Scottish Justice Minister Defends Bomber's Release




of human beings as if all of humanity were just one individual, is possible only if each and every person can be reduced to a never - changing identity of reactions, so that each of these bundles of reactions can be exchanged at random for any other… The campus… serve the ghastly experiment of eliminating, under scientifically controlled conditions , spontaneity itself as an expression of human behavior and of transforming the human personality into a mere thing, into something that even animals are not… ” (Adrendt, 1976, pp. 438)
„emerged simultaneously in all Western countries during the nineteenth century‟. In particular, racism became the main ideological feature of imperialist politics – the empire-builders of the nineteenth century created a justification for conquest and a biological basis for community that made citizenship redundant. Race, says Arendt, was the „emergency explanation‟ concocted by Europeans to make sense of the unfamiliarity of what they encountered on „the Dark Continent‟.



《德意志联邦共和国少年法院法》英文The Youth Court Act of the Federal Republic of Germany1. Youth -青少年2. Court -法院3. Act -法令4. Federal -联邦5. Republic -共和国6. Germany -德国1. The Youth Court Act of the Federal Republic of Germany aims to protect the rights and interests of young people.这部德意志联邦共和国少年法院法旨在保护青少年的权益。

2. The court will only handle cases involving young individuals under the age of 18.法院只会处理涉及18岁以下的年轻人的案件。

3. The Act provides guidelines for the treatment and rehabilitation of young offenders.该法令为青少年犯罪者的治疗和康复提供了指导方针。

4. The court ensures that young people have access tolegal representation during the proceedings.法院确保年轻人在诉讼过程中可以获得法律代理人的援助。

5. The Act emphasizes the importance of educational measures rather than punitive measures for young offenders.该法令强调对青少年犯罪者采取教育措施而非惩罚措施的重要性。

6. The court evaluates the individual circumstances of each young offender before making a decision.法院在做出决策前评估了每个青少年犯罪者的个人情况。


评论集:FrenchPoetsandNovelists法国诗人和小说家> <Hawthorne霍桑> <PartialPortraits不完全的画像> <NotesandReviews札记与评论> <ArtofFictionandOtherEssays小说艺术
ThePoems1821> <1932诗选:ToaWaterfowl致水鸟-----英语中最完美的短诗> <Thanatopsis死亡随想---受墓园派影响> <TheWhitefootedDeer白蹄鹿> <AForestHymn森林赋> <TheFloodofYears似水流年
小说:DaisyMiller苔瑟·米乐> <ThePortraitofaLady贵妇人画像> <TheBostonians波士顿人> <TheRealThingandOtherTales真货色及其他故事> <TheWingsoftheDove鸽翼> <TheAmbassadors大使> <TheGoldenBowl金碗
Wadden,orLifeintheWoods华腾湖或林中生活> <ResistancetoCivilGovernment> <CivilDisobedience抵制公民政府> <AWeekontheConcordandMerrimackRivers

高考英语 考前突破阅读理解能力 社会生活 波士顿爆炸案使美国安保级别提升素材

高考英语 考前突破阅读理解能力 社会生活 波士顿爆炸案使美国安保级别提升素材


From the World Trade Center and Times Square in New York to the White House and sports venues across the country, police patrolled i n packs and deployed counterterrorism teams Monday as security was stepped up after explosions at the Boston Marathon.Worries also reverberated(使回响,使反射) across the Atlantic, where an already robust security operation was being beefed up for Wednesday's ceremonial funeral for former Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher. The event at St. Paul's Cathedral, to be attended by Queen Elizabeth II and other dignitaries, calls for a procession through the streets of London, with Thatcher's flag-draped coffin carried on a horse-drawn carriage.British police were also reviewing security plans for Sunday's London Marathon —the next major international race —because of the bombs that killed three people and injured more than 140 in Boston.Across the U.S., security was tightened at landmarks, government buildings, transit hubs and sporting events. Law enforcement agencies also urged the public via Twitter and Facebook to report suspicious activity to the police.In New York, authorities deployed so-called critical response teams—highly visible patrol units that move in packs with lights and sirens, —along with more than 1,000 counterterrorism officers. Highly trafficked areas like the Empire State building, Rockefeller Center, St. Patrick's Cathedral, the United Nations and the Wo rld Trade Center site were being especially monitored.Mayor Michael Bloomberg said the p olice department was fully prepared to protect the city."Some of the security steps we are taking may be noticeable," Bloomberg said. "And others will not be."In Washington, Secretary of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano urged the American public "to be vigilant and to listen to directions from state and local officials.""At the president's direction, the Department of Homeland Security is providing any support necessary in this ongoing investigation," Napol itano said.At the White House, the Secret Service expanded its security perimeter after the attacks, shutting down Pennsylvania Avenue and cordoning off the area with yellowpolice tape. Several Secret Service patrol cars blocked off entry points, although the White House was not on lockdown and tourists and other onlookers were still allowed in the park across the street.Speaking late Wednesday from the White House, President Barack Obama declared that those responsible would "feel the full weight of justice," though he urged a nervous nation not to jump to conclusions and pointedly avoided using the words "terror" o r "terrorism."However, top lawmakers declared the deadly incident an act of terrorism, and a White House official said it was being treated that way.Police in Los Angeles, Washington, San Diego, Las Vegas, Detroit, Atlanta and other major cities were monitoring events closely and assessing increases in security measures.In California, emergency management officials activated their statewide threat assessment system, which was established after the S ept. 11 attacks. And officials in multiple cities and counties throughout the state were reviewing information from federal authorities for possible threats.In Seattle, police increased patrols in neighborhoods and around government buildings and other facilities. In Colorado a statewide alert was sent out advising law enforcement agencies to look out for suspicious activities.In New Jersey, au thorities raised security statewide, calling in off-duty state police officers and deploying bomb units, aviation crews, tactical teams and search and rescue assets as a precaution.Transit and port o fficials in New York and New Jersey were on heightened alert at bridges, tunnels and on rail lines between the two states, as well as on New York City's subway system and commuter rails.And at the Port of Los Angeles and Long Beach, as well as at three m ajor Los Angeles airports, including Los Angeles International, law enforcement officials were in a "heightened state of vigilance(警戒)," with increased patrols, authorities said.。



伍德罗·威尔逊维基百科,自由的百科全书跳转到:导航, 搜索汉漢▼▲伍德羅·威爾遜Thomas Woodrow Wilson第28任美國總統任期1913年3月4日–1921年3月4日副總統托馬斯·賴利·馬歇爾前任威廉·霍華德·塔夫脫繼任沃倫·G·哈定出生1856年12月28日維吉尼亞州斯汤顿逝世1924年2月3日(67歲)華盛頓哥倫比亞特區政黨民主党配偶埃倫·路易絲·亞克森伊蒂丝·高尔特信仰長老教會簽名托马斯·伍德罗·威尔逊(Thomas Woodrow Wilson,1856年12月28日-1924年2月3日),美国第28任总统。




在第一个任期中,威尔逊支持民主党控制的议会通过联邦储备法案(Federal Reserve Act),克莱顿反托拉斯法案(Clayton Antitrust Act),联邦农田贷款法案(Federal Farm Loan Act),还通过新的收入法在联邦一级开征收入税,以及建立联邦贸易委员会。



尽管他在竞选时打出了“他让我们远离了战争”(he kept us out of the war)的口号,美国的中立政策却未能持久。



“记者作为某种民间英雄开始出现,他们,以民主的名 义,在事,发现场无所畏惧地发掘事实真相, 这一神话 可以说就源于这个时期。”” 从这时候起, 西方新闻竞争 日益激烈,抢夺“独家新
拉塞尔一生以采访军事新闻为主 克里米亚战争(英法、沙俄、)
注重新闻 新闻是手段,广告是目,的? 对新闻事业的贡献
企业化经营 经济独立, 意义重大 商业逻辑, 流弊深远
讨论及作业: 商业报刊的思想渊源与“报“刊的自由主义理论””的形成
第一节大众报刊发展的历史土壤 第二节普利策:大众报刊的代表 第三节赫斯特与黄色新闻
联邦党:亚历山大 ·汉密尔顿 共和党:托马斯 ·杰斐逊
1、《美国公报》(1789)约翰 ·芬诺
2、《箭猪公报》(1787)威廉 ·科贝特 “我将不作公正不倚的陈述,那将毫无用处,而且 毫无意义。 ”
“peter· porcupine” “尖刻恶毒的笔”
3、《纽约晚邮报》(1801)亚历山大 ·汉密尔顿 汉密尔顿 “美国社论之父”、政治家、律师
其传记评价: “他是一位天生的新闻工作者和小册 子作者——美国社论之父之一。他 的敏锐的判断力、深刻的洞察力、 高度抽象集中的能力以及文字表达 的清晰简练等,使第一流的社论作 家所具备的品质……笔,就是他的 权杖和利剑。 ”
1、《国民公报》(national Gazette)(1791) 菲利普 ·弗雷诺
1/10 ,发行量创13万份的空前纪录。 吉拉丹在报界地位显赫,被称为“报界拿破仑” “决斗””

The Beginning or the End《原子弹秘密(1947)》完整中英文对照剧本

The Beginning or the End《原子弹秘密(1947)》完整中英文对照剧本


Here amid the 3000-year-old re dwoods of California scientists and dignitaries are burying a time capsule.在这些见证了许多文明兴衰的树木的底部,原子发展的记录将被保存到2446500年后。

At the base of these trees that ha ve watched the rise and fall of many civilizations, these recor ds of atomic progress will rest until the year 2446 500 years from now.今天在座的是为首次利用原子能作出重大贡献的自&hearts;由&hearts;国家的代表。

Here today are representatives of the free nation that made the major contributions to first harnessing atomic energy.美国、英国和加拿大自治领。

The United States, the United Kingdom and the Dominion Of Canada.莱斯利·r·格罗夫斯少将,副总工程师。

Major General Leslie R. Groves, deputy chief of engineers.在他旁边的是加州大学的j·罗伯特·奥本海默博士美国最重要的核物理学家。

Beside him, Dr. J. Robert Oppenheimer of the University of California America's foremost nuclear physicist.代表英国和加拿大自治领参加这次仪式的是加拿大的迪安·麦肯齐、英国科学使团的奇泽姆博士和加拿大军械部长C.D.豪。



沪江英语>英语考试>四六级英语2016年6月英语四级听力:新闻听力高频词来源:星火英语|2016年06月15日16:30【四六级备考训练营】10万人,一个月干掉四六级!英语四级新闻听力对这次的四六级考生来说,实在是头一遭,因此心情紧张也是理所当然,不过下面这些由沪江教研精心挑选的词汇绝对是新闻听力里的常考词汇,不管你复习进度如何,这些一定要掌握呦!事故类casualty n. 伤亡人数;死伤者blast n. 爆炸explosion n. 爆炸,炸裂bomb n. 炸弹injure v. 损害,毁坏wound n. 伤害;v. 受伤terrorist n. 恐怖主义者,恐怖分子crash v. 碰撞kidnap v. 绑架assassinate v. 暗杀,行刺strike v. 罢工trade union 工会政治类Democratic Party 共和党Republic Party 民主党president 总统Congress 国会Supreme Court 最高立法院the Senate 众议院the House of Lords;the upper chamber 上议院the House of Commons; the lower chamber 下议院the House of Representative 众议院legislative n. 立法权Amendment n. 修正案release v. 释放hostage n. 人质authority n. 当局,相关部门official n. 官员医疗健康类expected life span 预期寿命death rate 死亡率disease n. 疾病illness n. 疾病mortality n. 死亡人数,死亡略life cycle 生命周期cure v. 治愈take care 照顾life expectancy 平均寿命,预期寿命flu n. 流感sick adj. 恶心的allergic adj. 敏感的headache n. 头痛stomachache n. 胃疼clinic n. 诊所dentist n. 牙医prescription n. 药方high blood pressure 高血压symptom n. 症状cancer n. 癌症pharmacy n. 配药,药房经济类prospect n. 前景scholar n. 学者delegate n. 代表Global 500 世界500强Fortune Magazine 美国《财富》杂志sales representative 销售代表distribution network 分销渠道recession 经济衰退VC= venture capital 风险资本joint venture 合资企业economic adj. 经济的,经济学的,有经济效益的goods n. 货物grocery n. 食品杂货店capital n. 资本debt n. 债务collapse v. 崩溃slide v. 下滑soar v. 高涨go down 下降go up 上升consumer spending 消费支出。



未成年不是犯罪的挡箭牌英语作文Minors should not be used as a shield against crimeIn recent years, there have been cases where underage individuals commit crimes and are excused based on their age. This has led to a misconception that minors are a shield against criminal responsibility. However, it is important to recognize that being a minor does not excuse criminal behavior and should not be used as a shield against crime.First and foremost, it is crucial to understand that minors are not above the law. While the legal system may take into account a minor's age and level of understanding when determining criminal responsibility, this does not mean that minors can commit crimes with impunity. They must still be held accountable for their actions and face appropriate consequences for their behavior. This not only serves to uphold the principles of justice and fairness but also acts as a deterrent to prevent further criminal behavior.Furthermore, excusing criminal behavior based on age sends the wrong message to young individuals. It suggests that they can engage in illegal activities without facing the consequences, which can lead to a sense of entitlement and disregard for thelaw. This can ultimately result in a cycle of criminal behavior that is harmful to both the individual and society as a whole.It is also important to consider the impact that using minors as a shield against crime can have on victims. All too often, the focus is placed on the rights and well-being of the offender, while the needs of the victim are ignored. Victims deserve justice and closure, and allowing offenders to escape accountability based on their age can deny them the opportunity to see justice served.In conclusion, minors should not be used as a shield against crime. While their age and level of understanding may be taken into account when determining criminal responsibility, this should not be used as an excuse to avoid consequences for criminal behavior. It is important to uphold the principles of justice and accountability, and ensure that individuals of all ages are held responsible for their actions. By doing so, we can create a safer and more just society for all.。


文案之后,美国所有的州法院的联邦法院都必须遵 循该原则。
• 在不到10年的时间里,美国最高法院已经将实际 恶意原则推及公众人物:这些人游离于政府之外,他
们常试图领导有关重要问题的公共讨论。根据最高法院 的判决,这些人和公共官员一样,也不能免于被批评、 被抱怨。
• 即:公众人物如果想要在诽谤案中胜诉,就 必须证 明实际恶意。
• 美国最高法院以9比0的投票结果一致 推翻了初审法院和上诉法院的判决, 并裁决,沙利文不能获得赔偿金救济, 除非他能证明《纽约时报》在刊登这 则失实 的诽谤性广告时明知该广告 失实,或者《纽约时报》完全无视所 发表材料的真伪。
• 也就是说,蒙哥马利县的这位警
• 1964年之前,民事诽谤诉讼受到众所周知的严格责任原则(The Doctrine of Strict Liability)——一种比没有尽到合理的注意义务
而应负责的一般责任标准更加严格的责任标准,无论当事人尽到 怎样的注意或采取怎样的预防措施,只要损害发生,就必须承担
• 在这个原则之下,无论诽谤诉讼的被告在准备、刊登或播放新闻时有 多谨慎、多仔细,他(她)都对原告的损失负有责任。
Defend Martin Luther King and the Struggle for Freedom in the
South)——刊登。广告的正文 批评了南部的公共官员。该委 员会认为,这些公共官员使用 暴力手段和非法途径,企图压 制和平的民权运动。 • 在这则广告中,指责的基本要 点都是真实的,但文中充满了 事实性小错误。
定一条界线:“显然‘公共官员’至少是指政府职员中那些 地位较高的人,他们控制着政府的公务行为,因此他们应当 或似乎必须对公众负有重要责任”; • 布伦南大法官补充认为:如果政府中的某个职务具有如此明显的 重要性,以至于公众对该职务承担者的资格和工作表现感兴趣, 且这种兴趣独立于公众对所有政府职员的资格和工作所表现的 兴趣,那么该人就应当被定义为公共官员。




品客薯片究竟是不是薯片?法庭之争能否为公司省下数千万元增值税费?难词探意1. controversy /̍kɑːntrəvɜːrsi/ n. 争论2. ingredient /ɪnɡriːdiənt/ n. 原料3. judiciary /dʒu dɪʃieri/ n. 司法部;法官4. exempt /ɪɡzempt/ v. 免除;获豁免5. behemoth /bɪhiːmɒθ/ n. 巨头6. newfangled /̩n uː̍fæɡld/ adj. 新奇怪异的Chances are that you probably havent given much thought to that can of Pringles other than wondering “how can I get th e last few potato chips out of the tube without making my arms dirty?”.As it turns out, this salty snack has quite a story. It once was in the middle of a massive controversy that questioned the ingredients and whether the chips were actually potato chips at all.From 2007 to 2009,the makers of the “once⁃you⁃pop⁃you⁃cant⁃stop” chips stood in front of three different levels of the British judiciary trying to defend the decision that Pringles chips were not—by definition—potato chips.Heres how this comically complicated problem started. In the mid⁃20th century, a tax was born called the value⁃added or VAT tax. This “consumption tax” started off as a 10 percent tax on all goods bought from a business. More than 20 percent of the worlds tax income comes from thevalue⁃added tax making it a pretty big deal.In Britain, most foods are exempt from the value⁃added tax, except for potato chips or “similar products made from the potato,or from potato flour”. This led to a long and ha rd journey to figure out whether or not Pringles were actually potato chips. If they were ruled as chips, Pringles parent company at the time, Procter & Gamble, would be subject to a 17.5 percent VAT tax.Procter & Gambles initial argument was that Pringles were not potato chips because they didnt “contain enough potato to have the quality of ‘potatoness’”. They also argued Pringles didnt resemble the shape of a potato chip.In 2008, a lower British court agreed and ruled that Pringles were in fact not potato chips,mainly because they contained only 42 percent potato and had “a shape not found in nature”. But just a year later, the Court of Appeal re⁃examined and changed that decision, calling Procter & Gambles argument that the ingredients of a product didnt define the product “hogwash”.With that decision, the behemoth corporation had to pay $160 million in taxes, while—unwillingly—calling their newfangled potato chips, well, potato chips. And that is the story of Pringles and its brief dance with the world of taxes, junk food and British judges.[Reading][Check]1. Why is a question raised in the first paragraph?A. To arouse readers interest.B. To get the answer from readers.C. To warn readers of the food safety.D. To remind readers to make full use of food.2. Why are there arguments over whether Pringles were potato chips?A. Pringles contain a low percent of potato.B. The shape of Pringles is quite different from a potato chip.C. Different taxes will be paid based on different judgments.D. Different levels of the British judiciary have different opinions.3. What can we infer from the last two paragraphs?A. Pringles are potato chips.B. Pringles are regarded as junk food by British judges.C. Pringles should pay $160 million in taxes.D. Pringles chips contain enough potato and flour.4. Whats the authors purpose in writing the text?A. To show how to make Pringles.B. To promote Pringles.C. To explain the strict rules about the tax in Britian.D. To introduce the story of Pringles with the tax in Britain.[Language][Study]Sentence for writingIf they were ruled as chips, Pringles parent company at the time, Procter & Gamble, would be subject to a 17.5 percent VAT tax. 如果品客薯片被裁定為薯片,品客当时的母公司宝洁公司将要被征收17.5%的增值税。



国会下议院英语演讲稿:哈珀总理的反恐斗争计划Ladies and gentlemen of the House of Commons,I stand before you today to address one of the most pressing issues facing our nation: the fight against terrorism. As Canadians, we take pride in our values of freedom, democracy, and human rights. Yet, our very way of life is under attack by those who seek to impose their extremist ideologies upon us.Today, I want to outline my government's plan to counter this threat and safeguard our nation. Our anti-terrorism strategy has three key elements: prevention, protection, and intervention.Firstly, prevention. We cannot afford to wait until a terrorist attack takes place before taking action. We need to identify and disrupt potential threats before they can harm our citizens. To achieve this, we will invest in intelligence gathering and analysis, strengthening our borders, and providing law enforcement with the resources they need to investigate and disrupt terrorist plots.Secondly, protection. We need to be prepared for the worst-case scenario. That means investing in our emergency response capabilities, ensuring our critical infrastructureis resilient to attack, and enhancing our ability to respond quickly and effectively to a terrorist incident.Finally, and perhaps most importantly, intervention. We need to address the root causes of radicalization and extremism, and empower communities to reject violence and hatred. We will do this by working with community leaders, civil society groups, and other partners to develop programs that promote inclusion, tolerance, and respect for diversity.Of course, none of this can be done in isolation. We will continue to work closely with our allies, particularly the United States and the United Kingdom, as well asinternational organizations such as the United Nations, to share intelligence and coordinate our efforts. We will also engage with Muslim communities both in Canada and abroad, to build bridges and break down the walls of suspicion and mistrust.Ladies and gentlemen, I know that some may criticize our strategy as being too heavy-handed or too soft, too inclusiveor not inclusive enough. That is the nature of democracy鈥?we will always have different opinions and viewpoints. However, I firmly believe that our anti-terrorism planstrikes the right balance between protecting our citizens and upholding our values.In conclusion, let me say this: the fight against terrorism is not an easy one, nor one that can be won overnight. But by working together, by staying resilient, and by staying true to our values, we can and will prevail. Thank you.。

高考英语 考前突破阅读理解能力 社会生活 美国康涅狄格州出台严厉控枪法案素材

高考英语 考前突破阅读理解能力 社会生活 美国康涅狄格州出台严厉控枪法案素材



Connecticut state legislators have reached a deal to bring in some of the toughest gun laws in the US.The proposal incl udes a ban on a new high-capacity ammunition(弹药,军火) magazines like the one that was used by Adam Lanza to kill 20 children and six teachers in the Newto wn school shooting in Dec ember.It also calls for background checks for private gun sales and a new registry for existing magazines that carry 10 or more bullets, something of a compromise for pa rents of Newtown victims who had wanted an outright ban.The package creates what members of the state's general assembly said was the nation's first statewide dangerous weapon offender registry, immediate universal background checks for all firearms sales and expansion of Connecticut's assault weapons ban.A new state-issued eligibility certificate would be needed to purchase any rifle, shotgun or ammunition under the legislation. To get the certifi cate, a buyer would need to be fingerprinted, take a firearms training co urse and undergo a national criminal background check and involuntary commitment or voluntary admission check.The deal is "the most comprehensive package in the country because of its breadth," said Senate Minority Leader John McKinney, a Republican whose district includes Newtown.Mr McKinney said people tend to focus on assault weapons and hig h-capacity magazines, but he said "there's a lot here underneath the surface" addressing mental health and other issues.The proposal was revealed to rank-and-file members after weeks of negotiations among legislative leaders. A vote was expected later this week in the legislature, where Democrats control both chambers, making passage all but assur ed. The bill would then be sent to Gov. Dannel P. Malloy, who has helped lead efforts to strengthen the state's gun laws.Both Democratic and Republican leaders were expected to s upport the proposal. Connecticut is sending a message to Washington and the rest of the country "thisis the way to get this job done," said House Speaker Brendan Sharkey, a Democrat from Hamden.Legislative leaders ha ve been negotiating since early March, reviewing recommendations on guns, mental health care and school security in the wake of the shooting.。



The Progress
• While a majority of the commissions were delivered, it proved impossible for all of them to be delivered before Adams's term as president expired. • On March 4, 1801, Thomas Jefferson was sworn in as President. As soon as he was able, he ordered James Madison ,Secretary of the United States, not to deliver the remaining appointments. Without the commissions, the appointees were unable to assume the offices and duties to which they had been appointed. So, the undelivered commissions were void(无 效的).
It is emphatically the province and duty of the judicial department to say what the law is
The Brief Introduction
The case resulted from a petition to the Supreme Court by William Marbury, who had been appointed by President John Adams as Justice of the Peace in the District of Columbia but whose commission was not subsequently delivered. Marbury petitioned the Supreme Court to force the new Secretary of State James Madison to deliver the documents. 庄园主马伯里由于上届政府的疏忽,而未收到“太平绅士”的 委任状,而继任政府的国务卿麦迪逊拒绝将委任状下发,于是 马伯里直接向当时并无实权的最高法院提起诉讼,要求得到自 己的委任状。
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For his part Megrahi has steadily maintained his innocence. He returned to Libya Thursday to a hero's welcome.
Gray stressed that, while the justice secretary was required to consider the application for compassionate release, he was not bound to grant it. But Secretary MacAskill strongly stood by the course he chose. "It was my decision," said Kenny MacAskill. "I stand by it and live with the consequences." MacAskill underlined that he knew what the families of the victims were going through, but upon weighing all options, he said, allowing Megrahi to return home to Libya was the best solution. "The pain and suffering, as I said, will remain forever," he said. "Some hurt can never heal. Some scars can never fade. Those who have been bereaved cannot be expected to forget, let alone forgive. But, as I said, Mr. al-Megrahi now faces a sentence imposed by a higher power. It is one no court in any jurisdiction, in any land could revoke or overrule. It is terminal, final and irrevocable. He is gong to die." Many close to the case in Britain were disappointed last week when Megrahi dropped his appeal, which would have allowed for a review and examination of the evidence. That could have shed new light on those behind the bombing and what warnings the West may have had that such an attack could be a possibility back in December 1988. MacAskill said if a full independent investigation can at some stage be mounted, he would welcome that, and he pledged Scotland would assist such an effort in any way possible. "There remain concerns to some on the wider issues of the Lockerbie atrocity," said MacAskill. "This is a global issue and international in its nature. The questions to be asked and answered are beyond the jurisdiction of Scots law and the restricted remit of the Scottish government. If a further inquiry were felt to be appropriate, then it should be initiated by those with the required power and authority. The Scottish government would be happy to fully cooperate in such an inquiry."
Gray said a release on compassionate grounds must be tempered with justice, the rights of the victims must always be preserved. "Last week, the Scottish government made a wrong decision in the wrong way with wrong consequences," said Iain Gray.
In this image grab taken from a newscast on Libya's official television, Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi (L) welcomes freed Lockerbie bomber Abdelbaset alMegrahi (R) in Tripoli, 21 Aug 2009
Scottish Justice Minister Defends Bomber's Release
Broadcast date: 8-24-2009 / Written by Tom Rivers
From /voanews/english/ Scotland's Justice Secretary defended his decision to release the convicted Lockerbie bomber before the Scottish parliament Monday. Parliament was recalled early to address the issue, which has strained relations between Scotland and the United States. In an emotional session of the Scottish parliament, frank exchanges were the norm. Parliament reconvened early from its summer recess to consider the implications of the release of the only man convicted of the bombing of Pan Am flight 103 over Lockerbie, Scotland, in 1988. Two hundred seventy people were killed in the attack. Opposition Scottish Labor leader Iain Gray was blunt in his criticism of Justice Secretary Kenny MacAskill, who made the call to allow Abdel Basset al-Megrahi to leave prison and return home to Libya on compassionate grounds because he is terminally ill.