Schengen_visa_application_form_04121500 (2)
visa 命令使用手册
VISA 命令使用手册一、概述VISA 是一个用于控制、管理和配置计算机系统的命令行工具。
它支持在Windows 和类Unix 操作系统中使用,提供了一系列的命令来执行各种任务和操作。
本手册旨在为用户提供关于VISA 命令的全面指南,以帮助他们熟悉和掌握该命令的使用方法。
二、基本操作1. 打开VISA 命令行界面:在Windows 或类Unix 操作系统中,打开命令提示符或终端窗口,输入“visa”命令并按回车键。
2. VISA 命令语法:VISA 命令遵循特定的语法结构,每个命令都有固定的格式。
命令的基本语法如下:```phpvisa <命令选项> <参数>```其中,<命令选项> 是可选的,用于指定特定命令的行为。
<参数> 是必需的,用于提供命令执行所需的信息。
3. 退出VISA 命令行界面:在VISA 命令行界面中,输入“exit”命令并按回车键,即可退出VISA 命令行界面。
三、常用VISA 命令1. viLock(vi,lockType,timeout,requestId,accessKey):用于设置资源存取模式。
参数包括VISA 实例句柄(vi)、锁定类型(lockType)、超时时间(timeout)、请求ID(requestId)和访问密钥(accessKey)。
2. viUnlock(vi):用于取消资源存取模式。
该命令用于释放之前通过viLock 命令锁定的资源。
参数包括VISA 实例句柄(vi)。
3. viWaitOnEvent(vi,inEventTypeList,timeout,outEventType,outContext):用于等待特定事件的发生。
该命令用于在VISA 实例上等待一组事件中的任何一个事件发生。
参数包括VISA 实例句柄(vi)、输入事件类型列表(inEventTypeList)、超时时间(timeout)、输出事件类型(outEventType)和输出上下文(outContext)。
Student Visa application form - INZ 1012 - 中文参照
Evidence that your parent or legal guardian cares for you in your home country. 合法监护人证明
A Confirmation of Enrolment if you are a student returning to the same provider and studying the same programme.
If you are applying for a pathway student visa, a covering letter detailing your intended programmes of study (to accompany your offers of place) and a signed pastoral care declaration from your pathway education providers.
The fastest and easiest way to apply for a student visa is online. Once you have your documents prepared, it should take less than 15 minutes to complete the online application form. If you’re travelling with your partner or you’re a dependent child coming with a parent or guardian, you should use the paper form instead. To apply online, go to /StudentApply
visa 命令使用手册
visa 命令使用手册摘要:一、Visa命令简介二、Visa命令的使用方法1.连接到Visa设备2.发送命令到Visa设备3.读取Visa设备的响应4.处理异常情况三、常用Visa命令介绍1.基本读写命令2.配置命令3.查询命令4.控制命令四、Visa命令的实战应用1.案例一:读取实时数据2.案例二:配置设备参数3.案例三:实现设备控制五、注意事项与建议正文:一、Visa命令简介Visa命令是用于控制和通信各类仪器设备的统一接口规范,它涵盖了从基本读写、配置、查询到控制等各方面的操作。
三、常用Visa命令介绍1.基本读写命令基本读写命令包括:- Read:从设备读取数据- Write:向设备写入数据2.配置命令配置命令包括:- Configure:设置设备参数- Query:查询设备参数3.查询命令查询命令包括:- Status:查询设备状态- Identify:查询设备标识4.控制命令控制命令包括:- Initialize:初始化设备- Close:关闭设备- Start:启动设备- Stop:停止设备四、Visa命令的实战应用1.案例一:读取实时数据利用Visa命令读取实时数据的应用场景如下:- 使用Read命令从设备读取数据- 对数据进行处理和分析- 将结果保存到文件或数据库2.案例二:配置设备参数利用Visa命令配置设备参数的应用场景如下:- 使用Configure命令设置设备参数- 使用Query命令查询设备参数- 根据实际情况调整参数值3.案例三:实现设备控制利用Visa命令实现设备控制的应用场景如下:- 使用Control命令控制设备状态- 根据设备需求,编写控制程序- 监控设备运行状态,确保正常运行五、注意事项与建议1.在使用Visa命令时,请确保设备连接正常,避免因连接问题导致通信失败。
18. If you reside in a country other than your country of origin, have you permission to return to that country?
Application for Schengen Visa
This application form is free
1. Surname(s) (family name(s)) Kizárólag nagykövetségi/konzulátusi használatra A kérelem kelte:
44. I am aware of and consent to the following: any personal data concerning me which appear on this visa application form will be supplied to the relevant authorities in the Schengen states and processed by those authorities, if necessary, for the purposes of a decision on my visa application. Such data may be input into, and stored in, databases accessible to the relevant authorities in the various Schengen states. At my express request, the consular authority processing my application will inform me of the manner in which I may exercise my right to check the personal data concerning me and have them altered or deleted, in particular, should they be inaccurate, in accordance with the national law of the state concerned. I declare that to the best of my knowledge all particulars supplied by me are correct and complete. I am aware that any false statements will lead to my application being rejected or to the annulment of a visa already granted and may also render me liable to prosecution under the law of the Schengen state which deals with the application. I undertake to leave the territory of the Schengen states upon the expiry of the visa, if granted. I have been informed that possession of a visa is only one of the prerequisites for entry into the European territory of the Schengen states. The mere fact that a visa has been granted to me does not mean that I will be entitled to compensation if I fail to comply with the relevant provisions of Article 5.1 of the Schengen Implementing Convention and am thus refused entry. The prerequisites for entry will be checked again on entry into the European territory of the Schengen states.
Application for Schengen Visa
2. Surname at birth (Former family name (s)) (x)
3. First name (s) (Given name (s) ) (x) 4.Date of birth (day-month-year) 5. Place of birth 6. Country of birth 8. Sex Male Female 9. Marital status : 7. Current nationality Nationality at birth, if different Application lodged at: □ Embassy/consulate □CAC □Service provide □Commercial intermediary □Border Name: □ Other File handled by: 10. In the case of minors: Surname, first name, address (if different from applicant’s) and nationality of parental Authority/legal guardian Supporting documents □ Travel documents □Means of subsistence □Invitation □Means of transport □ TMI
13. Number of travel document 17. Applicant’s home address and e-mail Address 14. Date of issue 15. Valid until 16. Issue by
□Other □ Service passport □ Official passport □ Special passport Visa decision □Refused □Issued
签证申请书 APPLICATION FOR VISA ※韩国法务部签证发给认定号码(CONFIRMATION OF VISA ISSUANCE No):Who Will Pay For The Expense For Your Stay?33.最近5年旅行国家Countries You Have Travelled During The Past 5 Years认可以上内容填写不实或误导性陈述所导致的拒签结果,且接受若本人为禁止入境者,即使持有韩国签证也无权入境的事实。
申请日期Date of Application 申请人签名Signature of Applicant○请用中文将表格填写好,然后署名。
※사증발급인정번호签证发给认证书号码(返签号):如果有,请写下“签证发给认定书号码”(韩国出入国管理事务所发给)1~2. 请按照护照分别填写英文的姓(surname)和名(given name)。
3. 如果申请人有汉字姓名,请写下汉字姓名。
* 只针对使用汉字国家的申请人。
4. 请在下面的括号内标识性别。
5~7. 请写下申请人的出生年、月、日,国籍及民族,出生地点8~11. 请写下申请人所在国家的现住址,电话号码,手机号码和E-mail.13~17. 请写下护照类型(请参考护照)并在对应的类型上画圈。
* 外交,公务,公务普通,因私,其他18.请写下职场职位,如:公司职员,公司经理,个体户(法人代表),学生,家庭主妇等。
Visiting Family or Friends / 探亲访友 Official visit / 官方访问 Transit / 过境
Number of entries: 1 2 Multiples Number of days:
Disclaimer: This translation is provided solely as a courtesy, in all cases the English Байду номын сангаасersion shall be decisive regarding any interpretation of the text. 本译文仅供参考,所有对本文件的解释以英文版为准
by a sponsor (host, company, organisation), please Specify / 由赞助人(邀请人、公司或机构)支付, 请注明 referred to in field 31 or 32 / 参照字段 31 及 32 other (please specify) / 其它 (请注明) Means of support / 支付方式 Cash / 现金 Accommodation provided / 提供住宿 All expenses covered during the stay / 支付旅程期间 所有开支 Prepaid transport / 预缴交通 Other (please specify) / 其它(请注明)
This application form should be filled out in English
此表格必须以英文填写 PHOTO 照片
Schengen Visa Application form 申根签证申请表
*2 照片1)尺寸为35mm*45mm、 2寸、白色背景、免冠照片,每个签证2张。
*3 欧洲出境旅游申请表请务必认真填写此表,因要帮助填写官方英文表格。
*4 户口本1)全本户口本复印件。
*5 身份证双面复印件*6 资金证明1)对账单交易记录越多越好,可同时提供多张对账单。
342964463*7 (在职人员)工作证明1)工作证明信,负责人签字(中文)并盖公章,须用工作公司抬头纸张。
*8 (在职人员)营业执照或组织机构代码证1)需在其复印件上盖公司红章。
10 结、离婚证复印件(已婚/离婚人士提供)11 未就业的成人1)已婚的无业人员:提供配偶的在职证明和担保及对账单,以及结婚证复印件。
Domanda di visto per gli Stati Schengen Schengen Visa Application form 申根签证申请表 Modulo gratuito This application form is free 此表格免费提供Consolato Generale d’Italia - Canton Consulate General of Italy in Guangzhou 意大利驻广州总领事馆nell'esercizio del loro diritto di libera circolazione. Essi presentano la documentazione comprovante il vincolo familiare e compilano lecaselle n. 34 e 35.The fields marked with * shall not be filled by family members of EU, EEA or CH citizens (spouse, child or dependent ascendant) while exercisingtheir right to free movement. Family members of EU, EEA or CH citizens shall present documents to prove this relationship and fill in fields No 34and 35.Sono a conoscenza del fatto che il rifiuto del visto non dà luogo al rimborso della tassa corrisposta.I am aware that the visa fee is not refunded if the visa is refused. / 本人知道即使签证被拒也不能退还签证费.Applicabile in caso di domanda di visto per ingressi multipli (casella n. 24)Applicable in case a multiple-entry visa is applied for (cf. field No24) / 适用于申请多次入境签证 (参照字段24)Sono a conoscenza della necessità di possedere un'adeguata assicurazione sanitaria di viaggio per il primo soggiorno e per i viaggi successivi sul territorio degli Stati membri.I am aware of the need to have an adequate travel medical insurance for my first stay and any subsequent visits to the territory of Member Status.本人知道须预备有足够保额的旅游医疗保险作为首次及其后各次出发到申根国家领域之用Informativa sul trattamento dei dati personaliLa raccolta dei dati richiesti in questo modulo, la sua fotografia e, se del caso, la rilevazione delle sue impronte digitali sono obbligatorie per l'esame della domanda di visto e i suoi dati anagrafici che figurano nel presente modulo di domanda di visto, così come le sue impronte digitali e la sua fotografia, saranno comunicati alle autorità competenti degli Stati membri e trattati dalle stesse, ai fini dell'adozione di una decisione in merito alla sua domanda.Tali dati, così come i dati riguardanti la decisione relativa alla sua domanda o un'eventuale decisione di annullamento, revoca o proroga di un visto rilasciato, saranno inseriti e conservati nel sistema d'informazione visti (VIS) per un periodo massimo di cinque anni, durante il quale essi saranno accessibili alle autorità competenti per i visti, a quelle competenti ai fini dei controlli sui visti alle frontiere esterne e negli Stati membri, alle autorità competenti in materia di immigrazione e di asilo negli Stati membri ai fini della verifica dell'adempimento delle condizioni di ingresso, soggiorno e residenza regolari sul territorio degli Stati membri, dell'identificazione delle persone che non soddisfano, o non soddisfano più, queste condizioni e dell'esame di una domanda di asilo e della designazione dell'autorità responsabile per tale esame.A determinate condizioni, i dati saranno anche accessibili alle autorità designate degli Stati membri (per l’Italia il Ministero dell’Interno e le autorità di Polizia) e a Europol ai fini della prevenzione, dell'individuazione e dell'investigazione di reati di terrorismo e altri reati gravi.Il Ministero degli Affari Esteri e della Cooperazione Internazionale (Piazzale della Farnesina 1, 00135 Roma, è l'autorità italiana responsabile (titolare) del trattamento dei dati.E’ suo diritto ottenere, in qualsiasi Stato membro, la comunicazione dei dati relativi alla sua persona registrati nel VIS e l’indicazione dello Stato membro che li ha trasmessi e chiedere che dati inesatti relativi alla sua persona vengano rettificati e che quelli relativi alla sua persona trattati illecitamente vengano cancellati. Per informazioni sull’esercizio del suo diritto a verificare i suoi dati anagrafici e a rettificarli o sopprimerli, così come sulle vie di ricorso previste a tale riguardo dalla legislazione nazionale dello Stato interessato, vedi e informazioni saranno fornite su sua richiesta dall'autorità che esamina la sua domanda. L’autorità di controllo nazionale italiana competente in materia di tutela dei dati personali è il Garante per la Protezione dei Dati Personali (Piazza di Montecitorio 121, 00186 Roma,; tel.: +39.06696771).Dichiaro che a quanto mi consta tutti i dati da me forniti sono completi ed esatti. Sono consapevole che dichiarazioni false comporteranno il respingimento della mia domanda o l'annulla mento del visto già concesso, e che possono comportare azioni giudiziarie ai sensi della legislazione dello Stato membro che tratta la domanda.Mi impegno a lasciare il territorio degli Stati membri prima dello scadere del visto, se concesso. Sono informato/a che il possesso di un visto è soltanto una delle condizioni necessarie per entrare nel territorio europeo degli Stati membri. La mera concessione del visto non mi dà diritto ad indennizzo qualora io non soddisfi le condizioni previste dall'articolo 5, paragrafo 1 del regolamento (CE) n. 562/2006 (codice frontiere Schengen) e mi venga pertanto rifiutato l'ingresso. Il rispetto delle condizioni d’ingresso sarà verificato ancora una volta all'atto dell'ingresso nel territorio europeo degli Stati membri.Information on the processing of personal dataThe collection of the data required by this application form, the taking of your photograph and, if applicable, the taking of your fingerprints, are mandatory for the examination of the visa application; and any personal data concerning you which appear on the visa application form, as well as your fingerprints and your photograph will be supplied to the relevant authorities of the Member States and processed by those authorities, for the purposes of a decision on your visa application.Such data as well as data concerning the decision taken on your application or a decision whether to annul, revoke or extend a visa issued will be entered into, and stored, in the Visa Information System (VIS) for a maximum period of five years, during which it will be accessible to the visa authorities and the authorities competent for carrying out checks on visas at external borders and within the Member States, immigration and asylum authorities in the Member States for the purposes of verifying whether the conditions for the legal entry into, stay and residence on the territory of the Member States are fulfilled, of identifying persons who do not or who no longer fulfil these conditions, of examining an asylum application and of determining responsibility for such examination. Under certain conditions the data will be also available to designated authorities of the Member States (for Italy: the Ministry of Interior and the Police authority) and to Europol for the purpose of the prevention, detection and investigation of terrorist offences and of other serious criminal offences. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation (Piazzale della Farnesina 1, 00135 Roma,, is the Italian authority responsible (controller) for processing the data.You have the right to obtain in any of the Member States communication of the data relating to you recorded in the VIS and of the Member State which transmitted the data, and to request that the data relating to you which are inaccurate be corrected, and that the data relating to you processed unlawfully be deleted. For information on the exercise of your right to check your personal data and have them corrected or deleted, as well as on legal remedies according to the national law of the State concerned, see and information will be provided upon request by the authority examining your application. The Italian national supervisory competent authority on the protection of personal data is the Italian Authority for Data Protection (Piazza di Montecitorio 121, 00186 Roma,; tel.: +39.06696771).I declare that to the best of my knowledge all particulars supplied by me are correct and complete. I am aware that any false statements involve my application being rejected or to the annulment of a visa already granted and may result in prosecution under the law of the Member State that process the application.I undertake to leave the territory of the Member States before the expiry of the visa, if granted. I am aware that possession of a visa is only one of the prerequisites for entry into the European territory of the Member States. The mere granting of a visa does not entitle me to compensation if I fail to fulfil the conditions of Article 5 , paragraph 1, of the Council Regulation n. 562/2006 (Schengen Borders Code) and I am thus refused entry. The prerequisites for entry will be checked again on entry into the European territory of the Member States.个人信息管理个人信息管理说明说明该申请表中所有关于您的个人信息、照片或采集的指纹样本均为审核您的签证所需。
Schengen Visa Application form申根签证申请表Embassy/ConsulateCACService providerCommercial intermediaryMale / 男 Female / 女 9. Marital status / 婚姻状况 Single / 未婚 Married / 已婚 Separated / 分居 Divorced / 离异 Widow (er) / 丧偶 Other / 其它 ……………………………. BorderOtherTravel document12. Type of travel document 护照种类: Ordinary passport / 普通护照 Diplomatic passport / 外交护照 Service passport / 公务护照 Official passport / 因公护照 Special passport / 特殊护照 Other (please specify) / 其它旅行证件(请注明):…………………………………… Means of subsistenceInvitationMeans of transportTMIOther:RefusedIssuedACLTVNo 否 Yes. Residence permit or equivalent …………………… No ………………… Valid until..………………………….. ValidThis application form is free此表格免费提供1 2 Multiples Tourism / 旅游 Business / 商务 Visiting Family or Friends / 探亲访友Cultural / 文化 Sports / 体育 Official visit / 官方访问Medical reasons / 医疗 Study / 学习 Transit / 过境Airport transit / 机场过境Other (please specify) / 其它 (请注明)字段1-3 须依据旅行证件填上相关资料Single entry / 一次 Multiple entries / 多次Two entries / 两次The fields marked with * shall not be filled by family members of EU, EEA or CH citizens (spouse, child or dependent ascendant) while exercising their right to free movement. Family members of EU, EEA or CH citizens shall present documents to prove this relationship and fill in fields No 34 and 35.欧盟、欧洲经济区或瑞士公民的家庭成员(配偶、子女或赡养的老人)行使其自由往来的权利,不必回答带(*)号的问题。
[Your Address][City, State, Zip Code][Email Address][Phone Number][Date][Recipient's Name][Recipient's Title][Company/Organization Name][Company/Organization Address][City, State, Zip Code]Subject: Introduction Letter for Schengen Visa ApplicationDear [Recipient's Name],I am writing to introduce [Applicant's Name], who is applying for a Schengen visa to visit [Country/Countries] for [Purpose of Visit]. As [Your Relationship to Applicant], I would like to provide some insight into [Applicant's Name]'s background, qualifications, and reasons forthis trip.[Applicant's Name] is a [Applicant's Profession] at [Applicant's Company/Institution], where they have been employed for [Number of Years] years. During their tenure, [Applicant's Name] has demonstrated exceptional skills and dedication to their work, which has earned them numerous accolades and recognition within the organization.[Applicant's Name] has always been passionate about [RelevantInterest/Hobby], which has led them to pursue [Specific Interest/Hobby]. This passion has driven [Applicant's Name] to [Achievement 1], [Achievement 2], and [Achievement 3], showcasing their commitment and expertise in the field.The purpose of [Applicant's Name]'s trip to [Country/Countries] is [Purpose of Visit]. [Applicant's Name] aims to [Specific Objective 1], [Specific Objective 2], and [Specific Objective 3] during their stay. This visit will provide [Applicant's Name] with valuable insights, networking opportunities, and hands-on experience that will undoubtedly contribute to their personal and professional growth.[Applicant's Name] has a strong record of responsible behavior and adherence to laws and regulations. They have never faced any legal issues or sanctions in the past, and I can confidently attest to their integrity and reliability. [Applicant's Name] has always been a law-abiding citizen and has shown great respect for the cultures and customs of the countries they have visited.In terms of financial stability, [Applicant's Name] is well-equipped to cover the expenses associated with their trip. They have a stable job with a good salary, and they have been maintaining a healthy bank balance for [Number of Years] years. This financial stability ensures that [Applicant's Name] will not face any financial difficulties during their stay in [Country/Countries].To further support [Applicant's Name]'s visa application, I would like to provide the following details:1. [Applicant's Name] will be traveling with [Number of Accompanying Persons], who are [Relationship toApplicant/Profession/Company/Institution].2. [Applicant's Name] has made arrangements for[Accommodation/Transportation/Travel Insurance], ensuring a smooth and comfortable stay during their trip.3. [Applicant's Name] will be returning to [Country of Residence] after their trip, as they have strong ties and responsibilities here.I strongly believe that [Applicant's Name] is a suitable candidate for a Schengen visa and that they will make the most of this opportunity to learn, grow, and contribute positively to the host country. I kindly request your assistance in processing [Applicant's Name]'s visaapplication and granting them the necessary authorization to visit [Country/Countries].Please feel free to contact me if you require any further information or clarification regarding [Applicant's Name]'s application. I am more than happy to provide any additional documentation or assistance that may be required.Thank you for considering [Applicant's Name]'s visa application. I look forward to your positive response and the opportunity to support [Applicant's Name] in their endeavors.Yours sincerely,[Your Name][Your Relationship to Applicant][Your Position][Your Company/Institution][Your Contact Information]。
1. 护照照片页复印件
2. 签证申请表格(通常为Schengen Visa Application Form)
3. 护照尺寸的近照
4. 行程安排(机票预订、酒店预订等)
5. 旅行保险证明
6. 财务证明(银行对账单、雇主证明、工资单等)
1/ 1。
Harmonised application form / 统一申请表Application for Schengen Visa / 申根签证申请This application form is free / 此表格免费提供1Family members of EU, EEA or CH citizens shall not fill in fields no.21, 22, 30, 31 and 32 (marked with*). /欧盟、欧洲经济区或瑞士公民的家庭成员,不得填写第21、22、30、31和32项(标有*的部分)Fields 1-3 shall be filled in in accordance with the data in the travel document. / 第1-3项须依据旅行证件填写相关资料.1. Surname (Family name) / 姓:F OR OFFICIAL USEONLY签证机关专用2. Surname at birth (Former family name(s)) / 出生时姓氏:Date of application:.Application number: 3. First name(s) (Given name(s)) / 名:1No logo is required for Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein and Switzerland.挪威、冰岛、列支敦士登和瑞士无需此标志。
1by the applicant himself/herself / 由申Cash / 现金Traveller’s cheques / 旅行支票Credit card / 信用卡Prepaid accommodation / 预缴住宿Prepaid transport / 预缴交通Other (please specify) / 其它(请注明) Cash / 现金Accommodation provided / All expenses covered during Prepaid transport / 预缴交通 Other (please specify) /其它。
□ Sonderpass Special passport /特殊护照
□ Sonstiges Reisedokument (bitte nähere Angaben)/ Other (please specify)/ 其它旅行证件(请注明):
13. Nummer des Reisedokuments Number of travel document
□ Studium Study 学习
□ Besuch von Familienangehörigen oder Freunden Visiting Family or Friends 探亲访友
□ Offizieller Besuch Official visit 官方访问
□ Durchreise Transit 过境
19. Derzeitige berufliche Tätigkeit/ Current occupation/ 现职业
* 20. Anschrift und Telefonnummer des Arbeitgebers. Für Studenten, Name und Anschrift der Bildungseinrichtung. Employer and employer’s address and telephone number. For students, name and address of educational establishment. 工作单位名称,地址和电话,学生填写学校名称及地址
25. Dauer des geplanten Aufenthalts oder der Durchreise Duration of the intended stay or transit
德国商务签录指纹流程The process of recording fingerprints for a German business visa can be intimidating for some travelers. It is important to understand the requirements and procedures involved in order to successfully complete this step in the visa application process.在申请德国商务签证时录入指纹可能让一些旅客感到紧张。
Firstly, it is essential to schedule an appointment at the designated visa application center for the fingerprinting process. This can be done online or by contacting the center directly. It is important to choose a convenient date and time for the appointment to avoid any delays in the visa application process.首先,必须在指定的签证申请中心预约录入指纹的时间。
On the day of the appointment, it is advisable to arrive at the visa application center early to allow enough time for the fingerprinting process. Be prepared to present all the required documents,including your passport and visa application form, to the officials at the center. It is important to follow their instructions carefully to ensure a smooth and efficient process.在预约的当天,建议提前到达签证申请中心,以便有足够的时间进行录指纹的过程。
欧盟签证信息系统中个人信息应用及保护欧盟签证信息系统(EU Visa Information System,简称VIS)是一个集成的信息系统,用于收集、处理和存储与申请欧洲国家签证相关的个人信息。
英国签证和移民局 TLScontact 新文件提交流程说明书
NEW PROCESS FOR SUBMITTING SUPPORTING DOCUMENTSFOR UK SETTLEMENT VISA APPLICATIONSThis change relates only to applications made in locations where TLScontact is UKVI’s Commercial Partner.These can be found here.If you are applying for a settlement visa, there are now three options available for you to submit your supporting documents:Option1: Self Service (Free of Charge)You can self-upload supporting documents using eSolo at no additional cost, through following these steps:∙Complete your Visa Application Form on .∙Prepare your supporting documents according to the list of documents mentioned in Checklist.∙Proceed to Appointment Booking on TLScontact appointment booking platform and choose a Self Service Appointment.∙Follow the guidance in your confirmation email to Self-upload your supporting documents. This must be completed before attending your booked appointment at our Visa Application Centre.Further guidance on how to use eSolo Web and Mobile App, as well as Supporting Documents Official Guide can be found under the DOWNLOADS section.Option 2: Settlement Assisted Service in the UK (Chargeable)For added convenience to the Sponsors and representatives of Settlement Visa Customers residing in the UK, TLScontact introduced a dedicated Assisted Scanning Settlement service based in London since 24/06/2019.If you wish to use this service, at an additional cost (*), please follow the below process: ∙Complete you Visa Application Form on .∙Prepare your supporting evidence according to the list of documents mentioned in Checklist.∙Proceed to Appointment Booking on TLScontact appointment booking platform and choose an Assisted Service Appointment.∙Choose Assisted Scanning Settlement Service (Standard or Priority) * and complete payment step.∙Send your supporting documents with proof of payment and checklist (necessary for linking the documents to your visa application) by Postal Route Only to the following address:TLScontact UK Settlement Scanning Hub,18 Ryeland Boulevard, Wandsworth,London SW18 1UNSupporting documents can be sent to this address by the applicant, the sponsor, or representatives.*Standard Settlement Scanning Service: £75 (+VAT) per application, supporting documents will be scanned within 5 working days from receipt of the documents at the scanning hub.*Priority Settlement Scanning Service £100 (+VAT) per application, documents will be scanned within 24 hours from receipt of documents at the scanning hub.Option 3: Settlement Assisted Service in Visa Application Centre (Chargeable): For an additional cost*, this service is available in all our Visa Application Centres. If you wish to use this service, please follow the below process:∙Complete you Visa Application Form on .∙Prepare your supporting evidence according to the list of documents mentioned in Checklist.∙Proceed to Appointment Booking on TLScontact appointment booking platform and choose an Assisted Service Appointment.∙Choose Assisted Scanning Settlement Service and complete payment step.∙Simply bring your documents with you to our Visa Application Centre, on the day of your appointment.*Cost (£75 +VAT) Exchange rates apply*VAT amount will vary – depending on the Visa Application Centre you are applying from. Please check the final amount displayed in your basket before checkoutHow to prepare your documents?Important:You are strongly advised to submit supporting documents as listed in your personalized document checklist and any specified documents required for the category in which you are applying:ONLY clear, A4 colour photocopies of your supporting documents will be accepted;DO NOT send originals, as TLScontact is not liable for any loss or damage.Where the documents are not specified, you are advised to consider submitting the following:∙ A copy of your sponsor’s passport highlighting any visas or endorsements that demonstrate that they have travelled to visit you or demonstrate that you have travelled together.∙Documents supporting your sponsor’s employment, income and savings for the specified period. This should include a letter from your sponsor’s employer, payslips, tax certificates and banks statements. Where applicable, you should include documents supporting your sponsor’s self-employment and business banks statements. These should be separated and arranged in chronological order.Evidence of your employment, savings and education will normally only be required if you are relying on these to meet the financial or other requirements.∙Documents demonstrating your sponsor’s accommodation in the UK.∙Documents supporting your relationship such as a marriage certificate or birth certificate. Other documents can include photographs from your wedding and/or a range of other photographs supporting your relationship over a period of time. You are strongly advised to submit no more than a total of 10 photographs.Important:Wedding albums, USB and DVDs will NOT be accepted. If you wish to submit copies of chat history, you are strongly advised to submit no more than 10 A4 pages of chat. The chat history should demonstrate your relationship over a period of time. Please note that if you choose to submit more than 10 photos and 10 A4 pages of chat history then only a random selection of these documents will be scanned.Documents such as money transfer receipts should only be submitted if you are relying on these to meet a specific requirement.Documents such as phone cards, greeting cards, wedding invitations, wedding receipts and newspaper clippings are of little evidential value and you are discouraged from submitting these. These documents will not be scanned.You are free to submit any other document that may support your application.However, you should consider their value and relevance to the category in which you are applying.Please Remember that:∙Documents must not be stapled.∙Only A4 colour photocopied documents will be accepted at the scanning hub in the UK.∙DO NOT send original documents as TLScontact is not liable for any loss or damage.∙All coloured originals or documents with photographic ID, must be colour copied.∙All black and white originals must be photocopied in grey scale format (documents might not be legible, otherwise, and this might impact the outcome of your visa application).∙Failure to provide this information in the required order and format may result in a delay to the assessment of the application.。
银行对账单 - Germany Visa Application Centre 中智德签 - 中国, 德国
注意:申请者应பைடு நூலகம்预约时间准时到达递交申请。如果申请人不能按时到达,将不能递交并需要重新预约。
委托他人递交材料的申请者请确保您的委托书完整填写且没有涂改,申请人本人签字。如委托书不符合要求 将无法递交材料。未成年人若委托他人递交签证申请,需要提供父母任何一方签名的委托书和父母双方签名 的申根申请表。
中国,北京 德国
请 注 意 , 德 国 签 证 中 心 将 于 2013年 春 节 期 间 ( 2013年 2月 11日 到 2月 13日 期 间 ) 关闭 , 我 们 建 议 您 根 据您的行程尽早安排您递交申请的时间。祝您有个愉快的假期!
请您同样注意,由于德意志联邦共和国驻华大使馆系统设备升级,将于2013年2月18,19,20号关闭,无法 审核申请者材料,所以德国签证中心在此期间也将无法接受签证申请。我们建议您根据您的行程尽早安排您 递交申请的时间.
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14.02.2013 12:55
银行对账单必须是由银行出具的。 可提供所有类型的银行以及账户(信用卡除外)的银行对账单。 可提供使用任何尺寸的纸张所打印的银行对账单原件。 如果您提供的是打印的银行卡账单,则需要加盖银行章,如果您提供的是银行存折复印件,则不需要加盖银行 章。 如果申请者本人或其父母是一家公司的法人代表,需要提供个人及该公司名下的银行账单。 根据使馆的要求,您的银行对账单至少要体现最近三到六个月的账户流水, 如银行账单不完整,您需要附加解 释信说明原因。 申请者也可以提供其他资产证明,例如股票或者基金的账户情况,但此类文件不能代替您清单内使馆要求的银 行对账单。 请注意:银行对账单,即银行进出账单是指您的活期银行卡或者存折,该账单中体现了您在银行的日常支取记 录,不是定期存折或者存款证明。 请注意:请确保您的银行对账单上有申请者的名字,申请者的名字必须是由银行打印的,如果是手写的,则不 符合材料要求。学生如需提供父母的银行对账单,则对账单上要显示父母(账户持有人)的名字。 申请者如果是未成年人或无业人员,请提供以下文件:资助人(父母或配偶)银行活期存折或活期银行卡(信用 卡除外)最近三到六个月的进出账单,以及亲属关系证明(根据您的实际情况,可提供公证和认证的户口、结婚 证或出生证明,具体请查看您的个性化材料清单)。 银行账单里须清楚列明工资项和退休金项。
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
Documents/主要材料/Documenti Schengen visa application form, original Notes: form must be duly filled in English or Italian or Chinese pinyin, and signed by the applicant (for Chinese nationals signature must be in characters, not pinyin). For applicants under 18 years of age, the application form must be signed by at least one of the parents or legal guardians. 申根签证申请表,原件 说明:一份用英语或者意大利语或者中文拼音正式填 写并由申请人亲笔签名的申请表(中国申请人签字应 为文字,不应为拼音)。十八岁以下的申请人需至少 父母其中一方或者监护人代签。 Formulario di richiesta visto Schengen, in originale Note: il formulario deve essere debitamente compilato in lingua inglese o italiana o in cinese pinyin, e firmato dal richiedente visto (per i cittadini cinesi è obbligatorio firmare in caratteri, non si accetta la firma in pinyin). I formulari dei richiedenti minori di anni 18 dovranno essere firmati da almeno uno dei genitori o di chi ne ha la patria potestà. Two recent and identical photos. Notes: photos must be ICAO format (4.0 x 3.5 cm, color photo with white background, taken within the last 6 months. 2. 两张本人近期照片 说明:照片应为 ICAO 尺寸的彩照,照片需为白色背 景,35x40 毫米,并需为最近六个月内所照。 Due foto format tessera, recenti e uguali Note: le foto devono essere fatte secondo il formato ICAO (4.0 x 3.5 cm, foto a colori con sfondo bianco, scattate negli ultimi 6 mesi). Valid Passport, original + 2 copies Notes: please, be sure that the passport is valid for at least 3 months after planned departure date from Schengen area and was issued less than 10 years ago. Passport must have at least two blank and unmarked visa pages. Two copies of the page with data; two copies of the page with signature; one copy of previous Schengen visas, if any. 有效护照,原件 +两份复印件 说明:请注意护照应为在过去 10 年内签发,并且应在 离开申根地区后仍有至少 3 个月的有效时间。护照应 有至少两页的空白页。申请人护照首尾页两份复印件
viaggio del richiedente, in Italia e nell’area Schengen. L’itinerario deve indicare città e date. E’ possibile fornire prenotazione dei mezzi di trasporto utilizzati per gli spostamenti. Proof of solvency of the applicant: bank statements from the last 3 months Notes: No deposit account. In case credit card bank account is provided, please be sure that copy of the card and credit limit are shown. Students can provide parents’ bank statements and employment certificate, together with relationship notary certificate, legalized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and for adults (over 18 years of age) university letter and student card. For married couples travelling together, please provide also marriage certificate in copy, as proof of the relation. 申请人偿付能力证明:最近 3 个月的银行对账单 说明:无需存款证明,如提供信用卡对账单,请确保 信 用额度 显示 在对账 单上并 提供 一份信 用卡的复 印 件。学生可提供父母银行对账单和雇主担保证明信, 并且同时提交由外交部认证的亲属关系公证,对于成 年人(18 岁以上),需提供学校证明及学生证。对于 已婚夫妇一起出行,请同时提供结婚证复印件以证明 关系。 Mezzi finanziari a disposizione del richiedente: conto corrente bancario degli ultimi 3 mesi Note: No conti deposito. Qualora si forniscono conti connessi a carte di credito, è necessario mostrare anche copia della carta e indicazione del limite di credito. Gli studenti possono presentare i conti correnti e i certificati del lavoro dei genitori, assieme al certificato notarile attestante la relazione familiare, legalizzato dal Ministero degli Esteri cinese, e (in caso siano maggiorenni) lettera dell’Università e carta dello studente. In caso di coppie sposate che viaggiano insieme si prega di fornire anche copia del certificato di matrimonio. Employment certificate, original Notes: Letter from the employer (in English, or in Chinese with English or Italian translation) on official company paper with stamp, signature, date and clearly mentioning: address, telephone and fax numbers of the employing company; the name and position in the employing company of the countersigning officer; the name of the applicant, position, salary and years of service; approval for leave or absence; confirmation of position after return; the person or entity who will bear travel and living costs during the visit. For retired persons: proof of pension (certificate) or other regular income. For unemployed persons: if married, letter of employment and income of the spouse and notary certificate of marriage, legalised by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs; if single/divorced/widow/widower, any other proof of regular income (in case is a family member covering
Yes/ 有 Site
及所有申根国家签证(如有)的复印件 Passaporto in corso di validità, originale + due fotocopie Note: prima di fare domanda di prega di verificare che il passaporto abbia una validità residua di almeno 3 mesi dal momento della prevista uscita dall’area Schengen e che sia stato rilasciato non oltre 10 anni fa. Il passaporto deve avere almeno due pagine visti non utilizzate. Due copie della pagina con i dati del richiedente; due copie della pagina con la firma del richiedente; una copia degli eventuali precedenti visti Schengen. Round trip flight reservation, copy Notes: Reservation document must indicate applicant’s name, departure city and destination. In order to avoid any unnecessary expense, flight ticket confirmation can be done after visa issuance. 往返机票预订单,复印件 说 明:预 订单 需显示 申请人 姓名 ,出发 城市和目 的 地 。为了 避免 不必要 的花费 ,请 在签证 签出后再 付 款。 Prenotazione aerea andata e ritorno, in copia Note: la documentazione attestante la prenotazione deve contenere il nome del richiedente, la città di partenza e quella di arrivo. Al fine di evitare spese non necessarie, si ricorda che la conferma della prenotazione può essere effettuata a seguito del rilascio del visto. Proof of accommodation, copy Notes: documents must cover the whole stay in Schengen area. For example: hotel bookings, rental apartment contracts, etc. 住宿证明,复印件 说明:文件需涵盖申根整个行程区域。例如:酒店订 单,租赁合同等。 Alloggio, in copia Note: la documentazione comprovante l’alloggio deve comprendere l’intero periodo di soggiorno nell’area Schengen. Ad esempio è possibile fornire prova mediante: prenotazioni alberghiere, contratti di affitto di appartamenti, etc. Travel programme (itinerary), copy Notes: documents providing clear evidences about the applicant's travel programme in Italy and in Schengen area. The itinerary must state cities and dates. Transportation booking can be provided. 6. 旅行计划(行程单),复印件: 说明:提供清晰详细意大利和其他申根地区的旅行计 划。行程需显示城市和日期。可提供交通预订。 Itinerario di viaggio, in copia Note: documenti comprovanti il programma di