所示的饱和吸收谱,分别对应 Fg=4Fe=3,4 和 Fg=3Fe=3,4。在图中发现,不同的共振
率造成的结果。同理,扫描 852.3nm 的激光器频率得到如图 3.5 所示 Cs 原子 D2 线饱和
吸收谱,a 图和 b 图分别对应 Fg=4Fe=3,4,5 和 Fg=3Fe=2,3,4 跃迁。在图中不仅包含
me q
Fe ,me
Fg ,mg
Fe Fg 1me mg 1
dQme Fe
s Fe ,me 2 (P Q ) Q Fg ,mg q
mg q Fg
me 1
Fe ,me
Fg ,mg
Fg Fg 1,Fg mg me 1
6 s g 3 ( f3 g3 ) g3
45 2
f 3
( f3 g3 ) g1 g2
g 3
45 2
10 s
g 4
( f4
g4 ) g4
f 4
s 2
( f4
21 45 g 2
24 45 g3
10 45 g 4
15 s g 5 ( f5 g5 ) g5
3-2 .16
.12 -800 -700 -600 -500 -400 -300 -200 -100 0
第 2卷 9
之一 。
气体检测方法主要分为传统的化学检测法和新型的光谱检测法两大类。光谱检测法的 本质是物质对
电 波的 收 发 常 吸 光 检测 有: 吸 探 B 、程吸 探 法C激 导 磁 吸 和 射。 用的 收 谱 法 腔内 收 测法 长 收 测 3 光诱 荧光 ) s ) 方 [ 共 强 光 离 法闭 这 方 是 侧 对 作 后 频率 光强 变 法 和 振增 多 子电 方 等, 些 法都 通过 定光 气体 用前 光 或 度的 ] ’
光腔衰荡光谱法在痕量气体检测中的应用光腔衰荡光谱法(Cavity Enhanced Absorption Spectroscopy,CEAS)是一种灵敏度高、分辨率高、实时性好的痕量气体检测技术,已成为气体分析和环境监测领域的研究热点之一。
• 引言 • 激光稳频技术的基本原理 • 激光稳频技术的主要方法 • 激光稳频技术的实验装置与操作流程 • 激光稳频技术的应用实例 • 激光稳频技术的未来定义
激光稳频技术是一种利用各种物理效 应和光学技术,对激光频率进行稳定 和控制的科学技术。
利用原子相干性,通过干涉现象对激光频率进行稳定的方法 。
原子干涉法利用了原子相干性的特点。通过将原子制备成特 定的量子态,可以产生干涉现象。通过监测干涉现象的变化 ,可以调整激光的频率,使其稳定在一个特定的值上。这种 方法具有较高的稳定性和精度。
利用原子能级结构,通过控制激光频率 与原子能级跃迁频率一致,实现激光频 率稳定的方法。
03 激光稳频技术的主要方法
饱和吸收法利用了物质对激光的吸收特性。当激光的功率增加到一定程度时,物质的吸收系数会因为饱和效应而 减小,从而导致透射光的频率移动。通过监测透射光的频率变化,可以调整激光的频率,使其稳定在一个特定的 值上。
光学频率梳是一种能够产生一系列稳 定、等间距的梳状光谱的装置,广泛 应用于光谱分析、频率计量等领域。 激光稳频技术的应用,可以提高光学 频率梳产生的光谱的稳定性,减小频 率漂移,从而提高光谱分辨率和测量 精度。
具体而言,通过采用激光稳频技术, 可以稳定光学频率梳中激光器的频率 ,使其与参考频率保持高度一致。这 样,产生的光谱梳状结构就会更加稳 定,光谱线宽更窄,能够更好地满足 高精度光谱分析和测量的需求。
其变化幅度δp即为鉴别器的误差信号,它的相位与调制信 号电压相同;此光信号被光电接收器变换成相应的电信号, 经过选频放大后送入相敏检波器,与从音频振荡器输入的 频率为f的调制信号进行相位比较得到一个直流电压,此 电压的大小与误差信号成正比,它的正负取决于误差信号 与调制信号的相位关系,此时由于二者同相位,从相敏检 波器输出一负直流电压,继而经过直流放大、调制升压与 整流,馈送到压电陶瓷上,这电压使压电陶瓷环缩短,从 而使腔长伸长,于是激光振荡频率又回到υ0处。
108~109Hz, Δυc约为106~107Hz量级,利用泰勒展
f (x)
f (0)x
f (0) 2!
注意x= Δυc/ Δυm(可认为是小量)
c m
可见激光器的振荡频率是由原子跃迁谱 线及谐振腔的谐振频率共同决定的,二者的 变化均会引起激光频率的不稳定;谱线对振 荡频率的影响由上式中的第二项以频率牵引 效应表示出来,牵引效应的比例系数为:
V=c(Ω ab-ω)/ Ω ab
v 非均匀多普勒展宽跃迁中的烧孔现象,这种跃迁使得激
非均匀加宽介质大信号反转粒子数密度和频率的关系。 1 入射光很弱的小信号情况 2 入射光(频率ν1)很强的大信号情况
中国地质大学(武汉)材化学院课程名称:文件检索班级:031111姓名:刘欢学号:20111000544题目(4):光腔衰荡光谱(CRDS)技术parison of water isotope-ratio determinations using two cavity ring-down instruments and classical mass spectrometry in continuous ice-core analysis作者:Olivia J. Maselli , Diedrich Fritzsche , Lawrence Layman , Joseph R. McConnell , Hanno Meyer作者单位:Desert Research Institute;;Alfred-Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research刊名:Isotopes in Environmental and Health Studies, 2013, Vol.49 (3), pp.387-398来源数据库:Taylor & Francis期刊DOI:10.1080/10256016.2013.781598关键词:cavity ring-down ; hydrogen-2 ; ice-core ; isotope measurements ; methods and equipment ; oxygen-18 ; paleoclimatology ; water ;原始语种摘要:We present a detailed comparison between subsequent versions of commercially available wavelength-scanned cavity ring-down water isotope analysers(L2120-i and L2130-i, Picarro Inc.). The analysers are used in parallel in a continuous mode by adaption of a low-volume flash evaporation module. Application of the analysers to ice-core analysis is assessed by comparison between continuous water isotope measurements of a glacial ice-core from Severnaya Zemlya with discrete isotope-ratio mass spectrometry measurements performed on parallel samples from the same ice-core. The great advances between instrument versions, particularly in the measurement of δ2H, allow the continuous technique to achieve the same high level of accuracy and precision obtained using traditional isotope spectrometry techniques in a fraction of the experiment time. However, when applied to continuous ice-core measurements, increased integration times result in a compromise of the achievable depth resolution of the ice-core records.相似文献:[1] Olga Garmash. Deposition History of Polychlorinated Biphenyls to the Lomonosovfonna Glacier, Svalbard: A 209 Congener Analysis. [J].Environ. Sci. Technol.,2013[2] Ulrich Schimschal. Mathematical model of gamma-ray spectrometry borehole logging for quantitative analysis (Open-file report / United.... [M].,19812.Toward a real-time measurement of atmospheric mercury concentrations using cavity ring-down spectroscopy作者:X. Faïn , H. Moosmüller , D. Obrist刊名:Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussions, 2009, Vol.9 (5), pp.22143来源数据库:DOAJ期刊原始语种摘要:A new sensor based on cavity ring-down spectroscopy (CRDS) has been developed for the measurement of gaseous elemental mercury (Hg0) mass concentration with sub-ng m−3 detection limit and high temporal resolution. Cavity ring-down spectroscopy is a direct absorption technique that utilizes path lengths of up to multiple kilometers in a compact absorption cell and has a significantly higher sensitivity than conventional absorption spectroscopy. Our prototype uses a frequency-doubled, tuneable dye laser emitting pulses at ~253.65 nm with a pulse repetition frequency of 50 Hz. The dye laser incorporates a unique piezo element attached to its tuning grating allowing it to tune the laser on and off the Hg0 absorption line on a pulse to pulse basis to facilitate... differential absorption measurements. Hg0 absorption measurements with this CRDS laboratory prototype are highly linearly related to Hg0 concentrations determined by a Tekran 2537B analyzer over a Hg0 concentration range of four orders of magnitude, from 0.2 ng m−3 to 573 ng m−3 implying excellent linearity of both instruments. The current CRDS instrument has a~sensitivity of 0.10 ng m−3 at 10 s time resolution. This tool opens new prospects for the study of Hg0 because of its high temporal resolution and reduced limited sample volume requirements (<0.5 l of sample air). Future applications may include ambient Hg0 flux measurements with eddy covariance techniques, which require measurements of Hg0 concentrations with sub-ng m−3 sensitivity and sub-second time resolution.相似文献:[1] Paul J B. 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[J].PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OFAMERICA,2004,101(36)[20] Ewbank M D. Frequency shift and cavity length in photorefractiveresonators.. [J].Optics Letters,1985,10(10)3.Real-time monitoring of breath ammonia during haemodialysis: use of ion mobility spectrometry (IMS) and cavity ring-down spectroscopy (CRDS) techniques.作者:Neri Giovanni , Lacquaniti Antonio , Rizzo Giuseppe , Donato Nicola , Latino Mariangela , Buemi Michele作者单位:Correspondence and offprint requests to: Michele Buemi; E-mail:buemim@unime.it.刊名:Nephrology, Dialysis, Transplantation, 2012, Vol.27 (7), pp.2945-52来源数据库:PubMed期刊DOI:10.1093/ndt/gfr738原始语种摘要:Background The diffusion of high-performance analytical technology has opened prospects for breath diagnosis as a non-invasive diagnostic tool. In this study, ion mobility spectrometry (IMS) and cavity ring-down spectroscopy (CRDS) techniques were used to analyse ammonia gas NH3 in real-time in breath from patients undergoing haemodialysis (HD) treatment and any correlation with blood urea nitrogen (BUN) levels and Kt/V were investigated. Methods We studied 20 patients on intermittent HD treatment. The first breath samples were taken before the start of dialysis and further breath samples were taken every hour during the treatment and after the end of the session. An evaluation was also made of 20 healthy volunteers, acting as controls [healthy subjects (HS)]. Results Breath ammonia... concentrations were higher in CRDS-HD (914.5 ±301.4 versus 280 ±120 parts per billion (p.p.b.), P < 0.0001) and IMS-HD patients(964.4 ±402.4 versus 280 ±120 p.p.b., P < 0.0001) than in HS. We assessedreal-time variations in the levels of NH3 and showed a continuous decrease in the levels of NH3. Expired NH3 correlated directly with BUN levels, both in the IMS-HD (P = 0.002; r = 0.84; P = 0.009; r = 0.76) and in the CRDS-HD group (P = 0.005; r = 0.80; P = 0.008; r = 0.77), respectively, both before and at the end of dialysis. A direct correlation with Kt/V was found in both groups studied (IMS-HD: P = 0.003; r = 0.82; CRDS-HD: P = 0.006; r = 0.79). Conclusions Breath monitoring of NH3 with IMS and CRDS techniques could be useful to assess the real-time clinical status of patients during HD. By using pre-dialysis ammonia values, an approximate calculation of the Kt/V(urea) ratio can be established.相似文献:[1] Neri Giovanni. Real-time monitoring of breath ammonia during haemodialysis: use of ion mobility spectrometry (IMS) and cavity ring-down spectroscopy (CRDS) techniques.. [J].Nephrology, Dialysis, Transplantation,2012,27(7)[2] Léonard Céline. The vibrational levels of ammonia.. [J].Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy,2002,58(4)[3] Thompson M. 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[J].The Journal of Nutrition,1984,114(3)4.High-accuracy continuous airborne measurements of greenhouse gases (CO<sub>2</sub> andCH<sub>4</sub>) using the cavity ring-down spectroscopy (CRDS) technique作者:H. Chen , J. Winderlich , C. Gerbig , A. Hoefer , C. W. Rella , E. R.Crosson , A. D. Van Pelt , J. Steinbach , O. Kolle , V. Beck , B. C. Daube , E. W. Gottlieb , V. Y. Chow , G. W. Santoni , S. C. Wofsy刊名:Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 2010, Vol.3 (2), pp.375来源数据库:DOAJ期刊原始语种摘要:High-accuracy continuous measurements of greenhouse gases (CO2 and CH4) during the BARCA (Balanço Atmosférico Regional de Carbono na Amazônia) phase B campaign in Brazil in May 2009 were accomplished using a newly available analyzer based on the cavity ring-down spectroscopy (CRDS) technique. This analyzer was flown without a drying system or any in-flight calibration gases. Water vapor corrections associated with dilution and pressure-broadening effects for CO2 and CH4 were derived from laboratory experiments employing measurements of water vapor by the CRDS analyzer. Before the campaign, the stability of the analyzer was assessed by laboratory tests under simulated flight conditions. During the campaign, a comparison of CO2 measurements between the CRDS analyzer and a nondispersive infrared (NDIR) analyzer on board the same aircraft showed a mean difference of 0.22±0.09 ppm for all flights over the Amazon rain forest. At the end of the campaign, CO2 concentrations of the synthetic calibration gases used by the NDIR analyzer were determined by the CRDS analyzer. After correcting for the isotope and the pressure-broadening effects that resulted from changes of the composition of synthetic vs. ambient air, and applying those concentrations as calibrated values of the calibration gases to reprocess the CO2 measurements made by the NDIR, the mean difference between the CRDS and the NDIR during BARCA was reduced to 0.05±0.09 ppm, with the mean standard deviation of 0.23±0.05 ppm. The results clearly show that the CRDS is sufficiently stable to be used in flight without drying the air or calibrating in flight and the water corrections are fully adequate for high-accuracy continuous airborne measurements of CO2 and CH4.相似文献:[1] Kamahori M. Capillary array electrophoresis analyzer.. [J].Methods in Molecular Biology,2001,163[2] Fernandes B. Performance characteristics of the Sysmex XT-2000i hematology analyzer.. [J].Laboratory Hematology,2003,9(4)[3] Thomas R. 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[J].Analytica Chimica Acta,2003,499(1-2)[20] Simon W Lewis. Monitoring urea levels during haemodialysis with a pulsed-flow chemiluminescence analyser. [J].Analytica Chimica Acta,2002,4615.Accurate measurements of carbon monoxide in humid air using the cavity ring-down spectroscopy (CRDS) technique作者:H. Chen , A. Karion , C. W. Rella , J. Winderlich , C. Gerbig , A. Filges , T. Newberger , C. Sweeney , P. P. Tans作者单位:NOAA Earth System Research Laboratory, Boulder, CO 80305,USA;;Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO, USA;;Picarro, Inc., Santa Clara, CA, USA;;Max Planck Institute for Chemistry, Mainz, Germany;;Max Planck Institute for Biogeochemistry, Jena, Germany刊名:Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 2013, Vol.6 (4), pp.1031-1040来源数据库:Copernicus期刊DOI:10.5194/amt-6-1031-2013原始语种摘要:Accurate measurements of carbon monoxide (CO) in humid air have been madeusing the cavity ring-down spectroscopy (CRDS) technique. The measurementsof CO mole fractions are determined from the strength of its spectralabsorption in thenear-infrared region (~1.57 μm) afterremoving interferences from adjacent carbon dioxide (CO2) and watervapor (H2O) absorption lines. Water correction functions that accountfor the dilution and pressure-broadening effects as well as absorption lineinterferences from adjacent CO2 and H2O lines have been derivedfor CO2 mole fractions between 360–390 ppm and for reported H2Omole fractions between 0–4%. The line interference corrections areindependent of CO mole fractions. The dependence of the... line interferencecorrection on CO2 abundance is estimated to be approximately −0.3 ppb/100 ppmCO2 for dry mole fractions of CO. Comparisons of watercorrection functions from different analyzers of the same type showsignificant differences, making it necessary to perform instrument-specificwater tests for each individual analyzer. The CRDS analyzer was flown on anaircraft in Alaska from April to November in 2011, and the accuracy of theCO measurements by the CRDS analyzer has been validated againstdiscreteNOAA/ESRL flask sample measurements made on board the same aircraft, with amean difference between integrated in situ and flask measurements of−0.6 ppb and a standard deviation of 2.8 ppb. Preliminary testing of CRDSinstrumentation that employs improved spectroscopic model functions forCO2, H2O, and CO to fit the raw spectral data (available since thebeginning of 2012) indicates a smaller water vapor dependence than themodels discussed here, but more work is necessary to fully validate theperformance. The CRDS technique provides an accurate and low-maintenancemethod of monitoring the atmospheric dry mole fractions of CO in humid airstreams.相似文献:[1] Canalis R F. Tetracycline bone labeling: an improved technique using incident fluorescence.. [J].Annals of Otology, Rhinology and Laryngology,1982,91(2 Pt 1)[2] Karl P. A new adhesive technique for microvascular anastomoses: a preliminary report.. [J].British Journal of Plastic Surgery,1981,34(1)[3] Herrmann R. [Fluorophotometry--a sensitive technic for the quantitative measurement of corneal endothelial function].. [J].Fortschritte der Ophthalmologie : Zeitschrift der Deutschen Ophthalmologischen Gesellschaft,1985,82(6)[4] Polyzois G L. [Investment of impressions for model preparation: an alternative technic].. [J].Quintessenz der Zahntechnik,1984,10(3)[5] H. Chen. Accurate measurements of carbon monoxide in humid air using the cavity ring-down spectroscopy (CRDS) technique. [J].Atmospheric Measurement Techniques,2013,6(4)[6] Hu K. [An introduction of solvent-free(SPME) technique].. [J].Se pu = Chinese journal of chromatography / Zhongguo hua xue hui,2003,17(2)[7] Kurtoglu Arzu. Gold analysis by the gamma absorption technique.. [J].Applied Radiation and Isotopes,2002,58(1)[8] Maeda T. [Quasielastic light-scattering technique].. [J].Tanpakushitsu kakusan koso. Protein, nucleic acid, enzyme,1985(28)[9] Liu Zhen-ling. [Solid phase micro-extraction technique and its applications in medical analysis].. [J].Yaoxue Xuebao,2003,38(2)[10] Olofsson Marcus. Flux of organic compounds from grass measured by relaxed eddy accumulation technique.. [J].JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING,2004,5(6) [11] Fürst G. [Significance of computer-based evaluation of radiocardiographic data obtained using the scintillation crystal probe technic].. [J].Radiobiologia - Radiotherapia,1984,25(3)[12] Oster O. A methodological comparison of hydride and carbon furnace atomic absorption spectroscopy for the determination of selenium in serum.. [J].Clinica Chimica Acta,1982,124(3)[13] Hoogboom Johan. Novel alignment technique for LCD-biosensors.. [J].Chemical Communications,2003(23)[14] Shimura K. [Affinophoresis, a new technique which combines bioaffinity and electrophoresis].. [J].Tanpakushitsu kakusan koso. Protein, nucleic acid,enzyme,1985,30(12)[15] Zimmermann W. [Completely balanced occlusion in crown and bridgetechnic--arguments against].. [J].Quintessenz der Zahntechnik,1982,8(5)[16] Seki Hiroko. Application of difference NOE-pumping NMR technique and cold-spray ionization mass spectrometry to identify a ligand binding with a proteinreceptor.. [J].Analytical Sciences (Print),2004,20(10)[17] Cowan R D. Amalgam repair--a clinical technique.. [J].Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry,1983,49(1)[18] Gaj F. [Identification of internal fistolous orifice: evolution of methylene blue technique with a mini-probe].. [J].La Clinica Terapeutica,2012,163(2)[19] Wakumoto S. [Filling technics using dental amalgam].. [J].Shikai Tenbo,1983,62(1)[20] Rusak D A. DC arc vaporization as a sample introduction technique for analysis of solids by ICP-OES.. [J].Talanta,2008,44(11)6.Cavity ring-down spectroscopy of the oxygen B-band with absolute frequency reference to the optical frequency comb.作者:Domysławska J , Wójtewicz S , Lisak D , Cygan A , Ozimek F , StecK , Radzewicz Cz , Trawiński R S , Ciuryło R作者单位:Instytut Fizyki, Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika, ul. Grudziadzka 5/7, 87-100 Toruń, Poland. jolka@fizyka.umk.pl刊名:The Journal of Chemical Physics, 2012, Vol.136 (2), pp.024201来源数据库:PubMed期刊DOI:10.1063/1.3675903原始语种摘要:Absolute positions of several oxygen B-band lines were measured with the Pound-Drever-Hall-locked frequency-stabilized cavity ring-down spectrometer. Thefrequency axis of spectra was linked to the optical frequency comb. Achieved uncertainties of line positions are between 0.9 and 2.9 MHz. Self-pressure shifts coefficients are also reported.翻译:绝对位置的几个测量氧气拾音系统行英镑Drever大厅锁频率稳定腔衰荡光谱。
中国地质大学(武汉)材化学院课程名称:文件检索班级:031111姓名:刘欢学号:20111000544题目(4):光腔衰荡光谱(CRDS)技术parison of water isotope-ratio determinations using two cavity ring-down instruments and classical mass spectrometry in continuous ice-core analysis作者:Olivia J. Maselli , Diedrich Fritzsche , Lawrence Layman , Joseph R. McConnell , Hanno Meyer作者单位:Desert Research Institute;;Alfred-Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research刊名:Isotopes in Environmental and Health Studies, 2013, Vol.49 (3), pp.387-398来源数据库:Taylor & Francis期刊DOI:10.1080/10256016.2013.781598关键词:cavity ring-down ; hydrogen-2 ; ice-core ; isotope measurements ; methods and equipment ; oxygen-18 ; paleoclimatology ; water ;原始语种摘要:We present a detailed comparison between subsequent versions of commercially available wavelength-scanned cavity ring-down water isotope analysers(L2120-i and L2130-i, Picarro Inc.). The analysers are used in parallel in a continuous mode by adaption of a low-volume flash evaporation module. Application of the analysers to ice-core analysis is assessed by comparison between continuous water isotope measurements of a glacial ice-core from Severnaya Zemlya with discrete isotope-ratio mass spectrometry measurements performed on parallel samples from the same ice-core. The great advances between instrument versions, particularly in the measurement of δ2H, allow the continuous technique to achieve the same high level of accuracy and precision obtained using traditional isotope spectrometry techniques in a fraction of the experiment time. However, when applied to continuous ice-core measurements, increased integration times result in a compromise of the achievable depth resolution of the ice-core records.相似文献:[1] Olga Garmash. Deposition History of Polychlorinated Biphenyls to the Lomonosovfonna Glacier, Svalbard: A 209 Congener Analysis. [J].Environ. Sci. Technol.,2013[2] Ulrich Schimschal. Mathematical model of gamma-ray spectrometry borehole logging for quantitative analysis (Open-file report / United.... [M].,19812.Toward a real-time measurement of atmospheric mercury concentrations using cavity ring-down spectroscopy作者:X. Faïn , H. Moosmüller , D. Obrist刊名:Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussions, 2009, Vol.9 (5), pp.22143来源数据库:DOAJ期刊原始语种摘要:A new sensor based on cavity ring-down spectroscopy (CRDS) has been developed for the measurement of gaseous elemental mercury (Hg0) mass concentration with sub-ng m−3 detection limit and high temporal resolution. Cavity ring-down spectroscopy is a direct absorption technique that utilizes path lengths of up to multiple kilometers in a compact absorption cell and has a significantly higher sensitivity than conventional absorption spectroscopy. Our prototype uses a frequency-doubled, tuneable dye laser emitting pulses at ~253.65 nm with a pulse repetition frequency of 50 Hz. The dye laser incorporates a unique piezo element attached to its tuning grating allowing it to tune the laser on and off the Hg0 absorption line on a pulse to pulse basis to facilitate... differential absorption measurements. Hg0 absorption measurements with this CRDS laboratory prototype are highly linearly related to Hg0 concentrations determined by a Tekran 2537B analyzer over a Hg0 concentration range of four orders of magnitude, from 0.2 ng m−3 to 573 ng m−3 implying excellent linearity of both instruments. The current CRDS instrument has a~sensitivity of 0.10 ng m−3 at 10 s time resolution. This tool opens new prospects for the study of Hg0 because of its high temporal resolution and reduced limited sample volume requirements (<0.5 l of sample air). Future applications may include ambient Hg0 flux measurements with eddy covariance techniques, which require measurements of Hg0 concentrations with sub-ng m−3 sensitivity and sub-second time resolution.相似文献:[1] Paul J B. Ultrasensitive absorption spectroscopy with a high-finesse optical cavity and off-axis alignment.. [J].Applied Optics,2008,40(27)[2] Zingg W. Insulin absorption from the peritoneal cavity.. [J].Life support systems : the journal of the European Society for Artificial Organs,1985,3(4)[3] Synovets A S. [Effect of proteolytic enzymes and their inhibitors on absorption from the abdominal cavity].. [J].Fiziologicheski? zhurnal,1980,26(5)[4] Gherman Titus. Modelocked cavity--enhanced absorption spectroscopy.. [J].Optics Express,2002,10(19)[5] Morville Jérĵme. Effects of laser phase noise on the injection of a high-finesse cavity.. [J].Applied Optics,2002,41(33)[6] Williams Skip. Quantitative detection of singlet O2 by cavity-enhanced absorption.. [J].Optics Letters,2004,29(10)[7] Spuler Scott. Numerical analysis of beam propagation in pulsed cavity ring-down spectroscopy.. [J].Applied Optics,2002,41(15)[8] Zhao Hui. [Off-axis cavity enhanced absorption spectroscopy detection techniques for the measurement of carbon dioxide].. [J].Guang Pu Xue Yu Guang Pu FenXi/Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis,2012,32(1)[9] Garro Barrio J. [Causes of fractures in amalgam cavity restorations and their prevention].. [J].Revista de actualidad estomatológica espa?ola / Ilustre Consejo General de Colegios de Odontólogos y Estomatólogos de Espa?a,1984,44(335)[10] Douvitsas G P. [New aspects in cavity preparation for amalgamrestorations].. [J].Stomatologia,1983,40(4)[11] Thomas A E. Evaluation of principles of cavity preparation design.. [J].The Alabama journal of medical sciences,1983,20(4)[12] Eames W B. The effects of trichloroacetic acid on the hard and soft tissues of the oral cavity.. [J].Journal of the Georgia Dental Association,1973,47(2)[13] Wang T. Experimental observation of photon echoes and power-efficiency analysis ina cavity environment.. [J].Optics letters,2007,23(22)[14] Zippilli Stefano. Suppression of Bragg scattering by collective interference of spatially ordered atoms with a high-Q cavity mode.. [J].Physical Review Letters,2004,93(12) [15] Geremia J M. Inverse-problem approach to designing photonic crystals for cavity QED experiments.. [J].Physical Review E (Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics),2003,66(6 Pt 2)[16] Arrowsmith P. Short-cavity hydrogen-halide laser.. [J].Applied Optics,1983,22(17)[17] Tan H H. [Opinion of patients on cavity preparation by extended duty dental hygienists].. [J].Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Tandheelkunde,1981,88(2)[18] Shimamura Tatsuro. Crystal structure of the native chaperonin complex from Thermus thermophilus revealed unexpected asymmetry at thecis-cavity.. [J].Structure,2004,12(8)[19] Jewett A I. Accelerated folding in the weak hydrophobic environment of a chaperonin cavity: creation of an alternate fast folding pathway.. [J].PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OFAMERICA,2004,101(36)[20] Ewbank M D. Frequency shift and cavity length in photorefractiveresonators.. [J].Optics Letters,1985,10(10)3.Real-time monitoring of breath ammonia during haemodialysis: use of ion mobility spectrometry (IMS) and cavity ring-down spectroscopy (CRDS) techniques.作者:Neri Giovanni , Lacquaniti Antonio , Rizzo Giuseppe , Donato Nicola , Latino Mariangela , Buemi Michele作者单位:Correspondence and offprint requests to: Michele Buemi; E-mail:buemim@unime.it.刊名:Nephrology, Dialysis, Transplantation, 2012, Vol.27 (7), pp.2945-52来源数据库:PubMed期刊DOI:10.1093/ndt/gfr738原始语种摘要:Background The diffusion of high-performance analytical technology has opened prospects for breath diagnosis as a non-invasive diagnostic tool. In this study, ion mobility spectrometry (IMS) and cavity ring-down spectroscopy (CRDS) techniques were used to analyse ammonia gas NH3 in real-time in breath from patients undergoing haemodialysis (HD) treatment and any correlation with blood urea nitrogen (BUN) levels and Kt/V were investigated. Methods We studied 20 patients on intermittent HD treatment. The first breath samples were taken before the start of dialysis and further breath samples were taken every hour during the treatment and after the end of the session. An evaluation was also made of 20 healthy volunteers, acting as controls [healthy subjects (HS)]. Results Breath ammonia... concentrations were higher in CRDS-HD (914.5 ±301.4 versus 280 ±120 parts per billion (p.p.b.), P < 0.0001) and IMS-HD patients(964.4 ±402.4 versus 280 ±120 p.p.b., P < 0.0001) than in HS. We assessedreal-time variations in the levels of NH3 and showed a continuous decrease in the levels of NH3. Expired NH3 correlated directly with BUN levels, both in the IMS-HD (P = 0.002; r = 0.84; P = 0.009; r = 0.76) and in the CRDS-HD group (P = 0.005; r = 0.80; P = 0.008; r = 0.77), respectively, both before and at the end of dialysis. A direct correlation with Kt/V was found in both groups studied (IMS-HD: P = 0.003; r = 0.82; CRDS-HD: P = 0.006; r = 0.79). Conclusions Breath monitoring of NH3 with IMS and CRDS techniques could be useful to assess the real-time clinical status of patients during HD. By using pre-dialysis ammonia values, an approximate calculation of the Kt/V(urea) ratio can be established.相似文献:[1] Neri Giovanni. Real-time monitoring of breath ammonia during haemodialysis: use of ion mobility spectrometry (IMS) and cavity ring-down spectroscopy (CRDS) techniques.. [J].Nephrology, Dialysis, Transplantation,2012,27(7)[2] Léonard Céline. The vibrational levels of ammonia.. [J].Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy,2002,58(4)[3] Thompson M. 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[J].PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OFAMERICA,2003,100(13)[9] Bozoki Zoltan. Near-infrared diode laser based spectroscopic detection of ammonia: a comparative study of photoacoustic and direct optical absorption methods.. [J].Applied Spectroscopy,2002,56(6)[10] Rudling J. Development and evaluation of field methods for ammonia inair.. [J].Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment & Health,1984,10(3)[11] Rodger M R. Enzymic fluorometric assay of plasma ammonia with a centrifugal analyzer.. [J].Clinical Chemistry (Washington, DC),1984,30(10)[12] Svensson G. Rapid determination of ammonia in whole blood and plasma using flow injection analysis.. [J].Clinica Chimica Acta,1982,119(1-2)[13] Danielson N D. Fluorometric determination of hydrazine and ammonia separately or in mixtures.. [J].Talanta,1982,29(5)[14] Nikolelis D P. Potentiometric determination of certain alpha-aminohydroxy compounds by using an ammonia gas-sensing electrode.. 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[J].The Journal of Nutrition,1984,114(3)4.High-accuracy continuous airborne measurements of greenhouse gases (CO<sub>2</sub> andCH<sub>4</sub>) using the cavity ring-down spectroscopy (CRDS) technique作者:H. Chen , J. Winderlich , C. Gerbig , A. Hoefer , C. W. Rella , E. R.Crosson , A. D. Van Pelt , J. Steinbach , O. Kolle , V. Beck , B. C. Daube , E. W. Gottlieb , V. Y. Chow , G. W. Santoni , S. C. Wofsy刊名:Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 2010, Vol.3 (2), pp.375来源数据库:DOAJ期刊原始语种摘要:High-accuracy continuous measurements of greenhouse gases (CO2 and CH4) during the BARCA (Balanço Atmosférico Regional de Carbono na Amazônia) phase B campaign in Brazil in May 2009 were accomplished using a newly available analyzer based on the cavity ring-down spectroscopy (CRDS) technique. This analyzer was flown without a drying system or any in-flight calibration gases. Water vapor corrections associated with dilution and pressure-broadening effects for CO2 and CH4 were derived from laboratory experiments employing measurements of water vapor by the CRDS analyzer. Before the campaign, the stability of the analyzer was assessed by laboratory tests under simulated flight conditions. During the campaign, a comparison of CO2 measurements between the CRDS analyzer and a nondispersive infrared (NDIR) analyzer on board the same aircraft showed a mean difference of 0.22±0.09 ppm for all flights over the Amazon rain forest. At the end of the campaign, CO2 concentrations of the synthetic calibration gases used by the NDIR analyzer were determined by the CRDS analyzer. After correcting for the isotope and the pressure-broadening effects that resulted from changes of the composition of synthetic vs. ambient air, and applying those concentrations as calibrated values of the calibration gases to reprocess the CO2 measurements made by the NDIR, the mean difference between the CRDS and the NDIR during BARCA was reduced to 0.05±0.09 ppm, with the mean standard deviation of 0.23±0.05 ppm. The results clearly show that the CRDS is sufficiently stable to be used in flight without drying the air or calibrating in flight and the water corrections are fully adequate for high-accuracy continuous airborne measurements of CO2 and CH4.相似文献:[1] Kamahori M. Capillary array electrophoresis analyzer.. [J].Methods in Molecular Biology,2001,163[2] Fernandes B. Performance characteristics of the Sysmex XT-2000i hematology analyzer.. [J].Laboratory Hematology,2003,9(4)[3] Thomas R. 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Interdisciplinary Physics and Related Areas of Science and Technology - Theory of purging of mutireflection sample cell of an infrared gas analyser. [J].Indian journal of pure & applied physics.,2000,38(5)[14] C -S Lee. The Influence of Polymer Molecular Weight on DeveloperStability. [J].Journal of imaging science.,1995,39(5)[15] Kouchi H. [Determination of 13C abundance in trace amounts of plant metabolites by the infrared 13CO2 analyzer].. [J].Radioisotopes,1985,34(6)[16] C Chow. Development of an on-line electrochemical analyser for trace level aluminium. [J].Analytica Chimica Acta,2003[17] C W Chow. Development of an on-line electrochemical analyser for trace level aluminium. [J].ANALYTICA CHIMICA ACTA,2003,499(1-2)[18] Christopher W K Chow. Development of an on-line electrochemical analyser for trace level aluminium. [J].Analytica chimica acta.,2003,499(1)[19] Christopher W K Chow. Development of an on-line electrochemical analyser for trace level aluminium. [J].Analytica Chimica Acta,2003,499(1-2)[20] Simon W Lewis. Monitoring urea levels during haemodialysis with a pulsed-flow chemiluminescence analyser. [J].Analytica Chimica Acta,2002,4615.Accurate measurements of carbon monoxide in humid air using the cavity ring-down spectroscopy (CRDS) technique作者:H. Chen , A. Karion , C. W. Rella , J. Winderlich , C. Gerbig , A. Filges , T. Newberger , C. Sweeney , P. P. Tans作者单位:NOAA Earth System Research Laboratory, Boulder, CO 80305,USA;;Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO, USA;;Picarro, Inc., Santa Clara, CA, USA;;Max Planck Institute for Chemistry, Mainz, Germany;;Max Planck Institute for Biogeochemistry, Jena, Germany刊名:Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 2013, Vol.6 (4), pp.1031-1040来源数据库:Copernicus期刊DOI:10.5194/amt-6-1031-2013原始语种摘要:Accurate measurements of carbon monoxide (CO) in humid air have been madeusing the cavity ring-down spectroscopy (CRDS) technique. The measurementsof CO mole fractions are determined from the strength of its spectralabsorption in thenear-infrared region (~1.57 μm) afterremoving interferences from adjacent carbon dioxide (CO2) and watervapor (H2O) absorption lines. Water correction functions that accountfor the dilution and pressure-broadening effects as well as absorption lineinterferences from adjacent CO2 and H2O lines have been derivedfor CO2 mole fractions between 360–390 ppm and for reported H2Omole fractions between 0–4%. The line interference corrections areindependent of CO mole fractions. The dependence of the... line interferencecorrection on CO2 abundance is estimated to be approximately −0.3 ppb/100 ppmCO2 for dry mole fractions of CO. Comparisons of watercorrection functions from different analyzers of the same type showsignificant differences, making it necessary to perform instrument-specificwater tests for each individual analyzer. The CRDS analyzer was flown on anaircraft in Alaska from April to November in 2011, and the accuracy of theCO measurements by the CRDS analyzer has been validated againstdiscreteNOAA/ESRL flask sample measurements made on board the same aircraft, with amean difference between integrated in situ and flask measurements of−0.6 ppb and a standard deviation of 2.8 ppb. Preliminary testing of CRDSinstrumentation that employs improved spectroscopic model functions forCO2, H2O, and CO to fit the raw spectral data (available since thebeginning of 2012) indicates a smaller water vapor dependence than themodels discussed here, but more work is necessary to fully validate theperformance. The CRDS technique provides an accurate and low-maintenancemethod of monitoring the atmospheric dry mole fractions of CO in humid airstreams.相似文献:[1] Canalis R F. Tetracycline bone labeling: an improved technique using incident fluorescence.. [J].Annals of Otology, Rhinology and Laryngology,1982,91(2 Pt 1)[2] Karl P. A new adhesive technique for microvascular anastomoses: a preliminary report.. [J].British Journal of Plastic Surgery,1981,34(1)[3] Herrmann R. [Fluorophotometry--a sensitive technic for the quantitative measurement of corneal endothelial function].. [J].Fortschritte der Ophthalmologie : Zeitschrift der Deutschen Ophthalmologischen Gesellschaft,1985,82(6)[4] Polyzois G L. [Investment of impressions for model preparation: an alternative technic].. [J].Quintessenz der Zahntechnik,1984,10(3)[5] H. Chen. Accurate measurements of carbon monoxide in humid air using the cavity ring-down spectroscopy (CRDS) technique. [J].Atmospheric Measurement Techniques,2013,6(4)[6] Hu K. [An introduction of solvent-free(SPME) technique].. [J].Se pu = Chinese journal of chromatography / Zhongguo hua xue hui,2003,17(2)[7] Kurtoglu Arzu. Gold analysis by the gamma absorption technique.. [J].Applied Radiation and Isotopes,2002,58(1)[8] Maeda T. [Quasielastic light-scattering technique].. [J].Tanpakushitsu kakusan koso. Protein, nucleic acid, enzyme,1985(28)[9] Liu Zhen-ling. [Solid phase micro-extraction technique and its applications in medical analysis].. [J].Yaoxue Xuebao,2003,38(2)[10] Olofsson Marcus. Flux of organic compounds from grass measured by relaxed eddy accumulation technique.. [J].JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING,2004,5(6) [11] Fürst G. [Significance of computer-based evaluation of radiocardiographic data obtained using the scintillation crystal probe technic].. [J].Radiobiologia - Radiotherapia,1984,25(3)[12] Oster O. A methodological comparison of hydride and carbon furnace atomic absorption spectroscopy for the determination of selenium in serum.. [J].Clinica Chimica Acta,1982,124(3)[13] Hoogboom Johan. Novel alignment technique for LCD-biosensors.. [J].Chemical Communications,2003(23)[14] Shimura K. 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[J].Talanta,2008,44(11)6.Cavity ring-down spectroscopy of the oxygen B-band with absolute frequency reference to the optical frequency comb.作者:Domysławska J , Wójtewicz S , Lisak D , Cygan A , Ozimek F , StecK , Radzewicz Cz , Trawiński R S , Ciuryło R作者单位:Instytut Fizyki, Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika, ul. Grudziadzka 5/7, 87-100 Toruń, Poland. jolka@fizyka.umk.pl刊名:The Journal of Chemical Physics, 2012, Vol.136 (2), pp.024201来源数据库:PubMed期刊DOI:10.1063/1.3675903原始语种摘要:Absolute positions of several oxygen B-band lines were measured with the Pound-Drever-Hall-locked frequency-stabilized cavity ring-down spectrometer. Thefrequency axis of spectra was linked to the optical frequency comb. Achieved uncertainties of line positions are between 0.9 and 2.9 MHz. Self-pressure shifts coefficients are also reported.翻译:绝对位置的几个测量氧气拾音系统行英镑Drever大厅锁频率稳定腔衰荡光谱。
采用连续激光腔衰荡光谱技术,通过测量O<sub>2</sub>分子三重禁戒跃迁b<sup>1</sup>∑<sub>g</sub><sup>+</sup>X<sup>3</sup>∑<sub>g</sub><sup>-</sup>(3,0)带<sup>R</sup>Q(5)谱线(波数17266.090 cm<sup>-1</sup>处),极限真空及不同气压下的衰荡时间,利用逼近法得到空腔寿命为2.9174 ms,由此拟合获得其绝对吸收截面为1.4998(±0.0967)×10<sup>-26</sup>cm<sup>2</sup>,与早先的文献估计值一致。
此外,基于光外差检测的腔衰荡光谱技术,避免了对衰荡时间的直接测量,同时消除了腔镜损耗的共模直流信号的测量,理论上其测量灵敏度可以达到量子噪声极限[Ye J and John L H, 2000 Phys. Rev. A. 61, 061802]。
光腔衰荡光谱技术光腔衰荡光谱技术(Cavity Ring-Down Spectroscopy, CRDS)是一种高灵敏度、高分辨率的光学分析方法,可用于对气体、液体和固体样品进行非破坏性分析。
第28卷第4期 2008年12月物 理 学 进 展PRO GRESS IN P H YSICS Vol.28No.4 Dec.2008 文章编号:100020542(2008)0420401209收稿日期:2008208228基金项目:国家自然科学基金(10674075,60577018,10774077)、国家863计划项目(2006AA01Z217)、天津市自然科学基金重点项目(06YFJ Z J C00300)、中国博士后科学基金(20060400687)资助。
Email :dreamfly816@ ;zhangwg @光纤腔衰荡光谱技术及其最新进展刘亚萍,张伟刚,姜 萌,张 绮,刘 波,王 志,刘艳格(光电信息技术教育部重点实验室,南开大学现代光学研究所,天津300071)摘要: 阐述了腔衰荡光谱技术的基本原理及应用;从结构设计的角度考虑,归纳出光纤衰荡腔的三种基本结构,并对光纤腔衰荡光谱技术及其最新进展进行了评述;报道了我们采用脉冲光纤环衰荡光谱技术进行液体检测取得的最新进展;在总结光纤腔衰荡光谱技术优点的基础上,展望了其发展前景。
关键词:腔衰荡光谱;光纤腔衰荡光谱;光纤环;吸收光谱检测中图分类号:O65713 文献标识码:A0 引言腔衰荡光谱(CRDS :cavity ring 2down spect ros 2copy )技术是近20年发展起来的一种新型吸收光谱检测技术,具有极高的灵敏度和分辨率,且不受光源光强波动的影响,适用于微弱吸收光谱的测量,因而得到了广泛的关注和研究。
最初,CRDS 建立在两个高反射镜形成的光学谐振腔之上,通过测量谐振腔内的光强衰减速率来获得腔内的损耗信息。
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利用Rb原子795nm吸收线,S(3)跃迁线的绝对频率被测定到1.6 MHz精度(4ppb),为迄今所得到的最精确的H<sub>2</sub>跃迁。