Age Effects on SLA revise


Anxiety and Enjoyment in the Foreign Language Clas

Anxiety and Enjoyment in the Foreign Language Clas

US-China Foreign Language, November 2019, Vol. 17, No. 11, 511-516doi:10.17265/1539-8080/2019.11.004Anxiety and Enjoyment in the Foreign Language Classroom:A Dynamic PerspectiveQU Li-liUniversity of Shanghai for Science and Technology, Shanghai, ChinaThe present study examined the relationship between anxiety and enjoyment in the foreign language classroomfrom a dynamic perspective. The Motometers were used to capture the dynamic emotions of four English majors ina class session. The results showed that the correlational patterns of anxiety and enjoyment varied from individualto individual, caused by various private and social factors in the context of foreign language learning.Keywords: anxiety, enjoyment, dynamic, foreign language learningIntroductionThe influence of effect on second language acquisition (SLA) has long been acknowledged. Affect refers to non-linguistic variables such as motivation, attitude, anxiety, and self-confidence. Krashen’s affective filter hypothesis accounts for the role of affect in facilitating or blocking comprehensible input’s reaching the language acquisition device in the learner’s mind. Arnold (2011) affirmed that affect could be considered as a prerequisite for the optimal cognitive work of learning to take place. Therefore, how to integrate affect and cognition should be a major concern for the enhancement of learning.As a kind of negative affect, anxiety has received most attention among SLA researchers because anxiety has been described as one of the strongest predictors for success or failure for foreign language learners. Anxiety is defined as “the worry and negative emotional reaction aroused when learning or using a second language” (MacIntyre, 1999, p. 27), while foreign language classroom anxiety (FLCA) is “a distinct complex of self-perceptions, beliefs, feelings and behaviors related to classroom learning arising from the uniqueness of the language learning process” (Horwitz, Horwitz, & Cope, 1986, p. 128). To reduce the negative outcomes associated with anxiety, foreign language teachers are encouraged to facilitate a positive learning environment and provide learners with a better learning experience.SLA researchers have recently turned their attention to positive emotions in foreign language learners, following the arrival of Positive Psychology. One positive emotion that is of particular interest is enjoyment, which is the emotion that is felt when one not only meets their needs but also surpasses them to accomplish something unexpected or surprising (Csikszentmihalyi, 2008). Studies on SLA-related enjoyment are very lacking. As a result, how enjoyment operates in L2 contexts is little known, and how enjoyment interacts with anxiety in the foreign language classroom is even less known.This research was sponsored by the Humanities and Social Sciences Foundation and the Teacher Development Program of University of Shanghai for Science and Technology.QU Li-li, Ph.D., Associate Professor, College of Foreign Languages, University of Shanghai for Science and Technology,Shanghai, China.All Rights Reserved.ANXIETY AND ENJOYMENT IN THE FOREIGN LANGUAGE CLASSROOM512 Deweale, MacIntyre, Boudreau, and Dewaele (2016) believe that both positive and negative emotions serve adaptive functions, which collaborate in facilitating foreign language learning, and stronger overall emotional experiences underpin the motivation for foreign language learning. Emotions are dynamic and their causes also change over time. However, dynamics of emotions can be obscured when data are averaged among multiple persons (Boudreau, MacIntyre, & Dewaele, 2018) in the conventional quantitative approach. A dynamic systems approach allows a closer look at the dynamic changes in a variable across a group of people or within an individual over time.Adopting a dynamic perspective, the present study aimed to explore the dynamic relationship between anxiety and enjoyment and the varying patterns of correlation between the two variables in the foreign language classroom. The research questions are: (1) Is there variability to be found in students’ anxiety and enjoyment in the foreign language classroom? (2) What is the relationship between anxiety and enjoyment on the individual level over one class session? (3) How are the fluctuations in emotions accounted for by the classroom context?MethodFour first-year English majors enrolled in a Chinese university were invited to participate in the study. They were selected from a class of 30 students in an English course focusing on integrated language skills. The number of students was considered reasonable for close observations in the foreign language classroom and a micro-level individual analysis on foreign language learning emotions. The participants’ FLCA and foreign language enjoyment (FLE) were measured through the foreign language classroom anxiety scale (Horwitz, Horwitz, & Cope, 1986) and the FLE scale(Li, Jiang, & Dewaele, 2018). Student 1, Fiona, had a high rating of FLE and low FLCA, and had a high self-perceived English proficiency. Student 2, Bryant, had a medium FLEand a medium FLCA, and reported low self-perceived proficiency. Student 3, Emily, had a medium FLE andlow-to-medium FLCA, and reported medium self-perceived proficiency. Student 4, Gary, had a high FLE and low-to-medium FLCA, and also reported medium self-perceived proficiency.The main instrument for data collection was called “Motometer”, based on the original version used by Gardner and colleagues (2004). The Motometer was a thermometer-shaped figure with a “0” at the lowest and a “100” at the highest point. There were 20 Motometers on an A4 size sheet to take real-time measurements of students’ enjoyment and anxiety during a classroom session of 45 minutes. At the beginning of the session, the participants were indicated to draw horizontal lines on the first two Motometers to rate their levels of enjoyment and anxiety. After that, they were prompted by a soft bell sound to draw the lines every five minutes. In this way, 20 ratings were given by each participant, and altogether 80 ratings comprised the numeric data of this study. On the bottom of the sheet, a comments section allowed the participants to elaborate on their reported levels of emotions, which provided qualitative data for the study. The session was video-taped to provide contextual information, such as classroom activities and episodic instances.The Motometer data were converted to a 1-100 numeric scale, resulting in graphs showing individual and group variability. Video-taped classroom activities and episodic instances involving the participants as well as students’ comments were analyzed to account for the variability in the Motometer data. Results and DiscussionFigures 1-4 show the ratings of four participants’ anxiety and enjoyment in one session of the English class. It can be seen that enjoyment levels were mostly higher than anxiety levels, which coincided with theAll Rights Reserved.ANXIETY AND ENJOYMENT IN THE FOREIGN LANGUAGE CLASSROOM 513findings in Dewaele and MacIntyre’s large-scale survey (2014). The survey concluded that anxiety and enjoyment were two distinct emotions, and enjoyment was not the lack of anxiety. On the individual level, great variability was observed in both anxiety and enjoyment. The relationship between anxiety and enjoyment was dynamic and variable, ranging from moderately negative correlation (Bryant), almost no correlation (Emily) to moderately positive correlation (Fiona and Gary). The results of this study echoed those of Boudreau, MacIntyre, and Dewaele (2018) which adopted an idiodynamic approach in examining the relationship between the two variables in communication tasks. Figure 1. Fiona’s ratings. Figure 2. Bryant’s ratings. 010203040506070809012345678910anxiety enjoyment 01020304050607012345678910anxiety enjoyment All Rights Reserved.ANXIETY AND ENJOYMENT IN THE FOREIGN LANGUAGE CLASSROOM514Figure 3. Emily’s ratings.Figure 4. Gary’s ratings.Figures 5 and 6 present group data on anxiety and enjoyment respectively. In either of the figures, group average graph did not resemble any of the individual graphs, indicating group average’s limitation in explaining learner differences. However, group average could inform teaching by showing what was likely to trigger anxiety or enjoyment in the foreign language classroom context. For example, a spike of anxiety was observed when students took turns to judge transmitting ways of HIV virus in an activity related to background information, accompanied by a similar increase of enjoyment during the first and second five minutes (between Points 1 and 3 in Figures 5 and 6). Two of the participants wrote in the comments sections that they found the activity challenging but interesting. For another example, a sharp increase of anxiety was observed when the students were asked to summarize the story in the text without much time to prepare, while enjoyment just leveled off during the 6th five minutes (between Points 6 and 7). During the 7th five minutes (between Points 7 and 8), enjoyment increased and anxiety decreased when a theme-related video clip was shown for class discussion. The factors that could account for the fluctuations in emotions were private or social. The link between context and system behavior is inextricable, and the immediate context should be perceived as part of the overall dynamic system (Waninge, Dörnyei, & De Bot, 2014).10203040506070809012345678910anxiety enjoyment510152025303512345678910anxiety enjoyment All Rights Reserved.ANXIETY AND ENJOYMENT IN THE FOREIGN LANGUAGE CLASSROOM515Figure 5. Ratings for anxiety.Figure 6. Ratings for enjoyment.ConclusionWith a dynamic perspective, the present study was able to answer the research questions. There are intrapersonal and interpersonal variabilities observed in students’ anxiety and enjoyment in the foreign language classroom. The relationship between anxiety and enjoyment was dynamic, and the correlation patterns ranged from moderately negative, near zero to moderately positive. The variability in students’ emotions in the language class could be attributed to individual differences, teacher factors, peer factors, class activities, incidents, materials, and topics, etc.However, only one class session was studied and one time-scale of five minutes was used to collect data, which could only provide limited information on the emotional dynamics. Emotions at more diverse timescales should be studied. In particular, longitudinal studies are needed for dynamic approaches to SLA research.ReferencesArnold, J. (2011). Attention to affect in language learning. Anglistik. International Journal of English Studies, 22(1), 11-22.Boudreau, C., MacIntyre, P. D., & Dewaele, J.-M. (2018). Enjoyment and anxiety in second language communication: Anidiodynamic approach. Studies in Second Language Learning and Teaching, 8(1), 149-170.Csikszentmihalyi, M. (2008). Flow: The psychology of optimal experience . New York, NY: Harper Perennial.Dewaele, J.-M., & MacIntyre, P. D. (2014). The two faces of Janus? Anxiety and enjoyment in the foreign language classroom.Studies in Second Language Learning and Teaching, 4(2), 237-274.1020304050607012345678910Fiona Bryant Emily Gary Average10203040506070809012345678910Fiona Bryant Emily Gary Average All Rights Reserved.ANXIETY AND ENJOYMENT IN THE FOREIGN LANGUAGE CLASSROOM516 Dewaele, J.-M., MacIntyre, P. D., Boudreau, C., & Dewaele, L. (2016). Do girls have all the fun? Anxiety and enjoyment in theforeign language classroom. Theory and Practice of Second Language Acquisition, 2(1), 41-63.Gardner, R. C., Masgoret, A. M., Tennant, J., & Mihic, L. (2004). Integrative motivation: Changes during a year long intermediatelevel language course. Language Learning, 54, 1-34.Horwitz, E. K., Horwitz, M. B., & Cope, J. (1986). Foreign language classroom anxiety. The Modern Language Journal, 70(2),125-132.Li, C., Jiang, G., & Dewaele J.-M. (2018). Understanding Chinese high school students’ foreign language enjoyment: Validationof the Chinese version of the foreign language enjoyment scale. System, 76, 183-196.MacIntyre, P. D. (1999). Language anxiety: A review of the research for language teachers. In D. J. Young (Ed.), Affect in foreignlanguage and second language teaching: A practical guide to creating a low-anxiety classroom atmosphere (pp. 24-45). Boston: McGraw-Hill.Waninge, F., Dörnyei, Z., & De Bot, K. (2014). Motivational dynamics in language learning: Change, stability, and context. TheModern Language Journal, 98(3), 704-723.All Rights Reserved.。

Effects of ageing on society 老龄化社会的影响 雅思英语作文范文

Effects of ageing on society 老龄化社会的影响 雅思英语作文范文

In countries such as Japan, the population is getting older. Are the effects of an ageing population positive or negative?In many countries such as Japan or Russia, the average age of the population is becoming older. Most people think this has a negative effect on a society, but it can also provide some opportunities. In this essay, I will look at some effects of ageing on a country.When a population gets older, many roles in the society change. First of all, there may be fewer young people to take care of older parents or family. This may cause a breakdown in family relationships. It can also mean that older people need care in nursing homes. There is also an effect on work. Older workers may not want to do hard physical work or to work in poorly paid jobs. This may cause a shortage of workers and the country may have to import foreign workers for these positions. A third effect is on government spending. Instead of spending on schools and colleges, healthcare may become a priority to treat diseases such as cancer, diabetes or heart conditions.However, not all the effects have to be negative. Although some people claim that older people do not have new ideas, older employees can be extremely productive and efficient and this can helpcompanies to succeed. There may be less crime in the society, since there may be less competition for jobs or other needs. Some people worry that an older society will be more conservative and will be focused on the past. However, this could also mean a more compassionate society which is less focused on material things. Another possible outcome of an ageing society is that there may be people to take care of young children. In addition, children might have a better education if schools and colleges were not as crowded.In conclusion it’s probably better for a society to have a good equilibrium in which all age groups are balanced. However, we need to be ready for demographic changes in order to provide our citizens, young or old, with the best opportunities.。

Age Effects in Second Language Learning Stepping Stones Toward Better Understanding

Age Effects in Second Language Learning Stepping Stones Toward Better Understanding

Age Effects in Second Language Learning: Stepping StonesToward Better UnderstandingPaola Carolina Gil GómezGabriel Eduardo Velasco MedinaUNIVERSIDAD TECNOLÓGICA DE PEREIRA FACULTAD DE BELLAS ARTES Y HUMANIDADES LICENCIATURA EN LENGUA INGLESAPEREIRA2013Age Effects in Second Language Learning: Stepping StonesToward Better Understanding"As should be apparent by now, the position taken in this book is that second language teaching should focus on encouraging acquisition, on providing input that stimulates the subconscious language acquisition potential all normal human beings have. This does not mean to say, however, that there is no room at all for conscious learning. Conscious learning does have a role, but it is no longer the lead actor in the play." (Krashen and Terrell, 1981)In his article, the author DeKeyser (2013), points out the relevance attained to the Second Language Learning, with controversial issues such as conceptual misunderstanding and methodological difficulties. On the other hand, the author seeks that the debate between each other is be able to agree on them, through the suggestions for improvement in subject selection, data collection, and instrumentation to understand how crucial is the age effects for educational policy and curriculum design; and how different are the foreign language learning from second language learning environments.Similarly, the main focuses of the study are the biggest controversial points related with the better performance in children rather than adults according to the layman and psychologist or linguistics (DeKeyser 2013); nevertheless, the author highlights three main questions to debate during the article:What the properly age of acquisition is; how to work with individual variables such as motivation, attitude and identity in second language context; and finally, differences developed in the critical/crucial learning.The age effects are an important issue to understand a number of reasons, because of the nature involve in the learning process according some psycholinguistics opinions and it allows reflection (DeKeyser, 2013). As a result, the three questions mentioned above and the age effects learning are important for the aspects of curriculum development and its adaptation to different ages. For instance, the author exposed the case of immigrant children who are not dominant in the language as native speaker; and he requests researchers to comprehend the L2 structures and their problematic, when they emerge under what circumstances and what the educational system do about it.Also, in the article comments from Abrahamsson & Hyltenstam (2009); Bigelow & Tarone (2004); Christie (2012); Schleppegrell (2004); Tarone, Bigelow, & Hansen (2009) were cited by DeKeyser (2013), who express that, immigrant children before the age of 15 can easily learn the language in a natural exposure, however, older than 15 are implicate in the linguistics patterns competences, developingabstracts and formal aspects in language to have success in the professional performance.The main differences between native speakers and immigrant children are the instructional process that native speakers face at different ages (Cameron, 2001; Muñoz, 2007) and the educational authority (parents, administrators) that invest time in children and their educational budget (Curtain, 1998; García Mayo & García Lecumberri, 2003; Larson-Hall, 2008).Taking into account these facts, the author states how the conceptual misunderstanding is presented in the acquisition because of its effects. Likewise, DeKeyser (2013) discusses about the fact that children learning go faster than adults, and expresses that there is no evidence to support it. Moreover, the author points out that immigrant children’s learning is slower than adults (Krashen, Long, & Scarcella, 1979), children reach the native speaker level while adults work with an arrested development of knowledge (Abrahamsson & Hyltenstam, 2009; Abrahamsson, 2012), it means, a knowledge work and develop through the process, that allow adults be aware about how to perform according to grammar complexity and English level.Nevertheless, the author states the comparison in the learning process from immigrants and foreign language learners, the children only have an implicit progress, that overtake soon their parents; but children continue being slower than adults when they are learning the language in a foreign language context (García-Mayo & García Lecumberri, 2003; Muñoz, 2006) and adults, possess a highly explicit performance (Dekeyser, 2000; Dekeyser, Alfi-Shabtay, & Ravid, 2010; Paradis, 2009).In the Methodological Difficulties the author emphasizes the process that children immigrants present in the acquisition of a language and the influence of the L1; moreover, he also seeks to obtain data for researchers, which allow establishing patterns about age ranges in the critical period area.Finally, the factors related with the age effects expressed by the author, are how the kind of knowledge can be trigger according to the level of student (cognitive capacity) evaluating the L2 learners’ knowledge during the process in order to produce elicit functions and increase knowledge (cf., e.g., Ellis, 2005; Jiang, 2012). According to the information presented above, the author makes emphasis about how important is L2, to raise language acquisition in students. He also, states that adults gain better key concepts in English rather than children; and adults can perform and increase their abilities thanks to the awareness in the knowledge learned in every process. As a final point, the context is crucial to be active in the process to learn a second language instead of using the L1 which restrict the language explicit production in the learner.Aspects to considerIn this article we have identified relevant aspects that allow us to trigger into a discussion. Thanks to the kind of information exposed by the author, we can highlight a main component that divide the evidence through the normal environment to be contrasted to our context, type of students, knowledge, data obtained from different researchers; and the kind of procedures used in different countries to teach and learn a foreign language.To summarize all this facts, we had move onto the relevant features in order to get a discussion and, we related all those components in two main issues: the process of learning between children and adults and; the native speakers’ skills performance in children and the L1 use.To begin with, we have highlighted some interesting features presented in the article, which deal with the process of learning that is highly performed by the adults rather than children, and the grammatical structure that adults develop. The author states that children cannot be as proficiency as adults but reached the performance through the years. Moreover, even in the context, children have to deal with the management of a L2 and L1 when they are exposed to environment, but the learning proficiency is still slower to the children.However, we can say that children can learn and produce an explicit language if they have cognitive resources proposed by teachers and tools, such as the TIC’s which provide an English environment inside the classroom. Additionally, these factors allow students increase or dec rease their performance through children’s effects.According to Matsuoka and Smith (2008), the age is an important factor concerning with the language learning; and children enjoy and have advantages in the learning language over the adults because of their plasticity (e.g. Birdsong, 1992; DeKeyser, 2000; Oyama, 1976; Patkowski, 1980). In other words, it is refer to the ability that children have to process the information without a mechanical system. For instance, the human beings come with “devices” that support the language acquisition beyond a simple habitual formation (Chomsky, 1957).Moreover, t he issue about the slower children’s l earning process has not been taken into account in the curriculum process and; its purpose should be adapted to the different ages (DeKeyser 2013). According to many theories and research, the critical age for learning a second language is childhood. It is here, where teachers should take advantage of the plasticity that children have and contributes to the fast learning of these.These studies have proved that the process of learning the grammar of a SL it is not affected by age but it is related with the brain maturation (Matsuoka and Smith2008). On the other hand, Chomsky (1966) proposed a universal grammar as an innate system o f language acquisition in order to measure learners’ universal grammar as part of grammaticality judgment tests. This process allows students organize the target language’ morph-syntactic system when they are focusing on the universal grammar (Johnson & Newport, 1989)To conclude, we can say that the language learning in children is possible, taking in mind the different focal area of acquisition, phonology/pronunciation, as a sensitive period from younger learners unlike older learners, who face morph syntax/grammar (Bialystok & Hakuta, 1999). As a result, the exposure to English environments and the teachers’ time spend in students will allow not only, to trigger the learners’ production in order to have a good English proficiency, but also there will be connection of knowledge to stimulate their brains to absorbed new concepts and be mastered before the children lose their plasticity (Ellis, 1994).The second issue to discuss is; children’s less performance to be as good as a native speaker in the language proficiency. We can see that children can learn easier than adults according to the complexity of the learning acquisition and the students’ need. Nevertheless, the author in his speeches mentioned that learner will get a well performance through the years to be a native speaker. However, thanks to abilities develop by children we could say that these students can be as proficiency as a native speaker; even if these students are not immerses in an English speaking country. On the other hand, the factors such attitudes, motivation and great teachers who perform desirable lessons, may enhance and create many opportunities to spread the learners’ knowledge to be competitive in a globalized English speaking world.But, why is important to focus on children and their language capacity to produce speech through cognitive process, in one hand, and check the advantages or failures that adults possess when they are facing oral production in English; on the other hand, it will be the anxiety presented in the interaction with something new or unfamiliar. Consequently, we can highlight a common factor between them: the proximity to be as fluent as an English speaker that diverges from the age, level proficiency and economic status that categorize the learner according to their skills; in other words, learners’ aptitudes to be confident in the foreign language.Thus, we want to say that despite the authors’ point of view, learners can adopt the whole language functionality and use, if they are trigger to perform it or, if they are constantly stimulate in activities that increase children’s’cognitive capacity. Ellis (1994), states that two key concerning are important in the child learning process: affective and motivational factors; i.e. “child learners are, in general, more strongly motivated to communicate with native speakers and to integrate culturally because they are less conscious and suffer less from anxiety about communicating in a second language”.Though, a relevant issue of sensory acuity is about the ability that possesses young learners to perceive sounds as native speaker but at certain age the cerebral maturation or loss of plasticity affect learner’s skills to acquire both neurological structure in terms of pronunciation and grammar (Ellis, 1994).In conclusion, we can say, that children can manage better the knowledge they are acquiring to be contrasted with real context as a native speaker rather than adults. Ellis (1994) expresses that it is thanks to the amount of input that children received through the language information; due to adults are focused on negotiation of meaning and the process of a language how is store. For example; children store both languages –L1 and L2 information separately- and become coordinate bilinguals and adults, also stores both L1/L2 knowledge together and become compound bilinguals. According to Ellis (1994) “Coordinate bilinguals can use both languages automatically whilst compound bilinguals cannot”.Finally, Selinger (1978), states that all the young learners observed, who started early in the second language acquisition through the exposition were attain a native or native-like accent than young learners.Here in Colombia, the citizens are getting involved in the process to be part of an English setting. However, we do not possess an English context in every street, but we are getting immerse in the language through movies, music and international programs that allows us to be closer than ever to an English environment. Consequently, we could say that to be as proficiency as a native, we could use different visual and oral resources presented in books or audios, and create distinctions in the use of the L1 which is part of our communication and it does not get confused in the acquisition of the new vocabulary learned and; children possess a vast of opportunities to enhance their knowledge to a higher level.Bibliography1. Abrahamsson, N., & Hyltenstam, K. (2009). Age of onset and native likeness ina second language: Listener perception versus linguistic scrutiny. LanguageLearning, 59, 249–306.2. Bialystok, F., & Hakuta, K. (1999) In other words: The science and psychologyof second-language acquisition.3. Bigelow, M., & Tarone, E. (2004). The role of literacy level in second languageacquisition: Doesn’t who we study determine what we know? TESOL Quarterly, 38, 689–700.4. Chomsky, N. (1966). Topics in the theory of generative grammar. The Hague:Mouton.5. Christie, F. (2012). Language education throughout the school years: Afunctional perspective. Language Learning, 62(Supplement 1), pp. 1–247.Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell.6. DeKeyser, R.M. (2013). Age Effects in Second Language Learning: SteppingStones Toward Better Understanding, Language Learning (Supplent 1), pp.52–67, Language Learning: A Journal of Research in Language Studies, University of Michigan.7. Ellis, R. (1994) the study of second language acquisition. Oxford, New York:Oxford University Press.8. Matsuoka, R., & Smith, I. (2008). Age Effects in Second Language Acquisition:Overview. Nurs Studies NCNJ. Japan.9. Schleppegrell, M. J. (2004). The language of schooling: A functional linguisticsperspective. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.10. Selinger, H. (1978). Implication of a multiple critical period’s hypothesis forsecond language learning. In W. Ritchie (Ed.), Second language acquisition research. New York: Academic Press.11. Tarone, E., Bigelow, M., & Hansen, K. (2009). Literacy and second languageoracy. New York: Oxford University Press.。



2024年研究生考试考研英语(一201)复习试卷与参考答案一、完型填空(10分)Part A: Cloze TestRead the following passage and choose the best word for each blank from the options given below. There are twenty blanks in the passage. Each blank has four choices marked A, B, C, and D. You should mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre.The rise of the Internet has 1 a significant impact on the way people 2 information. With just a few clicks, one can access a vast array of resources and 3 from around the world. However, this 4 in information access has also brought about challenges. Here is a story that illustrates the complexities of our digital age.In a small town, a young girl named Lily was 5 her studies. She was particularly 6 in learning about the world beyond her village. One day, while browsing the Internet, she stumbled upon an article about climate change. The article 7 her curiosity and she began to research further.Lily found a website that offered a variety of 8 on environmental issues. She spent hours reading about the effects of global warming and the importanceof sustainable practices. As she learned more, she felt 9 to make a difference in her community.10, Lily organized a local clean-up drive. She 11 her friends and neighbors to join her, and together they collected trash and cleaned up the local park. The event received 12 from the community, and it inspired others to take action.Despite the positive outcome, Lily realized that there was still much work to be done. She 13 to join a local environmental group to 14 her knowledge and skills. The group organized workshops and community outreach programs to educate people about environmental issues.As Lily continued her journey, she 15 that technology could be a double-edged sword. While it provided access to information, it also 16 distractions and could lead to 17 attention spans. She learned to balance her use of the Internet with other activities and discovered that 18 the right balance was crucial.One day, while 19 the news, Lily read about a global initiative to reduce plastic waste. She 20 the opportunity to participate and reached out to her environmental group. Together, they organized a campaign to promote the use of reusable bags and educate people about the impact of single-use plastics.1.A. A. resulted inB. B. contributed toC. C. led toD. D. caused2.A. gatherB. B. acquireC. C. searchD. D. seek3.A. experiencesB. B. perspectivesC. C. knowledgeD. D. insights4.A. increaseB. B. expansionC. C. surgeD. D. boost5.A. dedicated herself toB. B. immersed herself inC. C. focused onD. D. involved herself in6.A. enthusiastic aboutB. B. fascinated byC. C. interested inD. D. excited about7.A. sparkedB. B. ignitedC. C. arousedD. D. stimulated8.A. articlesB. B. resourcesC. C. materialsD. D. publications9.A. motivatedB. B. determinedC. C. inspiredD. D. encouraged10.A. SubsequentlyB. B. ConsequentlyC. C. EventuallyD. D. Immediately11.A. invitedB. B. encouragedC. C. persuadeD. D. asked12.A. supportB. B. recognitionC. C. enthusiasmD. D. appreciation13.A. decidedB. B. volunteeredC. C. attemptedD. D. agreed14.A. enhanceB. B. expandC. C. improveD. D. develop15.A. recognizedB. B. realizedC. C. acknowledgedD. D. admitted16.A. offeredB. B. providedC. C. causedD. D. resulted in17.A. shorterB. B. briefC. C. conciseD. D. limited18.A. findingB. B. maintainingC. C. achievingD. D. striking19.A. watchingB. B. listening toC. C. readingD. D. scanning20.A. seizedB. B. grabbedC. C. tookD. D. embracedAnswers:1.A. resulted in2.B. acquire3.C. knowledge4.C. surge5.A. dedicated herself to6.B. fascinated by7.A. sparked8.B. resources9.C. inspired10.C. Eventually11.A. invited12.B. recognition13.B. volunteered14.A. enhance15.B. realized16.C. caused17.A. shorter18.D. striking19.C. reading20.D. embraced二、传统阅读理解(本部分有4大题,每大题10分,共40分)First QuestionRead the following passage and answer the questions that follow.Passage:The Role of Technology in EducationEducation has always been a fundamental factor for societal development. However, with the rapid advancement of technology, it’s becoming increasingly clear that traditional methods of teaching are no longer sufficient to meet the needs of today’s digital natives. The integration of technology into education is not just about equipping students with computer skills; it’s also about transforming the way we teach and learn.One of the most significant benefits of technology in education is its ability to personalize learning experiences. Adaptive learning software cantailor educational content to the specific needs of each student, ensuring that every learner gets the support they require. Furthermore, online platforms provide access to a wealth of information and resources that would otherwise be unavailable to many students, particularly those in remote or underprivileged areas.However, critics argue that an over-reliance on technology might lead to a loss of essential human interaction and the development of social skills. There is also concern about the potential for increased screen time to have negative effects on children’s health and well-being. Despite these concerns, proponents of educational technology believe that if used correctly, it can enhance rather than detract from the educational experience.As technology continues to evolve, so must our approach to education. It is clear that there is a need for a balanced integration of traditional teaching methods with modern technological tools. Only by embracing this hybrid model can we ensure that future generations are adequately prepared for the challenges of the 21st century.Questions:1、What is the main argument presented in the passage regarding technology in education?A)Technology should replace traditional teaching methods.B)Technology should complement traditional teaching methods.C)Technology is detrimental to the educational process.D)Technology has no place in the classroom.Answer: B) Technology should complement traditional teaching methods.2、According to the passage, what is one of the advantages of using technology in education?A)It increases the amount of homework students receive.B)It personalizes learning experiences for individual students.C)It makes traditional teaching methods obsolete.D)It decreases the need for teachers in the classroom.Answer: B) It personalizes learning experiences for individual students.3、What concern does the passage mention regarding the use of technology in education?A)It may cause a decrease in the use of textbooks.B)It might result in a lack of social interaction among students.C)It could lead to an increase in physical activity among students.D)It ensures that all students have equal access to information.Answer: B) It might result in a lack of social interaction among students.4、How does the passage suggest that technology affects access to information?A)It limits access to information only to those who can afford it.B)It provides broader access to information for students in remote areas.C)It restricts the types of information available to students.D)It has no impact on how students access information.Answer: B) It provides broader access to information for students in remote areas.5、What does the passage imply about preparing future generations?A)They should rely solely on technology for learning.B)They should reject modern educational tools in favor of traditional ones.C)They should be taught using a combination of traditional and modern methods.D)They should focus exclusively on developing social skills without technology.Answer: C) They should be taught using a combination of traditional and modern methods.第二题Reading PassageIn the 19th century, the Industrial Revolution brought about significant changes in the way people lived and worked. This period of rapid industrialization led to the development of factories, the mass production of goods, and a shift from an agrarian society to an urban one. The following article discusses the impact of the Industrial Revolution on society and the environment.The Impact of the Industrial RevolutionThe Industrial Revolution, which began in the late 18th century, was a period of profound economic and social change in Europe and North America. It was marked by the transition from hand production methods to machines, and by the introduction of new chemical, iron, steel, and coal industries. This transition had a profound impact on the lives of people, and it brought about both positive and negative consequences.One of the most significant impacts of the Industrial Revolution was the urbanization of society. As factories were built in cities, people moved fromrural areas to urban centers in search of work. This led to the growth of cities and the creation of slums, where many workers lived in poor conditions. The overcrowded and unsanitary conditions in these areas contributed to the spread of diseases such as cholera and tuberculosis.Another consequence of the Industrial Revolution was the degradation of the environment. The burning of coal and the release of pollutants into the air and water led to air and water pollution, which had serious health implications for people and animals. The deforestation and soil erosion that resulted from the expansion of industrial activities also had a detrimental effect on the natural landscape.Despite these negative impacts, the Industrial Revolution also brought about many positive changes. The mass production of goods led to a significant increase in the standard of living for many people. The development of new technologies, such as the steam engine and the telegraph, improved communication and transportation, making the world a smaller place. Additionally, the Industrial Revolution led to the rise of the middle class, which had a profound impact on social and political structures.Questions:1、What was one of the most significant impacts of the Industrial Revolution on society?A. The decline of agricultureB. The urbanization of societyC. The decrease in populationD. The increase in unemployment2、Why did people move to urban centers during the Industrial Revolution?A. To pursue higher educationB. To enjoy the culture of the citiesC. To seek better job opportunitiesD. To avoid the diseases prevalent in rural areas3、What was a negative consequence of the Industrial Revolution on the environment?A. The increase in agricultural productivityB. The improvement of air qualityC. The reduction of deforestationD. The decline in water pollution4、How did the Industrial Revolution affect the standard of living for many people?A. It led to a decrease in living standardsB. It resulted in a significant increase in living standardsC. It had no significant impact on living standardsD. It caused a mixed impact on living standards5、What was one of the social and political impacts of the Industrial Revolution?A. The strengthening of the monarchyB. The rise of the middle classC. The fall of the aristocracyD. The abolition of slaveryAnswers:1、B2、C3、D4、B5、B第三题Once upon a time, in a small village nestled between rolling hills, there lived an old man named Mr. Brown. Mr. Brown was a kind-hearted and wise man, known throughout the village for his stories and his ability to solve problems with a unique perspective. The villagers would often gather at his house after the day’s work to listen to his tales, which were always filled with lessons and moral values.One evening, a young man named Tom approached Mr. Brown. Tom had heard about Mr. Brown’s wisdom and sought his advic e on a difficult situation. Tom was facing a choice between a lucrative job offer in a big city and staying close to his family and friends in the village.Questions:1、What is the main topic of the passage?A. The beauty of the villageB. The wisdom of Mr. BrownC. The challenges of modern lifeD. The importance of family2、Why did Tom go to see Mr. Brown?A. To ask for help with his studiesB. To discuss the village’s problemsC. To seek advice on a difficult decisionD. To compete with Mr. Brown in a storytelling contest3、What was the young man’s main dilemma?A. Whether to move to the city or stay in the villageB. How to become a successful businessmanC. What to do with his old houseD. How to improve the village’s economy4、What is the purpose of Mr. Brown’s stories in the passage?A. To entertain the villagersB. To teach moral values and lessonsC. To promote tourism in the villageD. To showcase his own wisdom5、According to the passage, what does Mr. Brown represent to the villagers?A. A source of entertainmentB. A mentor and counselorC. A competitor in storytellingD. A symbol of wealth and powerAnswers:1、B2、C3、A4、B5、B第四题Passage:In recent years, the rise of e-books has sparked a debate about the future of traditional books. While many argue that e-books will eventually replace printed books, others believe that the traditional book format will continue to thrive. This article explores the arguments on both sides and examines the potential impact of e-books on the publishing industry.1.The article mentions that the debate over e-books versus traditional books is a topic of great concern. What is the main reason for this debate?A. The declining sales of printed booksB. The increasing popularity of e-readersC. The potential impact on the publishing industryD. The environmental concerns of paper usage2.The passage states that some people believe e-books will eventually replace printed books. What is the primary reason for this belief?A. The convenience of e-booksB. The lower cost of e-booksC. The environmental benefits of e-booksD. The potential for interactive content in e-books3.According to the article, which of the following is NOT mentioned as a potential disadvantage of e-books?A. The lack of tactile experienceB. The potential for screen fatigueC. The ease of copying and distributing contentD. The limited availability of e-books in some regions4.The article discusses the role of traditional books in the education system. What does the author suggest about the importance of physical books in education?A. They are becoming less importantB. They are essential for learningC. They are being replaced by digital resourcesD. They are being ignored by modern students5.The author concludes the article by discussing the future of the publishing industry. What does the author imply about the industry’s ability to adapt to the rise of e-books?A. The industry will struggle to adaptB. The industry will thrive regardless of e-booksC. The industry will adapt and evolveD. The industry will disappear due to e-booksAnswers:1.C2.A3.C4.B5.C三、阅读理解新题型(10分)Passage:The rise of e-commerce has transformed the way we shop and conduct business. Online shopping has become increasingly popular due to its convenience, variety, and competitive prices. As a result, traditional brick-and-mortar stores are facing stiff competition and are forced to adapt to the digital world. This essay explores the impact of e-commerce on the retail industry and discusses the challenges and opportunities it presents.Questions:1.What is the main topic of the passage?A) The benefits of online shoppingB) The decline of traditional storesC) The impact of e-commerce on the retail industryD) The challenges faced by brick-and-mortar stores2.According to the passage, why is online shopping becoming more popular?A) It is more expensive than shopping in physical stores.B) It is only available during specific hours.C) It offers a wider variety of products.D) It requires customers to physically visit a store.3.What is the main challenge that traditional stores are facing?A) The lack of competitive prices.B) The limited selection of products.C) The stiff competition from e-commerce.D) The difficulty in adapting to digital technology.4.The passage suggests that traditional stores need to do what in order to survive?A) Offer the lowest prices.B) Close their physical locations.C) Embrace e-commerce and digital technology.D) Focus solely on online sales.5.How does the passage conclude the impact of e-commerce on the retail industry?A) E-commerce will eventually replace all traditional stores.B) Traditional stores will need to adapt to e-commerce or risk extinction.C) The impact of e-commerce on the retail industry is negligible.D) E-commerce will only benefit large corporations and not small businesses.Answers:1.C) The impact of e-commerce on the retail industry2.C) It offers a wider variety of products.3.C) The stiff competition from e-commerce.4.C) Embrace e-commerce and digital technology.5.B) Traditional stores will need to adapt to e-commerce or risk extinction.四、翻译(本大题有5小题,每小题2分,共10分)第一题Translate the following paragraph into English.中文段落:研究生考试是许多中国学生梦寐以求的机会,它不仅为他们提供了一个深造和提升自身能力的机会,而且也是实现个人职业目标的重要途径。

四川大学成人继续教育学位英语 考试真题

四川大学成人继续教育学位英语 考试真题

四川大学成人继续教育学位英语考试真题全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1Sichuan University Adult Continuing Education Degree English ExamInstructions:- This exam consists of four parts: Listening, Reading, Writing, and Speaking.- The exam duration is 3 hours.- Please submit your answers on the provided answer sheet.- Good luck!Part 1: Listening (30 minutes)You will listen to a series of recordings and answer questions based on what you hear.Part 2: Reading (45 minutes)Read the following passages and answer the questions that follow.Passage 1:Growing up in a big city can have both positive and negative effects on children. While urban areas offer more diverse opportunities for education and cultural experiences, they can also expose children to pollution and overcrowding.Questions:1. What are the positive effects of growing up in a big city?2. What potential drawbacks are mentioned in the passage?Passage 2:Advancements in technology have revolutionized the way we live and work. From smartphones to artificial intelligence, the digital age has changed the world in ways we never imagined.Questions:1. Give an example of a technological advancement mentioned in the passage.2. How has the digital age impacted society?Part 3: Writing (60 minutes)Write an essay of at least 300 words on the following topic:"Is it better to live in a big city or a small town? Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each and explain your preference."Part 4: Speaking (45 minutes)You will have a conversation with the examiner on a variety of topics. Be prepared to discuss your hobbies, interests, and future goals.Remember to manage your time effectively and stay focused during the exam. Good luck!篇2Sichuan University Adult Continuing Education Degree English ExamInstructions:1. This exam consists of two parts: Listening Comprehension and Reading Comprehension.2. You will have two hours to complete the exam.3. Please write your answers on the answer sheet provided.Listening ComprehensionPart A: Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear a dialogue or monologue. Listen carefully and choose the best answer to each question. There are three questions in this part.Example:What is the man's name?A. JohnB. JackC. MichaelD. DavidAnswer: BNow you will hear the dialogue.1. What subject are they discussing?A. English literatureB. HistoryC. BiologyD. Mathematics2. What is the man's occupation?A. JournalistB. TeacherC. DoctorD. Engineer3. What is the main purpose of the woman's visit?A. To ask for directionsB. To invite the man to a partyC. To discuss a projectD. To return a bookPart B: Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear a short passage. Listen carefully and answer the questions that follow. There are four questions in this part.Now you will hear the passage.4. What is the speaker talking about?A. History of musicB. Evolution of animalsC. Benefits of yogaD. Importance of education5. What topic is not mentioned in the passage?A. Types of musicB. Singing techniquesC. Musical instrumentsD. Composers6. What is the passage mainly focused on?A. Health benefits of musicB. How music impacts emotionsC. Different genres of musicD. Popularity of classical musicReading ComprehensionPart A: Directions: Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow. There are five questions in this part.Passage:In recent years, there has been a growing trend towards online education. Many universities are offering online courses to cater to the needs of students who are unable to attend traditional classes due to various constraints. Online education provides flexibility and convenience, allowing students to study at their own pace and time. However, there are concerns aboutthe quality of online education and the lack of face-to-face interaction.Questions:7. What is the growing trend mentioned in the passage?8. Why do universities offer online courses?9. What are the benefits of online education?10. What concerns are raised about online education?11. How can universities address the concerns mentioned?Part B: Directions: Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow. There are five questions in this part.Passage:The importance of lifelong learning cannot be overstated. In today's fast-paced world, continuous learning is essential to stay relevant and competitive in the job market. Lifelong learning not only enhances one's knowledge and skills but also opens up new opportunities for personal and professional growth. It is never too late to learn something new and broaden your horizons.Questions:12. Why is lifelong learning important?13. How does lifelong learning benefit individuals?14. What opportunities does lifelong learning offer?15. When is the best time to start lifelong learning?16. How can individuals incorporate lifelong learning into their daily lives?Now, you will have two hours to complete the exam. Good luck!篇3Four adult continuing education degree English exam questionsI. Reading comprehensionRead the following passage and answer the questions below.China has a vast land area with diverse geographic features. The country can be divided into four major regions: the Northeast, the Northwest, the Southeast, and the Southwest. Each region has its own unique characteristics, such as climate, vegetation, and culture.1. What are the four major regions of China?2. Can you provide an example of a unique characteristic of the Southwest region?II. VocabularyChoose the word that best completes the sentence.1. The new university building is equipped withstate-of-the-art _________ facilities.A) exerciseB) educationC) researchD) transportation2. The professor delivered a __________ lecture on the history of Chinese literature.A) fascinatedB) fascinatingC) fascinateD) fascinationIII. WritingWrite an essay of at least 300 words on one of the following topics:1. The importance of lifelong learning in today's fast-paced world.2. The benefits of bilingual education in a globalized society.3. Discuss the impact of technology on education in the 21st century.IV. ListeningListen to the audio recording and answer the questions below.1. What is the main topic of the lecture?2. What are the three key points the speaker mentions?Good luck on your exam! Remember to pace yourself and carefully read all instructions before beginning each section.。



11. What is the critical period hypothesis? 12 What is cognitive explanation of the effect of age on SLA? 13. What is affective explanation of the effect of age on SLA? 14. What is intelligence and how does it influece SLA? 15. What is aptitude and how does it influece SLA? 16. How is cognitive style classified? 17. How does cognitive style influence SLA ? 18. What is the relationship between attitude and motivation? 19. How do attitude and motivation influence SLA ? 20. What are the aspects of personality and how do they influence SLA ?
Personal and general factors have social, cognitive, and affective aspects. Social aspects are external to the learner and concern the relationship between the learner and the native speakers of the L2 and also between the learner and other speakers of his own language. Cognitive and affective aspects are internal to the learner.Cognitive factors concern the nature of the problem-solving strategies used by the learner, while affective factors concern the emotional responses aroused by the attempts to learn a L2.



时代变更主题英语作文The Evolution of Eras: A Journey Through Time.As we traverse the vast landscape of history, it becomes evident that each era is marked by distinct changes and transformations. These transitions are not mere occurrences but rather reflections of the societal, technological, and cultural advancements that shape our world. From the Stone Age to the Industrial Revolution, and from there to the digital age we now inhabit, each era has left its indelible mark on the timeline of human history.The Stone Age, the earliest known period of human history, was characterized by the use of stone tools for hunting, fishing, and gathering. This era marked a significant shift in human civilization as it heralded the transition from dependence on nature to a more active,tool-using species. The Neolithic Revolution, which ushered in the Age of Agriculture, saw the development of settled communities and the domestication of plants and animals.This era was a testament to the resilience and adaptability of early humans, who were able to overcome the challenges of a nomadic lifestyle and settle down to cultivate land and raise livestock.The Bronze Age and the Iron Age marked further advancements in metallurgy, leading to the creation of more durable and efficient tools and weapons. These technological advancements led to the emergence of complex societies, hierarchies, and trade networks. The development of writing systems during this period allowed for the preservation of knowledge and stories, further contributing to the cultural and intellectual growth of civilizations.The Medieval period, also known as the Dark Ages, saw the rise of feudalism and the consolidation of power by monarchs. Although this era was marked by conflicts and upheavals, it also witnessed the emergence of renaissance and the rebirth of learning, leading to the rediscovery of ancient Greek and Roman knowledge. The Renaissance period, in particular, marked a significant turning point in European history, as it saw the emergence of humanism, thecelebration of human reason and creativity, and the development of scientific methods and artistic styles that would shape the course of civilization for centuries.The Industrial Revolution, which began in the late 18th century, marked a seismic shift in human history. This era saw the mechanization of production, the development of new technologies such as steam power and the internal combustion engine, and the rise of factories and urbanization. The Industrial Revolution led to unprecedented economic growth and social transformation, but it also gave rise to issues such as pollution, exploitation of resources, and social divides.The 20th century saw the advent of two world wars that caused immense suffering and destruction. However, it also marked the dawn of new eras in technology, science, and politics. The development of nuclear energy, the exploration of outer space, and the advent of computers and the internet are just a few examples of the technological revolution that took place during this time. Politically, the 20th century saw the emergence of nation-states, theestablishment of the League of Nations and the United Nations, and the decriminalization of homosexuality in many countries.Today, we are living in an era that is increasingly defined by technology and globalization. The internet has revolutionized the way we communicate, learn, and interact with the world. Artificial intelligence, machine learning, and big data are shaping the future of industries and societies. Globalization has led to the integration of economies, cultures, and ideas, creating a more interconnected world.However, this era also poses new challenges such as climate change, resource scarcity, and social divides. It is crucial that we, as a species, rise to these challenges and work towards sustainable development and inclusive growth.In conclusion, the evolution of eras is a continuous process that is shaped by the advancements of technology, the evolution of human thought and culture, and theresponse to the challenges of our time. Each era leaves its mark on the timeline of history, and it is up to us to ensure that we create a future that is bright and hopeful for generations to come.。



老龄化的好处与坏处英语作文Benefits and Drawbacks of Aging.As humans, we are all subject to the natural process of aging. While some may view aging as a negative experience, it is important to recognize that it also comes with a number of benefits.Benefits.1. Wisdom and Experience: As we age, we accumulate vast knowledge and experience. This can lead to improved decision-making, problem-solving skills, and emotional maturity.2. Appreciation for Life: As we grow older, we tend to appreciate the simple things in life more. This can result in a greater sense of contentment and happiness.3. Enhanced Perspective: With age comes a broaderperspective on life. We become more accepting of different cultures, beliefs, and ways of living.4. Stronger Relationships: We have more time to nurture and foster relationships as we age. This can lead to deep and meaningful connections with family, friends, and loved ones.5. Purpose and Legacy: As we reflect on our lives, we may begin to discover our true purpose. This can motivateus to make a positive impact on the world and create a lasting legacy.Drawbacks.1. Physical Decline: As we age, our bodies undergo natural changes that can lead to reduced mobility, strength, and endurance.2. Cognitive Impairment: Some individuals mayexperience cognitive decline as they get older, which can impact memory, attention, and processing speed.3. Health Issues: Aging is often associated with an increased risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, and cancer.4. Social Isolation: As we age, we may lose friends and family members due to death or relocation. This can lead to feelings of loneliness and isolation.5. Dependence: In some cases, older individuals may require assistance with daily tasks, which can result in a loss of independence and autonomy.中文回答。



When discussing the topic of height and age in a high school English essay,its essential to approach the subject with a comprehensive and analytical perspective.Here are some key points and ideas that can be included in such an essay:1.Introduction to the Topic:Begin by introducing the significance of height and age in various aspects of life,such as health,sports,and social perceptions.2.Biological Perspective:Discuss the biological factors that influence height,such as genetics and hormones. Mention how age plays a role in the growth spurts that occur during adolescence.3.Cultural Significance:Highlight how different cultures may have varying perceptions of ideal height and the impact this can have on individuals selfesteem and societal roles.4.Health Implications:Address the health implications associated with height,such as the correlation between height and certain health conditions,and how age can affect these correlations.5.Sports and Physical Activities:Explore the role of height in sports,where certain sports may favor taller or shorter athletes,and how age can influence an individuals peak performance.cational and Career Opportunities:Discuss any potential biases or advantages that height may bring in educational settings and the job market,and how age can be a factor in these scenarios.7.Social and Psychological Effects:Analyze the social and psychological effects of height and age,including bullying, selfimage,and peer pressure.8.Technological and Medical Advances:Mention any technological or medical advances that have influenced the understanding and management of height,such as growth hormone therapy and nutritional interventions.9.Personal Growth and Development:Reflect on the personal growth and development that occurs with age,and how this can be intertwined with physical changes in height.10.Conclusion:Conclude the essay by summarizing the main points and emphasizing the importance of understanding the relationship between height and age in a holistic manner.Remember to use a variety of sentence structures and vocabulary to maintain the readers interest.Additionally,providing examples and personal anecdotes can make the essay more engaging and relatable.。



成年过渡期的看法英语作文The transition to adulthood is a significant and multifaceted phase in an individual's life. It encompasses a range of physical, emotional, social, and cognitive changes that shape a person's journey towards independence, responsibility, and self-actualization. This period, often referred to as the "emerging adulthood" stage, is marked by both challenges and opportunities as young people navigate the complexities of modern society.One of the primary aspects of the transition to adulthood is the development of personal identity. During this time, individuals engage in a process of self-exploration, questioning their values, beliefs, and goals. They strive to establish a sense of who they are and what they want to achieve in life. This process can be both exhilarating and daunting, as young adults grapple with the newfound freedom and responsibility that comes with adulthood.Another critical component of this transition is the development of independence and self-sufficiency. As young people move out of their family homes, they are confronted with the realities ofmanaging their own finances, living arrangements, and daily routines. This can be a steep learning curve, as they must develop practical skills such as budgeting, time management, and decision-making. The ability to navigate these practical aspects of life is not only essential for personal growth but also contributes to a sense of accomplishment and self-worth.Alongside the pursuit of independence, the transition to adulthood also involves the formation of meaningful relationships and social networks. During this time, young adults often redefine their relationships with family members, cultivate new friendships, and potentially engage in romantic partnerships. The ability to establish and maintain healthy, supportive relationships is crucial for emotional well-being and personal development.Furthermore, the transition to adulthood is marked by the exploration of career paths and educational opportunities. Young adults often face the daunting task of choosing a career that aligns with their interests, values, and abilities. This can involve pursuing higher education, seeking internships or entry-level positions, or even entrepreneurial ventures. The decisions made during this period can have a significant impact on an individual's future trajectory and financial stability.However, the transition to adulthood is not without its challenges.Many young adults face issues such as mental health concerns, financial stress, and the pressure to conform to societal expectations. The ability to navigate these challenges and develop coping strategies is essential for a successful transition to adulthood.Despite these challenges, the transition to adulthood also presents numerous opportunities for personal growth and self-discovery. It is a time when individuals can explore their passions, develop new skills, and take on greater responsibilities. By embracing the inherent uncertainties and complexities of this phase, young adults can cultivate resilience, adaptability, and a sense of agency in shaping their own futures.In conclusion, the transition to adulthood is a multifaceted and transformative period that encompasses a range of physical, emotional, social, and cognitive changes. While it can be a daunting and challenging experience, it also offers opportunities for personal growth, self-discovery, and the development of independence and self-sufficiency. By navigating this transition with resilience, adaptability, and a commitment to their own well-being, young adults can emerge as confident, capable, and self-aware individuals, poised to make meaningful contributions to society.。



西方人对变老的看法英语作文English:Western people generally have a negative view of aging due to societal norms that prioritize youth and beauty. There is often a fear of losing physical attractiveness, strength, and vitality as one gets older. This fear is perpetuated by the media, which heavily emphasizes the importance of looking young and staying fit. Additionally, aging is commonly associated with decline in cognitive abilities, leading to feelings of insecurity and loss of identity. As a result, aging is often seen as something to be avoided or hidden, rather than embraced as a natural part of life. However, there is a growing movement towards accepting and even celebrating aging, with more emphasis being placed on the wisdom, experience, and perspective that come with advancing years. This shift in perspective is slowly changing attitudes towards aging in Western society, encouraging individuals to see it as a time of growth and opportunity rather than decline and loss.中文翻译:西方人一般对变老持消极看法,这是因为社会规范优先考虑年轻和美丽。



西方人对变老的看法英语作文英文回答:Aging is a natural process that everyone goes through. As we age, our bodies and minds change. Our skin wrinkles, our hair turns gray, and we may lose some of our strength and mobility. These changes can be difficult to accept, but it's important to remember that aging is a part of life.In Western cultures, there is often a negative view of aging. Older people are often seen as being less valuable than younger people. They may be stereotyped as being frail, forgetful, and out of touch with the modern world. This negative view of aging can lead to older people being marginalized and excluded from society.There are a number of factors that contribute to the negative view of aging in Western cultures. One factor is the emphasis on youth and beauty in our culture. We are constantly bombarded with images of young, attractivepeople, and this can make it difficult to see older people as being equally valuable. Another factor is the way that older people are often portrayed in the media. Older people are often depicted as being grumpy, lonely, and out of touch with the modern world. This can reinforce the negative stereotypes that we have about older people.Despite the negative view of aging that exists in Western cultures, there are also some positive aspects to aging. Older people have a wealth of experience and knowledge to share. They can be a valuable resource for younger people, and they can play an important role intheir communities. Additionally, older people often have more time to enjoy their lives and pursue their interests. They may have more leisure time, and they may be able to travel or spend time with their loved ones.It is important to challenge the negative stereotypes that we have about older people. We need to see older people as being valuable members of our society. We need to listen to their stories, learn from their experiences, and value their contributions. By doing so, we can create amore inclusive and age-friendly society.中文回答:在西方文化中,人们往往对变老持负面看法。



2014年英语专四作文真题题干2014年英语专业四级作文真题题干:Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic: Information Age. You should write at least 150 words, and base your composition on the outline (given in Chinese) below:1. 现在人们已进入信息时代,信息的传播比以前更容易更快捷;2. 信息时代给我们的学习和生活带来了很多便利;3. 信息时代也给我们带来了一些问题。

In the Information Age, people are bombarded with information from all directions, thanks to the rapid development of technology and the prevalence of the Internet. In this era, information is more easily and quickly transmitted than ever before, enabling us to stay connected, informed, and engaged like never before.The Information Age has brought about a multitude of conveniences to our learning and daily lives. With a few clicks on a keyboard or taps on a screen, we can access a wealth of knowledge, communicate with people from all around the globe, and complete tasks in a more efficient manner. This ease ofaccess to information has revolutionized the way we gather information, learn new things, and stay connected with others.However, the Information Age also poses some challenges. With the overwhelming amount of information available, it can be difficult to discern what is accurate and reliable. Misinformation and fake news can easily spread, leading to confusion and misunderstandings. Additionally, the constant bombardment of information can lead to information overload, causing stress and anxiety in individuals.In conclusion, while the Information Age has revolutionized the way we live and learn, it is important for us to be discerning consumers of information and use technology wisely. By doing so, we can harness the power of the Information Age while minimizing its drawbacks.。



写一篇对成年礼的看法和思考的英语作文 Coming of Age: A Critical Examination.The concept of a coming-of-age ritual, marking the transition from childhood to adulthood, has been anintegral part of human societies for millennia. Across cultures and epochs, this milestone has been celebrated with varying degrees of formality and significance, yet it universally embodies the profound transformation from dependence to autonomy. As we navigate our own passage into adulthood, it is imperative that we critically evaluate the prevailing notions surrounding coming-of-age and forge our own understanding of this pivotal juncture.Traditionally, coming-of-age ceremonies have emphasized external symbols of maturity: physical changes, social responsibilities, and the acquisition of new skills. However, in contemporary society, the boundaries between childhood and adulthood have become increasingly blurred. Technological advancements have extended adolescence, whilesocietal expectations have shifted, making it difficult to pinpoint a single moment of transition. Consequently, the concept of coming-of-age has evolved into a more fluid and introspective process, less defined by outward markers and more by internal growth and self-discovery.Central to coming-of-age is the assumption of greater responsibility and accountability for one's actions. As we mature, we are expected to make more informed decisions, manage our own finances, and contribute to society in a meaningful way. This newfound sense of agency can be both empowering and daunting, requiring us to navigate a complex web of choices and consequences. It is during this timethat we begin to develop our own moral compass, forming our values and principles that will guide us throughout adulthood.However, the transition to adulthood is not always a smooth one. There may be missteps, setbacks, and periods of uncertainty. It is important to recognize that these challenges are not failures but rather opportunities for learning and growth. Adversity can help us developresilience, empathy, and the ability to adapt to life's inevitable ups and downs. It is through facing and overcoming these obstacles that we truly come into our own.Coming-of-age is not a singular event but rather an ongoing journey of self-discovery and personal evolution.It is a time to reflect on our past experiences, identify our strengths and weaknesses, and set goals for the future. It is a time to embrace our unique talents and passions, cultivate our interests, and forge our own path in life.In this era of rapid change and constant technological innovation, it is more important than ever to cultivate a sense of lifelong learning. Coming-of-age should not be seen as a destination but rather as a continuous process of growth and adaptation. As we progress through adulthood, we will face new challenges, responsibilities, and opportunities. By embracing the spirit of curiosity, flexibility, and a willingness to reinvent ourselves, we can continue to grow and evolve throughout our lives.Moreover, it is essential to challenge the traditionalgender roles and stereotypes that often shape our understanding of adulthood. In many cultures, men and women are expected to conform to certain expectations and behaviors. However, true coming-of-age should not be confined by gender norms. It should encompass the full spectrum of human experience, allowing individuals to define their own paths and defy societal constraints.In conclusion, the concept of coming-of-age is a complex and ever-evolving one. While traditional rituals and external markers may have changed over time, the essence of this transition remains the same: it is a journey of self-discovery, responsibility, and a lifelong commitment to growth. By embracing the challenges and opportunities that adulthood presents, we can forge our own unique paths and become the individuals we are meant to be.。

The Digital Age Embracing Technologys Changes

The Digital Age Embracing Technologys Changes

The Digital Age Embracing TechnologysChangesThe digital age has brought about significant changes in the way we live, work, and interact with each other. With the rapid advancement of technology, our lives have become more interconnected and convenient. However, this digital revolution has also brought about its fair share of challenges and concerns. In this response, we will explore the various ways in which the digital age has impacted our lives, and how we can navigate through these changes to embrace the benefits while addressing the challenges. One of the most significant changes brought about by the digital age is the way we communicate and connect with others. Social media platforms, messaging apps, and video conferencing tools have made it easier than ever to stay in touch with friends and family, regardless of geographical barriers. This has undoubtedly enriched our lives, allowing us to maintain relationships and foster new connections. However, the flip side of this constant connectivity isthe potential for addiction and the erosion of face-to-face communication skills. Many people find themselves glued to their screens, seeking validation and affirmation through likes and comments, leading to a sense of disconnection from the real world. Furthermore, the digital age has revolutionized the way we work and conduct business. The rise of remote work and digital nomadism has provided individuals with the flexibility to work from anywhere in the world. This has opened up new opportunities for many, allowing them to achieve a better work-life balance and pursue their passions while earning a living. On the other hand, the blurring of boundaries between work and personal life has led to burnout and increased stress for some individuals. The pressure to always be available and productive can take a toll on mental health, leading to feelings of anxiety and inadequacy. In addition to the social and professional impact, the digital agehas also transformed the way we access information and consume media. With the proliferation of online news sources and streaming platforms, we have unprecedented access to a wealth of knowledge and entertainment. This has empowered individuals to educate themselves on a wide range of topics and discover new forms of artistic expression. However, the downside of this accessibility isthe spread of misinformation and the echo chamber effect. The algorithms of social media and search engines often reinforce our existing beliefs and preferences, leading to polarization and a lack of critical thinking. Another significant change brought about by the digital age is the way we shop and consume goods and services. E-commerce has revolutionized the retail industry, offering unparalleled convenience and choice to consumers. From groceries to clothing to electronics, almost anything can be purchased online and delivered to our doorstep with a few clicks. This has undoubtedly simplified our lives, especially for those with mobility issues or busy schedules. However, the rise of e-commerce has also led to concerns about data privacy, cybersecurity, and the impact on local businesses. The consolidation of power among a few big tech companies has raised questions about fair competition and the ethical implications of their business practices. Moreover, the digital age has transformed the way we express ourselves and engage with creative pursuits. The democratization of content creation through platforms like YouTube, Instagram, and TikTok has allowed individuals to showcase their talents and build a following without traditional gatekeepers. This has empowered a new generation of creators and artists, enabling them to share their stories and perspectives with a global audience. However, the pressure to constantly produce viral content and garner attention has led to a culture of comparison and self-doubt. Many individuals feel the need to curate a perfect online persona, leading to feelings of inadequacy and anxiety about their self-worth. In conclusion, the digital age has undeniably brought about significant changes in our lives, presenting both opportunities and challenges. While we have become more interconnected and empowered in many ways, we also face issues such as addiction, burnout, misinformation, privacy concerns, and the pressure to perform. As we navigate through these changes, it is essential to strike a balance between embracing the benefits of technology and addressing its negative impacts. By fostering digital literacy, promoting mental well-being, advocating for ethical business practices, and nurturing a supportive online community, we can create a more sustainable and inclusive digital age for generations to come.。



外刊赏读《时代周刊》YourAttitudeaboutAgingMayImpactHo...本文选自《时代周刊》“健康”板块中一篇名为“Your Attitude about Aging May Impact How You Age”的文章,讨论了在一医学杂志中发表的两项关于人们对衰老看法影响大脑功能的实验。



原文I ①How do you feel about old people? ②Your answer appears to be connected with how well your brain holds up against Alzheimer’s disease, according to a series of two new studies published in the journal Psychology and Aging.③Theresearchers, from the Yale School of PublicHealth, say it’s the first time this type of risk factor has been linked in a study to the development of brai n changes linked to Alzheimer’s disease.II ①In the first study, researchers looked at data from 158 healthy people without dementia enrolled in the Baltimore Longitudinal Study of Aging (BLSA). ②In order to find out how people in the study felt about age stereotypes, researchers used a scale with statements like “older people are absent-minded” or “older people have trouble learning new things.” ③People in the study gave these answers when they were in their 40s.④About 25 years later, when people in that same group were about 68 years old, they began about a decade of annual MRI brain scans to determine the volume of their hippocampus.⑤People who held more negative thoughts about aging earlier in life had greater loss of hippocampus volume when they aged.III ①In the second study, researchers examined two more markers of Alzheimer’s disease: the build up in the brain of amyloid plaques—clusters of proteins that accumulate between brain cells —and neurofibrillary tangles, twisted strands of protein that build up in brain cells. ②The results were consistent: People who held more negative age stereotypes had significantly higher scores of plaques and tangles than people with more positive feelings about growing old.IV ①The researchers didn’t look at a mec hanism by which negative stereotypes might exert an influence on the brain, but they suspect that stress is the driver. ②Research from 2012 conducted by Levy and others found that people who had more negative age stereotypes before they had reached old age hadsignificantly worse memory performance later in life.V ①It may be unsettling to think that negative cultural stereotypes about age could be having such a profound effect on how our brains age. ②“We know from other studies that as young as age four, children taken in stereotypes of their culture,” says Levy. ③But the results can be interpreted a different way, too.④“Positive age stereotypes seem protective of not experiencing these biomarkers,” she says—so if we can find a way to promote positive age stereotypes on a societal level, our brains may be better off once we reach old age.词汇短语1*. Alzheimer’s disease ['ælz'ɛmɚ] n. 老年痴呆症,阿兹海默症2*. dementia [dɪ'mɛnʃə] n. 痴呆3. stereotype ['stɛrɪətaɪp] n. 刻板印象;陈词滥调4. scale [skeɪl] n. 数值范围;规模;刻度 v. 测量;衡量;攀登5*. MRI: Magnetic Resonance Imaging 核磁共振成像6*. hippocampus [,hɪpə'kæmpəs] n. 海马体(大脑中负责学习和记忆的部分)7. buildup ['bildʌp] n. 形成;增强;发展;树立名誉8*. amyloid plaque ['æmɪ,lɔɪd] [pleɪg] n. 淀粉样蛋白斑9. accumulate [ə'kjumjəlet] v. 积攒;累积10*. neurofibrillary tangle [,njuərəu'faibril] ['tæŋɡl] n. 神经元纤维结11. mechanism ['mɛkənɪzəm] n. 机制;原理12. exert [ɪɡ'zɝt] v. 运用,发挥,施以影响13. unsettling [ʌn'sɛtlɪŋ] adj. 使人不安的;混乱的14. profound [prə'faʊnd] adj. 深厚的;意义深远的;渊博的15*. societal [sə'saɪətl] adj. 社会的16. better off adj. 经济状况好的,富裕的翻译点评I ①How do you feel about old people? ②Your answer appears to be connected with how well your brain holds up against Alzheimer’s disease, according to a series of two new studies published in the journal Psychology and Aging.③The researchers, from the Yale School of Public Health, say it’s the first time this type of risk factor has been linked in a study to the development of brain changes linked to Alzheimer’s disease.翻译:你对老年人怎么样看待?根据两项发表在期刊《心理学与衰老》的新研究,答案看上去跟大脑能多好地与阿兹海默症抗衡有关联。



IELTS作文——AgediscriminationAge discrimination /ageism /Age bias好开头Believe it, or not, job seekers are reporting age discrimination beginning as early as the mid-thirties. By the time you reach your forties, you can be considered washed up in some industries. There are strategies you can use to help mitigate discrimination issues. There are also laws that prohibit employment discrimination because of age.Those of us who equate age with experience may be surprised to learn there are some employers who will choose not to hire someone or promote someone because of that person's age. Age discrimination and unfair dismissal are illegal though, and those who make employment decisions based on age are in violation of the Age Discrimination in Employment Act.对老人的模式化印象产生误导The literature suggests a widespread negative attitude to older people, based upon negative stereotypes and perpetuated by the media's lack of understanding of anything of the ageing process or the potential of older people.Negative myths and stereotypes are at the heart of age discrimination. Older people are often portrayed as frail脆弱, tired, self-pitying自哀, dull笨, unhappy, intolerant and unproductive, and yet many have been most useful in society and capable of much more but not allowed to develop or contribute their skills and potential.媒体的误导The way elderly people are represented in the media can greatly affect the public's perception of ageing; for example, the specific choice of words used to refer to an olderperson can convey a strong negative connotation隐含意义.高工资In addition, to being considered "old," experienced candidates are some times considered more of an expense (higher salary, pension, benefits costs, etc.) than a younger applicant would be.不用歧视的原因Most elderly can communicate well, are experienced planners, can organize and prioritize, and are good problem solvers.The elderly are quite capable of absorbing new information and increasingly are participating in further study. Their reaction times are decreased which leads to the assumption of mental slowness. Study found that dementias痴呆affected less than 1.9% of people 65-69 years old and 29% of 85 years and over. Therefore the majority of older people are not affected. Most of the elderly are fit, and mentally and physically healthy. They are not ahomogeneous group, as some would like to think, they span 40-50 years, and are from a great variety of backgrounds, cultures and religions.It is essential for everyone to understand that the elderly are worthwhile; that they are worth treating; that they are people. Treatment may not be as aggressive as for a younger person, and it must be recognized that the elderly are slower, so they need more time and consideration.嫌弃太年轻Y oung people are missing out on opportunities to progress at work simply because some employers assume they are too young to cope with more responsibility. In fact, you may have discounted the idea of a promotion because you don’t matchthe age of ot her managers in your workplace.A quarter of Brits have heard of a younger person in their workplace being overlooked for promotion in favor of an older person, regardless of their experience, and just 3 percent think the ideal age for a Chief Executive is under 30 years old. Times are changing though. New anti-age discrimination laws introduced in October 2006 means that treating people differently at work or in training because of their age is now unlawful. It pays to know your rights to make sur e you’r e being treated fairly at work and can follow the career path you’re aiming for.The new laws should help to challenge workplace and industry stereotypes and make ageism at work as unacceptable as racism or sexism. Y our boss can no longer deny you the opportunity of a promotion or training because he thinks you’re too young. Y ou’re also protected against bullying and harassment relating to your age. It might seem like a bit of harmless fun, but if your life is made a misery by constant torments, you now have the right to address this.Y ou may also have noticed when job hunting that job adverts no longer ask for a certain number of years’ experience. This is to protect you from age discrimination and to encourage recruiters to look at the skills you have no matter how old you are. Have confidence in your abilities and don’t let age affect the career path you chose to follow. If you think you have been treated unfairly because of your age, talk to your boss and explain why you’re unhappy - they should be willing to try and put things right. If all else fails though, you may need to take legal action.两个都可以用的总结Employers must recognize that a 'one size fits all' approach to management based on stereotypes is flawed. It would make much more sense to find ways to retain and motivate workers, and offer flexibility, training and development - irrespective of age."如果你遇到,怎么办If you’re being treated unfairly or harassed at work, take action as quickly as possible: get advice. A Citizens Advice Bureau may be able to help or refer you to a specialist. If you’re being harassed, ask the person to stop. You may find it helpful to have a colleague or trade union(工会)representative with you when you do thisIn fact, many managers in their 40s may feel like they're just hitting their stride 大步走in terms of professional accomplishment.老人地位降低Most elderly can communicate well, are experienced planners, can organize and prioritize, and are good problem solvers.The elderly are quite capable of absorbing new information and increasingly are participating in further study. Their reaction times are decreased which leads to the assumption of mental slowness. Study found that dementias痴呆affected less than 1.9% of people 65-69 years old and 29% of 85 years and over. Therefore the majority of older people are not affected. Most of the elderly are fit, and mentally and physically healthy. They are not a homogeneous group, as some would like to think, they span 40-50 years,and are from a great variety of backgrounds, cultures and re ligions.It is essential for everyone to understand that the elderly are worthwhile; that they are worth treating; that they are people. Treatment may not be as aggressive as for a younger person, and it must be recognized that the elderly are slower, so they need more time and consideration.Educators and practitioners alike, seem to agree that there must be more deontological content in nursing curricula because researchers have found nursing student's attitudes to the elderly to be more negative than positive. It seems that poor attitudes are similar around the world; these must be changed, and education is probably the best means to promote a better image. In a hospital with geriatric services, it seems sensible to expect that when there are elderly patients who must remain in a specialty area, that the geriatric service can be used as a resource. In this way, other staff can learn to understand the elderly better. These patients can be fun, serious, sad, happy, complex, demanding, wise, generous, trying, helpful, anything anyone else can be, so they deserve good holistic care.The persistence of negative attitudes perpetuate the myths, which is a tragedy when the majority of elderly people live at home, lead purposeful lives, and often see their contemporaries as old, but notthemselves. With the aged population increasing, and the government’s financial "cake" decreasing, it means that there will be less money for pensions and other assistance. The negative view of the elderly which has developed probably due to the image of youth and vitality promoted particularly by the media must change. Old people should feel valued, be respected for their knowledge and experience, and be given opportunities to make choices.好结尾Possession of good health is probably the most important element for a meaningful old age, because it induces activity. The elderly must not be seen as a decrepit衰老的, debilitated疲惫不堪, draining the country's resources, but as useful, contributing members of our society.。

The Digital Age Transforming Our Lives

The Digital Age Transforming Our Lives

The Digital Age Transforming Our Lives The digital age has undoubtedly transformed our lives in more ways than we can imagine. From the way we communicate to how we work and even how we entertain ourselves, technology has become an integral part of our daily routines. One ofthe most significant impacts of the digital age is the way it has revolutionized communication. With the rise of social media platforms, instant messaging apps,and video calling services, we can now connect with people from all corners of the globe with just a few clicks. The digital age has also revolutionized the way we work. With the advent of remote working and digital nomadism, more and more people are able to work from anywhere in the world as long as they have an internet connection. This has not only increased flexibility for employees but has also opened up new opportunities for businesses to tap into a global talent pool. However, this shift towards remote working has also raised concerns about work-life balance and the blurring of boundaries between work and personal life. In addition to communication and work, the digital age has also transformed the waywe consume information and entertainment. With streaming services like Netflix and Spotify, we now have access to a vast library of movies, TV shows, and music atour fingertips. This has led to a decline in traditional media consumption, suchas cable television and physical music albums. While this convenience is undoubtedly a positive aspect of the digital age, it has also raised concernsabout the impact of digital media on our mental health and attention spans. Furthermore, the digital age has brought about significant advancements in healthcare and education. Telemedicine allows patients to consult with healthcare professionals remotely, reducing the need for in-person visits and increasing access to medical care. Similarly, online learning platforms have made education more accessible to people around the world, breaking down barriers to entry for those who may not have had access to traditional educational institutions. However, the digital divide still exists, with many people lacking access to reliableinternet connections and the necessary devices to take advantage of these services. While the digital age has brought about numerous benefits and opportunities, ithas also raised concerns about privacy and security. With the amount of personal data being collected and stored online, there is a growing fear of data breachesand identity theft. Additionally, the rise of fake news and misinformation onsocial media platforms has raised questions about the reliability of informationin the digital age. As we become more reliant on technology, it is crucial that we remain vigilant about protecting our privacy and verifying the information we consume. In conclusion, the digital age has transformed our lives in countless ways, from the way we communicate and work to how we consume information and entertainment. While there are undoubtedly many benefits to living in a digital world, there are also challenges that we must address, such as privacy concernsand the digital divide. As we continue to navigate this rapidly evolving landscape, it is essential that we remain mindful of the impact of technology on our livesand strive to use it in a way that enhances our well-being and connections with others.。

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• Crucial distinction between naturalistic language learning setting and foreign language learning setting: ultimate attainment Why not the case in foreign language learning setting?
• Foreign language learning setting: • The number of hours/courses of instruction • The amount of instruction time
• BAF project: long term comparison among 200, 400, 700, 800 hours • The end of secondary education • Singleton1989:18 years • drawbacks
Instructed foreign language learning setting: Initial age of learning = age at which instruction begins Significant exposure vs insignificant exposure Significant exposure provides learners with a variety of contexts of use and interaction (stevens 2006:681) Initial age of learning = age at which insignificant exposure begins A change of language learning setting occurs
• 2. motivation/ attitude
Adult beginners who choose to enroll on a foreign language course may possess stronger motivation than younger learners following compulsory education course.
• an ultimate attainment advantage of younger starters over older starters
• Not proved in foreign language setting • Children who start learning the foreign language later eventually catch up those who begin earlier(去掉) • https:///watch?v=IRdqVaqfd1w
• Time: less exposure to the target language • Intensity: the experience is less intensive
• (Ellis 1994; Singleton 1995)
• If associated with greater time and massive exposure , an early starter produces long-term benefits. • Not with limited time and exposure, as in typical foreign language learning classroom.
The age at which learners are immersed in the L2 context, typically as immigrants. ----Birdsong (2006:11)
Not age upon arrival, age of first exposure : do not guarantee the exposure of L2 input
What is the required length of exposure?
Naturalistic language learning setting:
LoR : the length of time of residence
5-10 ye2000:503)
•Both quantity and quality of the input to which learners in naturalistic and instructed L2 learning setting are exposed must be examined.
Initial age of learning Naturalistic language learning : Age of acquisition(AOA)/ age of onset :
• Other factors
• 1. skills of tests
AT may have an impact on test-taking skills, favoring older children, adolescents, and adults over younger children when taking language tests.
Age Effects on SLA
• To find out • Age: initial age; chronological age
• outcome of SLA: ultimate attainment ; final product; long term benefits; rate of learning
• CPH( Critical Period Hypothesis)----Lenneberg 1967
• The superior ultimate attainment of younger starters is seen as evidence of the CPH. • Ultimate attainment: refers to the final product of L2 acquisition, whether this is native-like attainment or any other outcome • ultimate attainment is not short-term differences in performance but rather long-term differences in capacity for acquisition(Long, 2005:291)
• Rate of Learning • Younger learners
vs vs
Ultimate Attainment older learners
initial rate advantage : older learners > younger learners • an initial rate advantage on the part of older learners over younger learners ---- research by Snow and Hoefnagel-Hoehle(?) eventual advantage: younger learners> older learners (ultimate attainment advantage)
Younger school learners have a more positive attitude towards a foreign language than older school learners.
• SLA setting: naturalistic language learning setting; foreign language learning setting
• Naturalistic second language learning setting: learners learn the L2 through immersion: informal opportunities in multicultural neighborhoods, schools and workplaces, without ever receiving any organized instruction on the workings of the language they are learning. • Instructed/ foreign/ formal language learning setting: • Instructed/foreign learners learn additional languages through formal study in school or university, through private lessons and so on.
Relationship between AOA and L2 outcome
• Naturalistic language learning : • Initial age L2 achievement • Begin to learn in critical period is sufficient for nativelikeness • Foreign language learning: • Older starters have a faster rate of learning • Begin to learn L2 during sensitive period is sufficient only if children have access to significant exposure during that time. • Conclusion: In a low intensity or distributed programme, the whole age range that extends during that period may have a stronger influence on the outcome of l2 than the initial point of learning.