

台湾大学入学考试中心103 学年度学科能力测验试题

台湾大学入学考试中心103 学年度学科能力测验试题

台湾大学入学考试中心103 学年度学科能力测验试题(B)中年人处世多权衡利害轻重,常不愿说出与众不同之论(C)说话者地位越高、年龄越长,越能得到听众喜爱与信任(D)「说者无意,听者有心」的差距,形成「人生一大悲剧」10-11为题组阅读下文,回答10-11题。

















大學入學考試中心108學年度指定科目考試試題國文考科第 1 頁108年指考共 11 頁國文考科一、單選題(占68分)1. 下列文句,完全沒有錯別字的是:(A)小魚莧菜重在食材新鮮,湯頭甘醇,不需以勾欠增加濃綢度(B)衣著服飾首重剪裁合宜,適當得體,切莫奇裝異服譁眾取寵(C)外出之前務必仔細檢查,小心門戶,儘量避免霄小趁虛而入(D)連日豪雨導致土石鬆動,道路攤方,造成雙向交通嚴重堵塞2. 下列文句畫底線處的詞語,運用最適當的是:(A)大自然巧奪天工,將太魯閣峽谷雕刻得渾然天成(B)他生性樂觀且豁然開朗,所到之處無不笑聲洋溢(C)都市更新期間,車站附近街道肩摩轂擊,十分蕭條(D)曾幾何時,民眾排隊搶購的熱門商品已成明日黃花3. 閱讀下文,選出依序最適合填入□內的選項:甲、我母親和我姑姑一同出洋去,上船的那天她伏在竹床上痛哭,綠衣綠裙上面釘有□□發光的小片子。




(鍾文音〈我的天可汗〉)(A)抽搐/綢繆未雨/進貢(B)抽搐/煮繭抽絲/奏疏(C)張揚/煮繭抽絲/進貢(D)張揚/綢繆未雨/奏疏4. 下列是一段現代散文,依據文意,甲、乙、丙、丁、戊排列順序最適當的是:愈是靈心善感的詩人,愈是技巧高妙的詩人,甲、悉聽自然乙、不必勉強押韻丙、形式上有韻與否丁、也愈能引發讀者的共鳴戊、他的作品節奏愈自然但也不必故意避免用韻。

(琦君〈不薄今人愛古人—我讀新詩〉)(A)甲丙乙戊丁(B)乙戊丙甲丁(C)丁乙丙甲戊(D)戊丁丙甲乙5. 下列各組文句,前後意義最相近的是:(A)聖人欲上民,必以言下之;欲先民,必以身後之/先之,勞之(B)不以一己之利為利,而使天下受其利;不以一己之害為害,而使天下釋其害/民之所好好之,民之所惡惡之(C)無冥冥之志者,無昭昭之明;無惛惛之事者,無赫赫之功/多聞闕疑,慎言其餘,則寡尤;多見闕殆,慎行其餘,則寡悔(D)拔人之城而非攻也,毀人之國而非久也,必以全爭於天下,故兵不頓,而利可全/殺十人十重不義,必有十死罪矣;殺百人百重不義,必有百死罪矣- 1 -108年指考第 2 頁國文考科共11 頁6. 依據下文,最能概括文章內容的標題是:法蘭克福是大多數外國旅客到德國的第一站,除了巨大繁忙的法蘭克福國際機場外,這裡也是德國的鐵、公路交通樞紐,以及歐陸的金融中心,更因是歐洲中央銀行的所在地,在世界經濟上的地位可謂舉足輕重。



水 的 燒 杯,倒 入 咖 啡 豆 後,緩 緩 加 熱、浸 泡 咖 啡 豆 一 段 時 間,待 冷 卻 後 再 將 乙 酸
乙 酯 加 入 燒 杯 中。若 欲 萃 取 此 混 合 物 中 的 咖 啡 因,則 下 列 哪 一 玻 璃 器 材 最 適 合 ?
(已知咖 啡因的 熔點 為 235-238℃)。
(D)乙炔= 乙烷> 乙醇 >乙酸> 甲醚
(E)甲醚=乙 醇>乙 酸 >乙烷> 乙炔
15. 下列有關元素與週期表的敘述,何者正確 ? (A) 兩 個 水 分 子 1H 17O 1H 與 1H 16 O 2 H , 所 含 有 中 子 數 的 總 和 相 同 (B) Na、Mg、Al 三 種 金屬元素 中, Al 的原 子半徑最 大 (C)室溫時 ,VIIA 族 (或第 17 族) 元素 皆是氣體 (D)週期表 左下方 元素 ,較不易 失去電 子 (E)鈹(Be)為類 金屬 元素
異常。有關聖嬰現象發生時所伴隨的大氣與海洋變化或 影響,下列 敘述何者錯誤 ?
(A)赤道東 風減弱
(B)赤道東 太平洋 地區 海溫上升
(C)南美洲 西岸湧 升流 增強
(D)赤道西 太平洋 地區 海水高度 降低
(E)赤道西太 平洋地 區 降雨量減 少
3. 恆 星 的 表 面 溫 度 與 呈 現 的 星 光 顏 色 有 關,當 我 們 觀 賞 夜 空 中 閃 爍 的 恆 星,可 看 出
9. 細 菌 和 人 體 細 胞 的 構 造,有 共 通 性 也 有 歧 異 性,下 列 有 關 兩 者 的 比 較 何 者 正 確 ? (A)兩者的 細胞核 中都 有粒線體 (B)兩者的 細胞內 都有 高基氏體 (C)兩者的 細胞質 中都 有核糖體 (D)細菌沒 有細胞 膜, 但有細胞 壁與外 界區 隔 (E)人體細胞 沒有細 胞 壁,內部 的次構 造皆 用膜包圍

台湾省大学入学考试英语试题 学年度学科能力测验试题英语考科 含答案

台湾省大学入学考试英语试题 学年度学科能力测验试题英语考科 含答案

大学入学考试中心107学年度学科能力测验试题英文考科第壹部分:单选题(占72分)一、词汇题(占15分)1. Mangoes are a _____ fruit here in Taiwan; most of them reach their peak of sweetness in July.(A) mature (B) usual (C) seasonal (D) particular2. Writing term papers and giving oral reports are typical course _____ for college students.(A) requirements (B) techniques (C) situations (D) principles3. If we work hard to _____ our dreams when we are young, we will not feel that we missed out onsomething when we get old.(A) distribute (B) fulfill (C) convince (D) monitor4. Few people will trust you if you continue making _____ promises and never make efforts to keep them.(A) chilly (B) liberal (C) hollow (D) definite5. Becky _____ her ankle while she was playing tennis last week. Now it still hurts badly.(A) slipped (B) dumped (C) twisted (D) recovered6. Research shows that men and women usually think differently. For example, they have quite different_____ about what marriage means in their life.(A) decisions (B) beliefs (C) styles (D) degrees7. The new manager is very _____. For instance, the employees are given much shorter deadlines for thesame tasks than before.(A) persuasive (B) tolerable (C) suspicious (D) demanding8. While the couple were looking _____ for their missing children, the kids were actually having fun inthe woods nearby.(A) anxiously (B) precisely (C) evidently (D) distinctly9. After delivering a very powerful speech, the award winner was _____ by a group of fans asking for hersignature.(A) deposited (B) reserved (C) vanished (D) surrounded10. The interviewees were trying very hard to _____ the interviewers that they were very capable andshould be given the job.(A) credit (B) impress (C) relieve (D) acquire11. After the first snow of the year, the entire grassland disappeared under a _____ of snow.(A) flake (B) blossom (C) blanket (D) flash12. Peter likes books with wide _____, which provide him with enough space to write notes.(A) angles (B) margins (C) exceptions (D) limitations13. At the beginning of the semester, the teacher told the students that late assignments would receive a lowgrade as a _____.(A) hardship (B) comment (C) bargain (D) penalty14. Various studies have been _____ in this hospital to explore the link between a high-fat diet and cancer.(A) conducted (B) confirmed (C) implied (D) improved15. Intense, fast-moving fires raged across much of California last week. The _____ firestorm has claimedthe lives of thirty people.(A) efficient (B) reliable (C) massive (D) adequate二、综合测验(占15分)第16至20题为题组It has long been assumed that creativity is some unusual trait enjoyed by the few. However, according to a wide array of scientific and sociological research, creativity is 16 a sign of rare genius than a natural human potential. Thus, it can be nurtured and encouraged.It is believed that taking breaks from a problem can help 17 a moment of insight or stimulate new ideas. Unconventional solutions can also be explored. That is why some of the most successful companies in the world, such as 3M and Google, encourage their employees to 18 all sorts of relaxing activities, such as playing pinball and wandering about the campus. During such breaks, the mind turns inward, 19 it can subconsciously puzzle over subtle meanings and connections.Another way to increase creativity is to take risks. This is because many breakthroughs come up when people venture 20 their usual routines or areas of expertise. This can be done by, for example, learning new skills or traveling to new countries.16. (A) more (B) less (C) better (D) worse17. (A) spark (B) carve (C) drill (D) grind18. (A) refer to (B) answer for (C) take part in (D) put up with19. (A) if (B) but (C) where (D) which20. (A) into (B) without (C) under (D) beyond第21至25题为题组Hair usually gets greasy when it has not been washed because it soaks up oil—hence the need for shampoo! 21 this oil-absorbing feature might not always be so great for our hygiene, it can be great for the environment.Matter of Trust, a nonprofit organization, has an innovative solution for removing the large-scale oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico in 2010, using the ultimate renewableunlimited supply. Since its founding in 1998, Matter of Trust has collected donations of human hair and animal fur to 23 the thousands of oil spills that happen each year. The hair and fur are made into mats and brooms and sent to 24 waters to absorb the oil.Across the United States each day, 300,000 pounds of hair and fur are cut. Matter of Trust is helping organize the collection of this 25 hair and fur through thousands of salons, pet groomers, and ranchers.Individuals can also speak to local hair stylists and pet groomers about sending in leftover hair and fur.21. (A) For (B) While (C) In case (D) As long as22. (A) equipment (B) ingredient (C) product (D) resource23. (A) get away with (B) clean up after (C) run out of (D) look down upon24. (A) pollute (B) polluting (C) polluted (D) pollution25. (A) unneeded (B) overthrown (C) excluded (D) disconnected第26至30题为题组You must have had this kind of experience: While in the middle of a normal dream, you suddenly realize that you are dreaming. This kind of dream is called a “lucid dream.”The term “lucid” means clear; lucid dreamers know that they are dreaming and 26 they are dreaming of. It is different from daydreaming. When a person is having a lucid dream, the person’s body is 27 ; when a person daydreams, his/her body is awake. Thus, daydreams are really just waking thoughts. In lucid dreams, however, we are completely immersed in the dream world.Yet, lucid dreaming is 28 just having a clear dream. It is your chance to play around with the extraordinary abilities buried in unused parts of your brain. 29 , it is a way for you to put the deepest areas of your brain to good use while you’re sleeping. You can be an everyday Jane Doe or John Smith while awake but a superhero while sleeping, 30 who you are in real life. All the obstacles of reality can be set aside and you are able to accomplish tasks that you could never manage in waking reality.26. (A) what (B) why (C) when (D) which27. (A) apart (B) absent (C) alone (D) asleep28. (A) related to (B) aside from (C) more than (D) nothing but29. (A) In other words (B) By no means (C) At any cost (D) On the contrary30. (A) such as (B) regardless of (C) with respect to (D) on behalf of三、文意选填(占10分)第31至40题为题组Fortune cookies, commonly served after meals at Chinese restaurants in the ., are characterized by a fortune, which is written on a small piece of paper tucked inside the cookie. There are several 31 stories about the origin of the fortune cookie. None of them, however, has been proven to be entirely true.One of these stories 32 the cookie’s origin back to 13th- and 14th-century China, which was then occupied by the Mongols. According to the legend, notes of 33 plans for a revolution to overthrow the Mongols were hidden in mooncakes that would ordinarily have been stuffed with sweet bean paste. The revolution turned out to be 34 and eventually led to the formation of the Ming Dynasty. This story may sound highly credible, but there seems to be no solid evidence that it inspired the creation of the 35 we know of today as fortune cookies.Another 36 claims that David Jung, a Chinese immigrant living in Los Angeles, created the fortune cookie in 1918. Concerned about the poor people he saw wandering near his shop, he made cookies and passed them out free on the streets. Each cookie 37 a strip of paper inside with an inspirational Bible quotation on it.However, the more generally accepted story is that the fortune cookie first 38 in either 1907 or 1914 in San Francisco, created by a Japanese immigrant, Makoto Hagiwara. The fortune cookie was based on a Japanese snack, but Hagiwara sweetened the recipe to appeal to American 39 . He enclosed thank-you notes in the cookies and served them to his guests with tea. Within a few years, Chinese restaurant owners in San Francisco had copied the recipe and 40 the thank-you notes with fortune notes. Such fortune cookies became common in Chinese restaurants in the . after World War II.(A) account (B) appeared (C) competing (D) contained (E) replaced(F) secret (G) successful (H) tastes (I) traces (J) treats四、阅读测验(占32分)第41至44题为题组For more than two hundred years, the White House has stood as a symbol of the United States Presidency, the . government, and the American people. In 1790, President George Washington declared that the federal governme nt would reside in a district “not exceeding ten miles square … on the river Potomac.” As preparations began, a competition was held to find a builder of the “President’s House.” Nine proposals were submitted, and the Irish-born architect James Hoban won the gold medal for his practical and handsome design. Construction began when the first cornerstone was laid in October of 1792. Although President Washington oversaw the construction of the house, he never lived in it. It was not until 1800, when the White House was nearly completed, that its first residents, President John Adams and his wife Abigail, moved in.American presidents can express their individual style in how they decorate the house and in how they receive the public. Thomas Jefferson held the first inaugural open house in 1805; many of those who attended the swearing-in ceremony at the . Capitol simply followed him home. President Jefferson also opened the house for public tours, and it has remained open, except during wartime, ever since. In addition, Jefferson welcomed visitors to annual receptions on New Year’s Day and on the Fourth of July. Abraham Lincoln did the same, but then the inaugural crowds became far too large for the White House to accommodate comfortably, and this also created a security issue. It was not until Grover Cleveland’s first presidency that some effective crowd control measures were implemented to address the problem caused by this practice.At various times in history, the White House has been known as the “President’s Palace,” the “President’s House,” and the “Executive Mansion.” President Theodore Roosevelt officially gave the White House its current name in 1901.41. What is this passage mainly about?(A) The design of the White House. (B) The location of the White House.(C) The importance of the White House. (D) The history of the White House.42. What does “this practice” refer to in the second paragraph?(A) Holding an inaugural open house.(B) Accommodating the crowds comfortably.(C) Decorating the White House.(D) Joining in the swearing-in ceremony.43. Who initiated the construction of the White House?(A) John Adams. (B) James Hoban.(C) George Washington. (D) Thomas Jefferson.44. According to the passage, which of the following is NOT true about the White House?(A) The White House has had several names.(B) The designer of the White House was an American president.(C) People were not allowed to visit the White House during wartime.(D) The White House is located in a district not larger than ten miles square.第45至48题为题组West Nile is a tropical disease that begins in birds, which pass it on to mosquitoes that then go on to infect human beings with a bite. Most people who contract West Nile do not experience any symptoms at all, but, if they do, symptoms typically develop between 3 to 14 days after a mosquito bite. About 1 in 5 persons suffers fever, headaches, and body aches, usually lasting a week or so. A far less lucky 1 in 150 experiences high fever, tremors, paralysis, and coma. Some—especially the elderly and those with weak immune systems—die.That is what made the major outbreaks of West Nile in the . in the summer of 2012 so scary. The situation was particularly bad in Dallas, Texas, where the West Nile virus killed 10 people and sickened more than 200. The city declared a state of emergency and began aerial spraying of a pesticide to kill the mosquitoes, even though residents argued that the pesticide could be more dangerous than the disease.Why was the summer of 2012 so hospitable to the West Nile virus and the mosquitoes that carry it? Blame the weather. An extremely mild winter allowed more mosquitoes than usual to survive, while the unusually high temperatures in that scorching summer further increased their number by speeding up their life cycle. The economic crisis may have also played a role: Homeowners who were not able to pay their bank loans were forced to abandon their properties, sometimes leaving behind swimming pools that made excellent mosquito breeding grounds.The severity of tropical diseases is also a matter of whether governments are capable—and willing—to defend their populations against infections. Dallas County was not doing some of the key things to slow the spread of West Nile, such as testing dead birds and setting mosquito traps to test for the presence of the disease. Tropical infections are thus as much related to government inaction as they are to climate.45. What is this passage mainly about?(A) West Nile and methods to fight it.(B) West Nile and governmental efficiency.(C) West Nile and the conditions its virus thrives in.(D) West Nile and its relation to tropical diseases.46. Which of the following statements is true about West Nile?(A) Its symptoms usually appear within two weeks.(B) It is spread through air and water in tropical areas.(C) Over 20% of people who contract it will suffer severe symptoms.(D) It comes from direct human contact with birds infected with the virus.47. What did Dallas County do to fight off West Nile?(A) They sprayed pesticide from the air.(B) They asked citizens to stay away from dead birds.(C) They encouraged citizens to get vaccinations.(D) They drained the swimming pools in the county.48. Which of the following is a reason why Dallas was hit most seriously in the . in 2012?(A) The increasing population in Texas raised the risk of contracting the disease.(B) The government did not issue a warning about the disease in time.(C) The residents worried about the county’s decision and action.(D) The weather of the previous winter was not as cold as usual.第49至52题为题组Most parts of Taiwan have access to sufficient supplies of fresh water for drinking. But fresh water can be in short supply in many arid regions of the world such as Saudi Arabia, where there are limited water resources. As the world population continues to grow, shortages of fresh water will occur more often and the need for additional water supplies will become critical. Some may ask, “Since the ocean covers more than 70 percent of the Earth, why not just get drinking water from the ocean?”To turn seawater into fresh water, we need to remove the salt in seawater, that is, to desalinate seawater. The problem is that the desalination of water requires a lot of energy. Salt dissolves very easily in water, forming strong chemical bonds, and those bonds are difficult to break. The energy and technology to desalinate water are both expensive, and this means that desalinating water can be costly.There are environmental costs of desalination as well. Sea life can get sucked into desalination plants, killing small ocean creatures like baby fish and plankton, upsetting the food chain. Also, there is the problem of what to do with the separated salt, which is left over as a very concentrated brine. Pumping this super-salty water back into the ocean can harm local aquatic life. Reducing these impacts is possible, but it adds to the costs.Despite the economic and environmental hurdles, desalination is becoming increasingly attractive as human beings are using up fresh water from other sources. At present, desalinating seawater is the only viable way to provide water to growing populations in rural areas of the Middle East and North Africa. Therefore, the race is on to find a cheaper, cleaner, and more energy-efficient way of desalinating seawater, and promising new findings are being reported.49. Which of the following is closest in meaning to “arid” in the first paragraph?(A) Occupied. (B) Isolated. (C) Dry. (D) Remote.50. What is the second paragraph mainly about?(A) The high cost of desalinating seawater.(B) The major chemical characteristics of seawater.(C) The urgent need to turn seawater into fresh water.(D) The amount of energy produced in the desalination of seawater.51. According to the passage, which of the following statements is true?(A) Mixing salt with water is not as easy as removing salt from seawater.(B) Desalinating seawater may kill some sea creatures and disturb the food chain.(C) Covering 70% of the Earth, the ocean has always satisfied human needs for water.(D) The increasing population in Saudi Arabia has resulted in shortages of fresh water.52. Which of the following best describes the author’s attitude toward the future of desalination?(A) Amazed. (B) Doubtful. (C) Conservative. (D) Hopeful.第53至56题为题组Four millennia ago, an ancient Babylonian wrote down what is possibly the first lullaby. It is a rather threatening lullaby, in which the baby is scolded for disturbing the house god with its crying and warned of terrifying consequences. It may have got the baby to sleep, but its message is far from comforting: If he/she does not stop crying, the demon will eat him/her. This lullaby may sound more scary than sleep-inducing, yet it is true that many lullabies—including those sung today—have dark undertones.Research has shown that lullabies, when used correctly, can soothe and possibly even help to heal an infant; b ut it is the caretaker’s voice and the rhythm and melody of the music that babies respond to, not the content of the song. Then, what is the function of the content? According to studies, some lullabies provide advice, like the Babylonian lullaby, and quite a few others offer the space to sing the unsung, say the unsayable. Lyrics to those lullabies can in deed be interpreted as a reflection of the caregiver’s emotions.Researchers believe that a large part of the function of lullabies is to help a mother vocalize her worries and concerns. The mother’s fear of loss especially makes sense since the infant/tod dler years of life are fragile ones. Since there is a special physical bond between mother and child during this period, mothers feel they can sing to their child about their own fears and anxieties. Lullabies, therefore, serve as therapy for the mother.In addition, the songs are seemingly trying to work some magic—as if, by singing, the mother is saying, “Sadness has already touched this house; no need to come by again.”53. Which of the following titles best describes the main idea of this passage?(A) The Origin of Lullabies(B) The Functions of Lullabies(C) Threatening Lullabies(D) Sleep-Inducing Lullabies54. Which of the following is closest in meaning to the word “undertones” in the first paragraph?(A) Consequences.(B) V ocals.(C) Whispers.(D) Messages.55. What does the author use to support the idea that lullabies can have a soothing effect?(A) Research reports.(B) Examples found in history.(C) Stories of caretakers.(D) The author’s personal experiences.56. According to this passage, which of the following statements is true?(A) Scary l ullabies better help babies fall asleep.(B) Mothers prefer to sing lullabies with a joyful melody.(C) Lullabies comfort not only the baby but also the mother.(D) Babies react to both the music and the lyrics of lullabies.第贰部分:非选择题(占28分)一、中译英(占8分)1. 近年来,有越来越多超级台风,通常造成严重灾害。



行車時間 1 小時 1 小時 2 小時 5 小時 1 小時 1 小時 1 小時
今有配送任務必須從 A 站出發,最後停留在 E 站,每一站至少經過一次,且 路線可以重複,試問至少要花多少小時才能完成任務?
(1) 4
(2) 5
(3) 6
(4) 7
一 . 已 知 實 係 數 二 次 多 項 式 函 數 y f (x) 滿 足 f (3) f (7) 。 試 回 答 下 列 問 題 。 (1) 寫 出 y f (x) 圖 形 的 對 稱 軸 方 程 式 。 ( 3 分 ) ( 2 ) 若 f (x) a(x k)2 b , 且 y f (x) 的 圖 形 與 x 軸 交 於 相 異 兩 點 , 試 判 斷 ab 乘 積的值為正或負,並請說明理由。(4 分) ( 3) 若 方 程 式 f (x) 0 有 相 異 實 根 , 試 證 兩 根 之 積 小 於 4 。 ( 6 分 )
4 . 已 知 數 列 an 、 bn 、 cn 、 dn 、 en 定 義 如 下 :



10 3


1 3


1 cn

n 1,2,3,


( 1 ) an n1

第7頁 共7頁
107 年指考 數學乙
二 . 某 車 商 代 理 進 口 兩 廠 牌 汽 車,甲 廠 牌 汽 車 每 台 成 本 100 萬 元,此 次 進 口 上 限 20 台 , 售 出 一 台 淨 利 潤 11 萬 元 ; 乙 廠 牌 汽 車 每 台 成 本 120 萬 元 , 此 次 進 口 上 限 30 台 , 售 出 一 台 淨 利 潤 12 萬 元 。 今 車 商 準 備 4400 萬 元 作 為 此 次 汽 車 進 口 成 本 , 且保證所進口的車輛必定全部售完。試回答下列問題。


A.原料地对工业区位的吸引力越来越强 B.市场对工业区位的吸引力越来越强
A.德国鲁尔区 B美国东北部工业区
C.我国辽中南工业 D.日本太平洋沿岸工业带区
C.由传统型向现代型过渡 D.现代型
A.美国 B.澳大利亚 C. 日本 D.巴西
A.原料成本 B.燃料成本 C.市场价格 D,交通运输成本
A.城市高密度扩展 B.城市低密度扩展
C.中心城区人口稀少 D.中心城区人口密度稳定
A.原始型 B传统型


(D) 水 波 槽 的 四 周 需 用 海 綿 條 圍 住 , 以 避 免 水 波頻率改變
水波槽 白紙
( E) 水 波 的 波 谷 在 強 光 通 過 時,會 有 類 似 凹 透 鏡 的效果,在白紙上顯現出暗紋
108年指考 物理考科
第2頁 共7頁
5. 聲波在空氣柱內重疊 時,可以形成駐波。 考慮聲波在一端開口 、一端閉口的空 氣柱內所形成的駐波,並將聲波視為傳遞空氣分子位移變動的縱波時,下列關 於駐波特性的敘述,何者正確? (A) 開 口 處 為 波 節 (B) 在 閉 口 處 發 生 建 設 性 疊 加 (C) 相 鄰 兩 波 節 的 間 距 為 一 個 波 長 (D) 相鄰波節與波腹的間距為1/4波長 (E) 該 駐 波 是 由 沿 相 同 方 向 前 進 的 兩 波 互 相 重 疊 而 成
1. 原子核由質子與中子組成,試問原子核的直徑大小最可能落在下列尺標圖的哪 個區間?
10-17 m
10-15 m
10-13 m
10-11 m
10-9 m
10-7 m
2. 下 列 關 於凹 面 鏡及 凸面 鏡 的 敘述 , 何者 正確 ? (A) 裝 設 在 大 賣 場 天 花 板 角 落 的 面 鏡 為 凸 面 鏡 , 可 觀 察 到 放 大 虛 像 (B) 裝 設 在 道 路 轉 彎 處 的 面 鏡 為 凹 面 鏡,以 便 觀 察 到 更 大 的 範 圍,使 視 野 更 佳 (C) 手 電 筒 常 利 用 凹 面 鏡 作 為 反 射 面,燈 泡 置 於 焦 點 處,使 反 射 後 射 出 的 光 線 較為發散 ( D ) 化 妝 鏡 若 要 具 有 放 大 效 果 須 使 用 凹 面 鏡,且 使 用 時 臉 的 位 置 須 在 凹 面 鏡 的 焦距外,以產生正立的放大虛像 (E) 汽 車 兩 側 的 後 照( 視 )鏡 常 用 凸 面 鏡 觀 測 後 方 車 輛,其 像 距 小 於 物 距,形 成縮小的虛像



大學入學考試中心108學年度指定科目考試試題英文考科第 1 頁108年指考 共 7 頁 英文考科- 1 - 第壹部分:選擇題(占72分)一、詞彙題(占分1. The sign in front of the Johnsons’ house says that no one is allowed to set foot on their ______ withoutpermission.(A) margin(B) shelter (C) reservation (D) property 2. Instead of giving negative criticism, our teachers usually try to give us ______ feedback so that we canimprove on our papers.(A) absolute (B) constructive (C) influential (D) peculiar3. A study shows that the chance of an accident is much higher for drivers who are ______ in phoneconversations while driving.(A) contained(B) engaged (C) included (D) located 4. Mike trembled with ______ and admiration when he saw the magnificent view of the waterfalls.(A) awe (B) plea (C) oath (D) merit 5. Ms. Chen has a large collection of books and most of them are quite heavy; she needs a bookshelf______ enough to hold all of them.(A) coarse(B) vigorous (C) portable (D) sturdy 6. The athlete rolled up his sleeves to show his ______ forearms, thick and strong from years of training in weight-lifting.(A) barren (B) chubby (C) ragged (D) muscular7. Suffering from a serious financial crisis, the car company is now on the edge of ______, especiallywith the recent sharp decrease in its new car sales.(A) graduation(B) capacity (C) depression (D) bankruptcy 8. After the rain, the meadow ______ under the sun with the droplets of water on the grass. (A) rippled(B) shattered (C) glistened (D) mingled 9. The Great Wall of China was originally built to ______ the northern border of the country against foreign invasion.(A) fortify (B) rehearse (C) diminish (D) strangle10. A mad scientist in a novel is often portrayed as a wild-eyed man with crazy hair, working ______ in alab full of strange equipment and bubbling test tubes.(A) contagiously (B) distinctively (C) frantically (D) tremendously108年指考第2 頁英文考科共7 頁第11至15題為題組The fashion industry in Africa has witnessed tremendous growth in recent years. African fashion design has caught the eyes of international celebrities including former US first lady, Michelle Obama, Rihanna, and Beyoncé, 11 . Global demand for African-inspired fashion has led to incredible sales for some African designers and brands.Folake Folarin–Coker, founder of Tiffany Amber, is one of the best-known fashion designers in both the African and global fashion industry. Born in Lagos, Nigeria, she received her education in Europe, 12 she got an opportunity to interact with various cultures at a young age. 13 , she has a master’s degree in law from Switzerland, but as fate would have it, her passion for fashion led her into fashion design.Folake’s tasteful and colorful creations have earned her global 14 , making her the first African fashion designer to showcase her talent at the New York Mercedes Fashion Week for two consecutive years. She has also been widely 15 in international media such as CNN. In 2013, she was listed as one of the Forbes Power Women in Africa.11. (A) if any (B) among others (C) in short (D) at best12. (A) where (B) there (C) that (D) whether13. (A) Generally (B) Ideally (C) Relatively (D) Interestingly14. (A) recognition (B) motivation (C) supervision (D) preparation15. (A) believed (B) announced (C) featured (D) populated第16至20題為題組When we stream the latest TV series, or download high-resolution photos, we are probably unaware that the data behind them is speeding around the world in cables under the sea.These cable systems, faster and cheaper than satellites, carry most of the intercontinental Internet traffic. Today, there are over 420 submarine cables 16 , stretching over 700,000 miles around the world. It is not a new phenomenon, 17 . The first transcontinental cable—laid in 1854—ran from Ireland to Newfoundland, and made telegraph communication possible between England and Canada. Currently, the world’s highest-capacity undersea Internet cable is a 5,600-mile link between the US and Japan. 18 named “FASTER,” the cable connects Oregon in the US with Japan and Taiwan.The submarine cables require extra 19 to install. They must generally be run across flat surfaces of the ocean floor, and stay clear of coral reefs, sunken ships, fish beds, and other general 20 . The fiber-optic cables are also very fragile, so they are surrounded with layers of tubing and steel to prevent damage.16. (A) at large (B) in service (C) by contrast (D) under control17. (A) then (B) still (C) instead (D) though18. (A) Suitably (B) Constantly (C) Vitally (D) Mockingly19. (A) speed (B) light (C) care (D) link20. (A) directions (B) obstacles (C) aquariums (D) circulations第21至30題為題組T he Getty Center sits more than 800 feet above sea level, towering above the city of Los Angeles. A 0.75-mile-long tramway takes visitors to the top of the hill. At the top, four exhibit pavilions and a visitor center form the heart of an eleven-building complex. The museum was originally constructed to 21 the vast art collection belonging to oil tycoon J. Paul Getty. Today, it is stocked with so many art works that the exhibit arenas can show just a part of them at a time, making the 22 special exhibitions a highlight of any visit to the Getty.- 2 -第 3 頁108年指考共7 頁英文考科- 3 -T he Center’s award-winning architect, Richard Meier, did an outstanding job of creating a publicspace that has 23 many visitors. Visitors go to the Getty thinking they are visiting a museum with works of art on the inside. What they discover instead is a work of art with a museum inside. The idea is interesting: The outdoor space can be a completely satisfying 24 experience.M eier took a few basic 25 : metal, stone and glass. Working with a billion-dollar budget, he combined them to create a work of architecture that can excite visitors as much as the art collection inside does. Around every corner and at every 26 , there is a new view to enchant guests. And then, just when they think they have seen it all, a new fountain or landscape pops up.The building stone is travertine, 27 from Italy, the same source as for the historic buildings in Rome. A special cutting process exposes the fossils long buried inside the stone, which reveals the delicate treasures 28 under the rough surface. Some of them are set as “feature” stones scattered about the site, waiting to 29 those who find them. The most fantastic one is on the arrival plaza wall, across from the tram station.In addition to museum tours, the Getty also provides various free on-site tours, including tours of the gardens. These 30 are a must for anyone interested in learning more about Meier’s techniques and ideas.(A) delight (B) explorations (C) turn (D) surprised (E) imported (F) over-emphasized (G) artistic (H) hidden (I) foundations (J) materials (K) house (L) ever-changing第31至35題為題組Copernicus, founder of modern astronomy, was born in 1473 to a well-to-do merchant family in Torun, Poland. He was sent off to attend university in Italy, studying mathematics and optics, and canon law. Returning from his studies abroad, Copernicus was appointed to an administrative position in the cathedral of Frauenburg. There he spent a sheltered and academic life for the rest of his days.31 He made his observations from a tower situated on the protective wall around the cathedral. His observations were made with the “bare eyeball,” so to speak, as a hundred years were to pass before the invention of the telescope. In 1530, Copernicus completed his famous work De Revolutionibus, which later played a major role in changing the philosophical view of humankind’s place in t he universe. 32 Copernicus died in 1543 and was never to know what a stir his work would cause. In his book, he asserted that the Earth rotated on its axis once daily and traveled around the Sun once yearly. 33 People then regarded the Earth as stationary, situated at the center of the universe, with the Sun and all the planets revolving around it. Copernicus’ theory challenged the long-held belief that God created the Heavens and the Earth, and could overturn the core values of the Catholic world. 34 Other ministers quickly followed suit, saying of Copernicus, “This fool wants to turn the whole art of astronomy upside down.”Ironically, Copernicus had dedicated his work to Pope Paul III. 35 The Church ultimately banned De Revolutionibus, and the book remained on the list of forbidden reading material for nearly three centuries thereafter.(A)Meanwhile, Copernicus was a lifelong member of the Catholic Church.(B)The book, however, wasn’t published until two months before his death.(C)If this act was an attempt to seek the Catholic Church’s approval, it was of no us e.(D)This went against the philosophical and religious beliefs held during medieval times.(E)Religious leader Martin Luther voiced his opposition to the sun-centered system model.(F)In his spare time, Copernicus studied the stars and the planets, applying his math knowledge to themysteries of the night sky.108年指考第 4 頁 英文考科 共 7 頁- 4 -gift to theA stable, cheap source of protein in Indonesia for centuries, tempeh is a fermented food originating from the island of Java. It was discovered during tofu production when discarded soybean residue caught microbial spores from the air and grew certain whitish fungi around it. When this fermented residue was found to be edible and tasty, people began producing it at home for daily consumption across the country. This has given rise to many variations in its flavor and texture throughout different Indonesian regions.Tempeh is high in protein and low in fat, and contains a host of vitamins. In fact, it is the only reported plant-based source of vitamin B12. Apart from being able to help reduce cholesterol, increase bone density, and promote muscle recovery, tempeh has a lot of polyphenols that protect skin cells and slow down the aging process. Best of all, with the same protein quality as meat and the ability to take on many flavors and textures, tempeh is a great meat substitute—something the vegetarian and vegan communities have been quick in adopting.In addition to its highly nutritional makeup, tempeh has diverse preparation possibilities. It can be served as a main course (usually in curries) or a side dish to be eaten with rice, as a deep-fried snack, or even blended into smoothies and healthy juices. Though not yet a popular food among international diners, you may find tempeh -substituted BLTs (bacon, lettuce, tomato sandwiches) in San Francisco as easily as you can find vegetarian burgers with tempeh patties in Bali.For the people of Indonesia, tempeh is not just food but also has cultural value. With the Indonesian traditional fabric batik being recognized by UNESCO as “Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity,” tempeh has great potential for this honor as well.36. What is the passage mainly about?(A) The preparation of a health food. (B) A traditional delicacy from Java.(C) A gourmet guide for vegetarians. (D) The cultural heritage of Indonesia.37. According to the passage, which of the following is true about tempeh ?(A) It is mainly served as a side dish. (B) It is discarded when fungi grow around it.(C) It is formed from fermented soybeans. (D) It has the same nutritional benefits as kimchi .38. What aspects of tempeh are discussed in paragraphs 2 to 4?(A) Origin → nutrition → cuisine. (B) Origin → cuisine → marketing.(C) Cuisine → nutrition → marketing. (D) Distribution → cuisine → nutrition.39. Which of the following can be inferred from this passage?(A) Senior citizens will eat tempeh as vitamin supplement.(B) Tempeh will soon be more popular than kimchi or miso .(C) The nutrition of tempeh will be reduced with mass production.(D) Tempeh is likely to be recognized as an international cultural symbol.第40至43題為題組When Dr. David Spiegel emerged from a three-hour shoulder surgery in 1972, he didn’t use any pain medication to recover. Instead, he hypnotized himself. It worked—to the surprise of everyone but Spiegel himself, who has studied hypnosis for 45 years.Hypnosis is often misunderstood as a sleep-like state in which a person is put to sleep and does whatever he is asked to do. But according to Dr. Spiegel, it is a state of highly focused attention and intense concentration. Being hypnotized, you tune out most of the stimuli around you. You focus intently on the subject at hand, to the near exclusion of any other thought. This trance-like state can be an effective tool to control pain, ease anxiety, and deal with stress.第 5 頁108年指考共7 頁英文考科- 5 -Not all people, however, are equally hypnotizable. In a recent study, Dr. Spiegel and his colleaguesfound that people who are easily hypnotized tend to be more trusting of others, more intuitive, and more likely to get caught up in a good movie. The research team compared people who were highly hypnotizable with those low in hypnotizability. Both groups were given fMRI scans during several different conditions: at rest, while recalling a memory, and during two sessions of hypnotism. The researchers saw some interesting changes in the brain during hypnosis—but only in the highly hypnotizable group. Specifically, there was a drop in activity in the part of the brain which usually fires up when there is something to worry about.This helps explain how hypnosis can have powerful effects, including reducing stress, anxiety, pain, and self-consciousness. Spiegel hopes that the practice can be used to replace painkillers. His own previous research has shown that when people in pain were taught self-hypnosis, they needed half the pain medication and suffered half the pain of those who were only given access to painkillers. However, more needs to be learned about hypnosis in order to harness its potential effects.40. How does the author begin the passage?(A) By giving a definition. (B) By mentioning an incident.(C) By providing statistics. (D) By comparing people’s responses.41. According to the passage, what is the goal of Dr. Spiegel’s work?(A) To explain the real cause of pain.(B) To help people concentrate on their job.(C) To explore how hypnosis can be used as a medical treatment.(D) To strengthen the brain’s functions to reduce psychological problems.42. According to Dr. Spiegel, which of the following is true when people are hypnotized?(A) They recall only happy memories. (B) Their mind is fixed only on what they are doing.(C) They do whatever they are told to do. (D) They have greater awareness of things around them.43. What can be inferred about highly hypnotizable people?(A) They tend to be isolated from the society.(B) They are more likely to fall asleep during the day.(C) They may easily identify themselves with characters in fictions.(D) They are more trustworthy than people who are less hypnotizable.第44至47題為題組In many languages, such as English, there is no straightforward way to talk about smell. For want of dedicated odor terminology, English speakers are often forced to use odor-sources such as “flowery” and “vanilla” and metaphors like “sweet” and “oriental” in their descriptions of smell.But the difficulty with talking about smell is not universal. The Maniq, a group of hunter-gatherers in southern Thailand, can describe smells using at least fifteen different terms, which express only smells and are not applicable across other sensory domains. In addition to Maniq, researchers found that there are also a dozen words for various smells in Jahai, a language spoken by a neighboring hunter-gatherer population.Interestingly, the difficulty for English speakers to translate smell directly into words seems to have very little to do with the nose’s actual capabilities. According to findings of a recent study, English speakers are capable of discriminating more than a trillion different odors. Then, why is there a gap between their ability to discriminate scent and their vocabulary? The researchers suggest that surroundings may play a significant role.108年指考第6 頁英文考科共7 頁Maniq and Jahai speakers live in tropical rainforest regions with a hunting-gathering lifestyle, and these two ethnic groups evaluate their surroundings through their noses to survive in nature. In an environment that is still largely untouched by humans, they are surrounded by smells at all times. They need to use their sense of smell to identify animals that they can hunt, and to recognize objects or events, such as spoiled food, that can pose a danger. Unlike the Maniq and the Jahai, many English speakers inhabit the post-industrial west and do not rely on smells to survive in their environment. This difference may explain the interesting linguistic phenomenon discussed above.44. What is the purpose of this passage?(A) To evaluate the languages used by different ethnic groups.(B) To prove how civilization slows down language development.(C) To describe how terms of smell are found in different languages.(D) To point out the link between language use and the environment.45. What does the word “want” in the first paragraph most likely mean?(A) Lack. (B) Growth. (C) Loss. (D) Search.46. Which of the following is true about the Maniq?(A) They live in a different climate zone from the Jahai.(B) Their ability to smell is stronger than that of the Jahai.(C) They use smell terms to describe how food looks and tastes.(D) Their living environment is similar to that in earlier human history.47. Why is it difficult for English speakers to describe smells directly?(A) They cannot distinguish the smells around them.(B) The sense of smell is not critical for their survival.(C) They consider it uncivilized to talk about smells directly.(D) There are not many sources of odor in their surroundings.第48至51題為題組The okapi is a mammal living above the equator in one of the most biodiverse areas in central Africa. The animal was unknown to the western world until the beginning of the 20th century, and is often described as half-zebra, half-giraffe, as if it were a mixed-breed creature from a Greek legend. Yet its image is prevalent in the Democratic Republic of Congo—the only country in the world where it is found living in the wild. The okapi is to Congo what the giant panda is to China or the kangaroo to Australia.A lthough the okapi has striped markings resembling those of zebras’, it is most closely related to the giraffe. It has a long neck, and large, flexible ears. The face and throat are greyish white. The coat is a chocolate to reddish brown, much in contrast with the white horizontal stripes and rings on the legs and white ankles. Overall, the okapi can be easily distinguished from its nearest relative. It is much smaller (about the size of a horse), and shares more external similarities with the deer than with the giraffe. While both sexes possess horns in the giraffe, only males bear horns in the okapi.T he West got its first whiff of the okapi in 1890 when Welsh journalist Henry Morton Stanley had puzzled over a strange “African donkey” in his book. Other Europeans in Africa had also heard of an animal that they came to call the “African unicorn.” Explorers may have seen the fleeting view of the striped backside as the animal fled through the bushes, leading to speculation that the okapi was some sort of rainforest zebra. Some even believed that the okapi was a new species of zebra. It was only later, when okapi skeleton was analyzed, that naturalists realized they had a giraffe on their hands.I n 1987, the Okapi Wildlife Reserve was established in eastern Congo to protect this rare mammal. But decades of political turbulence has seen much of the Congo’s natural resources spin out of the government’s control, and okapi numbers have fallen by 50 percent since 1995. Today, only 10,000 remain.- 6 -第 7 頁108年指考 共 7 頁 英文考科- 7 - 48. Which of the following is a picture of an okapi? (A) (B) (C) (D) 49. Which of the following descriptions is true about the okapi? (A) It is an important symbol of Congo. (B) It is a mystical creature from a Greek legend.(C) It has been well protected since 1987. (D) It is more closely related to the zebra than the giraffe.50. What does the word “whiff” most likely mean in the third paragraph?(A) Firm belief. (B) Kind intention. (C) Slight trace. (D) Strong dislike.51. Which of the following can be inferred about Henry Morton Stanley?(A) He was the first European to analyze okapi skeleton.(B) He had found many new species of animals in Africa.(C) He did not know the “African donkey” in his book was the okapi .(D) He had seen the backside of an okapi dashing through the bushes.第貳部分:非選擇題(占28分)說明:本部分共有二題,請依各題指示作答,答案必須寫在「答案卷」上,並標明大題號(一、二),若因字跡潦草、未標示題號、標錯題號等原因,致評閱人員無法清楚辨識,其後果由考生自行承擔。






1.造成本次地震的两大板块是A.亚欧板块、太平洋板块B.印度洋板块、太平洋板块C.印度洋板块、南极洲板块D.南极洲板块、太平洋板块2.本次地震发生时,北京时间为22日A. 4时51分B. 8时51分C. 16时51分D.20时51分据遥感图像显示,2005年夏,世界第一大岛的一部分因冰川融化与本岛分离,形成一个独立的小岛----“升温岛”。


3.“升温岛”属于A. 加拿大B. 美国C. 俄罗斯D. 丹麦4,有人认为,“升温岛”主要是由人类活动的原因而诞生的。

按照此观点,下列人类活动有助于“升温岛”诞生的是A. 大量燃烧矿物燃料B. 过度开发海洋资源C. 迅速发展的城市化D. 过分干预水循环5,世界最长的四条河流中,春季易发洪涝灾害的是A. 尼罗河B. 亚马逊河C. 长江D. 密西西比河6.造就台湾野柳地貌景观的主要外力是A. 海浪B. 流水C. 风力D. 冰川图1示意人口增长模式的转变,读图1回答7-8题③④①②图17.在图示四个阶段中A.人均寿命以①阶段为最高B.人口自然增长率以②阶段为最高C.老龄化人口比重以③阶段为最高D.劳动力比重以④阶段为最高8.发达国家的人口增长模式处于图示的A. ①阶段B. ②阶段C. ③阶段D. ④阶段9.主要种植热带经济作物的农业地域类型是A.种植园农业B.商品谷物农业C.水稻种植业D.地中海农业10. 20世纪80年代,境外资本在珠江三角洲地区投资兴建的工业企业主要属于A.资源密集型工业B.劳动密集型工业C.资金密集型工业D.技术密集型工业11.人类排放到环境中导致大气臭氧层变薄的物质是A.二氧化碳等温室气体B.二氧化硫和氧化氮等酸性气体C.氟氯烃化合物D.粉尘12.世界大洋表而海水盐度最高值出现在A.热带海区B.副热带海区C.副极地海区D.极地海区13. 下列河流中,干流下游水能资源丰富的是A.亚马孙河B.尼罗河C.密西西比河D.刚果河14. 位于两大洲分界线上的大湖是A.里海B.维多利亚湖C.贝加尔湖D.苏必利尔湖15. 南非矿产资源丰富,其最重要的出口矿产品是A.煤B.石油C金刚石D.金16. 欧美主要发达国家中,核能在能源消费构成中所占比重最高的是A.美国B.德围C.法国D.英国17. 目前世界高速铁路运营线路最长的国家是A.美国B.德国C.日本D.中国18. 单独构成我国地势的一级阶梯的地形单元是A.靑藏高原B.内蒙古高原C.塔里木盆地D.华北平原19. 我国单线最长的跨区域资源调配工程干线是A.西气东输B.南水北调C.西电东送D.北煤南运20.我国最大的综合性工业区是A.辽中南工业区B.京津唐工业区C.沪宁杭工业区D.珠江三角洲工业区二、填充题(每空1分,共20分)(请将答案填写在答题卡相应空格内)21.世界面积最大的平原是________平原,位于_______洲;世界面积第二大平原是____平原;亚洲面积最大的平原是_________平原;中国面积最大的平原是_______平原。





绝密★启用前2019年中华人民共和国普通高等学校 联合招收华侨港澳台学生入学考试数 学一、选择题:本大题共12小题,每小题5分,共60分。

在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的.1.设集合{}220P x x =->,{}1,2,3,4Q =,则P Q 的非空子集的个数为A .8B .7C .4D .3【解析】{P x x x =><,则{}2,3,4P Q =,故P Q 的非空子集的个数为3217-=。

【答案】B 2.复数12iz i-=在复平面内对应的点在 A .第一象限 B .第二象限 C .第三象限 D .第四象限【解析】()1111122222i i i i z i i i i --+====---,与复平面上的点1122⎛⎫-- ⎪⎝⎭,对应,在第三象限。

【答案】C3.若直线5x =与圆2260x y x a +-+=相切,则a =A .13B .5C .5-D .13-【解析】圆2260x y x a +-+=化成标准形式得()2239x y a -+=-,则圆心为()30,,半径为r =,因为圆心()30,到直线5x =的距离为2,所以2=5a =。

【答案】B4.经过点()1,1,3-且与平面240x y z +-+=平行的平面方程为A .220x y z +-+=B .260x y z ++-=C .240x y z ++-=D .230x y z +--=【解析】两个平面平行就是两平面的法向量相等,故所求平面的法向量是()2,1,1n =-,再由平面的点法式方程公式得220x y z +-+=;或设所求平面为20x y z D +-+=,点()1,1,3-在此平面上,得2D =。

【答案】A5.下列函数中,为偶函数的是A .()21y x =+B .2x y -=C .sin y x =D .()()lg 1lg 1y x x =++-【解析】若已知函数的表达式,判断是否为偶函数,先求定义域,然后判断()()f x f x -=是否成立;A .()21y x =+的定义域为R ,()()()()2211f x x x f x -=-+=-≠,非奇非偶函数;B .2x y -=的定义域为R ,()()()22xx f x f x ---==≠,非奇非偶函数;C .sin y x =的定义域为R ,()()()sin sin sin f x x x x f x -=-=-== ,偶函数;D .()()lg 1lg 1y x x =++-的定义为{}1x x >,不关于原点对称,非奇非偶函数; 【答案】C6.()61的展开式中x 的系数是A .120B .60C .30D .15【解析】套二项式定理公式,(6666621666122r rrrrr rr rr T C C C x-----+===,令612r-=,得4r =,故x 的系数是46442662260C C -==.【答案】B7.若22x +除433x x a ++的余式为6x -,则a =A .16B .8C .4D .4-【解析】法一:利用多项式除法的拖式(竖式)运算,433x x a ++除以22x +,商232x x +-,余式为64x a -++,则40a +=,故4a =-;法二:利用余式定理,令220x +=,则x =,由)))4336a ++=-,得40a +=,故4a =-。



第 (1)(2)(3)小 題 解法一
x 1 代 入 題 設 xf (x) 3x4 2x3 x2 x f (t)dt 中 , 由 於 1 f (t)dt 0 ,
得 f (1) 3 2 1 0 2 。
利 用 微 積 分 基 本 定 理 , x f (t)dt 的 微 分 為 f (x) , 1
x 1


, 可 設 點 Q(1, t,1
z 1 2t
因 |OQ| 12 t2 (1 2t)2 2
2t) 。
平 方 後 , 整 理 得 到 3t 2 2 2t 2 0 , 解 得 t
對 應 的 點 Q 坐 標 為 (1,

5) 3
2 3

平面 E: x 2y z 2上。

1 2

即 Q 在 平 面 x 1 上 。 由 (1)可 得 出 直 線 L 為兩平面 x 2 y z 2 、 x 1 的交 線 ,
其 法 向 量 分 別 為 (1, 2,1) 、 (1, 0, 0) , 故 直 線 L 的 方 向 向 量 為
數 學 科 非 選 擇 題 的 解 法 通 常 不 只 一 種,在 此 提 供 多 數 考 生 可 能 採 用 的 解 法 以 供 各 界 參 考。關 於 較 詳 細 的 考 生 解 題 錯 誤 概 念 或 解 法,請 參 見 本 中 心 將 於 8 月 15 日 出 刊 的 《 選 才 電 子 報 》。





1.(5分)设集合P={x|x2﹣2>0},Q={1,2,3,4},则P∩Q的非空子集的个数为()A.8 B.7 C.4 D.32.(5分)复数z=在复平面内对应的点在()A.第一象限B.第二象限C.第三象限D.第四象限3.(5分)若直线x=5与圆x2+y2﹣6x+a=0相切,则a=()A.13 B.5 C.﹣5 D.﹣134.(5分)经过点(1,﹣1,3)且与平面2x+y﹣z+4=0平行的平面方程为()A.2x+y﹣z+2=0 B.2x+y+z﹣6=0 C.2x+y+z﹣4=0 D.2x+y﹣z﹣3=0 5.(5分)下列函数中,为偶函数的是()A.y=(x+1)2B.y=2﹣xC.y=|sin x| D.y=lg(x+1)+lg(x﹣1)6.(5分)(2+1)6的展开式中x的系数是()A.120 B.60 C.30 D.157.(5分)若x2+2除x4+3x3+a的余式为﹣6x,则a=()A.16 B.8 C.4 D.﹣48.(5分)已知双曲线C:﹣=1(a>0,b>0),过C的左焦点且垂直于x轴的直线交C于M,N两点,若以MN为直径的圆经过C的右焦点,则C的离心率为()A.+1 B.2 C.D.9.(5分)3+33+35+…+32n+1=()A.(9n﹣1)B.(9n+1﹣1)C.(9n﹣1)D.(9n+1﹣1)10.(5分)已知tan A=2,则=()A.B.C.3 D.511.(5分)在Rt△ABC中,AB=BC,在BC边上随机取点P,则∠BAP<30°的概率为()A.B.C.D.12.(5分)正三棱锥P﹣ABC的侧面都是直角三角形,E,F分别是AB,BC的中点,则PB与平面PEF所成角的正弦为()A.B.C.D.二、填空题:本大题共6小题,每小题5分,共30分。

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