kung fu fighting歌词
2. 3.
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foreigner think : All Chinese people are good at kung-fu Chinese kung-fu is full of wonder and magic . To practice it when we are children Easy to stir up trouble after learning Chinese kung-fu
a traditional sport event that emphasizes on culture of the outside and inside of people, which takes the act of attack and defense as its main contents ,furthermore, the form(套路) and grapple(格斗) as the prime form (形式).
please describe the Zui-Quan(醉拳) as you know ?
if you want to learn it, you should drink plenty of wine firstly . like drunk ,it's pith (精 髓)is that you make your opponents can't understand what you will do next .
狮子王2019-02-20作曲 : 功夫胖KungFuPen作词 : 功夫胖KungFuPenBEAT:老道Vocal sample :艾热混音:小武录音棚sync studio那年我开始追梦就好像是参军指着远方的路爸妈不用为我担心不会更改乡音我请你们一定相信看我戴银穿金但我不会变得贪心我会一直用颗最感恩的心去唱不止韵脚我的歌词就是我的军令状那些受过的伤就是男人身上的勋章所有好的不好的都会用心的记上不会停止脚步当我心在喊run一路跌跌撞撞但是放心我会赶上心在空中展望前路不太坦荡可总有一天整个星球会因为我闪亮就是认定的路子别管流不流行像年少的辛巴横穿过飞奔野牛群还未实现的梦我会继续为你前行希望再次见到你们是个雨过天晴抬头走不再低头思故乡所有伤口只会让你更强壮慢慢长大他成为狮子王慢慢长大他成为狮子王抬头走不再低头思故乡所有伤口只会让你更强壮慢慢长大他成为狮子王慢慢长大他成为狮子王我们所信仰着的带我们走更远忘记此时此刻此地何处空间抛开所有不是我问题的根源此刻只想让爱温暖整个房间无数次我没了主张无数次我有点慌你像黑暗里那一点光追随你的我成长最后发现夺下无数荣誉奖章已不在乎狮子王谁爱当就当钱没办法衡量你陪伴我人生的时光我只想要一个真的拥抱当我湿眼眶回忆换了一坛酒所谓三碗不过岗喝完最后这一口继续寻找乌托邦如果失去太阳那就整个星系暗淡如果重新定义爱我失去一切判断一路羁羁绊绊循环走走停停看看直到血液不再流动我的灵魂依旧灿烂你就像烟火你就像烟火一直照亮我一直照亮我你会遇见我你会遇见我你会遇见我在下个山坡你就像烟火你就像烟火一直照亮我一直照亮我你会遇见我你会遇见我你会遇见我在下个山坡抬头走不再低头思故乡所有伤口只会让你更强壮慢慢长大他成为狮子王慢慢长大他成为狮子王抬头走不再低头思故乡所有伤口只会让你更强壮慢慢长大他成为狮子王慢慢长大他成为狮子王。
Kung Fu
The Origin of kung fu
The earliest references to Chinese martial arts are found in the Spring and Autumn Annals春秋时期 (5th century BCE), where a hand to hand combat theory, including the integration of notions of “hard”and"soft” techniques, is mentioned. A combat wrestling摔跤 system called juélì or jiǎolì (角力) is mentioned in the Classic of Rites(1st century BCE). This combat system included techniques such as strikes, throws, joint manipulation, and pressure point attacks. Jiao Di became a sport during the Qin Dynasty (221–207 BCE). The Han History Bibliographies 参考文献 record that, by the Former Han(206 BCE – 8 CE), there was a distinction between no-holds-barred没有任何限制的 weaponless fighting, which it calls shǒubó (手搏), for which "how-to" manuals手册,指南 had 手册, already been written, and sportive wrestling, then known as juélì (角力). Wrestling is also documented in the Shǐ Jì史记 , Records of the Grand Historian, written by Sima Qian (ca. 100 BCE). In the Tang Dynasty, descriptions of sword dances were immortalized in poems by Li Bai. The modern concepts of wushu were fully developed by the Ming and Qing dynasties.
功夫胖KungFuPen—冠军 (Live)—歌词
冠军 (Live)2019-02-20作曲 : 功夫胖KungFuPen/派克特(PACT)作词 : 功夫胖KungFuPen/派克特(PACT)编曲:老道我要做的是发光地面塌方Hater的肌肉都被我给拉伤Get low当你听到我们说ayo冠军的光环就在我们背后Who’s the championWho’s the who’s the championYou the championYou the you the championGet low当你听到我们说ayo冠军的光环就在我们背后还是爱这条大街我们在这条大街上热得就像夏天别再说我像安西教练等我上场fake MC安息吧抱歉我讨厌没有存在感讨厌那些门外汉把饶舌说成快板不懂我歌词还要随意说好坏撩刷牙子炒肉帮你们点两个好菜让我太乱了所以现在情况总是乱糟糟我的梦是中文说唱让你们傻掉希望的味道让我经常不睡觉所以经常在备稿歌词把你们喂饱别看我经常在傻笑这次要让你们傻掉我往音乐放炸药别急着找骂问你老爸谁是老大先不喜欢吵架喜欢一出来就好炸天Who dat who dat记住我叫Kungfu-P用手拿着麦克永远演着功夫戏声音穿过那些压迫让你深呼吸红了眼的恶狗谁敢拦我冲出去我只是给出最真实的反应就被人叫champion不为什么我已经不再像从前感兴趣你的判定但man what you finding我看周围没人原来是我在山顶I’m still shining我相信苦尽甘来不做天生的冠军但我是努力的天才Big thanks一切编排让我加大音量加上老道功夫胖有三大心脏压力它让我想起从小到大我所经历过的一切让我只想往前走所有兄弟和姐妹一起一起往上走所有兄弟姐妹往上走别怕我在断后So NOUS level up兵不厌诈所有苦水和孤独我全部咽下根扎在underground不可能被践踏还说Hip-Hop没有希望看今年的变化我要做的是发光地面塌方Hater的肌肉都被我给拉伤Get low当你听见我们说ayo冠军的光环就在我们背后Who’s the championWho’s the who’s the championYou the championYou the you the championGet low当你听到我们说ayo冠军的光环就在我们背后混音:时俊峰采样歌曲:《倚天屠龙记》音乐总监:刘洲原作词:黄霑定位制作人:刘洲原作曲:顾嘉辉原唱:郑少秋采样歌曲词曲版权归属:CROWN MUSIC PUBLISHING (HK) LTD。
功夫胖KungFuPen—我的梦 (Live)—歌词
我的梦 (Live)2019-02-20作曲 : 功夫胖KungFu-Pen/Max马俊作词 : 功夫胖KungFu-Pen/Max马俊编曲:AiChenLookIf you have one shotOne opportunityYou ready king boyAre you readyVerse:功夫胖家人为我在紧张又有一个月没有进账我说爸爸不用慌最狠的我还在酝酿困在我的练功房不是练哼哼哈兮练如何连本带利将所有人狠狠打击早就过了青春期背着二十几的压力我只想把这些变成涡轮拿出我的看家戏所以我不会有假期直到我们拿到奖励城市的每个广场响起我的街头 symphony 我的梦我的梦我的梦想不是在学校的琴房真正赚到人生信仰带我兄弟闯出名堂如果生来就是背负又有谁能够自由释放坚持自己的观点赚钱活的无畏在这世上会有更多人跟我们分隔不需要他们的认可你还在玩别人玩剩的我们会站着把钱给挣了站着把钱挣了快点把钱挣了如果真实都不值钱那我这辈子也就认了HOOK:MAX马俊我的梦我的梦想我的梦我的梦想我的梦我的梦带我姑娘走出平房我的梦我的梦想我的梦我的梦想我的梦我的梦带我兄弟闯出名堂Hook:功夫胖我的梦我的梦我的梦想我的梦我的梦我的梦想我的梦我的梦带我姑娘走出平房我的梦我的梦我的梦想我的梦我的梦我的梦想我的梦我的梦带我兄弟闯出名堂Verse:MAX马俊感谢年轻的生命不同的声音像猛禽将难度增进让游戏更新难登顶散布挫折拦住弱的半数过客残酷获得强者才有资格活着Now king is back从没怂过经历浓缩追求精细动作制造惊喜众多誓将屏蔽冲破铁麦带来的respect歌起重获这几年的积淀经过提炼笔尖体现旗舰般的理念极限的体验重回起点昔年做新人赢得体面过往的荣誉赶不上扩张的功率说唱的鬃狗难阻挡狮王的功绩我醒来为制造惊骇清除病态让真实的声音更受到人青睐猜不透主题韵脚技巧除非我根本不想在怒吼已经压抑太久诸位等够没有Know king is back不爱说脏话却足以致命Max马俊King is back总低调谦虚对敌人凶狠永远更强劲黑暗中微弱的烛火绝不要失去哪怕还有如果接下来的困难一个个突破接下来的困难一个个突破像我曾经干过的一样激烈对抗假音乐的臭皮囊题写紧握前辈的接力棒理解将这力量带回新疆HOOK:MAX马俊我的梦我的梦想我的梦我的梦想我的梦我的梦带我姑娘走出平房我的梦我的梦想我的梦我的梦想我的梦我的梦带我兄弟闯出名堂HOOK:功夫胖我的梦我的梦我的梦想我的梦我的梦我的梦想我的梦我的梦带我姑娘走出平房我的梦我的梦我的梦想我的梦我的梦我的梦想我的梦我的梦带我兄弟闯出名堂功夫胖:马俊got a dream and a dream马俊:Kungfu got a dream and a dream 合:we all got a dream and a dream Catch rules everything around me Get cream音乐总监:刘洲定位制作人:刘洲混音:时俊峰采样歌曲:《Lose Yourself》原词曲:Bass, Jeffrey/Resto, Luis/Mathers, Marshall B原唱:Eminem采样歌曲词曲版权代理:Kobalt Music Publishing Asia Limited 采样歌曲录音版权归属:环球唱片。
跳跳蛙2.02019-02-20作曲 : 功夫胖KungFuPen作词 : 功夫胖KungFuPenBEAT:老道混缩:小武录音棚sync studioShout out to my 跳跳蛙Squad 顶呱呱一群井底之蛙一群井底之蛙比比谁叫的大比比谁更嘻哈一群井底之蛙一群井底之蛙相爱相杀相互揭发相互揭疤一群井底之蛙一群井底之蛙比比谁吹的大吹到肚皮爆炸一群井底之蛙一群井底之蛙Shout out to 宋岳庭My idol我知道Life s a struggle我知道你还活着会改成“圈子是个Trouble“一个个像冤大头为偶像名利发愁在网上演着Thug Life家里敲键盘不下楼你还真挺逼真的别把爸妈气昏了他们辛苦做人教会你黑粉一生了我只想说更多真的无所谓WorldWide 我只想让更多中文说唱不用学国外我只知道真的MC一直都在我也知道有人想来我的土地偷菜兄弟No lie 我还背着花呗的债但是再穷我的仁义礼智信不卖要换个频道在0731我的歌在Hater心里下了冰雹小赢几把是因为你的命好我的正气凛然从来不怕你的阴招Shout out to my 跳跳蛙squad 顶呱呱一群井底之蛙一群井底之蛙比比谁叫的大比比谁更嘻哈一群井底之蛙一群井底之蛙相爱相杀相互揭发相互揭疤一群井底之蛙一群井底之蛙比比谁吹的大吹到肚皮爆炸一群井底之蛙一群井底之蛙一群井底之蛙几匹害群之马不明情况的群众已经难辨真假别太相信领头羊也许会领向悬崖别太相信你的偶像也许只想有钱拿我灵感来自成长和我成长的人所以真不在乎那些自以为是的评论给每个努力的人尊重徐圣恩但是中指依旧送给那些无脑喷我只在乎每一次我用力扯着声带在每一个现场证明中文说唱的存在也许你的卫星信号已经连到了村外但是让这里真的富起来那才是真爱 Peace 好歌就是好歌那缺的就是缺的不是靠键盘拼的是你用耳朵听的只听走心的污浊被清除掉如果用心了怎么会怕听不到噼里啪啦叽叽喳喳每只都很冲一群蛙在一口井里打每只都很痛要是每只蛙一起动不再起哄也许就能跳出这个污浊的无底洞噼里啪啦叽叽喳喳每只都很冲一群蛙在一口井里打每只都很痛要是每只蛙一起动不再起哄也许就能跳出这个污浊的无底洞。
功夫熊猫_英文介绍(合集五篇)第一篇:功夫熊猫_英文介绍We know that the panda is a Chinese national treasure.(我们知道熊猫是中国国宝)They are lazy and gluttonous.Every time we see them ,they are either laying with half—opened eyes lazily or slowly going to reach the food ,then start heaving a meal.(它们很懒、很贪吃。
)And they are pretty lovely.I think it’s feather must be very comfortable.(它们非常可爱,我想它的毛摸上去一定非常舒服。
) Kung fu is one of the most precious parts of Chinese culture.(功夫中国文化最宝贵的一部分)Today we will talk about kung panda.(今天我们讲功夫熊猫)Kung Fu panda is a movie that allows me to see the Chinese national treasure panda and understand the Chinese kung fu from a point that I’ve never reached before.(功夫熊猫是一部让我可以进一步了解中国国宝熊猫和中国功夫的电影。
)The film tells the Kung Fu Panda po hopes to become hero.(电影讲述了熊猫阿宝希望成为功夫大侠)熊猫的名字宝,它很胖,几乎从床上滚下去。
Chinese Kung Fu
中国武术(Chinese Kung Fu)已有数 千年的历史, 包含众多搏击方式,是中国 传统文化的重要组成部分。 其诞生是出于 古时对自我防卫、狩猎技巧及军事训练的 需要。历史上,中国武术的影响可在书本 及亚洲独有的表演艺术中见到。近来,其 影响还扩展到目标受众宽广得多的电影及 电视业。由此,中国武术的传播已超越其 民族根源,对全世界都有着吸引力。
• Key
Chinese Kung Fu, with a history of a few thousand years and a number of fighting styles, is an important part of Chinese traditional culture. Its birth was attributed to the need for self-defense, hunting techniques and military training in ancient times. Historically, the influence of Chinese Kung Fu could be found in books and in the performing arts specific to Aeyond its roots
Key structures to Be Used
---be a part of sth;
---be attributed to sth; ---Coordinate structures (并列结构, and)
Key Words and Expressions to Be Used
• • • • • • • • fighting style self-defense techniques specific influence extend target appeal • part of •be attributed to •a number of •military training
Donnie Yen
»Thank you » for watching
Chinese Kung Fu
What is the Real Chinese Kung Fu 真正的中国功夫是什么
Chinese Kung Fu , not just fighting technique, but is not a simple fist movement. It is the national wisdom embodied our traditional culture. 中国功夫,不只是战斗技术,更不是简单的一拳运动。它是民族智慧, 体现了我国传统文化。
The representative of Chinese Kung Fu li xiaolong
The influence of Chinese kung fu
Kung fu panda
• All the architectural style, interior decoration, the role of costumes, and even the ancient Chinese Deng Jun, acupuncture, firecrackers and other things with Chinese characteristics appear in the film.
Confucianism(儒家文化): Moderation and Harmony Taoism: Dialectical and Comprehensibility (辩证与领悟) 儒学(儒家文化):中庸和谐 道教:辩证的理解
BUTTERFLY2019-02-20作曲 : 功夫胖KungFuPen作词 : 功夫胖KungFuPenBEAT:Jacob Lethal Beats混缩:小武录音棚sync studio想用意志把我身上所有欲望剥离太多未知错觉让我开始产生多疑只有不断强壮才能够从这里脱离自由来自己自律其他解释都是多余混迹闹市只有粗壮两只花臂膀一心一意想感受音乐没有花伎俩找寻存在的意义其他如同过眼云烟佛法即是我的活法不论时过境迁一匹脱缰野马终于学会气定神闲清醒后的我更庆幸我有过那从前解开我一个个困惑曾经多到成结当我放下成见那刻终于破茧成蝶We gon fly fly fly like a butterflyWe gon fly fly fly like a butterflyWe gon fly fly fly like a butterfly拍打双翼 fly high till i dieFly high till i die I believe I can fly fly high till i die 最后一排课堂我的座位靠窗听着涅槃的我思维早在太空翱翔撕下一页书本那页道理多么高尚把它折成纸飞机最终却降落在操场最想要躁动的年纪却只能坐着想象我要的respect不在他们要颁的奖项他们说不该想来想去实在想太多等你经历过社会学会了成长再说那面对不公平的事就要说QTMD看他们为非作歹还把所有好人咔了他们脑子被挤了耳朵聋的眼睛瞎着就算脖子被他们掐着我的嘴巴是自由的行动从现在开始不再今日复明日摔倒过的我现在选择选择更明智让你体验我的感受不论是什么形式让你体验我的痛苦当我们互相凝视我说的CSC不只是地图一片区无论走到哪里我知道根一直在这里人生太多情节我像坐着一台升降机没有pussy money 而我只要我的hip hop b 一匹脱缰野马终于学会气定神闲清醒后的我更庆幸我有过那从前解开我一个个困惑曾经多到成结当我放下成见那刻终于破茧成蝶We gon fly fly fly like a butterflyWe gon fly fly fly like a butterflyFly fly fly like a butterfly拍打双翼 fly high till i dieI believe I can flyI believe I can flyI believe I can flyDo you believe that?。
功夫熊猫英语观后感最经典十首歌曲1. Kung Fu Fighting - Cee-Lo Green & Jack BlackThis iconic song from the Kung Fu Panda soundtrack perfectly captures the spirit and energy of the film. With its infectious beat and catchy chorus, it's impossible not to feel pumped up and ready to take on any challenge after listening to this track.2. Everybody was Kung Fu Fighting - Shanghai RoxsA modern twist on the classic Kung Fu Fighting song, this version by Shanghai Roxs adds a contemporary edge to the original. With its fast-paced tempo and powerful vocals, it's a great song to listen to when you need a boost of energy.3. Oogway Ascends - Hans ZimmerOne of the most beautiful and haunting tracks from the Kung Fu Panda soundtrack, Oogway Ascends perfectly captures the wisdom and serenity of Master Oogway. With its ethereal melodies and emotional undertones, it's a song that will stay with you long after the film is over.4. Try - Jay ChouA heartfelt and uplifting song from the Kung Fu Panda soundtrack, Try encourages listeners to never give up and keep striving for their dreams. With its inspiring lyrics and soulful vocals, it's a perfect reminder to never stop believing in yourself.5. My Fist Hungers For Justice - Hans ZimmerAn intense and epic track from the Kung Fu Panda soundtrack, My Fist Hungers For Justice conveys the determination and fighting spirit of Po as he trains to become a Kung Fu master. With its driving percussion and soaring strings, it's a song that will make you feel invincible.6. Panda Po - Hans ZimmerA playful and whimsical track from the Kung Fu Panda soundtrack, Panda Po captures the fun and mischief of Po as he navigates his way through the challenges of becoming a Kung Fu warrior. With its cheerful melody and upbeat tempo, it's a song that will bring a smile to your face.7. Inner Peace - Hans ZimmerA reflective and contemplative track from the Kung Fu Panda soundtrack, Inner Peace explores the journey of self-discovery and enlightenment. With its soothing piano and ethereal vocals,it's a song that will help you find your center and achieve inner harmony.8. The Dragon Warrior - Hans ZimmerAn exhilarating and powerful track from the Kung Fu Panda soundtrack, The Dragon Warrior captures the awe and majesty of Po as he embraces his destiny and fulfills his potential. With its grand orchestration and epic choir, it's a song that will make you feel like you can conquer anything.9. Sacred Pool of Tears - Hans ZimmerA haunting and emotional track from the Kung Fu Panda soundtrack, Sacred Pool of Tears captures the depth of feeling and inner turmoil experienced by the characters in the film. With its melancholy melody and soulful vocals, it's a song that will touch your heart and leave you feeling moved.10. Journey to the West - Cee-Lo GreenA rousing and triumphant track from the Kung Fu Panda soundtrack, Journey to the West celebrates the courage and determination of Po as he embarks on his epic adventure. With its energetic beat and anthemic chorus, it's a song that will inspire you to face your fears and overcome any obstacle in your path.In conclusion, the Kung Fu Panda soundtrack features a diverse range of songs that capture the spirit, energy, and emotion of the film. Whether you're looking for inspiration, motivation, or simply a fun and uplifting tune to brighten your day, these ten songs have something for everyone. They are the perfect accompaniment to the epic journey of Po and his friends, and will stay with you long after the final credits have rolled.。
功夫动作片英语作文怎么写Kung Fu movies are a genre that never fails to captivate audiences with their high-flying action and intense fight scenes. The adrenaline-pumping moves and gravity-defying stunts are what make these films so thrilling to watch. From Jackie Chan's comedic fighting style to Bruce Lee's iconic one-inch punch, Kung Fu movies have left an indelible mark on the world of cinema.In these films, the fight choreography is often the highlight, with intricate moves and acrobatics that leave viewers in awe. The actors undergo rigorous training to perfect their martial arts skills, and it shows in their performances. Each punch, kick, and block is executed with precision and power, making every fight sequence a spectacle to behold.However, Kung Fu movies are not just about the action. They also often explore deeper themes such as honor, loyalty, and the pursuit of justice. The protagonists areusually skilled fighters who use their abilities to protect the weak and uphold what is right. These movies teach us important life lessons about courage, perseverance, and the power of the human spirit.One of the most fascinating aspects of Kung Fu movies is the wide array of fighting styles showcased. From Wing Chun to Shaolin, each style has its own unique characteristics and techniques. Some fighters rely on speed and agility, while others focus on strength and power. This diversity adds depth to the fight scenes and keeps the audience engaged.Kung Fu movies also have a rich history and cultural significance. They originated in China and have been influenced by various martial arts traditions. The films often incorporate elements of Chinese culture, such as traditional costumes, music, and philosophical concepts. They provide a glimpse into the rich heritage of Chinese martial arts and serve as a celebration of their legacy.In conclusion, Kung Fu movies are a thrilling anddiverse genre that combines jaw-dropping action with deeper themes. The fight choreography, the variety of fighting styles, and the cultural significance all contribute to their enduring popularity. Whether you're a fan of the genre or new to it, these movies are sure to leave you entertained and inspired. So grab some popcorn, sit back, and enjoy the adrenaline rush that only a Kung Fu movie can provide.。
怎样形容中国功夫英语作文Chinese Kung Fu, also known as Chinese martial arts, is a traditional Chinese culture that has been passed down for thousands of years. It is a unique and comprehensive system of fighting techniques, including both unarmed and weapon techniques, as well as various forms of physical exercise and mental training.Chinese Kung Fu is characterized by its diversity, complexity, and practicality. There are hundreds of different styles of Kung Fu, each with its own unique techniques, strategies, and philosophies. Some styles focus on fast and powerful strikes, while others emphasize subtle and graceful movements. Some styles are designed for close combat, while others are more suitable for long-range fighting.One of the most famous styles of Chinese Kung Fu is Shaolin Kung Fu, which originated from the Shaolin Templein Henan Province. Shaolin Kung Fu is known for itsrigorous training methods, which involve intense physical exercises, meditation, and self-discipline. It is also renowned for its powerful and explosive movements, such as the famous "iron palm" technique.Another popular style of Chinese Kung Fu is Tai Chi, which is a slow and gentle form of exercise that emphasizes relaxation, balance, and harmony. Tai Chi is oftenpracticed by people of all ages for its health benefits, such as improving flexibility, reducing stress, and enhancing mental clarity.Chinese Kung Fu is not only a physical practice butalso a way of life. It embodies the traditional Chinese values of respect, humility, perseverance, and self-improvement. Through the practice of Kung Fu, one can cultivate not only physical strength but also mental and spiritual well-being.In conclusion, Chinese Kung Fu is a unique and valuable cultural heritage that has been passed down for generations. It is a comprehensive system of fighting techniques,physical exercise, and mental training that embodies the traditional Chinese values of respect, humility, perseverance, and self-improvement. Through the practice of Kung Fu, one can not only improve their physical health but also cultivate a deeper understanding of themselves and the world around them.。
关于中国功夫的英语作文Chinese kung fu is really cool! It's not just about fighting and punching; it's a whole culture and way of life. You know, when I see those movies with kung fu mastersflying through the air and doing crazy moves, I'm like, whoa! That's amazing!But kung fu is more than just movies. It's atraditional form of martial arts that has been around for thousands of years. People train their bodies and minds to be strong and disciplined. It's not just about winning fights; it's about respecting others, staying calm, and using your skills wisely.And you know what? Kung fu is not just for guys. Girls can do it too! I've seen some female kung fu experts and they are totally awesome. They can kick and punch with as much power as anyone else. It just shows that kung fu isfor everyone, regardless of gender.Something else cool about kung fu is that it's not just one style. There are like tons of different types, each with its own unique moves and techniques. Some are more about fast and furious attacks, while others focus on slow and steady defense. It's like a whole world of martial arts to explore!。
中国功夫 英文作文
中国功夫英文作文I'm a big fan of Chinese Kung Fu. It's not just about fighting, but also about discipline and self-control. The movements are so graceful and powerful at the same time.When I watch Kung Fu movies, I'm always amazed by the agility and speed of the fighters. It's like they can movein the blink of an eye, and their precision is incredible.One thing I love about Kung Fu is the variety of styles. There are so many different techniques and forms, each with its own unique characteristics and history. It'sfascinating to learn about the origins of each style andhow they have evolved over time.Kung Fu is not just a physical practice, but also a mental one. It requires a lot of focus and concentration,as well as the ability to remain calm under pressure. It'sa great way to train both the body and the mind.The philosophy behind Kung Fu is also very interesting to me. It's not just about combat, but also about living in harmony with nature and striving for balance in all aspects of life. It's a holistic approach to health and well-being.Overall, Chinese Kung Fu is a beautiful and complex martial art that I have a deep respect for. It's more than just a fighting style – it's a way of life.。
向外国朋友介绍中国的功夫英语作文全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1Introduction to Chinese Kung FuChina, known as the birthplace of Kung Fu, has a rich history of martial arts that dates back thousands of years. Chinese Kung Fu, also known as Wushu, is a traditional Chinese martial art that encompasses a wide range of fighting styles and techniques. It is not only a form of self-defense but also a way of life, promoting physical fitness, mental well-being, and discipline.Origins of Chinese Kung FuChinese Kung Fu has its roots in ancient China, where it was developed as a means of self-defense and survival. The earliest forms of martial arts in China can be traced back to the Xia and Shang dynasties, over 4,000 years ago. Over the centuries, Kung Fu evolved and diversified into various styles, each with its own unique techniques and philosophies.Types of Chinese Kung FuThere are numerous styles of Chinese Kung Fu, each with its own distinctive characteristics and techniques. Some of the most popular styles include:1. Shaolin Kung Fu: Originating from the Shaolin Temple in Henan province, Shaolin Kung Fu is one of the oldest and most famous styles of Chinese martial arts. It is known for its rigorous training methods, dynamic movements, and powerful strikes.2. Tai Chi: Tai Chi is a gentle and graceful martial art that focuses on slow, flowing movements and deep breathing. It is often practiced for its health benefits and stress-relief properties.3. Wing Chun: Wing Chun is a close-range combat style that emphasizes speed, accuracy, and efficiency. It is known for its quick punches, sticky hands techniques, and defensive footwork.4. Baguazhang: Baguazhang is a circular and evasive style of Kung Fu that incorporates smooth and continuous movement patterns. It is characterized by its use of palm strikes, joint locks, and throws.5. Wudang Kung Fu: Wudang Kung Fu is a Taoist-inspired martial art that focuses on internal energy cultivation, meditation, and swordsmanship. It is known for its fluid movements, soft power, and balance.Training and PhilosophyIn China, Kung Fu is not just a physical exercise but also a way of life. Practitioners of Kung Fu undergo rigorous training that includes strength conditioning, flexibility exercises, sparring drills, and forms practice. In addition to physical training, Kung Fu also emphasizes mental discipline, focus, humility, and respect for oneself and others.The philosophy of Kung Fu is deeply rooted in Chinese culture and traditional values such as honor, loyalty, perseverance, and harmony. Practitioners are taught to embody these principles in their daily lives and interactions with others. Kung Fu is not about fighting or aggression but aboutself-improvement, self-control, and self-awareness.International InfluenceChinese Kung Fu has gained worldwide popularity and recognition, thanks to its portrayal in movies, TV shows, and popular culture. Martial artists such as Bruce Lee, Jet Li, Jackie Chan, and Donnie Yen have helped to popularize Kung Fu on the global stage, showcasing its beauty and effectiveness to audiences around the world.Today, Kung Fu is practiced by millions of people in China and abroad, with schools and academies dedicated to teaching the art of Chinese martial arts. Whether for fitness, self-defense, cultural appreciation, or spiritual growth, Kung Fu continues to inspire and captivate people of all ages and backgrounds.In conclusion, Chinese Kung Fu is a treasure of Chinese culture, a legacy of ancient wisdom, and a source of inspiration for martial artists around the world. By studying Kung Fu, one can not only learn self-defense techniques but also cultivate inner strength, discipline, and harmony. As a symbol of Chinese heritage and tradition, Kung Fu represents the spirit of perseverance, resilience, and excellence that continues to endure through the ages. So, to all my foreign friends, I invite you to explore the world of Chinese Kung Fu and discover the beauty and power of this ancient martial art.篇2Introduction to Chinese Kung FuChinese Kung Fu, also known as Wushu or martial arts, is a traditional Chinese fighting technique that has a long history and rich cultural significance. It is not only a form of combat, but also a way of life that embodies discipline, skill, and spirituality. In thisarticle, we will introduce you to the fascinating world of Chinese Kung Fu and its various styles, techniques, and philosophies.History of Chinese Kung FuChinese Kung Fu has a history that dates back thousands of years, with its roots believed to have originated in the ancient Chinese society. It has been passed down through generations, with each generation adding their own insights and techniques to this ancient martial art form.The origins of Chinese Kung Fu can be traced back to the legendary Shaolin Temple, where monks developed a series of self-defense techniques, which later evolved into what we now know as Kung Fu. The Shaolin monks are renowned for their incredible physical prowess, mental discipline, and spiritual enlightenment, which they achieve through rigorous training and meditation.Styles of Chinese Kung FuThere are numerous styles of Chinese Kung Fu, each with its own unique techniques and characteristics. Some of the most famous styles include:1. Shaolin Kung Fu: This is perhaps the most well-known style of Chinese Kung Fu, originating from the Shaolin Temple. Itis characterized by its fast-paced, dynamic movements, powerful strikes, and acrobatic stunts.2. Tai Chi Chuan: This style is known for its slow, flowing movements and emphasis on energy flow and relaxation. It is often practiced for health benefits and stress relief.3. Wing Chun: This style is known for its close-range combat techniques and quick, precise strikes. It is popularized by its use in the Ip Man film series.4. Wudang Kung Fu: Originating from the Wudang Mountains, this style emphasizes internal energy cultivation, balance, and harmony.Techniques of Chinese Kung FuChinese Kung Fu is a diverse and versatile martial art form, encompassing a wide range of techniques, including strikes, kicks, blocks, throws, joint locks, and weapons training. Each style of Kung Fu has its own set of techniques and training methods, tailored to suit the practitioner's skills and preferences.Training in Chinese Kung FuTraining in Chinese Kung Fu requires dedication, discipline, and perseverance. Practitioners undergo rigorous physical training, endurance exercises, flexibility drills, and sparringsessions to develop their skills and enhance their abilities. In addition to physical training, practitioners also emphasize mental focus, meditation, and mindfulness to cultivate inner peace and harmony.Philosophies of Chinese Kung FuChinese Kung Fu is not just about fighting; it is a way of life that embodies traditional Chinese philosophies, such as Confucianism, Taoism, and Buddhism. Practitioners of Kung Fu strive to achieve balance, harmony, and inner peace through their training, developing virtues such as humility, respect, integrity, and compassion.ConclusionChinese Kung Fu is a fascinating and profound martial art form that has captured the imagination of people around the world. Its rich history, diverse styles, techniques, and philosophies make it a unique and valuable cultural heritage of China. Whether you are interested in combat sports, self-defense, physical fitness, or spiritual enlightenment, Chinese Kung Fu has something to offer for everyone. So, if you ever get a chance, don't hesitate to experience the magic of Chinese Kung Fu firsthand!篇3Introduction:Kung Fu, also known as Chinese martial arts, is a traditional fighting style that has been practiced in China for centuries. It is one of the most prominent cultural elements of China and has gained international recognition for its unique techniques, philosophy, and history. In this article, we will explore the rich history and significance of Kung Fu and introduce it to our foreign friends.History of Kung Fu:The history of Kung Fu dates back to ancient China, where it was developed as a means of self-defense and combat. Over the years, it has evolved into a comprehensive system of fighting techniques that incorporate both physical movements and mental discipline. Kung Fu is deeply rooted in Chinese culture and has been passed down through generations of practitioners.Types of Kung Fu:There are numerous styles of Kung Fu, each with its own unique techniques and characteristics. Some of the most famous styles include Shaolin Kung Fu, Wing Chun, Tai Chi, and Wushu. These styles vary in their focus, with some emphasizing speedand agility, while others focus on strength and power. Regardless of the style, Kung Fu is known for its fluid movements, intricate forms, and precise techniques.Philosophy of Kung Fu:Kung Fu is not just about fighting; it is also a way of life. Practitioners of Kung Fu are taught to respect their opponents, cultivate self-discipline, and maintain a balanced and harmonious relationship with the world around them. Kung Fu is often associated with Taoist and Confucian philosophies, which emphasize the importance of balance, harmony, and virtue.Benefits of Kung Fu:Beyond its physical and mental benefits, Kung Fu offers a range of other advantages to its practitioners. It promotes physical fitness, improves coordination and flexibility, enhances self-confidence, and teaches valuable life skills such as discipline, perseverance, and respect. Additionally, Kung Fu provides a sense of community and belonging for its practitioners, who often train together as part of a martial arts school or group.Popularization of Kung Fu:In recent years, Kung Fu has gained popularity around the world, thanks to the influence of Chinese cinema and the rise ofmixed martial arts competitions. Movies such as "Enter the Dragon" and "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" have introduced Kung Fu to a global audience and inspired countless people to take up the practice. Today, Kung Fu schools can be found in countries all over the world, where students of all ages and backgrounds come together to learn this ancient art form.Conclusion:In conclusion, Kung Fu is not just a martial art; it is a symbol of Chinese culture, history, and philosophy. Its rich tradition and diverse styles have captivated people from all corners of the globe, who seek to learn its techniques and embody its values. By sharing the story of Kung Fu with our foreign friends, we hope to inspire a deeper appreciation and understanding of this timeless art form. Whether as a means of self-defense, a path to physical fitness, or a way to connect with others, Kung Fu continues to leave a lasting impact on those who practice it.。
《Kung Fu Fighting》Cee-Lo Green版歌词带翻译完整版
Oh-oh-oh-oh...Oh-oh-oh-oh...Everybody is Kung fu fighting,Your mind becomes fast as lightningAlthough the future is a little bit frightening(a little bit frighting)It's the book of your life that you're writing(life thatyou're writing)You’re a diamond in the rough,You’re a brilliant ball of clay,You can be a work of art,If you just go all the way,Now what would it take to break?I believe that you can bend,Not only do you have to fight,But you have got to win,Everybody is Kung fu fighting,Your mind becomes fast as lightningAlthough the future is a little bit frightening(a little bit frighting)It's the book of your life that you're writing(life thatyou're writing)You are a natural,Why is it so hard to see?Maybe it’s just because,the people are looking at meThe journey’s a lonely one,So much more than we knowBut, sometimes you’ve got to goYou’ve got to be your own hero.Everybody is Kung fu fighting,(Kung fu fighting)Your mind becomes fast as lightningAlthough the future is a little bit frightening(a little bit frighting)It's the book of your life that you're writing(life thatyou're writing)You’re a diamond in the rough,You’re a brilliant ball of clay,You can be a work of art,If you just go all the way,Now what would it take to break?I believe that you can bend,Not only do you have to fight,But you have got to win,Everybody is Kung fu fighting,(Kung fu fighting)Your mind becomes fast as lightning.Although the future is a little bit frightening(a little bit frighting)It's the book of your life that you're writing(life thatyou're writing)哦·哦哦哦哦哦哦哦每个人都是功夫高手你的行动快如闪电虽然未来充满艰辛(有点艰辛)但是你却写下生命之书(生命之书)你是一颗未雕琢的钻石一颗裹着泥土的宝石你可以成为一件杰作如果你不断努力那么就会有所突破我相信你能够承受你要做的就是去拼搏但你必须成功每个人都会功夫你的行动快如闪电虽然未来充满艰辛(有点艰辛)但是你却写下生命之书(生命之书)你浑然天成为何总不能发光可能是因为你没有去发掘王者之路总是孤独的比你预想的还要寂寞但是有时你必须走下去成为你自己的英雄每个人都有功夫你的行动快如闪电虽然未来充满艰辛(有点艰辛)但是你却写下生命之书(生命之书)你是一颗未雕琢的钻石一颗裹着泥土的宝石你可以成为一件杰作如果你不断努力那么就会有所突破我相信你能够承受你要做的就是去拼搏但你必须成功每个人都会功夫你的行动快如闪电虽然未来充满艰辛Oh-oh-oh-oh...但是你却写下生命之书。
Combat Kung Fu
PIONEERHOW IS YOUR STYLE OF KUNG FU DIFFERENT?First, it combines traditional and modern elements. This ensures it is based on sound science, but, at the same time, maintains the essence of the traditional elements. Second, it is an incredibly pared-down style; its beauty lies in its simplicity. Third, it’s very practical. By avoiding unnecessary complexity, my brand is straightforward to learn and simple to execute. All these features have come through my personal kung fu learning experience in both theory and practice. I studied IT at the University of Technologyin Sydney, which trained me to be logical, rational, and analytical. I realized that Chinese kung fu lacked quantitative concepts. The language in training books, for example, is vague: 两脚分开,与肩同宽 (li2ng ji2o f8n k`i, y^ ji`n t5ng ku`n, stand with two feet apart, to keep the width the same as your shoulders). Different widths for different learnerswill have different effects. When confronted with these questions, Chinese traditional kung fu masters had to correct learners’ actions one-by-one, depending on theirstudents interpretation. Throughobservation and experiments, I wasable to summarize and create anaccurate expression explaining whatwas originally meant, which is thatthe acupuncture points of yongquan(涌泉) in the feet must be kept vertical to the jianjing (肩井穴) in your shoulder. Doing this will createa precise position for each student,which is the most effective standardfor practice.YOU ARE A MARTIAL ARTS MASTER WHO IS OBVIOUSLY GOOD AT COMBAT. HAVE YOU TESTED YOUR THEORY?In 2001, when I arrived inAustralia, Chinese kung fu was notmainstream. Japanese Karate andRepublic of Korea’s Taekwondowere very popular. When they heardthat I practiced Chinese kung fu,of course, they challenged me tomany competitions. I accepted morethan 30 times and, each time, Iwon under the agreed upon rules.In Chinese we call these kinds ofcompetitions 切磋 (qi8cu4), which means learning by discussion and exchanging views. Being an expertCombat Kung FuAn interview with kung fu master Zhao Jilong, founder of Fun Kungfu对话“泛功夫”创始人、实战派武术家赵冀龙in martial arts does mean youget some bizarre challenges.When I worked in the goods andmaterials supply business in SouthSudan, a guy from a powerfulKenyan family, Tinta Akasha, wasone of my main competitors. Hiscompany monopolized most of thebusiness in the field, and he wasnot too pleased I was working onhis patch. On hearing I practicedkung fu, he challenged me tocombat. He thought kung fu wasjust dancing around with a filletknife or something. Bear in mindthat Tinta’s father is one of thebiggest drug dealers in world[unconfirmed by TWOC]. Tinta’spersonal bodyguard has the sameteacher as Mike Tyson, and rumorhas it that Tinta’s even tougherthan his bodyguard! Locally, hewas undefeated. During the firstround of combat, he packed insome hard punches, and I was bitstunned by them, to be honest.For the second round, I said thatif he was going to use full contactpunches then I should be allowedto use my legs. He agreed, andafter a few false moves, my right8889When it comes to martial arts, Zhao Jilong, is the man. Starting martial arts at the tender age of five, Zhao set out to master several styles, including Mizong Quan (迷踪拳, Lost Track Fist), Shaolin Quan (少林拳, Shaolin Fist Fighting), Xingyi Quan (形意拳, Fist of Intent), and Chuojiao Fanzi (戳脚翻子, literally, Feet Poking) to name just a few. In 2005, Zhao decided to start teaching kung fu abroad, opening the Kylin Martial Art School in Sydney. At the same time, he was busy perfecting other fighting skills, such as Thai Boxing and the fierce Israeli fighting system, Krav Maga. In 2012 he returned to China, becoming the executive consultant and hostof the documentary series, Experiencing Real Kung Fu (《体验真功夫》T@y3n Zh8n G4ngfu ) on CCTV-4. Researching the origins of various kung fu styles, he sought out a range of kung fu masters. Using his knowledge of different martial arts styles, he gradually developed his own style, Fun Kungfu, which aims to promote a mix of combat styles, kung fu, healthy living, and a practical training system. He also serves as the Deputy Chairman of the Committee of Chinese Kung Fu Championships (中国功夫争霸赛 Zh4nggu5 G4ngfu Zh8ngb3s3i ).Zhao JilongProfession: Kung Fu MasterNationality: ChinesePIONEER PROFILEfoot kicked him in the face. He justfroze for a moment and suddenly came over to me. I thought he wanted to throw me, but he gave me a big hug, telling me, “It’s unthinkable to be kicked by the feet.” From then on, we became good friends. I taught him how to utilize legs in fighting; he taught me how to perfect fist fighting.WHAT INSPIRED YOU TO DEVOTE YOURSELF TO THIS STYLE, A MIX OF COMBAT AND HEALTHY LIVING?If you just blindly pursue combat, but deviate from the path of good health, then you are actually disregarding the original essence of kung fu. If you purely focus on the process of improving speed, blocking, throwing punches, etc., it all becomes rather cruel and can be extremely boring. Moreover, it’s just physical and mental torture. Students are reluctant to continue and will decide to quit. Even if some people force themselves to go90Mr. Zhao teaching Ondrej Bursik (the president of the College of Complementary Medicine of Australia) zhuanggong (桩功,Static Stance).on practicing in order to achieve a certain goal, this can cause a lot of unnecessary harm. Indisputably, this is why so many Thai Boxers die young. I devoted myself to this style, not only to focus on external training, but also to emphasize internal training, which is good for your health. If you only focus on strength training, you will go from being a small bottle to a big bottle, but the bottle will be empty.WHY DO YOU INSIST ON ARELATIONSHIP BETWEEN MARTIAL ARTS AND HEALTH?Chinese martial arts, also known as the “art of the nation” (国术gu5sh&), has a philosophy that is completely compatible with studies of ancient Chinese civilization (国学 gu5xu9). TCM is also an important branch of ancient Chinese culture. In other words, Chinese martial arts and TCM are all part of the same ancient Chinese civilization. They are mutually compatible and share many of the sameconcepts, such as wuxing (五行, the five elements), bagua (八卦, the eight trigrams), yin and yang (阴阳), and others. So, if a man practices authentic Chinese kung fu, at the same time, he is relaxing and unclogging his energy channels, or meridians (经络 j~nglu7). These are a network of passages, through which energy circulates and is distributed to the acupuncture points. So, kung fu practice can promote the body’s microcirculation to absorb more energy in the body, not to mention help eliminate toxins.DO YOU THINK THERE IS HOPE FOR MARTIAL ART TO BE PUT TO THE TEST, SAY IN AN MMA-TYPE SETTING?Before, it was completely impossible because sports competitions, which determine winners and losers under rules, rarely allows for friendship. Friendship is very important;competition should come second.However, Chinese kung fu is another concept. In ancient China, there were three main ways to utilize kung fu: in war, guarding property from robbers, and dueling. At these moments, as they can be life-or-death struggles, every action aims at the vital parts of the opponent. Chinese martial arts makes a thorough and accurate investigation into the structure of the human body. A master clearly knows the locations of each vital point and can calculate when to hit and what kind of tactics are best for each fight. So, it does not work as well under the rules of competition. Now, we’re organizing the Chinese Kungfu Championships (CKF), and have invited Zhang Tiequan, the first (of two) Chinese fighters ever contracted to the world-renowned UFC league, to be a referee. We are trying to use new rules—a little closer to MMA rules—that allow the use of offensive and defensive combat actions such as kicks,punches, wrestling, and takedowns, but it is forbidden to hit the vital areas. - ALICIA ZHANG (张华阳)。
中zhōng 国guó功gōng 夫fu -屠tú洪hóng 纲gāng卧wò似sì一yī张zhāng 弓gōng ,站zhàn 似sì一yī棵kē松sōng,不bú动dòng 不bù摇yáo 坐zuò如rú钟zhōng ,走zǒu 路lù一yí阵zhèn 风fēng。
南nán 拳quán 和hé北běi 腿tuǐ,少shǎo 林lín 武wǔ当dāng 功gōng,太tài 极jí八bā卦guà连lián 环huán 掌zhǎng ,中zhōng 华huá有yǒu 神shén 功gōng。
卧wò似sì一yī张zhāng 弓gōng ,站zhàn 似sì一yī棵kē松sōng,不bú动dòng 不bù摇yáo 坐zuò如rú钟zhōng ,走zǒu 路lù一yí阵zhèn 风fēng。
南nán 拳quán 和hé北běi 腿tuǐ,少shǎo 林lín 武wǔ当dāng 功gōng,太tài 极jí八bā卦guà连lián 环huán 掌zhǎng ,中zhōng 华huá有yǒu 神shén 功gōng。
(棍gùn 扫sǎo 一yī大dà片piàn ,枪qiāng 挑tiāo 一yī条tiáo 线xiàn ,身shēn 轻qīng 好hǎo 似sì云yún 中zhōng 燕yàn ,豪háo 气qì冲chōng 云yún 天tiān, 外wài 练liàn 筋jīn 骨gǔ皮pí,内nèi 练liàn 一yì口kǒu 气qì,刚gāng 柔róu 并bìng 济jì不bù低dī头tóu ,我wǒ们men 心xīn 中zhōng 有yǒu 天tiān 地dì) 卧wò似sì一yī张zhāng 弓gōng ,站zhàn 似sì一yī棵kē松sōng,不bú动dòng 不bù摇yáo 坐zuò如rú钟zhōng ,走zǒu 路lù一yí阵zhèn 风fēng。
Raphael WIKI百科翻译
Raphael (2012 TV series)"拉斐尔自傲于全队。
"—主题曲中对他的性格的介绍Raphael或者Raph 是忍者神龟中的一个肌肉发达却头脑发热的家伙。
他也有柔性的一面,但仅仅是对他的宠物龟spike (虽然,有时他也会这样对待他的兄弟们和splinter老师)。
2012版中的配音为:Sean Astin个性遇事总是按照他自己所想的去做,拉斐尔是全队的骨干(力量型)。
他是一个常挖苦,坚韧的(粗鲁的),有时又很卑微的人;但当他照顾宠物龟spike 时,又表现出已知的柔性的一面。
这也表明他很爱自己的兄弟们, 当然,有时他也会教训一下他们(主要是米开朗基罗Mikey,他是队中年龄最小的)。
在此期间,他们与蛇草(Snakeweed)进行了一场战斗,结果Mikey 因此而受伤。
他告诉Splinter 他需要Leo,他还说“我不介意自己去冒生命危险,但我不希望自己的兄弟也如此。
(偶尔,当Dona提到April 时,Raph和Mikey会发出接吻的声音:-D)能力Raph是他的兄弟中最强大,最坚韧的, 能够更迅速,更容易的去对付更强大的对手。
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verybody is kung fu fighting,
your mind becomes fast as lightning although the future is a little bit frightening if you look at your life then you're arriving,
you're a diamond in the rough,
you're a brilliant ball of clay,
you can be a work of art,
if you just go all the way,
now what would it take to break?
i believe that you can bend,
not only have you got to fight,
but you have got to win,
everybody is kung fu fighting,
your mind becomes fast as lightning although the future is a little bit frightening if you look at your life then you're arriving,
you are a natural,
why is it so hard to see?
maybe it's just because,
the people are looking at me
the journey's a lonely one,
so much more than we know
but, sometimes you've got to go
you've got to be your own hero.
everybody is kung fu fighting,
your mind becomes fast as lightning although the future is a little bit frightening
you're a diamond in the rough,
you can be a work of art,
if you just go all the way,
now what would it take to break?
i believe that you can bend,
not only have you got to fight,
but you have got to win,
everybody is kung fu fighting
your mind becomes fast as lightning.。