高中英语必修5单词1. Abolish - 废除2. Absurd - 荒谬的3. Accomplish - 完成4. Accumulate - 积累5. Adhere - 粘附6. Admire - 赞美7. Advocate - 提倡8. Affirm - 断言9. Allegiance - 忠诚10. Allocate - 分配11. Ambiguous - 模棱两可的12. Amend - 修改13. Anecdote - 轶事14. Antagonize - 敌对15. Anticipate - 预期16. Apex - 高潮17. Appalling - 令人震惊的18. Appreciate - 欣赏19. Arbitrary - 专制的20. Arena - 竞技场21. Arrogance - 傲慢22. Ascend - 上升23. Assert - 断言24. Assess - 评估25. Assign - 分配26. Attain - 实现27. Authentic - 真实的28. Awe - 敬畏29. Backbone - 骨干30. Bankrupt - 破产的31. Barren - 贫瘠的32. Belligerent - 好战的33. Benchmark - 基准34. Bias - 偏见35. Bizarre - 古怪的36. Blatant - 明目张胆的37. Bolster - 支持38. Breach - 违反39. Brevity - 简短40. Brittle - 脆弱的41. Budget - 预算42. Burden - 负担43. Calamity - 灾难44. Candid - 坦率的45. Capricious - 反复无常的46. Cascade - 瀑布47. Catastrophe - 灾难48. Ceaseless - 不停的49. Celebrate - 庆祝50. Censure - 谴责51. Cerebral - 理智的52. Champion - 冠军53. Chaos - 混乱54. Characteristic - 特征55. Chasm - 分裂56. Cite - 引用57. Civil - 民事的58. Clarify - 澄清59. Classic - 经典的60. Cliche - 陈词滥调61. Coerce - 强迫62. Collaboration - 合作63. Colleague - 同事64. Collaborate - 合作65. Commemorate - 纪念66. Commend - 赞扬67. Commentary - 评论68. Communal - 社区的69. Compassion - 同情70. Compel - 强迫71. Compete - 竞争72. Complement - 补充73. Comprehend - 理解74. Comprehensive - 全面的75. Compromise - 妥协76. Concede - 承认77. Conceit - 自大78. Concept - 概念79. Conceivable - 可想象的80. Concentrate - 集中81. Conclude - 结束82. Condemn - 谴责83. Condense - 浓缩84. Confess - 坦白85. Configuration - 配置86. Confine - 限制87. Confound - 使困惑88. Confront - 面对89. Congenial - 同性质的90. Conglomerate - 聚集物91. Conjure - 召唤92. Conquest - 征服93. Conscientious - 尽责的94. Conscious - 有意识的95. Conserve - 保存96. Constitute - 構成97. Contemplate - 思考98. Contemporary - 当代的99. Contribute - 贡献100. Controversy - 争议101. Convey - 传达102. Conviction - 信念103. Cordial - 热情的104. Correspond - 相应105. Counsel - 忠告106. Counterpart - 对应物107. Credibility - 可靠性108. Creed - 信条109. Crisis - 危机110. Criterion - 标准111. Crucial - 决定性的112. Crusade - 改革运动113. Culminate - 达到顶点114. Cumulative - 累积的115. Cunning - 狡猾的116. Curiosity - 好奇心117. Cynical - 愤世嫉俗的118. Dearth - 缺乏119. Debase - 贬低120. Debate - 辩论121. Deceive - 欺骗122. Decline - 下降123. Dedicate - 献身124. Deduce - 推断125. Defeat - 打败126. Defend - 辩护127. Deficit - 赤字128. Deft - 灵巧的129. Defy - 违抗130. Deliberate - 深思熟虑的131. Delineate - 描绘132. Demolish - 拆除133. Demonstrate - 证明134. Demoralize - 使士气低落135. Denounce - 谴责136. Dependence - 依赖137. Deplete - 耗尽138. Deplore - 哀叹139. Deploy - 工作140. Depreciate - 贬值141. Derive - 获得142. Descent - 下降143. Desolate - 荒芜的144. Desperate - 绝望的145. Detain - 拘留146. Determined - 决心的147. Detrimental - 有害的148. Deviate - 偏离149. Devotion - 热爱150. Dictate - 口授151. Dignify - 使高贵152. Dilapidated - 破旧的153. Diligent - 勤奋的154. Diminish - 减少155. Dire - 可怕的156. Discipline - 纪律157. Discrepancy - 差异158. Disdain - 鄙视159. Disengage - 脱离160. Disgrace - 耻辱161. Dishearten - 使失去勇气162. Disillusioned - 不抱幻想的163. Disinterested - 公正无私的164. Dismiss - 解雇165. Disparage - 蔑视166. Disperse - 分散开167. Displace - 取代168. Dispute - 争吵169. Disrupt - 扰乱170. Dissent - 意见不一致171. Distinct - 明显的172. Diverse - 多种多样的173. Divert - 转移174. Divulge - 泄露175. Domain - 领域176. Dominate - 支配177. Drowsiness - 困倦178. Dubious - 疑惑的179. Durable - 持久的180. Duration - 持续时间181. Dynamics - 动力学182. Earnest - 真诚的183. Eccentric - 古怪的184. Elaborate - 精心制作的185. Elegant - 优雅的186. Element - 元素187. Elevate - 提升188. Elusive - 难以捕捉的189. Embarrass - 使尴尬190. Embody - 体现191. Embryonic - 萌芽期的192. Emulate - 追赶193. Enable - 使能够194. Encompass - 包括195. Encounter - 遇到196. Endorse - 背书197. Endure - 忍受198. Engender - 引起199. Enlighten - 启蒙200. Enrich - 丰富201. Entail - 牵涉202. Enthral - 迷住203. Entice - 诱惑204. Entrepreneur - 创业者205. Envision - 设想206. Epitomize - 体现207. Equivocal - 暧昧不清的208. Eradicate - 根除209. Erratic - 不规律的210. Essence - 本质211. Esteem - 尊敬212. Ethos - 道德观213. Euphemism - 委婉语214. Evocative - 唤起回忆的215. Exacerbate - 使恶化216. Exalt - 提升217. Exceed - 超过218. Exclude - 排除219. Exemplify - 作为典型例证220. Exhaustive - 详尽的221. Exhibit - 展出222. Exhilarate - 使高兴223. Existential - 存在主义的224. Exoneration - 免除责任225. Exotic - 异国的226. Expedite - 加速227. Exploit - 开采228. Exquisite - 精美的229. Extend - 扩展230. Extol - 赞美231. Extraordinary - 非凡的232. Extricate - 解脱233. Fabricate - 篡改234. Facilitate - 促进235. Factual - 事实的236. Faint - 微弱的237. Fairness - 公平238. Fallacy - 谬论239. Fanatic - 狂热者240. Fascinate - 迷住241. Fastidious - 挑剔的242. Fathom - 理解243. Fatigue - 疲劳244. Feasible - 可行的245. Feign - 假装246. Felicity - 幸福247. Fervor - 狂热248. Finite - 有限的249. Flagrant - 明目张胆的250. Flaunt - 炫耀251. Flaw - 缺陷252. Flexible - 灵活的253. Flourish - 兴旺254. Fluctuate - 波动255. Flurry - 快速行动256. Foolhardy - 鲁莽的257. Forbearance - 忍耐258. Foreboding - 不祥的259. Foreseeable - 可预见的260. Forge - 锻造261. Formidable - 可怕的262. Fortitude - 坚韧不拔263. Fragile - 脆弱的264. Frailty - 脆弱265. Frantic - 疯狂的266. Fraud - 欺诈行为267. Frequent - 频繁的268. Frivolous - 不重要的269. Frustration - 挫折270. Fulfil - 实现271. Fundamental - 基本的272. Futility - 徒劳273. Gaiety - 欢乐274. Galvanize - 激励275. Garish - 炫耀的276. Generosity - 慷慨277. Genre - 类型278. Genuine - 真正的279. Germane - 相关的280. Glaring - 显眼的281. Glaze - 使平滑282. Glimpse - 一瞥283. Gloomy - 产生悲观情绪的284. Glorious - 辉煌的285. Goal - 目标286. Gracious - 亲切的287. Grandiose - 宏伟的288. Graphic - 生动形象的289. Grasp - 抓住290. Gratitude - 感激291. Grave - 严重的292. Greed - 贪婪293. Grieve - 伤心294. Grim - 冷酷的295. Gritty - 有砂砾的296. Grotesque - 怪异的297. Guarantee - 保证298. Guise - 外表299. Habitual - 习惯性的300. Halcyon - 盛世的301. Hamper - 妨碍302. Handicap - 障碍303. Haphazard - 杂乱无章的304. Harmonious - 和谐的305. Haughty - 高傲的306. Havoc - 破坏307. Hazard - 危险308. Heed - 注意309. Heighten - 加强310. Hierarchy - 等级制度311. Hinder - 阻碍312. Histrionic - 戏剧的313. Honor - 荣誉314. Hostile - 敌对的315. Humanitarian - 人道主义者316. Humility - 谦逊317. Hurdle - 障碍318. Hygiene - 卫生319. Hype - 过分吹嘘320. Hypocrisy - 伪善321. Idealistic - 理想主义的322. Identify - 确定323. Idiosyncrasy - 特质324. Illuminate - 照明325. Illusion - 幻觉326. Illustrate - 说明327. Immaculate - 无瑕疵的328. Immerse - 沉浸329. Imminent - 即将发生的330. Immoral - 不道德的331. Immune - 免疫的332. Impeccable - 无误的333. Impediment - 障碍334. Impenetrable - 无法被穿透的335. Imperative - 必不可少的336. Imperceptible - 察觉地没有的337. Impersonal - 没有人情味的338. Impetus - 动力339. Implement - 实施340. Implore - 恳求341. Imply - 暗示342. Import - 进口343. Impose - 征税344. Impoverished - 贫困的345. Impressive - 令人印象深刻的346. Imprison - 禁锢347. Impromptu - 即兴的348. Improve - 提高349. Impute - 归因于350. Inability - 无力351. Inaccurate - 不准确的352. Inadequate - 不充分的353. Inadvertently - 不经意的354. Inalienable - 不可分割的355. Inane - 愚蠢的356. Inaugurate - 开始357. Incapable - 无能力的358. Incentive - 刺激359. Incessant - 不停的360. Incline - 倾向361. Incoherent - 不连贯的362. Incomparable - 无可比拟的363. Incompatible - 不相容的364. Incongruous - 不协调的365. Inconsequential - 不重要的366. Inconsiderable - 不重要的367. Inconsistent - 不一致的368. Inconvenient - 不便的369. Incorporate - 合并370. Incriminate - 控告371. Indecision - 犹豫不决372. Indecisive - 优柔寡断的373. Indefatigable - 不知疲倦的374. Indel。
IAEA 50-C-QA-Quality Assurance for Safety in Nuclear Power Plants
Safety seriesNo.50-C-QAIAEA SAFETY STANDARDSQuality Assurancefor Safety in Nuclear Power PlantsA Code of PracticeCONTENTS FOREWORDSTATEMENT1.INTRODUCTION1.1General1.2. Scope1.3. Responsibility2. QUALITY ASSURANCE PROGRAMMES2.1. General2.2.Procedures, instructions and drawings2.3.Management reviewANIZATION3.1. Responsibility, authority and communicationsanizational interfaces3.3. Staffing and training4. DOCUMENT CONTROL4.1 Document preparation, review and approval4.2 Document release and distribution4.3Document change control5. DESIGN CONTROL5.1 General5.2Design interface control5.3Design verification5.4Design changes6 PROCUREMENT CONTROL6.1. General6.2Supplier evaluation and selection6.3Control of purchased items and services7 MATERIAL CONTROL7.1 Identification and control of materials, parts and components7.2Handling, storage and shipping8 PROCESS CONTROL9 INSPECTION AND TEST CONTROL9.1.Programme of inspection9.2.Test programme9.3.Calibration and control of measuring and test equipment9.4.Indication of inspection, test and operating status10.NON-CONFORMANCE CONTROL10.1.General10.2.Non-conformance review and disposition11.CORRECTIVE ACTIONS12.RECORDS12.1.Preparation of quality assurance records12.2.Collection, storage and preservation of quality assurance records13.AUDITS13.1.General13.2.SchedulingFOREWORDby the Director GeneralThe demand for energy is continually growing, both in the developed and the developing countries. Traditional sources of energy such as oil and gas will probably be exhausted within a few decades, and present world-wide energy demands are already overstraining present capacity. Of the new sources nuclear energy, with its proven technology, is the most significant single reliable source available for closing the energy gap that is Iikely, according to the experts, to be Upon us by the turn of the century.During the past 25 years, 19 countries have constructed nuclear power plants. more than 200 power reactors are now in operation, a further 150 are planned, and, in the longer term, nuclear energy is expected to play an increasingly important role in the development of energy programmes throughout the world.Since its inception the nuclear energy industry has maintained a safety record second to none. Recognizing the importance of this as aspect of nuclear power and wishing to ensure the continuation of this record, the International Atomic Energy Agency established a wide-ranging programme to provide the Member States with guidance on the many aspects of safety associated with thermal neutron nuclear power reactors. The programme, at present involvingPreparation and publication of about 50 books in the form of Codes of Practice and Safety Guides, has become known as the NUSS programme (the letters being an acronym for Nuclear Safety Standards). The publications are being produced in the Agency’s Safety Series and each one will be made available in separate English, French, Russian and Spanish versions. They will be revised as necessary in the light of experience to keep their contents up to date.The task envisaged in this programme is a considerable and taxing one, entailing, and numerous meetings for drafting, reviewing, amending, consolidating and approving the documents. The Agency wishes to thank all those Member States that have so generously provided experts and material, and those many individuals, named in the published Lists of Participants, who have given their time and efforts to help in implementing the programme. Sincere gratitude is also expressed to the International organizations that have participated in the work.The Codes of Practice and Safety Guides are recommendations issued by the Agency for use by Member States in the context of their own nuclear safety requirements. A Member State wishing to enter into an agreement with the Agency for the Agency’s assistance in connection with the siting, construction, commissioning, operation or decommissioning of a nuclear power plant will be required to follow those parts of the Codes of Practice and Safety Guides thatPertain to the activities covered by the agreement. However, it is recognized thatthe final decisions and legal responsibilities in any licensing procedures always restwith the Member State.The NUSS publications presuppose a single national framework within which the various parties, such as the regulatory body, the applicant/licensee and the supplier or manufacturer, perform their tasks. Where more than one Member State is involved, however, it is understood that certain modifications to the procedures described may be necessary in accordance with national practice and with the relevant agreements concluded between the States and between the various organizations concerned.The Codes and Guides are written in such a form as would enable a MemberState, should it so decide, to make the contents of such documents directly applicable to activitiesunder its jurisdiction. Therefore, consistent with acceptedPractice for codes and guides, and in accordance with a proposal of the seniorAdvisory Group, “shall” and “should” are used to distinguish for the potential user between a firm requirement and a desirable option.The task of ensuring an adequate and safe supply of energy for coming generations, and thereby contributing to their well-being and standard of Iife, is amatter of concern to us all. It is hoped that the publication presented here, together with the others being produced under the aegis of the NUSS programme, will be of use in this task.STATEMENTBy the Senior Advisory GroupThe Agency’s plans for establishing Codes of Practice and Safety Guides for Nuclear power plants have been set out in IAEA document GC(XVIII)/526/Mod.l.The programme, referred to as the NUSS programme, deals with radiological safety and is at present limited to land-based stationary plants with thermal neutron reactors designed for the production of power. The present publication is brought out within this framework.A Senior Advisory Group (SAG), set up by the Director General in September 1974 to implement the programme, selected five topics to be covered by Codes of practice and drew up a provisional list of subjects for Safety Guides supporting the five Codes. The SAG was entrusted with the task of supervising, reviewing and advising on the project at all stages and approving draft documents for onward transrnission to the Director General. One Technical Review Committee (TRC), composed of experts from Member States, was created for each of the topics covered by the Codes of Practice.In accordance with the procedure outlined in the above-mentioned IAEA document, the Codes of Practice and Safety Guides, which are based on documentation and experience from various national systems and practices, are firstdrafted by expert working groups consisting of two or three experts from MemberStates together with Agency staff members. They are then reviewed and revised by the appropriate TRC. In this undertaking use is made of both published and unpublished material, such as answers to questionnaires, submitted by Member States.The draft documents, as revised by the TRCs, are placed before the SAG. After acceptance by the SAG, English, French, Russian and Spanish versions are sent to Member States for comments. When changes and additions have been made by the TRCs in the light of these comments, and after further review by the SAG, the drafts are transmitted to the Director General, who submits them, as and when appropriate, to the Board of Governors for approval before final publication.The five Codes of Practice cover the following topics:Governmental organization for the regulation of nuclear power plantsSafety in nuclear power plant sitingDesign for safety of nuclear power plantsSafety in nuclear power plant operationQuality assurance for safety in nuclear power plants.These five Codes establish the objectives and minimum requirements that should be fulfilled to provide adequate safety in the operation of nuclear power plants.The Safety Guides are issued to describe and make available to Member States acceptable methods of implementing specific parts of the relevant Codes of Practice. Methods and solutions varying from those set out in these Guides may be acceptable, if they provide at least comparable assurance that nuclear power plants can be operated without undue risk to the health and safety of the general public and site personnel. Although these Codes of Practice and Safety Guides establish an essential basis for safety, they may not be sufficient or entirely applicable. Other safety documents published by the Agency should be consulted as necessary.In some cases, in response to particular circumstances, additional requirements may need to be met. Moreover, there will be special aspects which have to be assessed by experts on a case-by-case basis.Physical security of rissile and radioactive materials and of a nuclear power plant as a whole is mentioned where appropriate but is not treated in detail.Non-radiological aspects of industrial safety and environmental protection are not explicitly considered.When an appendix is included it is considered to be an integral part of the document and to have the same status as that assigned to the main text of the document.On the other hand annexes, footnotes, lists of participants and bibliographies are only included to provide information or practical examples that might be helpful to the user. Lists of additional bibliographical material may in some cases be available at the Agency.A list of relevant definitions appears in each book,These publications are intended for use, as appropriate, by regulatory bodies and others concerned in Member States. To fully comprehend their contents, it is essential that the other relevant Codes of Practice and Safety Guides be taken into account.1.INTRODUCTION1.1GeneralThis Code of Practice provides the principles and objectives to be adopted as regards safety when establishing both a satisfactory overall quality assurance programme for a nuclear power plant and also separate quality assurance programmes for each of the constituent areas of activity (e.g. design, manufacturing, Construction, commissioning, operation). The principles to be followed in each Case, for each type of programme, are the same.The establishment and implementation of a quality assurance programme for a nuclear power plant are essential. However, it shall always be recognized that the basic responsibility for achieving quality in performing a particular task (e.g. in design, in manufacturing, in commissioning, in operation) rests with those assigned the task and not with those seeking to ensure by means of verification that it has been achieved.Quality assurance is an essential aspect of“good management”. Good management contributes to the achievement of quality through thorough analysis of the tasks to be performed, identification of the skills required, the selection and training of appropriate personnel, the use of appropriate equipment, the creation of a satisfactory environment in which activity can be performed and, as already noted, a recognition of the responsibility of the individual who is to perform the task. Briefly stated, then, a quality assurance programme shall provide for a disciplined approach to all activities affecting quality, including, where appropriate, verification that each task has been satisfactorily performed and that necessary corrective actions have been implemented. It shall also provide for production of documentary evidence to demonstrate that the required quality has been achieved.The manner in which the principles described in this document are implemented, both at the overall plant level and at the constituent activity levels, will vary from country to country and variations will be due to such considerations as regulatory requirements, the general organization of industry, and the degree of sophistication and experience of the technical organizations involved in providing and operating the nuclear power plant. In any event, the basic intent of the principles shall be kept in mind at all times and the detailed implementation procedures shall be arranged accordingly.The Code of Practice forms part of the Agency’s programme, referred to as the NUSS programme, for establishing Codes of Practice and Safety Guides relating to land-based stationary thermal neutron power plants, The Guides listed in Section 5 0f the Provisional List of NUSS Programme Titles, printed at the end of this publication, will be of assistance in implementing the present Code.1.2. ScopeThe document provides the principles and objectives for the establishment and implementation of a quality assurance programme during design, manufacture, construction, commissioning and operation of structures, systems and components important to safety. They apply to activities affecting quality of items, such as designing, purchasing, fabricating, manufacturing, handling, shipping, storing, cleaning, erecting, installing, testing, commissioning, operating, inspecting, maintaining, repairing, refueling, modifying and decommissioning. They are applicable by all those responsible for the power plant, by plant designers, suppliers, architect engineers, plant constructors, plant operators and other organizations participating in activitiesaffecting quality.1.3. ResponsibilityIn its responsibility for ensuring the health and safety of the public, the Government of the IAEA Member State should have established a general, legal framework (see the Agency’s Safety Series No.50-C-G,“Governmental Organization for the Regulation of Nuclear Power Plants: A Code of Practice”), Within this framework should be the requirement that an effective, overall quality assurance pogramme be established.The organization having overall responsibility for a nuclear power plant shall also be responsible for the establishment and implementation of the overall quality assurance programme for the complete plant. This organization may delegate to assurance programme for the complete plant. This organization may delegate to other organizations the work of establishing and implementing all, or a part, of the programme but shall retain responsibility for the effectiveness of the overall programme, without prejudice to the contractors’ obligations and/or legal responsibilities.2. QUALITY ASSURANCE PROGRAMMES2.1. GeneralAn overall quality assurance programme shall be established consistent with the requirements contained in this Code of Practice as an integral part of the nuclear power plant project. The overall programme shall provide for control of the constituent activities associated with a nuclear power plant, such as design, construction, manufacturing, commissioning and operation. The control of each constituent activity shall also be consistent with this Code of Practice.Management in the overall and constituent areas of activity shall provide for effective implementation of the quality assurance programmes consistent with the time schedules for accomplishing project activities, including the procurement of materials for long-delivery items.All programmes shall define the organizational structure within which the quality assurance activities are to be planned and implemented and shall clearly delineate the responsibility and authority of the various personnel and organizations involved.The establishment of the programmes shall include consideration of the technical aspects of the activities to be performed. The programmes shall contain provisions to ensure identification of, and compliance with, requirements of appropriate recognized engineering codes, standards, specifications and practices.Items, services and processes to which the quality assurance programmes will apply shall be identified. Appropriate methods or levels of control and verification shall be assigned to those items, services and processes. All programmes shall provide control and verification over activities affecting the quality of the identified items to an extent consistent with their importance to safety.All programmes shall provide suitably controlled conditions for the accomplishment of activities affecting quality. This includes appropriate environmental conditions, appropriate equipment and skills to attain the required quality.All programmes shall provide for training of personnel performing activities affecting quality.All programmes shall be subject to regular evaluation and updating.All programmes shall state the languages used for documentation. Measures shall be established to ensure that persons performing the quality assurance function have adequate knowledge of the language in which the documentation is written. Translations of the documentation shall be reviewed by competent persons. Verification of conformance to the original is necessary.2.2Procedures, instructions and drawingsAll programmes shall provide that the activities affecting quality are accomplished in accordance with written in procedures, instruction or drawings of a type appropriate to the circumstances. Instructions, procedures and drawings shall include appropriate quantitative and/or qualitative acceptance criteria for determining that important activities have been satisfactorily accomplished.Procedures for implementing the quality assurance programmes on a planned and systematic basis for different phases of the nuclear power project shall be developed and documented by the organization performing the constituent activities. The procedures shall be periodically reviewed and updated as necessary to ensure adequate coverage of those activities.2.3Management reviewAll programmes shall provide for the review at appropriate intervals by management of organizations participating in the programme, of the status and adequacy of the part of the quality assurance programme for which they have designated responsibility. Corrective action shall be taken when programme deficiencies are discovered.3. ORGANIZATION3.1. Responsibility, authority and communicationsA documented organizational structure, with clearly defined functional responsibilities, levels of authority and lines of internal and external communication for management, direction, and execution of the quality assurance programme shall be established. The organizational structure and functional assignments shall recognize that execution of a quality assurance programme involves both performers and verifiers and is not the sole domain of a single group. The organization’s structure and the functional assignments shall be such that:(a)attainment of quality objectives is accomplished by those who have been assigned responsibility for performing the work; This may include examination, checks and inspections of the work by the individuals performing the work(b) When verification of conformance to established requirements is necessary it is carried out by those who do not have direct responsibility for performing the work.The authority and duties of persons and organizations responsible for quality assurance performance and verification shall be delineated in writing. The persons and organizations performing the quality assurance functions of(a) Ensuring that an appropriate quality assurance programme is established and effectively executed, and(b) Verifying that activities have been correctly performedshall have sufficient authority and organizational freedom to identify quality problems: to initiate, recommend or provide solutions; and, where necessary, to initiate actions to control further processing, delivery or installation of an item which is non-conforming, deficient or unsatisfactory, until proper disposition has been achieved.Such persons and organizations performing quality assurance functions shall report to a management of high enough level to ensure that this required authority and organizational freedom, including sufficient independence from cost and schedule considerations, are provided. Because of the many variables involved, such as the number of personnel, the type of activity being performed, and the location or locations where activities are performed, the organizational structure for executing the quality assurance programme may take various forms, provided that the persons and organizations assigned the quality assurance functions have this required authority and organizational freedom. Irrespective of the organizational structure, the individual or individuals assigned the responsibility for ensuring effective execution of any portion of the quality assurance programme at any location where activities affecting quality are being performed shall have direct access to such levels of management as may be necessary to achieve effective implementation of the quality assurance programme.3.2Organizational interfacesWhere multiple organizational arrangements exist, the responsibility of each organization shall be clearly established and interfaces and co-ordination among organizations ensured by appropriate measures. Provision shall be made for communication among organizations and organizational groups participating in activities affecting quality. The communication of essential! Information shall be by means of appropriate documentation. The type of documents shall be identified and a distribution list should be provided.3.3. Staffing and trainingPlans shall be developed for selecting staff and training personnel to perform activities affecting quality. Plans shall reflect the schedule of activity so as to allow adequate time for assigning or selecting, and training, required personnel.All personnel responsible for performing activities affecting quality shall be qualified on the basis of general education, experience and proficiency required for performing the specific assigned tasks. Training programmes and procedures shall be established to ensure that suitable proficiency is achieved and maintained.As appropriate, the accomplishment and maintenance of proficiency shall be marked by the issue of a written statement, such as a certificate.4. DOCUMENT CONTROL4.1 Document preparation, review and approvalThe preparation, review, approval and issue of documents essential to the performance and verification of the work, such as instructions, procedures and drawings, shall be subject to control.The control measures shall include the identification of all individuals or organizations responsible for preparing, reviewing, approving and issuing documents related to activities affecting quality. The reviewing and approving organization or individuals shall have access to pertinent background information upon which to base the review or approval.4.2 Document release and distributionA document release and distribution system hall be established, utilizing Up-to-date distribution lists. Measures shall be provided for ensuring that those participating in an activity are aware of and use appropriate and correct documents for performing the activity.4.4Document change controlChanges to documents shall be subject to review and approval in accordance with documented procedure. The reviewing organizations shall have access to pertinent background in formation upon which to base their approval and shall have an adequate understanding of the requirements and intent of the original document. Changes to documents shall be reviewed and approved either by the same organizations that performed the original review and approval or by other organizations that have been specifically designated. Timely information on document revision and its actual status shall be promptly relayed to all affected persons and organizations to preclude the use of outdated and inappropriate documents.5. DESIGN CONTROL5.1 GeneralControl measures shall be established and documented to ensure that applicable specified design requirements, such as regulatory requirements, design bases, codes and standards are correctly translated into specifications, drawings, procedures or instructions. They shall include provisions to ensure that applicable quality standards are specified and stated in design documents. Changes and deviations from specified design requirements and quality standards shall be controlled. Measures shall also be established for the selection, and for the review for suitability of application, of any materials, parts, equipment and processes that are essential to the function of the structure, system or component.Design control measures shall be applied to items such as the following:radiation protection; physics and stress analysis; thermal, hydraulic, seismic and accident analysis;*compatibility of materials; accessibility for in-service inspection, maintenance and repair; and delineation of acceptance criteria for inspection and tests.Design activities shall be documented to permit adequate evaluation by technical personnel other than those performing the original design.5.2Design interface controlExternal and internal interfaces between organizations and organizational units performing the designs shall be identified in writing. Responsibility for each organization and organizational unit shall be defined in sufficient detail to cover the preparation, review, approval, release, distribution and revision of documents involving interfaces. Methods shall be established for communicating design information, including changes, across the design interfaces. The information communication shall be documented and controlled.5.3 Design verificationDesign control measures shall provide for verifying the adequacy of design, such as by the performance of design reviews, by the use of alternative calculation methods, or by the performance of a suitable testing programme. Design verification shall be performed by individuals or groups other than those who performed the original design. Verification methods to be applied shall be identified by a responsible organization and design verification results shall be documented to the extent specified.Where a test programme is used to verify the adequacy of a specific design feature in lieu of other verifying or checking processes, it shall include suitable qualification testing of a prototype unit under the most adverse conditions for the specific design features being verified. Where testing cannot be carried out under the most adverse design conditions, testing is permissible under other conditions if the results can be extrapolated to the most adverse design conditions and if they can verify the adequacy of a specific design feature5.4Design changesDocumented procedure shall be provided for effecting design changes, including field changes. The technical impact of changes shall be carefully considered and required actions documented. The changes shall be subject to the same design control measures as those applied to the original design.Change documents shall be reviewed and approved by the same groups or organizations responsible for review and approval of the original design documents, unless other organizations are specifically designated. This designation of alternative organizations shall be conditional on their having access to pertinent background information, on their demonstrating competence in the specific design area of concern, and on their having an adequate understanding of the original design requirements and intent. Information concerning the changes shall be transmitted to all affected persons and organizations.6PROCUREMENT CONTROL6.1. GeneralMeasures shall be established and documented to ensure that applicable regulatory requirements, design bases, standards, specifications and other requirements necessary to assure adequate quality are included or referenced in the documents for procurement of items and services.Procurement requirements for assuring quality shall include, but need not be limited to, the following, as applicable:(a)A statement of the scope of the work to be performed by the supplier(b)Technical requirements specified by reference to documents such as codes, standards, regulations, procedures, instructions and specifications, including revisions thereto that describe the items or services to be performed(c) Test, inspection and acceptance requirements, and any special instructions and requirements related to these。
一、HARQ(Hybrid Automatic Repeat Request )混合自动重传请求的概念数据通信最初是在有线网上发展起来的,通常要求较大的带宽和较高的传输质量。
编辑本段二、HARQ 混合自动重传请求的分类2.1、自动重传请求协议常用的自动重传请求协议包括停等式(SAW)、后退N 步式(Go-back-N )和选择重发式(SR)等[2]。
(2)后退N 步式在采用后退N 步式ARQ协议的传输系统中,发送端发送完一个数据分组后,并不停下来等待确认信息,而是连续发送若干个数据分组信息。
接收端将每个数据包相应的ACK或 NACK信息反馈回发送端,同时发送回的还有数据包分组号。
5-150 VDC 250 VDC 250 VDC 10 uA N/A 1.0 A 10 mA 5.0 A 1.5 V 0.1 0.75 4000 8 -30 to 80°C -40 to 80°C DC 1.1 oz. (31.2g)
5.0 2.75 8.0 1.0 20 220
5.0 2.75 8.0 1.0 20 220
5.0 2.75 8.0 1.0 20 220
5.0 2.75 8.0 1.0 20 220
5.0 2.75 8.0 1.0 20 220
Part Number
Nominal Voltage VDC Minimum Voltage VDC (2) Maximum Voltage VDC Drop-out Voltage Maximum Current (3) Resistance (4) Nominal Line Voltage Minimum Line Voltage Maximum Line Voltage Max Off-State Voltage (5) Max Off-State Leakage (6) Static Off-State dv/dt (7) Maximum Rated On-State Current (8) Minimum On-State Current Max Surge Current (9) On-State Voltage Drop or Resistance (10) Maximum Turn-On Tn-Off Time [msec] (13) Input/Output Isolation Voltage (14) Input/Output Capacitance Operating Temperature Range Storage Temperature Range Line Frequency Range Weight
Acura 汽车产品指南说明书
Identification NumbersYour car has several identifying numbers located in various places.The Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) is the 17-digit number your Acura dealer uses to register your car for warranty purposes. It is also necessary for licensing and insuring your car. The easiest place to find the VIN is on a plate fastened to the top of the dashboard. You can see it by looking through the windshield on the driver's side. It is also on the Certification label attached to the driver's doorjamb, and is stamped on the engine compartment bulkhead.The VIN is also provided in bar code on the Certification label.VEHICLE IDENTIFICATION NUMBERCERTIFICATION LABELTechnical InformationIdentification NumbersThe Engine Number is stamped into the engine block.The Transmission Number is on a label on top of the transmission.MANUAL TRANSMISSION NUMBERENGINE NUMBERTechnical InformationAUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION NUMBERSpecifications* 1 : RS, L S, GS * 2 : GS-R* 1 : Including the coolant in the reserve tank and that remaining in theengine.Reserve tank capacity:0.16 US gal (0.6 ,0.13 Imp gal)* 2 : RS, L S, GS * 3 : GS-R* 4 : Excluding the oil remaining in the engine.Technical Informationpage 146Specifications* 1 : RS, LS * 2 : GS-R, GS * 3 : RS* 4 : LS, GS, GS-RTechnical Information* : Except high-mount brake light installed in rear spoilerpage 202page203Tire Size DesignationA tire's sidewall is marked with a tiresize designation. You will need thisinformation when selecting replace-ment tires for your car. The follow-ing explains what the letters andnumbers in the tire size designationmean.(Example tire size designation)P195/55R15 84VP — Applicable vehicle type (tiresmarked with the prefix "P" areintended for use on passenger cars;however, not all tires have thismarking).195 — Tire width in millimeters.55 — Aspect ratio. The tire's sectionheight as a percentage of its width.R — Tire construction code (Radial).15 — Rim diameter in inches.84 — Load Index, a numerical codeassociated with the maximum loadthe tire can carry.V — Speed Rating Symbol. See thespeed rating chart in this section foradditional information.Wheel Size DesignationWheels are also marked withimportant information that you needif you ever have to replace one. Thefollowing explains what the lettersand numbers in the wheel sizedesignation mean.(Example wheel size designation)15 x 6 JJ15 — Rim diameter in inches.6 — Rim width in inches.JJ — Rim contour designation.Tire Speed RatingsThe chart below shows many of thedifferent speed ratings currentlybeing used for passenger car tires.The speed rating symbol is part ofthe tire size designation on thesidewall of the tire. This symbolcorresponds to that tire's designedmaximum safe operating speed.Technical InformationTire InformationDOT Tire Quality Grading (U.S. Cars)The tires on your car meet all U.S.Federal Safety Requirements. All tires are also graded for treadwear,traction, and temperature perform-ance according to Department of Transportation (DOT) standards.The following explains these gradings.TreadwearThe treadwear grade is a compara-tive rating based on the wear rate of the tire when tested under controlled conditions on a specified government test course. For example, a tiregraded 150 would wear one and one half (1-1/2) times as well on the government course as a tire graded 100. The relative performance of tires depends upon the actual condi-tions of their use, however, and may depart significantly from the norm due to variations in driving habits,service practices and differences in road characteristics and climate.TractionThe traction grades, from highest to lowest, are A, B, and C, and they represent the tire's ability to stop on wet pavement as measured under controlled conditions on specified government test surfaces of asphalt and concrete. A tire marked C may have poor traction performance.Warning: The traction grade as-signed to this tire is based on brak-ing (straight ahead) traction tests and does not include cornering (turning) traction.CONTINUEDTechnical InformationTire InformationTemperatureThe temperature grades are A (the highest), B, and C, representing the tire's resistance to the generation of heat and its ability to dissipate heat when tested under controlled conditions on a specified indoorlaboratory test wheel. Sustained high temperature can cause the material of the tire to degenerate and reduce tire life, and excessive temperature can lead to sudden tire failure. The grade C corresponds to a level of performance which all passenger car tires must meet under the Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard No.109. Grades B and A representhigher levels of performance on the laboratory test wheel than the minimum required by law.Warning: The temperature grade for this tire is established for a tire that is properly inflated and not over-loaded. Excessive speed, underinfla-tion, or excessive loading either separately or in combination, can cause heat build-up and possible tire failure.Technical InformationEmission ControlsThe burning of gasoline in your car's engine produces several byproducts.Some of these are carbon monoxide (CO), oxides of nitrogen (NOx) and hydrocarbons (HC). Gasoline evaporating from the tank alsoproduces hydrocarbons. Controlling the production of NOx, CO, and HC is important to the environment.Under certain conditions of sunlight and climate, NOx and HC react to form photochemical "smog." Carbon monoxide does not contribute to smog creation, but it is a poisonous gas.The Clean Air ActThe United States Clean Air Act*sets standards for automobile emissions. It also requires thatautomobile manufacturers explain to owners how their emission controls work and what to do to maintain them. This section summarizes how the emission controls work.Scheduled maintenance is on page 128.* In Canada, Acura vehicles comply with the Canadian Motor Vehicle Safety Standards (CMVSS) forEmissions valid at the time they are manufactured.Crankcase Emission Control SystemYour car has a Positive Crankcase Ventilation System. This keeps gasses that build up in the engine's crankcase from going into theatmosphere. The Positive Crankcase Ventilation valve routes them from the crankcase back to the intake manifold. They are then drawn into the engine and burned.Evaporative Emission Control SystemAs gasoline evaporates in the fuel tank, an evaporative emission control canister filled with charcoal adsorbs the vapor. It is stored in this canister while the engine is off. After theengine is started and warmed up, the vapor is drawn into the engine and burned during driving.Technical InformationEmission ControlsExhaust Emission Controls The exhaust emission controls include three systems: PGM-FI,Ignition Timing Control and Three Way Catalytic Converter. These three systems work together tocontrol the engine's combustion and minimize the amount of HC, CO, and NOx that comes out the tailpipe. The exhaust emission control systems are separate from the crankcase and evaporative emission control systems.PGM-FI SystemThe PGM-FI System uses sequential multiport fuel injection.It has three subsystems: Air Intake,Engine Control, and Fuel Control.The Engine Control Module (ECM)uses various sensors to determine how much air is going into the engine. It then controls how much fuel to inject under all operating conditions.Ignition Timing Control SystemThis system constantly adjusts the ignition timing, reducing the amount of HC, CO and NOx produced.Three Way Catalytic ConverterThe three way catalytic converter is in the exhaust system. Through chemical reactions, it converts HC,CO, and NOx in the engine's exhaust to carbon dioxide (CO 2), dinitrogen (N 2), and water vapor.Replacement PartsThe emission control systems are designed and certified to work to-gether in reducing emissions tolevels that comply with the Clean Air Act. To make sure the emissions remain low, you should use only new Genuine Acura replacement parts or their equivalent for repairs. Using lower quality parts may increase the emissions from your car.The emissions control systems are covered by warranties separate from the rest of your car. Read yourwarranty manual for more informa-tion.Technical InformationThree Way Catalytic ConverterThe three way catalytic converter contains precious metals that serve as catalysts, promoting chemical reactions to convert the exhaust gasses without affecting the metals.The catalytic converter is referred to as a three-way catalyst, since it acts on HC, CO, and NOx. A replacement unit must be an original Acura part or its equivalent.The three way catalytic converter must operate at a high temperature for the chemical reactions to take place. It can set on fire any com-bustible materials that come near it.Park your car away from high grass,dry leaves, or other flammables.A defective three way catalyticconverter contributes to air pollution,and can impair your engine's per-formance. Follow these guidelines to protect your car's three way catalyticconverter.Always use unleaded gasoline.Even a small amount of leaded gasoline can contaminate the catalyst metals, making the threeway catalytic converter ineffective.Keep the engine tuned-up.Have your car diagnosed and repaired if it is misfiring, back-firing, stalling, or otherwise not running properly.Technical InformationTHREE WAY CATALYTIC CONVERTER。
Oracle ClearTrial Cloud Service 5.5 功能概述说明书
Introduction to Oracle ClearTrial Cloud Service 5.5Functional OverviewProduct ManagementHealth Sciences Global Business UnitJune 13, 2016Safe Harbor StatementThe following is intended to outline our general product direction. It is intended for information purposes only, and may not be incorporated into any contract. It is not a commitment to deliver any material, code, or functionality, and should not be relied upon in making purchasing decisions. The development, release, and timing of any features or functionality described for Oracle’s products remains at the sole discretion of Oracle.AgendaClearTrial 5.5 Release Overview 5.5 Features and Functionality Edition Impact 5.5 Enhancements & Features123ClearTrial 5.5 Release Overview 5.5 Features and Functionality Edition Impact 5.5 Enhancements & Features123ClearTrial 5.5 Release Overview•Release Objectives:–Continue to update and maintain the application’s embedded clinical intelligence available to remain accurate and up to date with industry standards.–Continue to provide greater flexibility/configurability.•Release Approach: Market and Customer Driven•Go Live:START Thu, June 16th9PM EDT END Fri, June 17th3AM EDT ClearTrial will not be available during the maintenance window.Best Practice Reminder•Freeze your rates.–Freezing rates for all plans upon creation will keep you from having to revisit all your plans to freeze rates before a release.•Review updates post-release and decide if you want to update any existing plans (and templates) to the latest cost model.–If you decide to update a plan (or template) to a new cost model version, copy the existing plan and then update the cost model on the copy.–You can then run a compare report on new and existing plans (or templates) toquickly view the impacts of the new cost model.ClearTrial 5.5 Release Overview 5.5 Features and Functionality Edition Impact 5.5 Enhancements & Features1235.5 Features and Functionality Edition ImpactFeature Standard Edition Enterprise Edition Medical Monitoring and Safety Updates X XNew Units of Measurement/Cost Drivers Available X XUsability Enhancements X XExpanded Browser Support X XWS-API Updates XAdvanced Algorithms –‘Percentage of’ Assumption X XAdvanced Algorithms –Multiple Expressions XNew Additional Role/Capability for Advanced AlgorithmX EditorClearTrial 5.5 Release Overview 5.5 Features and Functionality Edition Impact 5.5 Enhancements & Features123Medical Monitoring and Safety UpdatesSummary of Medical Monitoring and Safety changesCost Model Impacted Study Phase ImpactedNew and removed assumptions/specifications5.5 cost model onlyAll, excluding Phase I Healthy VolunteersAlgorithm updates*New, removed and renamed Major Tasks and tasks*Renamed assignment group*New summary category*New resources*All All *Please see 5.5 Release Notes for more detailsNew Assumptions/Specifications on Treatment TabOnly Available in 5.5 Cost ModelDisplayed inAdvanced and Expertedit modes andare not populated bydefault (0)New Assumptions/Specifications on Monitoring TabOnly Available in 5.5 Cost ModelDisplayed inAdvanced and Expertedit modes andare populated bydefaultRemoved Assumption/Specification from Monitoring TabAssumption stillavailable in 5.3 and5.4 cost modelsEstimated number of FTE medical monitorsnot available in 5.5 cost modelMedical monitoring in 5.5 cost model is basedon site weeks and patients per location andconsiders 24/7 coverageAdditional Units of Measure AvailableAdditional Units of Measure AvailableIn Task Manager and Cost Algorithm set-up screen•Three (3) new available units of measurement (UOM)–Medical Data Listing Review–Cohort Escalation Review–Grant PaymentUsability EnhancementsIndicator for Number of Selected Cost Items •The Cost tab now displays the number of cost items selected.Increased Number of Characters for User-Defined Cost Name•The number of characters allowed for user-defined cost names has increased.Expanded Browser SupportSupport for Microsoft Internet Explorer 11•Oracle ClearTrial5.5 now provides support for Microsoft IE11.•The recommended configuration is Google Chrome or, if using Microsoft Internet Explorer, then IE10 or above.WS-API EnhancementsWS-API Enhancements•The Web Services API now includes the ability to filter the listing of Plans, Studies, or Compounds based on a last modified date.•The Plan Resource and Study Resource APIs have been enhanced to include more data points.As a reminder,if you are Plan Enterprise customer and yourdevelopment/IT team would like more information,please refer to theWeb Services API Developer User Guide accessible from the ClearTrialSupport CenterAdvanced AlgorithmsAdvanced Algorithms•Advanced algorithms expand existing algorithm functionality for calculating the level-of-effort in hours for resources or a monetary value for costs.•Advanced algorithms give the user more control over how fees and costs are generated by allowing the user to–create multiple(up to 8) expressions that can use different drivers, and–apply a percentage to a driver.•As with prior releases, advanced algorithms can be used to–define effort for new resources added to tasks,–define new costs, and–make adjustments to ClearTrial-defined costs.Advanced Algorithms cont’dIn 5.4In 5.5Advanced Algorithms –Multiple Expressions•Users are now able to create up to 8 expressions to aid in calculating the level-of-effort in hours for a task (for resources) or a monetary value (for costs).Only Enterprise Edition users who have been assignedthe Advanced Algorithm Editor role can add or removeexpressions from an algorithm.Advanced Algorithms –Multiple Expressions cont’d•There are two key terms when defining advanced algorithms:–Expression: an element of an algorithm composed of various input parameters •Example: [InputA* InputB* InputC] = Expression1•For resource algorithms, input parameters include hours, cost driver, and percentage to apply to the cost driver•For cost algorithms, input parameters include a monetary value, currency, cost driver, andpercentage to apply to the cost driver–Algorithm: one or more expressions that evaluate to the level-of-effort in hours (for resources) or a monetary value in a specific currency (for costs)•Example: [Expression1] + [Expression2] = AlgorithmAdvanced Algorithms –Multiple Expressions cont’dEXPRESSION 1 EXPRESSION 2EXPRESSION 1 EXPRESSION 2 EXPRESSION 3Algorithm consisting of 2 expressions equating to 62.638hours for the resource to perform the task in this locationAlgorithm consisting of 3 expressions equating to 57.500hours for the resource to perform the task in this locationAdvanced Algorithms –Multiple Expressions cont’d•If you are an EE user, but don’t have the Advanced Algorithm Editor role,–You can continue to use the one-expression functionality that was available in 5.4;the one-expression functionality now also includes the new input parameter forpercentage of cost driver.–You can update the input parameters for an existing multi-expression algorithm which was created by another user, but you will not be able to add new or remove existing expressions to the algorithm.As a reminder,in order to use resource algorithms within the TaskManager, you are required to have permission to the Advanced orExpert edit mode.Advanced Algorithms –Percentage of Driver•Users are now able to apply a percentage to a driver to aid in calculating the level-of-effort in hours (for resources) or a monetary value (for costs).•The new input parameter is available to both Standard and Enterprise users who can create/edit algorithms and is also available in all supported cost models.New Additional Role/Capability –Advanced Algorithm Editor •The ability to add or remove expressions within an algorithm is only available to Enterprise Edition users who have been given the additionalrole/capability of “Advanced Algorithm Editor”.•A training video is available from the ClearTrial Support Center for users who will be designated as advanced algorithm editors.New additional role forAdvanced Algorithm Editor.Can be granted to users withprimary role of Power User,Clinical Administrator orSystem Administrator.。
1 0R005* to 0.10
Physical Data
Dimensions (mm) Type OAR-1 OAR-3 OAR-5 A 11.43 +1.020/-0.508 15.24 +1.020/-0.50 20.32 +1.020/-0.50 B 5.08 ±2.54 25.4 max. 25.4 max. C 3.18 ±0.762 3.18 ±0.762 3.18 ±0.762 E 1.65 +0.254/-0.127 1.65 +0.254/0.127 1.65 +0.254/-0.127 F 1.02 ±0.051 1.02 ±0.051 1.02 ±0
Maximum change Load life: 1000 hrs at 25°C Moisture No Load 100 hrs Temperature Cycle at -40°C & +125°C (1000 cyc): ∆R% ∆R% ∆R% 1 1 1
Features • Welded Construction • Flameproof • Inductance less than 10 nanohenries • Solderable copper leads Applications • Current Sensing • Feedback • Low inductance • Surge and pulse
Sense Resistors 元器件交易网
OAR Series
Welwyn Components
Height Standards
All Resistances are in ohms. All Tolerances are ±2.54. Dimensions (mm)
ARQ简介自动重传请求(Automatic Repeat-reQuest,ARQ)是OSI模型中数据链路层的错误纠正协议之一。
它包括停止等待ARQ协议和连续ARQ协议,错误侦测(Error Detection)、正面确认(Positive Acknowledgment)、逾时重传(Retransmission after Timeout)与负面确认继以重传(Negative Acknowledgment and Retransmission)等机制。
3.当数据包没有成功被接收点接收时候,接收点不会发送ACK. 这样发送点在等待一定时间后,重新发送数据包。
连续ARQ协议(Continuous ARQ)为了克服停止并等待ARQ协议长时间等待ACK的缺点。
这个协议会连续发送一组数据包,然后再等待这些数据包的ACK.选择重复 (Selective Repeat)•发送点连续发送数据包但对每个数据包都设有个一个计时器。
1、立项批准,确定SQA 2、协助制定项目计划 3、组织项目计划评审 4、项目计划评审√ 5、制定SQA计划 6、SQA计划评审√ 7、实施SQA活动 8、维护SQA计划 9、审计SQA活动
1、确定SQA人员以及参加项目质量活动的进度表 2、确定SQA人员独立向上报告的途径,确定报告的高级经 理及和项目组的通报方式 3、结合项目特征与项目经理协商确定须进行的过程检查, 参考过程检查要素表 4、结合项目里程碑质量检查点与项目经理协商确定项目须 进行质量检查的工作产品 5、确定项目需收集的度量项和收集的过程控制点和数据采 集点 6、协助项目经理定义各个过程审计检查表中的内容,确定 过程检查所依据标准 7、协助项目经理定义各个产品审计检查表中的内容,确定 产品检查所需关注标准 8、确定检查结果的记录和上报、保存方式
2、若在项目审查过程中发现产品审计检查 表无法符合项目的实际情况, SQA 或项目 成员以改进反馈表向SEPG提出更改申请, 由SEPG负责审批并指定修改人修改标准, 经过SEPG批准认可后正式发布,使之更适 应项目
为项目组提供有关质量保证的配尊; 跟踪、报告项目的质量活动; 上级领导定期检查SQA的过程和活动
活动6—收集和分析度量数量 1、执行项目PPQA计划中的数据收集管理计划,实 时检查项目经理所收集并汇总记录到度量记录表 中的度量数据,确保数据的填写格式、内容的完 整性和正确性; 2、SQA人员定期或事件驱动地配合项目经理分析 项目数据,形成相关的度量图表,必要时形成分 析报告,向SQA经理及其他相关方通报,以取得 支持和采取纠正措施决策; 3、度量数据表格由SQA人员统一递交给SCM人员 进行配置管理;
AIO5产品介绍概述普实软件All in One5企业管理软件,以下缩写为AIO5。
AIO5基于BS架构而研发,集成了OA(办公自动化)、SCM(供应链管理)、FM (财务管理)三大主力单元,协助中小型企业全面管理采购、销售业务,规范仓库进出,处理与合作伙伴的往来资金结算,并无缝整合自动化办公功能及流程,配置APP移动端更能提高企业的工作效率。
1.2 法规的适用性在世界范围内对原料药的法定定义是个不相同的。
1.3 范围本文件适用于人用药品(医疗用品)所含原料药的制造。
最早对于信息技术在质量管理中应用的研究是对大批量生产情况下的质量信息处理技术方面的研究。 Feigenbaum于1983年讨论了SPC技术与自动化数据采集的连接问题,使这种自动的质量信息反馈可以改善产品质 量等级。Drewery研究了基于SPC技术的计算机辅助质量控制技术。
3、质量控制。能对企业质量活动的整体规划和各个部门的计划执行情况进行监控检查,并根据实际差异进行 调整,以达到预期的质量目标。
5、质量评价。能对质量管理体系的运行情况进行评价,包括管理评审、内部质量审核、自我评价、外部认证 机构审核。
随着通讯事业的发展,信息时代的到来,大大加速了世界的市场的形成和发展。从而世界范围内的市场竞争 变得越来越激烈。市场推动了整个社会的进步,使技术得到了空前的发展。同时市场竞争也给制造企业造成了严 酷的生存环境。参加激烈的国际竞争,并要在竞争中生存和发展,是所有现代制造企业追求的共同目标。当前的 市场竞争有许多特点:产品的生命周期明显缩短;产品品种日益增多;产品结构发生改变;产品交货周期缩短。 制造企业为了赢得竞争必须解决这一系列问题:如何加速研制新产品;缩短交货周期;提高查品质量;降低成本 以及提高企业的对市场的适应性等等。
质量计划子系统主要包括:产品质量计划编制和计算机辅助检测计划生成。自动化采集数据主要是在质量计 埘子系统下采集制造过程不同阶段与产品质量有关的数据,为了保证数据采集的正确性,必须将传统的检测转变 成任务性检测。质量评价与控制主要包括:制造过程质量评价诊断与控制、进货及供货商质量评价与控制。质量 管理子系统主要包括:质量成本、计量器具管理管理、质量指标综合统计及质量决策支持等。
产品质量策划小组成功的关键之一是高层管理者 高层管理者对 产品质量策划小组成功的关键之一是高层管理者对 此工作的兴趣 承诺和支持。 兴趣、 此工作的兴趣、承诺和支持。小组在每一产品质量 策划阶段结束时应将新情况报告给管理者以保持其 兴趣,并进一步促进他们的承诺和支持。 兴趣,并进一步促进他们的承诺和支持。 在小组的要求下,可以更频繁地报告新情况和/或要 在小组的要求下,可以更频繁地报告新情况和 或要 求帮助,这种新情况报告是正式的, 求帮助,这种新情况报告是正式的,留有提问和解 答的机会。 答的机会。产品质策划小组的功能目标就是通过表 明已满足所有的策划要求和/或关注问题已写入文件 明已满足所有的策划要求和 或关注问题已写入文件 并列解决的目标来保持管理者的支持。 并列解决的目标来保持管理者的支持。管理者参加 产品质量策划会议对确保项目成功极其重要。 产品质量策划会议对确保项目成功极其重要。
输入 设计目标 可靠性和质量目标 可靠性和质量目标 初始材料清单 初始材料清单 初始过程流程图 过程流程 初始过程流程图 产品和 产品和过程特殊特性 特殊特性 的初始清单 的初始清单 产品保证计划 管理者支持 设计小组的输出
设计失效模式及后果分析(DFMEA) 设计失效模式及后果分析(DFMEA) 可制造性和装配设计 设计验证 设计评审 制造样件制造样件-控制计划 工程规范 材料规范 图样和规范更改 工程图样(包括数学数据) 工程图样(包括数学数据) 多功能小组的输出(作为第三阶段的输入) 多功能小组的输出(作为第三阶段的输入) 新设备、 新设备、工装和设施要求 产品和过程特殊特性 量具/ 量具/试验设备要求 小组可行性承诺和管理者支持
分析纯分析纯图片分析纯,AR(Analytical reagent)分析纯(AR)是化学试剂的纯度规格,属于二级品,分析纯标签为金光红,用于一般分析试验(配制定量分析中的普通试液);对于具体纯度,不同的药品要求不一样。
B级:和A 级最接近的基准物质。
我国习惯将相当于IUPAC 的C级、D级的试剂称为标准试剂。
一级:即优级纯(GR,Guaranteed reagent);标签为深绿色,用于精密分析试验二级:即分析纯(AR,Analytical reagent);标签为金光红,用于一般分析试验三级:即化学纯(CP,Chemical pure)标签为中蓝,用于一般化学试验。
Atlas Copco QAS生成器产品介绍说明书
LRC MarketsEfficient and relible powerQAS rangeThe mobile QES generators The mobileQAS generatorVersatile power*Options available may change depending on model selected. Please consult with your local Atlas Copco customer centre.1. LOW OPERATIONAL COST AND SHORT SERVICE TIME:• Decreased service downtime due to heavy duty fuel filtration system with water separator• Extend engine life time because of Dual Stage Air Filtration with safety cartrige• Oil drain pump• Lockable external fuel filling point3. PUTTING YOU IN CONTROL• Dual frequency > 40kVA• Qc4004 + Qd0701 - Optional Qc2103 for Automatic Mains Failure (AMF) applications• Qc4003 - Optional Qc4003 - Advance paralleling applications controller• Auxiliary winding and PMG options2. DESIGN TO QUICK AND SAFE INSTALLATION• Plug and play cable connection• Pass through cable path, natural bend and strain relief• Plexi cover for terminal board protection/power-generator44. INTEGRATED CONTROL ANDPOWER CUBICLE:• Digital controller• 4 Pole breaker• Earth leakage protection• Dedicated socket compartment• Emergency stop5. HIGH PERFORMANCE:• High cooling performanceradiator with ParCOOL for100% prime power operation• Sound attenuated and ruggedgalvanized steel enclosure6. SAFE AND EFFICIENTTRANSPORT:• Integrated lifting structurewith single elevation point• Sturdy multidrop base framewith integrated forkliftpockets• 110% self containment• Transport bumpers7. EASY ACCESS AND SERVICE:• 1-side serviceability through big access doors andpanels• Access to alternator (AVR and diode bridge)• Full access to engine• Direct radiator cleaning access• External drain points access/power-generator5(1) Other voltages available, please consult. * Standard tank is already long autonomy Not all the standards or options are available in all the range, for further information contact to Atlas Copco support/power-generator 6/power-generator7Optimizeyour powersolutions1000 kVA GensetQAS 325QAS 325 QAS 325++ ++ ++10Sustainability is becoming a major concern in many machine-driven industries, as regulations regarding noise and emissions grow stricter. There is a need for a technological solution that provides reliable power in silent operation, while reducing fuel consumption and CO2 emissions. Energy Storage Systems (ESS) are transforming power supply as we know it, and Atlas Copco is leading the transition towards more sustainable operations.Energy Storage Systems are ideally suited to noise-sensitive environments, such as events or metropolitan construction sites, telecoms or rental applications, and large units can work in parallel to become the ‘brain’ ofa microgrid. Energy storage solutions featuring long-life, low-maintenance and high-density Lithium-ion batteries working in hybrid mode with power generators increase the solution’s efficiency, especially when dealing with low loads and peaks in energy demand.Using an Energy Storage System with a generator in hybrid mode enables you to use a smaller-sized generator, downsizing the solution, saving money on hardware, extending the generator’s working life, optimizing performance levels and increasing the level of sustainability on site.Efficiently cover peaks and low loadsPotential savings70carsoff the road100.000 m³ of waste200 tons CO2900 treesA hybrid energy solution that boosts performanceScan this code and increaseyour productivity11Atlas Copco Power Technique 2958 2460 00 - v 0 - © A t l a s C o p c o P o w e r a n d F l o w d i v i s i o n . 2022Product portfolio*Multiple configurations available to produce power for any size applicationPORTABLE 1,6–12 kVASPECIALIZED LARGE POWER 9–660* kVA800–1450 kVAVERSATILE 9–1250* kVAGENERATORSENERGY STORAGE SYSTEMSZENERGIZE DIESELBATTERYELECTRICLIGHT TOWERSDiesel and electric options availableDEWATERING PUMPSELECTRIC SUBMERSIBLE 250–16.200 l/min833–23.300 l/minSURFACE PUMPS LIGHT THE POWER:YOUR SIZING TOOL A useful calculator to help you choose the best solution for your power and light needs.45-500* kVAONLINE SOLUTIONSSHOP ONLINE PARTS ONLINEPOWER CONNECT Spare parts for powerequipment. We handle your orders 24 hours a day.Scan the QR code on your machine, and go to the QR Connect Portal to find all the information about your machine.FLEETLINKIntelligent telematics is a system that helps optimize fleet usage and reduce maintenance, ultimately saving time and cutting operating costs.PUMP SIZING CALCULATORWith a few inputs, this pump sizing calculator will help you tocompare dewatering submersible models and find the right one for you.VISIT THEPOWER ISLANDLive a 360° experience to discover a selection of products and solutions that we offer, in an almost real environment.360。
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120 VAC 12 VAC 140 VAC 600 Vpeak 0.1mArms 200 V/usec 3.0 Arms 50 mArms 100 Apeak 1.6 V 1/4 0.1 8.33 4000 4 -30 to 80°C -40 to 100°C 47 to 63 Hz 1.1 oz. (31.2g)
5 4.0 8 1.0 18 mA 250 Ohms 5-48 VDC 3.0 VDC 60 VDC 60 VDC 10 uA n/a 1.0 A 10 mA 5.0 Apeak 1.6 V n/a 0.05 0.05 4000 4 -30 to 80°C -40 to 100°C DC 1.1 oz. (31.2g)
O mA 220 Ohms 120 VAC 12 VAC 140 VAC 600 Vpeak 0.1mArms 200 V/usec 3.0 Arms 50 mArms 100 Apeak 1.6 V
5 4.0 8 1.0 20 mA 220 Ohms
240 VAC 12 VAC 280 VAC 600 Vpeak 0.1mArms 200 V/usec 3.0 Arms 50 mArms 100 Apeak 1.6 V 1/4 8.33 8.33 4000 4 -30 to 80°C -40 to 100°C 47 to 63 Hz 1.1 oz. (31.2g)
Part Number
Nominal Voltage VDC Minimum Voltage VDC Maximum Voltage VDC Drop-out Voltage Maximum Current (2) (3) Resistance Nominal Line Voltage Minimum Line Voltage Maximum Line Voltage Max Off-State Voltage (4) Max Off-State Leakage (5) Static Off-State dv/dt (6) Maximum Rated On-State Current (7) Minimum On-State Current Max Surge Current (8) On-State Voltage Drop or Resistance (9) HP Rating Maximum Turn-On Time [msec] (10) Maximum Turn-Off Time [msec] Input/Output Isolation Voltage (11) Input/Output Capacitance Operating Temperature Range Storage Temperature Range Line Frequency Range Weight
240 VAC 12 VAC 280 VAC 600 Vpeak 0.1mArms 200 V/usec 3.0 Arms 50 mArms 100 Apeak 1.6 V 1/4 0.1 8.33 4000 4 -30 to 80°C -40 to 100°C 47 to 63 Hz 1.1 oz. (31.2g)
5 4.0 8 1.0 20 mA 220 Ohms
5 4.0 8 1.0 20 mA 220 Ohms
5 4.0 8 1.0 18 mA 250 Ohms 5-48 VDC 3.0 VDC 60 VDC 60 VDC 10 uA n/a 3.0 A 10 mA 5.0 Apeak 1.6 V
1/4 8.33 8.33 4000 4 -30 to 80°C -40 to 100°C 47 to 63 Hz 1.1 oz. (31.2g)
n/a 0.1 0.05 4000 4 -30 to 80°C -40 to 100°C DC 1.1 oz. (31.2g)