Adatom diffusion at GaN (0001) and (0001
stablediffusion原理vae稳定扩散原理(stable diffusion)是一种用于改进变分自编码器(Variational Autoencoder,VAE)的方法。
diffusion model简书
diffusion model简书(中英文实用版)Title: A Brief Introduction to Diffusion Models标题:扩散模型简述Diffusion models have gained immense popularity in the field of machine learning, particularly in the generation of images, text, and audio.扩散模型在机器学习领域变得非常流行,尤其是在图像、文本和音频的生成方面。
The core concept of diffusion models lies in simulating the process of data distribution evolving from a noisy state to a clean, high-quality state.扩散模型的核心概念是模拟数据分布从噪声状态演变为干净、高质量状态的过程。
These models are trained to reverse this process, effectively generating new, high-quality data from random noise.这些模型被训练来逆转这一过程,有效地从随机噪声生成新的、高质量的数据。
One of the key advantages of diffusion models is their ability to generate data with high fidelity and diversity, making them highly suitable for various applications such as image synthesis, text generation, and audio processing.扩散模型的一大优势是它们能够生成高保真度和多样性的数据,使它们非常适合各种应用,如图像合成、文本生成和音频处理。
stablediffusion原理vae稳定扩散(Stable Diffusion)是一种使用变分自动编码器(Variational Autoencoder, VAE)进行概率编码和解码的机器学习方法。
VAE 是一种生成模型,其目标是通过学习输入数据的概率分布来生成新的数据样本。
2. 变分自动编码器(Variational Autoencoder):VAE 使用变分推断来训练模型。
它引入了一个随机潜在变量(latent variable),并假设该变量服从一个已知的概率分布(常用的是高斯分布)。
3.算法步骤:稳定扩散通过以下步骤实现:a. 首先,使用 VAE 训练编码器和解码器。
训练时,利用输入数据和重构的数据之间的差异来计算重建损失(reconstruction loss)和 KL散度损失(KL divergence loss)。
diffusion model讲解
diffusion model讲解一、扩散模型简介1.概念与原理扩散模型(Diffusion Model)是一种基于概率论的深度学习模型,主要用于解决序列数据问题。
stable diffusion prompt 公式
stable diffusion prompt 公式
Stable Diffusion是一种基于随机漫步的扩散模型,能够描述许多自然和人工系统中的随机演化行为。
以下是Stable Diffusion的公式:
dX_t = μ dt + σ dB_t^α
x(t+Δt) = x(t) + μΔt + σΔB_t^α
在实践中,我们通常使用显式欧拉方法来计算Stable Diffusion在时刻t到时刻t+Δt 中的演化。
x(t+Δt) = x(t) + μΔt + σΔB_t^α
其中,ΔB_t^α表示B_t^α在时间步长Δt内的增量,可以通过正态分布N(0, Δt)来
通过上述公式和计算方法,我们可以模拟出Stable Diffusion的过程,从而得到所需的随机序列或数据。
在金融、物理、图像处理等领域中,Stable Diffusion模型的应用非常广泛,如股票价格模拟、随机行走模拟、图像降噪等。
stable diffusion 面试题目
stable diffusion 面试题目问题1:文本生成的几大预训练任务?GPT(Generative Pre-trained Transformer)系列:包括GPT、GPT-2、GPT-3等。
BART(Bidirectional and Auto-Regressive Transformer):BART是一种基于Transformer的生成式预训练模型。
T5(Text-to-Text Transfer Transformer):T5是一种通用的文本生成模型,使用了编码器-解码器结构。
UniLM(Unified Language Model):UniLM是一种多任务学习的预训练模型,将不同的自然语言处理任务转化为统一的生成式任务。
问题2:多模态中常见的SOTA模型有哪些?Vision Transformer (ViT): 将自注意力机制引入计算机视觉领域,通过将图像划分为图像补丁并应用Transformer模型,实现了在图像分类和目标检测等任务上的出色表现。
CLIP (Contrastive Language-Image Pretraining): 结合了图像和文本的对比学习,通过训练一个模型,使其能够根据图像和文本之间的相互关系进行推理,实现了图像与文本之间的联合理解和表示学习。
stable diffusion wenui 原理
Stable Diffusion是一种潜在扩散模型(LDM),它可以从文本描述生成高质量的图像。
1. Stable Diffusion由变分自编码器(V AE)、U-Net和一个可选的文本编码器组成。
2. V AE编码器将图像从像素空间压缩到一个更小维度的潜在空间,捕捉图像的更本质的语义含义。
3. U-Net是一个卷积神经网络,它可以从潜在空间重建图像,并去除高斯噪声。
4. 文本编码器是一个预训练的模型,它可以将文本描述转换为一个向量,用来指导图像生成的过程。
5. Stable Diffusion的生成过程是一个迭代的去噪过程。
stable diffusion原理vae
VAE(Variational Autoencoder)与Stable Diffusion原理引言Variational Autoencoder(VAE)是一种生成模型,它可以从无标签数据中学习数据的潜在表示,并用于生成新的数据样本。
VAE结合了自编码器(Autoencoder)和变分推断(Variational Inference)的思想,通过学习一个低维的潜在空间来表示数据。
Stable Diffusion(稳定扩散)是一种用于训练VAE的优化算法,它通过逐步迭代地将模型的潜在表示从初始状态扩散到目标状态,从而提高模型的稳定性和生成能力。
然后,我们将介绍Stable Diffusion算法的基本原理,包括扩散过程、扩散方程和扩散算法的优化方法。
变分推断(Variational Inference)为了解决自编码器的问题,VAE引入了变分推断的思想。
通过最小化重构误差和潜在空间的分布与先验分布之间的KL散度,VAE 可以学习到一个更好的数据表示和生成模型。
潜在空间(Latent Space)潜在空间是指VAE中的低维表示空间,它是编码器将输入数据映射到的空间。
画宇宙stable diffusion原理
画宇宙stable diffusion原理
画宇宙Stable Diffusion是一个基于深度学习的图像生成模型,其原理主要基于变分自编码器(VAE)和扩散过程。
Stable Diffusion的核心思想是将图像的生成过程看作是一个概率分布的扩散过程。
具体来说,Stable Diffusion使用了两个神经网络:一个编码器和一个解码器。
在生成图像的过程中,Stable Diffusion使用了扩散过程。
与传统的GAN(生成对抗网络)模型相比,Stable Diffusion具有更好的稳定性和生成质量。
这是因为Stable Diffusion使用了扩散过程,而不是对抗过程。
总的来说,画宇宙Stable Diffusion是一种基于深度学习的图像生成模型,其原理主要基于变分自编码器和扩散过程。
diffusion model 原理前向、逆向
Diffusion Model原理及前向、逆向一、Diffusion Model 原理Diffusion Model是一种广泛应用于物理学、化学、生物学等领域的模型,用于描述物质或其他性质在空间中的扩散过程。
Diffusion Model的原理基于分子动力学理论和布朗运动理论,可以通过数学模型来描述扩散过程中的分子行为。
Diffusion Model的基本原理可以概括为:在一个给定的空间中,各个分子以随机的方式移动,并且与周围的分子相互作用,最终导致分子的集体运动,也就是所谓的扩散。
在Diffusion Model中,主要考虑了扩散过程中分子的位置和速度的变化,以及分子之间相互作用的力。
二、Diffusion Model的前向模拟1. 前向模拟的概念前向模拟是指根据初始条件,通过模拟分子扩散过程来预测未来某个时刻物质的分布情况。
在Diffusion Model中,通过前向模拟可以得到扩散过程中分子位置和速度的变化,从而可以得到物质扩散的轨迹和分布。
2. 前向模拟的步骤前向模拟主要包括以下几个步骤:(1)确定模拟空间和初始条件:首先需要确定模拟的空间范围,以及初始时刻各个分子的位置和速度。
(2)建立数值模型:根据Diffusion Model的基本原理,建立数值模型来描述分子之间的相互作用和移动规律。
on distillation of guided diffusion models code
on distillation of guided diffusion models code
一、GAN 简介生成对抗网络(GAN)是一种由生成器和判别器组成的深度学习模型。
三、GAN 在药物研发中的应用1. 新药候选生成基于GAN的药物分子生成系统可以帮助快速生成大量具有潜在生物活性的分子结构。
2. 分子结构优化药物研发过程中,对分子结构进行优化是非常重要的。
3. 药物多样性辅助研究药物多样性是药物研发中的一个重要指标。
四、GAN 在药物研发中的挑战尽管基于GAN的药物分子生成系统在药物研发中具有巨大的潜力,但也面临一些挑战。
Stable Diffusion和Midjourney都是基于人工智能的图像生成工具,以下是两者的原理介绍:Stable Diffusion的原理:
它是一个文转图的模型,使用了CLIP ViT-L/14文本编码器,能够通过文本提示调整模型。
在模型结构中引入交叉注意力层(cross attention layer),使扩散模型成为一个强大而灵活的生成器,实现基于卷积的高分辨率图像生成。
以上是Stable Diffusion和Midjourney原理的简要介绍,更多详细信息建议查阅相关的技术文档或咨询专业人士。
stable diffusion svd技术原理
stable diffusion svd技术原理**Stable Diffusion SVD技术原理**Stable Diffusion SVD, an acronym for Stable Diffusion with Singular Value Decomposition, represents a cutting-edge technique in the field of deep learning. This technology, built upon the principles of Stable Diffusion, introduces the concept of Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) to enhance the stability and efficiency of the diffusion process.Stable Diffusion SVD技术原理建立在深度学习领域的前沿,是Stable Diffusion技术的延伸。
该技术通过引入奇异值分解(Singular Value Decomposition,简称SVD)的概念,进一步提升了扩散过程的稳定性和效率。
In essence, Stable Diffusion is a probabilistic generative model that leverages the power of denoising diffusion probabilistic models (DDPMs) to generate high-quality images. DDPMs work by gradually adding noise to an image during the forward diffusion process and then learning to reverse this process to reconstruct the original image. However, traditional Stable Diffusion methods can sometimes suffer from instability, leading to poor-quality outputs or lengthy computation times.本质上,Stable Diffusion是一种概率生成模型,它利用去噪扩散概率模型(DDPMs)的力量生成高质量图像。
GaN(0001)表面吸附TiO2的DFT研究黄平;梁晓琴;杨春【摘要】建立了GaN(0001)2 x2表面吸附模型,采用基于DFT动力学赝势方法,对TiO2分子的吸附进行了理论计算.研究了TiO2分子在GaN(0001)表面的吸附成键过程、成键方位及表面化学键特性.计算结果表明吸附过程经历了物理吸附、化学吸附与稳定态形成的过程,化学结合能达到7.184~7.423 eV.不同初始位置的TiO2分子吸附后,Ti在fcc或hcp位置,两个O原子分别与表面两个Ga原子成键,Ga-O 化学键表现出共价键特征,O-O连线与GaN[11-20]方向平行,与实验观测(100)[001] TiO2//(0001)[11-20]GaN一致.%The bonding process, bonding orientation and bonding characteristics of TiO2 adsorption on GaN (0001 )2 ×2 surface are invest igated by use of pseudopotentials in molecular-dynamical density-functional theory. The results reveal three distinct stages; phys-sorption, chem-sorption and stable state formation of TiO2 on GaN(0001) substrate. The chemical bonding energy comes up to 7.184 -7.423 eV. Ti atom in different initial position is adsorbed on fcc site or on hcp site, and two 0 atoms are combined with two Ga atoms on GaN surfaces after adsorption. The chemical bonding of Ga-0 shows a covalent feature. The O-O line direction is par-aller to the GaN [11-20] direction in accordance with experimental reports of (100)[001 ] TiO2//(0001) [11 -20]GaN.【期刊名称】《四川师范大学学报(自然科学版)》【年(卷),期】2012(035)004【总页数】4页(P526-529)【关键词】GaN(0001)表面;TiO2;密度泛函理论;吸附【作者】黄平;梁晓琴;杨春【作者单位】四川师范大学物理与电子工程学院,四川成都610066;四川师范大学可视化计算与虚拟现实四川省重点实验室,四川成都610066;四川师范大学可视化计算与虚拟现实四川省重点实验室,四川成都610066;四川师范大学可视化计算与虚拟现实四川省重点实验室,四川成都610066【正文语种】中文【中图分类】O484;O647.3GaN宽直接带隙半导体具有独特的物理和化学性质,如电子饱和漂移速度高、击穿场强高和温度稳定性好等优点,成为了制备多种集成器件的理想衬底材料[1-2].在GaN上生长具有丰富物理性能的氧化物铁电材料,成为实现铁电薄膜与半导体一体化器件的技术趋势,人们在实验上开展了广泛研究[3-9].SrTiO3(STO)薄膜是钙钛矿多功能铁电材料的典型代表,其生长具有代表性,也可被用作其它介电氧化物与半导体集成的缓冲层材料.W.B.Luo等[9]采用LMBE方法在GaN上分别用直接外延和用金红石TiO2作缓冲层实现了STO薄膜的外延生长.在GaN 上直接外延STO薄膜时,其外延关系为STO(111)[1-10]//GaN(0001)[11-20],晶格失配度为13.3%,使得STO薄膜以岛状模式生长,取向一致性较差.如何实现STO/GaN的取向和界面可控生长,获得优质外延薄膜,对于实现GaN 基介电氧化物集成薄膜及其器件具有十分重要的意义.在薄膜生长初期,沉积粒子在基片表面的吸附、扩散、成键,对界面的结构具有决定性的影响,并影响薄膜进一步生长,在很大程度上决定了薄膜性能.目前仍然无法通过实验分析仪器直接获得薄膜生长过程中粒子运动轨迹、界面原子结构、吸附能、界面扩散等精确的物理化学信息,需要运用可靠的理论计算来研究其生长机理.当前,采用基于第一性原理的动力学计算已成为研究薄膜生长机理的一种有力手段和途径[10-12].本文采用DFT动力学赝势方法,在虚拟实验温度下,对TiO2分子在GaN(0001)表面的吸附过程进行了计算,研究了TiO2分子在基片表面吸附过程、吸附位置和成键性质等.1 物理模型与计算方法1.1 物理模型对于TiO2的吸附模型,基片采用已优化的GaN超晶胞8个原子层的slab表面(2× 2)模型,表面终止原子为Ga的表面结构.为了观察TiO2分子中的Ti和O同基片表面结合先后过程,将优化得到的TiO2气态分子(Ti—O键长0.166 8 nm,O—Ti—O键角110.080°),水平置入基片上空,距离基片表面0.3 nm,充分考虑了真空区高度较小对计算的影响,真空层设置为1.5 nm.为了考察TiO2在GaN表面的主要吸附位置,选取了3个典型吸附初始模型,Ti分别在fcc、hcp和top 3个典型位置,标示为模型(a)~(c),如图1所示.所有模型固定基片底部6层,基片上面2层和TiO2分子充分弛豫.1.2 计算方法本文计算采用基于密度泛函理论(density functional theory,DFT)的平面波超软赝势方法,由CASTEP(cambridge serial total energy package)软件[13-14]包实现计算.运用超软赝势(ultrasoft pseudopotentials,USP)[15]描述离子实与价电子之间的相互作用(O:2s22p4,Ti:3s23p63d24s2,N:2s22p3,Ga:3d104s24p1).对电子交换相关项的计算选择了J.P.Perdew等[16-17]提出的广义梯度近似(general gradient approximation,GGA)修正方法(PW91)形式.为了适当减小动力学的运算量,在采用超软赝势计算时,自恰精度设为2.0×10-6eV/ atom,平面波截断能量Ecut设为300 eV.对2×2表面TiO2分子的吸附动力学模拟,布里渊区k-点取4×4×1,即16个k-点,系综选取NVT,粒子运动轨迹坐标积分计算采用了Verlet算法,积分时间步长设为1.0 fs,模拟总时间为1.4 ps,体系温度设为实验条件温度700℃.2 结果与讨论2.1 吸附过程模型(a)的吸附过程(如图2(a) 1)~4))可分4个阶段:1)0~0.03 ps为物理吸附过程,TiO2分子逐渐向表面接近,TiO2分子中的O原子朝下被吸附,低于最初位置约0.06 nm,TiO2分子的键长由0.166 8 nm增加到0.169 8 nm,说明Ti—O键被减弱,主要是基片表层的Ga3+与TiO2分子中Ti4+、O2-的静电作用.2)0.03~0.06 ps为TiO2分子中O1原子与基片表层的Ga1原子的成键过程.两个O原子继续向基片表面接近,Ti仍在fcc位,在0.05 ps时,TiO2分子中O1原子与基片表面Ga1原子开始结合,键长为0.222 5 nm,比Ga2O3体材料[18]中Ga—O(0.18~0.21 nm)键长略大,说明TiO2分子中O1原子与基片表层Ga1原子已经部分成键.在 0.06ps时 O1—Ga1键长为0.192 2 nm,说明O1与Ga1已形成较强的化学键.3)0.06~0.24 ps为TiO2分子中O2原子与基片表层的Ga3原子的成键过程.O2原子继续缓慢向下移动,在0.09 ps时,O2原子与基片表层Ga3原子开始形成弱化学键,键长为0.213 5 nm.4)在0.24 ps以后,TiO2分子逐渐同GaN表面形成稳定的吸附态,Ti原子在fcc位置,两个O原子与表面Ga原子成键,键长在0.183 2~0.203 1 nm之间振动调整.在体系能量最低处(0.72 ps),TiO2分子在GaN (0001)表面的吸附能达到7.203 eV.对于模型(b),吸附过程与体系能量变化如图2(b)所示,吸附过程也有4个阶段:1)0~0.04 ps为静电作用的物理吸附过程.2)0.04~0.06 ps为TiO2分子中O1与表面Ga1成键过程,在0.06 ps时,形成较稳定的 O—Ga化学键,键长为0.187 9 nm,此时Ti距表面约为0.289 5 nm.3) 0.06~0.16 ps为TiO2分子中O2与表面Ga3成键过程,在O1—Ga1成键后,O2迅速与基片表面Ga3结合.4)在0.16 ps后,TiO2分子逐渐与基片表面形成稳定的吸附态,Ti原子在hcp位置.在体系能量最低处(1.10 ps),TiO2分子在GaN(0001)表面的吸附能约为7.184 eV. 模型(c)的吸附位置与模型(a)相同,仅仅是模型(c)中TiO2分子经历了较长的物理迁移和吸附过程,不再作详细讨论.2.2 表面结构 TiO2分子在GaN(0001)表面稳定吸附结果如图3所示.计算结果表明,TiO2分子不管初始位置如何,经历物理吸附过程后,最终两个O原子先后与GaN(0001)表面的两个Ga原子成键,发生较强的化学吸附.TiO2稳定吸附后,O—Ga键长在0.180 4~0.208 6 nm之间振动调整,两个O原子连线都和GaN [11-20]方向平行,与文献[9]中增加缓冲层TiO2后实验观测(100)[001]TiO2//(0001)[11-20]GaN一致.其中,模型(a)、(c)吸附后Ti在fcc位置,模型(b)吸附后Ti在次表面层的N之上,而3个模型都有相似的吸附能和结构参数,表明TiO2分子在基片表面稳定吸附后的两种模型结构均可能存在.2.3 表面成键电子密度图4是模型(a)、(b)稳定吸附后,TiO2与GaN表面成键电子密度ELF分布,图中截面均是过O2和Ga3垂直于表面.从ELF图可以直观地看到价电子局域分布,其中ELF值在0.000~1.000之间,浅灰色代表电子密度稀少区域,黑色代表电子密度较大区域.图4(a)中O2同基底Ga3形成的化学键之间的ELF值为0.656,(b)中因Ga—O键较长,其值为0.594,电子密集在O和Ga周围,明显地表现出共价键特征.由于O和Ga的电负性相差较大,在化学键中有一定的离子键成分.TiO2吸附成键后,O和Ti周围电子密度稍有增加,Ti—O键共价作用增强.3 结语通过模型(a)、(b)和(c)的动力学过程计算分析,不同位置的TiO2分子在GaN(0001)表面吸附过程为物理吸附、O—Ga化学吸附和稳定吸附等阶段,TiO2分子在GaN(0001)表面的吸附能达7.184~7.423 eV,说明GaN(0001)表面非常利于TiO2分子的吸附.吸附中TiO2分子的两个O原子先后与基片表面两个Ga原子成键,稳定吸附后O—O连线平行GaN[11-20]方向,Ti在fcc位或hcp位. 参考文献[1]Youn C J,Jeong T S,Han M S,et al.Infuence of various activation temperatures on the optical degradation of Mg doped InGaN/ GaN MQW blue LEDs[J].J Cryst Growth,2003,250(3):331-338.[2]Nakamura S,Sench M,Iwasa N,et al.High-power InGaN single-quantum-well-structure blue and violet light-emitting diodes[J].Appl Phys Lett,1995,67(13):1868-1970.[3]Acikel B,Taylor T R,Hansen P J,et al.A new high performance phase shifter using BaxSr1-xTiO3thin films[J].IEEE Microwave Wireless Compon Lett,2002,12(7):237-239.[4]Cho C R,Hwang J Y,Kim J P,et al.Ferromagnetism of heteroepitaxial Zn1-xCuxO films grown on n-GaN Substrates[J].Jpn J Appl Phys,2004,43:L1383-L1386.[5]Sakai T,Watanabe T,Funaknbo H,et al.Effect of La substitution on electrical properties of highly oriented Bi4Ti3O12films pre-purced by metal organic chemical vapor deposition[J].Jpn J Appl Phys,2003,42:166-169.[6]Posadas A,Yau J B,Ahn C H,et al.Epitaxial growth of multiferroicYMnO3on GaN[J].Appl Phys Lett,2005,87(17):171915(3).[7]Tian W,Vaithyanathan V,Schlom D G,et al.Epitaxial integrationof(0001)BiFeO3with(0001)GaN[J].Appl Phys Lett,2007,90:172908(3). 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基于改进AdaBoost分类器的一种目标识别算法唐杰;贡坚【摘要】An algorithm based on improved AdaBoost classiifer for object recognition is proposed to solve the problem of poor recognition performance for traditional AdaBoost based on cascaded AdaBoost classiifer. First of all, the Haar-like features are extracted from the training samples, then we use the improved AdaBoost classiifer training method to feature extraction and classiifer training. Finally, two classes classiifcation is performed by using the AdaBoost classiifer and the selected features. As it can be seen, experiments show that the proposed algorithm has better performance than traditional methods.%文章提出一种基于改进AdaBoost分类器的目标识别算法,用于克服当前级联AdaBoost分类器存在的分类识别性能不足的问题。
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Adatom diffusion at GaN (0001) and (0001) surfacesTosja Zywietz, Jörg Neugebauer, and Matthias SchefflerCitation: Applied Physics Letters 73, 487 (1998); doi: 10.1063/1.121909View online: /10.1063/1.121909View Table of Contents: /content/aip/journal/apl/73/4?ver=pdfcovPublished by the AIP PublishingArticles you may be interested inAdsorption and diffusion of 3d transition metal atoms on the GaN(0001) surfaceJ. Appl. Phys. 110, 083712 (2011); 10.1063/1.3653822Gallium desorption kinetics on (0001) GaN surface during the growth of GaN by molecular-beam epitaxyAppl. Phys. Lett. 88, 071901 (2006); 10.1063/1.2166478Erratum: “Layer-by-layer growth of Ag on a GaN(0001) surface” [Appl. Phys. Lett. 82, 1389 (2003)]Appl. Phys. Lett. 82, 3991 (2003); 10.1063/1.1577218Adsorption and incorporation of silicon at GaN(0001) surfacesAppl. Phys. Lett. 80, 2008 (2002); 10.1063/1.1452785Silicon on GaN(0001) and (0001) surfacesJ. Vac. Sci. Technol. B 19, 1619 (2001); 10.1116/1.1383074This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: /termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Wed, 17 Sep 2014 11:50:48Adatom diffusion at GaN ...0001...and (0001)¯…surfaces Tosja Zywietz,a)Jo¨rg Neugebauer,and Matthias Scheffler Fritz-Haber-Institut der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft,Faradayweg 4-6,D-14195Berlin,Germany͑Received 16April 1998;accepted for publication 21May 1998͒The diffusion of Ga and N adatoms has been studied for the technologically relevant wurtzite ͑0001¯͒and ͑0001͒surfaces employing density-functional theory.Our calculations reveal a very different diffusivity for Ga and N adatoms on the equilibrium surfaces:While Ga is very mobile at typical growth temperatures,the diffusion of N is by orders of magnitude slower.These results give a very detailed insight of how and under which growth conditions N adatoms can be stabilized and efficiently incorporated at the surface.We further find that the presence of excess N strongly increases the Ga diffusion barrier and discuss the consequences for the growth of GaN.©1998American Institute of Physics.͓S0003-6951͑98͒01430-2͔Recently,great progress in fabricating highly efficient GaN-based devices has been achieved.1,2Nevertheless,there are still substantial problems concerning growth optimization and insight into the fundamental mechanisms is rather shal-low.Investigations of molecular beam epitaxy ͑MBE ͒growth have shown that the film structure and morphology are very sensitive to the III/V ratio.3,4GaN films grown un-der more N-rich conditions are rough and faceted while go-ing towards more Ga-rich conditions a smoother surface morphology and better film quality are obtained.3In order to improve growth in a systematic way it is essential to understand the underlying kinetic processes such as adsorption,desorption,and surface diffusion.In particu-lar,adatom diffusion on surfaces is considered to be a key parameter controlling the growth rate,the material quality,and the surface morphology.Experimentally,an analysis of surface diffusion is difficult:So far only effective diffusion barriers have been obtained for GaN.4,5It is also not clear whether the cation or anion surface diffusion is the rate lim-iting process.4A problem in growing GaN is also the high N vapor pressure and considerable efforts have been made to enhance the N incorporation.However,the mechanism by which N is incorporated at the surface could not be identi-fied.Theoretically,only few studies to describe GaN growth have been reported,which were either based on thermody-namic models 6or Monte Carlo simulations.7These ap-proaches are useful to model growth on a mesoscopic scale.However,the microscopic meaning of the effective param-eters and the underlying microscopic processes remain un-clear.In order to identify the fundamental growth mecha-nisms,but also to improve the above mentioned methods,the correct microscopic parameters are needed.8We have therefore performed a comprehensive and de-tailed study of the migration and energetics of Ga and N adatoms on GaN surfaces,employing total-energy density-functional theory calculations with ab initio pseudopoten-tials.We will focus on the two technologically relevant ori-entations for wurtzite GaN,the ͑0001͒and the ͑0001¯͒surfaces.The adatom substrate system is modeled by super-cell geometries with at least nine layers of GaN,a 14bohrvacuum region,and (2ϫ2)periodicity.One side of the slab is passivated by fractional pseudohydrogen.Tests revealed that migration paths and diffusion barriers are not signifi-cantly affected by the Ga 3d electrons and that it is sufficient to treat them within the nonlinear core correction.9Details of the calculations are discussed elsewhere.10,11The energetically stable reconstructions for polar GaN surfaces have been recently identified for the cubic ͑001͒12and the wurtzite ͑0001͒and ͑0001¯͒orientations.13These studies revealed a surprising feature not observed for ‘‘tradi-tional’’III–V semiconductor surfaces:Independent of the chemical environment ͑Ga-or N-rich ͒polar GaN surfaces turn out to be always cation stabilized with no N atoms in or on top of the surface layer.The only known exception so far is a N (2ϫ2)adatom structure on the ͑0001͒surface found to be stable under very N-rich conditions.13In order to study adatom diffusion on the thermodynamical stable surfaces we will therefore focus on the two structures shown in Fig.1which both are characterized by a complete Ga surface layer.We first calculated the potential energy surface ͑PES ͒fora ͒Electronic mail:zywietz@fhi-berlin.mpg.deFIG.1.Atomic structures ͑top and side view ͒for the ͑0001͒and ͑0001¯͒Ga-terminated surfaces.The dashed line in the top left marks the diffusion pathway corresponding to Figs.2and 3.Ga 1L marks a Ga atom in the first layer,Ga 2L in the second.APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS VOLUME 73,NUMBER 427JULY 19984870003-6951/98/73(4)/487/3/$15.00©1998American Institute of PhysicsThis article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: /termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Wed, 17 Sep 2014 11:50:48Ga and N adatoms on the ͑0001͒surface,giving immediate insight into stable sites,migration paths,and diffusion barri-ers.The potential energy surface E tot (R ʈad)is calculated by fixing the adatom laterally at different positions R ʈadand al-lowing all other atoms and the adsorbate height to relax.Atwo-dimensional ͑2D ͒cut through the resulting potential en-ergy surfaces for Ga and N adatoms along the energeticallylowest path is shown in Fig.2.For Ga adatoms we find twoadsorption sites:fcc and hcp ͑see Fig.1͒,which are degen-erate in energy within the accuracy of our method.Figure 2also reveals that the energetically lowest transition site ͓cor-responding barrier:͑0.4eV ͔͒is the bridge position;and themigration over the on-top position is energetically very un-favorable.Actually,an analysis of the complete PES showedthat the on-top position is the global maximum.For N adatoms a qualitatively very different PES results͑Fig.2,dashed line ͒:While the fcc position is the energeti-cally lowest binding site,the hcp position is significantlyhigher in energy ͑1.4eV ͒.Therefore,to hop from one fcc siteto the next,the N adatom diffuses along the bridge positionover the hcp site which is the transition site leading to abarrier of 1.4eV.The large energy difference between thefcc and hcp sites can be understood by analyzing the atomicstructure of the surface:At the hcp position,the N adatomexperiences directly underneath a N atom in the secondlayer.Since GaN is a partly ionic material this leads to elec-trostatic repulsion.14When analyzing adsorption sites it should be kept inmind that the on-top position is the epitaxial site for N ada-toms on the ͑0001͒surface,i.e.,for high coverages this sitemust be a global minimum.From Fig.2we find this site tobe energetically highly unfavorable for an isolated N adatom͑i.e.,for low coverages ͒.Therefore,when going from low tohigh adatom coverages the N adatoms have to shift from thefcc site ͑stable at low coverages ͒to the on-top position͑stable at high coverages ͒.Since this process is kineticallyhindered,the initial adsorption at the fcc position might be apotential source for stacking faults.We have also studied the diffusion on the ͑0001¯͒surface,which is characterized by a very different atomic geometrywhere each surface atom has three dangling bonds comparedto only one at the ͑0001͒surface ͑see Fig.1͒.For Ga ada-toms the PES ͑see Fig.3͒shows very similar features asfound on the ͑0001͒surface:The fcc and hcp sites are ener-getically degenerate,the diffusion transition state is at thebridge site with an again very low energy barrier ͑0.2eV ͒.For N adatoms we find a qualitative different behavior compared to N atoms on the ͑0001͒surface ͑see Fig.3͒:͑i ͒N adatoms exhibit the same binding sites as Ga adatoms and ͑ii ͒the diffusion barrier is significantly lower ͓0.9eV com-pared to 1.4eV on ͑0001͔͒.The lower diffusion barrier can be understood in terms of the very different character of the chemical bonds on the ͑0001͒and ͑0001¯͒surfaces.On the ͑0001͒surface ͑see Fig.1͒the localized and strongly directed sp z orbitals favor the formation of strong Ga–N bonds giv-ing low coordinated sites,as,e.g.,the bridge position,a rather high energy.On the other hand,the ͑0001¯͒surface is characterized by metallic bonds between the surface atoms:the adsorbate–substrate interaction is hence significantly weaker resulting in lower diffusion barriers.An important consequence of our results is that Ga ada-toms have a significantly lower diffusion barrier than N ada-toms for both orientations:Ga adatoms will be orders of magnitude more mobile than N adatoms at typical growth temperatures.The low diffusion barrier is a direct conse-quence of the fact,that for GaN equilibrium surfaces are Ga stabilized.Thus,for Ga atoms the adsorbate–substrate inter-action is predominantly realized by delocalized metallic Ga–Ga bonds.Since Ga bulk melts already slightly above room temperature (T melt ϭ30°C),the Ga–Ga bonds are weak and the adatoms behave almost like a liquid film on the surface.A similar effect has not been reported at ‘‘tradi-tional’’III/V semiconductor surfaces like,e.g.,GaAs where the surfaces do not exhibit a metalliclike character.The dif-fusion barrier on these surfaces is thus mainly characterized by breaking strong cation–anion bonds.As a consequence a significantly higher Ga diffusion barrier is found on these surfaces,e.g.,for the polar GaAs ͑111͒surface the barrier is 0.9eV.15The significantly larger diffusion barrier for N adatoms compared to Ga adatoms on equilibrium surfaces has an im-portant consequence:Although N adatoms on these surfaces are thermodynamically unstable against evaporation as N 2molecules even under N-rich conditions,12they can be kineti-cally stabilized at the surface.In order to evaporate,two N atoms have to form a N 2molecule.Since migration ofN FIG.2.Total energy ͑in eV ͒for Ga adatom ͑solid line ͒and a N-adatom ͑dashed line ͒at the Ga-terminated ͑0001͒surface.The energy zero corre-sponds to the energetically lowest adsorptionsite.FIG.3.Total energy ͑in eV ͒for a Ga adatom and a N adatom at theGa-terminated ͑0001¯͒surface.The energy zero corresponds to the energeti-cally lowest adsorption site.This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. 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Downloaded to IP: On: Wed, 17 Sep 2014 11:50:48adatoms is a highly activated process ͑but necessary to form molecules ͒,the desorption rate may become smaller than the adsorption rate.Consequently,extended regions in which the surface is primarily covered by N atoms may be formed.These N adatoms are likely to influence the migration path and the diffusion barrier of Ga adatoms.We have therefore studied the diffusion of Ga adatoms on the N-terminated͑0001͒and ͑0001¯͒surfaces which can be considered as ‘‘ex-treme’’cases of N coverage.The results are shown in Fig.4.The energetically favored binding sites are located at the fcc and hcp positions and the transition site is the bridge posi-tion.For both surface orientations the diffusion barrier of Ga adatoms is strongly affected:At ͑0001͒the migration barrierincreases from 0.4to 1.8eV while at ͑0001¯͒it increases from 0.2to 1.0eV.We therefore conclude that excess N at the surface,which can be formed under N-rich conditions,sig-nificantly reduces the mobility of Ga adatoms.The reason is the formation of strong Ga–N bonds,which have to be bro-ken during the migration of the adatoms.The reduction in surface diffusivity when going towards more N-rich conditions is consistent with a recent very de-tailed MBE growth study by Tarsa et al.3We note however,that a direct comparison between our calculated diffusion barriers and experimentally derived barriers is by no means straightforward.Experimentally,effective diffusion param-eters are commonly derived which average over a large area including not only the clean surface but also steps,impuri-ties,dislocation,etc.Since the effective diffusion barrier is usually dominated by the process with the highest barrier,our calculated value ͑which is for the clean surface ͒is a lower limit of the effective diffusion barrier.The very different mobilities of Ga and N adatoms and the formation of excess N have important consequences forthe growth of GaN.In the Ga-rich regime where the amount of excess N on the surface is small,the Ga adatoms are highly mobile and a step-flow mode resulting in 2D growth is expected.As a consequence,the surface morphology should be improved and a low density of stacking faults is expected.Further,if excess Ga adatoms are present on the surface ͑as expected for Ga-rich growth conditions ͒,N ada-toms can be efficiently incorporated:The probability that fast moving Ga adatoms capture N atoms is much higher than the other process where N atoms form molecules and desorb from the surface.However,at the N-terminated surfaces our results show a roughly five times higher diffusion barrier,indicating that the Ga diffusion length is significantly shorter under N-rich conditions.Once the diffusion length is shorter than the mean distance between the binding sites a statistical roughening of the surface can be expected.Furthermore,the adatoms might be ‘‘trapped’’at sites not corresponding to the ideal bulk positions.For example,if a Ga atom is trapped at the fcc position and does not hop to the wurtzite hcp site,a fcc nucleation center is formed.Thus,the higher adatom mobility under more Ga-rich conditions will also signifi-cantly reduce the density of stacking faults.Based on a de-tailed analysis of the adatom kinetics we expect therefore slightly Ga-rich conditions to be optimal for the growth of GaN.We note however,that while going towards extreme Ga-rich conditions might further improve the growth mor-phology,it will also enhance the impurity incorporation 9and result in high background carrier concentrations.The authors gratefully acknowledge financial support from the BMBF,the Fond der Chemischen Industrie ͑T.Z.͒,and the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft ͑J.N.͒.1S.Nakamura,T.Mukai,and M.Senoh,Appl.Phys.Lett.64,1687͑1994͒.2S.Nakamura et al.,Appl.Phys.Lett.70,868͑1997͒.3E.J.Tarsa et al.,J.Appl.Phys.82,5472͑1997͒.4H.Yang et al.,Appl.Phys.Lett.68,244͑1996͒.5E.R.Weber ͑private communication ͒.6S.Y.Karpov,Y.N.Makarov,and M.S.Ramm,MRS Internet J.Nitride Semicond.Res.2,45͑1997͒.7K.Wang,J.Singh,and D.Pavlidis,J.Appl.Phys.76,3502͑1994͒.8P.Ruggerone,C.Ratsch,and M.Scheffler,Growth and Properties of Ultrathin Epitaxial Layers ͑Elsevier Science,Amsterdam,1997͒,Vol.8.9T.Zywietz,J.Neugebauer,and M.Scheffler ͑unpublished ͒.10R.Stumpf and M.Scheffler,mun.79,447͑1994͒.11J.Neugebauer and C.G.Van de Walle,Mater.Res.Soc.Symp.Proc.408,43͑1995͒.12J.Neugebauer et al.,Phys.Rev.Lett.͑to be published ͒.13A.R.Smith et al.,Phys.Rev.Lett.79,3934͑1997͒.14K.Rapcewicz,M.B.Nardelli,and J.Bernholc,Phys.Rev.B 56,R12752͑1997͒.15A.Kley,P.Ruggerone,and M.Scheffler,Phys.Rev.Lett.79,5278͑1997͒.FIG.4.Total energy ͑in eV ͒for Ga adatoms at the N-terminated ͑0001,solid line ͒and the N-terminated ͑0001¯,dashed line ͒surface.The energy zero corresponds to the energetically lowest adsorption site.This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. 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