connect ideas in a text. It is important for students to develop coherence and cohesion in their writing in order to improve the overall flow of their ideas.- Sentence Variety: In writing, sentence variety refers to the use of different sentence structures and lengths. It is important for students to use sentence variety in their writing in order to make their writing more interesting and engaging.- Grammar and Mechanics: In writing, grammar and mechanics refer to the correct usage of grammar rules and the accurate use of punctuation and spelling. It is important for students to pay attention to grammar and mechanics in their writing in order to convey their ideas clearly and accurately.In addition to these key points, it is important for students to learn and understand different writing styles, such as formal and informal writing, and different types of writing, such as descriptive writing, narrative writing, and argumentative writing, in order to improve their overall writing skills.ConclusionOverall, English learning is a complex and multi-faceted process that requires students to develop a wide range of knowledge and skills. In this article, I have summarized some of the key knowledge points in English learning, including vocabulary, grammar, reading comprehension, and writing. It is important for students to pay attention to these key points in order to become proficient in English. By understanding and mastering these key points, students can improve their overall language proficiency and become successful English learners.。
写笔记来提高学习英语作文英文回答:Note-Taking for Improved English Essay Writing.Note-taking is an essential skill for effective learning in any academic discipline, including English essay writing. It allows students to actively engage with the material, improve their comprehension, and organize their thoughts for writing. Here are some key strategiesfor effective note-taking:1. Preview the Text: Before taking notes, preview the text by reading through it quickly to get a general idea of its structure and main points. This will help you focus your note-taking and identify the most important information.2. Identify Main Ideas and Supporting Details: As you read, identify the main ideas and supporting details ofeach paragraph or section. Use headings or bullet points to organize your notes hierarchically to make them easier to follow.3. Use Abbreviations and Symbols: To save time, use abbreviations and symbols to represent key terms and concepts. This will allow you to take notes more quickly and efficiently.4. Summarize and Paraphrase: When taking notes, try to summarize the information in your own words. This will help you understand the material better and improve your writing skills.5. Review and Revise: After taking notes, it is important to review and revise them regularly. This will help you identify any gaps in your understanding and ensure that your notes are accurate and complete.6. Use Notes for Writing: When writing essays, use your notes as a reference point. They will provide you with the main ideas, supporting details, and evidence you need todevelop your arguments and support your claims.中文回答:记笔记以提高英语作文写作。
英语作文一二三四点表达英文回答:1. Identify the main ideas and supporting evidence.The main ideas in a text are the central points that the author is trying to convey. Supporting evidence is the information that the author uses to support these main ideas. To identify the main ideas, read the text carefully and look for the key concepts that are being discussed. Once you have identified the main ideas, look for the evidence that the author provides to support them.2. Analyze the structure of the text.The structure of a text refers to the way that the author organizes the information. There are different types of structures, such as chronological order, problem-solution, and compare-contrast. Understanding the structure of a text can help you to understand the author's purposeand to see how the different parts of the text are connected.3. Evaluate the credibility of the text.The credibility of a text refers to how believable and trustworthy the information is. There are a number of factors that can affect the credibility of a text, such as the author's expertise, the sources that the author uses, and the overall tone of the text. When evaluating the credibility of a text, it is important to consider all of these factors.4. Make inferences and draw conclusions.Inferences are conclusions that you can draw from the information that is provided in a text. Conclusions are statements that you can make about the text as a whole. When making inferences and drawing conclusions, it is important to be careful not to go beyond the information that is provided in the text.中文回答:1. 确定文中中心论点及其支撑论据。
2024金太阳四月联考指南针高三英语全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇12024 Golden Sun April Entrance Examination Compass High School Senior EnglishIntroduction:The 2024 Golden Sun April Entrance Examination is a significant milestone in the academic journey of high school seniors. As the culmination of years of hard work and preparation, this exam serves as a compass pointing students towards their future goals and aspirations. In this guide, we will explore the key components of the exam, provide tips for effective preparation, and offer strategies for success on test day.Key Components of the Exam:The 2024 Golden Sun April Entrance Examination for high school seniors consists of four sections: Reading Comprehension, Writing, Listening, and Speaking. Each section is designed to assess different aspects of students' English language skills and abilities. The Reading Comprehension section tests students' ability to understand and analyze written texts, while the Writingsection evaluates their ability to express ideas clearly and cohesively. The Listening section assesses students' ability to comprehend spoken English, while the Speaking section tests their ability to communicate orally.Effective Preparation Tips:Effective preparation is key to success on the 2024 Golden Sun April Entrance Examination. Here are some tips to help you prepare effectively:1. Start Early: Begin preparing for the exam well in advance to give yourself enough time to cover all the material and practice your skills.2. Develop a Study Schedule: Create a study schedule that allows you to review all the material covered on the exam and allocate time for practice tests and exercises.3. Practice Regularly: Practice is essential for improving your English language skills. Engage in regular practice sessions to reinforce your knowledge and build your confidence.4. Review Past Exams: Familiarize yourself with the format and types of questions on past exams to get a sense of what to expect on test day.5. Seek Feedback: Ask for feedback from teachers, tutors, or peers to identify areas for improvement and focus your efforts on addressing them.Strategies for Success on Test Day:On test day, it is important to be well-prepared and confident in your abilities. Here are some strategies to help you succeed on the 2024 Golden Sun April Entrance Examination:1. Read Carefully: Pay close attention to the instructions and questions in each section of the exam to ensure that you understand what is being asked of you.2. Manage Your Time: Allocate your time wisely on the exam to ensure that you have enough time to complete all sections and review your work.3. Stay Calm: Stay calm and focused during the exam to avoid feeling overwhelmed or stressed. Take deep breaths and stay positive throughout the test.4. Use Strategies: Use effective strategies such as skimming and scanning for the Reading Comprehension section, outlining your essay for the Writing section, and taking notes during the Listening section.5. Review Your Work: Take the time to review your answers before submitting your exam to check for any errors or omissions.Conclusion:The 2024 Golden Sun April Entrance Examination is an important opportunity for high school seniors to demonstrate their English language skills and abilities. By effectively preparing for the exam, seeking feedback, and implementing strategies for success, students can achieve their academic goals and set themselves on the path towards a bright future. Good luck to all students taking the exam!篇22024 Golden Sun April Joint Examination Guide Compass for Senior High School EnglishWelcome to the 2024 Golden Sun April Joint Examination! We are pleased to provide you with this guide to help you navigate through the exam successfully. This guide includes tips, strategies, and practice exercises to help you prepare for the English portion of the exam.Section 1: Reading ComprehensionThis section tests your ability to understand and analyze written texts. Make sure to read the passage carefully and pay attention to details. Some strategies to use include:1. Skim the passage first to get a general idea of the content.2. Underline key information, such as names, dates, and important events.3. Look for main ideas and supporting details.4. Pay attention to the author's tone and purpose.Section 2: Vocabulary and GrammarThis section tests your knowledge of vocabulary and grammar rules. Some tips to keep in mind include:1. Review common vocabulary words and idioms.2. Practice using different verb tenses and sentence structures.3. Pay attention to word forms, such as nouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs.4. Use context clues to determine the meaning of unfamiliar words.Section 3: WritingIn this section, you will be asked to write a composition on a given topic. Some key points to remember include:1. Plan your essay before you start writing.2. Make sure to include an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion.3. Use transition words to connect ideas and make your essay flow smoothly.4. Check for grammar, punctuation, and spelling errors before submitting your essay.Overall Tips:1. Practice regularly to improve your English skills.2. Review past exam papers to familiarize yourself with the format and types of questions.3. Stay relaxed and focused during the exam.4. Manage your time effectively to ensure you have enough time to complete each section.We wish you the best of luck on the 2024 Golden Sun April Joint Examination! Remember to stay calm, focused, and confident. Good luck!篇32024 Gold Sun April Joint Exam Compass Senior High School EnglishWith the 2024 Gold Sun April Joint Exam just around the corner, high school seniors are gearing up for one of the most crucial exams of their academic careers. The English portion of the exam is always a significant part, testing students' proficiency in reading, writing, listening, and speaking. To help students prepare effectively for the exam, this guide provides a comprehensive overview of what to expect and offers tips and strategies for success.Reading Comprehension:The reading comprehension section of the exam will test students' ability to understand and analyze written passages. Students should practice reading a variety of texts, including fiction, non-fiction, and academic articles. They should focus on understanding the main ideas, supporting details, and author's purpose. Students should also work on improving their vocabulary and comprehension skills.Writing:The writing section of the exam will require students to write essays, reports, and other types of texts. Students should practice writing on a variety of topics and in different formats. They should focus on developing clear and coherent arguments, using appropriate language and grammar, and organizing their ideas effectively. Students should also pay attention to spelling, punctuation, and sentence structure.Listening:The listening section of the exam will test students' ability to understand spoken English. Students should practice listening to a variety of audio materials, such as lectures, interviews, and conversations. They should focus on understanding the main ideas, supporting details, and speakers' attitudes and opinions. Students should also work on improving their listening skills, such as note-taking and predicting.Speaking:The speaking section of the exam will require students to verbally respond to prompts and questions. Students should practice speaking on a variety of topics and in different situations. They should focus on speaking clearly and fluently, using appropriate vocabulary and grammar, and organizing their ideascoherently. Students should also work on pronunciation, intonation, and fluency.Tips and Strategies for Success:1. Start preparing early: Begin studying for the exam well in advance to allow enough time to cover all the material and practice different skills.2. Practice regularly: Set aside time each day to practice reading, writing, listening, and speaking. Use a variety of materials, such as textbooks, online resources, and practice tests.3. Seek help when needed: If you are struggling with any aspect of the exam, don't hesitate to ask for help from teachers, tutors, or classmates.4. Stay organized: Create a study schedule and set goals for each study session. Keep track of your progress and adjust your study plan as needed.5. Stay positive: Stay motivated and confident throughout your exam preparations. Believe in yourself and your abilities to succeed.In conclusion, the 2024 Gold Sun April Joint Exam Compass Senior High School English is a challenging but manageable task for high school seniors. By following the tips and strategiesoutlined in this guide, students can effectively prepare for the exam and achieve success. Good luck to all students taking the exam!。
01-Distinguishing Main Ideas and Supporting Detail
Distinguishing main ideas and supporting details
• To identify the stated main idea
– to locate the topic
• a noun, phrase or pronoun repeated over and over in the paragraph or passage
How did she reach the deal? What was the deal?
Distinguishing main ideas and supporting details
• Can you find out the main idea of the following paragraph?
Distinguishing main ideas and supporting details
• Find the main idea by looking at the title
– Theresa May reaches deal with DUP to form government after shock election result
Distinguishing main ideas and supporting details
• Main ideas
– Stated main ideas – Implied main ideas
Distinguishing main ideas and supporting details
• A stated main idea is
– one complete sentence that represents the basic message the author wants readers to understand about the topic.
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MAIN IDEAS AND SUPPORTING DETAILSDEFINITION OF A PARAGRAPHA group or specially and intentionally related sentences; a thought unit;sentences that revolve around a single idea and is a writer’s a ttempt to developan idea or part of an idea.Organization of a Paragraph1.Statement of the main idea.2.Elaboration of the main idea and supporting details.3.Restatement of the main idea-summary of main ideas or conclusions. TOPICThe topic is the subject that the selection is about. The main idea can usually belocated if you can determine what the topic is. To find the topic of a selection,ask the simple question, “Who or what is the selection about?”EXAMPLE:Consumers concerned about the hazards or noise can reduce noise pollution in many ways. They can purchase noisy products such asgarbage disposals and lawn mowers with reduced noise levels.They can also use sound-absorbing materials in their home.Carpeting can be installed instead of hard flooring, and cork andfabric can be used in rooms that tend to be noisy. Also, people canbecome less noisy themselves. They can learn to avoid shouting, toclose doors without slamming them, and to play radios, TV sets,and stereos at moderate levels.TOPIC OF THIS PARAGRAPH: noise pollution or noisepollution in the home.MAIN IDEAChief point an author is making about a topic. It sums up the author’s primary message.Topic Sentence; Statement of the main idea. It is the statement under which allother material in the paragraph – examples, reasons, facts, details and otherevidence – can fit.EXAMPLE:(refer to above example)Notice that all information is after the first sentence is about ways toreduce noise pollution. The first sentence is the most general –it states that there are ways to reduce noise pollution. Itsummarizes the other statements in the paragraph.Location of the Topic SentenceTopic sentences are usually in the first sentence of the paragraph, but not always.They may also be located within the paragraph or at the end of the paragraph.They may even appear twice– at the beginning and at the end.EXAMPLE: WITHIN A PARAGRAPH –Preceded by one or moreintroductory sentence that may relate the main idea to the previous paragraph,arouse the reader’s interest or give background for the main reason.The physical complaints of neurotics – people who are overly anxious, pessimistic, hostile, or tense – were once largely ignored by physician. Many doctors believed that the frequent complaint of neurotic were exaggerations. However, newresearch shows that neurotics are, fact, more likely to have physical problems.Specifically, researchers found neurotics stand a grater chance of having fiveparticular ailments: arthritis, asthma, ulcers, headaches, and heart disease. Inaddition, there is evidence that people who are pessimistic in their teens andtwenties are more likely to become ill or die in their forties.Main idea: Third sentences. The two sentences before the topicsentence introduce the question of the physical health of neurotics. Thetopic sentence gives the writer’s main ideas on the topic. The last twosentences develop the main idea by giving specific details of therelevant research.EXAMPLE: END OF THE PARAGRAPH-Previous sentences build up to themain idea.A study at one prison show that owning a pet can change a hardened prisoninmate into a more caring person. Another study discovered that senior citizens,both those living alone and those in nursing homes, became more interested in life when they were given pets to care for. Even emotionally disturbed children havebeen observed to smile and react with interest if there is a cuddly kitten or puppyto hold. Animals, then, can be a means of therapy for many kinds of individuals.EXAMPLE: BEGINNING AND END OF THE PARAGRAPHWe are on our way to becoming a cashless, checkless society, a trend that beganwith the credit card. Now some banks are offering “debit cards” instead of thecredit cards. That costs of purchases made with these cards are deducted from theholder’s bank account instead of being added the a monthly bill. And checkingaccounts, which are mainly used for paying bills, are going electronic. Now somepeople can make computer transactions over their pushbutton phonesto pay bills by transferring money from their account to the account of whomever they owe. Soon we may be able to conduct most of our business without signing a check or actually seeing the money we earn and spend.Topic Sentences That Cover More Than One ParagraphSometimes, you find a topic sentence that provides a main idea for more that one paragraph. This occurs when the author feels that the development of the mainidea may be too lengthy for one paragraph.MAIN IDEAS THAT ARE INFERREDSometimes a selection lacks a topic sentence but that does not mean that it lacks a main idea. The author simply lets the details of the selection suggest the mainidea. You must figure out the implied idea by deciding the points of all the details.EXAMPLE:In ancient times, irrational behavior was considered the result of demons and evil spirits taking possession of a person. Later, Greeks looked upon irrational behavior as a physical problem – caused by an imbalance of body fluids called “humors” – or by displacement of an organ. In the highly superstitious Middle Ages, the theory of possession by demons was revived. It reached a high point again in the witch-hunts of eighteenth-century Europe and America. Only in the last one hundred years did true medical explanations gain wide acceptance and were categories of illnesseschanged.No sentence is a good topic sentence that covers all other sentences. We must ask ourselves, “What is the main point the author is trying to make up with thesedetails?” “Does all or most of the material support this idea?” In this case, the details show that people have explained mental illness in man different ways over the years. Although this is not stated, it is a broad enough summary to include allother material in the paragraph-it is the main idea.SUPPORTING DETAILSA paragraph contains facts, statements, examples-specifics which guide us to a fullunderstanding of the main idea. They clarify, illuminate, explain, describe, expand and illustrate the main idea and are supporting details.Determining Supporting Details1.Decide which details help to further the story line.2.Decide which details help you to understand the main idea.3.Answer question raised by the main idea (who, what when, why or how).Types of Supporting Materials1. COMPARISONS in which one thing is shown to be like another.EXAMPLE: Skilled college students are like the unskilled students in their desire for a diploma.2.CONTRASTS in which one things is shown to differ from another.EXAMPLE: Skilled students are different from unskilled students in that they usea method to read a textbook.3.STATISTICSEXAMPLE: 75 percent of the students who do not attend class regularly receivegrades of C or worse.4.GRAPHSEXAMPLE: Figure 9-1 is one type of graph.5.QUOTATIONS from authoritiesEXAMPLE: Professor Smity admits, “I tell students the y don’t need to attendmy class if they don’t want to. I know, however, that if they don’tcome, they won’t pass.”6.VIVID DESCRIPTIONSEXAMPLE: The students took the exam from the professor’s hand, quicklylooked at the grade, gave a sigh or relief and began to smile. Major and Minor DetailsThere are two kinds of supporting details-major and minor. The main idea and its major supporting details form the basic framework of paragraphs. The major details are the primary points that support the main idea. Paragraphs often contain minor details as well. While the major details explain and develop the main idea, they, in turn are expanded upon the minor supporting details.EXAMPLE: Main Idea and Major DetailStudies reveal that people’s first names can have an influence on them.Some names reflect on people in a positive way. However, other names canhave a negative impact.EXAMPLE: Main Idea and Major and Minor DetailStudies reveal that people’s first names can have an influence on them.Some names reflect on people in a positive way. For example, one surveyshowed that American men consider them name Susan to be ver sexy. Andparticipants in a British study thought Tony to be the name of someone veryfriendly. However, other names can have a negative impact. In one study,for instance, teachers gave lower grades to essay supposedly written by boysnamed Hubert and Elmer than to the very same essay when they creditedto boys with more popular names. Another study found girls withunpopular names did worse on IQ and achievement tests than girls withmore appealing names.FROM: TENS STEPS TO ADVANCING COLLEGE READING SKILLS by John Langen and Lynn Jenkins, p. 14-37.。