• (9)车流推算信息,未来3日内车流、运用车保有量和指定范围车流情况的查询信息。
• (10)篷布信息,车务段别每6h阶段的篷布使用信息和汇总统计、查询信息。
• (11)货票信息,为指定范围内的车站、运输、财务和统计部门提供共享货票信息。
• (12)特种车信息,机械保温车、集装箱专用车、油罐车及特种平车的分布及使用信息.
• (1)列车的动态信息,实时追踪全路列车运行动态。
• (2)机车动态信息,实时追踪每辆机车的状态及位置变化。
• (3)车辆动态信息,实时追踪每辆货车和所载货物的状态及位置变化。
• (4)集装箱动态信息,实时追踪每个集装箱和所载货物的状态及位置变化。
集中建库与分布处理相结合方案的总体结构 TMIS可分为三个功能部分,其总体结构如图2-4所示。
第一部分为信息源信息采集功能部分,主要是由站段的信息系统和联网的报告系统构成。在TMIS中联网 的站段报告点达2200个主要站段,报告点的任务就是实时地将站段的车辆、列车、货车装卸、集装箱等信 息报告给中央数据库。
月度精密统计资料的交换、办公厅信息交换等等。 2、1989年建成郑州北编组站综合自动化系统。 郑州北编组站综合自动化系统包括信息处理和驼峰调车作业自动控制两大系统,是在引进加拿大国铁
公司的YIS系统基础上,二次开发和改造完成。亚洲最大的编组站生产管理现代化系统、达到国际先进水平。 3、90年代开始建设的系统: 铁路运输管理信息系统 (Transportation Management Information Systems, TMIS); 调度指挥信息系统 (Dispatching Management Information System, DMIS); 铁路客票发售和预订系统; 铁路货物运输生产计划编制自动化 ; 货运站作业管理自动化与信息管理系统; 集装箱运输管理自动化与信息管理系统 ; 工业企业内部铁路运输管理信息系统 。
RAMS控制程序编制单位:编制:审核:批准:修订记录目录1.目的 (4)2.范围 (4)3.方针 (4)4.引用文件 (4)5.定义 (4)2.职责和权限 (5)2.1总经理 (5)2.2管理者代表 (5)2.3市场部 (6)2.4项目管理部.................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
2.5技术部: (6)2.6生产计划部: (7)2.7质量安全部: (7)2.8采购部 (7)2.9物料部............................................................................................ 错误!未定义书签。
3.流程图 (8)4.程序 (8)4.1投标阶段顾客RAMS要求的识别和评审 (8)4.2设计策划阶段RAMS工作策划 (9)4.3设计阶段产品RAMS设计和分析 (9)4.4批量生产制造阶段实施安全计划 (11)4.5系统确认阶段准备RAMS指标的确认和验证 (11)4.6系统验收阶段RAMS指标的确认和验证 (11)4.7运营维修计划合理的运用和维修方式 (11)4.8性能监控修改与更新RAMS监控和持续改善 (11)4.9停用和处置RAMS监控和持续改善 (11)1.目的明确RAMS工作任务、职责和方法,确保产品能在整个生命周期内能满足和超越顾客要求,满足有关法律法规、标准的要求,实现可靠性增长,提高公司核心竞争力。
4.引用文件ISO 9001:2008《质量管理体系——要求》IRIS标准国际铁路行业标准GB/T 21562-2008 轨道交通可靠性、可用性、可维修性和安全性规范及示例EN 50126-1999 Railway applications - The specification and demonstration of Reliability, Availability, Maintainability and Safety ( RAMS)EN 50128-2001 Railway applications —Communications,signalling and processing ystems —Software for railway control and protection systems5.定义5.1RAMS可靠性、可用性、可维护性和安全性的统称。
Andreas Karlsson - TCMS System Coordinator 3EST000252-0201_1
Short Presentation 前言
Train Control and Management System (TCMS) - Abbreviations 列车控制和管理系统(TCMS) - TCMS相关的缩写
Safety Critical Control 重要的安全控制 Mission Critical Control 主要的任务控制 Comfort Control 舒适度控制 Monitoring监视 Diagnostics诊断 Passenger Info旅客信息 Entertainment 娱乐系统
Auxiliary Converter Module Automatic Train Protection Analogue input and output unit Remote access unit (via GSM) MVB Bus Administrator Bus Coupler China High Speed EMU Central Control Unit Communication Controller Door Control Unit Drive Control Unit for LCM Drive Control Unit for MCM Drive Control Unit for ACM Digital input/output unit Electrical Multiple Unit
Ruijie Reyee Series Access Points Web-Based Configuration Guide_R61Copyright StatementRuijie Networks©2021Ruijie Networks reserves all copyrights of this document. Any reproduction, excerption, backup, modification, transmission, translation or commercial use of this document or any portion of this document, in any form or by any means, without the prior written consent of Ruijie Networks is prohibited.Exemption StatementThis document is provided “as is”. The contents of this document are subj ect to change without any notice. Please obtain the latest information through the Ruijie Networks website. Ruijie Networks endeavors to ensure content accuracy and will not shoulder any responsibility for losses and damages caused due to content omissions, inaccuracies or errors.PrefaceThank you for using our products.AudienceThis manual is intended for:●Network engineers●Technical support and servicing engineers●Network administratorsObtaining TechnicalAssistance●Ruijie Networks Website: https:///●Technical Support Website: https:///support ●Case Portal: https://●Community: https://●Technical Support Email: *****************************●Skype: *****************************Related DocumentsConventionsThis manual uses the following conventions:Configuration Guide Overview 1 OvervieweWeb is a Web-based network management system that manages or configures devices. You can access eWeb via browsers such as Google Chrome.Web-based management involves a Web server and a Web client. The Web server is integrated in a device, and is used to receive and process requests from the client, and return processing results to the client. The Web client usually refers to a browser, such as Google Chrome IE, or Firefox.1.1 ConventionsIn this document, texts in bold are names of buttons (for example, OK) or other graphical user interface (GUI) elements (for example, DHCP Security).2 Configuration Guide2.1 PreparationScenarioAs shown in the figure below, an administrator can access the device from a browser and configure the device through the eWeb management system.Figure 2-1-1 Data Exchange PrincipleDeliver or requestcommandsthrough AJAX.Administrator Return dataWebserviceDeviceDeployment↘Configuration Environment RequirementsClient requirements:●An administrator can log into the eWeb management system from a Web browser to manage devices. The client refersto a PC or some other mobile endpoints such as laptops or tablets.●Google Chrome, Firefox, IE10.0 and later versions, and some Chromium-based browsers (such as 360 ExtremeExplorer) are supported. Exceptions such as garble or format error may occur if an unsupported browser is used.●1024 x 768 or a higher resolution is recommended. If other resolutions are used, the page fonts and formats may not bealigned and the GUI is less artistic, or other exceptions may occur.●The client IP address is set in the same LAN network as the device IP address, such as 192.168.120.X. The subnetmask is The default management address of the device is Alternatively, you can set the IP assignment mode to Obtain an IP address automatically.Server requirements:●You can log into the eWeb management system through a LAN port or from Ruijie Cloud on an external network.●The device is enabled with Web service (enabled by default).The device is enabled with login authentication (enabled by default).To log into the eWeb management system, open the Google Chrome browser, and enter into the address bar, and press Enter .Figure 2-1-2 Login PageEnter the password and click Login .2.2 Network SetupYou will enter the Network Setup page without login at initial setup.2.2.1 Discover DeviceThe page displays online device count and network status.You can add the device to My Network before configuring the network. If the device works in the standalone mode, this feature is not supported.Figure 2-2-1 Discover Device2.2.2 Add to My NetworkSelect the target device and click Add to My Network. If the target device is not configured yet, you can add the device directly without a password.Figure 2-2-2 Add Device to My Network2.2.3 Create Network & ConnectIf the device is configured for the first time, the network name, management password and SSID are required. If the device is already configured, the management password will not be displayed here. You can navigate to Network> Password to change the management password.If the device is detected disconnected to Ruijie Cloud, the Ruijie Cloud page will be embedded for you to bind your account after the device accesses the Internet successfully. If the device is already connected to Ruijie Cloud, the eWeb homepage will be displayed after this step.Figure 2-2-3 Create NetworkClick Create Network & Connect, and it takes about 60 seconds to deliver and activate settings. The following message will appear after Internet connection is set up.Figure 2-2-4 Connect to InternetIf the Internet connection failed, please follow the instruction in the prompt message.Figure 2-2-5 Failed Connection2.2.4 Cloud ServiceThe Network Setup module requires a Ruijie Cloud account. If you are a new user, please register an account first at the Ruijie Cloud website.Figure 2-2-6 Log In with Ruijie Cloud AccountIf the device works in the standalone mode, log in and the account will be bound with Ruijie Cloud automatically. If the device works in the self-organizing network mode, the following page will appear.Figure 2-2-7 Select TemplateFigure 2-2-8 Confirm Device StatusFigure 2-2-9 Enable ServicesClick Apply Config. The following page will appear after configuration is delivered successfully.Figure 2-2-10 CompleteAfter the above step, click Ruijie Cloud to configure the device on Ruijie Cloud. Then exit from Ruijie Cloud and enter the eWeb page again.Upon the configuration, check the network and wireless settings of each device for consistency.2.3 Work ModeThe eWeb menu varies with different work modes. The EG device works in the Router mode and the EAP device works in the AP mode by default. The work mode is displayed on the Route > Overview page.Figure 2-3-1 Device OverviewFigure 2-3-2 Work Mode2.3.1 Router ModeThe Router mode indicates NAT forwarding.The EG device in the Router mode of a router contains networking, network setup and routing features including VPN and behavior management.The AP in the Router mode contains networking, network setup and some radio features.2.3.2 AP ModeThe AP mode refers to fit AP mode. All WAN ports are enabled with DHCP by default. You can configure a WAN port with a static IP address or enable PPPoE manually.2.4 Self-Organizing NetworkClick the current work mode, and the following page will appear. You can enable or disable self-organizing network here.Figure 2-4-1 Self-Organizing Network2.4.1 EnableIf self-organizing network is enabled, the device in the network will be discovered and discover other devices. These devices will form a network and be synchronized with network settings.The menu on the left contains all network settings, including wireless management, switch management and system management.Figure 2-4-2 Enable Self-Organizing NetworkIf there is a wireless router enabled with self-organizing network in the network, the Router module will appear in the menu on the left. Click Router , and a horizontal menu will be displayed. Figure 2-4-3 Router Menu2.4.2DisableIf self-organizing network is disabled, the device will work in the standalone mode.After self-organizing network is disabled, a horizontal menu will be displayed vertically on the left. Figure 2-4-4 Disable Self-Organizing Network3 eWeb Configuration3.1 OverviewThe Overview page displays login device, wireless information and network status. Figure 3-1 Overview3.2 Basic WirelessThe APs module allows you to group, upgrade and delete APs.Figure 3-2-1 AP ListA. Group ManagementClick Expand, and all groups will be displayed on the left column. You can add, delete, edit and search groups. Up to 8 groups can be added.Figure 3-2-2 Group ManagementB. Advanced Search and List FilterClick Advanced Search, and you can search APs by SN, model, software version, MAC address and IP address.Click List Filter, and you can select columns to be displayed in the list.C. Batch ActionSelect the target devices and click Batch Action. The following actions are available:Figure 3-2-3 Batch ActionUpgrade Device: If there is a new version available, you can upgrade the devices in batches.Delete Device: You can delete the devices in batches.Change Group: You can move the devices from one group to another. The devices will be applied with the new group settings.3.2.1 ConfigurationFigure 3-2-4 ConfigurationSelect the target device and click Manage in the Action column, and the AP management page will be displayed.3.2.2 OverviewThe Overview page displays the information including memory usage, online clients, status, device details, wireless information and interface details.Figure 3-2-5 Overview3.2.3 Basics3.2.3.1 WANThe WAN module allows you to configure WAN settings. WAN settings support multiple lines, and you can configure a specific line as needed.Figure 3-2-6 WAN Settings3.2.3.2 LANThe LAN module contains LAN Settings, Port VLAN, DHCP Clients and Static IP Addresses. LAN SettingsThe LAN module allows you to set the IP address of the LAN port and DHCP status.Figure 3-2-7 LAN SettingsFigure 3-2-8 Add IP AddressIn the AP mode, the Port VLAN function is available on page for the AP supporting Port VLAN. Figure 3-2-9 Port VLAN↘Port VLANThe Port VLAN page displays VLAN information. This page is displayed only when the AP is enabled with port VLAN in the AP mode.Figure 3-2-10 Port VLAN↘DHCP ClientsThe DHCP Clients page displays DHCP clients. This page is displayed only in the router mode.Figure 3-2-11 DHCP ClientsClick Convert to Static IP in the Action column to convert a DHCP-assigned IP address to a static IP address. Alternatively, select DHCP-assigned IP addresses and click Batch Convert to convert more than one IP address.Static IP AddressesThe Static IP Addresses module allows you to add, delete and edit static IP addresses. This page is displayed only in the router mode.Figure 3-2-12 Static IP AddressesClick Add to add a static IP address manually. In the displayed dialog box, configure settings and click OK.Figure 3-2-13 Add Static IP Address3.2.3.3 PoEThe PoE page displays PoE status and power consumption. Figure 3-2-14 PoE3.2.4 Security3.2.4.1 ARP ListThe ARP List page displays ARP entries.Figure 3-2-15 ARP ListClick Add to add an IP-MAC binding. In the displayed dialog box, enter or select an IP address and a MAC address and click OK.Figure 3-2-16 Add IP-MAC Bindingdialog box, click OK. The message "Delete operation succeeded." is displayed.3.2.5 Advanced3.2.5.1 Local DNSThe Local DNS module allows you to configure a local DNS server.Figure 3-2-17 Local DNS3.2.5.2 PoE SettingsThe PoE Settings module allows you to configure the PoE mode.Figure 3-2-18 PoE Settings3.2.5.3 Other SettingsThe Other Settings module allows you to perform other settings, such as Enable RIP&RIPng, Enable Advanced and Disable ICMPv6 Error.Figure 3-2-19 Other Settings3.2.6 Diagnostics3.2.6.1 Network Check Figure 3-2-20 Network CheckClick Start, and click OK in the confirmation box. After the test finishes, the result will be displayed. Figure 3-2-21 ResultIf any problem occurs, the result will be displayed as follows:Figure 3-2-22 Issue & AdvicePlease fix the problem by taking the suggested action. AlarmsThe Alarms module allows you to view and manage alarms in the network.Figure 3-2-23 AlarmsClick Unfollow in the Action column to unfollow an alarm. In the confirmation box, click OK. Figure 3-2-24 Unfollow AlarmClick View Unfollowed Alarm, and you can view and follow the alarm again.Figure 3-3-25 Re-follow Alarm3.2.6.3 Network ToolsThe Network Tools module provides the following network tools to detect the network status: Ping, Traceroute, and DNS Lookup.Figure 3-2-26 Ping Test and ResultFigure 3-2-27 Traceroute Test and ResultFigure 3-2-28 DNS Lookup Test and Result3.2.6.4 Fault CollectionThe Fault Collection module allows you to collect faults by one click and download the fault information to the local device. Figure 3-2-29 Fault Collection3.2.7 System3.2.7.1 Session TimeoutThe Session Timeout module allows you to set the session timeout period.Figure 3-2-30 Session Timeout3.2.7.2 Backup & Import & ResetBackup & ImportThe Backup & Import module allows you to import a configuration file and apply the imported settings. It also allows exporting the configuration file to generate a backup.Figure 3-2-31 Backup & ImportRestoreThe Restore module allows you to restore the device to factory settings. Figure 3-2-32 RestorePlease exercise caution if you want to restore the factory settings. Figure 3-2-33 Confirm RestoreClick OK to restore all default values. This function is recommended when the network configuration is incorrect or the network environment is changed. UpgradeOnline UpgradeClick Upgrade Now. The device downloads the upgrade package from the network, and upgrades the current version. The upgrade operation retains configuration of the current device. Alternatively, you can select Download File to the local device and import the upgrade package on the Local Upgrade page.Figure 3-2-34 Online UpgradeFigure 3-2-35 Upgrade PromptLocal UpgradeClick Browse to select an upgrade package, and click Upload. After uploading and checking the package, the device displays the upgrade package information and a prompt asking for upgrade confirmation. Click OK to start the upgrade.Figure 3-2-36 Local Upgrade3.2.7.4 RebootThe Reboot module allows you to reboot the device immediately.Figure 3-2-37 RebootClick Reboot, and click OK in the confirmation box. The device is rebooted and you need to log into the eWeb management system again after the reboot. Do not refresh the page or close the browser during the reboot. After the device is successful ly rebooted and the eWeb service becomes available, you will be redirected to the login page of the eWeb management system.3.3 WiFiThe WiFi module allows you to configure WiFi settings for all devices.3.3.1 WiFi SettingsThe WiFi Settings module allows you to configure the primary WiFi.Figure 3-3-1 WiFi Settings3.3.2 Guest WiFiThe guest WiFi is disabled by default. You can enable guest WiFi on this page or homepage.AP isolation is enabled by default and cannot be edited.Set a schedule, and the guest WiFi will be enabled only during this period time. When the time expires, the guest WiFi will be disabled.Figure 3-3-2 Guest WiFiFigure 3-3-3 Enable Guest WiFi3.3.3 WiFi ListThe WiFi List displays all WiFi networks. The primary WiFi is also listed here and cannot be deleted.Figure 3-3-4 WiFi ListClick Add to add a WiFi network. In the displayed dialog box, configure settings and click OK. Figure 3-3-5 Add WiFiYou can click in the upper right corner to see description about each configuration item.3.3.4 Healthy ModeThe Healthy Mode module allows you to enable health mode and set a schedule. Figure 3-3-6 Healthy Mode3.4 Wireless ClientsThe Clients module displays the wireless clients.Figure 3-4-1 Wireless Client ListClick Advanced Search, and you can search clients by SN and MAC address. This is a fuzzy search. You can enter an incomplete MAC address or part of an SN. Figure 3-4-2 Advanced Search3.5 Blacklist/WhitelistThe Blacklist/Whitelist module allows you to configure wireless global or SSID-based client blacklist and whitelist. Blacklist and whitelist can achieve full match or prefix match (OUI).3.5.1 Global Blacklist/WhitelistFigure 3-5-1 Global Blacklist/WhitelistClick Add to add a blacklisted or whitelisted client. In the displayed dialog box, configure settings and click OK.。
IRIS认证范围及审核人日 to customer
ÜÏÍ Ù³¾ØÜ»«¬-½¸» Ù»-»´´-½¸¿º¬ ¦«® Æ»®¬·º·¦·»®«²¹ ª±² Ó¿²¿¹»³»²¬-§-¬»³»²ß«¹«-¬óͽ¸¿²¦óͬ®¿y» îïô êðìíí Ú®¿²µº«®¬ ¿³ Ó¿·²©©©ò¼¯-ò¼»IRIS 认证范围号码 描述1 车身2 车身配件3 导则(转向架和驱动装置)4 电力系统5 推进装置号码描述1.1 车身本体 1.2 底架 1.3 底板 1.4 碰撞结构 1.5 车窗 1.6 隔热层 1.7 涂漆与隔音 1.8 固定和连接元件2.1 前部/尾部车身配件 2.2 车身顶部配件 2.3 车身底架配件 2.4 车身侧面配件3.1 机车转向架 3.2 拖车转向架4.1 供电 4.2 发电 4.3 变电 4.4 配电 4.5 蓄电5.1 牵引力控制机组 5.2 变速器 5.3 牵引电机 5.4 机械变速器 5.5 变电器ÜÏÍ Ù³¾ØÜ»«¬-½¸» Ù»-»´´-½¸¿º¬ ¦«® Æ»®¬·º·¦·»®«²¹ª±² Ó¿²¿¹»³»²¬-§-¬»³»²ß«¹«-¬óͽ¸¿²¦óͬ®¿y» îïô êðìíí Ú®¿²µº«®¬ ¿³ Ó¿·²©©©ò¼¯-ò¼»6 辅助系统7 煞车系统 8 内装设备6.1 气源系统 6.2 液压系统 6.3 辅助电力系统 6.4 主要辅助变流设备 6.5 低压电供应/电池充电设备 6.6 特殊辅助性变流设备 6.7 电池设备 6.8 外部供应系统6.9 电力和驱动系统制冷机组 6.10 消防系统 6.11 砂光设备 6.12 喇叭6.13 轮缘润滑装置7.1 煞车控制系统 7.2 摩擦煞车设备 7.3 WSP 设备 7.4 磁迹煞车设备 7.5 紧急煞车设备 7.6 涡流煞车设备8.1 内部构造 8.2 内部设备 8.3 厕所系统 8.4 机房 8.5 餐饮系统ÜÏÍ Ù³¾ØÜ»«¬-½¸» Ù»-»´´-½¸¿º¬ ¦«® Æ»®¬·º·¦·»®«²¹ ª±² Ó¿²¿¹»³»²¬-§-¬»³»²ß«¹«-¬óͽ¸¿²¦óͬ®¿y» îïô êðìíí Ú®¿²µº«®¬ ¿³ Ó¿·²©©©ò¼¯-ò¼»9 车载控制10 旅客信息系统11 通讯系统12 电缆与车厢13 门/出入系统14 冷暖空调设备15 轮锤系统9.1 传统式里程纪录配件 9.2 声音纪录器 9.3 纪录器系统 9.4 监视录像机 9.5 电动后视镜10.1 公共地址系统 10.2 安全警示系统 10.3 中央PIS 组件10.4 火车/交通MMI 信息系统 10.5 定位系统 10.6 记帐系统10.7 地面设备 11.1 列车与站台的通讯 11.2 车厢内广播系统12.1 电缆 12.2 车厢13.1 外部出入系统 13.2 内部出入系统 14.1 冷暖空调控制组件 14.2 空调系统 14.3 暖气系统14.4 空气对流及调节系统 14.5 通风设备 14.6 抽风设备 14.7 压力保护系统 15.1 轮锤控制设备 15.2 开动系统15.3 导电弓(架)轮锤系统 15.4 轮锤监控及侦测系统ÜÏÍ Ù³¾ØÜ»«¬-½¸» Ù»-»´´-½¸¿º¬ ¦«® Æ»®¬·º·¦·»®«²¹ª±² Ó¿²¿¹»³»²¬-§-¬»³»²ß«¹«-¬óͽ¸¿²¦óͬ®¿y» îïô êðìíí Ú®¿²µº«®¬ ¿³ Ó¿·²©©©ò¼¯-ò¼»号码 描述 16 照明17 联结器18 火车及机电轨道车19 控制,指挥和信号系统(包括相关的软硬件及零部件)号码描述16.1 紧急照明系统壳 16.2 外部照明系统 16.3 内部照明系统17.1 前端联结器 17.2 车体联结器 17.3 紧急联结器 18.1 轻轨电车 18.2 区间车 18.3 地铁 18.4 长途或客运车 18.5 高速火车 18.6 火车头 18.7 货车 19.1 联合调度控制系统/零部件/软件 19.2 计算机联锁系统/零部件/软件 19.3 继电器联锁系统/零部件/软件 19.4 转辙器 19.5 信号器 19.6 平交道口保护19.7 列车检测系统(如计轴,轨道电路等) 19.8 列车自动防护控制系统/零部件/软件 19.9列车操作系统/零部件/软件(如欧洲铁路控制命令系统,即ERTMS ,无人驾驶操作,车速监控)19.10 火车无线电控制信号系统/零部件/软件 19.11 上述产品的全寿命支持(如开发,测试,调试,验证,评估,维护)ÜÏÍ Ù³¾ØÜ»«¬-½¸» Ù»-»´´-½¸¿º¬ ¦«® Æ»®¬·º·¦·»®«²¹ ª±² Ó¿²¿¹»³»²¬-§-¬»³»²ß«¹«-¬óͽ¸¿²¦óͬ®¿y» îïô êðìíí Ú®¿²µº«®¬ ¿³ Ó¿·²©©©ò¼¯-ò¼»号码 描述20 火车单组件注意:就IRIS 认证范围的第19项 (附件一:信号系统)而言,其附属项是由EN 50129:2003体系的安全完整性标准(SIL 0..4)所定义的。
iDEAL-A M-1500C-HR 高度型气缸机器车 ATV抬升器说明书
M-1500C-HRAir / HydraulicHigh-Rise Motorcycle / ATV LiftCapacity 1,500 lbs.Installation, Operation & MaintenanceManualWARNING: READ INSTRUCTIONS BEFORE OPERATING!SPECIFICATIONSFEATURES·1,500 lbs. Capacity·Air Hydraulic Operation·Heavy-Duty Diamond Plate Platform Construction·Protective Metal Case w/ Handle for Air Hydraulic Pump·Extra-High Rise (38-1/2") for Service Operation·Extra-Wide Main Platform (31-1/2"W) & with Side Extensions (50”W)·High Quality Hydraulic Lifting Cylinder·Rear Cut-Out for Easy Access to Rear Wheel·Stabilizer BarSTANDARD ACCESSORIESü(2) Side Extensions & Ramps (9.25”W Ea.)ü(2) Rear Service Support Polesü(1) Motorcycle Vise & Wheel StopREAD ENTIRE MANUAL TO COMPLY WITH ALL SAFETY AND SERVICEPRECAUTIONS. DEATH, PERSONAL INJURY AND/OR PROPERTYDAMAGE MAY OCCUR UNLESS INSTRUCTIONS ARE FOLLOWEDCAREFULLY.LIFT IS RECOMMENDED FOR INDOOR USE ONLY.UNPACKING AND SET-UP1. Open the crate, then remove items on top of lift.2. Carefully remove lift from crate.3. Connect hydraulic hose from the cylinder to the air-hydraulic pump.4. Connect the compressed air (90-125 psi) supply to the air-hydraulic pump.5. Press the ‘Pressure’ pedal side of the air-hydraulic pump to raise up lift.6. Mount front wheel vise and then tighten all the bolts and nuts. (Optional)7. Mount side extensions with support rods and securing pins.8. Mount ramps to rear of lift platform & side extensions9. Insert the stabilizer bar to rear of lift’s base.10. Lower lift by raising the safety latch bar, until latch is held in upward position.Followed by pressing the ‘Release’ pedal side of the pump pedal.11. Without any load, lift and lower the lift several times to remove air from cylinder.THE LIFT MAY BE DAMAGED AND/OR PERSONAL INJURY MAY RESULT IF THE PRESSURE EXCEEDS THE MAXIMUM 125 PSI RATING OPERATION & SAFETY INSTRUCTIONSLOADS MUST BE CENTERED ON PLATFORM AT ALL TIMES. LOADSALSO MUST BE FIRMLY POSITIONED AND SECURED TO PLATFORM AT ALL TIMES.1. Only trained persons should operate lift.2. Center load on platform, not to exceed the 1,500 lbs. maximum weight capacity.3. Connect to 125 psi maximum shop air to quick disconnect fitting on air-hydraulicpump.4. To RAISE, depress the ‘PRESSURE’ end of foot pedal on air-hydraulic pump.5. To LOWER, lift safety latch bar until held in place magnetically, followed bydepressing the ‘RELEASE’ end of foot pedal to lower.To STOP lift, position foot pedal to be level. Once the desired working height is obtained, always lower lift to rest in the locked & secured position.6. Keep hands and tools from under platform and scissor floor path.7. Lift must be in the fully lowered position when moving to different locations.8. The working area should be enough to lift motorcycles & power sport vehicles.9. Air-hydraulic pump should be positioned at least 2 to 3 feet away from lift duringraising and lowering operation.MAINTENANCE·All moving parts have been lubricated at the factory and should be re-lubricated every (6) months to prevent premature pivot shaft defects.·Pivot shaft set screws should be checked frequently to be sure they are tight.(These are located at the top end of the inside frame assembly.)WARNINGSv Always keep safety latch bar in position, except when lowering.v Keep hands and tools away from underside of platform.v Do not ride vehicle onto lift.v Lift must be in the lowered position when positioning vehicle on platformv Foot operated air-hydraulic pump should be at least 3 feet away from Lift during raising and lowering.v Lift is recommended for indoor use only.v Do not exceed 125 PSI air supply to air-hydraulic pumpEXPLODED VIEWPARTS LISTLIMITED WARRANTYStructural Warranty:The following parts and structural components carry a five-year warranty:Columns Arms Uprights Swivel Pins Legs Carriages Overhead Beam Tracks Cross Rails Top Rail BeamLimited One-Year Warranty:Tuxedo Distributors, LLC (iDEAL) offers a limited one-year warranty to the original purchaser of Lifts and Wheel Service equipment in the United States and Canada. Tuxedo will replace, without charge, any part found defective in materials or workmanship under normal use, for a period of one year after purchase. The purchaser is responsible for all shipping charges. This warranty does not apply to equipment that has been improperly installed or altered or that hasnot been operated or maintained according to specifications.Other Limitations:This warranty does not cover:1. Parts needed for normal maintenance2. Wear parts, including but not limited to cables, slider blocks, chains, rubber pads and pulleys3. Replacement of lift and tire changer cylinders after the first 30 days. A seal kit and installation instructions willbe sent for repairs thereafter.4. On-site laborUpon receipt, the customer must visually inspect the equipment for any potential freight damage before signing clear on the shipping receipt. Freight damage is not considered a warranty issue and therefore must be noted for any potential recovery with the shipping company.The customer is required to notify Tuxedo of any missing parts within 72 hours. Timely notification must be receivedto be covered under warranty.Tuxedo will replace any defective part under warranty at no charge as soon as such parts become available from the manufacturer. No guarantee is given as to the immediate availability of replacement parts.Tuxedo reserves the right to make improvements and/or design changes to its lifts without any obligation topreviously sold, assembled, or fabricated equipment.There is no other express warranty on the Tuxedo lifts and this warranty is exclusive of and in lieu of all other warranties, expressed or implied, including all warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose.Tothe fullest extent allowed by law, Tuxedo shall not be liable for loss of use, cost of cover, lost profits,inconvenience, lost time, commercial loss or other incidental or consequential damages.This Limited Warranty is granted to the original purchaser only and is not transferable or assignable.Some states do not allow exclusion or limitation of consequential damages or how long an implied warranty lasts,so the above limitations and exclusions may not apply. This warranty gives you specific legal rights and you may have other rights, which may vary from state to state.8320 E Hwy 67, Alvarado, TX 76009Ph. 817-558-9337 / Fax 817-558-9740。
BS EN50126-1-1999(CN)-铁路应用_可靠性_可用性_可维护性和安全性(RAMS)的规范和示例
BS EN 50126:1999
铁路应用—可靠性,可用性,可维护性和安 全性(RAMS)的规范和示例
引言------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------5 1 适用范围----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------6 2 相关参考标准----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------7 3 定义---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------8 4 铁路 RAMS------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------12 4.1 综述-----------------
AccessoriesInstallation.................................. 117ACCESSORY (Ignition KeyPosition) .......................................51AddingAutomatic TransmissionFluid ....................................... 161Brake Fluid................................. 163Clutch Fluid................................ 163Differential Oil ...........................161Engine Coolant ..........................156Engine Oil ..................................152Manual Transmission Fluid.......162Power Steering Fluid................. 165Windshield Washer Fluid......... 160Additional Safety Information ......... 18Door Locks................................... 19Head Restraint Position .............. 18Seat-back Position ....................... 18Driving with Pets......................... 19Storing Cargo Safely ................... 19Additives, Engine Oil..................... 154AdjustmentsHeadlights (182)Head Restraints ...........................60Mirrors .........................................69Seats.............................................. 55Steering Wheel ............................45Airbag (SRS) .....................................12Air Cleaner...................................... 166Air ConditioningMaintenance............................... 175Usage......................................81, 88Air Outlets (Vents) .....................80, 87Air Pressure, Tires......................... 174Alarm, Anti-theft............................. 107Alcohol and Drugs ...........................26Aluminum Wheels, Cleaning ........ 195Antenna, Cleaning.......................... 194Antifreeze........................................ 156Anti-lock Brakes (ABS)Description.................................230Fluid ............................................164Indicator Light .............................33Operation.................................... 131Anti-theft Steering ColumnLock ..............................................51Anti-theft System............................ 107Appearance Care............................ 193Ashtrays .. (75)Audio Controls, Remote ................104Audio System....................................93Automatic Climate ControlSystem ..........................................87Automatic Speed Control ................47Automatic Transmission ............... 126Capacity, Fluid ...........................228Checking Fluid Level................ 161Shifting ....................................... 126Shift Lever Positions ................. 126Shift Lock Release ..................... 129Shift Position Indicator (35)Baby, Holding a................................21Back-up Lamp Replacement ......... 188BatteryCharging SystemIndicator...........................32, 215Jump Starting .............................210Maintenance............................... 170Specifications .............................229Before Driving................................ 109Belts, Seat . (5)CONTINUEDBeverage Holder ..............................73Body Repair ....................................200Brakes ............................................. 130Anti-lock System (ABS) ............ 131Break-in, New Linings............... 110Fluid............................................ 163Light, Burned-out ......................188Parking .........................................71System Indicator.......................... 32Wear Indicators ......................... 130Brakes, ABSDescription.................................230Operation.................................... 131System Indicator.......................... 33Braking System.............................. 130Break-in, New Car.......................... 110Brightness Control,Instruments..................................41Brights, Headlights..........................40Bulb Replacement.......................... 184Back-up Lights........................... 188Brake Lights............................... 188Ceiling Lights............................. 189Courtesy Lights ......................... 189Front Side Marker Lights......... 186Headlights. (184)License Plate Lights ..................189Parking Lights ........................... 186Rear Side Marker Lights .......... 187Specifications .............................229Trunk Light................................ 191Turn Signal Lights..................... 185Bulbs, Halogen . (184)Cables, Jump Starting with ........... 210Cancel Button ...................................49Capacities Chart .............................228Carbon Monoxide Hazard...............26Cargo, Loading............................... 118Car Seats for Children .....................20Cassette PlayerCare............................................. 106Operation...................................... 98CAUTION, Explanation of ................ii CD Changer.................................... 100Ceiling Lights ...................................76Certification Label ..........................226Chains ............................................. 181Change OilHow to (154)When to ...................................... 146Changing a Flat Tire ...................... 203Changing Engine Coolant............. 157Charging System Indicator .....32, 215Check Engine Light................. 33, 216CheckingAutomatic TransmissionFluid ....................................... 161Battery Condition ...................... 170Brake Fluid................................. 163Clutch Fluid................................ 165Differential Oil ...........................162Drive Belts.................................. 176Engine Coolant ..........................156Engine Oil .................................. 152Fuses ...........................................218Manual Transmission Fluid...... 162Power Steering Fluid................. 165Checklist, Before Driving.............. 120Child Safety.......................................20Cigarette Lighter.............................. 74Cleaner, Air..................................... 166CleaningAluminum Wheels..................... 195Antenna....................................... 194Exterior.......................................194Interior........................................ 197Leather........................................ 197Seat Belts.................................... 197Vinyl............................................ 197Windows..................................... 198Wood Trim ................................. 197CLEAN Light.................................. 106Climate Control System ..................87Clock, Setting the............................. 72Clutch Fluid.................................... 165Code, Audio system....................... 105CO in the Exhaust............................26Cold Weather, Starting in.............. 122Compact Spare ...............................202Console Compartment.....................73Controls, Instruments and ..............29CoolantAdding ........................................ 156Checking .................................... 156Proper solution .......................... 156Temperature Gauge ....................37Corrosion Protection ..................... 199Courtesy Lights ................................76Crankcase Emission ControlSystem ........................................235Cruise Control Operation ................47Customer Relations Office (241)DANGER, Explanation of.................. ii Dashboard ........................................30Daytime Running Lights .................40Dead Battery, What to do ..............210Defog and Defrost...................... 86, 91Defogger, Rear Window.................. 44Defog, Rear Window........................44Defrosting the Windows............86, 91Dexron ® II AutomaticTransmission Fluid.................... 161Differentral Oil ...............................162Dimensions.....................................228Dimming the Headlights................. 40DipstickAutomatic Transmission........... 161Engine Oil ..................................152Directional Signals ...........................41Disabled, Towing Your Car if .......223Disc Brake Wear Indicators..........130Disposal of Used Oil...................... 155DoorsLocking and Unlocking...............52Lockout Prevention .....................52Monitor Light. (34)Power Door Closers ....................53Power Door Locks....................... 52DOT Tire Quality Grading ............233Downshifting, 6-speed ManualTransmission.............................. 123Drive Belts ......................................176Driving ............................................ 119Economy..................................... 116In Bad Weather..........................135In Foreign Countries .....................111Driving Position MemorySystem (61)Economy, Fuel ...............................116Emergencies on the Road .............201Battery, Jump Starting ..............210Changing a Flat Tire .................203Charging System Indicator.......215Check Engine Light ..................216Checking the Fuses...................218Low Oil Pressure Indicator.......214Malfunction Indicator Lamp .. (216)CONTINUEDManually ClosingtheMoonroof.........................217Overheated Engine ...................212Emergency Brake ............................71Emergency Flashers........................ 44Emission Controls ..........................235EngineBelts............................................ 176Check Light..........................33, 216Coolant Temperature Gauge...... 37Malfunction IndicatorLamp.................................33, 216Oil Pressure Indicator .........32, 214Oil, What Kind to Use (15)3Overheating ...............................212Specifications .............................229Ethanol in Gasoline........................ 111Evaporative Emission controls .....235Exhaust Fumes.................................26Exhaust Gas RecirculationSystem ........................................236Expectant Mothers, Use of SeatBelts by.........................................10Exterior, Cleaning the . (194)Fabric, Cleaning............................. 197Fan, Interior................................ 81, 92Features, Comfort andConveniences...............................79Filling the Fuel Tank ..................... 112FiltersFuel............................................. 167Oil................................................ 154First Gear, Shifting......................... 128Flashers, Hazard Warning ..............44Flat Tire, Changing a .....................203FluidsAutomatic Transmission........... 161Brake........................................... 163Clutch .........................................165Differential Oil ...........................162Manual Transmission ............... 162Power Steering .......................... 165Windshield Washer ....................... 160FM Stereo RadioReception...................................... 94Four-way Flashers............................44Front End, Towing by Emergency Wrecker.. (223)Fuel.................................................. 110Fill Door and Cap ...................... 112Filter ............................................167Gauge............................................ 37Octane Requirement .................110Oxygenated................................ 110Reserve Indicator......................... 35Tank, Filling the ........................112Fuel Mileage, Improving............... 116Fuel Station Procedures ................ 112Fuses, Checking the . (218)Gasohol........................................... 111Gasoline .......................................... 110Filter............................................ 167Fuel Reserve Indicator ................35Gauge............................................ 37Octane Requirement .................110Oxygenated Fuels...................... 110Tank, Filling the ........................112Gauges ..............................................36Engine Coolant Temperature.....37Fuel ...............................................37GAWR(Gross Axle Weight Rating) (137)Gearshift Lever PositionsAutomatic Transmission (126)6-speed ManualTransmission (123)Glass Cleaning (198)Glove Box (54)GVWR (Gross Vehicle WeightRating) (137)Halogen Headlight Bulbs (184)Hazard Warning Flashers (44)HeadlightsAiming (182)Daytime Running Lights (40)High Beam Indicator (35)High Beams, Turning on (40)Low Beams, Turning on (40)Reminder Chime (40)Replacing Halogen Bulbs (184)Turning on (40)Head Restraints (60)Heating and Cooling (80)High Altitude, Starting at (122)High-Low Beam Switch (40)High Speed, Shifting at (124)Holding a Baby (20)Hood, Opening the (113)Horn (49)Hot Coolant, Warning about (156)Hydraulic Clutch (165)Hydroplaning (136)Identification Number, Vehicle (226)If Your Car has to be Towed (223)IgnitionKeys (50)Switch (51)Timing Control System (236)Important Facts AboutAirbags (13)Indicator Lights, InstrumentPanel (31)Infant Restraint (19)Inflation, Proper Tire (177)Inside Mirror (69)Inspection, Tire (178)Instrument Panel (30)Instrument Panel Brightness (41)Interior Cleaning (197)Interior Lights (76)Introduction (i)Jacking Up the Car (205)Jack, Tire (204)Jump Starting (210)Keys (50)Label, Certification (226)Lane Change, signaling (41)Lap Belt (7)Lap/Shoulder Belts (6)Leaking of Exhaust into Car (26)Leather, Cleaning (197)Lighter, Cigarette (74)CONTINUED。
障碍物探测系统原理及在轨道交通行业的应用发布时间:2023-02-24T05:22:50.584Z 来源:《中国科技信息》2022年10月19期作者:夏正宝谢建新[导读] 随着我国城市轨道交通的大发展。
城市轨道交通作为载客量大夏正宝谢建新中车浦镇阿尔斯通运输系统有限公司安徽芜湖 241000摘要:随着我国城市轨道交通的大发展。
关键词:自动旅客捷运系统(APM)列车控制管理系统(TCMS)Abstract: With the great development of urban rail transit in China. As a public transportation system with large passenger capacity and relatively closed operating environment, the operation safety of urban rail transit is also paid more attention when solving the increasingly serious problem of urban traffic congestion. The track obstacle detection system is an important measure to ensure the safety of vehicle operation. This paper introduces the main working principles of active and passive obstacle detection in rail transit industry. The design schemes of obstacle detection in APM, straddle monorail and subway vehicles are described in detail. The advantages and disadvantages of obstacle detection schemes for these three types of rail transit are analyzed.Key words: Automatic Passenger Rapid Transit System (APM) Train Control Management System (TCMS)1.引言随着我国人口向中心城市聚集的趋势越来越明显,城市对轨道交通的需求也越发迫切。
2014年 12月09日
附件1 设备配置表
附件2设备技术参数表表1 通用设备技术参数
表2 手持终端技术参数
表3 生产管理终端技术参数
表4 无线网络技术参数
表5 调度显示屏技术参数
附件4 机务信息平台数据格式要求表1 整备场电子地图
表3 机车普查及专项整治(含检修加装改造)
表4 机油消耗台账
表5 机车周期预警
表6 在修机车信息
表7 机车检修计划
表9 机车油水化验台账机车油水化验主表
英语地铁系统介绍(metro,underground railway system)
Rapid transit (Metro)The New York City Subway is the world's largest rapid transit system by track lengthand by number of stations, at 468.The Moscow Metro is one of the busiest metro systems in the world and is the busiest in Europe.Rapid transit, also known as metro, subway, underground, or colloquially as "the train", is a type of high-capacity public transportgenerally found in urban areas.[1][2][3] Unlike buses, trams or light rail, rapid transit systems are electric railways that operate on an exclusive right-of-way, which cannot be accessed by pedestrians or other vehicles of any sort,[4] and which is often grade separated in tunnelsor on elevated railways.Modern services on rapid transit systems are provided on designated lines between stations typically using electric multiple units on rail tracks, although some systems use guided rubber tyres, magnetic levitation, or monorail. The stations typically have high platforms, without steps inside the trains, requiring custom-made trains in order to avoid gaps. They are typically integrated with other public transport and often operated by the same public transport authorities. However, some rapid transit systems have at-grade intersections between a rapid transit line and a road or between two rapid transit lines.[5] It is unchallenged in its ability to transport large numbers of people quickly over short distances with little use of land. Variations of rapid transit include people movers, small-scale light metro, and the commuter rail hybrid S-Bahn.The world's first rapid-transit system was the partially underground Metropolitan Railway which opened as a conventional railway in 1863, and now forms part of the LondonUnderground.[6] In 1868, New York opened the elevated West Side and Yonkers Patent Railway, initially a cable-hauled line using static steam engines.The world's largest rapid transit system by both length of track (842 miles (1,355 km), including non-revenue track)[7] and number of stations (468 stations in total)[8] is the New York City Subway. By length of passenger route, the world's longest single-operator rapid transit system is the Shanghai Metro.[9][10] The busiest rapid transit systems in the world by annual ridership are the Tokyo subway system, the Seoul Metropolitan Subway, the Moscow Metro, the Beijing Metro, and the Shanghai Metro.[11]TerminologyMetro is the most common term for underground rapid transit systems used by non-native English speakers.[12] Rapid transit systems may be named after the medium by which passengers travel in busy central business districts; the use oftunnels inspires names such as subway,[13]underground,[14]Untergrundbahn (U-Bahn) in German,[15] or the Tunnelbana (T-bana) in Swedish;[16] the use of viaducts inspires names such as elevated (el or L), skytrain,[17]overhead, or overground. One of these terms may apply to an entire system, even if a large part of the network (for example, in outer suburbs) runs at ground level.In most of Britain, a subway is a pedestrian underpass; the terms Underground and Tube are used for the London Underground, and the Tyne and Wear Metro, mostly overground, is known as the Metro. In Scotland, however, the Glasgow Subway underground rapid transit system is known as the Subway. Conversely, in the U.S., underground mass transit systems are primarily known as subways, and the term metro is short for metropolitan area.HistoryInitial construction stages of London's Metropolitan Railway atKing's Cross St. Pancras in 1861The opening in 1863 of London's steam-hauled Metropolitan Railway marked the beginning of rapid transit. Initial experiences with steam engines, despite ventilation, were unpleasant. Experiments with pneumatic railways failed in their extended adoption by cities. Electric traction was more efficient, faster and cleaner than steam and the natural choice for trains running in tunnels and proved superior for elevated services. In 1890 the City & South London Railway was the first electric-traction rapid transit railway, which was also fullyunderground.[18]Both railways were eventually merged into London Underground. The 1893 Liverpool Overhead Railway was designed to use electric traction from the outset.[19]The technology quickly spread to other cities in Europe, Canada and the United States with some railways being converted from steam and others being designed to be electric from the outset. Budapest in Hungary and Glasgow, Chicago and New York all converted or purpose-designed and built electric rail services.[20] There were 19 systems by 1940, and 66 by 1984.[citation needed] Cities such as Osloand Marseille opened extensive systems in the 1960s and many new systems were introduced in Southeast Asia and Latin America.[15]Advancements in technology have allowed new automated services. Hybrid solutions have also evolved, such as tram-trainand premetro, which incorporate some of the features of rapid transit systems.[18] In response to cost, engineering considerations and topological challenges some cities have opted to construct tram systems.[21]OperationRapid transit is used in cities, agglomerations, and metropolitan areas to transport large numbers of people often short distances at high frequency. The extent of the rapid transit system varies greatly between cities, with several transport strategies.Some systems may extend only to the limits of the inner city, or to its inner ring of suburbs with trains making frequent station stops. The outer suburbs may then be reached by a separate commuter rail network where more widely spaced stations allow higher speeds. In some cases the differences between urban rapid transit and suburban systems are not clear.[3]Rapid transit systems may be supplemented by other systems such as buses, trams, or commuter rail. This combination of transit modes serves to offset certain limitations of rapid transit such as limited stops and long walking distances between outside access points. Bus or tram feeder systems transport people to rapid transit stops.[22] In Toronto, over 50% of its rapid transit stations have bus and streetcar terminals within the fare-paid zone, providing a connection without requiring proof of payment.[citation needed]LinesEach rapid transit system consists of one or more lines, or circuits. Each line is serviced by at least one specific route with trains stopping at all or some of the line's stations. Most systems operate several routes, and distinguish them by colors, names, numbering, or a combination thereof. Some lines may share track with each other for a portion of their route or operate solely on their own right-of-way. Often a line running through the city center forks into two or more branches in the suburbs, allowing a higher service frequency in the center. This arrangement is used by many systems, such as the Copenhagen Metro[23] and the New York City Subway.[24]Alternatively, there may be a single central terminal (often shared with the central railway station), or multiple interchange stations between lines in the city centre, for instance in the Prague Metro.[25] The London Underground[26]and Paris Métro[27] are densely built systems with a matrix of crisscrossing lines throughout the cities. The Chicago 'L' has most of its linesconverging on The Loop, the main business, financial, and cultural area. Some systems have a circular line around the city center connecting to radially arranged outward lines, such as the Moscow Metro'sKoltsevaya Line and Tokyo's Yamanote Line.The capacity of a line is obtained by multiplying the car capacity, the train length, and the service frequency. Heavy rapid transit trains might have six to twelve cars, while lighter systems may use four or fewer. Cars have a capacity of 100 to 150 passengers, varying with the seated to standing ratio—more standing gives higher capacity. Bilevel cars, used mostly on German S-Bahn type systems, have more space, allowing the higher seated capacity needed on longer journeys. The minimum time interval between trains is shorter for rapid transit than for mainline railways owing to the use of block signaling: the minimum headway might be 90 seconds, which might be limited to 120 seconds to allow for recovery from delays. Typical capacity lines allow 1,200 people per train, giving 36,000 people per hour. The highest attained capacity is 80,000 people per hour by the MTR Corporation in Hong Kong.[28]Network topologiesRapid transit topologies are determined by a large number of factors, including geographical barriers, existing or expected travel patterns, construction costs, politics, and historical constraints. A transit system is expected to cover an area with a set of lines, which consist of shapes summarized as "I", "U", "S", and "O" shapes or loops. Geographical barriers may cause chokepoints where transit lines must converge (for example, to cross a body of water), which are potential congestion sites but also offer an opportunity for transfers between lines. In Walker's analysis, loops appear to provide good coverage, but are inefficient for everyday commuting use, while a rough grid pattern offers a wide variety of routes, while still maintaining reasonable speed and frequency of service.[29]Circle, e.g.GlasgowCircle-radial,e.g.Beijing, London,Madrid, Moscow,Seoul, Shanghai,TokyoSecant,e.g.Athens,Bucharest,Budapest,Hyderabad,Kharkiv, Kiev,Kuala Lumpur,Munich, Prague,São Paulo,Tashkent,TehranComplex grid,e.g.Berlin, Delhi, NewYork, Shenzhen,Osaka, Paris,TaipeiX-shaped,e.g.Amsterdam,Brussels, Oslo,Porto, Riode Janeiro, San Francisco,StockholmDiameter line,e.g.Algiers, Helsinki,Lima, Mumbai,Sendai,YekaterinburgVesica piscis, e.g. Cairo,Lille, Milan,Nuremberg,Rotterdam, Sofia(partly), Tyne and WearCross,e.g.Atlanta,Bangalore,Esfahan,Kaohsiung, Kyoto,Minsk,Philadelphia,Rome, Sapporo,Warsaw Passenger informationInformation panel showing the current location and upcoming stops of an East-West Singapore MRT train. Note that each station has a unique alpha-numeric code, e.g.: EW26 LakesideRapid transit operators have often built up strong brands. The use of a single letter as a station sign has become widespread, with systems identified by the letters L, M, S, T and U, among others.[30] In the Singapore MRT, each station was assigned a unique alphanumeric symbol. E.g.: EW26 Lakeside (26th station on the East West Line). Interchange stations will then have at least two codes. For example, HarbourFront will have two codes, NE1, 1st station on the North East Line section and CC29, 29th station on the Circle Line section. (NE1/CC29 HarbourFront) Branding has focused on easy recognition—to allow quick identification even in the vast array of signage found in large cities—combined with the desire to communicate speed, safety, and authority.[31]In many cities, there is a single corporate image for the entire transit authority, but the rapid transit uses its own logo that fits into the profile.A transit map is a topological map or schematic diagram used to show the routes and stations in a public transport system. The main components are color-coded lines to indicate each line or service, with named icons to indicate stations. Maps may show only rapid transit or also include other modes of public transport.[32]Transit maps can be found in transit vehicles, on platforms, elsewhere in stations, and in printed timetables. Maps help users understand the interconnections between different parts ofthe system; for example, they show theinterchange stations where passengers can transfer between lines. Unlike conventional maps, transit maps are usually not geographically accurate, but emphasize the topological connections among the different stations. The graphic presentation may use straight lines and fixed angles, and often a fixed minimum distance between stations, to simplify the display of the transit network. Often this has the effect of compressing the distance between stations in the outer area of the system, and expanding distances between those close to the center.[32]With widespread use of the Internet and cell phones globally, transit operators now use these technologies to present information to their users. In addition to online maps and timetables, some transit operators now offer real-time information which allows passengers to know when the next vehicle will arrive, and expected travel times. The standardized GTFS data format for transit information allows many third-party software developers to produce web and smartphone app programs which give passengers customized updates regarding specific transit lines and stations of interest.Safety and securityPlatform-edge doors are used for safety at Daan Station on Line 2,Taipei Metro, TaiwanSee also: Classification of railway accidentsCompared to other modes of transport, rapid transit has a good safety record, with few accidents. Rail transport is subject to strict safety regulations, with requirements for procedure and maintenance to minimize risk. Head-on collisions are rare due to use of double track, and low operating speeds reduce the occurrence and severity of rear-end collisions and derailments. Fire is more of a danger underground, such as the King's Cross fire in London in November 1987, which killed 31 people. Systems are generally built to allow evacuation of trains at many places throughout the system.[33][34]High platforms (usually over 1 meter / over 3 feet) are a safety risk, as people falling onto the tracks have trouble climbing back. Platform screen doors are used on some systems to eliminate this danger.Rapid transit facilities are public spaces and may suffer from security problems: petty crimes, such as pickpocketingand baggage theft, and more serious violent crimes. Security measures include video surveillance, security guards, andconductors. In some countries a transit police may be established. These security measures are normally integrated with measures to protect revenue by checking that passengers are not travelling without paying.[35] Rapid transitsystems have been subject to terrorism with many casualties, such as the 1995 Tokyo subway sarin gas attack[36] and the 2005 "7/7" terrorist bombings on the London Underground.InfrastructureMost rapid transit trains are electric multiple units with lengths from three to over ten cars.[37] Power is commonly delivered by a third rail or by overhead wires. The whole London Underground network uses fourth rail and others use the linear motor for propulsion.[38] Most run on conventional steel railway tracks, although some use rubber tires, such as the Montreal Metro and Mexico City Metro and some lines in the Paris Métro. Rubber tires allow steeper gradients and a softer ride, but have higher maintenance costs and are less energy efficient. They also lose traction when weather conditions are wet or icy, preventing above-ground use of the Montréal Metro but not rubber-tired systems in other cities.[39] Crew sizes have decreased throughout history, with some modern systems now running completely unstaffed trains.[40] Other trains continue to have drivers, even if their only role in normal operation is to open and close the doors of the trains at stations.Guideway typesLandungsbrücken station in Hamburg is an example where the U-Bahn is on surface while the S-Bahn station is on lower levelUnderground tunnels move traffic away from street level, avoiding delays caused bytraffic congestion and leaving more land available for buildings and other uses. In areas of high land prices and dense land use, tunnels may be the only economic route for mass transportation. Cut-and-cover tunnels are constructed by digging up city streets, which are then rebuilt over the tunnel; alternatively, tunnel-boring machines can be used to dig deep-bore tunnels that lie further down in bedrock.[18]Street-level railways are used only outside dense areas, since they create a physical barrier that hinders the flow of people and vehicles across their path. This method of construction is the cheapest as long as land values are low. It is often used for new systems in areas that are planned to fill up with buildings after the line is built.[41] Surface-level systems may have dedicated rights-of-way, or may operate by street running in mixed traffic.Elevated railways are a cheaper and easier way to build an exclusive right-of-way without digging expensive tunnels or creating barriers. In addition to street level railways they may also be the only other feasible alternative due to considerations such as a high water table close tothe city surface that raises the cost of, or even precludes underground railways (e.g. Miami). Elevated guideways were popular around the beginning of the 20th century, but fell out of favor; they came back into fashion in the last quarter of the century—often in combination with driverless systems, for instance Vancouver's SkyTrain, London's Docklands Light Railway,[42] the Miami Metrorail, and the Bangkok Skytrain.[43]People mover systems are self-contained rapid transit systems serving relatively small areas such as airports, downtown (central) districts or theme parks, either as independent systems or as shuttle services feeding other transport systems. They are usually driverless and normally elevated. Monorails have been built as both conventional rapid transits and as people movers, either elevated or underground. They are in commercial use in several places, including Germany, Japan and many international airports.Light metro is used when the speed of rapid transit is desired, but for smaller passenger numbers. It often has smaller trains, of typically two to four cars, lower frequency and longer distances between stations, though it remains grade separated. Light metros are sometimes used as shuttles feeding into the main rapid transit system.[44] Some systems have been built from scratch, others are former commuter rail or suburban tramway systems that have been upgraded, and often supplemented with an underground or elevated downtown section.[16]StationsThe spacious Getafe Central station on Line 12 of Madrid Metro has several clearly visible levelsStations function as hubs to allow passengers to board and disembark from trains. They are also payment checkpoints and allow passengers to transfer between modes of transport, for instance to buses or other trains. Access is provided via either island- or side platforms.[45] Underground stations, especially deep-level ones, increase the overall transport time: long escalator rides to the platforms mean that the stations can become bottlenecks if not adequately built. Some underground stations are integrated into shopping centers, or have underground access to large nearby commercial buildings.[46] In suburbs, there may be a "park and ride" connected to the station.[47]To allow easy access to the trains, the platform height allows step-free access between platform and train. If the station complies with accessibility standards, it allows both disabled people andthose with wheeled baggage easy access to the trains,[48] though if the track is curved there can be a gap between the train and platform. Some stations use platform screen doors to increase safety by preventing people falling onto the tracks, as well as reducing ventilation costs.The deepest station in the world is Arsenalna station in Kiev, Ukraine.[49]Particularly in the former Soviet Union and other Eastern European countries, but to an increasing extent elsewhere, the stations were built with splendid decorations such as marble walls, polished granite floors and mosaics—thus exposing the public to art in their everyday life, outside galleries and museums. The systems in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Tashkent and Kiev are widely regarded as some of the most beautiful in the world.[50] Several other cities such as Stockholm, Montreal, Lisbon, Naples and Los Angeles have also focused on art, which may range from decorative wall claddings, to large, flamboyant artistic schemes integrated with station architecture, to displays of ancient artifacts recovered during station construction.[51] It may be possible to profit by attracting more passengers by spending relatively small amounts on grand architecture, art, cleanliness, accessibility, lighting and a feeling ofsafety.[52]Modal tradeoffs and interconnectionsStratford Station in London is shared by London Undergroundtrains (left) and Greater Angliarail services (right), as well as the Docklands Light Railway (not shown).Since the 1980s, trams have incorporated several features of rapid transit: light rail systems (trams) run on their own rights-of-way, thus avoiding congestion; they remain on the same level as buses and cars. Some light rail systems have elevated or underground sections. Both new and upgraded tram systems allow faster speed and higher capacity, and are a cheap alternative to construction of rapid transit, especially in smaller cities.[21]A premetro design means that an underground rapid transit system is built in the city centre, but only a light rail or tram system in the suburbs. Conversely, other cities have opted to build a full metro in the suburbs, but run trams in city streets to save the cost of expensive tunnels. In North America, interurbans were constructed as street-running suburban trams, without the grade-separation of rapid transit. Premetros also allow a gradual upgrade of existing tramways to rapid transit, thus spreading the investment costs over time. They are most common in Germany with the name Stadtbahn.[37]Suburban commuter rail is a heavy rail system that operates at a lower frequency than urban rapid transit, with higher average speeds, often only serving one station in each village andtown. Commuter rails of some cities (such as GermanS-Bahns, Chennai rail, Australian cityrails, Danish S-tog etc.) widely provide a mass transit within city as urban metro systems. As opposition, in some cities (such as PATH in New York, Dubai Metro, Los Teques Metro, Tyne & Wear Metro, MetroSur and other lines of Madrid Metro, Singapore MRT, Taipei Metro, Kuala Lumpur's RapidKL Light Rail Transitetc.) the mainly urban rapid transit systems branch out to the nearest suburbs.Some cities have opted for a hybrid solution, with two tiers of rapid transit: an urban system (such as the Paris Métro, Berlin U-Bahn, London Underground) and a suburban system (such as their counterparts RER, S-Bahn, futureCrossrail, respectively). The suburban systems run on their own tracks with generally high frequency (though less frequently than the urban system), and sometimes operated by the national railways. In some cities the national railway runs through tunnels in the city centre; sometimes commuter trains have direct transfer to the rapid transit system, on the same or adjoining platforms.[53][54] California's BART system functions as a hybrid of the two: in the suburbs, it functions like a commuter rail, with longer trains, longer intervals, and longer distance between stations; in downtownSan Francisco, many lines join and intervals drop to normal subway levels, and stations become closer together. Also, some other urban or "near urban" rapid transit systems (Guangfo Metro, East Rail Line in Hong Kong, Seoul Subway Line 1, etc.) serves the bi- and multi-nucleus agglomerations.Costs, benefits, and impactsThe Docklands Light Railway in London allows for dense land use, while retaining a high capacityAs of May 2012, 184 cities have built rapid transit systems.[55] The capital cost is high, as is the risk of cost overrun and benefit shortfall; public financing is normally required. Rapid transit is sometimes seen as an alternative to an extensive road transport system with many motorways;[56] the rapid transit system allows higher capacity with less land use, less environmental impact, and a lower cost.[57]Elevated or underground systems in city centers allow the transport of people without occupying expensive land, and permit the city to develop compactly without physical barriers. Motorways often depress nearby residential land values, but proximity to a rapid transit station often triggers commercial and residential growth, with large transit oriented development office and housing blocks being constructed.[56][58] Also, an efficient transit system can decrease the economicwelfare loss caused by the increase of population density in a metropolis.[59]Rapid transit systems have high fixed costs. Most systems are publicly owned, by either local governments, transit authorities or national governments. Capital investments are often partially or completely financed by taxation, rather than by passenger fares, but must often compete with funding for roads. The transit systems may be operated by the owner or by a private company through a public service obligation. The owners of the systems often also own the connecting bus or rail systems, or are members of the local transport association, allowing for free transfers between modes. Almost all transit systems operate at a deficit, requiring fare revenue, advertising and subsidies to cover costs.The farebox recovery ratio, a ratio of ticket income to operating costs, is often used to assess operational profitability, with some systems including Hong Kong's MTR Corporation,[60] and Taipei[61] achieving recovery ratios of well over 100%. This ignores both heavy capital costs incurred in building the system, which are often subsidized withsoft loans[62] and whose servicing is excluded from calculations of profitability, as well as ancillary revenue such as income from real estate portfolios.[60] Some metros, including Hong Kong, are even financed by the sale of land whose value has been increased by the building of the system,[41] a process known as value capture.Environmental impactsThe Delhi Metro has won awards for environmentally friendly practices from organisations including the United Nations,[63] RINA,[64] and the International Organization for Standardization,[64] becoming the second metro in the world, after the New York City Subway, to be ISO 14001 certified for environmentally friendly construction.[65] It is also the first railway project in the world to earn carbon credits after being registered with the United Nations under the Clean Development Mechanism,[66] and has so far earned more than 400,000 carbon credits by saving energy through the use of regenerative braking systems on its trains.[67] In order to reduce its dependence on non-renewable sources of energy, Delhi Metro Rail Corporation is looking forward to harness solar energy and install solar panels in some of its metro stations.[68]。
工程技术科技创新导报 Science and Technology Innovation Herald9DOI:10.16660/ki.1674-098X.2008-5640-3707城市轨道交通转辙设备维护管理工作的实践与思考柳笑卫(上海地铁维护保障有限公司通号分公司 上海 200030)摘 要:超大规模网络化运营,对设备运维管理提出了更高的要求。
关键词:城市轨道交通 道岔转辙设备 运维管理 监测系统中图分类号:U231.94 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1674-098X(2020)11(c)-0009-03Practice and Thinking on Maintenance and Management of UrbanRail Transit Switch EquipmentLIU Xiaowei(Shanghai Metro Maintenance Co., Ltd., Shanghai, 200030 China)Abstract: The super-large scale network operation puts forward higher requirements for equipment operation and maintenance management. Based on the operation and maintenance management practice of switch equipment in Shanghai urban rail transit, this paper classifies and analyzes the operation and maintenance management risks caused by improper consideration. This paper discusses the design and selection of urban rail transit switching equipment for new line construction and the management and implementation in operation and maintenance stage. Through the use of information management platform, switch equipment monitoring system, to solve the switch equipment history, maintenance records, equipment status and other management problems.Key Words: Urban rail transit; Switch equipment; Operation and maintenance management; Monitoring system随着上海城市轨道交通建设的快速发展,根据规划,到2020年路网运营总里程将达到800km,届时上海地铁转辙设备总量将达到3600台左右。
RSSP-I 铁路信号安全通信协议
Cyclic Redundancy Check
循环冗余码校验,以循环码为基 础,用于保护报文免受数据损坏的 影响
LFSR Linear Feedback Shift Register 线性反馈移位寄存器
RSSP-I 铁路信号安全通信协议
使用 LFSR 的左移位运算符
使用 LFSR 的右移位运算符
RSSP-I 铁路信号安全通信协议
2. 参考结构
2.1 综述 封闭式网络在 GB/T 24339.1 中定义为:―连接的设备数量固定或最大数 量固定,有已知且固定的特性的传输系统,对于此系统可以忽略非法访问的风 险。‖ 参照 GB/T 24339.2 中关于传输系统的威胁源说明,对于封闭式传输系 统而言,可存在的威胁有:
[4] EN-50129:2003
Railway applications–Communication, signalling and processing systems–Safety related electronic systems for signalling 铁道应用:安全相关电子 系统
5.1 安全数据交互原则 ...................................................................................... 16
5.2 安全校验过程............................................................................................... 19
package com.yue;import java.awt.Color;import java.awt.GridBagConstraints;import java.awt.GridBagLayout;import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;import java.awt.event.ActionListener;import java.sql.CallableStatement;import java.sql.Connection;import java.sql.DriverManager;import java.sql.ResultSet;import java.sql.SQLException;import java.sql.Statement;import javax.swing.BorderFactory;import javax.swing.JButton;import javax.swing.JLabel;import javax.swing.JOptionPane;import javax.swing.JPanel;import javax.swing.JPasswordField;import javax.swing.JTextArea;import javax.swing.JTextField;public class BuyPanel extends JPanel {StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();private boolean flag = false;JTextArea jtArea = new JTextArea(10, 78);JLabel buyLabel = new JLabel("订票");JTextField fId = new JTextField(7);JTextField ftid = new JTextField(7);JTextField fche = new JTextField(7);JTextField fzhangshu = new JTextField(7);JTextField fbodyId = new JTextField(7);JPasswordField jpField = new JPasswordField(7);public JPanel getBuypn() {JPanel pan = new JPanel();GridBagLayout layout = new GridBagLayout();pan.setLayout(layout);GridBagConstraints con = getGridBagConstraints(0, 0, 1, 1, 100, 100, GridBagConstraints.NONE, GridBagConstraints.WEST);pan.add(buyLabel, con);con = getGridBagConstraints(0, 2, 1, 1, 100, 100,GridBagConstraints.NONE, GridBagConstraints.WEST);pan.add(new pan3(), con);con = getGridBagConstraints(0, 3, 1, 1, 100, 100,GridBagConstraints.NONE, GridBagConstraints.WEST);pan.add(new pan4(), con);con = getGridBagConstraints(0, 4, 1, 1, 100, 100,GridBagConstraints.NONE, GridBagConstraints.EAST);pan.add(new pan5(), con);this.setLocation(270, 150);this.add(pan);return pan;}/*** 定义下面购票操作区面板pan3** @author Administrator**/class pan3 extends JPanel {JLabel lId = new JLabel(" 车票号码 ");JLabel ltid = new JLabel(" 车票号码 ");JLabel che = new JLabel(" 车次 ");JLabel lbodyId = new JLabel(" 身份证号 ");JLabel password = new JLabel(" 密码 ");JLabel lzhangshu = new JLabel(" 所需张数 ");JLabel la1 = new JLabel(" ");JLabel la2 = new JLabel(" ");JButton sureButton = new JButton("查询确认");JButton buyButton = new JButton("确认购票");public pan3() {buyButton.addActionListener(new ActionListener(){@Overridepublic void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {UpdateUser();if (flag==true){UpdateTrain();System.out.println("hjkasfhjkaf");}}});sureButton.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {@Overridepublic void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {select();}});GridBagLayout layout = new GridBagLayout();this.setLayout(layout);GridBagConstraints con = getGridBagConstraints(0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 100, GridBagConstraints.NONE, GridBagConstraints.EAST);this.add(lId, con);con = getGridBagConstraints(1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 100,GridBagConstraints.NONE, GridBagConstraints.EAST);this.add(fId, con);con = getGridBagConstraints(8, 0, 1, 1, 0, 100,GridBagConstraints.NONE, GridBagConstraints.EAST);this.add(la2, con);con = getGridBagConstraints(9, 0, 1, 1, 0, 100,GridBagConstraints.NONE, GridBagConstraints.EAST);this.add(sureButton, con);con = getGridBagConstraints(0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 100,GridBagConstraints.NONE, GridBagConstraints.EAST);this.add(ltid, con);con = getGridBagConstraints(1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 100,GridBagConstraints.NONE, GridBagConstraints.EAST);this.add(ftid, con);con = getGridBagConstraints(2, 1, 1, 1, 0, 100,GridBagConstraints.NONE, GridBagConstraints.EAST);this.add(che, con);con = getGridBagConstraints(3, 1, 1, 1, 0, 100,GridBagConstraints.NONE, GridBagConstraints.EAST);this.add(fche, con);con = getGridBagConstraints(4, 1, 1, 1, 0, 100,GridBagConstraints.NONE, GridBagConstraints.EAST);this.add(lbodyId, con);con = getGridBagConstraints(5, 1, 1, 1, 0, 100,GridBagConstraints.NONE, GridBagConstraints.EAST);this.add(fbodyId, con);con = getGridBagConstraints(0, 2, 1, 1, 0, 100,GridBagConstraints.NONE, GridBagConstraints.EAST);this.add(password, con);con = getGridBagConstraints(1, 2, 1, 1, 0, 100,GridBagConstraints.NONE, GridBagConstraints.EAST);this.add(jpField, con);con = getGridBagConstraints(2, 2, 1, 1, 0, 100,GridBagConstraints.NONE, GridBagConstraints.EAST);this.add(lzhangshu, con);con = getGridBagConstraints(3, 2, 1, 1, 0, 100,GridBagConstraints.NONE, GridBagConstraints.EAST);this.add(fzhangshu, con);con = getGridBagConstraints(8, 2, 1, 1, 0, 100,GridBagConstraints.NONE, GridBagConstraints.EAST);this.add(la1, con);con = getGridBagConstraints(9, 2, 1, 1, 0, 100,GridBagConstraints.NONE, GridBagConstraints.EAST);this.add(buyButton, con);this.setBorder(BorderFactory.createTitledBorder("订票操作区"));}}/*** 定义下面一个JList用于显示车票的所有信息面板pan4** @author Administrator**/class pan4 extends JPanel {JButton btId = new JButton("车票号码");JButton bt1 = new JButton("起点站");JButton bt2 = new JButton("终点站");JButton bt3 = new JButton("车次");JButton bt4 = new JButton("发车时间");JButton bt5 = new JButton("到达时间");JButton bt6 = new JButton("座位类型");JButton bt7 = new JButton("发车日期");JButton bt8 = new JButton("剩余票数");JButton bt9 = new JButton("车票价格");public pan4() {this.setLayout(new GridBagLayout());GridBagConstraints con = getGridBagConstraints(0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 100, GridBagConstraints.NONE, GridBagConstraints.EAST);this.add(btId, con);con = getGridBagConstraints(1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 100,GridBagConstraints.NONE, GridBagConstraints.EAST);this.add(bt1, con);con = getGridBagConstraints(2, 0, 1, 1, 0, 100,GridBagConstraints.NONE, GridBagConstraints.EAST);this.add(bt2, con);con = getGridBagConstraints(3, 0, 1, 1, 0, 100,GridBagConstraints.NONE, GridBagConstraints.EAST);this.add(bt3, con);con = getGridBagConstraints(4, 0, 1, 1, 0, 100,GridBagConstraints.NONE, GridBagConstraints.EAST);this.add(bt4, con);con = getGridBagConstraints(5, 0, 1, 1, 0, 100,GridBagConstraints.NONE, GridBagConstraints.EAST);this.add(bt5, con);con = getGridBagConstraints(6, 0, 1, 1, 0, 100,GridBagConstraints.NONE, GridBagConstraints.EAST);this.add(bt6, con);con = getGridBagConstraints(7, 0, 1, 1, 0, 100,GridBagConstraints.NONE, GridBagConstraints.EAST);this.add(bt7, con);con = getGridBagConstraints(8, 0, 1, 1, 0, 100,GridBagConstraints.NONE, GridBagConstraints.EAST);this.add(bt8, con);con = getGridBagConstraints(9, 0, 1, 1, 0, 100,GridBagConstraints.NONE, GridBagConstraints.EAST);this.add(bt9, con);con = getGridBagConstraints(0, 1, 11, 1, 0, 100,GridBagConstraints.NONE, GridBagConstraints.EAST);this.add(jtArea, con);jtArea.setBackground(Color.GREEN);}}/*** 定义最下面的按钮面板pan5** @author Administrator**/class pan5 extends JPanel {JButton bt1 = new JButton("退出登录");JLabel lab1 = new JLabel(" ");public pan5() {GridBagLayout layout = new GridBagLayout();this.setLayout(layout);GridBagConstraints con = getGridBagConstraints(0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 100, GridBagConstraints.NONE, GridBagConstraints.EAST);this.add(bt1, con);con = getGridBagConstraints(1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 100,GridBagConstraints.NONE, GridBagConstraints.EAST);this.add(lab1, con);bt1.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {@Overridepublic void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {System.exit(0);}});}}/*** 放回一个网格包约束** @param x* @param y* @param width* @param heigh* @param weighx* @param weighy* @param fill* @param anchor* @return*/private GridBagConstraints getGridBagConstraints(int x, int y, int width, int heigh, int weighx, int weighy, int fill, int anchor) { GridBagConstraints con = new GridBagConstraints();con.gridx = x;con.gridy = y;con.gridwidth = width;con.gridheight = heigh;con.weightx = weighx;con.weighty = weighy;con.fill = fill;con.anchor = anchor;return con;}/*** 按车票号码搜索所有的车票信息** @throws SQLException*/private void select() {Connection conn = null;Statement stmt = null;ResultSet ticket = null;try {conn = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:oracle:thin:@", "store", "store");} catch (SQLException e1) {e1.printStackTrace();}try {stmt = conn.createStatement();String text = "select * from train_table " + "where tid=" + "'"+ fId.getText() + "'";ticket = stmt.executeQuery(text);while (ticket.next()) {String starter = ticket.getString("starter");String reacher = ticket.getString("reacher");String ticketNumber = ticket.getString("ticketNumber");String startTime = ticket.getString("startTime");String endTime = ticket.getString("endTime");String seatIdNumber = ticket.getString("seatIdNumber");String busDate = ticket.getString("busDate");int ticketNum = ticket.getInt("ticketNum");double price = ticket.getDouble("price");sb.append(" " + fId.getText() + "\t"+ " " + starter + "\t"+ " " + reacher+ "\t"+ " " + ticketNumber + "\t" + startTime + "\t"+ endTime + "\t" + seatIdNumber + "\t" + busDate + "\t"+ ticketNum + "\t" + price + " " + "\n");}jtArea.setText(sb.toString());if (sb.length() > 0) {sb.delete(1, sb.length());} else {JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(new TestFrame(), "无此车!");}} catch (SQLException e) {} finally {if (ticket != null) {try {ticket.close();} catch (SQLException e) {e.printStackTrace();}}if (stmt != null) {try {stmt.close();} catch (SQLException e) {e.printStackTrace();}}if (conn != null) {try {conn.close();} catch (SQLException e) {e.printStackTrace();}}}}/*** 订票时更新数据库中的车票表*/private void UpdateTrain() {String tId=ftid.getText();int num=0;if (fzhangshu.getText().length()>0){num=Integer.parseInt(fzhangshu.getText());}Connection conn = Getgbc.getconnect();CallableStatement cst = null;try {conn.setAutoCommit(false);cst = conn.prepareCall("call train_proc (?,?)");cst.setString(1, tId);cst.setInt(2, num);cst.execute();mit();} catch (SQLException e1) {try {conn.rollback();JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(new TestFrame(), "客户订票失败!");} catch (SQLException e2) {JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(new TestFrame(), "客户订票失败!");}} finally {if (cst != null) {try {cst.close();} catch (SQLException e1) {e1.printStackTrace();}}if (conn != null) {try {conn.close();} catch (SQLException e1) {e1.printStackTrace();}}}}/*** 订票时更新数据库中的用户表*/private void UpdateUser() {String tId=ftid.getText();String bId=fbodyId.getText();String cID=fche.getText();String pwd=String.valueOf(jpField.getPassword());int num=0;if((bId.equals(EnterFrame.ID))&&(pwd.equals(EnterFrame.password))){ if(fzhangshu.getText().length()>0){num=Integer.parseInt(fzhangshu.getText());}Connection conn = Getgbc.getconnect();Statement cst = null;try {cst = conn.createStatement();cst.executeUpdate("insert into order_table(tid,id_number,t_num,trainsum)"+ " values('"+ tId+ "','"+ bId+ "','"+ cID + "','"+num+"')");JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(new TestFrame(), "客户订票成功!");flag=true;} catch (SQLException e1) {JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(new TestFrame(), "订票失败!");flag=false;} finally {if (cst != null) {try {cst.close();} catch (SQLException e1) {e1.printStackTrace();}}if (conn != null) {try {conn.close();} catch (SQLException e1) {e1.printStackTrace();}}}}else{JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(new TestFrame(), "您的身份证或密码有误!请查证后再订票");}}}package com.yue;import java.awt.Color;import java.awt.GridBagConstraints;import java.awt.GridBagLayout;import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;import java.awt.event.ActionListener;import java.sql.Connection;import java.sql.DriverManager;import java.sql.ResultSet;import java.sql.SQLException;import java.sql.Statement;import javax.swing.BorderFactory;import javax.swing.JButton;import javax.swing.JLabel;import javax.swing.JOptionPane;import javax.swing.JPanel;import javax.swing.JTextArea;import javax.swing.JTextField;public class CheckPanel extends JPanel {StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();JTextField trainField = new JTextField(9);JTextField dateField = new JTextField(9);JTextField stationField = new JTextField(9);JTextField zhiField = new JTextField(9);JTextArea jtArea = new JTextArea(10, 80);JLabel checkLabel = new JLabel("查询");public JPanel getCheckpn() {JPanel pan = new JPanel();GridBagLayout layout = new GridBagLayout();pan.setLayout(layout);GridBagConstraints con = getGridBagConstraints(0, 0, 1, 1, 100, 100,GridBagConstraints.NONE, GridBagConstraints.WEST);pan.add(checkLabel, con);con = getGridBagConstraints(0, 1, 1, 1, 100, 100,GridBagConstraints.NONE, GridBagConstraints.WEST);pan.add(new pan2(), con);con = getGridBagConstraints(0, 3, 1, 1, 100, 100,GridBagConstraints.NONE, GridBagConstraints.WEST);pan.add(new pan4(), con);con = getGridBagConstraints(0, 4, 1, 1, 100, 100,GridBagConstraints.NONE, GridBagConstraints.EAST);pan.add(new pan5(), con);this.setLocation(270, 150);this.add(pan);return pan;}/*** 定义上部查询区面pan2** @author Administrator**/class pan2 extends JPanel {JLabel trainLabel = new JLabel(" 车次 ");JLabel dateLabel = new JLabel(" 日期 ");JLabel stationLabel = new JLabel(" 起点站 ");JLabel zhiLabel = new JLabel(" 终点站 ");JLabel l1 = new JLabel(" ");JLabel l2 = new JLabel(" ");JButton checkButton = new JButton("查询");JButton flushButton = new JButton("清空");JPanel panel1 = new JPanel();JPanel panel2 = new JPanel();JTextArea area = new JTextArea();public pan2() {flushButton.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {@Overridepublic void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {trainField.setText(null);stationField.setText(null);zhiField.setText(null);dateField.setText(null);jtArea.setText(null);}});checkButton.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {@Overridepublic void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {if (dateField.getText().trim().length() > 0) {if (trainField.getText().trim().length() > 0|| stationField.getText().trim().length() > 0|| zhiField.getText().trim().length() > 0) {jtArea.setText(null);JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(new TestFrame(),"输入有误,请检查输入位置");} else {try {dateSelect();} catch (SQLException e1) {e1.printStackTrace();}}} else if (trainField.getText().trim().length() > 0) { if (dateField.getText().trim().length() > 0|| stationField.getText().trim().length() > 0|| zhiField.getText().trim().length() > 0) {jtArea.setText(null);JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(new TestFrame(),"输入有误,请检查输入位置");} else {try {idSelect();} catch (SQLException e1) {e1.printStackTrace();}}} else if (stationField.getText().trim().length() > 0&& zhiField.getText().trim().length() > 0) {if (dateField.getText().trim().length() > 0|| trainField.getText().trim().length() > 0) { jtArea.setText(null);JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(new TestFrame(),"输入有误,请检查输入位置");} else {try {stationSelect();} catch (SQLException e1) {e1.printStackTrace();}}} else if (dateField.getText().trim().length() <= 0&& stationField.getText().trim().length() <= 0&& zhiField.getText().trim().length() <= 0) {if (dateField.getText().trim().length() > 0|| stationField.getText().trim().length() > 0|| zhiField.getText().trim().length() > 0) {jtArea.setText(null);JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(new TestFrame(),"输入有误,请检查输入位置");} else {try {allSelect();} catch (SQLException e1) {e1.printStackTrace();}}}}});JPanel panel3 = new JPanel(new GridBagLayout());panel1.setBorder(BorderFactory.createTitledBorder("查询区"));panel2.setBorder(BorderFactory.createTitledBorder("售票注意事项"));area.setText("每人每次最多可够买十张火车票,超过十张火车票数的" + "\n"+ "请一定要出示您的相关的证件,一旦经过售票员查" + "\n" + "询核实并且同意后方可购买");panel2.add(area);GridBagLayout layout = new GridBagLayout();panel1.setLayout(layout);GridBagConstraints con = getGridBagConstraints(0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 100,GridBagConstraints.NONE, GridBagConstraints.EAST);panel1.add(trainLabel, con);con = getGridBagConstraints(1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 100,GridBagConstraints.NONE, GridBagConstraints.EAST);panel1.add(trainField, con);con = getGridBagConstraints(2, 0, 1, 1, 0, 100,GridBagConstraints.NONE, GridBagConstraints.EAST);panel1.add(dateLabel, con);con = getGridBagConstraints(3, 0, 1, 1, 0, 100,GridBagConstraints.NONE, GridBagConstraints.EAST);panel1.add(dateField, con);con = getGridBagConstraints(4, 0, 1, 1, 0, 100,GridBagConstraints.NONE, GridBagConstraints.EAST);panel1.add(l1, con);con = getGridBagConstraints(5, 0, 1, 1, 0, 100,GridBagConstraints.NONE, GridBagConstraints.EAST);panel1.add(flushButton, con);con = getGridBagConstraints(0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 100,GridBagConstraints.NONE, GridBagConstraints.EAST);panel1.add(stationLabel, con);con = getGridBagConstraints(1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 100,GridBagConstraints.NONE, GridBagConstraints.EAST);panel1.add(stationField, con);con = getGridBagConstraints(2, 1, 1, 1, 0, 100,GridBagConstraints.NONE, GridBagConstraints.EAST);panel1.add(zhiLabel, con);con = getGridBagConstraints(3, 1, 1, 1, 0, 100,GridBagConstraints.NONE, GridBagConstraints.EAST);panel1.add(zhiField, con);con = getGridBagConstraints(4, 0, 1, 1, 0, 100,GridBagConstraints.NONE, GridBagConstraints.EAST);panel1.add(l2, con);con = getGridBagConstraints(5, 1, 1, 1, 0, 100,GridBagConstraints.NONE, GridBagConstraints.EAST);panel1.add(checkButton, con);con = getGridBagConstraints(0, 0, 6, 1, 0, 100,GridBagConstraints.NONE, GridBagConstraints.WEST);panel3.add(panel1, con);con = getGridBagConstraints(6, 0, 2, 1, 0, 100,GridBagConstraints.NONE, GridBagConstraints.EAST);panel3.add(panel2, con);this.add(panel3);}}/*** 定义下面一个JList用于显示车票的所有信息面板pan4** @author Administrator**/class pan4 extends JPanel {JButton btId = new JButton("车票号码");JButton bt1 = new JButton("起点站");JButton bt2 = new JButton("终点站");JButton bt3 = new JButton("车次");JButton bt4 = new JButton("发车时间");JButton bt5 = new JButton("到达时间");JButton bt6 = new JButton("座位类型");JButton bt7 = new JButton("发车日期");JButton bt8 = new JButton("剩余票数");JButton bt9 = new JButton("车票价格");public pan4() {this.setLayout(new GridBagLayout());GridBagConstraints con = getGridBagConstraints(0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 100, GridBagConstraints.NONE, GridBagConstraints.EAST);this.add(btId, con);con = getGridBagConstraints(1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 100,GridBagConstraints.NONE, GridBagConstraints.EAST);this.add(bt1, con);con = getGridBagConstraints(2, 0, 1, 1, 0, 100,GridBagConstraints.NONE, GridBagConstraints.EAST);this.add(bt2, con);con = getGridBagConstraints(3, 0, 1, 1, 0, 100,GridBagConstraints.NONE, GridBagConstraints.EAST);this.add(bt3, con);con = getGridBagConstraints(4, 0, 1, 1, 0, 100,GridBagConstraints.NONE, GridBagConstraints.EAST);this.add(bt4, con);con = getGridBagConstraints(5, 0, 1, 1, 0, 100,GridBagConstraints.NONE, GridBagConstraints.EAST);this.add(bt5, con);con = getGridBagConstraints(6, 0, 1, 1, 0, 100,GridBagConstraints.NONE, GridBagConstraints.EAST);this.add(bt6, con);con = getGridBagConstraints(7, 0, 1, 1, 0, 100,GridBagConstraints.NONE, GridBagConstraints.EAST);this.add(bt7, con);con = getGridBagConstraints(8, 0, 1, 1, 0, 100,GridBagConstraints.NONE, GridBagConstraints.EAST);this.add(bt8, con);con = getGridBagConstraints(9, 0, 1, 1, 0, 100,GridBagConstraints.NONE, GridBagConstraints.EAST);this.add(bt9, con);con = getGridBagConstraints(0, 1, 11, 1, 0, 100,GridBagConstraints.NONE, GridBagConstraints.EAST);this.add(jtArea, con);jtArea.setBackground(Color.CYAN);}}/*** 定义最下面的按钮面板pan5** @author Administrator**/class pan5 extends JPanel {JButton bt1 = new JButton("退出登录");JLabel lab1 = new JLabel(" ");public pan5() {bt1.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {@Overridepublic void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {System.exit(0);}});GridBagLayout layout = new GridBagLayout();this.setLayout(layout);GridBagConstraints con = getGridBagConstraints(0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 100, GridBagConstraints.NONE, GridBagConstraints.EAST);this.add(bt1, con);con = getGridBagConstraints(1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 100,GridBagConstraints.NONE, GridBagConstraints.EAST);this.add(lab1, con);}}/*** 放回一个网格包约束** @param x* @param y* @param width* @param heigh* @param weighx* @param weighy* @param fill* @param anchor* @return*/private GridBagConstraints getGridBagConstraints(int x, int y, int width, int heigh, int weighx, int weighy, int fill, int anchor) { GridBagConstraints con = new GridBagConstraints();con.gridx = x;con.gridy = y;con.gridwidth = width;con.gridheight = heigh;con.weightx = weighx;con.weighty = weighy;con.fill = fill;con.anchor = anchor;return con;}/*** 按初始站至终点站搜索车票** @throws SQLException*/private void stationSelect() throws SQLException {Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:oracle:thin:@", "store", "store");Statement stmt = conn.createStatement();String sqlText = "select tid,starter,reacher,ticketNumber,startTime,endTime,seatIdNumber,busDate,ticketN um,price from train_table where starter='"+ stationField.getText()+ "' and reacher='"+ zhiField.getText() + "'";ResultSet ticket = stmt.executeQuery(sqlText);while (ticket.next()) {int tid = ticket.getInt("tid");String starter = ticket.getString("starter");String reacher = ticket.getString("reacher");String ticketNumber = ticket.getString("ticketNumber");String startTime = ticket.getString("startTime");String endTime = ticket.getString("endTime");String seatIdNumber = ticket.getString("seatIdNumber");String busDate = ticket.getString("busDate");int ticketNum = ticket.getInt("ticketNum");double price = ticket.getDouble("price");sb.append(" " + tid + "\t" + starter + "\t" + reacher + "\t"+ ticketNumber + "\t" + startTime + "\t" + endTime + "\t"+ seatIdNumber + "\t" + busDate + "\t" + " " + ticketNum + "\t"+ " "+ price + " " + "\n");}jtArea.setText(sb.toString());if (sb.length() > 0) {sb.delete(1, sb.length());}else {JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(new TestFrame(), "无此车!");}ticket.close();stmt.close();conn.close();}/*** 搜索所有的车票信息** @throws SQLException*/private void allSelect() throws SQLException {Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:oracle:thin:@", "store", "store");Statement stmt = conn.createStatement();String text = "select * from train_table ";ResultSet ticket = stmt.executeQuery(text);while (ticket.next()) {int tid = ticket.getInt("tid");String starter = ticket.getString("starter");String reacher = ticket.getString("reacher");String ticketNumber = ticket.getString("ticketNumber");String startTime = ticket.getString("startTime");String endTime = ticket.getString("endTime");String seatIdNumber = ticket.getString("seatIdNumber");String busDate = ticket.getString("busDate");int ticketNum = ticket.getInt("ticketNum");double price = ticket.getDouble("price");sb.append(" " + tid + "\t" + starter + "\t" + reacher + "\t"+ ticketNumber + "\t" + startTime + "\t" + endTime + "\t"+ seatIdNumber + "\t" + busDate + "\t" + " "+ ticketNum + "\t"+ " "+ price + " " + "\n");}jtArea.setText(sb.toString());if (sb.length() > 0) {sb.delete(1, sb.length());}else {JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(new TestFrame(), "今天没车!");}ticket.close();stmt.close();conn.close();}/*** 按日期搜索所有的车票信息** @throws SQLException*/private void dateSelect() throws SQLException {Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:oracle:thin:@", "store", "store");Statement stmt = conn.createStatement();String text = "select * from train_table where busDate='"+ dateField.getText() + "'";ResultSet ticket = stmt.executeQuery(text);while (ticket.next()) {int tid = ticket.getInt("tid");String starter = ticket.getString("starter");String reacher = ticket.getString("reacher");String ticketNumber = ticket.getString("ticketNumber");String startTime = ticket.getString("startTime");String endTime = ticket.getString("endTime");String seatIdNumber = ticket.getString("seatIdNumber");String busDate = ticket.getString("busDate");int ticketNum = ticket.getInt("ticketNum");double price = ticket.getDouble("price");sb.append(" " + tid + "\t" + starter + "\t" + reacher + "\t"+ ticketNumber + "\t" + startTime + "\t" + endTime + "\t"+ seatIdNumber + "\t" + busDate + "\t" + " "+ ticketNum + "\t"+ " "+ price + " " + "\n");}jtArea.setText(sb.toString());if (sb.length() > 0) {sb.delete(1, sb.length());}else {JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(new TestFrame(), "没车!");}ticket.close();stmt.close();conn.close();}/*** 按车次搜索所有的车票信息*。
消息6:Initial Context Setup Response
关键参数: eRAB information
value e-RABSetupListCtxtSURes SEQUENCE
value e-RABSetupItemCtxtSURes e-RAB-ID:0x5 transportLayerAddress:84 15 09 01 gTP-TEID:00 00 04 3F
6. S1-AP: Initial Context Setup Response
消息7:Modify bearer request
每个PDN连接发送一个Modify Bearer Request消息
MME GTP address and S-GW GTP address
SRees Initial Context Setup Complete
Initial context setup response
MME UE S1AP ID eNB UE S1AP ID eRAB information
SEQUENCE value s-TMSI mMEC:92 m-TMSI:C0 26 00 2F
rRC-Establishment-Cause:mo-Data SEQUENCE
value s-TMSI mMEC:92 m-TMSI:C0 26 00 2F
1. NAS: eNodeB
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
和前面一样,我们可能需要将 deploy.rb 文件中 default_environment 一行前的注释符去掉 并且调整该项。我们重复执行该命令,直到完全没有问题。 现在可以做部署了。由于我们已经做好了必要的前期准备工作并且检查了结果,部署应该很顺利:
$ cap deploy:migrations
# On your server $ cd /home/rubys/work/depot/ $ tail -f l来自g/production.log
有时候我们还需要一些更底层的信息——应用程序中的数据到底是什么样子?此时就该祭出最有 用、最强大的现场调试工具了……
console 脚本现场查看应用程序 Using Console to Look at a Live Application
$ cap deploy:setup
运行该命令时, Capistrano 会提示输入服务器密码。 如果执行失败就不能登陆, 将 deploy.rb 文 件 default_run_options 一行前的注释符去掉后再试一次。一旦成功连接,它就会建立所需的目录。 命名完成后,我们可以检查一下,看看是否还有其他问题:
depot> ruby script/plugin install git:///rails/exception_notification.git
Web 开发敏捷之道——应用 Ralls 进行敏捷 Web 开发,第 3 版
1.1 然后在应用程序的控制器中加上下列代码:
class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base include ExceptionNotifiable # ...
更多选项请看 /rails/pages/DeploymentTips.
清理 session Clearing Out Sessions
如果你不是使用基于 cookie 的 session 管理机制, 要注意 Rails 不会自动帮我们清理 session: 它只管创建 session 数据,却不会删除已经过期的 session。不用太长时间这就会成问题——如果使 用默认的、基于文件的 session 存储策略(而不是将 session 存入数据库),问题会来得更快;不过不 管采用哪种存储策略,我们所面对的都是理论上无限的数据。 既然 Rails 不会帮我们清理 session,我们就得自己动手做。最简单的清理办法就是定时执行一 段脚本:如果 session 放在文件中,这段脚本就应该找出己经过期的 session 数据,并将它们删掉。 譬如说,可以在脚本中执行下列命令,以删除超过 12 小时不被使用的 session 文件。
上线,并不断前进 Moving On to Launch and Beyond
们还可能增加更多的部署服务器, 第一次部署中学到的经验将帮助我们决定未来部署环境的结构。 譬如说 , 我们可能会发现 Rails 是整个系统中比较慢的一部分, 大部分时间都被耗费在 Rails 上, 而不是数据库 或者文件系统。此时我们就应该添加更多的应用服务器,以便分散 Rails 的负载压力,提升整个系统的 性能。 但我们也可能发现大量时间被耗费在数据库上。如果情况果真如此,就应该想办法对其进行优化: 可能需要改变访问数据的方式,也可能用一些精心优化的 SQL 来替代 ActiveRecord 的默认查询。 总之有一件事是明白无疑的:每个应用程序都需要专门的精心呵护。最重要的就是要经常倾听应用 程序的声音,发现它的需要。作为软件开发者,上线并不是我们工作的终结——那才是真正的开始。 当你想要研究其他的部署选项,可以在“部署 Rails 应用:分步指南”[ZT08]中找到大量好的建 议。
检查已部署的应用程序 Checking Up on a Deployed Application
Web 开发敏捷之道——应用 Ralls 进行敏捷 Web 开发,第 3 版
Rails 是敏捷的
在应用程序部署之后,无疑我们还需要经常检查它是否运行良好。有两种主要的检查方式,其一是 查 看 各 种 日 志 文 件 — — 包 括 前 端 web 服 务 器 和 后 端 Mongrel 实 例 产 出 的 日 志 : 其 二 是 用 script/console 连接到应用程序内部。
$ $ $ $ git git git cap add . commit -m "add cap files" push deploy
前三条命令会更新 SCM 服务器。一旦你更加熟悉 Git,您可能想要更精细的控制什么时候和什么文 件要添加进来,您可能想在部署之前逐步实施多个改动,等等。只有最好一条命令才会更新我们的应用、 web 和数据库服务器。 如果出于某种原因我们需要将应用程序回退到从前的某个版本,可以使用下列命令:
查看日志文件 Looking at Log Files
要想快速了解应用程序中发生了什么,可以用 tail 命令来查看日志文件,看看在收到请求之后应 用程序都输出了哪些日志。最有趣的数据往往就在日志文件中。即使运行 Apache 了多个应用,每个应 用的日志都会被放进到该应用的 production.log 文件中。 假设应用程序部署的位置与此前的例子相同,下面就是查看日志文件所需的命令:
config.logger = Logger.new(config.log_path, 10, 10.megabytes) config.logger = Logger.new(config.log_path, 'daily')
config.logger = SyslogLogger.new
生产环境中失败的处理不同于开发环境。在开发环境中,我们能得到非常多的调试信息,但在生产 环境中,默认的方式是渲染一个包含有抛出错误的 action 名的静态 HTML 文件。可以通过覆盖 rescue_action_in_public 和 rescue_action_locally 方法来定制恢复错误的方式。我们可以 在控制器中覆盖被认为是本地请求的 local_request?()方法。 相比于编写一个定制的恢复方法,我们可能更希望在应用程序抛出异常时能够将相应信息通过邮件 发送给技术支持人员,exception notification 插件就可以提供这样的功能。首先安装该插件:
第 30 章
我 们 需 要 编 辑 几 个 属 性 来 适 应 我 们 的 应 用 。 毫 无 疑 问 , 我 们 要 改 变:user、:domain 和:application。:repository 要对应于前面 Git 存放的地方。:deploy_to 要匹配到我们告诉 Apache 能找到 config/public 目录的地方。 default_run_options 和 default_environment 只有在遇到特定问题时才有用。 这里的 “miscellaneous options” 是基于 Git 的 这里定义了两个任务。一个是告诉 Capistrano 如何重启 Passenger。另一个是通过拷贝我们前 面放到服务器端的 database.yml 文件来更新该文件。在需要时你可以随时调整这些任务。 第一次部署应用时,我们需要一个额外步骤来设置部署到服务器的基本目录结构。
应用程序的模型类包含了大量的功能,一般而言,这些功能都是提供给控制器去使用的,但我们也 可以和模型类直接交互。进入这个世界的大门就是 script/console 脚本,用下列命令就可以开启这扇 大门:
# On your server $ cd /home/rubys/work/depot/ $ ruby ./script/console production Loading production environment. irb(main):001:0> p = Product.find_by_title("Pragmatic Version Control") => #<Product:0x24797b4 @attributes={. . .} irb(main):002:0> p.price = 32.95 => 32.95 irb(main):003:0> p.save => true
Web 开发敏捷之道——应用 Ralls 进行敏捷 Web 开发,第 3 版
开启一个 console 会话之后,就可以调用模型对象的所有方法。我们可以创建、查看或是删除记 录,这就是操作整个应用程序的入口。
投入生产运行之后的琐事 Production Application Chores
Web 开发敏捷之道——应用 Ralls 进行敏捷 Web 开发,第 3 版
第 30 章
处理日志文件 Dealing with Log Files
应用程序在运行过程中会不断往日志文件中输出数据,最后日志文件会变得臃肿不堪。要解决这个 问题,大部分日志工具都提供了日志分卷(roll over)的功能:按照时间将日志分为多个文件。这样庞 大的日志就可以分为可管理的小块,可以将较早的日志存档保管,甚至将过时的日志直接删除。 Logger 类也支持分卷。我们只需决定需要保留几个(或多长时间的)日志文件以及每个文件的大小 就可以了。要让其生效,也只需将其中一行加入到 config/environments/production.rb 文件中 即可: