医学英语概述 ppt课件
-um→ -a
protozoon 原生动物 GK protozoa
-on→ -a
医学名词常用其外来复数(the foreign plural)形式
词源 外来复数 变复数的方法
fundus 基底
-us → -i
edema 水肿 L&GK edemata
-ma → -mata
皮下的 肾上腺素
(1)医学名词常用其外来复数(the foreign plural)形式
词源 外来复数 变复数的方法
axilla 腋窝
-a→ -ae
diagnosis 诊断
GK diagnoses -is → -es
appendix 阑尾
appendices -ix →-ices
bacterium 细菌 L bacteria
参考译文:用水、空气或其它介 质加以稀释,可以使进入体内的致病 菌数目减少到能引起感染的最低值以 下,这可以说明为什么感染,尤其是 那些进入呼吸道的感染,传染的可能 性在户外比在拥挤的室内要小。
(2)医学英语可以出现抽象名词 和物质名词的复数形式,如 vomitings 多次呕吐。diagnoses, 各种各样的诊断
• chief complaint
• clinical manifestation 临床表现
• delivery history
• Etiology
• family history
• history, medical history 病史
• precipitating(induced) 诱因
• functional diseases 机能病、官能病 • infectious diseases 传染病 • inherited diseases 遗传病 • malignant diseases恶性病 • nutritional diseases 营养病 • occupation diseases 职业病 • organic diseases 器质性病 • paroxysmal diseases 阵发性病 • periodical diseases 周期病 • primary(principal)diseases原发(主导)病 • secondary diseases 继发病 • sexual(venereal, social)diseases 性病 • terminal diseases 绝症 • wasting diseases 消耗性疾病
到…疼痛) • angina 绞痛 • cardiac angina 心绞痛
• backache 背痛 • colic 绞痛,急腹痛 • earache 耳痛 • headache 头痛 • neuralgia 神经痛 • migraine 偏头痛 • rebound tenderness 反跳痛 • somatalgia 躯体痛 • sore throat 咽喉痛 • stomachache 胃痛 • toothache 牙痛
laboratory tests and their
diagnosing and monitoring
and ultrasound in medical
significance in diagnosing
various medical conditions.
diseases and monitoring
documentation and understand
records more efficiently.
their meanings.
Usage and Context
Learn how to effectively use medical abbreviations in written and verbal
Decoding Medical Jargon
Improving Chart Reading
Decode the abbreviations
Enhance your ability to read and
commonly used in medical
interpret medical charts and
Learn how to effectively communicate and
trust, provide information, and ensure patient
collaborate with healthcare professionals from
different disciplines.
Communicationinhealthcare settings
(2)“组合元音”分析法:是构词成分的 接合点。 最常见的元音字母是“O”。 如esophag/o/jejun/o/gastr/o/stomy 食管空肠胃吻合术。
(2)当一个名词常同时有外来复数 与英文规则复数,外来复数在正式 文体中特别是科技用语中较常见, 而英文规则复数则在日常医学英语 中更常见。
(3)有些名词变复数时,词尾字母拼 写发生变化
如 phalanx→phalanges指(趾)骨 faux →fauces 咽门
①倒数第二音节中的元音后面跟 两个辅音,大多数情况下,其元 音读短音,重音在该音节上。
如bronch’ismus 支气管痉挛
②倒数第二个音节中的元音后面跟 一个辅音,其中有不少元音读短音, 则重音落在倒数第三音节。
如 ’ abdomen
• cholangiocholecystocholedochectomy
• cholangiocholecystocholedochectomy • cholangio/cholecysto/choledoch/ectomy
(3)为了简洁,常采用被动语态 及应用名词作定语构成复合词形 式,如cancer patient(patient with cancer),blood vessel wall(wall of the blood vessel)
•associated with 与…有关系;与…相联系
•obstacles n. 障碍;障碍物(obstacle的复数形式);阻碍
•injury to 损伤,伤害(某个部位)
•Patient has had chills after dinner since last evening.
(Biographical[baɪə'græfɪk(ə)l] data)
• Name姓名 • Age年龄 • Sex性别 • Marital['mærɪt(ə)l] status婚否 • Nativity[nə'tɪvɪtɪ]籍贯 • Race民族 • Occupation职业 • Date of admission入院日期 • Informant [ɪn'fɔːmənt]病史叙述者 • History病史
•·症状+时间+in duration
•如: [Headache 1 month in duration] 头痛1月
•如: [Two-day history of fever] 发热2天
•4-hour traffic accident injury to the left leg pain associated with activities obstacles.
(history of presenting complaint[kəm'plent])
•现病史书写的重点包括: •一、主诉中症状的详细描述; •二、疾病的发展过程; •三、诊疗经过; •四、目前的一般情况
• First recipient of the man-made artificial heart on Dec 1, 1982 at the Utah Medical Center
Dr. Barney Clark
•Tom Christerson, second recipient of AbiCor artificial heart are still alive for more than one year
Artificial hearts abandoned
• By the end of the ’80s, the Jarvik devices had been implanted to sustain patients waiting for transplants
• 2019, doctors at Jewish Hospital in Louisville, Ky., implant the first self-contained, mechanical heart replacement into a patient • Two recipient: Robert Tools & Tom Christerson
•1966, Dr. Michael DeBakey of Houston successfully implants a partial artificial heart
• 1967, Dr. Christiaan Barnard performs the first successful human heart transplant. The patients, 53-year-old dentist Louis Washkansky, dies 18 days after surgery in South African
osse/5Csi/ ossification/Cying /Csi faiin /骨化的
ossicles /5Csiklz/小骨
/5RstI(EJ)/ osteoarthritis/Csti:7EuB:5Wraitis/
costomediastinal / kCstE7mi:diAs5tainEl/肋纵膈的
`IskI(Eu)/ / iskiEu5kAvE:nEsEs/坐骨海绵体肌
ischiorectal / iskiEu5rekt(E)l/
2-2 韧带 ligament
syndesmectopia /7sindEsmek5tEupiE/韧带异位
syndesmology /7sindEs5mClEdVi/ 韧带学
syndesmitis /7sindEs5maitis/ 韧带炎
syndesmoma /7sindEs5mEumE/结 缔组织瘤
my(o)肌肉 muscle 2-2
myotonia /7maiEu5tEuniE/肌强直 myoglobin /7maiE5^lEubin/肌红蛋白 myocardium /7maiEu5kB:diEm/心肌层 myosin/ 5maiEsin/肌浆球蛋白
os /Cs/
craniolacunia /9kreInIEJ`lAkjuni /
2 .理解词义,记忆单词
-pexy ColpohysteroHepato-
阴道子宫固定术 肝固定术
一、学习医学英语构词法的重要性 二、英语发展简史 三、医学英语术语的基本特征 四、医学英语术语构词规则 五、医学英语术语的读音规则 六、医学英语构词法的常用词缀
✓ 几乎在所有希腊语词根后加-o-; ✓ 拉丁语词素后面可以加o或i; ✓ 当结合型与另一个以元音字母开头的词根或后缀 结合时,
✓ 并列关系的词素之间; o或i为词素所不可缺少的部分时, 可以保留。
① saved
Gastro -pexy gastropexy Meno -pause menopause
cocci ganglia
apex cervix
Apices Cervices
• ae→e,oe→e,ou→u,ph→f,y→i • haemorrhage→hemorrhage oedema→edema • oulitis [u’laitis]→ulitis [ju’laitis] • sulphonamide→sulfonamide
《The New England Journal of Medicine 》(新英格兰医学杂志)是医学领域顶级期 刊,发表大量高质量医学研究,适合医学英 语学习者提高阅读理解能力;《The Lancet》(柳叶刀)同样具有很高影响力, 涵盖各类医学领域,有助于拓宽专业视野。
注重文章结构,理解段落关系。医学英语文章通常具有明确的结构和逻辑,读者应关注文 章的标题、副标题、段落开头和结尾等部分,以理解段落间的关系和文章的整体脉络。
积累专业词汇,提高阅读速度。医学英语涉及大量专业词汇,读者应通过不断学习和积累 ,提高阅读速度和准确性。同时,掌握一些词汇猜测技巧,如前缀、后缀和上下文推断等 ,也能在一定程度上缓解生词障碍。
积极寻求与外籍医生、留学生等的合 作与交流机会,如参与国际医疗志愿 者项目,实践医学英语应用,提升语 言实战能力。
学习和练习医学英语中常 见元音和辅音的发音方法 和技巧。
掌握医学英语中的基本语 调和语音变化,提高口语 表达的自然度和流畅度。
熟悉医学英语音标系统, 掌握单词的读音规则和音 标与发音之间的对应关系 。
学习和练习医生和患者之 间常见交流和询问病情的 英语表达方式和对话。
掌握医学学术会议中常用 的英语表达和交流技巧, 包括学术报告、问题提问 和讨论等。
学习和实践医学团队内部 合作时常用的英语沟通方 式和协作技巧。
本课件将帮助医学生们提高他们的医学英语能力,包括基础医学英语、临床 医学英语和医学研究英语等内容。我们还将分享学习方法和技巧,并通过典 型例题分析加深理解。最后,总结并回答问题。
掌握统计学方法和数据分 析技术,以支持医学研究。
学习如何撰写结构清晰、 准确的医学研究报告。
1 词汇记忆
采用记忆技巧和词组背 诵,加强医学英语词汇 的记忆。
2 阅读理解
3 口语表达
使用主题句和关键词法, 提高对医学文献和教材 的理解。
进行角色扮演和小组讨 论,提升口语表达能力。
题目 例题1 例题2 例题3
描述一种常见的疾病,并解 释其病因。
根据症状,推断患者可能面 临的疾病。
分析一篇医学研究论文的数 据和结果。
答案 答案1 答案2 答案3
通过本课程的学习,您将掌握基础医学英语、临床医学英语和医学研究英语所需的关键知识和技能,为 您的医学职业发展打下坚实的基础。
学习如何与患者进行有效的沟 通,包括询问症状、给予建议 和解释诊断。
了解在医疗团队中的责任和角 色,并学习如何与其他医疗专 业人员进行协作。
掌握常见的医疗程序,如手术、 注射和护理操作。
学习如何有效地查找和评 估医学文献。
Medical English Listening Training Methods
01 02 03
Active listening
Encouraging active listening skills during Medical English training can improve comprehension. Focusing on key information, asking for clarification, and paraphrasing what has been said can enhance understanding.
Medical English requires clear and precise pronunciation to ensure accurate communication. Practicing proper pronunciation of medical terms and phrases is essential.
医学缩写可以根据其用途分为多种类型,如拉丁缩写、英文缩写、 组织机构缩写等。了解这些分类有助于更好地理解和使用医学缩写。
医学缩写在使用时需要遵循一定的规范,如首字母大写、使用斜体等。 了解这些规范有助于正确使用医学缩写。
Medical English Grammar
1 2
Internal Medicine English
掌握常见的内科疾病诊断术语,如高血压、 糖尿病、心脏病等。
能够运用医学英语进行病例分析,包括病史 采集、体格检查、实验室检查等。
熟悉内科疾病的治疗方案和药物使用,如药 物治疗、手术治疗、介入治疗等。
《基础医学英语》 PPT课件
More examples: cutis (皮) cervix (颈) bronchus (支气管) abdomen (腹) vertebra (椎骨)
aorta (主动脉) sinus (窦) os (骨) membrane(膜) cartilage (软骨)
2. Medical words from Greek: 1) colon: It entered English in 1398, based on
Course Goals To consolidate the students’ knowledge of the type of English that could be used for medicine.
Course Objectives 1.Vocabulary
1) understanding----English←→Chinese 2) word-formation----basic rules 3) pronunciation----syllables & stress 2. Reading Skills 3. Reading Practice
Greek Kolon ( large intestine, food, meat) 2) coma: It was borrowed from Greek koma
( deep sleep ) in 1646. 3) pneumonia: Greek pneumonia ( inflammation
Scanning is a reading technique to be used when you want to find specific information quickly. In scanning you have a question in your mind and you read a passage only to find the answer, ignoring unrelated information.
医学英语教程Chapter 3
Chapter 3.I. IntroductionThis chapter has three purposes. The first purpose is to teach many of the most common suffixes in the medical language. As you work through the entire book, the suffixes mastered in this chapter will appear often. An additional group of suffixes is presented in Chapter 6. The second purpose is to introduce new combining forms and use them to make works with suffixes. Your analysis of the terminology in Section III of this chapter will increase tour medical language wocabulary.The third purpose is to expand your understanding ofterminology beyond basic word analgsis. The appendices in Section IV present illustrations and additional explanations of new terms. Your should refer to these appendices as your complete the meanings of terms in Section III.II. Combining FormsRead this list and underline those combining forms that are unfamiliarCombining FormsCombining Form MeaningAbdomin/o abdomenAcr/o extremities, top, extreme pointAcu/o sharp, severe, suddenAden/o glandAgor/a marketplaceAmni/o amnionAngi/o vesselArteri/o arteryArthr/o jointAxill/o armpitBlephar/o eyelidBronch/o bronchial tubesCarcin/o cancerChem/o drug, chemicalChondr/o cartilageChron/o timeCol/o colonCyst/o urinary bladderEncephal/o brainHydr/o water, fluidInguin/o groinIsch/o to hold backLapar/o abdomen, abdominal wallLaryng/o larynxLymph/o lymphLymph, a clear fluid that bathes tissue spaces, is contained inspecial lymph vessels and nodes throughout the bodyMamm/o breastMast/o breastMorph/o shape, formMuc/o mucusMy/o muscleMyel/o spinal cord, bone marrowContext of usage indicates the meaning intendedNecr/o deathNephr/o kidneyNeur/o nerveNeutr/o neurophilOphthalm/o eyeOste/o boneOt/o earPath/o diseasePeritone/o peritoneumPhag/o to eat, swallowPhleb/o veinPlas/o formation, developmentPleur/o pleuraPneumon/o lungsPulmon/o lungsRect/o rectumRen/o kidneySarc/o fleshSplen/o spleenStaphyl/o clystersStrept/o twisted chainsThorac/o chestThromb/o clotTonsill/o tonsilsTrache/o tracheaVen/o veinIII. Suffixes and TerminologyNoun SuffixesThe following list includes common noun suffixes. After the meaning of each suffix, terminology illustrates the use of the suffix in various words. Remember the basic rule for building a medical term: Use a combining vowel, such as o, to connect the root to the suffix. However, drop the combining vowel if the suffix begins with a vowel. For example: gastr/it is, not gastr/o/it is. Numbers after certain terms direct you to the Appendices that follow this list. These Appendices contain additional information to help you understand the terminology.Suffix Meaning Terminology Meaning-algia pain arthralgia _________________________otalgia ____________________________neuralgia __________________________myalgia ___________________________-cele hernia rectocele ___________________________cystocele __________________________-centesis surgical puncture to remove fluid thoracentesis __________________________Notice that this term is shortened fromthoracocentesisamniocentesis__________________________abdominocentesis ________________________This procedure is more commonly known as aparacentesis. A tube is placed through anincision of the abdomen and fluid is removedtfrom the peritoneal cavity .-coccus berry-shaped, bacterium streptococcus _________________________staphylocci ___________________________ -cyte cell erythrocyte __________________________leukocyte ___________________________thrombocyte _________________________-dynia pain pleurodynia _________________________Pain in the chest wall muscles that isaggravated by breathing-ectomy excision, removal, resection laryngectomy _______________________mastectomy _________________________ -ectomy blood condition anemia ___________________________ischemia _________________________-genesis condition of producing, forming carcinogenesis _____________________pathogenesis ________________________angiogenesis ________________________-genic pertaining to, producing, carcinogenic_________________________ produced by, or inosteogenic ___________________________An osteogenic sarcoma is a tumor producedin bone tissue-gram record electroencephalogram __________________myelogram _________________________Myle/o means spinal cord in this term. This isan x-ray record taken after contrast material isinjected into membranes around the spinalcordmammogram _________________________ -graph instrument for recording electroencephalograph _________________ -graphy process of recording electroencephalography ________________angiography _________________________ -itis inflammation bronchitis ___________________________tonsillitis ____________________________thrombophlebitis ______________________Also called phlebitis-logy study of ophthalmology _______________________morphology__________________________ -lysis breakdown, destruction, separation hemolysis ___________________________Breakdown of red blood cells with release ofhemoglobin-malacia softening osteomalacia _______________________chondromalacia ______________________ -megaly enlargement acromegaly _________________________splenomegaly _______________________-oma tumor, mass, collection of fluid myoma __________________________A benign tumormyosarcoma _______________________A malignant tumor. Muscle is a type of fleshtissuemyltiple myeloma ____________________Myel/o means bone marrow in this term. Thismaligant tumor occurs in bone marrow tissuethroughout the bodyhematoma _______________________-opsy to view biopsy _____________________________necropsy __________________________This is an autopsy or postmortemexamination-osis condition, usually abnormal necrosis ___________________________hydronephrosis ______________________leukocytosis _________________________ -pathy disease condition cardiomyopathy _____________________Primary disease of the heart muscle in theabsence of a known underlying etiology-penia deficiency erythropenia ______________________neutropenia ________________________In this term, neutr/o means neutrophilthrombocytopenia___________________-phobia fear acrophobia ________________________Fear of heightsagoraphobia _______________________An anxiety disorder maked by fear ofventuring out into a crowded place-plasm development, formation, growth achondroplasia _____________________ -plasty surgical repair angioplasty ________________________A cardiologist opens a narrowed bloodvessel using a ballon that is inflated afterinsertion into the vessel. Stents, or slottedtubes, are then put in place to keep theartery open-ptosis drooping, sagging, prolapse blepharoptosis _____________________Physcians use ptosis alone, to indicateprolapse of the upper eyelidnephroptosis ________________________ -sclerosis hardening arteriosclerosis _____________________In atherosclerisis deposits of fat collect inan artery-scope instrument for visual examination laparoscope _______________________ -scopy process of visual examination laparoscopy _______________________ -stasis stopping, controlling metastasis ________________________Meta- means beyond. A metastasis is thespread of a malignant tumor beyond itsoriginal site to a secondary organ orlocationhemostasis ________________________Blood flow is stopped naturally byclotting or artificially by compression orwsuturing of a wound-stomy opening to form a mouth colostomy ________________________tracheostomy ______________________ -therapy treatment hydrotherapy ______________________chemotherapy ______________________radiotherapy _____________________-tomy incision, to cut into laparotomy _____________________This is a large incision through theabdominal wallphlebotomy ______________________ -trophy development, nourishment hypertrophy ______________________Cells increase in size, not number.Muscles of weight lifters often hypertrophyatrophy ___________________________Cells decrease in size. Muscles atrophywhen immobilized in a cast and not in use The following are shorter noun suffixes that are usually attached to roots in wordsSuffix Meaning Terminology Meaning-er one who radiographer _______________________A technologist who assists in the making ofdiagnostic x-ray pictures-ia condition leukemia __________________________pneumonia ________________________-ist specialist nephrologist _______________________-ole little, small arteriole __________________________-ule little, small venule ____________________________ -um, -ium structure, tissue, thing pericardium _______________________This membrane surrounds the heart-y condition, process nephropathy _______________________Adjective SuffixesThe following are adjectival suffixes. No simple rule will tell you which suffix meanin “pertaining to” should be used with a specific combining form. Your job is to recongnize the suffix in each term and know the meaning of the entire termSuffix Meaning Terminology Meaning-ac, -iac pertaining to cardiac _________________________-al pertaining to peritoneal _______________________inguinal _________________________pleural __________________________-ar pertaining to tonsillar __________________________-ary pertaining to pulmonary ________________________axillary ___________________________-eal pertaining to laryngeal __________________________-ic, -ical pertaining to chronic ____________________________Acute is the opposite of chronic. It describes adisease that is of rapid onset and has severesymptoms and brief durationpathological __________________________-oid resembling adenoids __________________________-ose pertaining to, full of adipose ___________________________-ous pertaining to mucous ___________________________Mecous membranes produce the stickysection called mucus-tic pertaining to necrotic _____________________________IV. AppendicesAppendix A.A hernia is protrusion of an organ or the muscular wall of an organ througg the cavity that normally contains it. A hiatal hernia occurs when the stomach protrudes upward into the mediastinum through the esophageal opening in the diaphragm, and an inguinal hernia occurs when part of the intestine protrudes downward into the groin region and commonly into the scrotal sac in the male. A rectocele is the protrusion of a portion of the rectum toward the vagina through a weak part of the vaginal wall muscles. An omphalocele is a herniation of the intestines through the navel occurring in infants at birth. A cystocele occurs when part of the urinary bladder herniates through the vaginal wall due to weakened pelvic musclesAppendix B: AmniocentesisThe amnion is the sac that surrounds the embbryo in the uterus. Fluid accumulates within the sac and can be withdrawn for analysis between the 12th and 18th weeks of pregnancy. The fetus sheds cells into the fluid, and these cells are grown for microscopic analysis. A karyotype is made to analyze chromosomes, and the fluid can be examined for high levels of chemicals that indicate defects in the developing spinal cord and spinal column of the fetusAppendix C: PluralsWords ending in –us commonly form their plural by dropping the –us and adding –i. Thus, nucleus becomes nuclei and coccus becomes cocci. For additional information on formation of plurals, please refer to Appendix I, page 949, at the end of the book.Appendix D: Streptococcus and StaphylococcusStreptococcus, a berry-shaped bacterium, grows in twisted chains. One group of streptocoocci causes such conditions as “strep” throat, tonsillitis, rheumatic fever, and certain kidney ailments, whereas another group causes infections in teeth, in the sinuses of the nose and face, and in the valves of the heart.Staphylococci, other berry-shaped bacteria, grow in small clusters, like grapes. Staphylococcal lesions may be external or internal. An abscess is a collection of pus, white blood cells, and protein that is present at the site of infection.Examples of diplococci are pneumococci and gonococci. Pneumococci cause bacterial pneumonia, and gonococci invade the reproductive organs causing gonorrhea. Figure 3-3 illustrates the different growth patterns of streptococci, staphylococci, and diplococci.Appendix E: Blood CellsStudy Figure 3-4 as you read the following to note the differences among the three different types of cells in the blood.Erythrocytes. These cells are made in the bone marrow. They carry oxygen from the lungs through the blood to all body cells. The body cells use oxygen to burn food and release energy. Hemoglobin, an important protein in erythrocytes, carries the oxygen through the bloodstream. Leukocytes. There are five different leukocytes:Granulocytes contain dark-staining granules in their gytoplasm and have a multilobed nucleus. They are formed in the bone marrow and there are three types:1.Eosinophils are active and elevated in allergic conditions such as asthma. About 3 percent ofleukocytes are eosinophils2.Basophils. The function of basophils is not clear, but they play a role in inflammation. Lessthan 1 percent of leukocytes are basophils3.Neutrophils are important disease-fighting cells. They are phagocytes because they engulf anddigest bacteria. They are the most numerous disease-fighting “soldiers”, and are referred to as “polys” or polymorphonuclear leukocytes because of their multilobed nucleusMononuclear leukocytes have one large nucleus and only a few granules in their cytoplasm.They are produced in lymph nodes and the spleen. There are two types of mononuclear leukocytes4. Lymphocytes fight disease by producing antibodies and thus destroying foreign cells. Theymay also attach directly to foreign cells and destroy them. Two types of lymphocytes are T cells and B cells. About 32 percent of leukocytes are lymphocytes5. Monocyte: Engulf and destroy cellular debris after neutrophils have attacked foreign cells.Monocytes leave the bloodstream and enter tissues (such as lung and liver) to become macrophages, which are large phagocytes. Monocytes make up about 4 percent of all leukocytes.Appendix F: Pronunciation CluePronunciation clue: The letters g and c are soft when followed by an i or e, and are hard when followed by an o or aAppendix G: AnemiaAnemia literally means no blood. However, in medical language and usage, anemia is a condition of reduction in the number of erythrocytes or amount of hemoglobin in circulating blood. Anemias are classified according to the different problems that arise with red blood cells. Aplastic (a = no, plas/o = formation) anemia, a severe type, occurs when bone marrow fails to produce not only erythrocytes but leukocytes and thrombocytes as well.Appendix H: IschemiaIschemia litterally mens to hold back (isch/o) blood (-emia) from a part of the body. Tissue that becomes ischemic loses its normal flow of blood and becomes deprived of oxygen. The ischemia can be caused by mechanical injury to a blood vessel, by blood clots lodging in a vessel, or by the progressive and gradual closing off (occusion) of a vessel caused by collection of faty material. Appendix I: TonsillitisThe tonsils are lymphatic tissue in back of the throat. They contain white blood cells (lymphocytes), which filter and fight bacteria. However, tonsils can also become infected and inflamed. Streptococcal infection of the throat causes tonsillitis, which may require tonsillectomy.Appendix J: AcromegalyAcromegaly is an endocrine disorder. It occurs when the pituitary gland, attached to the base of the brain, produces an excesive amount of growth hormone after the completion of puberty. The excess grouth hormone most often results from benign tumor of the pituitary gland. A person with acromegaly is of normalheight beccause the long bones have stopped growth after puberty, but bones and soft tissue in the hands, feet, and facegrow abnormally. High levels of growth hormone before completion of puberty produce excessive growth of long bones (gigantism) as well as acromegaly.Appendix K: SplenomegalyThe speen is an organ in the left upper quadrant (LUQ) of the abdomen (below the diaphragm and to the side of the stomach). Composed of lymph lymph tissue and blood vessels, it disposes of dying red blood cells and manugactures white blood cells (lymphocytes) to fight disease. If the speen is removed (dplenectomy), other organs carry out these functions.Appendix L: LeukocytosisWhen –osis is a suffix with blood cells, it is an abnormal condition of increase normal circulating blood cells. Thus, in leukocytosis an elevation in numbers of normal white blood cells occurs in response to the presence of infection. When –emia is a suffix with blood cells, the condition is an abnormally high, excessive increase in number of cancerous blood cells.Appendix M: AchondroplasiaAchondroplasia is an inherited disorder in which the bones of the arms and legs fail to grow to normal size because of a defect in both cartilage and bone. It results in a type of dwarfism characterized by short limbs, a normal-sized head and body, and normal intelligence.Appendix N: -ptosis = blepharoptosisThe suffix –ptosis is pronounced. When two consonants begin a word, the first is silent. If the two consonants are found in the middle of a word, both are pronounced for example, blepharoptosis. This condition occurs when eyelid muscles weaken, and a person has difficulty lifting the eyelid to keep it open.Appendix O: Laparoscopy = peritoneoscopy = MIS, mingmally invasive surgeryLaparoscopy is visual examination of the abdominal cavity using a laparoscope. The laparoscope, a lighted telescopic instrument, is inserted through an incision in the abdomen near the navel, and gas is infused into the peritoneal cavity to prevent injury to abdominal structures during surgery. Surgeons use laparosocopy to examine abdominal viscera for evidence of disease or for procedures such as removal of the appendix, gallbladder, adrenal gland, spleen, or colon, and repair of hernias. It is also used to clip and collapse the fallopain tube, which prevents sperm cells from reaching eggs that leave the ovary.Appendix P: Arteriole, capillary, venuleNotice the relationship among an artery, arterioles, capillaries, venules, and a vein as illustrated in Figure 3-8Appendix Q: AdenoidsThe adenoids are lymphatic tissue in the part of the pharynx (throat) near the nose and nasal passages. The literal meaning “resembling glands”is appropriate because they are neither endocrine nor exocrine glands. Enlargement of adenoids may cause blockage of the airway from the nose to the pharynx, and adenoidectomy may be advised. The tonsils are also lymphatic tissue, and their location as well as that of the adenoids is indicated in Figure 3-9.V. Practical ApplicationsMatch the diagnostic or treatment procedures with their descriptions:amniocentesis colostomy mastectomy tonsillectomy angiography laparoscopy paracentesis tracheotomy angioplasty laparotomy thoracentesis1.removal of abdominal fluid from the peritoneal space. ____________________rge abdominal incision to remove an ovarian adenocarcinoma ________________3.removal of an adnocarcinoma of the breast. ______________________4. a method used to determine the karyotype of a fetus _______________________5.establishment of an emergency airway path _______________________6.surgical procedure to remove pharyngeal lymphatic tissue _____________________7.surgical precdedure to open clogged coronary arteties. _______________________8.method of removing fluid from the chest (pleural effusion) _______________________9.procedure to drain feces from the body after bowel resection. ______________________10.X-ray procedure used to examine blood vessels before surgery ______________________11.minimally invasive surgery within the abdomen. _______________________VI. ExercisesRemember to check your answers carefully with those given in Section VII, Answers to ExerciseA.give the meanings for the following suffixes.1.– cele ______________2.– emia ______________3.– coccus ______________4.–gram ______________5.–cyte __________________6.–algia____________________7.–ectomy ________________8.–centesis _______________9.–genesis _________________10.– graph _________________11.–it is ____________________12.– graphy _______________ing the following combining forms and your knowleges of suffixes, build the followingmedical terms.amni/o isch/o ot/o angi/o laryng/o rect/o arthr/o mast/o staphyl/o bronch/o my/o strept/o carcin/o myel/o thorac/o cyst/o1.Hernia of the urinary bladder ____________________2.pain of muscle ______________________________3.process of produsing cancer ___________________4.record (x-ray) of the spinal cord ________________5.berry-shaped bacteria in twisted chains _____________6.surgical puncture to remove fluid from the chest ________________7.removal of the breast _____________________8.inflammation of the tubes leading from the windpipe to the lungs _________________9.to hold back blood from cells ____________________10.process of recording (x_ray) blood vessels _________________11.visual examination of joints _______________________12.berry-shaped bacteria in clusters _________________13.resection of the voice box ___________________14.surgical procedure to remove fluid from the sac around the fetus _________________C.Match the following terms, which describe blood cells, with their meanings below.Basophil eosinophil erythrocyte lymphocyte monocytethrombocyte erythrocyte1.granulocytic white blood cell (granules stain purple) that destroys foreign cells byengulfing and disgesting them; also called a polymorphonuclear leukocyte _________________________2.mononuclear white blood cell that destroys foreign cells by making antibodies___________________3.cloting cell; also called a platelet ___________________4.leukocyte with reddish –staining granules and numbers elevated in allergic reactions_______________5.red blood cell ____________________6.mononuclear white blood cell that engulfs and digests cellular debris; contains one largenucleus __________7.granulocytic (granules stain blue) white blood cell prominent in inflammatory reaction_______________D.give the mening of the following suffixes.1.– logy ________________2.–lysis ________________3.–pathy ______________4.–penia _______________5.–malacia _______________6.–osis ________________7.–phobia _______________8.–megaly __________________9.–oma ___________________10.–opsy ________________11.–plasia _________________12.–plasty ________________13.–sclerosis _______________14.–stasis ____________________ing the following combining forms and your knowledge of suffixes, build the followingmedical terms.Acr/o agor/o arteri/o bi/o blephar/o cardi/ochondr/o hem/o hydr/o morph/o my/o myel/onephr/o phleb/o sarc/o splen/o1.fear of the marketplace (crowds) ______________2.enlargement of the spleen ________________3.study of the shape (of cells) _______________4.softening of cartilage ______________________5.abnomal condition of water (fluid) in the kidney ________________6.disease conditionof heart muscle ____________________7.hardening of arteries ___________________8.tumor (benign ) of muscle ____________________9.flesh tumor (malignant ) of muscle _____________________10.surgical reqair of the nose ________________11.tumor of bone marrow _______________12.fear of heights ____________________13.view of living tissue upder the microscope ________________14.stoppage of the flow of blood ( by mechanical or natural means ) _________________15.inflamation of the eyelid __________________16.incision of vein ________________________F.Match the following terms with their meanings below.Achondroplasia acromegly atrophychemotherapy colostomy hydrotherapyhypertrophy laparoscope laparoscopymetastasis necrosis osteomalacia1.treatment using drogs ____________________2.conditiono f death (of cells ) ______________3.softening of bone _________________4.opening of the large intestine to the outside of the body ________________5.no development; shrinkage of cells ________________6.beyond control; spread of a cancerous tumor to another organ _______________7.instrument to visually examine the abdomen ____________________8.enlargement of extremities; an endocrine disorder that causes excess growth hormone tobe produced by the pituitary gland after puberty __________________9.condition of improper formation of cartilage in the embryo that leads to short bones anddwarr-like deformities _______10.process of viewing the peritoneal (adbominal ) cavity _________________11.treatment using water _______________12.excessive development of cells (increase in size of individual cells )____________G.give the menaing of the following suffixes.1.–ia _________2.–trophy ___________3.–stasis ____________4.–stomy ________________5.–tomy _____________6.–ole __________________7.–um ________________8.–ule _________________9.–y ___________________10.– oid_______________11.–genic ________________12.– ptosis ______________ing the following combining forms and suffixes, build the following medical terms.Combining Formsarteri/o pleur/o lapar/o pneumon/o mamm/o radi/onephr/o ven/oSuffixes-dynia -ole -therapy -ectomy -pathy -tomy -gram -plasty -ule -ia -scopy1.incision of the abdomen _____________2.process of visual examination of the abdomen _____________3. a small artery ________________4.condition of the lungs ______________5.treamtent using x-rays ______________6.recod (x-ray) of the breast ________________7.pain of the chest wall and the membranes surrounding the lungs ______________8. a small vein __________________9.disease condition of the kidney ___________________10.surgical repair of the breast _________________I.Underline the suffix in the following terms and give the menaing of the entire term.ryngeal _____________2.inguinal ______________3.chronic _______________4.pulmonary _____________5.adipose ________________6.peritoneal ______________7.axillary _________________8.necrotic ________________9.mucoid _________________10.mucous _______________J.Select from the following terms relating to blood and blood vessels to eomplete the sentences below.Anemia angioplasty arterioles hematoma hemolysis hemostasis ischemia leukemia leukocytosis multiple myeloma thromocytopenia venules1.Billy was diagnosed with excessively high numbers of cancerous white blood cells, or__________________. His doctor prescribed chemotherapy and expected an excellent prognosis.2.Mr. Clark’s angiogram showed that he had serious atherosclerosis of one of the arteriessupplying bood to his heart. His doctor recommended that _________________ would be helpful to open up his clogged artery by threading a catheter (tube) through his artery and opening a ballon at the end of the catheter to widen the artery.3.Mrs. Jackson’s blood count showed a reduced number of red blood cells, indicating____________________. Her erythrocytes were being destroyed by __________________________4.Doctors refused to operate on Joe Hite becausse of his low platelet count, a conditioncalled ________________.5.Blockage of an artery leading to Mr. Stein’s brain led to the holding back of blood flowto nerve tissue in his brain. This condition, called __________________, could lead to necrosis of tissue and a cerebrovascular accident.6.Small arteries, or ___________________, were broken under Ms. Bein’s scalp when shewas struck on the head with a rock. She soon developed a mass of blood, a (an) _________________, under the skin in that region of her head.7.Sarah Jones had a staphylococcal infection causing elevation of her white blood cellcount. She was treated with antibiotics and the ________________________ returned to normal.8.Within the body, the bone marrow (soft tissue within bones) is the “factory” for makingblood cells. Mr. Scott developed ____________________, a malignant condition of the bone marrow cells in his hip, upper arm, and thigh bones.9.During operations, surgeons use clamps to close off blood vessels and prevent blood loss.Thus, they maintain _________________ and avoid blood transfusions.10.Small vessels that carry blood toward the heart from capillaries and tissues are_______________.。
Unit 1
The Respiratory System
❖respiratory adj. ❖respiration n. ❖respire v.
❖bronchus --- singular bronchi --- pl.
❖cilium --- singular cilia--- pl.
nasal passages
the pharynx
the larynx
❖ Write a report on “The respiratory system” and you can focus on any aspect you are interested in.
pharyngeal tonsil
palatine tonsil lingual tonsil
palatine tonsil lingual tonsil
腭扁桃体 舌扁桃体
The larynx
1. Roles: 2. If food and liquid enter the larynx,
Brief Introduction
The whole book consists of 16 units. We are scheduled to finish one unit in
one week. It is a good chance for both the
Key terms
❖ ventricle --- ventricular (adj.) ❖ atrium --- atria (pl.) --- atrial (adj.) ❖ systole --- systolic (adj.) ❖ diastole --- diastolic (adj.)